8.0 Descriptive Metadata A wide variety of descriptive metadata schemas currently exist, but as of yet no single metadata schema has accepted as the ‘best metadata standard’ for every project. In any case, deciding which metadata schema to use should be determined before materials are digitized. This document was created to provide project coordinators with a set of guidelines “for creating rich and sharable metadata, which can be useful to metadata aggregators and end users”.1 Table of contents 8.1 How to Select the Best Metadata Standard 8.2 Metadata Recommendations 8.2.1 Minimum requirements 8.2.2 Collection level records 8.3 Best Practices for Metadata 8.3.1 Title 8.3.2 Name 8.3.3 Type 8.3.4 Publisher 8.3.5 Language 8.3.6 Format 8.3.7 Abstract 8.3.8 Table of Contents 8.3.9 Audience 8.3.10 Description 8.3.11 Subject 8.3.12 Related Item 8.3.13 Identifier 8.3.14 Source 8.3.15 Rights 8.3.16 Collection Title 1 Digital Library Federation (DLF) Aquifer Project. (2006). Retrieved January 21, 2009, from http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may06/kott/05kott.html. 8.4 Other Metadata Standards EAD VRA CDWA 8.5 Controlled Vocabulary 8.1 How to Select the Best Metadata Standard Descriptive metadata is a resource for discovery and identification, used for the indexing, discovery, and identification of the digital resources, e.g., title, author, and keyword. The decision of which metadata standard to adapt, and what levels of description to apply must be determined within the context of the digital collection, collection users, and systems in which digital collection is stored and accessed. The NISO <http://www.niso.org/framework/Framwork2.html> recommends following things to consider when selecting the metadata standard. • Purpose of the digital collection - What are the goals and objectives for the collection? • User needs & intended usage - Who are the targeted users? - What types of information do they need to know about the collection and the individual items? - Are the materials to be accessed as a collection or will individual items to be accessible? - Will users need to have access to the source object and its digital counterpart? • Metadata standard selection and usage - Does the collection or its items have metadata before the digital collection is built? - How useful are the existing metadata for collection control, management, and access? - What is the format of the original resources? - How rich of a description is needed and does the metadata need to convey a hierarchical relationship? - What are the metadata standards that are commonly used by users of this discipline? Also systems should be a consideration when choosing metadata standard. • What system the digital collection will be stored and accessed - A system has a huge impact on selection of Metadata standards since the digital content manage system only supports a few metadata standards. The library currently uses CONTENTdm as a digital content management system and it supports VRA-Core, Dublin Core, and locally created field names. However, when the metadata is harvested by service providers all the elements are mapped to Dublin Core. - Although the CONTENTdm allows locally created field names, those names should be confirmed to standards. If the collection requires a unique field names, be sure to provide a mapping to the standard metadata format. The Metadata Working Group in UIUC Library required metadata for all digital resources enable: • Resource Discovery • Image Presentation and Navigation • Rights Management • Preservation 8.2 Metadata Recommendations The Metadata Working Group in UIUC Library recommends that digitization project coordinators using Qualified Dublin Core as a metadata standard since our digital content management system support the Qualified Dublin Core. However, this document provides a mapping to both MARC and MODS for each element, so we could convert the metadata to richer standards in the future. (If there are MARC format records for the items, then convert the records to Qualified Dublin Core instead of creating new records. Please add the reference identifier for the original records in the metadata. In addition we would like to address that the degree of the granularity of metadata should be determined by project coordinators based on the materials being described and users. The elements described below are recommended requirements. We encourage project coordinators to use these minimum requirements as well as other elements as needed. 