II. MICROWAVE GASEOUS DISCHARGES L. Gould J. J. McCarthy Prof. W. P. Allis J. W. Lathrop K. Dr. F. D. H. Looney A. V. Phelps G. J. Schulz Prof. S. C. Brown Reder N. W. Donelan A. -B. Persson THE STEADY STATE DISCHARGE IN HYDROGEN A steady state microwave gas discharge occurs when the electron losses due to This may be written as diffusion equal the electrons gained due to ionization (1). D s (1) A2 where v. is the ionization frequency, D 1 presence of space charge, S the diffusion coefficient of electrons in the and A is the cavity diffusion length. Equation 1 may be rewritten in the form D D The problem is now resolved into essentially two parts: a calculation of (D_/vi) from distribution function theory, and a calculation of (Ds/D from boundary conditions. (D /v) of nA should be a function of EeA and p/E 2 _) while (D /D_) e should mainly be a function (2). Rewriting Eq. 1 of Ref. I gives 2 .f+ xl df 3v Vc AZ (f + u s u- 2 ) - 1 3- d 3/2 u df 3m u v u + du c c u M (3) where eE uc = my 2 e (4) 2 c The distribution function, f, may be obtained quite readily if the terms in Eq. 3 containing 1/A 2 are neglected. This gives o M 4f m n (v+ x v 1 ) exp (-w) v -1 c v -3 exp(w) dw (5) w where w is defined as w 3m m e M c E u is the energy of the electrons and v their velocity. -10- (6) u Vx, i are the respective average (II. excitation and ionization frequencies. MICROWAVE GASEOUS DISCHARGES) The distribution function of Eq. 5 may be used to give a perturbation solution of Eq. 3 which when combined with Eq. 2 gives as the steady state equation D E (ek v +v i X (EeA) w w 1 /2 exp(w) $(w) dw dw w wow V. 1 w3/2 1 w 0 w3/ 2 exp (-w) wl/2 exp (w) (w)dw dw exp (-w) 0 L. 12 o ° Vx + Vi + 3/2 1 1 i Vx _-W w - 1/ 2 - exp(w) dw dw w O0 3(w) is defined as w 3/ d (w) w 2 w3 exp (-w) 2 exp (w) dw (8) dw w 0 is an effective excitation potential and varies as p/E. u For breakdown (D s = D_) only the.&(w ) terms need to be considered, since u and EeA is so large as to make the uE term negligible. = 0 The.'(wo) terms are just those which would occur if a perturbation solution had not been used. This indicates that the distribution function of Eq. 5 is adequate for breakdown. For steady state all the terms are important, since EeA is much smaller than in breakdown. The two perturbation terms tend to cancel except at low p/E where the 2 uE term predominates and causes a deviation from the nonperturbed solution. Figure II- 1 shows the perturbed and nonperturbed solutions together with the experimental data for a particular density. B. Other densities will have a similar shape. OSCILLATIONS IN A D-C MERCURY ARC The oscillations appearing in a tungsten filament mercury vapor arc were studied as functions of the arc voltage and the filament heating current. The maximum arc current which can be drawn at a relatively fixed tube voltage is a function of the filament heating current. If a current higher than the maximum is drawn, the tube voltage -11- HYDROGEN A = 0.2 cm X = 9.40cm 100 - EXPERIMENT -S BREAKDOWN THEORY xX Sxx ELECTRON DENSITY x X Xxx X X xX/ x n A2 =4.1x106 cm X 10 x UNPERTURBED PERTURBED - MOLECULAR ION -He CURRENT + S I I , 0.02 004 p/E e , ATOMIC ION - He CURRENT I 006 b P--- I00 008 TIME AFTER DISCHARGE - MILLISECONDS TIME AFTER DISCHARGE- MILLISECONDS mmHg-cm/volts Fig. II- I IU I 12 Fig. II- 2 Comparison of theory and experiment for steady state and breakdown in hydrogen. Electron density and helium ion current during afterglow of pulsed discharge at 1.6 mm of Hg and A = 0.9 cm 2 . IUo RUNS I AND 4 s8RUN 2 60- RUN 3 40- X\THEORY PLOT "" - RUN5 \ - . . 30- RUNS o 1,2 AND 3 - CAVITY,LIOUID He TRAP RUN 4 - CAVITY, LIQUID He TRAP RUN 5-- CAVITY, LIQUID N 2 TRAP I 2 3 I 4 1 i I 6 8 10 L I 1 15 20 30 40 Ee/p-- Fig. II-3 Breakdown voltage in pure helium. 