-c,s. uN.^r. no. r^.^ /S/S-'ii '^/?At^^^ ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT VARIABLE DIMENSION COMPLEXES, PART I: BASIC THEORY by Robert M. Freund Sloan W.P.. No. 1515-8A MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 July 1983 VARIABLE DIMENSION COMPLEXES, PART I: BASIC THEORY by Robert M. Freund Sloan W.P., No. 1515-84 July 1983 Research supported by the Department of Energy Contract DE-AC03-76-SF00326, PA No. DE-AT-03-76ER72018; the National Science Foundation Grants MCS79-031A5 and SOC78-16811; U.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAG-29-78-G-0026. Abstract Over the past several yenrs, much attention in the field of siiiiplicial pivoting algorithms has been focused on the new class of variable-dimension algorithms, wherin the sequence of simplices generated varies in dimension. This study is aimed at the combinatorial nature of variable-dimension algorithms. sliort for In Part I, we introduce the notion of variable-dimension complex. labelling function is introduced on characterization of paths on Part II of t :is a is I a I to orovide construc- variety of combinatorial lemmas demonstrate two new dual lemmas on the n-dimen- sionsl cube, and use generalizati V-c nplex, certain path- study uses the path-following theory of tive algorithmic proofs of VJe :n of the Lemma on tne sinnlex. a Generalized Sperner Lemma to prove a Knaster-Kuratowski-Kazurkiewicz Covering 'Ve also show that Tucker's LeTima can be derived directly from the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem. We report the interrelationships between these results, Brouv/er ' s Point Theorem, /^the existence of stationary points on the simplex^ a labelled V-complex. labelled V-complexes d:ve]oned in Part in topology. V-complex, show that when The main result of Part following properties arise. a a -7e a Fixed Key Words complementary pivot, fixed points, simnlex, pseudomanif old, orientation, stationary point, combinatorial topology, V-complex, antipodal point. Introduction Over the past several years, much attention in the field of sim- plicial pivoting algorithms has been focused on the new class of variable- dimension algorithms, wherein the sequence of simplices generated varies in dimension, see van der Laan and Talman [12, 13, 14, 15], Reiser [20], Luthl [19] , and Ko j ima and Yamamoto [9]. Like other simplicial algorithms, these algorithms usually can be executed with integer or vector labels. When vector labels are used, it is appropriate to interpret these algorithms as piecewise-linear (PWL) path tracing as in Eaves [2]. and Yamamoto in [ 9] Kojima present a theory of dual pairs of subdivided manifolds that is a basis for interpreting these algorithms via PWL path tracing. Although the integer-labelled variable dimension algorithms can also be interpreted as PWL path tracing, it seems more appropriate to use a combinatorial framework in which to study these algorithms. The integer- labelled algorithms usually are associated with some combinatorial lemma in topology, e.g. Sperner ' s Lemma , and the algorithms result in constructive proofs. This study is aimed at the combinatorial nature of variable-dimension algorithms. In Part I, we introduce the notion of a V-complex, short for variable-dimension complex. We show that when a labelling function is introduced on a V-complex, certain path-following properties arise. main result of Part I The is a characterization of paths on a labelled V-complex. Whereas most of the variable-dimension integer-labelled algorithms can be interpreted as path-following on a V-complex, see Freund [6], our interest here lies in the study of some combinatorial lemmas in topology. In Part II of this study, we give constructive, algorithmic proofs to a number of combinatorial lemmas in topology, namely Sperner's Lemma [26], Kuhn's Cubical Lemma [10], Scarf's Dual Sperner Lemma [22], a Generalized Sperner Lemma [4], Tucker's Lemma on the cube [29], Gale's Hex Theorem [7], and two new dual lemmas on cube [6]. We also show the variety of relationships between these lemmas, the Brouwer fixed point theorem, and the Borsuk-Ulam Antipodal Point Theorem, and a new set covering theorem. This study is based on the author's doctoral disseration [6]. Notation Define e to be the vector of I's, namely e = (1, represented by <^ , I I X I ...,1). € IR^^I x>0}. The empty set is For two sets S and T, define the symmetic difference operator . SAT = {x|x€S'JT, x^SAT} and define For xeIR = {x be real n-dimensional space, and let IR Let IR L ='Vx,+ . . .+x*", S\T I x I = {x| x<S, I | x^T}. = max x I . | , the Euclidean and maximum norms, respectively. Let e be the i unit vector in IR column of A, and A, 1. be the i . For a matrix A, let A row of A. . be the i'^'^ - 4 - Preliminaries - Complexes, Pseudomanlfolds, Orientation, Trlangulatlons An abstract complex consists of a set of vertices K of finite nonempty subsets of K 1) ?£ X denoted K, such that implies {v} f K V e K ii) , C y 6 K implies x€ The elements of K are called simplices where | . denotes cardinality. | and a set or simply an n-simplex . K. . Suppose x f K and |xl = n+1, Then x is called an n-dimensional simplex , Condition (i) above means that all members of K are 0-simplices, and condition (ii) means that K is closed under subsets. Technically, an abstract complex is defined by the pair (K,K is implied by K, since the set K ). However, it is convenient to simply denote the complex by K alone. An abstract complex K is said to be finite if the set K finite. V 6 K , is An abstract complex K is said to be locally finite if for each the set of simplices containing v is a finite set. K is locally finite if and only if for each v {x 6 k|v fi 6 K More formally, , x} is a finite set. A subset L of K is said to be a subcomplex of K if L itself is a complex. A particular class of complexes, called pseudomanlfolds, is central to the theory to be developed. An n-dimensional pseudomanifold (where n^l) or more simply an n-pseudomanifold, is a complex K such that i) X e K implies there exists y e K with |y| = n+1, and X C y. ii) If X e K and |x| that contain x. = n, then there are at most two n-simplices . . - 5 - Let K be an n-pseudomanifold. The boundary of K, denoted 3K, is defined to be the set of simplicies x € K such that x is contained in an (n-1) -simplex y e K, and y is a subset of exactly one n-simplex of K. An n-pseudomanifold K is said to be homogeneous if for any pair of n-simplices x, y 6 K, there is a finite sequence x of n-simplices in K such that 7i^f\ *i+i i'l, x, Xj* ^2* , * * * » 'Sn " ^ ^s an (n-l)-simplex in K, for •••f m— 