Reporting on FIA’s Forest-Land Indicators for the Northeastern US William H. McWilliams, Richard A. Birdsey, Charles J. Barnett, Todd W. Bowersox, Brett J. Butler, Daniel A. Devlin, Patrick Brose, Connie Carpenter, Stephen W. Evans, Linda S. Heath, John L. Hom, Kurt W. Gottschalk, Michael L. Hoppus, Jennifer C. Jenkins, Kenneth M. Laustsen, Andrew J. Lister, Tonya W. Lister, Barbara M. O’Connell, Brian M. LaPointe, Kevin McCullough, Richard A. McCullough, Manfred Mielke, Peter S. Murdoch, Yude Pan, Gordon C. Reese, Rachel Riemann, Kim C. Steiner, James R. Steinman, Margaret Weeks, Eric H. Wharton, and Richard H. Widmann. Abstract: The USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) project contributes to state, regional, national, and international assessments of forest health by providing indicators from the four-phase measurement system employed across the Northeastern US. Forested ecosystems of the Northeast are strongly influenced by social forces--their extent, composition, structure, function, and vitality are the result of human impacts. As such, the forces of urbanization, parcelization, and fragmentation are valuable descriptors of the effects of human populations and associated patterns on the landscape. Trees growing on land technically not classified as forest add important benefits to society. The traditional suite of FIA reports and other products provide valuable insight into resource issues, for example, the status of balsam fir in Maine following severe spruce budworm outbreaks and salvage harvesting. Some issues, such as the status of oak, transcend FIA regional boundaries and require larger-scale analysis. New annual inventory reporting protocols include reporting for years prior to full completion of each State’s inventory and publishing comprehensive analytical reports every five years. The incorporation of forest health monitoring indicators has widened the array of ecological indicators that can be examined. Integrating intensive site monitoring (ISM) data with FIA samples offers promise in addressing “scaling up” issues. For example, collecting information on carbon associated with forest litter at ISM sites provides the opportunity to develop a model for predicting this component across the northeast. Adjunct studies and other value-added research fill gaps between standard reporting products and special issues. The purpose of this poster is to present forest-land indicators being developed and reported for the Northeastern United States. Examples of other indicators include estimates of carbon budgets, regeneration adequacy, timber products output, and net primary productivity. Most of the indicators discussed fall under Criteria of the Montreal Process. Estimation Procedures: There are many options for estimating “ urban forestland.” In the past FIA has used estimates based on land-use conditions surrounding FIA sample plots. The traditional estimate includes the area represented by all forested sample plots that are completely surrounded by urban development based on evaluation by FIA field crews. This can be a difficult variable to classify in the field, so alternative methods have been explored with the intent of developing a method that is objective, repeatable, and available for use across the northeastern US. A study in NJ used the 1990 Bureau of Census population density and urban/rural/mixed classes to classify FIA’s Phase 1 and 2 samples. Four approaches were evaluated: 1) classify and sum FIA P1 plots with population density > 1000 per square mile, 2) classify and sum FIA P1 plots classified as “ census urban (see first map at right),” 3) classify and sum FIA P2 plots with population density > 1000 per square mile, 4) classify and sum FIA P2 plots classified as “ census urban” (see second map at right). The study concluded that classifying FIA P2 plots using either the 1000 per square mile threshold or the census urban definition produced meaningful estimates of urban forestland and that the use of Block Group level data are recommended. The use of the population threshold may be preferred because it avoids the issue of the “ mixed” designation. T he chart to the right displays the results for northeastern states. Future work will address what type of forest was captured or missed in each category and how the resulting definition fits with contemporary use and understanding of the term “ urban forest.” Urban Forestland State Urbanization: extent and abundance of people in the context of forest location and function is key to understanding how “ urban” forest is defined. Forests that meet standard FIA definitions must be at least an acre in size (or 120 feet wide) and have an understory that provides the opportunity for renewal (regeneration). By relating population statistics developed by the U.S. Bureau of Census to FIA locations