8.2.1 Minimum Requirements For sharable metadata creation, we recommend using the following elements as a minimum requirement element set. We list the element set for both Dublin Core and MODS. See “Dublin Core metadata element set mapping to MODS version 3 <http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/dcsimple-mods.html> updated in November 22, 2006. Every element can be repeated when it is needed. • Required elements Label Title Qualified Dublin Core <dc:title> Subject (If applicable) <dc:subject> Type <dc:type> Publisher <dc:publisher> MODS Note <titleInfo> <title> The actual title of the resource, or a brief descriptive phrase. <subject> <topic> <temporal> <geographical> Topic of the resource. Use the controlled vocabulary which works best for the collection. <typeOfResource> <genre> The type of the original object being described. If possible, add more granular type information in another <type> element. <originInfo> <publisher> <location> The institution that makes the resource available on the web. Controlled Vocabulary nR R R R (For UIUC Library names) Format (*when using <dc:format> , please describe digital format, instead of original resource) <dc:format> <dcterms:extent> Identifier <dc:identifier> <dcterms:URI> <physicalDescription> <internetMediaType> <physicalDescription> <extent> <physicalDescription> <form> The extent of the original item being described. Can be in number of pages or linear feet, dimension, etc. <dc:format> <dcterms :medium> The physical manifestation of the original object represented by a controlled vocabulary term. <identifier> <uri> A character string or record number clearly and uniquely identifies a digital objects or resource. R R The element may be the accession number, record number, ISBN number, or the URI. Language (If applicable> <dc:language> Date <dc:date> <dcterms:created> <dcterms:issued> <originInfo><dateCreated> <originInfo><dateIssued> <originInfo><dateCaptured> <originInfo><dateOther> The date of creation of the original item, or other date related information, e.g., issued, or captured. Use date description standard such as ISO 8601. <dc:rights> <dcterms:accessCondit ion> <accessCondition> A right management or usage statement, a URL that links to rights management statement, or a URL that links to a service providing information on rights management of the resource. Rights • <language> The language(s) of the intellectual content of the resource. This can be the language(s) in which a text is written or the spoken language(s) of an audio or video resource. R R nR Optional elements (When information is available) Label Dublin Core/ Qualified Dublin Core MODS Note Controlled Vocabulary Name <dc:creator> <dc:contributor> <name><namePart> The person(s), organization(s) or corporate bodies primarily responsible for the creation of the object, collection, or item being described. R Description <dc:description> <note> A textual nR Collection Title <dc:relation> <dcterms:IsPartOf> <tableOfContent> description of the content of the image, such as abstract, tables of content or free-text account of the object. <relatedItem>+ <titleInfo><title> or <location><url> When the item is a part of series, serials, a collection, or has different formats. Please add a collection record as a URL if it is available. nR 8.2.2 Collection - level records The Metadata Working Group recommends that collection-level records be created for all collections created through a digitization project. Also at least three elements of collection records should be included in each item record - collection title and URL of the collection, and a repository name - to create sharable metadata. The collection level record enables users and metadata providers use each digital resource in same context regardless of metadata providers. Please find the following sites for the collection level records metadata elements and examples. • Dublin Core Collection Description Application Profile <http://dublincore.org/groups/collections/> • IMLS DCC Collection Description Metadata <http://imlsdcc.grainger.uiuc.edu/CDschema_elements.htm> 8.3 Metadata Recommendations This document is created based on DCMI Terms <http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmiterms/>, MODS User Guidelines Version 3 <http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/modsuserguide.html>, Digital Library Federation / Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Sharable MODS Records <http://www.diglib.org/aquifer/dlfmodsimplementationguidelines_finalnov2006.pdf>, Resource Description and Access <http://www.rdaonline.org/>. Please use this document as Guidelines only. Depends on the characteristics of each project, users, and systems, we encourage project coordinators develop and use their own data, content, and encoding standards and create metadata in consistent way. (All the examples are drawn from MODS User Guidelines Version 3, Detailed Description of MODS Elements <http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/v3/mods-userguide-elements.html>. 