HD28 .M414 no.wi ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Technological Communities and the Diffusion of Michael A. Rappa Massachusetts Institute of Technology December 1991 Knowledge Koenraad Debackere Gent Rijksuniversiteit Sloan WP# 3391-92 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Technological Communities and the Diffusion of Knowledge Michael A. Rappa KoenraaiJ Debackere Massachusetts Institute of Rijksuniversiteit Gent Technology December 1991 Forthcoming © in Sloan R&D Management, VOL. 22, WP # 3391-92 NO. 3 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Instirjte of Technology 50 Memorial Drive, E$2-538 Cambridge, 02139-4307 MA GULY 1992). .IT LIBRARIES ^AR 3 1992 Technological Communities and the Diffusion of Knowledge Michael A. Rappa and Kocnraad Dcbackere' Massachusetts Institute of Technology December 1991 ABSTRACT The external acquisition of technological knowledge is a central theme in technology management. In this paper it is argued that research on may provide a useful unit of analysis to study information and knowledge exchange among scientists and engineers working on a particular research agenda. Based on a worldwide survey of technological communities more than 2,000 individuals engaged in the research and development of neural network technology, the dynamics within that particular community are explored. The primary focus and is to compare the characteristics of academic of their industrial researchers, with special attention given to the timing entry into the field. 1. INTRODUCTION Understanding the external acquisition of technological knowledge has become an important theme for of recent trends in many R&D students of the warrant this attention; namely, the increasing specialization of research; the internationalization of organizational research links A number management of technology and R&D. R&D; the growing number of (Williams and Gibson, 1990). As a consequence, the location of research increasingly "fluid," both in an operational and engineering same things and and organizational becoming is national to and and is becoming and to companies that make the needed investments in science 1990). Generic technological knowledge capabilities. Well-trained engineers will activities sense, as research contacts expand from localized research systems international networks (Howells, easily accessible to nations inrer- and ventures; and the potential impact of computer communication networks and information technology on the conduct of research administrative boundaries and scale, intensity communicate with each other and scientists will regardless of know where they roughly the are located (Baumol, 1990; Nelson, 1990a). ' Michael Rappa is doctoral fellow at assistant professor MIT and of management at the Sloan School, MIT. Kocnraad Debackere is a Fulbright post- with the Vlerick School voor Management, Rijksuniversitcit Gent. An the 1991 Conference in Kiel, Germany G"ly 8-10). The authors are a research associate RADMA of this paper was presented at two anonymous referees for helpful comments and to Thomas Allen, Edward Roberts and Roland Van Dierdonck for their support and encouragement. Kocnraad Debackere was supported, in part, by a doctoral fellowship from ICM, Brussels. earlier version grateful to An R&D industrial laboratory faces a dual challenge. internally, trying to build knowledge. This development own its On the one hand, it looks competitive advantage based on proprietary technological the well-entrenched notion of the "local" character of technology is On (Allen, 1977). the other hand, the industrial laboratory looks toward the external world to monitor developments that might yield opportunities or threats to the Monitoring the external technological environment requires an active firm. the firm. The on behalf of role participation of researchers in national and international networks, their mobility and their information exchange behavior are key ingredients in this outward perspeaive (Pavitt, 1991; Rothwell and Dodgson, 1991). In the find it wake of these findings, it has also become most firms increasingly apparent that block information from flowing to their competitors: difficult to What may be more surprising, it appears that in many cases firms do not try block information flow, and in others actively support it by encouraging employees to publish, to talk at technical society meetings, to (Nelson, 1990b). etc. The question Why is: firm can strengthen knowledge from to be its would firms behave its in such a manner.' Contrary to the notion that a competitive advantage by carefully protecting environment, Nelson claims, "There are industry-wide efficiency gains had by sharing technology. Everyone would be 1990b). But it technological its better off if everyone shared"(Nelson, not because sharing increases industry gains that individual firms are is inclined to share. Rather, it is much more likely that firms share competitively relevant technical information as a form of quid-pro-quo (von Hippel, 1988). Nonetheless, fostering technical information flows may offer a number of additional advantages to the firm even without requiring reciprocity. Indeed, if one wants information. This is to stake claims to newly developed knowledge, one has the intent of the patent system. At the same time, this disclosure enables the firm to attract customers, to enhance compete for capabilities, competent and scientists its to attract the interest of investors. (so that the image as a technological leader, to and engineers, to inform suppliers about information through a publication or presentation of knowledge to release work can be is technological its Moreover, although the often viewed as an act of easily replicated release of full by other researchers), disclosure this is rarely the case. Even with purely scientific work, seldom does an article