NETARTS BA) OREGON Final Technical Report to the Environ mental Protection Agency BENTHIC AUTOTROPHY IN NETARTS BAY, OREGON In Reference to EPA Research E ST U AR E BIOLOGICAL P ROCESSES Jiiiii( / \PRocE Grant No. R806780 (ACRO- Oregon State University May I, 1983 ZOSTERA ALGAL PRIMARY PRIMARY 'ROD PROD1T 7 \ O(TRITAL) / ss xposil PRETIO BENThIC AUTOTROPHY IN NETARTS BAY, OREGON Final Report Submitted June 1, 1983, to the Environmental Protection Agency 200 S.W. 35th Street Corvallis, OR 97331 Prepared by C. David Mclntire, Professor and Michael W. Davis, Mary E. Kentula, and Mark Whiting Research Assistants Department of Botany and Plant Pathology Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 in reference to EPA Research Grant No. R806780 entitled: "Relationships Between Nutrient Fluxes and Benthic Plant Processes in Netarts Bay, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conceptual Framework for the Research Ecosystem Processes and Process Capacity ATentative Model of Estuarine Processes Netarts Bay . . . . . . . ............ . . . ...... . . . . . .......... . . . . . . ....... . ...... . . . . . . . . EPARhodanuLneStudiesofl978andl979 ...... Some Relevant Literature ......... . . . . ........... . . . ....... . . . . Benthic Microflora ...... . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Zostera and Macroalgae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some Relevant Laboratory Studies ............................... Columbia River Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TheAlgaiPrimaryProductionSubsystetu... ........... Production Dynamics of Sediment-Associated Algae in Netarts Bay, Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . Sampling Strategy . .............. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ........ . . . . . . . . . . Primary Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . Biomass . . . . . a * . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ...... a a . . Sediment Properties . . . . ......... . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . Physical and Chemical Variables Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . Organic Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a a . a . . . . . a . a a . a a . Chlorophyll a Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... a a a . . . Primary Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . a . a . . a a a a . a a Relationships Among Variables .. .. . ......... ... .. . .. Interpretation of AutotrophicPatterns .................. ..... Experimental Studies of Estuarine Benthic Algae Yaquina Bay . . a a . ...................... . a a a a . . . . . a a . . ....... Methods ................................. .......... .... ....... . Primary Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a a a . a . . . . . . . ..... . . a a a Biomass . . . . . a . Physical Variables * . . . . . . . . . . ......... a . * a a a . a a a a . a a . . . a a a . a a a a . . . . . . . . . a a a a . . . a a . . a a a . . a a a . . . . . . . Isolation of DiatomAssemblages Results .. ...... . ............... ....a.... .aaaa.. .a.a..... I.. Experiments withlntact Sediment Cores Experiments with Isolated Epipelic Diatoms ...... Experiments with Isolated Macroalgae ... .......... Interpretation of Experiments ...... . . .. a . a ......... . . a a . ....... Effects of Estuarine Infauna on Sediment-Associated Microalgae Study Site ....... ......... ..... .. ............ Methods ....................................... -3- -Experimental Design . Metabolic Activity .......................................... Chlorophyll a Analysis ...................................... Macrofaunal Abundance ....................................... Statistical Analysis ........................................ Results ....... ................................................. Field Defaunation Experiment ................................ Laboratory Defaunation Experiment ........................... Interpretation of Defaunation Experiments ...................... The Diatom Flora of Netarts Bay ................................... Sampling ..... .................................................. Methods ........ ................................................ Data Analysis .................................................. Results ........................................................ StructureofEnvironmentalflata ............................. The Diatom Flora ............................................ AutecologyofSelectedTaxa ................................. Community Patterns .......................................... The Zostera Primary Production Subsystem ............................ Materials and Methods ............................................. DescriptionoflntensiveStudyArea ............................ SelectionofQuadratandSampleSize. .......................... Measurement of Biomass ......................................... MeasurementofPrimaryProduction .............................. Short Marking Methbd ........................................ RadjoactiveCarbon(14C) Method ............................. Data Analysis .................................................. Morphometrics and Autecology of Zostera marina L. in Netarts Bay Sexual Reproduction ............................................. Vegetative Growth .............................................. ProductionDynamicsofZostera .................................... Biomass ...... .................................................. Primary Production ............................................. Relationship Between Zostera and Epiphytic Assemblages ............ Description of EpiphyticAssemblages ........................... Biomass .... .................................................... Production . .................................................... Components of Variance ......................................... Bioenergetics of the Zostera Primary Production Subsystem ......... Discussion ......... ............................................... References .... ...................................................... Appendixl........... INTRODUCTION This final report was prepared primarily for the information of persons having the responsibility of judging the merit of research supported by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA No. R806780). The research program was initiated September 1, 1979 and the original project and budget periods extended from this date to August 30, 1981. Extensions of the project and budget periods were requested in May, 1981 and again in January, 1982. These extensions were granted, and the termination date for the project and budget periods was reset to August 30, 1982. Although scientists and other individuals interested in the production dynamics of benthic plants in estuaries may find this report an informative summary of our work during the prOject period, it is not intended to be a definitive publication and should not be evaluated as such. Instead, five manuscripts representing segments of the research presented in this report are in preparation for submission to refereed professional journals. The primary purpose of the final report is to integrate the various aspects of the research and to provide an outlet for the data that can be made available to other scientists. The general objective of research supported by EPA Grant No. R806780 was to determine mechanisms that control the production dynamics of benthic plants and associated epiphytes in Netarts Bay relative to physical processes and changing patterns of nutrient distribution. In particular, we were especially concerned with biological processes that were related to the patterns of nutrient flux determined by the EPA dye studies of August, 1978 and January, 1979. These studies involved the introduction of Rhodamine dye and subsequent -5- comparisons of the dye concentration with concentrations of substances of interest at selected stations in the estuary. Nutrients of interest included dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), nitratenitrate (NO2-NO3), orthophosphorous (Ortho-P), ammonia nitrogen (NH3), and molybdate reactive silica (Si); in addition, temperature, salinity, turbidity, fluorescence at 460 nm and 660 nm, and Rhodamine concentrations also were monitored, The results of the EPA investigation suggested that nutrient dynamics were strongly related to biological processes associated with large areas of seagrass (Zostera marina) during August; but in January, corresponding patterns were more closely related to physical processes. Therefore, our general objective stated above was compatible with the EPA's research program at Netarts Bay and provided the basis for a detailed examination of benthic plant processes in the estuary. For research purposes, it was convenient to partition our work on benthic plant processes in Netarts Bay into two subsystems: tion and Algal Primary Production. Zostera Primary Produc- These subsystems are part of a tentative conceptual model of the entire estuarine ecosystem, the details of which are described in the next section of this report. The research approach involved an intensive field investigation of the two subsystems during a two-year period and some concurrent experimental work on the Algal Primary Production subsystem. The sampling strategy in the field was carefully designed to take advantage of the existing knowledge of nutrient distribution and circulation in the estuary. This report is organized into three major subsections: Background, The Algal Primary Production Subsystem, and The Zostera Primary Production Subsystem. In the Background section, we present a conceptual framework for the research, briefly describe the estuary, review the EPA dye studies of 1978 and 1979, and present a review of relevant literature. The Algal Primary Production Subsystem section is concerned with the production dynamics of benthic micro and macroalgae relative to sediment properties and other physical and biological variables. In this section, we also present the results of laboratory studies designed to establish functional relationships between algal primary production and selected physical and biological factors. The Zostera Primary Production Subsystem section presents the ecological energetics of a seagrass population and associated epiphytic and benthic microalgae. Also, information concerning plant morphometrics and subterranean detritus is included in this section. BACKGROUND I. Conceptual Framework for the Research Ecosystem Processes and Process Capacily The ecological literature often refers to various physical and biological processes in contexts that are usually intuitively understandable without a formal, theoretically structure. However, for analytical purposes, it is desirable to formalize the process concept by definitions and the establish ment of a system for diagramming relationships. Here, the definitions apply only to biological processes, and physical processes are treated conceptually as driving or control functions. Definition: A process is a systematic series of actions relevant to the dynamics of the system as it is conceptualized (or modelled). -7- The process concept is made more explicit by the diagram illustrated in Figure 1. This structure is compatible with both autotrophic and hetero- trophic processes (e.g., algal primary production and deposit feeding). In the figure, a process, the entire contents of the circle is elaborated into one state variable, the process capacity, and six variables representing inputs and outputs associated with the process. Theoretically, process capacity includes two components, a quantitative aspect which is the biomass at any instant of time involved in the process, and a qualitative aspect which relates to taxononiic composition and physiological state. Other variables associated with the process include resource input, cost of processing (C), waste discharge (W), losses to the process of decomposition (B), losses to the process of predation or grazing (P or C), and export (E). In the diagram, decomposition, predation, and export act directly on the process biomass and are represented by dashed arrows from the state variable box. In contrast, resource input, cost of processing, and waste discharge are associated with the process as a whole and are, therefore, represented by solid arrows connected to the perimeter of the circle. At this point, the concept of process capacity needs further clarification. Relative to a given set of inputs, the potential performance of a unit of biomass associated with a process such as primary production (or deposit feeding) may change with temporal and spatial changes in the taxonomic composition and physiological state of that biomass. Or, stated from a popu- lation perspective, one combination of populations or parts of populations involved in a particular process may do things at different rates, i.e., may require a different parameterization than a different combination involved in the same process. Theoretically, process capacity expresses both quantitative -P RESOURCE INPUT C w COMPONENTS OF PROCESS CAPACITY: 1. QUANTITATIVE: biomass 2. QUALITATIVE: genetic information OTHER VARIABLES: C is COST OF PROCESSING W is WASTE DISCHARGE B is LOSS TO DECOMPOSITION P is LOSS TO PREDATION E is EXPORT Figure 1. Schematic representation of the process concept illustrating a state variable,, the process capacity, and relevant input and output variables. and qualitative aspects of the process state and, therefore, represents a unit that is time and spatially invariant relative to its relationships with other components of the system. The problem is to develop a set of rules that will map process biomass, a variable that changes qualitatively, into process capacity, a corresponding variable that maintains a constant functional potential. As yet, we have not invented an approach to the direct estimation of process capacity, and most current models represent only the quantitative aspects (biomass) of process capacity. In this report, we deal with quali- tative differences by partitioning the biomass associated with the process of primary production into several state variables (e.g., micro-algae, species of macroalgae, and seagrass). The process viewpoint emphasizes the capacity of a system or subsystem to process inputs and the mechanisms that control and regulate that capacity. Ideally, parameter estimation is based on direct measurement of processes in the field or laboratory rather than on the summation of activities of individual species populations. Moreover, the process approach is particularly suitable for the investigation of benthic autotrophy in estuaries, as field and laboratory methods are available to monitor primary production in complex assemblages of mlcroalgae, without having to measure photosynthetic rates of the many constituent taxa. A Tentative Model of Estuarine Processes A tentative conceptual model of an estuarine ecosystem is illustrated in Figures 2-5. This preliminary model provided the structure that was necessary to design a research strategy consistent with our project objectives. Since ecosystem modelling is an iterative process, this structure undoubtedly will change as more field and laboratory studies generate new information. -10- Estuarine biological processes can be considered holistically in terms of inputs and outputs relative to the entire ecosystem (Fig. 2). Also, the eco- system can be investigated mechanistically, in this case as a system of three coupled subsystems that can be uncoupled and investigated holistically or mechanistically in isolation after coupling variables have been carefully identifed. This conceptualization of ecosystem processes is based on the FLEX modelling paradigm developed by W. S. Overton (1972, 1975, 1979) and related to the general systems theory of Klir (1969). For our purposes, it is conven- ient to partition estuarine biological processes into Water Column Processes, Emergent (or Marsh) Plant Processes, and Mudflat (or Benthic) Processes. This report is primarily concerned with the dynamics of Mudflat Processes, and in particular with the Primary Food Processes subsystem of Mudflat Processes. A hierarchical arrangement of the subsystems of Mudflat Processes is illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. This conceptual model partitions Mudflat Processes into two coupled subsystems: consumption. Primary Food Processes and Macro- Since our research was concerned with benthic autotrophy associated with estuarine tidal flats, the Primary Food Processes subsystem was the subsystem of interest and was partitioned conceptually into some of its subsystems. On the other hand, Macroconsumption includes such subsystems as Suspension Feeding, Deposit Feeding, and Predation (Fig. 2), processes not elaborated in Figures 3 and 4. Primary Food Processes has three subsystems: Zostera Primary Production, Algal Primary Production, and Detrital Decomposition. Zostera Primary Production consists of Macrophyte Primary Production- and Epiphyte Primary Production (Fig. 3), two subsystems intensive study site in Netarts Bay. investigated at an Some variables associated with the Algal -11- EMERG8 PLANT ESTUARINE WATER- BIOLOGICAL COLUMN PROCESSES ZOST ERA PRIMAR'' ALGAL PRIMAR'( DETRITAL Figure 2. MUD FLAT PROC ESSES SUSPENSIcN\ FEEDING ) DEPOSIT FEEDING PR EDAT ION Systems diagram of Estuarine Biological Processes and associated subsystems. -12- MUDFLAT PROCESS ES PFP: PRIMARY FOOD PROCESSES MC = MACROCONSUMPTION APP= ALGAL PRIMARY PRODUCTION ZPP ZOSTERA PRIMARY PRODUCTION DD = DETRITAL DECOMPOSITION Figure 3. MPP= MACROPHYTE PRIMARY PRODUCTION EPP= EPIPHYTE PRODUCTION Systems diagram of Mudflat Processes indicating details of the Zostera Primary Production subsystem. -13- Primary Production subsystem are diagramed in Figures 4 and 5. In Figure 4, primary production is controlled directly by nutrient input, light energy input, respiratory losses, and a complex of other physical processes that have effects on photosynthesis and respiration. In addition, losses or gains of algal biomass (the process state variable) by the mechanisms of animal consumption, export, transfer to detrital processes, or imports also affect process dynamics. As mentioned earlier, capacity for algal primary production is affected by both the biomass and the qualitative aspects of that biomass. In the research at Netarts Bay, the qualitative aspects were considered by expressing algal biomass as several state variables. For example, preliminary research indicated that three functional groups of algae are important primary producers on the tidal flats of the bay. Figure 5 represents the process of algal primary production in more detail. In this case, algal biomass is partitioned into three state variables: microalgae (the diatom flora and less prominant inicroalgae), the Enteromorpha Ulva flora, and the less abundant red and brown macroalgae (e.g., Gracilaria verrucosa). ated with the Enteromorpha Process rates associ- Ulva are considerably higher than rates found for other functional groups, but this group is only conspicuous during several months in the summer. Therefore, the sampling strategy and experimental pro- cedures for investigating algal primary production were adjusted Co accommodate temporal, qualitative changes in the process state variable. The structure illustrated in Figure 5 served as the conceputal basis for the research described in the Algal Primary Production subsystem section. This diagram illustrates the variables that must be examined in order to -14- MUDFLAT PROCESSES MC PFP APP ZPP E DD BIOMASS PF --o--- 0 L N R PFP = PRIMARY FOOD PROCESSES MC= MACROCONSUMPTION DD= DETRITAL DECOMPOSITION ZPP ZOSTERA PRIMARY PRODUCTION APP=ALGAL PRIMARY PRODUCTION Figure 4. PF PHYSICAL FACTORS L LIGHT N NUTRIENTS Ra RESPIRATION C CONSUMPTION 1= IMPORT E EXPORT Systems diagram of Mudflat Processes indicating details of the Algal Primary Production subsystem. -15- ALGAL PRIMARY PRODUCTION LIGHT ENERGY MICROALGAE PHYSICAL FACTORS ESPIRATION ENTEROMORPHA ULVA GRACI LARIA NUTRI ENTS GRAZING EXPORT'' DETRITAL DECOMPOSITION Figure 5. The Algal Primary Production subsystem and associated state variables with relevant inputs and outputs. -16- understand the dynamics of this subsystem within the coupling structure of the entire estuarine ecosystem. A similar approach was taken for the examination of the Zostera Primary Production subsystem. In summary, Algal Primary Pro- duction and Zostera Primary Production were the target subsystems for the research presented in this report; and the results of this research were interpreted relative to the EPA dye studies of 1978 and 1979 and within a coupling structure for the entire ecosystem. II. Netarts Bay Netarts Bay is the sixth largest estuary in Oregon with a surface area of 941 hectares of which 612 hectares are classified as tideland area (Fig. 6). The permanently submerged land is small in area (ca. 329 hectares) and is restricted to a relatively narrow channel extending from the mouth of estuary to the mudflat at the south end. Netarts Bay drains an area of only 36.3 km2 and is partially exposed to waves at the throat. The depression which the estuary now occupies was formed as a consequence of the differential erosion of the soft sedimentary rock (the Astoria Formation) between the basalt headlands of Cape Meares and Cape Lookout during the Late Tertiary Period. The sand spit which separates the bay from the Pacific Ocean is a remnant of three sand dunes which have eroded as a consequence of sea level elevation after the last period of glaciation. Because of the lack of any major tributaries, the estuary exhibits a relatively high salinity with values usually above 30 0/00 and seldom below 14 0/00 at any location. Although Burt and McAllister (1959) reported that the bay remained vertically well-mixed throughout the year, the recent dye studies by the EPA indicate that horizontal mixing is more complex -17- NETARTS BA)' OREGON j Figure 6. Nap of Netarts Bay, indicating the location of the channel at low tide. -18- with only limited mixing occurring between ocean water and bay water during each tidal cycle. Sediments introduced into Netarts Bay are estimated to average only 2,250 tons annually. III. EPA Rhodamine Studies of 1978 and 1979 Field studies of nutrient fluxes in Netarts Bay by the EPA and associated scientists were performed in August, 1978 and January, 1979. Rhodamine dye was introduced at a station in the southern part of the estuary at low tide, and its distribution and concentration was monitored to examine patterns of circulation and horizontal mixing in the system. that at low tide the water retained in the channel In general, it was found the bay water -- was the same water that was over the seagrass and mudflat areas during high tide. As the tidal cycle moves ocean water into the estuary, the bay water is pushed out of the channel and over the seagrass areas and tidal flats. Also, it was found that relatively little mixing takes place between incoming ocean water and the resident bay water, as detectable amounts of Rhodamine were found at low tide ten days after its introduction. Comparisons of nutrient concentrations at many sampling stations in the channel and over the seagrass and tidal flats with Rhodamine concentrations provided a basis for the examination of nutrient fluxes transported by advection, within the water column, and fluxes between the water column and the Zostera Primary Production and Algal Primary Production subsystems. Furthermore, this kind of analysis provides a holistic view of the dynamics of selected substances that can serve as a basis for the investigation of mechanisms at finer levels of resolution. -19- The results of the August study strongly implicated the seagrass and associated organisms as biological components accounting for significant deviations of patterns in the concentrations of Si, NO2-NO3, and DOC from the pattern exhibited by the Rhodamine. During this time of year, there is evi- dence that there is a net flux of Si and NO2-NO3 from the water column to the Zostera Primary Production subsystem and that this net uptake is operating on a time resolution greater than one tidal cycle but less than the time resolu- tions associated with advection or water column processes. Apparently there is a rapid net flux of ammonia from the Zostera Primary production and Algal Primary Production subsystems to the water column on a time resolution of less than one tidal cycle. However, this substance is more patchy in distribution than Si or NO2-NO3, indicating detectable changes within the water column. DOC exhibited a net flux from the bottom to the water column and was apparently exchanged on a time resolution similar to that of Si and NO2-NO3. The spatial and temporal pattern of temperature during the summer study followed the pattern of Rhodamine and clearly provided a contrast between bay water and ocean water. At this time, the bay maintained a temperature near 20°C while the ocean water was approximately 9°C. During the period between the summer and winter studies, there was a massive export of plant biomass out of the grass beds; and by January the grass consisted of roots, rhizomes, and short remnants of leaf and stem tissue. Nutrient data from the winter study indicated that patterns were controlled primarily by physical processes, and NO2-NO3 and DOC fluxes between the bottom and the water column were operating on a relatively long time resolution (perhaps several weeks). A net flux of Si to the bottom was not -20 detected, and this substance was actually introduced into the water column from some of the small tributaries. Interpretation of the dye and nutrient studies suggested that pronounced nutrient gradients of biological significance develop during the growing season and extend from the channel along circulation transects over the sea grass and mudflats as ocean water moves back into the channel on an incoming tide. A detailed study of vertical and horizontal nutrient profiles along such a transect was investigated by Nancy Engst of the EPA in collaboration with Dr. Jorg Imberger and the P1. A float study was undertaken to determine the pattern of circulation over the seagrass, and a suitable transect for sampling was selected from the results of these preliminary observations. This research is scheduled for completion by late spring or summer, 1983 and will provide a more mechanistic view of the pattern and quantity of nutrient exchange between the benthos and the water column. IV. Some Relevant Literature The following review of literature represents an arbitrary selection of references that provide a good basis for comparing the results of this study with other research being conducted by the Principal Investigator and associates and with the results of studies by other scientists. More specifically, the review covers selected field studies of tidal flat primary production and some past laboratory work on benthic autotrophy. Benthic Microflora Relatively little information is available on rates of primary production and respiration in assemblages of marine and estuarine benthic microalgae. -21- Methodology employed in the estimation of these rates usually involves the isolation of a sample in a flask, bell jar, or chamber and the subsequent monitoring of carbon-14 uptake or changes in the concentration of metabolic gases in the medium (e.g., see Bott et al. 1978; Darley et al., 1976; Hall et al., 1979; Hunding and Hargrave, 1973; Marshall etal., 1973; Mclntire and Wuiff, 1969; Pamatmat, 1965, 1968, 1977; Pomeroy, 1959; Van Raalte etal., 1974). Such methods attempt to estimate the productivity of the entire algal assemblage and require certain assumptions that are usually violated to some degree depending on the particular situation. The difficulty in partitioning primary production among the constituents of the benthic microflora is one of the most complex problems in aquatic ecology. Steele and Baird (1968) described a method for measuring carbon assimilation by epipsammic organisms, and the method of Hickman (1969) is designed to separate epipelic and epipsammic algae for measurements of primary production. To our knowledge, there is still no satisfactory field method for partitioning community respiration into bacterial and producer respiration in assemblages of microorganisms. The study by Steele and Baird (1968) indicated that rates of primary pro- duction on beach sand were relatively low, in the range of 4-9 g C m2 yr'. There was an increase in chlorophyll a and organic carbon with depth below the low-water level to 13 m, but decreases in light intensity with depth apparently accounted for a corresponding decrease in the ratio of concentration of chlorophyll a. uptake to the In any case, organic carbon content under 1 m2 of beach sand to a depth of 20 cm was about 50 g. Furthermore, viable populations of diatoms were found to a depth of 20 cm at the low-water -22- stations. This distribution of living organisms was attributed to mixing of the sand by wave action and stimulated speculation concerning metabolic rates of diatoms buried below the zone of effective light penetration for extended periods. Dye (1978) compared rates of epibenthic algal production on sand with the rates measured on mud in a South African estuary (the Swartkops estuary). The mean rate of primary production in estuarine sand (53 g C m2 yr) was higher than that found for shifting beach sand by Steele and Baird but less than half of the mean rate found for the muddy areas (116.5 g C nr2 yr). Other estimates of total primary production for assemblages of benthic microorganisms associated with sandy silt or mixtures of silt and clay are higher than those reported above for epipsammic assemblages alone. Gr$ntved (1960) investigated the productivity of the microbenthos in some Danish fjords and estimated that the average carbon fixation was 116 g C m2 yr'. He also found that average fixation was 142 mg C m2 (2 hrY' for 87 samples from sand (mean water depth of 0.85 m) and 139 mg C n12 (2 hrY from sandy silt (mean depth of 1.11 m). for 42 samples After correcting the data for depth effects, it appeared that primary production was greater when the bottom material contained silt and ciay than when the substrate was 'pure' sand. Moreover, maximum primary production was at water depths between 0.5 and 0.7 m, and rates at one locality (Naeraa Strand) for the period from November to February were about one-third of the rates found for the rest of the years In another study, Gr$ntved (1962) found that photosynthetic potential was about four times higher on the exposed tidal flats in the Danish Wadden Sea than in the Danish fjords. More recent work in the Western Wadden Sea (Cadee -23- and Flegeman, 1974) indicated that mean annual primary production of the micro- flora associated with tidal flats was about 100 g C m2 yr. Primary produc- tion was correlated with temperature, solar radiation, and functional chloro- phyll; and excretion was only 1% of the annual primary production. Further studies (Cadee and Hegeman, 1977) indicated that primary production was related to the tidal level of the stations, and annual rates varied from 29 g c m2 on the lowest tidal flat station to 188 g C if2 at the highest station. The investigation of benthic primary production in the Eems-Dollard estuary and the Eastern Dutch Wadden Sea by Colijn (1974) indicated a seasonal periodicity in bioniass and production consisting of a spring maximum and a lower maximum in the autumn; winter values were low, and summer values were intermediate between spring and winter values. Colijn and van Buurt (1975) found that the photosynthetic rate of marine benthic diatoms in the field was saturated by a light intensity of approximately 10,000 lux, and at higher intensities no photoinhibition was found. Within a range of 4° to 20°C the photosynthetic rate increased about 10% per degree C. Gross primary production of microalgae in the intertidal marshes on the coast of Georgia was measured by the oxygen method with bell jars (Pomeroy, 1959). The annual rate of gross production was estimated to be 200 g C if2; efficiency of photosynthesis ranged from 1 to 3% at light intensities less than 100 kcal m2 hr kcal m2 hr'. and was 0.1% or less at intensities in excess of 300 Pamatamat (1968) using similar methods found that the primary production on an intertidal sandflat on False Bay, San Juan Island was comparable to the Danish Wadden Sea and the salt marshes of Georgia. In this case, photosynthetic efficiency over the year averaged 0.10, 0.11, and 0.12% -24- of total incident radiation at the three stations under investigation. Also, rates of photosynthesis exhibited an endogenous rhythm apparently related to tidal cycle; rates were relatively high during flood and ebb tide and depressed during low and high water. Marshall etal. (1971) investigated primary production of the benthic microflora of shoal estuarine environments in southern New England and concluded that an annual rate of about 100 g C m2 yr1 is representative of both the Danish and southern New England shoals. In contrast, Leach (1970) reported a value of only 31 g C m2 yr for an estuarine intertidal mudflat in northeast Scotland and suggested that the relatively low value for this region might be related to climatic factors. The relative contribution of microalgal assemblages to the total primary production in marine and estuarine ecosystems has been examined in various field studies. Gallagher and Daiber (1974) investigated primary production of edaphic algal communities in a Delaware salt marsh and found that the annual rate varied from 38 to 99 g C m2, depending on the local composition of the associated macrophyte flora. Gross algal production was about one-third of the angiosperm net production, and the highest rates occurred when the angiosperms were dormant. Sources of autotrophic and allochthonous organic carbon available to the Nanaimo Estuary delta, British Columbia, were investigated by Naiman and Sibert (1979). Annually, benthic microalgae produced 4-55 g C phytoplankton about 7.5 g C m2, macroalgae 0.9-7.5 g C m2, Zostera marina 26.9 g C m2, and Carex 564 g C in2. The angiosperms entered the food web as detritus, and allochthonous sources of carbon (dissolved and particulate organic matter) from the river contributed over 2000 g C m2 yr'. Joint (1978) measured rates of primary production on the sediment surface and in the -25-- water column along the coast of England. The annual primary production was 143 g C m2 for the sediment and 81.7 g C m2 for the water column. Primary production on the sediment surface ceased when the mudflat was flooded by the Burkholderetal. (1965) found that daily rates of primary production tide. (carbon-14 method) for different functional groups of benthic microalgae averaged 4.45 mg C rr12 (blue-green algae), 4.05 mg C m2 (diatoms) and 5.03 mg (mixed flagellates and diatoms) during some studies in Long Island C m Sound. In the Chukchi Sea near Barrow, Alaska, the primary productivity of the benthic microflora ranged from below 0.5 mg C m2 hr in winter when the sampling area was covered with ice to nearly 57.0 mg C m2 hr' in August (Matheke and Homer, 1974). The latter value was eight times the productivity of the ice algae and twice that of the phytoplankton. Taylor and Gebelein (1966) investigated the vertical distribution of plant pigments in intertidal sediments at Barnstable Harbor, Massachusetts. Highest concentrations of all pigments occurred in the upper 1 mm. Chloro- phyll a and c and fucoxanthin concentrations decreased with depth and were 20 and 50% of surface values at 5 cm; diatoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, and carotene concentrations did not decrease with depth. In a related study, Taylor (1964) showed that 10% of the solar radiation penetrated to a depth of 1.5 mm in sand with a grain size between 63 and 177 -'m in diameter; 1% reached a depth of 3 I'm. Microalgae living on sediment in this area required only 12 g cal cm2 hr' to obtain their maximum photosynthetic rate and were able to photosynthesize at 90% of their maximum rate at a depth of 2 mm at noon on a clear day. Riznyk and Phinney (1972) also investigated the vertical distri- bution of chorophyll a and primary production in the intertidal sediments of Southbeach and Sally's Bend in Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. The sandy silt of Southbeach had an estimated annual gross primary production of 275 to 325 g C m2 yr, while the finer silt of Sally's Bend had estimated values of 0 to 125 g C m2 yr. These differences were attributed to the presence of large populations of bacteria and meiofauna in the fine, detritus-rich sediment of Sally's Bend. The greatest biomass of microalgae on both tidal flats was found in the upper 1 cm of sediment, but viable diatoms were found throughout the length of the piston core sampler (9.1 cm in length). Chlorophyll a at Southbeach ranged from a mean concentration of 9.3 hg cm3 at a depth of 7.89.1 cm to 20.7 hg cm3 in the upper 1.3 cm; corresponding concentrations at Sally's Bend were 2.9 and 4,7 jig cni3, respectively. Summarizing the primary production studies cited above, we can say that annual rates of gross primary production by niicroalgae on tidal flats fre'- quently fall between 50 and 200 g C m2 yr', and values for the epipsammic assemblages associated with shifting beach sands may be as low as 10 g C n12 yr or less. Microalgae and plant pigments usually are concentrated in the upper few millimeters of sediment, but living cells are often found at depths of 20 cm or more. Vertical distribution apparently is related to the extent to which the sediment is mixed by water movements, although epipelic diatoms can exhibit a vertical migration in the upper few millimeters. There is some indirect evidence that primary production and the development of assemblages of autotrophic organisms may be inhibited to some extent when there is a large amount of organic detritus in the sediments. Bacterial activity in such sedi- ments reduces the oxygen concentrations, alters the pH, and perhaps generates compounds that are toxic to some microalgae. -27- Zostera and Macroalgae Rates of net primary production of eelgrass populations reported in the literature vary considerably. m2 yr Representative values expressed as g dry weight are 10 to 58 (Massachusetts holder and Doheny, 1968), 273 to 648 (Alaska McRoy, 1966), 24 to 842 (Cali- fornia - Keller, 1963), 187 to 1078 (Puget Sound, Washington 1972), and 304 (Netarts Bay, Oregon Burk- Conover, 1958), 765 (New York Stout, 1976). Phillips, Examples of biomass esti- mates for eelgrass during the growing season expressed as g dry weight are 186 to 324 (Alaska m2 McRoy, 1966), 6 to 421 (California - Keller, 1963; Waddel, 1964), 5 to 29 (Massachusetts Conover, 1958), 148 to 2470 (New York - Burkholder and Doheny, 1968), 18 to 396 (Puget Sound, Washington Phillips, 1972), and 288 to 467 (Netarts Bay, Oregon Stout, 1976). Until the study described in this report, Stout's investigation of the Zostera population of Netarts Bay was the only published report of an eelgrass study in an Oregon Estuary. In addition to the production and biomass values reported above, she found that (1) the populations could be partitioned into shallow-water and deep-water eelgrass; (2) shallow-water and deep-water eelgrass averaged 671 shoots m2 and 1056 shoots m2, respectively; (3) the percentages of biomass in roots and rhizomes were 46% (shallow-water plants) and 29% (deep-water plants); and (4) the percentage of reproductive shoots were 17% (shallow-water plants) and 21% (deep-water plants). Zostera marina has also been investigated relative to its biogeography (McRoy, 1968), energy flow to consumers (Thayer etal., 1972), nitrogen fixation (Goering, 1974), and its associated animal populations (Kikuchi and Peres, 1973). Here, we are particularly interested in the studies of nutrient -28- dynamics and the epiphytic flora. McRoy and Barsdate (1970) found that eel- grass absorbs phosphate through both roots and leaves and that the plant at times may pump phosphate from the sediments back into the wate column. Up- take of phosphate was greatest in the light, but it also occurred in the dark. Additional work by McRoy, etal. (1972) indicated that rates of uptake and excretion of phosphorus by both roots and leaves of eelgrass are dependent on the orthophosphate concentration in the medium. abosrbed 166 mg P m2 day and excreted 62 mg m2 day In these studies, eelgrass from the sediments, assimilated 104 mg back into the water column. n12 da1, The nitrogen-fixing capacity of three species of seagrasses and associated organisms was investigated by McRoy, Goering, and Chaney (1973). Rates of fixation of Zostera, Thalassia, and Syringodium were low or undetectable, and it was concluded that the process is unimportant in at least some seagrass systems. These results were in contrast to the relatively high rates of fixation reported for Zostera marina by Patriquin and Knowles (1972) and for some other wetland plants of Oregon by Tjepkenia and Evans (1976). McRoy (1974) found that epiphyte pro- ductivity was closely related to that of its host plant (Zoster marina in this case). NO3, NH4+, and (NH2)2C0 were all absorbed by the root-rhizome system and transported to all parts of the plant, and there was a direct transfer of both carbon and nitrogen from Zostera to the epiphytes on the leaves. Penhale (1977) found that average net primary production was 0.9 g C m2 day for eelgrass and 0.2 g C m2 day for its epiphytes. Furthermore, it has been reported that epiphytes can reduce the rate of photosynthesis of eelgrass by as much as 45% and that this effect is influenced by light intensity and HCO3 concentration (Sand-Jensen, 1977). Penhale and Smith (1977) also found that -29- heavily epiphytized Zostera excreted only 0.9% of its photosynthate and that excretion was much less in the dark than in the light; excretion increased after desiccation. Relative to ecosystem bioenergetics the importance of macroalgae in Oregon estuaries is greatest in systems having rocky areas, particularly long jetties (e.g., Yaquina Estuary). In estuaries without such areas (e.g., Netarts Bay), species diversity is low, and the macroalgal biomass is usually dominated by species of Enteromoropha, Gracilaria, Fucus, and some of the smaller forms (e.g., Ectocarpus and Polysiphonia). Complete species lists along with notes on distribution are available for Yaquina Estuary (Kjeldsen, 1967) and Netarts Bay (Stout, 1976), and Phinney (1977) has published a comprehensive list of the macrophytic marine algae of Oregon. Effects of variations of salinity and temperature on the photosynthetic and respiratory rates of Ulva expansa, Enteromorpha linza, Laminaria saccharina, Sargassum muticum, Alaria marginata, and Odonthalia floccosa from Yaquina Estuary have been investigated by Kjeldsen and Phinney (1971). Some Relevant Laboratory Studies Mclntire and Wulff (1969) and Wulff and Mclntire (1972) studied the effects of illumination intensity, exposure period, salinity, and temperature on the primary productivity of estuarine periphyton in a laboratory model ecosystem. 