Tugboat Swarms for Distributed Manipulation Joel Esposito, Matthew Feemster, Erik Smith US Naval Academy Swarm Manipulation Force Control: Adaptive Approach u Grasp Planning: Quality Function 1 Army Ants: no communication, limited visual sense. Humans: communicate only qualitative information during manipulation. Dynamics: M(v)v& + Dv = BU α1 Tug thrust magnitudes Tug configuration matrix UNKNOWN! r1 y cos(α2 ) L⎤ ⎡ cos(α1) B = ⎢⎢ sin(α1) sin(α2 ) L⎥⎥ ⎣⎢r1 sin(α1 −θ1) r2 sin(α2 −θ2 ) L⎥⎦ Select new contact location to… x …apply largest wrench using smallest forces Q * = m ax m in m ax r2 α2 w ∈W u ∈U | B i ≠ N ∈ Bˆ w = B u BN w 4 3 Barge 2 u 1 u2 Can one design a distributed manipulation algorithm that requires no communication between swarm members? 5 −1 Plan for worst case wrench direction AND Worst case locations of other tugs! Control: U = ⎡⎣ R(ψ ) M −1 Bˆ ⎤⎦ ⎡⎣ P&&d + α e& + K r r +ψ& × P& + R (ψ ) M −1 DRT P& ⎤⎦ To what extent does communication improve performance? Adaptive update law estimates magnitudes of entries Grasp Planning: Geometry Tugboat Mission Set of possible wrenches under L − ∞ norm is a polyhedral in R3 (a Zonotope) Dock 4 Want to max/ min distance from origin to closest facet (weakest direction) Barge max min 1 BN Parameter Value 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 Sugar, Brock, Khatib, Li, Lentz, Canny, etc Start 1 2 3 4 5 X position (m) 6 7 Converges to desired pose with small steady state error 8 1 0 -1 0 100 time (s) 200 100 200 time (s) Parameter: B5 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 10 20 30 time (s) Parameter: B8 0 -2 -4 0 100 time (s) 200 Uncertain Find 0 100 200 time (s) Parameter: B6 How? 0.5 1 0.5 0 X -0.5 -1 -3 -2 Best new wrench to apply 0.4 20 40 60 time (s) Parameter: B9 1 0.2 0 0 0 -0.5 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -1 -1 0 100 time (s) -0.8 200 1 0.5 Unknown tug locations in B matrix are adjusted online 0.5 0 -0.5 Fy -0.5 0 Force Control: Conclusions 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0 -0.5 Fy -0.5 -1 -1 Fx Grasp Planning: Conclusions • Adaptive control provides a method to infer information about other swarm members without communication. • Optimize a grasp quality function, max-min framework for uncertainty, L − ∞ norm unique geometry. Best applied thrust • Only a priori information is number of tugs and signs of moment arms. • Concave in certain cases. Scales well with swarm size. Makes computation easy. Adaptive control • Experimental verification on 6 boats, needs to be generalized. • More investigation of concavity needed for general case. Exact attachment point of other tugs Min-max grasp quality function -1.5 44 extremal wrenches w/ L-infty norm -1 -1.5 Phase 2: Force control Own pose, barge pose, number of tugs, goal pose Best attachment point 0 3 Example: 7 tugs 0 -1 Fx Sub-Problems and Approach 1.5 2 100 200 time (s) Parameter: B7 0 0 Mz 0 1 -1 0 -1 Parameter Value 100 200 time (s) Parameter: B4 Grasp Planning: Results Parameter: B3 1 Mz End __Centerline 2 0 Parameter Value __Path Taken -1 -1.1 Parameter: B2 1 Parameter Value * Stern Parameter Value 2.5 * Bow Parameter Value Y position (m) 3 Parameter Value 4 Parameter: B1 -0.9 Parameter Value Closely Related Works: • Caging Cooperative Manipulation: • Centralized /Static control • Dynamic objective Known Yes. Second- order Cone. Easy to solve Y Experimental Position and Orientation using Adaptive B Controller for IC-1 Parameter Value Force Control: Results Zhidong, Kumar Ponce, et al. Phase 1: Grasp Planning ) ⎛ ⎡ ( B j × Bk ) ⋅ Bi ⎤ ⎞ ⎥⎟ dist ( Fjk ) = ⎜ ∑ max ⎢ 0, ⎜ i =[1, N ] B j × Bk ⎥⎦ ⎟ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠ No. Determine which wrenches are active. But may be done a priori in certain cases. 3.5 Desai, Kumar, Fierro Bishop, Tanner, Pappas, Jadbabaie Passiano,Olfati-Saber, Murray min dist ( F jk ) Concave? Related work Swarms, Flock, Formations: • Distributed control • Kinematics objective ( B1LBN −1 ( j , k )∈[1, P '] -2 5 –Assume tugs “tie-up” to barge, actuator limits –Non-trivial hydro-dynamics –Distributed decision making –Can use wireless messages to coordinate 1 2 -1 Tugboats 2 3 Where should I go? {esposito, feemster, m076276} @ usna.edu Funded by the ONR Grant #N0001405WRY20391