Dewey HD28 .M414 ^0 f JAN 28 1^<^- mS%m Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Alfred P. Sloan School of Technology Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 253-1000 1982 TOWARDS AN AXIOMATIC APPROACH TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT John J. Donovan Steven H. Kim August 1981 CISR No. 77 Sloan WP No. 1260-81 To be presented at the Second International Conference on Information Systems Cambridge December 1981 (c) 1981 John J. Donovan and Steven H. Kim Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.I.T. LIBRARIES JAN 2 8 1982 RECEIVED Page 10/02/81 Axiomatics 1 ABSTRACT method) This paper advocates an approach (called the axiomatic to reduce the costs of constructing system. information an method to Further, we contrast the applicability of the axiomatic the more traditional approach of enumerating alternatives (the algorithmic method) in constructing an information system. We delineate the steps involved system, theorems. present a in set of pilot axioms, building an information and offer some derivative We then apply these axioms and theorems to each (specification, design, implementation information system life cycle, and confirm phase and maintenance) of the a number of empirical results other information system builders have observed. 0''/43€.X4 Axiomatics 10/02/81 1 Page 2 INTRODUCTION . Our discussion of PRODUCTIVITY pertains to time and cost involved information system (specification, maintenance). include We computer-based system information. This in used operational examples such the as the in building an of implementation design, and term INFORMATION SYSTEM any analyze store, to includes phases four all in reduction the spectrum systems accounting payroll present and of from decision to support systems for strategic planning. The purpose of this paper is to present whittling for construction down that builder system a must systematic method and cost; this is to be time achieved by strategically reducing a number the when evaluate of alternatives constructing an information system. We use the term INFORMATION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION to four all phases of system life cycle. the apply to Likewise the term INFORMATION SYSTEM BUILDER refers to the person(s) in charge of these four phases. BACKGROUND ON AXIOMATICS 1.1 In some areas that always certain appear such as manufacturing, design to decisions yield (e.g. superior it has been recognized maintaining modularity) This observation designs. 10/02/81 Axiomatics the suggests the process. 3 existence of basic natural principles which govern If these principles or axioms can be crystallized and Page information for systems, tracked down we may establish a scientific approach to design. AXIOMS general are counter-examples. truths immune violations to or are to be taken as first principles and They are intrinsically unprovable. THEOREMS may be defined as readily derivable consequences of axioms, while COROLLARIES are readily deducible results of axioms and theorems. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS are the specifications include the transactions, security, completely that capacity degree of of minimum define the database, the independent of Examples tasks. number multiprogramming, daily of level of read/write and extent of backup to allow complete reconstruction. In addition to functional requirements, needed set to specify limits on constraints are byproducts or often effects. side CONSTRAINTS are specifications that define the boundaries attributes which of these side effects are acceptable. within Examples include upper limits on cooling requirements or mean time between failures, or lower limits on the accuracy of numerical solutions. White and Booth [21], for example, recommend the inclusion of these specifications for software design: 1. Functional specifications. Definition of each data element and the control structure among various tasks. 2. Performance constraints. Specification of each subtask Axiomatics 10/02/81 operate to within its Page time 4 and space constraints and to allow the overall task to do the same. HEURISTICS are similar to working guidelines. an axiom. 1. But a axioms in that they offer both heuristic doesn't carry the weight of Example heuristics might be: accounts "If your average receivable is over $1,000, ignore those under $10." "For clarity and readability, keep subroutines under 30 These are heuristics because they provide rules of thumb with no 2. executable source statements." [20] claim to ALWAYS yielding the best result. definition are always valid. those of Thermodynamics, of a were to reveal contrast, axioms by such as the First Law: system is constant." be promoted to axioms In Perhaps the most famous axioms are "The total energy (The two sample heuristics if industrial above may or psychological case studies that they always produce the most profitable or readable results.) 