~1~~ 1__~~_ ~~L JUN 17 1964 LIBRAR1ES CONDENSATION OF GASES ON A COLD SURFACE by AMIEL SHULSINGER Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the MASSACHUSLETTS INSTITUT: OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1964 Signature of Author . . . Department of Mechanical Engineering u - Certified by Certified by . - May 29, 1964 *. Thesis/upervisor . . . Accepted by Chairman, Depart ent Committee on Theses TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 2 Acknowledgment 3 Introduction 4 Theory 6 Apparatus 10 Procedure and Description of Experiment 14 Results 17 Conclusions 19 References 20 Appendix 21 ABSTIRACT The purpose of this thesis was to study the rate at which gas molecules will stick on a cryogenically refrigerated surface. The goal was to complete the building of apparatus that could be used to examine this problem, and if possible, to obtain data as to a sticking coefficient for various gases. The method used was to measure the pressure change in a gas after it was injected into an evacuated chamber which contained a cold surface. The gas that was tested was carbon dioxide. Due to many problems encountered during this work, it was not possible to obtain the desired data. the feasibility of the apparatus is discussed and improvements are suggested. However, -3- ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the help of the following people: Prof. Mr. Robert Stickney Michael Koskinen The R.L.E. Glass Shop This work was made possible by a grant from the duPont Fund of the Mechanical Engineering Department. The author wishes to thank the duPont Company and the Mechanical Engineering Department for this grant. The cooperation and support of the M.I.T. Research Laboratory of Electronics is also gratefully acknowledged. 4 INTRODUCTION The aim of this thesis is to study the condensation of various gases on a cold surface. It is desired to find out if the gas molecules, upon striking such a low temperature surface, will stick to it by condensing. There are two definite applications for such a study. The first is to help develop high speed gas pumping methods. Cryogenic pumping is being used today to get low pressures, and in order to improve the procedure, it is necessary to know at what rate the remaining gas molecules will stick to the cold surface so that the speed of pumping can be regulated and increased. The second area of interest is in simulating space conditions (1). For example, the gas molecules of the exhaust of a rocket engine in space will continue to move away from the rocket and will never return. Thus, when testing such an engine here on earth, it is not enough merely to place it in a vacuum, for the exhaust molecules will strike the containing walls of the vacuum system and bounce back to the engine, thereby destroying the space condition, for this could never happen in space. Therefore, some method must be found to prevent these molecules from bouncing back; this can be accomplished by cooling down the bounding surfaces to -5.low temperatures, so that when the molecules from the exhaust strike them, they will condense. It is desired that the molecules stick to the walls the first time they strike it, and therefore, this thesis will aid in determining whether they will do so. __ __~~_ ~ - 6 THEORY The basic procedure consists of injecting a known number of molecules into a known volume which contains a cold surface, and then seeing how fast the molecules condense; however, other techniques have also been used (2j. The number of molecules at any given moment may be determined by measuring the pressure of the gas for, from the perfect gas law, the number of molecules is directly proportional to the pressure. PV = NRT where P = pressure of gas V = volume of gas N = number of moles of gas R = gas constant T = temperature of gas Solving for N: N= .Y p = constant x P RT Finally, Number of molecules = Avagadro's number x N = Avagadro's nurmber x constant x P = constant x V ______ _ __ _I_ I - 7The basic equation which describes the experiment is: ---- Se where 4V t P = pressure of gas Pi = initial pressure of gas A = area of cold surface V = volume into which molecules are injected 5 = mean speed of molecules (at room temperature) t = time o = sticking coefficient (probability that a molecule colliding with the area is pumped) This equation is derived from the fdllowing equation for the pumping speed of an orifice or condensing area, which is based on kinetic theory: dN9 I Ns N' = number of molecules = LN where L is Avagadro's number. From the perfect gas law, RT N = -RT ;1__ ____ ____ -8- Therefore L PV R T Since R = kL, where k = Boltzman's constant, PV kT and, .. , V dP kT dt dN' dt since V and T are constant. Substituting back into the original equation, dN' dt or dP P V dP 1 P - I i o<'lti cA kT dt A= = CWcV dt Integrating, t dP p f dt 4V ep 0 results in P In - Pi or P Pi = Z-A -o-oTv -t t 4V -IA - 9 - Thus, the