3 in The laboratory system consisted of afiberglassed wooden trough, long, 76 cm wide, and 80 cm deep, with the bottom graduated in a "stair- step" manner. Tidal cycles were simulated by periodically pumping seawater into the system, and the illumination intensity was regulated by adjusting the -30- height of a large lamp fixture over the trough. A respirometer chamber was designed to monitor changes in dissolved oxygen concentration in water surrounding a sample community. Such samples consisted of periphyton assemblages that developed in the laboratory ecosystem on acrylic plastic plates or other substrates of interest. Results of experiments conducted with the laboratory ecosystem indicated that periphyton biomass accumulated most rapidly on plastic substrates subjected to relatively high illumination intensities without exposure to desiccation. In the absence of grazing, biomass ranged from 17.2 g m2 on a sub- strate exposed to the air for 8 hr per day to 128 g m2 on a substrate with no exposure; corresponding concentrations of chlorophyll a were 0.037 and 0.837 g m2, respectively. Primary productivity in periphyton assemblages exposed to periods of desiccation was less under winter conditions than under correspond- ing conditions in the summer; and productivity in assemblages not exposed to desiccation was strongly affected by illumination intensity during both the summer and winter experiments. Rates of primary production at 18,500 lux ranged from about 0.08 to 1.00 g 02 m2 hr depending on the biomass and chlorophyll concentration. Since 1976, Admiraal and associates have reported the outcome of a nunber of experiments related to the ecology of benthic diatoms in the Eems-Dollard estuary, a part of the Dutch Wadden Sea (Admiraal 1977 a, b, c, d, e; Admiraal and Peletier, 1979 a, b; 1980 a, b). Some of the results of these studies were: 1. Cell division rates in unialgal diatom cultures decreased when the light intensity decreased below 5 E m2 daf1 or when the daily photoperiods were shorter than 8 hours. -31- 2. The cell division rate was proportional to the incubation temperatures between 4 and 20°C. 3. Light extinction in the sediment column was of critical importance with respect to the photosynthetic rate and growth dynamics of natural sediment inhabiting diatom populations. 4. The photosynthetic rate of cultures and natural diatom populations were very high during incubation in media with salinities between 4 0/00 and 60 /oo. Differences among species were found only at salinities below 8 0/00 5. The supply of phosphate and probably the supply of nitrogenous compounds were not limiting in the regulation of the numbers of benthic diatoms in the estuary. 6. Accumulation of oxygen and the depletion of carbon dioxide were indicated as the cause of retarded growth in dense assemblages of benthic diatoms. 7. Continuous discharges of organic wastewater stimulated the formation of dense assemblages of benthic diatoms, while the associated high concentrations of ammonia promoted the dominance of two ammonia tolerant species. 8. The presence of sulfide near the surface of the intertidal sediment eliminated certain sulfide sensitive species from the diatom assemblage. 9. Six out of ten species of diatoms isolated from the estuary were capable of heterotophic growth in the dark, and under limiting light levels, the addition of organic substrates increased the division rates of these species. -32- Jonge (1980) investigated fluctuations in the organic carbon to chlorophyll a ratio for diatom assemblages isolated from the sediments of the Ems estuary. Values for this ratio over a 3-year period ranged from 10.2 to 153.9 with yearly averages and standard deviations of 40.3±13.8; 41.2±20.4, and 61.4 ± 22.0, respectively. The method of isolation involved the use of lens tissues and a filtration procedure which produced a suspension of epipelic diatoms with relatively little contamination by small animals or bacteria. This procedure was of particular relevance to our study, as it provided a living isolated flora of microalgae for estimates of respiration and for the establishment of a biomass to chlorophyll a ratio. In a recent paper, Revsbechetal. (1981) compared the results of three different methods of measuring primary production of sediment-associated microalgae. The methods under Investigation were by an oxygen microprofile using a platinum microelectrode, H'4CO3 exchange method. fixation, and the standard oxygen In a highly oxidized sediment, the three methods yielded almost identical results at low light intensities (20 1-'E m2 sec). The oxygen methods underestimated primary production at higher light intensities when there was conspicuous bubble formation. Also, the conventional oxygen method underestimated the primary production in sulfuretum-type sediments as compared to the other two methods. HCO Measurements of the specific activity of within the photic zone showed a steep gradient of H14CO3 surface. at the sediment Calculations of benthic primary production taking the actual specific activity into account yielded 2 to 5 times higher estimates than calculations using the specific activity in the overlying water. -33- Columbia River Project This project was initiated by the P.1. in September 1979 as part of the Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program (CREDDP) and continued until October 1, 1981. The general objective of the research was to investigate the production dynamics of benthic plants on the tidal flats of the Columbia River Estuary. In particular, the work was concerned with effects of chemical and physical gradients on the structural and functional attributes of micro- and macro-vegetation and on the productivity and biomass of the benthic primary food supply. The research plan for the project included (1) a descriptive field study of the production dynamics of benthic plants on the tidal flats of the estuary; and (2) an investigation of mechanisms accounting for the observed dynamics in the field. Unfortunately, the unanticipated early termination of CREDDP allowed time and support only for a field investigation at selective intensive study sites. However, observational data obtained in the field provided a good basis for generating hypotheses concerning mechan- isms that regulate autotrophic processes, hypotheses that were examined in part by the research described in this report. Because of the enormous size of the area under investigation by the Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program (ca., 150 square miles), the selection of a suitable sampling strategy for the field investigation of benthic autotrophy was a very difficult problem. approaches were considered: Essentially, two alternative (1) a broad survey involving the collection of non-replicated samples from as many locations as possible over the entire study area at perhaps two or at most, three different seasons of the year; or (2) frequent replicated sampling at relatively few intensive study sites. The -34- first approach provides an insight into variation over the largest possible spatial area but fails to yield information about local variation in space and time. The second approach allows the calculation of a variance structure for each site and gives much more information about temporal variation. Moreover, if the intensive study sites are representative of large areas in the estuary, the second approach can provide considerably more insight into process mech- anisms than the first approach, particularly if concurrent measurements of physical variables are obtained along with the biological data. Data obtained under the direction of the P.r. were generated from a sampling program based on the second approach, replicated samples taken at monthly intervals from five intensive study sites. A similar approach was used for the field work described in this report. Prior to the beginning of the field sampling program in April 1980, the estuary was surveyed to identify potential sites for intensive study. Five sites were selected on the basis of their relative positions along the salinity gradient, their sediment type, and whether or not they were representative of large, common habitat types in the estuary. The intensive study sites with corresponding CREDDP coordinates were Clatsop Spit (3-59-13), Youngs Bay (353-10), Baker Bay (4-0-18), Grays Bay (3-40-17), and Quinns Island (3-29-14). The sites at Clatsop Spit and Baker Bay were under marine influence, and surface salinities ranged from 32 0/00 at high tide during low freshwater discharge to 0 0/oo at low tide during high discharge. The Clatsop Spit site was located on the northern side of Clatsop Spit, approximately 1 km west of Parking Lot D. This site was characterized by fine sand and relatively high current velocities. The Baker Bay site was located on the northern side of -35- Baker Bay, near the Liwaco Airfield. to very fine sand. The sediment was primarily coarse silt The site at Youngs Bay was on the western side of the bay, approximately 1 km south of the mouth of the Skipanon River. Here, surface salinities varied from 0 to 10 0/00, grain size of the sediments ranged from medium silt to fine sand. Sites in Grays Bay and on Quinns Island were under strong freshwater influence, with surface salinities always near 0 0/00. The Grays Bay site was located on the eastern side of the bay, approximately 1 km south of the mouth of Crooked Creek. very fine sand. the island. The sediments were composed primarily of The site at Quinns Island was located on the eastern tip of Because it was more exposed to river currents than the Grays Bay site, the sediments were coarser, ranging in grain size from very fine sand to medium sand. At each intensive study site, 25-rn horizontal transects were identified and marked with wooden stakes. The transects were located in the high, mid, and low intertidal zones at each station and in the high marsh at all stations but Clatsop Spit where no marsh exists. The distance between the upper tran- sect in the high marsh and the lowest intertidal transect varied from station to station depending on the slope of the tidal flat. The transects in the marsh and in the high, mid, and low intertidal regions were approximately 0.9 m, 0.7 in, 0.5 in, and 0.3 in above mean lower low water, respectively. Field sampling was designed to generate estimates of primary production and chlorophyll a concentration in the sediments. The sampling strategy at each intensive study site involved the collection of sediment cores for the analysis of chlorophll a concentration and for measurements of primary production in a respirometer chamber. Six cores were obtained at random loca- -36- tions along each transect, and each of these was subsampled in the laboratory to obtain estimates of chlorophyll concentration in the upper cm, between 4.5 and 5.5 cm from the surface, and between 9 and 10 cm from the surface. Concurrently, two sediment cores were obtained from each of the transects in the marsh and in the upper and lower intertidal regions for measurements of primary production and oxygen consumption. These cores were subsampled after these measurements for estimates of chiorphyll a concentration and organic matter in the upper centimeter of sediment. Selected physical variables also were monitored along with the measurements of primary production and chlorophyll concentration. The physical variables of interest included temperature, light intensity, salinity, and five properties of the sediment: median grain size, mean grain size, skewness, kurtosis, and the sorting coefficient. Preliminary results from the analysis of data obtained from April through October 1980 are summarized below: 1. Diatoms were the most abundant group of plants on the tidal flats in the Columbia River Estuary. Although large numbers of diatom species were found on each tidal flat under investigation, species composition varied greatly among tidal flats. Blue-green algae were frequently found growing beneath the emergent marsh plants in late summer at all sites. Macrophytes were not conspicuous on the estuarine tidal flats. Zostera marina L. and an unidentified species of Zostera had a patchy distribution in Baker Bay, and Enteromorpha intestinalis var. maxima J. Ag., a filamentous green alga, was abundant in marsh samples from Youngs Bay and Baker Bay in April and May. A sparse growth of Potamogeton foliosus Raf. and P. richardsonii (Benn.) Rydb. was -37- observed on the tidal flats of Grays Bay during spring and summer, while Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Elodea canadensis Michx. were often abundant in marsh pools at Grays Bay. 2. The highest rates of gross primary production (GPP) were recorded at the Youngs Bay site. During the period from May through October, the mean of all measurements of GPP for Youngs Bay was 108.46 mg of carbon fixed per square meter per hour at light saturation. c 2 The mean GPP (mg hr) was 53.89 at Baker Bay, 35.44 at Quinns Island, 32.36 at Grays Bay, and 3.00 at Clatsop Spit. In general, rates of GPP declined in June and July. This was particularly evident at the upriver sites of Quinns Island and Grays Bay. During this period, increases in scouring and sediment load in the water column, which were attributed to early summer freshet and the Mount St. Helens eruption, created an unstable and presumably an unsuitable habitat for the benthic microflora. Therefore, rates of GPP decreased at the lower intertidal levels, which are more exposed to river flow. With a decline in freshwater discharge and in the activity of Mount St. Helens, sediments stabilized and GPP increased during August and September. Rates of GPP throughout the estuary appear to be closely associated with sediment stability; the more stable the substratum, the higher the rates of GPP. Production of the benthic microflora in the marsh declined in spring and early summer as emergent marsh plants began to develop and shade the sediment surface. Subsequently, as the emergent vegetation began to decline in August and September, production of the benthic microflora began to increase with increasing available light. 3. Highest concentrations of chlorophyll a in the upper cm of the sediment were generally associated with sites with the greatest rates of GPP. Mean concentrations of chlorophyll a (g chl a cm2) in the upper cm for April through October were 31.77 in Youngs Bay, 23.03 in Baker Bay, 11.90 in Grays Bay, 10.52 at Quinns Island, and 1.35 at Clatsop Spit. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were usually highest in the marsh and lowest in the lower intertidal zone. There were no conspicuous seasonal changes in chlorophyll a concentration at the intensive study sites. The highest and lowest monthly mean values were recorded in April and July, respectively. In general, it was found that chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment was a relatively good predictor of benthic primary production when the flora was composed of diatoms. The regression equation derived from the field data is: GPP = 2.8955 + 0.3001 CHLOR, where GPP is the gross primary production expressed as mg C hr and CHLOR is the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment expressed as mg. The corresponding R2 value for this relationship was 0.732, indicating that measurements of chlorophyll a concentration can serve as a reasonably good tentative estimate of GPP for locations where direct measurements of primary production are not possible. This conclusion only applies to assemblages of benthic microalgae in the intertidal area of the Columbia River estuary, as this relationship is variable in a more marine system such as Netarts Bay (see a later section of this report). -39-- 4. The percentage of organic matter in each sediment sample expressed as ashfree dry weight showed remarkably little variation at each site during the study period. There was no apparent increase in organic matter in the sediments as the emergent plant vegetation began to die back in late summer and early fall. In general, highest percentages of organic matter were associated with sediments in the marsh. Mean percentages of ashfree dry weight in sediment samples for April through October were 4.35 in Baker Bay, 3.26 in Youngs Bay, 2.12 in Grays Bay, 1.42 at Quirins Island, and 0.42 at Clatsop Spit. The higher percentages were associated with the finergrained sediments. -40- THE ALGAL PRIMARY PRODUCTION SUBSYSTEM Studies of algal primary production in Oregon estuaries have been limited, but some early studies included production measurements made in the laboratory using intertidal sediment (Riznyk and Phinney, 1972), artificial substrates (Mclntire and Wulff, 1969; Wuiff and Mclntire, 1972), and macroResults reported here, together with the algae (Kjeldsen and Phinney, 1971). recent study in the Columbia River estuary (Amspoker and Mclntire, 1982), are the first field measurements of algal primary production for sediment-associated communities in Oregon estuaries. The purpose of the research reported in this section was. to describe seasonal patterns of algal primary production and associated physical and biological variables in Netarts Bay. In addition, experiments were conducted at the O.S.U. Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, to examine mechanisms that accounted for the patterns observed in the field. Priorities for the experimental work were established by the conceptual framework described in an earlier Section. Because the research examined autotrophic processes that occur in many estuaries, the understanding of these processes in Netarts Bay is relevant to problems that extend beyond the geographical limits of this particular estuary. Results of our research on the Algal Primary Production subsystem are reported in four subsections: 1. Algae in Netarts Bay, Oregon; II. Algae; III. Production Dynamics of Sediment-Associated Experimental Studies of Estuarine Benthic Some Effects of Estuarine Infauna on Sediment-Associated Micro- algae; and IV. The Diatom Flora of Netarts Bay. In subsection I, seasonal patterns of primary production for sediment-associated algae at three inten- -41- sive study sites in Netarts Bay are described and interpreted relative to selected physical variables. Laboratory studies of estuarine benthic algae are reported in subsection II. In particular, these experiments were con- cerned with the relationship between algal primary production and light intensity; also, the ratio of chlorophyll a to algal biomass was investigated in isolated diatom assemblages. In subsection III, effects of infauna on algal production dynamics are described from the results of defaunation experiments in the field and laboratory. Subsection IV is concerned with the taxonomic structure of the sediment-associated and epiphytic diatom flora of Netarts Bay. I. Production Dynamics of Sediment-Associated Algae in Netarts Bay, Oregon This research was concerned with the investigation of seasonal changes in algal biomass and patterns of algal primary production in Netarts Bay. Rele- vant biological variables included microalgal biomass expressed as the chloro- phyll a concentration in the sediment, the concentration of organic matter in the sediment expressed as ash-free dry weight, and the rates of gross primary production and community oxygen uptake as measured in light and dark chambers. The sampling strategy was consistent with the known dynamics of physical and chemical processes in Netarts Bay as determined by the EPA Rhodamine studies (EPA, 1979). Sampling Strategy Netarts Bay was surveyed to identify potential sites for intensive study which were representative of large areas of the bay. Three sites were -42-- identified on the basis of sediment type and location in the bay (Fig. 7). The site near the mouth of the bay was characterized by medium sand (SAND site); the site along the western shore of the bay had fine sand (FINE SAND site); and the site along the eastern shore had coarse silt (SILT site). sites were exposed to moderate wave action. All Macroalgae were absent at the SILT site, and blue-green algae occurred at the mean high water (MHW) level at the FINE SAND and SILT sites. At each intensive study site, 50-rn horizontal transects were marked with wooden stakes. The transects were located at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m above mean lower low water (MLLW) at each site. The sampling strategy at each, site involved the monthly collection of sediment cores for the measurements of primary production and the concentration of chlorophyll a and organic matter. On each sampling date, sediment cores were obtained randomly along each transect: three for measurement of primary production, six for analysis of chlorophyll a concentration, and three for analysis of organic matter concentration. Sampling was initiated in March, 1980 and continued for a period ending in March, 1981. Cores for the measurement of primary production were incubated in situ in field respirometers and subsampled after incubation for the measurement of chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment. Cores for the measurement of chlorophyll a concentration and organic matter content were subsampled in the laboratory to obtain estimates of concentration in the top cm of sediment and at a depth of 4.0 to 5.0 cm from the surface. Monthly measurements of physical variables also were made near the transects of all three intensive study sites. These variables included tempera- ture, salinity, light intensity of photosynthetically active radiation, and change in sediment height. -43- NE TARTS BAY OREGON N P4CIFIc OREGON I- 0 1000 METERS igure 7. Map of NetartS Bay indicating the location of intensive (A) the SAND site; (B) the FINE SAND site study sites: (C) the SILT site. and -44- Methods 1. Primary Production Gross primary production and community oxygen uptake were estimated in the field from oxygen measurements in stirred, light and dark chambers designed to hold intact cores of sediment. Between May and September, measurements were made in plexiglas chambers which were 92 cm in height, had an internal diameter of 12.8 cm, and enclosed a sediment surface area of 128.61 cm2 (Fig. 8). Two light chambers and one dark chamber were used to estimate primary production at each site. Each chamber was inserted 30 cm into the sediment, filled with 5.7 1 of seawater from the bay and sealed. Water in the chamber was circulated by a magnetic stirrer at a motor speed of 27 rpm. Rates of oxygen evolution and uptake were based on measurement periods of 4.0 to 7.5 hours between initial and final readings. Measurements of dissolved oxygen were made with an Orbisphere® salinity-corrected dissolved oxygen system by inserting the oxygen probe into a port on the side of the chamber. Between October and March, estimates of primary production were made in plexiglas chambers which were 14.2 cm in height, had an internal diameter of 6.8 cm, and enclosed a sediment surface area of 36.32 cm2 (Fig. 9). Three replicate chambers were inserted 5 cm into the sediment, withdrawn with intact sediment cores, and plugged with rubber stoppers. Each chamber was filled with 300 ml of seawater from the bay, sealed and placed in a water bath. Water in the chambers was circulated by a magnetic stirrer at a motor speed of 300 rpm. Rates of oxygen evolution and uptake were based on measurement periods of 0.5 to 1.0 hour between initial and final readings. Readings were made by replacing the stirrer on top of the chamber with an oxygen probe. -45- WATER LEVEL 0-RINC GASKE7 MOTORBATTERY UNIT PORT MAGNE7 PORT FOR OXYGEN 0-RING GASKET METER PROBE INCUBATING MAGNET MATERIAL LOWER COMPARrMENT1 II II I I II II II II II II II I I I I II II I I II II II I I I I II Figure 8. Diagram of a respirometer designed for the measurement primary production in a seagrasS communitY. of -46- TURBINE V MAGNET WATER SOURCE 0-RING SEAL MAGNET PORT FOR STIRRER AND PROBE -PORT FOR FILLING SEAWATER ALGAE AND SEDIMENT RUBBER BUNG PLEXIGLAS CHAMBER FOR 02 METABOLISM Figure 9. Diagram of a raspirometer designed for the measurement of benthjc primary productjo in the laboratory. -47- Rates of net community production or oxygen uptake were measured when the chambers were exposed to full sunlight or darkened by covering the water bath with black plastic, respectively. Simultaneous incubations of intact sediment in both types of chambers indicated that chamber type had no significant effect on the rate of primary production. All production rates were corrected for seawater-associated oxygen production in the light, and oxygen uptake in the dark using the light and dark BOD bottle method for measuring plankton metabolism (Strickland and Parsons, 1972). Plankton metabolism was negligible except during August. Gross primary production was estimated by adding the rate of community oxygen uptake in the dark to the rate of net community production in the light for an equivalent period of time. expressed as mg 02 rn2 h Estimated rates of gross primary production were converted to mg C m2 h' while assuming a photosynthetic quotient of 1.2, i.e., mg C = 0.312 x mg °2 of community oxygen uptake expressed as mg °2 m2 h m2 h Estimated rates were converted to mg C while assuming a respiratory quoteint of 1.0, i.e., mg C = 0.375 x mg 02 (Westlake, 1965). 2. Biomass Microalgal biomass was expressed as the concentration of chlorophyll a in Samples for chlorophyll a analysis were collected using a 12-cm the sediment. long plastic corer with an internal diameter of 2.3 cm. The corers were gently pressed 10 cm into the sediment and then were withdrawn carefully with an intact core. laboratory. The cores were capped, frozen, and transported back to the En the laboratory, the frozen sediment was extruded from the cores, and sections from the top cm and 4 to 5 cm from the surface were -48- excised with a knife. A core section was placed in a mortar with 0.5 ml of saturated magnesium carbonate solution and 10 ml of 90% acetone (v/v). The slurry was ground with a pestle for one minute, poured into a screw-capped test tube, and kept in the dark at 4°C for 24 hours. The extract was centri- fuged, and chlorophyll a concentration was measured using the method of Strickland and Parsons (1972). The Lorenzen equation (corrected for phaeopig- ments) was used to calculate mg chlorophyll a These values are uncor- iti2. rected for chlorophyllide (Whitney and Darley, 1979). Macroalgal biomass was sampled by harvesting six replicate 0.25 in2 quadrats randomly along each 50-rn transect. Samples were rinsed in fresh water, weighed, dried at 70°C for 48 hours, and reweighed. Dried samples were ashed at 450°C for 24 hours and reweighed to determine ash-free dry weight, an estimate of organic matter. Chlorophyll a concentration in the macroalgae was determined as described above using approximately 1.0 g wet weight of algae per sample. 3. Sediment Properties Sediment was sampled for organic matter content using the same coring devise described above for the chlorophyll a samples. frozen, and transported back to the laboratory. Samples were collected, In the laboratory, the frozen sediment was extruded from the corers and sections from the top cm and 4 to 5 cm from the surface were excised with a knife. 70°C for 48 hours and weighed. 24 hours and reweighed. Core sections were dried at These sections then were ashed at 450°C for A correction for loss of sediment water of hydration after ashing was determined by adding distilled water to the ashed sediment, and drying at 90°C for 24 hours and reweighing. -49- Bimonthly samples from the top cm of sediment were taken for grain size Sediment was wet-sieved with a 63 1-'m mesh analysis (Buchanan and Kain, 1971). sieve. The coarse fraction was dried at 70°C for 24 hours and then sieved through a set of graded sieves to determine fraction weights above 63 1Am. Fractions below 63 urn were examined by a pipette analysis. Sediment statis- tics included mean grain size, the sorting coefficient, arid a measure of skewness (Inman, 1952). Mean grain size was expressed in phi-units where -log2 of the grain size in mm. = The sorting coefficient expresses the uni- formity of grain size, i.e., the better sorted sediments exhibit the less Skewness measures the degree of uniform distribution of size classes. symmetry in the grain size distribution, with positive values indicating skewness to the smaller grain size and negative values indicating skewness to the larger grain size. 4. Physical and Chemical Variables Light intensity was measured in iE m2 sec radiation with a Licor® quantum meter. photosynthetically active Bimetal or thermistor probes were used to measure temperature, while salinity was measured with a temperature-compensated AO Goldberg® refractometer. Samples for analysis of nitrite-nitrate (NO2-NO3), ammonia (NH4), orthophosphate (PO4) and molybdate-reactive silica (S102) were taken July, August, and September from water in the respirometer chambers before and after incubation. These samples were analyzed by methods for autoanalysis of nutrients (Strickland and Parsons, 1972). 5. Data Analysis The chlorophyll and production data were analyzed by a three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with sediment type, tidal height, and time treated as main -50- effects; the three-way interaction mean square was used as the error term in calculating F-values. All statistical analyses were performed with a Control Data Corporation Cyber 170/720 computer at the Oregon State University Computing Center using the SPSS system (Nie et al., 1975) and the REGRESS subsystem of SIPS (Rowe and Brenne, 1981). Results 1. Physical Properties Sediment characteristics were determined for the intensive study sites (the SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT sites in Fig. 7) from March, 1980 to March, 1981 in Netarts Bay. Mean grain sizes in phi-units () were 2.28 at the SAND site, 2.66 at the FINE SAND site, and 3.79 at the SILT site (Table 1). Mean values for the sorting coefficient were 0.34 (well-sorted) at the SAND site, 0.64 at the FINE SAND site, and 1.13 (poorly-sorted) at the SILT site; while corresponding mean skewness values were 0.25, 0.10, and -0.04, respectively. In summary, sediment at the SAND site was medium to fine sand, wellsorted, with the most positive skew; sediment at the FINE SAND site was fine to very fine sand, with medium sorting and a positive skew; and sediment at the SILT site was very fine sand to coarse silt, poorly sorted and with very little skew. Monthly change in sediment height was measured at the three intensive study sites from April to October (Fig. 10). There was little net change in sediment height, except at the SAND site at 1.0 m above MLLW and at the FINE SAND site at 2.0 in, and 0.5 in above MLLW. Monthly changes in sediment level usually ranged from 0 cm to 3 cm, changes that could account for burial or -51- Table 1. Results of sediment grain size analysis for samples obtained every two months from March 1980, to March 1981, at intensive study sites. Tidal level is above E.LW; 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), 1.5 bi (3), and Mean grain size (MEAN) is in phi-units, and sorting 2.0 m (4). Statistics were (SORT) and skewness (SKEW) are dimensionless. Values are annual means () calculated according to Inman (1953). of n replicates and the standard error of the mean (SE). EAN Site Level SAND All FINE SAND SILT SKEW SORT SE SE SE 23 2.28 0.03 0.34 0.25 0.43 1 5 2.28 0.10 0.31 1.25 1.25 2 6 2.27 0.03 0.36 0.47 1.20 3 6 2.22 0.05 0.33 -0.54 0.50 4 6 2.34 0.03 0.35 0.00 0.01 21 2.66 0.10 0.64 0.10 0.65 1 3 3.04 0.35 0.70 -0.05 0.22 2 6 2.64 0.14 0.61 0.15 0.11 3 6 2.52 0.25 0.64 0.06 0.07 4 6 2.64 0.13 0.65 0.17 0.08 23 3.79 0.11 1.13 -0.04 0.17 1 5 4.03 0.09 1.24 0.10 0.03 2 6 3.95 0.13 1.00 -0.54 0.61 3 6 3.78 0.34 1.08 0.01 0.08 4 6 3.44 0.19 1.20 0.29 0.07 All All FIgure 10. 0 A M J MONTH J A S . 0 I I a tlonthlv changes in sediment height at intensive study sites in.Netartn flay. include SANI) (solid circle), FINE/SAND (triangle), and SILT (open circle). -5.0 I I I z 0.5 N + MLLW I C) g 1 z I 10 hi (9 ON + MLLW I I (I) I hi a a. ___ hi I I.5M + MLLW I +YiO I I J +5Ø Ml > hi I I I d -5.0 I I- I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I ML I I +5.0 - Sites U' -53- export of surface chlorophyll a and organic matter at certain times and sites. The SILT site was the most stable site with respect to change in sediment level during the measurement period. Temperatures of the air, exposed sediment, and water were usually greater than 10°C (Fig. 11). Air, exposed sediment, and water temperature ranges were from 0°C to 24°C, from 2°C to 19°C, and from 8°C to 18°C, respectively. Photosynthetically active radiation ranged from 0.5 to 60 E m2 daf1 and was chiefly influenced by day length and cloud cover (Fig. 12). Extinction coefficients were calculated from light intensity measurements taken at high tide at all three intensive study sites (Table 2). These coefficients ranged from 0.400 to 0.870 and were generally lower at the SAND and-FINE SAND sites than at the SILT site. An example of the effect of water depth on light available at the sediment surface is shown in Figure 13. Measurements of light intensity at the water surface, water depth, and the extinction coefficient were made in Netarts Bay for a day in July and a day in September. The light intensity at the sediment surface was calculated for each hour between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. PST, at three tidal elevations, by substituting the appropriate light intensity, water depth and extinction coefficient into the expression: = ie; where 1 is the light intensity at depth z, 10 is the light intensity at the surface and Ti is the extinction coefficient. A clear, sunny day occurred in July; while in September, the sun only appeared between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. PST. Light intensity was not limiting for photo- synthesis between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. during the day in July; but in September, the light intensity often fell below light-saturation of photosynthesis which was approximately 1 described in a later section). E m2 h1 (see results of laboratory study I AM J I J 'II 111111 I i MONTH A SO ND J FM IJi I I Temperature of air, sediment and water during the period from April, 1980, to March, 1981 in Netarts Bay. Bars Indicate daily range of temperature at all intensive study sites on the sampling dates. 10 I III I I iJX LiJ Figure 11. I Ui II I II H z Ui a- uJ 0 11111 jili - C) I l0 II I I - Figure 12. ---------------- 0 0 0 D J FM AM S PhotosynthetIcally active radiation (E nr2 day-i) for the period from May, 1980, to May, 1981 at Netarts Bay. MONTH J JASON S ._____ S. 0 S . . S 0/ N 10/ -56- Table 2. Extinction coefficients ()a measured at high tide at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT intensive study sites. Light intensity at the urfac and 1.0 in depth is photosynthetically active radiation (E m sec ). High tide was between 11:00 and 13:00 PST. Light Intensity Site Date Surface SAND 13 May 1375 737 0.624 ii June 1250 670 0.624 July 1350 804 0.518 1000 509 0.675 1500 804 0.624 570 281 0.707 10 June 2100 1206 0.555 10 July 1800 1206 0.400 820 496 0.503 1500 804 0.624 May 615 295 0.735 9 June 800 335 0.870 9 July 460 241 0.646 8 August 870 375 0.842 5 September 680 375 0.595 ii 10 August 7 FINE SAND SILT a) 12 May 9 August 6 September 11 n= in I September - in I; where I intensity at 1.0 in depth. 1.0 in Depth = surface light intensity and I = light -57- I I I oO°\ \ 4 N I 3 HIGH I / I 1 2 - I..' I \ OMID /SEPTI £LOW I I / , a L 9:00 11:00 _L 1:00 3:00 PS.T Figure 13. Effect of water depth on light available to sedimentassociated algae in Netarts Bay for a day in July and a day in September at three intertidal heights: HIGH (1.5 m above MLLW), MID (1.0 in above MLLW) and LOW (0.5 m above MLLW). High tide was at noon (2.0 in above flLW) Values were calculated using measured water levels, extinction coefficients, and light intensities at the water surface. The line at 1.0 E m2 hr- approximates light saturation of photosynthesis. -58- Light transmission through the sediment at all three of the intensive study sites was determined by measuring light transmission through 1 mm thicknesses of sediment in petri dishes (Haardt and Nielsen, 1980). Reduction of photosynthet- ically active radiation to 1.0% of surface light intensity was reached at 2.55 mm at the SAND site, 2.00 mm at the FINE SAND site, and 1.30 mm at the SILT Site. Salinity in the water column of Netarts Bay ranged from 28 to 34 0/00 during the study. 35 /oo. Values for interstitial water usually varied between 25 and However, interstitial water at 2.0 m above fLLW in all sediment types reached values as low as 5 /oo during rain storms or periods of terrestrial runoff from ground water seepage. During July, August, and September nutrient concentrations (NO2-No3, NH4, PO4, and SiO3) in the water from the respirometer chambers were measured before and after in situ incubation (Table 3). The only significant changes in concen- trations during the incubation period occurred when Enteromorpha prolif era (Setch.) S.&G. was present in the chambers. For example, the concentration of NO2-NO3 decreased from 3.23 to 1.05 I.M during the six-hour incubation period in August at the SAND site. 2. Organic Matter There was a significant positive correlation (n = 34, r = 0.82; p < .01) between sediment mean grain size in phi-units () and the organic matter concentration (AFDW) in the top cm of sediment. The corresponding regression equation expressing mean grain size as a predictor of organic matter was AFDW = -89.54 + 109.21 1?. An analysis of variance indicated that there were signif- icant differences (P < .01) in organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment associated with differences in sediment type (Appendix I). The SILT site had the highest mean organic matter concentration followed by the FINE SAND site and the SAND site, respectively (Table 4). There also were significant differences (P < .01) in the concentration of organic matter associated with the effects of tidal height, time, and a two-way interaction between sediment type and tidal height (Table 4, Figs. 14 and 15). highest during the summer. Organic matter concentration was At the SILT and FINE SAND sites, the transects at 2.0 m above MLLW had the highest concentrations of organic matter; while at the SAND site, the highest concentrations were at 0.5 m above MLLW. The ratio of organic matter in the top cm of sediment to that at the 4 to 5 cm depth was calculated and used as an index of mixing of organic matter in the sediment. No significant differences related to the effects of sediment type, tidal height, or time were found in the bay sediments relative to this ratio. The mean value of the ratio for all sediment types was 1.50 indicating that organic matter usually was present at both depths in similar concentrations. -59- Table 3. Initial nutrient concentrations (iiM) in respirometer chambers at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT intensive study sites during sampling in July, August and September. July August September NO2-NO3 SAND 3.23 3.23 0.81 FINE SAND 0.16 0.32 0.16 SILT 0.48 0.24 0.16 SAND 0.56 1.11 2.78 FINE SAND 0.56 2.22 2.22 SILT 1.11 1.67 2.22 0.48 0.48 0.34 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 14.46 14.46 10.51 11.83 11.17 17.09 13.14 12.49 15.77 NB4 Table 4. Concentration of organic matter (g m2) in the top cm of sediment, expressed as ash-free dry weight, in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. 1.0 m (2), 1.5 in Intertidal levels are above MLLW: (3), and 2.0 (4). Values are site and tidal level means () and standard errors (SE) of n observations. Site SE SAND Level 1 43 10 2 11 3 11 11 4 FINE SAND Level 38 1 2 10 3 11 4 11 1 43 10 2 11 3 11 11 SILT Level 6 4 0.5 in (1), 134.05 196.95 138.88 119.73 86.36 8.56 15.71 14.72 203.88 182.11 201.53 205.38 216.38 33.07 23.20 20.30 16.82 17.02 377.76 385.99 350.07 325.61 450.11 13.93 19.09 20.18 19.42 33.59 9.93 7.41 -61- lOM t MLLW datum ScC. SANO T±SE 500. £FINE SAND o SILT 40 0 E 4 a' 301 0 U- 201 - r MA M J SO N A J J FM 0 MONTH O.5M i MLLW datum _1 SAND iFINE SAND ± SE o SI LI E a' 300 0 U200 too r ri U M J A S 0 N 0 J F M MONTH Figure 14. Concentration of organic matter in the top cm of sediment expressed as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) at intensive study sites from March, 1980, to March, 1981. Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT at 1.0 m and 0.5 in above MLLW. Values are means of three replicates. -62- 2.OM + MLLW datum S SAND 600 7 SE £ FINE SAND 0 SiLT 500 a N TI/f 400 /t1 E 0 Li. / FM AM A SO ND J FM J .J MONTH I.5M + MLLW datum ±SE 500 SAND £ FINE SAND o SI LI a N E 300 0 U. F MA M J J A SON D J FM MONTH Figure 15. Concentration of organic matter in the top cm of sediment expressed as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) at intensive study sites from March, 1980, to March, 1981. Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT at 20 m and 1.5 m above MLLW. Values are means of three replicates. -63- Sediment-associated total organic matter was separated into its component fractions (Table 5). The total represents monthly measurements of organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment. Microalgal biomass was calcu- lated using a conversion factor between chlorophyll a and organic matter determined in the laboratory throughout the year with epipelic diatoms isolated from the sediment (see page 109 of this report). For these calcula- tions, microalgal organic matter concentration = 166.98 x chlorophyll a concentration. Animal organic matter was determined by harvesting in April. The concentration of detritus was calculated by the subtraction of microalgal and animal organic matter from the total. The results of these calculations indi- cated that detritus was the major component of organic matter in these sediments. 