1 Let R be an n-pseudomanifold and let x be an n-simplex in K. On Let X = {v„, ..., V w€ K In Let y = {v., .... v }. such that {w, v exchanging v . . . , , v } }. If y ^ 3K, there is unique Is an n-simplex in K. The process of for w to obtain a new n-simplex is called a pivot . In general, if X and z are n-simplices and z can be obtained from x by a pivot, x and z are said to be a neighboring pair , or simply neighbors . For the purposes of this study a 0-dimensional pseudomanifold K is defined to be a set of one of the following two forms: i) ii) K - {0,ia}], where K° - {a}, or K = {0,{4,ib}}, where K° = {a,b}. Note that K contains 0, the empty set, as a member, and so is not properly a complex, by the usual definition. If K is of type (i) , then 3K = {0}. Here, however, If K is of type (ii) , is a -1-simplex. then 3K = 0, i.e. K has no boundary, and {a} and {b} are neighbors. Let R be a homogeneous n-pseudomanifold, and let x be an n-simplex in R. Let (v., ..., v n ) be some fixed ordering of the vertices of x. For an arbitrary ordering (v. , ..., v. ) of x, this ordering is said to have a JO Jn (+) orientation if and only if the permutation %, .... is even; otherwise the orientation is (-) V - 6 - Now let us extend this notion to all of all n-slmpllces of K. K. Fix an ordering of Let x be an n-slmplex and let y be an n-slmplex by w. of x and replacing v. obtained by pivoting on an element v. We say that the pair (x,y) is coherently-oriented if the orderings (v^ , ..., v. ) JO Jn and (v. JO , ..-, V. J , 1-1 w, v. J . . • , , v. are differently oriented, i.e. ) Jn 1+1 K is said to be orientable if it is one la (+) and the other is (-). possible to specify orientations on all n-simplices of K in a way that all neighboring n-slmplices x, y are coherently-oriented. Finally, we define induced orientation on the boundary of K. K be Let a homogeneous orientable n-pseudomanlfold such that 3K is not empty. Then there is a unique n-simplex x Let y be an (n-l)-slmplex in 3K. such that y C X. y " x \ {v. } for some 1 uniquely determined. ^1 the orientation of the ordering (v^ , JQ K Let (v^ , .... Vj ) be an ordering JO Jn Orient K coherently. of the vertices of x. e . . . , v^ Jn ) by Or(v^ , JO . . . , v^ Jn ). Then we define the induced orientation on y as Or(vj^. ..., vj^_^, vj^_^^. ..., vj^) - (-1) Or(vj^, ..., v^^), Denote - 7 - Proposition PROOF Induced orientation is well-defined. 1 Let y be an (n-1) -simplex in 3K, and let x be the unique n-simplex . in K that contains y. of y, and let (j^, Let (i •••» of x, from which (i j i (-1)'' i^ .) = ..., Or(j n-1 be an ordering of the vertices _•, ) ••• ^ be orderings of the vertices ) is derived, _•, ) = v„ for some unique r, s. V = V. s ^r If r = s, then (j^, ..., j^) = (l^, Or(i-, O i and (^^, ) ..., , ..., , U , ..., ..., £^) j n y = x \ v for some unique vf and , = (-1)^ Or(£ ) x. ..., U £ n ) trivially. So suppose s •••» (Jq. = (-1)'' to j^) It takes s-r transpositions to change r. > ..., (£q, (-1)^"'' Or(£Q, Hence £^). .... (-1)^ Or(£Q, = £^) OrCj^, (-1) ..., ..., £^) j^) . ® An n-dimensional pseudomanifold is an abstraction of a triangulation of an n-dimensional set in IR The m-simplices of pseudomanifolds . correspond to geometric objects, which are also called m-simplices. Let^ V » , . . . , V ro m ^ , . be vectors T„n IR . v , . . . , v m 1 are saidJ ^to be af^rrfinely . • i_ independent if the matrix V has rank m+1. If v hull, denoted \v , . . Let {v \v /is , ..., V Any k"face of \v , m-simplex is called or more , All m-simplices are closed and bounded polyhedral , ..., v called . m v / is said to be an m- dimensional simplex . simply an m-simplex. convex sets. v are af finely independent then their convex ..., v , ... . . , a k } be a subset of {v , .... v m k-dimensional face of k- face of ^v v / is a k-simplex itself. a facet of the m-simplex. Then }. , . . . , v An (m-l)-face of an >. . . - 8 - Let H be an m-dlmensional convex set In IR of m-simplices a together vlth all of their faces. . Let C be a collection C is a triangulation of H if 1) g H - a atC ii) iii) a,T € C imply o A t e C If a is an (m-l)'^8±mplex of C, a is a face of at most two m-simplices of C. The connection between triangulations and pseudomanlfolds should be clear. Corresponding to each simplex o in C is its set of vertices {v . , • . v , k } Let K be the collection of these sets of vertices together with their nonempty subsets. Then K is an m-dimensional pseudomanlf old C is said to be locally finite if for each vertex v£H, the set of simplicies fl-^C that contain v is a finite set. Pertinent references for complexes and pseudonanifolds are Some of the material on orientation was Lefschetz C16D or Spanier C25D. taken from Lemke and Grotzinger C18I1. The notion of orienting pseudo- manifolds can be extended to triangulations by the use of determinants. The interested reader can refer to Eaves E2D and Eaves and Scarf C33 for an exposition on orienting triangulations. V-Complexes This section defines a particular combinatorial framework called a V-complex that is used in the study of combinatorial lemmas in topology, as ' well as in the study of variable-dimension simplicial pivoting algorithms for obtaining solutions of equations. in IR , When applied to a triangulation of a set S a V-complex constitutes a division of S into a number of regions of varying dimension. As an example, consider the set S = {x<IR^| - e< x ^ e) triangulated in such a manner that each coordinate axis is also triangulated. Consider the regional division defined as follows: R (I) - {0) R ({!)) = { xtS\ Xj iO, x^ = R ({-!)) = ^ R ({2}) = xeS| x^ SO, x^ = { ) x€S| x^ = 0, X2 ^0 { R ({-2}) = ) x«S| Xj = 0, Xj SO { R ({1,2)) = ) ) x€S| x^ ^ 0, x^ ^ 0) { R ({1.