HD28 MAR fP. 1CQ7 L, SftAjvli-- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ''takh3\^r defenses and shareholder voting* David Austen -Smith University of Rochester /^ and Patricia C. O'Brien Massachusetts Institute of Technolog)' WP# 1823-86 Revised: Januar>' 1987 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ^ TAKBO\^R DEFENSES AND SHAREHOLDER VOTING* David Austen-Smith University of Rochester " and Patricia C. O'Brien Massachusetts Institute of Technology' WP# 1823-86 * , Revised: Januar>' 1987 The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful comments from Jeff Banks, Harry DeAngelo, Linda DeAngelo Johm Parsons and Rick Ruback, and from seminar participants at MIT, Stanford and the University of Rochester. Remaining errors are soley the authors' responsibility. , Takeover Defenses and Shareholder Voting* David Austen-Smith Department of Political Science University of Rochester Rochester NY 14627 and Patricia C.O'Brien Sloan School of Management M.I.T. Cambridge MA 02139 October 1986 Revised: January 1987 *The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful comments from Jeff Banks, Harry DeAngelo, Linda DeAngelo, John Parsons and Rick Ruback, and from seminar participants at MIT, Stanford and the University of Rochester. Remaining errors are solely the authors' responsibility. M.I.T. LP MAR 1 o K Abstract Why firm? do shareholders vote for anti-takeover devices which apparently lower the value of their We address this question by constructing an agenda-setting model in which rational, informed, and value-maximizing shareholders vote on requests for such devices self-interested management with employment opportunities outside the firm. made by a We find sufficient conditions for the value of the firm to decline as a result of a request, although it is approved by shareholders. In our model, the apparently paradoxical voting behavior occurs because the expected takeover premium is reduced more by rejection of the request than by approval. 1. Introduction Why firm? do shareholders vote for anti-takeover devices which apparently lower the value of their We address this question by constructing a model in which rational, fuUy informed, and value-maximizing shareholders vote on requests for such devices made by a self-interested management with employment opportunities outside the firm. We describe conditions under which the value of the firm declines as a result of the request, although it is approved by shareholders. In our model, the apparendy paradoxical voting behavior occurs because premium is tiie expected takeover reduced more by rejection of the request than by approval. A large and increasing number of amendments to corporate charters are specifically designed to increase the cost of transferring control. amendments in DeAngelo and Rice (1983) report over 250 proposed 1974 through 1979. Linn and McConneU (1983) find generally increasing incidence of such proposals among ResponsibiHty Research Center NYSE firms over the period from lists 1960 The Investor to 1980. over 200 in 1985 alone. The two major hypotheses describing the motives for instituting anti-takeover charter amendments are commonly "management entrenchment" and "shareholder interests." ^ According entrenchment view, incumbents are interested in described as to the management job security and seek protection from market, to the detriment of shareholders. Two entrenching antitakeover devices are: for a majority of shareholders, the costs of (1 ) tiie takeover suggested explanations for shareholder approval of becoming informed about the effects of defensive charter amendments exceed any potential benefits, and uninformed shareholders consistentiy give v^sh to maintain friendly relations with their proxies to management management; and to ensure the benefits (2) large shareholders of future business, and large shareholders control sufficient shares to be pivotal in the vote. Shareholder irrationality sometimes offered as a The stockholder is third alternative. interests hypothesis recognizes a free-rider problem in collective action by shareholders (Grossman and Hart (1980), Jarrell and Bradley (1980)). Shareholders have premia from takeover bidders, so anti-takeover devices benefit difficulty colluding to extract larger shareholders by enforcing a level of collusion in takeover negotiations. Since defensive charter amendments benefit shareholders, there them. Hovt'ever, there is Uttle is no inconsistency in rational shareholders voting for evidence that shareholders benefit from such amendments. DeAngelo and Rice (1983) fmd statistically insignificant negative abnormal returns around the public announcement of proposed antitakeover amendments. Linn and positive returns around the board meeting date at McConnell (1983) fmd which amendments are proposed, and insignificant negative returns around the proxy mailing date. Jarrell, Poulsen find negative returns classified accompanying the announcement of "shark and Davidson (1985) repellents", viz. supermajority, board and authorized preferred amendments. In the context of our model, the management entrenchment and shareholder interests hypotheses do not necessarily lead to different predictions about shareholder value. Anticipatory takeover defenses raise the costs of acquiring control of the firm, thereby entrenching management, but lead to a higher potential premium managers contribute for shareholders if a bid succeeds. We presume that different different value to a given firm, by virtue of skill or experience. Only managers capable of producing higher value than the incumbent can mount successful takeover bids. Whether shareholders gain or quality of the lose as a result of the incumbent's defenses incumbent management opportunities for The paper formal model is is employment outside relative to potential bidders, and the incumbent's the firm. organized as follows. In section 2 developed in section 3, and we provide a brief overview of the model. The we summarize and discuss the results in section 4. Section 5 concludes. All proofs are confined to Appendix A. Appendix that illustrates our results. depends upon the B consists of an example 2. Overview The main implication of the firm's value before and results in sections when is that observations of a voting on these defenses. In our model, shareholders approve defenses face an unobserved, inferior alternative choose approval. 