1.2 FRAMEWORK FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT The phases involved in constructing an information system be classified in a variety of ways [14], the development phases as: 1. Specification In may this paper, we view a. functional requirements b. constraints 5 Architectural design 2. a. hardware b. software Implementation 3. a. hardware selection b. code generation c. testing Maintenance 4. These phases are not intended to be according example, Page 10/02/81 Axiomatics one to partitioned. strictly For method of software development, the encoding and testing of modules should proceed side by side. In addition, a backtracking necessitate arising development to an earlier one. program error detected in testing may require coding or even the software design stage. process occurs often enough to at In a the might illustration, a regression to the In fact, reverse this prompt investigation: McClean and Urfrig [2] have shown that errors phase one in cost of Boehm, correcting coding time is about twice that of changing it at the design stage; and finding it at testing time costs times that during design. 2. ALGORITHMIC VERSUS AXIOMATIC APPROACH about 10 Axiomatics 10/02/81 Page 6 ALGORITHMICS 2.1 The techniques for evaluating alternative may subdivided be into basic two information efficiently identify the approach algorithmic is global and set of rules which a optimum. contrast, In the for considering method procedural a algorithmic types, The axiomatic method is based on axiomatic. systems categories: alternatives, and may be subdivided further into two exhaustive and rapid search methods. EXHAUSTIVE SEARCH 2.1.1 One algorithmic approach configurations possible — EXHAUSTIVE SEARCH choices. and — enumerates all drawback The with exhaustive search with respect to information system construction lies in the myriad technical choices and the explosive number requirements functional demanded of new systems. To illustrate, consider the recent design of an information system at Associates or of example say 5 type CPU, programming — that Microwave Burlington, Massachusetts: some design attributes of dimensions considered were the size of language. of data choice of representation, Suppose — in this operating system, and selection of small fancifully there are only 10 such attributes to consider, with choices per attribute. million, design possibilities. weekends to evaluate them all. 2.1 .2 RAPID SEARCH The result is 5**10, It would take more or over than a 9 few . 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page 7 Another algorithmic approach is RAPID SEARCH, in which of guidelines constrain the domain of evaluation. branch which bound, and seeks to a set One example is discard entire branches of inferior alternatives in the design tree. Another example is stagewise optimization: as is optimized, attribute each the next attribute is evaluated cc nditionally under the constraint that the preceding attribute chojces will prevail. Consider again the attributes 4 mentioned. The steps for stagewise optimization are: Step Identify all attributes and all choices within 1. Optionally, attribute. each these attributes might be ranked in order of importance. Step 2. Select the best choice of operating system. Suppose CI. Step 3. C2. Say C2 CI = VM/370. Select the size of CPU given that = = CI Call it given CI and C2 CI, C2, and relational data model. Step 5. Select the programming language given Suppose C4 C3. holds. 1024K. Step 4. Select the data representation, Say it's C3 Call it = PL/I. Then the design with {CI C2 C3 04} will be the stagewise optimal. , Suppose there are n , , attributes, with m choices per Then the stagewise algorithm requires n M = E m. attribute. Axiomatics 10/02/81 evaluations. Page the exhaustive search method requires In contrast, n N = es 5 , The efficacy of the stagewise method for evaluations. with m n • a problem choices in each of 10 dimensions is n N ."- e^s N ^ 1=1 SW m. ' " m. T. 1 10 c b - ^ 2 * 10 5 * 10 i-1 In the class well-specified of search rapid techniques (e.g. drawback of rapid search only is global its optimum. lack of producing the global optimum: the union of optimized does not necessarily yield a few a branch and bound) can lay claim to solution algorithms that yield the the methods, Usually guarantee of subproblems global optimum unless the components are mutually independent. 2.2 AXIOMATICS The question now arises: Does there exist principles which always provides subsets of design configurations? attempt to specify those rules. rules a set of general for eliminating large The AXIOMATIC APPROACH is an 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page 9 PRESENTATION OF AXIOMS 3. SOME DEFINITIONS 3.1 We may define a FEASIBLE system configuration as that one satisfies the functional requirements and constraints. Then PRODUCTIVITY may be defined [8], with time in Consider two feasible configurations A and that say A A are For our purposes, [9]. sense B. In this paper, we is more productive than B if both the time and cost required to build ways Pareto-optimal a and monetary costs as attributes or dimensions. The less than that of B. INFORMATION may be defined in information content involved in might be characterized by the number of bits fully describe the design. variety a a of system design needed to encode or When communication between modules is involved, information might be taken as defined by Shannon [171: E - P.