HD28 .M414 ^/ MAR 20 ALFRED P. 1991 WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Technological Strategic Implications Jong-Tsong Fcbmary 1991 "Spin-off": from U.S. Experience Chiang \VP 3242-9 1-BPS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Technological Strategic Implications Jong-Tsong February 1991 "Spin-off": from U.S. Experience Chiang \VP 3242-9 1-BPS Technological from Implications Strategic "Spin-off": Experience U.S. Abstract This paper is to from seek strategic implications of "spin-off" mission-oriented, in technology defense-related, particular programs. Because the U.S. has worldly unmatched military technological capabilities and "spin-off" achievements, By comparing U.S. experience. a semiconductors, computers, technology, paper identifies to the pitfalls. to the this number of nuclear power, three paper focuses on the this "big" cases, such as aircraft and systems common mechanisms critical success of "spin-off" as well as some unfavorable trends and To synthesize, paper uses several perspectives relating this basic characteristics of technology mission-oriented programs. not so serendipitous. from The main conclusion There are many rules would not be pragmatic contribution and the unique features of for "spin-off." to is that follow. most other countries to "spin-off" However, is it expect significant Contents 1. Introduction 2. Institutional 3. Achievements and Impacts of "Spin-Off" 4. Mechanisms and Patterns of "Spin-Off" 4.1. 5. 6. Background and Policy Principles General Rules and "Big" Cases 4.2. Semiconductors 4.3. Computers 4.4. Nuclear Power 4.5. Aircraft 4.6. C3I and Systems Technology 4.7. Crucial Mechanisms Skepticism about "Spin-Off" Rationale 5.1. Diverging Military and Civilian Requirements 5.2. Adverse Influence on Manufacturing Productivity Incentive to Cost Containment 5.3. Little 5.4. Misguidance of Commercial Technological Efforts 5.5. Diminishing Leverage of Mission-Oriented Programs 5.6. Institutionally Synthesis and Rooted Obstacles Implications 6.1. Radical vs. Incremental Technological Change 6.2. General Direction, Functional Technology and Generic Technology 7. 6.3. Systems Technology and Nationally Based Efforts 6.4. Implications of U.S. Experience to Other Countries 6.5. Contrast with Centrally Planned Economies Concluding Remarks Technological from Implications Strategic "Spin-off": Introduction 1. In this paper, mission-oriented, "spin-off" refers defense-related, By definition, this technology "spin-off" falls scope of these programs' main missions, and unplanned explicitly beforehand. serendipitous; otherwise, has "Spin-off" some boost more purposes civilian or directly the cultivate this paper, and assumed, however, technological There may industry, translated still into many be its benefit things to be civilian main concern the "spin-off," commercial if products done on the It any, or is cannot be will be processes. part of the civilian The process may be complex and defined by the civilian market. Therefore, the civilian to for meeting the criterion of economic viability including time-consuming. and patterns or models. technological "spin-off" it manpower, enlarge technical technology development. In and may provide employment, It infrastructure, automatically basically is through other mechanisms. knowledge base, strengthen that beyond the same resources available many dimensions. industries, to by and large is So "spin-off" utilize to programs term would not be appropriate, this would be more desirable of government's spill-over the to mostly the civilian sector. off" Experience U.S. or the contribution of technological commercial technological innovation is "spin- mostly incomplete or indirect. Unlike oriented called "ordinary" fundamental or basic research, mission- programs are guided by specific missions defined by so- "mission agencies." defense countries' These agencies, represented by many ministries, have operational responsibilities that mandate rather immediate operating goals and make the agencies under constant pressure to justify category relevant their existence. of to basic their to produce results in a rather tangible way So, R&D--including a small fraction in the research--endorsed main missions. by these agencies are normally programs also differ from the so-called Mission-oriented users of the outcomes responsible principal end users contribute to a to network, or technical R&D The of numerous potential users. farmers instance, for programs are not the diffusion-oriented for of the outcomes of their programs. programs are intended to, But the of their mission-oriented programs. organizations diffused Mission agencies are the primary end programs." "diffusion-oriented thus have to be results extension agricultural and medium-sized enterprises througn many small World War after technology programs many in when compared with their II, many countries civilian military (and The opportunity resources. expected that, mission-oriented sector. investment These programs counterparts. was very R&D Therefore, high. often is it accomplishing the designated missions, to programs can somehow also contribute hoped is It these in compensated and addition in cost aerospace) were highly sophisticated might even account for a significant portion of the national civilian local centers. Particularly these their community consisting large through Instead, that the to by "spin-off" the government's costly mission-oriented programs can more or be less though the original missions are primarily political for, military. Because the U.S. has by far the greatest military technological and an impressive "spin-off" history, capabilities provide important strategic become a conscious, lessons, implicit, albeit especially its when "spin-off" many expensive goal in may experience has military (and aerospace) technological endeavors in this country as well as many other countries. institutional context "spin-off" will number of crucial the be the In and first some fundamental a attempted different issues mechanisms. synthesis using Then some perspectives contexts. the will strategic and a view reasons which about "spin-off" leading to several national about evaluating discussed, followed by the examination of a "conventional wisdom" Finally, following paragraphs, the U.S. radical innovation or "big" cases with "spin-off" in to finding the may shake be elaborated. implications will be taking into account Background Institutional 2. and Principles Policy Without a tradition of explicit industrial policy, implementation under the shield of "national security" In government "legitimate" tool for the U.S. only, the most, is to and sometimes the execute similar jobs. science and technology, the main purpose of government involvement and appropriability investment supports in overcome market failures--especially low to is market capital R&D. So government the U.S. cause under- traditionally only academic engineering, mainly and research scientific imperfections--that through the National Science Foundation (NSF), and well-defined mission-oriented programs, procurement direct consumed a lion's interest. In the the in latter R&D share of Federal 1960s to two thirds the which government ha s a strong and in 1980s.' category, the defense budget, from four fifths In 1989 and five times spending $9,3 degree, billion. 2 R&D for defense all are the OECD the other budget totaled spending $134.2 Department of Defense (DOD) and, in Agency (NASA) also assigned their is in field. NASA mentioned above, DOE, off" to a lesser nuclear weapon-related Despite the mainstream of political ideology and as R&D countries' defense research and the National Aeronautics and Space aerospace in the U.S., the mission agencies responsible In Department of Energy (DOE) the this R&D $46.3 billion, equal to one third of U.S. national ^lillion, R&D the mission irrelevant, direct to support the civilian sector. Examples include the Center for activities and some other Federal agencies are Here, "spin- because civilian technology development responsibilities. Program of DOE, R&D the falls into Applied Energy Manufacturing Engineering of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, the institutional substantial NASA, successor to the National Bureau of Standards), the funding on generic aeronautical research and testing of and the constant efforts of diffusing health care industry of the is quite technology R&D the resources available for purposes are small, though the contribution of significant. to National Institutes of Health (NIH). Nevertheless, in relative terms, the civilian its NASA and NIH R&D Normally, the defense-related the defense to technological activities Agency (ARPA) DOD. armed of the jurisdictions and advanced DARPA, R&D, DARPA services. modest compared with as programs--excluding of DOD's of fifth defense R&D civilian technology and industry. for investment applications civilian of the private competitiveness, civilian DOD the the to transfer the Consortium Industry technology base (SDI),^ and one (Research, Development, So, on the whole, the or marginally relevant to the generally considered to R&D be a matter U.S. industry's declining international from defense-related programs exemplified by the passage of several laws.^ has also got involved in instance, still government has become more active Federal technology sector, for The exploitation of defense is is sector. Nevertheless, due promoting indirectly is budget its Initiative RDT&E recent years.'* in But technology under the Services' control, Defense funding for total that DOD's funding Strategic the Testing and Evaluation) results long-term underwrites including basic research and generic and was only about one thirtieth with prefix This agency was an organizational development, and thus functions more broadly. relatively with Soviet Sputnik and cut across the traditional the to DOD's restrict Advanced Research Projects the is 1958 and renamed in "Defense," in 1972 within response to those areas directly concerned to up set 1969 appropriation in One exception needs. military its This practice was reinforced by the Mansfield explicit focus. Amendment has military mission as some to in the Besides, explicitly civilian programs, for Semiconductor Manufacturing and Materials Research (SEMATECH)-an initiative Semiconductor of the civilian (HDTV) and the high-definition television Association, research. 3. Achievements and Impacts of "Spin-Off" During the three decades following World War "spin-off" achievements of were very impressive. high-performance missile and the U.S. number of mission-oriented programs Well-known examples include fighters trajectories), a II, bombers), computers semiconductors (for missile jet (for guidance engines (for plotting systems). numerical control (for carving out aircraft structural parts), nuclear energy (for naval nuclear propulsion), lasers (for tank range finders and beam weapons), and time sharing, digital communications and computer graphics However, R&D may reduce R&D performing civilian large many learning experience issues fundamental difficulties example, the capability in is R&D in not easy to determine. involved are also concerned with the assessing incremental process innovation, but industries. some of which may be In this technological regard, U.S. difficult is it modern military it may to product than to process innovation. of "spin-off" If are normally very difficult jhe opportunity cost is becomes even insurmountable. to be easy from assess product to new R&D mostly puts and tends to Therefore, the cost, For innovation. so radical as to lead to more emphasis on performance than on more by civilian to take account of cost saving or price increase resulting innovation, like through military alone the "second order" of contribution, let for research, civilian instrumentation military But the magnitude of influence Additionally, Generally speaking, by sharing very expensive equipment, sophisticated highly or by accelerating projects. to the cost or increase wind tunnels or supercomputers, with introducing labs, system). very difficult to measure rather accurately the is it defense air impacts, even only in economic terms. "spin-off" military (for far contribute benefits measure. taken into account, the challenge Except that there are resources idle and rather readily available, the possibility of diversion or "draining" For example, the defense technology of limited resources exists. programs could be compared with R&D sponsored by NSF, by other They could Federal agencies, or by commercial companies. And assessed against a system differently managed. there also be could even be investments of different weights along the spectrum of basic research, validation. applied In development, research, fact, many R&D resources opportunity cost must be very high. that the consideration testing and standards and criteria could be used.