3 and 4 implementation of takeover defenses are not observations of the after the alternatives shareholders face developed Two central features if who they choose rejection, and so rationally of the model drive the results. First, the manager sets the agenda on takeover defenses monopolistically, and shareholders have only veto power over the managerial proposal. In particular, they are unable to amend the proposal or counter-propose before the vote.^ Second, the manager's request changes the subsequent decision-making environment. The two critical features, generate the voting monopolistic agenda- setting and the real effect of the request conundrum discussed power of the manager ensures that, for a in the Introduction. itself, The monopolistic agenda-setting properly-chosen request, the shareholders can do no better than to approve. In certain circumstances, the value of the firm following approval of a managerial request for takeover defenses will be lower than the pre-proposal value. Nevertheless, the value would be no greater, and may be lower, value and the post-rejection value is if the request is The wedge between pre-proposal rejected. induced by the real effect of the request, described below. Previous research on the effects of the implementation of takeover defenses has compared the pre-proposal value of liie firm v»iih iio posi-proposal or post-vote value. In our model, the comparison for inferences about shareholder rationality in voting is, instead, the value under approval of the request versus the value under rejection. In the next section, we offer a particular model to illustrate this central idea. on a reduced form specification of an outside managerial labor market. This is Our model rests our characterization of the mechanism that produces the real effect of the request for takeover defenses. Other mechanisms may exist with the same general property of inducing a change in the decision-making environmenL We find the outside labor market a natural way to introduce this real effect, since it defines the manager's opportunities in the event of a successful takeover. Two further aspects of the model are worth noting at the outset First, in our model, shareholders recognize the implications of their vote: they do not make mistakes or have regrets with respect to their decision. Second, in some circumstances, the value of the firm will rise as a result of a request for takeover defenses. However, the focus of this paper circumstances in which the value of the firm will fall, is to describe to provide a rational choice answer to our opening question. 3. Model We are interested in managerial control of a firm with assets and financial structure fixed. There is a continuum M of different managerial types capable of running the firm, different types contributing differently to the value of the firm. A manager's type is the common expectation of owners and the outside market of the value added the incumbent manager's type, and assume M types on is common knowledge question. Because we the whole real line.^ The let F(-) also describe the distribution over is We additionally assume that lim.j_^oo[l-F(0]''f(t) < <»: this is is distribution F(-) of we that the support of owned by F is in can, managers of possible firm F The firm m e M denote and induces a distribution over possible values of the firm connected, and that Assume function. is by that manager. Let take the value of the assets and the financial structure to be fixed, without loss of generality, values. M to the firm smooth. Let f(-) be the densit>' not a strong restriction.'^ a set of shareholders holding fully diversified portfolios. Being fully diversified, each shareholder is interested only in maximizing the expected value of the firm. This expected value depends both on the incumbent manager's type and on the expected premium paid to the owners, conditional Heuristically, the on the firm being taken over by an model of takeovers we have in mind alternative is management the following. The lifetime of the firm two periods. is A manager of type m controls the firm in the first period. period. Nature draws a potential alternative not to make a takeover bid for the firm. controls the firm for the remainder of incumbent remains in control.^ Since maximum value of the in control, Given is i.e. firm in this last the If a bid is its life. made and is M, who this model of takeovers in the if arc possible in the second period, the all first is an unsucessful bid, the beyond the second period, the period expected value of the firm sum of the incumbent manager's let value added, m, and the expected discount factors be equal to one for The expected premium depends on shareholders. successful bidder appearing in the second period, and the size of the from there new manager determined by the value added by the manager then is second period. Without loss of generality, manager and extracted can choose whether or successful, then the no bid or If there is no takeover bids period the set the second period manager's type. completely determined by the premium manager from In the second the probability of a premium which can be that bidder. We suppose that there is no utility value to making a bid per se, so that, given the incumbent manager's type m, only managers of types n > there is any cost to bidding, then no type n < m find it worthwhile to make a takeover m wUl make an offer. Hereafter, m. Hence, given the distribution F, the probability that a a successful takeover bid arrives The is qualification "minimally" above refers to the possibility that the used, the potential bidder's type n must exceed firm. is to be implicit manager minimally capable of making incumbent will contest a We denominate takeover defenses in terms of the increment in price, above m, necessary to acquire the firm. Thus, m it [l-F(m)].