HD28 .M414 L»eM^ MIT 3 IIBRARIES TOflO Oun 1 DDbSbflM? a IJUN 22 1990 <*"i«'5-> ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT UTILIZING HUMAN RESOURCES FOR STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE: THE ROLE OF TRAINING by Lisa M. Lynch I.R.I. Associate Professor of Industrial Relations M.I.T. Sloan School of Management WP# 3156-90-BPS May, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 1990 UTILIZING HUMAN RESOURCES FOR STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE: THE ROLE OF TRAINING by Lisa M. Lynch I.R.I. Associate Professor of Industrial Relations M.I.T. Sloan School of Management WP# 3156-90-BPS May, 1990 UTILIZING HUMAN RESOURCES FOR STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE: THE ROLE OF TRAINING by Lisa M. Lynch I.R.I. Associate Professor of Industrial Relations M.I.T. Sloan School of Management May 1990 Prepared for the BPS conference "Achieving Systemic Organizational Change, 1990. The author would like to thank Tom Kochan for helpful comments on a previous draft. May As U.S. firms continue to face increasing international competition, deregulation, technological innovation, and changes in the demographic composition of the work force, they are being challenged to examine the formation process of their work force in Productivity growth remain competitive. order to increase productivity and the United States in 1980s has lagged behind productivity growth Germany, Sweden, cited for this (see Bailey and Chakrabarti, but given that labor accounts for could figure out way a to the 1970s and There are many reasons 1988 for a comprehensive survey), percent of at least 70 make labor in countries such as Japan, West in and the United Kingdom. Italy skill 10 percent more total costs, efficient ... "we if output per hour of work would rise Such an increase labor productivity would soon pull investment along ... in the transitory increase 1990, by about in 7 percent even with no increase discussed in productivity. other papers But a in this book that, if in organizational practice implemented, would improve necessary condition for firms to gain competitive advantage through innovative human resource well educated, of the major differences level and 2). p. is capital. productivity growth would be impressive" (Blinder, There are various options and changes force in utilization is highly skilled and broadly trained. between the U.S. and and general training of the labor force. its that the Unfortunately, one competitors This paper work will is in the skill summarize recent research that has begun to examine the reasons behind our apparent corporate disadvantage practices in skill in skill formation and present some examples of best formation that illustrate possible methods for addressing this issue. Part of the reason why we are In this productivity crisis is due to our By defining jobs narrowly and making each past successes. many U.S. firms obtained increased productivity through through the interchangeability of workers with limited rather than training workers to become multiskilled. and, as noted in job easy to learn, specialization and skills and experience As technologies change other papers, the need for cross functional competencies and problem solving increases, so too does the demand for multi-skilled workers. Therefore, growth in not surprising that the countries that are experiencing rapid is it productivity today have typically followed an alternative model which firms provide both general and firm specific This creates new type a of flexibility in the skills to their work place which is in workers. more compatible with rapid technological change, new production techniques such as "just-in-time" and otherwise altered organizational structures. training for Broader skills workers reduces the need for supervisors and allows the day- all to-day management of the firm to be performed by workers rather than supervisors. This reduces the hierarchal structure of a typical dramatically. The provision however, policy for U.S. "lifetime of general skills training, firm is not an easy firms to implement because unlike Japanese firms where employment" leads investing heavily in to low labor turnover, workers and losing them As the service sector continues "knowledge workers" in to U.S. firms run the risk of to competitors. grow, there is increasing need for professional and technical occupations. Traditional educational institutions have not always been able to deliver programs for these kinds of workers, especially technological change. in those industries characterized by rapid Highly skilled technical jobs in professional occupations such as computer, mathematical, and operations research analysts are forecasted to grow by 52 percent and jobs for technicians and related support occupations are expected to increase by 32 percent by the year 2000 in the U.S. At the same time the majority of new (U.S. Department of Labor, 1989). workers will women who, be minorities with the highest high school dropout rates or have historically been underrepresented as a group, occupations with the largest amounts of on-the-job training. companies programs their will in Therefore, find themselves required to develop costly internal training order to remain competitive and to cope with the new workers The those in skill in A McKersie paper. development policy human resource innovations presented structured well is needs of this paper are the next decade. acquisition and formation issues discussed closely linked to the skill a acquisitions or skill necessary precondition for that seeks to more fully utilize labor. a human resource Thus, the investment training, links selection, the Kochan and in human resource strategy training must be seen as an essential part of an overall management strategy that in