1 Free and Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK, PRINT NEATLY. COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp Date First Name Last Name Mark if Birth Foster School, Center, or Camp Grade Ct7 5 Sri 4' Srn of MM/DD/ YY MI k o. El aria I I i 0 2. SNAP/ TANF NUMBER SNAP TANF If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF, indicate which program and provide the 1O- digit case# If any, SKIP TO PART 5) 3. HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY If the child you are applying for is homeless, migrant, or runaway, check the appropriate box and call your county contact at Homeless Mi rant Runaway 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Name( Last, List everyone Attach Monthly Earnings First2 in the Household. a separate sheet if Monthly Welfare, Before Deductions) Payments Other from Child Support, Su Social Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement, Alimony needed. TOr- Check if no Income Security DUO ra =` 1-11 i 15j-n• rch I Monthly from Work 5 rrit- cun Total Number of Lj Persons in Household Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ 3(e0 o, can 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my child(ren) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number Today' s Date prosec 4./ 2. 0? 0 ettti 1 3 ***** Z 3 1 7 I do not have a Social Security Number Sigitur` Sr- 1 o Th 12.3 - 12 12 Work Phone Number Home Phone Number Printed Name Mailing - 6 6`. 46- 111 nr 14-cppyv( IIe. u-c, I23y 5 6u v State City Address ZIP Code 6. Children' s Race and Ethnicity-( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian Black or or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander African American And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic or Not Hispanic or Latino Latino 7. Other Benefits - ( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52. Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: - or- Income Eligibility: Vi Free Meals Reduced Meals Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Denied: R easgn: Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official C p r` d (_ 1).- A- ( 4z, N.., 2-1- 13 Date Withdrawn Date Confirming Official' s Signature Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 12r Date Approved Continue on Back" 2• Free Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education and USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK. PRINT NEATLY. COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp SY, r, l 4 Date of Birth Mark if MM/DD/ YY Foster MI First Name Last Name Grade School, Center, or Camp b. c r& 2. SNAP/ TANF NUMBER SNAP TANF If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF, indicate which program and provide the 10- digit case* If any, SKIP TO PART 5) 3. HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY If the child you are applying for is homeless, migrant, or runaway, check the appropriate box and call your county contact at Homeless Mi rant Runaway 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Monthly Name( Last, First) List everyone ry Attach a separate sheet h S 1.: 5a if Earnings Monthly from Work in the Household. Before Deductions) Payments Other from Social Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement, Alimony needed. 1 Monthly Welfare, Child Support, Check if no Income Security 4 l 5('r klr. 5'r r 13 r'.o" - - rani M Total Number of 4 Persons in Household Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my child(ran) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Toda ' s Date prosecuted., Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number 0 04...„ 2p T 1 3 ***** I 23 4 I do not have a Social Security Number 1 Signature L, st;4. Sr -,14- k 21, 6. L-41 P,/ f( w Mailing Address 1212 SoyHome Phone Number Printed Name . I City Children' s Race Ethnicity-( and Work Phone Number p .iui/lit 23 / 54 u v State ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian Black or or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander African American And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic or Not Hispanic or Latino Latino 7. Other Benefits -( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52. Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility" - Or- Income Eligibility: N Free Meals Reduced Meals Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Denied: _Reason: C' ` 1, Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official Confirming ti o&, eCLA-C... CtL,*_ C 4'.