^ bid by erecting takeover defenses, as described below. Being a manager of t>'pe n > If we assume there is such a cost, but, to avoid cluttering the notation, supf)ose the cost constant and take in bid. if takeover defenses are m by at least the amount of takeover defenses. necessary but not sufficient for making a successful bid for the The manager is we view defenses endowed with two control variables, x and y, both takeover defenses. Since as an increment in price, as described above, both x e R^^, and are measured variables: (x, y) managerial types n > in the same units as and y are nonnegative real m. In the absence of any defense, m will successfully bid for the firm: if there is any defense, a successful bidder must be capable of overcoming the defenses in addition to improving on m. Therefore, given defenses x and y, a takeover bid must be there at least equal to [m+x+y] in order to win. As yet nothing to distinguish the two types of defense and, indeed, from any potential bidder's is perspective the two sorts are indistinguishable. They are, however, quite different from the incumbent manager's perspective. Defense x is anticipatory : can be put it in place only in the first period, prior to any potential bidder appearing. For convenience, direct costs of implementing x are normalized to zero. However, the manager among is obliged to ask the shareholders explicitly for a level of the shareholders determines whether or not the manager's request is Majority voting x. granted. Amendments are not permitted, so the shareholders can only accept or reject the manager's proposal. There indirect cost borne by the request manager granted. This cost is is in for requesting anticipatory defense, re gardless of whether this terms of his outside value — the utility receive in the second period, conditional on being ousted from the firm. efforts offer is on the part of an is incumbent managers an indication that the manager is, payoff he can expect to Our presumption to erect takeover defenses in the for instance, more is that absence of an explicit interested in personal security than the welfare of the shareholders; and this lowers his outside market value. Let x? denote a request for a level of anticipatory defense. If this defense however is x = x?; and that the X? > 0] are if x? it is is approved by shareholder vote, then the implemented level of not approved then x = above discussion implies distinct: this is crucial to 0. implies x = 0. Note Evidently, x? = that the states of the world [x = | x? = 0] and [x = our model. The second type of takeover defense available to the manager, y, is responsive . Responsive | defense implemented only is to fight an explicit takeover bid in the second period, conditional on a bid materializing. Unlike anticipatory defenses, the manager implements responsive defense, without obtaining shareholder approval.^ There are, however, direct costs to engaging takeover fight Let c(y) be the direct costs, measured in units of implementing a responsive defense of y. Assume c(0) = For technical reasons, depend on utility, 0, c'(y) > in a borne by the incumbent in and c"(y) > for all y > 0. convenient to assume lini.y_^o c'(y) = 0: none of our principal results it is this.° In the heuristic discussion of the takeover process above, given defenses x and y, that a successful bidder must pay at least Because shareholders are interested only [m+x+y] in to acquire the firm. maximizing wealth, than [m+x+y] to persuade them to remove the incumbent. it is we argued Will any more be paid? sufficient to pay £ > No acquirer wishes to pay more any more than necessary to take over the firm. Therefore, in the limit, epsilon will be zero. Hence, the premium incumbent secures for the shareholders that the dsSEile defenses x and y -- is manager of type n > [m+x+y] is - conditional on losing a takeover battle precisely [x+y]. Moreover, again taking x and y as fixed, only a will make an offer, and any such offer will succeed. Recalling the distribution over managers, the probability of takeover in the second period by [1 is that F therefore given -F(m+x+y)]. To derive the expected premium, consider surely in control of the firm in the enterprise is taken as given, it is first first the incumbent's objective function. Since he is period and the investment and financial structure of the necessary only to examine his second period payoff. It is necessary to describe this second period payoff under two employment alternatives: within the firm, or, if a bid succeeds, outside the firm. If there incumbent stays in control and receives utility co(x, y I X?) = W(x+y, X? m) I - no takeover bid in the second period, the V(m). Conditional on losing control of the firm, and given X and y, the manager's net second p)eriod (1) is c(y), utility is: 8 where WC-) lim.jj<)^oo is Assume the manager's gross outside value given x, y and x?. ^2 = **'' ^1 losing his current position and < 1 W^2 - 0- — ultimately, at the acquirer; decreasing anticipatory defenses in the first j an ever-increasing rate premium he ~ in any is possibility that we W is (x = suppose V(m) > W(0, | We argued above that, m). if approved requests. in on the former are ^^ To make is particular managerial type n drawn by Nature made V, and c, are Therefore, the potential acquirer A bidder's best offer (that makes no acquirer response Though the is, if offer at (m+x+y < n), is is problem nontrivial, is indeed given. second period. The incumbent's knowledge, as is his utility and type m. Likewise, once Nature has is common knowledge. capable of calculating the incumbent manager's credible is credible if, when n is bid, y.^ If this utUity-maximizing response m+x+y all. > n), then If the potential - is the manager's sufficient to beat the because of the bidding cost acquirer is - the potential capable of topping the incumbent's best then she makes the smallest offer necessary to win control of the firm. incumbent loses fighting, c(y), It common in the resix)nse y to a bid n utility-maximizing response the responsive, the incumbent's selection of y depends, inter alia, on the her draw, the type n of the potential bidder in the second period response y to any bid. is, x and y are fixed and known, only bids which can succeed will be However, since defense y W, employment - made. At the beginning of the second period, the anticipatory defense x cost schedules, with This does not exclude the x?), strictly decreasing in x. everywhere decreasing 'W2 < efforts to secure period; and the cross-effects of this latter enough approved requests 0, able to extract from non-increasing. These assumptions imply that the manager's utility for alternate for large > Thus the incumbent's outside value conditional on increasing concave in the takeover is W surely, by definition of credibihty he prefers to bear the costs of and the winner pays the premium [x+y]. Hence the remains to determine the set of credible responsive defenses. Let X? and x be given, x € {0, x?