3. Chlorophyll a Concentration An analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences (P < .01) in the chlorophyll a in the top cm of sediment associated with the effects of sediment type, tidal height, time, and a two-way interaction between sediment type and tidal height (Appendix I, Figs 16 and 17). The SILT site had the highest mean chlorophyll a concentration, followed by the FINE SAND site and the SAND site, respectively (Table 6). Chlorophyll a concentra- tion was highest during the spring at the SAND and FINE SAND sites; while during the fall and winter, the concentration was highest at the SILT site. At the SILT and FINE SAND sites, the 2.0 m transects had the highest concentrations of chlorophyll a; while at the SAND site, the highest concentrations were found for the transect at 1.0 m above MLLW. -64- Table 5. Ranges of component fractions of organic matter (g m2) in the top cm of sediment, expressed as ash-free dry weight at the intensive study sites. Total organic matter and animal organic matter were measured by direct sampling. Microalgal organic matter was calcu- lated from chlorophyll a concentrationsa. Detrital organic matter was calculated by the subtraction of microalgal and animal organic matter from the total organic matter. Fraction Total SAND Intensive Study Site FINE SAND SILT 69.8-268.4 128.0-303.2 256.5-575.0 Microalgae 1.6-23.2 4.3-31.8 4.3-48.0 Animals 1.3-11.8 3.9-8.2 1.1-5.5 Detritus (66.9-233.4) (119.8-263.2) (251.1-521.5) a) Microalgal organic matter concentration = chlorophyll a concentration x 166.98 (see pages of this report). -65- MLLW datum SANO !±SE £FINE SAND o St LI N at -J F MA M A J [1 M MONTH 0.5 M f MLLW datum SAND ±SE LEINE SAND 0 Si LI 'S at -J MA M J A M MONTH Figure 16. Concentration of chlorophyll a in the top cm of sediment (CHL a) at intensive study sites from March, 1980, to March, 1981. Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT at 1.0 m and 0.5 above MLLW. Values are means of six replicates. -66- 2.OM + MLLW datum SAND I £FINE SAND tSE OS I LT 1 a N zoo -J z U L F' J I M AM .J J SON D J FM I A I I MONTH I I I I F j I I I F I.5M I- MLLW datum .SAND TtSE £ FINE SAND 051 LI a 200 N E -J iIOO U F MA M J 1J A SON D J FM MONTH Figure 17. Concentration of chlorophyll a in the top cm of sediment (CHL a) at intensive study sites from March, 1980, to March, Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT at 2.0 m and 1.5 1981. m above MLLW. Values are means of six replicates. -67- Table 6. Concentration of chlorophyll a (mg mg2) in the top cm of sediment in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. Intertidal levels are above MLLW: 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), 1.5 m (3), and 2.0 m (4). Values are site and tidal level means (i) and standard errors (SE) of n observations. Site SE SAND 45 Level 1 2 FINE SAND Level 3 12 4 11 42 1 6 2 12 3 12 12 4 SILT Level 10 12 1 2 3 4 46 10 12 12 12 46.18 79.71 66.09 25.12 16.94 6.02 11.59 13.24 4.83 2.81 74.72 83.12 54.73 73.90 91.34 7.37 20.16 13.26 12.41 3.89 93.70 49.50 69.16 82.86 11.07 8.87 20.89 9.61 24.45 165.91 The ratio of chlorophyll a concentration in the top ciii of sediment to that at the 4 to 5 cm depth was calculated as an index of mixing of chlorophyll a in the sediment. High chlorophyll a ratios resulted from a paucity of chlorophyll a in the 4 to 5 cm depth sediment, while relatively low values indicated that chlorophyll a was mixed to the 4 to 5 cm depth. There were significant differences (P < .01) in the chlorophyll a ratios associated with the effects of sediment type, tidal height, and a two-way interaction between sediment type and time (Appendix I). The SAND site had the highest mean chlorophyll a ratio followed by the SILT and the FINE SAND sites (Table 7). At all sites, the mean ratio was higher at the transects 2.0 m above MLLW than at the other intertidal tansects. 4. Primary Production An analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences (P < .05) in gross primary production of microalgae associated with the effect of time (Appendix I). Maximum gross primary production occurred in the summer when Enteromorpha sporelings were abundant in the sediment community (Figs. 18 and 19). When production by Enteromorpha sporelings was included in the calculations, the FINE SAND site had the highest mean rate of gross primary production followed by the SAND site and the SILT site (Table 8). If samples with Enteromorpha sporelings were excluded, all sediment types had similar mean rates of gross primary production. Because of the difference in growth form, the contribution of Enteromorpha prolifera to total primary production at the intensive study sites was estimated by experiments with isolated plants in the laboratory (see details Table 7. Ratio of the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment to the concentration at the 4 to 5 cm depth in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. MLLW: Intertidal levels are above 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), 1.5 m (3), and 2.0 (4). Values are site and tidal level means () and standard errors (SE) of n observations. Site SE SAND Level 1 43 10 2 11 3 11 11 4 FINE SAND Level 38 1 6 2 10 3 11 4 11 SILT 43 Level 41.73 2.25 2.40 56.13 102.53 13.49 0.38 0.49 39.80 26.94 9.31 1.21 3.25 1.27 27.27 13.86 0.21 11.50 1.53 3.29 17.35 0.22 4.19 0.24 69.74 1 10 2 11 3 4 11 1.51 11 38.77 1.81 0.22 50.23 -70I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.OM + MLLW datum SAND £ FINE SAND 200- oSILT E C-, QQI 0 a- w FM AM J J A MONTH I 1 I I I I I I I I I I O.5M +MLLW datum . SAND tSE 200- £ FINE SAND - oSILT E 0 a- 100- - a- L 1 F M I A t M J J i i L A SO ND J I I MONTH Figure 18. Gross primary production (GPP) at intensive study sites from Nay, 1980, to March, 1981. Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT at 1.0 m and 0.5 m above MLLW. Values are means of two replicates from May to September and three replicates from October to March. 2 fl's It) ]NIJ 4 ONVS -J 40 iio w U, +1 iRON Os U) = z 0 C T/ \\ V d o o 0 0 c'J (1 Figure 19. D 5w) ddD Gross primary production (GPP) at intensive study sites from May, 1980, to March, 1981. Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILI at 1.5 m above MLLW. Values are means of two replicates from May to September and three replicates from October to March. -72- Table 8. Intertidal gross primary production (mg C m2 hr') in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. MLLW: Intertidal levels are above 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), 1.5 m (3), and 2.0 (4). Values are site and tidal level means () and standard errors (SE) of n observations assuming a photosynthetic quotient of 1.2. Site SE Including Enteromorpha sporelirigs: SAND 25 Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 2 FINE SAND Level 1 22 2 8 3 8 4 2 SILT 4 37.43 35.80 62.16 23.04 8.98 7.94 7.26 21.28 3.38 2.34 47.15 84.88 40.78 47.13 27.10 13.84 65.75 15.53 19.11 14.56 3.97 5.75 4.46 4.25 22.12 2 8 3 8 4 3 25.06 20.07 19.34 21.42 53.70 SAND 23 27.82 3.25 FINE SAND 20 28.05 5.12 SILT 26 25.06 3.97 26 Level 1 7 Excluding Enteromorpha sporelings: -73- in a later section). This alga was conspicuous from June to August at the SAND and FINE SAND sites, and the maximum biomasses at these sites were 149 and 162 g C m2, respectively (Table 9). the SILT site. Enteromorpha was never present at The estimated contribution of Enteromorpha to the annual net primary production at the SAND and FINE SAND sites was 2,712 and 2,886 g Cm2yr', respectively, an enormous elaboration of organic matter. While growth of Enteromorpha appeared to be related to seasonal increases in temperature and day length, it is not possible to rule Out nutrient dynamics associated with the upwelling phenomenon as a possible cause of the high production of this alga during the summer months. Its absence at the SILT site was probably related to the relatively high turbidity and instability of the sediments at this location. There were significant differences (P K .01) in community oxygen uptake associated with the effect of sediment type (Appendix I). The FINE SAND site had the highest mean rate of community oxygen uptake followed by the SILT site and the SAND site (Table 10). There were also significant differences (P < .05) in community oxygen uptake associated with the effects of time and a two-way interaction between sediment type and tidal height (Fig. 20). Maximum community oxygen uptake in all sediment types was detected in the summer when temperature was relatively high. The ratio of daily gross primary production to daily community oxygen uptake was calculated using data from the primary production estimates of this study. Daylength at the sediment surface ranged from 6 h in December to 12.2 h in June. This ratio is an index of benthic autotrophy relative to heterotrophic activity in the sediment community, the higher values indicating -74- Table 9. Maximum biomass (BIOMASS) of Enteromorpha prolifera, and the annual contribution of Enteromorpha prolifera to the rates of gross primary production (GPP), respiration (RESP) and net primary production NPP), at the SAND and FINE SAND sites in Netarts Bay. BIOMASS (g C m2) GPP (g c m2 yr1) RESP (g C m2 yr) NPP (g C m2 yr') SAND FINE SAND 149 162 3691 3880 907 994 2712 2886 -75- Carbon equivalent of the intertidal community oxygen uptake Table 10. (mg c m2 hr') in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. Intertidal levels are above MLLW: 1.5 m (3), and 2.0 (4). 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), Values are site and tidal level means () and standard errors (SE) of n observations assuming a respiratory quotient of 1.0. Site SE SAND 25 Level FINE SAND Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 2 22 1 4 2 8 3 8 4 2 SILT 26 Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 3 11.49 13.81 17.72 6.57 1.20 1.86 2.31 3.57 2.33 1.20 27.16 21.18 28.98 29.05 24.63 3.87 6.50 6.49 8.12 5.76 18.34 22.74 17.23 20.67 7.93 2.37 5.56 3.48 4.22 2.33 -76- I.5M+ MLLW £ SAND £ 50 /o \/ £ FINE SAND 0 SILT I.OM+MLLW 0 A_A !°\ )5O 0 0 0.5M +MLLW 0 50 ------ 0 M J A S U N - _ - a 0 J F M MONTH Figure 20. Community oxygen uptake (OUPTK) at intensive study sites from May, 1980 to March, 1981. Sites are SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT at 1.5 in, 1.0 in and 0.5 in above MLLW. Values are single observations from May, 1980, to September, 1980, and means of three replicates from October, 1980, to March, 1981. -77- relatively greater gross primary production. The SAND site had the highest mean ratio followed by the FINE SAND site and the SILT site (Table 11). There were no significant differences in the mean values of this ratio associated with effects of either tidal height or time. The ratio of gross primary production to chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment was calculated to give a measure of production per unit of microalgal chlorophyll a (Table 12). The mean value for this ratio ranged from 0.51 (SILT site) to 1.21 (FINE SAND site). There were no significant differences among the mean values for this ratio associated with the effects of sediment type, tidal height, or time (Appendix I). 5. Relationships Among Variables Table 13 gives Pearson product-moment coefficients of correlation (r) for selected pairs of physical and biological variables monitored in Netarts Bay during the study. While such correlations are often unrelated to causation, they do provide a useful initial insight into the structure of the data. At the 5% significance level, 13 r values were judged to be significantly different from zero. However, relationships suggested by values below 0.50 are undoubtedly weak or spurious, so such tests are essentially useless for our purpose. Here, we adopt the view that the coefficients are simply an indi- cation of the degree to which variables covary and indicate some of the higher values that are relevant for data interpretation. In general, correlations among the variables in Table 13 were low; and only 4 out of 28 values were greater than 0.50. Among physical variables, daylength and temperature had the highest r value (0.74). Mean sediment size in phi units was the only physical variable that had a correlation greater than 0.50 with a biological variable; its correlation with organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment was 0.82. Among biological variables, -78- Table 11. Ratio of daily gross primary production to daily community oxygen uptake in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. Intertidal levels are above MLLW: 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), 1.5 m (3), Values are site and tidal level means (T) and and 2.0 (4). standard errors (SE) of n observations. Site SE SAND 25 Level FINE SAND Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 2 22 1 4 2 8 3 8 4 2 SILT 26 Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 3 3.19 1.13 1.56 7.24 0.71 1.69 0.17 0.40 5,19 0.33 0.77 1.42 0.65 0.69 0.27 0.20 0.86 0.26 0.75 0.44 0.48 0.51 2.86 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.07 0.09 1.47 -79- Ratio of gross primary production to chlorophyll a concentration (mg C hr1 mg) in Netarts Bay at the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites. Intertidal levels are above MLLW: 0.5 m (1), 1.0 m (2), 1.5 m (3), and 2.0 (4). Values are site and tidal level means () and standard errors (SE) of n observations. Table 12. Site SE SAND 25 Level FINE SAND Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 2 22 1 4 2 8 3 8 4 2 SILT 26 Level 1 7 2 8 3 8 4 3 0.95 0.55 1.16 1.17 0.67 0.15 0.10 0.41 0.17 0.36 1.21 2.13 1.13 1.30 0.41 0.45 1.62 0.62 0.83 0.23 0.51 0.57 0.54 0.54 0.31 0.08 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.08 - 0.63* 0.12 0.82* 0.74* - 0.45* 0.07 0.15 -0.01 _0.26* 0.15 -0.07 TEMP 0.11 0.38* _0.24* 0.42* - 0.01 -0.10 _0.31* -0.07 DAYL 0.29* SEDMEAN 0.08 0.13 0.08 OUPTK The * symbol indicates that the value is significantly different from zero at the 57. level. TEMP DAYL SE DME AN OUPTK GPP - 0.46* 0.81* -0.05 GPP CHLR CHLR 0.40* AFDW 0.18 - CHLS A matrix of Pearson product-moment coefficients of correlation (r) for selected pairs of physical and biological variables monitored in Netarts Bay from March 1980 to March 1981. The variables are chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sedinent (CHLS), organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment (AFDW), chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment in the respirometer cores (CHLR), of gross primary production (GPP), community oxygen uptake (OUPTK), sediment mean grain size (SEDMEAN), daylength (DAYL), and water temperature (TEMP). AFDW CHLS Table 13. there was a relatively high correlation between chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment and that in the top cm of cores used in the respiro- meter (0.81) and between gross primary production and chlorophyll a concentration in the respirometer cores (0.63). Because of the time and problems associated with the direct measurement of gross primary production (GPP) in the field, it was of interest to examine other variables as potential predictors of GPP. From the correlation analysis, the only likely predictor was the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment (CHLR). The linear and curvilinear equations corresponding to each intensive study site and to the pooled data for all sites are presented in Table 14. These equations represent the prediction of GPP for microalgal assemblages in the absence of Enteromorpha sporelings. For this relationship, the highest R2 value was found for the SILT site (0.55), but all values were relatively low. However, the relationship derived from the pooled data from Netarts Bay resembles the linear equation obtained for data from five intensive study sites on the Columbia River estuary, although regression analyses indicated that the curve fit was more satisfactory for the Columbia River data (Table 14). Since the y-intercept was relatively high for the Netarts Bay data (9.57 mg C hr1), it was desirable to examine several other models. From a biological perspective, it makes sense to force the line through the origin and investigate a linear and curvilinear relationship. Table 14, such models are presented for both the Netarts Bay and Columbia River data; and residual mean squares are provided as a basis for within estuary comparisons. Based on data from this study, the most satisfactory In -82- Table 14. Linear and curvilinear equations expressing gross primary production (GPP) as a function of the concentration of chlorophyll a (CHLR) Units for GPP and CHLR are mg hr in the top cm of sediment. and mg, respectively. The models correspond to the SAND, FINE SAND and SILT sites at Netarts Bay, and to the pooled data for Netar-t-s Bay and the Columbia River Estuary. Residual Mean Location R2 Square Netarts Bay SAND GPP = 10.47 + 0.41 CHLR 23 0.50 FINE SAND GPP = -3.56 + 0.65 CHLR 20 0.37 SILT GPP = 7.60 + 0.30 CHLR 26 0.55 1. GPP = 9.57 + 0.35 CHLR 69 0.40 220.7 2. GPP = 8.22 + 0.40 CHLR - 0.00025 (CHLR)2 69 0.40 223.6 3. GPP = 0.48 CHLR 69 - 246.6 4. GPP = 0.61 CHLR - 0.0012 (CHLR)2 69 - 228.9 1. GPP = 2.90 + 0.30 CHIR 56 0.73 474.0 2. GPP = -2.80 + 0.38 CHLR - 0.00017 (CHLR)2 56 0.74 464.2 3. GPP = 0.31 56 - 468.8 4. GPP = 0.36 CHLR - 0.00014 (CHLR)2 56 - 457.5 Pooled Data: Columbia River Pooled Data: HLR model for predicting GPP in Netarts Bay is model 4, i.e., the quadratic function forced through the origin: GPP = 0.61 CHLR - 0.0012 (CHLR)2 In the case of the Columbia River estuary, either the linear are quadratic functions are probably satisfactory. In summary, chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment is a relatively good predictor of GPP in the Columbia River estuary, a system under the influence of high freshwater discharge; while in Netarts Bay, a more marine system, such predictions are less reliable. The disruptive influence of burrowing marine animals is one obvious explanation for the difficulty in predicting GPP at certain locations in Netarts Bay. Mean sediment grain size was a relatively good predictor of the organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment. This relationship was improved slightly by adding the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment to the model. The linear equations are AFDW = -89.54 109.21 SEDMEAN and AFDW = -123.50 104.41 SEDMEAN + 0.92 CHLR, where AFOW is the organic matter concentration (g m2), SEDNEAN is the grain size in phi units, and CHLR is the chlorophyll a concentration (mg m2); corresponding R2 values are 0.67 and 0.73. Interpretation of Autotrophic Patterns Sediment characteristics of Netarts Bay remained relatively constant at the intensive study sites during the study period. This would be expected for a bay which does not receive large seasonal inputs of terrestrial runoff and -84- associated silt. Sediment type ranged from medium sand to coarse silt and corresponded to sources of material for the bay. Changes in sediment height in Netarts Bay during the spring and summer corresponded to areas with conspicuous wave activity and strong water currents. western side of the bay. Most of these areas were on the Frostick and McCave (1979) found an association between algal growth and sediment accretion, with subsequent erosion of sediment when the algae died. erosion. Wave action also strongly influenced the amount of No simple association between algal growth and sediment accretion was found in Netarts Bay, although it was observed that Enteromorpha did trap large amounts of sediment. Mucus secreted by diatoms, blue-green algae, and flagellates also helps to bind sediment (Coles, 1979; Frostick and McCave, 1979). Organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment was related to mean grain size, with the highest mean concentration found at the SILT site and the lowest at the SMD site. Seasonal changes in organic matter corresponded to changes in plant, animal, and detrital biomass. Similar seasonal changes were observed in other estuaries (e.g., Edwards, 1978; Cadée and Hegeman, 1977). In Netarts Bay, there were no large differences between organic matter concentration in the top cm of sediment and that at the 4 to 5 cm depth. However, differences in the chemical composition of organic matter may vary with depth as sediment is disturbed by benthic animals (Johnson, 1977). In Netarts Bay, large amounts of Enteromorpha and Zostera were transported to the strand line at 1.0 m above MLLW during the summer and the fall. This accumulation occurred primarily on the shores furthest away from the mouth of the bay. The material was fragmented and incorporated as organic matter into the intertidal sediments rapidly during these seasons. Josselyn and Mathison (1980) also observed large biomasses of macrophyte litter at the strand line in Great Bay, New Hampshire, reporting that seaweeds composed 35 to 85% of the material thoughout the year. In general, chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment was higher at the SILT site than at the SAND site. A similar pattern was found for other estuaries (Cad&e and Hegeman, 1977; Coles, 1979; Colijn and Dijkema, In Netarts Bay, there was a relatively high concentration of chloro- 1981). phyll a in the top cm of sediment at 2.0 m above MLLW, a pattern apparently related to abundant soil moisture and the lack of benthic animals. algae also were common at this location. Blue-green At lower tidal heights at the SILT site (< 1.5 m above NLLW), the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment was the same or lower than that at the FINE SAND and SAND sites. At these tidal heights, the flora was dominated by epipelic and epipsammic diaChlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment at the FINE SAND toms. site at 2.0 in above MLLW was maximum during the summer, a maximum that was probably related to high moisture, abundant blue-green algae, and the lack of benthic animals. The SAND site had low chlorophyll a concentrations, a pattern associated with a wave-exposed beach which lacked moisture during exposure to the air. Animal holes in the sediment, made primarily by Callianassa, were abundant at all study sites at the tidal height of 1.5 m above MLLW. These perforations resulted in a decrease in chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment expressed on an areal basis. Animal holes were more abundant at the SILT site than at the FINE SAND and SAND sites at tidal heights less than 1.5 m above MLLW. sites. However, at these tidal heights, benthic animals were abundant at all Other factors limiting microalgal biomass at the study sites were scouring and turbidity associated with water movements and interactions with Enteromorpha and Zostera. At times, both Enteromorpha and Zostera shaded sediment-associated microalgal populations and also competed with microalgac for space. Large "ropes" of Enteromorpha became entangled in Zostera beds and trapped large amounts of sediment, an event which inhibited the growth of microalgae. Similar factors apparently limited the production of microalgae during long-term studies in salt marshes (Gallagher and Daiber, 1974; Van Raalte, et al., 1976). The ratio of the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment to the concentration at the 4 to 5 cm depth was highest at 2.0 m above MLLW at all three intensive study sites. The 2.0 m transect at the SAND site was a relatively barren beach strand line, while the 2.0 m transects at the FINE SAND and SILT sites had compacted subsurface sediments. At these sites, high ratios apparently were associated with the relative stability of these sediments and the poor survival of subsurface populations of microalgae once they have been buried in compacted subsurface sediment. At transects lower than 2.0 m above MLLW, animal activity and scouring disturbed the sediment and lowered the chlorophyll a ratio. The complicated temporal pattern of chlorophyll a distribution apparently was controlled by sediment moisture, animal activity, macrophyte cover, water currents, and wave action. Maximum chlorophyll a concentrations were observed in the spring during a period of relatively high microalgal growth and inactivity of benthic animals and again in the fall during fair weather and a decrease in animal activity. Experiments in the field and in the laboratory have indi- cated that benthic animals inhib±ted xnicroalgal biomass accumulation signifi- -87- candy (see later section of this report; Admiraal, 1977d; Coles, 1979). In other estuaries, chlorophyll a concentration near the sediment surface also was related negatively to wave action, water currents, and storm activity (Pamatmat, 1968; Gallagher and Daiber, 1974; Colijn and Dikjema, 1981). Maximum gross primary production occurred during the summer at all three intensive study sites. Although large plants of Enteromorpha were excluded from production measurements, sporelings were present in the sediment at the SAND and FINE SAND sites and presumably contributed significantly to sedimentassociated gross primary production in the summer. When Enteromorpha was excluded, the mean hourly rates of gross primary production were similar for all intensive study sites. This is in contrast to the mean chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment which was highest at the SILT site. The growth of blue-green algae at 2.0 m above MLLW contributed large biomasses at this site but apparently did not increase the hourly rate of gross primary production. Other studies have detected a diurnal rhythm of sediment-associated algal primary production (Pamatmat, 1968; Gallagher and Daiber, 1974). such rhythms were found during the daylight hours in Netarts Bay. However, no Other factors which were not measured in Netarts Bay, but could possibly explain variation in primary production, include microalgal migration in the sediment, sediment stability, grazing pressure, and import-export of microalgal biomass (Cadêe and Hegeman, 1974; Pamatmat, 1968). Light intensity at the intertidal sites was usually 10 to 20% of full sunlight, an intensity that was above the level necessary for light saturation of photosynthesis (Admiraal, 1977a; Colijn and van Buurt, 1975). Exceptions to this included days of heavy cloud cover and fog and periods of wind-induced wave activity which stirred up the sediments in certain areas. Apparently photosynthesis was controlled by daylength, which was determined by cloud cover, turbidity, water depth, and sunrise-sunset times. The control of photosynthesis in sediment-associated microalgae by daylength also has been observed in other estuaries (Cad&e and Hegeman, 1974; Admiraal and Peletier, 1980; Pamatmat, 1968). Maximum community oxygen uptake occurred during summer, corresponding to increases in temperature, organic matter concentration and metabolic activity. A similar pattern was found by Pamatmat (1968) and Duff and Teal (1965). The FINE SAND site apparently had the most favorable conditions for the growth of animals and plants. Apparently community oxygen uptake was not limited by substrate concentration, as the mean organic matter concentration was highest at the SILT site while the mean oxygen uptake was maximum at the FINE SAND site. Some earlier work indicated that community oxygen uptake may be corre- lated with organic matter concentration (Pamatmat, 1975; Edwards, 1978). Much of the organic matter at the SILT site was refractory (e.g., twigs and leaves) and derived from terrestrial sources. This material was probably relatively unavailable to the detrital food web. Further research is necessary to parti- tion the various organic components in estuaries into available and unavailable fractions (Johnson, 1977). The highest ratios of daily gross primary production to daily community oxygen uptake occurred at the SAND site when sporelings and young plants of Enteromorpha were dominant. The communities at the SILT and the FINE SAND sites had ratios below unity and were, therefore, supported in part by detrital inputs. The ratio of gross primary production to chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment was relatively constant throughout the year at all three intensive study sites. Chiorophyllides which are included in the measurement of chlorophyll a represent a possible source of variation in the estimated ratio of gross primary production to chlorophyll a concentration, as chlorophyllides are not photosynthetically active pigments (Whitney and Darley, 1979). Moreover, chlorophyll a sampled from the top cm of sediment included microalgal biomass, which was below the level of 1% of the surface light intenstiy (1.3 to 2.6 mm depth) an intensity at which photosynthesis is equal to or below respiratory losses. Also, diurnal rhythms of microalgal migration and photosynthetic activity control the proportion of biomass able to photosynthesize in the surface sediments (Pamatmat, 1968; Taylor, 1964); and seasonal variations in the ratio of carbon to chlorophyll a may account for fluctuations in the ratio of gross primary production to chlorophyll a (Jonge, 1980). Jonge (1980) found a negative correlation between microalgal growth rate and the ratio of carbon to chlorophyll a in estuarine sediment for a period of one year. A summary of the seasonal and annual production dynamics of microalgal assemblages for the three intensive study sites is presented in Tables 15-17. Mean microalgal biomass, gross primary production, and community oxygen uptake were calculated from data reported in Figures 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, assuming a carbon to chlorophyll a ratio of 83.49. Estimates of microalgal respiration, net primary production, and non-algal oxygen uptake are based on the assumption that the hourly rate of algal respiration is 29% of the hourly rate of gross primary production. These assumptions are derived from experimental work 1 Table 15. Estimates of seasonal sediment-associated mean microalgal biomass and microalgal production in Netarts Bay at the SAND site. The The variables, tidal levels are 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 in above MLLW. expressed as g Cm2, include: mean seasonal and annual biomass of microalgae (BIOMASS), and the seasonal (90 days) and annual (360 days) gross primary production (GPP), microalgal respiration (RESP), net primary production (NPP), community oxygen uptake (OUPTK) and non-algal community oxygen uptake (NON-ALGAL OtJPTK). Seasonal rates were calculated by multiplying hourly rates by daylenth and adding The hourly rate of daily rates for the appropriate period. iuicroalgal respiration was assumed to be 29% of the mean hourly rate of gross primary production, a value determined by laboratory experiments (see page in this report). NON-ALGAL OUPTK equals OUPTK - RESP. NON-ALGAL Season BIOMASS GPP RESP NPP OIJPTK OUPTK Winter 0.5 in 1.0 in 1.5 in Spring 0.5 m 1.0 m 1.5 in Summer 0.5 in 1.0 m 1.5 in 4.61 5.00 1.44 9.54 18.00 18.60 8.97 17.17 17.83 0.57 0.83 0.77 13.44 9.78 4.54 4.47 ** ** 7.32 4.16 2.30 30.45 32.76 16.97 21.30 23.30 11.91 9.15 9.46 5.06 32.61 45.47 14.79 11.31 22.17 2.88 6.50 10.20 2.17 56.67 125.18 21.59 34.01 75.57 13.03 22.66 49.61 8.56 39.24 60.04 23.46 5.23 ** 10.43 6.44 5.99 1.85 10.88 28.53 17.70 8.84 23.81 16.38 2.04 4.72 1.32 24.35 24.74 7.23 15.51 0.93 ** 6.22 6.34 1.94 107.54 204.47 74.86 73.12 139.85 59.15 34.42 64.62 15.71 109.64 140.03 50.02 36.52 23.10 13.31 Fall 0.5 in 1.0 in 1.5 in Annual 0.5 in 1.0 in 1.5 in **Indication of a negative value for NON-ALGAL OUPTK; negative values are assumed to be zero for the estimation of annual NON-ALGAL OUPTK. -91- Table 16. Estimates of seasonal sediment-associated mean microalgal biomass and microalgal production in Netarts Bay at the FINE SAND site. Variables The tidal levels are 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m above MLLW. and method of calculation are the same as described for Table 15. BIOMASS GPP RESP NPP OUPTK NON-ALGAL OUPTK 2.59 5.62 9.50 15.83 11.88 9.00 14.77 11.01 0.50 1.06 0.87 13.00 26.09 26.16 4.00 11.32 15.15 7.07 5.70 5.69 21.92 28.85 29.21 14.06 17.73 18.77 7.86 11.12 10.44 45.62 54.33 58.22 31.56 36.60 39.45 3.35 4.88 4.95 101.92 75.11 114.72 64.50 44.66 67.52 37.42 30.45 47.20 36.57 83.37 124.78 38.71 57.26 4.05 4.08 18.00 25.91 6.83 12.00 20.09 5.51 6.00 5.82 1.32 21.00 84.35 15.89 9.00 64.26 10.38 5.21 4.31 5.09 151.34 145.70 162.64 99.56 97.25 102.81 51.78 48.45 59.83 116.19 248.14 225.05 44.56 150.89 122.24 - ** **Indication of a negative value for NON-ALGAL OUPTK; negative values are assumed to be zero for the estimation of annual NON-ALGAL OUPTK. -92- Table 17. Estimates of seasonal sediment-associated mean microalgal biomass and aicroalgal production in Netarts Bay at the SILT site. The tidal levels are 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m above MLLW. Variable and method of calculation are the same as described for Table 15. BIOMASS GPP 5.81 14.50 5.99 NON-ALGAL OUPTK RESP NPP 21.46 14.20 13.65 19.91 13.28 12.99 1.55 0.92 0.66 28.85 39.66 35.16 8.94 26.38 22.17 4.33 4.14 5.68 20.60 10.88 22.86 13.59 7.83 15.15 7.01 3.05 7.71 46.98 18.15 34.44 33.39 10.32 19.29 2.21 2.37 3.50 11.32 27.63 14.32 6.96 16.82 8.89 4.36 10.81 5.43 25.84 49.25 56.96 18.88 32.43 48.07 3.42 3.33 4.84 10.64 11.02 37.08 9.04 7.74 19.23 1.60 3.28 17.85 28.79 35.96 48.06 19.75 28.22 28.83 3.94 6.09 5.00 64.02 63.73 87.91 49.50 45.67 56.26 14.52 18.06 31.65 130.46 162.83 174.62 80.96 117.16 118.36 OIJPTK -93- presented in a later section of this report (page 109). In several cases for the SAND and FINE SAND sites, the latter assumption generated a negative value for non-algal oxygen uptake, indicating that microalgal respiration was probably less than the assumed 29%. In general, the annual rates of gross primary production for the three intensive study sites were well within the range of values reported in the literature for similar habitats (Table 18). Annual gross primary production varied from 74.86 to 204.47 g C m2, both extremes occurring at the SAND site. Maximum microalgal production at the SAND and FINE SAND sites occurred in the summer at tidal levels where sporelings of Enteromorpha were prominent. Production at the SILT site, where Enteromorpha did not occur, was less variable with the maximum in the fall at 1.5 m above MLLW. This site also exhib- ited an unusually high mean biomass at 1.0 m above MLLW during the winter when gross primary production was a little below the average for all seasons. Possible explanations for this inconsistency include: (1) an underestimation of net primary production either by an over estimation of microalgal respir- ation or by an under estimation of gross primary production; (2) over estimation of microalgal biomass; and (3) microalgal heterotrophy. If rates of gross primary production were markedly higher on exposed sediment than on inundated sediment, our method of measurement could have provided an underestimate for this variable. Furthermore, heterotrophic growth of sediment- associated microalgae has been reported by Admiraal and Peletier (1979), Jorgensen et al. (1980), McLean et al. (1981), and Hellebust and Lewiri (1977). In particular, the work of Admiraal and Peletier (1979) suggest that at least some diatoms associated with fine sediment particles can grow almost as rapidly in the dark as in the-light if a suitable organic substrate is available. The potential of the diatom flora at the SILT site for hetero- -94- Table 18. Annual rates of benthic microalgal primary production reported in selected studies. Rate Study Location (g c m2 yr') 1. Steele & Baird (1968) beach sand 4-9 2. Pomeroy (1959) Georgia salt marsh 200 3. Grontved (1960) Danish fjords 116 4. Cadee & Hegeman (1974) Western Wadden Sea 100 5. Cadee & Hegeman (1977) Western Wadden Sea 29-188 6. Pamatmat (1968) False Bay, San Juan Island 143-226 7. Gallagher & Daiber (1974) Delaware salt marsh 8. Marshall et al. (1971) Southern New England 100 9. Leach (1970) Northern Scotland mudflat 31 Riznyk & Phinney (1972) Yaquina estuary, Oregon: Southbeach (sandy silt) Sally's Bend (fine silt) 10. Netarts Bay: SAND FINE SAND SILT 38-99 275-325 0-125 129* 153* 72* *Values represent the mean of values for the three tidal levels (0.5 in, and 1.5 in above MLLW). 1.0 m, -95- trophic growth is unknown. However, the survival of diatoms at 18 cm below the surface of the sediment was reported by Riznyk (1969) for assemblages in Yaquina Bay, suggesting the possibility of heterotrophic nutrition or a temporary decrease in metabolic rate during burial (McIntyre et al., 1970). Sources of carbon for non-algal community oxygen uptake probably included both algal and non-algal organic matter. At the SAND, FINE SAND, and SILT sites, 100%, 50%, and 20%, respectively, of the carbon for metabolism could have been derived from microalgae which were available during the entire year. The remaining carbon was probably supplied by detrital sources from other areas. Other studies have found that detritus is a major source of carbon to estuarine secondary production (Pomeroy et al., 1977; Tenore, 1977). of detrital carbon to Netarts Bay included Enteromorpha, Zostera fungi, animals, and microalgae. , Sources bacteria, There did not appear to be major contribu- tions of carbon from the marsh because of the limited export of particulate matter from the area. However, studies have shown that some of this high marsh production may be exported as energy to the intertidal habitats in the form of dissolved reduced inorganic sulfur compounds and used chemotrophically by anaerobic organisms while their carbon source is carbon dioxide (Howarth and Teal, 1979). The contribution to net primary production by Enteromorpha (2800 g c m2 yr1) was a large seasonal input of organic matter into Netarts Bay, especially during the summer and fall. Similar patterns of Enteromorpha growth were observed in other estuaries (Conover, 1958; Nienhuis, 1970). By comparison, microalgae supplied a much smaller proportion of organic matter to the total net primary production of algae in the bay (15 to 65 g C m2 yr). However, this microalgal contribution is also important and represents a significant source of food which is available throughout the year for benthic organisms (Baillie and Welsh, 1980; Ribelin and Collier, 1980). In conclusion, it was evident that microalgal production and biomass in Netarts Bay was controlled by daylength, temperature, water currents, sediment moisture and stability, animals, and macrophyte cover. Nutrients did not appear to limit microalgal growth, apparently because of the abundance of nutrients in the intertidal sediments (Admiraal, 1977b, d; Cardon, 1981). The possibility of heterotrophic growth in microalgae was suggested by the presence of relatively high biomasses of microalgae during periods of low net primary production in the winter on sediment with high concentrations of organic matter. The sediment communities at the FINE SAND and SILT sites obtained at least half or more of their carbon from detrital sources other than in situ microalgal net primary production. However, Enteromorpha and Zostera production in the bay provided large supplies of carbon for sediment community metabolism during the summer and fall. II. Experimental Studies of Estuarine Benthic Algae Laboratory studies were designed to investigate relationships between sediment-associated estuarine algae and physical factors affecting their growth. Specific objectives of this research included: (a) the determination of the relationship between light intensity and gross photosynthesis in assemblages of sediment-associated algae; (b) the determination of the relationship between temperature and community metabolism in sediment-associated algal assemblages; and (c) the determination of the relationships between biomass and metabolic rates and between biomass and chlorophyll a in populations of epipelic diatoms and macroalgae isolated from sediment-associated -97- algal assemblages. Experiments corresponding to these objectives were con- ducted at the Oregon State University Marine Science Center (Newport, Oregon) and nearby tidal flats in Yaqunia Bay. Results from these experiments were used to help understand mechanisms that accounted for the production dynamics of algal assemblages in Netarts Bay and for the estimation of parameters compatible with our structural model of the Algal Primary Production subsystem. Yaguina Yaquina Estuary (44°35' N; 124°04' W) drains 656 km2 of the Coast Range (Fig. 21) and is Oregon's fifth largest estuary, with a surface area of 1583 hectares, of which 548 hectares is tideland and 1035 hectares is subtidal. The estuary is subjected to mixed semi-diurnal tides and is classified as a partly-mixed system in the winter and spring and a well-mixed system during the summer and fall. Maximum tidal range is 3.0 m. Mean low water (MLW) and the mean high water (MHW) are 0.5 m and 2.0 m above the mean lower low water datum (MLLW), respectively. Daylight hours in Newport vary from 8.5 perday in June to 15.5 per day in December. estuary is complex. The salinity pattern in the In the summer, upwelled bottom water from off the Oregon coast combines with insignificant fluviatile input to account for a relatively high salinity (33 to 35 0/00) in Yaquina Bay. In the winter, high freshwater discharge is responsible for salinities as low as 8 0/00 at the Marine Science Center during low tide. During a complete tidal cycle, 707 of the water in the bay is exchanged with ocean water (Goodwin et al., 1970). During an -98-- OREGON I OCEAN I YAQLJ/NA BA :::.. ,, ------- % OREGON Figure 21. I . Y:: - o : METERS gri' . 