


Institutes of Physics and Physiology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Jan. 30, 1959

W. A. Rosenblith, Quantifiable aspects of the electrical activity of the nervous system

Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio

March 4, 1959

M. W. P. Strandberg, Research in paramagnetism at M.I.T. (invited)

Solid-state quantum-mechanical amplifiers (invited)

Bicentennial Conference on Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh,


March 5, 1959

W. S. McCulloch, Where is fancy bred? (invited)

American Physical Society Meeting, Austin, Texas

March 7, 1959

W. P. Allis, Waves in a plasma

University of Chicago Colloquium, Chicago

March 9, 1959

W. A. Rosenblith, Quantifiable aspects of the electrical activity of the nervous system (invited)

University of Minnesota Colloquium, Minneapolis

March 10, 1959

W. A. Rosenblith, Quantifiable aspects of the electrical activity of the nervous system (invited)

Instrument Society of America, Fairfield County Section Special Meeting, Stamford,


March 11, 1959

W. S. McCulloch, Neurons, computers and learning (invited)

American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York Section Study Course Series,

New York

March 23, 1959

W. A. Rosenblith, Physiological aspects of communications (invited)


IRE National Convention, New York

March 23-27, 1959

E. J. Baghdady, FM interference and noise-suppression properties of the oscillating limiter

D. A. Huffman, A survey of the theory of finite-state logical machines (invited)

C. E. Shannon, Coding theorems for a discrete source with a fidelity criterion

American Physical Society 1959 March Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts

March 30-April 2, 1959

J. S. Waugh and R. W. Fessenden, Nuclear resonance spectra of hindered rotators

G. J. Wolga and M. W. P. Strandberg, Electronic g-factors for free atomic states C1

3 5

Tenth Annual Round Table Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

April 2, 1959

J. R. Applegate, Phonological rules in Shilha (invited)

Wright Air Development Center, Aero Medical Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air

Force Base, Ohio

April 3, 1959

U. Ingard, Jet noise reduction by diffusers (invited)

IRE, Ithaca Section, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

April 8, 1959

M. W. P. Strandberg, Some physical problems encountered in solid-state amplifiers (invited)

Harvard Graduate Training Program in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston

April 9, 1959

W. A. Rosenblith, The Neurophysiology of sensory communication (invited)

Federated Societies for Biology, American Physiological Society Subgroup Meeting,

Atlantic City, New Jersey

April 13-15, 1959

H. Maturana, J. Y. Lettvin, W. H. Pitts, and W. S. McCulloch, How seen movement appears in the frog's optic nerve, Part I

J. Y. Lettvin, H. Maturana, W. H. Pitts, and W. S. McCulloch, How seen movement appears in the frog's optic nerve, Part II

J. R. Cronly-Dillon and P. D. Wall, Dorsal horn cells which respond to both pressure and temperature xii


Meeting of the AEC Sherwood Program, Gatlinburg,

April 27-28, 1959


W. P. Allis, Waves in a plasma

American Physical Society Meeting, Washington, D.C.

April 30-May 2, 1959

G. Ascarelli and S. C. Brown, Majority carrier recombination in germanium

The Interdisciplinary Conference on Self-Organizing dation, Chicago

May 5, 1959

Systems, Armour Research Foun-

B. G. Farley, Self-organizing models for learned perception

W. S. McCulloch, The reliability of self-organizing systems

Fourteenth National Meeting of the Operations Research Society of America,

Washington, D.C.

May 14-15, 1959

R. A. Howard, Dynamic programming for unbounded time periods using discounted returns

Fifty-seventh Meeting, Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada

May 14-16, 1959

O. Fujimura, Some of the current research efforts in Japan in the field of speech science (invited)

D. M. Green, Detection of a pulsed auditory signal in noise as a function of duration and frequency

D. M. Green and J. A. Swets, Analysis of sequential decisions

T. T. Sandel, Averages of responses evoked by tonal stimuli in the auditory cortex of cat

Elizabeth L. Shipley, Cuing as a determiner of apparent variability in sensitivity

K. N. Stevens, C. G. Bell, P. T. Brady, J. M. Heinz, and G. Rosen, Automatic resolution of speech spectra into elemental spectra

J. A. Swets and Susan A. Sewall, Stimulus and response theories of signal uncertainty

General Laboratory Colloquium Series, David Sarnoff Research Center, Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, New Jersey

May 18, 1959

W. A. Rosenblith, The processing of sensory data by organisms (invited) xiii


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Boston-Cambridge Section Meeting

May 27, 1959

R. M. Fano, Coding theory present and future (invited)


(Reprints, if available, may be obtained from the Document Room,

26-327, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.)