}, and define: earlier argument goes through. y*(x (2) From we (1), (3) a(o% (4) d2a)/dy2 = j^^ (o(x, y x?). | = Wi-c'; = W < c" J 1 0, Vy. impUcitly defines y*(x and lim.y_^o > ^ obtain: Setting aco/9y Wj X?) = argmax.y I c'(y) = By x?). | by assumption, (4), y*(i-) is > y*(-|-) unique for all x?, x> Since 0. 0. We now defme, Vn > x+m: v(n, X (5) The schedule I m) = V(m) - c(n-x-m). v(-) describes the maximum second period given he fights and defeats a bidder of type n(x (6) I x?) = [inf n [inf n As described below, n that, | I v(n, x (6) reveals that, for bids n co(x, Defme, for x? > y*(x V(m) = W(n-m, x? minimum defines the because V(m) > W(0, = |-) n. | | | x?), other hand, any potential acquirer see how premia paid by n*(x (7) I where y* is X?) = X + y*(x defined as in employment outside only if (2), to it is | x?), | and x e x?)], if V(m) > W(x+y*(x x?) + x?), | x? m); | m)], otherwise. | m+x x?) > for bid n > n(x | x? ^ all x, 0. Inspection of x?) will be successful, and the On premium > and x e {0, x?}: m, be the responsive defense that maximizes the incumbent's x? under the assumption that x = x? > ]), the utility function. successful bidders vary, define, for x? | (0, x?}: credible that the incumbent will fight and win. who can the firm. There are V(m) < W(x+y*(x x?) incumbent manager can obtain, bid which can succeed against the incumbent. Notice she will pay depends on n and on the incumbent's To i m) by assumption, n(x < nCx utility the two and cases: (a) n*(x (b) n*(x | x?) | x?) > n(x < n(x | x?). | x?), Figure which occurs 1 utility in if and illustrates these 0. [HGURE 1 ABOUT HERE] Consider Figure 1(a) and first let n € (n(x | x?), n*(x | x?)]. The incumbent's best response is to Figure 1(a) V, CO V(m) W(x,x?lm) n(x I x?)-m-x n*(x x?)-m-x 1 Figme 1(b) V, 0) V(m) W(x,x?lm) n*(x x?)-m-x I n(x x?)-m-x I 10 and then to leave the firm fight to extract (virtually) all the bidder's willingness-to-pay for the firm, to collect his net outside value, co(x, exceed n*(x equal to [n*(x x?)-m-x I x?) | - Now let the bidder-tyjje n x?): this is clearly credible. to extract a premium, m], and then leaving the firm and obtaining his outside value, in this case co(x, n*(x | X?). Notice in this last case that bidders do not pay may although the firm this event, only two periods, is pay a premium of [n*(x | x?) second period by virtue of the new owners of the acquiring in the firm until incumbent, observing a bidder of type n > n(x | - Since the n*(-|-). life of firm. n(x x?), where the fight | make takeover bids. m], however, regardless of type. This - n the surplus, one thinks of the new manager as another firm, x?) will | they are willing to pay for the firm. In consume employment Thus, only types n > n(x costly. all that in the If as a gain to the In Figure 1(b), the incumbent prefers becomes too to this is reasonable. may be viewed then this surplus n attain a value new manager is assumed manager's type, the the firm | Again the incumbent optimizes by fighting x?). | n-m-x is Ail successful bidders true because the x?), recognizes defeat, but fights to n* to maximize his outside value. For future reference, for For any successful 7t(n, x I bid, the premium x?) = min.[n We are now in a position from the (9) first - firm under n, > 0, let 7t(n, above the value x | x?) denote the premium m contributed by the incumbent. m, n*(x | x?) to specify the - m]. incumbent's expected second period payoff, viewed period, as a function of anticipatory defenses x: U(x 6=1 x?) and for any x 7i is: I x?) = F(n(x 1 x?))-V(m) + 6-[F(n*(x + {5-[l-F(n*(x where | by the successful bidder of t>'pe actually paid (8) n > n(x all iff n(x | x?) < n*(x management m is | x?), X?))] I and 5 = given by: | x?)) - F(n(x + [l-5]-[l-F(n(x otherwise. | The | x?))]-J^{o(x, x?))]}-co(x, first n-m-x x?)-f(n)dn n*(x | | x?)-m-x | x?), period expected value of the 11 S(x (10) I X?) = m + 5-[F(n*(x | x?)) + {5[1-F(n*(x - F(n(x x?))]J[n-m]-f(n)dn + [l-5]-[l-F(ii(x x?))] I | | x?))]}-[n*(x | x?) - m] with 6 defined as above. The responsive defense y is chosen optimally by the management, independent of shareholder approval and given the bidder type that appears in the second period. Anticipatory defenses x require shareholder approval and have to be set in the optimization problem therefore to choose a request, x? ^ subject if the to: S(x x?) | > S(0 manager asks x? = be no less than 0, | period x?). then the constraint trivially binds. However, its value the request if is if it is not granted we have -- in rejected, given x? > 0. general that S(0 | 0) if x? > Because the incumbent manager's on ^ S(0 his request, x?, in the first period | x?) for any x? > 0. words, the alternative that rational shareholders compare against the manager's request 0), their situation prior to any request, but is S(0 i then the on the request being approved must decision environment in the second period depends, inter alia, even first 0, to: constraint says that the expected value of the firm conditional - The manager's period. max.U(x|x?) (11) Clearly, is first x?), the result if they reject the In other is n^I S(0 request This | is the central idea of the model. If the constraint binds at rejecting the request. Since some x? > 0, then managers are not shareholders are indifferent between accepting and indifferent, they circumstances by slightly perturbing the request, x?, to induce shareholders: as Appendix A shows, such a perturbation constraint binds, then the manager's request is is can insure acceptance strict in such preference on the part of always available. approved. Alternatively, We assume that if the we can adopt the convention that in cases of shareholder indifference, shareholders always "vote with the management". ^^ We turn now to some results. 12 4. Results There are three possible conditions beginning of the second period: at the requested no anticipatory defenses, (2) the manager shareholders, and (3) the manager's request second period response on the first-period Proposition Corollary 1: 1: to a takeover bid Let x = x? > was approved. Proposition if than if is 0. Then y*(0 | 0) the request is | ^ y*(0 i x?) > y*(x x?) > y*(0 | | x?) > 0. x?). by shareholders, the second-period maximizing response approved. However, from Corollary is premium in a successful bid, this implies that feature evident from Proposition never larger after a request, even we show if 1, total is defenses rejected. Since total defenses determine shareholders can expect a smaller if 1 is that the second-period the request is denied, than if Thus, the request carries no implicit threat of "scorched earth" responses Rather, as puts an ordering on the they reject the manager's request and a successful bidder emerges. An interesting response 1 which maximizes the manager's outside value, conditional Letx = x?