c. 3i ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT VARIABLE DIMENSION COMPLEXES, PART II: A UNIFIED APPROACH TO SOME COMBINATORIAL LEMMAS IN TOPOLOGY by Robert M. Freund Sloan W.P., No. 1516-84 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 July 1983 VARIABLE DIMENSION COMPLEXES, PART II: A UNIFIED APPROACH TO SOME COMBINATORIAL LEMMAS IN TOPOLOGY by Robert M. Freund Sloan W.P., No. 1516-84 July 1983 Research supported by the Department of Energy Contract DE-AC03-76-SF00326, PA No, DE-AT-03-76ER72018; the National Science Foundation Grants MCS79-031A5 and SOC78-16811; U.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAG-29-78-G-0026. Key Words complementary pivot, fixed points, simplex, pseudomanif old, orientation, stationary point, combinatorial tooology, V-complex, antipodal point. Abstract Part II of this study uses the path-following theory of labelled V-complexes developed in Part I to provide construc- tive algorithmic proofs of a variety of combinatorial lenmas in topology. \Je demonstrate two new dual lemmas on the n-dimen- sional cube, and use a Generc.lized S ^erner Lemma to prove a gener lization of the Knaster-Kuratowski-y.azurkiewicz Covering Lemma on the simplex. We also show that Tucker's lemma can be derived directly from the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem. We report the interrelationships between these results, Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem, -^the existence of stationary points on the simplex^ Introduction Part II of this study uses the path-following theory of labelled V-complexes developed in Part I to provide constructive algorithmic proofs of a variety of combinatorial lemmas in topology. We demonstrate two new dual lemmas on the n-dimensional cube, and use a Generalized Sperner Lemma to prove a generalization of the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Covering Lemma on the simplex. We also show that Tucker's Lemma can be derived directly from the Borsak-Ulam Theorem. We report the interrelationships between these results, the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, the Borsak-Ulam Theorem, the existence of stationary points on the simplex, and two new theorems on the simplex relating to the Generalized Covering Theorem. In Section I, we give constructive proofs of the Sperner Lemma, Scarf's Dual Sperner Lemma, and a Generalized Sperner Lemma, We show that the Generalized Sperner Lemma leads to simple proofs of the Sperner Lemma and the Dual Sperner Lemma. We show how each of these results is related to Brouwer 's Fixed Point Theorem. Section II introduces a Generalized Covering Theorem that generalizes the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Lemma [12]. The Generalized Covering Lemma is used to provide a proof of the existence of stationary points on the simplex, as well as two new results on the simplex. Section III deals with combinatorial lemmas on the cube that relate to Brouwer 's Theorem. Two new dual lemmas on the cube are introduced and given constructive proofs. We also give constructive proofs of Gale's Hex Theorem and Kuhn's Strong Cubical Lemma. and one of the new lemmas are equivalent. It is shown that the Hex Theorem Finally, the interrelationship between these results and Brouwer 's Theorem are exposited. - 2 - In Section IV, we give a constructive proof of Tucker's Combinatorial Lemma on the cube, and show that the Borsak-Ulam Theorem leads to a direct proof of this lemma. Notation In addition the notation used in Part I, let S the standard (n-1) -simplex. <1 V , . . . , Let c"* (x 6 IR | m\ V } denote the convex hull of = (x O^xie}, v 1 , . . . , K and {x={v, ...,v}|^v, = K = {v|v is a vertex of some 0-dimensional, then I. ...,v K includes C / D, IR^je^x the unit n-cube. v m . triangulation of H. Let H be a set in Ir" and let C be a locally finite By the pseudomanifold corresponding to e we mean the pseudomanifold is a face of some simplex^ of simplex^ of C}, where if H C} is the empty set, as an element. 