-2)) = { x<S| Xj a 0, x^ S 0} R ({-1.2)) = { x«S| Xj S 0. x^ ^ 0) R ({-1,2)) = { x(S| Xj S 0. x^ S 0) Let us define J to be the domain over which R(.) is defined, namely" = {0, {1),{-1). {2). (-2). {1.2 {1,-2), ), T<5 {-1,2). {-1,-2,)), and note that for S, Also note that each R(T) is a R(S)r\R(T). given T<7, suppose there is a j f . |T| S(M*J and R(SnT) = . -dimensional manifold. T such that Tu{j)f J . For a Then, because C I triangulates each region R(.)» each |T|-simplex x =^v**,..., v' T I / in R(T) will have a imique vertex v in R(Ti'{j)) such that <v°,...,v''^', v> is a (|T| + 1) - simplex in R(TU{j)). Because the above-mentioned properties do not depend on the particular triangulation of S and are more combinatoric than geometric, it is convenient to restate them in the more abstract framework of complexes and pseudomanifolds. Let K be the pseudomanifold corresponding to C, and K° its set of vertices. For each 7^7, define A(T) to be the pseudomanifold corresponding to the restriction of C to R(T). The above properties of R(.) carry over to A(.), namely A(Sr\T) = A(S)f\A(T) for S, pseudomanifold. Te'J, and A(T) is a |T|- dimensional ItI Furthermore, if x = {v",..., v ) is a |T|- dimensional simplex in A(T) and j^T but Tu{j)etJ, then there is a unique vertex v of K° such that { v*,..., v'^' . v) € A (TU{j)). In a typical application of a V-complex, we have a function L(.) that In the above example assigns a label to each vertex v of the trlangulation. consider a fimction L(.): of A(.),^ , K** - N, where N={ 1,2, -1,-2) . The properties and N, which are formalized in a more general setting below, will be central to the development of algorithms which will find a simplex each of whose labels have certain desirable properties. We now proceed to define a V-cooplex. Let K be a locally finite slmpliclal complex with vertices K Let N be a fixed finite nonempty set, which we call the label set . . Let 'J subsets denote a collection of subsets of N, which we call the admissible of N. T Let A(.) be a set-to-set map. A: J"*2 collection of subsets of a set met: \{0}, where S 2 denotes the K Is said to be a V-complex with S. operater A(') and admlssable sets K J , if the following eight conditions are - 9 - 1) 11) 111) Iv) v) vl) Vll) K Is a locally finite complex with vertices K ![ C 2^ 6 7 For any x € K, there is a Tf 7 T € J , S 6 7 Implies S T rv A(.):'J->2^\ {0} For any S, T For T € J , 6 J , A(S r\ such that x T) - A(S) O « A(T) A(T) A(T) is a subcomplex of K and is a pseudomanlfold of dimension |t|, where denotes the cardinality |»| of the set. vill) T«7.TU{j}€^ ,j^ T implies A(T)C aA(T Let us examine these properties. (11) and (i), what has been said in the preceding paragraph. on 7 , map A( covers all simplices of K. morphism with respect to intersections. (iv) reiterate (v) states that A(' (vl) {j}). (ill) imposes some structure namely that it is closed under Intersections. .) (J states that the ) is a homo- (vll) states that each A(T) is an appropriately-dimensioned pseudomanlfold. Condition (vill) stipulates how the pseudomanifolds A(T) are arranged relative to each other, namely that A(T) is part of the boundary of A(T U {j}). The nomenclature "V-complex" is short for variable-dimension complex, and derives from property (vii) above, where the dimension of the pseudomanifolds A(T) varies over the range of T in 7. As an example of a V-complex, consider a triangulation C of IR that also triangulates the coordinate axes. Let N = {±1,±2}. Let 7 be the collection of sets {1}, {-1}, {2}, {-2}, {1,2}, {1,-2}, {-1,2}, {-1,-2} and 0. Let K be the complex (actually a pseudomanlfold itself) corresponding to the triangulation C. A(T) - {x« Then for each k|v € X implies i-vi .i T*7. >0 for each we define 1 6 T, and v if 1 f T and -1 ^ T}, = . - 10 - Figure 1(a) Note that for matters of convenience, illustrates this V-complex. the set brackets have been deleted. } { In the fiaure, A(0) is the origin, A(i) corresponds to one of the four axes emanating from the origin, and A(i,j) corresponds to one of the four quadrants. Figure 1(a) is by no means the only V-complex associated with IR 2 IR Figures 1(b) and 1(c) demonstrate other V-complexes associated with . 2 , with the triangulations omitted. is a V-complex. K Suppose T O = Tt^ X Let x We define K. e T xtA(T) T X if then is the smallest set = |x| simplex in |t I A(T such that T x 6 A(T) . We say is full x +1. X is a full simplex if it is a maximum-dimension TfJ. we also define ) For each 8'A(T) = as 3'A(T) {x € 3A(T)1t = T}. We illustrate the above definitions in the V-complex in Figure 2. In the fiflure, the left-most vertex of the 2-simplex is line segment is A(l) , the simplex itself is For X For = X {e,h,f} 8'A(1,2) b to c. {k,Jl} = the left-sided line segment is T T are all full. = the "bottom" A(2), and {1,2}, for {1,2}. = x The simplices 9'A(1) = {c}, {f,g}, {a}, 8'A(2) T = {1}. {f,g}, and = {b}, and pseudomanifold corresponding to the line segment from is the 9'A(1,2), whereas For T = We have Thus, while both (. , A(l,2). {d,e}, {e,f,h}, A(0) = 0, {k,£,} {f,g} and ^ {f,g} are elements of 3A(1,2), 3'A(1,2). A(T) contains only one vertex, the origin, and the empty set 0, and therefore 3'A(0) = {0}. Figure 1(a) Af2) A0.2) ^(2.3) -ACD- "MW AC3) A(1,3) Figure 1 (b^ A(4) A(6) Figure 1(c) - 11 - Let K be a V-complex with label set that assigns to each v< is a labelling function . ^^^^ ^^ " L(v). L(x) K an element For a simplex = be a function L(.) Such a function i e N. x Let N. {v , . . . , L(.) € K, we define v""} is the set of labels spanned by the elements of X. We define two distinct simplices X "v « X and y are full L (xny) = T ii) X U T Note that adjacency is symmetric: y . x 'V' y if and only if if X ~ y, L(x)D Lixi\y) = Figure 3 T^^T^ D y 'v x. To see this, observe that Also note that if x - y for some y, L(x)DT^. • K to be adjacent (written y) if 1) and x,y T^. represents a V-complex whose vertices K have labels L(.)- In the figure, we have the following adjacent simplices: {a}'v{a,b}'\.{b,c}'v{c,d}'v{c,d,u}'\-{u,d,w}'\,{u,w,v} {u,s,vK{s,u,t}'v{t,s,p}'\,{p,t,q}'\,{p,q}'v,{p,n}'v{n,m}'v{n,m,r}'\,{m,r,k}'v,{k,r,s}'\,{s,k,v} {h,g,w}'v.{g,w,e}'\,{w,e,d}'v,{d,e}'\,{e,f}. Observe that, in the figure, any full simplex is adjacent to at most two other simplices. We shall see later on that this is true in general. Observe also that the adjacency relationship results in the formation of three distinct "paths" of simplices, each path being a string of simplices adjacent to one another. The purpose of the remainder of Part characterization of these paths. I of this study is to give a However, we must develop the theory of V-complexes further before a complete characterization is possible. ,3A(2) - 12 - H-Complexes K We wish to "lift" - n q , CL. Into a pseudomanlfold of dimension Without loss of generality, asstnne In], be the set of vertices of Let K ..., q - and admissible sets 7 N Let R be a V-complex with label set Let . Q|1 € N {q, € - Q N, {q , N - n . where .... n}. {1, We define artlflcal vertices K. Define ..., q^}. t}. The H-complex K associated with the V-complex K is defined - K {x U Q|x U Q i X6K, QCQ 0, }, ^x where K* is the set of 0-simpllces of K. The nomenclature "H-complex" is short for homogeneous -dimension complex and derives from Theorem 2, below, which states that K is an n-dimensional pseudomanlfold, i.e., its dimension does not vary. K Is an n-dlmenslonal pseudomanlfold. Theorem 2 PROOF Clearly . . Let X U Q € K. Let P " Q is closed under nonempty subsets, and so Is a complex. K Then there exists Then we have . y € A(T ) that Is full and xUQCy^P€ K. lyl+n-|T^| - y D -a. Furthermore, ^x |yUp| - lyl + |P| Therefore every simplex in - I^ is a subset of an |y|+n-(|y|-l) n-simplex in = n+1. It only K. remains to show that each (n-l)-simplex of K is contained in at most two n-simplices. Let X (n-1) -simplex In « X O Q^ be an n-simplex in Suppose K. y C z i x, and R, and let z Is an n-slmplex, z is uniquely determined by x is full and 0,. " Q-j ' C x be an Is an n-simplex In _ We aim to show that 9* x - "v and y. K. Since ^® ^^^^ three cases: x . - 13 - Case 1 = Q then Q z z D = T T z w, and hence Case 2 x\{v} U z = y have = T X • U x Therefore Ifz z Therefore for some w. {w} zUQ. Let z = = x, But since x. ?