Bioplastic Container Cropping Systems Landscape and Biodegradation Trials Round-2 Results Summary James Schrader - Iowa State University Landscape Evaluations • Container removed, crushed, and buried beneath roots Landscape - Plant Quality Index Container removed and Container ID # Container Material Discarded Installed Beneath 25 Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 217 191 PLA composite with 1 Soy 50% 258 203 2 Soy 33% 174 227 8 DDGS 20% 192 182 3 Soy + DDGS 30/10 242 274 4 Soy + Lignin 30/10 149 264 9 Lignin 20% 206 220 20 Protein (AR) 262 217 PHA composite with 6 Soy 33% 162 150 10 DDGS 20% 206 176 13 Starch 10% (Met) 168 184 19 Cellulose (AR) 232 232 188 217 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 Paper fiber 29 Uncoated 139 231 27 One coat PUR 183 205 28 Two coats PUR 181 194 • No statistical differences from control with container discarded • Only two container types showed a difference between container discarded and container buried beneath • One container type was better than control with container buried beneath Biodegradation in Soil Biodegradation in soil (6 months) Container ID # 25 Container Material Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) Degradation % 0 k PLA composite with 1 Soy 50% 45 c 2 Soy 33% 30 e 8 DDGS 20% 11 i 3 Soy + DDGS 30/10 34 d 4 Soy + Lignin 30/10 26 f 9 Lignin 20% 0 k 20 Protein (AR) 33 23 & 24 Recycled PLA de 0 k PHA composite with 6 Soy 33% 86 b 10 DDGS 20% 47 c 13 Starch 10% (Met) 15 h 19 Cellulose (AR) 100 a PolyAmide with 14 DDGS 30% 20 g 15 Lignin 30% 1 k 17 PLA 30% 0 k Paper fiber 29 Uncoated 14 hi 27 One coat PUR 19 g 28 Two coats PUR 12 hi Percentage weight loss Biodegradation in soil (Round-1 materials) Degradation weight loss % Round-1 Container Material Over 6 months Over 1.5 years Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 0 0 PLA composite with Soy 50% DDGS 10% Corn stover 10% PLA polymer only 53 16 14 0 54 20 16 0 PHA composite with DDGS 10% Starch 10% (Met) Polymer only (Met. P1004) 43 17 8 82 44 18 Paper fiber Uncoated Two coats PUR 45 30 60 51 Wood fiber (Fertilpot) Uncoated Two coats PUR 53 18 100 87 TerraShell® (Summit Plastics) 8 15 Coir fiber (ITML Kord) 31 81 Peat fiber (Jiffy) 23 80 6 months = 1 season 1.5 years = 2 seasons Shaded = not different from petroleum control Cumulative scores 100 = Best Material characteriastics 0 = Worst Container ratings after 6 weeks Plant Additional function 6-month Processability Processability Biodegradation Grower Dry Transplant Fertilizer Root Total Health Quality weight establishment effect improvement average score 100 96 77 78 80 80 100 98 94 95 89 X X 78 90 100 95 77 78 78 X X 76 100 100 95 95 74 80 73 X 80 60 80 85 100 99 95 87 100 X 82 26 60 77 32 40 99 93 82 79 X 66 100 0 80 100 100 100 96 80 84 83 na 75 33 60 85 95 100 100 100 100 95 63 75 75 86 ? 80 80 75 92 47 63 63 80 90 47 ? 100 100 90 93 54 71 Starch 10% (Met) 46 na 93 15 ? 95 100 90 93 58 76 68 Cellulose (AR) 72 na 65 100 ? 33 5 40 100 92 84 91 20 70 80 20 ? 70 55 70 96 69 80 Uncoated 100 na 95 14 ? 85 100 85 91 42 One coat PUR 96 na 90 19 ? 90 100 95 95 55 Two coats PUR 94 na 90 12 ? 95 100 95 96 67 Cost score Extrusion Inj. Molding in soil Recyclable Aesthetic 83 na 95 0 80 100 100 Soy 50% 78 40 60 45 50 77 Soy 33% 76 55 75 30 67 85 DDGS 20% 78 85 90 11 80 Soy + DDGS 30/10 79 70 70 34 Soy + Lignin 30/10 78 60 65 Lignin 20% 77 90 Protein (AR) 72 Soy 33% DDGS 20% Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) Structural assessment 81 PLA composite with 83 X X 86 61 X 72 73 X 78 PHA composite with PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 73 ? ? 68 79 X 64 60 71 X 74 74 76 79 81 73 80 Paper fiber Characteristics Scores 100 = Best 0 = Worst Container ID # Material Material Cost score Processability Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 83 95 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% DDGS 20% Soy + DDGS 30/10 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 78 76 78 79 78 77 72 50 65 88 70 63 95 75 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 63 63 46 71 75 85 93 65 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 20 75 Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR 100 96 94 95 90 90 25 1 2 8 3 4 9 20 6 10 13 29 27 28 Characteristics Scores 100 = Best 0 = Worst Extrusion Inj. Molding Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) na 95 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% DDGS 20% Soy + DDGS 30/10 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 40 55 85 70 60 90 60 75 90 70 65 100 75 Container ID # 25 1 2 8 3 4 9 20 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 6 10 13 29 27 28 Processability Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR na 75 80 na 75 90 93 65 70 80 na Overall processing na na na 95 90 90 Characteristics Scores 6-month Biodegradation 100 = Best 0 = Worst Container ID # in soil Recyclable 25 Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 0 80 1 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% 45 30 50 67 2 8 DDGS 20% 11 80 3 Soy + DDGS 30/10 34 60 4 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 26 0 33 60 80 60 86 47 15 100 ? 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 20 ? Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR 14 19 12 ? 