5f : . .. '- . :. .. wg / ... . .. -\ . . --I S I - -- N Map of Yaquina Bay with arrows indicating location of intensive study sites. S. entire year, water temperature over the sediment flats usually ranges from 6°C to 20°C, and the air temperature over exposed sediment flats ranges from 0°C to 30°C. Methods 1. Primary Production Gross primary production and community oxygen uptake were estimated in the laboratory from oxygen measurements in stirred, light and dark chambers designed to hold intact cores of sediment. Between March and September, measurements were made in plexiglas chambers which were 32.5 cm long and had an internal diameter of 14.5 cm (Fig. 22). Each chamber held three intact sediment cores, and these cores were 5 cm deep with a total sediment surface area of 136.08 cm2. The chambers were filled with 5.7 1 of filtered seawater, sealed and placed into a water bath. through tygon tubing by a pump. Water in each chamber was circulated Rates of oxygen evolution were based on measurement periods of 0.5 to 1.0 hour between initial and final readings. Measurements of dissolved oxygen were made polarographically with an Orbisphere salinity-corirected dissolved oxygen system by inserting the oxygen probe into a pot connected to the water circulation line. Between October and May, estimates of primary production were made in vertical plexiglas chambers described in an earlier section of this report (Fig. 9 and page 44); the methods were essentially the same as those used for the field work. Rates of net community production or oxygen uptake were measured when either type of chamber was exposed to light or darkened by covering with a sheet of black plastic, respectively. All chambers were preiricubated in the dark for 1.0 hour before incubations under sunlight or incandescent and cool- IJ! - - r .. COOLING COILS PUMP PLEXIGLAS CHAMBER FOR 02 METABOLISM CHAMBER 02 PROBE PORT BUNG RUBBER 0/ / ATER FLOW GASKET - -..--'- L..... . . I _i DIagram of a plexiglas chamber from measuring oxygen productl9n and uptake of intact sediment cores and macroalgae. -- - - - FJgire 22. I PVC HOLDER CORER CORER SEDIMENT ALGAE AND - -10 1- white flourescent lamps. Fiberglass screening was used as a neutral density filter to reduce light Intensity when required. Simultaneous incubations of intact sediment cores in both types of chamber indicated that there were no significant differences in primary production attributable to chamber type. Computations of gross primary production from the oxygen data were made following the same procedure described in an earlier section (see page 47 of this report). 2. Biomass Microalgal biomass expressed as the concentration of chlorophyll a was determined following the procedure described earlier on page 47 of this report. Macroalgal biomass samples were rinsed in fresh water, weighed, dried at 70°C for 48 hours, and reweighed. Dried samples were ignited in a muffle furnace at 450°C for 24 hours and reweighed to estimate weight of organic matter. The chlorophyll a concentration in macroalgae was determined by the method described for uiicroalgae using approximately 1.0 g wet weight of algae per sample. Carbon content was estimated by multiplying the weight of organic matter by 0.5 (Vollenweider, 1974). 3. Isolation of Diatom Assemblages Motile, epipelic diatoms were isolated from sediment samples obtained each season during an entire year at intensive study sites in Yaquina Bay using the method of Jonge (1980). Approximately 1000 cm3 of the top cm of sediment were taken from the field and transported to the laboratory. This sediment was mixed with 100 ml of sand-filtered, UV-treated seawater (30 to 33 0/00 salinity) and spread out in a shallow tray, 40 by 50 cm. quartz sand (125 to 250 Clean white m particle diameter) was spread over the sediment in -102- a 1 nun layer, and three layers of lens tissue were placed over the sand and the sediment. The entire tray was covered with clear plastic and incubated for 36 hours at 15°C and a light intensity of 150 11E m2 sec1 After the incubation period, the lens tissue was lifted off the sediment and mixed with 500 ml of sand-filtered, UV-treated seawater. The mixture was filtered through four layers of 2.5 mm thick foam plastic and then through a 55 m Nitex(u mesh net. The foam plastic filtered Out lens tissue fibers, and the net filtered out small animals. Microscopic inspection confirmed that the light brown-colored suspension contained primarily diatoms and few bacteria or flagellates. The diatom suspension obtained from the isolation procedure was used to establish relationships between primary production and chlorophyll a, organic matter and chlorophyll a and for measurements of algal respiration. Four replicate 50-nil screw-cap test tubes with a diatom sample were incubated for 0.5 hr at a light intensity of 210 1E m2 sec, a temperature of 14°C, and a salinity of 30 to 33 /oo. under similar conditions. Samples also were incubated in the dark for 0.5 hr Measurements of oxygen concentration and calcula- tion of production were performed as described above. After these measure- ments, 50 ml samples of diatom suspensions were filtered on pre-ashed glass fiber filters, and chlorophyll a was extracted from four filters in acetone using methods described above. Also, four filters were dried at 70°C for 24 hrs and reweighed to determine dry weight. Then these filters were ignited in a muffle furnace at 450°C for 24 hr and reweighed to determine weight of organic matter. Carbon content was estimated by multiplying the weight of organic matter by 0.5 (Vollenweider, 1974). -103-- 4. Physical Variables Light intensity was measured in -'E m2 sec1 photosynthetically active radiation using a Licor® quantum meter. metal or thermistor probes. Temperature was measured using bi- A temperature-compensated AO Goldberg® refracto- meter was used to measure salinity. Results 1. Experiments With Intact Sediment Cores The relationship between light intensity and gross primary production of intact sediment cores was investigated in March, August, and September, 1980 (Figure 23). Experiments A, B, and C were conducted outdoors under natural sunlight and fiberglass screens, while experiment F was performed in the laboratory under a fluorescent-incandescent lamp fixture and fiberglass screens. Mean microalgal biomasses, expressed as mg chlorophyll a m2 in the top cm of sediment, for two replications (i.e., two respirometers with intact sediment cores) during experiments A, B, C, and F were 134, 199, 213, and 115, respectively. Data from the experiments suggested that the relationship between light intensity and gross primary production was approximately linear at intensities between zero and250 PE m2 sec, except in experiment C where the linear segment was between zero and about 150 UE m2 sec. linear segment from zero to 248 The equation for a 'E m2 sec' estimated from data pooled for all four experiments is GPP = 0.59 I, where GPP is the rate of gross primary production expressed as mg C m2 hr and I is the light intensity. To estijnate the asymptotic maximum rate (max 4Il L. - 200 0 0 (I) (I) a- >- a- a:: 50 z'50 0 I0 0 0100 0 E tJ -c 250 [SJ Figure 23. 400 600 s 800 ,, Relatlonntiip between grons primary production and light Intensity. Data correspond to experiments A (open squares), B (triangles), C (solid squares), and F (hexagons). See text (or curve fitting procedure. LIGHT INTENSITY (tE m2 sec') 200 'I.I.IsJ p1 -105- and the shape of the curves above 248 UE m2 sec, several functions were examined for experiments A, B, and C. The rectangular hyperbola, a function commonly used as a model of photosynthesis-light relationships (Lederman and Tett, 1981), generated 'max estimates of 284 (A), 269 (B), and 172 (C) g C m hr1, values that were inconsistent with the distribution of the data points. This model forced the curve through the origin and, in this case, provided relatively high estimates of 'max A more satisfactory estimate was obtained by the exponential model: GPP=B0-B2e where -B2 I is equal to 1'max Curves generated by this function for experiments A, B, and C are plotted in Figure 23. The curves for experiments A and B intersect the linear segment at 267 and 260 3iE m2 sec, while the curve for experiment C does not intersect the linear segment; the latter curve is ter- minated at an intensity of 157 liE m2 sec. Estimates of max for experi- ments A, B, and C from the exponential model are 233, 181, and 136 mg C m2 hr, respectively. Data in Figure 23 indicate that the onset of light saturation of photo- synthesis (1k) occurs between 200 and 400 jE m2 seC'. Here is defined as the light intensity at which extrapolations of the linear segment and the light-saturated region of the GPP-intensity curve intersect (Talling, 1957). For our purposes, 1k = Pm/O.S9, where max is estimated by the exponential model and 0.59 is the slope of the linear segment. experiments A, B, and C are 395, 307, and 231 Therefore, 1k values for E m2 sec, respectively. The effect of temperature on rates of gross primary production and oxygen uptake in assemblages of sediment-associated microalgae was investigated in -106- May, 1981 (Tables 19 and 20). Each experiment consisted of three replica- tions, i.e., three respirometers with intact sediment cores; and sediment cores for each replication were collected from two intertidal levels in Yaquina Bay: 1.9 m and 1.0 m above MLLW. The mean chlorophyll a concen- tration in the top cm of the sediment cores was 151 mg m2 and the corre- sponding standard deviation was 21.7 mg m2. Water temperature in Yaquina Bay during April and May varied between 11° and 14°C. The temperature range under investigation was from 7°C to 17°C, a range between the maximum and minimum annual values recorded for the bay. The light intensity during the primary production measurements was 600 .iE if2 sec, an intensity well above the values determined during the experiments illustrated in Figure 23. Data are reported as hourly rates and Q10 values, where 10/(t -t ) 10- r2r1 The temperature coefficient (Q10) is a multiplier that predicts the rate for a 10°C change in temperature, t2 and t1 are the upper and lower temperatures of the range under consideration, and r2 and r1 are metabolic rates corresponding to t2 and t1, respectively. Rates of gross primary production varied betwen 24.68 and 252.30 mg C if2 hr 19). depending on temperature, experiment number, and replication (Table Therefore, estimates of Q10 at light saturation were based on a set of samples representing a wide range of photosynthetic capacities. The mean Q10 value for three replications of each of four experiments (n = 12) was 2.05 with a standard error of 0.15. There was no significant correlation between the mean rate of gross primary production for a particular replication and its Experiment Table 19. 36.85 85.04 14.0 7.0 16.0 8.0 15.0 181.65 127.00 151.92 144.12 162.13 +1.9 +1.9 49.35 24.68 246.63 145.52 175.76 141.74 119.06 7.0 154.02 +1.1 139.85 2.69 2.53 2.83 45.36 52.43 55.52 52.43 32.90 1.59 40.10 33.93 1.86 100.16 113.39 102.05 2.43 51.03 48.19 2.30 249.47 252.30 1.68 99.22 249.47 2.24 1.51 164.42 1.42 147.41 1.46 113.39 107.72 107.72 GPP 17.0 Q10 152.52 GPP 76.54 Q10 8.0 GPP 137.51 Q10 +1.1 GPP Temperature Biomass Level 2 Mean Tidal Replication Mean 2.04 2.45 2.25 1.46 Q10 Temperature range was from 7°C to 17°C; salinity was 30 0/00, and light Mean biomass for three replications at each temperature is intensity was 600 liE m2 sec. Data corresponds to samples from 1.9 m and 1.0 m above MLLW. expressed as mg chlorophyll a n12. values for intact sediment cores from Yaquina Bay. The rate of gross primary production (mg C m2 hr') at different water temperatures and corresponding Q10 -107- 4 3 I Experiment Table 20. +1.9 +1.9 +1.1 +1.1 Level Tidal 30.67 54.52 17.0 7.0 14.0 152.52 154.02 181 .65 8.0 15.0 162.13 25.95 11.12 23.85 16.0 151 .92 144.12 6.81 7.0 127 .00 40.88 17.04 8.0 137.51 OUPTK Temperature Bloma ss Mean 1 3.36 4.03 2.27 2 .64 Q10 29.66 37.07 29.66 22.24 1.15 30.67 27.26 6.81 6.81 4.67 61.33 54.52 40.89 37.48 37.48 1 .71 3 OUPTK 61 .33 2.36 Q1 44.29 20.44 0 UPTK 2 Replica t ion 1.38 5.32 1.78 1.73 Q10 30.89 21 .01 27.26 6.81 56.79 36.35 48.84 24.99 OUPTK Mean 1.96 4.67 1.92 2.24 Q10 The rate of oxygen uptake (OUPTK) expressed as carbon equivalent (mg C m hr') at different water temperatures Mean biomass for three replications at and corresponding Qio values for Intact sediment cores from Yaqulna Bay. each temperature Is expressed as mg chlorophyll a m2. Temperature range was from 7°C to 17°C; salinity was 30 0/00. Data corresponds to samples from 1.9 m and 1.0 m above MLLW. -108- -109- corresponding Q10 value (r = -0.08 with 10 d.f.). However, the mean Q10 value was significantly higher for samples obtained at + 1.9 m above samples obtained at + 1.0 m above MLLW MLLW than for (t = 22.27 with 10 d.f.); the corre- sponding means were 2.23 and 1.87, respectively. Temperature coefficients for rates of oxygen uptake in the dark were more variable than values associated changes in the rate of gross primary production (Table 20). The mean Qç value for measurements of oxygen uptake (n = 12) was 2.70 with a standard error of 0.39. There was a significant negative correlation between the mean uptake rate for a replication and the corresponding Qi value (r = -0.72 with 10 d.f.). samples from 1.9 m above samples from 1.0 above MLLW MLLW Also, the mean Q10 value for was significantly higher than the mean for Ct = 10.04 with 10 d.f.); these means were 3.32 and 2.08, respectively. 2. Experiments With Isolated Epipelic Diatoms The procedure for isolating living epipelic diatoms from sediment samples provided the opportunity to estimate some useful ratios for sediment-associated microalgal assemblages. The ratios of interest were (1) biomass as ash- free dry weight to chlorophyll a (AFDW/CHLOR); (2) gross primary production to chlorophyll a (GPP/CHLOR); and (3) net primary production to gross primary production in the light (NPP/GPP). The ratio AFDW/CHLOR provided a basis for estimating autotrophic biomass in sediment-associated microalgal assemblages when such assemblages consist primarily of diatoms, while NPP/GPP provided corresponding estimates of respiratory losses. Results of experiments with isolated epipelic diatoms are presented in Tables 21-23. AFDW/CHLOR values varied from 107.55 to 254.98 with a mean for -110- all experiments of 166.98 and a standard error of 8.20 (Table 21). The lowest mean value for a particular experiment was obtained during January, and the most variation among replications occurred in an experiment conducted in February. Estimates of GPP for the calculation of GPP/CHLOR and NPP/GPP were based on the assumption that respiration in the dark was equal to respiration in the light. GPP/CHLOR values were considerably higher than values obtained for intact sediment cores (Tables 14 and 22) and were more similar to values reported for algal cultures and natural populations of phytoplankton (See Table 17 in Parsons et al., 1977). The mean value for seven experiments (28 replications) was 5.12, and the associated standard error was 0.40. The mean ratio of net primary production to gross primary production for seven experiments was 0.71 (Table 23) indicating that respiration was approximately 29% of GPP for an equivalent period of time. 3. Experiments With Isolated Macroalgae. Rates of primary production and biomass for sediment-associated macroalgae are summarized in Table 24. Three species of algae were studied: Enteromorpha prolifera (Mull.) J.Ag.; Ulva expansa (Setch.) S.&G.; and Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf. Rates of respiration per gram dry weight were similar for all three species, while rates of gross and net primary pro- duction were higher for Enteromorpha and Ulva than for Gracilaria. Maximum biomass at the intensive study sites and chlorophyll a concentration per gram dry weight were much higher for the green algae. However, gross primary production per mg chlorophyll a was higher for Gracilaria than for Ulva and Enteromorpha. Mean net primary production for Enteromorpha, Ulva, and Gracilaria, calculated from the specific rate and biomass estimates was 4.7, -111- Table 21. Ratio of blomass expressed as ash-free dry weight to chlorophyll a concen- tration in assemblages of epipelic diatoms isolated by the lens paper method from intertidal sediment samples from Yaquina Bay. Data include the ratio for each replication and the mean ratio and standard error for each experiment. Replication Date of s.E. Experiment 10/1/80 209.96 192.85 177.42 177.25 189.37 7.78 10/28/80 176.22 189.86 186.16 189.11 185.34 3.14 1/21/80 107.55 132.44 135.25 122.76 124.50 6.25 2/26/80 113.51 254.98 161.70 126.22 164.10 31.96 4/2/80 108.20 190.17 143.23 168.84 171.62 10.51 166.98 8.20 Pooled -112- Table 22. Ratio of gross primary production (mg C hr) to chlorophyll a (mg) in assemblages of epipelic diatoms isolated by the lens paper method from intertidal sediment samples from Yaquina Bay. The light intensity, temperature, and salinity during the experiments were 21O1 E m2 sec, Data include the ratio for 14°C, and from 30 to 33 0/00, respectively. each replication and the mean ratio and standard error for each experimen t. Date of Replication Experiment S.E. 2/26/81 5.58 5.47 6.91 6.48 6.11 0.35 3/14/81 2.29 2.43 2.43 3.54 2.67 0.29 4/2/81 3.07 3.49 2.86 3.18 3.15 0.13 5/9/81 3.13 2.23 2.78 4.17 3.08 0.41 10.49 7.37 6.44 7.01 7.83 0.91 11/9/81 6.91 6.40 6.43 6.92 6.67 0.14 12/11/81 6.27 5.57 6.10 7.46 6.35 0.40 5.12 0.40 10/30/81 Pooled -113- Table 23. Ratio of net primary production to gross primary production in assemblages of epipelic diatoms isolated by the lens paper method from intertidal sediment samples from Yaquina Bay. The light intensity, temperature, and salinity during the experiments were 210U E m2 sec1, 14°C, and from 3033 0/00, respectively. Data include the ratio for each replication and the mean ratio and standard error for each experiment. Replication Date of S.E. Experiment 2/26/81 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.00 3/14/81 0.41 0.50 0.50 0.69 0.53 0.06 4/2/81 0.88 0.87 0.88 0.86 0.87 0.00 5/9/81 0.30 0.40 0.55 0.30 0.39 0.06 10/30/81 0.80 0.73 0.81 0.82 0.79 0.02 11/9/81 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.74 0.76 0.02 12/11/81 0.82 0.76 0.79 0.74 0.78 0.02 0.71 0.03 Pooled -114- Table 24. Biomass and rates of primary production for sediment-associated macroalgae in Yaquina Bay. Species include: and Gracilaria verrucosa. Enteromorpha prolif era, Ulva expansa, Measurements were made at 13° to 15°C, a salin- ity of 30 0/00, and a light intensity of 600 include: E m2 sec. Variables respiration (RESP), net primary production (NPP), gross primary production (GPP), dry weight (DW), ash-free dry weight (AFDW), carbon (C) calculated as AFDW x 0.5, and chlorophyll a concentration (CHLR). Values are expressed as means of six replications with corresponding standard errors (SE). Biomass values correspond to the period of maximum standing crop which was from June to August for Enteroinorpha, July to September for Ulva, and March to May for Gracilaria. Ulva Enteroinorpha Variable S.E. S.E. 1. RESP (mg C g DW' 2. 3. GPP (mg C g DW1 4. DW 5. hr) Gracilaria S.E. 1.4 0.3 1.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 NPP (mg C g DW' hr') 9.5 1.2 10.3 0.4 7.6 1.2 hr) 10.9 0.9 11.7 0.8 8.5 1.1 497.8 69.6 411.9 65.9 19.5 2.2 AFDW (g f2) 323.6 48.5 267.7 25.2 13.1 2.2 6. C (g 161.8 24.3 133.9 8.03 6.5 1.1 7. CHLR/DW 2.5 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.9 0.1 8. CPP/CHLR (mg hr' mg) 4.4 0.4 6.2 0.5 9.4 0.9 9. Daylight NPP/GPP 0.87 0.04 0.88 0.02 0.88 0.03 *Npp (g m2) if2) (mg g) (g C m2 hr) *Estimated from 2 and 6 4.7 4.2 0.2 -115- 4.2, and 0.2 g C m2 h, respectively. Light saturation of macroalgal photo- synthesis was similar to that for rnicroalgae (200 to 400 -IE m2 sec). No inhibition of photosynthesis was noted at full sunlight (1500 to 2000 1E m2 sec1), although some bleaching of thalli was observed in the field when macroalgae were exposed to full sunlight at low tide. Interpretation of Experiments Results of the experiments relating gross primary production to light intensity indicated that the sediment associated microalgal assmeblages reached their light-saturated rate at an intensity between 10% and 20% of the intensity at full sunlight (1500 to 2000 1E m2 sec). Similar results were reported by Admiraal (1977) and Colijn and van Buurt (1975). photosynthesis was observed at 950 No inhibition of liE m2 sec, suggesting that the assem- blages, which consisted primarily of motile epipelic diatoms, were able to make vertical adjustments in the sediment that optimized growth and survival. Since the light intensity is about 1% of the surface intensity at a depth of 2 mm in the sediment (see page 58 of this report), such vertical adjustments in position require relatively little time. For example, a diatom moving at mean speed of 10 In sec', a reasonable estimate for motile forms (Harper, 1977), can descend from the sediment surface to a depth of two 2 mm in about 3 mm. Light-saturated rates of primary production for experiments A, B, and C apparently were not determined by the chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment, as the lowest rate (experiment C) was found for the assemblage with the highest chlorophyll concentration. The chlorophyll a concentrations in the experimental sediment cores were relatively high during all three -116- experiments, considerably higher than mean concentrations found between 0.5 m and 1.5 in above NLLW at the three intensive study sites at Netarts Bay (Table 6). Therefore, it is possible that microalgal assemblages in tidal flats under the influence of marine water can realize their maximum productive capacity at chlorophyll a concentrations below 100 mg ui2. Also, there is a strong possibility that the measurable chlorophyll in the top cm of sediment is not all involved in the photosynthetic process, either because of burial below the 2 mm level or because the analytical method fails to discriminate between chlorophyll a and chlorophyllides. A recent investigation of benthic autotrophy in the Columbia River estuary revealed a linear relationship between gross primary production and chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm up to concentrations as high as 400 mg ni2 (Table 14). However, the max- imum rate of gross primary production measured during the Columbia River study was 199 mg C m2 hr', a value less than the estimated iment A. value for exper- These data indicate that sediment chlorophyll in the lower Columbia River is less active in the photosynthetic process than that in Netarts Bay or Yaquina Bay. There is no clear explanation for this difference, although the study areas on the Columbia River are subjected to severe physical stress during periods of high freshwater discharge. tn general, an increase in temperature stimulated community oxygen uptake more than gross primary production. Similar observations were reported by Duff and Teal (1965), Pamatmat (1968), and Davies (1975). Phinney and Mclntire (1965) found that temperature can affect the rate of photosynthesis at light saturation in lotic periphyton assemblages. The Q10 value of 2 reported for the lotic assemblages was remarkably similar to the mean value of 2.05 obtained for the sediment-associated assemblages from Yaquina Bay. How- -117- ever, it is doubtful that temperature fluctuations accounted for a change in max from 136 mg C m2 hr A). (experiment C) to 233 mg C m2 hr (experiment Therefore, differences in 1'max were apparently related to differences in the physiological state of the experimental assemblages, although mechanisms responsible for this physiological variation are unclear. From the experimental work and observations at Netarts Bay and the Columbia River Estuary, max for sediment-associated diatom assemblages under the most favorable conditions for growth, i.e., optimum resources, tempera- ture, and biomass, must be in the neighborhood of 240 mg C m2 hr1. If the assemblages are exposed to an average input of light energy equivalent to 10 hr day above the saturation intensity for photosynthesis, the upper limit of gross primary production, i.e., the autotrophic potential for such communi- ties, is approximately 900 g C m2 yr'. Mclntire (1973) estimated that max under optimal conditions for lotic periphyton was about 1 g 02 m2 hr. Assuming a P.Q. of 1.2, the autotrophic potential for epilithic periphyton in streams is estimated to be 1,150 g C m2 yr. Values reported in the literature for sediment associated microalgal assemblages are usually about 25% or less of the estimated upper limit of 900 g C m2 yr (Table 18). Therefore, factors such as temperature, turbidity, sediment instability, animal activity, toxic metabolic byproducts, and nutrient limitation apparently prevent these assemblages from realizing their autotrophic potential. However, in the case of Yaquina Bay, some recent experiments indicate that sediment associated microalgal assemblages are not nutrient limited (Cardon, 1981). The mean ratio of gross primary production to the concentration of chlorophyll a in the top cm of sediment for the experimental work with intact cores was 0.66 mg C hr mg. This value was similar to the mean value found -118- for the pooled field data from Netarts Bay (0.48 mg C hr' mg) and to values found in other studies of sediment-associated microalgae (Colijn and van Buurt, 1975; Admiraal, 1977). The mean value for this ratio for pooled samples from the Columbia River estuary was 0.31 m C hr mg' (Table 14), indicating that the relationship between primary production and chlorophyll concentration is variable and may be an unreliable basis for predicting production dynamics in a particular estuary. Gross primary production of diatom assemblages isolated from the sediment was very similar to the gross primary production reported for phytoplankton assemblages (Steeman Nielsen and Hansen, 1959), indicating physiological similarities in photosynthesis between benthic and pelagic diatoms. Similar values have been obtained for berithic diatoms grown in liquid pure culture (Admiraal, 1977a). Apparently, conditions in the sediment prevent epipelic diatoms from attaining photosynthetic rates that they can realize isolated in a liquid suspension. Hourly net primary production averaged 71% of hourly gross primary production for isolated diatoms, assuming the respiratory rates in the light and dark were equal. Colijn and van Buurt (1975) measured net primary production of isolated diatoms, but their measurements did not include an estimate of respiration. Such information is useful in field studies when it is desirable to partition algal respiration from community oxygen uptake, as community oxygen uptake includes microbial, plant, and animal respiration as well as chemical oxygen uptake. Unfortunately, there is no satisfactory method for determining the ratio of net primary production to gross primary production in assemblages of sediment-associated microalgae. Our tentative estimate of 71% from suspensions of isolated epipelic diatoms may have been affected by bacterial contamination and the change from sediment contact to conditions in a culture vessel. -119- Although bacteria were not observed by direct microscopic examination of the isolated suspensions, they were probably responsible for some oxygen uptake Moreover, the availability of oxygen is undoubtedly during the experiments. variable among the different sediment types and between a given sediment type and conditions in the culture vessel, differences that limit the use of the laboratory results for indirect estimates of net primary production and algal respiration in the field. Pomeroy (1959) also estimated microalgal respira- tion by an indirect method and found net primary production to be not less than 90% of gross primary production. In our experiments with macroalgae, rates of respiration were about 15% of the rate of gross photosynthesis for an equivalent period of time. Estimates for macroalgae were probably more reli- able than those for the microalgal assemblages, as the ratio of macroalgal biomass to the biomass of bacterial contaminants was relatively large and experimental conditions for the macroalgae were more compatible with the natural conditions in the estuary than the environment of a culture vessel. The measurement of the ratio of biomass (ash-free dryweight) to chiorophyll a concentration in isolated assemblages of epipelic diatoms provided a basis for estimating autotrophic biomass in sediment-associated microalgal assemblages when diatoms dominated the flora. Assuming one-half of the biomass was carbon, the mean value for this ratio was approximately 84 mg C mg chlorophyll a. Jonge (1980) reported values for the Ems-Dollard estuary that ranged from 10.2 to 153.9 mg C mg1, and found that the ratio varied seasonally and from year to year. Mean values for three successive years were 40.3, 41.2, and 61.4 mg C mg, all of which are less than the mean estimated for the assemblages from Yaquina Bay. Howe er, Jonge's values were based on direct measurements of organic carbon, while in the research reported -120- here, biomass was measured as the weight lost after ignition, and carbon was estimated indirectly. In any case, estimates of autotrophic biomass in the sediment by the multiplication of chlorophyll concentrations by a biomass: chlorophyll ratio will be affected strongly by the physiological state of the biomass that was involved in the experimental determination of the ratio. Therefore, it is desirable to determine the ratio during the season when the biomass estimates are required, and to measure the biomass of the experimental assemblages in the same units needed for the field estimates. Ratios of gross primary production to chlorophyll a concentration for sediment associated macroalgae were similar to values obtained for isolated diatom assemblages, but from 10 to 20 times higher than corresponding values for micralgae in intact sediment. Production of Enteromorpha and Ulva in Yaquina Bay and Netarts Bay was higher than corresponding values reported for o'ther estuaries (Littler et a].., 1979; King and Schramm, 1976; Buesa, 1977; Conover, 1958), although specific rates of photosynthesis (i.e., the rate per unit of biomass) in the Oregon plants were similar to rates found for material from other geographical locations. Production estimates obtained during this study for Gracilaria were similar to values reported in the literature (Lapointe et al., 1976; Vawes et a].., 1978). Also, light saturation of macro- algal photosynthesis was similar to that for microalgal photosynthesis and that measured in other studies (King and Schramm, 1976; Dawes et a].., 1978; Ramus and Rosenberg, 1980). No inhibition of photosynthesis at full sunlight was observed. The net daily primary production of sediment-associated algae was estimated to compare the productive potential of green macroalgae, red macroalgae, and sediment-associated microalgae (Table 25). The daylengths corresponded to -121- Table 25. Daily net primary production of sediment-associated algae in Enteromorpha prolifera, Ulva expansa, Yaquina Bay. Algae are: Gracilaria verrucosa and sediment-associated microalgae (preValues are estimated from Tables 23 and 24, dominately diatoms). and from field observations. Dayiength is expressed as mean hours during the growing season, and biomass as mean values during the growing season. The growing season for Enteromorpha and Ulva was between June and August; for Gracilaria between March and May; and for microalgae between April and September. Enteromorpha and Ulva DAYLENGTH Gracilaria Microalgae 12 12 (hours) B I OMAS S 6.5 8.3 4.50 0.20 0.045 0.63 0.02 0.023 46.44 1.50 0.26 27.21 20.76 3.09 148.5 (g c ni2) NET PRODUGT ION (g C m2 h1) RESPIRATION (g C m2 h') DAILY NET PRODUCTION (g C m2 d1) z GROWTH/DAya % Growth/Day = 100 (in (Nt/No))/t; where N0 is the biomass at time zero, Nt is the biomass at time t and t is in days. -122- a period of maximum growth and biomass for each functional group at the intensive study sites. Net primary production and rates of respiration per hour for macroalgae were taken from Table 24. Microalgal biomass was estimated from chlorophyll a concentrations at the intensive study sites during the period of maximum growth. Net primary production and rates of respiration per hour were calculated from measurements of gross primary production and the mean ratio given in Table 23. Daily net primary production was estimated by subtracting the respiration during the dark hours of the day from the net primary production during the daylight hours. Macroalgae were very productive (20 to 27% growth per day), especially Enteromorpha and Ulva, which accounted for large seasonal inputs of organic matter into Oregon estuaries. Mean sediment-associated microalgal production in the summer was much less than that of macroalgae (3.09% growth per day). Admiraal and Peletier (1980) found similar growth rates in intact sedimentassociated diatom populations. Macroalge are probably able to grow at a much greater rate than sediment-associated microalgae because of their ability to live on the sediment and in the water column and their greater rate of photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll a. The macroalgae can absorb nutrients from the sediment at low tide and maximize light capture by becoming suspended in the water column during periods of inundation (Welsh, 1980). Sediment-associ- ated microalgae can also become suspended during inundation, but their growth is probably limited by turbidity created by sediment particles associated with the microalgae arid their mucus (Baillie and Welsh, 1980). III. Effects of Estuarine Infauna on Sediment-Associated Microalgae This section presents the results of research conducted in collaboration with Henry Lee, Marine Division of the Environmental Research Laboratory -12 3- (E.P.A.), Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon. National Research Council Fellowship with E.P.A. Dr. Lee was supported by a Also, we gratefully acknowledge helpful suggestions by D. J. Specht, R. C. Swartz, and G. E. Walsh, all of the Environmental Research Laboratory. Importance of biotic factors in regulating sediment-associated microalgae is poorly understood. Many epifaunal and infaunal deposit-feeders ingest and assimilate microalgae (Sanders et al., 1962; Levinton, 1980). Experimental manipulations of the estuarine gastropods Hydrobia spp. (Fenchel and Kofoed, 1976), Nassarius obsoletus (Say) (Pace et al., 1979), and Bembicium auratum (Quoy and Gainard) (Branch and Branch, 1980), demonstrated that epifaunal deposit-feeders can regulate microalgal biomass. A freshwater epibeñthic amphipod, Hyalella azteca (Sauggure), either stimulated or depressed microalgal production depending on amphipod density (Hargrave, 1970). Experimental studies of infaunal regulation of microalgae include the investigation by White et al. (1980) who found that the sand dollar, Mellita quinquiesperforata (Leske), had no significant effect on chlorophyll a concentrations in sediment and the study by Coles (1979), who gave qualitative evidence for infaunal regulation of microalgae. In some preliminary experiments, we observed that defaunated sediment developed a golden-brown "diatom" layer within a few days. These observations indicated that microalgal colonization was rapid and that infauna regulated niicroalgal production. To test these hypotheses colonization of defaunated sediment in the field we examined microalgal and laboratory. Here, we present results of these experiments and discuss the role of infauna in controlling sediment-associated microalgae. -124- Study Site Experiments were performed on an intertidal sand flat in Yaqunia Bay adjacent to the Oregon State University Marine Science Center and in a laboratory at the Marine Science Center. The field study site was 1.0 to 1.1 m above MLLW and was exposed twice daily for an average exposure of 6 hours per Maximum tidal amplitude in Yaqunia Bay is three meters. day. grain size was 2.64 phi, a fine sand. Sediment mean The microalgal community was composed primarily of a diverse assemblage of pennate diatoms (Amspoker and Mclntire, 1978). During the summer, the macroalgae Enteromorpha prolifera (Mull.) J. Ag. and Ulva expansa (Setch.) S.&G. covered a large portion of the study Rates of gross primary production by sediment-associated microalgae at site. this location ranged from 20 to 150 mg C m2 hr'. Methods 1. Experimental Design The effect of infauna on microalgae was evaluated by comparing microalgal biomass and production of an undisturbed sediment community with that of defaunated sediment. Defaunated sediment was sediment collected at the field site, sieved through a 1-mm mesh screen, and frozen for approximately one month. In the field experiment, defaunated sediment was placed in cylinders of fiberglass screening (1.5-mm mesh). These cylinders had a surface area of 411.9 cm2, were 10 cm deep, and were completely embedded within the sediment. Eight defaunated sediment cylinders and eight control plots (unmanipulated sediment) were randomly assigned to 57 cm x 57 cm plots within a 285 cm x 228 cm block. The experiment was initiated in June, 1980. Macroalgae were -125- periodically removed from the study site. Defaunated and control treatments were sampled 1, 10, and 40 days after transplanting the defaunated sediment At each sampling date, two defaunated cylinders and two con- into the field. trol plots were sampled. Three cores (45.6 cm2, 4 cm deep) were taken within each defaunated cylinder or control plot. These cores were brought into the laboratory and used to assess metabolic activity, chlorophyll a concentration, and macrofaunal abundance. In the laboratory experiment, cores (36.3 cm2, 4 cm deep) were either taken in the field or filled with defaunated sediment and then maintained in flowing seawater. Microalgae growing on defaunated sediment came from an initial inoculum of suspended microalgae originating from immersion of the control sediment into the water bath and by surviving microalgae. The sea- water was sand-filtered, UV-treated, and maintained at 11.0 ± 1.0°C and a salinity of 30 0/00. Light was supplied by cool-white fluorescent and incandescent sources at 150p E m2 sec photosynthetically active radiation with a 12-hour light and 12-hour dark photoperiod. Light was measured with a Licor® quantum meter and salinity with an A0 Goldberg® temperature-compensated refractometer. Metabolic activity, chlorophyll a concentration, and macro- faunal abundance were determined 1, 10, and 40 days after initiation of the experiment. dates. Three cores of both treatments were sampled on each of the three The laboratory experiment was initiated in January, 1981. To deter- mine the effects of maintaining cores in the laboratory, metabolic activity, chlorophyll a concentration, and animal abundance cere measured in three cores taken from the field one day before termination of the experiment (i.e., day 39). -126- 2. Metabolic Activity Gross primary production (GPP) and community oxygen uptake (OUPTK) were measured in the laboratory using changes of oxygen in stirred, light and dark chambers designed to hold intact cores of sediment (see page 44 of this report). In the field experiment, the three cores from a defaunated or control plot were incubated in 6.0-1 plexiglas chambers (Fig. 8). In the laboratory experiment, a 300-mi plexiglas chamber was used for each intact core (Figure 9). The large chamber required 1 hour dark and 1 hour light incubation for measurements of OUPTK and net community 02 production, respectively. Incubations were performed at 13 to 14°C, a light intensity of 210 i.iE m2 sec', and a salinity of 30 0/00. hour for each condition. The small chamber required one-half Oxygen was measured polarographically using an Orbisphere® salinity-compensated 02 system. GPP was calculated by adding OJJPTK to net community 02 production for an equivalent period of time. lated rates of GPP in tug 02m2hr were converted to mg Cm2hr' assundng a photosynthetic quotient of 1.2 (i.e., mg C in mg 02 m2 hr 3. 0.312 x tug 02), and OUPTK rates were converted to mg C m2 hr tient of 1.0 (i.e., mg C Calcu- assuming respiratory quo- 0.375 tug 02) (Westlake, 1965). Chlorophyll a Analysis The concentration of chlorophyll a in sediment samples was analyzed using the method of Strickland and Parsons (1972). After metabolic measurements, a core (4.15 cm2, 3 cm deep) for chlorophyll a analysis was taken from each larger core. These smaller cores were frozen intact and the top cm was sectioned off and then emersed in 90% acetone. The concentration of chloro- phyll a in the acetone extract was determined with a spectrophotometer, and the Lorenzen equation was used to calculate tug chlorophyll a m2, corrected -127- for pheaopigments. These values are not corrected for chlorophyllide, but are suitable for comparing the effect of grazing on adjacent plots (Pace et al., 1979; Whitney and Darley, 1979). 4. Macrofaunal Abundance After removing the subcores for the chlorophyll analysis, the remaining sediment in each field core (40.05 cm2) or laboratory core (32.15 cm2) was sieved through a 1.0 mm mesh screen. The macrofaunal residue was preserved in The macro- buffered 10% seawater formalin which was dyed with rose bengal. fauna was sorted later and identified under 12x magnification. 5. Statistical Analysis The significance of changes over time or differences between treatments was tested using SPSS programs (Nie et al., 1975). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for temporal changes with the defaunation and control treatments analyzed separately. Two-way ANOVA was used to test The for time, defaunatlon, and time by defaunation interaction effects. small-sample t-test was used to test differences between treatments at specific dates. Statistical significance was defined at P < .05. Infaunal abundance was transformed using the expression y = log10 (x + 1), where x was the numerical abundance. formed. Values for CHLR, GPP, and OUPTK were not trans- tn the field experiment, values obtained for three cores from each defaunated cylinder or control plot were averaged, resulting in two replications for each of the two treatments at each sampling date. In the laboratory experiment, each core was analyzed independently, resulting in three replications for each treatment at each sampling date. -128- Results 1. Field Defaunation Experiment Chlorophyll a concentration in control sediment decreased significantly during the 40-day experiment, whereas the concentration in defaunated sediment increased significantly during this period (Fig. 24). in a significant time by defaunation interaction. This pattern resulted Colonization of defaunated sediment by microalgae was evident as golden-brown patches where defaunated sediment had been transplanted. Neither gross primary production (Fig. 25) nor community oxygen uptake (Fig. 26) varied significantly over time or between control and defaunated sediments. Total infaunal abundance in control sediment did not vary significantly over time, while animals in defaunated sediment increased (P > .05) to control levels by day 40 (Fig. 27). A tanaid, Leptochelia dubia (Kr6yer) constituted > 63% of the individuals in defaunated and control sediment. Other abundant infaunal taxa were spinoids, capitel- lids, amphipods, and the venerid bivalve Transennella tantilla (Gould). Epi- faunal species were not abundant at this site. 2. Laboratory Defaunation Experiment The chlorophyll a concentration in control sediment did not vary significantly over time (Fig. 28). defaunation effects. Two-way ANOVA indicated significant time and By day 40, the chlorophyll a concentration was approx- imately four times greater In defaunated sediment than In control sediment (P < .05). Gross primary production in control sediment did not vary signifi- cantly over 40 days, but increased dramatically (P < .01) with time in defaunated sediment (Fig. 29). Two-way ANOVA indicated significant time and time by defaunation interactioneffects. Both effects resulted from the rate -129- o o 1) 0 U) 0 (\J (\J 0 2 o 0 LI) 200 i'tSE CONTROL I 41 £ DEFAUNATED ;- 150 E lao -J = C..) 50 14-1 l0 DAY JUNE FIELD EXPERIMENT 7±SE CONTROL £ DEFAUNATED 0 2 60 0 co 0 N (\1 N 0 E 40 c. 3- l0 DAY JUNE FIELD EXPERIMENT Concentratiofl of chlorophyll a and rate of gross primary Figures 24 and 25. production during the field defaunation experiment in June, 1980. Values are means of two replicates. -130- 00 30 80 N N 0 0N E 20 E cL 40 0 0 10 CONTROL 7±SE 20 £ DEFAUNATED 10 I 40 DAY JUNE FIELD EXPERIMENT tSE 80,000 CONTROL TANAIDS A CONTROL TOTAL 0 DEFAUNATED TANAIDS ADEFAUNATED TOTAL 60,000 (1) J 40,000 z 20,000 I. I0 D AY JUNE FIELD EXPERIMENT Figures 26 and 27. Rate of community oxygen uptake and abundance of animals during the field defaunation experiment in June, 1980. Values are means of two replicates. -131- 250 tSE 'CONTROL 6 DEFAUNATED 200 N 50 E -j 0 100 50 10 DAY JAN. LAB EXPERIMENT iI ±SE - CONTROL £ DEFAUNATED 200 N 0 !4o C, a0 00 C., 50 / DAY JAN. LAB. EXPERIMENT Figures 28 and 29. Concentration of- chlorophyll a and rate of gross primary production during the laboratory defaunation experiment in January, 1981. Values are means of three replicates. 33(' -132- of gross primary production in defaunated sediments starting from zero and reaching relative high values by day 10. By day 40, the rate was approx- imately two times greater in defaunated sediment than in control sediment. Oxygen uptake in the dark by control sediment did not vary significantly over time, while values for this variable increased in defaunated sediment by day 10 and then decreased to values similarto the controls by day 40 (Fig. 30). Two-way ANOVA indicated significant defaunation and time by defaunation interaction effects on oxygen uptake. Total infaunal abundance in control sediment did not vary significantly over time, whereas infaunal abundance in defaunated sediment was zero at days 1 and 10 and then increased to 311 tanaids per m2 by day 40 (Fig. 31). Leptochelia dubia constituted more than 75% of the individuals in control sediment. Other abundant taxa in control sediment included spionids, capitellids, and amphipods. There were no significant differences in chlorophyll a concentration, primary production, community oxygen uptake, or total infaunal abundance between control cores maintained in the laboratory for 40 days and cores taken in the field on day 39. Interpretation of Defaunation Experiments Microalgal colonization of defaunated sediment in the field was rapid as indicated by the return of gross primary production (GPP) to control levels within 10 days. Chlorophyll a (CHLR) also returned to control level within 10 days though It is not possible to separate the amount of chlorophyllides initially in the defaunated sediment from the import of viable microalgae. Total infaunal density returned to control levels by day 40, as expected from -133- 80 oJ c,.J 2O GO E Af ri 010 }- 0 ±SE CONTROL £ DEFAUN.ATED 20 I0 DAY JAN, LAB. EXPERIMENT S CONTROL TANAIDS £ CONTROL TOTAL DEFALJNATED TANAIDS DEFAUNATED TOTAL 1E 0, -J z I0 DAY JAN. LAB EXPERIMENT uptake and abundance of animals Figures 30 and 31. Rate of community oxygen defaunation experiment in January, 1981. during the laboratory Values are means of three replicates. -134-- previous experiments (H. Lee and J. Lee, unpublished). Placement of de- faunated sediment in the field simulated localized natural disturbances such as those caused by epibenthic fishes and invertebrates or bioturbation (Lee and Swartz, 1980). The rapid recovery of both microalgal production and bio- mass indicates that this microalgal assemblage was resilient to small-scale disturbances. This resilience was probably facilitated both by transport of microalgae into disturbed areas (Tenore, 1977; Baillie and Welsh, 1980) and by rapid growth of colonizing microalgae (Admiraal and Peletier, 1980). Rapid colonization on a localized scale does not imply that microalgae are resistant to a generalized stress (e.g., pollution) or overlapping localized disturbances such as occurs in a Callianassa bed. We hypothesized that removal of infauna would stimulate microalgal production and biomass. experiment. This result was not readily observed in the field The possible import of microalgae into defaunated sediment during initial stages of colonization and export during later stages of colonization and initial presence of chlorophyllides in defaunated sediment would tend to minimize differences in chlorophyll a concentration and primary production between control and defaunated sites. Recolonization by infauna could also minimize differences between treatments. To better evaluate influences of the infauna on microalgal biomass and metabolism, a laboratory experiment was performed which eliminated the confounding effects of import-export of microalgae and infaunal colonization. Similarity of levels of chlorophyll, gross primary production, community oxygen uptake, and infaunal abundance between control cores held in the laboratory for 40 days and the natural field community suggested that maintenance of cores did not affect community structure or -135- function. Therefore, the laboratory experiment was considered an appropriate method to determine effects of infauna on sediment-associated microalgae. In the laboratory, removal of infauna caused a significant increase in microalgal biomass and production. The relatively high concentration of chlorophyll a in defaunated sediment by day 1 was not functional as indicated by the low rate of primary production. Growth of microalgae in the defaunated sediment was indicated by an increase in primary production by day 10, By day 40, although the chlorophyll concentration remained constant. chlorophyll concentration and the rate of gross primary production in defaunated sediment were significantly higher than in control sediment. These results suggested that natural densities of infauna can control both microalgal biomass and production, as has been found in several other studies of estuarine epifaunal gastropods (Fenchel and Kofoed, 1976; Pace et al., 1979; Branch and Branch, 1980). Natural infaunal density at the study site exceeded the level at which microalgal and microbial populations are stimulated by consumption of senescent cells or nutrient additions (Margrave, 1970, 1976; Cooper, 1973; Porter, 1976; Pace et al., 1979). Grazing is the most likely mechanism by which infauna controlled microalgal biomass and production. The most abundant species at the study site, Leptochelia dubia, contained both broken and whole diatom frustules in its gut, indicating herbivory. The same food resource was found for another tanaid, Leptochelia rapax (Harger) (Kneib et al., 1980). Burial of cells by sediment turnover is another mechanism by which infauria can limit microalgae. However, Leptochelia does not appear to turn over large quantities of sediment (Myers, 1977), and large sediment reworkers such as Callianassa and Upogebia were not abundant at our study site. The process of defaunating -136- sediment may have increased nutrient concentrations which in turn could have stimulated microalgal growth. However, field and laboratory nurient-addition experiments at the study site indicated that sediment-associated microalgae were not nutrient-limited (Cardon, 1981). Patterns of oxygen uptake were difficult to interpret. In the field, oxygen uptake in defaunated sediment recovered to control values between days 10 and 40. In the laboratory, oxygen uptake of defaunated sediment was initially identical to control sediment, increased to greater than control levels between days 1 and 10, and then decreased to control values between days 10 and 40. Causes for the different patterns in the field and laboratory experiments were not apparent. The low macrofaunal density (0 to 311 m2) and diversity (0 to 1 species) in the defaunated sediment in the laboratory normally would constitute strong evidence for a highly degraded benthic community. Yet oxygen uptake at day 40 was the same for control and defaunated sediment. This similarity of community metabolism between these radically different benthic communities indicates that there is no simple relationship between oxygen uptake and community structure. Also, the effect of heterotrophic microorganisms on these experiments is unknown. We have presented experimental evidence for a controlling effect of infaunal animals on estuarine sediment-associated microalgae. As suggested by Pace et al. (1979), herbivory is one of the factors regulating microalgal biomass and production although its relative importance, compared to other factors, is unknown. Differences in infaunal abundance and activity may be one of the factors influencing both spatial and temporal patterns of microalgae (Cadêe and Hegeman, 1974; Coles, 1979). The influence of animals on plant communities is a widespread phenomenon and should not be ignored when assessing controlling factors of plant growth (Brook, 1955, 1975). -137- IV. The Diatom Flora of Netarts Bay Figure 5 indicated that microalgae and several macroalgae are important groups of autotrophs in Oregon estuaries. Among the microalgae, the diatoms are by far the most abundant and diverse group, with representative taxa found in the water column, in the sediment, and growing as epiphytes on Zostera marina and macroalgae. In this section the taxonomic structure of the diatom assemblages of Netarts Bay is examined and related to selected environmental variables. Such information relates to patterns of primary production and to patterns of water circulation in the estuary. Also, the species composition of estuarine diatom assemblages can be used as an indicator of certain aspects of the chemical and physical environment. Sampling The distribution and relative abundances of diatom taxa were examined in planktonic, epiphytic and sediment collections during a one year period from February 1980 to March 1981. Samples were collected once each month on dates that corresponded to favorable tide and weather conditions. Sampling stations were established at sites A, B, and C in Netarts Bay (Fig. 7), which represented different sediment types (i.e., sand, fine sand, and silt). Samples of the sediment-associated diatom flora were obtained from four tidal heights along an intertidal transect at each site. These sampling stations were the same stations that were established to study microalgal primary production (see page 41). near site B. Epiphytic diatoms were collected from a study area In this case, samples were obtained from three locations, 1.1 m, 1.2 m, and 1.4 m above MLLW, along an intertidal gradient across a -138- large Zostera bed. A detailed description of this Zostera bed is reported in a later section and in Figures 32-34. planktonic diatoms were obtained from: On each sampling date, collections of (1) bay water at low tide near site B; (2) ocean water at high tide near the mouth of the bay; and (3) from water near Site B at high tide. Methods Samples of planktonic diatoms were collected by pouring 10 1 of water through a 10 mesh plankton net. Planktonic diatoms were cleared of pigments in ethanol, and sea salt and other dissolved solids were removed from the samples by successive washings in distilled water. After washing, a sub- sample of the diatom suspension was transferred to a microscope coverslip and allowed to air dry. Coversllps with the dry diatom deposits were mounted on microscope slides using Cumarone resin (Holmes etal., 1981). One shoot of Zostera marina and its associated epiphytic diatoms was collected from each of the three intertidal sampling stations near site B on each sampling date. These samples were placed in screw-top bottles and were transported to the laboratory for processing. Benthic sediment cores were obtained at the intertidal stations at site A, B, and C on each sampling date. These samples were taken by pushing a 2.3 cm diameter plastic pipe into the sediment and extracting the upper 2-3 cm of sediment and its associated microflora. The cores were capped, transported to the laboratory in a vertical position, and frozen until the cleaning procedure was initiated. the cleaning procedure. Diatoms in the top cm of each core were isolated by -139- Organic materials in the epiphytic and sediment samples were removed by nitric acid digestion in a Kjeldahl apparatus. Large sediment particles were separated from the diatoms by rapid decanting, and the clean diatom frustules were allowed to settle in beakers for at least 4 hr. After several washings with distilled water, the isolated frustules were mounted on microscope slides following the procedure described above for the planktonic taxa. Epiphytic and sediment-associated diatoms were identified and counted with a Zeiss research microscope at 1200x magnification using brightfield Approximately 500 valves were identified for each sample, a illumination. sample size that was compatible with the statistical methods used to report the results (Mclntire and Overton, 1971). Epiphytic samples from all 12 months were counted for a total of 36 samples. Of the 116 benthic samples collected, samples from every other month were counted for a total of 64 samples. Results of the examination of plankton samples are reported as species lists. Since the diatom collections were obtained concurrently with the sampling programs designed to study microalgal and Zostera primary production and biomass, measurements of physical and biological variables obtained during these investigations also were used to interpret distributional patterns in the diatom flora. Variables of particular interest included intertidal height, chlorophyll a and organic matter concentrations in the top cm of sediment, the ratio of chlorophyll a concentration in the top cm of sediment to that at a depth of 4-5 cm, day length, water temperature, mean sediment particle size, the sediment sorting coefficient, and the sediment skewness coefficient. Methods associated with the collection of these data are described on pages 44-49 of this report. -140- Data Analysis The analysis of distributional patterns in the diatom flora of Netarts Bay involved: 1. A principal component analysis of physical and biological environmental data; 2. Calculation of niche breadth values (Mclntire and Overton, 1971) for selected epiphytic and sediment-associated taxa; 3. The regression of the relative abundance of selected epiphytic and sediment-associated taxa against environmental variables and principal components of environmental variables; 4. Comparisons of assemblages pooled as epiphytic, sand taxa, fine sand taxa, and silt taxa by SIMI, a measure of similarity (Mclntire and Moore, 1977); 5. Ordination of samples and taxa by reciprocal averaging(Hill, 1973); and 6. Correlation of ordination scores for sites with selected environmental variables. All data analyses were performed on a Control Data Corporation CYBER 170/720 computer system at the Oregon State University Computer Center using the AIDNX, ORDIFLEX, CORRELX, and PARTL computer programs, and SIPS, a statistical interactive programming system. -14 1- Results 1. Structure of Environmental Data. Environmental variables were organized in two data sets, one with environmental variables corresponding to the epiphyte samples and another with variables corresponding to the sediment samples. Variables related to the epiphyte samples included intertidal height, daylength, and water temperature. The Interrelationships among these variables were investigated by correlation analysis. Tidal height was virtually uncorrelated with daylength (r = 0.00) and with water temperature (r = 0.08), while the covariance between daylength and water temperature, variables related to season, was high (r 0.82). The environmental data were matched with 18 samples of epiphytic diatoms for alternate months. Environmental data corresponding to sediment samples consisted of nine variables, namely intertidal height (TIDE), surface chlorophyll a (CHLA), surface organic matter (OM), the chlorophyll ratio (RATIO), daylength (DAYL), water temperature (TEMP), mean particle size (PHI), and the sorting and skewness coefficients (SORT and SKEW). Covariances among the sediment properties PHI, SORT and OM were relatively high, and correlation coefficients for these variables were 0.67 (PHI-OM), 0.78 (SORT-OM), and 0.83 (PHI-SORT). Moreover, daylength and water temperature were closely correlated with each other (r = 0.76). The variables tidal height, surface chlorophyll, the chlorophyll ratio, and the skewness coefficient were not highly correlated with each other and with other variables (correlation coefficients below 0.40). The environmental data were matched with 64 samples of sediment- associated diatoms from alternate months. -142- The relatively large environmental data set associated with the benthic diatom samples was summarized by the concentration of variance into three The interpretation of the principal components was prinicipal components. achieved by the examination of factor loadings, i.e., the correlations between the components of interest and the original variables (Table 26). Relatively high correlations (r > 0.8) between the first principal component and OM, PHI and SORT indicated that this axis was an expression of sediment properties. The second axis was highly correlated (r > 0.9) with daylength (DAYL) and with water temperature (TEMP), and was interpreted as a seasonal component. The third axis was highly correlated (r = 0.81) with intertidal height (TIDE). The low communalities for surface chlorophyll (CHLA), the chlorophyll ratio (RATIO) and the skesmess coefficient (SKEW) indicated that these measures were not expressed appreciably by the first three components. Eigenvalues indicated that the first three principal components accounted for 66% of the total variation in the environmental data, and 33% was expressed by the first axis alone. 2. The Diatom Flora Planktonic, epiphytic, and sediment-associated diatom samples contained a total of 340 taxa (species and varieties of species) from 73 genera. Of these taxa, 50 were planktonic and 294 were either epiphytic, associated with sediment, or both. Only five taxa, namely Thalassiosira 1, Thalassiosira decipiens, Thalassiosira pacifica, Thalassionema nitzschioides and Skeletonema costaturn, occurred among planktonic, sediment and epiphytic assemblages. -143- Table 26. Factor loadings for the first three principal components generated from the environmental variables associated with sediment samples. Variables are intertidal height (TIDE), chlorophyll a concentration (CHLA), sediment organic matter (OM), chlorophyll ratio (RATIO), daylength (DAYL), water temperature (TEMP), mean sediment particle size (PHI), sorting coefficient (SORT), and the skewness coefficient (SKEW). Loadings with an absolute value greater than 0.8 are underlined for emphasis. PCA1 PCA2 PCA3 r2 r3 Communality TIDE -0.16 -0.18 0.81 0.72 CHLA -0.50 -0.12 0.44 0.45 OM -0.88 -0.10 0.07 0.78 0.57 -0.07 0.40 0.48 DAYL -0.03 0.93 0.13 0.88 TEMP -0.00 0.93 0.13 0.88 PHI -0.85 -0.03 -0.09 0.73 SORT -0.91 -0.11 0.11 0.85 SKEW -0.21 -0.03 0.38 0.15 2.94 1.80 1.12 RATIO Elgenvalues % of variance extracted 33% 20% 13% -144- Approximately 53,850 diatom valves were identified and counted in 64 benthic samples and 36 epiphytic samples. Epiphyte samples collected monthly from three intertidal stations resulted in a count of 19,463 valves and the identification of 123 taxa. Sediment samples from every other month along four intertidal stations resulted in the identification of 34,851 valves that represented 282 taxa. The overlap between benthic and epiphytic assemblages was 111 taxa, or 38% of the total for the two assemblages. As is usually the case, most of the species within the assemblages were rare. Taxa represented by five or fewer valves accounted for 38% of the total number of taxa identified. Such rare taxa contribute relatively little information to the analysis of distributional patterns, as their occurrence in a sample may represent allochthonous inputs, not a reflection of local environment. Consequently, specific taxa of interest were chosen for the statistical analysis on the basis of their abundance, and the rarer taxa were eliminated. The 72 taxa chosen for ordination accounted for 95% of all epiphyte valves counted and 91% of all valves counted for the sediment samples. The 36 sediment-associated taxa chosen for the regression analysis accounted for 79% of all valves counted for the sediment samples. The 22 epiphytic taxa chosen for a regression analysis with environmental variables accounted for 94% of all epiphytic valves counted. In general, the taxa found in plankton samples were benthic or epiphytic taxa that were dislodged and suspended in the water column by tidal currents and turbulence. Common benthic species in these samples included Paralia sulcata, Anaulus balticus, Navicula digitoradiata, Navicula cancellata, Nitzschia socialis and Nelosira moniliformis. Epiphytic taxa found as -145- tychoplankton included Cocconeis scutellum, Cocconeis scutellum v. parva, Synedra fasciculata and Navicula directa. Euplanktonic species were abundant only in samples from February, March and August of 1980. In these samples, the species were typical of those found in the neritic plankton along the Oregon Coast, and the presence of marine plankton in Netarts Bays apparently was due to seawater transport into the bay by tidal fluxes. Samples of plankton from the three months that had marine neritic floras are compared in Table 27. Although samples from February and March shared fewer taxa (26%) than the February and August samples (38%), the February and March samples were dominated by the same species, namely Nitzschia seriata, N. pungens, Chaetoceros compressus, Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira decipiens, T. 1, and Rhizosolenia setigera. August plankton samples were dominated by several species of Chaetoceros, contained different species of Nitzschia and Thalassiosira than February and March samples, and lacked species of Rhizosolenia. Dominant species in the August samples included Chaetoceros coinpressus, C. constrictus, C. socialis, Nitzschia pacifica, Eucampia zodiacus, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, and T. pacifica. The relative abundances and niche breadth values for 72 common benthic and epiphytic taxa are presented in Table 28. The most abundant epiphytes were Navicula salinicola, Navicula tripunctata v. schizonemoides, Navicula frustulum v. subsalina, and Synedra fasciculata; while the most abundant sediment-associated taxa were Achnanthes hauckiana, and Opephora pacifica. In this case, niche breadth values may range from 1.0 if a species was present in only one sample, to 82 if equally abundant in all 82 samples. Although Paralia sulcata was not very abundant in the samples, it had a relatively high -146- Table 27. A list of planktonic species found in Netarts Bay during months in 1980 when the flora was dominated by marine neritic taxa. Plus signs (+) indicate that a taxon was present. February March Actinocyclus octonarius + Actinocyclus splendens + Asterionella japonica August + Bacteriastrum delicatulum Bacteriastrum hyalinum Biddulphia longicuris + Chaetoceros armatum + Chaetoceros compressus + + Chaetoceros constrictus + + + Chaetoceros curvisetus Chaetoceros decipiens + Chaetoceros didymus + Chaetoceros lacinosus + Chaetoceros lorenzianus + Chaetoceros radicans + Chaetoceros socialis + Chaeto ceros vanheurcki + Corethron hystrix Coscinodiscus curvatulus Coscinodiscus eccentricus Coscinodiscus radi atus + + + -147- Table 27 (continued) February March August Coscinodiscus sublineatus ± Hemlaulus hauckii + + Lithodesmium undulatus + Leptocylindrus danicus -f Lauderia borialis + + Eucampia zodiacus + Ditylum brightwellii Navicula complanatula Navicula planamembranacea + Nitzschia delicatissima + Nitzschia pacifica + Nitzschia pungens Nitzschia seriata + + Pleurosigma normanii + Rhizosolenia alata + Rhizosolenia hebatata v. semispinosa + Schroederella delicatula + + Skeletonenia costatum + Stephanopyxis nipponica + Stephanopyxis palmeriana + Thalassionema nitzschioides + ± + + Rhizoselenia setigera Thalassiosira 1 + Thalassiosira aestivalis + Thalassiosira decipiens + + Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii + + Thalassiosira pacifica + Thalassiosira rotula + Thalasslosira longissima + -148- Table 28. A list of 72 selected taxa, their total relative abundance (NT), and their relative abundance in epiphyte (NE) and benthic (NB) samples. Also listed is the niche breadth values (B) for each taxon in relation to 82 epiphyte and benthic samples. NT NB NE Achnanthes 1 440 0 440 31.44 Achnanthes 11 B 918 0 918 20.26 3244 9 3235 30.86 Achnanthes latestriata 172 0 172 19.63 Achnanthes lemmermanni 621 2 619 36.51 72 0 72 13.84 Amphora coffeiformis 441 4 437 43.20 Amphora exigua 349 2 347 19.87 Amphora laevis v. perminuta 155 0 155 14.99 Amphora libyca 148 0 148 22.65 Amphora micrometra 499 0 499 19.28 79 0 79 9.03 1695 7 1688 41.31 Amphora tenerrima 678 104 574 38.48 Anorthoneis eurystoma 118 1 117 8.32 Bacillaria paradoxa 192 171 21 7.44 Berkeleya rutilans 473 373 100 9.32 Cocconeis 11 A 1649 2 1647 40.87 Cocconeis 11 C 336 2 334 32.89 Cocconeis J 991 11 980 28.39 Cocconeis costata 460 390 70 14.40 1365 38 1327 42.48 Cocconeis scutellum 798 585 213 19.92 Cocconeis scutellum v. parva 529 481 48 9.91 1117 0 1117 21.64 Achnanthes hauckiana Amphora 35 Amphora proteus Amphora sabyii Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta Cymbellonitzschia hossamedinii -149- Table 28 (continued) NT NB NE 96 0 96 10.04 Fragilaria striatula v. californica 212 2 210 2.54 Gomphonema oceanicum 458 413 45 9.55 Gyrosigina prolongum 42 1 41 3.97 Hantzschia 1 38 0 38 6.44 Hantzschia marina 62 0 62 6.58 278 37 241 6.18 Melosira nummuloides 82 17 65 4.54 Navicula 3 71 2 69 3.36 Navicula 16 206 0 206 3.14 Navicula 109 460 16 444 24.27 Navicula 150 201 129 72 14.93 Navicula 199 1100 0 1100 17.30 Navicula ammophila v. minuta 144 0 144 16.84 Navicula directa 542 535 7 6.90 Navicula diserta 340 0 340 41.91 Navicula diversistriata 332 2 330 15.86 Navicula forcipata 120 0 120 15.01 Navicula gottlandica 162 0 162 9.06 Navicula gregaria 857 4 853 32.34 76 0 76 5.47 214 1 213 20.18 48 0 48 9.66 3665 1760 1905 41.12 69 0 69 2.49 1229 930 229 24.86 Nitzschia 2 82 0 82 16.51 Nitzschia 5 100 62 38 19.64 Nitzschia 47 117 0 117 3.18 Fragilaria pinnata Melosira inoniliformis Navicula grostchopfi Navicula patrickae Navicula sauna Navicula salinicola Navicula tripunctata Navicula tripunctata v. schizonemoides -150- Table 28 (continued) NB NT NE 223 202 21 3.72 78 78 0 3.08 314 207 107 29.97 41 0 41 12.92 Nitzschia frustulum v. subsalina 2456 1060 1396 37.13 Nitzschia fundi 1524 472 1052 42.75 274 191 83 13.86 21 0 21 16.23 232 191 41 8.54 3503 6 3497 54.23 Opephora perminuta 262 1 261 15.80 Opephora schultzi 237 3 234 34.15 Paralia sulcata 565 18 546 45.06 Rhoicosphenia curvata 56 49 7 11.60 Rhopalodia musculus 65 3 62 8.51 Synedra fasciculata 851 803 48 15.14 1037 119 918 42.65 246 2 244 11.62 Nitzschia 171 Nitzschla brevirostris Nitzschia dissipata v. media Nitzschia frustulum Nitzschia pseudohybrida Nitzschia punctate Nitzschia rostellata Opephora pacifica Thalassiosira 1 Trachysphenia australis -151- niche breadth value because of its presence in numerous sediment and epiphyte samples. In contrast, Opephora pacifica derived its large niche breadth value from its high relative abundance in numerous sediment samples. Several species had low niche breadth values, indicating a restricted distribution, and yet made a substantial contribution to the samples in which they were found. Fragilaria striatula v. californica constituted approx- imately one-fifth of the total valves in two samples from the SAND site (1.0 above MLLW) in August and October. absent or rare. In all other samples, this taxon was Navicula 3 was abundant only in February in samples from the SAND Site at 1.5 m and 2.0 m above MLLW. Although Navicula 16 was found only in sand samples and was usually rare, this diatom represented about two-fifths of all the valves identified from 2.0 m above MLLW in April. Nitzschia 171 and Nitzschiabrevirostris were epiphytic taxa with restricted distributions. Nitzschia brevirostris was abundant only in the three epiphyte samples from October, and Nitzschia 171 was abundant in the September epiphyte samples where it was found in the colonial muselage of Bacillaria paradoxa. 3. Autecology of Selected Taxa. The relationship between the relative abundance of 22 selected epiphytic taxa and three environmental variables are presented in Table 29. The coefficient of determination (R2) for the multiple regression of each taxon against all three variables ranged from 0.02 for Cocconeis scutellum to 0.81 for Nitzsehia fundi; nine of the 22 taxa had R2 values 0.50 or greater. Most of the covariance between species abundance and the environmental variables was associated with seasonal fluctations in the flora, as the relative abundance of nine taxa were correlated (r > 0.50) with daylength and water -152- Table 29. The relationship between 22 selected epiphyte taxa and three environmental variables: intertidal height (TIDE), daylength (DAYL), and water temperature (TEMP). Correlation coefficients are given for each taxon, as well as the coefficient of determination (R2) for the multiple regression of the abundance of each taxon against the three variables. TIDE DAYL TEMP R2 Amphora tenerrima 0.19 0.48 0.37 0.27 Bacillaria paradoxa 0.02 0.11 -0.14 0.17 Berkeleya rutilans 0.11 0.53 0.42 0.30 Cocconeis costata 0.08 0.34 0.12 0.20 -0.08 -0.01 0.05 0.02 0.30 0.70 0.58 0.58 -0.16 -0.07 -0.43 0.44 0.07 0.50 0.28 0.30 -0.01 -0.46 -0.39 0.22 0.24 -0.38 0.03 0.52 -0.23 -0.74 -0.57 0.61 Nitzschia 5 0.03 -0.22 -0.49 0.32 Nitzschia 171 0.05 0.12 -0.03 0.07 Nitzschia brevirostris 0.05 -0.24 -0.58 0.53 Nitzschia dissipata v. media -0.09 -0.14 -0.57 0.66 Nitzschia frustulum v. subsalina 0.18 0.81 0.68 0.69 Nltzschia fundi 0.09 0.89 0.81 0.81 Nitzschia pseudohybrida 0.02 -0.50 -0.70 0.50 Nitzschia rostellata -0.08 -0.10 -0.37 0.27 Rhoicosphenia curvata -0.21 0.23 0.08 0.12 Synedra fasciculata -0.05 0.06 -0.37 0.55 0.13 0.10 0.05 0.03 Cocconeis scutellum Cocconeis scutellum v. parva Gomphonema oceanicum Navicula 150 Navicula directa Navicula salinicola Navicula tripunctata v. schizonemoides Thalassiosira 1 -15 3- temperature (Table 29). Navicula tripunctata v. schizonemiodes, Nitzschia frustulum v. subsalina, and Nitzschia fundi were abundant throughout the year, but had a distinct maximum occurrence during winter, spring, or summer, respectively. Cocconeis scutellum v. parva and Berkeleya rutilans were absent or rare in the summer or fall, but were common during winter and spring. Several species of Nitzschia were common in the October samples, namely N. brevirostris, N. dissipata v. media, N. pseudohybrida, N. rostellata and Nitzschia 5. Nitzschia 171 was present only in September samples, and therefore had a distinct seasonality in spite of its low correlations with daylength and water temperature. Correlations of relative abundances of the 22 epiphytic taxa with tidal, height were relatively weak, only Cocconeis scutellum v. parva exhibited a weak relationship with intertidal position (r 0.30). Relationships between the distribution of 36 sediment-associated taxa and the environmental data are summarized in Table 30. Twenty-two of these taxa were at least weakly associated (r > 0.38) with the first principal component of the environmental data matrix, and 13 taxa have correlation coefficients of 0.50 or greater. This component expressed sediment properties, especially OM, PHI, and SORT (Table 26). Negative correlation coefficients for Achnanthes 1, Achnanthes 11B, Amphora micrometra, Navicula gottlandica, and Opephora schultzi indicated that these taxa were associated with sediments that were composed of finer particles, were poorly sorted, and had a high concentration of organic matter. The high positive correlations for Achnanthes latestriata Amphora proteus, Anorthoneis eurystoma, Cocconeis J, Cymbellonitzschia hossamedinii, Navicula ammophila v. minuta, Navicula 16, and Navicula Table 30. R = r + r + r and R2 is the 2 0.66 0.61 0.46 0.48 0.34 0.22 0.58 0.55 0.44 0.39 0.36 0.32 0.23 0.19 0.55 0.44 0.22 0.14 0.40 0.17 0.52 -0.07 0.40 -0.18 0.40 -0.07 -0.05 -0.18 -0.00 0.28 -0.42 -0.17 0.25 -0.36 -0.19 -0.03 -0.24 -0.21 0.12 -0.26 0.28 -0.01 -0.07 -0.11 0.00 0.18 -0.07 -0.02 0.10 -0.47 0.55 0.44 0.49 0.39 0.39 -0.74 0.59 -0.20 0.29 0.58 -0.20 0.68 Ach nanthes 11 B Achnanthes haucklana Achnanthes latestriat a Achnanthes lemmermanni Amphora exigua Amphora laevis V. perminuta Amphora libyca Amphora proteus Amphora sabyil Amphora tenerrima Anorthoneis eurystoma Cocconeis J Cocconeis 11 A Amphora microuietra 0.67 0.24 0.79 0.64 0.29 0.33 0.43 0.48 0.46 0.02 0.06 1 -0.67 Achnanthes r3 r2 r1 R 2 Rf PC3 PC2 PCI against all environmental variables. coefficient of determination for the multiple regression of species abundance derived from the components analysis, where R regression of the species variables against the first three principal factors r3) are given for each component. components of the environmental data matrix. Correlation coefficients (r1, r2 and is the coefficient of determination for the The relationship between 36 sediment-associated taxa and the first three principal -154- 0.00 0.04 -0.32 -0.12 0.20 0.44 0.04 0.32 0.17 -0.05 0.16 0.03 -0.32 -0.13 -0.02 0.20 -0.00 -0.29 -0.32 0.05 0.49 -0.16 0.34 0.18 0.58 0.57 -0.52 0.01 -0.44 -0.44 -0.24 -0.39 -0.41 -0.34 -0.09 -0.62 Navicula 109 ott1andica Trachysphenia australis Thalassiosira I Opephora schultzi Opephora perininuta Opephora pacifica Nitzschia fundi subsaitna Nitzschia 47 'Titzschia frustulum v. Navicula saliuicola Navicula groschopfi Navicula gregaria Navicula Navicuia diversistriata Navicula amrnophila v. minuta Navicula 199 0.13 0.32 -0.45 0.14 0.24 -0.00 -0.32 -0.27 -0.26 0.59 -0.22 Navicula 16 0.02 0.12 0.20 Navlcula 3 -0.05 -0.05 -0.20 -0.01 hossamedinli Melos ira moniliformis Cyinbellonitzschf a 0.26 0.53 r3 r2 -0.46 -0.10 -0.10 PC3 PC2 0.13 0.17 0.17 PCi 0.28 Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta Table 30 (continued) 0.23 0.44 0.15 0.15 0.48 0.28 0.12 0.29 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.32 0.46 0.13 0.34 0.45 0.28 0.08 0.39 0.27 0.28 R 0.31 0.54 0.25 0.30 0.61 0.48 0.25 0.47 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.41 0.55 0.32 0.41 0.56 0.43 0.26 0.51 0.34 0.32 -156- diversistriata indicated that these taxa were associated with sandy, wellsorted sediments with low organic content. did not expose obvious patterns in the data. In some cases, the linear model For example, Amphora exigua, Amphora laevis v. perminuta and Amphora libyca had from 77% to 82% of their total relative abundance in sand samples and yet exhibited weak correlations with the first principal factor (r = 0.39 to 0.49). Melosira moniliformis was an extreme case, with 63% of its valves in sand samples and 96% of its valves in sand and fine sand samples together, and a correlation with the sediment factor of only -0.05. The second principal component is correlated with daylength and temperature, variables that express seasonal changes. En general, species correlations with this axis were weak except for Navicula 109 and Nitzschia fundi. These taxa were most common in the summer. The third principal component is an expression of intertidal height. Species correlations with this component also were weak, with no correlation coefficient greater than 0.50 and most values less than 0.30. Achnanthes hauckiana, Achnanthes lemmermanni, and Navicula groschopfi had a positive correlation with this component Cr values between 0.40 and 0.44); while Amphora sabyii, Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta, Cymbellonitzschia hossamedinii and Thalassiosira 1 had negative correlations with this component (r values between -0.39 and -0.46). The former group of species was associated with high intertidal stations, whereas the latter group was associated with the lower stations. Taxa mentioned above that were associated with factors 1, 2, or 3 have R2 values ranging from 0.22 to 0.55 for the multiple regression of relative abundance against the first three principal components of the environmental -157- The total data. for the multiple regression of each of these taxa against all nine environmental variables ranged from 0.34 to 0.79. 4. CommunIty Patterns Both Jaccard and SIMI indices of similarity were used to compare the species composition of epiphytic and benthic assemblages (Table 31). The Jaccard index indicated that the epiphyte samples had from 32% to 35% of their taxa in common with samples from the SAND, FINE SAND, or SILT sites. Samples from the three sediment types shared a greater percentage of taxa among themselves, in this case from 52% to 59%. In contrast to the Jaccard index, SIMI reflects the relative abundances of species as well as their joint occurrences in samples; a high value usually indicates that the assemblages have the same dominant taxa. SIMI values ranged from 0.18 to 0.84 and emphasized the differences between the epiphyte samples and the sediment samples (SIMI = 0.18 to 0.40) as well as the similarities among sediment samples (SIMI = 0.56 to 0.84). Epiphytic samples were more similar to samples from the SILT site than to samples from the SAND or FINE SAND sites, while assemblages from sand were more similar to those from fine sand than from silt. Species and samples were ordered along ordination axes by the method of Reciprocal Averaging (RA). The data for this analysis consisted of species abundances counts for a total of 82 samples, of which 18 were epiphytic collections and 64 were from the sediment. The first ordination axis separated the epiphytic samples from the sediment samples; while the second axis represented a continuum relative to sediment type, with samples from the SAND site at the top right of the graph, those from the FINE SAND site at the center right, and assemblages from the silt site at the bottom right (Fig. 32). -158- Table 31. A comparison of the similarity of pooled epiphytic and benthic samples using SIMI and Jaccard indices. SIMI compares the presence and relative abundance of species among samples and is found in the lower left half of this table. The Jaccard index uses only presence-absence data and forms the upper right half of the table. The pooled samples are epiphytes (EP) and the assemblages from the Sand (SA), Fine Sand (FS) and Silt (SI) sites. SA EP 0.35 SA 0.18 FS 0.29 0.62 St 0.40 0.56 0.32 0.32 0.54 0.52 0.59 0.84 -159- The correspondence of site and species ordinations can be examined by a comparison of Figure 32 with Figure 33. left side of Figure 33 (group 1). Epiphytic species are found on the These species are Nitzschia brevirostris, Rhoicosphenia curvata, Navicula directa, Gomphonema oceanicum, Synedra fasciculata, Bacillaria paradoxa, Cocconeis costata, Cocconeis scutellum V. parva, Nitzschia 5, Navicula tripunctata v. schizonemoides, Nitzschia dissipata v. media, Nitzschia psuedohybrida, Nitzschia rostellata, Nitzschia 171, Navicula 150 and Cocconeis scutellum. Sediment-associated species are found on the right side of the diagram, with species from sand on the top, species from fine sand in the center, and species from silt on the bottom. Taxa that were abundant in all sediment types (group 8) are in the center near the right margin of the figure. These taxa are found mixed with species that had greater fidelity to specific substrates (mainly groups 5 and 6). Species that were found in benthic as well as epiphytic samples are in the center of the figure (group 9). These taxa are Navicula salinicola, Navicula 109, Navicula 3, Nitzschia frustulum v. subsalina, Nitzschia fundi, Melosira nummuloides, Melosira moniliformis, Thalassiosira 1, Berkeleya rutilans, and Amphora tenerrima. A group of five species that were virtually restricted to the upper intertidal stations at the SAND site are found in the upper righthand corner of Figure 33 (group 2). These taxa are Hantzschia marina, Hantzschia 1, Anorthoneis eurystoma, Amphora proteus and Navicula 16. Taxa that were most abundant at the mid-intertidal stations at the SAND site are labeled as group 3. These taxa were Gyrosigma prolorigum, Achnanthes latestriata, Navicula forcipata, Amphora exigua, Cocconeis J, and Navicula diversistriata. Interspersed with members of group 3 were taxa that were 0 20 40 0 Figure 32. 4 4 60 EEE E I 20 E EE E E E M= SILT(MUD) F = FINE SAND E RA AXIS I 40 E 60 I M M F N N F F F FF F MM F S5 S SS MF F F F MMMM N F F M Fl 80 M F F SS F S S N S S S ss - S 100 S S Ordination of epiphyte and sediment-associated diatom samples by reciprocal averaging. Samples were obtained from Zostera leaves (E), the SAND site (S), the FINE SAND (F), and the SILT site (M). E EPIPHYTES S= SAND E C 0' 60 40 RA AXIS 9 9 1 60 9 9 N- 9 8 7 80 777 6 76 77 68 8 66 8 58855 5 3434 44 333 2 I,J Ordination of diatom species associated with the epiphyte and sediment samples illustrated in Figure 32. Numbers refer to species groups discussed in the text. 20 III 9 9 N- Figure 33. 