asm* HD28 M414 • no- 5233 V , JAN 1991 / "Using a Hop-constrained Model Alternative Generate Communication Network Designs to A. Balakrishnan, K. Altinkemer MIT Sloan School Working Paper #3233-91 -MSA Revised: December 1990 \ . Using Hop-constrained Model Generate Alternative Communication Network Designs a to Anantaram Balakrishnan Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Ketnal Altinketner Krannert Graduate School of Management Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana 47907 Revised: Supported and in part a grant December 1990 by grant DDM-8996120 from the National Science Foundation from the AT&T Foundation Abstract Designing the link topology and selecting capacities in a backbone network of a communication system involves complex tradeoffs between investment and operating costs and service considerations such as network reliability and vulnerability, delays, and blocking. Incorporating all these design criteria simultaneously in a comprehensive model results in a large-scale, non-linear, discrete optimization problem alternate optimization-based In this paper, that is intractable. methodology the method propose an that generates several cost-effective backbone network designs with varying cost and performance Network planners can use we in conjunction characteristics. with detailed performance evaluation techniques to assess the cost impact of different service requirements, and select a design that achieves the proper balance between conflicting objectives. To generate different configurations, the method parametrically varies a set of hop constraints that restrict the Reducing the maximum number but incurs higher constraints, number network design of total cost for the we develop a of links over which messages can be transmitted. hops increases the number of alternate routes communication system. For a given set of hop Lagrangian-based algorithm to identify a cost-minimizing that satisfies all internode traffic requirements. We report results for extensive computational tests of the algorithm using several randomly generated test problems. method Our identifies results good demonstrate that, heuristic solutions even for relatively large problems, the and tight lower bounds that confirm the near-optimality of the selected designs. Using a 25-node example, the model can be used to evaluate the cost versus Keywords: Communication network Lagrangian relaxation we illustrate performance tradeoff. design, cost-performance tradeoff, how 1. Introduction This paper presents a methodology to support topological design and link capacity planning decisions for the backbone network interconnecting geographically dispersed gateway nodes and switching centers in a telecommunication system. Topological design decisions are very important in backbone network planning because of the enormous capital investments required for transmission and switching and the facilities, service levels. significant impact of In selecting the configuration and network configuration choices on backbone network, capacities for a planners face conflicting objectives of reducing the total investment and operating costs while ensuring adequate service levels, expressed in terms of performance measures such as reliability capabilities, blocking probabilities, and network vulnerability, alternate routing and queueing and transmission delays. With increasing competition and service diversity in the communications sector, these service considerations are becoming increasingly important. Because of the multiple, conflicting objectives, non-linearities in service criteria, and discrete design choices, formulating and solving a comprehensive optimization model to support backbone network planning decisions is impractical. Indeed, even with a single objective such as cost minimization, the design task very complex and challenging because the decision model must (i) is incorporate binary network design decisions to capture the significant fixed costs, and (ii) simultaneously account for the close linkages between topological design, link capacity, and routing In this paper based method performance to decisions. we propose an alternate approach that uses an optimization- generate several alternative network designs with varying cost- characteristics. Our approach regarding network design practice. First, is motivated by several observations network planners must often accomodate various implicit and qualitative design considerations that cannot be adequately represented in optimization models; hence, they prefer a decision support system that identifies a limited set of effective designs rather than a single 'optimal' solution for an imprecise model. Second, in most practical contexts completely characterize network performance (reliability, delays, we cannot blocking) in a convenient form for mathematical modeling, except under very restrictive assumptions about traffic patterns assess the network's performance, and network behaviour. Therefore, we to accurately require detailed evaluative techniques such as simulation and queueing network analysis. Third, the total number of possible network designs grows exponentially with the dimensions of the network. Since detailed performance evaluation of each design 1- is a time-consuming process, planners require a principled method to prune the list of all possible network configurations to a few cost-effective designs with varying performance Finally, to characteristics. keep the model minimization) model must necessarily tractable, even a single objective make some approximations. (cost- In terms of computational complexity, most (deterministic) discrete choice network design problems in telecommunication planning are NP-hard. Therefore, we must on rely optimization-based heuristic procedures that provide provably good solutions. Thus, to effectively use decision support models, framework for we propose a hierarchical telecommunication network planning. The approach consists of the following four steps: (1) Generate, using an optimization-based model, a small set of good 'base' designs that span a wide range of cost and service levels. (2) Refine each base design meet (3) (e.g., selectively add buffer capacities) and modify it to implicit or qualitative design requirements. Evaluate the true cost and performance of each design using detailed analytical or simulation models. (4) Select an appropriate design that achieves the desired tradeoff between cost and performance. The designs generated enhancements in Step 2. in Step 1 serve as the basis for marginal user-directed Each base design specifies an underlying network topology, the preferred routes between various origin-destination pairs, 'rough-cut' capacity plan for switching and a corresponding and transmission resources. The base designs should account for tradeoffs and interrelationships between topological design and routing issues, between fixed and variable costs 2, and connectivity (e.g., the number (traffic dependent) costs, and between of alternate routes in the network). total In Step the planner might refine each base design (perhaps, using a decision support model) by selectively adding buffer capacities to improve network performance, and making minor changes to the topology and routes to accomodate context-specific Step 3 consists of detailed evaluation of each candidate design, and Step constraints. 