* N = Q Q {q.}, By property (viii) of V-complexes, the choice of '--' \{v}. y = x where Q w for some {w} v 6 x, and for some The choice of . Q is unique. y = y can write z z = V^ {i}. X z, y = . q. € and so z = x, a contradiction. , X for some ^q.) X, we must have and so T \ y = x . K fe w , ^ y, x\ y is not full, we must Since and hence is uniquely determined, w We is not full. {v} Q^ = Q^, whence since A(T X ) is a pseudomanif old Case 3 y = x \{v} . y = y write for some i € UQ X T X , , where K y = x v € x, \ (v). and x Since \ {v} is full. z = y U containing {w} for any '^ is = z w € K . Again we = T is full, T y and by property (viii) of V-complexes, Hence we cannot have n-simplex of for some y X y € 9A(T \ X {i} ). Therefore the unique yUQU {q.}. ® We illustrate this result in Figure 4. In Figure 4(c), A(0) consists of the north and south "poles" of the circle and A(l) , A(2) are the right and left arcs, respectively. Our next task is a characterization of the boundary of Lemma 3 . 3K = S, (J S2, where Si = iy ^ Qy (^ K|y € 3'A(Ty)}, and S2 = {y ^Qy ^ KlNXdlq^e Q„}< J }. K. '2K f1.2}) 3F= (*, (i;. Figure 4(a) 9== (0, A(2) (1), A(1) A(«) Figure 4(b) ^= (4) , (1 }, Figure (2)] 4 (c) [2}) . - 14 - We first prove that PROOF. element of contains S^ is of the form y , 1 C y £ 3'A(T Then . 1 S ^ be a maximal Q y U {v} The only n-simplex that . Q = Q '•y y and ) y U y y = y Let 9^. Q is uniquely determined where v , y y€ since Therefore 9'A(Ty). S„C9K. Next we prove that of Then S„. L U X = y Let T {i}\ IJ and so = Q„ iy a t K , j ?* {5!, whereby j = i, C &K. S2 y Therefore S^ U \ *-* be a maximal element Q 1 \) is uniquely a {i}^ U {i}\{j}^tJ T J . . Hence and in fact Therefore a contradiction. C . y since the set T Then U {i}^^ for some i, where T {q.} We need to show K. i. S2 y = y Let Suppose for some j. = T Q 8K. {a} be an n-simplex in We cannot have determined. a = q is full and y C S^ a = q^, 8K. Let Now let us prove the converse. x = x U be an n-simplex Q_ x in and let K C y be an element of x 8K, y = y where U Q. We have two cases: Case 1 X = y . Case {v} for some v < U y = y full, then Hence U Q . Q Tx = Q L/ {q^ y ^ 9K. U T X there is a unique U {v} {i|q^ 6 for some q. ^ J ) J This means that N\ Clearly we must have Therefore y y € 8A(T^) If y were . is not full. y 6 S- 2 y = y and so , y. W v Q t R, Q}^ a Therefore , (j) <f K° ^l . s.t. and hence and Q. Suppose N \{ilq^ € Q} ^ J . But then, by property (viii) of V-complexes, y U {v} € A(T X \J (j)). y ^ 3K, a contradiction. y € S^. 9K C S^ 17 S2, so 9K = S^ U S2. ® Hence Therefore - 15 - Labelling Vertices and Adjacency on H-Complexes R Let K L(.): »• L(q,) " 1 a labelling function on K M. Its associated H-complex. be a labelling function on N by the simple rule that L(i) - K be a V-complex and for each x Let . 1) and 11) Q, be a simplex In We define two distinct n-slmpllces x q. £ L(.) K° to thereby obtaining K. We define L(v). v«x (written We extend K°. Let '^ L(x to be adjacent If y) X K x, y € and y A are n-slmpllces y) - N The above definition of adjacency Is quite standard for labelling functions on pseudomanlfolds (see Gould and Tolle [8] or Lemke and Grotzinger [18]). Note that If x y, x 'v- and must be neighbors. y Characterization of Paths on H-Complexes Let K K be a V-complex, be a labelling function on L(.) its associated H-complex, and let K, extended to K. The following theorem, whose proof we omit, follows from the standard "ghost story" argument of complementary pivot theory (see Lemke [17], Gould and Tolle [8], Kuhn [11], Eaves [l], or Scarf [21]. Theorem 4 . Let be an n-slmplex of x most two other n-slmpllces of of K. If Then K. x y e 3K. is adjacent to at is adjacent to only one n-simplex K, then there is a unique (n-1) -simplex and x y C ^ G -= such that L(y) « N Q We define The notations B - {x € S jKx) - N} B and {x 6 S |L(x) and G are short for "bad" and "good". •= N}. In most applications, a path- following scheme will terminate with an element of B or G. G typically contains those simplices with pre-specif ied desirable properties, whereas B does not. « . - 16 - Proposition PROOF 5 G = (9 . Then x € G. Suppose . A B . U We can write x = x otherwise is not full. x where Q, Therefore Let K. i But then 4, we can construct and andx L(x^ ) of the sequence, define i+1 = N and x If dK. € x to be the unique subset of x k-1 = N ) and x, added, is called a path on I 1 . X x.-v x.^ ii) Type II . Note that endpoints are elements of G K. iii) iv) as one of six types. K for all -°°< for any i ^^ i <-H=° j i X. 0, 1 ii) such that x where the sequence has no endpoints, and \ i i) 4 X, -x. {x is a lef t-endpoint where the sequence has no endpoints, and r i) k K. We can characterize paths on Type x, The new sequence, with possible endpoints € 9K. , k-1 If to be the unique subset x iC~ J. L(x since characterize for any i. ^ x i-1 i+1 i such that x , x ^ B. (S is a right-endpoint of the sequence, define of x ^ S. X . x... 1+1 for all There is an m>2 X 1 ^ X 1 I -<» for all -« X ?* K . be a maximal sequence of n-simplices of K i^.f )=N, x-vx L(x such that is a maximal element of S x is full. x With the help of Theorem "paths" on = n, so jx] <i<+» < i < such that for any 0<k<m. + x_, 1 = x . , i+m for all-»<i<+"' L/ B. . - 17 - Type III ix , f where the sequence consists of only three elements. . Xq, x^, X2, and say Xq, X2 t i) iii) Type IV ii) iii) Type V i) . / X , C x„ x^ . and B, x„ / x and for any . U < i < i^'j, m m-1 0<i,j<m. has only a left endpoint, say Xq € G X X. ^ X. x^, and Ub ^ i>0 for all for all i, j 2 0, i ^ j has only a right endpoint, say x.f. G W m e X ii) X. , 'V iii) X. i" X. I 1 1+1 iii) i) A type X X "v ^ , for all '\' 1 X. . m X ii) Type VI x U ^x.{. . and X. x^, X € G u m . x^., has more than three elements, and has two endpoints, f say i) Xq / X2 B, is an n-simplex and x^ ^x . U = N L(x^) ii) G 1-1 x , and B X. 1 for all for all 1 i, <m j <m, i ?