0, Combinatorial Lemmas on the Simplex In this section, we give constructive proofs of three combinatorial lemmas on the simplex, Sperner's Lemma [17], Scarf's Dual Sperner Lemma [15], and a Generalized Sperner Lemma. The Generalized Sperner Lemma was independently and the author [4], and inadvertantly by Luthi [lA]. developed by Ky Fan [3] We show the interrelationships between these lemmas and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem [1] Our method of proof will be consistent throughout. s"~ and a triangulation pseudomanifold A(T) of the vertices of the V-complex. C of s" , we will define a V-complex, where each corresponds to a face of C, Given a simplex we will examine the sets The elements of BUG\{0} S . B Given a labelling and G L(') associated with will be shown to have the desired - 3 - properties of the conclusions of the lemmas. BUG ^ By lemma 13 of Part 1, must have an odd number of elements. Let C be a locally finite triangulation of S (an (n-l)-pseudomanlfold) corresponding to of vertices of {l|v^>0 for some .... n {l, v € x}. containing x. S Is the collection C. completely labelled if L(x) = face of K C, where L('):K - {1, ..., n} be a labelling of K Let set and let K be the complex For x-fiK, x Is called . The carrier of x, denoted F(x), is the }. F(x) is the "Index set" of the smallest L(x) = F(x) If x , is called completely labelled in its face . Sperner's Lemma [17] of K v € K such that If PROOF {1,2,3, ..., n-1}}. T = {l, ..., m} A('). and , n) and , 7 = iH)}, A(0) = {0, e^} Define Let T such that But then whence Suppose = {1, ?< ..., m}. v^ = L(x) ^ T B = {0}. C x x f ^ € B, since Then B. 3'A(T for all v € , {1,2}, For * T {v € s"~ |v to constitute a V-complex. We first examine B. 0-slmplex. . (D. {1,2,3}, < "5 .... , m < n-1, and define A(T) to be the pseudomanifold for some N L(v) ^ 1 (such a labelling Then there exists an odd number of completely . corresponding to the restriction of K,7 be a labelling n) . . . , K. € N = {l Let ; x "Kl, v^ = 0, then and Is called a proper labelling) labelled simplices L('): K Let . x. ) Let = be a proper labelling. L(') A(0) = {0,{e }} L(x) = T X and for l>m+l}. contains only one x < 3'A(T X ). implies that there Is an 1, 1< i< m, Thus 1^ L(x), since contradicting the definition of B. L(-) is proper. Therefore x ^ B, - 4 - Now let us examine T - {1, T < .... m} J Because . L(x) ^ J ahJ Because =1, |B| L(x) G, « is proper, L(') L(x) - {1, , x If G. ... must be odd. |g| L(x) T X C , L(x) 4 {1, 1 • Again let Since ..., ntfl}. Thus x is completely labelled. n}. , D Therefore there are an odd ® number of completely labelled simplices. Kuhn's algorithm for Spemer's Lemma [11], independently developed by Shapley [16], consists of tracing the path of adjacent simplices from 0*B to an element xtf G. Sperner's Lemma requires that the labelling the boundary of s""^. L(.) be restricted on If we omit this restriction, we obtain the following generalization of Sperner's Lemma: Generalized Sperner Lemma (3, A, 14]. Then there exists an odd number of simplices Let L('): x € K {1, K^-*- such that ..., n}. x is completely labelled in its face. As in the proof of Sperner's Lemma, we first construct a V-complex. PROOF: Let for N = {1, ..., n} ?* T ^ J define , restriction of A(),7 , A(T ) 1 = X € 8'A(T X S""^| v^ - 0, F(x) = T . x V =0 n Thus 1^ T \J {n}}. constitute a V-complex. and N Suppose ), Define A(0) = {0, {e"}}, and to be the pseudomanlfold corresponding to the We first examine the set O-slmplex. {TCN|n^ T}. to C {V « K, and let ?* Then x € B. for all v B. 6 x. € B since L(x) = T And since A(0) contains only one and x x € 8'A(T ). contains It ' F(x) = L(x) and x I Since elements, x' is completely labelled in its face. - 5 - Next we examine L(x)^ J and Then . F(x) - T elements, G. 1/ {n}. Therefore F(x), X 6 B. U L(x) - T Conversely, suppose n^ Let x G. € Then Is full, x contains x {n}, and since L(x) |T D T , +1 ] L(x) = F(x). Thus F(x) = L(x). bO G\0 G; if is the set of simplices each of which Since is completely labelled In its face. n € F(x), x C Then if B are disjoint and have the and G same parity by Lemma 13 of Part I, there are an odd number of simplices x€ K is completely labelled in its face. S) x such that GUB\0 An algorithm for computing an element of consists of following the path of adjacent simplices where the endpolnt is 0. This is essentially Luthi's algorithm in [14]. As a corollary to the Generalized Sperner Lemma, we have: Sperner Lemma Ihxal (See Scarf [15], e.g.). . be a labelling such that no simplex of o C v € 9S ~ v.