4 involves choosing a design that balances the planners' preferences for cost versus The four service. performed steps in this approach are closely interrelated, iteratively with, say, Step 2 In this paper, Step 1. We also refinements we describe providing feedback to Step 1 and so on. focus on a model to generate alternative network designs in model extensions to incorporate some of the design — allocating buffer capacities, and creating alternate routes — contained in Step 2 of the hierarchical all and might be planning approach. Since the base designs incorporate major topological decisions, they largely determine the possible levels of service. -2- In particular, a base design that alternative routes provides routing and is, is sparse (i.e., contains few links) cannot accomodate therefore, inherently unreliable, while a Thus, flexibility. order to generate a spectrum of base designs in we must identify topologies that differ we propose a deterministic model that with varying cost-performance characteristics, For this purpose, in their connectivity levels. seeks cost-effective designs to meet internode routing restrictions which the hop We refer to the we call dense design traffic hop constraints. requirements subject to a class of For each origin-destination pair, number of links (or hops) on the interconnecting on the number of hops between each origin and constraint limits the upper limit destination as the route's Maximum Hop Parameter hop parameter in (or, route. brief). By hop parameters, we can generate topologies with varying arc densities and costs. In particular, reducing the hop parameter values increases the number of alternate paths, and impacts delays while increasing total systematically changing these Thus, hop constraints serve as a convenient surrogate for service restrictions generate alternate base designs. In addition, limiting the number of hops for each to cost. message also simplifies the task of managing traffic example, Ash, Murray and Cardwell (1981) and over the network Monma and Sheng (see, for Recently, (1986)). LeBlanc and Reddoch (1990) independently developed a hop-constrained model with delay costs for reliable topology/capacity design and routing in backbone explicit networks. For a given set of hop constraints, mixed integer program, and propose we formulate the design problem as a a Lagrangian relaxation approximately, but with performance guarantees. method to vary the hop parameters We method it then propose a systematic in order to generate a variety of The network designer can then apply to solve models detailed evaluative design solutions. to these candidate designs in order to accurately assess the cost impact of different service requirements. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formally describe the design problem, state our modeling assumptions, and present the mathematical programming formulation. Section 3 describes our Lagrangian-based solution approach to generate upper solution, for a given set of hop and lower bounds on the constraints. In Section 4 computational results for several randomly generated computational tests focuses we test cost of the optimal present extensive problems. Our first set of on evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for various problem sizes, cost structures, and hop restrictions. These results demonstrate that the method constructs near-optimal solutions even for relatively large second set of problems with upto 30 nodes, 420 edges, and 420 commodities. Our computational experiments gain insights about the tradeoffs between cost -3- how model can be used to and performance by varying the hop illustrates the some variants and enhancements of the basic hopconstrained network design model to allocate buffer capacities, and provide for Section 5 describes restrictions. alternate routes. Section 6 summarizes the paper and outlines directions for further research. 2. Problem Definition and Formulation The backbone network design problem involves selecting a subset of links to include in the topology, determining the capacity on each selected link, and routing all We internode emphasize routing requirements traffic at minimum that the three decisions total investment and operating cost. — topological design, capacity planning, and — are closely interrelated, and we seek an integrated model that addresses all three decisions simultaneously. Many authors have proposed methods to separately solve two components of problem the backbone design problem — the capacity assignment problem and the routing — assuming that the network topology assignment problem (see, for Maruyama and Tang (1976)) is prespecified. example, Bonucelli (1981), assumes Chou The capacity et al. (1978), that traffic routes (and, hence, the network topology) are given, and selects the best capacity for each link from a discrete set of available link capacities in order to minimize total cost subject to delay restrictions. On the other hand, the routing or flow assignment problem starts with a given choice of link topology and capacities, and seeks to identify primary routes between various origin-destination pairs in order to minimize the average or message delay example, Ahuja (1979), Bertsekas (1980, 1984), Cantor and (see, for Gerla (1974), Courtois and Semal (1981), Frank and (1981), and Yum Chou (1971), Gerla (1973), Tymes (1981)). Combined approaches that iterate decisions have been discussed by Gerla Maruyama, and maximum Fratta and Tang between capacity and flow assignment et al. (1974), (1977). Gerla and Kleinrock (1977), and Gavish and Neuman (1986,1987), Gavish and Altinkemer (1987) and Pirkul and Narasimhan (1987,1988) describe integrated optimization methods for simultaneous capacity assignment and routing. papers also account for objective function), traffic node and delay (either as a constraint or as a link failures, and/or practical connectivity constraints in fixed-charge Eswaran and Tarjan (1976) show that the enhancement of existing networks restrictions is alternate routing. NP-hard. -4 the Incorporating network design models problem of finding the to satisfy 'cost' in These is difficult. least cost even some special types of connectivity LeBlanc and Reddoch (1990) introduce two combined topology/ capacity planning and routing models for reliable backbone network design. These models two are similar to our approach, but differ in respects: they (non-linear) delay cost in the objective function, and capacities, The model considers first (ii) assume continuous model includes an additional linear capacity costs (our installing links). and include an explicit (i) traffic with different fixed cost for priorities, and finds the least (delay + capacity) cost design containing alternate routes for single link The second model uses hop failures. Both constraints as a surrogate for reliability. models permit bifurcated routing. The authors exploit the linear capacity cost structure to solve problems with up to 100 nodes using the flow deviation algorithm. present a we some notation, state our modeling assumptions, and mixed-integer programming formulation for the backbone network design Next, introduce problem with hop 2.1 constraints. Notation and Modeling Assumptions The hop-constrained network design problem network G:(N,E) whose vertices N is defined over an undirected represent the backbone nodes and intermediate switches; the edges in E correspond to possible direct connections. For every pair of nodes p, q in the demand) from p network, to q. We let d represent the projected peak internode traffic (or between each pair of nodes as a separate treat the traffic commodity, with <p,q> denoting the commodity that flows from node p to node Let K denote the set of all commodities, i.e., K = {<p,q> p,q e : each commodity <p,q>, the designer specifies an upper number the of hops for messages originating (maximum) hop parameter for selecting these To two types for at limit, p and destined q. N with dpq > 0}. For denoted as h on the We refer to for q. commodity <p,q>. Section , 2.3 describes a h as method hop parameters. establish transmission capacity of (investment and operating) on each link (i,j) costs: a fixed cost, from variable cost c^ that represents the cost per unit of capacity might consist of investments of the network, we incur denoted as F-, and a i to j. The fixed cost for acquiring land, building the infrastructure, installing/operating the communication link, while the variable cost and component approximates expenses for acquiring and maintaining transmission and switching equipment. In Section 5 we indicate how these fixed and variable account for fixed or proportional buffer capacities on each accommodates economies of scale and volume discounts link. in the costs can also Our model also form of piecewise- linear, concave costs (see Figure we assume 1); the simpler fixed plus variable cost As LeBlanc and Reddoch structure for expositional ease. (1990) note, even though transmission cables and switches can be purchased and leased only in discrete sizes, telecommunication companies often have the option of using public telecommunication traffic; facilities (and even leasing fractional capacities) for overflow hence, piecewise linear, concave functions adequately represent capacity costs. Our model includes an explicit design constraint specifying that the selected network topology must be connected. This though not restriction, essential for our algorithm, strengthens the problem formulation and improves the lower bound. when For certain problem contexts, the