>0. Then x + y*(x premium received premium manager made a request which was voted down by (anticipatory plus responsive) are smaller if the request the the outcome. If a first-period request is rejected strictly larger ( 1 ) below, the request alters the if maximizing no request is made. shareholders deny it. manager's incentives to fight for a higher a successful bidder appears. Anticipatory and responsive defenses are substitutes in their effects on n, the required to acquire the firm. shareholders in the first minimum bid Generally, the higher the level of anticipatory defense approved by period, the lower will be the manager's choice of responsive defenses. 13 Comparative (a7)) show statics that this on y*(x response how In evaluating x?), the | maximizing second-period response (Appendix A, (a3) - non-increasing in the size of the first-period request. is value-maximizing shareholders consider both the size of the to vote, premium they can expect from a successful bid, and the probability that such a bid will emerge. Proposition 2 describes the probability of a successful takeover bid, as a function of requested anticipatory defenses and shareholder approval of the defenses. Proposition 2: ii(x (b) Vx = x?) (a) I is strictly X? > 0, ii(x Proposition 2 states that the increases with the 1 increasing in x?, x e {0, x?}; X?) > 11(0 I X?) > n(0 1 0). minimum bid which can succeed against incumbent amount of anticipatory defense requested. Since bid will emerge falls as the minimum management the probability that a successful successful bid rises, part (a) of Proposition 2 implies that the probability of takeover declines with increases in the level of requested anticipatory defenses, whether or not these are approved. Part (b) implies that the probability of anticipatory defenses are requested, declines request state is from approved. Notice that part (b) [x = x? x? > | 0] to [x = | is if there is a request, and may takeover decline not an immediate consequence of part x? > 0] is is largest if no more (a): not incremental because of the "take it if the the change in or leave it" nature of the shareholders' decision. The value successful bid to shareholders is from anticipatory takeover defense depends on both the premium made, which generally increases with the probability of a successful bid, are unambiguously worse off they were before the request. if level of anticipatory defense, which generally decreases. Proposition 3 shows if a and on the that shareholders they reject management's request for anticipatory defenses than 14 For x? > Proposition 3: The voting 0, S(0 0) > S(0 1 | x?). (incentive compatibility) constraint in the model requires that approval of a request leave shareholders at least as well off as rejection. Proposition 3 states that shareholders are worse off if latter circumstance, no request, To complete leave would have been they reject the request than they is if no request had been made. (Note not available to shareholders deciding how to vote on a that this request.) our description of the apparent paradox that shareholders vote for defenses which them worse we require off, shareholder value if no request is a comparison of shareholder value made: S(x x?) versus S(0 | 1 0). the request if approved with is Proposition 4 gives a sufficient condition for the apparent paradox to occur. Proposition 4: V(m) < W(y*(0 | 0),0 => 3x? G According to Proposition his maximum gross which shareholders m) (0, oo): 4, if the S(0 manager's I 0) > S(x utility | x?) ^ S(0 | x?), x = x?. from employment with the firm will approve, but this which leave them worse off than they were before. maximum gross period. Nature draws a bidder of type n in the outside utility > n*(0 1 firm was larger than his 0). is available only Recall that initial we assumed gross outside utility: if, utility: Figure 1(a), that than is, considering his optimal choice of y at x? = by setting x = x? = With Proposition 4, 0. The in the It is second the incumbent's utility that before defenses x or y are considered. Proposition 4 concerns the incumbent's outside is less outside utility before any request for anticipatory defenses, then requests exist important to observe that from employment | is, his utility maximum situation is gross pictured in 0. we have shown the existence of requested levels of anticipatory defense 15 which result in the voting behavior we hoped That to describe. is, rational, fully informed, value-maximizing shareholders will approve the defenses, but are made worse off by them. The sufficient condition for the result depends on the manager's utility in current and alternative employment. We have not yet demonstrated, however, that these levels of anticipatory defense would be requested by managers with in fact no inconsistency between utilities satisfying utilities satisfying this the sufficient condition. There condition and utihties generating the level of anticipatory defense, identified in the Proposition, as a best choice. In example of a manager with utility satisfying the is Appendix B, we provide an condition of Proposition 4, whose optimizing choice of anticipatory defense will be approved by shareholders, and will leave them worse off than if no request had been made. The example It is is in no sense pathological. worth noting that under some circumstances, shareholders can be made better off by implementing some anticipatory defense. By Proposition is that the It is not, some manager's request, x?, be a necessary condition for 3, strictly interior to the constraint set; i.e. however, a sufficient condition. In our example anticipatory defense x, but the manager prefers in S(x | this to x?) > S(0 | occur x?). Appendix B, shareholders would Uke more and, despite the constraint not binding, the request results in a decline in shareholder wealth. Tlie primar}' implication of our is