in workers' human resource career planning, compensation, performance appraisal and employment security. This paper summarizes the findings of 1989b) on the role of the private sector in the in the U.S. and expands on Lynch (1989c). summary of the trends in the a more detailed survey (Lynch, skill development workers of The paper begins with demographic composition of the It discusses who needs training, who provides training, who pays for in the private sector in It sector training concludes with in a then it, some the United States and finally, the structure of training programs provided by the private sector countries. brief workforce and the implications of these trends on the training policies of firms. innovative 'trainers' a in other brief discussion of policy issues for private the U.S.. WHO ARE THE WORKERS OF THE FUTURE? Seventy percent of those projected to be working in the year 2000 in the U.S. are already in the Department of Labor (1989), there composition of the work force. force will By the year the labor force. will 2000, as forecasted by be several changes in the For example, the age distribution of the work change quite substantially. the 'baby bust' Specifically, will continue with young workers aged 16-24 representing only 16 percent of the labor force in the year 2000 versus 19 percent share of those 35-54 be aging resulting will the work force rising from 40 percent in However, the relative share percent by 2000. will baby boomers' At the same time the 1976. 1988 and 24 percent in of in in in the 1988 to 49 workers over the age of 55 remain constant over this period of time. Women's labor force participation representing 47 percent of percent in composed 1988 and 41 percent 2000. in in 1976. of minorities will also increase percent of the work force Hispanics workers all will will go from 7 in 2000, continue to rise with women the year 2000 as compared with 45 The share by 2000. up from 11 Blacks percent percent of the labor force Asians and other remaining minorities of the labor force will in in will represent 12 1988 while 1988 to 10 percent in increase from 3 to 4 percent from 1988 to 2000. All of these compositional changes are the result of two factors characteristics of new entrants into the those who leave the work force. exiting the labor force from now year 2000 while the number of new This represents an dramatic increase the labor force and it of of white males will be entrants who are women, Afro-American, Hispanic or Asian percent. the work force and the characteristics A higher percentage to the - in will be almost 70 the diversity of workers in poses many challenges with regards to training. WHO NEEDS TRAINING? Given these demographic changes and changes in product demand and technology, who needs training? There are four primary types These include new entrants need training. into the labor force, of workers who permanently displaced workers, employed workers, and long-term unemployed workers. New entrants into the labor force are made up of three sub-groups, each with varying stocks of skill and new skills These groups are composed of needs. young people entering the work force for the women) into the labor force first time, who may have worked educated but have been out of the labor force for immigrant workers who come with and proficiency a variety of the past and are well in a re-entrants (e.g. period of time, and levels, skill work experience English. in The second type, permanently displaced workers, may have been displaced as result of technological a demand due or to changes in deregulation. The third type who need change in their industry or occupation, to increased technological competition or of workers includes those who are employed but training for promotions, maintenance of already acquired skills, or new jobs due redeployment within the firm. to with training needs is The the long-term unemployed. final Obviously, the range of company and government training programs that need four types of workers varies substantially. category of workers to be provided to these For example, as mentioned earlier, the occupations which are expected to grow the most over this period of time are in high tech areas which require post-secondary education and/or training. However, minorities, who will represent an increasing percentage of new entrants, are not well represented in these occupations at the moment and they also have much lower high school and college completion rates than their white counterparts. to enable these Firms will need to develop more general training programs workers to get on track within their organizations. Companies in the U.S. extensively train their workers, but their training policies have focused primarily on developing formal training programs both within the firm and off-site for young workers, re-entrants, those who are being promoted, those needing skills maintenance, and those who are being redeployed. Firms also provide extensive informal training to new workers, but typically with who is receiving and how much it it, who costs. is little providing knowledge it, of work In the U.S. in is being done, it takes, Seldom do firms assess the economic returns to Most of the firm-provided quite specific to the particular needs of the firm or More general training site. is and when, how much time either their formal or informal training programs. training how much is left to what workers acquire on their own the education system before they enter the work place, or to training they receive from schools (community colleges or night schools), or proprietary institutions, school and In such as vocational and technical institutions, after they have begun to work. summary, there are four groups training needs. New entrants of workers who have very different typically need more general