commodity flow pattern does not necessitate network transformation ensures connectedness. a connected solution, the following Consider a "commodity graph" containing the original nodes, and edges {p,q} for > 0. Let v be the number of connected components every commodity <p,q> with d pq in this graph. If v = 1, we say the demand pattern is 'complete'; in this case, every feasible design valid. must necessarily be connected, and our connectedness When demand network as follows say, in node 0, not complete is to create a every component r = 1,2,...,v connecting node commodity graph. Each demand and cost. r } Add restriction of 1. v dummy Observe is can augment the original of the with unit the we {0,i and a very high variable hop 1), edges fixed cost a v > dummy complete demand pattern: introduce a dummy and add v (i.e., if restriction to one selected node dummy commodities that the node, ij. edge has zero <0,i >, each r commodity graph augmented network has a single component; and, the optimal design problem together with the dummy edges {0,^} is optimal for the for for the original transformed problem. assumption wishes Thus, augmenting the network makes the connectedness Finally, the valid. to explicitly network transformation impose connectedness routing) even with incomplete demand; is unnecessary if the planner (for instance, to facilitate alternate our algorithm generates a in this case, higher lower bound relative to the 'unrestricted' lower bound obtained using the augmented network. For our computational origins and destinations resulted with sparse 2.2 demand patterns); in random choice tests, a complete demand for all test of commodity networks (even we, therefore, did not augment the networks. Mathematical Programming Formulation Our mixed-integer programming formulation for the backbone network design problem distinguishes the direction of flow on each edge of the original undirected network G. corresponding to We consider two directed arcs, each original undirected edge -6- {i,j}. denoted as The (i,j) and (j,i), original set of undirected edges is denoted as E; let A represent the corresponding set of directed arcs. formulation uses two sets of binary decision variables, y^ and y- = if 1 edge {i,j} is zPjl, Our defined as follows: included in the design, otherwise, and zPjl = if 1 commodity <p,q> is routed on arc (i,j), otherwise. The y variables model the edge selection decisions, while the z variables represent the (primary) routing decisions for each commodity. The backbone design problem can now be represented mathematically following integer formulation called £ minimize [HCDP] F ijyjj + (i,j) subject hop-constrained (for £ £ ^pq <p,q> 2 design as the problem): (Z1) ?? 0,j) to: £ je N zW - ]T je zP[l = 1 if i = p -1 if i =q if i * p ,q for all <p,q> e K, N Y 2, (i,j) zW z lj < - h n (2.2) for all pq <p,q> e K, Constraints ensure (2.2) that, for each commodity <p,q>, the arcs form a route from p to q. commodity <p,q>; specifies that it Constraint (2.3) represents the hop <p,q> must be routed over is commodity <p,q> can flow included in the topological design. Finally, constraint selected design solution must be a connected subnetwork of the method does not require an explicit most h at zW = 1 arcs. and edge on edge in either direction with restriction for Inequalities (2.4) are forcing constraints that relate the routing variables: (i,j) {i,j} selection only if this edge the (2.5) specifies that network G. Our original mathematical representation of this constraint. To incorporate piecewise linear, concave capacity cost functions, we replace and j, where {i,j} of the original network with rj: parallel edges connecting each edge Tjj i denotes the number of linear segments in the expansion cost function for edge (see Figure r F[- Let 1). segment; the F[: r and a variable and c[: parallel cost of c[:. {i,j} denote, respectively, the y intercept and the slope of the edge in our augmented network carries a fixed charge of Because the cost function is concave, the model does not require explicit capacity constraints to enforce the upper limit of flow for each cost range. 23 Setting the Maximum Hop Parameters The backbone network design model's primary minimizing solutions as the hop role is to generate various cost restrictions are parametrically We changed. propose one possible scheme, called the Demand-based Hop Restriction Method, to hop hop parameter h systematically vary the selects the hop parameter values. largest desired hop restrictions. For each commodity <p,q>, this method from a user-specified window or range of permissible Let hj and h 2 (> hj) denote, respectively, the smallest and parameter. Within the range [h-j, h 2 ], our method selects lower h values for high-demand commodities, and vice versa. In particular, = hj for the and h we set h commodity <p,q> with the largest demand (among all commodities), = h 2 for the commodity with the lowest demand. For commodities with intermediate demand values, the interpolation (rounded down hop parameters are calculated by to the next By imposing more stringent hop the hop restriction method gives restrictions for to select [hj, h 2 ]. commodities with higher demand, greater importance to these commodities in determining the network configuration. In practice, designers and methods linear lower integer values) in the range may and systematically vary the hop parameters commodity. 8- use other for each criteria Observe the resulting say, the that as hj and h 2 decrease, the hop constraints become and tighter, network designs should become more dense. Also, when hj = h 2 = method selects the same hop parameter value hg Hop refer to this special case as the Uniform for all Restriction Method. commodities. hg, We Section 4.3, presents computational results to illustrate the effect of various hop parameter settings using the general methods. Next, we (commodity-dependent) and uniform hop discuss a Lagrangian-based algorithm for generating good upper and lower bounds on the optimal value 3. restriction of [HCDP]. Solving the Hop-constrained Network Design Problem The hop-constrained design problem generalizes the fixed-charge network design problem which Kan (1978)). itself is known to be NP-hard (Johnson, Lenstra and Rinnooy Finding the optimal hop-constrained solution computational In this section, task. that simultaneously generates good we develop is, therefore, a difficult method a Lagrangian-based solution feasible solutions as well as lower bounds on the optimal cost, for any given set of hop parameters. These bounds provide performance guarantees so that the user can assess the quality of the heuristic solutions. 3.1 Lagrangian Relaxation Scheme The Lagrangian relaxation difficult discrete optimization The method (1981)). method has been problems (see, for successfully applied to several example, Geoffrion (1974), Fisher exploits special structure in the problem formulation by dualizing the complicating constraints, and solving the resulting subproblems using For a given efficient, specialized algorithms. the optimal Lagrangian solution serves as a lower original problem. Lagrange multipliers, the set of bound on the optimal The Lagrangian subproblem solutions c st of cost of the also provide useful information to construct feasible designs for the original problem. The gap between the Lagrangian lower maximum bound and the cost of the best feasible solution measures the possible cost differential between the optimal and heuristic solutions. To generate good lower bounds, the Lagrange multipliers are changed iteratively using techniques such as subgradient optimization or dual ascent (see, for example, Fisher (1981), Balakrishnan et al. (1989)). For the hop-constrained design problem, scheme we consider a Lagrangian relaxation that dualizes the forcing constraints (2.4) using nonnegative Lagrangian multipliers \iV% for all edges (i,j) and all commodities <p,q>. Observe that when 9- , removed from formulation [HCDP], the problem decomposes constraints (2.4) are into two main subproblems: a Routing subproblem denoted as [RSPQi)], and an Edge Selection subproblem denoted as [ESP(p. The routing subproblem determines the )]. optimal values of the route selection variables z^, while subproblem calculates the values of the design variables further Vj:. The routing subproblem decomposes by commodity; we denote the subproblem corresponding commodity <p,q> as greater detail, 3.2 the edge selection to RSPp^fi)]. The