that meet these requirements, estimates of forestland for different population levels reveals interesting information on “forests in an urban setting.” T his supplements more intensive inventories conducted within urban areas for street trees, clumps of trees, and other arboreal assemblages (see Trees on Non-Forest Land below). Northeastern FIA Region DE VT RI WV NH ME CT OH MD NJ PA NY MA 0 10 0 2 00 300 400 500 600 70 0 Thousands of Acres Parcelization: an increasingly common trend in our Nation’s forests is the subdivision of larger tracts owned by a single ownership into multiple smaller tracts owned by many or at least more ownerships. These subdivisions can be invisible on the landscape, but can also be the precursor of significant changes. If the forest structure remains intact, the ecological processes will continue, but access to the resource and management goals can change significantly when parcelization results in land-use changes, such as clearing land for a home site, ecological processes will be altered, and fragmentation can ensue. Estimation Procedures: Information on parcelization comes from the National Woodland Owner Study (NWOS). The NWOS provides timely information on the number of owners and area owned for private woodland owners across the country. The NWOS samples private forestland owners. Questions relating to parcel size are used to quantify the results by state and inventory region. Information on trends in parcelization come from successive owner surveys. Example: Parcelization data for Pennsylvania are shown in the table at the right. Comparing regions and survey dates reveals some interesting trends. For example, comparing the percentage of private acres in the largest parcels (1000+ acres) indicates that the industrial forests of the Allegheny Region had 22 percent of private forest in large parcels, compared to only 5 percent in the urbanized Southeastern Region. However, the Allegheny Region is experiencing parcelization, as the area in large parcels decreased by more than one half. Forest Parcelization in Pennsylvania For mo re information, please consult the NWOS web pag e: Estima ted number of private ownerships and private acres of forest-land by size class and region, 1993, 1978, and difference www. fs.fe woo dlan do wners/ 1993 Pa rce l Si ze 1-99 10 0-19 9 20 0-49 9 50 0-99 9 10 00 + Weste rn Own ers Acres 1 30 ,5 00 1 ,6 88 ,90 0 2 ,8 00 34 8, 70 0 7 00 17 4, 30 0 1 00 6 5, 40 0 1 00 19 5, 30 0 1 34 ,2 00 2 ,4 72 ,60 0 Alle gh eny Owners Acres 43 ,7 00 7 19 ,60 0 2 ,1 00 3 11 ,80 0 9 00 2 75 ,80 0 2 00 1 32 ,70 0 1 00 4 03 ,00 0 47 ,0 00 1 ,8 42 ,90 0 No rt h Cen tral Owners Acres 33 ,4 00 6 78 ,10 0 1 ,9 00 2 42 ,20 0 1 ,5 00 4 11 ,70 0 3 00 1 81 ,60 0 2 00 4 70 ,70 0 37 ,3 00 1 ,9 84 ,30 0 Sou th west ern Owners Acres 3 4,0 00 5 38 ,20 0 2,1 00 2 79 ,90 0 7 00 2 36 ,80 0 1 00 96 ,90 0 1 00 2 08 ,30 0 3 7,0 00 1,3 60 ,1 00 No rthe astern Owners Ac res 5 0,7 00 7 18 ,60 0 2,2 00 2 87 ,40 0 6 00 1 64 ,20 0 1 00 30 ,80 0 W 88 ,60 0 5 3,6 00 1,2 89 ,6 00 Poc on o Owners Ac res 5 1,1 00 5 49 ,8 00 1,1 00 1 39 ,9 00 6 00 1 69 ,9 00 2 00 1 10 ,0 00 1 00 3 91 ,4 00 5 3,1 00 1,3 61 ,0 00 So ut hea st ern Owners Acres 8 1,6 0 0 70 6,7 00 6 00 7 9,4 00 3 00 7 9,4 00 W 2 3,8 00 W 4 7,6 00 8 2,5 0 0 93 6,9 00 So uth Ce ntral Own ers Acres 67 ,20 0 71 9,2 00 1 ,40 0 17 9,8 00 60 0 17 1,2 00 10 0 4 2,8 00 10 0 13 4,5 00 69 ,40 0 1 ,24 7, 500 Sta te Own ers Acres 4 92 ,20 0 6 ,3 19 ,10 0 14 ,20 0 1 ,8 69 ,10 0 5 ,90 0 1 ,6 83 ,30 0 1 ,10 0 6 84 ,00 0 70 0 1 ,9 39 ,40 0 5 14 ,10 0 1 2,4 94 ,9 00 Weste rn Own ers Acres 1 18 ,0 00 1 ,6 49 ,10 0 3 ,4 00 39 9, 50 0 7 00 17 8, 90 0 1 00 5 1, 80 0 W 14 6, 20 0 1 22 ,2 00 2 ,4 25 ,50 0 Alle gh eny Owners Acres 32 ,7 00 5 80 ,40 0 1 ,3 00 1 75 ,40 0 9 00 2 15 ,00 0 1 00 87 ,70 0 1 00 8 59 ,60 0 35 ,1 00 1 ,9 18 ,10 0 No rt h Cen tral Owners Acres 50 ,8 00 7 89 ,50 0 2 ,5 00 3 23 ,50 0 9 00 2 74 ,60 0 2 00 1 19 ,20 0 2 00 5 81 ,10 0 54 ,6 00 2 ,0 87 ,90 0 Sou th west ern Owners Acres 4 7,1 00 5 80 ,20 0 2,2 00 2 94 ,90 0 7 00 1 90 ,60 0 1 00 57 ,10 0 1 00 2 06 ,50 0 5 0,2 00 1,3 29 ,3 00 No rthe astern Owners Ac res 4 8,7 00 6 00 ,20 0 2,2 00 2 63 ,80 0 6 00 2 00 ,80 0 1 00 55 ,10 0 W 1 18 ,10 0 5 1,6 00 1,2 38 ,0 00 Poc on o Owners Ac res 3 5,4 00 5 31 ,6 00 1,7 00 2 28 ,2 00 6 00 1 87 ,4 00 2 00 1 24 ,9 00 1 00 3 25 ,5 00 3 8,0 00 1,3 97 ,6 00 So ut hea st ern Owners Acres 7 9,8 0 0 69 7,7 00 5 00 7 2,7 00 1 00 1 6,5 00 W 2,0 00 W 7 0,3 00 8 0,4 0 0 85 9,2 00 So uth Ce ntral Own ers Acres 55 ,60 0 62 1,2 00 1 ,60 0 21 0,1 00 70 0 18 4,8 00 W 3 1,5 00 10 0 14 9,6 00 58 ,00 0 1 ,19 7, 200 Sta te Own ers Acres 4 68 ,10 0 6 ,0 49 ,90 0 15 ,40 0 1 ,9 68 ,10 0 5 ,20 0 1 ,4 48 ,60 0 80 0 5 29 ,30 0 60 0 2 ,4 56 ,90 0 4 90 ,10 0 1 2,4 52 ,8 00 Weste rn Own ers Acres 12 ,5 00 3 9, 80 0 -6 00 -5 0, 80 0 0 -4, 60 0 0 1 