> , L('): K Let ->-{l, L(v) ^ 1, and suppose implies has a nonempty intersection with every face of Then there are an odd number of completely labelled simplices PROOF X € € such that K If x And since X. X is completely labelled in its face. L(x) ^ {1, whence for each Thus x S € K. By the Generalized Sperner Lemma, there are an odd number of simplices . simplex. V ..., n} 1 € ..., n}, F(x) = L(x), each L(x), there is a meets every face of S 1^ then for all , v € x v € x Let L(x), v x = be one such for all meets the boundary of with a contradiction. v = 0, by design of Therefore S , L(0. L(x) = {1, An algorithm for finding the completely labelled simplex of this lemma is the same as that for the Generalized Sperner Lemma. G U B\0 will be completely labelled. Any element of ..., - 6 - The Generalized Spemer Lennna also Implies the Sperner Lenma, where by "Implies" we mean that one leads to simple straightforward proof of the other. We have The Generalized Sperner Lemma Implies the Sperner Lenmia PROOF ; Our proof Is by Induction on N = {1, .... n}, and for C T j* N, 1 ^ T}. proper labelling of Implies L(v) € T. Note that N S the two lemmas are k<n. N For T i* S"~ (number of slmpllces In " S S x>0, and note that If , It Is also a proper labelling of , odd number of slmpllces In . 1, S^ - {x € IR"I let n— 1 - O for n Suppose the Implication is true for all trivially Identical. Xj^ For n. z (// S T e* x = 1, TO! L(') S Let , Is a v I.e. 6 K N, we Inductively have that there are an ?^ whose set of labels Is T. We have: that are completely labelled) slmpllces In S that have label set T) 0^T?'N TCN = an odd number by the Generalized Sperner Lemma. by induction, and there are 2^-2 Each term In the summation terms, an even number for the total number of slmpllces In the summation number of slmpllces In S Z Z Is odd n>l. Thus Is even, and so the which are completely labelled Is odd. ® Each of the above three combinatorial lemmas bears an Interesting relationship to the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem [1], stated here for the simplex. r\ S - Brouwer's Theorem on the Simplex function. - 7 Let . f: s"~ v € s"~ Then there exists a point s"~ •* be a continuous such that f (v) " v. (X> That Scarf's Dual Sperner Lemma Implies and Is Implied by the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem has been shown In [15], for example. It has also been shown, see [11] for example, that Sperner's Lemma Implies Brouwer's Theorem. We also have the following implications. The Generalized Sperner Lemma implies Brotjwers Theorem PROOF : f:S""^-^s""^ Let L(.): K ^ {1, Let S""-^. be continuous. Let be defined as .... n} L(v) = some X Let fj^(v) so v And for € x. in its face, we have a point Since 4 F(x) 1 = v^^ , Then for for any v such that x with fj^(v) x : Extend Let f iv^ e f(v) = e v = 1, we must have L(-): K°->{1, for all a S into (PWL) S ~ set of vertices of <r by the continuity . f(v) - e^ fashion on all of for s"~ . v € iP f is C containing v, and let v x . of L(x) = F(x) , whereby x f. be the . Then we must have ® 1, Thus there is a fixed point . be the smallest real simplex In in its face. and ® f(v) = v. .... n}, and define in a piecewise linear continuous and maps Let v € x Is completely labelled Brouwer's Theorem implies the Generalized Sperner Lemma PROOF = L(x), 1 € F(x) Taking a sequence of finer triangulations and choosing a limiting subsequence of simplices of f. fAv)iv^. such that 1 be completely labelled in its face. iv^ for some f£(v)>v^. triangulation of be a locally finite C is completely labelled - 8 - Finally we have: Brouwer's Theorem Implies the Sperner Lennna