disclose everything one needs to know information is in order to repeat the experiment (Collins, 1982). In some cases the simply too complex or requires too much detail in order for it to be fully Rappa and Debackere (December, 1991) detailed in a journaJ article or presentation. disclosure occurs because a researcher is However, other cases, the lack of complete in not necessarily motivated to provide full details, at not until the claims to his ideas can be adequately proteaed. least It three is interesting to note that academic means — patenting, publishing, and industrial researchers aJike are and presenting — almost employing simultaneously all when attempting to protect claims to their research findings. For example, the aaivity in high- temperature superconductors and cold fusion reveals more than one incidence where a researcher ajinounced his applied for a patent all work conference, submitted a paper for publication, and at a within days, not hours, of one another. Moreover, firms that do if publish research typically have an internal review process for "scrubbing clean" a manuscript before it is sent to a journal editor or presented at a conference, in order to does not contain any information that management might view make certain as proprietary. In this firms can receive the benefits that flow from divulging information without it way, compromising confidentiality. It is obvious that external technological emphasis on assessing and monitoring the firm's this increasing environment calls for empirical research that will illuminate the fijndamentaJ dynamics of the extra-organizational environment in fostering technological development. 2. The concept of the technological TECHNOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES A number of AS community precisely attempts to this. A LEVEL OF ANALYSIS scholars have recently pointed to the influence of communities of researchers in shaping technological progress (Constant, 1980; study, the technological are do community working on an interrelated is set community 1988). In this defined as the group of scientists and engineers, of technological organizationally and geographically dispersed but other. In particular, the Thomson, level who who problems and who may be nevertheless communicate with each of analysis allows us to focus on the extra- organizational environment in studying technology development, as well as the actors shaping this development. The community First, it level of analysis complements current research on technological change. turns attention away from the organizational or project levels of analysis, which have dominated in past studies of the firm. Second, it of technological development, toward the external environment focuses on the actors of technology development. Although Rappa and Dehackere (December, 1991) economists and management scholars have demonstrated an interest in the process of technological innovation, their focus has mainly been on contextual factors influencing innovative performance. As a consequence, the aaors involved in the process have received much less community concept anention. In the same vein, the forms of interorganizational linkages, such information exchange behavior understanding need this behavior to investigate to among imperative is as joint-ventures turns anention and alliances, in technologists themselves. if one wants to what extent communities capitalize on We away from order to study conjecture that In other words, it. all are relevant loci of technological we knowledge and information. The analogy with the sociological writings on the functioning of scientific communities (Hagstrom, 1965; Crane, 1972; Hull, 1988) community not the same is community can be as a scientific community. For instance, a technological truly interdisciplinary in nature; whereas, a scientific demarcated by highly specific communities are loosely-coupled systems in even thousands be obvious. However, a technological will —of disciplinary boundaries. community Moreover, (i.e. is technological which the micro-motives of hundreds individuals converge to one macro-objective often — perhaps solving the problems related to a particular technology). Expressed in an alternative way, just as "organizations are a means of achieving collective action in situations in which the price system faib" (Arrow, 1974), technological communities could be hypothesized as a means of achieving collective aaion in situations in which the organization fails. Focused attention and shared values are two potential ingredients preventing the system from breaking down (Orton and Weick, 1990). Given the development, scarcity of empirical data this study community with respea 3. sets out to examine to the diffusion of how role of communities in technological researchers function within a panicular knowledge. RESEARCH METHOD AND DATA In this paper we examine some of the behavioral charaaeristics of researchers within technological communities. In panicular, in on the we investigate the similarities and the differences information exchange behavior for two important subsets of a community: academic researchers and industrial researchers. Much scholarly writing has focused that exist between academic and industrial research. We existence of differences between both types of institutions. on the differences do not deny the likelihood of the However, it has become generally accepted that both academic and industrial research have a prominent role in knowledge Rappa and Debackere (December, 1991} development, even the realm of technological activity (Swann, in 1988; Jaffe, 1991). Therefore, a detailed empirical analysis of both groups Mansfield, 1989; may yield valuable insights into the dynamics of this process. Given the actor-oriented nature of the community of research, our first choice researchers. Following sociologists' advise