PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED Annual General Meeting, Australian Mathematical Society, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia August 17, 1962 M. A. Arbib, Monogenic Normal Systems Are Universal International Symposium on Information Theory, September 2-7, G. L. Free University of Brussels, Belgium 1962 Gerstein, Mathematical Models for the All-or-None Activity of Some Neurons M. C. Goodall, Cognition as Two-Way Communication D. A. Huffman, The Generation of Impulse-Equivalent Pulse Trains Fourth International Congress on Microwave Tubes, The Hague September 3-7, A. 1962 Bers, Waves on Electron Beams of High Charge Density H. A. Haus, Quantum Noise in Linear Amplifiers ACM 1962 National Conference, Syracuse, September 4-7, V. H. New York 1962 Yngve, Toward Better Programming Languages (invited) Symposium on Magnetoplasm adynamic Electrical Power Generation, King's College, University of Durham, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England September 6-8, 1962 W. D. Jackson and E. S. Pierson, Generator Operating Characteristics of the MHD Induction American Chemical Society One Hundred Forty-second National Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey September 9-14, 1962 G. G. Hammes and P. Fasella, A Kinetic Study of Glutamic-Aspartic Transaminase G. G. Hammes and J. Aqueous Solution L. Steinfeld, Relaxation Spectra of Metal Complexes in International Congress of Surgeons, New York September 10, 1962 N. Y-S. Kiang, Electrical Responses from the Auditory Nerve Recorded by Means of Gross and Microelectrodes (invited) xiv MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED XXII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, September 10-17, L. (continued) Leiden, The Netherlands 1962 Stark, A Servoanalytic Concept of the Rigidity of Parkinson Syndrome VIII t h International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Queen Mary College, University of London, London, England September 16-22, 1962 M. S. Dresselhaus, D. H. Douglass, Jr., and R. L. Kyhl, Measurement of the Magnetic Field Dependence of the Surface Impedance of Superconducting Tin at Xband High-Power Microwave Tube Symposium, U. S. Army Signal Research and Development Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey September 25, 1962 L. B. Anderson and A. Bers, A Broadband Megawatt Hollow-Beam Multicavity Klystron AIEE Fall General Meeting, Chicago, October 7-12, Illinois 1962 W. D. Jackson, Liquid Metal Faraday-type MHD Generators National Electronics Conference, October 10, Chicago, Illinois 1962 I. M. Jacobs, Method and Merit of Binary Coding for Analog Channels (invited) Fifteenth Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 10-12, Boulder, Colorado 1962 J. F. Waymouth, The Influence of Ion Temperature on Langmuir Probe Characteristics Otolaryngology Research Seminar, Massachusetts Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, October 11, 1962 J. S. Barlow, Some Studies on Eye Movements in Relation to Vestibular Mechanisms in Man (invited) Fortieth Annual Meeting of the New England Section of the American Society for Engineering Education, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire October 13, 1962 M. H. Goldstein, Jr., Chairman and Discussant of the Engineering Life Sciences Session on "The Biomedical Engineer - Does He and Should He Exist?" (invited) MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED (continued) AIEE Professional Group on Engineering, Writing, and Speech Meeting, Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Massachusetts October 24, 1962 V. H. Yngve, Computer Programs for Translation (invited) Symposium on Pyridoxal Catalysis, Rome, Italy October 25-31, 1962 G. G. Hammes and P. Fasella, The Mechanism of Enzymatic Transamination Linguistic Colloquium, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio October 26, 1962 E. S. Klima, Problems in Grammatical Analysis (invited) Seminar, Computation Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey October 29, 1962 M. Eden, Production and Recognition of Handwriting (invited) Fifteenth Annual Conference on Engineering in Biology and Medicine, Chicago, Illinois November 5-7, 1962 J. S. Barlow, Analysis of Control of Eye Movements in Man by Means of Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation (invited) J. C. Houk, Jr. and L. Stark, An Engineering Model of Motor Coordination in Man (invited) L. R. Young and L. Stark, Discontinuous Biological Control - The