9 20 6 10 13 29 27 28 ? ? ? ? ? Characteristics Scores 100 = Best 0 = Worst Container ID # Container Container Performance Performance (6 weeks) (16 weeks) Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 100 100 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% DDGS 20% Soy + DDGS 30/10 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 86 92 98 88 50 100 93 61 96 95 78 78 97 95 26 Failed 100 100 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 65 71 Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR 90 95 97 89 90 25 1 2 8 3 4 9 20 6 10 13 29 27 28 NA 100 67 NA NA Characteristics Scores Additional function 100 = Best 0 = Worst Container ID # Plant or Crop Quality Fertilizer effect Root improvement X X X X X X X X X Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 83 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% DDGS 20% Soy + DDGS 30/10 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 92 82 81 95 88 86 98 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 66 73 74 91 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 79 X Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR 66 75 79 X 25 1 2 8 3 4 9 20 6 10 13 29 27 28 X X ? ? Overall Scores 100 = Best 0 = Worst * = Additional function Container ID # Overall average score Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 81 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% DDGS 20% Soy + DDGS 30/10 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 77 76 80 82 66 83 85 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 72 * 78 * 74 68 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 64 * Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR 74 * 79 80 25 1 2 8 3 4 9 20 6 10 13 29 27 28 ** ** * ** * ** Material Cost $ Cost of materials per pound New Recycled Material $/lb $/lb Petrol-based PP 1.10 0.76 Petrol-based HDPE 1.00 0.65 SP.A 0.74 (ISU High-percentage Soy polymer) Soy protein isolate 1.14 PLA 1.10 PHA 2.00 PolyAmide 3.90 DDGS 0.08 Corn stover 0.03 Lignin (NeroPlast, polymer filler) 0.30 Recycled paper fiber 0.36 Polyurethane (dip coat) 2.71 0.60 Material Cost $ New material Recycled material cost per cost per container (¢) container (¢) Container ID # Petroleum plastic (polypropylene) 11.0 7.6 PLA composite with Soy 50% Soy 33% DDGS 20% Soy + DDGS 30/10 Soy + Lignin 30/10 Lignin 20% Protein (AR) 13.5 14.4 13.1 13.1 13.4 13.8 16.4 9.8 9.5 7.3 8.7 9.0 7.9 12.0 20.3 20.2 28.6 16.7 NA 19 PHA composite with Soy 33% DDGS 20% Starch 10% (Met) Cellulose (AR) 14 PolyAmide - DDGS 70/30 40.4 NA 25 1 2 8 3 4 9 20 6 10 13 NA NA NA Our cost to purchase 29 27 28 Paper fiber Uncoated One coat PUR Two coats PUR and dip coat (¢) 3.0 5.0 6.0 14.0 16.0 17.0 Categories of Biocontainers (Based on results of our trials and/or information from publications) 1. Containers biodegradable in soil (within a timeline of 1 to 2 years) 2. Containers not degradable in soil, but degradable by composting 3. Exceptional or durable containers that can be recycled - or will be carbon-negative if landfilled - carbon neutral if incinerated Category 1 Containers Biodegradable in Soil (Based on results of our trials) 1. PHA + DDGS (80/20) 2. PLA + Soy (50/50) ?? some persistent residue 3. Paper fiber (uncoated or coated with polyurethane) 4. Wood fiber (uncoated or coated with polyurethane) 5. Coir fiber (uncoated only) 6. Peat fiber Category 2 Containers not degradable in soil, but degradable by composting (Based on results of our trials and information from publications) 1. TerraShell® from Summit Plastics 2. PLA - Protein Compound (Aspen Research) 3. PLA + Soy (67/33 and other blend percentages) 4. PLA + Soy + DDGS (60/30/10) 5. PHA with Starch (90/10) (Mirel P1008, Metabolix) 6. PHA without biocomposite filler Category 3 Exceptional or durable containers that can be recycled - or will be carbon-negative if landfilled (Based on results of our trials and information from publications) 1. PLA + Lignin (80/20) 2. Recycled PLA (rPLA, Natureworks) 3. PLA - Polyamide blends 4. PLA without biocomposite filler Containers Biodegradable in Soil Example: PHA + DDGS (80/20) Containers with Additional Function Example: PLA + Soy (50/50) - Fertilizer effect - Root improvement Containers with no change in cultural practices Example: PLA + Lignin (80/20) Tentative Containers for Round 3 1. PLA + Soy (50/50) or (60/40) 2. PLA - Protein Compound from Aspen Research 3. PLA + Lignin (80/20) 4. PLA + DDGS (80/20) - probably Bio-Res™ DDGS 5. PHA & DDGS (80/20) 6. Paper-fiber (Polyurethane dip coat) Current Industry Collaborators • Metabolix, Inc. : PHA bioplastics technology and production : • Arizona Chemical : • R/D Leverage : Biopolymer production : Mold design and manufacturing : • Aspen Research, Inc. : Materials technology, research, analysis, and compounding : • Mid-Continent Tool & Molding : • Laurel BioComposite LLC : • VistaTek : Injection molding, mold making : Modified DDGS polymer additives : Mold making, injection molding : • NatureWorks LLC : PLA bioplastics technology and production : Looking for additional collaborators • Three container manufacturers to produce 4.5” and gallon containers from our top five materials on production-scale machines = Round-3 container manufacturing collaborations • Up to 20 greenhouse and 20 nursery growers for production and marketing trials of these containers = Round-3 stakeholder horticultural trials Commercial Availability of Containers Available Now • TerraShell® from Summit Plastics (thermoformed) • Uncoated fiber containers of paper, wood, coir, peat, and a few others Available Soon • 4.5” PLA - based injection-molded containers from a collaboration of VistaTek, Aspen Research, and NatureWorks Questions ?