^ j path stretches infinitely in both directions. is a loop. A type II path A type III path is a "degenerate" path consisting of one n-simplex and two of its (n-1) subsimplices. with two endpoints. A type IV path is a path A Type V or Type VI path consists of one endpoint and stretches infinitely in one direction. In the applications of V-complexes and H-complexes, it is the endpoints of paths that are of interest. We have the following lemma . . - 18 - Lemma 6 X € G <J PROOF Let . x If X is an endpolnt of a path, by definition x^ GU Conversely, let a 6 K for some 7 i G (7 z = x B. ^ {a} We can construct a path starting at K and is finite, B K If . If . There is a unique n-simplex B. L(z) = N. and , x = z, etc. (S X. , Corollary PROOF is an endpolnt of a path if and only if x B. . X = x Then K. fe have the same parity. G the total number of endpoints of paths is finite is finite, Each endpolnt is in exactly one of the two sets above; hence, and even. they have the same parity. ® Characterization of Paths on V-Complexes The characterization of paths on V-complexes is achieved by certain equivalence relationships between V-complexes and establishing The first equivalence is given in the following lemma. H-complexes. Lemma 8 y = y U PROOF . Q and x Let . Then . Suppose N = L(x x A x '^ -v y. y) y be n-simplices of y if and only if This means = L(x L(Q^ A (N\T U Q , x ^ y L(x A y)U x = x Let K. r\ A y) We have = N. Q^) = L(x f\y)U ((N\(T^) U (N\Ty)) Therefore L(x r\ y) Thus we see that = N\((N-ST L(x A in reverse shows that if Define X ) = T y) x G = {x f k|x -x- X y, (J T , y N^(N\(T X U = )) and so x 'v^ y. T )) = T U T X y y The same argument y then is full, x '^ y L(x) . D ^ T^, and L(x) ^ T }• . - 19 - G can be thought of as the goal set , for in most applications of V-complexes, the algorithm searches for an element of G. B = {x € KJx 6 a'A(T ), and X Define L(x) = T }. We have the x € B if and only X following lemmas: Lemma if 9 Let . U x = x x € K, and let Q Then . X 6 B. PROOF Let . L(x) = T X € B. x€ Furthermore, 9'A(T X Conversely let Lemma 10 PROOF. Let T^^ iiX'J N\{i|q L(x) = . e Q X Li = \(x) \X/ = } L(x)U L(Q X = L(x) ) ^ Let X € K x € Q <J x £ K, From Lemma 8 PROOF. X = X For any . X U ' (J and y = y Q X so is X. (^ , we have W Q . y for some {1} ^° {j})) = T X ^ {j) ^ = N. "^ x T ^ ~ i X N\L(Q ) , € G. where Furthermore, . Therefore =N\{i|q K N. ^^^°' ^ ^ ^- Then L(x) deg(x) L(x) = Then x £ G if and only if x H.X; to be the number of distinct simplices of Lemma 11 = ) ^ ® € Q i We define the degree of be full. \ T B. and ) (N V^ * ^ U (N\(L(x)) G. = T ) xe Therefore x € 9'A(T ^''j^^^T N\(N\(T U Hx^ x € G. "^ ^T Conversely, let Hence x € B. L(x) = T Then X € G. . 1 Then Let x e K and let x = x . L(Q ^x xfe S x € B. = N\(N\T3j) = T^, whence U L(x) = L(x) . so , ) X x e G. s) i L (x^ 1 . written x, deg(x), adjacent to x. < 2. '^ y Since x if and only if x ^' y, where is adjacent to at most two simplices, . - 20 - With the help of Lemma 11, we can construct paths on K be a maximal sequence of full simplices in ^i-1 * Let such that be a left endpoint of the sequence. of the associated sequence in define such that x^ vise, if Define K. = x^_ x^_ U Q \. , x^ Lemma 12 Let . x x € G PROOF X Let . K. fe and only if U Lemma 13 . B . Then ^c ,, C Q) x€GUB.® If K if finite, K. K B is finite, G have the same parity. K. K Then x = x G and U i) X . ii) X . '^^ ?^ '^\+-[ X . Q (for have the same parity. so is K. B (G) There is and elements of B Thus, by Corollary 7, B and K as one of six types. where the sequence has no endpoints, and , if ® Hence we can classify paths on \ Like- The new analogously. We thus see a complete equivalence between paths on ^x C Q. G, by definition, have no simplices in common. and Also, if . Q is an endpoint of a path on K. a one-to-one correspondence between elements of I > as in the last section and is an endpoint of a path on x be an endpoint of a path on So x€GUB. Type ^j,-, B. appropriate choice of Q . '^ is a left endpoint for appropriate is a right endpoint, define jL Then sequence, with possible endpoints added, is a path on (G) x V. \+l* x^ PROOF ^x Let K. ^°^ ^^^ ^ for all i ?^ j K and on K. - 21 - Type II '(x . x^ 1) X '\' x^_ ii) iv) x^ = x 1 i+m such that > 2 for all i 0<k<m. for all i, all Xq, x^, x^, and ^0' "^2 L(xJ ii) iii) x iii) Type V. Xu and x m , x , C x . and U x^ for all 'V' x^_j_j^ x^ / X. and x^ ?i < i < i =^ j, x m m-1 0<i, j<m. has only a left endpoint, say f G ii) x^ '\- x^^^ iii) x^ 7^ x. for all for any i, i > j >0, i ^ j has only a right endpoint, say i) x^e G KJB ii) x^_-|^ 'V x^ / X. Xq, and UB Xq ^x^*^^ B for any i) iii) x x^, x € G U m ^'^±(± . x has more than three elements, and has two endpoints, say ii) T ^ is full and {x^}^ i) ^^ ^ 2> 1 Type VI m \x^^^, where the sequence consists of only three elements, . i) . for all i ^ X x^ / x^^^ say Type IV for all i There is an ill) Type III where the sequence has no endpoints, and , r x^ for all for all i, i<m j <m, i / j x^, and . - 22 - There are two ways to develop an algorithm based on a V-complex L(.). depending on the nature of the set and a labelling function If set consists of a single 0-almplex, say A(0) 0, then L(0) - and 6 3'A(0) since « B, If have V -v- consists of two 0-slmpllces, say A(0) L({v} w, since {w}) = L(0) - (\ = U and the empty {w} Thus our = T^. endpolnt is algorithm consists of following a path whose - 0. and {v} T^v}^ {w} we , "^^^ "^{w}' {v} the algorithm consists of following the path containing A(0) and {w} in one or both directions. The purpose of the preceding exposition has been to show how to construct We used the construction of an H-complex to and follow paths on a V-complex. expedite the development of the theory. It should be noted that the characterization of paths on a V-complex can be demonstrated without resorting to the H-complex superstructure. However, the introduction of the H-complex renders the proofs less cumbersome, and shows the equivalence of path-following on a V-complex and path- following on n-dimensional pseudomani folds. The latter is ein "ordinary" phenomenon familiar to most researchers in complementary pivot theory. When viewed properly, path following on a V-complex is equivalent to path- following on n-dimensional pseudomanifolds and can be viewed as the "projection" onto , of K path- following on K. In most algorithms based on V-complexes, we search for an element of G. We have seen that the set properties of J A(T) , G is derived from the structural and hence the way our complex K is divided