3, 60 0 NA 4 9, 10 0 12 ,0 00 4 7, 10 0 Alle gh eny Owners Acres 11 ,0 00 1 39 ,20 0 8 00 1 36 ,40 0 0 60 ,80 0 1 00 45 ,00 0 0 -4 56 ,60 0 11 ,9 00 -75 ,20 0 No rt h Owners -17 ,4 00 -6 00 6 00 1 00 0 -17 ,3 00 Sou th west ern Owners Acres -1 3,1 00 -42 ,00 0 -1 00 -15 ,00 0 0 46 ,20 0 0 39 ,80 0 0 1 ,80 0 -1 3,2 00 30 ,80 0 No rthe astern Owners Ac res 2,0 00 1 18 ,40 0 0 23 ,60 0 0 -36 ,60 0 0 -24 ,30 0 NA -29 ,50 0 2,0 00 51 ,60 0 Poc on o Owners Ac res 1 5,7 00 18 ,20 0 -6 00 -88 ,30 0 0 -17 ,50 0 0 -14 ,90 0 0 65 ,90 0 1 5,1 00 -36 ,60 0 So ut hea st ern Owners Acres 1,8 00 9,0 00 1 00 6,7 00 2 00 6 2,9 00 NA 2 1,8 00 NA -2 2,7 00 2,1 00 7 7,7 00 So uth Ce ntral Own ers Acres 11 ,60 0 9 8,0 00 -20 0 -3 0,3 00 -10 0 -1 3,6 00 NA 1 1,3 00 0 -1 5,1 00 11 ,40 0 5 0,3 00 Sta te Own ers Acres 24 ,10 0 2 69 ,20 0 -1 ,20 0 -99 ,00 0 70 0 2 34 ,70 0 30 0 1 54 ,70 0 10 0 -5 17 ,50 0 24 ,00 0 42 ,10 0 1978 Pa rce l Si ze 1-99 10 0-19 9 20 0-49 9 50 0-99 9 10 00 + Difference Pa rce l Si ze 1-99 10 0-19 9 20 0-49 9 50 0-99 9 10 00 + Fragmentation: once blocks of forestland are cleared for land uses other than forestry, the process of forest fragmentation begins. Fragmentation creates a mosaic of forest patches of varying size and is perhaps the most direct visual image we have of forest loss. Forest patches vary in quality with respect to watershed protection, carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, species diversity, timber production, aesthetic values, recreation opportunities and other amenities. The context of this loss, its size, and resulting ecological impacts are significant, but little understood. Statistical techniques for assessing fragmentation are evolving. One glaring need is for adequate measures of change in fragmentation over time. Tre es on Non-Forest Land: FIA’s definition of forestland encompasses tracts at least 1-acre in size (or at least 120 feet wide) that have functioning understories (functional in the context of ubiquitous conditions). Land with trees that do not meet this definition—there is a wide range of conditions that could occur, from a wooded picnic ground to a city street with landscaped trees-- require monitoring for several reasons, including to estimate contributions to carbon budgets, characterize floral composition and structure, estimate the contribution to air and water pollution amelioration, evaluate worth to human residents, provide baseline statistics on overall forest health in the larger forested landscape. Often, invasive plants and other unique pest occur at this important urban-forest interface. Estimation Procedures: There are various useful data sources for quantifying forest fragmentation, ranging from aerial photos for finer scale studies, to classified satellite imagery for regional assessments. Satellite data can be obtained in a more cost effective manner than can aerial photos, but a great deal of spatial and informational resolution is lost when using classified pixels. NE-FIA plans to use a combination of both data sources in order to meet its research and analysis objectives. Study Region: A six-county region surrounding Baltimore, MD was chosen to study the character of tree cover on nonforestland (see map). The Baltimore study region provides an excellent forestto-urban continuum for studying a variety of non-forestland conditions. The diversity of non-forestland conditions is shown in the three aerial photo’s to the right. Example: Fragmentation statistics provide valuable data to supplement FIA’s traditional estimates of land area by land use. T o illustrate the need for fragmentation information, the two adjacent maps illustrate how two areas with nearly identical amounts of forest can have very different spatial characteristics. The example on the far right is a prototype of a statistical summary of various fragmentation statistics calculated for Worcester County in Massachusetts. Note the combination of tabular, graphical, and map display of fragmentation information. The intent to make the information accessible and appealing to NE-FIA’s diverse clientele. These two scenes show areas of roughly equal percent forest (61 and 62%), but different spatial distributions of forest, and different surrounding land uses (agriculture vs. residential). We can summarize the length of boundary between forest and other land uses, average patch size, average core area size, and various other fragmentation information to obtain a more clear understanding of the forests in these two areas. Results: The results provide interesting new information and comparative statistics for use in evaluating the underlying differences between trees on forestland and trees on non-forestland. T he forested plots tended to have many more trees and higher basal areas per acre than non-forestland plots. Trees on non-forested plots were