research site" (Bijker et community encompasses community was and engineers working on the scientists to find a relevant on the selection of 1987), the neural network research al., was set a "strategic chosen. This of scientific and technological problems related to the development of a paradigm fijndamentally different from traditional von Neumann computing. The today controversies persist as to the feasibility field has known a turbulent history, and even and ultimate usefulness of neural network computing (Minsky and Papen, 1988; Papert, 1988). For the two-year period from 1988 and 1989, over 3,000 neural network researchers were identified worldwide through a carefijl analysis journal articles, conference proceedings, and books). specify the exaa address for of the materials they published From their decision (b) ultimately lead their them demographic large-scale survey, to start (a) their current neural neural network research; we made Given the able to network factors that difficulty in closely following-up might and (e) on such a use of elearonic mail bulletin boards in order to reach neural Finally, since 37 researchers had more than one address during the period considered, a total of 2,074 questionnaires were sent out. a total of 162 were returned undelivered. among 37 the (c) to leave the field; (d) their information exchange behavior; characteristics. network researchers. we were 2,037 researchers from 35 different countries. These researchers were sent a twelve-page questionnaire inquiring about activities; this material (i.e. researchers with None more than one Of the 2,074 questionnaires, of the undelivered questionnaires were address. A final response rate of 38.4% (720 of the 1875 questionnaires presumed delivered) was obtained. A number of comparisons were carried out to see whether serious differences existed between the survey population and the respondent sample. The are reponed in Tables 1 and 2. In a results of these comparisons geographic comparison of survey respondents and the survey population, there appears to be an adequate representation of the entire population. Researchers based in the U.S. are very heavily represented in both the respondent sample and the survey population. In an institutional comparison between the respondent sample and population, researchers were classified into three categories: academic, industrial and other. The last category is composed of researchers in a disparate collection of organizations, Rappa and Debackere (December, 1990 including a number of government managed and/or funded universities. Given the wide range of countries, it is institutional difficult to types; institutions not based at institutional variation across the nearly three begin analyzing this group without a more therefore, we will difference appears between the respondent sample Geographic Region carefiil classification limit the present analysis to a respondents employed in academic and industrial institutions. No and the population. dozen of comparison of statistically significant have a doaorate (21 out of 89, or 23.6%). For the majority of "engineers" opposite is true (19 out of 25, or Overall, respondents out of 400, or 7%). The who 76%, do not hold classify themselves among charaaer of the new technology. (Note: when considering doctoral degree or Highest is a doaorate). as engineers are an absolute minority (28 vast majority of respondents hold a doctoral degree (335 out of 400, or 83.8%). Thi^ pattern of education scientific in industry, the the complete sample, in the process i.e. of obtaining researchers this level 81.8% of one). is certainly an indication of the of education is not much different the complete respondent set holds a Some final demographic sector comparisons are given of the respondent; (b) the number of years neural network technology (EXPNN); and (EXPJOB). This experience respondent's graduation. technology and the It is last Table in 5. These are: (a) the the respondent has been involved with developing (c) the respondent's variable was defined number of years of professional as the time elapsed since the obvious that the number of years involved with neural network respondent's professional experience will not be completely independent. At the same time, though, they need not be strongly correlated. respondents may indeed have graduating, while others age Some entered the neural network field only several years after may have entered long before graduating. (In faa, rexpnn.expjob=0-42; p<.001.) Besides the faa that industrial researchers are, on average, younger than their academic colleagues, While we also find their involvement with neural network technology to be more recent. their professional experience difference in EXPNN is quite similar to that of academic researchers, the interesting. Indeed, the majority is into the field only after it began to expand rapidly and, presumably, had become more legitimate. Prior to the early 1980s neural networks to find researchers researchers who of industrial researchers entered was judged harshly, and it is not unusual continue to have serious doubts (Papert, 1988). Only a handful of worldwide were willing to pursue a neural network research agenda during the "wilderness years," as they are called in a recent report industrial researchers have been present throughout, it increasingly significant subset of the total neural network (DARPA, 1988). Thus, although has only been since 1984 that an community has started to form. year as a critical point in the community's evolution and have used respondent sample into early and late entrants. A it sensitivity analysis (using discriminant analysis techniques) indicates that the choice of a cut-ofFyear to separate the robust as long as it to separate the two groups was occurred somewhere between 1980 and 1985. Further analyses of variance, using sector of employment and highest degree independent variables, show that respondents neural networks for a longer period of time who hold a doaorate have been involved (EXPNN comparison, F(l, 389)=4. 