-log^ p. 1 where p is the probability of transmitting the ith message, and the summation occurs over all possible messages. The concept of ENTROPY may be defined loosely as randomness or disorder. In the sense of information theory or statistical mechanics, entropy may be defined as the negative of information. This relationship will be explored further in the future. 3.2 AXIOMS Axiomatics 10/02/81 Page 10 We propose the following axioms as the set applicable to the construction of information systems: A1 : Productivity increases information when content is minimized. A2 : increases Entropy over time, or remains best at constant. A3: Productivity increases when independence the of functional requirements is maintained. calls A1 for Intuitively, we a minimization expect information of the cost and complexity of implementation to rise with a a rise in the information content. particular must that be used to define the system. A2 refers to the viability of implemented systems. that randomness or disorder in time. Eventually must system tends functional the deteriorates to the point system a where a implies increase to modularity completely It the of over system information new This concept is discussed further be built afresh. in connection with the theorems given below. A3 calls for requirements which solution satisfies A a change attribute this would in one require allows for functional triggers a change in the collective optimization of the entire set of interacting components. independence the optimum is difficult to global independently. attain when others: a modular In contrast, optimization maintaining in which 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page optimization of each component may proceed independently others. independent more The of 11 the components, the better the the solution. These axioms are adopted from those that have been applied fields. other is A2 thermodynamics; A1 a restatement and A3 have been of Second the applied by Law Bell Suh, to of and Gossard [18] to manufacturing systems. 4. APPLICATION OF THE AXIOMS In this section we describe how the number theorems of pertaining information system life cycle. axioms give various to rise phases to of a the We also indicate how the theorems might be proved. 4.1 PHASE The SPECIFICATION 1: theorem first follows from A1 , which calls for a minimization of information: T1.1 Productivity increases when the number of functional requirements are minimized. Obviously the information content incorporated in a system specification can only increase with an increase in the number of functional requirements and constraints. The resulting Axiomatics 10/02/81 complexity assertion n,2 This cost. . PHASE 2: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN In the following theorems, may construction increase consistent also with the behavior of manufacturing is systems [22] only then can Page 12 either apply "component" the terms "module" and hardware or software in the architectural to design phase: Productivity T2.1 increased with increases use of standardized or interchangeable modules. T2.2 a A design should incorporate functional requirements in single module if these requirements can be kept from mutually interacting. requirements, If a design exhibits coupled functional T2.3 these requirements should be segregated or decoupled. The first theorem (T2.1) springs from minimization of information. description or specification When is a A1 requires which , a standard module is used, its required only once. If the module is needed again, it may be specified simply by referencing the original module. T2.2 derives from discrete modules A1 , since minimizes a reduction as A3 requires, the number of information that would otherwise be needed to specify how all the original However, in modules would interact. the functional requirements must still 10/02/81 Axiomatics be independent of each other; result interdependencies the if not, overall information requirements. increased in Page 13 may This is the idea behind theorem T2.3. The use of T2.3 may be illustrated by an example from writers' the personal experience. one of The setting involved the Pan Am reservation system which was experiencing phenomenal growth. system retrieved data through linear search methods; but the The increasing size of the database led to retrieval in which time, transactions processed. requirements pertaining in In the to corresponding a turn reduced this case, size increase the daily rate of the functional the database and the of transaction processing rate had become coupled. A this decoupling of these functional requirements was was in order; by converting the method to hashing accomplished For low record densities in a hashed system, the accessing [5]. rate (hence the