^ Though without accurate measurement, large share of national engineering, of "spin-off" in the U.S., consumed by Certainly, cost is it given the very military R&D, the could be argued inappropriate because the cost should "spin-off" But when be charged against the targeted missions. advocated as one reason to justify part of the investment is or as an implicit strategy to bolster civilian technology which has to emphasize cost/effectiveness, the concern about cost makes some sense. Regardless of the measurement difficulties as noted above, it is apparent that the impacts of some U.S. "spin-off" cases, most notably semiconductors and computers (or information That technological basic is, artifacts they have created a paradigm.'' constellation of Miniaturization, CAD/CAM, processing, digital communications, new new and heuristics or intellectual principles which dictate the working protocols. with the are They have triggered "technological extremely far-reaching. paradigm" change. technology), They have etc. also induced are software, data all associated "technology system" change, and brought about a range of technological and innovative activities clustering "Mechatronics," around them. office and factory automation, and the integration of computing and communications What obvious examples. are is more, they have affected not merely one industry or group of industries, over the entire to That styles. shift, economy, including working practices and and led the way to By any measure, U.S. "spin-off" a modern "information is by no means confined to countries also benefit from U.S. its In in the early post- fact, territory. its Many "spin-off" other pioneering progress. Mechanisms and Patterns of "Spin-Off" 4. General Rules and "Big" Cases 4.1. In more or society."'^ achievements war era were unmatched by any other country. contribution life have even caused "techno-economic paradigm" they is, but spilled general, intense, the the all is reasonable to assume that "spin-off" would be more similar more closely communities, may it interactive the military and civilian technologies, the military and civilian concerned others being equal. On a regular basis, "spin-off" take place in the form of incremental transfer and diffusion technology through such mechanisms as personal contact, 8 R&D of cooperation, publications, consultation, technical workshops, conferences, from mission-oriented programs personnel Additionally, even the to industry. civilian weapon systems military the if and the movement of data provision, technical demonstration, highly are and distinctly different from civilian products, and the specialized defense prime contractors are restricted in the communication of information, more "dual use" classified subsystems, components, parts, relevant technical working for may not be so subject to strict security Technology sharing and transfer common have more therefore which the private industry technological the activities technology transfer facilities, difficult involved is than if these at may levels grounds and less obstacles. Moreover, "spin-off" may also have military in equipment and capital materials, exist and the vast number of subcontractors services, these businesses regulations. may properties to do with to in military are undertaken the civilian the extent to programs. most government the in If would be more industry they are executed by private firms. In respect, this U.S. does not seem to have a considerable structural War After World disadvantage. II private the industry in this country began to play an increasingly important role in military For example, programs. However, mechanisms U.S. is in "spin-off," Many Therefore, cases in it the private most technical NASA may better as Some industry.^ a radical do in the regular and military- the crucial partner to to its inception in examine a number of to the R&D also "spin- 1958. such as electronics, aerospace and the were historically crucial may other countries organized programs to enhance has been doing since fields, many which consumed a large portion of U.S. defense leadership. private the similarly industry affairs. seems highly desirable some in and have close cooperation adopt more active and off," just as exemplified by other countries "spin-off," military in DOD's weapon R&D, of very doubtful that the general rules and complex with industrial 86% mentioned above can rather satisfactorily explain the uniqueness incremental the it as innovations. 1982 maintenance work was done and production in "big" like, outlays^^ or U.S. technological or industrial Semiconductors 4.2. DOD semiconductors, though In research, NASA and supported relevant most radical technological progress, the Bell Labs and integrated circuits (ICs) like transistors Texas Instruments and in R&D Fairchild, did not take place under their direct sponsorship of Instead, contracts. products their encouraged many firms to largest NASA and DOD purchased the total $165 million, price the By had been reduced to industry, DOD NASA and accelerating the following progress. fund the research diffusion of the new knowledge industry to Western Electric, underwrote GE, Raytheon, years. ^3 digital the in Bell, RCA facilities and in and Sylvania, and orchestrated standardization of operating characteristics following to and research manufacturing RCA in began also supported community, '2 financed engineering development Semiconductor, role in vital DOD 1948, DOD the to of transistors, right of transistor computers, communications and missiles. first market total impetus initial the case In Bell Labs' demonstrated initial success in application When 1966, the last year played a after military the $5.' Besides their procurement as the critical new semiconductor became IC output $4 million of the accounted for slightly more than half of the still Pacific NASA and dramatically by ICs. illustrated year 1962, the average unit price was $50. they some resources, and Their profound influence on the progress of customers. learning economies could be DOD R&D own Then any prices virtually at invest their of them achieved breakthroughs. early procurement of high performance assured terms of miniaturization in in on a national basis because i^ the case of ICs, its in the space programs demanded extensive miniaturization and extremely high reliability, NASA setting instituted Microelectronics for acceptance criteria production stringent firms, the facilities. of products To help specifications, NASA Reliability Program and guiding inspection of suppliers provided comply with technical its very assistance to many including major ones such as Motorola, Fairchild and Harris, to improve their processing technology, 10 i"* worth noting, however, is It new diffusion of technology, DOD and addition in that, NASA to promoting the were willing buy to products from small or "untried" firms in order to boost and maintain competition and entrepreneurship This practice encouraged semiconductor industry. the in and "intrapreneurship," helped rejuvenate an which might otherwise be dominated by "slower" industry As a established firms. result, in the 1950s the large incumbent late companies (which had produced electron tubes and other such as Western Electric, GE, Sylvania, Westinghouse, electronics), RCA, Raytheon, market. The entrants: new only held one third of the total semiconductor etc., of the market rest firms established was shared by to groups of new three produce semiconductors (e.g., and National Semiconductor), existing firms but Transitron small before entering and Instruments General from other industries semiconductor market the and Instrument), (e.g.. (e.g., large initially Texas firms established Motorola and Hughes). ^^ Certainly, this "industrial metabolism" was also facilitated by the fact that learning economies in the early semiconductor production depended on very deliberate experimentation impurities contamination, most stages. with preparation, crystal significant from products did not always less enjoy a advantage over new entrants which had strong new background and better learning technical 4.3. generation strategy. Computers In computers, before the military contracted School of the University of Pennsylvania in R&D to the Moore loose cooperation with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for ballistics research the at on their Therefore, established firms merely based earlier of and exploitation of precision equipment large production scale or longer "learning by doing" sophisticated, control mid-1930s, there had been a variety machines for business and public service. military's electronic huge R&D computer Calculator) from the computing at speeds of commercial computing But the war triggered the support, and led to the birth of the first fully ENIAC (Electronic Moore School several in Numerical Integrator and 1945. ENIAC was capable of hundred times faster than the earlier 1 1 in machines, such as Bell Labs' Relay Computers—using telephone relay armed devices--built for the electromechanical ENIAC and IBM's Mark I--an forces, calculator--donated to Harvard University. provided a great technological impetus to So computer the and created a cadre of computer engineers and scientists, industry Neumann. including John von DOD Then sponsored conferences to new technology and financed the development of storedprogram computers, one type of which— EDVAC, a joint product by von Neumann and Eck;ert-Mauchly--became the well-known UNIVAC diffuse in the Up 1947. R&D of DOD and, 1950, the to by entirely underwritten to other agencies like the Atomic Energy a much lesser degree, Commission (AEC) and needing computing capabilities applications ballistics calculation, government census, purposes for etc. and commercial versions--many of which were It the and scales sophisticated less like were recognized then. mid-1950s did private investment begin the in smaller by some Bureau of Standards, because no comparable commercial National Only was almost electronic computers less soar rapidly, to with costly functions--begin prosper. ^^ to important to also note that initially the civilian industry is lacked the technical knowledge to fully appreciate the potential of But the demonstration of the computer applications computers. military programs space programs computers In by the in the the in 1950s and especially 1960s greatly accelerated business the in the the in highly visible acceptance of world. ^^ following decades, despite the fast growing commercial market, government agencies, in particular DOD, NASA and AEC (which was succeeded by the Energy Research and Development Agency and then DOE), continued key DOD's intelligence. recent Strategic Computing Program highest-performance of the art.