L('): K - tl, Let PROOF: - L(v) v€ K . and extend f to all of s" n} L(x) If 0. such that opposite the vertex e if i > 2 n if i = 1 L(.) is proper, then k ^ [^ But since the argument, we obtain ..., n) and , x Figure f f be a fixed point of maps o let f, be the set of x i is € {1, ..., into the face of S where , i-1 r = k v ..., n}, there is an Therefore L(x). i i {1, s« in a PWL fashion, containing v, and let C e-' 1 Let . f(v) = 2 L(v) = be the smallest simplex of vertices of i . into s" continuous and maps s"" Define be a proper labelling. n} , L(v) if , . if 1 n for all . L(x) = is not an element of 0, L(x) Thus a contradiction. . L(x) Continuing = {1, completely labelled.® is summarizes the relationships demonstrated herein er elsewhere, 1 where the implication is in the direction of the arrow. II. A Generalized Covering Lemma on the Simplex, and Extensions In this section we prove a Generalized Covering Lemma on the simplex, "generalized" in that it generalizes the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Lemma [12]. We use this lemma to demonstrate the existence of stationary points (see Eaves [2] , for example) and two other results on the simplex. Generalized Covering Lemma such that such that n V> . Let C^, i = 1, .... n be closed sets in IR .. C D {ilx*>0} s"~ C . Then there is at least one point {i|x* € C^}. x* in S SCARFS DUAL SPERNER LEMN4A Figure 1 - 9 - PROOF ; Let C be a locally finite triangulation of S° let L(.) be a labelling of K°, where for each K v € with vertex set K , L(v) € {i|v € C^}. By the Generalized Sperner Lemma, there is a simplex completely labelled in its face. of that is C Take a sequence of triangulations whose diameter goes to zero in the limit. a, a Then there is a sequence of simplices completely labelled in their faces, that have a limit point, say Since each the theorem. is a closed set, we have C {i|x*>0}C{i|x*€C }, x*. proving ® This theorem is illustrated in Figure of "degeneracy" occurs at In Figure 2(b) a tjrpe 2. x*, showing that strict inclusion of "c" the theorem can indeed occur. Our next lemma demonstrates the existence of stationary points (see Eaves [2], and Liithi [lA]). x>0, w>0}, where s" = {(x,w) € it is understood that d" = {x € IR'^je x<l, x>0}. the x-coordinates. Let Let Clearly f('):D -> IR d" x f IR i) ii) iii) iv) z € y>0, z>0 f(x) = y - ee x.y = z(l - e*x) = IR and e*x + w = 1, Let . is the projection of be continuous. is said to be a stationary point of the pair and only if there exists Ir"'*"-'-| y € IR (f ,D ) A point onto s" x in D (see Eaves [3]) if such that , and Figure 2(a) Figue 2Cb) - 10 - We have the following: Lemma (Hartman and Stampacchia [7], and Karamardian [8a], [8b], [9]). There exists a stationary point PROOF 1 n, (f,D^). Define c""*"^ s"|f(x);fO is closed, and that ii) in w*>0 implies (x*, w*) implies f.(x*)<0, but f(x*)>0, therefore z (1 - e T and so f (x*) > 0, -x*) = .... n+1) 1 = 1, since f (f,D ). z = 0, y>0. (x*) = 0, z = 0. ..., n, and c""*"-"-. In this case, let (x*,w*) € C Finally, e , is a stationary point of . C^ (1 = 1, .... n} such that S (x*, w*) e C (x*,w*) £ c" = 1, j Thus by the Generalized Covering Lemma, S'^. implies x* for any (x) Note that each X* > We now show that . D U._. C (x*, w*) i) f^(x)<f. and s"|f(x)>0}. - {(x,w) 6 there exists For define = {(x,w) e C I of Our proof is based on the Generalized Covering Lemma. : 1 Case x* We have two cases: y = f(x*). and let Also, x* implies > Thus x*y = x*f(x*) = 0, Therefore; is a stationary x* point. n+1 , Case II z>0. (x*,w*) f C . Let y = f(x*) + ze. y = f(x*) + ze> 0. j, and since Finally, since implies z = Let . x? > f(x*);<0, f.