0' o 20 '40 4 4 (1) c'J 80 .i.Is In I- -16 2- found in the sand samples, regardless of tidal height. These species (group 4) included Navicula ammophila v. minuta, Amphora laevis v. perininuta, Amphora be1lonitzschia hossamedinii. libyca, Trachysphenia australis and Iear the right center of the figure, there are species that were common in the low intertidal region at the SAND site. These taxa (group 5) also were common at the mid and low intertidal stations at the FINE SAND site. These taxa were Amphora tenerrima, Thalassiosira 1, Navicula 199, Achnanthes lemmermanni, Navicula diserta, and Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta. Amphora tenerrima and Thalassiosira 1 were closely related to this group, but were classified as members of group 9 because they were also common epiphytes. Several taxa that were common at the FINE SAND site also were common in samples from the SILT site. These taxa (group 6) were Amphora sabyii, Cocconeis hA, Achnanthes hauckiana, Achnanthes 1, Navicula patrickae and Nitzschia punctata. Four other taxa were associated with this group but were classified as members of group 9 because they were also found as epiphytes. These taxa included Navicula salinicola, Navicula 109, Nitzschia fundi, and Nitzschia frustulum V. subsalina. Taxa that were most abundant in the samples from the SILT site are found at the lower right of Figure 33. These taxa, classified as group 7, were Navicula tripurictata, Opephora schultzi, Amphora 35, Nitzschia frustulum, Nitzschia 2, Navicula gottlandica, Achnanthes 1IB, Amphora micrometra, Navicula salina, Navicula groschopfi, Rhopalodia musculus, Fragilaria pinnata, and Nitzschia 47. Species that were common in all three sediments were placed in group 8 and included Opephora pacifica, Opephora perminuta, Amphora coffeiformis, Paralia sulcata, Cocconeis 11C, Navicula gregaria, and Fragilaria striatula v. californica. -163- To obtain better resolution in the ordinations and to relate the sample ordinations to patterns in the environmental data set, the data matrix was divided into the epiphytic samples and the sediment samples, and an RA ordination was performed separately on each data subset. A plot of epiphyte samples relative to the first and second RA axes is presented in Figure 34. The samples from winter and spring are found on the lower left of the diagram. There was a change in community structure in June that caused most of the June samples to be oriented in the upper left of the figure. The epiphyte samples from August and October are located on the right end of RA axis 1, an orientation that also illustrated temporal changes and discontinuities in species composition and relative abundance. An RA ordination of epiphytic taxa corresponded closely with the pattern of sample ordinations in Figure 34 and helped to illucidate the seasonal changes in community composition (Figure 35). The taxa on the lower left, identified by four-letter acronyms, are Navicula directa, Gomphonema oceanicum, Paralia sulcata, Rhoicosphenia curvata, Cocconeis scutellum, and Cocconeis costata. These taxa were spring and winter species that had a maximum relative abundance in February or March. Taxa that were abundant in spring and summer are found in the upper left of the figure. These taxa, Berkeleya rutilans, Nitzschia frustulum v. subsalina, Cocconeis scutellum v. arva, Nitzschia fundi, Navicula 109, and Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta, were abundant from April through August and had maximum relative abundances from May through July. Taxa that were common from August through October are found in the center of the diagram and to the far right. Rhopalodia musculus, Navicula 150, Melosira moniliformis, Melosira nummuloides, Bacillaria 20 40 F - Figure 34. 4 4 >< U) c'J 60 J A A J D A 20 F 0: F: 4= J: U: 0= JUNE AUGUST OCTOBER APRIL DECEMBE R FEBRUARY RA AXIS I 40 L!J U 80 0 0 0 $00 U Ordination of samples of epiphytic diatoms associated with Zostera leaves. The ordination method was reciprocal averaging and the letters refer to the month during which the samples were obtained. F J 4 4a: (I) ccos PSUL GOMO RCUR BRUT CFR Figure 35. NDIR CSUJ C) o [SM ('.J SFAS NDIS RA AXIS I 40 NPSU NIT5 N150 RMUS NROS BPAR NBRE N171 Ordination of epiphytic diatom species associated with the samples illustrated in Figure 34. The acronyms represent the species discussed in the text. NSCH NSAL NSUB 0 NFUN MNUM 08 N109 001 VldD Ui -166- paradoxa, Nitzschia 171, Opephora perminuta, and Nitzschia rostellata were most abundant in October. Synedra fasciculata, Navicula salinicola, and Navicula tripunctata v. schizonemoides are found just below and to the left of the center of the diagram and were abundant during all seasons. An RA ordination of sediment samples and species resulted in a distributional continuum that was related to sediment type. The relative positions of sediment samples and species were similar to the ordinations of the entire data set (Fig. 32 and 33). In order to interpret the distributions of samples and taxa in relationship to the physical environment, PA axes from the sample ordinations were correlated with environmental variables. Two RA axes generated from an ordination of epiphyte samples were correlated with tidal height, daylength, and water temperature (Table 32). The highest correlations were between the second RA axis and daylength (r = 0.90) and between this same axis and temperature (r = 0.85). axis is weakly correlated with the same variables (r < 0.25). The first RA Therefore, the second axis is an expression of seasonal variation in the epiphytic flora, while in the first axis is uninterpretable relative to these environmental variables. The examination of pattern in the sediment samples relative to the physical environment also was investigated by correlation analysis (Table 33). The first RA axis for the benthic samples was highly correlated with sediment properties, as r = -0.75, -0.68, -0.77 for correlations between this axis and organic matter, mean particle size, and the sorting coefficient, respectively; the first PA axis was correlated, to a lesser degree, with the chlorophyll ratio (r = 0.53). -16 7- Table 32. Correlations between environmental variables and two PA axes generated from an analysis of epiphyte data. The environmental variables are intertidal height (TIDE), daylength (DAYL), and water temperature (TEMP). The coefficient of determination (R2) is given for the multiple regression of each PA axis against the three environmental variables. Correlation Coefficients Variable TIDE DAYL TEMP R2 RA1 RA2 -0.04 -0.05 -0.24 0.25 0.90 0.85 0.13 0.90 -168- Therefore, this axis contrasts assemblages associated with fine sediments that were poorly sorted, high in organic content, and with low chlorophyll ratios, with assemblages associated with coarse, well sorted sediments that were low in organic content and had high chlorophyll ratios. The stations with high chlorophyll ratios were the high intertidal stations, especially at the SAND site. The second RA axis was weakly associated with tidal height (r = -0.45) and the chlorophyll ratio (r = -0.37). This axis contrasts low intertidal stations which had relatively low chlorophyll ratios with the high intertidal stations. A multiple regression analysis indicated that 76% of the variation in the sediment sample scores for the first BA axis was associated with the nine environmental variables (Table 33). Approximately 46% of the variation in sample scores for the second BA axis was associated with the same environmental variables. However, weak correlations of this axis with etwironmental variables made the interpretation of this axis uncertain. -169- Table 33. Correlations between environmental variables and two RA axes generated from an analysis of sediment diatom data. The environmental variables are intertidal height (TIDE), chlorophyll a in the top cm of sediment (CHLA), organic matter (OM), chlorophyll ratio (RATIO), daylength (DAYL), water temperature (TEMP), mean sediment particle size (PHI), the sorting coefficient (SORT), and the skewness coefficient (SKEW). The coefficient of determination (R2) is given for the multiple regression of each RA axis against the nine environmental variables. Correlation Coefficients Variable TIDE CHLA OM RATIO DAYL TEMP PHI SORT SKEW R2 RA1 RA2 -0.01 -0.41 -0.75 0.52 0.03 -0.02 -0.68 -0.77 -0.07 -0.45 -0.15 -0.11 -0.37 -0.01 -0.03 -0.23 -0.25 -0.01 0.76 0.46 -170- THE ZOSTERA PRIMARY PRODUCTION SUBSYSTEM The research reported in this section examined the production dynamics of a Zostera marina L. bed in Netarts Bay. Specific objectives Included: (1) a description of the autecology of Zostera in Netarts Bay; (2) an investigation of macrophyte-epiphyte relationships, and (3) the monitoring of the primary production in Zostera and its epiphytes in the intertidal region over a growing season. Again, the process model presented in an earlier section served as a conceptual framework for the research. The results of the research on the Zostera Primary Production subsystem are presented in six major subsections: I - Materials and Methods; II - Morphometrics and Autecology of Zostera marina L.; III Production Dynamics of Zostera; IV - Relationship Between Zostera and Epiphytic Assemblages; V Bioenergetics of the Zostera Primary Production subsystem; and VI Discussion. Since many of the methods and materials for the study were relevant to both the morphometric and production aspects of the research, such information is presented in one introductory subsection, Subsection I. In Subsection II, patterns of sexual reproduction and vegetative growth of Zostera in Netarts Bay are presented along with a general description of the plant's natural history and autecology. Subsections III, IV, and V are concerned with the bioenergetics of Zostera marina and associated epiphytes. I. Materials and Methods Description of Intensive Study Area The EPA studies in Netarts Bay, reviewed above on pages , were used to generate hypotheses for further investigations at a finer level of resolu- -171- A detailed study of the vertical and horizontal nutrient profiles of tion. the water column over a transect from the channel through the seagrass beds to the open mudflat was initiated by EPA. Related biological aspects were examined by the research presented in the next four subsections of this report. Interpretation of the results of the nutrient profile study in relation to the biological processes study required that both aspects be conducted during the same time period at the same location. A site appropriate for both projects was selected on the basis of the results of a field study of the circulation pattern of water over the seagrass beds. Criteria used in the selection included: (1) the presence of a large expanse of Zostera marina L. that was representative of the Zostera beds in the estuary; (2) evidence of a straight line flow of water over the Zostera beds during an incoming tide; and (3) accessibility for sampling. The intensive study area in Netarts Bay included approximately 37,500 m2 located within the shellfish reserve and research area managed by the Oregon State Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (Township 2S, Range lOW, in the vicinity of Whiskey Creek). This region lies near the north end of the large intertidal Zostera bed that occupies the southern and western regions of the bay (Fig. 36). Three transects over a range of tidal heights were chosen within the intensive study area. 38). These were labeled transects 1 through 3 (Fig. 37 and Transect 1 was 1.1 in above MLLW and was located within the Zostera bed away from the region of obvious influence from the channel. The other tran- sects were located during an incoming tide by placing a stake in the sediment at the water's leading edge when the water at the next lower transect was -17 2- NETARTS BAY, OREGON L J '44 C-) 0 0 0 Q INTENSIVE STUDY 4REI Figure 36. Location of Zostera beds and the intensive study area in Netarts Bay. -173- z 75m / / ZOSTERA POND cc' SOUTH DRAJNAGE C', 'CHANNEL OLD OYSTER BEDS I - TRANSECT 1 j NORTH DRAINAGE MAIN CHANNEL Figure 37. Map of the area of intensive study, indicating the location of the sampling transects relative to the main channel. / 0 40 80 120 DISTANCE IN METERS (+1.lm) 160 200 240 TRANSECT 3 (+1.4m) i TRANSECT 2 (1.2m) TRANSECT - Figure 38. Cross section of the area of intensive study indicating the location and height of the sampling transects. / ZOSTERA BED ii OPEN MUDFLAT -17 5- 15 cm deep. This procedure located transect 2 at 1.2 m above MLLW, and transect 3 at 1.4 m above MLLW. Transects 1 and 3 represented the upper and lower limits of the Zostera bed within the intertidal region; transect 2 represented a region of transition. Moreover, transect 2 was at the edge of a large pool of water that was created at low tide by the damming effect of the larger Zostera shoots in the area. Therefore, this transect was located between an area that was regularly exposed at low tide, and one that did not drain completely at low tide. The transects were established by positioning stakes with an Abney level and measuring tape at 5 m intervals at the appropriate elevation. Transects 1, 2, and 3 were 75 in, 100 m, and 100 m in length, respectively. The ends of the transects were located away from any obvious influence of the drainage channels that bordered the study area. The elevation at each transect was checked relative to predicted values for the height of the high tide for Tillamook County beaches. Stakes marked at 1 cm intervals along their length were placed in the channel at the intensive study area and at each of the transects. The difference in the depth of the water in the channel at slack low tide and at the following slack high tide was determined, and the depth of the water at each transect was measured. The ratio between the predicted height of the high tide and the measured height was used to calculate the elevation of each transect relative to MLLW. A series of 0.5 x 0.5 m sample sites were designated along each transect. Transect 1 had 150 sample sites and transects 2 and 3 each had 200 sample sites. The sites to be sampled along each transect on a particular date were chosen from a random number table without replacement. Individual random number tables of the proper size for each transect were generated by a computer using a random iterative process. -176- Selection of Quadrat and Sample Size Choice of quadrat size and sample size for biomass determinations was based on data collected during the 1979 growing season. Quadrats larger than 400 cm2 were considered unsuitable because the large biomass from such a quadrat limited the number of replicates that could be processed before the material deteriorated. Quadrat sizes from 100 to 400 cm2 were tested. Counts of shoot density along each transect were used as an indicator of the variance among biomass samples. These counts were taken at the beginning and end of the growing season, i.e., in June and September. In general, variance at all transects decreased with an increase in quadrat size from 100 to 400 cm2 (Table 34); 400 cm2 (20 x 20 cm) quadrats were used for all subsequent samples. The harvest of a 400 cm2 quadrat did no obvious, lasting damage to the system. During the subsequent growing season, harvested areas were recolonized by vegetative shoots from neighboring regions. The shoot density data from June and September 1979 also was used to select a suitable sample size. Factors considered in choosing the number of quadrats per sample for each transect included the level of precision of the estimate of the mean of the biomass, and the cost in time and materials of processing the samples. For the intensive study area, it was determined that a sample size of seven 400 cm2 quadrats had a standard error that was less than 207. of the mean (Table 34). Also, seven quadrats per transect could be harvested by one person during the low tide in two or three consecutive days. In 14 days or less, the plant material from seven 400 cm2 quadrats per transect could be processed to the point where it could be stored indefinitely without deterioration until all necessary measurements could be made. This STANDARD ERROR = X% OF MEAN STANTARD ERROR MEAN SEP TEMBER, 1979 12 6 3 21 12 18 140 112 182 24 44 81 92 14 762 22 900 25 847 32 90 721 10 109 170 410 300 710 10 443 200 529 100 686 12 117 130 138 400 1236 300 1238 1 1186 200 657 11 104 STANDARD ERROR STANDARD ERROR = x% OF MEAN 957 100 MEAN JUN E, 1979 TRANSECT 2 QUADRAT SIZE (cm ) 24 310 108 11 1286 28 23 265 1143 25 18 188 206 20 1025 19 1052 23 193 208 224 333 400 1007 300 919 3 879 200 1171 100 954 19 99 518 400 Table 34. Sample statistics from shoot density data used to determine quadrat size (n = 7). -17 7- -178- was an important consideratthn in choosing a sample size, because fresh samples of Zostera could not be refrigerated longer than 14 days without significant deterioration. Therefore, the standard sample size selected for this study was seven quadrats per transect. Howeve r, depending on weather conditions, time and help available for field work, and the biomass of the Zostera, as few as five quadrats at a transect were sampled at certain times. Measurement of Biomass The intensive study site was visited monthly from May 1979 through June Biomass samples were taken monthly from April 1 to September 8, 1980, 1981. on February 12, 1981 and between April 6 and May 31, 1981. Individual sample sites were located by extending a 5 m rope marked at 0.5 m intervals between two of the stakes along a transect (Fig. 39). A 20 x 20 cm quadrat frame made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) welding rod was positioned on the right-hand side of the site, approximately 10 cm back from the rope (Fig. 39B). Shoots inside the quadrat were moved away from the edges, and the sediment and rhizome mat along the outer edge of the quadrat were cut through a trowel. Zostera and associated sediment were then placed in a 1 mm mesh sieve, and the sediment washed from the roots with water. Therefore, coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) was retained where CPOM was defined as particles larger than 1 mm in diameter. Plants with associated epiphytes were put in labeled plastic bags with a minimum of water, while the litter was retained in the sieve. The remaining sediment in the quadrat was dug out to a depth of about 20 cm below the rhizosphere and was added to the sieve. The sand was washed from the sieve and the remaining litter material was placed in a labeled plastic bag. All material was kept on ice until it could be refrigerated after returning to the laboratory. -'79- TRANSECT SEGMENT NUMBERS 200 80 190 I7 80 160 70 60 50 40 1 I I 30 I 20 10 0 I / STAKES AT 5m INTERVALS ALONG A lOOm TRANSECT 60 70 70 á9 I I t I 63 62 61 I 67 66 I. A 5m INTERVAL WITH 10 O.5rn TRANSECT SEGMENTS A O.5m TRANSECT SEGMENT (Th ---- I H ROPE WITh MARKERS A = AREA USED FOR SHOOT PRIMARY PRODUCTION MEASUREMENT B = PLACEMENT OF 400 cm2 QUADRAT FOR BI0?AASS SAMPLE Figure39. A 100-rn sampling transect at three levels of spatial I. 200 0.5-rn transect segments; II. 5-rn resolution: segment of transect with 10 0.5-rn transect segments; The details of one sampling site at a and III. transect segment. -180- During the time each sample was taken, selected physical properties of the bay and ocean water were measured. with a hand-held thermometer. Surface water temperature was measured A temperature compensated A0 Goldberg refractometer was used to determine salinity. Light intensity at the water surface and at a depth of 0.25 in were measured with a LICOR Underwater Photometric Sensor and Quantum Radiometer Photometer. These values were used to calculate extinction coefficients. Zostera bioniass from each sample quadrat was divided into a series of subsamples to reduce the biomass of the material to be handled at one time and to minimize exposure to room temperature. Each subsample was placed in a 1 mm mesh sieve, and individual shoots were cut from the rhizome at the nodes. This material was transferred to a second 1 mm mesh sieve along with loose leaves, shoots and seedlings. The sieve containing the leaves, shoots and seedlings, i.e., the aboveground material, was carefully dipped several times into a basin of distilled water to rinse away salt and any remaining sand. the following information was recorded: The shoots were sorted and the number of vegetative shoots, reproductive shoots, and seedlings; the number of leaves per vegetative shoot; and the number of leaves and flowers per reproductive shoot. Leaves were cut from their sheaths, and the sheaths were placed into labeled 55 x 15 mm aluminum weighing dishes. 20 mm plastic petri plate. These containers had been bent to fit inside a 60 x To minimize handling errors, a weighing dish was kept inside a petri dish unless a weight was being determined. The leaves were laid out on a labeled 20 x 20 cm glass plate until an area of approximately 16 x 20 cm was covered. The length and width of the area covered were measured to the nearest 0.5 cm and recorded. The glass plates -18 1- were covered with leaves and then were coated with distilled water, placed in When the water was frozen, the wooden racks and transferred to a freezer. plates were wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in a freezer. shoots were processed in the same manner. Reproductive Stems and flowers were combined with the sheaths from the vegetative shoots. The sieve with the belowground material, i.e., roots, rhizomes and litter, was thoroughly washed in a basin of tap water to remove any remaining sand, and then was dipped several times in distilled water to complete rinsing away the salt. Material from this sieve was sorted by inspection into living and dead roots and rhizomes, and each fraction was placed into labeled containers. Other detritus in the sieve was combined with dead rhizome material, along with unsprouted Zostera seeds. Notes were taken on the quality of the litter. All sorted material was kept frozen and stored until it was lyophilized. The process of lyophilization was of particular importance because it facilitated the removal of epiphytes from the leaves (Penhale, 1977). After lyophilizing, epiphytes were removed from the leaves and glass plate with a scraper made from a plastic coverslip glued between two glass microscope slides with 3-4 mm of Its edge protruding. Epiphytes and leaves were each placed in containers and the dry weight of all sorted lyophilized material was determined. To determine the ash-free dry weight of the leaves, sheaths, roots and rhizomes, and epiphytes, all the material of one kind from the sample quadrats at a transect was combined and ground to a powder in a Waring blender. This homogenized material was subsampled to fill a maximum of three porcelain crucibles (COORS, size 0). The naterial in the crucibles was weighed, ashed -182- for 48 hours at 500°C in a muffle furnace, and reweighed to determine the weight of the ash. To determine the time necessary to completely ash the material, crucibles with organic matter were repeatedly ashed until they came to constant weight. The difference between the dry weight of the material before ashing and the weight of the ash was recorded as ash-free dry weight. Measurement of Primary Production 1. Shoot Marking Method Net primary production of Zostera shoots were measured by a modified shoot marking technique (Zieman, 1974). Biweekly samples of 14 to 15 shoots per transect were taken, with two or three shoots marked at each sample site (Fig. 39A). Individual shoots typical of the area were selected. A 0.5 m stake of white PVC welding rod bent into a ring at one end was inserted into the sediment, and the base of a shoot was encircled with the ring. Another PVC stake extending 15 cm above the sediment was placed in the area of the marked shoots to make the region easy to locate, since the PVC rings at the sediment surface were not readily visible (Fig. 40A). Each shoot was marked by inserting a 22 gauge hypodermic needle above the level of the youngest sheath through all the leaves at the same time. The distance between the PVC ring at the base of the shoot and the needle was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm. After the needle was removed, the number of leaves and lateral shoots were counted. A marker was placed midway along the length of the next to youngest leaf (Fig. 40B). This marker, made from a 20 cm length of one pound test nylon monofilament, had a loop formed by a slipknot at one end; a 1 cm -183-- NEEDLE LEVEL OF NEEDLE MiRK DISTIANCE RECORDED .PLASTIC BEAD SU PKNOT Figure 40. Shoot marking technique. A. Zostera shoot with next to youngest leaf marked with monofilament line. B. The monofilament leaf marker with plastic bead. -184- length of 15 pound test monofilament was glued to the other end to serve as a needle. To make the marker more visible, a plastic colored bead was threaded onto the line and glued in place below the slipknot. The needle end of the marker was passed through the leaf and through the loop at the other end. The loop then was pulled closed, securing the marker in place around the leaf. After 12 to 16 days, the shoots were harvested at the level of the PVC ring, and placed in individual, labeled plastic bags until they could be refrigerated at the laboratory. At the same time, new shoots were marked for the next two-week period. In the laboratory, individual shoots were rinsed in distilled water to remove sand and salt. The leaf with the plastic marker was located; and the number of leaves present, the number of new leaves, the number of leaves lost, and the number of lateral shoots were determined (Fig. 41). The length and width of each leaf above its sheath was measured relative to its position on the shoot. Then the distance from the base of the shoot to the original location of the needle mark was measured, and the leaves were cut free at this point. If the PVC ring obviously had moved during the incubation time, the level of the needle mark in the oldest leaf was used as the reference point, as this leaf usually did not grow during the measurement period. Leaves were laid out in the order of their age, and their needle marks were located. The distance between the original level of the mark (i.e., the cut end of the leaf) and its new position was the leaf's contribution to net primary production. This new growth was removed from the leaf and placed on a 20 x 20 cm labeled glass plate. The length and width of this tissue were measured relative to the position of the leaf on the shoot. Glass plates with this ARDED 1 p-YOUNGEST LEA IF FOUR LEAVES WERE MARKED ORIGINALLY THEN: LEAF WAS SLOUGHED 1 LEAF WAS PRODUCED OLDEST Figure 41. Shoot marking technique indicating the above-ground net primary production (new growth) and leaf export. SHOOT CUTOFF AT LEVEL OF PVC RING DIS ORIGINAL-LEVEL )F NEED LE MARK NEW GROWTH = NEEDLE MARK -185- material were treated in the same manner as those processed with Zostera leaves for the biomass determination. Epiphytes removed from the leaves were discarded, and the dry weight of the new growth per shoot was determined. 2. Radioactive Carbon (14C) Method The relative net primary production of Zostera and the epiphytes was based on in Situ 14C incorporation measurements (Wetzel, 1974). The Bittaker and Iverson (1976) design for an incubation chamber was adapted for use with this method. This chamber also was used for the measurement of algal primary production; its structure is described in an earlier section of this report (Fig. 8). Light and dark chambers were used for the field measurements. Light chambers were constructed of transparent, tubular Plexiglass, while dark chambers were constructed of white, tubular Plexiglass. The exterior of each dark chamber was painted silver and wrapped with silver duct tape to insure no leakage of light. The '4C-sodium bicarbonate (NaH14CO) used was obtained from New England Nuclear Corporation as a powder with a specific activity of 7.5 mCi/mmol. The powder was dissolved in sterile, distilled water in a stoppered volumetric flask. This solution was standarized in April, 1982 and was stored at 5° C until use. At each transect, measurements were obtained from two light chambers and one dark chamber. Monthly measurements were made from June 29 to August 24, 1980 and on May 31, 1981. selected. At each sample site a clump of Zostera was A 30 cm length of PVC pipe (i.d. = 10.5 cm, o.d. = 11.5 cm) was placed around the clump and was inserted into the sediment until about 2 cm remained above the surface. To contain the leaves of the Zostera shoots, a bag made of nylon was fastened around the top of the pipe with a rubber band. When the water from the incoming tide was approximately 50 cm deep at the sample site, the incubation unit of the chamber was positioned around the net and the PVC pipe. Next, the net was removed, and the incubation unit was inserted 30 cm into the sediment. When the incubation unit filled with water, the stirring unit was attached, thereby sealing the chamber. Then 7.3 11Ci of a standardized solution of NaH14CO3 solution was injected into the incubation unit and the time was recorded. An external water sample was taken, fixed with mercuric chloride, and later the total available inorganic carbon in the sample was determined by the EPA Water Testing Laboratory using a split beam infrared spectrometer. During the incubation period, light intensity (PE m2 s1) was measured continuously using a LICOR Spherical Quantum Sensor and Printing Integrator. In addition, salinity, surface water and air temperature, and light intensity at the water surface and at a depth of 25 cm were measured hourly over the Zostera bed. After a period of 4 to 7.5 hrs, the stirring unit was removed, and the time was recorded. The incubation unit then was pulled from the sediment, and the PVC pipe containing the incubated core of Zostera was removed. The Zostera core was transferred to a 1 mm sieve, and the associated sediment was washed away from the roots and rhizomes. The Zostera was rinsed in distilled water to remove the salt, wrapped in foil, placed in a labeled plastic bag, and frozen quickly on dry ice. Samples were stored in a freezer until they were lyophilized. Zostera was sorted into roots and rhizomes, leaves, and epiphytes. Dried The dry -187-- weight of each fraction was determined. Samples were then exposed to concentrated HC1 fumes to remove residual labeled inorganic carbon (Allen, 1971). Material from each sample was ground to a powder in a Waring blender and subsamples of 0.1 to 0.2 g were placed in filter paper cones and compressed into pellets. The pellets were combusted in a Packard TRI-CARB Oxidizer (Model 306) where evolved CO2 was chemically trapped in 4 ml of Packard CARBOSORB. This was transferred into a scintillation vial with 12 ml of Packard PERMAFLUOR V. The vials were counted in a Packard TRI-CARE Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer System (Model 2425). Counts were corrected for recovery from the oxidizer (92% for Zostera, 91% for epiphytes), counting efficiency (59% for aboveground Zostera, 56% for belowground Zostera, 54% for epiphytes), and background. Assimiliation of '2C was calculated according to an equation of Pehale (1977), but disintegrations per minute (dpm) were substituted for counts per minute (cpm). Data Analysis Morphometric and biomass data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967) and principal components analysis (Cooley and Lohnes, 1971). Data analyses were performed on a Control Data Corporation CYBER 170/720 computer at the Oregon State University Computer Center. The computer programs used were part of the REGRESS and MULTIVARIATE subsystems of the Systems Interactive Programming System (SIPS). II. Morphometrics and Autecology of Zostera marina L. in Netarts Bay The vegetative shoot of Zostera marina L. comprises an extensive rhizome system that bears erect, leafy shoots. The linear leaves with basal sheaths EB are 3-12 mm broad and up to 12 dm long (Hitchcock and Cronquist, 1973). The rhizome has a meristem associated with each leaf that is positioned immediately below the node (Tomlinson, 1974). At each node two bundles of Since Zostera persists in natural habitats primarily roots are formed. through vegetative reproduction, a continually active meristem is necessary to maintain the populations. (Tomlinson, 1974). This requirement is termed meristem dependence The shoot apical meristem produces leaves dichotomously, giving the shoot a laterally, flattened appearance. An internode remains small until the leaf associated with one of the nodes becomes the next to the oldest leaf on the plant. At this time the internode elongates, and the roots are produced at the node. Consequently, the shoot is pushed ahead through the sediment by the growth of the youngest internodes along the rhizome. The life of an internode is about 90 days during the growing season in North Carolina (Kenworthy, personal communication). New shoots are produced by the development of axillary buds in the nodes of the oldest leaves. With the loss of the leaf whose node produced it, and with the branching of the rhizome, these shoots become independent from the parent shoot. Sexual Reproduction Events in the life of Zostera marina L. occurred with seasonal regularity in Netarts Bay. Seeds were found in the sediments throughout the year, but gerimination was restricted to spring (Fig. 42, Table 35), starting between mid-February and early April, and concluding by the end of June. Seedlings were not found in the sample taken on February 12, 1981, but were present at all transects in the samples taken in early April 1980 and 1981. They dis- Figure 42. 2: ii 20 50 APR1 MAY2 Density of seedings along Each point represents the Lu 0 (I) z70 -J a w6O Lu (9 (I) CsJ -90 100 DATE JUN29 JUL26 AUG24 SEP24 TRANSECT 3 (-ft4m) the three transects during the 1980 sampling period. mean of 5 to 7 observat ions. JUNT [I TRANSECT 2 (+ 1.2 m) N TRANSECT 1 (+1.lm) SEEDLING DENSITY (8) 36 (13) (9) 25 (14.4) FEB 12 SEP 24 0 AUG 24 1980 JUL 26 JUN 29 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 (11) 25 29 60 (15) 21 4 (4) 79 (26) JUN 1 86 MAY 2 (22) APR 1 0 I Dashes indicate no data available. TRANSECT 21 (10) 5 (5) 25 (14) 25 (25) 85 (19) 70 MAY 30 (24) 1981 MAY 3 APR 6 Table 35. Mean number of seedlings per square meter during the period from April 1980 through Ma! 1981. Values in parentheses represent the standard error of the mean of 5 to 7 observations." -190- C 0 -19 1- appeared from the samples at all transects by the end of June. Moreover, seedling data indicated that sexual reproduction did not play a major part in the growth and maintenance of the Zostera bed in Netarts Bay. This is compat- ible with the conclusion of McRoy (1966) and Phillips (1972). However, although the majority of the new shoots are produced by vegetative reproduction, the seedlings are probably important to the maintenance of the genetic diversity within the population. At no time did seedlings represent more than 7% of the shoot population at all transects (Table 36). The mean percentage of the total shoot density that was represented by seedlings when they were present was 2.7% (S.E. = 0.4%). In samples obtained during 1980 and 1981, the presence of reproductive shoots was variable (Fig. 43, Table 37). present from April to September. In 1980, flowering shoots were In the low intertidal region, reproductive shoots were first seen in April, extending up to the mean tidal height of the winter higher low tide. Flowers were seen throughout the bed in May, and they first appeared in the samples on June 1 at transect 1 and on June 29 at transects 2 and 3. September 24. Flowers were absent in the samples taken from all transects on In 1981, reproductive shoots observed during February in pools at the higher intertidal region (+1.4 in above MLLW) did not become numerous enough to appear in the samples until May 30. Data related to reproductive shoot densities also suggested that sexual reproduction did not play a major role in the growth and maintenance of the Zostera bed in Netarts Bay. When present, reproductive shoots representd no more than 6% of the total shoot density at all transects (Table 38). The mean percentage of the total shoot density that was represented by flowering shoots when they were present was 2.6% (S.E. = 0.5%). 0 0.2 3.1 3.1 3.7 5.1 6.7 3.0 2.7 3.2 1 2 3 Dashes indicate no data available. 0 0 JUN 1 MAY 2 TRANSECT APR 1 0 0 0 1980 JUL 26 JUN 29 0 0 0 AUG 24 0 0 0 SEP 24 FEB 12 2.2 1.8 0.5 2.5 1981 MAY 3 APR 6 Table 36. Percentage of the total shoot density represented by seedlings during the period from April 1980 through May 1981. The percentages were calculated from the ratio of the means of 5 to 7 observations. -19 2- 1.8 0.7 MAY 30 7o 4o Figure 43. APR 1 S MAY2 JUN 1 TRANSECT 1(-i-1.lm) TRANSECT2(12m) TRANSECT 3(+14m) JUN29 JUL26 AUG24 SEP24 DATE REPRODUCTIVE SHOOT DENSITY Density of reproductive shoots along the three transects during the 1980 sampling period. Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. zIo co w c3O IL 0 w 0 0:: > IiJ (I) U) Ig6o csJ TRANSECT 0 0 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 11 (7) 25 50 (21) C Dashes indicate no data available N (17) I 32 (7) 1981 APR 6 I (50) 14 29 FEB 12 SEP 24 C (5) 5 AUG 24 C (41) (13) C (20) C (7) C 40 0 65 0 39 JUN 1 MAY 2 0 APR 1 0 MAY 3 (28) 100 (19) 40 MAY 30 Table 37. Mean number of reproductive shoots per square meter during the period from April 1980 through Values in parentheses represent the standard error of the mean of 5 to 7 observations. May 1981. -194- C I C C C C o 0 Dashes indicate no data available. 1.9 0 Z JUN 1 0 0 1 MAY 2 3.0 3.0 3.4 0.8 1.0 2.8 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 5.3 2.8 0.5 AUG 24 1.1 5.7 MAY 30 MAY 3 FEB 12 SEP 24 0 0 0 APR 1 0 0 TRANSECT Percentage of the total shoot density represented by reproductive shoots during the period from April 1980 through May 1981. The percentages were calculated from the ratio of the means of 5 to 7 observations. * 0 - 0 Table 38. -19 5- 0 - 0 0 - 0 IdV 0 9 1861 Vegetative Growth Because the majority of the shoots in the bed at any time were vegetative, the results of this study related primarily to the biology of the vegetative shoots of Zostera marina in Netarts Bay. Short, narrow leaves were produced by each shoot in the autumn, and in this form the plant survived the winter. In Netarts Bay the change to the winter morphology began in September and was complete at the upper intertidal transects (2 and 3) by the end of November and at transect 1 by the end of December. Growth in the leafy portions of the plant resumed sometime in late February or March when the transition from the narrow-bladed form to the broader-bladed form occurred. The winter leaves were systematically sloughed off as the summer leaves were produced. The leaves produced during the period of transition were usually 1-2 mm wider at the base than at the tip, while the summer leaves had a uniform width along their entire length from May until the change to the winter morphology began in September. There was a regular pattern in the production and sloughing of leaves from vegetative shoots in Netarts Bay. The time interval between the initiation of two successive leaves on one shoot was termed the plastochrone interval (PT). The Pt for the period between samples was calculated from the expression proposed by Jacobs (1979): number of shoots marked X observation period in days number of new leaves on marked shoots -19 7- The time interval between the sloughing of two successive leaves on one shoot was termed the export interval (El). The average El for a sample period was calculated from the expression: number of shoots marked X observation period in days number of leaves sloughed from marked shoots Trends for the entire growing season were examined by using data from transects 1 and 3 from June through October 1980, and from April through June 1981 (Table 39). The value of the Pt ranged from 7.0 to 25.6 days, while the value of the El ranged from 7.1 to 23.3 days. In general, the P1 was shorter than or equal to the El during April and May. This resulted in an increase in number of leaves per shoot during that period, because leaves were being produced faster than they were being shed. From June through October, the trend reversed and the El was shorter than the Pt. The net result of this pattern was a reduction in the number of leaves per shoot, since during that period leaves were lost faster than they were produced. A plot of the average number of leaves per shoot against time illustrated the effect of these patterns for the entire growing season in 1980, and for the time measured in 1981 (Fig. 44). The relatively low number of leaves per shoot determined for June 29, 1980 was probably due to experimental error, as inexperienced new workers were involved in the laboratory work at that time. There was little correlation between number of leaves per shoot and other variables associated with Zostera and its epiphytes (Table 40). Therefore, the number of leaves per shoot was not a linear function of these other variables, but instead, was more closely related to changes in the P1 and El. -19 8- Table 39. Mean plastochrone interval (P1) and mean export interval expressed as days for the period from June 1980 through June 1981. Values listed are the means of 14 or 15 observations. (El) TRANSECT 1 TRANSECT P1 2 El TRANSECT P1 3 El P1 El 14-29 15.0 10.0 8.3 13.6 9.0 7.9 JUN 29-JUL 13 21.0 8.8 12.9 10.0 13.3 10.7 13-26 18.0 12.0 14.4 14.4 13.0 11.4 JUL 26-AUG 12 25.0 16.0 20.0 12.8 14.2 9.1 12-24 16.5 19.0 14.7 11.0 21.7 10.8 AUG 24-SEP 8 17.0 19.0 16.0 13.1 11.7 16.0 8-24 25.6 16.0 19.6 11.0 SEP 24-OCT 7 22.0 15.0 19.6 12.3 10.5 7.6 7-23 19.0 15.0 12.4 11.4 18.0 18.0 6-18 9.0 15.0 10.0 14.0 APR 18-MAY 3 9.5 9.4 7.0 18.7 MAY 3-16 12.2 11.8 8.0 7.8 MAY 16-30 10.0 11.7 7.0 23.3 MAY 30-JUN 17 13.0 8.5 9.4 7.1 18.0 11.6 10.5 8.4 1980 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT 1981 APR -u JUN * 17-JUL 1 Dashes indicate no data available. Figure 44. APR I JUN29 JUL26 AUG24 SEP24 DATE MAY2 JUN 1 TRANSECT2 (1.2m) TRANSECT3(+1.4m) TRANSECT 1 (+1. im) Average number of leaves per vegetative shoot at the three transects during the period from April through September, 1980. Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. 