12- I 60 80 100 (II. MICROWAVE GASEOUS DISCHARGES) increases rapidly as the current increases and the electric field in the discharge is increased. The frequency of the oscillation is strongly correlated to the tube voltage. As the tube voltage increases rapidly the frequency of the oscillations also increases rapidly. Both the waveform and mode of oscillation are influenced by a weak magnetic field while a strong magnetic field disrupts the oscillation into noise. This behavior coupled with the electric field effect described above indicates the oscillation is caused by the motion of charged particles through the discharge tube. Donohue and Dieke (3) have reported low-frequency oscillations in glow discharges and related these to traveling striations in the discharge column. The waveform and modes of oscillation are very similar to those observed here, but their frequencies are much lower. Basically, the phenomena appear to be very similar. Since our experiments were performed to discover a plasma suitable for the generation of plasma electron oscillations, this particular line of investigation has been carried no further. C. POSITIVE ION ANALYSIS Observations have been made on the positive ion currents reaching the wall of a microwave cavity during the afterglow of a pulsed helium discharge for gas pressures ranging from 0.5 mm to 5.3 mm in a cavity with a diffusion length of about 1 cm. At pressures above about 4 mm only molecular ions, He 2 ,. are observed at times later than a few milliseconds after the breakdown pulse, while only atomic ions, He , are observed in the afterglow at 0. 5 mm. Figure II-2 shows a typical set of ion current and electron density curves. At all except the lowest pressures, the ion current and the electron density curves show the rise due to metastable ionization reported by Biondi (4). The delay in the time of maximum ion current with respect to the maximum of the electron density is believed to be due to the fact that most of the ions are produced near the center of the cavity and require times of the order of milliseconds to diffuse to the walls. Future work will be directed toward the improvement of the means of recording the ion current and the formulation of a consistent, quantitative picture of the ion production process, the conversion of He+ into He2, and the diffusion of the ions and electrons to the cavity walls. With the present apparatus the primary impurity appears + to be neon and results in a negligible Ne current until very late in the afterglow. D. PURE HELIUM BREAKDOWN Runs have been taken with the usual microwave arrangement for breakdown measurements, using a one-quarter-inch cavity and a liquid helium trap. The resonant wavelength was 10.6 cm. The results are plotted in an EeA, Ee/p system, compared with the measurements in a one-eighth-inch cavity, previously taken by MacDonald (5), and with theoretical values (Fig. 11-3). These values have been calculated by Varnerin for -13- (II. MICROWAVE GASEOUS DISCHARGES) pure helium gas by inserting the proper helium values into the equations originally derived for H 2 breakdown. This theory gives an asymptotic solution valid only in the low-pressure region (Ee/p > 15 volt/cm-mm of Hg). The various runs show good agree- ment with each other for Ee/p > 8 volt/cm-mm of Hg and give values of EeA lying about 10 percent below the theoretical values in this region. The obvious tendency of lowering the EeA values in the high-pressure region from run to run with the same cavity seems to indicate a slow contaminating process inside the cavity and will be investigated more carefully. The necessity of using liquid helium traps is clearly pointed out by comparing the results in the high-pressure region of runs taken with liquid He and liquid N 2 traps. However, there is no appreciable difference for a high Ee/p, as can be expected from the Penning effect (6). References 1. Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T. p. 11, October 15, 1950 2. Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T. p. 11, July 15, 1950 3. T. M. Donohue, G. H. Dieke: 4. M. A. Biondi: 5. A. D. MacDonald, S. C. Brown: 6. M. J. Druyvesteyn, F. M. Penning: Phys. Rev. 81, Phys. Rev. 82, 453, 248, 1951 1951 Phys. Rev. 76, 1634, 1949 Rev. Mod. Phys. 12, 99, 1940 -14-