skills training (such as quantitative skills) that are relevant for a broad group of employers, while those already employed need more firm specific skills development. summarizes the differences these workers. left in Table 1 the need for general and firm specific skills for TABLE Who Needs Trainina 1 limited resources or access to training providers) and firms are reluctant to pay for most general training then we run the risk of market failure a in the provision of general skills development. While there have been few representative samples of firms with regards to their training policies, Bartel (1989), Barron et. Bishop (1989) have found using company based data that: more likely to al. (1987) and large firms are provide training than small firms; formal training programs are just one part of a well developed internal labor market; and large employers appear to be paying for a portion of general training costs in the U.S. but those firms with higher turnover rates lower the amount of general training provided. Table 2 presents skills a summary of the distribution of general by who pays and who provides training: TABLE Who Pavs/Who Provides 1.) and specific 2 General Skills Firm Specific Skills develop policy which balances the training needs of different types of a workers with the constraints faced by those who pay and provide training. WHO RECEIVES TRAINING? There has been relatively little empirical work on the impact of private sector training on the careers of workers compared with the numerous studies on the impact of government training programs. The few studies that have been done have used data from surveys of individual workers and company based surveys (Lillard of these studies can be succinctly not a significant difference any type of training, job training than whites, unemployment; (4) summarized as follows: (1) while there the probability of males and females receiving (2) holding nonwhites are less likely to receive on-theall other characteristics constant; (3) the company provided training drops when there is high not completing high school significantly lowers the probability of receiving training; (5) company provided training portable from employer to employer for young workers; (6) not very is being in significantly raises the probability of receiving on-the-job training; managers, professional and technical employees are most company provided training; and of is males are more likely to receive on-the-job training and females off-the-job training; likelihood of receiving in The findings and Tan, 1986 and Lynch, 1989a). (8) union (7) likely to receive rapid technological change employment increases the probability a of receiving in-house in the industry company training programs. The rates of return to training on wages are quite substantial. For example. Lynch (1989a) finds that the wages of young workers with training rose 11 percent per year whereas an additional year of tenure on the job without any training only raised wages by 4 percent. Mincer (1989) has found similar rates for young workers who receive training but finds that 10 older workers who receive their wages. In training receive only a 3.6 percent increase summary, although there needs to in be even more information gathered on the provision and returns to private sector training, we can say that while the individual returns to this type of training appear to be substantial, this training This variance in unevenly distributed across individuals and firms. is the amount and type of training firms provide, together with the relatively high turnover rates of American workers, has lead to the concern that there INNOVATIONS IN 'underinvestment' is TRAINING THE IN training in in the U.S. U.S. This section briefly highlights some specific examples of innovations training programs in in the U.S., including the successes and difficulties that The firms described here are not the only these programs have encountered. innovative organizations in the U.S., but the experiences of these organizations captures some of the key organizational issues surrounding private sector training. In the previous section four types of workers were identified need training. The long term unemployed are government programs in the U.S. so I will traditionally trained who through focus on private sector training programs directed towards the other three groups of workers. attention will be given to the obstacles that need to be overcome Special in order to increase the diffusion of these types of firm training policies. New Entrant Training . Designing training programs for new entrants, especially minority youths who have post-secondary school, particularly challenging. of Boston, is not completed high school or gone on to however, has offered training in basic business skills to 10 to 15 new inner-city employees every year since 1973 Center (see Hargroves, 1989 for a The Federal Reserve Board in their Skills Development complete description). 