fewer in number, but larger in size. The two types of plots had many tree species in common, but the non-forestland plots added 16 species to the mix for the study region. Sixty-three percent of the trees on non-forestland were exotic, compared to 21 percent for forested plots. Information on land use indicates that while most of the non-forestland plots occurred on agricultural land, most of the trees occurred in residential areas (see box below) T he data also provided an opportunity to add missing information to the region’s carbon budget and allows a more complete estimate of Net Primary Productivity (see box at right). Methods: A grid of 1/10 th -acre plots coincident with the FIA grid was laid across the region. At each plot, a selected set of P2 and P3 tree- and condition-level variables were collected. Data were summarized to fill in gaps in our knowledge of the contribution and character of trees on non-forestland. Residential comm/ indus urban open Transport crops/pasture Open %NF 41 6 8 6 36 3 Effect on Regional Calculations of Carbon and NPP: Tree biomass stocks for nonforest land were, per unit area, roughly 25% of the biomass computed for forest land. Wood production (WNPP) for nonforest land was approximately 22% of that for forest land. Calculating this for the entire northeast using known %’s of F and NF area Æ NF land adds 13% to the total biomass and 24% to the total WNPP. (assuming ratios of NF:F biomass and NPP are the same…) -- source: Jenkins Lan d Use all NF plots Presented at the Forest Health Monitoring Workshop, New Orleans, LA, February 4-7 2001 Cen tral Acres -1 11 ,40 0 -81 ,30 0 1 37 ,10 0 62 ,40 0 -1 10 ,40 0 -1 03 ,60 0 %NF w/trees 72 2 12 2 7 5 FIA Factoid? Where does the w ord “survey” in the old FIA moniker (“Forest Survey”) originate from? NF w/trees Answer: The term “survey” is of French origin, w ith the common prefix “sur” indicating “above,” and the suffix “vey” meaning “to see,” that is, “to see as if from above.” P1 Focusing on Reporting Annual Annual Reporting Reporting is is Underway Underway in in Maine Maine and and Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Ramping-Up in the Early Years Closing-Out Closing-Out Periodic Periodic States States NE-FIA is in the process of working with state partners to produce issueoriented resource reports, such as the brochure and color booklet to the right. Other outlets include web pages, fact sheets, conferences, and workshops. The remaining states with periodic inventories yet to be closed out include Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia. The intention is to complete the analysis of these states in a timely fashion and eliminate the backlog that has developed for completing state-level analyses. Visit our web site: A DR Under the auspices of the national FIA program and the supervision by state partners, NE-FIA is forging ahead with reporting for each state following each year’s inventory for the first five or seven years until the first set of inventory panels are co mplete. The detail of reporting varies depending on the number of sample plots measured, variability of forested landscapes and associated disturbances, and interest from state partners. At the right, the first annual report in the northeastern region is shown. Pennsylvania has gained some insights from a set of tables produced in year one and is anxiously awaiting the extra level of detail that the second year’s measure ments will add. FT Visit our web site: Criteria and Indicators of Sustainability – Montreal Process (FIA plays a critical role in 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6 and provides supporting data for 4 and 7) The Comprehensive Analysis The national Analysis Band is designing a template for analyzing forested ecosystems across the US. A set of tables, charts, maps, and other products are being designing for regional imple mentation in the 5-year comprehensive analytical reports required under the annual inventory system. RO Species = Red Oak Examples Examples of of Issue-Based Issue-Based Analyses Analyses Bole Lengt h = 52 feet Visit the AB web site: socrates.l vad ab Cubic-foot Cu ll = 6% 9 Criterio n 1: 9 Criterio n 2: 9 Criterio n 3: Co nserv ation of biol ogic al div ersity. Ma intena nce o f pr od uctiv e capaci ty o f forest ec os yste ms. Ma intena nce o f forest ec os yste m he alth an d v itality. Criterio n 4: Co nserv ation an d mai nte nance of soil a nd wa ter resources . 