purpose of the experiment is to determine this sticking coefficient for different gases. This can be done from a graph of pressure vs. time, since all the other terms are known beforehand. This graph should look something like this: P rnolecules condens'i7y Injected gas injected It is desired that V be much larger than A, for otherwise, the pressure will drop off too fast and it will be difficult to get a meaningful graph. Similarly, Pi should be low enough, for otherwise, the molecules will once again condense at too fast a rate. - 10 - APPAKATUS A previous thesis student (3) considered the methods and partially built the apparatus, which I then completed. The entire apparatus is made almost exclusively of glass. Main system: The pumping system is made up of a mechanical pump and a diffusion pump (4). diagram on page 12, As shown in the schematic the gas is injected into a cylindrical chamber, and the cold surface is the end of a hollow metal rod which is cooled down by liquid nitrogen. In order to minimize heat conduction to the rod, the metal plate is so constructed that it does not touch the rod. However, because of this, some of the injected gas would be able to escape through the slight opening between the rod and the plate, and therefore, the area above the plate was enclosed so that the amount of escaped gas could be measured. The gas pressures are measured with ion gauges. Originally, it was planned to cool the surface with liquid helium, and the apparatus was so constructed. The liquid helium was to be put where the liquid nitrogen is now, and around it was built an insulating pocket which was to be filled with liquid nitrogen, However, _I;~ _ I _ ~ - 11 - the system as thus constructed did not have sufficient strength to withstand the stresses when it was evacuated. The glass kept on cracking, and therefore, the plan to use liquid helium had to be abandoned; the system was rebuilt to its present state and uses only liquid nitrogen. This severely limits the experiment, for many of the gases which it was originally desired to test will not condense at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (76 0 K). Injection System: As shown in the schematic diagram on page 13, the pressure of the injected gas is measured by an oil manometer. An expansion chamber was introduced in order that the injected gas would be at a low enough pressure after it expanded again into the main system. A more detailed description follows in the next section. __ I_;~_ i~ 1 - 12 - Main System: •/' /d n/,troyen metal plate ball valve surface /'on gau es injected gases - valve - 13 - Injection System: steop cock v4/ve mechanict/ V Cuum Spt'mp scale orginal unexpanded 9gas ample egpansion chamber- oil expansion system injected g8S COR 4"o mai, system ;ILPIID~ ;"Li~ - 14 PROCEDURE AND DiSCRIPTION OF EXPRIMENT The pressure in the main system and in the expansion system was pumped down to approximately 1 x 10-6 mm g,. The first gas chosen to be tested was carbon dioxide. As stated before, the choice of gases is limited (5), and furthermore, the vapor pressure of the gas chosen had to be below 1 x 10 - 6 mm Hg at 76°K (See graph of vapor pressure vs. temperature for some gases on page 16). The procedure is as follows, with a more detailed one in the appendix: the injection system is evacuated and the desired amount of carbon dioxide is inserted by measuring its pressure with the manometer. A sample of the gas is then taken and expanded in the expansion chamber. A sample of the expanded gas is then taken and injected into the main system. The pressure variation as the gas condenses is measured by the ion gauge and recorded. Due to the double expansion of the gas, the pressure of the injected gas after it enters the main system, Pi, is 6.5 x 10 - 6 of its original pre-expanded pressure as measured on the manometer. The manometer can measure pressures ranging from 1 inch of oil (1.7 mm Hg) to 24 inches of oil, and as a result, Pi can vary from 1.56 x 10-4 mm Hg to 1.11 x 10-5 mm H. - 15 - Numerous difficulties were encountered during the course of the experiment. Many of them were due to the fact that it was such a large glass system; for example, several leaks developed. The manometer also caused trouble, as the carbon dioxide was apparently diffusing through the oil into the vacuum side of the manometer, and it was difficult to measure the pressure of the carbon dioxide accurately. i~l-i~Li :i -~---; ~ _ 4F 16 40 - 200 780 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-7 10-8 -IO1 I FIG. I 2 5 50 20 10 TEMPERATURE OK 100 200 VAPOUR PRESSURE DATA FOR COMMON GASES ~L~ - 17 - RESULTS Due to the many problems in building the equipmnent and running the experiment, there was not enough time to obtain any data. The only results which were obtained was in testing whether the carbon dioxide would expand as calculated (i.e. without the cold surface in the main system): Original