IX. A. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH MULTIPATH TRANSMISSION Prof. L. B. Arguimbau Dr. J. Granlund Dr. C. A. Stutt 1. Speech and Music. E. M. Rizzoni G. M. Rodgers R. D. Stuart Cross H. W. E. R. Kinzinger Manna Paananen Transatlantic Tests The present series of tests has been completed and will be discussed in some detail in the next Quarterly Progress Report. J. Granlund, C. A. Stutt, L. B. Arguimbau 2. Television Tests are being made to check the typical requirements placed on a television system by multipath conditions. A single-line scanner is being constructed to display test pat- terns from local television stations and provide a measure of the relative delays and amplitudes of the various paths. E. 3. M. Rizzoni Simplified FM Receiver The design of the i-f amplifier has been completed, technique outlined in Technical Report No. using the approximation 145 by J. G. Linvill. Seven tuned circuits are used as opposed to the typical six circuits used in home receivers. This design has met the requirements broadly outlined in the Quarterly Progress Report, October 15, 1951. Limiters have been made, using gated-beam (6BN6) tubes; they have been compared with the crystal diode limiters discussed in earlier Quarterly Progress Reports. The gated-beam type has been found to saturate more fully than the crystal type and to be superior in most respects. In particular, it has been found workable in conjunction with wide-band discrimination and preserves all the accompanying advantages of low 6AI Fig. IX-1 A simplified version of the wide-band detector. -49- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) capture ratios. A slight modification of the wide-band detector discussed in Technical Report No. 42, by J. Granlund produces the circuit shown in Fig. IX-1. Notice that the cathode supplies the bias needed for the crystals. R. A. Paananen The design of a tuning head for a frequency modulation broadcast receiver has been brought to the working-model point. Using variable capacitor tuning, and a single stage of tuned radiofrequency amplification, all spurious responses are down at least 80 db (for interfering signals below 0. 4 volt) and the sensitivity is comparable to usual commercially available receivers. At a slight sacrifice in spurious response rejection, sensitivities can be improved by increasing the couplings in the input tuned circuits. Noise figures as low as 6 db have been measured, in the latter case. H. H. Cross The effect of discriminator bandwidth on adjacent and alternate channel interference is under investigation. W. C. Kinzinger -50- (IX. B. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) STATISTICAL THEORY OF COMMUNICATION Prof. J. B. Wiesner Prof. W. B. Davenport, Prof. R. M. Fano Prof. Y. W. Lee Prof. J. F. Reintjes Dr. P. Elias 1. B. R. J. M. C. L. B. Jr. E. Green, Jr. Howland G. Kraft A. Basore S. Berg J. Bussgang Coufleau A. Desoer Dolansky M. Eisenstadt A. J. Lephakis R. M. Lerner M. J. Levin Multichannel Analog Electronic Correlator A suitable integrating circuit has been developed. The remainder of the design work for the correlator has been completed. Testing of the equipment is proceeding. Y. W. Lee, J. F. Reintjes, M. J. Levin 2. Analog Electronic Correlator for Second-Order Correlation The second-order autocorrelation function of a random or periodic function fl(t) is defined as 111( T1)) = lim T--oo 1 f fl(t) fl(t + T1) fl(t + T2 ) dt. -T Equipment is not yet available for plotting this function. 111 ( 0 , T2) = f (t) f(t lim T-oo = However, if T 1 + T) 0 (2) dt. For this special case the second-order autocorrelation function can be obtained by crosscorrelating f (t) with fl(t). This has been done as shown in Fig. IX-2. LADDER NETWORK ELECTRONIC ANALOG CORRELATOR QU A CHANNEL CIRCUIT B CHANNEL f(t) Fig. IX-2 Fig. IX-3 Arrangement for obtaining second-order autocorrelation functions. Squaring circuit. -51- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) The squaring circuit(J. S. Rochefort: "Design and Construction of a Germanium-Diode Square-Law Device, " Master's Thesis in Electrical Engineering, M.I.T. 1951) makes use of the nonlinear properties of 1N34 germanium diodes (see Fig. IX-3). A twoterminal ladder network composed of resistors and these diodes has been constructed. This network has a variable driving-point impedance such that the current through it is proportional to the square of the voltage across it. The voltage across a small resistor in series with the network is then proportional to the square of the input voltage. The sign of the output should be positive whether the input is positive or negative for proper square-law action. circuit. This characteristic is obtained by using a push-pull driver Since the driver circuit works into a varying impedance it was designed to have a very low output impedance for accurate operation. Appreciation is expressed to Mr. Rochefort for providing the necessary information for the design of this unit. If the function fl(t) in Eq. 1 is periodic and has the spectrum Fl(n) with the fundamental angular frequency wl, so that oo00 f (t) = F 1 (n) e (3) n= -c it can be shown that the second-order autocorrelation function of fl(t) is o00 111(T2) 0m F 1 (m) Fl(n) =21 F 1 (m+n) e j(m+n)wl(Tl + T ) 2 m=-oo n=-oo For the particular case where fl(t) is an odd-harmonic function, 111 (T 1 , T 2 ) vanishes for all values of T 1 and 7 2 since Fl(m+n) is zero. Figure IX-4b shows the autocorrelation function of the half-wave rectified sinusoid which is illustrated in Fig. IX-4a. Figure IX-4c shows the second-order autocorrelation function of this wave. For a wave of the form shown in Fig. IX-5a, the autocorrelation function and the second-order autocorrelation function are given in Figs. IX-5b and IX-5c respectively. Y. W. Lee, J. F. Reintjes, M. J. Levin 3. a. Information Theory Transmission of information through channels in cascade Further investigation of this problem has indicated that the operation of the intermediate receivers is the important factor in the performance of the over-all system. For example, in the pulse code modulation system analyzed previously the receiver requantizes the received pulses. This requantization process eliminates the noise in almost all instances although errors are introduced once in a while. -52- (A relatively Fig. IX-4a Fig. IX-Sa Half -wave rectified sinusoid. Triangular wave with odd harmonic function. Fig. IX-4b Fig. IX-Sb Autocorrelation of waveform in Fig. IX-4a. Autocorrelation of waveform in Fig. IX-Sa. Fig. IX-4c Fig. IX-Sc Second-order autocorrelation of waveform in Fig. IX -4a. Second -order autocorrelation of waveform in Fig. IX-Sa. General data pertaining to curves: AT = 5 IJ.sec; number of samples = 8000; fundamental frequency of input wave = 3.5 kc/sec except for Fig. IX-4c where it is 2 kc/sec. -53- Fig. IX-6 Fig. IX-7 E as in Eve. U as in Boot. Fig. IX-8 Fig. IX-9 S as in Hiss. F as in Gaff. Fig. IX-lO Fig. IX-II Z as in Craze. A as in Father. -54- (IX. high S/N is assumed.) COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) The introduction of definite errors can be shown to result in additional loss of information; it appears that any attempt to eliminate a fraction of the noise necessarily involves an additional loss of information. On the other hand, if some of the noise contained in the signal is eliminated, the fraction of information lost in the next transmission is reduced. optimum degree of noise elimination. It appears therefore that there is some In the above case the over-all system is improved by quantization, at the intermediate stations, to the original levels, although in some cases quantization to a larger number of levels may be better. The question of noise elimination is the main problem under study. C. A. Desoer, R. b. M. Fano Vocoder The possibilities of a high quality vocoder are being investigated using, initially, the approach of tracking the harmonics of pitch frequency (1). This and related tech- niques are critically dependent upon an accurate knowledge of the pitch period of voiced sounds. Previously used methods of obtaining the pitch period appear unsatisfactory for our purposes. We are currently investigating the use, in this connection, "Ianalytic function" (2) function of time. of speech. of the The analytic function of a speech wave is a complex Its real part is the speech wave itself, and its imaginary part is the same speech wave in which each frequency component has been shifted in phase by 90.0 To this end, a wideband (50 cps to 15, 000 cps) phase-splitter has been constructed. When the outputs of the phase-splitter are connected to the vertical and horizontal deflection plates, respectively, of an oscilloscope, patterns result which constitute a polar representation of the analytic function. As a by-product of the above work, such polar patterns may be useful as a new form of visible speech. Several patterns are shown in Figs. IX-6 through IX- 11. to the static characteristics that may be observed in these photographs, In addition dynamic char- acteristics have been observed which might play an important role in the visual identification of speech sounds. Possible uses for this method of representation are being investigated. R. M. Lerner, R. M. Fano References 1. R. M. Fano: The Information Point of View in Speech Communication, J. Acous. Soc. Am. 22, No. 6, 694-695, 1950 2. D. Gabor: Theory of Information, J. Inst. Elec. Eng. 93, -55- Part III, 429-431, 1946 (IX. C. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) HUMAN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Dr. L. S. Christie Dr. R. D. Luce F. D. Barrett 1. J. J. B. Flannery Macy, Jr. D. G. Senft A. G. Simmel P. F. Thorlakson Technical Report Our major project during the past quarter has been the preparation of a technical report summarizing the results and developments of the past two years. The report will describe the 1949-1950 experiments of Professor A. Bavelas and associates, first explored the problem area of task-oriented groups. who The work of the past year, involving a more intensive study of a restricted part of the problem area and employing more refined experimental techniques, will also be described. The principal experimental program (1) has been concluded. The primary purpose of this program was to examine learning within a task-oriented group. light on earlier work of Leavitt and Smith. complex data analysis required. The results shed Considerable time has been spent on the This analysis will be concluded during the next quarter. The principal development in experimental technique, "Octopus", is reported briefly below and will be discussed in full in the forthcoming report. F. 2. D. Barrett, L. A Problem in Data Analysis: S. Christie, R. D. Luce, J. Macy, Jr. Programming for Whirlwind I For the analysis of the data from experiments on network patterns and group learning (1) it is necessary to have the distributions of the number of time units, i. e. opportunities to send a message, required to distribute all the relevant information to all the members of the group, assuming equilikelihood for the use of the different channels going out from any individual. For many networks this problem appears sufficiently complicated mathematically to warrant a quasi-empirical approach by means of random numbers and the use of highspeed computing machinery. Whirlwind I was made available for this work, and a code has been developed which is of sufficient generality to permit adjustment to different networks by very simple modifications. If it should become of interest to investigate n-man groups, n 4 10, or to make some assumptions other than equilikelihood for the use of the different channels going out from the individuals in the group, the completed code may serve as a core around which such modifications can be constructed. We define matrices S such that s.. = 1 or 0 according as individual j has or has not the information originally possessed by individual i, 0 according as individual i is and matrices T such that tij = 1 or sending all the information at his disposal to individual j or to someone else, letting the diagonal terms be unity in the matrices of both types. -56- (IX. If we further let I be the identity matrix COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) having e.. = 1 for all i and j, we may state our problem as follows. S n Ieij e I, and E the universal matrix I 18ij I Given S =I (1) = S n-l T n (2) where the product in Eq. 2 is the Boolean matrix product defined in strict analogy to the ordinary matrix product by S' = ST if and only if n =SU ) tkj) (ik k=l We want to know the distribution of N where SN = E and for all n < N, S E. The Whirlwind I program constructs the T-matrices as needed by means of random digits fed from a tape into the high-speed storage in blocks of 375, guided by a set of 5 control numbers peculiar to the network under investigation. The distribution of the values of N < 10 will be typed out. Testing of the program is under way. A. G. Simmel 3. "Octopus" The electrical experimental device (2), experimental groups of human subjects, nicknamed "Octopus, " for running controlled has been partially completed. The individual stations for the subjects and the central control unit have been completed and tested, and preliminary trials using military subjects have been successfully completed. Con- struction of the component parts of the automatic data-recording and analyzing unit has been finished, and final assembly and testing of this unit is nearing completion. The tape-recording device, using binary sequences time-multiplexed on punched magnetic recording tape, has been completed. Future experiments employing Octopus are in the planning stage. J. 4. Macy, Jr. Experiment on the Persistence of Organization In conjunction with Harvey Hay, graduate student in the Department of Economics, M. I. T., an experiment has been designed to detect the persistence of inappropriate voluntary organization within a task-oriented group. The question being asked is: Given a group having a simple task to perform and communication by written messages subject only to network constraints, what is the effect of shifting the group from one -57- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) network to another ? It has been found in earlier experiments of a similar type that under certain networks, groups develop an internal organization which is appropriate to that network. Does such an informal organization persist in a new network, or does it decay as rapidly as it is formed, when it is no longer appropriate? Further, does the experience and consequent learning of the first network tend to affect adversely learning in the second network? For any group of subjects the experiment will have three phases. Five trials will be performed on a network which we shall call P. Following these, a questionnaire will be administered. After a break for lunch, two sets of 15 trials each will be run on different networks, each followed by the same questionnaire as used after P. Our interest is only in the last two phases. The network P is run in order to eliminate a transient phase of confusion and adjustment to the apparatus. P was chosen to be a network within which very little organization can occur in five trials. The questionnaire is also used after P so that the subjects will have the same knowledge as to the content of the questionnaire when entering phase two as when entering phase three. In addition to P, there will be three networks used in the afternoon sessions: circle C, star S, and diablo D. The combinations to be run are PPC, PPD, PSC, PSD, PDC, PCD. 10 groups will be run in each combination. The apparatus to be used for this experiment is a modification of that described in reference 1; and, in particular, includes the important feature that all communication occurs in a quantized time scale. This, or something equivalent to it, is necessary for the determination of the time order of the messages sent. The subjects to be used are enlisted Army personnel. L. S. Christie, R. D. Luce, J. Macy, Jr. References 1. Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M. I. T. Jan. 15, 1951, pp. 79-80 2. Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M. I. T. April 15, 1951, p. 52 -58- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. D. REPLACEMENT OF VISUAL SENSE IN TASK OF OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE Dr. C. M. Witcher E. Ruiz de Luzuriaga A small project has been set up in the Laboratory; its object is to extend the field of sensory replacement to the visual domain as specifically applied to the problem of independent travel by the blind. Analysis of the performance of all obstacle avoidance devices developed to date strongly suggests that their major failing has been a result of inadequate means for transmission of information from device to user. In all schemes thus far employed the information was transmitted to the user as a time series of data; each element provided information as to the presence or absence of an obstacle in some small specified portion of the environment. Thus the necessary integration always had to be done within the brain of the user. The present aim of our project is to devise a method of transmission of information from guidance device to user in which part of the integration process can be taken over by the device, enabling a much needed increase of speed in the process and affording a decrease in the mental effort which must be expended by the user. We have started from the obstacle avoidance device developed a few years ago by the Signal Corps, and which appears to be the most reliable and satisfactory type available at present. Our proposed solution to the problem of providing integrated information consists of two modifications of this device: 1) addition of an automatic optical scanning system, and 2) presentation of the information through the presence or absence of projecting points, or, more precisely, round-headed pins, at various positions on a signal presentation plate. The positions of the pins, which at any moment project above the surface of the signal presentation plate, can be quickly surveyed by very slight movements of the index finger of the blind user, and he can thus obtain an almost instantaneous, if rather crude, picture of the obstacles in his immediate environment. The positions (radial and angular) at which pins appear on the plate will correspond roughly to the positions of the obstacles in range and azimuth, much like the situation represented by a PPI radar presentation. The moving pins will be actuated by relays fed from the output of the small hearing-aid amplifier of the device. mechanical design of the system is now fairly complete, The and the circuits for relay operation have been checked experimentally. In addition to this system for presentation of information, a tentative design for a step-down indicator, an element which has long been recognized as a necessity for safe travel, has been completed. -59- (IX. E. