COORDINATED REVIEW [ ] SFA LEVEL [ ] SCHOOL LEVEL GENERAL AREAS OF REVIEW SFA: School: REVIEW AREAS YES NO Free and Reduced Price Process 501. Is the policy statement implemented as approved? 502. Does the system as implemented (reviewer observation) prevent overt identification of students receiving free and reduced price benefits at meal service or at any other time? 503. Was the verification process completed according to regulations? 504. Were letters of a potential reduction in benefits sent to families with students in this school as required? 505. Were any applications denied incorrectly? Record errors on the Certification and Benefit Issuance Error Worksheet, S-5. Programs using other information to determine eligibility 506. What method has school or SFA used to document eligibility? (Describe how resident personal income in RCCI’s is documented and updated and how eligibility of day students is determined, if applicable) Meal Patterns 601. Check the menu planning method used during the review period: ________ Traditional ________ Food-based ________ NuMenus ________ Assisted NuMenus 602. Is this the method indicated in the renewal packet? 603a. b. Do the portion sizes appear to meet the minimum meal pattern requirements? If NO, does a review of records and procedures indicate that required amounts of food were available for service for each day of the review period? 604. Are the types of milk offered consistent with the types of milk consumed in the prior year? 605. Is offer versus serve properly implemented? 606. Did the number of servings of bread/bread alternate meet the minimum weekly requirement? 607. Did the number of servings of fruit/vegetables meet the daily (and, if applicable, weekly) requirement? G-1 N/A COMMENTS COORDINATED REVIEW GENERAL AREAS OF REVIEW SFA: School: REVIEW AREAS YES NO Civil Rights 701. Is a USDA/FNS approved poster displayed in a prominent place and visible to recipients? 702. Is the correct nondiscrimination statement included on appropriate program materials? 703. Has the SFA or State sent out a public release to community/grassroots organizations? 704. Are foreign language translations available when a significant number of persons speaking only a foreign language is in the population? 705a. Are procedures established to receive complaints alleging discrimination? b. Have there been any written or verbal complaints alleging discrimination? c. If YES, have these complaints been reported to the State agency? 706. Do admission procedures used restrict enrollment by minority persons? 707. Are incorrectly denied free and reduced price applications disproportionally composed of minority applications? 708. Are handicapped students provided program benefits as prescribed by regulations (including special dietary needs), as appropriate? 709. Based on your observation of the meal service is there any discrimination or separation by race, sex, handicap, color, age, or national origin in the eating areas, serving lines, seating arrangements, eating periods, or activities of instruction? If yes, describe. G-2 N/A COMMENTS COORDINATED REVIEW GENERAL AREAS OF REVIEW SFA: School: REVIEW AREAS YES NO Monitoring Responsibilities 801a. Was the on-site review of the meal counting and claiming procedure completed prior to February 1? b. Was corrective action of the meal counting and claiming procedure required? c. If YES, was a follow-up review conducted within 45 days to ensure that the school implemented corrective action? d. Does documentation indicate that corrective action was successful? 802a. b. Prior to the submission of a claim, are attendance adjusted eligibles (or an alternate approved by the State agency) by category compared to daily meal counts for each school? Have daily counts that exceed the attendance adjusted eligible edit check (or alternate approved by the State agency) been evaluated prior to consolidation? If NO, explain. Reporting and Recordkeeping 901. Were reports submitted as required to the State agency? 902. Are records maintained for 3 years after the final claim for reimbursement for the fiscal year or until resolution of any audits? G-3 N/A COMMENTS COORDINATED REVIEW GENERAL AREAS OF REVIEW SFA: School: REVIEW AREAS YES NO Financial Management 1001. a. Does the SFA maintain a separate food service account? b. If NO, can the SFA identify food service revenue and expenditures in its accounting records? 1002. 1003. 1004. Are food service funds used only for food service activities? Are costs included on the cost consolidation worksheet directly related to food service? (severe needs only) Do net cash resources exceed three months’ average expenditure? (Complete the Net Cash Resources form, attached) Food Safety Inspection 1100. a. Is this SFA required by a State or local governmental agency to obtain periodic food safety inspections. b. If NO, is the SFA having inspections conducted by a State or Local government agency responsible for such inspections at lease once a year, as required by PL105-336? G-4 N/A COMMENTS