8.3.1 Title: <titleInfo> Required (# 2XX, #130, #730, #740 fields in MARC) Dublin Core <dc:title> <dcterms:titleAlternative> MODS Mapping - Subelement <title> <subTitle> <partNumber> <partName> <nonSort> MODS -Attribites <titleInfo> type – abbreviated translated alternative uniform authority displayLabel When adding <title> information, please consider following recommendations. • • Transcribe the title information as it is represented in the item. If the title starts with article, you can put it into <nonSort> in MODS. However in Dublin Core, transcribe as is. For ‘A Alma Mater’<dc:title>A Alma Mater</dc:title> • • Capitalization should be determined and chosen for the collection, and used consistently throughout the collection. If there are multiple titles, use the most commonly known title nn <dc:title> as this is the title that will be used for search result displays and prominent headings. Add other title information in <dcterms:alternative>. Element can be repeated. • • When there is no title information in the item, come up with one that represents the resource the best, and add the <note> field for the explanation or source of the title information. When you supply the title that isn’t from the item, you don’t need to use the square bracket [ ] as in AACR2. Practices on title information can be different depending on characteristics of each digitization project. Please establish best practices on title information for the project and use it consistently through out the project. Examples: *In Display Title The winter mind: William Bonk and American letters *In XML <dc:title>The winter mind: William Bonk and American letters</dc:title> <titleInfo> <nonSort>The</nonSort> <title>winter mind</title> <subTitle>William Bonk and American letters</subTitle> </titleInfo> *In template Title non-sort title sub-title The winter mind William Bonk and American letters *Other examples <titleInfo type="translated" lang="eng"> <title>Land surveying and agriculture equipment</title> </titleInfo> <titleInfo type="uniform" authority="naf" xlink:href="http://www.loc.gov/sru-lccn/?query=n 93028706"> <title>Missale Carnotense</title> </titleInfo> 8.3.2 Name: <name> Required (#1xx, #7xx fields in MARC) – When the information is available Dublin Core MODS Mapping -Subelements MODS - Attributes <dc:creator> <dc:contributor> Use <dc:creator>, if you have source data that clearly identifies the name as creator. If there are more than one creators, repeat the elements as needed. <namePart> <displayForm> <affiliation> <role> <roleTerm> <description> <dc:contributor> Use <dc:creator>, if you have source data that clearly identifies the name as creator. If there are more than one creators, repeat the elements as needed. <name> type – personal corporate conference authority <namePart> type – date family given termsOfAddress <role> type – code text <name> element is for the name(s) of individuals, organizations, or events that bear some important relationship to the content can be put into this element. Use the name as it was presented in the resource. To ensure the best search result, using the controlled vocabulary is recommended. The controlled vocabulary can be created locally depending on characteristics of each collection. • • Using an authorized list of names, such as the Library Congress Name Authority File <http://authorities.loc.gov/>, or the Getty Union List of Artist Names <http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/ulan/> is required. If the names you use are not included in these authority files, create your own authority file for the project. If you cannot find an already established form, you can use the item in hand to establish a form and the form you establish should be unique (i.e. not conflict with a form already established for a person/organization/corporation by the same name). Add as much information as needed to establish uniqueness. For personal names, this might include full middle names, Jr./Sr., dates, etc. For organizations/corporations, this might include place information. Spell out abbreviations or include a key word with your documentation. Currently, most of systems have functions allowing import or create the local controlled vocabulary. Name has types (creator, provider, contributor) and one of these three types can be chosen to describe the data. Personal names generally should be last name, first name, middle name or initial. • Organizations or corporations should be in natural name order. • • Examples: *In display Name Alteman, Eric *In XML <dc:creator>Alterman, Eric</dc:creator> <name type="personal"> <namePart type=”family”>Alterman</namePart> <namePart type=”given”> Eric</namePart> <displayForm>Eric Alterman</displayForm> <role> <roleTerm type="text">creator</roleTerm> <roleTerm type="code">cre</roleTerm> </role> </name> *In template Name Type name part - family name part-given display form role-type text role-type code Personal Alterman Eric Eric Alterman Creator Cre *Other examples <name type="personal" authority="naf"> <namePart>Woolf, Virginia</namePart> <namePart type="date">1882-1941</namePart> </name> <name type="corporate"> <namePart>United States</namePart> <namePart>Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit)</namePart> </name> <name type="conference"> <namePart>Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)</namePart> </name> 8.3.3 Type: <typeOfResource> Required (MARC Leader 06/07) Dublin Core <dc:type> MODS Mapping Subelements No Subelemets MODS - Attributes collection manuscript (when Attributes are associated with a specific value used in <typeOfResource>, use the value as a first <typeOfResource>). <type> contains a term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource. A controlled list of textual values is used, such as Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Type Vocabulary <http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/>. Please add terms that provide more granular information than the broad terms in DCMI type controlled vocabulary. You could also create a list of controlled vocabulary for your own collection. The following values may be used with <typeOfResource>: - text - cartographic - notated music - sound recording - sound recording-musical - still image - moving image - three dimensional object - software. Multimedia - mixed material Examples: *In template/display Type Cartographic *In XML <dc:type>cartographic</dc:type> <titleInfo> <nonSort>The </nonSort> <title>new naval and military map of the United States</title> </titleInfo> <typeOfResource>cartographic</typeOfResource> <genre>map</genre> *Other examples <titleInfo> <title>Glove</title> </titleInfo> <physicalDescription> <form authority="gmd">[sound recording]</form> </physicalDescription> <typeOfResource>sound recording-musical</typeOfResource> 8.3.4 Publisher: <originInfo> Required Dublin Core <dc:publisher> MODS Mapping - Subelements <place> <publisher> MODS - Attributes <originInfo> type authority <publisher> is a place holder for the original publisher information. Examples: *In display Publisher Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company *In XML <dc:publisher> Washington,DC, Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company</dc:publisher> <originInfo> <place> <placeTermtype="code"authority="marccountry">dcu</placeTerm> <placeTerm type="text">Washington,DC</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company</publisher> <dateIssued>2003</dateIssued> <edition>7th ed.</edition> <issuance>monographic</issuance> </originInfo> *In template Original Information place publisher date issued edition issuance *Other examples <originInfo> <place> code authority marccountry text Washington,DC Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, in collaboration with Follett Software Company 2003 7th ed. monographic <placeTermtype="code"authority="marccountry">cau</placeTerm> <placeTerm type="text">Menlo Park, CA</placeTerm> </place> <publisher>Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities</publisher> <dateIssued>-1988</dateIssued> <dateIssued encoding="marc" point="start">1985</dateIssued> <dateIssued encoding="marc" point="end">1988</dateIssued> <issuance>continuing</issuance> <frequency>annual</frequency> </originInfo> 8.3.5 Language: <language> Required – when the collection includes textual materials. Dublin Core MODS - Subelements <dc:language> <languageTerm> MODS - Attributes <languageTerm> type – text code authority – ISO 639-2, etc <language> contains the language(s) of the content of the resource. It may be expressed in textual or coded form. Use as many <language> elements as necessary to describe the languages represented in the resource. (ex. English, or eng) Followings are the controlled vocabulary sites for language code: • MARC Code List for Languages (http://www.loc.gov/marc/languages/) • RFC3066 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt) Examples: *In display Language English *In XML <dc:language>English</dc:language> <language> <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">en</languageTerm> </language> *In template Language Type authority En code r rfc3066 *Other exapmles <language> <languageTerm type="text">Italian</languageTerm> </language> 8.3.6 Format: <physicalDescription> Required Dublin Core <dc:format> <dcterms:extent> <dcterms:medium> MODS - Subelements <form> <reformattingQuality> <internetMediaType> <extent> <digitalOrigin> <note> MODS - Attributes <form> type authority <note> type displayLabel Information in <format> is about the digital resource being described. Value is generally taken from a controlled list, especially from the Internet Media types <www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html>. Followings are the examples of the controlled vocabulary sites: • MARC Source Code for Form <http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/form/formsource.html> • Internet Media types (MIME types) <www.iana.org/assignments/mediatypes/index.html> • MODS <note> Types<http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/mods-notes.html> Examples: *In display format extent text/html 26 cm. *In XML <dc:format>text/html</dc:format> <dcterms:extent>26 cm. </dcterms> <physicalDescription> <form authority="marcform">electronic</form> <digitalOrigin>born digital</digitalOrigin> <reformattingQuality>access</reformattingQuality> <internetMediaType>text/html</internetMediaType> </physicalDescription> *In template Physical Description form authority=="marcform" digital origin reformatting quality media type Electronic born digital Access text/html *Other examples <physicalDescription> <form authority="marcform">print</form> <extent>26 