9 Criterio n 5: 9 Criterio n 6: Ma intena nce o f forest c on trib uti on to glo bal carb on c ycles. Ma intena nce an d en han ceme nt of l on g-term mul tiple soci o-ec on omi c be nefi ts to mee t the ne eds of s ocieties . Criterio n 7: Le gal ins tituti ona l an d eco no mic fra me work for forest co nserv ation a nd s ustaina ble ma nage me nt. Percent Sou nd ness = 9 ( 90- 100% ) DBH = 15.2 i nches Traditional Forestland Indicators from Phase 2 NE-FIA has been reporting on standard forestland indicators since the 1950’s. These indicators provide valuable trend information on extent, character, composition, structure, sustainability, and health of northeastern forests. Although most of the past information has focused on “timberland” and “growing-stock tree,” newer reports cover all forestland and trees. The information has traditionally been reported in statistical reports, analytical reports, and other outlets. The basic set of indicators offers an general picture of forestland conditions that can be elaborated on as specific forest issues arise. A list of some of the more commonly used indicators follows: Distribution of Mi xed-Oak Stands in the Eastern US How are Composition and Structure Changing? Mi xed-Oak b y Stand-Si ze Class To Tofurther furtherexamine examinethe theissue, issue,aakriged krigedmap mapof ofoak oakspecies speciesoccurrence occurrencewas wasdeveloped. developed. The Thefirst firstmap maptotothe theright rightshows showsthe thedistribution distributionof oftimberland timberlandwith withatatleast least25 25percent percent basal basalarea areain inoak oakspecies. species. The Theoccurrence occurrenceof ofoak oakininforest foreststands standsthroughout throughoutthe theeastern eastern US USisisreadily readilyapparent. apparent. The Thelargest largestblock blockof ofhigh highdensity densityoak oakisislocated locatedininthe theOzark Ozark Plateau of Missouri and northern Arkansas. Other areas with high oak density Plateau of Missouri and northern Arkansas. Other areas with high oak densityare arethe the Central Centrallowlands lowlandsof ofMinnesota Minnesotaand andWisconsin, Wisconsin,the theAppalachian AppalachianMountains Mountainsfrom fromcentral central Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniatotonorthern northernAlabama, Alabama,the theNashville NashvilleBasin Basinof ofTennessee, Tennessee,and andthe theWestern Western Florida Peninsula. Of course, our maps should be considered spatial bar charts that Florida Peninsula. Of course, our maps should be considered spatial bar charts that reflect reflectmajor majorpatterns patternsacross acrossthe theforested forestedlandscape--ie, landscape--ie,species speciesthat thatoccur occursparsely, sparsely, such suchas asoak oakin inVermont, Vermont,are arebetter betteraddressed addressedby bystudies studiessuch suchas asLittle’s Little’s(1975) (1975)and and others’. others’.To Toexamine examinethe theoccurrence occurrenceof ofoak-dominated oak-dominatedstands, stands,aamap mapwas wasdeveloped developed showing the distribution of stand sizes for stands where oak comprised at least showing the distribution of stand sizes for stands where oak comprised at least 50 percent of the total basal area per acre. It is immediately apparent that young 50 percent of the total basal area per acre. It is immediately apparent that young successional successionalstands standsare arerare rareand andthat thatsawtimber-size sawtimber-sizestands standspredominate predominateacross acrossmost most of ofoak’s oak’snative nativerange rangein inthe theEast. East. The Themixed-oak mixed-oakforests forestsof ofPennsylvania Pennsylvaniahave havebeen beenmaturing maturing in inrecent recentdecades decadesand andinventory inventoryresults resultsindicate indicatethat thatthe thearea area of ofyoung youngstands standsof ofoak oakare aredecreasing. decreasing. This Thisisisindicative indicativeof ofaa large-scale large-scalephenomena phenomenathat thatisisoccurring occurringthroughout throughoutmuch much Of Ofthe theeastern easternUS. US. Saw timber 1989 1978 Po le timber Sapling-Seed ling 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Tho usand Acres Area* Land-use Ownership class Forest-type group Stand-size class Stocking class Volume class Disturbance Class What is the Status of Tree Mortality? ? Sustainability ? Numbers of Trees* The Theissue issueof ofheavy heavymortality mortalityhas hasmajor majorramifications ramificationsfor forthe thehealth healthand andsustainability sustainabilityof of spruce-fir spruce-firforests forestsininMaine. Maine. Species Speciesdistribution distributionmaps mapsprovide providecontext contextand andperspective perspective for forthe theextent extentand andimpact impactof ofspruce sprucebudworm budwormimpacts. impacts. The Themaps mapsbelow belowshow showthe the distributions for the eight of the species shown in the chart. Relatively rare species, distributions for the eight of the species shown in the chart. Relatively rare species, such suchas asWhite WhiteSpruce Spruceare aretoo toodifficult difficulttotomap mapininthis thismanner. manner. To Tofurther furtherexamine examinethe the magnitude magnitudeofofmortality mortalityon onBalsam BalsamFir, Fir,aamap mapshowing