next two sections describe these subproblems in [ and discuss methods to solve them. Routing Subproblem For any given set of Lagrange multipliers commodity <p,q> and every variable cost for each c« \i A Cjj + Then, the routing subproblem [ H^/dpq RSP p = {^8}, we define an arc for all (^)] (i,j) (i,j) adjusted as follows: € A, all <p,q> e K. (3.1) corresponding to commodity <p,q> has the following formulation: [RSPpqM ^(u) c^ min = c^ z^ £ (i,j)e (3.2) A subject to ifi 1 IN z ?? I^M - je je = = p, -lifi = q ,and (3.3) N otherwise IE > 2 node p that to subproblem (34) 1 j zW Observe Vr 3™ s ?? [ RSP node q containing a (u) = ] or 1 for all (i,j) e A. essentially seeks the shortest directed path maximum of h arcs; the adjusted variable costs serve as arc lengths for this hop-constrained shortest path problem. value Lpq(n) of the routing subproblem equals d hop-constrained path. -10 (3.5) from c^ The optimal times the length of the shortest We solve the hop-constrained shortest path subproblem using a truncated Let U: denote version of the method of successive approximations (Lawler (1976)). node p the length of the shortest path from h arcs. u] = Initially, known of U: are c^ for all if (p,j) nodes e A; otherwise u ] = The first term (u h , min j i, for containing j At the end of stage u h cW + j we h, at values use the e N: : i equation e N, (i,j) (3.6) is e A ] (3.6) }. the length of the shortest p to j, which must consist of a h-arc shortest path some intermediate node plus the arc from i, i to j. To solve subproblem [RSP pq (|i)L we terminate the algorithm after h pq The value u obtained ). the method's computational complexity is 0(n h final stage from p (i.e., to q. most containing at most h arcs. The second term represents the length of the (h+l)-arc shortest path from to for all in the right-hand side of path from p to from p [ °°. node network. During stage (h+1), in the j following expression to compute u | h 1 u j = min (the origin) to with h = h We can pq ) stages; at the gives the length of the shortest hop-constrained path trace the actual path for commodity <p,q> by performing the usual backtracking procedure. 33 Edge Selection Subproblem Let us now consider the second Lagrangian subproblem involving the edge selection variables Vy. Fjj Given a A Fjj set - n of Lagrangian multipliers, ^ for all represent the adjusted fixed cost for edge {i,j). The edge involves selecting a subset of edges that connects minimum select all total (adjusted fixed) cost. We all {i,j} let e E, selection (3.7) subproblem nodes of the network at solve this subproblem as follows: First, edges with negative adjusted fixed costs, in order of nondecreasing adjusted fixed cost. and arrange the remaining edges At each stage we refer to the subnetwork defined by the currently selected edges as the current network. Consider each edge {i,j} in sequence from the sorted list of unselected edges. connects two different components of the current network, select If it edge and update the current network by merging the two components; otherwise, discard edge Repeat the procedure for all edges in the must be connected. The sum list. At termination, the of the adjusted fixed costs in this (i,j) final {i,j}. network network gives the optimal value of the edge selection subproblem. The computational effort required to solve this subproblem is dominated by the edge sorting procedure which requires -11 0( E log I I I E I ) operations. connectedness condition follows: set Vj: = 1 if Fj: Note (2.5), < 0, formulation that, if the edge selection and otherwise, for [HCDP] does not contain subproblem all edges (i,j) is the easily solved as e E; this solution may have a lower value than the connected subproblem solution. The optimal value (i) Z(|i) of the complete Lagrangian subproblem the edge selection subproblem value, and route selection subproblems for nonnegative multipliers, sum of the optimal values L_>q(n) of the (i of lower bound on the optimal value of the original subproblem. To obtain good lower bounds, instance, Held, Wolfe, the commodities <p,q>- For any given vector all Z(p.) is a (ii) is and Crowder we use a subgradient method (see, for (1974) or Fisher (1981)) to iteratively adjust the Lagrange multipliers. We note that our Lagrangian relaxation scheme does not satisfy the integrality property (Geoffrion (1974)); for programming relaxation of the routing Therefore, the best lower the linear 3.4 example, the optimal solution to the linear subproblem might possibly be bound obtained using our programming lower bound relaxation for formulation scheme may exceed [HCDP]. Lagrangian-based Heuristic Procedure At each subgradient iteration, the solution to the routing subproblem provides a set of feasible routes (that satisfy the hop restrictions) for Note to that the edge selection subproblem may include some edges therefore, ignore the solution to the the routing solution to construct an initial design consists of all all that any of the selected routes and/or may omit some edges belonging We, fractional. commodities. do not belong to these routes. edge selection subproblem, and use only initial feasible design. Our Lagrangian-based edges belonging to the routes chosen in the routing subproblem. For this design, we solve the hop-constrained shortest path problem for each commodity using the original variable costs Cj: as arc lengths. The sum of the fixed costs for the selected arcs and the (true) variable costs for all commodities gives the cost of the heuristic solution. We then attempt to improve this starting solution by applying a Drop heuristic (Billheimer method and Gray (1973)). The drop procedure that iteratively eliminates existing reduce the total cost. When we drop an variable costs might increase since is a local improvement edges from the current design in order to edge, the total fixed cost decreases while the some commodities must now flow on more expensive alternate routes. At every stage, the procedure evaluates the net savings 12 Aj: obtained by dropping each edge zero or negative for all from the current design. {i,j} If the net savings edges, the procedure terminates. Otherwise, it is drops an edge with positive net savings, updates the current design and commodity routings, and decreases the upper bound. Evaluating the revised routing costs a hop-constrained shortest path savings for every edge a candidate list savings in the at each of edges to evaluate. to this list. The local entails solving that previously we do used not evaluate the maintain and iteratively update contains all edges that yield net we only evaluate the savings maximum savings is dropped The edge with the savings are also deleted from the by evaluating the savings we Initially, this list from the current design and removed from the it dropped In subsequent iterations, first iteration. edges that belong Instead, iteration. is commodity for each Since this computation can be time-consuming, this edge. for problem when an edge for all improvement When list. edges list; the edges that do not give any net list becomes empty, we reinitialize in the current design. heuristic can be applied at the subgradient iteration. However, to reduce computation time, procedure intermittently, say, once every 100 iterations or if end of each we only apply the drop the current starting design has a lower cost than the previous best starting design. The next section describes our computer implementation of the Lagrangian-based solution procedure, and presents extensive computational results for several randomly generated test problems. 4. Computational Results We implemented the Lagrangian-based algorithm design problem in standard FORTRAN tested the algorithm using several describes random some test on an IBM 3083 (model BX) computer, and randomly generated problems. This section features of our implementation, problems. In Our computational all, we first set of tests focuses heuristic solutions, as a function of the We first to generate applied the algorithm to over 65 problem instances. the al gorithm, in terms of computation time restrictions. and the method we used tests (discussed in Sections 4.3 performance aspects. The for the hop-constrained and 4.4) on evaluating the performance of and quality problem address two different of the Lagrangian-based size, cost structure, and hop then focus on a single problem instance in order to assess the impact on cost and performance of systematically varying the hop restrictions . exercise demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach for generating several alternative base designs. 