pressure in main system Original pressure Expected Actual (when evacuated) of carbon dioxide Pi Pi 2 x 10 - 6 mm Hg 2 cm. oil 1.lx10 - 5 mm Hg 1.2x 10 - 5 mm Hg 2 x 10 - 6 mm Hg 2 cm. oil 1,1 x10 - 5 mm g 1.Ox10 - 5 mH Hg In order to give some indication of what the results should look like, curves were plotted for the values 0( = i o( = I (1 (z, time constant = 9.23 sec.) and = 4.62 sec.) on the graph on page 18, with Pi taken to be 10 x 10-6 mm Hg. T + i iiiIiif f T T, i I ii I t T !,,i''I itci T ,t ITT Ti t 4- -rT _14I .. : T FI T' 4 4i 11 T~i t 1L I ii - I 'I~T~FfFi~i~ t Ff47 11 T- I r ,IM Il Il l1l~ l fT rl r +t~~#~"~ ir ] TTI' 4T-- I t r, i-i q117 TI I 411 i T fti-tiPt~ti~i rm-rrrrrmtt, I5S ''""~' U~ 11; -1 Ii-, 111 I 1; t II i ;I t441t ; ii t i t?'-" ' r " 4t r~~i 11 ~~'114Th I14 I ,~ I i~''T~ ' : 1I a mT~" "CM~t? ~"" mjijj4Lj4 ffir' I I I.I~ I 11;.; II I I . 1T +44 - 41 T I , i ii rr I III I, 1111, I :1 T 1. I'1 1il I. TII I l i iiPtt < s fFh r I212iLEUJ~ ILLF llllllIII lI llliT4i ll ilil rlf lr+XII l llf IF hF ~ i I II I I ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ I 4+4 I I iI I I1i1I1ii 11 14 if hLH 1 .7 I!lJlllfl r I I FTLT - 11 __ T L 14 .1-- . 14 .- r-- -'-4T 4 -- t 4 T .... . f: I + R 4j1~d4 1, 1fj I TF7 II T 1__ TI 1 1f 'T i iI j 1 -7 t - -- tt i i E~ii iiii ii; tl t TT t Ii~ 7Ttc~-t~ iT I r T t - - ii T-, + ti 4 I iii 14 i N, t 44 -if~ iflT ;RE~ {k~dih'dt Ltl 8ft- -1~t L -l 1 1 +H iT I-T T, 1 T 4 ti: 4T i T-i '4 Fiati llTili V Ti + i-;:+ h I <ft144 j{Hrf4 TITt -1 wfy+ -4; i 4, j -1, L~t4dPtit, , Pi 4 4' 1+ +4 T " :, T !- 4444I-4-L44 1 "44441 _TT 71115t + T II. . I. . . ..~~;I I H- 4 fl~iI FLll & Tt Lii W It~til-t-i-i-t if-'- t T# fht-t I 44d+H ++ 4- k+ 4t TT, ,, _+ >4tt W5 A TI--rrT----4-------4 MiF F Itf-tI-ftl t Theh-i d 4+ 4 -A4+:L T: -jj . U)-YCUC-;-.ITf Li- .i.L 4 F 11 t++d-H r4 4 a-e+H- 4 't-P 44-U4-- • ttttti-tI-H-H+ . , , crilil l l ii AJ - 19 - CONCLUSIONS One basic problem remains and that is the manometer, as mentioned previously. the oil with mercury. A solution might be to replace To make up for the fact that a mercury manometer could not measure as low pressures as an oil manometer could (the density of mercury is about thirteen times the density of the oil), a second expansion system could be built into the injection system. Otherwise, it seems feasible that the experiment could be run and the desired data obtained. already indicated, However, as the scope would be very limited due to the fact that liquid helium cannot be used. i mw - 20 - REFERNCES i. Chuan, Raymond L. "Rating Performance of a SpaceSimulation Chamber." Research/Development Magazine, pp. 44-46, January 1964. 2. Stickney, W. W., and Dayton, B.B. 'The Measurement of the Speed of Cryopumps." Consolidated Vacuum Corp. 3. Stokes, Andrew B. "The Measurement of Sticking Coefficients of Various Gases to a Metal Surface Cooled to Cryogenic Temperatures." M.I.T., B.S. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, 4. 1963. Dushman, Saul. Lafferty, J. M., editor. "Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Techniques." 2nd ed. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1962. 5. Santeler, D. J. "Theory and Design of Cryogenic Pumping Systems for Space Environmental Simulators." Second Annual Symposium of Space Vacuum Simulation, Arthur D. Little, Inc., June 16, 1961. T-F - 21 APPENDIX Manometer Oil: Octoil-S specific gravity = 0.9103, 1 inch oil = 1.7 mm Hg Expansion of Gas: Volume of unexpanded gas sample = 8.0 cc. Volume of injected gas sample = 7.6 cc. Volume of gas after first expansion = 523.8 cc. (Above two volumes plus volume of expansion chamber) Volume of main system = 17,300 cc. expansion expands the gas 67.5 times. The first The second expansion expands the gas 2,280 times. The totnl expansion is therefore 1.536 x 105 times. Area of Cold Surface: 0.326 cm. 2 - 22 - Planned Detailed Procedure: Aefering to the diagram on pale 13, 1) Close valve 4, open valves 5, 6, and 7, and evacuate expansion system through main system. Turn valves 3, 6, and 7 until further turning does not affet the pressure (but leave them open). 2) Open valves 1 and 3, and evacuate rest of injection system with mechanical pump. 3) Close valves I and 3. 4) Let in carbon dioxide very slowly by opening valve 2 very slightly. This should force the manometer oil all the way to the top. 5) Open valves 2 and 3, and flood system with carbon dioxide. 6) Close valve 2 and evacuate once argain with the mechanical pump. 7) Let in carbon dioxide slowly by carefully opening valve 2 until desired pressure is 8) reached. Take sample of unexpanded gas by closing valve 5 and opening valve 4. 9) Expand gas by closing valves 4 and 7 and opening valve 5. 10) Close cut-off valve on main system (see diagram on page 12). _ ~_~_~ii;~ ~ I I -L--~enru~inEuB-- . 11) 23 - Inject expanded gas into main system by closing valve 6 and opening valve 7; record the pressure variation.