+._ ApprovedZ'' / 3 Date Withdrawn Date Official' s Signature Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 y Date Continue on Back" I 3. Free and Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK. PRINT NEATLY. COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp Date First Name Last Name of Birth Mark if Foster MM/DD/Y MI School, Center, or Camp Grade_. I 4 I I I I I I SNAP/TANF NUMBER 2. SNAP TANF ' If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF, indicate which program and provide the 10- digit case# Of any SKIP TO PART 5) HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY 3. If the child you are applying for is homeless, migrant, or Homeless runaway, check the box appropriate and call your county contact at Migrant Runaway LJ 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Monthly Name( Last, First) List everyone Attach a separate sheet if Earnings Monthly from Work in the Household. Before Deductions) 150O, Other from Social Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement, Alimony needed. lirrik-44-1 Monthly Payments Welfare, Child Su Support, ort, Check if no Income Security $ i 00 Cs 5 -i r F1Jh ria n Total Number of Persons in Household L-{ Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ 2'5o 6 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my child(ren) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Toda ' s Date prosec d. Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number r'rs.. r? 1 O 2• 0-7 t I 3 * * ** * 31'1 1 . I do not have a Social Security Number Signature I Sa. ,),- y,/-- a)y- 5S5- i2lz h 12 Mailing 6. Work Phone Number Home Phone Number Printed Name PPy Address Children' s Race and 1.c,.,,4„. I- app iut11c City Ethnicity-( t2.3(4 s wt. State ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian Black or African American or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic 7. or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Other Benefits -( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52, Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: - Or- Income Eligibility ` 4 Free Meals Reduced Meals Denied: Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official C r A A_. 0 Reason: a ( y, _ WI q i t. Date Approved? /—/ 3 Date Withdrawn Date Confirming Official' s Signature Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Continue on Back" Free Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education and USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK, PRINT NEATLY. COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp Sm\ 4 Zrn‘ 4, Date of Birth Mark if MM/DD/ YY Foster MI First Name Last Name School, Center, or Camp Grade 4.r, I a 1.-V1- h / 0 I I 2. SNAP/ TANF NUMBER SNAP TANF If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF. indicate which program and provide the 10- digit case# If any, SKIP TO PART 5) 3. HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY If the child you are applying for is homeless, migrant, or runaway, check the appropriate box and call your county contact at Homeless Mi rant Runaway 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Monthly Name( Last, First) List everyone Attach a separate sheet if Monthly Monthly Welfare, Before Deductions) Payments Other from Child Support, Su Social Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement, Alimony needed. Cor.-%S Or.- t LA Sat Earnings from Work in the Household. Check if no Income Security Too. Ot. $ Ski 375.° O $ cYN I rv. t t Total Number of Persons in Household 4 Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ a$ 7 S. 60 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my children) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Today' s Date Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number prosecuted. C. t, l-_. # yi•L o • Cd z ' 31 * * ** * I 3 ( / I do not have a Social Security Number Signa ure Home Phone Number Printed Name A° i Mailing t-Ck0e . Address 6. Children' s Race and Ethnicity-( Work Phone Number W apil\,\\ Ity I e 1 : z3SL State 1 ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian it" Black or or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander African American And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic or Not Hispanic or Latino Latino 7. Other Benefits -( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52, Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: - or- Income Eligibility: Er/ Free Meals Reduced Meals enied: Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official ,( 44 . LL Reason: r Ja/'t.Ia_ bt!/ Date Approved 2 /- 1,5 Date Withdrawn Date Confirming Official' s Signature Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Continue on Back" 5• Free Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education and USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK. PRINT NEATLY, COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp 1. First Name Last Name S t \-\, Date of Birth Mark if MM/DD/ YY Foster MI School, Center, or Camp Grade rye r'1 I I I I 2. SNAP/ TANF NUMBER SNAP TANF If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF, indicate which program and provide the 10-digit case# If any, SKIP TO PART 5) 3. HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY If the applying for is homeless, child you are migrant, or Homeless runaway, check the appropriate box and call your county contact at Migrant Runaway LJ 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Monthly Name( Last, First) List everyone Attach a in the Household. separate sheet if Earnings Monthly from Work Monthly Welfare, Before Deductions) Other Social Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement, Alimony needed. Payments from Child Support, Su Check if no Income Security Srni si-cm 5 PAY' 22"-LS $ 3 rrttl fv) 1' k` h ' e a r1 Total Number of Lo Persons in Household Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ 14" 773 ,00 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my children) may lose meal benefits, and I maybe prosecuted. Today' s Date Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number a Vt/.