*^ classic story. computers that R&D artificial is Moreover, these agencies usually were also the purchaser of the state major supporter of such as advanced computer architecture and fields example. to be the a good first defined the x^g development of supercomputers presents For nuclear research, 6600--the machine that 1960s--by advance payments, AEC dominated 12 underwrote Control Data's supercomputing software a support, and throughout the the purchase in by the Livermore Lab of two of the the four computers built. ^^ first 1970s, Cray Research pioneered in this field worked also It In DOE's Los Alamos Lab which needed massive computing simulate the operation of nuclear weapons and nuclear closely with power to power plants. experts The lab paid incurred R&D study Cray's machines, developed to assigned costs, many both an operating system and applications software, and suggested design changes When Cray was on needs. better suit its 1976, Los Alamos purchased Cray's computer industry, the was stimulating practice less RCA IBM as the and Sperry Rand. particular Sperry third In government's though 1957 had nearly in competition- pre-1960's its 1965 in computer manufacturer behind largest the all This company from defense and space agencies. displaced By out. it pronounced. Control Data established by former Sperry Rand employees sales to bail 14 Cray machines. 20 1989, the lab had bought In the verge of bankruptcy in machine first to some computer 1960s, Rand and Control Data, also firms, in benefited from the purchase by these mission agencies which had a policy to improve IBM--then by companies' competitive position vis-a-vis these leader. 21 strongest Nuclear 4.4. Power Beyond semiconductors and computers, another the "spin-off" history is nuclear power. Energy Commission (AEC) was formed case "big" in of reactor types were developed in submarine propulsion the Navy in pressurized-water reactor (PWR), 1946 and charged with Then helped transfer the national by virtue of nuclear technology its AEC this began simplicity all funds in this program. arrangement, Westinghouse set up a lab, closely PWR. its relative from the military programs controlled by the Navy's task force leader develop For labs. provided and the national labs to the private firms involved Under a 1946 picked up the idea of the and compact design, from the Clinton Lab. and in After the war, the Atomic developing both military and civilian nuclear technologies. variety the far In successful 1955 the first operation, Hyman Rickover, to nuclear-powered submarine Nautilus with 13 a Westinghouse-developed PWR. Before finishing AEC entrusted by with the construction of a pilot nuclear power Westinghouse again was contracted the task plant. 60 Rickover had also been military program, this MWe PWR In plant. 1953 in 1957 the pilot plant achieved power and continued operating in build a to design its shut various roles until finally down in 1982. In the meantime, GE, while operating governmentowned plutonium-producing reactors, also set up a nuclear research ABC's lab under auspices, and full worked with Rickover build a to But GE's reactor proved sodium-cooled submarine reactor. be to PWR. Later on GE got the reactor (BWR) from the Argonne Lab. uncompetitive with Westinghouse's concept of the boiling-water went on own expense at its the two reactor the world's types, PWR to this concept. BWR, that have come nuclear power industry. France and the U.K., despite their finally turned to GE became Analogous to the early the dominate to Several other countries like work on other reactor initial Westinghouse-designed Westinghouse and Thus were born develop and PWR in types. And type. major players It industry. this AEC history of semiconductors and computers, employed many measures, including subsidies and technology The Power transfer, to help private industry get into this new field. Reactor Demonstration Program initiated various forms until 4.5. 1962 was an example in 1955 and continued this in in line.^^ Aircraft Unlike semiconductors, computers and even nuclear power, worldly revolutionary or radical innovations, difficult to find in the U.S. technological in the U.S. leadership in Even the aircraft industry. many critical did fields But during the whole post-war era making continuing technological progress in a this wide dominating the world commercial aircraft market. many. 23 Technologically, one instance, 12,731 U.S. established is speaking, strictly the legacy of not initial always arise country has been front, and Reasons are World War II. For B-17 bombers were produced for the war.24 an enormous infrastructure of aircraft tooling, and production capabilities, as well as development, production, and project 14 skills management. are in So, the technology, design, However, the role played by military sources of R&D argument. From 1945 programs in (all and the non-military billion 1972 DOD, NASA Besides main mission was Though its claimed 94% of its is 1983, after to National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics response to such as large wind facilities, crucial the Soviet Sputnik, test results contribution the to available NASA to commercial expensive its aircraft test industry. ^5 industry could aircraft 1958 as a in aerodynamics research, and for civilian the succeeded the it (NACA) made still tunnels quite space programs, which to budget from 1958 may have been most important agency. the second shifted Without such a dollars). support from the military, the outcome different. this 1984, the civilian industry spent $18 to Federal agencies' $9 billion strong The also pivotal. is investment could rather firmly support dwarfed by the military's $81 billion, war the after Its be not underestimated. Aircraft an is integration of airframe, avionics, etc. numerous parts, such as engine, addition to the diverse combinations of In elements which are improved over time, aerodynamics challenge to aircraft design. In the early years, many were military derivatives, because they were similar transports and bombers. World War II, So "spin-off" could be quite the is Boeing 707, the U.S. military the to first In commercial the 707, and it jet, deserves special attention, Moreover, supply commercial transports. the construction British its into respect, the case of this it had previously failed four times U.S. Federal government, unlike finance After direct. because Boeing had no commercial transport market when efforts aircraft many new aerodynamic problems were brought relevance by the emerging jet engine. embarked on critical civilian to the in in late its 1940s, counterpart, refused of a commercial jetliner prototype, so Boeing, like other commercial aircraft manufacturers, had to use own new its funds. To achieve jet engine, the full potential Boeing's was fundamentally faster new for aircraft higher speed inherent in the used swept wings than the British Comet with sweep. Many solved. This critical design in aerodynamics related issues, a at 35°, and 20° wing including stability control, were also 15 all came largely from to Boeing's extensive utilization of the technologies generated by the post-war jet bomber program. In and the B-29 bombers--was responsible of the producers of the B-17 bomber B-47, for the first jet German captured Boeing went on to be its commercial first Both the swept wing design 1951. in the engine J-57 and, jet became which was intended hopefully, a military refueling Eventually, the 367-80 was chosen by the Air Force Concurrently the 707 mid-1950s and designated the KC-135. the in used for the B-52 were Boeing's prototype the 367-80, into tanker as well. in it B-47 and the B-52 and incorporated Then design the very large B-52 intercontinental bomber and introduced the by digesting and applying the partly on swept wing aerodynamics. research to Boeing--the designer and one fact, commercial version of the 367-80 with widened cabin the The 707 was permit six-abreast coach seating. main reason apparently Another one is is the military's purchase One from the bomber programs. "spin-off" the a big success. to more than 800 KC-135s, of of which 450 were committed before any orders were booked. This huge procurement very significantly shared the development costs and drove down orders, the Douglas Aircraft Co. was also successful the Nevertheless, learning curve. without military in its first DC-8 which used 30° swept wings and the same engine J-57, and entered service in the same year 1958 as the 707 Therefore, the influence of military procurement was not did. 26 commercial jet absolute as the decisively in DC-8 shows. their aircraft After the 707 But both Boeing and Douglas benefited design from the jet bomber programs. and the DC-8, the aircraft technological advances were basically incremental. Their four-engine configuration followed by variants of tri-engine and twin-engine designs. more powerful supersize far the very heavy and long range aircraft, such as Boeing 747, McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011. In fact, another big commercial success, was an adaptation of design in the 1960s, subsidized by for a DOD heavy military transport which interestingly, the Finally, engine triggered the arrival of the fanjet was its Boeing 747, military but failing in the competition later became the C-5A. And, KC-10--the model for the currently largest purchase of military tankers, is a direct derivative 16 of the DC-10. -^ possibilities during and after World of piston/propeller engine. & Pratt explored countries several engines, In War because of the maturing II, the first big innovation the U.S. In turbine various the Whitney's J-57 two-spool engine introduced 1951 in former single-spool engine by permitting higher pressure was much more controllable and the than the piston efficient B-52 and the & was also used Whitney had turbine lab of the three spools) all in 707 (as well as the the commercial new "dominant jet engines are jet design." Rolls-Royce designs under license for the U.S. built was this its own its operated a big and the funds, program subsidizing most incurred military it Therefore, technology transfer from abroad, own. its Besides, only jet experience. company's strong commitment with specific in sound should be noted that prior to the J-57 program, Pratt it And third Consequently, after powering engine. So, the J-57 was truly a Navy. was also about one Currently, with few exceptions (e.g., the Rolls- Royce RB-211 which has Nevertheless, It DC-8, thus launching the age of commercial the transports in the U.S. twin-spool. reliable. and ratios, 5 U.S. fighters to exceed the speed of first level flight, the J-57 engine KC-135) and the for This design had efficiency about twice that of the B-52 bomber. more is R&D investment are all critical to the success of this J-57 case. The next important innovation in the jet engine history is the high by-pass ratio fanjet coupling a fan through a turbine to improve the efficiency. In the U.S. the major impetus came from the Air Force which asked for engines with 2 or power plants program, Federal by GE DOD for heavy transports its 55% covered Aviation was used was incorporated 3 of the times the thrust of existing the in R&D costs, mid-1960s. and NASA For this and the (FAA) 13%.-^ The fanjet developed And Pratt & Whitney's fanjet C-5 transport. Administration in the into Boeing 747. 727, 737, 757, 767, DC-9, Currently, not only 747, but also DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011 by a family of fanjets made by either GE or Pratt & are powered Whitney. 2 Therefore, the commercial engines in the U.S. in reality have been heavily subsidized by military DOD, because the power plants developed for purposes could be used quite directly aircraft. 30 17 in the commercial also worth noting is It during the war the military that GE encouraged the entry of the steam turbine firms succeeded becoming one of the few in So manufacturers in the world. After the war engine area. aircraft piston Westinghouse into the GE largest jet engine strategy the and stimulate industry to competition and to assure multiple sourcing was also used here, though small firms were virtually excluded because of the high entry rooted barrier and large-scale, complex capital-intensive this in technology. military and structures, In elements--wings, control closely related. In R&D Therefore, military some despite which need leads to a large extent is associated with etc. "dual use," combat aircraft nearly in "dual use" character, the U.S. presently to this aspects of advanced composites. 