model for interpreting the empirical that inferences about whetiier shareholders vote rationally shareholder wealth before and after the vote. management as an unambiguous drop We rationalin,'. in shareholder value, a comparison of is Oar model suggests n^I as a return to the pre-proposal skill relative to potential bidders. ^ not the conrect benchmark for that empirical investigation of shareholder voting and takeo\'er defenses should consider the manager's outside and the manager's made from it describe the alternative to voting with status quo. Therefore, pre-proposal shareholder wealth determining shareholder cannot be work which has preceded employment oppormnities, 16 5. Conclusion We have provided a rational choice model of shareholder voting on anticipatory takeover defenses. In our model, it is feasible for informed, value-maximizing shareholders to approve measures which leave them worse off than they were before the measures were requested. What drives this result is that a manager, in requesting such measures, lowers his outside market value. Consequently, the manager's optimal response to an actual takeover bid rejected than he had made no request Shareholders recognize if In the model, the manager's typ>e and utility question of why any manager would be hired which decrease the value of the firm have in mind a signalling we In other words, our signalling who will to shareholders. game which precedes perhaps the hiring stage, the manager's type as a signal, and schedule are the not is this in common is different if the request evaluating how is to vote. knowledge. This raises the wish to implement anticipatory defenses To this extent, our model two periods we study. At known with certainty. The is incomplete. We this earlier stage, request x? functions are implicitly assuming the signal fully reveals the manager's type (and utility). model is predicated on the existence of a separating equilibrium to this earlier game. Finally, we offer two remarks. First, it is frequently asserted (cf. Easterbrook and Fischel (1983)) that the alienability of ownership claims protects shareholders from detrimental management entrenchment tactics. However, unless shareholders takeover defenses by management, they cannot SEC proxy mailing requirements proposal date. any drop in Once demand the proposal is sell a anticipate the proposal of voting claim in response to the proposal. that the record date for shareholder voting announced, the constituency is fixed. precede the Our model suggests share value should occur with the announcement of the proposal, not with the vote. Second, our model implies that changes takeover defenses may in shareholder wealth associated with voting on be positive or negative, depending on the manager's type and utihty that 17 schedule. In cases where shareholders' wealth the manager's request If there is is reduced, the reduction should occur at the date of any detectable change at the date positive. This follows from Proposition 3 and the voting shareholders' wealth unambiguously reduced is shareholders' wealth under rejection interpretation, empirical results is no if of the vote, it should be constraint: the first states that they reject a request; the second ensures that larger than their wealth under approval. On this which fmd shareholders' wealth declines following implementation of anticipatory defenses are not evidence of shareholder informed choice of the lesser of two declines in value. irrationality or ignorance, but reflect an 18 Appendix A: Proofs Proposition Let x = x? > 1: Then: y*(0 0) ^ y*(0 x?) > y*(x x?) > 0. | 0. | | Proof: (i) follows from assuming y*(x X?) > I (ii) y*(0 ) I > y*(0 | Use (iii) 0), Wi(y*(0 c" c'(y) = 0. I-) - Then, by x?). | Wi(y*(0 | x? x?), Wj j < > 0. x? |-) |-) 0, W12 < = c'(y*(0 and x? > 0: 1 | | Then WjCx + c" 1: I x?), x? 0, so that Wj 2 | 1: I x?)] | > y*(0 Let x = x? > | I 0)) - Comparative - |-) V,\(y*{0 x?), x? | > first c'(y*(0 | x?)). order condition (3) to get: |-) = c'(y*(x x?)) | 0. implies LHS(a.2) < 0: contradiction. iff Then: 1 W12 = 0. Hence, x = x? > and [x with + y*(x x?)] > y*(0 | Wj j < and c" > 0. | x?). || Statics: X = X? => dy*(x | - c'(y*(0 | x?)). 0. 0). Proof: Use (3) and Proposition (a.3) x?), and again use the < y*(0 0) = y*(0 x?) + y*(x Corollary y*(x x?), | implies RHS(a.2) > But X = X? > Remark | x?) Suppose y*(0 x?) < y*(x (a.2) Wi(y*(0 |-) - 0), I implies the RHS(a.l) < 0: contradiction, > y*(0 x?) > y*(x [x everywhere, and lim.y_^ g (3) to obtain: (a.l) But I > x?) | Suppose y*(0 0) < y*(0 Wi(y*(0 Wj x?)/dx? = -[Wj i+Wj2VrWll-c"] < 0- || W12 = imply: 19 (a.4) dy*(0 x?)/dx? = -Wj2''rWn-c"] ^0. with the inequality (a.5) X = X? (a.6) dco(0, y | Note 1 | x?)/dx? = | W x?)/dx? = + W2, which a ^ < x?) = x + y*(x x?) + m, and y*(x x?) | (a.5) 1 | (a.6) | | 0, then an*(0 x?)/ax? | is is an*(x x?)/ax > (<) (a.7) Lemma as c"(y*(x | given by (a.4). Let x? > 0, x g {0, x?}. Then: ii(x | If 1 x?) is x = x?, then an*(x | x?)/ax? we obtain: x?)) ^ (<) x?) is differentiable in x?; I 1: 0. sign. differentiable in x?, n*(x dy*(x|x?)/3x?. Substituting from (a.3) and collecting terms, + ambiguous < |. | = priori has Wj2 W2 < 0. y, differentiable in x?. If x = y any that at Since n*(x da)(x, =i> strict iff -Wi2(x+y*(x 1 x?), x? |-). and 9n(x I x?)/ax? > 0. Proof: (i) n(x I X?) is differentiable. from section 3 First, recall A* = [v(n*(x I X?), X A* with Differentiating ]•) - that n(x | x?) > y*(x | x?) CD(x, respect to x? at x aA*/ax? = -W2(x+y*(x|x?), x? Therefore, A* can change Suppose there V(m) < So by case a exists an : By n(x In this case, n(x (a.8) and, x?) I < Consider x < (6), = W(x+y*(x (>) (6): ii(x 21 sign at x?) | | 8n(x x?) | (>) 2L? | > | |-) iff x?) iff x Let x = x? > 0, and define: and using (3) gives: 0. most once x? 0. x?)]. x?, as x increases, such that A* = x?), n*(x |-) = | x+m, Vx, x? > 0. x < (>) < Then i is and only from negative to positive. unique and: x. (>) i- i- is is impUcitly defined by: differentiable because V(m) - W(ii(x x?)-m, x? | W is !•) = 0. differentiable. In particular, x?)/9x? = -W2(ii(x|x?)-m, x? |-)AVi(n(xlx?)-m, x? |-); Vx < x, 20 Um-x^ (a.9) case P Consider x > : By (6), n(x I X?) [^ndO/Bx?] = -Wjdi^Cx X- x?)-m, i? |-)/Wi(n*(2c V(m) implicidy defined by: is | - c(ii(x | x?)-x-m) - I where Wj*(x) = Wi(n*(x|x?)-m, x? =1, |-), i Wj*(x) - - W. x?) follows from differentiability of c and dn(x x?)