up into the is intimately connected to what we can expect to look for In an algorittin on K. Conversely, suppose we wish to find elements L(x) 6 G, where with certain labels the space Into A(T) , to our stated purpose. T ^ J , such that is some set. G G arises from x of K If we can divide *] , we are close - 23 - Orientation This section develops an orientation theory on V- and H-complexes. At issue are conditions which guarantee that paths of siinplices have certain orientation properties. This is accomplished in theorems 27 and 28, which give necessary and sufficient conditions on a V-complex for its associated H-complex to be orientable. The orientation theory is developed in the context of H-complexes, which are pseudomanifolds . This material could be developed for V-complexes without explicit reference to the associated H-complex. However, the development would be much more cumbersome, and would not show the implicit equivalence with orientation on pseudomanifolds. As this material is not central to this study, and the subsequent development is not very elegant, the reader can omit this section without detracting from the exposition. - 24 - The use of orientation In complementary pivot schemes was first developed by Shapley [24] for the linear complementarity problem, advanced [3] and Eaves by Eaves and Scarf [2] for subdivided manifolds, and extended to An extensive treatment of orientation pseudomanlfolds by Lemke and Grotzlnger [18], P^vot algorithms Is presented in [28). in the context of complementary Our set-up the interested than that of Lemke and Grotzlnger; however, i. .lightly different r«ader can easily establish the similarity. Pivots and C-Plvots on Pseudomanlfolds be an orlentable H-complex of dimension n, oriented K Let K by Or(.). with vertex set N = (l, Let . . . . , L(-):K and let n) •* N. We define the set D={x€K||x| = n+1, L(x) = N}(J {x £ 3K| |x| K slmpllcles on the boundary of whose labels exhaust K D consists then of n-slmpllces of whose labels exhaust that the two sets above whose union is by D, X. , X € D If , Denote these sets There is a very natural way to order the elements X € D. , we can write x = {v 1 (v, We remark N. are disjoint. D N, and Dj, respectively. and Let of = n, L(x) = N}. V ^0 ) of On , . . . , v } . The ordering Is called a C -orderlng if and only if: X ^n L(v^ ) = j. j Note there are always twofbrderings of For of X have the label of X must be the unique vertex by v' and v" r. j < v those two vertices in two C-orderings of x are: r € N\{r}, the C x x ..., n. The reason for this is that x. x, there is some unique among the labels of = 1, N j— such that two vertices component of a C-orderlng for which L(v ) whose labels are " j. Denote r. Then the . . - 25 - (v", V ..., V , V, , V r-1 1 , .... V ^r+1 ) n and (v', V .... V , v", V , r-1 1 , V ,.., ) n "-r+l Also note that these two orderings have opposite orientations, i.e. one is and the other is (-) (+) X 6 D If in we can write , x = {v., 2 (v . , . . V , ^1 ..., v }. The ordering is called a C -ordering if and only if ) ^n L(v. _ The C-ordering for = j, ) j = 1, ..., n. ^j is unique. x € D2 With the notion of a pivot in mind, we now define a C- pivot on elements of For D. x € D A C-pivot is performed on Case 1 {v. . . , . . , V . , y = {v . . v^ , ..., v. ) be a C-ordering of In this case, simply drop from v. x, ^0 ..., v , x. The derived ordering on }. is y n ) n 1 Case , as follows: € 8K. 1 (v^ (v^ n 1 and let x } . let . 2 {v. il . such that ..,, v , {v^ , ..., v^ , v} n , .. ., r+1 If , Let n-simplex of L(v) v} ^ K. V. ) ^n X ^ D r^ for some and form the new ordering , of y. let V (v In . , . . , V , v Set N. , v. L(v) = r A x. : for some r 6 K such that N. Set y = U x {v, X4 , is an {v} . . . , 1 and from the new ordering , ^r-1 be the C-ordering of ) v ..., , ^1 X X^ be the unique element of K. (v ^r is performed as follow^ X = r _ ^ C -pivot on v 6 K _ _ n 1 V, V. In this case, there is a unique _ ..., v^ , 1 y = {v^ d 9K. } in (v , r v , ^1 . . . , v , ^r-1 v, v , ^r+1 v , , X ..., v ) ^n v} n of y. ?* v. ^0 - 26 - We have the following results on C-pivots: Proposition 14 ordering of Let . x 6 D be derived from a C-pivot on y is a C-ordering and the orderings on y Then the . and x as specified y in the C-pivot have the same orientation. The first conclusion of the proposition follows immediately from PROOF. the ordering defined on The second conclusion follows from a case y. analysis. Case 1. Then Or( v^ y € 9K. ..., v^ , Case 2 Or(v . , ..., V ) = -Or(v, v , .... v = 0r(v. , V. , ^1 ^r ordering of Let . y ..., V = Or(v ) n , ^1 ) Ti -^1 ^n Proposition 15 , ^1 n Then y i 3K. ^0 (-1)° Or(v = ) ^0 ..., v. V, v. , ..., v. , x 6 D be derived from a CSpivot on y ). ® n ^r+1 ^r-1 is a C-ordering and the orderings on x and . Then the y, as specified in the C-pivot, have opposite orientation. PROOF. y. The first conclusion follows directly from the ordering fixed on For the second conclusion, note that Or(v, , V , ^1 ^r ,.., v V, V , r-1 = -Or(v, v^ , In , . ..., V "-r+l . . , v^ ) = -Or(vj^ ) n In , . . . , v^^ ) ® . Orientations on Paths Generated by C-Pivots Let K -0 Or(-), K be an orientable H-complex oriented by vertex set, and assume, without loss of generality, that Let L(-):K°-^N be a labelling function. Let possibly without left and/or right endpoints. ( x ( N = {1, be a path on its ..., n}. K, .... v ) n - 27 - Choose Note that an element of the path. X L(x) = N. Is an endpoint of the path (say a left endpoint, and we can assume without loss of generality), there is a unique C-ordering of x be derived from by a C-pivot on x x Lemma 16 ) Let . = Or(x \X is obtained from f Let . Or(x and ) , y = -Or(x We have just proved the following by Proposition 14. ) be a path with left endpoint . by a C-pivot, x Or(x ) x = -Or(x x If . i>0.8> for all ) In particular, we have Corollary 17 x„ and X m , Let . \x be a path with left- and right-endpoints ) generated by a series of C-pivots starting at i) x . Then Or(x^) = -Or(x ), m U and 11) Or(x ) = Or(x.) 0<i, for all j<m. ^ Corollary 17 is analogous to other path orientation theorems presented elsewhere, see, for example, Shapley [23], Eaves and Scarf [3], Eaves [2], and Lemke and Grotzinger [18]. All of these theorems assert that the orientation along a path is constant except at the endpoints, whose orientations are opposite in sign. Now suppose that is an element of the path x. 1 X is not an endpoint. C-orderings of x, x Then , Nx.V i x 6 D . and i Since L(x) = N, we can choose two each one opposite in sign. orderings will yield ) For each of these pivots, we the right endpoint