3 all Therefore, on the whole, are ratio, and corrosion and exposure mostly on the Mainly due world the these fields fatigue deal with such issues as higher G-loading and maneuverability, ground. 31 in resistance, strength-to-weight requirements specific to corrosion high toughness, material resistance, gear--remains and civilian aircraft both military protection, lightning similar require the critical in landing cabin, surfaces, materials, R&D commercial many critical 2 technologies for aircraft highly "dual use," and the U.S. civilian industry has benefited enormously from military (and aerospace) programs through large procurement, 4.6. R&D C3I and and technology sharing. contracts, Systems Technology Across various technological areas, programs demand tremendous systems specific expertise contribute to some mission-oriented and experience acquired the civilian little Corporation of America (RCA) consolidating radio during World War importance of radio "old," in is the to U.S. 1919. Because of at A Radio for its the 1 8 economy. national experience military Navy deeply appreciated national security and systems integration experience from these programs may the birth of the technology and industry I, or with strong systemic character. industry dramatic case, though a The general efforts. level, in purposes the strategic Using after the its war a central role in promoting the establishment of an Navy played the then "all-American" coordinated radio industry to replace the American Marconi Co. --which was controlled by Marconi British the largest Co. set up by the inventor of the wireless telegraphy Guglielmo Marconi. In fact, without the Navy's enthusiastic advocacy and arrangements-'including buying out Marconi the resources in the U.S. and pooling patent rights from Westinghouse company enable one to to and interests AT&T, GE and have patents enough to RCA) and Westinghouse (allied with the International Telegraph Company to get into radio broadcasting business after the formation of RCA) make companies a system, big might have continued great debt From case (the major investor of manufacturing adhere to their traditional owed So, the U.S. radio communications industry business. a to GE like for far-sighted not surprising is it C3I--command, the category of Navy and systemic vision and patronage. 3 3 systems perspective, a into falls its the the that above control, communications and intelligence, where systems design and integration are pivotal to the ultimate success. World War II the Air Force's Environment) real-time particularly important. air SAGE the digital SAGE this system in 1950s the This huge system teamed MIT, many laid field, after (Semi-Automatic Ground defense Burroughs and Bell Labs, and sharing, In is IBM, of the foundations for time communications and computer graphics. 34 Besides, operating system had over one quarter of a million instructions. The following SACCS (Strategic Air Command Control System) even ran over a million instructions as well as an associated auxiliary message system requiring another 300,000 lines These unprecedented large command and control systems large pool of software civilian software manpower and though the impacts of the was introduced DOD for the procurement. business in greatly nurtured to a the industry. 35 COBOL, UNIX, ARPANET Other relevant examples include ADA, contributed of code. the late last 1950s. one remain Its to be seen. and COBOL development was sponsored by management of very complex defense logistics and It turned out that COBOL became the most used language. 36 UNIX operating system was 19 first developed by Bell Labs in the early University of California was make to hooked up the DARPA's purpose Bell system. ARPANET network its system communicate to with one another and run the same applications. Berkeley versions of UNIX AT&T of the commercial Consequently, the were incorporated into the As system. 37 ARPANET, to easily versions later it pioneered the communications technology, and, along with another packet-switched DARPA's at add extensive networking and to the basic to financed the research possible for the wide array of computer hardware it to Berkeley at communications functions DARPA But 1970s. ALOHA project Net, provided models and protocols for the design of local area networks (LANs), including the most widely ETHERNET. 38 supported DOD's ADA, single multi-purpose, ADA'S DOD So was it exemplified by the myriad began support the development of to high-order language ADA in certainly, in C3I. arena, the civilian In As language. mission-critical military all In its use was systems software and, avionics systems have adopted more generalized a part of this 1983 1974. specifications were frozen into a standard, and mandated a product of and the increasingly high operation use in and maintenance costs. ADA to struggle with the "software crisis" incompatible languages a With respect initiative, STARS (Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems) program also commenced in the 1980s early develop software production to technology, including software tools and methods. the results of this It to is the civilian sector. 39 improvements in C3I also contribute the and space systems programs. and Review Techniques) is Polaris In this Navy 1958 in system to It that the for military (Project Evaluation was due to the develop the (solid-fueled, armed with nuclear warheads and fulfillment of the Polaris Program, range intermediate fired from management developed PERT plan and control the whole program. in PERT example. missile submerged submarines) tool field, field critical a classic urgent time pressure on the missiles expected that in systems engineering and management, a ballistic is program could also be used self-evident that sophisticated It to Aside from the successful PERT has become an indispensable complex project management and systems engineering.'^^ 20 Though without such reason to believe many that other difficult But the "spin- might have been quite profound. track, to to systems design and integration, of the enhanced capabilities in albeit good because they had use what were readily available for urgent purposes. off" is These programs might a narrower technical sense, in little there programs similarly had military very tight development timetables. contribute PERT, a dramatic case as Large space systems programs such as Apollo and Space Because also exemplary. Shuttle are accuracy and conservative technically systems programs normally have to be these reliability, unnecessary avoid to missions mandate extreme their and uncertainties and mainly focus on exploiting the existing state-of-the-art risks, attempting than rather to significant Nevertheless, advances. technological generate scientific programs demand very these advanced systems design, engineering and management very widely separated, specialized efforts. despite In this integrate to regard, NASA-- accidents--employed a very wide variety of occasional the and methods, such as PERT, simulation analysis, data banks, management systems, information etc., incomparable manner for the originated elsewhere, were further refined, augmented and integrated. participation people, many aerospace NASA's programs and in other Crucial 4.7. Though exhaustive the mechanisms seem first "spin-off" is these collaboration in to cases examined so far are neither By a simple particularly one new and expensive second of experienced Mechanisms nor necessarily representative, The however, Through movement the of industries.'** variety of possibilities. cases. they, systems technologies have been diffused delicate and Though most huge space programs. its NASA techniques used by almost unprecedented and an in is synthesis, to the substantial critical do exhibit a great however, three of these "big" "success" mission agencies' assured procurement of products, which creates agencies' the the crucial they R&D the initial contracts, markets. The subsidies and technological areas of potentially commercial relevance, without which these areas may be seriously 21 by the civilian industry because of the perceived under-invested The unaffordably high risks or costs. these agencies' third is promotion of technology diffusion and industry competition, which expands the industrial base and enhances the "industrial metabolism." Through these three mechanisms, (and institutions) research Then Exhibit incremental new processes, model could also be used this about 1) "Spin-Off" many impressive Despite Rationale cases "spin-off" mentioned above, recently there has been trend to reflect the deep concern competitiveness of international R&D of Federal some growing skepticism a and technical recent skepticism are as follows. 5.1. Diverging Military there has and in covertness, new most notably accounts for the lion's share Plausible reasons for the talent. Requirements Civilian "stealth technology" radiation-resistant pursued by the military. But in for than military applications. fighters and nuclear for In geosynchronous civilian 22 Apparent efforts. semiconductors They have few commercial random-orbit rather where significant fields This will lead to diminishing commercial returns of military technological weapons. industries, its many important "spin-off" has taken place before. and This been a tendency toward diverging military and civilian requirements examples include in over the declining of still as expenditures and attracts considerable portion of the best scientific Firstly, many R&D semiconductors, while defense bombers, including about the "conventional wisdom" toward "spin-off." seems national to explain "spin-off." Skepticism the U.S. or or reinforced industries, (Exhibit 5. improved For an overview of the whole process, see thrive. In fact, 1. firms upgrade their technical capabilities, the civilian applications, in the form of new products and infrastructure, industrial and production experience, and drive down acquire product design the cost. the satellites, satellites for are communications, the reverse is the norm. remote sensing, the improvements In in resolution pushed by the military has been beyond what the commercial applications could economically aviation, civilian In justify.'*^ has to emphasize efficiency, aircraft environment impact, safety and comforts. combat modern So speed and maneuverability. puts priority on aircraft contrast, In and civilian needs have become very different, which military reduces the commercial benefits of military work on greatly As airframes in particular. airframe companies which a result, design and assemble the final products nowadays fund most of their R&D commercial is In fact, the divergence in the aircraft speed costs.'*^ Despite the also striking. operational combat jet (F-86 first "Sabre") to break the sound barrier (though only so far aircraft all operated by the British and French national jets the to commercial supersonic transport are many. many Technologically, The fundamental mandate. under their governments' impediments difficulties such areas as supersonic in aerodynamics, power plants, and "fly-by-wire" inherently less of fuel consumption, the But before the commercial supersonic economy the of strengthened addition prospects--in money Congress to to the opposition to 1971 Program which was intended program.'