/9x? = [c'(iilx|x?)-x-m) i? co(x, y*(x x?) | the second equality follows dii(x (ii) case a - Wi*(i) - W2*(2c)]/c'(n*(2Ll2L?)-i-m) case is immediate from (a. 11) complete x?. Il(x|x?). this By (3), Wi*(x) = Therefore, c" > V y impUes, (a.l2) Moreover, (a.lO). c'(n(x W2+W2 < W suppose X = 9ti(0 Remark 2: Lemma 2: and (a.9). | j. = c'(n*(xlx?)-x-m). Since A* > Therefore, the numerator of and Lemma and x? > x?)/9x? > (a.7) c'(y*(x|x?)) 0, n*(x|x?) |x?)-x-m)>Wj*(x)>0. completes the proof of the Now (a. 8) x?>2t Consider and Together, (a.9) and (3). lO; x = x? <2C : Casg P: x = X?, differentiable 0. W2*(x)]/c'(ii(x|x?)-x-m), everywhere when x = is x?) = x?)/ax? > i The proof of this from another application of x?) | | In particular, using (3): = -W2(n*(i|x?)-m, i? |-)AVj(n*(i|x?)-m, i? the argument that n(x |-). Hence, 2. lim.j^^ ^^ [an(t)/ax?] = [c'(n*(ili?)-i-m) (a.ll) 2c?)-m, 1 x. Differentiability of ii(x (a.lO) | = 10) is strictly positive. Since 0. 1 Similar reasoning as before gives n(0 imply that U(x Then: ii(x I x?) c' > 0, x?. | x?) differentiable in follows on implicit differentiation of (6) for x? < x and for x? > Lemma Let x = x? > 0. for x (a. | x?) and S(x > n(0 | x?); | x?) are differentiable in x?. x. || < 21 Proof: case a V(m) < W(x+y*(x : By (a.l) (6) x?), | m, x? - | V(m) < W(n*(0 x?) | - m, x? - m, x? I => W(n(x I x?) =>n(x|x?) = By |-) and the premise, V(m) = W(n(x x?) => V(m) = W(n(0 X?) (a.2) x? - m, X? (6) m, x? - | | x?) m, x? - =* V(m) = [co(0, y*(0 x?) => W(ii(x X?) m, X? - | definition of y*(0 Therefore,W(n(x by |-), !•) ii(0|x?). V(m) > W(n*(0 I possibilities: |-) = W(ii(0 x?) |-) There are then two |-). | | x?) x?) + c(n(0 | c(n(0 - I-) m, x? x?) | y*(0 x?) x?), 0(0, - |-) | |-) - c(n(0 | x?) | m) = - | - m)], by (6) co(0, y*(0 x?) > W(ii(0 x?) - | | x?) x?) m) > W(ii(0 | x?). | m, x? - x?) - |-) - m, x? c(n(0 |-) - | x?) c(n(0 | - m). x?) - m) =>ii(x|x?)>n(0|x?). This proves the proposition for case (a), gasg P: V(m) > W(x+y*(x => V(m) = By Corollzry 1 co(x, y*(x and x? > | x?), | x?) 0, x? x?) + c(n£x | W(x+y*(x Hence, V(m) > W(n*(0|x?)-m, x? (a.l3) V(m) = co(0, |-) y*(0 | !•)• x?) | 1 | x?), So by x?)-x-m), by x? (6). > W(y*(0 |-) | x?), x? |-). (6), x?) + c(ii(0 x?) | m). - Therefore, (a.l4) By (o(x, Proposition y*(x | x?) | x?) and Corollary 1 - 1, co(0, 15) 11(0 Now implicitly I x?) > ii(x I X?) differentiating - 1 LHS(a.l4) likewise be strictly positive. Since (a. y*(0 x?) c' > | x?) = c(n(0 is strictly and x = x? > we obtain Vx? > x?)- m) - c(ii(x positive; hence, the 0, this implies, X. (a. 13), | 0: | x?)-x-m). RHS(a.l4) must 22 ail(0 Using I we have Vx? > 10), (a. (a. x?)/3x? = -W2(y*(01x?), X? |-)/c'(n(0|x?)-m) > 16) [aii(x x?)/ax? I 0: dnCO x?)/9x?] = - I + {[W2(y*(0|x?), By (a. 12), 1, By (a. 15) and c" > (a. 18) < Together, When X? = 0, [W2(x+y*(x|x?), x? nonnegative Vx? > 0. |-)/c'(ii(x|x?)-x-m)]}. Consider the second term in {•}. I t) ^ W2(x+y*(x X?), I x?), t). 0, c'(n(x 17) (a. - W2 < 0, and W12 ^ 0, > W2(y*(0 (a.l7) is [Wi(x+y*(x|x?), x? |-)/c'(ii(x|x?)-x-m)]} { 1 - x?|-)/c'(ii(0|x?)-m)] the first term of (a. 16) in {•} By CoroUaiy 0. and I x?)-x-m) < c'(n(0 x?)-m). | 18) imply that the second term of (a. (a. Vx? ^ 0: an(0 r)/ar]dr > 0, both terms in {•} vanish. Therefore, 16) in {•} is also positive Vx? > 0. X? [n(x I X?) - ii(0 I X?)] - [an(r j | as required (with equality iff x? = 0). Lemma 2 is Remark from [x I Notice that = x? X? > Remark if 3: 0] to [x I 4: Together, X = X? and S(x x?~) > S(0 Lemma 3: I | = Remark x?) = S(0 By uQi implied by is Lemma 1 : this is because the change in state not incremental. 2, footnote 8 and Lemma 2 justify the claim x?), then there exists a perturbation in x? - made say, x?~ in section 3 that, -- such that S(x~ x?~). For any x? > 0, Proof: Given x = 0, v(n, x in n. | | || X? > 0] I - r)/9r W2 < 0, W(y, x? n(0 | |-) I x?) > ii(0 m) = V(m) < W(y, - |-), | 0). c(n-m). Since Vy > 0. So by c' > 0, v(n, (6), ii(0 | x | m) is strictly x?) > nCO | 0), decreasing Vx? > 0. || 23 Proposition 2: nix (a) x?) | is strictly increasing in x?, Vx = x? > 0, ii(x (b) Proof: The proposition follows firom Proposition 3: For x? > By Lemma Proof: (a.19) By Proposition casg n> ff: By case p < F fact that [1-F(ii(0 | | 11(0 is 2 and 1, 3. I 0). || x?). defmed on a c.d.f. a continuous variable n: 0))]. I 0), | x?) > 11(0 I with the inequality strict iff Wj2 < at any y < y*(0 | 0). X?). I (8): (a.20) If x?))] I > Lemmas 0) > S(0 | n*(0 x?) < n*(0 1, 11(0 and the 3, [1-F(ii(0 S(0 0, X?) I x e {0, x?}; and, 7C(n, 0) | > i n*(0 X?) < n*(0 I n € : (ii(0 | 0), x?). 7t(n, 0), the inequality in (a.20) is strict I n(0 Vn > n*(0 | x?). x?)). 1 By an argument in section 3, only types n > n(i-) will miake takeover bids. Therefore: (a.21) 0) > 7t(n, X?) 7t(n, I I H 0. casgy n<ii(0|0). By the (a.22) same argument 7t(n, Together, (10) and Lemma 4: | 0) (a. = as case 7i(n, 19) - | (3: x?) (a. 22) h 0. yield the desired result. Let x = x?. Then: ]im.^')_^^ S(x | x?) || = m. Proof: By assumption, Wj j > xj?, V(m) > W(x+y*(x S(x I x?) = m+ < | and lim.j^9_^^ x?), [1-F(n(x | x? |-). W2 Hence, by x?))]-[n*(x | = -~. Therefore, for (10), x?)-m]. Vx? > xj?, sufficiently large x?, say x? 24 By Remark 2, S(- 1 9S(x (a.23) I •) differentiable in x?. In particular, is I x?))]-an*(x x?)/ax? I We prove the Lemma by first showing 8S(x By Lemma is strictly case a : case p By and the assumption (7) (a.24) | and for all x? x?)/ax? < | [1-F(ii(x x?))]/f(n(x | I x?))-aii(x (a.7), the first I x?)/ax?-[n*(x for all finite x? V(m) > W(0, that > ^ | > I x?)-m]}. X2?, X2? sufficiently m), the term in {•} on the RHS(a.23) term on the RHS(a.23) is of ambiguous sign. X2?. X2?. x?)/ax?] = | {f(ii(x X2?. for all x? sup.[an*(x I ^ - x?)/3x? < | for all finite x? x?)/ax? > (a.3), By all finite x?. dn*(t)/ax? < an*(x : 1 positive for Then, aS(x x j?, x?)/ax? = [1-F(ii(x large. Vx? > < x?)) For sufficienUy large x?, aS(x x?)/ax? < 1. | aii(x | x?)/ax?-[n*(x | x?) - if: m]. r, By assumption, lim.j_^^ < lini.jj9_^oo[LHS(a.24)] (a. 10), therefore, Vx? ^ an(x | < [[l-F(t)]/f(t)] <». Also by assumption, \l)/dxl > X2?. Hence, (7) and y > 1 = 0, the Lemma follows Proposition 4: V(m) < W(y*(0 => 3x? e Proof: By Corollary V(m) < W(y*(0 I 1, 3 x" x?"), x?" |-) W^ ^ Lemma < 1 By from | (10). 0), 00. for all x? > | From x?)