of the path, if it exists. Or(x , x = x We can keep performing C-pivots on the x., until we reach from Proposition 15. have y = x Then . x If C-pivoting on one of these and the C-ordering of x will have the same - 28 - orientation as the C-ordering of x we will generate the path elements \x V has only if for all j > i. a Continuing the C-pivot process, . x , x , x , ..., terminating if and By Proposition 14, right endpoint. Or(x ) = Or(x ) A parallel arginnent for the other C-ordering completes the proof of the following. LeTTima 18 Let . \x be a path on ) and let be an element of this x Let the entire path be generated from path that is not an endpoint. We have by its two C-orderings. K Or(x.) = -Or(x^) for all j < i < k. x ® In particular, we have Corollary 19 X and X m , . Let \x ) respectively. with left and right endpoints If this path is generated from x , then Or(x^) = -Or(x ), m and ii) x , i by the two C-orderings of i) be a path on K Or(x ) = -Or(x ) for all j<i<k. (X> 0<l<m, - 29 - By way of concluding thus far, we remark that the usual path orientation results for manifolds carry over to H-complexes. they do more than this — they Actually, carry over to orientable n-pseudomanifolds. For the only properties of H-complexes used in these two sections was that K is an orientable n-pseudomanifold and that the label set n elements. N contains Conditions for which an H-complex is Orientable In this section we give conditions on K.J^N, and Let is orientable. the H-complex associated with 16^ for each i) , define a A(') Let K. A(T) K |n| = n. K that guarantee that V-complex, and let K be Assume that is orientable, and hence homogeneous, and for all ii) S^fe 1,1 = 0, T£ J S, ..., m, , there is a sequence Sq = S, S^ = T, and We will show that K,T,N, and K only if A(') \s^_-^ AS^| S , ..., S ^ 1, 1 = such that m 1, .... m. satisfy the above two assumptions if and is orientable. Towards proving our main result, we make the following: Definition . For A(T) = A(T) q , T € {xU tJ , define qIx e A(T), Q C Q^, xU Q ^ 0}. can be thought of as a conical construction of 1 ^ T. Lemma 20. We have: A(T) is an orientable n-pseudomanlfold. A(T) with each - 30 - PROOF Clearly . Then there is a y Then x manifold. is closed under nonempty subsets. A(T) U Q C A(T) -simplex in ^ y Any n-simplex of T| such that A(T) in U y ] = Q^| x U Q + n 1 y ^ A(T) . is a pseudo- A(T) + T| UQ x - T| | is of the form A(T) Let . Q^, and = T, since T Let = n+1. | L' Q , where be an (n-1) -simplex in is a y A(T) that is a , I y U U Q_. T subset of U z Q y ?^ z Q the choice of But then are x = sequence ^ l^i . . . X L/ " U s, s„, , A \is^^ Qj) ..., s i = U and since Uq y A(T) is an n-pseudomanif old. TI I (s^+i^ Q^)| Then . -simplices in x there is a such that A(T) ' ' Then x U Q^ = s^U is a sequence of n-simplices in Q,r. A(T) is homogeneous, Since A(T) . •••. in-1- 1. is a pseudomanifold, A(T) be n-simplices in = y of m and = n+1, i A(T) z l"^!' = y Q-T. and Q = Q_, z This proves -simplices in 1 ^i+ll s , |t| Q is unique. z Now let and y x^QCzt/Q,|zUQl Suppose . = n, i = 1, ..., m-1. s^U Q^, and A(T) Therefore Q^, A(T) is homogeneous. coherent orientation of the n-simplex of (v A(T) . Let ..., V ), and let , those V. € Q 1 If = Q^. -simplices of = t. A(T) . Let Order the vertices of Or(') x x c' U be a Q Q be an as be the number of transpositions needed to transpose p to the last n-t places of the ordering, while preserving Then we define is obtained from (-1)^ (-Or(x)) = v € Or(v^, 1 y € Q |t| |t| the local ordering of those V. e Let A(T) is oricntable. Finally, we show that u x -Or(xUQ^). and the local ordering of those A(T) ..., v UQ^ Thus n ) = P Or(x) (-1)^ P Or(y) by a pivot, Or(yOQ^) = (-1) A(T) is orientable.® . . - 31 - Lemma 21 PROOF ; Q C ^ = . Let A(T) '^^ Then we can write x e K. Q, and C Q Q^ x€ But then . U x = x A(T^) . Q where x € K, and Conversely, let ^Q€ x A(T) X Then C Q x U Q C K. and so Q ® X Lemma 22 PROOF Any n-slmplex of . Let ; x is an element of exactly one be an n-simplex in Q \J K K. Then Q = A(T) and Q^, x is full. X X U Q € A(T^). Thus and hence S ^ T Also . Q„ Thus we see that as partition K xU Suppose Q t A(S) S € for some CT 'J C Qq T ranges over all elements of which implies into "disjoint" n-pseudomanifolds. S Thus . x€ Then . "J = T S . (& A(T) the , A(S) We use disjoint loosely since this partitioning only takes place among the n-simplices of K. Next we have Proposition 23 PROOF Let : K . is homogeneous. and x y be n-simplices in x = x We can write K. f Q , ^x y = y U sequence '^i ^ for appropriate Q„ = T^^ Vl' ..., T-^, i = 1» = ^' x, y £ K. = T T^^ By Assumption (ii), there is a such that T^i"^ , i = 1, . . . m, and , •••' ""-I- We shall now show how to construct a sequence of neighboring simplices in K If m = that have 1, X, y 6 A(T) y as endpoints, using an induction argument on m. then such a sequence of neighboring simplices exists because C simplices <s and K, i ) ~ i either T^ = and x 1=0 i= T^.^^ U A(T) exists {k} is homogeneous. Suppose a sequence of neighboring whose endpoints are for some k < Tjjj.;^' °^ x "^m and = z € T . m-1 T^-i^^^} Then for some k ^ Tj^.^. . - 32 - In the former case, for some unique w€ z K = z \{q, k }U{w} A(T Since . ^t of neighboring n-simplices V ^_ m Is an n-simplex in is homogeneous, ) where , = z, t t. that is in K, A(T ), m there is a sequence = y. Thus the sequence X = s^, of neighboring simplices has ..., - % = z, z = tQ, s and y argument establishes the result when T x ..., = y tj An analogous as Its endpoints. = T m ,\{k}. m-1 ® K is J implies The next results will also be used in the proof that orientable. Proposition 24 s :> . T* € 1 such that There is a unique set S ^ T? PROOF Define . Clearly T*= Q^ Proposition 25 . Let S, T £ ^ , contains no (n-1) -simplices. PROOF x U Q € A(S) C\ A(T) Let X € A(S), X € A(T), so X € < n -1 Therefore . x U Q T, ?