transaction processing rate) is largely independent of the database size. 4.2.1 PARTITIONING OF FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The complete independence of ideal As a to strive for, practical matter, requirements functional is an but may be difficult to attain in practice. a partial independence among subsets of functional requirements may be better than none. We may invoke T2.4 A1 and A2 to yield the following theorem: Functional requirements should be partitioned into Axiomatics 10/02/81 Page 14 smaller groups with minimal interaction between groups. Consider According applications financial a theorem, this to package, example. for change in the credit check module a should not disturb the billing module. optimally To partition groups, smaller functional important is it between relationships the to requirements. those requirements into evaluate first These the functional dependencies may then be represented by an undirected graph (See, Andreu example, for survey brief offers a and [1] method better Huff [?]). Wong [23] presents graph-decomposition existing of for finding techniques subgroups of independent His technique is discussed functional requirements. a and in greater detail in the Attachment. 4.3 PHASE IMPLEMENTATION 3: From axiom A1 we also propose another theorem applicable to Phase 3b (software design) of the information systems development life cycle: T3.1 The number of program statements should be minimized. This is consistent with the empirical observation increases disproportionately with program size [11]: Effort = Constant * (Number of instructions) ' that cost 10/02/81 Axiotnatics Another theorem due to A1 Page 15 is Productivity increases with the use of T3.2 a higher-level language. Taliaffero [19] reports that productivity is statements Fortran per year productivity by whether Nelson Cobol. or factor a a at 2,400 program is written in assembler, also [12] of constant shows an increase in or more by using higher-level 3 languages. Some other consequences of T3.3 A A1 are: system should be decomposed smaller into logical units. Separate subroutines T3.4 should be designed for each elementary task. Here, information is minimized because the interaction among elements of the system are localized within each situation, any accomplished as interaction between modules i nodule. and the In this j are components in their entirety, without the need for one to keep track of the function of each element within the other module. One rule of thumb calls for modules a partitioning of functions into until each module includes no two elements that might be useful in isolation. Another rule claims that each program 10/02/81 Axiomatics module should be enough small allowing comprehension at Page 16 fit to one page, on thereby single glance. a The drive toward modularity is not costless, Camp of course. Jensen [4] report that modularity results in an extra 20-35% and overhead in memory and another 10-15X excess in run time with the maintenance. of software analysts, increase will words, overhead. For As and cost by 50 to 100%. example, module as module who believe that doubling the complexity the recommended average module size is module triple with the concensus opinion This may be compared doubles. size costs complexity and In fact, a during development and savings in productivity major over but these costs are small in comparison monolithic architecture; if to 3 the 5 times a the size result, average module overhead is 10 then the average module size should be 30 to 50 words, including the overhead. A1 and T3 T3.5 . 1 suggest this result: The number of instructions coded is not a measure of productivity. Intuitively, instructions. large-scale But A1 and T3 of instructions generated. by total program size. 4.4 systems PHASE 4: MAINTENANCE . 1 require will call for a many program reduction in the number Hence productivity cannot be measured 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page 17 Axiom A2 suggests the following theorem: The usability of T4.1 a decreases system over time, and will eventually vanish. Brooks [3] maintains that all information systems die eventually. This is attributed to the inevitable patches or fixes to software errors, and the resulting decay in the The need for fixes arise from the sytem. a) conceptual integrity of variety of factors. a Bugs. Bugs in large systems According Brooks to Pikul and Wojcik verminous [15] attacks. fixing [33, introduce another with 20 As remarkably are - one 50 % probability. offer shown the bugs detected rises steeply at the outset then around A a drops. But of for the rate of any program. the attack rate eventually it rises once again, to oscillate steady-state value within an attenuated envelope. highly damped version of this slow model following in the diagram, As debugging proceeds in earnest, peaks, creatures. hardy error will merely decay to steady-state model value, (steep without rise the and minor oscillations) is supported also by Ramamoorthy and Ho [16]. b) Changes in user requirements. In