0 z2 m Lu Li. 0 Lu -J > Lu LI- Iii U) I 0 0 F- ru LEAVES PER SHOOT -2 00- Table4O. Correlation coefficients (r) relating the number of leaves per shoot to selected variables. Values greater than 0.2 are significantly different than zero where P < 0.01. Variables Total shoot density (shoots m2) 0.166 2 Average area of a vegetative leaf (cm ) -0.253 Aboveground biomass (g dry wt. m2) 0.075 m2) 0.005 Belowground bioinass (g dry wt. Total Zostera biomass (g dry wt. m -2 Epiphyte biomass (g ash-free dry wt. 0.045 ) m2) Epiphyte leaf (g dry wt. epiphyte/g dry wt. leaf) 0.010 0.072 -20 1 The P1 measured the average length of time that a leaf spent in each position on a shoot. Therefore, the PT multipled by the mean number of leaves per shoot equalled the average lifetime of a leaf on a shoot. To examine the changes in the length of the lifetime of a leaf, the sampling period was divided into growth phases according to changes in the ratio between the P1 and the El (Table 41). Plants along transect 1 exhibited three phases. In April, the P1 (9 days) was shorter than the El (15 days), in May the P1 and El were equal (each 12 days), and from June through October the P1 (20 days) was longer than the El (15 days). Transect 3 had two phases. In April and May the P1 (9 days) was shorter than the El (13 days), and from June through October the Pt (14 days) was longer than the El (11 days). Transect 2 was only measured from June through October when the P1 (15 days) was longer than the El (12 days). The average lifetime of a leaf was calculated for each phase for each transect (Table 42). Comparison of the lifetime of a leaf for each transect revealed that from June through October, leaves remained on the shoots in the lower intertidal region (transect 1) longer than they did on shoots in the upper intertidal region (transects 2 and 3). In general, the time a leaf remained on a shoot increased from April to September. Growth of a leaf in relation to Its age or position on the shoot also was anlayzed. Data were standardized by expressing the amount of growth of each leaf as a proportion of the total growth of the shoot. Since the absolute age of each leaf measured was not known, relative ages were used. The youngest leaf on a shoot was designated as number one, and each successive leaf was numbered in order from the youngest to the oldest. This avoided problems when comparing shoots with different numbers of leaves, because any group of leaves -2 02- Table 41. Mean plastochrone interval (P1), mean export interval (El), and mean number of leaves per shoot (LVS) for periods from April to June, 1981 and from June to P1 and El are expressed as days. The October, 1980. values in parentheses represent the standard error of the mean for 9 to 26 observations. 1981 APRIL TO JUNE TRANSECT P1 El LVS 12.0 11.4 (1.4) (0.9) 3.7 (0.1) 3 TOTAL BED - 1980 JUNE TO OCTOBER P1 El LVS 2.8 19.9 14.5 (1.3) (1.2) (0.1) - 15.3 12.3 (1.3) (0.5) 2.7 (0.4) 4.0 8.7 (0.6) 13.2 13.9 11.4 (2.7) (0.1) (1.5) (1.3) 10.3 12.3 12.8 (1.4) 3.9 (0.1) 16.5 (0.9) (0.9) (0.8) Dashes indicate no data available. 2.9 (0.1) 2.9 (0.1) -203- Table 42. Mean lifetime of a leaf (days) for each transect during the growing season. P1 = mean plastochrone interval; El = mean export interval; LVS = mean number of leaves per shoot.* PI<EI PI=EI PI>EI TRANSECT 1 Period P1 LVS Lifetime April 9.2 3.7 34.0 May 11.1 3.6 40.0 June-October 19.9 2.8 55.7 TRANSECT 2 Period P1 LVS Lifetime - - June-October 15.3 2.7 41.3 TRANSECT 3 Period P1 LVS Lifetime April-May 8.7 4.0 34.8 Dashes indicate no data available. June-October 13.9 2.9 40.7 -204- in the same position relative to the youngest leaf on their respective shoot were approximately the same age. At all transects throughout the study the greatest proportion of growth occurred while a leaf was in position 2 (Table 43). During the first phase of growth (April and May) the youngest and next to youngest leaf accounted for 48 to 65% of the total growth of the shoot. During the last phase of growth (June to October), these leaves accounted for 75 to 95% of the growth of the shoot. As the growing season progressed, the number of leaves per shoot decreased, the Pt became longer, the average lifetime of a leaf became longer, and an average leaf spent more time in each position. Therefore, as fall approached, more of the growth occurred at positions 1 and 2 and less occurred at position 3, and more than half of the total growth of a shoot was due to the growth of leaves two Pt or less old. III. Production Dynamics of Zostera Biomass The general pattern for the accumulation of the total biomass of Zostera, i.e., the summation of aboveground and belowground biomasses, was similar at transects 1 and 3 (Fig. 45). In 1980, total biomass increased along both transects through the spring to a maximum in July, and then declined (Table 44). The maximum total biomass at transect 1 was 463.1 g dry weight if2, while that at transect 3 was 142.8 g dry weight if2. the rate of increase of total biomass at transects 1 rate of increase in the spring of 1980 (Table 44). In the spring of 1981, and 3 was higher than the Total biomass at transect 1 on May 30, 1981 was equivalent to that on June 29, 1980. Total biomass at transect 3 on May 30, 1981 was equivalent to that on July 26, 1980. In -205- Table 43. Percentage of total shoot growth distributed among youngest leaves of different relative ages,wherel leaf on shoot. Values in parentheses represent the standard error of the mean of 14 or 15 observations. APRIL-MAY JUNE JULY-OCTOBER TRANSECT 1 % 1 21.0 33.7 (1.4) (3.8) (1.9) 46.3 50.0 % 2 41.3 (2.6) (2.6) % 3 28.5 19.0 % 1 + 2 % 1 + 2 + 3 41.5 (1.3) (1.5) (1.7) 8.5 (1.3) 64.8 80.0 91.5 (0.5) (2.1) (1.3) 93.3 99.0 99.9 (1.3) (0.6) (0.1) TRANSECT 2 c 35.9 % 2 48.4 % 3 13.6 %1+2 84.3 %l+2+3 97.9 (2.2) (2.0) (2.3) (3.6) (1.3) TRANSECT 3 27.1 14.3 25.7 (2.8) (4.3) (3.8) % 2 34.3 43.7 48.1 (2.0) (3.2) (1.2) 3 32.5 24.3 22.1 % % 1 (1.9) (4.3) (3.0) % 1 + 2 48.5 72.7 (4.0) (2.0) % 1 + 2 + 3 81.0 96.7 (3.5) (2.0) 75.3 (3.7) 97.4 (0.9) Dashes indicate no data available. 321.8 (31.4) 269.9 (12.4) 259.5 (26.8) (38.2) (5.0) (19.3) 88.7 142.8 103.6 65.4 45.4 (12.0) (24.3) (23.4) 64.5 (13.9) 128.0 147.3 (34.3) 82.0 (21.4) 84.0 (12.4) 113.9 321.2 (11.5) 463.1 AUG 24 (23.1) (54.2) 362.5 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 (9.9) 45.6 (25.8) JUN 1 MAY 2 APR 1 , 57.5 (22.0) (14.4) 166.9 (22.5) 252.0 SEP 24 (15.7) 47.1 (15.9) 119.6 FEB 12 (17.5) 62.7 (38.1) 292.6 (29.2) 63.8 305.4 (12.4) 1981 APR 6 MAY 3 (39.4) 147.5 353.9 (25.1) MAY 30 Mean total Zos tera biomass expressed as g dry weight m2 at the three transects during the period fro m Apr11 1 1980 to May 30, 1981. The values are the means of 5 to 7 observations. The standa rd error of the mean is in parentheses.* *Dashes indicate no data available. TRANSECT Table 44. -206- -207- contrast, total biomass of transect 2 increased throughout the summer of The pattern for the increase of total biomass at transect 2 during 1980 1980. closely followed that for transect 3 until July 26. Subsequently, total biomass at transect 3 decreased, while that for transect 2 continued to increase (Fig. 45). Field notes taken during April and May described a sparse, patchy distribution of shoots at transects 2 and 3; evidence of erosion and burial of shoots were also noted. An impoundment of water in the low intertidal region was formed by the large, dense Zostera shoots grawing in a basin created by sand deposition along the edges of the bed. termed the Zostera pond (Fig. 37). This area was Its boundaries were made obvious during the lowest tides by the presence of about 15 cm of water, and during high tides by calm water in the region, caused by the dampening effects of the leaves. As the summer progressed and the shoots increased in size throughout the bed, the boundaries of the Zostera pond increased to include transect 2, and that transect began to look more like transect 1. Furthermore, at transect 3, plants growing in areas where pools formed were in better condition than plants growing in areas completely exposed at low tide. When total biomass was compartmentalized into aboveground and belowground biomass, some new patterns emerged. Aboveground and belowground biomass at transect 2 and aboveground biomass at transects 1 and 3 reflected the pattern described for total biomass, while the pattern for belowground biomass at transects 1 and 3 was different (Tables 44, 45, and 46). In 1980, at transect 1, belowground biomass changed relatively little from April 1 to June 29 (Table 46). A maximum belowground biomass of 206.9 g dry weight m2 was recorded a month later on July 26. Belowground biomass decreased during late E 1980 DATE SEP24 AUG24 JUL26 JUN29 JUN1 1981 MAY3 FEB12 APRG TOTAL ZOSTERA BIOMASS MAY30 2(+1.2m) 3(+1.4m) I (+1.lm) Zos tera biomass at three transects in Netarts Bay during the period from April 1, 1980 1. Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. y 30, 198 MAY2 APR1 Total to Ma 200 300 Figure 45. a 0 w N 500 -209- summer and fall, and increased again between February 12 and April 6, 1981. In contrast to the rapid accumulation of total and aboveground biomass observed at transect 1 in the spring of 1981, belowground biomass did not reach a level comparable to that of spring 1980 until May 3, 1981. At transect 3 there was a small peak in belowground biomass in April during both 1980 and 1981, followed by a larger peak that occurred with the maximum aboveground biomass (Tables 45 and 46). during late summer, fall and winter. In 1980, belowground biomass declined Therefore, an increase in belowground biomass during April 1981 preceded the increase in aboveground biomass at transect 3. There was a striking difference between aboveground biomass at transects 1 and 3 during 1980 and 1981 (Table 45). At transect 1, the aboveground biomass for May 30, 1981 was 25% higher than that recorded on June 1, 1980. At transect 3, the aboveground biomass on May 30, 1981 was 48% higher than the maximum aboveground biomass reached in 1980. In general, at all three transects belowground biomass was a more conservative factor than aboveground biomass. The percentage increase of above- ground biomass was compared to that for the belowground biomass for the period from April 1 to September 24, 1980 (Table 47). The percentage increase of aboveground biomass ranged from 161% at transect 1 to 714% at transect 3. The percentage increase of belowground biomass ranged from 55% at transect 1 to 185% at transect 2. Therefore, the percentage increase of aboveground biomass was much higher than the percentage increase of belowground biomass at all transects. (10.8) 22.0 (8.3) 34.9 (7.3) (8.7) (4.1) 70.4 (7.8) 53.5 57.1 30.3 8.1 (2.6) 7.2 (1.0) (7.9) (13.0) (7.7) 22.3 - 57.6 119.4 173.9 (7.6) FEB 12 SEP 24 49.5 (19.9) (9.3) 71.0 (10.0) 256.2 (21.1) AUG 24 (21.6) 60.8 37.8 26.6 (3.1) 11.3 (2.7) (37.0) 197.8 (21.4) 162.1 114.8 (5.4) 1980 JUL 26 JUN 29 JUN 1 MAY 2 (10.9) 98.7 APR 1 Dashes indicate no data available. TRANSECT (8.4) 21.6 - (21.6) 166.5 32.4 (14.1) (5.1) 181.0 1981 MAY 3 APR 6 (23.5) 84.4 202.4 (16.6) MAY 30 Table 45. Mean abovegroun d Zostera bioinass expressed as g dry weight m2 at the three transects during the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. The values are the means of 5 to 7 observations. The standard er ror of the mean is in parentheses.* -2 10- JUN 1 151.7 (14.1) 44.2 (12.6) 35.1 (5.2) HAY 2 154.1 (14.5) 58.5 (1.0) 37.3 (9.8) APR 1 160.8 (15.2) 34.3 (7.4) 71.7 (10.4) Dashes indicate no data available. TRANSECT (17.6) 54.1 (16.0) 53.1 (18.9) 164.4 85.6 (22.3) 76.3 (15.5) 206.9 (11.7) 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 (12.5) 53.7 74.5 (14.3) (5.0) 147.2 AUG 24 35.5 (14.3) (8.1) 96.6 (14.6) 132.5 SEP 24 (8.3) 24.8 - (8.2) 62.0 FEB12 (12.1) 41.1 - (18.5) 126,1 31.4 (15.3) (7.8) 124.4 1981 MAY3 APR 6 (16.6) 63.2 (12.1) 151.6 MAY30 Table 46. Mean belowgroun d Zostera biomass expressed as g dry weight m2 at the three transects during the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. The values are the means of 5 to 7 observations. The standard er ror of the mean is in parentheses.* -211- Transect Table 47. 143 50 35-85 714 50 7-57 185 63 34-97 546 60 11-71 55 73 133-206 Range 161 158 98-256 Range Belowground Biomass % Increase Difference aboveground and belowground biomass along transects Biomass period from April 1 to September 24, 1980. 2 The percentages were calculated from weight m of 5 to 7 observations. Aboveground Blomass % Increase Difference Percentage increase of 1, 2, and 3 during the was expressed as g dry the ratio of the means -2 13- Comparing aboveground and belowground biomass as a proportion of total biomass gave additional insights into seasonal trends. At all transects, belowground bioinass comprised the greater proportion of the total biomass at the beginning and end of the sampling period in 1980 (Table 48). At transect 1, both aboveground and belowground biomass accounted for between 40 and 60% of the total biomass over the entire sampling period, each fraction averaging approximately 50%. In contrast, belowground biomass at transects 2 and 3 always comprised more than 50% of the total biomass in 1980, and April 1980 it represented 90% of the total biomass at transect 3 (Table 48). Changes in total biomass were the result of changes in shoot density and leaf or plant size along the transects. Leaf size was monitored as the change in the average area of a leaf from a vegetative shoot. Mean plant size was calculated by dividing total Zostera biomass by mean shoot density. Multiple regression analysis of the relationship between total biomass and plant size and density, and between total biomass, and leaf size and density indicated that there was a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables (Table 49). Plant size and density were better predictors of total biomass than were leaf size and density. This was understandable because plant size included both aboveground and belowground portions of the plant, while leaf size represented only the aboveground parts. These relationships can be used to obtain an estimate of total biomass through a combination of field counts of density and an estimate of leaf or plant size rather than by harvesting and sorting material from quadrats. Average leaf size expressed as cm2 increased from April 1 to August 24, 1980 at all transects (Fig. 46, Table 50). The relatively small leaf size measured on September 24, 1980 reflected the completion of the sloughing of 78.4 90.1 Belowground 53.2 Dashes indicate no data available. 21.6 9.9 Aboveground 46.8 50.4 68.3 73.9 Belowground TRANSECT 3 49.6 31.7 26.1 Aboveground 58.1 37.5 62.6 58.3 55.9 58.0 41.7 57.7 42.0 52.7 45.9 40.9 47.3 SEP 24 54.1 AUG 24 44.1 49.9 50.4 41.9 50.1 49.7 44.9 46.3 50.4 56.5 62.1 Belowground TRANSECT 2 55.1 JUL 26 53.3 1980 JUN 29 49.6 JUN 1 43.5 MAY 2 37.9 APR 1 34.4 65.6 52.5 43.1 51.8 47.2 56.9 57.2 42.8 49.2 42.8 40.7 50.8 57.2 MAY 30 59.3 1981 MAY 3 APR 6 48.2 FEB 12 Percentage of total blomass corresponding to aboveground and belowground material at the three The percentages were calculated transects for the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. from the ratio of the means of 5 to 7 observations.* Aboveground TRANSECT 1 Table 48. -214- -215- Table 49. TRANSECT Multiple regression of mean total Zostera biomass (TZOS) against mean leaf size (AREA), mean plant size (SIZE), and mean shoot density (TSHD) for each transect. R2 is the coefficient of determination. MODEL R2 0.66 TZOS 18.54 + 6.73 AREA + 0.07 TSHD 0.80 TZOS -101.41 - 1.29 SIZE + 1.22 TSHD 0.86 TZ?DS 69.74 + 7.36 AREA - 0.03 TSHD 0.98 TZOS 78.04 + 1.08 SIZE + 0.07 TSHD 0.84 TZOS -27.37 + 0.53 AREA + 5.00 TSHD 0.98 TZOS -97.63 + 0.01 SIZE + 1.05 TSHD Figure 46. 0 20 JUL26 SEP24 FEB12 JUN 29 AUG 24 1980 DATE JUN1 MAY 2 APRI 3 MAY30 (1.4m) (+1.2m) (i-1.lm) Mean leaf size as expressed by the average area of a leaf from a vegetative shoot, considering both sides, along the three transects in Netarts Bay. Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. a: Lii 3O 40 TRANSECT TRANSECT TRANSECT LEAF SIZE -2 17- TRANSECT 5.8 (1.3) 12.0 (1.7) 7.6 (1.3) 15.1 (1.8) 37.2 (1.6) 12.0 (4.6) 36.7 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 Dahses indicate no data available. (0.4) 2.5 (0.3) 1.8 (0.3) (1.7) 12.3 6.0 (0.6) (1.8) (0.4) 4.6 (0.2) 15.0 4.8 JUN 1 2.5 (0.2) MAY 2 APR 1 (2.9) 12.1 (2.0) 18.6 (4.0) 42.1 AUG 24 (2.1) 10.6 (3.8) 16.4 (2.4) 30.3 (0.3) 2.3 - 3.0 (0.11) FEB 12 (0.6) 3.3 - 5.5 (0.5) APR 6 1981 5.7 (0.2) - (0.6) 8.0 MAY 3 7.2 (0.7) - (1.8) 14.5 MAY 30 Table 50. Mean leaf size measured as the average area of a leaf from a vegetative shoot and expressed as cm2 for the three transects for the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. The values represent the means of 5 to 7 observations. The standard error of the mean is in parentheses. N I -2 18- the large leaves produced during the sampling period in 1980 and the beginning of the change to the small, narrow leaves typical in the winter. In the spring of 1981, at transect 1, leaf size increased at a lower rate than it did Mean leaf size on Nay 30, 1981 was similar to that for in the spring of 1980. May 2, 1980 (Table 50). In contrast at transect 3, mean leaf size increased at a higher rate in the spring of 1981 than it did in the spring of 1980. Mean leaf size on May 30, 1981 was similar to that for June 29, 1980 (Table 50). The changes in plant size were similar in pattern to changes in total biomass at all transects during the sampling period in 1980 (Fig. 45 and 47). En the spring of 1981 at transects 1 and 3, plant size increased at a lower rate than in the spring of 1980. At transect 1, the mean plant size on May 3, 1981 was similar to that measured on April 1, 1980, and at transect 3 the mean plant size for April through June 1, 1980 was not reached until May 30, 1981 (Table 51). Differences between the leaf and plant sizes measured in 1980 and those measured in 1981 can be explained in conjunction with the changes in shoot density. At transects 2 and 3, during the sampling period in 1980, shoot density, plant size, leaf size and total biomass follow the same general patterns of change (Fig. 45, 46, 47 and 48). At transect 1, during the same period, shoot density decreased as plant size and leaf size increased. Total bioniass was greater in transect 1 than at transects 2 and 3 in April 1980 because the shoot density at transect 1 was three times greater than that at transects 2 and 3 (Fig. 45 and 48) when plant size was similar at all three transects (Fig. 47). Although shoot density decreased from April through Figure 47. 0 10101 200 JUN1 1980 DATE 1981 MAY30 MAY3 JUL26 SEP24 FEB12 APR6 MAY2 JUN29 AUG24 APR1 1(-H.lm) RANSECT 2(l.2m) RIANSECT .1 RIANSECT 3(+1.4m) PLANT SIZE Mean size (mg) of a vegetative plant along the three transects in Netarts Bay during the Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. observations. -J J Cl) 300 rr.i 104.4 101.1 88.2 70.7 84.7 58.7 81.7 1 2 Dashes indicate no data available. 81.4 105.2 119.4 160.9 127.0 88.7 TRANSECT 330.8 194.9 JUN 1 MAY 2 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 66.8 253.3 152.4 115.0 313.4 68.8 90.0 42.0 FEB 12 SEP 24 AUG 24 54.5 76.1 70.1 88.7 1981 MAY 3 APR 6 Mean size of a vegetative plant expressed as milligrams at the three transects for the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. The percentages were calculated from the ratio of the means of 5 to 7 observations. APR 1 Table 51. -2 20- 88.8 104.2 MAY 30 - - - Figure 48. 0 [I$IIS] I I JUNI I I I I I I I I I I 1980 DATE 1981 V JUL26 SEP24 FEB 12 APR6 MAY30 MAY2 JUN29 AUG24 MAY 3 APR1 TRANSECT 1(+lim) TRANSECT 2(+1.2m TRANSECT 3(i-1.4m SHOOT DENSITY - - - Mean shoot density (shoots m2) along the three transects in Netarts Bay during the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. (I) 0 0 F- 2000 (I) 3000 i.IiI. -222- September at transect 1, total biomass continued to increase in response to the increase in leaf and plant size until July 26 (Fig. 45, 46, 47 and 48). Therefore, the data indicated that shoot density was independent of plant size until some threshold was reached, above which plant size has a negative effect on density. Mean leaf area per unit area of substrate expressed as m2 m2 measured the combined effects of shoot density and plant size. were considered in this measurement. Both sides of the leaf When plant size and density combined to produce a mean leaf area per unit of substrate of between 7.5 and 11 m m2, shoot density began to decrease at transect 1 (Tables 52 and 53). and 3 never reached this mean leaf area per unit area of substrate. Transects 2 This response was probably the result of self-shading within the Zostera bed in the region of transect 1. In addition, plant sizes were relatively large in the samples taken on June 29 and July 26, 1980 at transect 1. This suggested that there had been a selective loss of small shoots prior to that time, possibly due to shading from the large shoots. Data from all transects for 1980 and 1981 were pooled to examine the properties of the entire Zostera bed. interest were listed in Table 54. Sample statistics in the variables of Relationships that existed for each tran- sect were still evident when the data were pooled (Table 55). Aboveground and belowground biomass were highly correlated with each other and with total biomass. Total shoot density and the average area of a vegetative leaf were less highly correlated with total biomass. However, since they represented compon- ents of biomass, i.e., number of shoots and size of aboveground parts, when they were combined in a multiple regression against total Zostera biomass they 1368 (140) 1025 (308) 804 (111) 536 (140) 782 (148) (295) (236) (212) (134) (148) 1400 (156) 1400 929 1188 789 (253) Jul 26 954 (97) 1860 2000 2125 (176) 2925 (293) 1980 JUN 29 JUN 1 MAY 2 APR 1 (185) 500 (359) 1135 (436) 1150 (428) 910 (120) (162) 896 (228) - - 1095 886 3445 ) (143) 3845 L'Utl (387) 1790 1981 AITh U LtL J1D IL (136) 995 SEP 24 (87) (160) 1025 AUG 24 J'J (387) 1761 - (359) 3395 A1 IiLtl Mean shoot density expressed as shoots m2 at the three transects during the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. Values represent the means of 5 to 7 observations. Standard error of the mean is in parentheses. Dashes Indicate no data available. TRANSECT Table 52. -2 23- -224- TRANSECT 1.7 (0.2) Dashes indicate no data available. 0.5 (0.2) 0.3 (0.1) 4.6 (0.6) 3.0 (1.3) 5.4 (0.9) 2.4 (0.6) 1.8 (0.3) 0.6 (0.1) 15.7 (1.9) 4.1 (2.4) (1.1) 14.4 9.1 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 (1.1) JUN 1 (1.4) MAY 2 11.9 4.9 (0.6) APR 1 (0.1) 2.3 (0.8) 4.1 (0.9) 11.1 AUG 24 1.5 (0.6) (0.6) 4.6 7.5 (0.8) SEP 24 (0.3) 0.9 (0.1) 1.8 FEB 12 (0.5) 1.4 7.5 (1.3) 2.4 (0.9) (0.4) 11.0 1981 APR 6 MAY 3 (1.5) 6.0 (1.2) 15.9 MAY 30 Table 53. Mean leaf area per unit area of substrate expressed as m2 m2 at the three transects during the period from April 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. Values represent the means of 5 to 7 observations. Standard error of the mean is In parentheses.* I-, -225- Table 54. Sample statistics for Zostera biomass and selected morphometric data corresponding to the entire Zostera bed over the whole sampling period from April 1 to September 24, 1980 and from February 12 to May 30, 1981 (n = 175). Mean Standard Error Range Total Biomass2 (g dry wt. m ) 165.3 9.5 0-554 79.2 5.5 0-326 86.0 4.4 0-240 1454.1 75.9 11.5 0.8 Aboveground Bomass (g dry wt. m ) Belowground Bi9mass (g dry wt. m ) Shoot Density (shoots m2) Average Area of Vegetative Leaf* Lcm2) Both sides considered. 0-4950 0-57 -2 26- Table 55. A matrix of correlation coefficients relating Zostera biomass and selected morphometric variables for the pooled data set, i.e., all samples from the TZOS = total Zostera biomass; three transects. ABGB = aboveground biomass; BLGB = belowground biomass; TSHD = total shoot density; AREA = average area of a vegetative leaf, both sides considered. Values greater than 0.2 are significantly different than zero where P < 0.01. TZOS ABGB BLGB TSHD AREA TZOS ABGB BLGB TSHD AREA 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.67 0.64 1.00 0.84 0.65 0.65 1.00 0.63 0.56 1.00 0.03 1.00 -227- accounted for a large proportion of the variance in total biomass (Table Again, this supported the idea presented earlier that measurement of 56). shoot density and the average area of a vegetative leaf can be used to obtain an estimate of total Zostera biomass. Primary Production Shoot net primary production (g dry weight m2 sample period), as measured by the leaf marking method, had a similar pattern at all transects throughout the study (Fig. 49, Table 57). During the period from June 14 to October 23, 1980, there were two peaks in net primary production of the shoot. The first occurred between June 29 and July 26 and was reflected by peaks in total biomass at transects 1 and 3 (Fig. 45). A second and smaller peak in net primary production of the shoot occurred between August 24 and September 24. This maximum was not reflected in the measurements of total bioinass at transect 1 and 3 for the same period because of a decrease in shoot density and plant size that occurred at the same time (Fig. 47 and 48). Total biomass at transect 2 increased throughout the sampling period in 1980. The decrease in net primary production of the shoot at all transects between July 13 and August 24 was concurrent with a bloom of Enteromorpha prolifera in the area (see Davis, 1982). As the Enteromorpha drifted through the Zostera bed with the incoming or outgoing tide, the long leaves of the seagrass became tangled in the ropes of the alga, and the Zostera was uprooted as it was dragged along. In areas where Enteromorpha had become caught in the sediment or on some object, the Zostera in the vicinity became buried from an increase in the sedimentation caused by the slowing of -I -2 28- Table 56. Multiple regression of total Zostera biomass (TZOS) against total shoot density (TSHD) and the average area of a vegetative leaf (AREA) for the entire Zostera bed. R2 is the coefficient of determination. MODEL 0.40 TZOS = 43.2 + 0.08 TSHD 0.40 TZOS = 81.8 + 7.3 AREA 0.83 TZbS = -36.0 + 0.06 TSHD + 4.2 AREA 0 1980 DATE JUNI JUL26 SEP24 JUN29 AUG24 OCT23 TRANSECT2(+I.2m) TRANSECT3(1.4m) 'TRANSECT 1 (il.lm) SHOOT 1981 MAY3 JUL1 APR6 tAY3O Shoot net primary production expressed as g dry weight m2 along three transects for the period from June 1980 to July 1981, Each point represents the mean of 14 or 15 observations. 0 Figure 49. 0 clOO 0 >- w I E (\J N 0 3 Transect NPP-PER NPP-DAY Transect 22.5 1.6 108.9 9.1 APR 6APR 18 Based on data from two shoots. 3 NPP-PER NPP-DAY Transect 1 Sampling Period 1981 36.0 2.6 47.6 3.2 NPP-PER NPP-DAY 2 Transect NPP-PER NPP-DAY 129.1 8.6 NPP-PER NPP-DAY Transect 1 JUN 14JUN 29 30.0 2.1 7.6 113.8 APR 18MAY 3 39.5 2.5 66.0 4.4 153.4 10.2 JUN 29JUL 13 39.6 2.8 122.2 9.4 MAY 3NAY 16 48.7 3.7 57.1 4.8 81.1 6.2 JUL 13JUL 26 65.1 4.7 150.0 10.7 MAY 16MAY 30 36.3 2.3 32.0 2.0 69.3 4.3 JUL 26AUG 12 2.5 42.1 230.5 13.6 MAY 30JUN 17 13.5 1.0 31.7 2.6 41.7 3.5 AUG 12AUG 24 37.2 2.7 114.2 8.2 JUN 17 JUL 1 35.3 2.2 53.8 3.4 AUG 24SEP 8 * 1.9k 0.1 43.4 2.7 68.7 4.3 SEP 8SEP 24 27.1 1.9 31.0 2.2 61.4 4.4 SEP 24OCT 7 14.8 0.9 20.2 1.3 44.4 2.8 OCT 7OCT 23 Shoot net primary production along the three transects during the period from June 14, 1980 to July 1, 1981. NPP-PER = shoot net primary production expressed as g dry weight m2 sample period1; NPP-DAY = shoot net primary production expressed as g dry weight nr2 dayl. The values represent the means of 14 or 15 observatIons. Sampling Period 1980 Table 57. -2 30- -231 the water by the tangled mass of the Enteromorpha. Eventually even the Enteromorpha was buried, and an oozing, sulfurous mound of sediment marked the place where there had been a patch of Zostera. The disappearance of Enteromorpha from the Zostera bed in early August was followed by an increase in net primary production of the Zostera shoots (Fig. 49). The rate of shoot net primary production was greater in 1981 than in 1980 (Fig. 49). The maximum rate of shoot net primary production was reached in early June in 1981 as compared to early July in 1980. At transect 1, the maximum rate of shoot net primary production in 1981 was 50% higher than that of 1980, while that for transect 3 was 21% higher (Table 57). At transect 1, the accumulation of total biomass was divided into five phases. Between February 12 and April 6, 1981, there was a large increase in total Zostera biomass that was the result of a large increase in shoot density (Fig. 45 and 48). During the same period of time, mean leaf size increased slightly from 3.0 cni2 to 5.5 cm2. from 66.8 mg to 76.1 mg. Mean plant size also increased slightly A similar pattern was noted in 1980. Presample data from February 23, 1980 gave a mean density of 1387.5 shoots m2 with a standard error of 143.9 shoots m2. Subsequently, density increased to 2925 shoots m2 by April 1, 1980 (Table 52). Therefore, primary production in the early spring at transect 1 was first channeled into the production of new shoots. Then the change in leaf morphology from small, narrow leaves typical in the winter to long, wide leaves typical in the summer occurred during April and May 1981. It was only after this change was completed that the sharp increase in shoot net primary production was initiated during the month of May 1981, thereby making a shift in growth strategy to the production of above- -2 32- ground parts. The sharp decrease in net primary production of shoots observed at transects 1 and 3 during June 1981, coincided with a bloom of Enteromorpha, just as the decrease in net primary production of shoots during July and August 1980 coincided with a similar bloom. Therefore, the same pattern of growth was followed during both 1980 and 1981. The stages involved in this general pattern are summarized in Figure 50. Conditions for the growth of Zostera were better at transect 1 than at transects 2 and 3. Maximum mean total biomass, mean shoot density, mean leaf size, mean plant size and mean shoot net primary production at transect 1 were always greater than at transects 2 and 3 (Table 58). During the summer low tides, Zostera growing in the region of transect 1 was never exposed. Even during the lowest tides, 10 to 15 cm of water remained in the Zostera pond. This layer of water protected the plants from exposure to the air. This conclusion was further supported by the relatively high shoot density and relatively large shoots observed in areas with pooled water during low tide at transect 3. In the winter, there was a noticeable difference in the density and condition of plants located above and below the level of the higher low tide. Transect 1 was located below this elevation, while transects 2 and 3 were located above it. Shoots in the region below the average height of the winter higher low tide appeared to be protected. These shoots were exposed to the air during low tide and no more than once a day during the winter, while the rest of the Zostera bed was exposed twice each day. The edges of the bed showed evidence of erosion, and plants in this area often had their rhizomes exposed as the sand around them was washed away. During the entire year there was evidence of sand deposition in the high intertidal region, especially -233- DECEMBER TO FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL a MAY LATE MAY THROUGH AUGUST SEPTEMBER THROUGH NOVEMBER Figure 50. WINTER GROWTH FORM (SHORT, NARROW LEAVES) INCREASE IN SHOOT DENSITY CONVERSION TO SUMMER GROWTH FORM LONG, 'NIDE LEAVES) HIGH RATE OF GROWTH OF ABOVEGROUND PARTS CONVERSION TO WINTER GROWTH FORM (SHORT, NARROW LEAVES) The annual phases of growth exhibited by Zostera marina L. growing along transect 1 in Netarts Bay, Oregon. 148 Transect 3 354 Transect 1 1981 3 Transect 143 186 2 Transect Total Biomass (g dry wt. nr2) 7.2 3845 1661 88.8 1368 115.0 12.1 104.2 1400 152.4 18.6 14.5 2925 (shoots m2) Shoot Density 313.4 (mg) Shoot Size 42.1 (cm2) Leaf Size Maximum mean values of total biomass, leaf size, shoot size, and shoot density along the transects in 1980 and 1981. 463 i8. Transect 1 1980 Table -234- -235- along transect 3. Neither erosion nor sedimentation was as evident in the region of the bed where transect 1 was located. Therefore, a combination of factors apparently contributed to the differences between plants that grew in the region of transect 1 and those located in the region of transects 2 and 3. IV. Relationship Between Zostera and Epiphytic Assemblages Description of Epiphytic Assemblages Epiphytic assemblages on Zostera in Netarts Bay were primarily composed of diatoms. Epiphyte biomass expressed as ash-free dry weight m2 from pooled data representing the entire Zostera bed had a high correlation with biomass expressed as dry weight. The mean ratio of ash-free dry weight to dry weight was 0.24, which is a typical value when the flora consists of diatoms (Mclntire and Phinney, 1965). The ratio of ash-free dry weight to dry weight for each transect also indicated a diatom flora, except for the samples in 1980 taken on June 1 and 29 (Fig. 51). By inspection under a microscope it was noted that during this time of the year Smithora naiadum (Anderson) Hollenb. and Ectocarpus sp., or other non-diatom algae were prominent components of the epiphyte community. The addition of these taxa increased the organic matter content of the epiphytic assemblage, as the percentage ashfree dry weight for most algae other than diatoms is usually greater than 60% (e.g., see Davis, 1982). The percentage ash-free dry weight for samples obtained in February and April, 1981 also was high. During this period, the combination of a small biomass of epiphytes and unusually brittle Zostera leaves created a problem of contamination of the epiphytic samples with particles of Zostera leaves. Figure 51. 0 LU APR1 MAY2 JUN1 JUN29 JUL26 AUG24 SEP24 DATE T RANSECT 2(+l.2m) RANSECT 3(+1.4m) uT RANSECT 1 (-'-I.lm) Perc entage ash-free dry weight associated with the biomass of epiphytes at the three tran sects during the period from April through September 1980. Each point represents the mean of 3 subsamples. 20 30 z LU 0 40 I- w60 (9 0 1L70 80 EPIPHYTE % AFDW -2 37- The taxonomic structure of the diatom assemblages epiphytic on Zostera marina L. in Netarts Bay is described by to 170 of this report. Whiting (1983) and on pages 137 From November through July, the flora was dominated by species of Cocconeis, Synedra, Navicula, Nitzschia, Gomphonema and Rhoicosphenia. From August through October, Cocconeis, Gomphonema and Rhoicosphenia virtually disappeared from the samples, and different species of Navicula and Nitzschia became the dominant taxa. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index revealed that the epiphytic flora was generally low in species richness and high in dominance. B ioma s s The interpretation of changes in epiphyte loads was related to the units that were used to express biomass. Epiphyte biomass expressed as g dry weight m2 also included inorganic material, e.g., debris and dead diatom frustules. Therefore, dry weight expressed the actual load of material that was distributed over the leaves. Biomass expressed as ash-free dry weight m2 was considered an indicator of the organic matter present. Epiphytes were prominent on the Zostera leaves from April through October. During the winters of 1979 and 1980, field notes indicated that the Zostera leaves were essentially free from epiphytes. This conclusion was supported by biomass measurements taken on February 12, 1980, when epiphyte biomass for transects 1 and 3 were 0.4 and 0.7 g dry weight m2, respectively. During the sampling period from April through September 1980, epiphyte biomass expressed as dry weight was the greatest at transect 1. There was little net increase or decrease in epiphyte hioniass at the transects from May through September 1980 (Fig. 52, Table 59). Figure 52. 0 20 4O JUN1 JUL26 SEP24 MAY2 JUN29 AUG24 1980 DATE APRI -2 1981 APR6 MAY30 FEB12 MAY3 TRANSECT 1 (-t-1.lm TRANSECT 2 (+ 1.2m TRANSECT 3 (+1.4m EPIPHYTE BIOMASS Epiphyte biomass expressed in g dry weight m for all three transects over the period from April 1980 through May 1981., Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. 0:: a >- 60 100 TRANSECT (4.6) (3.3) 5.1 10.0 8.0 (3.6) Dashes indicate no data available. C'1 1.5 (0.5) (2.3) (25.2) 81.4 (3.9) 11.0 (6.1) 24.7 80.7 (22.3) 1980 JUN 29 JUL 26 (9.0) (3.3) 10.1 23.4 (5.7) JUN 1 5.5 (2.4) 29.3 72.1 (11.0) MAY 2 8.4 (7.1) 66.1 APR 1 5.1 (1.4) 8.8 (2.7) (11.4) 44.1 AUG 24 6.7 (2.9) (3.7) 24.1 (12.6) 87.0 SEP 24 (0.2) 0.7 (0.1) 0.4 FEB 12 (0.3) 0.7 (3.0) 16.0 (0.9) 8.6 (2.1) (6.5) 1.8 34.3 (9.2) MAY 30 Standard 65.0 1981 MAY 3 APR 6 Values are the means of 5 to 7 observations. -239- Table 59. Mean epiphyte blomass (g dry wt. m2). error of the mean is in parentheses. N-I -2 40- The principal difference between the pattern in epiphyte biomass expressed as g dry weight m2 and that expressed a g ash-free dry weight m2 was an obvious increase in organic matter relative to dry weight biomass at transect 1 in June and July 1980 (Fig. 53, Table 60). This was the result of the increase in percentage ash-free dry weight that occurred when the flora changed from exclusively diatoms to an assemblage that included Smithora and Ectocarpus. Therefore, biomass as ash-free dry weight reflected shifts in the composition of the flora that were not evident from biomass data expressed as dry weight. Epiphyte biomass was significantly correlated (r > 0.6, P < 0.01) with Zostera aboveground, belowground and total biomass, and with the average area of a vegetative leaf and shoot density (Table 61). However, epiphyte biomass was not correlated with the number of leaves per shoot (P > 0.01). Changes in number of leaves per shoot occurred independent of changes in Zostera biomass, and of changes in leaf area and shoot density which were closely related to changes in the growth rate of the host plant. Therefore, the data Indicated that the pattern in the epiphyte biomass was closely related to the accumulation of Zostera biomass. Epiphyte load was examined by expressing epiphyte biomass as g dry weight per g dry weight of Zostera leaf. Epiphyte loads were highest in April and May 1980; a maximum value of 2.3 g epiphytes/g leaf was measured at transect 2 in May (Fig. 54). From June 1 through September 1980, the loads averaged 0.4 g epiphytes per g leaf with a standard error of 0.06 g epiphytes per g leaf. Therefore, during the period of time when Zostera biomass was highest, the epiphyte loads were the lowest, because of an increase in Zostera biomass during a time when there was no net increase in epiphyte biomass. Figure 53. 0 20 I I I I 1980 DATE JUN1 JUL26 SEP24 2 JUN 29 AUG 24 MAY APRI - EPIPH Y TE Epiphyte bi omass expressed as g ash-free dry during the period from April 1980 to May 30, 1981. to 7 observ ations. (I) r LL a: w w >-. F- E 25 30 1981 MAY3 i-f APR6 I MAY 30 at t hree trans ects in Netarts Bay Each poi nt represents the mean of 5 m -2 FEB12 TRANSECu (tl.lm) TRANSECT2 (+1.2m) TRANSECT3(+1.4m) AFDW 2.7 (1.2) 2.3 (1.5) 4.0 (0.9) 2.4 (1.1) 4.0 (1.2) 1.2 (0.5) 0.3 (0.1) 27.5 (8.5) 1.5 (2.0) (1.5) 2.6 (0.9) (1.4) 5.7 21.5 (5.9) 1980 JUL 26 JUN 29 (0.6) 9.6 (2.4) 13.6 13.8 JUN 1 MAY 2 APR 1 - (2.5) 6.6 (1.0) 1.6 (0.7) 2.3 (0.7) 1.3 (0.4) 0.4 (0.1) 0.2 (0.0) 17.3 12.4 FEB 12 (3.2) SEP 24 AUG 24 (0.1) 0.3 - (0.9) 5.0 (0.3) 0.6 - (2.2) 15.5 1981 APR 6 MAY 3 2.3 (0.6) (1.5) 8.0 MAY 30 Mean epiphyte biomass expressed in g ash-free dry wt. m2. Values are the means of 5 to 7 observations. Standard error of the mean is in parentheses.