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) COMMUNICATIONS BIOPHYSICS Prof. W. A. Rosenblith K. Putter 1. Interaction of Cortical Activity and Evoked Potentials Sizable responses to clicks are recorded from the auditory area of the cerebral cortex of anesthetized animals. The present study proposes to investigate systematically the extent to which these evoked responses modify cortical activity and are in turn affected by this activity. Preliminary experimentation has been started at the Massachusetts General Hospital. The use of correlational techniques for purposes of data analysis is projected. W. A. Rosenblith with Dr. M. 2. A. B. Brazier (Massachusetts General Hospital) Variability of Cortical Responses to Acoustic Clicks Responses to clicks recorded by fine wire electrodes from the auditory area of the cortex of anesthetized animals are characterized by large variability. If a theoretical useful quantitative description of such responses is to be given, reliable data on cortical variability are essential. A large number of responses have been recorded simultaneously from two locations of a cat's auditory cortex; the rate of stimulation was varied from 2 clicks per second to 1 click every 10 seconds. The data are being analyzed by different statistical techniques in order to determine the character of the observed variability. If the variability is nonrandom, an attempt will be made to differentiate between response-induced nonrandomness and nonrandomness due to physiological periodicities (e. g. cortical rhythms). The experiments were carried out at the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory, Harvard University. W. A. Rosenblith, K. Putter, with K. Safford (Harvard Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory) 3. Instrumentation A useful device for the analysis and presentation of electrophysiological data recorded in response to discrete stimuli might have the following properties: a) it would take "peeks" of adjustable duration at preset intervals after the occurrence of the stimulus; b) it would quantize the evoked response at the highest level reached during the "peeking-interval; " and c) it would present the central tendency and the variance of the quantized data and also record the data in sequential form. A preliminary model of such a time-gated amplitude quantizer having most of the enumerated features is now in the design stage. W. A. Rosenblith, K. Putter -60- (IX. F. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) ELECTRONEUROPHYSIOLOGY J. Y. Lettvin W. Pitts B. Howland With the design and building of two constant-current stimulators, a machine that manufactures the numerous microelectrodes used in our experiments and an elaborate control device for programming whole experiments, an electrophysiological laboratory is being set up. The shop is now working on the design and construction of a new stereotactic instrument. We have been applying a constant input-volley to the spinal cord, and plotting the potential field and its changes with time at as dense a network of recording points within the cord as is practicable. Since the cord is narrow and a good conductor, the potential at each point is determined by an integration over all the sources and sinks of current in the entire cross section; and the more remote suffer only a small decrement with distance. These sources and sinks represent the activity of cells and fibers where they are, for flow of current from the inside of a cell outward makes a source in the external medium in which we measure; current inward makes a sink. The density of these sources and sinks can be calculated by taking the Laplacian of the potential; the computing room has been doing this for us numerically from the potential maps derived from earlier experiments. The result is a series of maps representing the successive acti- vity of different groups of cells or fibers. From these maps we hope to find out how the groups of cells combine to produce the complicated structure of the spinal reflex, and how the transmission of information to them along pathways descending from the brain so modifies the structure as to control movement. To this end we plan first to complete our analysis of the sequence of maps of sources and sinks produced by various inputs to the isolated cord, then to note the differences when certain of the most important descending systems are stimulated concurrently. Somewhat aside from this, we expect these maps to contribute crucial evidence for or against our earlier theory of inhibition at the synapse. // We plan to apply the same methods, combined with various forms of statistical analysis, to a study of some of the higher sensory systems, such as the visual cortex and lateral geniculate, from the point of view of communication theory. To record the potentials from one or a few points on the surface of the cortex, as has been usually done, does not, in our opinion, furnish suitable material for such an analysis; for we This section has been supported in part by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, under Contract No. N5 ori-07868. Authority: NR 113-004/9-6-51, Biological Sciences Division. -61- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) cannot ordinarily discover which of the numerous groups of cells and fibers, distinct in function and connections, are responsible for the potentials recorded. But the two methods: that of measuring potential histories at enough points to compute sources and sinks, localizing the generators of the potentials; and the statistical methods of communication theory, should provide more information about the system, and better means of analyzing it. -62- (IX. G. PARALLEL COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) CHAIN AMPLIFIER The behavior of the high frequency amplifier chain of a parallel chain amplifier has been reported in the Quarterly Progress Report, October 15, An average 1951. gain of about 5 db per stage was obtained over a band from 130 to 260 Mc/sec using 6AK5's with double-tuned interstages. The results are mentioned here only An input circuit for this chain has been tried. as they give an idea of the problem of network complexity when dealing with small shunt capacitances. It will be shown that the use of this input circuit should have considerably Instead it was found that the gain was slightly reduced. improved the gain of the chain. The poor results are probably due to stray capacitances disturbing the network structure. The input capacitance of the first stage is terminated 50-ohm cable, which provides a 25-ohm source. connected directly to the grid as shown in Fig. IX-12. in Fig. IX-13, where the source is R = 25 ohms and C 2 = 8 pif, The input is about 8 p.aif. fed from a Originally, the cable was The input circuit tried is shown represented by its Thevenin equivalent. and the products LIC 1 Here and L2C 2 are equated to make this circuit the bandpass equivalent of a simple series LC circuit. If R is temporarily assumed zero, the poles of the transfer ratio, E 2 /E occur on the jw axis, say at wI and w2 . 