cm</extent> <reformattingQuality>replacement</reformattingQuality> </physicalDescription> 8.3.7 Abstract: <abstract> Dublin Core <dcterms:abstract> MODS Mapping Subelements No subelements MODS - Attributes Type displayLabel <abstract> is a summary of the content of the resource, roughly equivalent to MARC 21 field 520. Information in <abstract> can be a link. Example: *In display Absrtact Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RU-RX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768 *In XML <dc:description> Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RURX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768</dc:description> <abstract xlink:href= "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cchrie98.htm"/> <abstract>Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RURX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768</abstract> *In template Abstract link http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/cchrie98.htm Describes the results of an ongoing evaluation of State activity relating to improvement of criminal records. Activities reviewed include upgrading of accuracy and completeness of records, automation, implementation of positive identification procedures and procedures for responding to firearm background check inquiries. The report describes the nature of activities initiated, time until completion, and impact on availability of records. Characteristics of individual states are represented in some areas. The document was prepared by Queues Enforth Development under BJS award 95-RU-RX-K002. 2/00 NCJ 179768 8.3.8 Table of Contents: <tableOfContents> (#505 field in MARC) Dublin Core <dcterms:tableOfContent> MODS Mapping Subelements No subelements MODS - Attributes type displayLabel <tableOfContents> contains contents notes for a resource, equivalent to MARC 21 field 505. Information in <tableOfContent> can be in a link. Please be careful when use the punctuation in <tableOfContent>. See <http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/5xx/505.shtm>. Information in <tableOfContent> can be a link. Example: *In display Table of Contents http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/99176484.html *In XML <dcterms:tableOfContent>http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/99176484.html</dcterms:tableOfCo ntents> <tableOfContents xlink:href= "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/99176484.html"/> </tableOfContents> *In template Table of Contents link http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/99176484.html *Other examples <tableOfContents type="partial contents">Baptisms, 1816-1872 --Church members, 1816-1831 --History of the Second Presbyterian Church of West Durham</tableOfContents> 8.3.9 Audience: <targetAudience> Dublin Core <dcterms:audience> MODS Mapping Subelements No Subelements MODS - Attributes authority <audience> describes the intellectual level of the audience for which the resource is intended. Either a controlled list of values or free text may be used. MARC Source Code for Target Audience <http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/target/targetsource.html> can be used as a controlled vocabulary. Examples: *In display Audience Adolescent *In XML <dcterms:audience>adolescent</dcterms:audience> <targetAudience authority="marctarget">adolescent</targetAudience> *In template Audience Authority Marctarget Adolescent *Other example <targetAudience authority="marctarget">adult</targetAudience> 8.3.10 Description <note> (#5xx fields in MARC) Dublin Core Mapping <dc:description> Subelements No Subelements Attributes type displayLabel <description> contains general textual information relating to a resource. <description> is roughly equivalent to MARC 21 fields 5XX. See MODS <note> Types <http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/mods-notes.html> for reference. Examples: *In display description performers Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter) *In XML <dc:description>Performers: Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter)</dc:description> <note type="performers">Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter)</note> *In template Note Type Performers Anne Baxter (Louise), Maria Perschy (Angela), Gustavo Rojo (Bill), Reginald Gilliam (Mr. Johnson), [Catherine Elliot?] (Aunt Sallie), Ben Tatar (waiter) *Other examples <note type="statement of responsibility">written by Burt Kimmelman</note> <note>Based on a play which originally appeared in France as "Un peu plus tard, un peu plus tôt"</note> 8.3.11 Subject: <subject> Required (#6xx fields in MARC) Dublin Core <dc:subject> <dc:coverage> <dcterms:temporal> <dcterms:spatial> MODS Mapping – Subelements <topic> <geographic> <temporal> <titleInfo> <name> <geographicCode> <hierarchicalGeographic> <cartographics> <occupation> MODS - Attributes authority <temporal> encoding <subject> is an element that contains topical, geographic coverage, and temporal coverage. The controlled vocabulary should be chosen depending on main