West Virginia Department of Education Charleston, West Virginia 25305 Daily Records of Program Operations Name of Site______________________________________________ Child and Adult Care Food Program Month___________________________ Sponsor_____________________________________________________ Year____________________________ DATE Free Breakfasts Red. Paid 1 2 Type: CHILD Total Free NUMBER OF MEALS SERVED TO CHILDREN/DAY CARE ADULTS Lunches Suppers Red. Paid Total Free Red. Paid Total Between Meal Suppl. (Snacks) Free Red. Paid Total Break 5 6 13 17 PROGRAM ADULTS Adult Meals Lunch Supper ADULT (CIRCLE ONE) NON-PROGRAM MEALS SERVED Snack Break Lunch 20 21 22 Supper AT-RISK Snack Snacks 24 25 TOTALS WVDE-ADM-54 2002 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 23 ITEM 1. FUNDS RECEIVED DURING MONTH TOTALS A. Participant’s Payments for Meals B. Department of Education 1. Cash in Lieu of Commodities 2. Reimbursement – Meal C. Non-Program Adult Program D. Other 2. TOTAL FOOD SERVICE INCOME CASH EXPENDITURES DATE BILL PAID CK. # Name of Payee or Vendor Food Labor Adm. Costs (A) (B) (C) Equip. (D) Other (Supplies) Repairs Etc. Loan Payment Other TOTAL (E) (F) (G) UNPAID BILLS Company WVDE-ADM-54 2002 Amount Company Amount