E. J. Baghdady, New developments in FM reception and their application to the realization of a system of "power-division" multiplexing (Trans. IRE, PGCS)

J. S. Barlow, Correlation analysis and its application to electroencephalography

(Trans. IRE, PGME)

R. M. Fano, Lectures on the statistical theory of information (Nuovo cimento)

R. W. Fessenden and J. S. Waugh, Strong coupling in nuclear resonance spectra.

II. Field dependence of some unsymmetrical three-spin spectra (J. Chem. Phys.)

M. Halle, Three lectures on linguistics (Nuovo cimento)

H. A. Haus, Network theoretical and physical limitations of noise performance of linear amplifiers (Nuovo cimento)

H. A. Haus (Chairman), W. R. Atkinson, G. M. Branch, W. B. Davenport, Jr.,

W. H. Fonger, W. A. Harris, S. W. Harrison, W. W. McLeod, E. K. Stodola, and T. E. Talpey, Representation of noise in linear twoports (IRE Subcommittee

7.9 on Noise) (Proc. IRE)

D. A. Huffman, Excerpts from "Linear circuit viewpoint on error-correcting codes"

(Nuovo cimento)

D. A. Huffman, Notes on information-lossless finite-state automata (Nuovo cimento)

R. J. Hull and H. H. Stroke, Hyperfine structure of T1203 and T1205 in the 7 1/2 state (J. Opt. Soc. Am.)

N. Y-S. Kiang and M. H. Goldstein, Jr., Tonotopic organization of the cat auditory cortex for some complex stimuli (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)

S. Krongelb and M. W. P. Strandberg, Use of paramagnetic-resonance techniques in the study of atomic oxygen recombinations (J. Chem. Phys.)

R. D. Larrabee, The spectral emissivity and optical constants of tungsten (Phys. Rev.)

Y. W. Lee, Statistical filtering and prediction (Nuovo cimento) xiv


R. B. Lees, Review of "Logique, Langage et Theorie de 1' Information" by Apostel,

Mandelbrot, and Morf (Language)

G. H. Matthews, Review of "Verbal Behavior, " by B. F. Skinner (Harvard Educ. Rev.)

A. C. Melissinos, Determination of the dipole moment and isotope shift of radioactive


1 9 7 by "double resonance" (Phys. Rev.)

A. C. Melissinos and S. P. Davis, Dipole and quadrupole moments of the isomeric


1 9 7

* nucleus; isomeric isotope shift (Phys. Rev.)

K. Nakata, Synthesis and perception of nasal consonants (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)

D. Seyferth, S. Castellano, and J. S. Waugh, Verifica della struttura di alcuni composti organici del silicio per mezzo di misure di risonanza magnetica nucleare (Gazz. Chim. Ital.)

M. W. P. Strandberg, Physics laboratory administration and operation (Am. J. Phys.)

M. W. P. Strandberg and B. V. Gokhale, Graduate examinations in physics (Am. J. Phys.)


R. S. Badessa, R. L. Kent, and J. C. Nowell, Short-time measurement of time dilation in an earth satellite (Phys. Rev.)

E. J. Baghdady, On the response of a linear system to an FM signal (Trans. IRE, PGCT)

P. Gottlieb, Sound transmission through a velocity discontinuity (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)

U. Ingard, Simple examples of magnetomechanical wave motion (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)

U. Ingard, The influence of fluid motion past a plane boundary and through a duct on sound reflection, absorption, and transmission (J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)

U. Ingard and G. C. Maling, Jr., Noise generated by two interacting air jets

(J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)


(These and previously published technical reports, if available, may be obtained from the Document Room, 26-327, Research

Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.)

219 R. C. Jeffrey, Some recent simplifications of the theory of finite automata

343 A. H. Nuttall, Theory and application of the separable class of random processes

345 M. B. Brilliant, Theory of the analysis of nonlinear systems

348 G. W. Stroke, Light


351 Communications Biophysics Group of Research Laboratory of Electronics and

W. M. Siebert, Processing neuroelectric data


D. A. Buck and K. R. Shoulders, An approach to microminiature printed systems,

AIEE Special Publication T-114, June 21, 1959 (presented at 1958 Proceedings of the Eastern Joint Computer Conference, Philadelphia, Dec. 3-5, 1958)

R. Jakobson and M. Halle, Fundamentals of Language (Mouton and Company, The

Hague, 1957)

S. M. Newman, Rowena W. Swanson, and K. C. Knowlton, A notation system for transliterating technical and scientific texts for use in data processing systems

(Patent Office Research and Development Reports No. 15, May 22, 1959)

G. W. Stroke, New methods of length measurement with moving carriages servocontrolled by photoelectric interferometry (Proc. International Commission of

Optics Symposium, "Optics in Meteorology, " Brussels, May 6-9, 1958)

Tube Laboratory Manual, Reprinting of 2d edition (no revision)