11 The participants in program were primarily minority, female and young and the program trains this The these individuals for entry-level clerical positions within the Bank. participant were first involved new in an academic program to learn basic skills and At the same time they are given temporary work clerical skills. assignments so that they could begin to acquire valuable work experience. Once basic skills were acquired the trainees tried a specific job and if the job match was successful they were transferred to this job, otherwise they The average cost returned to the Skills Center. The Bank concluded $7000. that while the savings of such a program were not large the program did ensure One tight labor market. a sufficient supply of clerical of the difficulties the quantifying the costs and benefits of such "savings" of such a program. a program was calculation of the immediate costs is Training for the currentiv employed. very sophisticated approach to organization. skills very a is all of the as difficult and development. the short run while the This problem relatively straightforward. of evaluation serves to limit greater diffusion of a in in in to identify Quantifying the returns to training long term gains are often elusive to quantify years workers Bank had, however, as attempting to quantify the long term benefits of research The per worker was of training programs such as this. IBM has developed over the development within its This "Systems Approach to Education" tries to divide the training process into a series of manageable steps and facilitate careful decision making and budget planning at each stage to maintain cost control of training. IBM has developed detailed curricula for every major job category and the company uses classrooms, interactive videodiscs, self self study, supervised study, computer-based training, tutored video and satellite classrooms (see Casner-Lotto, 1988 for additional information) for of the key features of this program is its 12 its training programs. flexibility to One adopt to the different needs of the employees and the company. Displaced and Redeployed Worker Training Approach" a is While the IBM "Systems . useful model for skills development associated with natural promotion within an organization, other innovations in training have occurred in organizations that find themselves redeploying workers due to changes Three examples product demand or technology. initiatives include the deal with overstaffing discussion of this). in in 1985 introduced the company (see Kochan The process was divided of "available" employees; program types of training experience of the computer, telephone and auto For example. Digital industries. of these in et. "Transition Process" to al., 1988 for a complete into three stages: 1.) selection counselling and training; 3.) exit from the 2.) to another job at its DEC DEC found or outside the company. employees were unwilling to take the risk of training for a that many new occupation since they were convinced that the downturn would be short and that they would be recalled to their old jobs. offered training chose this option. therefore, is An important 15 percent of those lesson from this case, that most employees do not respond well to training opportunities that are presented to them commitment to Thus only about skills in upgrade a crisis situation. It takes an ongoing to create a successful training and development program. However, the company found that the Transition Process had preserved its resulted in reputation as a firm committed to employment security and this higher morale and loyalty during a difficult period. Both the auto and telephone industries have reached innovative joint company-union agreements with regards to the role of training in the organizational changes both of these industries are undergoing. For example, BellSouth and the Communication Workers of America agreed to a Career Continuation Program which took workers who were about to be 13 laid off and enrolled them into this program with pay and benefits. program reimbursed up to $2500 for items courses both within and outside BellSouth. In addition, the such as tuition and books for The program was an attempt to maintain a commitment to the employees to preserve jobs but at the same time implement changes in massive reorganization of the company due to deregulation and a technology (see Lynch and Osterman, 1989 for additional information). One of the advantages of this program was that there was cap on how many weeks an employees could participate. predetermined period they had not transited into severance was reduced by the number of days a If new job at the end of a their final The hope was the program. in a that the employees would feel that they were making a financial investment in the program as well as the company and that this would increase the effectiveness of the program. The auto industry since 1982 has also had joint training the skills development of active and displaced workers. For example, the UAW-Ford agreement established an employee development and program that differed from the training well established internal training the company such as apprenticeships. programs for programs in Instead, this program provided tuition assistance for new job training outside Ford, assisted active employees with advice and programs for their future both within and outside Ford, and training and counseling in high school completion. program was that the company agreed in in The auto industry has been the U.S. for the provision of general skills training but not clear that this industries or of this to finance general skills training to employees who might eventually leave the firm. path breaker One unique feature is a practice that should or smaller firms. INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS 14 will be emulated in other it a is There are some distinct differences training institutions in one of the primary forces behind 1989 and Prais and Wagner, The West German system skills For example, the West German the United States. system of vocational training schemes, or importantly, the training policies and countries such as West Germany, Sweden, Great Britain in and Japan from those in dual system', its high productivity growth (see Disney, its 1983 for reviews of the West trains individuals in Training over their career. in German system). but perhaps more specific skills, teaches young workers that they it often cited as is will have to learn many new West Germany, however, restricted to the apprenticeship scheme for school leavers. is not just There are many other types of training programs which the