(x*) = -z. Ti+1 (x*,w*) ^ C z(l - e x*) = 0. -z< f^(x*) We have Furthermore, , Thus implies Therefore we must have x* Note iK*t -min{fi(x*), .... f^Cx*)}, for each Hence i. f ^ (x*) < f ^ (x*) y. for any = 0, and so x*'y = 0. w* = 0, so T e x* = 1, which is a stationary point of (f.o"). ® - 12 - Combinatorial Lemmas on the Cube Related to Brouwer's Theorem III. In this section, we present two new dual combinatorial lemmas on We present and give constructive algorithmic proofs to Kuhn's the cube. Cubical Lemma and Gale's Hex Theorem. We show the Interrelationship between these results and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem. Let C be a locally finite triangulation of C and let K be the pseudomanifold corresponding to = {x e IR |0^x^e) C, with vertex set K . Our first two results are the following: Lemma (Freund, 1 Let [4]). v € K labelling such that if L(')5K -^{1. •••» n, -1, ..., -n} , V. = V = 1 implies implies Then there exists a pair of vertices L(v) ^ -1, and L(v) ^ 1. in some simplex of v', v" K such L(v') = -L(v"). that PROOF ; L(0 Let and let ^ T^7 = , B and {SCNJi^S implies define restriction of C We proceed by defining a V-complex be as described above. and examining the sets / be a A(T) G. N = {1, ..., n, -1, ..., -n} Define i>0}. Define A(0) = {0, {0}}, and for to be the pseudomanifold corresponding to the to {y € C"|y^ = for 1 ^ T}, - 13 - K. A(*)»J N and t constitute a V-complex. Examining B, observe that z € 3'A(T there exists an X ), XX Then ^ x £ B. Suppose O-slmplex. 1 € T x € 3'A(Tj^) for which Then by the definition of the labelling rule L(x) - T fact that X B - Thus . Now let us examine |b number of elements, by Lemma 13 of Part L(x)^J and 1 ^ T Then . = v L(v') = -L(v"). Lemma 2 Let . V € K If V € 3C for all v € x. I. G Let x must have an odd 6 G. such that -1^ and x « 1, L(x) Then L(x) -1 6 L(x). D T Suppose be definition of and there exists fv' , L(-) v"]c x be a labelling such that n, -1, ... -n} Implies v^^ = 1 implies v, = 0. n , L(v) = 1>0 L(v) = -1 < Then there exists a pair of vertices v', v" in some simplex of K such L(v') = -L(v"). that PROOF: As in the proof of the Lemma 1, we proceed by defining a V-complex and examining the sets and let f* = 1 Since ® L(-)5K-*{1» •••» and L(x) « T^. L(x), contradicting the 1 ^ {l, -1}^ L(x) Thus This is a contradiction. such that v€ for all | If N Thus there Is some . v. and {0}. Since G. A(0) contains only one € B, since T € - (ScNJl tf J define , restriction of 6 B S A(T) and G. Implies . and N = {l, KO}. Let ..., n, -1, ..., -n} A(0) = {0, {O}} to C N and for to be the pseudomanifold corresponding to the {y€C"ly K, A('). J Let = for any constitute a V-complex. i>0 and -1 ^ T}. - 14 - 1>0 there exists an 3'A(T 6. " 1 v and "i ^ contradicting the fact that " L(x). T^^ L(x) « T and ) L(v) « -1 Thus Thus . v for all L(.)» we cannot have But then from the definition of V € X, x -1 € T such that A(0) contains only one B, since Then / x € B. Suppose 0-slmplex. € B, we see that Examining « x. for any and x ^ B B - {0}. Therefore Suppose Part I. 1>0 such that Then -1 ^ T 1€ L(x) must have an odd number of elements, by Lemma 13 of G Then L(x) x € G. and so = v^ for all v L(-). Thus by the definition of L(x)^7 and T L(x) = Tj^U{l}. Thus 1 € L(x). D -16 L(x), {v', v"} In there exists a pair of vertices An algorithm for finding a pair (v' {l, -l) C and L(x) L(v') = -L(v"). such that x , -1 i L(x). Suppose But then we cannot have x. tf Then there exists . ^ of vertices such that v") in either of the two lemmas consists of following the path L(v') = -L(v") of adjacent slmpllces from 0€ The path must terminate with an element B. G, providing the desired pair. of It should be noted that Lemma 1 corresponds precisely to the existence of a j-stopping simplex on the product space of n 1-simplices, as presented in [20]. Before doing so, We next give a proof of Gale's Hex Theorem [6]. some terminology must be introduced. labelling of the vertices of H is v € j Hj^ = 1, K. L(-)jK Let Define Hj^ "*'tlf ..., m, and j = 0, ..., m m and = "' v. 0, v. "1 = 1. '1 {v If "path" of vertices from the boundary set boundary set {y € C |y. = 1} , H v is a } is {y € C be a given n) £ K°|L(v) =1}. = {v 1-connected if there is a sequence of vertices for all ••• v , . . . , v We say such that 1 -simplex of K, i-connected, there is a | y^^ all of whose labels are = 0} 1. to the We now prove; - 15 - Hex Theorem [6] such that There exists an i € {1, ..., n} . PROOF ; We proceed by defining a and let ^ - {T|TtN}. V-complex on A(0) - {0, {0}}. Define N Let K. H. For ?