13 This 4.1 Implementation Details In addition to the features described in Section 3, our implementation of the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm incorporates: upper bound before (i) method a initiating the subgradient procedure, generate an to and initial a non-standard (ii) multiplier initialization method. Initial Heuristic Solution Generating an To generate an initial upper bound, we first construct a feasible design using a method which we call the BUILD heuristic, and subsequently apply the drop procedure to improve this design. The Build heuristic first sorts all commodities decreasing order of demand; commodity it in builds a feasible design by iteratively considering each At the beginning of stage in the sorted order. E k, let (k-1) denote the set of edges in the current design. This design contains feasible paths (satisfying the respective hop the algorithm constraints) for each of the augments commodity <p,q> has this first (k-1) commodities. During stage commodity, design to ensure that the k good feasible path. For constrained shortest path problem from node p a this purpose, we node q with to k, say, solve a hop- arc lengths l^ defined as follows: = = Essentially, edge if {i,j} if (i,j) Cjj /jj Cjj + Fydpq Ek_1 and e , k_1 E if(i,j)« already belongs to the current design, commodity <p,q>. Otherwise, we add Cj:, effectively forcing commodity <p,q> (4.1) . we assign only the variable cost q: to the per unit cost Fj:/d the variable cost to cost of edge {i,j}. Let P denote to Thus, at the end of stage commodities demand, E (k_1) all the list. of Pk , i.e., algorithm reroutes paths in E I K I all set of edges E I K I is first . k in decreasing order of high-demand commodities developing the design. a feasible design. As When the a final step, the commodities over the respective shortest hop-constrained using the original variable costs drop procedure (described Build method. then we set E k = E (k_1) u Pk By considering commodities to the variable cost) in procedure terminates, the is design contains feasible paths for the the Build heuristic gives greater importance to (which contribute more absorb the entire fixed The current design l^. new edges k, the current in the sorted to the set of edges belonging to the shortest hop- constrained path from p to q using arc lengths augmented by adding pq Cj: as arc lengths. We then apply the in Section 3.4) to the starting solution constructed The improved solution provides the -14 initial upper bound. by the , Initializing the Lagrange Multipliers we Instead of initializing the Lagrange multipliers to zero, use the heuristic solution to determine the starting values for the multipliers. the total flow on each edge then set equal to Fjj/x- uP^ otherwise, is method completely Lagrange multipliers all for all commodities computational size factor (see, for instance, tests, Held et al. (1974)) to 2; Random Problem 4.2 We test to a if the gap for the halves the step size factor (ii) restrictions. number The program of problem To generate and commodity nodes w first must a test problem, the user n, edges m, and commodities for the random component locates the required feasibility). It random spanning number in I K edge later); (iv) tree. number I ; first (ii) cost (iii) and fixed- costs, average network demand d; nodes randomly on a 1000 x nodes (to ensure of additional edges (i.e., m-(n- Having constructed the underlying network G:(N,E), and variable i and denote the Euclidean distance between nodes then computed of tree over these then adds the required edges) randomly to the j. costs for each The edge in G. fixed cost F^ of Let edge (i,j) as: Fjj where densities, cost seed for random number generator; (i) the problem generator calculates the fixed is of hop parameters. 1000 grid, and generates a ejj wide range to construct a hop-restriction information: the lower and upper limits, h| and h^, defining the range of desired 1) terminates (iii) between the current best upper to-variable cost ratio r ''these parameters are explained (v) and if Lagrangian relaxation algorithm. The problem generator can structure information: weight and initializes the step (i) Generation specify the following parameters: size information: to the very small value). create test problems with different sizes, edge and hop Fj: this edge. implemented a random problem generator problems structures on for 15 consecutive iterations; after 250 subgradient iterations (or earlier and lower bounds reduces in the initial design, the our subgradient procedure: bound does not improve the lower {i,j} allocates the fixed cost that flow |j.P9 is in the initial solution; {i,j} Thus, for each edge initialized to zero. multiplier initializatio: For commodity <p,q> uses edge if Let x- denote The multiplier of the initial heuristic solution. (i,j) initial = w is the user-specified (1 - w) weight ej (0 from a uniform distribution with range can generate cost values that are either j < + wC (4.2) w < 1), and £ is a Observe random number derived by varying w, the user completely random (when w = 1) or directly [0,1000]. 15- that, w = 0); intermediate values of w give a We refer to w as the cost randomness factor. proportional to Euclidean distance (when mixture of random and Euclidean Note that when w> The variable costs. the fixed costs 0, cost for Cj: edge may {i,j} is not satisfy the triangle inequality. obtained by dividing the fixed cost the user-specified fixed-to-variable cost ratio are negligible compared r. When r is very small, the fixed costs to the variable costs; in this case, the union of the hop- constrained shortest paths (using the variable costs as arc lengths) for commodities gives the best design. At the other extreme, when variable costs are negligible, and the best solution is F-by r is all very large, the network with the smallest a total fixed cost that contains at least one hop-constrained path for every origin-destination pair. In particular, when h for large values of r = (n-1) for all commodities <p,q>, the optimal solution the minimal spanning tree. is After calculating the edge costs, the problem generator the required number ( I K I ) of origin-destination pairs commodities. For each commodity, the distribution ranging from problems (even with IK commodities), the demand I random to 2d; less demand d we set d = than 50% which define the selected from a uniform is 5 units in all cases. For of the identifies maximum all our number possible test of choice of origin-destination pairs resulted in complete patterns (as defined in Section 2.1). program generates the hop parameters Finally, the randomly for each commodity using demand-based method described in Section 2.3, i.e., by interpolation in the range with high-demand commodities having lower hop parameter values and the [hi, h^]/ vice versa. problem Given a set of feasibility. If either increase the hop parameter(s) or some try a different sections describe the results of our computational experiments to assess the effectiveness of the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm, and generate different cost minimizing designs by varying the hop restrictions. Testing the Performance of the Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm We use two performance measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm: best checks for seed. The next two 4.3 first the network does not contain any feasible path for commodity, the user must random number hop parameters, our implementation (i) the % upper and lower bounds expressed as gap, defined as the difference between the a percentage of the best -16- lower bound, which measures the quality of the (in CPU heuristic solutions, and (ii) the computation time seconds) required for the entire procedure. Our computational characteristics - problem tests attempt to evaluate the effect of three problem and hop size, cost structure, restrictions performance measures (% gap and computation time). Problem number of nodes of commodities. on the algorithmic size depends on the network, the number (or density) of edges, and the number in the The - cost structure is determined by two randomness factor w, and the fixed-to-variable cost ratio characteristic affecting algorithmic effectiveness is factors: the cost The r. third problem the tightness of the hop measured, for instance, by (hj + h 2 )/2 (the mid-point