practice, system, they as users become proficient with a particular begin to demand higher performance. They change the original functional requirements by stretching an existing one or even even adding new ones. An airline 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page 18 Rate of Software Errors Detected Cumulative number of program ru-'is reservation system, for example, may begin simple passenger booking system. is expanded to allow for kosher fuel distribution, and other operation meals, addition of new code could easily mean that a scheduling, flight functions. as the system In due course rate The the bugs of are proliferating faster than they are being eliminated, c) Changes due to hardware. Technological advances may dictate the switch from, an IBM/370 to a /3033 for increased processing speed. say, Any Page 19 10/02/81 Axiomatics such transformation is rife with conversion problems. 5. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THEOREMS The precedence relationships among the axioms and theorems may be summarized as follows, "derived from": where arrows indicate the relationship Axiomatics A 10/02/81 question which might arise is, play building in analysis in the information construction Page 20 "What role systems?" of does creativity Creativity information precedes systems; it is important in the generation of alternative designs, without which there can be no comparative evaluation. methods are available for stimulating A variety of One of these is the trigger word method involving questions [6]. what about [13] creativity "Magnify?", The design the is based on a The checklist method such as "Rearrange?" or "Combine?" morphological attributes is supposed to do. series of questions on modification, method listing involved, [24] requires and them, determining considering all the the resulting combinations. Brainstorming refers to the animated generation of ideas by heterogeneous group of participants, new a The purpose is to produce possible, however unorthodox they may be. This paper, however, se. some of whom may be entirely to the concepts under discussion. as many ideas as is not intended to address creativity per The aim of axiomatics is to channel creativity by set of guidelines. designs, but a providing The objective lies not in the generation of in the assignment of relative merit to alternative configurations. 7. CLOSURE 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page 21 application This paper has introduced the of axiomatic the approach to productivity in constructing information systems. three enumerated have pilot proposed axioms, theorems, and indicated how the theorems spring from upon draw and empirical results from the We number a of axioms the construction of information systems. We note that axiomatics is not candidate but designs, a process of evaluating them. to supplant algorithmics. streamlining in the methodology a generating for for use in the decision-making tool Further, axiomatics is not intended they will reinforce each other Rather, development process, as illustrated by the use of the decomposition algorithms discussed in Section 4.2.1. We hope that this paper informations systems will start community, so a that dialogue we within may collectively generate the analytical and experimental results needed to concept further. this only a pilot set, the carry The axioms and theorems proposed here are and may require changing, deleting or adding to in the light of experience. In the future we would compact set, to like refine to rephrase them in a in systems development. axioms into a more quantitative form from which to prove the theorems, and to validate studies the them through case The successful development of the axiomatic approach should open up new avenues for increasing productivity in the construction of information systems. Axiomatics 10/02/81 Page 22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge our debt to those who before us, to Professor Nam P. fields. Recognition field colleagues and suggestions. due in to those in of thermodynamics who initially applied the axiomatic method to the analysis of physical systems. Lattin is Suh and his colleagues at the MIT Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, and the written both in information systems and in the application of the axiomatic method in other particular have at the Mike Sloan School of Management Treacy--for their also We — thoughtful thank our Tony Wong, Jim comments and Page 23 10/02/81 Axiomatics ATTACHMENT- DECOMPOSITION OF FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS BY THE HIGH-DENSITY CLUSTERING METHOD A.I GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The first task in partitioning functional requirements them represent of a graph, nodes as between them as arc weights. is to and the interdependencies information In building an system, some examples of functional requirements might be: 1. The users will be guided by menus. 2. A report-writing facility will allow users to develop customized reports. 