1, as in p<.05) and have had more years of professional experience (EXPjOB comparison, F(l, 399)=4.9, p<.05). No significant interaaion effects were found. 100.0 712 75.0 n c E 3 2 50.0 S 3 E 3 u FIGURE 25.0 1: Cumulative distribution of entries into neural network research hy survey respondents 4. INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE AMONG NEURAL NETWORK RESEARCHERS In this section we compare the information exchange behavior of academic and industrial researchers in the neural between early and late entrants is network community. When warranted, a distinction also taken into account. Rjippa and Debackere (December, 1991) 10 4. 1 Communication behavior: general remarks . The questionnaire investigated a number of issues related to the respondent's inclination to share information with the rest of the neural network community. The diffusion mechanisms include attending conferences, publishing as directly seem odd made communicating with publicly, patent applications is original (unadjusted) results for a Indicator However, do provide a means information. As outlined, the main focus The applying for patents, researchers in other organizations. to include patent applications in the analysis. researchers. articles, for At first glance, as well it may to the extent that they are communicating technical on comparing academic and number of variables are shown in industrial Table 6. 11 not attain statistical significance at aJl. Thus, in terms of information acquisition by means of conference attendance and professional association membership, researchers show similar behavior. However, when it comes both sectors to information diffusion via publishing, presenting, and/or patenting the differences that could be Indicator in expeaed are bom out. 12 industry apply for more patents (p<.001), while more conference publications (p<.001), With rcspea attendance (p=.019). academic counterpans repon more presentations (p=.025), and more frequent conference membership, no to professional association Thus, when controlling for education significant differences are found. with respea to seaor differences shown 4.2 their in Table 7 are statistically our findings level, clarified fijrther. Amount and diversity of external communications The number of hours spent talking to researchers outside their organization does not differ significantly for (1.40 hours per week, academic (1.61 hours per week, N=256) and industrial researchers N = 102). Controlling for the of education does not significantly level DoCTorates in universities spend 1.63 hours per week talking with researchers alter the results. outside their institution, while doctorates in industry spend an average of 1.36 hours Non-doaorates in universities spend an average of 1.72 hours per week, compared with 1.36 hours for their industrial counterparts (n.s.). Moreover, when taking the other independent we variables into account as well as the respondent's professional experience, significant exists main effects within the communication (n.s.). find neither nor interaction effeas. Thus, a remarkable degree of homogeneity community when comparing the and across institutional sectors, early amount of extra-organizational late entrants, doctorates and non- doaorates, and respondents with differing degrees of professional experience. The respondents were further asked to categorize the organization with results whom external is, outside their they regularly confer about neural network related issues. of a Mann-Whitney non-parametric seaor difference; that number of researchers test, shown in Figure 2, reveals no The significant academic and industrial researchers report the same number of communication partners (Mann- Whitney U=l4l4l, z= -1.54, n.s.). As shown in Figure 3, the entry period variable yields a statistically significant difference (nonparametric Mann-Whitney U=10,500, communications (as measured in Of course, it if the amount of outside hours per week spent talking to external researchers) similar for both groups, the external the early entrants (where the z= -4.02, p<.001). Thus, even communication partners seem number of communication panners could be argued that this effea is is to be more anributable to the difference in the The professional career, the greater the opportunity one has to build a network of — even if a researcher order to fijrther investigate this is new to the field. An diverse for a proxy for this diversity). length of professional experience between early and late entrants. partners is analysis longer one's communication of cohorts was performed in issue. Rappa ami Debackere (December, 1991) 13 80.0 Academic (N= 271) Industrial (N= 110) 60.0 I ^ -o S c 40.0 I o -a 20.0 ri 0.0 U—i«A I I P 11-15 6-10 1-5 Number 16-20 >20 of external communication partners FinURE 2: External communication partners for academic 14,141; z = -1.54: n.s.) r««r<:Am and industrial (M-WU= 80.0 D Early entrant (N=97) Late entrant (N=284) « ^ 60.0 - 40.0 - 20.0 - 3 2 = U "O '3 '^ . . 