of the userspecified window). For convenience, in this section we consider only the uniform hop restriction method, with h^ = h 2 = hQ results for the more general hop restrictions ; restriction 4.3.2 method (with h^ < h 2 ) are reported Effect of Cost Structure To in Section 4.4. and Hop Restrictions isolate the effect of each of the three performance, randomness we first consider different cost structures and factors problem characteristics (i.e., different cost and hop fixed-to-variable cost ratios) on algorithmic restrictions for a 20- network node network with 180 edges and 180 commodities. For this generated 3 different problem instances (using different random number varying cost randomness factors, namely, w= 0, 0.5, and 1. size, we seeds) with For each network, we applied the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm with three fixed-to-variable cost ratios, = 10, 20, and 50, and three different (uniform) hop parameter values, hg = 3, 4, and 5 r hops. This set of parameters represents a wide spectrum of possible problem from Euclidean costs structures, ranging to to high fixed costs (relative to the variable Table and summarizes the I hg, this table shows: (i) (iii) commodities, which where h ' h (< ) is is % r, FC); the (ii) number of edges included in the final number of hops h (ave. hop) over all defined as the actual <pq> of hops number gap between the as a percentage of the best lower IBM our analysis. For each combination of w, results of the weighted average heuristic solution; (iv) the seconds on an costs). the fixed cost as a percentage of total cost in the final heuristic solution (denoted as design (# of edges); completely random costs, and moderate bound (% final gap); for <pq> commodity <p,q> in the final upper and lower bounds expressed and (v) the total CPU time (in 3083) for generating heuristic solutions and subgradient -17- optimization (CPU). The three statistics describe the structure of the final first two measure the algorithm's heuristic solution, while the last As expected, the results in Table while the number of edges from 10 ratio increases For ratios of 10 and 20, to 50. and proved its in this category, the all gaps are gap increase less gaps are larger (ranging from 4 than or equal to less algorithm generated the optimal bound equal optimality (by generating a lower bound); for 8 other instances, the gap was ratio of 50, the % FC and % that the design decreases as the fixed-to-variable cost in the final 5%. For one problem instance solution show I effectiveness. to the upper than 1%. With a fixed-to-variable cost These to 23%). latter problems represent extreme values of fixed costs, and might have inherently higher duality gaps. For consistency, all the % gaps reported in Table between the best upper and lower bounds at the I correspond to the difference end of 250 subgradient iterations. (The gaps might possibly be lower if we increased the limit on the number of subgradient iterations. For example, for the test problem with \\q = 3 and r = 50, were able to reduce the 20% gap to 100 more iterations; however, the As the hop the final design restrictions 17% by applying CPU become becomes more dense difficult to solve (the % gap good of initial CPU 1 .0 tighter all when h^ Interestingly, the randomness random upper bounds with very time in almost (i.e., costs). % subgradient procedure requires around initial In Section 4.3.1, and hop we fixed the cost We considered respectively. Hop fixed the restrictions than 2 seconds effort (less at intermediate by 4.5% on average. The of the total computational time, and randomness Restrictions problem size and considered the We now on algorithmic performance. of problem size on the quality of we 0.0 lower bound by an average of 30.6%. 43.2 Effect of Problem Size and structure 70% any heuristic generates Applying the drop heuristic instances). 3), exhibit changes from The Build stages of the subgradient procedure reduces the initial cost improves the gap does not factor computational little decreases from 5 to problems also become more as expected, but the increases). (completely the subgradient procedure for time increased by 75%.) consistent pattern of variation as the cost (Euclidean costs) to we bounds and computation factor at 0.5, and the time. size, we (with correspondingly sparse and dense For this effect set of tests, and 30 nodes, generated sparse as well as dense networks demand patterns). performance of the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for 8 different sizes, for various (uniform) study the fixed-to-variable cost ratio at 20. four basic network sizes containing 10, 20, 25 For each network effect of cost hop restrictions. 18- Table test II reports the networks with % Again, the gaps decrease as the hop parameter increases. In instances, the gaps reduce to consistent variation as the network size show any node problem the for the below 10% within 250 % gap is iterations. and density The % all but three gaps do not increase; for the 10- higher for the denser network, while the converse true is 20-node problem. As expected, the computation times increase with problem size. summary, our computational In algorithm of up is quite effective. that are generally We emphasize For almost method generates to 20, the results suggest that the tight all problems with fixed-to-variable cost many less from the optimal solutions. problems are very of our test ratios lower bounds and good heuristic solutions guaranteed to be within 10% or that Lagrangian-based difficult to solve optimally. For instance, the integer programming formulation corresponding to the 30-node, 420-edge problem test problem contains 353,220 integer size is general integer 4.4 and 542,640 constraints; this state-of-the-art, programming methods. The Network Cost-Performance Tradeoff The is variables, well beyond the realm of capabilities of current results of the previous section effective in generating show that the Lagrangian-based algorithm good cost-minimizing solutions for the hop-constrained design model for a wide range of problem structures. This section attempts demonstrate that, to by systematically varying the hop parameters, the hop-constrained model achieves our original objective of generating a variety of base network designs with different cost-performance characteristics. In general, evaluating the performance (i.e., reliability, blocking, delay, etc.) of detailed context-specific analyses Instead, to illustrate the effect of performance metrics - and simulations which we did not implement. hop constraints on service level, we use two sample average number of hops, and average connectivity. The (weighted) average number of hops as a each design would require h, defined in Section 4.3, might serve measure of operational (routing) complexity, with lower values corresponding to easier routing. Furthermore, under certain assumptions, the average delay per message T in a packet number hops of h. switched network (For example, if is directly proportional to the average the traffic arrivals Kleinrock's assumptions, say, Possion arrivals distributed message lengths with buffer capacity B, then mean \/\l -19 rates satisfy and independent, exponentially on every link, T = h/uB.) Thus, h might serve changes in delay performance. and service and if each link has a fixed as a rough indicator to assess The (weighted) average connectivity network number For a given commodity <p,q>, vulnerability. from p of alternate arc-disjoint paths bound on number the statistic is a of arcs that blocked. Using the relative must demands to q before fail surrogate measure for we define connectivity as the in the final design; all demand commodities commodities as the weights for all maximum implementation uses a 1 unit, the maximum for their Our flow algorithm to compute the connectivity of When each commodity in a given design. of is Thus, providing multiple considered more important. is gives a lower p-to-q communication respective connectivity values gives average connectivity. paths for high it flow from p each edge of the final design has a capacity q gives the number of alternate arc-disjoint to paths for commodity <p,q>. To study the effect of various hops, and average connectivity, we hop on restrictions cost, average number of consider a single problem instance with 25 nodes, 300 edges, and 300 commodities. Observe that this network has a complete topology (i.e., it contains one edge connecting every pair of