Eye Movement System (invited) Sixteenth Annual Northeast Electronics Research and Engineering Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts November 5-7, 1962 J. B. Dennis, Time-Shared Operation of a Small Computer G. Fiocco, Some Applications of Optical Radar to Astronomy and Geophysics H. A. Haus and J. A. Mullen, Photon Noise L. D. Smullin, Strong Beam-Plasma Interactions Sixty-fourth Meeting, Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, Washington November 7-10, 1962 D. M. Green, Masking with Two Sinusoids U. Ingard, Sound Radiation from Perforated and Other Pervious Vibrating Surfaces xvi MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED (continued) Lecture, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, November 8, J. Models of Circadian Rhythms (invited) Cambridge State School and Hospital, Cambridge, November 9, J. 196Z S. Barlow, Lecture, Minnesota Minnesota 1962 S. Barlow, Studies on Periodic Phenomena in the EEG (invited) Seminar, Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland November 12, 1962 N. Y-S. Kiang, Analysis of Responses in Single Auditory Nerve Fibers (invited) American Rocket Society Meeting, Los Angeles, November 13, California 1962 L. Stark and L. R. Young, Defining the Human Equation (invited) Hot Springs, Virginia First Congress on the Information System Sciences, November 19-21, R. M. 1962 Fano, A Heuristic Discussion of Probabilistic Decoding (invited) L. Stark, M. Okajima, and G. H. Whipple, Computer Pattern Recognition Techniques; Electro-Cardiographic Diagnosis (invited) American Physical Society Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio November Z3-Z4, 1962 T. S. Jaseja, A. Javan, J. of He-Ne Masers Murray, and C. H. Townes, Stability and Resettability Long Island Chapter IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques Meeting, Long Island City, New York November 27, P. 1962 Penfield, Jr., Some of the Less Exotic Varactor Applications Seminar on Theoretical Biology, November 28, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 1962 M. Eden, Generative Models of Biology (invited) xvii MEETING PAPERS PRESENTED (continued) Fourth Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey November 28 -December 1, 1962 S. C. Brown, Far Infrared Studies of High-Density Plasmas (invited) T. H. Dupree, Kinetic Theory of Plasma and Electromagnetic Field G. Fiocco and E. Thompson, Thomson Scattering of Optical Radiation from an Electron Beam W. D. Getty, B. Hartenbaum, H. Y. Hsieh, and L. D. Smullin, The Beam-Plasma Discharge W. G. Homeyer, A. J. Impink, Jr., D. J. Rose, and I. Kaplan, Thermal and Material Problems in a Controlled Fusion Blanket W. G. Homeyer, I. Kaplan, and D. J. Rose, Tritium Regeneration in a Controlled Fusion Blanket L. M. Lidsky and D. J. Rose, The Interaction of a Directed Plasma with a Magnetic Mirror S. D. Rothleder and D. J. Rose, Diffusion of a Finite Cylindrical Plasma in a Magnetic Field Applied Science and Computation Center Colloquium, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts November 29, 1962 V. H. Yngve, Language Translation by Machine (invited) JOURNAL ARTICLES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION (Reprints, if available, may be obtained from the Document Room, 26-327, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.) W. P. Allis and S. J. Buchsbaum, Coupling between Electromagnetic and Electron Waves in a Plasma (Nuclear Fusion) M. Clark, Jr., D. Luce, R. Abrahms, H. Schlossburg, and J. Rome, Results of Preliminary Experiments on the Aural Significance of Segments of Tones of Orchestral Instruments and of Choral Tones (Audio Engr.) H. Fields, G. Bekefi, and S. C. Brown, Microwave Emission from Non-Maxwellian Plasmas (Phys. Rev.) O. Fujimura, Analysis of Nasal Consonants (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.) J. V. Gaven, J. S. Waugh, and W. H. Stockmayer, Self-diffusion and ImpurityControlled Proton Relaxation in Liquid Methane (J. Chem. Phys.) G. L. Gerstein, Review of "Electroencephaloscopy" by M. N. Livanov and V. M. Anan (EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) F. T. Hambrecht, P. D. Donahue, and R. Melzack, A Multiple-Channel EEG Telemetering System (EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) xviii JOURNAL ARTICLES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION (continued) G. G. Hammes and P. Fasella, A Kinetic Study of Glutamic-Aspartic Transaminase (J. Am. Chem. Soc.) G. G. Hammes and J. L. Steinfeld, plexes (J. Am. Chem. Soc.) U. Ingard and D. Relaxation Spectra of Some Ni(II) and Co(II) Com- S. Wiley, Instabilities of a Liquid Conductor (Phys. Fluids) T. Ogawa, A Circularly Polarized Maser Oscillator (J. P. Penfield, Jr., Appl. Phys.) The Minimum Noise of Varactor Amplifiers (Trans. IRE, PGMIL) H. C. Praddaude, A Perturbation Solution of the Equation of Motion for the Density Matrix (Ann. Phys.) L. Stark, Biological Rhythms, Noise, and Asymmetry in the Pupil-Retinal Control System (Ann. New York Acad. Sci.) L. Stark, Environmental Clamping of Biological Systems: (J. Opt. Soc. Am.) L. Stark and H. T. Hermann, Prerequisite for a Photoreceptor Structure in the Crayfish Tail Ganglion (Anat. Record) L. Stark and H. T. Hermann, Organ (J. Neurophysiol.) L. Stark, H. T. Hermann, and P. A. Willis, Instrumentation for Processing Neural Signals (EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.) Pupil Servomechanisms Single-Unit Responses in a Primitive Photoreceptor L. Stark, M. Okajima, and G. H. Whipple, Computer Pattern Recognition Techniques: Electrocardiographic Diagnosis (Communs. Assoc. Computing Machinery) L. Stark, R. Payne, and Y. Okabe, On-line Digital Computer for Measurement of a Neurological Control System (Communs. Assoc. Computing Machinery) L. Stark, L. R. Young, and G. Vossius, Movements (Trans. IRE, PGHFE) Predictive Control of Eye-Tracking G. W. Stroke and H. H. Stroke, Tandem Use of Gratings and Echelles to Increase Resolution, Luminosity, and Compactness of Spectrometers and Spectrographs (J. Opt. Soc. Am.) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION P. Penfield, Jr., The Prime-Number Paradox in Multiplier Chains (Proc. IRE) TECHNICAL REPORTS PUBLISHED (These and previously published technical reports, if available, may be obtained from the Document Room, 26-327, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.) 399 Jacob Ziv, Coding and Decoding for Time-Discrete Amplitude-Continuous Memoryless Channels xix TECHNICAL REPORTS PUBLISHED (continued) 400 G6ran Einarsson, A Communication Analysis of High-Frequency Ionospheric Scattering 402 David Ellis Baldwin, The Effect of Close Collisions on the Two-Body Distribution Function in a Plasma 406 John F. 407 Ward D. Plasma Waymouth, Perturbation of a Plasma by a Probe Getty, Investigation of Electron-Beam Interaction with a Beam-Generated SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS G. Bekefi, Emission of Microwaves from Plasmas Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics, Publishers, New York) F. (Proc. Third Symposium on the Gordon and Breach, Inc., Science Bitter, Flows in a Steady Plasma (Lecture to be published by Cornell University Press) N. Chomsky and M. P. Schiitzenberger, Algebraic Theory of Context-free Languages (Studies in Logic, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) J. B. Dennis, Computer Control of an Analog Vocal Tract (Proc. Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, 30 August - 1 September 1962) R. C. Gesteland,, Odor Specificities of the Frog's Olfactory Receptors (Proc. First International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2-5, 1962) J. M. Heinz, An Analysis of Speech Spectra in Terms of a Model of Articulation (Proc. Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, Copenhagen, 21-28 August 1962) A. S. House, A. P. Paul, K. N. Stevens, and Jane B. Arnold, Acoustical Description of Syllabic Nuclei: Data Derived by Automatic Analysis Procedures (Proc. Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, Copenhagen, 21-28 August 1962) A. S. House and K. N. Stevens, Acoustical Description of Syllabic Nuclei: An Interpretation in Terms of a Dynamic Model of Articulation (Proc. Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, Copenhagen, 21-28 August 1962) S. Inomata, Program for Active Segmentation and Reduction of Phonetic Parameters (Proc. Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, Copenhagen, 21-28 August 1962) W. S. McCulloch, The Colloquy of Living Things (Bio-Telemetry, edited by L. E. Slater, The Foundation for Instrumentation Education and Research, New York) Inc., W. B. Nottingham, The Energy Distribution for Electrons in a Thermionic Diode Plasma Cannot Be Truly Maxwellian Ionization of Cesium at Surfaces (Advanced Energy Conversion, V. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1962) H. Yngve, Toward Better Programming Languages (Digest of Technical Papers, ACM 1962 National Conference, Syracuse, New York, September 4-7, 1962)"