1, will Then, if we solve for the element values we find 1 21 C 1 = C 12 2 (3) 1lW2 Returning to the lossy case, R * 0, we may conveniently express the transfer ratio in terms of the critical frequencies of the lossless case, w1 and w 2 E2 1 =4 + RC 2(o 2 - 1 Z 3 X + (2 (2 2 ,1 2 2 2 + RC 2 W12 1) and also R and C 2 , ) 2 1 1+X 1 . (4) We may now quickly evaluate the contribution of the input network over the band for a simple but representative case. -63- 6AK5 50- OHM CABLE Fig. IX-12 Fig. IX-13 Direct connected input. Input circuit. - 0X * -------.. . L .. jw X-PLANE X INPUT CIRCUIT OF FIG. I- 13 WITHOUT INPUT CIRCUIT (SEE FIG.I- a, - 130 Fig. IX-14 / 260 FREOUENCY IN Mc/sec Fig. IX-15 Assignment of poles. The extreme pair is realized by the input network; other pairs are realized by interstages. Transfer function of input circuit. .T T. Fig. IX-16 An interstage used in the low frequency chain. -64- 12) (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) 1) 2 . First we notice that the multiplying factor of the transfer ratio is (W - To aid in selecting two poles from the whole array of poles of the over-all transfer function, we also consider the multiplying factors of the interstage networks used in this chain. These multiplying factors are equal to ( b - wo)/2C where the w's refer to the critical frequencies of a particular interstage and C is the shunt capacitance imposed at each terminal pair. We maximize the over-all multiplying factor, which is just the product of the individual multiplying factors, by pairing the poles as shown in Fig. IX-14. This maximization gives the greatest spread for the poles of the input network and equal spread for the poles of the interstages. turns out to be about 5 p.Lff. For this arrangement C 1 For expediency, let us set wl and w2 equal to the upper and lower edges of our band (corresponding to 130 and 260 Mc/sec). edges is, from Eq. 4, equal to 1/[RC 2( The magnitude of the transfer ratio at the band 2 - w1) = 6. 1 (ratio) or 15. 7 db. the geometrical band center, this ratio is identically one or zero db. Similarly, at In Fig. IX-15 these values are used to sketch the approximate transfer ratio over the band. transfer ratio of Fig. IX-12 is also sketched for comparison. The (Of course, with the addition of the input network, the interstages are appropriately realigned. ) Thus we see that the input network should result in an over-all improvement of gain. The low frequency chain has been built, but the alignment has not been completed. After some delay, a setup was obtained to measure the gain over this band (0-130 Mc/sec). Also, a generator to sweep the entire band (0-260 Mc/sec) for align- ment purposes has been built, using a thermally-tuned klystron. After the gain measuring equipment was set up and a calibration run taken, a preliminary run was made on the gain. 120 Mc/sec and 130 Mc/sec. This run showed serious attenuation between The trouble was traced to a self-resonance of series coils in two circuits of the type shown in Fig. IX-16. Although some care had been taken to keep the distributed capacitance of these coils small, they were found to resonate in the affected region, producing zeros there. The coils are being rewound, and it is expected that the new coils will remedy this trouble. R. K. Bennett H. A METHOD OF WIENER IN A NONLINEAR CIRCUIT Technical Report No. 217 has been prepared and has been scheduled for publication. S. Ikehara -65- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. I. TRANSIENT PROBLEMS Prof. E. A. Guillemin Dr. M. V. Cerrillo F. Reza 1. Network Synthesis for Prescribed Transient Response A given transient time function f(t) is to be the unit impulse response of a finite passive lumped-parameter network. The problem is to find the pertinent system function h(s) of this network. If, for the moment, one were to consider a periodic time function f(t), the desired system function could be found at once from a Fourier series representation for f(t); and the requirement that the system function be rational could be met through being content with the approximation to f(t) afforded by a partial sum. A study of the nature of this approximation could be dealt with in the time domain according to familiar techniques; and since no further approximations in the frequency domain were called for, the ultimate response would be assured of having the approximation properties of the partial sum. One way of dealing with a given transient function f(t) of finite duration is to consider its periodic repetition in several ways such that an appropriate combination of the resulting periodic functions cancels everywhere except over the first period. A simple pattern accomplishing this end is described in the following. Suppose a desired f(t) is the transient pulse shown in Fig. IX-17. We consider the two periodic repetitions of this function as shown in Fig. IX- 18 and observe that the corresponding transforms hl(s) and h 2 (s) are readily constructible from the appropriate Fourier series for fl(t) and f 2 (t). If we could synthesize a pair of two-terminal net- works N 1 and N 2 having the driving-point functions hl(s) and h 2 (s), it is clear that their unit impulse responses would be fl(t) and f 2 (t) respectively. Or we can say that if we were to apply an excitation fl(t) to N 1 or an excitation f 2 (t) to N 2 , the response in each case would be a unit impulse. If we now observe that and f(t) = f2(t) t - ) (2) we can conclude that if we apply an excitation f(t) to N 1 the response is a unit impulse at t = 0 followed by a negative unit impulse at t = T/2; while if we apply an excitation f(t) to N2 the response is a unit impulse at t = 0 followed by another at t = T/2. -66- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. Therefore, f(t) applied to N 1 and N 2 in series produces simply an impulse at t = 0, It remains to fill in the details or the latter produces f(t), which is what we wanted. with appropriate mathematical symbols. We begin by considering the periodic function f p(t) shown in Fig. IX- 19, Writing the Fourier series of a repetition of f(t) at half-period intervals. f (t) = E consisting akejkt k=- oo we have for its transform p(s) q( " ak h (s) s - jkw hp(S) k=-oo (4) The transforms hl(s) and h 2 (s) are readily constructible from h (s). p oo ak(1 + e-Jk) hl(s) = hp (s) s - jkw (5) and 00 I-.a h 2 (s) = h (s) (1 - e - a_(1 - e - jkw K' ST/) -00 Noting that the factor (1 + e - jk w) equals 2 for k even and zero for k odd, while the factor (1 - e - jk w ) equals 2 for k odd and zero for k even, we have more simply ak h l (s) = 2 s-jk k=0+(2,4, .. P 1(s) ql(s) (7) ) and oo ak -jk h 2 (s) = 2 P 2 (s) S (8) k=+(1, 3 ... .) That is to say, hl(s) is twice the sum of the even order terms in hp(s), given by Eq. 4, while h 2 (s) is twice the sum of the odd order terms. As long as the sums in the expressions for hp(s), hi(s) and h 2 (s) are regarded as having Fig. IX-17 The desired transient time function. an infinite number of terms, these transforms are, of course, not rational and the polynomials -67- Fig. IX-18 The auxiliary periodic repetitions of f(t). i fp(t) II - r\ % # r/2 T T/2 - ./2 Fig. IX-19 The basic periodic repetition of f(t) from which the auxiliary functions of Fig. IX-18 are derived. fp*(t) /'"" O rj - I I 1 f*(t-r/2)+A f(t) af(t) III ,.~~~-"1. A I f I v. . I - I Fig. IX-20 Approximation to the periodic function of Fig. IX-19 afforded by a partial sum of its Fourier series, and the imperfectly delayed version of this function. -68- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. p(s), q(s), p 1 (s), Since we anticipate replacing q 1(s), pZ(s) and q 2 (s) are not finite. these expressions by their partial sums, it is appropriate even at this stage to think of the polynomials as though they were finite. They obviously have real coefficients even though the Fourier coefficients ak (which are residues of the h functions in their j axis poles) are complex. If we think of networks N 1 and N 2 as having the driving-point functions hl(s) and h 2 (s), then a unit impulse u (t) applied to N 1 produces fl(t) and if applied to N 2 , it produces f 2 (t). If we now interchange the roles of excitation and response, and say that fl(t) applied to N 1 or f 2 (t) applied to N 2 produces u (t), then the system functions for these networks are the reciprocals 1/hl(s) and 1/h 2 (s). Noting Eqs. 1 and 2 we may then state that f(t) applied to N 1 having the system function 1/hl(s) produces the response (9) uo(t) - u 0 (t -) while f(t) applied to N2 having the system function 1/h (1/hl) + (1/h (s) produces the response ). u (t) + u0 (t Wherefore, 2 (10) f(t) applied to N 1 and N 2 in series with the resultant system function 2 ) produces the response 2u o (t); or if we again interchange the roles of excitation and response and consider the series combination of N 1 and N2 as having the system function 1 1 2 then its unit impulse response becomes (1/2) f(t), as may readily be verified through substitution of Eqs. 5 and 6 into Eq. 11, which yields h(s) = 1 h p(s) (1 - e-s S P(s) " P 2 (s) 2p(s) " (12) Since the time-domain equivalent of this equation reads f(t) = (f (t) - f(t-T)) (13) the above statement is seen to be true. Neglecting second-order effects, it is easy to show that when one replaces the above infinite series