- /) C• 2 "-" D7" i ,? *** Si nature L 15a, 30-4- 56 ek- = iz3 6. I do not have a Social Security Number rap.Work Phone Number Home Phone Number Printed Name Mailing 1* * tt 1-- a.ruCity Address Children' s Race and Ethnicity-( e(v(( tc. U v 23 (4S State ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian Black or or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander African American And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic or Not Hispanic or Latino Latino 7. Other Benefits -( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for Sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52, Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: - Or- Income Eligibility: br Free Meals Reduced Meals i Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Denied; Reason: n Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official `- , Confirming • lje GL ret,_ f 4./'' ' Date Approved Date Withdrawn Date Official' s Signature Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 a- 7- 13 Continue on Back" tip• Free and Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK, PRINT NEATLY. COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp First Name Last Name Date of Birth Mark if MM/DD/ YY Foster Ml _ Grade School, Center, or Camp Sara.IN SMt- I SNAP/ TANF NUMBER 2 If anyany SNAP P household receives SNAP member of your or TANF, indicate which program and provide the 10- digit T4NF 1 case# If any, SKIP TO PART 5) HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY 3. If the child you are applying for is homeless, migrant, or S4 Z 3 Homeless Migrant Runaway runaway, check the appropriate box and call your county contact at LJ 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Name( Last, List everyone Attach Monthly Earnings Firstl a separate sheet rr, if Monthly from Work Before Deductions) in the Household. 2ooa Si - - 1 -, Other Social Monthly Income Check if no Income Security $ tea lfr•iay Payments from Pensions, Retirement, Alimony needed. 1- 1 Monthly Welfare, Child Support, $ r Total Number of H Persons in Household Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ y 06 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if! purposely give false information, my child(ran) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Toda ' s Date Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number prosecuted. sf b zl0' Signature S re, i-E- h LI 5 as 123 Ha ppl 6. I do not have a Social Security Number Work Phone Number er yl".... City and 4i Soy - 55S- 121' 1-- Address Children' s Race I 3. 3 * * ** * Home Phone Num Printed Name Mailing I 3 Ethnicity-( p fw u 1 t‘1, G MI y S State ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian Black or African American or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino 7. Other Benefits -( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52. Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24. MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: - Or- Income Free Meals Eligibility: Reduced Meals Denied: Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official Confirming C r O,, ( GtAt Reason: z4- G" t-- Official' s Signature Date Approved 2-,- 05'ate Withdrawn Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Date Continue on Back" Free Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2012- 2013— West Virginia Dept. of Education and USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK. PRINT NEATLY. COMPLETE ONE APPLCIATION PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp Date Mark if Birth Foster School, Center, or Camp Grade 4, lSrP11 4 f 4L-Y Ate, N' of MM/DD/ YY MI First Name Last Name 13 I I I I I I 2. SNAP/ TANF NUMBER SNAP TANF If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF, indicate which program and provide the 10-digit case# If any, SKIP TO PART 5) HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY 3. If the applying for is homeless, child you are migrant, or Homeless runaway, check the box and appropriate call your county contact at Migrant Runaway LJ 4. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Monthly Name( Last, First) List everyone Attach in the Household. a separate sheet fM 5 Payments Other from Child Support, Su ort, Before Deductions) if needed. Monthly Monthly Welfare, Earnings from Work Alimony Social Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement Check if no Income Security IS LO 1770 rr tkt- r;atn 5 pm 'kk^ Total Number of Persons y in Household Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ 3S / D 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. 