West Virginia Department of Education Office of Institutional Education Programs Operational Procedures Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page No. 1 of 9 Approval: 1.0. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for travel reimbursement for all employees of the Office of Institutional Education Programs. 2.0 APPLICABILITY: Procedures apply to all employees of OIEP. This includes all employees in all schools and the employees at the Capitol Complex. 3.0 POLICY STATEMENT: The procedures will further define travel procedures for employees which will result in a positive fiscal impact for OIEP. 4.0 DEFINITIONS: 4.1 “Travel” means an event or occurrence approved by an employee’s immediate supervisor and OIEP Superintendent or designee that is necessary for an employee to work in another location other than the primary work location listed on the employee’s Personnel Action Form. 5.0 PROCEDURES: 5.1 Delegation of Authority and Responsibilities a. Travel may be authorized only for official business and only if OIEP has the financial resources to reimburse the traveler for travel expenses. Any travel that has not been previously approved Superintendent or designee will not be eligible for reimbursement. b. The responsibility to audit a traveler’s expense account settlement lies with OIEP. Approval of a traveler’s expense account settlement by OIEP means that the expense account settlement meets all criteria established by this rule for reimbursement. The employee, official and non-employee shall submit an accurate expense account settlement for reimbursement to the Finance Office by the 15th of the month following completion of travel. c. OIEP stresses the fact that public funds are utilized for reimbursement of travel costs. Accordingly, it is not in the public’s best interest to reimburse any costs associated with the Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 2 of 9 Page No. attendance of any family members or guests to any functions. These costs, if any, will be the sole responsibility of the traveler. d. Requests for travel reimbursements must be signed by the employee and immediate supervisor prior to submittal to OIEP. 5.2 Travel regulations applicable to all employees and non-employees authorized to travel for OIEP. 5.2.1 Employees a. Approval to travel shall be secured in advance by the employee in accordance with these regulations. Under no circumstances should an employee travel without proper approval. This approval shall be received through the online travel system for the West Virginia Department of Education. b. Employees are responsible for submitting a travel expense account settlement form, with all required attachments, to their supervisor for signature. The signed completed form should be submitted by the 15th of the month to OIEP in order to qualify for reimbursement of expenses. c. Reimbursement of travel expenses paid from federal, state and private grants shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the grant if they differ from those contained in this rule; otherwise, this rule shall govern such reimbursement. 5.2.2 Consultants, Contractors and Non-Employees a.Consultants, contractors and non-employees are not required to use these rules and regulations, at OIEP’s discretion. All consultant and contractor travel should be included as part of the consulting/contractor fee agreement. 5.3 Transportation 5.3.1 Air Transportation/Commercial Airlines a. Allowable reimbursement for commercial airline travel shall include the actual expense or cost for the least expensive logical fare via the most direct route, or a reasonable alternative route if it results in lower fare. Travelers may not specify a particular airline to accumulate mileage or promotional plans, such as frequent flyer programs, if it results in a higher airfare. Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 3 of 9 Page No. b. All airline travel must be booked through the travel agency specified in the statewide contact. c. In order to receive reimbursement, the traveler must submit the original invoice along with itinerary or other proof of travel with expense account settlement. d. If a change in the cost of airfare is incurred, the charge is reimbursable if the traveler is directed by OIEP to change his or her travel plans, or if other extenuating circumstances arise. Increased or extra charges incurred due to the traveler’s negligence will be considered a personal expense of the traveler and shall not be reimbursed. e. Deliberately causing increased costs or delays to obtain personal gratuities, such as denied boarding compensation, frequent flier points or mileage, or similar benefits, is prohibited. In addition, conversion of airline tickets for personal benefit, such as downgrading tickets, return unused tickets for cash, credit, or personal airline tickets, or similar actions, is prohibited. Any credits, rebates or refunds resulting from these actions must be returned to OIEP. 5.3.2 Ground Transportation a. The traveler may use a state-owned vehicle, rental vehicle or a privatelyowned vehicle for ground transportation. The availability and use of a state-owned vehicle will be determined by the Superintendent or designee. b. The operator (traveler) of a vehicle must possess a valid operator’s license. The operator is personally responsible for any fines and/or penalties resulting from citations, charges, or warrants attributable to operator negligence. Such fines and/or penalties shall not be a reimbursable expense. c. In cases where a traveler chooses to drive rather than fly while on business, reimbursement will be based on actual in transit expenses (mileage, hotels, parking, meals, etc.), not to exceed the lowest available commercial airfare plus local transportation, and parking (where required) to and from the airport. 5.3.3 State-Owned Vehicles a. Use of state-owned vehicles may be requested from/by the Superintendent or designee. State-owned vehicles are for “official business use” only and must be operated by an employee of OIEP. Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES 5.3.4 Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 4 of 9 Page No. Privately-Owned Vehicles/Courtesy Vehicles a. The reimbursement rate for the use of privately-owned vehicles shall be established by the Governor of the State of West Virginia. This rate is the same rate used by all state employees. b. Privately-owned vehicles may be used when traveling on OIEP business. Reimbursement will be made at the standard rate per mile established by the Governor, excluding normal daily commuting mileage, for actual miles traveled using the shortest practicable route to the point of arrival at the traveler’s destination. This rate is intended to cover all operating costs of the vehicle (including fuel, maintenance, depreciation, insurance, etc.), and no additional reimbursement will be made. c. Receipts are not required for reimbursement of mileage for using privatelyowned/courtesy vehicles. However, a completed travel reimbursement request must be completed and signed by the individual claiming reimbursement and their immediate supervisor. d. Travel Reimbursement Request forms will be posted on OIEP’s website and should be periodically, no less frequently than quarterly, downloaded to ensure that the most current and appropriate form is being utilized. 