nodes) and complete K the set of commodities randomness factor is contains one commodity fixed at 0.5, the average for each demand node at 5 units, pair). demand The and the (i.e., cost fixed-to- variable cost ratio at 20. Table The first (=h-[= III shows the computational results for 22 different hop 7 solutions correspond to uniform h 2 ) ranging from 1 restrictions, to 7; the other 15 solutions hop correspond to commodity- means and widths. For example, dependent hop restrictions with varying restriction [2,2] corresponds to a uniform restriction of 2 hops for On the other hand, the restriction [2,5] all the hop commodities. generates commodity-dependent hop demand and low demand commodities may use parameters with a range width of 3 and mean commodities have hop parameters close to 2 up restrictions. with parameter hg of 3.5; in this case, high to 5 edges. Since the data is randomly generated, the actual solutions are not very meaningful. Instead, we cost values for different final consider a normalized cost index that expresses the actual cost as a percentage of the lowest total cost over all 22 solutions (obtained with the least stringent cost index of 140 is 40% more expensive than normalized cost criterion hop hop facilitates restrictions). Thus, a design with a the lowest cost design. Using this our assessment of the cost-benefit tradeoff as the restrictions vary. -20- show that total cost and average connectivity increase, while the average number of hops decreases as the hop constraints become more restrictive. In particular, with a uniform hop parameter h Q As of expected, the results of Table must contain (solution #1), the design 1 commodity must have III a single-hop route, all edges of the original network, every and each commodity has 24 alternate disjoint paths (including the single-hop route). design the also the is hop most expensive because of the restriction with hg = Observe same solution final that, as we increase the Finally, [3,7]. we hop To a certain threshold, For example, in the uniform hop case, the 7. Similarly, with commodity- in all final design satisfies the hop restrictions but one instance the Table III closely % gap is less [3,6] than 6.5%, approximate the optimal costs for restrictions. better assess the cost versus performance tradeoff, Figure 2 number shown in graphical display of the average (Solution # solutions. hop increases from 6 to note that for implying that the costs shown different relax expensive while average connectivity hop parameters beyond design remains optimal. dependent hop parameters, the same and As we significant fixed costs. 7. unchanged when h Q is less this cost design corresponds to the least restrictive (uniform) The lowest declines. the become constraints, the designs For our problem instance, arc- 1 is not of hops and normalized cost this figure since it shows a for different has a normalized cost of over 400, while the remaining solutions have normalized costs ranging from 100 150.) As this figure illustrates, the method generates For instance, solution # 2 (with hop restriction hop [2,2]) several 'dominated' solutions. dominates solution restriction [1,4]) since the latter design has higher cost number of #10 (with and higher average hops (and lower connectivity). Similarly, solution # 3 dominates solution #18. The set of undominated solutions define an characterizes the cost-benefit tradeoff The piecewise number to when the average "efficient" frontier that number of hops changes. linear curve in Figure 2 shows, for instance, that reducing the average of hops from 1.74 (solution # 2) to 1.71 (solution # 9) increases the total cost by over 16% (relative to the lowest cost design). To summarize, our hop-constrained network design model helps selected subset of good solutions with varying performance pictorial representation such as Figure 2 can greatly to identify a characteristics. assist the A network designer in assessing the tradeoffs between conflicting criteria before selecting an appropriate backbone network topology. and average number of We emphasize that we have used average connectivity hops as measures of service performance only for -21 illustrative purposes. In general, similar tradeoff analyses can be performed using any desired performance measure. 5. Model Variants and Extensions In Section 2 that selects we presented a basic version of the hop-constrained design model primary routes commodity and provides adequate capacity on describes how to adapt and extend the model to for each these routes. This section briefly plan buffer capacities and select alternate routes. 5.1 Planning buffer capacities Buffer capacities improve service levels by decreasing delays, accomodating contingency allocate these capacities 5.1.1 - traffic. We briefly outline two methods and to judiciously a two-step process and an integrated model. Two-step process Planning buffer capacities might be viewed as the second step of the hierarchical process described in Section model first In this scheme, the hop-constrained 1. generates several network topologies and corresponding base capacities. For each topology, a subsequent step augments capacities on selected links improve performance. This second step might, the approach proposed by Kleinrock (1976). for instance, use a Kleinrock's model model to similar to selectively allocates buffer capacities to links in the base design in order to minimize average delay per message subject about to a traffic arrivals, budget restriction. message sizes, and In particular, under certain assumptions link expansion costs, Kleinrock De proposes a "square-root" formula for optimally allocating a budgeted amount average delay. Bitran and Tirupati (1988) propose manufacturing context) enhancements and variants of this model to (in the to reduce improve the performance of queueing networks. For instance, they describe models to minimize the total additional investment required to achieve a prespecified delay target, and to reallocate capacities from one part of the network 5.1.2 to another for reducing delays. Integrated models Instead of applying a separate buffer allocation hop-constrained model can itself (Fjj enhancements step, the be easily modified to account for certain types of The modifications involve changing the fixed and variable and cj and the demand values d We describe the model buffer capacities. parameters model as the second cost . for three different types of buffers -22- - fixed buffers, proportional buffers, and commodity-dependent Designers might use any combination of these buffers. three buffer types. of the Consider first a fixed buffer policy which specifies that each selected link (i,j} network must have a (fixed) spare capacity of bj: units. The hop-constrained model can incorporate this requirement by using a higher fixed cost; in particular, we A use an inflated fixed cost F^ which (the second terms A is is equal to the original fixed cost Fj: plus bj^Cj: the incremental cost of the required buffer capacity). proportional buffer policy specifies the required buffer level on each link as volume on a proportion of the traffic for each link {i,j}, i.e., {i,j} that link. Suppose we specify must have spare capacity of flow of X units. To represent this a proportion at least Pj:*X units if it (3jj carries a requirement in the hop-constrained design model, A we use inflated variable costs c ^ = (1+Pjj)*Cjj, capacity on link (i,j). we X increases. model can also handle can represent capacity-dependent where the incremental buffer proportion, buffers, the original cost per unit of is In fact, since the hop-constrained piecewise-linear concave costs, of flow where c^ proportional say, Yj;(X) declines as the This type of buffering strategy is volume consistent with Kleinrock's (1976) observation that, as throughput increases, a smaller buffer proportion suffices to maintain the same delay performance. In general, concave buffer capacity requirement root law we can approximate any (as reflected, for instance, in Kleinrock's square hop- for buffer allocation) with a piecewise linear function in the constrained model. Finally, suppose the planner specifies commodity-dependent buffer requirements as follows: the selected route for each commodity <p,q> must have excess capacity equal to a fraction 8 Q of the projected demand d . The hop- constrained model can accomodate this requirement by using a modified value of d r 1 demand *(l+8 a ) for each commodity <p,q> (or