government has created to assist adult workers in wage subsidies government for all where the training addition, the a In voucher system for training, and institute The of the costs of training. subsistence allowance which through a to firms providing on-the-job training. certified training course in These include retraining. is earnings-related is Adults may enter reimbursed by the individual in a may the form of a also receive a grant of loan, government supports individual firms providing training wage subsidy which Sweden, training is is paid to the firm. just one policy to promote full employment. component of a very broad economic Since the early 1980s there has been an expansion of resources devoted to providing in-house training programs to prevent job losses (see Standing, 1988 for training). In addition, training for men or a review of the Swedish model of there have been subsidies given to firms who provide women in occupations that are over- represented by one sex or the other (Sweden has greater occupational segregation than the U.S. even though the female/male wage differential is around 90 percent). the most innovative and controversial policy was the passage 15 in Perhaps 1984 of legislation creating "Renewal Funds" whereby large establishments must put ten percent of their net profits into a fund for research and training. Rather than raising taxes and using the revenue to provide government training programs, the government has instead required firms to set aside designated explicitly for training. encourage firms The approach, therefore, regard investments to regard investments in in training the same a minimum Sweden in to is way that they research and development. The current government in Great Britain has recently proposed dramatic reforms to promote employment growth into the 1990s (U.K. Department of Employment, 1988) that focus on the importance sector training. year 2000 in workers have of private Noting that seven out of ten of the employed workers Great Britain are already employed and that most of these left school at the minimum age of 16 and have not acquired any qualifications since then, the government has established Training and Enterprise Councils (TECs). These councils programs at the local level. their local labor market, manage training programs will expanded job growth and the identify prospects of for plan and deliver training Specifically, they will assess the skill needs of availability of appropriate training programs the in local area. They will then young people, the unemployed, and employed adults requiring new knowledge and technical retraining. additional support for small firms. will the in There At least two-thirds of the be top management employers and the remaining members will also be TEC members will be senior figures from local education, training and economic development agencies, and trade unions who support the aims of the council. mandatory role for There any group other than the employers. from the German system where there is a mandatory than employers, especially the trade unions. 16 is, This differs then role for In fact, however, no groups other the British government states that where it hopes to "place 'ownership' of the training and enterprise system belongs it - with the employer" (U.K. Department of Employment, 1988 pp. 40). The basic educational system very general level of skills to its Therefore, more firm-specific that instruction is in Japan focuses on providing a high graduates (Sako and Dore, 1988). skills must be taught at the firm level. Most of done by the supervisor who has the responsibility of teaching and motivating subordinates. Some firms even measure group's a performance by what percentage of the workers can do multiple tasks. Interestingly, most off-the-job training As correspondence courses. component in Germany, in Japan takes place through skills testing There are testing centers of training. is an important every prefect in in Japan. Under Japans' Vocational Training Law, prefect governors can authorize training programs developed by employers, Local and national governments are also required under financial assistance to employers These take the form training. in-house financial assistance to of traineeship loans, incentive grants for paid educational is As Japan, to try to pool their resources than in U.S. firms face way in a in done by large firms, but smaller firms are more POLICY ISSUES FOR PRIVATE SECTOR TRAINING the in and professional advisory and institutional services (Inoue, 1985). the U.S., most training likely, this law to provide and employees participating firms with less than 300 employees, leave, unions, and employer associations. in the U.S.. THE U.S. IN variety of issues and challenges as they reexamine which they train and retrain their workers. The mass production which generated narrow job definitions, low reliance on informal training of firm specific skills is old model of skill levels, and not an effective structure for newer production techniques which require multiskilled workers 17 a such as those described addition, the MacDuffie and Krafcik paper in as the service sector continues to "knowledge workers" grow there in this volume. increasing need for is professional and technical occupations. in If entrants into the labor force or older workers with limited general not have the qualifications for these new technical In new do skills jobs, firms will have to decide whether to train these workers or to hire qualified workers outside the firm (if This they are available). a is Japanese firms where "lifetime employment" leads firms run the risk of investing heavily in to low labor turnover, that can supply the necessary skills (although even "skills-gap" is mismatching"). "skills is not addressed, in will to to those countries