by their partial sums, the resulting transient response is as good an approximation to f(t) as the partial sum of the Fourier series given in Eq. 3 is to f p(t) over any one of its periods. Thus, if we indicate any approximate function through attaching an asterisk to the corresponding exact function, we may write -69- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) n f (t) = ) akeJt (14) k=-n n h(s) hp (s) a =k (15) s - jkw k=-n and -jk* n h (s) e-ST/2* p ake k=-n (16) s - jko (16) where n is a finite integer. Figure IX-20 shows how the approximation to f p(t) given by the partial sum (Eq. 14) might look, and correspondingly how the inverse transform of the frequency function (Eq. 16) will appear. It is important to note that this time function may be regarded as an imperfect version of f (t) delayed by a half period. Thus, the perfect version of f (t) delayed by a half period differs from the function shown in the bottom half of Fig. IX-20 in that it is exactly zero throughout the first half period. The imperfect version, by contrast, has the same nonzero ripply variations here that it has in any of the corresponding subsequent half-period intervals. Observe, however, that the imperfect and perfect versions are exactly alike everywhere except during the first half period where they differ by the residual ripple which in Fig. IX-20 is denoted by Af(t). That is to say, the net difference Af(t) between the imperfectly and the perfectly delayed functions f (t) is nonzero only for the interval 0 < t < 7/2! p In the frequency domain we can express this result through writing h (s) e-/ p 2 h (s) p e- r/2+ Ah(s) (17) and interpreting Ah(s) as a frequency function whose inverse transform is Af(t) and hence is nonzero only for 0 < t < 7/2 where it amounts to a small ripple. From Eq. 17 we may now form - s r/ 2 - s e e / 2 h(18) +(18) h p Through squaring and neglecting the term involving (Ah) 2, we have - ST ST*= e --S-+ 2h 2Ah eT/ - sr/2 h p whereupon the pertinent relation (Eq. 12) becomes h *(s) = h (s) (1 - e7 *) = p (s) (1 - e-T) - Ahe 7 h P20 70- (19) - s r / 2 (20) (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) and the corresponding time function is f(t) = (fp(t) - fp(t-) - Af(t - (21) . for the The first term in this last expression equals one-half the function f*(t) p * interval 0 < t < T and is zero otherwise. The second term is f (t) for 7/2 < t < T with P The result (except for a factor of 1/2) equals f (t) for 0 < t < '/2, its sign changed. -f (t) for T/2 < t < T, and is zero otherwise. p The second-order effects, which have been neglected, will slightly alter the form of f*(t) during the interval 0 < t < T, and will prolong the error in an asymptotically decreasing fashion thereafter. The method of finding a system function appropriate to a desired transient pulse of arbitrary shape as discussed in the above paragraphs is the logical generalization of a method used during the war for designing networks to produce rectangular radar pulses. It took the writer approximately ten years to stumble upon this generalization. E. A. Guillemin 2. Basic Existence Theorems Section 1 A New Integral Representation of Laplace Transforms A set of new integral expressions for the representation of direct and inverse Laplace transformations will be presented first. These integral expressions are the 1. 0 basic tool for proving a set of existence theorems for fundamental problems in the theory of network synthesis. Several existence theorems are presented in this report. 1.1 Let f(t) = f 0 0 for t > 0, and such that (1) for t < 0 where M and c are finite positive constants. Let c o , the abscissa of convergence, the lowest bound of c which satisfies this inequality. Laplace transformable. If(t)I < Mect be Then, as is well known, f(t) is Its transform F(s) is analytic in the right half of the s plane beyond the line parallel to the w axis and at a distance c o from it. The direct and inverse Laplace transformations are given, integrals -71- respectively, by the (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) 00 f(t) e - s t dt F(s) = s + iw 0 f(t) = I JF(s) est ds fT171d where r is a line going from -ioo to ioo such that all the singularities of F(s) lie to the left of F. 1.2 For the purpose of our representation we shall select F as a symmetric curve, having the branches F and F'. F' is the image of F with respect to the real axis, as shown in Fig. IX-21. An arbitrary point of the s plane will be denoted by s = For points on the contour cr + iW (3) Ewe shall use, for convenience, the notation S = y + iX (4) Finally, the analytic expression for 1 is (y, )= 0 (5) A simple algebraic process shows that the second integral in (2) can be expressed by an integral along F only, f(t) =1 f F(S) eSt dS - F(S) et Zi dS from which we obtain the form f(t) = ± eyt U(y,k) [sin Xt dy + cos Xt dX F- + V(y,k) [cos Xt dy - sin Xt dX] (7) in which F(s) = U(o-, ) + iV(cr, w) F(S) = U(y,X)+ (8) iV(y, X) 1.3 Let us indicate by I the distance from the point P to yo along the curve T as indicated in Fig. IX-22. From Eq. (5) we get -ad dy + a - d X= d = 0 and we shall introduce the well-known relations -72- (9) Fig. IX-21 The contour P is defined by the function €(y, X) = 0. Fig. IX-22 The contour I, the coordinate I and the direction cosines of d. s PLANE Fig. IX-23 The contour r. -73- 0 (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) a cos 0(y,X) = dy )2 2~ (10) 2a sin ()D (y, x) = A few algebraic manipulations lead to f(t) = f e IF(y, k) sin [Xt + (y, ) + (y, )] dcU (11) in which ' F(S) = IF(y,X) I ei(y, X) 1.4 (12) We shall now obtain the corresponding expression for F(s). Since f(t) est dt F(s) = 0 then one can multiply (7) by (e s t dt) and integrate between zero and infinity. By reversing the order of integration (which is justified here because r is to the right of the singularities of F(s)), and considering the integrals X (s-y) 2 + 2 e-st e sin t (13) s-y) (s-y) +x one gets F(s) = IfU(y,X) [Xdy + (s-y) d + V(y,k ) [(s-y) dy - 1 dk] (s-y) +X (14) By introducing the functions defined by s - - (s-y) (s-y) = cos K(s, y, k) + + x sin K(s, y, X) -74- (15) COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. one gets F(y,X) sin F(s) = 1.5 K(s,, y,) (16) d (y) +(y,)+ The expressions for f(t) and F(s) of a strategic contour are very useful in proving the final forms at which we are aiming. They also play a basic role in later theorems. The new contour is the semi-infinite line obtained by setting y = -o = constant > c . See Fig. IX-23. This particular contour will be designated by 0 The corresponding integrals follow by setting dy = 0, or 0 = w/2, and dX = dl. They are yt f(t) = e 1 U(Y o , ) cos Xt - V(Yo, Xt ) sin dX o (17) IF(yO, X ) I cos [Xt + = e- (yo,k) dX (s - P ) +X (18) = IF( ,X)I cos [K(so, k) + P(,) dX ro 1. 6 Our aim is to produce two final sets of basic integral representations. The first of these sets reads f (t) =- 2 r vt.. e' U(y, r =2f eYtU(y,X) 7 r ) Lcos Xt dX + sin Xt dYjI [sinXt + 0(y ,)] Cd (19) F(s) = j Xdy + (s-y) d) S(s-y) =. sin ) U 2 + X K(s, y, ) 6(y, )1 U(y, k) d~i Iwhich both permits f(t) usto express and F(s) in terms of the real part of F(s) which permits us to express both f(t) and F(s) in terms of the real part of F(s) -75- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) along the contour F. A direct proof of (19) is rather long for this report. Instead, we shall first furnish a simplified (and correct) proof, valid for the particular contour F F to F is not difficult. o . The passage from 0 1.7 The proof for example, E. Fo follows with ease by introducing Hilbert transforms. (See, A. Guillemin: "'The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis, " John Wiley, New York 1949, for pp. 330-349.) Let f(z) = U(x,y) + iV(x, y), z = x + iy. The transforms are given by +00 U(x,y) = -f xU(o, Tx d 0) x 2+ (y-n) (20) +00 V(x,y) = -f (y- ) U(0, d - 00 To apply them to our case we set x = y - yo, F0 + F'. 