3. the to Reports can be directed line printer may be or the user's terminal. Each these of graphically functional as requirements functional a node in requirements, interrelationship we between design graph. a consider can the nodes. The represented For each pair of degree the extent of this of association can be characterized as the weight on the link or arc between the pair. and For convenience the weights are normalized between If two functional requirements are deemed interdependency, the system builder might assign 0.3; to a have link weight of an average degree of coupling may be represented by 0.5; strong relationship deemed independent, by 0.8. 1. weak a a If two functional requirements are the link weight is 0.0, is eliminated from the design graph. and the link itself 10/02/81 Axiomatics Returning to requirements functional therefore assigned But nodes). two example our above, may aids must a be the the first considered link weight of a , since requirements of and between the this way report the directing So the link weight is be made available to the user. value and no link (i.e. second and independent first and third may be viewed to have an average degree of interdependency given Page 24 the 0.5. In their interdependencies set may functional of be represented graphically. DENSITY CONTOURS A. 2 This section outlines the high-density clustering functional decomposition proposed by Wong [233. consisting of nodes and unweighted arcs. other and 1 0-7 — O- linked to In the figure below, should belong in the same cluster, a for graph Intuitively, two nodes belong to the same group or cluster if they are and to many nodes in common. method Consider while nodes i each nodes k and j ->D 4should be in separate cluster: le DKNSITY CONTOUR on the link Axiomatics 10/02/81 between any two nodes i and j Page 25 is defined as: No. of nodes connected tc both i and j (including i and j ij U "^J No. of nodes connected to either i or j or both (includii and i , If two nodes are unlinked, their contour is defined to be zero. The figure below illustrates the use of this definition. example, the contour between nodes d* For weighted arcs, = 1 For and 2 is 3/5. 2/8 the corresponding definition for the density Axiomatics 10/02/81 Page 26 contour is ^ "ij ' '/^ tecC'ik ^ "it' "ij U-'iJ where W^- • weight on the link between nodes = nodes connected to both i and (excluding j and j; C i set r and j). i Now we turn to the idea of grouping individual nodes. DENSITY CLUSTER level at d* on graph a is G, by links with density contour —'d*. in the preceding figure represent the density HIGH A subgraph a that S is maximal among connected sets of nodes whose connected of S such nodes are The nested loops contours for the given graph. The family of high-density clusters on form a at level d* expands until a splitting cluster joins with smoothly. This level is a c^ previously graph may be shown to gradual reached, disjoint clusters, called BRANCHING CLUSTERS, splitting level is d* = 2/8; the cluster S expansion occurs at which point the cluster. These two are useful in suggesting the number of subgraphs in the original graph. the a As the density level d* is decreased, tree. In the diagram above, the two branching clusters are {1,2,3,4,5} and {6,7,8,9,10}. A. 3 IDENTIFYING AND PARTITIONING THE TREE OF HIGH-DENSITY CLUSTERS Consider a set of N nodes with density contours d(i,j). The 10/02/81 Axiomatics Page 2? algorithm to identify the tree of high-density clusters is: STEP1. Let i and j be the pair of nodes with Combine them to form a between that cluster and any node d(l,k) STEP2. j. Repeat STEP1 , = max [d( treating 1 k a i, k) ,d( j, k)] as a node and ignoring nodes and are the to minimum spanning The drawback of this procedure is that the tree of clusters does not explicitly yield functional i single large cluster. The foregoing procedure is equivalent algorithm. link. by The aggregation of nodes continues until all absorbed into tree densest cluster 1; define the density contour requirements. This algorithm given by Lattin [10], the optimal grouping of last step may be effected by an which identifies subgraphs of functional requirements from the tree. the optimal Axiomatics 10/02/81 Page 28 REFERENCES R.C. Andreu, A systematic approach to the design and [I] structuring of complex software systems. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Sloan School of Management, MIT, 1978. Boehm, B. McClean, R. and Urfrig, D. [2] Some experience with automated aids to the design of large scale reliable software. Proc. International Conference on Reliable Software, Los Angeles, CA, April 1975, pp. 105-113. , Brooks, F.P., Jr. The Mythical Man - Month Essavs [3] Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1975. Software Engineering. : xm [M] Camp, J.W., and Jensen, E.P. Cost of modularity. Proc. 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MacMillan, New York, 1969. through the vV ^C 5'B2 -uate uu ENT HD28.IVI414 no.l260' 81 Donovan, John /Towards an axiomatic ap D'^BKS 743614 .001365.6.9. _ 3 TDflO _ 0D2 D42 751