Europe one of the major Whatever decision U.S. firms U.S. workers and then losing them Another option would be to move production competitors. policy Issues because unlike difficult decision is made, if the continue to have low productivity growth. Given the variety of workers who have training needs and the range of types of training that they need (from firm specific to general training) as shown in Tables 1 and that will be effective "menu" until of options for 2, in it is not possible to identify one training strategy improving competitiveness. Rather, there exists employees and employers to choose from. now, U.S. firms, especially those in a For example, manufacturing, have relied on an informal system of training workers with workers learning "on-the-job". However, workers who want to enter into the growing technical and professional occupations are not going to be successfully trained informal system. There are few training centers prepared technical and professional workers. firms, have chosen to invest in these companies have difficulty this to train these new Therefore, many firms, especially larger the training of workers in-house. in in But often justifying or evaluating the various training 18 programs they offer. A large part of this is due to the difficulty in the costs and benefits of various training programs. For example, do the costs of training include just the direct costs of providing teachers, tuition to run a course, measuring materials, and or do they also include indirect costs such as lower productivity and wages paid during training? How does a company measure the costs of informal training? For those who choose to train in-house many develop their programs with the assistance of outside training vendors. Typically, the vendors are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of their training course. Apart from the moral hazard problem associated with having the vendor evaluate the course, the evaluation criteria often focus on how "happy" the participants were with the course rather than on actual measures of post training performance. While it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs, many firms are reluctant to do this because they are concerned that a formal cost/benefit analysis will not measure the longer term benefits of training. However, firms make these sorts of evaluations for investments development all the time, so perhaps it in research and would be appropriate for firms to evaluate training investments the same way they consider evaluating investment decisions in R & D. While in-house training programs may be effective for currently employed workers, the training issues associated with new entrants are closely linked to the quantity and quality of the educational system that these workers come from. community and local Therefore the establishment of links between the business schools may result in firms would be more able to invest ability to learn young would be higher. in upgraded schools and consequently incremental skills training because the One example Boston Compact which was an agreement signed 19 of such a in program is the 1982 between business public educators and local government officials to improve the quality leaders, of education in order to enhance the levels of Boston high school skill This program has been so successful that graduates entering the workplace. the National Alliance of Business has replicated the Compact in ten metropolitan areas across the country. In-house training programs and business/school links sufficient to address all The encouragement training needs. will not be and of regional industry consortia to clearly identify training and workforce needs and communicate these to local community colleges and vocational educational schools or proprietary institutions could greatly assist the skills development of displaced workers and those currently employed. In particular, smaller companies have limited resources to provide training, but at the same time often have the greatest training needs for multiskilled workers. employment growth continue to be In in the U.S. in Most of the the 1980s and 1990s has been and small businesses. By pooling programs that provide the training for common can greatly improve their productivity at a will their resources to set up skills needs these smaller firms modest cost. have had much more experience than U.S. employers in Employers working in Europe in confederations to develop these kinds of programs. Another option that has been proposed in the U.S. to assist firms wish to train their workers but who do not have the resources to do this to give various tax breaks or subsidies to firms who train. who is While this may address the problem of how to encourage firms to provide more general training when labor of policy. mobility is high, there are some limitations with this type For example, should firms who receive subsidies be monitored to make sure that they are using the money would not have otherwise provided? for training or for training they Are subsidies alone sufficient 20 to help Would expansionary macroeconomic policies be more effective smaller firms? in raising the skill levels of workers? Much training - of the recent policy discussion has focused on "privatizing" to shift the i.e. burden of training and development to private While there are advantages of this strategy such as sector employers. increased relevance of training programs, there are possible dangers to As discussed training policy the relies exclusively on the private sector. earlier in this paper, firms have an incentive to provide very firm specific training but are more reluctant to make massive investments One option development. encourage a to joint participation encourage more -- of this is the consultation of workers is a