8 6-10 Number 11-15 16-20 >20 of external communicarion partners FIGURE 3: External communication partners for early (M-WU= 10,500; Z = -4.02; and late entrants p<.001) fUppa and Debackere (December, 1991) 14 The 401 respondents were Within each cohort, non-parametric early and The tests. partitioned into cohorts based late entrants of results professional experience of variable. were subsequently compared using Mann-Whitney mixed. In the respondent cohorts with this analysis are more than on the EXPJOB the difference between early and late five years, more entrants never anains a p-value below 0.05. As a consequence, for respondents with professional experience, the difference between early and late entrants as to the diversity their communication panners with five years or less professional experience, the difference entrants eliminated. For the cohort containing those respondents is between early entrants and who have been highly significant (p<.001). Thus, researchers is — enter the field as a student colleagues who Along are likely to have late involved in neural networks a long time but have only recently obtained their highest degree who of — more communication that those is, partners than have only just entered the community. similar lines, the respondents were asked to name the neural network research teams outside their organization with whose work they are well-acquainted. Out of 110 who answered industrial researchers least this question, 48 (43.6%) were unable one such team. For the 277 academic researchers who answered (39.4%) were unable to do so. this question, respondents in industry and academia the EXPJOB who mentioned i.e. 109 We were any significant interaction effeas from one research was carried out similar to the with the sector and entry dichotomy variable as a co-variate. For those n.s.). familiarity with at least their organization, an analysis of co-variance ones reported above, at As a consequence, the null-hypothesis of no association between institutional type and familiarity could not be rejeaed (x^=0.435, team outside mention to as independent variables and not able to find any significant main effects nor this analysis. academic and industrial researchers report the same Thus, both early and level late entrants of familiarity (that is, and an average of about 3.4 research teams for each group). Furthermore, for the 62 industrial researchers and for the 168 academic researchers mention some familiarity with at least one team, we examined similarities who across institutional types. The mentioned one academic team; whereas only a minority of academic respondents at least vast majority of industrial respondents (56 out of 62, or 90.3%) (53 out of 168, or 31.5%) mention at least one industrial team (x^=30.2, p<.001). Finally, for each respondent who mention at least one team, we calculated the percentage of teams mentioned with which the respondent was exchange. Once again, we were unable actively involved in technical information to find statistically significant differences between seaors. Information exchange occurred with about one external team in two. Rappa and Debackere (December, 1991) 15 4.3. Formal collaboration with other research teams Collaborative projeas between researchers in different organizations were considered as yet another form of communal interaction. who completed For 106 industrial respondents the question, a total of 43 (40.6%) repon that they are involved in at least one collaboration. For 277 academic respondents, 110 (39.7%) report having collaborations, resulting X^=.001, n.s. The average number of collaborations per respondent for the total sample (excluding those reporting no collaborations at found significant differences could be in a all) is 1.73. Once no again, statistically of institution, the entry period, or their for the type interaaion. For academic respondents, 78 (70.9%) do not have collaborations involving industrial partners. For the industrial respondents, only 16 (37.2%) report collaborations with Funhermore, with respect researchers in other firms (x^=13.4, p<.001). collaborations, we find that the of academic majority large to the number of respondents report collaborations with other academic researchers. Collaborations between academic and industrial researchers are a minority. The reverse is true for the projects mentioned by industrial respondents. 4.4. Knowledge difjusion Respondents were asked might take to rank order five possible actions they making an important advance in neural networks. They were able to choose between immediately publishing the result in a rapid publication journal, announcing press conference, seeking patent protection, assessing disseminating it its after it publicly at a potential commercial value, or to other researchers in the field via telephone, fax or computer network. Again, four groups were considered in the analysis according to institutional type and entry period. do exist The results are shown in Table 8. As is clear from the data, differences between academic and industrial respondents. In general, industrial respondents are more inclined towards examining patent protection and commercial academic institutions, early and their counterparts in industry. industry some is late entrants The commercial particularly noteworthy. early entrants, since show both are pioneers We value. Within similar behavior. This cannot be said for orientation on behalf of the early entrants in expected them to be more similar to academic in the field, however, the opposite is true. Rappa and Debackere (December, 1991) 16 17 Third, it is clear that the present data allow for difFerent direaions, such 2S: more detailed analysis in several government researchers, the role of graduate students, the role of behavior. and international comparisons of communal Work is now proceeding along all of these fronts. Rappa and Debackere (December. 1991) 18 REFERENCES Allen, T.J. (1988) "Distinguish Engineers from Scientists," in Innovative Organizations, R. Katz (ed.). Managing Professionals in Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Company. Allen, T.J. (1977) Managing the Flow of Technology. Cambridge, Mass.: Arrow, K.J. (1974) The Limits of Organizations. New Yoric Norton MIT Press. & Company. Baumol, W.J. (1990) "Technology-sharing canels," Mimeograph, Princeton University. Bijlcer, W.E.; Hughes, T.P.; Pinch, T. (1987) The Social Construction of Technobgical Systems. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. H.M. 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