0 y = X, and designate by 0 the contour We obtain U(y,X) - = Y) U(Y, S(V -Vo) d + (X-) Fo (21) V(y,) (_ = - -YO)2 'T - (y - y 0 ( + (X-Tl) 10 1 2 d_) / where yo > c o . Substituting these expressions in (7) and inverting the order of integration (justified by the condition yo > c ) one gets f(t)= 1 F U(yo,1) d f et r0 I U(y,X) (sin Xt dy + cos Xt dX) (21a) + V 1 (Y, X) (cos Xt dy - sin Xt dk where U(Y,X ) = Y - ¥o V (V - YO) 2 +(X-q) (22) V(Y, X) = - ) (V- ( ,)2 (X+ (×-hi n -76- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. respectively, One recognizes immediately that expressions (22) are, the real and imaginary parts of the function (23) F 1(S) = s - (y 0 + in) = The corresponding time function, say fl(t), is S t 0 for t < 0 (24) fl(t) = e+(o +i)t Now, reveals immediately that the bracket parenthesis of (21a) is expression (7) Consequently, Eq. (21a) becomes exactly the function fl(t). U(y 0 , ) for t > 0 e (y +iq)t U(y , 0 ) dq = e T cosi t + i sin t] d' for t >, 0 . L (25) f(t) = for t < 0 Finally, recalling that U(y 0 , 1) (in Laplace transforms) is necessarily an even function, one gets, by changing 9 to X U(y S2e , k) cosX t d for t > 0 r (26) f(t) = fort <0 0 where yo > c . By the direct Laplace transformation of (26) we get F(s) = 2(s -Yo) IT U(o, X) dX for yo > co (s - -77- o) +X (27) COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. Therefore, 1.8 expressions (26) and (27) show the veracity of (19), at least for = 0o Expressions (26) and (27) produce both f(t) and F(s) in terms of a generic function U(Y0o , ) for F = o . These expressions can be solved for U(a, o). From the first integral in (2) one gets F(s) = U(cr, f(t) e - 3 t (cos ot - i sin ot) dt ) + iV(a,wo)= (28) from which U(cr, w) = Je - t cos wt f(t) dt 0 Hence (28a) 0o U(Yo, X) = e f(t) cos Xt dt o 0 which inverts (26). The inversion of (27) is obviously given by = Real (F(s)) U(o-,o) U(o , ) = Real (F(s)s =S for S = 'o + ii For convenience we shall put these integral representations together for will be very helpful in a subsequent discussion. f(t) = 2e (29) I = po . 0 They ytt U(y ,X) cos Xt dX o F(s) = 2(s - yo) U(y0 ,X) dX (s - y U( 0 ,kX) = e o U(o, X) = Real )2 + X2 (30) 'f f(t) cos Xt dt F(s)4s = S -78- for S = -y + iX COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. where yo > c 0 The reader may note the apparent simplicity of these expressions and the interchangeability of the functions U(- r=r o f(t) e , X) and ( t) along a contour o 1.9 We must now prove the correctness of (19) for any F contour (for which all the singularities of F(s) lie to the left of F). A simple (heuristic) reasoning renders a lucid proof. It is based on the following well-known facts of the Laplace transforms. Let f(t) have F(s) = U(cr, w) + iV(or, o) as Laplace transforms. Now, let us construct a new function G(s) = U(a-, o) - iV(o-, o) Then for t> 0 0 (31) for L-1(G(s)) = g(t) for t < 0 f(t) (The proof follows by setting f(t) = f 2 (t) + fl(t) 0 = f 2 (t) - f (t) 1 where f 2 (t) is an even function of (t), and f 1 (t) is an odd function of t.) To prove our expression (19), we use (7) and set g(t) = r sin Xt dy + cos Xt d] - V(y, eYt (U(y,) ) [cos Xt dy - sin Xt dXk (32) Therefore, as a consequence of (31) for t > 0, f(t)+ g(t) = f(t) f et U(y, ) [sint dy + cos Xt dX} fort> 0 (33) By direct integration of (33) one gets F(s) = 2 f F(s) dy + (s-y) dk} II(s-y) U( X) + X (34) Therefore, the representation (19) is correct for every contour F as prescribed before. Similarly, as in Eq. (30), Eqs. (33) and (34) can be solved for U(y,X). Take (28) and set s = S. Then -79- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) Yt f(t) e U(y, X) = (cos Xt) dt 0 (35) X(y, ) =0 1. 10 The integral representations developed in the previous pages have been found by using the two basic assumptions: c t f(t) (a) (b) 4 Me o The contour for every value of (t) P must always stay to the right of every singularity of F(s). Under these conditions all of the integrals above exist in a Riemann sense. Our analysis breaks down if we allow the contour of integration to go through one or several singularities of F(s), keeping the rest of the singularities to the left of F. for = 0 this situation arises when yo = c . integral fails to exist. impulse at t = t o for t = t . . For example, Under this assumption the Riemann Stipulation (a) excludes a very important time function: Clearly condition (a) does not hold for every value of t, However, the unit in particular U(y,X) exists in this case since U(y, X) I dt < j ff(t) e 0 f(t) (36) dt = 1 0 A set of important existence theorems in network synthesis can be obtained with ' to run through several or all singularities of F(s), always keeping the remaining singularites to the left of r. It is also important to ease when we allow the contour admit time functions formed by a time distribution of impulses whose total area is finite. This new situation can be handled by the introduction of a new Stieltjes integral representation which contains, as particular cases, the Riemann representations derived above. For the purpose of this report, it is enough to produce the Stieltjes integral representation for r = Fo valid now for yo > co (abscissa of convergence). progress reports we shall consider the general case .) (In future The briefness of a progress report forces the assumption that the reader is acquainted with at least a few elementary properties of Stieltjes integrals. 1. 11 We will introduce directly, without further elaboration, Stieltjes integral representation for P= I o , -y >Co . the corresponding Let us introduce the following functions, which we will assume exist and are of bounded variation; The reader may immediately produce the representation for any P with relative ease, particularly when r possesses continuous first derivatives for all values of 1. -80- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. (yo, along F U(yo, 1 1 ) d = ) (37) t "(y , t) = (38) e f() 0 and an alternate function t T(t) = f() (39) d. The definition of "bounded variation" implies the existence of the integral inequalities IU(y,X) If(t) e I -y t dX < (40) oc dt < (41) 00 and alternatively If(t)l dt < 00 (42) 0 Under these stipulations, the corresponding Stieltjes integral representations (which contain (30) as a particular case) exist: f(t) = 2e yt cos Xt dp(Yo,X) (43) Fw)=2( F(s) = 2(s - yo) 1T d((y , X) (s- yo U(y0 , ) = j cos Xt 0 and alternatively -81- ) +X dT(yo, t ) (44) (45) (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) 00 k) = U(Yo, (46) e Yot cos Xt dT(t) 0 if (42) holds. With these integrals, as will be shown later, we can set yo > co. The equality sign is unacceptable in the Riemann integral representation. For yo > co the representations above coincide with (30). Take (43) and (44), which depend on (Yo0 , X). A well-known theorem of the Laplace transform of a time function c t f(t), If(t)I 4 Me o , states that F(s) is analytic for every point s of the right half-plane defined by the line s = c + iw. The selected contour lies completely in points of analyticity of F(s), since yo > c . The corresponding continuity and finiteness of U(y allow us to differentiate the integral (37) with respect to X. Hence d4(yo,X) = U(yo,X) dX o ,r) (47) which justifies the assertion. Examples of the application of these integrals will be found later. 1. 12 Equations (43) to (46), particularly (44), will be written in a canonical form which is basic in the existence theorem of transfer functions. we will refer directly to the integrals (43) and (44). For briefness in presentation The corresponding extension to (45) and (46) is obvious. From (37) and (40) IYo , < i IU(Y, X)) dX < 00 (48) 0 indicating that (Yo, X) is a function of "bounded variation" in the interval (0, oo). The following theorem (well-known) will be used. Theorem (1-1.12). (a, b). Let c(X) be a real function of "bounded variation" in the interval Then, there exist two functions c(+)(X) and ()() which in (a, b) are: i) non- negative; ii) nondecreasing; iii) bounded, and vanishing at X = a; iv) discontinuous at the same points as p(X), such that p(X) - (a) (X) - (_()(X)1 (49) Va(X) where Va(k) is the variation of =(+)() + ()() (X) in the interval (a, Although the proof is simple, we omit it here. functions Va(X) 4(+)(), (_)(). The function Va(X) is given by , -82- k). Our concern is to construct the (IX. Va(Yo, ) 1dT 0 IU(-o, ) = COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (+)(Yo, ) -= U(1)(Yo, (50) ) di 0 ,( )(yo, X)= where U(1)(Yo, K) = IU(Yo, X) for U(Yo ,X) > 0 0 for U(Yo ,X)< 0 0 for U(yo, (51) U ()(o, )= ) > 0 (YX) )l for U(Y o ,X) < =I|U(vo, 0 Figure IX-24 provides a simple graphical illustration of the process of the extraction of U( 1 )(Yo, X) and U( 2 )(Yo, k) from U(y 0 , X). Figure IX-25 produces the corresponding graphs of Va(X), (+)(), (_)(). The above theorem and the conditions of boundedness imposed on the functions (43) to (46) as the difference (y', X), T(y o , X), T(y o , X) justify the writing of integrals always real, non-negative, T (_)are T +), (_), T(+), T(_), of integrals, where (+), nondecreasing, etc., functions. Hence os Xt f(t) = f( 1)(t) - f( 2 )(t) = d()(y, ) cos Xt d(_)( -e F(s) = F(1)(s)- F(2)(s) d (+ )(Y0 ,X) 2(s - y ) I (s - yo) 2 2(s- z -y ) I dP( (s - T+ )(Y (53) o ) + X(53) 1o ro U(, (52) To ro = , 0 X) X)= U( 1 )(Yo,X) - U( 2 )(Y0 , X)= f cos Xt dT )(, t) - Scos 0 0 or alternatively -83- t dTr)(y0 ,t) (54) (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) U(o, k) ) = U( 1 )(Yo,X) - U( 2 )(y, o-yY t e cos Xt dT(+)(t) - = 0 e -y t cos Xt dT _ (t) 0 (55) which are the forms we wanted to introduce. The following properties are important. It can be noted that when U(y o , X) along 'o , (Yo > C ),is either a non-negative definite or a nonpositive definite function of X, then only the (1) system or the (2) system, respectively, exists. Several other theorems are omitted for brevity. 