showingthe themortality mortalitywas wasdeveloped. developed. Because Becausemortality mortalityisishighly highlyvariable, variable,aamap mapshowing showingthe theassociated associatedvariability variabilityofofthe the estimate estimateisisincluded. included. During Duringthe the1980’s, 1980’s,severe severespruce sprucebudworm budwormoutbreaks outbreaksravaged ravaged the thespruce-fir spruce-firforests forestsof ofMaine. Maine. Subsequent Subsequentmortality mortalitywas washeavy, heavy, especially especiallyfor forbalsam balsamfir—a fir—afavorite favoritehost hostfor forthe thebudworm. budworm. The The chart below shows an index of mortality for the top ten species chart below shows an index of mortality for the top ten species in Maine over the period from 1982 to 1994. The heavy mortality in Maine over the period from 1982 to 1994. The heavy mortality of ofbalsam balsamfir firbears bearscloser closermonitoring. monitoring. Balsam Fir Balsam Fir Beech Aspen Species Diameter class Tree class P aper Birch Black S pruce Red S pruce Average fo r All Species White S pruce Northern W hite-Cedar Yell ow Birch Red M aple Biomass/Volume* Variability in the Spatial Dimension: One advantage of the technique used is that it provides the opportunity to view an estimate of the variance in a spatial dimension — thus allowing users to adjust Information with issueoriented insights. See below for the error surface associated with the balsam fir mortality map. Paper Birch 0 0.01 0.02 Aspen Ame rican Bee ch Yellow Birch Northern White Cedar 0.03 Percent Forest-type group Stand-size class Species Diameter class Tree class Tree grade Legend > 50% ba/acre Growth, Removals, and Mortality* > 20% and < 50% > 5% and < 20% Species Change component Land-use Red Maple Red Spruce < 5% 0 % or nonforest water WP Disturbance Disturbance––Human Humanand andOther Other A Look at Harvesting.. Coming Soon.. P2 Example Example of of an an Adjunct Adjunct Inventory Inventory Pennsylvania Regeneration Study Design Study Objectives: Specific research questions to be answ ered are: Forest Forest Health Health Reports Reports Background: Past studies have suggested that advance regeneration is often lacking in forests across Pennsylvania and that oak regeneration is especially rare. Beginning w ith the 2001 field season, the Bureau of Forestry is conducting a study in cooperation with FIA. All “established” seedlings are being measured during the summer leaf-on season. With over half of the State’s timberland in financially mature saw timber stands, the regeneration issues have moved to the forefront of discussion w ithin the environmental community. 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the abundance, composition, and quality of advance regeneration? What are the abundance, composition, and quality of regeneration follow ing disturbance? What are the extent and composition of other understory vegetation? What is the status of regeneration of oak and other key species? Once the first five-year cycle of inventory plots is completed, the regeneration data study data w ill begin to address these questions w ith statistical confidence and provide longer-term monitoring of regeneration. Previous Results All Woody – Advance 40% 60% Brochures summarizing FHM plot conditions for each of 12 northeastern states are currently being printed. Coming Soon.. Each brochure summarizes the conditions on the plots based on the most recent visit from 1996 through 1999. In addition to plot-level characteristics, crown conditions for major species groups are summarized and discussed. In 2002, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry will publish a report summarizing forest health conditions throughout the 20 state region. Similar brochures w ill be developed for the FHM and Phase 3 data collected in the 2000 and 2001 field seasons. Mixed Oak – Post - Disturbance 16% Methods: An interpenetrating sub-panel of each year’s annual measurement panel for the State will be measured during the leaf-on summer window from June through August. Each FIA sample location is comprised of four 24-foot radius subplots. Each subplot includes a 6.8-foot radius microplot. At each microplot, all established seedlings at least 2-inches in height are tallied by seedling source and height class. To be considered “established,” seedlings must pass the “tug test” or in the case of oaks and some other species, root collar diameter (RCD) in excess of 0.20 inches in diameter determines if the seedling is established. A code for “competitive” oak seedlings (RCD >= 0.75 inches) was also used. Competing vegetation is tallied on the larger subplot by life form and cover percent. The report will summarize forest health conditions from 1996 through 2000. It will include information from state surveys, aerial surveys, and the FHM plot network. 