*'* Given the significant conditions still these negative In fact, to allocating large sums of fund commercial product development--led terminate in the to civilian investment exist. and structures booms, the effects on ozone layer and materials, the sonic climate, etc. should also be alleviated. make control could be widely accepted, the problems about the efficiency aircraft public to caused by more sharply swept wings are stability being overcome gradually. lighter 1947, in used by civilian airlines are subsonic, except a dozen plus Concorde airlines a dive) in By the in the U.S. Supersonic Transports (SST) counter the Anglo-French Concorde industry's reluctance this field, same token, until today to many unfavorable the recent advocacy for a commercial "spin-off," the "Orient Express," from the hypersonic (with speeds higher than March 5) National Aerospace Plane program like is very premature at best. Even if most technical challenges those involved in the ramjet or scramjet engine can be coped 23 SST Program as well as the new entirely new fuel system based on with eventually, similar questions by an issues entailed logistic hydrogen or methane either come up in case of scramjet) will inevitably the (in aircraft.'* ^ commercial version of hypersonic for the computer software, there also exist some disputable In DOD's tremendous despite contribution networking, and some languages. In graphics, in time-sharing, such as small-scale applications, computer-based programs and office automation, personal fields, both the civilian and military sectors use packaged commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. In however, defense large-scale applications, systems are overwhelmingly custom-built, and design-to-cost a priority, whereas commercial systems possible for efficiency's industries at much more Furthermore, level. this So there are two sake. than their approved and documented they are development. ADA rigid Therefore, divergence, initial to over efficiency, complexity and its things for the exception of civilian software Once all is a good people," any, case. there commercial is tends to software persist. Because of its considerable debate viability. ADA avionics systems, subsequent the if as software requirements military govern will purpose all distinct commercial counterparts. language, as noted previously, "do much COTS use as still not is So far, with has not been widely used for commercial applications. "^^ 5.2. Adverse Secondly, most military systems contribute little to productivity--now the U.S. reason is that Manufacturing on Influence or R&D Productivity and highly sophisticated weapon even adversely affect manufacturing industry's serious weakness. The main most military (and aerospace) programs incessantly pursue performance improvements at This tends to result R&D in very costly the expense of cost efficiency. and expensive designs produced, and make most purchases of high-tech weapon to be systems demand only small volumes. In jet units, bombers, for example, the B-47 totaled more than 2,000 and the B-52 742 planned for only 100 units, units."*^ whereas the successor B-1 was In fighters, depending on the different missions of specific models, the volumes ordered by the military 24 But the cost trend varied. weapon within similar missiles, etc. that of tanks, ships, fairly clear, just as is of designing and testing the first the In categories. 1950s, the cost supersonic fighters, F-lOO, F-102 and F-104 ranged between $55-365 million. the In 1970s, the F-16 development program cost more than $730 million, and the F-18 cost nearly $1 program Advanced the In 1982 in partly from The increasing retard the 5.3. Little down progression Incentive commercial competition. from the cost-plus-incentive-fee This have been for many schemes still industry's For example, side, partly due to technical development work and partly due motives get approval, costs are proposal stage. Usually, after so momentum been difficult, gained many problems may want stages, has to change that often much that cost overruns. On in serving the costs. fixed-price contract type transport program is is future the opportunistic underestimated at It On at the and psychological the the military's also wants may to prevent jeopardize their The C-5 heavy Lockheed won 25 it Therefore, the defense needs. competition over Boeing and received a $1.95 side, development later often circumvented. a good case. the to important firms from suffering big loss which competence of the total program cancelation becomes requirements which incurs additional 1987 is political begin to surface. its in and other uncertainties inherent in to 14% and But the reality accommodate the to 66% and by firm- replaced largely procurement funds respectively. there are crucial in is cost-plus-fixed-fee the that two contract types accounted latter which however, could not be deduced fact, and fixed-price-incentive types. fixed-price result above one, the present contracting the types costs Containment records exhibiting official also a is quantities practice does not encourage cost containment, which military (Ml curve. learning the Cost to relevant to Thirdly, unit decreasing production generally the Certainly, there dollars.) chicken-and-egg problem here. the terms of unit F-lOO was $2.5 million, and the F-16 $20 million.^s above values are (ATF) Tactical Fighter expected to cost several billion dollars. is costs, the the Now billion. parallel the paper design billion fixed-price- incentive contract for a work and the package," consisting of development "total requirements initial government renegotiated Misguidance may technology, the Lockheed lead contract to bail programs, even tools had been pioneered in the early So Lockheed out. 5 Efforts manufacturing for Though numerical control (NC). is the bankruptcy. to A "mislead" civilian technological efforts. point meeting in To continue Commercial Technological of military Fourthly, failed it product development.'*^ in work without extra support might 5.4. But the construction of 115 aircraft. case in tape control for machine NC modern century, the this technology was established primarily by the Air Force's auspices beginning the in 1940s late R&D, in software development, training NC of technicians and programmers, and purchase of defense contractors. War and Program. missiles Cold War the present the These Integrated Initially, NC in efforts the machines for were further fueled by the Korean 1950s and 1960s, and continued still in Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) was developed for making and aircraft But which required complex machining and uniformity. because the Air Force guaranteed lucrative returns, most industrial and technical efforts were geared as a meet the Air Force Other developments which might have proved more specifications. accessible, to practical and economical for the whole were overlooked or abandoned. metal-working In striking industry contrast, NC Japanese companies imported the U.S. technology, standardized machine and made them easier tools, to use, more As costly for machining simpler shapes of products. and reliable, a On world market. machine tools in the contrary, the U.S. 1978, the first became time since last Therefore, it the U.S. Air Force unpurposefully "misled" efforts in NC.51 There are some clues field of advanced materials. that a may century, and the adopted many NC well be argued that the civilian similar history may technological repeat in the The U.S. present leadership 26 in a net importer of U.S. manufacturers outside the aerospace industry technology via the Japanese. less many result, Japanese firms, like Fujitsu-Fanuc, have been very successful the in especially advanced composite technology of types all a result of military is and, to a lesser degree, space programs which were aimed at such goals higher as operating greater temperatures, toughness, But so weight, and even lower radar observability. reduced advanced the far developed for these purposes are expensive, and the materials processes are poorly fabrication According for suited mass production. U.S. commercial end users, the major use of to potential these materials will not be profitable within the next five years. many 10 to 20 years will be required to solve the remaining cases, problems and technical to develop rapid, low cost manufacturing Hence, with the exception of civilian aircraft whose methods. requirements there are As technology. less still than stringent commercial "market little is a consequence, pull" Nevertheless, R&D and space on advanced materials in commercial the Many carbon large applications through push" experience. consists of engineering plastics, fibers, their existing products, long-term investment One example aluminum in They focus on fine and amorphous alloys. companies create "market pull" through the integrated in area. and a "fledgling" aircraft industry, most efforts advanced materials are explicitly commercial. ceramics, this in which has relatively small indigenous military Japan in counterparts, military their major military contractors the have not played a significant role field In is in and maintain "technology gaining production Toyota's diesel engine piston which locally reinforced with ceramic fibers. In the European arena, many companies are also cooperating even internationally in automobile for developing structures. 52 advanced This polymer matrix composites a harbinger of the strategy is similar to that of Japanese NC--using advanced technology in cost, high volume commercial applications. counterparts still expense of lower mainly emphasize cost. ^ In contrast, higher performance to U.S. at the 3 Another somewhat controversial case happened history of transistors. the low According to Bell Labs' plan, in its the early transistor was be used in telephone amplifier, radio receiver, circuit oscillator, and other civilian electronic products. request (because this But under the military's company had extensive experience with 27 complex military projects during World War II), AT&T had new field chiefly This may partly explain 1950s. large-scale application of transistors even AT&T's system telephone early the until in 1960S.5'* PWR Navy's better understood a reactor viable in types, if PWR Some momentum. great have Besides, in contrast with the gas-cooled power was initially are by fuelled 0.7% up to When about 3%. PWR and So, technology was nurtured moved down in the U.S. and than other alternatives. faster scaling-up went on from the commercial initial 60 many plant, BWR the learning But as the ambitious MWe safety As a result, recent years a in individuals-including the inventor of power industry and 5.5. nuclear pilot plant to the current and reliability problems and the treatment of radioactive wastes became an intractable arose, new and explored in the West, only the U.S. had enrichment capacity principally for nuclear weapons. MWe PWRs chosen by France and the U.K., natural level its first much natural use uranium consisting of the fissile isotope U-235 to enriched from issue. equally least at they had been given similar support, hence did not take root uranium and were 1000 use the developed alternative which might have otherwise proved graphite-moderated reactors (GCRs) which curve to type plant created pilot also for the civilian other concurrently the nuclear energy field. BWRs But well suited to submarine propulsion. literally of the delay own its dominant influence might not be without serious flaws. be its by hindsight, the Navy's and AEC's early In nuclear power, may use for military then limited technical resources in this projects throughout the to path and try different Diminishing Fifthly, leverage in former a AEC Leverage fields PWR, pioneers of the nuclear chairman--have started reactor concepts. ^ mission-oriented many of institutions and number seek a 5 Mission-Oriented of to programs have where procurement or their lost R&D Programs potential investment has The history of semiconductors become predominantly commercial. The military bought nearly all the 90,000 reflects this trend. transistors, 47% mostly produced by Western Electric, of transistors and 33% of all in 1952,56 bm semiconductor devices by value 28 only in 1963.57 1952 the military and space agencies purchased the In $4 million of IC output, but entire 1967 they were surpassed by in commercial market, and by the end of the 1960s the rapidly the growing computer industry had become the largest end user market. 