* T € (l, ..., n) 7 define to be the pseudomanifold corresponding to the restriction of {y 6 C"|y^ - K, A(.).7. and N constitute all subsets of X all Let p adjacent to We show that H . G = Note that such that 1^ T^~ , and 1» v^ = 0. LCv"") i f LCx"' r\ xJ , = 1, j -= , T 1 « = p, j = T^ x^"*"^) U in the p-1, x .... m. Thus H. is i-connected. like ours, but depends on augmenting K C trlangulatlon of Kj^ C • v. = 1 for . . , there must be Since m. . , T^"*"^, 1, is the intersection for such that Since x j (v T^ = p-1, v , ..., m. } does not ® His is algorithmic by adding another set of vertices and using a lexicographic labelling rule. the triangulatlon = T X must contain This proof is different from that of Gale [6]. to B, by Lemma 13 such that 1 € T T^ x^ v Thus there is a sequence of vertices is a 1-simplex in K and exhausts A(0) contains only one 0-simplex. Since m. if and only if x^"*"""" J since is i-connected by exhibiting the desired sequence. of labels of any two consecutive contain to C be the path of adjacent simplices from Tj,j=l X T^= A(T) T}. x € B, there exists an Since B. e vex* a number 0=x,...,x =x Let of Part I. to 6 8, since , is finite there exists at least one other element of K Since a V-complex. We have N. if for is i-connected. He also restricts C to be (see Todd [18]), whereas this proof is valid for any - 16 - Our final lemma of this section is Ruhn*s Cubical Lemma of [10]. Let I » {y e IR - Ijtj^ or Cubical Lemma (Kuhn [10]). i - 1, 1, Let ((•):K -^ We have: n}. . . . , such that I V- = implies X^(v) •= v^ - 1 implies jlj^(v) = 1. 0, and Let L(v) equal the number of leading zeroes of Then there exists an odd number of simplices £(v) x K € veK for each . L(x) = such that {0,1, ..., n}. PROOF: 1 = {T We first construct a V-complex. C {0, ...,n-l}Io<i implies T A(0) = {0,{e}}, and for We define We then define restriction of A(T) f T € K, J , Let us now examine the set Q ^ X € B, where all j = 1, and some x = {v and T^^ .... i€ {l, a contradiction. '3 , , ..., n}, and let then is the collection {0,1,..., n-1}. T = {0,... , m} for some to C It is simple to verify that L(x) = ... 1, to be the pseudomanifold corresponding to the i>mfl}. {x € c"|x^ = 1 for and J i-1 € T}. {Q}, {0,1}, {0,1,2}, 0, m<n. 6 N = {6, Let m x€ A(.), and N define a V-complex. v™} 9'A(Tj^). and some ..., m}. We know that B. for some x€ Since i € {1, . . . m. , m} Then T = {0, 9'A(Tj^), either , or v^ = 1 Suppose the former is true. If the latter is true, then Suppose B. € i . . vj = for all Then . ,m-l} for j = 1, ..., m i-1 ^ L(x) d L(x), which is a contradiction - 17 - 1 - m. unless x € A({0, ..., in-2}), so that But then Therefore a contradiction. B m<n, or m < n-1 and L(x) 3 T for all j Let contradicts s ^ m+l. Therefore n G consists precisely of those x - {0, ..., m} L(x) - {0, 1, ..., m, s). . . . , v }. L(v^) <mfl But then L(x) = (O, Since ..., for which T " {O, C 6, ..., m), This for all j. n}.. L(x) = (O, x € G. .... n). Therefore By Lemma has an odd number of elements, which proves the lemma. the path starting at ...,n} Tn+l , An algorithm for finding an element of element of L(x) = (O, L(x) = {0, ...» n}, then clearly Furthermore, if 13 of Part I, G x = (v T Therefore either . such that .... m+l). (O, € mf 1 Then x € G. Let L(x)^J s > Suppose the latter is true. v^^^ = 1 m+2 G. , and there is an .»., in-2}, {0}. Next we examine the set for some - {0, T ® consists of following G and terminating at its other endpoint, an G. All of the above four results are closely related to Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem on the cube, stated below. Brouwer s Fixed Point Theorem on the Cube Then there exists v € C such that n . Let f(v) = v. f:C • Cn be continuous. ® In [6], Gale shows that the Hex Theorem implies and is implied by Brouwer's Theorem. In [10], Kuhn shows that his Cubical Lemma implies Brouwer's Theorem, and that Brouwer's Theorem implies a weaker version of his (strong) Cubical Lemma. We also have the following results: - 18 - Lemma implies Brouwer's Theorem 1 PROOF ; Let . be continuous. f:c"-»-c" Define L(.):K°-»{1, .... if ||f(v) - v|L - fj^(v) - v^, v^ If l|f(v) - v|L = v^ - f^(v), v^ / 0. n,-l,...,-n} 1. ,< L(v) f.; If there is more than one choice for index. in some simplex K of x for which be the smallest such L(v) satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 1. L(') of K L(v), let Thus there exist L(v') = -L(v"). v', v" Using the typical limiting argvment as we take a sequence of finer triangulations, we obtain a point in y c" f(y) = y. such that ® A similar argument establishes that Lemma where we define r i if i|f(v) - v||^ = vi - fi(v) -i if ||f(v) - v||^ = fi(v) - Vi \ \ If there is more than one choice for ensuring that if implies Brouwer's Theorem, by L(') L(v) = 2 v 6 3C L(v), choose the smallest such index, the hypothesis of Lemma 2 is satisfied. , Finally, we show the equivalance of Lemma 1 and the Hex Theorem. The Hex Theorem implies Lemma be as described in Lemma Define 1. 1 . L(«)5K * Let L'(v) = |L(v)| •••» n, -1, Q-t and let ..., -n} = {v £ K H | L'(v) = i}, i = 1, . . . Thus there is a sequence j - 0, m v^ = and L(v j € ..., m, and ) = {0, 1. i, By the Hex Theorem, at least one n. , v {vj.j^, ..., v , vj } is a By the definition of so that L(v .... m-1) with ) = i and L(v L(v^) of vertices such that 1-simplex, L('). ) j = 1, = -i. L'(\r) = 1, Also ..., m. we have neither is i-connected. H. L(v o ) = = -i, nor Thus there must be some = -i, L(v^"^^) = i.® v. by - 19 - Lemma 1 and define the sets Hj^ L(«)!K Let implies the Hex Theorem . - {v € K |l(v) - 1}. {1» An element .... {v"" Define , v"} K in L'(v):K°-^ {1, for which -vH € H^, is 1-simplices {v of , v }, m, v^ = 0, and v = v". = j be given n} E^ defined to be base-connected if there is a sequence of v . . . , as follows: .... n ,-l,...,-n] L(v) if V is base-connected. -L(v) if V is not base-connected. L'(v) - Note that if = 0, we cannot have v L'(v) = -1. L' (v) = 1. L'(') satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 1. Thus exists a 1-simplex {v', v"} € of generality, assume {v' , v"}CH^, v" = 1, we cannot have v Then if Suppose the Hex Theorem is false. K such that L'(v') = 1 is base-connected because v' contradiction, since L'(v") = -1 < 0. L'(v') = -L'(v"). Since > 0. Therefore there {v' is a l-simplex and v"} , Without loss is base-connected. This is a Therefore the Hex Theorem must be true. ^ Our two final results of this section are: Brouwer's Theorem implies Lemma PROOF for : Let V € K as in Lemma 1. K Define f(v), as r f(-) (vj^, .... v^_^, 0, v^^^, (vj^, .... v^_3^, .... v^) if L(v) = -KO if L(v) = i>0 < [ L(*) . be a labelling of L(-) f(v) = and extend 1 1, v^^j^, ..., In a PWL fashion over all of in Lemma 1, we cannot have f (v) = v for Vjjj) C . By the definition of v € K . Since f is continuous - 20 - and maps Into Itself, there exists a fixed point C be a simplex of C corresponding to (T. y containing L(x) D y, and let for some {-1, 1} cannot be a fixed point of f. x y of f . Let (f be the abstract simplex iff {1 n}, otherwise (X) Similarly, we have Brouwer's Theorem Implies Lemma PROOF ; 2 The proof Is analogous to the one above, except we define (v f(v) = ..., V , , ^-1 ^ 'j .... (v]^, Vj^_j^, 0, V i+1 , 1, Vj^^j^, ..., V ) If 1>0. L(v) = " ..., v^) If L(v) = -1<0. Q.E.D. ® The Interrelationships shown in this section are summarized in Figure IV. 3. Tucker's Lemma and Antipodal Point Theorems In this section we present a proof of Tucker's Lemma [19] on the cube and show its relationship to two antipodal point theorems. Let Let C p be a positive integer and let C^ = {x € IR" I -pe<x<pe}. be any locally finite centrally symmetric triangulation of C that refines P the octahedral subdivision, for example J,, see Todd [18]. set of vertices of X € K, we denote by and C -x K Let K be the the pseudomanifold corresponding to the simplex {-v|v € x}. By symmetry, C. For -x € K. A function L(.) whose domain is K° is called odd if L(v) = -L(-v) for all v Our first result is: € K" . LEMMA HEX THEOREM 1 ^^ KUHN S STRONG CUBICAL L£MMA LEMMA 2 I Figures - 21 - Tucker's Combinational Lemma -1 PROOF ; and let ?