1 understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. I understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my child(ren) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Toda ' s Date prosec d. Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number 4 vf/, 7C ' O Vi 0} I 3 ***** 1 2 2 'f I do not have a Social Security Number Signature 4., j15a, anv:-L- 301f- I 23 Mailing 6. Work Phone Number L4r1,t, apP Address Children' SS'S -/ 2/ 2 Home Phone Number Printed Name s Race PPYPI< 14- State City and Ethnicity-( j w_ 231- l5 ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: American Indian Asian Black or or White Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander African American And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic or Not Hispanic or Latino Latino 7. Other Benefits -( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks, workbooks, and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52, Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24. MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: - or- Income Eligibili NI Free Meals Reduced Meals Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Denied: Reason: Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official Confirming C I-• ot / U ._ P 1 hc'C1( Jl 2 2,Date Withdrawn Date Official' s Signature Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 Date Approved Continue on Back" g Free Reduced- Price Meals Household Application for 2011- 2012— West Virginia Dept. of Education and USE BLACK OR DARK BLUE INK. PRINT NEATLY, COMPLETE ONE APPLCIA T/ON PER HOUSEHOLD 1. Names of ALL Children in School, Center, or Camp Date Last Name 510.1 First Name 144 54r& h i 44 e)rirl j of Mark if Birth Foster MM/DD/ YY MI I School, Center, or Camp Grade / I I I I I I 2. SNAP/ TANF NUMBER SNAP TANF If any member of your household receives SNAP or TANF. indicate which program and provide the 10- digit case# If any, SKIP TO PART 5) 3. HOMELESS, MIGRANT, RUNAWAY If the 4. applying for child you are homeless, is migrant, or Homeless runaway, the appropriate box and call check your county Migrant contact at Runaway LJ HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AND GROSS INCOME FROM LAST MONTH List each person in the household. For each person who receives income, write the amount received and fill in how often it is received. Monthly Name( Last, First) List everyone Attach a separate sheet Set, 3- 5r u r, 7n I ,- Other Social Check Monthly Income Pensions, Retirement, Alimony if no Income Security $ Ibin0 r-, Payments from Child Support, needed. LIaa. Sr ,t- Monthly Monthly Welfare, Before Deductions) if hnI- -h ory Earnings from Work in the Household. $ r, l- f Total Number of Persons in Household Total Monthly Income Before Deductions$ 2:' o 5. Signature and Social Security Number ( Adult must sign.) An adult household member must sign the application. If Part 4 is completed, the adult signing the form must also list the last 4 digits of his or her Social Security Number or mark the" I do not have a Social Security Number" box. ( See Privacy Act Statement on the back of this page) I certify( promise) that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that the school system may get federal funds based on the information I give. 1 understand that school officials may verify( check) the information. I understand that if I purposely give false information, my child(ren) may lose meal benefits, and I may be Toda ' prosecu 1' C.` r L_R' i\. s Date 7 Last 4 Di its of Social Security Number 1 1 I 2v `1 I do not have a Social Security Number Signature LI SM I --- - N. h 7N.! -r-_.r Printed Name Mailing 6. Home Phone Number Address Children' t7, 7 - Work Phone Number State City s Race and Ethnicity -( ZIP Code You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Mark one or more racial identities from this group: Asian Black American Indian or White or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander African American And mark one ethnic identity from this group: Hispanic 7. or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Other Benefits-( You do not have to complete this part to receive free and reduced price meals.) Yes, school officials may use the information provided on this application to determine my child( ren)' s eligibility for free textbooks. workbooks. and other school supplies. Do not fill out this part. This is for sponsor' s use only. Annual Income Conversion: WeeklyX 52, Every 2 Weeks X 26, Twice A Month X 24, MonthlyX 12 Categorically Eligibility: or- - Income Eligib ility: V Free Meals Reduced Meals D'enieed: Signature/ Stamp Verification: of Approving Official Confirming lJ "LC t h{ JLL Reason: f' LL" V"` Official' s Signature Date Approved 2- 2 1^ I " Date Withdrawn Date Follow- up Official' s Signature WVDE- ADM- 121 Temporary Free: Time Period Temporary Reduced: Time Period Date Continue on Back"