58 Finally in the mid-1980s, 10% semiconductor sales and of all the meantime, the DOD 3% accounted for only less than of the quantity of chips. ^9 unlike transistors and early respectively, R&D form of support the Mostek and from the military—in the improving production. 60 at In 9-year Very High Speed Integrated Circuit principally more broadly initial But purposes. military for this as also to strengthen the U.S. or launched (VHSIC) Program program was construed With IC industry. technology into military systems, the DOD 1980, budget, $200 million, expanded to nearly $1 incorporate billion to like gallium DOD arsenide (GaAs) chips (whose development was sponsored by 1960s). main focus on Its semiconductors higher silicon and density was rather consistent with speed industry efforts, and thus commercial markets. because investment its R&D. program, for is shared the development costs for one reason why many firms took part very be seen, to is program's this quite questionable, modest when compared with VHSIC Take 1985, about the middle year of illustration. firms is though yet "spin-off," commercial captive This effect mainstream the But the relative importance of enthusiastically. 61 potential in (with the program, this however, did not cover newly emerging technologies, since the and Intel contract, early purchase of expensive products, aimed assistance lacked entirely of (CMOS) following complementary metal oxide semiconductor microprocessor technologies, developed by the great success the ICs, In The U.S. semiconductor industry—excluding semiconductor production mainly for internal uses and not for sale in the open markets like merchant firms) such as IBM and R&D. 62 AT&T-spent barriers likelihood 18% of the total revenue in Besides, in this program only the large established systems companies were entry $1.8 billion or in virtually the qualified to participate, given present semiconductor industry. of "industrial metabolism" 29 the huge^ So the which might otherwise be enhanced by DOD's support for new entrants challenge the to incumbent firms has also diminished. In computers, Sperry Rand delivered the in 1955, annual the By similar pattern exists. a military UNIVAC commercial first computer GE to market had already reached $200 But ever since 1962, the year with million. when time the hardware sales total $2,300 million, the commercial market has been ahead of the defense gy and space market with an increasingly wider discrepancy. ^3 1979 the computers for military use had shrunk annual though the defense build-up production, reversed slightly tide. 64 that R&D 1950s government With respect military the 60% Burroughs, and in R&D to 80% IBM. in of U.S. 1980s investment, in the STRETCH R&D expenditures. funded major computer firms still 35% % early the in of IBM's total significant levels, for example, about 70% only 3.6 contracts (including the large computers) represented about Around 1960 to at Sperry and Control Data, in IBM But the highly successful 1401, 360 and 370 series were completely financed by the company's own funds. In the 1980s less investment came from the military early years, nuclear steam Later on in firms. ^ utilities, industry Navy's reactors) began military in In of various reactor architect engineers and Westinghouse (e.g., Rooted and commercial impede "spin-off." even not new issues R&D surpass AEC many incurred expenditures, the (including the Obstacles Nevertheless, more at different sectors unfavorable trends or "pitfalls" are terms of significantly to many fundamentally obstacles In 1958. ^^ Institutionally Finally, 5 constructing pilot or small commercial plants, and and environmental issues. civilian cited R&D developing larger-scale plants as well as tackling safety the all supply system (NSSS) suppliers and GE) joined then R&D most major computer at government sponsored types in the national labs. 5.6. of the nuclear power, a similar trend could also be observed. In the 10% than as rules constitute and practices many barriers when compared with discussed above, institutionally all. 30 rooted, the more in that the following predictable, and the First, as well of communication of classified restriction information government regulations and procurement practices makes as R&D many defense units from commercial administratively, psychologically, physically and isolated, R&D departments. This inhibits technology sharing and diffusion even within a firm's formal boundary. organizational Second, DOD's principle R&D to separate contracts and production contracts in order to avoid "lock-in" effect extended from R&D to production and encourage competition incorporation the As a the result, manufacturability of DOD's DOD share ensure to R&D supply multiple development phase. are normally markets. another principle to force sponsored the products, even after adaptation, final too expensive for the civilian Third, into both areas hampers in DOD results with sources its R&D contractors to specified firms in order to makes many high-tech firms decline bid on defense projects for fear of losing their proprietary information and advantage of possibility may be further Relevant to the perceive that the counter-productivity, associated 6. the with Synthesis In three point, in fluctuation are commonly Implications consideration of the above negative prospects of "spin-off," mechanisms crucial perspectives be used will phenomena, and 6.1. by joining technically projects. ^^ as pointed out previously are ostensibly not straight "panacea." discussed competent companies--which encumbrance, commercial budgetary government and the many companies are also many military programs, because bureaucratic and Therefore, decreases. from taking part discouraged they last these strengthened programs--largely military markets. civilian through "spin-off" otherwise in the to In this synthesize implications section, the several seemingly very divergent other countries will to also briefly. Radical vs. Incremental Technological 31 Change be By a loose definition, a radical or revolutionary technology not on the general trajectory of paradigms which the progress in evolutionary. plan and manage. a predominantly incremental or is if on the "right horse" through direct new and promising more effective through for not impossible, predict, to R&D Only endorsement. technological paradigm emerges could it after be mission agencies to accelerate the progress R&D further stage of radical or the thus not very likely for mission agencies to is It at very difficult, is technological existing Therefore, the progress revolutionary change bet some is technology diffusion, As etc. production procurement, investment, becomes predominantly "theater" the support, commercial, the mission agencies' overall leverage will diminish. to may remain influence their missions and their The the in critical being pursued vigorously. still history of semiconductors in the U.S. roughly fits this from the outset (when the solid-state physics, on which pattern modern semiconductors was then based, are highly volatile field) to the recent newly emerging and a VHSIC program influence on the development of silicon limited commercial relevance). computers was already DOD's high-end fields which are But strong direct, engines, in the by-pass did not rely the 2 its very semiconductors of electronization of or less predictable trajectory. As regards endorsement was decisive. the they more a in R&D particular fanjet, Nevertheless, (with innovations--the two-shaft turbojet So jet and were largely engineering development, and on very unpredictable scientific discovery and progress (though a wide array of scientific and technological disciplines as well as learning experience were needed). Hence a in technical sense they were not too radical for DOD pattern Because of the military origin of most basic is slightly different. technologies and the bet. civilian nuclear power. environmental changed into nuclear power, the high military sensitivity work on various reactor concepts and first In government involvement, exemplified by technologies, labs' very the to pilot Later on, impacts a plant, the Navy's was much deeper when soared, the the national influence in the genesis of public concern over safety and government's largely regulatory one. 32 in of related What initial is promotional more, in both jet role engine and nuclear power, only a small number of established firms had the capabilities DOD is worth noting, however, On that the initial diffusion stage of at protection proprietary of may slow down to economic rewards appropriate From this point of view, the AT&T's own telephone system may have the diffusion process. in been more than compensated by mandated by the applications military earlier the industry-wide sponsored R&D of them government's is 6.2. national for General security's costs. because promoting responsibility, legitimate may sometimes be sake. Technology Functional Direction, by government in innovations, critical though, on the other hand, the diffusion scope restricted accelerated which helped drive down the unit and militarily exploitation and settlement anti-trust one of the potential advantages inherent is to not be sufficient, and their rights delay of using transistors utilization, their resources the part of the private inventors, new technology may exploit the the less likely that is it not be so desirable from the standpoint of the whole social benefits. This So technology, reliance on pure private efforts or revolutionary radical the R&D. do the large-scale would contracted or subsidized "wrong horses." It may to and Generic Technology If technological progress elements, then the is conceptual innovation looked upon distinction radical as mentioned above may become blurred. to between predict that For example, technology will proceed of being faster, more powerful, more accurate, more accessible, materials, available, etc. -given same the more input, and smaller"--given the same output or functions. the general recognizable, and the possible. in it would not the direction reliable, more or using less energy and being physically "lighter, thinner, shorter less perspective, revolutionary the and the evolutionary or incremental innovation or be surprising terms of more basic in Even if direction R&D of technological endorsement in From this progress is the right direction fairly is the bet on a specific technical approach, device or machine eventually proves incorrect, the knowledge and infrastructure accumulated may still 33 be relevant and can contribute significantly Therefore, identified. of direction the on GaAs semiconductors programs military at schedule over cost, R&D their artificial belong to as well that, how made by on capitalize to the civilian NC upon the because many usually civilian industry manner integrated there a is potential if to resist or To better optimum into a and commercial the one the civilian may be created mass" difficult led into a sector. another perspective technologies, instrumental. is to system), momentum "critical very a in understand the divergence and convergence of military last may grow initial change, and the following efforts not really a specific core nuclear steam supply the danger that the chiefly for military purposes At the systems military level, similar But both may consist of many common weighted differently. at this functional mission-oriented programs could more definitely contribute civilian In sector. equilibrium, results the the from military programs. of these The latter, functional clues for the future commercial efforts. applied quite sensing and well the level that the to consideration of