^ . (t+1) . contains S ^ and any |S| Let A(S CXl) Q C Qg r\ Q^ = Qgy^ < n - Also S t "^ T*. ® is uniquely determined. T* . T* Then S. t =It| = But . . = |S| |S A A(S) |T| We have . T| < t-1. |xL/Q|<t Thus A Then cannot be an (n-l)-simplex. -^ A(T) Thus [x] < *. n-t-1 IS> We are now ready to describe an inductive procedure for brienting K. T* t Let '3 m = maxlTl Let be the set described in Proposition 24. Then we partition - d. m+1 into tl Let classes, d = | 5',, T* ..., "j+^> "^ in where ^ ^ i 'J^ = > Ju ^ il e ^ ||t| J ~ ^' = k} . Note that 5 = j^i^ Our procedure for orientating ^d+m' K ^^^ ^°^ | ^-^-^ is as follows: . - 33 - Step Orient . (i = 1, . Or(') A(T), denote the orientation on Or(.) Let . K^ = K^_.,^^( Let .... b): K^ TC '^^. Extend the orientation A(T)). .j,'^ by using the induced orientation on to A(T*) = A(T*). K Set Step i A(T*) to orient K._, We now show that each step of this procedure is executable and the result is a coherent orientation of Note K. = K. K Our proof is as follows: Clearly Step Suppose steps 0, tion of K Lemma 26 since T' € !J K^_j^A A(T') Then ^. By the induction hypothesis A(T'). So is and 9K£_-j^ K^_i 9A(T'). is an orientable n-pseudomanifold. L = K,_^r\A(T') Let us denote is an orientable for notational convenience. then is closed under nonempty subsets, and so is a complex. L Then x € A(T) (ii), there exists contain Note y x U (x for some C remarks, we know U Q\{a} |y<J Q^,| U T = T'\{k} L, of a ^ Q, 3 A(T'\{k}). = d + for some / a. so i Let k e T' , L, and suppose ,. x y Q fe be full and n. Thus L. From the preceding Q = Q„ and x \J , . Q\{a} ^ Let {6} is an We need to show that there is at most one choice a 6 x. We have two cases: L. By assumption ye A(T'\{k}) + n -(d +i) = (n-1) -simplex of L. Let xVQCy(JQ„,. Then be an (n-l)-simplex of Q QCQ x € A(T'), =T'\{k}. T be an (n-2)-simplex of Clearly, x 6 is a subset of an L X d+i, and such that Furthermore (n-1) -simplex of 6. |t| < such that , Q^, € L. Now let T, k 6 T' y) every element of X is orientable. The following lemma serves as a basis for our proof: . (n-l)-pseudomanifold and is a subset of PROOF. A(T*) are executable and result in a coherent orienta- i-1 ..., Suppose . is executable, , . . - 3A - Case x\{a} I. x\{a} 2. for some Since (d+i-1)- is a {6} A(T'\ {k}). simplex of Case must be full, (6) ^ such that x \ {a} K is the unique element of 3 x\{a}U Then since is not full. ^ k, j x \ {a} U T . T'\{k}\ = . x\{a} {j } £ T'. j must be a full {6} K element of In this case is full. x\{a} U such that l)-simplex, (d +. i - is a {g} + (d is the unique B - l)-simplex of i A(T'\{j}). Thus we see that is a pseudomanif old of dimension L Our next task is to show that UQ„, y that each U ..., s T = z Q . U . Q ..., , , z \J t U Q , X Since L. VJ Q„ \ T {q, }. = T' k, j, where a, A(T'\{j}), U is I U {g} = x U \{k} C 3K._, . for some K Any n-simpiex of Let k fc x f Q„, Q„ i - 1. , and hence t x £ 8K._, . s (J T T . , j' k 6 Q^, , T' ..., , s^ = z ..., Q^, = s U {a} = y a sequence t U Q^ , ..., , s l/Q^,, L is homogeneous, Thus L. be an (n-1) -simplex is of the foran K._, ) .... , T' 6 T', we can write Thus the unique n-simplex of , such that is a sequence of neighbors in L Q^, j x = s^, _ <d + X K 6 Then the sequence X |t k, ?f j Let z U Suppose then L. Q of neighbors such = y s U x then since A(T , Then x U Q^, = s^ k. A(T'\{k}). {&) e Next we show that of , Then there exists {k}). A(T'\{k}). of neighbors in U . T'\{k}, for some = be a sequence of neighbors in t . y A(T'\{j}), {a} € =0, j , = T T ..., , is a sequence of neighbors in , A(T'\ {j}\ € z A(T^) 6 T'\{i}, T X Let s If L. x = s is homogeneous, there is a sequence Let is homogeneous. L be distinct (n-l)-simplices in (n-1) y l^ U x Q^, = where Q^ y containing A similar argument shows that x ^ L Q_,, 1) 3A(T'). 1 , - 35 - It only remains to show that orientable, on Or(*) is orientable. L induces an orientation K._, Since on Or(«) We need to show that this induced orientation is coherent. Let us assign labels to elements of be neighbors. For V R € i— y = {\+x' i = 2, U V ^ X , *"' ^n^ "^2' =1. L(v) let y, endpoint will be K , K x (\ K and since , Or(') element of L. £ K Define of A(t') from , y At least one element of . L/Or(-) . . , , ..., v L H y L. ® using the induced ..., v be a fixed ordered } as a "seed". U A(T') T' ^ J .. . , v^} £ A(T') ..., v ), and extend } repeat this procedure for all A(T) x the path will have is coherent on v^} 6 K^.^^, (3, v^, = -Or(a, v,, ) {6, v, . K._, r\ x = irv,, Now let . {a, v^^, ..., v by using K. coherently oriented, and also A(S) } x € ^^i_i» ^ ^ 3A(T'), there exist unique elements Since such that Or(6, v, n This will trace x. is locally finite, thus establishing that orientation 6 v which if it has a right endpoint, the right With Lemma 26 established, we can orient a, , . From the results of the first part of this section, right endpoint. , . Furthermore, by the nature of our labelling function, y. will be an element of Or(x) = -Or(y) . , L(v^) = L(v^^^) = 1, L(v^) = i, ^^^ all elements of the path will contain a x, y ^ L 1 ^"*^ a path of simplices of Let x = {v Let us do C-pivots on the C-ordering of ..., n. L C9Kj^_i. as follows: K._, We can write is K. Or(-) to all This makes A(T') coherently oriented. since for any S, T ^ A(T) contains no (n-l)-simplices or n-simplices, i.e. We can J A(S) and share no common boundary. Thus step i, i = 1, ..., m, results in a coherent orientation of We have just proved: of our procedure is executable and K , i . Hence . K = K is orientable. m - 36 - Theorem 27 Let . K Then section. A( •) , N, . tJ K satisfy assumptions (i) and (ii) of this is orientable. (S We also have: Theorem 28 assumption PROOF (i) A(-),'J, N, and K satisfy and (ii) of this section. Suppose assumption (i) does not hold. . But then is not orientable. A(T) Then be orientable. K Let . with the q i ^ , T, A(T) , there is no sequence S = i = 0, ..., m-1, and S.e'J is orientable, it is homogeneous. x = x^ n-simplices Let S. = ! i we must have satisfied. ® , where | Sj A x^ , x. Sj^-, | S^.S,, .... . . i , . K = J^„ A(T) is not Thus assumption (i) is satisfied. Then for some Suppose assumption (ii) does not hold. K , the conical construction of A(T) is not orientable, whence orientable, a contradiction. If T^J Then for some , = x ^ 1, x. *«J = 0, = y . = T, S such that ..., m. Let S, T 6 j |s^ A S.^, x e A(S) , | , ^ 1 y € A(T). Hence there is a sequence of such that x. Because x^^ a contradiction. and and x. - x^+]^ are neighbors. are neighbors, Thus assumption (ii) is - 37 - Conclusion and Remarks In Part I of this study, we have defined a V-complex and characterized paths induced on simplices of a V-complex by a labelling function L(«). We have also demonstrated necessary and sufficient conditions for the H-complex associated with a V-complex to be orientable. Part II of this study will use these results to present constructive algorithmic proofs of a variety of combinatorial lemmas in topology^ some new, some old. These lemmas give ^^J<, to proofs of fixed point, antipodal point, and stationary point theorems, and to a new set covering theorem on the simplex. BIBLIOGRAPHY [I] Eaves, Properly Labelled Simplices in Studies in Optimization 10 MAA Studies in Mathematics, Eds:G.B. Dantzig and B. Curtis Eaves , (1974), 71-93. 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