84% -- Successful For pe riodic updates on the progress of the study, visit our web site, as well as those of cooperators at the USFS Silviculture Labs in Warren, PA and Mo rgantown, WV: ( ). Look for similar reports to be produced for the foreseeable future. Tree Tree Vitality This analysis summarizes data collected in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic states betw een 1991 and 1999. Based on w ork done by Steinman, it compares the condition of trees at the most recent visit w ith their condition at the most recent previous visit. The time betw een visits ranged betw een 1 and 4 years w ith an average of about 2 years between measurements. Annual Reporting Update The national FIA Program is in the fourth year of activities to design, develop, and implement the annual inventory system. The activities center around “bands” representing the major issues facing FIA during the implementation years. The Analysis and the Indicator Bands are currently w orking on reporting templates for annual reporting and the five-year comprehensive reports. The Indicator Advisors are providing templates for core presentation of their respective data to round out the suite of indicators reported for by FIA. Tree damage is a key element of vitality assessments. The tabular information show n below is a prospective core table that w ill provide consistent tree-damage information across the US. In general, trees w ith crown dieback of more than 25%, crow n density of less than 30%, and any stem or root damage had higher rates of mortality than trees w ith other combinations of conditions. The basic concept of rating trees and plots is illustrated at the right. Crow n Dieback >25% Table #. Volume of trees by damage agent. Species . . . Crow n Density <30% No (n = 8,239) Causal Agent Æ. . .00 01 02 03 04 05 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 Total No (n = 8,556) Causal Agent Codes: 00 01 02 03 04 05 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 Healthy Canker, gall Conks, fruiting bodies, and signs of advanced decay Open wounds Resinosis or gummosis Cracks and seams Broken bole or roots (< 3-feet f rom bole) Brooms on roots or bole Broken or dead roots (> 3-feet from bole) Vines in crown Loss of apical dominance, dead terminal Broken or dead branches Excessive branching or brooms Damaged foliage, buds, or shoots Discoloration of foliage Other P3 Data Show Preceding Conditions Yes (n = 317) No (n = 99) Yes (n = 337) Yes (n = 238) Stem/Root Damage Present Trees Dead at Most Recent Visit No (n = 5,580) 4% Yes (n =2,659) 7% No (n = 158) 34% Yes (n = 159) 38% No (n = 41) 34% Healthy No (n = 108) 69% Yes (n = 130) 75% Fair Poor Ratings for Plots Go od 40% Dead Ratings for Trees Good Yes (n = 58) Sick Fair P oor P3 Integrating Integrating Intensive Intensive Site Site Monitoring Monitoring and and FIA FIA Samples Samples A A Few Few Examples Examples of of Value-Added Value-Added Indicators Indicators Accounting for Carbon in the US A Framework for Integrating Environmental Monitoring and Related Research in the Delaware River Basin Objective: To address ecosystem-level issues through testing of potential national-scale collaborative strategies among existing biological, terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric monitoring and research programs. ATMOSPHERE Pre Integration Issue Assessments Multi-Tier Design 1.Measuring and monitoring forest carbon stocks and fluxes 2.Identification and monitoring of forests vulnerable to non-native pest species 3.Monitoring recovery from calcium depletion and nitrogen saturation in forests of the Appalachian Plateau 4.Monitoring the status and impacts of forest fragmentation 5.Integrating the effect of terrestrial ecosystem health and land use on the hydrology, habitat, and w ater quality of the Delaw are River Basin. Tier One: Remote sensing and mapping landscape characteristic Selection of sampling locations Tier Tw o: Regional Surveys Forest characterization (FIA) Water quality sampling ( USGS) Tier Three: Intensive Areas Co-located forest, w ater, and soil process studies Linkage to surveys Monitoring at Multiple Scales to Link Processes and Observations Anticipated Products – Forest Track Pre-integration issues assessment Intensive Monitoring sites: 1. 2. 