1.13 A series of basic existence theorems on transfer functions will be deduced, in section 2, from the integral representation given above. We are going to show that the functions Fl(s) and FZ(s) are positive real, (p, r) when c , the abscissa of convergence, is equal to or less than zero. In the light of the result given above, F(s) can immediately be recognized as a Now, all real, single-valued, bounded functions of time transfer function if co < 0. have an abscissa of convergence in the Laplace transform c o which is equal to or less than zero. Besides, the Laplace transform is a transfer function which can degenerate into a single (p, r) function if U(O, X) >, 0 for every point in the interval (0o< X< oo). The transfer character of F(s) immediately suggests the existence of a certain discrete network which realizes this transfer function. We will show that for Co 0 0 we can find a four-terminal passive network which realizes this F(s). For c > 0 we enter the realm of active networks. Section 2 presents a series of theorems concerning the situation indicated in this subsection. U(yr,X) 0 v a (X) I x i~--CD I I I I I UI L K - N -- J I I I I ~-*- I U(2 0)( 0 ,X t0 H- M I I Fig. IX-24 The functions U(1)(Yo, X), U( 2 )(Yo 0 ,). I I I I Fig. IX-25 The functions Va(k), )() -84- I I I , (_)(). (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) A final form of integral representation is given in this subsection. We have assumed that the contour F runs to the right of all the singularities of F(s). The new representation is valid when the contour P leaves some singularities to the right and 1. 14 This representation is important because it reveals the character of the singularities of F(s). In fact, it shows that F(s) has a meromorphic behavior in . the half-plane defined to the right of others to the left. The following form is given with regard to r o , but y > co. Let f(t) be bounded as in the previous theorems, then Theorem (1-1.14). (s- exp F(s) = + (s -y) o) ro (X) is a function of "bounded variation. " 1T 1 and Tr2 are Blaschke products. x 0 Note: The Blaschke products are constructed in our case as follows. Let s' , s' where be respectively the poles and zeros of F(s) to the right of I Z' S' Z s- o . Then cos pP + s' s'I r I TT- + s ' l ' c os + s, FT 1-i. S 2 - v, I' + s's'I os P + s' IJ s ' I cos x P + s '2 s' = (s - y0 ) Section 2 On Transfer and Impedance (or Admittance) Functions 2.0 Two-terminal impedances, or admittances, of a discrete or a continuous passive network belong to the class of positive real, (p, r) functions. In general, positive (p) and positive real (p, r) are defined as follows: Let Z ((s), s = a- + io, be (a) single-valued (b) analytic for all points a- > 0 (c) such that, if we write Z = U(o-, w) + iV(C-, 0), then U(-,w) > 0 for - > 0. If these conditions are satisfied, then Z (p(s) is called a positive (p) function (of the right half-plane). If, in addition, Zp (s) also satisfies the fourth condition -85- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (d) that Z(p)(s) is pure real for s real then Z p)(s) is called a "positive real function, " (p,r) (of the right half-plane). For convenience we will introduce the notation Z(s), composed of Y and Z, for (p,r) functions. We assume that the reader is acquainted with the following theorem (HerglotzCauer). Theorem (1-2.0). The necessary and sufficient condition for a function H(s) to be analytic and have a positive real part for a-> 0 (s = a- + iw) and to be real for s real, (in other words, to be (p, r)), is that it can be expressed by the Stieltjes integral o00 H(s) = (Z(s)) = + sC (56) where p(X) is a nondecreasing, non-negative, real function of "bounded variation," and C is a constant (equal to lim sZ(s)). S-0o0 2. 1 With this theorem as a basis, we can produce the following theorems. Theorem (1-2. 1). If co 4 0, then the functions F( 1 )(s) and F( 2 )(s) are both (p,r). For this reason we will use the suggestive notation F(1 = Z(l and F(2 ) ), ) = Z(2) Theorem (2-2. 1). is zero for t < 0. Let f(t) be a real, single-valued, bounded function of time, which f(t) may possess a denumerable set of isolated points of simple dis- continuity and a denumerable set of isolated points where f(t) shows an impulse of finite area, such that the sum of the areas is finite; then the associated functions F(1)(s) and F(2 )(s) are both (p,r) functions. It is enough to show that co .< 0. For if f(t) is bounded and has a bound M almost everywhere then the condition of Eq. (1), If(t)I < Mect, is satisfied with c = 0. The impulses are taken care of because they satisfy (42). 2.2 Now, let us produce two basic theorems. If, by extension of the ideas in the theory of networks, we define a "transfer function" as the difference of two (p, r) functions (in section 3 there is a justification of this extension), then we can produce the fundamental theorems of existence of transfer functions. Theorem (1-2.2). The necessary and sufficient condition for a function H(s) to be a transfer function, is that it can be represented by the Stieltjes integral, (57), alternate forms (58), (59): -86- or its COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. sin K(s, y,X) + 0(y,X)] d(I) F(s) = 2 F(s) =- T (s - < 0O s for every continuous contour 0) j F d(y , X) (s- yo) (57) (58) + +X + F which shall be made to coincide with the upper imaginary axis (as in (59)), where 4(I), 4(y 0 , X) and p(O,X), respectively, are functions of "bounded variation" along F. The results are independent of f. The condition c o 0 implies that F can coincide < wholly with the positive imaginary axis. Theorem (2-2.2). Then, its Laplace trans- Let f(t) be as defined in theorem (2-2.1). form is necessarily a transfer function. Theorem (2-2.3). Let F(s) be a general transfer function as defined above. Then its inverse Laplace transform is necessarily a function f(t) as defined in theorem (2-2.1). The fundamental character of theorems (2-2.2) and (2-2.3) in regard to network theory is quite obvious for they define the open field of network synthesis possibilities. A group of related theorems was omitted The network aspect is discussed in section 3. for lack of space. 2.4 For convenience we shall illustrate with simple examples the application of the theorems given above. Example 1. The function e-s is a transfer function which represents the unit delay. Its inverse Laplace transform is a unit impulse delayed one unit of time. From e theorem (1-2.2) and use, for example, (58). - U(y , X) = e Direct theorem. integral. V0 o - s one gets os X can be taken as a Riemann Let us consider yo > c , so that (58) Then Consider 00 2(s - Y0 ) -yo F(s) cos X dX e - 0 (s-g 2 ) + + 2 The value of the integral in (60) can be obtained from the well-known result -87- (60) ( (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) W cos x -a a +x Hence 2(sF(s) = Example 2. a > 0, b > 0. yo) Direct theorem. -Yo -_0 e S ( 2(S - Ylo e -(s - o) -s =e Let us consider the transfer function F(s) = (s-a)/(s+b), The abscissa of convergence is s = -b. Then, for simplicity, we can set o = 0 (Riemann integral). By direct computation 2 2 L X2 - ab X - ab 1 L U(0, X)=2 ' 2 2+2 2 22 2X + b s +X 2X 2 + b X2 + b L 2 2 X2 + s where b+ a L s 2 s 2 -b 2 - ab s b 2 By direct substitution in (60) and using the well-known integral + x2 = a oo F(s) -j 0 Example 3. 22 +b s = 22 +X - 7 Illustrations of the inverse theorem-Stieltjes integral. Now we can arbitrarily choose U(y 0 , k), except that it must be of "bounded variation." For simplicity set yo = 0 and choose U(0,X) as in Fig. IX-26a. Here, the Riemann integral evidently fails to exist. The Stieltjes integral exists and for the particular selection of U(0, k) it reduces to a sum of finite terms. oo F(s)= 2s S d(k) 2 2 0 s+ s Ia z l +x = z(1)(s)- a3 2 +2 1 s 2 +2 +1X s a2 a4 +X2 2 a5 2 s 2 Z( 2 )(s) from which the (p,r) character of Z( 1 )(s) , Z( 2 )(s) and the transfer character of F(s) are evident. -88- n II , MIma CJ A2 0 O 1 I X3 XI + C +IN 4c.I a, dH X4 Sn (a) (b) X4 X5 A (C) (d) Fig. IX-26 (a) The selected function U(O, ); (b) ;= U(O, ) dk; 0 (c) the function ( ); (d) the function -89- (_)(k). (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) Example 4. Here, we will illustrate the use of integral (43) in computing the corresponding time response associated with U(0, X) as defined in example 3. Setting y = 0 in (43), the Stieltjes integral reduces to a finite sum of terms. immediately gets f(t) =a One cos Xt - a 2 cos X2t + a 3 cos X3t + a 4 cos X4t - a 5 cos X t 2.5 We close section 2 by pointing out three basic features of our integral representation: (1) The functions f(t) and F(s) are uniquely determined in terms of the function U(y,k) along an arbitrary contour F . (2) The function U(y,k) and