user groups and resources of the digitization projects. Followings are commonly used controlled vocabulary sites: - For Topical Subject Heading • • • • Library of Congress Subject Headings <http://www.loc.gov/cds/lcsh.html> Medical Subject Headings <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/> Gem Controlled Vocabulary <http://www.thegateway.org/help/about/documentation/gem-controlledvocabularies/vocabulary-subject> Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus <http://www.getty.edu/vow/AATSearchPage.jsp> -For Geographical terms • • • Getty Thesaurus of geographic names <http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/tgn/?find=&place= coal+city&nation=&prev_page=1&english=Y&popup=P> Library of Congress Thesaurus for Geographic Materials I <http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/tgm1/> Library of Congress Thesaurus for Geographic Materials II <http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/tgm2/> Examples: *In display Subject Real property Spatial coverage Mississippi, Tippah County *In XML <dc:subject> Real property </dc:subject> <dcterms:spatial>Mississippi, Tippah County</dcterms:spatial> <subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Real property--Mississippi--Tippah County--Maps</topic> </subject> *In templates Subject authority Lcsh Real property--Mississippi--Tippah County--Maps *Other examples <subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Real property</topic> <geographic>Mississippi</geographic> <geographic>Tippah County</geographic> <genre>Maps</genre> </subject> <subject authority="lcsh"> <name> <namePart>Garcia Lorca, Federico</namePart> <namePart type="date">1898-1936</namePart> </name> </subject> <subject authority="lcsh"> <topic>Real property</topic> <geographic>Mississippi</geographic> <geographic>Tippah County</geographic> <genre>Maps</genre> </subject> <subject authority="lctgm"> <topic>Educational buildings</topic> <geographic>Washington (D.C.)</geographic> <temporal>1890-1910</temporal> </subject> 8.3.12 Related Item: <relatedItem> When an item is belonged to a series, serials, or have different formats. (#4xx, #7xx, #8xx fields in MARC) Dublin Core Mapping <dc:relation> <dcterms:hasPart> <dcterms:hasFormat> <dcterms:isVersionOf> <dcterms:isFormatOf> Subelements All MODS elements can appear as subelements of <relatedItem> Attributes type – preceding succeeding original host constituent series otherVersion otherFormat isReferencedBy xlink:href displayLabel ID <relatedItem> gives information that identifies a related resource. When the resource is a part of a series, or a different version/format of the resources it is required to use <relatedItem>. Examples: *In XML <titleInfo> <title>William P. Gottlieb Collection</title> </titleInfo> <relatedItem type="constituent"> <titleInfo> <title>Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947</title> </titleInfo> <name> <namePart>Gottlieb, William P.</namePart> <namePart type="date">1917-</namePart> </name> <identifier type="local">LC-GLB23-0542</identifier> </relatedItem> *In template Related Item *In display type title Constituent Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947 name name part Gottlieb, William P. date 1917 identifier local LC-GLB23-0542 Related Item title Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947 name Gottlieb, William P. (1917-) identifier LC-GLB23-0542 *In DC <dc:relation> Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947; Gottlieb, William P. (1917-); LC-GLB23-0542</dc:relation> or <dc:relation> Portrait of Charlie Parker and Tommy Potter, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Oct. 1947</dc:relation> <dc:relation> Gottlieb, William P. (1917-)</dc:relation> <dc:relation>LC-GLB23-0542</dc:relation> *Other examples <relatedItem type="host"> <titleInfo> <title>Post-Fordism</title> <subTitle>A Reader</subTitle> </titleInfo> <name type="personal"> <namePart type="given">Ash</namePart> <namePart type="family">Amin</namePart> <role> <roleTerm type="text">editor</roleTerm> </role> </name> <originInfo> <dateIssued>1994</dateIssued> <publisher>Blackwell Publishers</publisher> <place> <placeTerm type="text">Oxford</placeTerm> </place> </originInfo> <part> <extent unit="page"> <start>23</start> <end>45</end> </extent> </part> </relatedItem> 8.3.13 Identifier: <identifier> Required (#010, #020, #022, #024, #856 fields in MARC) Dublin Core <dc:identifier> MODS Mapping Subelements No Subelemets MODS - Attributes Type – doi isbn issn iccn uri displayLabel <identifier> contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource. It is equivalent to MARC fields 010, 020, 022, 024, 856. It is repeatable, so you can put as many as identifiers as possible if that is useful for identifying a resource. However, the ideal format of value is actionable URI. (Using collection URL is not recommended for <identifier> element. This URL can represent the whole collection, not the resource you want to describe and must be included in <isPartOf>. The URL should belong to the <location> element