economic viability or systems commercial applications may not state-of-the-art other. functional dimensions, is It to and commercial requirements may look very different from each despite being this basic reactor type) necessitates a (e.g., (e.g., In itself. development of other "complementary" technologies direction their shoulders. industry's technology, device or machine then is and time commercial purposes mainly for Moreover, as the case of nuclear power shows, closely category. and advanced materials technologies from military programs generated the this stage prioritize performance manufacturing productivity time and cost must be falls may research The commercial three-way balance between performance, weakness. sense, speeds and for processing should be cautioned it early investment in DOD's long sponsored correct. intelligence for "intelligence" is computing power, communication miniaturization, Nevertheless, DOD's could be said that it was generally capacity, etc. progress once the "right horse" the continuing to to fully however, may technologies still define and provide This rationale could be semiconductors, computer architecture, elements of aircraft such as aerodynamics, 34 the utilize remote propulsion, which aircraft and materials, but structures is, well less the to whole one level higher than engine for instance, systems hierarchy and, accordingly, should be defined more commercial in terms. direction of technological The two perspectives of "general progress" the in and "functional technology" as suggested above are slightly from a currently prevailing perspective of "generic Loosely speaking, "generic technology" means a concept, technology." different component or process, or phenomena, has the potential to be applied to a broad range of that So products or processes. may have it militarily and commercially relevant. base manufacturing, for of scientific further investigation the the potential of being both Examples include the science technology basic about and combustion process, software tools and methods, technology," "generic Nevertheless, integrity structural conceptually, is etc. "pre-competitive, covering research activities up to the stage where technical uncertainties are identified sufficiently commercial potential and prior So, specific prototypes. or "innovation pipeline" linking different in its it R&D development of application- to "R&D spectrum" (which has feedback and feedforward loops The importance of strategic R&D thinking. activities (e.g., research and development) to the usage of applications and diffusion as a goal. the assessment of permit basically a stage in the stages). inherently novel from the properties of is to First, this perspective turns it the basic research, R&D Second, it lies attention applied results--with wide grasps the essence of "convergence" of (or the blurred distinction between) modern science and technology, rendering unnecessary the demarcation" in As regards "artificial between. two perspectives proposed here, they are the constructed in terms of the contribution to the missions. not have the "precompetitive" development, production modification. It is organizing and construction, evident, are cross-fertilizing. technology limitation. So they do They could cover advanced systems use, and however, that these three perspectives "Generic technology" could be a criterion for programs with more "spin-off" potential. 35 "General direction" and "functional technology" could be a guidance identifying for From and Technology Systems 6.3. opportunities "spin-off" the capitalize to Based Nationally on. Efforts because the U.S. has an unmatched a systems perspective, high-tech military machine and a global military presence, C3I its could be judged to have no comparison in the civilian sector or even in the whole world in terms of Therefore, other functions. seems not surprising it has there that been a steady flow of contribution from C3I-related programs civilian A sector. may similar rationale the to many Though it as well be applied complex mission-oriented systems programs. large-scale many speed and scale, complexity, its to is usually difficult to track because of few easily recognizable "packaged" technologies, the "spin-off" of systems engineering and management capabilities from these programs may have been widespread and contributed significantly systemic character Finally, First, with industries commercial counterparts, their have programs technology three rather because national security cannot be judged commercial terms, relatively long-term commitment to technologies (not necessarily specific products) could unique in some critical be more easily Second, because these programs are mission-focused and assured. under big pressure from usually the military commanding system, concentrating efforts on some mission-critical fields would normal strategy. basis. strong particular. compared with as mission-oriented features. in to Therefore, investment not necessarily technological more (not efficient, This consistently paramount role radical/revolutionary industry influence in in may or technological attaining designated explain U.S. mission agencies' C3I and on albeit pioneering some critical frontiers scientific) strong programs may be more effective, military technological objectives. particularly be mobilized on a national the general direction or the specific focus of if sound, is may Third, resources be a aircraft many worldly fields technology, and state-of-the-art where the U.S. civilian alone could not achieve and no other countries could compete. 36 and Implications 6.4. of U.S. Experience Other Countries to applying the strategic implications derived from the U.S. In experience to other countries, the U.S. uniqueness should examined. First, investment and the U.S. has by far the largest defense-related Second, following World War broad all this procurement product high-performance Western world. virtually R&D the in country during the quarter century was the world's most productive economy by II measures and the technological leader across a very As front. ^^ a result of the multiplying effect of these advantages, the U.S. in effect leads significant edge all by a the other countries new technologies from both the generation of in two programs, and the exploitation of these technologies military be first commercial sector--or least at fields the in the the in maintains leading it position. As a corollary, "spin-off" out turn that (advanced) countries other in may it uncompetitive eventually, even similarly advanced may be because the alternative * abandonment of France and the U.K. there So, indigenously-developed the a is little is good "spin-off" nuclear likelihood that really radical which almost certainly would lag behind counterparts As targeted. is to the in of resources innovations in other U.S. their and technological levels invested unradical innovations of commercial relevance, it very probable that the civilian industry has already played a dominant role in terms in reactor illustration. would originate from military technology programs countries, the in The ultimate U.S. tends to have better learning economies. \ rendered in the countries would be very the U.S. or in some other advanced where the military programs are located. difficult to justify the cost effectiveness conscious "spin-off"--noting that there done meet the commercial to countries, criteria, still if are the many not if Then it of the things to be option to transfer the technology among commercial firms, even across national borders, exists. Therefore, countries to it does not seem to be pragmatic for most other expect significant contribution from "spin-off." 37 Among advanced countries, the above unfavorable prospect the of "spin-off" would naturally be more serious for small countries, being equal. others some products, final these countries If pursue self-dependence all in such as combat aircraft, battle tanks, submarines and missiles, they may have to concentrate their much technological limited on systems design and integration, resources and rely heavily on readily available subsystems and functional home and from technologies at investment" "threshold required Then military items. slack to deliberately promote own their first "spin-off." In weapon systems, class be confined to the meantime, the military may have no the In modern high-tech developing in may mostly "spin-off" systems capabilities. have abroad, because of the large small countries, to these much fewer albeit in models for various missions when compared with larger countries, is already too big a challenge. When the dynamic development industrial context of a developing country which is considered is shortening its the in gap with advanced countries, the above general argument may need some modification. a military Usually, a "follower" country's domestic capabilities for item evolve licensed repair, subsystems, and production finally systems (certainly subsystems). of making If when chiefly a the In still and upgrading, independent design the independent production and production of whole evolution also proceeds in the direction more sophisticated weapon systems. model of three stages civilian industry applied here, then at the is underdeveloped, is military first stage technology imported from abroad may help transfer relatively simple technology and management to the local industry, and industrial infrastructure by training people uniform in upgrade maintenance and production--a key element of modern military technology. the of on other countries for many parts and relying parallel, maintenance and following sequence: the in military industry may play diffusing Taylorist production the civilian industry is in leading role in and management. more developed, and complex military products participate a increases. the demonstrating and At the second stage, local content of more The private industry may now more advanced production, and some 38 So, large firms may even become prime contractors working on systems integration and design for some military items. use" technologies, Through these sectors The technological the further shortened. is "dual At the third stage, many have attained rather high levels of technology and industries management. many example, electronics and systems engineering, for could be diffused to the civilian sector. civilian firms, capability "Spin-off" gap between the two becomes more And difficult. argument as precedingly proposed becomes more general relevant. Contrast 6.5. As far as with centrally planned could be a representative case. This country's huge military R&D military and aerospace technology Its But there the U.S. significant is little USSR economies are concerned, the investment in terms of procurement and U.S. Economies Planned Centrally evidence that is this only matched by the is also second to none but country has had with the exception of aircraft and nuclear "spin-off," power. In the USSR, the airliners same organizations, such Design Bureaus, many the well-known Tupolev and Ilyushin worked also on bombers, military transports that Though and even fighters. prioritized, as were normally developed by the civilian military versions projects derived were traditionally from their models achieved remarkable technological records. era. the military In huge turboprop TU-114 entered civilian service the in post-war 1957. This family only later was displaced by Boeing 747 as the world's largest, Airline's heaviest airliner. fleet. This is In the 1956 the TU-104 joined the Aeroflot world's first operational jetliner, without peers for two years until the entry of the 707 and the DC-8. engine M-109 was the world's largest operating at range was also longer than the 707 and the DC-8. provided service until 1980 with good reliability that Its time. Its The TU-104 and safety record. This nearly all-Soviet product, like Sputnik, was seen as another proof of the rapid