the contour restrictions already given. (3) F can be arbitrarily chosen, except for the Then, for any selection, the above integrals allow us to generate a transfer F(s) and its inverse Laplace transform. Conversely, given f(t), or F(s) we can find the corresponding value of U(o-, W) along a prescribed contour F . Section 3 The Electrical Passive Network Associated with the General Transfer Function F(s) The functions F(s) generated by an arbitrary selection of U(y,X) and F are not necessarily rational functions. Therefore, the existence of the electrical networks 3.0 which synthesize them is not evident. The purpose of this section 3 is to show the existence and construction of such networks. Theorem (1-3.0). Discrete networks. The main theorem of this section is: Let f(t) be a real, single-valued, bounded function of time, which is zero for t < 0. f(t) may possess denumerable sets of points of isolated simple discontinuities, as well as a denumerable set of points at which f(t) possesses impulses of finite area whose sum is of "bounded variation. "* Then there exists a passive linear, finite network, having finite element values such that its transfer function F (s approaches F(s) uniformly as n -o for every point s, C- > 0. Let f (t) be the time response corresponding to F (s). Then, f (t) is zero for t < 0 and any n, and fn(t) tends to f(t) as n-oo at almost every point 0 t< oo. (The exceptional points ) are the sets of discontinuity and the impulses of f(t).) The proof consists in finding a sequence of functions Un(X,y) such that Un(Xk,) -U(X,y), as n oo, and each Un(X,y) possesses an Fn(s) which is necessarily a rational transfer function. Instead of formal proof we use a simple and illuminating heuristic approach. The theorem is true for a more general class of functions f(t). select f(t) as defined by theorem (1-3.0). -90- For simplicity, we COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. Theorem (1-3.0) has an alternative form associated with "continuous" networks. 3.1 Heuristically, we can see with ease that theorem (1-3.0) (and its alternative form The conditions imposed on f(t) imply that co < 0. for continuous networks) is correct. (if the singularities stay on or to Since the results of our integral are independent of P the left of For simplicity, let us start by taking an arbi- F), then one can use -o = 0. From U(0, X) we trary function U(0, X) which satisfies the requirements of our integral. construct the function (0, X) U(0,i) dr = 0 (+)(o0, ) and and from it find negative, (_)(0, X) which are both of "bounded variation, " non- nondecreasing and which have the same points of discontinuity as 4(0, X). First we find the two-terminal impedance or admittance networks which correspond We will discuss the procedure corresponding to Z( 1 )(s). to Z( 1 )(s) or Z( 2 )(s). The procedure is the same for Z( 2 )(s). (+)()has a graph as in Fig. IX-27a. We can split Suppose that (+)d(k) . See Figs. IX-27b and c. continuous '(+)c(X) and the discontinuous m2s d(+)c(X) 2s d(+)d(X) 2 1 2 + s'+ 2s + SZ(1)(s) X2 s k=0s 2 we introduce a sequence of functions Let them. - +s d (+)c(X) 2T s2 sJ+s k because of an elementary property of Stieltjes integrals. manner. 2 0 0 Then oo 00 o0 (+)(X) into the To handle the second integral n(+)c(k) which approaches p(+)c(X) in a stair-like See Fig. IX-28. AJ be a set of disjointed intervals which cover 0 t < o00.Consider one of Without loss of generality we use A o , where there are, say, n o jumps. By using the same elementary property of the Stieltjes integral and introducing self-explanatory notation, one gets n Z(1)c, n (s)= Z( (s ak, n +)X J 0 n =0 k= 0 s + By geometrical intuition the reader can infer that Z(1)c,n(S) - Z( 1 )c(s) uniformly n 0 -91- - 00 J k, n BOUND OF (4)() W , -N POINTS OF DISCONTINUITY I n POINTS OF I DISCONTINUITY ___ I m POINTS OF DERIVATIVE DISCONTINUITY 2 S I -- 12 I i i 2 (c) Fig. IX-27 Example of ,+)(X) discontinuous. THERE ARE no JUMPS IN Ao (+)c THE AUXILIARY FUNCTION eAo U o e AI Fig. IX-28 The function c(X). Zo(s) UNIT t) Fig. IX-29 Example of open lattice realization of F(s) for arbitrary U(O, X). -92- COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) (IX. we have found a set of rational functions which are (p, r) and which approximate Foster Z( 1 )(s) as prescribed before. Then, the above procedure always leads to a canonical two-terminal structure which approaches Z( 1 )(s) as prescribed before. Hence, We obtain an approximation to Z( 2 )(s) by a similar procedure. Consequently, the Z(2)n corresponding transfer function F(s) is approached by Fn (s) = Z(1)n the lattice structure as given in Fig. IX-29, for example, one gets F n Taking o The associated time function f(t) corresponding to the arbitrary function 4(X), given in Fig. IX-27a, can be obtained at once by means of the Stieltjes integral 3.2 as 00 cos Xt dp(X) f(t) =. 0 when we use for (Xk) the auxiliary functions as described above. Consequently, the time response has the general form n cos X t - fn (t)=Za 0 where a and b n o o EV b cos V t v=O v=O represent the corresponding steps of the component functions. The existence of the limiting function is clear. The elementary network interpretation of these processes is that one can find a four-terminal network such that f(t) is the response when it is excited with the unit impulse. 3.3 The alert reader may claim that there is a fallacy in the above reasoning. For we may say that, as n increases without limit, it is necessary that every step irak/2 Therefore, as n- oo, the network tend to zero in the continuous interval of 4(k). element value goes to zero. Consequently there is no such "discrete" network. Besides, as n - oo, the poles become everywhere dense in those intervals of the imaginary axis along which 4(X) is continuous. This continuous array of poles may produce confusion at first sight. In spite of the above consideration, there is no basic flaw in the heuristic approach of subsection 3.2. The real meaning is that this procedure takes us into the realm of a distributed system having a continuous spectrum of natural frequencies. The elementary theorems of separation of poles and zeros tell us that as the poles become denser and denser, the zeros of each impedence function Z( 1 )(s), or Z( 2 )(s), also become denser and denser. The interpretation is that F(s) possesses a branch cut along the segments of the imaginary axis where the continuous arrays of poles and zeros appear. -93- (IX. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) A heuristic approach which produces finite element value is illustrated in a particular, but illuminating, case in the next subsection. 3.4 We may proceed as follows. Suppose that {Ak} is a set of finite disjointed intervals which cover 0 < X < oo. In the new approach we assume that oo F(s) =d(X) 2 r k=0 A 2 + Here we assume that the denominator (s 2 + X2 ) changes slowly with respect to X in each interval Ak, assuming an average value (s + Xk), kkEAk. Then F(s) =T 2 2 k=0 s + d() = s kA 2 k=0 s k 2 + k where dc() Ak = Ak For example take U(O,X) = cos X. We have found that F(s) = e - s . The U( 1 )(0, ) consists of positive parts of cos X and is zero elsewhere. The U Z)(0, X) is formed by reversed negative parts of cos X and is zero elsewhere. We take all Ak equal to the area of each spike times Z/r, and take Xk in the middle of each spike. Hence F(s)= s+ 2 + 1 s 2 2 +i 2 2 1 + 2 2 sr + r )2 2 s 1 2 + + (3T) Evidently, the element value does not go to zero as n increases. heuristic approach for discrete networks. 3.5 This finishes the For mathematically-minded readers the theorem (1-3.0) can be proved rigorously by a well-known theorem of analysis. It is enough to prove the realizability of Z(1)(s ). Consider the function defined below. Let {gp and {rp} be two sets of real numbers such that o gp 1; -oo < r < + co, p = 0, 1, 2 ..... Construct the functions H and H as follows -94- (IX. go COMMUNICATION RESEARCH) s H= 2 gl(s 1 +ir - 1) s+ 2 - 1) (1 - gl) g 2 (s o 1 + ir s + (1 - g) 1 + ir s + g 3 (s 2 - 1) 1 + ir3s + (61) gos H= 1 - ir s + g 1(s -1) (1 - gl) g 2 (s 1 - ir - 1) s + (1 - g 2 ) g 3 (s - 1) 1 - ir s + 1 - ir3s 3+ and write F(s) = H(s) + H(s). Theorem (1-3. 5-condensely stated). A necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be positive real in the s plane is that it have a continued fraction expansion of the form F(s) = H(s) + H(s) See, for example, H. S. Wall: Continued Fractions, D. Van Nostrand, New York 1948. The process of computation of the element values of the sequences {rp} and {gp} is given in the same book. It can be shown that any approximant of H(s) + H(s) (but not of H(s) alone) is a (p, r) function. 3. 6 The rigorous proof of the existence of the rational fraction approximation of F(s) follows immediately from the integral representations given in subsection 1. 14. M. V. Cerrillo -95-