/ax? > 0, Therefore, there exists a X2?. Since lim.j_^^ || : S(0 | 0) > S(x | x?) > S(0 | x?), x = such that both V(m) < W(x"+y*(x" = x?" > W2 = -«>. m) | (0, 00) obtain. aS(x x?)/ax? < x?, hypothesis, an*(x imply that lim.j^'>_^^,oCRHS(a.24)] = | and x = and lim.j^9^^ for sufficiently large x?. sufficiently large value of x?, X2?, such that [1-F(t)] Therefore, by <». Then by case (a. 1) of Lemma 2, ii(x" x?. and x?"), x?"|-), | | x?") = n(0 x?") = | n. Hence: (a.25) By [1-F(n(x'|x?"))] = [l-F(ii(0ix?"))] = [l-F(n)]. Corollary 1, n*(x" | x?") > n*(0 | x?"). From the premise of the Proposition and the choice 25 of X?", n*(0 X?") > Using this (a.26) and Vn < iL Vn = {x? > 7:(n, x?") | and (a.26) imply S(x px? e C I oo I [Vx? € C : I & S(x => [S(0 0) > S(x (ii) only types n > n will 3, make a takeover bid. | | x?") = 0; x?") = | > x?") that S(x" X?), 7i(n, | X = X?} 7t(n, 1 7t =n - m; x?"). > S(0 x?") x?") | x?"). Therefore, | 0. now two cases: X? < : > S(0 X?) 7i(n, x" 7t(n, I I = X?")], 7i(n, x" I > n*(0 X?"), Let X = X?. There are (i) x" n*(0 (n, (10), (a.25) C an argument of section (8): Vn € Given By n- I X? < => px?" € C oo : , X?' I X?)], S(x < check this last inequality, recall 0) > (Proposition 1), X?) I m < ii(0 I oo = S(0 ! x?)] by Proposition X?) > S(0 & S(0 1 0) | x?)] > S(x' V(m) < W(y*(0 i 0) < oo 3; | I 0), X?')], |-) Lemma 4 and S(0 0) > m. | by hypotiiesis. Hence, by and n*(0 0) > m. | by || (6) To and y*(0 26 Appendix B: Example We claim in section 4 of the text that there exist managerial utilities satisfying the sufficient condition of Proposition 4, under which the manager would ask for, and shareholders approve, a level of anticipatory defense, x?, such that S(0 1 0) > S(x | x?). In this appendix, we justify our claim with an example. In the interests of computational simpUcity, violated in the example: The example therefore viz. the support of F shows that the main is some not the whole real Une, and satisfy all the assumptions of the text, and which are W^ is are zero at x = y = F and the outside utility arbitrarily closely W, F be uniform on the closed interval [-2,2], and assume the manager's type is m = 0. Let V(m)=1.57, W(x+y, X? m) = 2-[x+y]1^2 . I c(y) For = [x?2]/2 3U(x I x?)/3x?|j^_j^'7 incumbent's utility specification, we = 0, that is, the function U(x | I 0) = 1.3623 U(x x?*)= 1.3766 I aU(x I concave. Denote by x?* the point where incumbent's unconstrained optimizing choice of x?. The x?) is as defined in equation (9) of the Given text. obtain the following results, illustrated in Figure B.l.^^ For*' X?* = .35 U(0 + m, (2/3)y(3/2). this specification, U(-|-) is strictly x?)/ax?|j^^x?* = 0-0 that approximated by the functional forms exploited in the example. Let 0. does not depend on these result (Proposition 4) assumptions. Also, there are choices of the distribution function do model technical assumptions of the • ; this "ger: 27 For the shareholders: S(0 0) = 0.2592 I S(x X?*) = 0.2582 I S(0 X?*) = 0.2570 I so the condition S(0 shareholders. That is, request than they are worse than 0) 1 > S(x x?*) > S(0 x?*) holds, and S(x x?*) 1 | | is outcome the by the second inequality, shareholders are worse off if they if they approve their starting value In this example, at S(0 x = x? = | it, but by the first inequality, reject the outcome S(x x?*) | is 0). 0: aU(x x?)/9x?|x=x?=0 = 0-^^^ > °' dS(x x?)/ax?|x=x?=0 = 0024 > 0, I I ^<^ so both the manager and the shareholders prefer a manager's most-preferred x the final for is strictly strictly positive x to x = However, the 0. greater than the shareholders'. [HGURE B.l ABOUT HERE] Notice that, for this parameterization, the manager's unconstrained optimal choice of anticipatory de'^-nse, x?*, is the manager's unconstrained constrained low enough that the constraint, | x?) > S(0 optimum were approximately 0.4 or above optimum x?* would be approximately this alternate result S(x .39, by raising V(m), the incumbent's where S(x x?) = S(0 | utility for we management -'ould introduce the fi. convention Uemately, as described Remark 4 of Appendix that, at the when | does not bind. If example, then the x?). (We can obtain current employment.) In this To ensure indifferent, shareholders that x? is always vote with end of section 3 (and justified more formally A), the manager can reduce his request x? by e > preference by the shareholders. x?), in this circumstance, shareholders are indifferent between approving or rejecting. accepted | to induce strict in Figxire B.l U, S U(x X?* I X?) X, X? 28 Footnotes. 1. DeAngelo and Rice (1983) provide 2. This type of "take context by 3. it or leave Romer and Rosenthal The use of the term it" agenda control has been extensively studied somewhat from impounded only a technical convenience; a claim we justify For example, the uniform, normal, the usual game-theoretic concept Here, of the firm. In contrast into the value useage, managers of the same "type" can have different 4. in a political (1978, 1979). "type" differs "type" indicates a skill level, as a thorough discussion of these hypotheses. via the utilities. to conventional Further, allowing infinite m is worked example of Appendix B. gamma and exponential distributions all satisfy this restriction. 5. This structure 6. To make 7. The is similar to that used in the bidding-cost explicit, distinction we make between Grossman and Hart (1980). we would have anticipatory former are voted by shareholders while the to write [l-F(m+e)]: this adds nothing. and responsive takeover defenses, latter are not, is an abstraction. It is that the a useful one for our purposes, and does not do violence to empirical reality. 8. The level of role of the assumption that lim.y_^Q c'(y) = 0, is to insure that y will always be chosen by the manager, whatever the value of use the calculus in our analysis. Without the assumption, explicitiy: this adds very little on the cost function being make 9. and does not substantively strictly convex in y is we have alter x. some strictly positive Consequently, to consider the our main results. not essential for our results. It we can comer case Similarly, insisting does, however, the arguments cleaner. Although the model is not explicitiy game-theoretic, it can be reformulated as an extensive-form game of credibility simply that of (subgame) perfection (Selten, 1975). is in which the manager. Nature and the shareholders are players. The concept 10. 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