instead of <identifier>.) Examples: *In display Identifier N.M. 275 Nova Music *In XML <dc:identifier> N.M. 275 Nova Music </dc:identifier> <identifier type="music publisher">N.M. 275 Nova Music</identifier> *In template Identifier type music publisher N.M. 275 Nova Music *Other example <identifier type="isbn" invalid="yes">0877780116</identifier> 8.3.14 Source: <location> Required Dublin Core Mapping <dc:source> Subelements <physicalLocation> <url> Attributes <physicalLocation> displayLabel authority <url> displayLabel dateLastAccessed note usage: “primary display” <source> Identifies the institution or repository holding the resource, or a remote location in the form of a URL where it is available. <physicalLocation> should be used in controlled vocabulary when the each item is housed in different library. For the collection level description, you may decide whether using controlled vocabulary or not. You can also use the MARC Code List for Organizations <http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/>. Examples: *In display Source DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR *In XML <dc:source>DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR </dc:source> <location> <physicalLocation authority="marcorg">DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR</physicalLocation> </location> *In template Location authority Marcorg DLC MicRR Microfilm 82/528 MicRR *Other examples <location> <physicalLocation>Library of Congress Manuscript Division</physicalLocation> </location> <location> <url displayLabel="French version">http://www.cgiar.org/ifpri/reports/0297rpt/0297ft.htm</url> </location> 8.3.15 Rights: <accessCondition> (#506, #540 fields in MARC) Dublin Core <dcterms:accessRights> <dc:rights> MODS - Subelements No Subelemets MODS - Attributes type displayLabel <right> Contains information about restrictions imposed on access to a resource. If there is no specific access restriction, use <dc:rights>. Examples: *In template/display Access Rights Classified under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50, chapter 401, U.S.C *In XML <dcterms:accessRights> Classified under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50, chapter 401, U.S.C </dcterms:accessRights> <accessCondition>Classified under national security provisions; Department of Defense; Title 50, chapter 401, U.S.C</accessCondition> *Other examples <accessCondition type="restrictionOnAcces">Restricted: cannot be viewed until 2010; Members of donor's family</accessCondition> <accessCondition type="useAndReproduction">Literary rights of Carrie Chapman Catt have been dedicated to the public</accessCondition> 8.3.16 IsPartOf: <recordInfo> Required Dublin Core <dcterms:isPartOf> MODS Mapping – Subelements <recordContentSource> <recordCreationDate> <recordChangeDate> <recordIdentifier> <recordOrigin> <languageOfCataloging> - <languageTerm> MODS - Attributes <recordContentSource> authority <recordCreationDate> <recordChangeDate> encoding point keyDate qualifier <recordIdentifier> source <languageTerm> authority <isPartOf> is used for collection information where each item belongs. The collection information can be added as URL followed by a title of the collection. Examples: *In display isPartOf German Emblem Project <http://images.library.uiuc.edu:8081/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=/emblems> *In XML <dcterms:isPartOf>German Emblem Project http://images.library.uiuc.edu:8081/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=/emblems</dcterms:isPartO f> 8.4 Metadata Recommendations Depending on the resources of the digital collection, you might need other metadata standards than Qualified Dublin Core - EAD (Encoded Archival Description) is used in archival community, and VRA Core (Visual Resources Association Core Categories) and ObjectID are used for describing visual resources. 8.4.1 EAD (Encoded Archival Description) The Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard is used by digital libraries to create machine-readable finding aids. Please find following links for more information. - Official EAD Site <http://www.loc.gov/ead/> - EAD Help Page <http://www.archivists.org/saagroups/ead/> - EAD Application Guidelines <http://www.loc.gov/ead/ag/aghome.html> 8.4.2 VRA Core (Visual Resources Association Core Categories) VRA is a metadata standard for the visual resources. Please find the following link for the detailed information. The link includes the MARC mapping <http://www.vraweb.org/vracore3.htm>. - VRA Core Categories, Version 3.0 <http://www.vraweb.org/vracore3.htm> 8.4.3 CDWA (Categories for the Description of Arts) CDWA is used for describing and accessing information about works of art, architecture, other material culture, groups and collections of works, and related images. < http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/standards/cdwa/index.html> Generally the CDWA is used in museum community and CDWA and VRA use CCO (Cataloging Cultural Objects < http://www.vrafoundation.org/ccoweb/index.htm> as its content standards.