* of such that L(.) is odd on ..,, -n) (v', v" a 1-slmplex T <£ (see Tucker [19]). , K of } -= t[ 7 , {TC N|i€ let -1^ implies T sK - {1, ..., n, L(v) - -L(v"). Let N - {1, .... n, -1 T}. Let -n} A(0) = {0, {0}}, and for to the region C for |> A('). and N define a V-complex. Let us now examine the set ment. Suppose L(-x) = {-ill € T }, and in fact Thus we see that except for Therefore B L(x) = T Also Therefore, x € 3K. € 6, so B. x € 3'A(T Then X € B. j' T_ 0, B if neither 1 nor -1 € T} = x 1 € T, and K,7, It is simple to verify that = has at least one ele- B ^ T €*[ For any ). {-l|i€ T } . 3'A(T) , C 3K. -x £ 3K, and Furthermore, . X Therefore, consists of pairs of the form has an odd number of elements, and so must -x € B. x, -x. G, by Lemma 13 of I. Thus there is an element say ) be the pseudomanifoid corresponding to the restriction A(T) {x e IR^Ilx. Part L(- Then there exists SK. such that We first construct a V-complex. Let v' and elements of x £ G. L(v') = -L(v"). v", such that is a 1-simplex of x, {v', v"} An algorithm for finding a pair path that originates with If it is an element x Thus there are two vertices of of this fashion, an element of And since K. v', v" v' and v" ® consists of following the If its endpoint is an element of 0. B, G reinitiate the path at will be found. are -x. G, stop. Continuing in For a complete description x, - 22 - of the pivot rules for this algorithm, see Freund and Todd [5]. assert that there are an odd number of l-slmplices (v' , v"} We cannot with L(v') = -L(v"). This is because not all such pairs are subsets of elements of G. That Tucker's Lemma implies both the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem (see [13]) and the Lusternik-Schnirelman Theorem (see [13]), and that the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem is implied by the Lusternik-Schnirelman Theorem, have been shown elsewhere, see Lefschetz [13] or Freund and Todd [5] for more familiar terminology. Here we show that the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem Implies the Tucker Combinatorial Lemma. The former theorem can be stated: Borsuk-Ulam Theorem be continuous. We have ; Let = {x 6 Ir"| ||x||2 = 1), and let b"~ x* € B Then there exists f (•) tB""^ -^ IR""-"^ f(x*) = f(-x*). such that : The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem implies Tucker's Combinatorial Lemma PROOF ; Let c"^ = {x € IR"|-pe x < < and let pe} C be a locally finite centrally n synunetric triangulation of C to C, with vertex set K . . Let K be the pseudomanlfold corresponding L(.):K Let -» {1 n n, -1, ..., -n} For each v € be a labelling function which is odd on the boundary of C K°, define f(v) = sign (L(v)).e 1^^^^', where denotes absolute value, and extend f(.) |.| in a piece-wise linear manner over n all of C . Note that f(.) is continuous, n f(.) is odd on the boundary of C . . and since C is symmetric, - 23 - B° - {X € Let and let Ir"""^! - {x £ B |xj^^j^<0}. B - 1}. let \\x\\^ .... Xjj)||(Xj, p(xj^, - g:B" Let « {x € b"* b"|x^i>0}, be the following map: C .... Xj^)ll2 . (xj^ , .... x^) » vX, » • • • • <^ . g(x) \X_ • • • 9 y X ^ I X n J. Note that is bicontinuous and onto. g (•) ( h(x) = f(g(x)), x€ b"""^ -f(g(-x)), x€ b"~ Is an odd continuous function from Theorem, there exists we may assume . x € b", let < I h(.) For ) such that x* x* € B Thus . X - g(x*), we see there exists sign (L(v )).e' i, a pair of vertices v -^^ h(x*) = 0, whereby x € C v ^ such that L(v and i, ^) By the Borsuk-Ulam IR°. Without loss of generality, f (g(x*)) = 0. f(x) = 0. such that ±j v into h(x*) = h(-x*). for appropriate ' B" > 0. A Setting f(x) = Z X. Thus there must be ^ i, = -L(v ^) , proving Tucker's Lemma. ^^ Final Comment The algorithms presented herein for proving the Spemer Lemma, the Dual Sperner Lemma, and Lemmas 1 and 2, all follow a path that is initiated at a "corner" of the simplex or cube, i.e., the unit vector e^ or the origin, respectively. 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