3. Carbon Estimation: Interest in strategies to ameliorate the effects of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has provided yet another extension for FIA data. Studies of carbon storage and accumulation in terrestrial ecosystems have drawn heavily on FIA data to quantify the contribution of forest vegetation. Estimation procedures have yielded information the distribution of stored carbon and flux in the United States (See figure and map). A forest carbon budget model (FORCARB) has estimated prospective trends in carbon dynamics. Experience with modeling carbon has inferred additional information needs for broadscale inventories. Inventory designs have been enhanced by P3 measures vital for understanding deeper ecological relationships between plants, soils, and the environment. Regional assessment of calcium depletion, acidification, and nutrient release Neversink River Basin Delaw are Water Gap French Creek State Park decay decay HARVESTED CARBON processing Recycling decay Growth BIOMASS Above and Below Removals Mortality Harvest residue Litterfall, Mortality burning LITTER LAYER PRODUCTS disposal LANDFILLS burning DOWN DEAD WOOD Humification ENERGY burning Decomposition Transfers to other sectors SOIL Imports/ Exports Managed forest lands, US, 2008-2012 Avg. annual C stock change (Tg/yr) C taken up by trees in managed forests 381.9 C released by harvesting trees -276.0 Net C taken up in Soil 52.4 Net C taken up in Floor 12.8 Net C taken up in Understory 0.7 Net C accrued in live biomass & soil Regional assessment of carbon flux and the physical controls on invasive species STANDING DEAD Treefall Tree Carbon Per Hectare by U.S. County Regional assessment of forest fragmentation, land-use change, and water quality effects 171.8 C increase in logging residue 26.1 C in products in use 39.1 C in products in landfills 51.3 C stored in products & landfills 90.4 Net C removals related to managed forests Methods and protocols for interagency collaborations in other regions. 288 +/- 15% Tg/yr 1 2000 1015 grams by eco-component 1 0000 Arboreal Understory Floor Soil 8000 6000 4000 2000 52 62 19 19 19 70 19 77 19 87 19 92 20 00 20 10 20 20 20 30 20 40 20 50 0 Vist our web site: Predicting Forest Production, Yield, and N Leaching in the Chesapeake Basin Predic ting forest p roduction, wate r yield and N leachingWater losses in the Chesapea ke Basin The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. Forest ecosystems in the Bay Basin are very sensitive and vulnerable to changes in environment because they have already suffered a long history of human disturbances from development, population, pollution, and land-use changes. With concern of global change effects at regional level, there are questions about how the changes (such as increase in N deposition) will affect forest productivity, health and water quality in the Bay Basin. An explicit way to answer these questions is crucial to policy decisions managing ecosystems in the Basin. Process-based ecosystem models are indispensable tools for addressing these questions because they are able to study spatial pattern of ecological processes and environmental factors that influence the m. Other Other Adjunct Adjunct Studies Studies Check out the NE -FIA web site for more information Futuring Wood Supply and Ecological Indicators The PnE T model The PnET-II model is a simple, lumped para met er, monthly-time-step model of carbon, nitrogen and water balances of forest. It can be used to estimate ca rbon storage, net prima ry production (NPP), wood production, and water yield, as well as rates of N mine raliz ation, nitrification, N leaching losses and maximum N cycling in forest ecosystems. The model has been applied to study forest ecosystems for contemporary cli mates and GCM project ed climate scena rios at both stand and regional levels. The model was well validated for predictions of NPP, water yield and N losses in steams at numbers of location within the northeastern U.S. For regional studies of PnET, constant foliage Ns are usually assigned to forest types. In this study, we applied foliage N equations in PnET. The equations are functions relating foliage N with climati c variables ac ross gradients. The figures below display the results for Predicte d An nual Water Yiel d (r uno ff) Predicte d An nual Ne t Pr imary Prod uctio n (g m -2 y r-1 ) (k g /ha /y r) ( cm ) ( 2x N depos ition ) N Leaching los s to Strea m Wa ter ( 1x N depos ition ) (kg /ha /y r) Visit our web site: • Cooperative Study: USDA NRS, NEFA States, NCASI, and Academia • Two-year study funded by State & Private Forestry. Figure 3b Figure 3a Figure 1 Figure 2 • Provided: • Timberland area projections by habitat type, • Wood-supply projections (inventory, growth, & removals), • Quantif ied and projected new set of ecological indicators. • Being used by States f or planning, policy development, and other needs. National Forest System Assessment NWOS • Cooperative S tudy : USDA NRS - G reen & White NF’s. • A ssessed demand for timber by primary wood processors. • Compared demand to available timber supply (quality, operability, and cost). To be continued … • Evaluated three treatments: regeneration cut, partial cut, and diameter-limit cut. • E stimated available timber supply for the NF Market Area. • Results are being used in the NF plan revision process. P4 FHM Posters home page | FHM 2002 Posters