* Dashes indicate no data available. TRANSECT Table 60. -242- -243- Table 61. Correlation between epiphyte biomass and total shoot density (TSHD), average number of leaves per shoot (LVES), average area of a vegetative leaf (AREA), aboveground biomass (ABGB), belowground biomass (BLGB), and total Zostera biomass (TZOS). Epiphyte biomass is expressed as dry weight (EPDW) and ash-free dry weight (EPAF). Values greater than 0.2 are significantly different than zero where P < 0.01. VARIABLE EPDW EPAF TSHD 0.39 0.38 LVES 0.01 -0.01 AREA 0.57 0.63 ABGB 0.67 0.74 BLGB 0.70 0.72 TZOS 0.71 0.76 Figure 54. J [$1 1.5 2.0 I I 1980 I I I JUN1 DATE 1981 I TR ANSECT 1 (+1.lm) TR ANSECT 2(+1.2m) TR ANSECT 3(+1.4m) JUL26 SEP24 FEB12 MAY3 MAY2 JUN29 AUG24 APR6 MAY30 APRI A EPIPHYTE LOAD I Epiphyte load expressed as g dry weight of epiphytes per g dry weight of Zos tera leaf along three transects for the period from April 1980 through May 1981. Each point represents the mean of 5 to 7 observations. IL hi H >I C') Lii hi IL hi 2.5 -245- Epiphyte biomass was influenced by the regular loss of that portion of the standing crop which has colonized the oldest Zostera leaf on a shoot. At certain times during the study, the loss of a particular group of leaves had more impact on the epiphyte biomass than the loss of leaves at other times. The low epiphyte biomasses at transects 1 and 2 on June 1 and August 24, 1980, and at transect 1 on May 30, 1981, were probably related to the loss of Zostera leaves that carried a larger proportion of the epiphyte biomass than was usually associated with the leaves that were sloughed. The highest loads of epiphytes in the study were recorded for the sample taken on May 2, 1980 (Fig. 54). One can predict the time when the leaves present in the Zostera bed at the time of the samples were sloughed by considering the mean lifetime of a leaf (34 days), the mean PT (9 days), and the mean number of leaves per shoot (4) during the time period under consideration (Fig. 55A). A leaf initiated by a shoot with four leaves on April 28 would be sloughed 34 days later on May 31. The oldest leaf on such a shoot would have initiated growth three Pr earlier on April 2, and would have been sloughed 34 days later on May 6. Therefore, most of the leaves present in the Zostera bed on May 2 were probably sloughed together with their heavy epiphyte load before June 1, thereby accounting for the decrease in epiphyte biomass measured at that time. The loss of epiphyte biomass that occurred between July 26 and August 24, 1980 was explained using the same reasoning. The leaves that would have been sloughed during that period were in positions 1 and 2 on the shoot during the time of maximum shoot production (Fig. 55B). Leaves in positions 1 and 2 on a shoot together accounted for 75 to 92% of the shoot's growth from July to October (Table 44). Therefore, the leaves that were sloughed between July 26 Figure 55. I II I b VAYS 30 LEAF GROWTH HIGHESTRATE OF 1 JULIO b BIOM ASS MAXIMUM 20 30 MEASURED ZOSTERA MAXIMUM EPIPHYTE LOAD MEASURED j MAYI d KEY 2 29 JUN 10 LEAF SLOUGHED = LEAF /DEN/FIER LEAF IN/nA rED LEAF IDENTIFIER DECREASE IN EPIPHYTE BIOMASS MEASURED 19 b (-I EPIPHYTE BIOMASS MEASURED DECREASE ('AUG9 4l Time line of leaf initiation and sloughing explaining the sharp decreases in epiphyte biomass observed on June 1 and August 24, 1980. A. The decrease in epiphyte biomass on June 1, 1980 is due to the prior sloughing of the majority of the leaves that carried the highest epiphyte load of the study. B. The decrease in epiphyte biomass on August 24, 1980 is due to the loss of some of the largest leaves produced during the study. Factors considered included the plastochrone interval (P1), lifetime of a leaf (LIFE), and number of leaves per shoot (LVES). JUN 201 MEAN LVES 3 8. MEAN P1 /6 DAYS MEAN LIFE 46 DAYS BIOMASS SAMPLED APR1 a MEAN LIFE =34 MEAN LVESX 4 A. MEAN P1= 9OAYS N) -247- and August 24, 1980 were among the largest leaves produced that year. Since they were also the oldest leaves on the shoot, they probably carried a large portion of the epiphyte biomass. In addition, notes made while sorting the sample taken in August indicated that many amphipods were present, and that the Zostera leaves showed signs of herbivory. Perhaps the process of grazing also accounted for at least some of the decrease in epiphyte biomass in August 1980. Production Measurements of epiphyte primary production using the method were made monthly from June to September, when the summer lower low tides were early in the day. The results from the 14C measurements were used to establish a ratio between the rates of 12C assimilation for the Zostera and the epiphytic assemblage rather than as a direct estimate of epiphyte production. It was assumed that Zostera and epiphyte respiratory losses per unit biomass were the same. The rates of accumulation for Zostera and epiphytes and their ratios are presented in Table 62. The mean ratio of the rates of 12C assimilated expressed as mg 12C assimilated (g dry weightY' h for the epiphytic assemblage and Zostera was 0.60 with a standard error of 0.08. The ratio was used to estimate the net primary production of the epiphytes from the net primary production of Zostera obtained with the shoot marking period. The net primary production for the epiphytic assemblage was1 calculated for each time interval during which the net primary production of Zostera was measured. First, the specific growth rate for Zostera was 80 3 2 Transect Play 31, 1981 3 2 Transect August 24, 19 3 2 Transect 85.6 161.9 329.2 702.6 111.0 272.0 146.9 361.2 0.8 0.6 0.7 91.6 22.9 47.6 0.8 36.0 24.8 73.1 19.0 34.0 0.9 111.0 82.3 253.9 71.1 0.4 2.2 1.9 1./s 80.4 18.5 57.1 0.6 0.2 2.8 2.0 1.7 0.4 40.8 1.2 AFDW 0.5 DRY wr 1.8 AFI)W 1.3 DRY WT Epi phyte ProductIon: Zostera Product Ion 2.2 AFDW Zostera Production 0.6 DRY WF Epiphyte Production Net primary production of Zostera and the epiphyte assemblage measured using the 11C method along three transects on .July 2 6 and August 24, 1980, and May 31, 198I. Production is expressed as mg (I)RY WT) and as mg '2C assimilated (g ash-tree dry wclght l2 h assimilated (g dry we lght) mennso[ 2 or 3 replicate saniples.* Values 11 ste d are the (AFDW). July 26, 1980 Table 62. -21i8- -2 49- calculated by dividing the net primary production of the aboveground portions of Zostera by the mean aboveground biomass for the period of time under consideration. Then the specific growth rate of the epiphyt was calculated by multiplying the specific growth rate of Zostera by the mean ratio of the rates Of '2C assimilation for Zostera and the epiphyce assemblage (0.60). Finally, net primary production of the epiphytes was calculated by multiplying the mean biomass of the epiphytes by the specific growth rate of the epiphytes. The net primary production These values are listed in Table 63. of the epiphyte assemblage at transect 1 ranged from 5.1 to 13.7 g ash-free dry weight m2 month (18.7 to 40.5 g dry weight m2 m1) during the period from June 1980 through June 1981, while that for transect 3 ranged from 0.4 to 2.7 g ash-free dry weight 2 month (1.1 to 8.1 g dry weight 2 month). Components of Variance To gain added insight into the relationships among the morphotnecric and biornass variables, principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on a pooled data set for the three transects. Variables in the data matrix included shoot density (shoots tn2), number of leaves per vegetative shoot, mean area of a vegetative 1ef (cm2), aboveground and belowground Zostera biomass (g dry weight m2), epiphyte biomass (g ash-free dry weight tn2), and epiphyte load (g dry weight per m2 leaf surface). Only the first three components, with eigenvalues greater than or equal to one, were interpretable. The first three principal components accounted for 82.9% of the variation in the seven variables (Table 64). Factor loadings indicated that principal component 1 (PCi) primarily expresses shoot density, average area of a vege- -250- Table 63. Net primary production of the epiphyte assemblage measured along the three transects from June 1, 1980 to May 30, 1981. Production is expressed as g dry weight m2 (DRY WT) and g ash-free dry weight in2 (AFDW) for each period of time.* TRANSECT AFDW DRY WT AFDW DRY WT AFDW JUN 1-JUN 29 36.7 13.7 7.8 3.5 6.8 2.3 JUN 29-JUL 26 40.5 12.2 16.6 6.0 8.1 2.7 JUL 26-AUG 24 18.7 5.1 10.0 2.5 5.6 1.4 AUG 24-SEP 24 29.5 7.1 13.6 3.6 7.0 1.7 APR 6-MAY 3 28.4 7.8 1.1 0.4 MAY 3-MAY 30 39.7 9.4 2.6 0.8 DRY WT R1Ai] 1981 *Dashes indicate no data available Variables 0.922 0.856 0.009 3.403 Belowground biomass (g dry wt. m2) Epiphyte biomass (g ash-free dry wt. m2) Epiphyte load (g dry wt. m2 leaf area) Eigen value 48.6 0.953 Aboveground biomass (g dry wt. in2) Accumulated % of variance 0.704 -0.002 Average area of a vegetative leaf (cm2) Number of leaves per vegetative shoot 0.644 PCi 67.3 1.305 0.027 0.116 0.070 0.081 -0.570 0.804 0.557 PC2 82.9 1.093 0.976 0.285 0.008 -0.132 -0.017 0.120 -0.162 PC3 Factor loadings corresponding to the first three principal components (PCI, PC2, PC3) of the morphometric and biomass variables, the corresponding eigenvlue and accumulated percentage of the variance. The analyses was based on 175 observations. Shoot density (shoots m2) Table 64. -25 1- -2 52- tative leaf, aboveground and belowground Zostera biomass and epiphyte biomass. These variables all were expressions of the biomass associated with the Zostera Primary Production subsystem (Fig. 3). Total biomass for the Zostera Primary Production subsystem expressed in g ash-free dry weight m2 (ZPP) was regressed against PCi, generating an R2 value of 0.97; the regression model was ZPP = 125.87 + 53.03 PCi. Factor loadings also indicated that the second principal component (PC2) was an expression of the inverse relationship between the average area of a vegetative leaf on the one hand and the shoot density and number of leaves per vegetative shoot on the other hand, i.e., the morphometrics of a vegetative shoot. The third principal component (PC3) was highly correlated with epiphyte load (r = 0.98). When correlation coefficients were calculated for this group of variables, epiphyte load was not correlated with any of the other variables. In summary, this set of data generated three independent (orthogonal) components of variance: autotrophic biomass, leaf-shoot density (morphometrics), and epiphyte load. V. Bioenergetics of the Zostera Primary Production Subsystem In the Background section of this report, a conceptual model of the Mud- flat Processes subsystem was presented as a hierarchy of coupled subsystems (Fig. 3). This model was used to organize the examination of the bioener- getics of the seagrass ecosystem in Netarts Bay. considers several levels of resolution. The following analysis At the finest level of resolution, the Macrophyce Primary Production subsystem is decomposed into aboveground and belowground Zostera. The gains and losses of biomass for each of these components are partitioned and are presented as an energy budget. The Macro- -253- phyte Primary Production subsystem then is integrated with the Epiphyte Primary Production subsystem to form the Zostera Primary Production subsystem. The gain of biomass from the primary production of this subsystem is expressed as annual net production. Information accumulated on the growth of Zostera marina L. was synthesized with respect to the bioenergetics of the Macrophyte Primary Production subsystem. The changes in its state variable, the macrophyte biomass, were examined in terms of the inputs and outputs that affected its value. These inputs and outputs were related to the dynamics of the Macrophyte Primary Production subsystem, as primary production of Zostera was related to the physiological activities of the plant. The inputs and outputs that affect Zostera biomass also represented the couplings between the Macrophyte Primary Production subsystem and the rest of the subsystems in the conceptual model. Consequently, the perspective gained by such an approach contributed to the understanding of the role that Zostera marina played in the estuary. Changes in aboveground biomass were caused by inputs from shoot net primary production and outputs as lost shoots, sloughed leaves and grazing. Biomass accumulation due to shoot net primary production and losses due to sloughed leaves were measured directly and were partitioned separately in the energy budget. Shoot net primary production for each sampling period was calculated according to the following expression: Shoot net primary production (g dry wt = Rate of net primary production per shoot (g dry wt per shoot) x Mean shoot density 2 (shoots ni ) -254- Monthly shoot net primary production, estimated as g dry weight m2, was calculated by summing the values for the constituent sampling periods. Losses due to sloughing of leaves expressed as g dry weight m2 for the time period under consideration were calculated according to the following expression: Mean leaf loss per in2 Number of leaves lost per shoot Mean number of shoots per tvIeafl dry weight per leaf lost The mean dry weight per leaf of the leaves lost was estimated as the mean weight of the largest leaf on a shoot at the beginning of the sampling period. The energy budgets for abovegrourid Zostera are presented in Tables 65, 66 and 67. The column labeled "difference" represents biomass losses not accounted for directly in this study, and includes biomass lost as entire shoots and to grazing. At all transcts during each time interval under consideration, biomass losses were at least 50% of the shoot net primary production. From July through October 1980, the biomass losses were equal to or higher than the shoot net primary production. This indicated the great capacity of the Zostera to turnover its aboveground biomass. The lifetime of a leaf ranged from 34 to 55 days during the course of this study. shoot had an entire set of new leaves. Therefore, every 34 to 55 days each With this in mind, it was not sur- prising that 35 to 100% of the biomass loss was due to sloughed leaves. The biomass loss from leaf export occurred in response to the changes in leaf size. En April and May the small leaves of the winter growth form were shed, and leaves exported during this period represented a smaller proportion of biotnass loss than when the larger summer leaves were lost from June to October. 256.2 173.9 119.4 70.2 57.6 JUL 26, 1980 AUG 24, 1980 SEP 24, 1980 OCT 23, 1980 FEB 12, 1981 202.4 226.0 MAY 30, 1981 JUL 1, 1981 ** ** +23.6 +21.3 +14.5 +108.9 -12.7 -49.2 -54.5 -82.3 +58.3 +35.7 +47.3 +16.1 EBIOMASS * * Extrapolated. Dashes indicate no data available. 181.0 MAY 3, 1981 1% 166.5 1981 6, 197.9 JUN 29, 1980 APR 162.1 JUN 1, 1980 2, 98.7 114.8 MAY 1980 BIOMASS 344.7 272.2 222.7 105.8 122.5 111.0 234.5 220.8 ** NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION 321.1 250.9 208.2 155.0 177.0 193.3 176.2 185.1 BIOMASS LOSS 127.2 88.9 89.6 80.6 106.3 98.0 170.3 98.0 LOSS AS LEAVES 193.9 162.0 118.6 74.4 70.7 95.3 5.3 87.1 DIFFERENCE Energy budget accounting for the gains and losses of aboveground biomass along transect 1 between April 1, 1980 and July 1, 1981. Values are expressed as g dry weight m2 for the period of time under consideration.* 1980 1, APR DATE Table 65. -255- 60.8 71.0 53.5 70.4 60.0 JUN 29, 1980 JUL 26, 1980 AUG 24, 1980 SEP 24, 1980 OCT 23, 1980 -10.4 +16.9 -17.5 +10.2 +23.0 +11.2 +15.3 ABIOMASS ** Extrapolated. Dashes indicate no data available. 37.8 JUN 1, 1980 11.3 26.6 2, MAY 1980 BIOMASS 51.2 78.8 63.7 123.1 85.3 NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION 61.6 61.9 81.2 112.9 62.3 BIOMASS LOSS 53.1 49.8 43.3 30.8 17.9 LOSS AS LEAVES 8.5 12.1 37.9 82.1 44.4 DIFFERENCE Energy budget accounting for the gains and losses of aboveground biomass along transect 2 between April 1 and October 23, 1980. Values are expressed as g dry weight m2 for the period of time under consideration. * 1980 1, APR DATE Table 66. 35.0 22.0 22.0 22.3 21.6 AUG 24, 1980 1980 1980 SEP 24, OCT 23, FEB 12, 1981 6, 3, APR MAY 60.0 JUL 1, 1981 ** -24.4 +52.0 +10.8 -0.7 +0.3 Extrapolated. 0 -13.0 -22.1 + 7.6 +19.2 +22.2 +0.8 LBI0MASS Dashes indicate no data available. 84.4 MAY 30, 1981 1981 32.4 57.1 JUL 26, 1980 1981 49.5 1980 JUN 29, ** 30.3 JUN 1, 1980 7.3 8.1 2, MAY 1980 BIOMASS 79.3 104.7 52.5 - - 41.8 55.9 49.8 88.2 66.5 - - ** 103.7 52.7 41.7 - - 41.8 68.9 71.9 80.6 47.3 - - BIOMASS 59.4 19.7 10.6 - - 14.9 17.4 41.5 27.4 25.2 - - ** LOSS AS 44.3 33.0 31.1 - - 27.2 51.5 30.4 53.2 22.1 - - DIFFERENCE Energy budget accounting for the gains and losses of aboveground biomass along transect 3 between April 1, 1980 and July 1, 1981. Values are expressed as g dry weight m2 for the period of time under consideration.* 1980 1, APR DATE Table 67. -25 7- -2 58- An energy budget also was constructed for belowground Zostera biomass. The net primary production of belowground Zostera was measured between April and May 16, 1981, according to the method of Jacobs (1979) and Kenworthy (personal communication). The net production of the belowground Zostera during this period of time was 219.8 g dry weight m2 at transect 1 and 45.3 dry weight m2 at transect 3. Since a direct measurement of belowground net primary production was made for only a short time period during this study, an alternative method of estimating belowground net primary production was adopted. For the development of an energy budget, shoot net primary produc- tion was used to estimate belowground net primary production. Since both variables were measured concurrently from April 6 to May 16, 1981, these data were used to establish the relationship between the net production of aboveground and belowground Zostera. The specific growth rate for the net produc- tion of aboveground and belowground Zostera was calculated by dividing the net production (g dry weight m2) by the mean biomass (g dry weight m2) for the period of time under consideration. The ratio between specific growth rate for aboveground Zostera and the specific growth rate for belowground Zostera was calculated for that period of time. while for transect 3 it was 0.46. For transect 1 this ratio was 0.90, It was assumed that the ratio between the specific growth rates of ahoveground and belowground Zostera remained constant throughout the study. The specific growth rate for shoots was calculated for each sample period, and the corresponding specific growth rate for belowground Zostera was estimated using the appropriate ratio. The estimate of the specific growth rate for belowground Zostera then was multiplied by the mean belowground biomass for the corresponding period of time to obtain the net -259- production of belowground Zostera. The energy budgets based on these esti- mates are presented in Tables 68 and 69. At transect 1, throughout the study period, the biomass loss of belowground Zostera was greater than or nearly equal to the net primary production. At transect 3, the biomass loss was generally between 25 and over 100% of the net primary production for belowground Zostera. Therefore, as was the case for aboveground Zostera, belowground Zostera biomass was regularly being turned over. The large bioniass loss from the Macrophyte Primary Production subsystem represented the coupling of this subsystem with the Detritial Decomposition subsystem, as well as the Consumer Processes subsystem (Fig. 3). Losses of belowground biomass were primarily retained within the Zostera bed, while the losses of aboveground biomass not retained within the Zostera bed were transported to other regions within the estuary, to the salt marsh and to the ocean. It was through this export of primarily aboveground biomass that Zostera had an impact as an input of organic matter on regions distant from its source. At a higher level of resolution, processes associated with the Zostera Primary Production subsystem were described. The growing season for Zostera in Netarts Bay was defined in April through October, which is typical of temperate seagrass beds (Phillips, 1972; Sand-Jensen, 1975; Stout, 1976). Since production data for months representing an entire growing season were available only for transects 1 and 3, data from those regions were used as a basis for the following estimates. -260- Table 68. Energy budget accounting for the gains and losses of belowground biomass along transect 1 between April 1, Values are expressed as g dry 1980 and July 1, 1981. weight nr2 for the period of time under consideration. DATE BIOMASS APR 1, 1980 160.8 MAY 2, 1980 154.1 JUN 1, 1980 151.7 tBI0MASS BIOMASS ODU - 6.7 -2.4 JUN 29, 1980 206.9 AUG 24, 1980 147.2 SEP 24, 1980 132.5 OCT 23, 1980 117.5** 6, 1981 126.1 MAY 3, 1981 124.4 MAY 30, 1981 151.6 JUL 130.0 * 1981 174.5 161.8 +42.5 167.1 124.8 -59.7 79.7 139.4 -14.7 105.1 119.8 -15.0 125.0 140.0 -55.5 - - +64.1 - 62.0 APR 1, +12.7 164.4 JUL 26, 1980 FEB 12, 1981 1.7 150.3 152.0 +27.2 179.4 152.2 -21.6 197.1 218.7 Dashes indicates no data available. ** Extrapolated. - -26 1- Table 69. Energy budget accounting for the gains and losses of belowground biomass along transect 3 between April 1, 1980 and July 1, 1981. Values are expressed as g dry weight nr2 for the period of time under consideration. DATE BIOMASS APR 1, 1980 71.7 MAY 2, 1980 37.3 JUN 1, 1980 35.1 JUN 29, 1980 54.1 JUL 26, 1980 85.6 AUG 24, 1980 53.7 SEP 24, 1980 35.5 OCT 23, 1980 30.0 FEB 12, 1981 24.8 APR 6, 1981 41.0 MAY 3, 1981 31.4 BIOMASS NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION BIOMASS LOSS -34.4 - 2.2 ** MAY 30, 1981 63.2 JUL 1, 1981 50.0 * * +19.0 31.2 12.2 +31.5 55.9 24.4 -31.9 34.8 66.7 -18.2 40.1 58.3 - 5.5 29.5 35.0 -5.2 - +16.2 - - 9.6 25.3 34.9 +31.8 18.9 -12.9 -13.2 39.6 52.8 Dashes indicate no data available. Extrapolated. - -262- The total net primary production of aboveground and belowground Zostera and epiphytes for the entire growing season was obtained from the production values measured for the period from April through October during the course of the study. Production expressed as g dry weight m2 day dividing by 214 days, or the length of the growing season. was calculated by The dimensions of the Zostera bed were measured and the bed was stratified into regions representative of transect 1 and transect 3. 17,562 m2. The total area of the study site was Of this total, an area of 10,062 m2 was designated as equivalent to transect 1 and an area of 7500 m2 was designated as equivalent to transect 3. The net primary production for each region was then estimated by multi- plying its area by the production m2. The turnover time was calculated from the following expression: Mean biomass Turnover time (days) during the period from t1 - t0 (g m2) Net production during the period from ti tO (g m2 day) where t0 is the time at the beginning of the measurement period and t1 is the time at the end of the measurement period. Measurements of Zostera biomass expressed in g dry weight were converted to g C by multiplying by 0.38, the proportion of the dry weight that is carbon (Westlake, 1963). Measurements of epiphyte biomass expressed as g dry weight were converted to g C using the expression proposed by Davis (1982): g carbon g dry weight proportion ashfree dry weight where 0.50 is the proportion of the ash-free dry weight that is carbon. x 0.50, -263- The region represented by transect 1 accounted for 80% of the primary production of the Zostera Primary Production subsystem (Table 70). Although the mean biomasses for aboveground and belowground Zostera were nearly equivalent in this region, aboveground biomass accounted for 58% of the net primary production of the macrophyte, and was turned over about three more times during the season than the belowground material. In contrast, the region similar to transect 3 maintained a mean belowground biomass that was 30% higher than the mean aboveground biomass (Table 71). The aboveground biomass turned over almost three times as fast as the belowground biomass, and its rate of production was almost double that of the belowground biotnass. Therefore, the plants in two regions of the bed had different growth strategies. The net primary production by the Epiphyte Primary Production subsystem only accounted for 8% of the net primary production associated with the Zostera Primary Production subsystem during the growing season (Table 72). The mean turnover time for epiphyte assemblages was more than twice that of the aboveground Zostera. Stout (1976) reported that 161 ha in Netarts Bay were occupied by shallow eelgrass beds. for transect 3. Her description of a shallow eelgrass bed was similar to that She also reported that 176 ha were occupied by deep eelgrass beds, i.e., equivalent to transect 1. To calculate the production of the entire bay associated with each region, the net primary production values expressed in g dry-weight m2 for each region was multiplied by 10,000 times the area of the region. Therefore, an estimate of total annual net primary production for the eelgrass beds in Netarts Bay was 6.0 x io6 kg. Primary Production m Subsyste Zos tera Primary Production m Subsyste Epiphy te Macrophyte Primary Production Subsys tem 26,500 (9400) (948.0) (4.4) 360.4 (121.9) (6.9) 2713.8 57.7 (300) 302.7 (115.0) 2,500 12.12 247.4 (29.7) (9100) (918.3) 0.9 (0.1) 24,000 2416.5 (4.3) (3800) (381.2) 11.3 10,000 1003.1 4.7 (1.8) Belowground 7.5 4.3 8.0 6.7 148.8 (5300) (56.5) 9.2 153.9 (58.5) 14,000 1413.4 (537.1) 6.6 (2.5) Aboveground Zostera Zos tera X-OVER XBIO NPP/AREA NPPm2 28.4 49.9 26.8 31.7 23.3 d-OVER Annual net primary production for the region of the Zostera bed represented by transect 1. A growing season from April to October was assumed. NPPd1 = net primary production expressed as g dry weight ml da y1; NPPnr2 = annual net primary production expressed as g dry weight m ; N PP/AREA = annual net primary production for the entire area (10,062.5 m2) expres sed as kg dry weight; XBIO = mean biomass expressed as g dry weight nr2; X-OVER = the number of times biomass turned over; d-OVER = the number of days for the bi omass to tumover during the growing season. The values in parentheses are the corresponding measurements expressed as grams carbon. NPPd1 Table 70. -264- Subs y s t m e Primary Production Zos tera m Sub sy ste Epiphyte Primary Production Primary Production Subsystem (1.3) 3.4 (0.01) 0.1 742.3 (272.5) (4.4) 36.9 (2030) 5,600 (30) 280 (32.1) 88.4 (0.7) 5.8 (31.4) (2000) Zos tera 49.0 (18.6) 82.6 (700) (92.8) 33.6 (12.8) XBIO 5,300 18,000 244.1 1.1 (0.4) Below g ro und 705.4 (268.1) (1300) 3.3 (1.3) 35,000 461.3 (175.3) 2.2 (0.8) Aboveground Zostera Mac rophy te NPP/AREA NPPm2 8.5 6.3 8.5 5.0 13.7 X-OVER 25.2 33.9 25.1 42.9 15.6 d-OVER Annual net primary production for the region of the Zostera 1)ed represented by transect 3. A growing season from April to October was assumed. NPPd1 = net primary production expressed as g dry weight m2 da v-i; NPPm 2 = annual net primary production expressed as g dry weight nr2; NPP/AREA = annual net primary production for the entire area (7500 m2) expressed as kg dry weight; XBIO = mean biomass expressed as g dry weight in2; X-OVER = the number of times biomass turned over; d-OVER = the number of days for the biomass to turnover during the growing season. The values in parentheses are the corresponding measurements expressed as grams carbon. NPPd1 Table 71. -265- Sub sys tern Zostera Primary Production Subsys tern Epiphyte Primary Production Primary Production Subsystem Macrophy te Zos tera Belowground (4500) (474.0) (5.7) 15.6 1.0 (0.1) (5.6) 448.8 (154.0) 32,100 (11,400) (7.6) (300) (34.1) 3406.2 (1220.5) 63.5 2,800 284.3 385.3 (146.4) (75.1) 11,800 1247.2 5.8 (2.2) 29,300 (11,100) 197.8 (6600) (712.4) 3121.9 (1186.4) 187.5 (71.3) 17,500 1874.7 8.8 (3.3) 14.6 XBIO NPP/AREA NPPm2 NPPd1 7.6 4.5 8.1 6.3 10.0 X-OVER 28.2 47.8 26.4 33.9 21.4 d-OVER Annual net pri mary production for th entire Zostera bed. A growing season from = net primary production expressed as g dry April to Octob er was assumed. NPPd weight m2 day 1; NPPuf2 = net primary produ ction expressed as g dry weight nc2; NPP/AREA = net primary production for the ent ire area (17,562.5 -2) expressed as kg dry weight; XBIO=mean biomass expressed asgdryweight m; X-OVER = the number of time s biomass turned over; d-OVER = the number of days for the biomass to turnover du ring the growing season. The values in parentheses are the corresponding measur ements expressed as grams carb on. Aboveground Zostera Table 72. -266- -267- VI. Discussion The pattern of growth of Zostera marina L. in Netarts Bay, Oregon is typical of Zostera growing in temperate regions. However, the results of this study also support the conclusion of McMillan and Phillips (1979) that seagrass populations reflect the selective influence of local habitat conditions. In Netarts Bay, the initiation of growth in the spring is marked by shoot proliferation, change to the summer morphology and rapid growth of the leaves as Tutin (1942), Phillips (1972), Sand-Jensen (1975), Jacobs (1979), and Harrison (1982) also found. and early summer. Flowering begins during the spring Maximum vegetative growth occurs after the maximum density of reproductive shoots is reached (Phillips, 1972). In the late summer and into fall, there is a gradual decline in shoot density and biomass. Despite agreement on this general pattern of events, reports differ as to the timing and magnitude. Sexual reproduction does not play a major role in the maintenance of Zostera beds. Reproductive shoots comprise on the average from 2.6% (this study) to 15% of the total shoots in an area (Phillips, 1972; Sand-Jensen, 1975; Aioi, 1980; Harrison, 1982). The timing of events associated with the sexual reproduction of Zostera in Netarts Bay is very similar to that in Puget Sound (Phillips, 1972). Flowers appear in the bed from March to May and disappear between August and October. Although Phillips (1972) found seeds germinating throughout the year, the time of peak seed germination in Puget Sound (April to July) coincides with the time that seedlings were found in Netarts Bay. -26 8- The leaf marking technique permits the analysis of the growth of indi- vidual leaves on a vegetative shoot. This study agrees with previous investi- gations that most of the growth of a leaf occurs when it is the youngest and next to the youngest leaf on the shoot (Sand-Jensen, 1975; Mukai, etal., 1979; Jacobs, 1979). Differences in the time it takes for a leaf to reach its maximum growth reflect local differences in the P1 and number of leaves per shoot, i.e., lifetime of a leaf (Table 73). The life of a leaf on a vegetative shoot in Netarts Bay is most similar to that reported by Jacobs (1979) for Roscoff, France. He reported a change in the number of leaves per shoot and the PT during the course of his study. As in this study, he noted an increase in the number of leaves per shoot in the spring, and a decrease during the summer and into the fall. Moreover, he found a negative corre- lation between the PT and isolation. This was not the case for Netarts Bay, where the PT was longer from June through August 1980, when photosynthetically active radiation was maximum (Fig. 56). Instead, changes in the lifespan of a leaf in Netarts Bay were related to the regularly occurring annual changes in the plant between the winter and summer shoot morphology. Biotnass and density of Zostera in Netarts Bay, Oregon is comparable to that for Zostera in other temperate regions (Table 74). The highest densities and biomasses were measured along transect 1 and are similar to the highest densities and biomasses reported in the literature. Reported values for production were converted to carbon following the recommendations of Westlake (1 )63). Values from the literature for aboveground Zostera production range from 0.5 to 8 g C rn2 day'. of this study are within these ranges, with 0.6 to 4.2 g C in2 day aboveground Zostera production and 1.0 to 6.6 g C m2 day production (Table 75). The results for for total Zostera Figure 56. MONTH JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 4 16 Maximum photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and mean plastochrone Interval (P1) of the three transects from June 1980 to May 1981. PAR is expressed as E.m2.d; P1 is expressed as days. PAR values were adapted from Davis (1982). -JIO r F-2O 50 60 -269- Table 73. LOCATION Japan Plastochrone interval (P1), mean number of leaves per vegetative shoot (LVES) and mean lifetime of a leaf (LIFE) from data for various localities. P1 and LIFE are expressed in days. P1 LVES 8 5.5 LIFE REFERENCE 44 Mukai, et al. (1979) 56 Sand-Jensen Denmark 14 3.9-4.5 France 13-19 2.1-4.4 40-57 Jacobs (1979) Oregon 9-20 2.7-4.0 34-56 This Study Calculated from data (1975) Stout, 1976 This Study Transect 1 Transect 2 Transect 3 710-2101 599-4576 671-1056 995-3845 789-1414 500-1761 186-324 62-1840 288-467 120-463 46-167 47-148 Alaska Oregon Only aboveground Zostera considered. McRoy, 1966 McRoy, 1970a, l970b 151-893 116-231 Phillips, 1972 Keller, 1963 Waddell, 1964 Harding and Butler, 1979 Dillon, 1971 Penhale, 1977 Burkholder and Doheny, 1968 Harrison, 1982 Jacobs, 1979 Nienhuis and DeBree, 1980 Petersen, 1913 Sand-Jensen, 1975 REFERENCE Washington 12_421* 6-192* 30-730 - 175-545 50_185* North Carolina California - 50-160 580-700 0-3600 1200-1800 - 247-2062 5-15 Canada * DENSITY New York 200-470 France 1-116 272-960 157-443 BIOMASS Reported biomass and density values measured for Zostera marina L. Biomass is expressed in g dry weight m2; densit y is expressed aS numbers of shoots m2. The Netherlands Denmark LOCALITY Table 74. -270- Dillon, 1971 Penhale, 1977 Phillips, 1972 Marking '4C Method 14C Method Biomass 0.6_3.3* 0.5-1.7 0.6-1.2 0.7-4.0 France North Carolina Washington 2.5_6.6* 0.9_l.9* 1.4-4.1 0.7-1.7 0.5-1.4 3.3-3.8 Marking This Study Transect Transect Transect This Study Transect Transect Marking 1 3 1 2 3 McRoy, 1966 McRoy, l97Oa, l97Ob Nienhuis and DeBree, 1980 02 Method 02 Method Summation of aboveground and belowground production. Oregon Alaska 8.0 Jacobs, 1979 Marking O.O_3.5* The Netherlands Petersen, 1913 Sand-Jensen, 1975 Biomass Marking 2-7.3 1.4_3.7* REFERENCE Denmark LOCALITY METHOD Net production values reported for the shoots of Zostera marina L. Net and for the whole plant (aboveground plus belowg round material) production is expressed in g C nr2 day-. PRODUCTION Table 75. -27 1- -27 2- As in this study, relationships among changes in shoot density, total Zostera biomass and aboveground production are reported in the literature. One such relationship is that described for transects 2 and 3 where changes in shoot density, total Zostera biotnass and aboveground production followed a similar pattern (Phillips, 1972; Neinhuis and De Bree, 1980; Aioi, 1980; Harrison, 1982). Another is the pattern described for transect 1 in this study where shoot density is highest in the spring and decreases during the summer as total Zostera biomass and aboveground production increases (SandJensen, 1975; Jacobs, 1979). Sand-Jensen (1975) attributed the decrease in shoot density that he observed to the loss of reproductive shoots during the summer. However, he reported that shoot density decreased from 1800 shoots m2 to about 1200 shoots m2, and that reproductive shoots accounted for no more than 4% of the total density or about 72 shoots nc2. Therefore, loss of reproductive shoots cannot totally account for the change in density that he observed. Jacobs (1979) did not attempt to explain the pattern. These patterns are explained by the hypothesis presented in this study that there is a threshold leaf area per unit area of substrate. Results of this study indicated that this threshold value is between 7.5 and 11.0 m2 leaf m2 area of substrate. When the leaf area per unit area of substrate is below the threshold value, shoot density, total Zostera biomass and aboveground production are positively correlated. When the leaf area per unit area substrate is above the threshold value, shoot density is negatively correlated with total Zostera biomass and aboveground production. For example, the leaf areas reported by Phillips (1972) range from 2 to 8 m2 leaf -27 3- area of substrate. Therefore, the leaf area at Puget Sound during the time of his study was below the threshold value suggested by this study, and as the hypothesis predicts, the shoot density and biomass values that he measured increased and decreased together. Considering the conclusion of Dennison (1979) that Zostera adjusts to a decrease in light levels by decreasing of leaf area, this threshold leaf area must represent a critical reduction of light In the Zostera bed which results from self-shading. Light is considered an important factor in the determination of the distribution and production of Zostera marina (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968; Sand-Jensen, 1975; Jacobs, 1979; and Mukai etal., 1980). Sand-Jensen (1975) clearly illustrated that the pattern of leaf production was closely related to that of insolation, but not that of temperature. The correlation between insolation and leaf production is also supported by this study (Fig. 57). This relationship explains the earlier and higher shoot production reported for 1981 as compared to 1980. Rates of leaf production for May 1981 were comparable to those for July 1980, and photosynthetically active radiation for May 1981 was comparable to that for July 1980. The curves for photosynthetically active radiation and mean shoot production had a similar shape except during August 1980, when there was a relatively sharp decrease in shoot production. This decrease was attributed to the bloom of Entermorpha prolifera in Netarts Bay. No other study has reported such an interaction between the seagrass community and the drift algae. There are few determinations of the biomass and productivity of the epiphytes of seagrasses. The most complete study of the production of Zostera 0 I0 MONTH JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 0 j Zc) 0 20oI 40b 60 Lu a: 8O I00ztE a:' >-cJ a:° I4O8 160 z 0 month. PAR values were adapted from Davis (1982). as Em2d-. Shoot net primary production is expressed as g dry weight m2 Figure 57. Maximum photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and mean shoot net primary production for the three transects from June 1980 to May 1981. PAR is expressed -J (9 t-20 -40 U- a: .50 180 200 -274- and its epiphytes is that of Penhale (1977). Using the method she estab- lished that the ratio between the mean rates of the production for epiphytes and Zostera was 0.74, i.e., 0.65 mg C (g dry weight' h' for the epiphytes divided by 0.88 mg C (g dry weighty' h1 for Zostera. The corresponding value for this ratio determined in this study was 0.60. Production values for Zostera and epiphytic assemblages determined through the coupling of the '4C method and the leaf marking method are comparable to those reported for by other investigators using only the method (Table 76). The only production values for the epiphytic assemblages are those reported by Penhale (1977) and this study. Mean primary production of epiphytes in North Carolina is at the lower end of the range reported in this study. The mean biomass of aboveground Zostera and epiphytes reported by Penhale (1977) was 105 g dry weight m2, while the mean biomass of aboveground Zostera and epiphytes found in this study was 251 g dry weight m2. studies 25% of the biomass was epiphytes. In both Therefore, the production values reported in this study are higher than those reported by Penhale (1977) because of the greater biomass in Netarts Bay. It has been postulated that the constant replacement of the leaf biomass on a shoot of seagrass is a control on the development of stands of epiphytes (Sand-Jensen, 1977; ott, 1980). Until this work, no study of seagrasses has monitored the biomass of the epiphytic assemblage and related it to the pattern of the loss of leaves from the macrophyte. Sharp decreases in epiphyte biomass measured on June 1 and August 24, 1980 were related to the sloughing of particular groups of leaves. When a transition in the growth pattern of Zostera occurred, there was a greater loss of leaf biomass than -27 5- Table 76. COMPONENT Zostera Comparisons of estimates of the primary production of Zostera and associated epiphytic assemblages obtained Production is expressed as g C nr2 by the 14C method. day LOCALITY North Carolina Alaska Oregon Epiphytes North Carolina Oregon PRODUCTION 1.7 0.9 11.0 1.0-6.6 0.2 0.3-4.9 REFERENCE Dillon, 1971 Penhale, 1977 McRoy, 1974 This Study Penhale, 1977 This Study -27 6- usual, and a decrease in epiphyte biomass was noted. Since new leaves are continually being produced on a shoot, the epiphyte biomass that is lost is also continuously replaced as the new tissue is colonized. Phillips (1972) demonstrated that individual shoots of Zostera grown in culture without epiphytes had a regular pattern of initiation and loss of leaves. Therefore, he hypothesized that the timing of the loss of leaves is inherent to the Zostera plant and is not tied to any critical load of epiphytes. Results of the Principal Components Analysis done in conjunction with this study supported this hypothesis. Epiphyte load was highly correlated with one of the principal components, while the other variables considered were correlated with the two other principal components. components represented orthogonal axes. These principal Therefore, epiphyte load may be independent of these variables or may be associated by complex non-linear relationships. There are few studies in the literature that attempted to partition the changes in the biomass of Zostera as was done in this study. This is primarily because the techniques for measuring belowground production were not developed until recently. Sand-Jensen (1975) and Jacobs (1979) reported annual production of the Zostera beds in their localities partitioned into aboveground, belowground and total Zostera (Table 77). The values for Netarts Bay are higher, although the Zostera biomasses for all three areas are similar. This study was designed to augment the ongoing work of the EPA relative to physical processes in the estuary. The coupling of these studies was designed to test the hypothesis that nutrient dynamics in Netarts Bay during the growing season (April through October) are closely related to the 856 241 1097 1874.7 1247.2 3121.9 Aboveground Belowground Total Aboveground Belowground Total (g dry wt. PRODUCTION (g 712.4 474.0 1186.4 415 87 328 389 183 572 dni2) Apr.-Oct. Apr.-Oct. 12 months DURATION OF EXPERIMENT This Study Sand-Jensen, 1975 Jacobs, 1979 REFERENCE Mean values of annual ne t primary production values partioned into aboveground and belowground Zostera. 1116 492 1608 77. Aboveground Belowground Total TaiDle -277- -27 8- biological processes associated with the Zostera Primary Production subsystem. The future application of the results of this study will involve the development of a holistic conceptualization of the estuary. Data related to the benthic algal flora reported in an earlier section can be integrated with data from the Zostera decomposition work done by the EPA (unpublished data), and used to describe changes in biomass associated with the Algal Primary Production and the Detrital Decomposition subsystems. These two subsystems can be then coupled with the dynamics of the Zostera Primary Production subsystem to describe the dynamics of the Primary Food Processes, a subsystem at a coarser level of resolution. 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Variable AFDW CHLS Source of Variation Main Effects: Sediment T Level Time DF Mean Square 10 90787.815 2010000.000 33000.744 20897.522 17.67 391.23 6.42 4.07 .001 .001 .005 .001 12.94 0.87 1.59 n.s. .001 .001 .005 .001 15 2 3 2-Way Interactions: Sediment by T Level Sediment by Time T Level by Time 6 66479222 20 29 4464.136 Error 53 5137.643 Main Effects: Sediment T Level Time 16 50412.211 153618.336 44862.896 32615.977 5.99 18.26 5.33 3.88 11.80 .001 1.15 n.s. n.s. 2 3 11 8192 .516 2-Way Interactions Sediment by T Level Sediment by Time T Level by Time 22 31 99244.404 9656.430 7815.200 Error 57 8413.847 6 0.93 .001 .10 -308- Appendix I (continued) Variable RATIO Source of Variation Main Effects: Sediment T Level Time 5.13 10.22 14.41 1.67 1.77 2.91 29 26368.678 7625.724 19719.394 Error 53 9065.748 Main Effects: Sediment T Level Time 11 9734.859 11198.406 1503.358 11141.728 2.22 2.55 0.34 2.54 13 3234.046 3347.967 3114.239 0.74 0.76 0.71 Error 23 4388.343 Main Effects: Sediment T Level Time 11 1223.388 2433.902 204.966 1093.928 3.81 2.99 1.27 1.26 2-Way Interactions: Sediment by T Level Sediment by Time T Level by Time OUPTK Mean Square 46467.122 92638.673 130603.101 15117.787 2-Way Interactions: Sediment by T Level Sediment by Time T Level by Time GPP DF 15 2 3 10 6 20 2 2 7 4 14 2 2 7 2-Way Interactions: Sediment by T Level Sediment by Time T Level by Time 14 13 959.737 406.282 403.892 Error 23 320.851 4 0.84 7.59 0.64 3.41 -309-- Appendix I (continued) Variable ASSIM Source of Variation Main Effects: Sediment T Level Time DF 11 2 2 7 Mean Square 6.055 6.794 0.583 7.076 2-Way Interactions: Sediment by T Level Sediment by Time T Level by Time 14 13 0.677 3.803 2.801 Error 23 3.759 4 1.61 1.81 0.16 1.88 0.18 1.01 0.75 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.