equivalently a modified variable r4 cost for each commodity). The hop-constrained formulation's dependent proportional powerful buffers, change the buffer specifications model fixed buffers, volume- and commodity-dependent buffers provides set of capabilities to the constraints to generate various ability to network planner. Just as network configurations, (i.e., we we a parameterize the hop can also parametrically change the parameters b—, (3-, y-, and 8 ). For each specification, the hop-constrained model identifies a cost-effective design that serves as the basis for secondary enhancements and detailed performance evaluation. -23 Modeling alternate routes 5.2 The hop and hence the constraints indirectly influence the density of the topological design, availability of alternate routes for various commodities. (contingency) capacities on these alternate routes, strategies described earlier and /or model explicitly to select a design that has adequate capacity to accomodate least a prespecified fraction of various is or select (as before) a more we will consider do not have any whenever that the all its In this fail restrictions. Also, for convenience, used when one For purposes of (or are highly congested). common. We links are operational. primary and secondary routes that are links in secondary route has no hop demand d pq alternate routes. capacities for a secondary route that will be on the primary path links discussion, they and plan also select demands along at primary route for each commodity; this primary route the preferred communication path must enhanced model. in Section 3 also solves the relaxation of this Suppose we wish we As we the contingency flows. Fortunately, the decomposition constraints in the hop-constrained formulation. scheme, can employ the buffering approach requires additional decision variables and illustrate next, the latter method proposed we To plan arc-disjoint, we assume this i.e., that the Let 6.^, (0 < A-,, < 1) be the fraction of the P4 FH secondary route must accomodate. To incorporate alternate routing, we change the original hop-constrained formulation as follows: • add a Let new wW and • set of = 1 ii binary routing variables, say, commodity <p,q> uses w^ for each commodity <p,q>. (directed) arc (i,j) for its secondary route, otherwise; include the w-variables in the forcing constraints (2.4) of formulation [HCDP] as follows: zM + zW + The new forcing design if it wM + wW < y for all tj constraints specify that edge <p,q> e K, {i,j} all (i,j) e E. must be included (2.4') in the belongs to either the primary or secondary route for commodity is at most 1, edge {i,j} cannot simultaneously belong to both <p,q>. Since y^ the primary and secondary two routes are • add the arc-disjoint; cost term V V routes; thus, constraints (2.4') ensure that these and q; <t>r>Q d™ w P9 to the objective function to <p,q> account for the spare capacity on the secondary route. (i,j) 24 (2.4'). we solve this enhanced formulation, To The Lagrangian problem decomposes again dualize the forcing constraints into an edge selection subproblem and a routing subproblem for each commodity. The edge as before, while the routing subproblems now To variables. subproblem selection is the same involve determining both the z and we find the optimal values of the z-variables w use the hop-constrained shortest path algorithm as before; a regular shortest path solution provides the optimal w-values (since constraints). Observe we assumed that the select exclusive arcs for the constraints (2.4') that Lagrangian subproblem solution primary and secondary paths (since which ensure arc-disjoint paths). we solution for local improvement, might: primary route for each commodity, and when We links of the might also consider (i) Thus, may not we have necessarily dualized to obtain a feasible starting use the z-solution to select the generate alternate routes by applying a (ii) some information from shortest path algorithm (perhaps, using the residual network secondary routes do not have hop the w-solution) to primary route are removed. a stronger relaxation that involves simultaneously generating the hop-constrained primary routes and arc-disjoint secondary routes to minimize total variable costs. Effectively, the problem formulation contains an additional set of strengthening constraints z Pfl + Z W W P9 + + w rfl < i which are not dualized (and hence appear that this arc-disjoint routing an enumerative technique to modified to <p,q> e K, all is e E, (i,j) in the routing subproblem). We suspect not polynomially solvable, necessitating to find the optimal routing. develop a variant of the K-shortest path algorithm (1969)), 6. subproblem f or all One interesting possibility (see, for is example, Dreyfus account for hop constraints on the primary routes. Conclusions In this paper, we have proposed a hop-constrained network design support long-term network planning decisions. For effective solution method this model, we demonstrated to we developed an that can solve relatively large problems. varying the hop restrictions, model By systematically the method's ability to generate several alternative cost-minimizing designs with different performance characteristics. Using hop constraints as a surrogate for service restrictions greatly reduces the complexity of the model, and enables us to generate provably near-optimal solutions relatively quickly using an optimization-based approach. In contrast, representing -25 delay restrictions explicitly requires numerous assumptions about service rates, failure rates, etc., Modeling connectivity model. network must be 3-connected) traffic arrivals, and might possibly introduce non-linearities in the restrictions (for instance, the requirement that the is explicitly incorporate both delay equally complex. Consequently, models that and connectivity restrictions can often be solved only by heuristic methods that do not provide any bounds on the quality of the Because solutions. we can solve the hop-constrained model effectively, our approach provides a useful design tool models might also apply for performing sensitivity analyses. Similar to other large-scale planning problems in logistics and manufacturing systems design. Several extensions and variants of the basic model merit further investigation. First, would be it interesting to develop multiplier adjustment schemes (such as dual ascent) improvement methods to further to the design of current transmission and switching capacity. for network expansion planning an existing network, we is make model demands of the planning horizon, must account for new networks that have no Adapting the model and solution an important next the problem adversely aftect algorithmic performance. multi-period setting, and heuristic initialization To account step. for require additional capacity constraints in the problem formulation; these constraints of the hop-constrained and test alternative improve the quality of the upper and lower bounds. Second, our model applies method and is more Finally, difficult to solve developing multi-period versions a fruitful area for further for various and might development. In the commodities are specified for each period and network expansion costs change over time. The model two types of tradeoffs: fixed design costs versus routing costs in each period, and expanding the network beyond current requirements in anticipation of future demand in order to exploit economies of scale. The basic hop- constrained network design model that the building block for these Acknowledgements: insightful We comments and we have developed in this paper can serve as and other model extensions. would like to thank the referees and editors for their helpful suggestions to correct, clarify and presentation. -26 improve the References AHUJA, V. 1979. Routing and Flow Control in Systems Network Architecture. IBM 298-314. Syst.J. 18, ASH, G. R., R. H. CARDWELL, and R. P. MURRAY. 1981. 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The effect of Cost Randomness Factor and Algorithmic Performance FC/VC Ratio on Table Network II. Effect of Problem Size on Algorithmic Performance Table Prob No. III. The effect of hop restriction on algorithmic performance — FIGURE 1: Piecewise Linear, Concave Cost Function Total cost I F. . 13 13 — F ij 13 Traffic on edge (ij) 00 CO 0- to i O as PS o w o < o as > < VI 3 U > «5 H c/2 O U -- cs P vO o 8 •o N 4J o o en o a Date Due 09 Lib-26-67 MIT 3 TOflO LIBRARIES QD7DlflSfl