supplement to general skills for public policy to adminstration of any training subsidies granted to firms. insure that subsidized training in in the design and This would help and not a replacement for Perhaps some demonstration projects the firm's specific training expenditures. should be encouraged along these lines. Employers, schools and government are not the only players who could participate in Labor unions should also consider the provision of training. becoming more vocal advocates in labor uses to represent current it is members and important to note that implement what appears to be best practice how training fits within other words, no firm training unless it expanded joint This could be an important component of the activities training programs. Finally, collective bargaining for is a it in new members. to recruit would be a mistake to simply training without understanding broader human resource management strategy. likely to have a successful investment program has a corresponding commitment to In in human resource and competitive strategies that require multiskilled, committed and motivated workers. Moreover, no firm will achieve the 21 full returns to an aggressive human resource development policy unless it has a concurrent strategy to: Destablish employment security provisions and 2) to fully utilize the skills by providing opportunities for workers to solve problems, influence their work environment, and share the benefits of improved productivity and corporate in performance. Regardless of the specific training policies selected, there appears to be a need at the state by firms, efforts and/or national state local, other training institutions in level for greater coordination of training and federal governments, unions, schools and the United States. Our major economic competitors have developed comprehensive plans to train and develop their workers so that they will be able to respond to the demands associated with new technologies and increasing international competition. towards greater coordination in 1992 has been proposed it Communities Commission documents that Dimension' of 1992 this will a in various European major part of the 'Social be to expand training programs. that "the process of introducing is As Europe moves The reason behind new technologies would be economically more viable and socially more acceptable if accompanied by effective training and greater motivation for both workers and managerial staff" same (see Venturini, in the area of 1988, skill The U.S. pp. 95). formation if it will be challenged to do the hopes to remain competitive. 22 References Bailey, Bartel, Innovations and the Productivity Brookings Institution, 1988. Martin and Chakrabarti, Alok. Crisis. Washington, D.C.: Ann. "Formal Employee Training Programs and Their Impact on Evidence from a human resource survey", NBER Labor Productivity: working paper no. 3026, 1989. "Employer Size: The Barron, J., Black, D. and Loewenstein, M. implications for search, training capital investment, starting wages, and wage growth". Journal of Labor Economics. (January 1987), pp. 76-89. Bishop, John. "Do Employers Share the Costs and Benefits of General Training?", Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies working paper #88-08, Cornell University, 1988. Blinder, Alan. Paying for Productivity . Washington, D.C.: Brooking 1990. Institution, "Achieving Cost Savings and Quality Through Education: Casner-Lotto, Jill. IBM's Systems Approach", in Successful Training Strategies. Casner -Lotto et. al. eds, San Francisco: Jossey Bass Inc., 1988. Disney, Richard. "Labour Market Policies Towards the Adult Unemployed An overview", draft mimeo. University of Kent, 1989. in Germany: "Basic SKills and Clerical Training for New Employees: Hargroves, Jeanette. One Bank Looks at Its Investment", The New England Economic Review . 1989. Inoue, "The Education and Training of Industrial Manpower in K. Japan", Washington, D.C.: The World, Bank working paper #729, 1985. Lillard, Lee and Tan, Han. "Private Sector Training: Who gets are its effect?". Rand monograph R-3331 -DOL/RC, 1986. it and what Lynch, Lisa M. "Private Sector Training and its Impact on the Earnings of Young Workers", NBER working paper #2872, 1989a. Lynch, Lisa M. "The Private Sector and Skill Formation in the United States: A Survey", mimeo, 1989b and in Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship. Innovation, and Economic Growth: The Education and Quality of the American Labor Force, Gary Libecap editor, JAI Press, forthcoming. Lynch, Lisa M. "The Role of the Private Sector Proceedings 1989c. in Training", IRRA . Lynch, Lisa and Osterman, Paul. "Technological Innovation and Employment Telecommunications", Industrial Relations Spring 1989, pp. 188-205. . 23 in Prais, "Some Practical Aspects of Human Capital and Wagner, Karin. Training standards in five occupations in Britain and Germany", National Institute Economic Review (August 1983), pp. 46 S. J. Investment: . -65. Standing, Guy. Review of "Training, and Swedish Full Employment", Oxford (Autumn, 1988), pp. 94-107. Flexibility Economic Policy , "Teaching or Testing: The role of the state Sako, Mari and Dore, Ronald. in Japan", Oxford Review of Economic Policy (Autumn 1988), pp. 72-81. . Mincer, Jacob. "Human Capital and the Labor Market: A review of current research". Educational Researcher (May 1989), pp. 27-34. . U.K. Department of Employment. Employment for the 1990s . London: HMSO books, 1988. U.S. Department of Labor. "Outlook 2000", Monthly Labor Review . Nov. 1989. The European social dimension. Luxembourg: 1992: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1989. Venturini, Patrick. 24 7 9 S*^ G7 Ml' 3 TOflo LIBRARK >; DObSbfiq? a Date Due 03 '1991 18 NOV. 1 6 199tl i99S: \)f-v. Lib-26-67 BARCODE ON NEXT TO LAST PAGE