scientific and technical progress in the USSR. It is noteworthy that both the TU-114 and the TU-104 had been developed inexpensively from the military designs, the Bear and the 39 TU-16 bombers respectively, was very effect in The only eighteen months. "spin-off" high. However, the strong pursuit of speed, range and capacity, more economically usually at the expense of designs, also justifiable There was characterized the Soviet civilian aircraft development. little There was also no profit incentive as a driving force. "objective" cost accounting system in this designs in the direction of efficiency. country to push aircraft Therefore, despite the high cost consciousness on the designers' part to make economically viable aircraft world market, the hurdles rooted also for the the counter- in productive institutional context proved to be too difficult to completely cross. The TU-144 program which December supersonic transport on style The 25 development. led to the historic 1968 also typifies the Soviet- 31, investment pushed the persistent years' flight of an first program steadily forward and achieved high technological levels aerodynamics, fuselage and engines, though its in and electronics comforts could not match the Western counterpart Concorde. However, its commercial unresolved weakness 1983 the supersonic Before civilian aviation this final even its plan flight after In was of about a dozen and a half units fleet more than 10,000 air- decision was made, no pragmatic world of had seriously challenged the course of as in the U.S., or in range, reliability, efficiency and noise. in dropped from the Aeroflot's hours. was eventually crippled viability in this program France and the U.K. --despite the continuation of their Concorde program and flight. ^^ In nuclear power technology, the sector, country this operated world's first fusion) in tokamak 1968, In term almost totally the new commitment, management. the world's in self- But, large-scale experimental magnetic confinement for nuclear in excellent technical progress reactor first 1954, developed the and made remarkable progress effect, output scale and (i.e., the MWe) nuclear power plant (with output 5 reactors. is Based on the basic technologies originating from the dependent. military USSR R&D the in fast terms of was pushed forward by investment and breeder its long- centralized on the other hand, the safety factor was largely 40 neglected, resulting in graphite-moderated water-cooled, light unacceptably bad safety designs the disastrous Chernobyl accident in outside controlled centrally its very the pitfalls, system existed and warned against "unbalanced" development might have been environmental issues as have been faced in the many West would not the in another case is advanced military and space systems suggest its must have possessed some technical capabilities country has failed quality It in imitated creating IBM viable a was bad and software support weak. yield rate was low and Even military uses. poor reliability in It least at larger computers do, the USSR bloc) entirely lacks vitality opportunities. As in the a matter of USSR the (as well fact, produced ICs, but the those for non- in For example, modern information This weakness to the development of many in 1988 the USSR had only 2 to 4 reactors.^ "spin-off" or nearly completely stymied in incredibly weak. 1 ^ has been severely USSR. the This country has a large pool of military and aerospace technology, but is fields, 58 reactors, whereas the West has an average of its Therefore, on the whole, industry than capabilities has been described as a crisis. including nuclear power. "distorted" but the series, whole East European as the the barrier simulator per 3 this grasp the dynamically changing to has constituted a serious simulators for But microcomputers which do not really demand more advanced and sophisticated technological technology advanced base comparable to RYAD its USSR the that in industrial computers for Many point. in computers and telecommunications. microelectronics, the West. and safety USSR. Modern information technology of Chernobyl-type (i.e., Had an independent voice 1986. This certainly does not imply that avoided. happen all according to the Western standards, and the world's most reactors), the reactors in So, even if its its civilian government makes conscious and great efforts to convert military technology for civilian purposes, civilian there industry is no autonomous, that vigorous and market-oriented could actively take advantage of the "spin-off" opportunities according to the commercial rules. the "virtuous circle"--in Besides, for lack of which a strong civilian industry 41 in turn supports military the aerospace technology in the development of military and further the sector, USSR has also been seriously jeopardized. 7. Remarks Concluding In addition to some general mechanisms three rules, the success of several "big" cases in the U.S. "spin-off" The identified in this paper. first mission agencies' is history are initial procurement of new and expensive products; the second substantial is R&D their is and collaboration; and the subsidies contracts, to critical third promotion of technology diffusion and industry competition. the However, some "spin-off": trends, diverging programs' oriented practices military adverse and are pitfalls also found inhibit to and civilian requirements, and mission- on influence manufacturing productivity and cost containment, misguidance of commercial technological and efforts, diminishing leverage. By comparing many phenomena paper suggests that programs tends to the across different cases, contribution potential be more crucial when of mission-oriented targeted the this technology the stage of radical change, and confined to the high-end fields the innovation is predominantly commercial and incremental. meantime, the contribution of these programs also tends steady and predictable in some critical "functional complex systems programs unmatched systems of systems efforts, their in U.S. the "spin-off" On the whole, however, it other military superpower--the the either "distorted" civilian be more and in the field technology and engineering tends to be considerable. in military technology, or should be seems not pragmatic for most other countries to expect significant contribution from to the In demand worldly generalization of the U.S. experience to other countries cautioned. when technologies" contribution Because of the U.S. superpower position the at Because many C3I and "general directions of technological progress." large-scale to is USSR, its "spin-off." "spin-off" has been stymied for lack of a strong, market-oriented industry. 42 As Notes 1 Freeman (1982), p. 2 Smith (1990), 133. 3 development development 5 and Nelson (1990), DOD's technology base programs exploratory 4 p. 191 (category OTA (1989). The laws promoting technology Federal the Act of Transfer Act of 1989. ^ from 1988, Carter (1989), pp. in For the exploratory 1980, and the Act Innovation the programs sponsored Federally of 1980, Patent the Bayh-Dole Patent Amendments of National Omnibus Trade and the Competitiveness Technology 10 standards used to evaluate the effects of defense discussed 6.1), 20. Technology Transfer Act of 1986, Competitiveness ^ p. transfer and Trademark Amendments Act of 1984, advanced and Stevenson-Wydler Technology the (category 6.3A). (category For DOD's budget, see U.S. include research include 6.2), 125. p. R&D spending are 4-6. impacts of information technology on information technology on "technological paradigm," see Dosi (1982). ^ For the impacts "techno-economic 9 10 of paradigm," Freeman see equipment and accounted RifeD 1981. the for about Braun and Macdonald (1982), 12 The rapid to license its equipment half and about p. settlement and to refrain in the and electrical a and quarter electronic to a third is partly due to AT&T's mid-1950s. Misa (1987). Schnee (1978), 15 Braun and Macdonald (1978), pp. 59-63, and Schnee (1978), pp. 16 Phillips 17 Schnee (1978), 18 Flamm (1987). pp. 65-70 and 19 Hamm (1987), pp. 78-80. pp. consent from open market competition as part of an 14 (1982), pp. of Federal 11-12. 13 pp. components) 98. diffusion of transistor technology patents (1986). of aircraft/missiles See Rosenberg (1986), pp. funding. 11 antitrust categories communications (including respectively military 1971 both Perez and 294-295. Burnett and Scherer (1990), pp. In and system" "technology 15-16. 162-179. 10-11. 108-110. 43 11-13. -0 OTA U.S. (1990), 188. and p. Flamm (1987). pp. 81-82. 21 Schnee (1978). -2 Thompson 23 For a brief discussion of the U.S. commercial aircraft industry, see Dertouzos et pp. (1984). al. (1989). pp. 201-216. 24 Donald (1987). 25 Langford (1987), 26 For the 13-14. 14. p. 37. p. government's influence see Mowery and Rosenberg 27 Rosenberg (1986), 28 Rosenberg (1986), 29 For commercial U.S. the aircraft industry, (1982). 24-26. pp. 24. p. development of brief review of the a on jet engine, see White (1984), pp. 10-18. 30 Dertouzos 31 U.S. 32 U.S. 33 (1989), et al. OTA (1989), pp. OTA (1988), p. 1. For 206. 170-171. of this history, see Chiang (1991). brief review a p. 34 Flamm (1987), pp. 48-49. 35 Flamm (1987), pp. 36 Flamm (1987), 37 Flamm (1987), pp. 38 Flamm (1987), pp. 59-61. 39 Flamm (1987), pp. 75-76, and U.S. "^0 p. 76. 121-123. OTA (1989), pp. For the Polaris program, see Sapolsky (1972). PERT, Moder (1983), pp. 10-14. There are many reports about Concorde. See, history of see 41 Schnee (1977). 42 Rosenberg (1986), 43 Dertouzos 44 For the 45 For Altes U.S. a et al. p. et al. p. Program, of the National 47 Donald (1987), (1989). pp. 169-170 and 173-174. pp. 38, a for example, Feldman (1985). 44 and 62. Burnett and Scherer (1990), pp. 295-300. 44 see Horwitch (1982). Aerospace Program, see Korthals- (1987). OTA brief review of the For 206. Transports brief discussion U.S. 169-170 and 173-174. 27. (1989), Supersonic 46 48 121-122. '^9 For a brief discussion of the technical issues of the C-5A transport, see Seamans (1972), 50 pp. 2-4. For the military contracting behavior and the Lockheed case, Burnett see and Scherer (1990), pp. 300-305. 51 NC For the development of and the "distortion" of commercial efforts, see Noble (1984). 52 53 U.S. OTA (1989). pp. 167-168. For a comparison of advanced materials technology strategies and Japan, see U.S. OTA Misa (1987). 55 Thompson 56 Braun and Macdonald (1982), p. 70. 57 Braun and Macdonald (1982), p. 80. 58 Braun and Macdonald (1982), p. 98. 59 Dallmeyer (1987), 60 DcGrasse (1983). pp. 84-96. 61 For 62 Statistics VHSIC p. 48. Program, see Yoshino and Fong (1985). from Dataquest. Schnee (1978), 64 Flamm (1987), p. 108. 65 Flamm (1987), pp. 97-99. 66 Thompson 68 69 OTA p. 9. (1984), pp. 68-72. (1990), pp. 33-35 and 161-163. Nelson (1990). For the development transports, 70 U.S. (1984), pp. 68-73. 63 U.S. the (1988). 54 67 in in the USSR, of aircraft, history see Moon in the USSR, the supersonic (1989). For a brief discussion of nuclear power, other technologies including see information Chiang (1990). 45 technology and some Bibliography Braun, Ernest and Macdonald, Stuart (1982), Revolution in Miniature, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. M. 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"Spin-Off" from Mission-Oriented Technology Programs Mission Requirements i Needs of Key Technologies / \ R&D ^ Government Labs' In-House \ y ^ R&D Contracts to Industry Mission Test, Integration, Utilization and Modification / i Technology to Industry Government's Follow-On Procurements \ Industry's \ / i Transfer i Production Expansion and Experience i Industry's Technical Capability Upgrading Accumulation i Cost Reduction and Quality Improvement [(Spin-Off) Civilian Applications ^ i Improved or New Products, Processes, Industries and Infrastructure u - Date Due WARf5 6 992 DEC. 03 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 TDflO DDbbbO^D D