5.3.5 Commercial Rental Vehicles a. Use of commercial rental vehicles should be kept to a minimum. However, under special circumstances it may be necessary to use commercial rental vehicle to meet transportation needs, when traveling on County business. Use of such vehicle must be requested and pre-approved in writing by the Superintendent or designee to receive reimbursement. b. Reimbursement, for approved commercial rental vehicles, will be made at actual cost for the daily rental fee as defined by the state contract and fuel costs. Any rental made outside of the statewide contract will not be reimbursed to the traveler. c. Collision damage insurance and other insurances offered by rental companies are not reimbursable under state policy. If these insurances are taken they are the sole responsibility of the individual traveler. d. Receipts and/or documentation are required for reimbursement of car rental and mileage charges or fees. Reimbursement may be made for actual fuel costs. Receipts Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 5 of 9 Page No. shall be attached. Travelers must return rental cars with a full tank of fuel; refueling costs charged by rental agencies are not reimbursable. 5.3.6 Rail Service a. Travelers are expected to make advanced bookings and use the least expensive logical fare via the most direct route, or other reasonable route that results in a lower fare. b. Receipts/documentation is required for reimbursement of rail service expenses. 5.3.7 Miscellaneous Ground Transportation a. When courtesy transportation is provided by a hotel, motel, or other service facility, the traveler is encouraged to use their service. b. Travelers may be reimbursed for taxi, bus, and other forms of public transportation necessary to get to/from meetings. Receipts are required. 6.0 LODGING 6.1 Reimbursement a. Allowable reimbursement for lodging shall include the actual expenses for overnight accommodations and all applicable taxes and surcharges not to exceed $125.00 per night. OIEP reserves the right to adjust this rate at any regularly scheduled meeting. b. Reimbursement for a single occupancy shall be at the least expensive single room rate available. c. For multiple occupancy, reimbursement may be claimed fully by one traveler with no claim filed by the other traveler. The limitation will be multiplied by the number of travelers staying in the same room – if two people share a room the maximum rate would be $300.00. To claim reimbursement a listing of all individuals in room is required to be noted on hotel receipt. d. Charges incurred due to the failure of the traveler to timely cancel the facility will be considered the personal expense of the traveler and not eligible for reimbursement. Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 6 of 9 Page No. e. In the case where a third party booking incurs a service fee, that fee will not be reimbursed (i.e., some internet sites charge a service fee for booking hotels). f. Overnight lodging costs will be limited to time required for meetings. Any extended stay, either prior to or after a meeting, will be the sole responsibility of the traveler. Circumstances when lodging costs are reimbursable: Multiple day meetings at locations exceeding 60 miles from primary work location. Prior night lodging will be reimbursed for attendance to meetings that begin before the employee’s start of their normal work day and exceeds a 2 hour commute oneway to the meeting. Presence of or anticipated inclement weather conditions as approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Additional night lodging after meeting is adjourned when the meeting is scheduled to end after 6:30 pm. g. The Superintendent, or designee, reserves the right to review a brief narrative explaining any additional lodging charges for possible approval and has discretion in evaluating and giving permission for travel when special circumstances make it necessary to incur lodging expenses outside of this policy. 6.2 Receipts Receipts and meeting agendas are required for lodging reimbursement and shall be attached to the request for reimbursement. The hotel/motel invoice or folio shall be the official document utilized for reimbursement to the traveler. 6.3 Direct Billing Lodging may be direct billed for meetings sponsored by OIEP if approved by the Superintendent or designee. All procedures promulgated by the Office of Internal Operations shall be followed when scheduling a direct bill. 7.0 MEALS 7.1 Meal expense reimbursement is limited to actual expenses for food not to exceed the Authorized Daily Rates as established by the U. S. General Services Administration (GSA) www.gsa.gov. Specifically excluded are alcoholic beverages and Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 7 of 9 Page No. entertainment expenses. Where a percentage of the maximum daily rate is used, the traveler may round the calculated amount up to the next whole dollar. (Meal reimbursement is allowed when lodging is listed as ‘gratis” or “no charge.”) 7.2 Travelers will be reimbursed the actual cost of meals when there is a reimbursable overnight stay (Section 4.) members and employees will be reimbursed actual costs not to exceed the established GSA meal rates. 7.3 When meals are provided for a traveler, the traveler’s maximum daily rate as established by the GSA shall be reduced by the appropriate amount. To determine the amount of deductions for meals, allowances for meal expenses shall be deducted accordingly: Breakfast 20% of the maximum daily rate established by GSA Lunch 20% of the maximum daily rate established by GSA Dinner 60% of the maximum daily rate established by GSA 7.4 On the first and last days of travel of an overnight trip when no meals are provided, the maximum allowable reimbursement is based on 75% of the GSA per diem rate for the specific city. Departure or arrival times are not considered. If a meal(s) is provided gratis or included within a registration fee of the business travel, the per diem rate must be reduced by the appropriate amount as indicated in 5.3 from the 75% of the GSA Authorized Daily Rates. 7.5 Meal expenses for single day travel are not reimbursable. Single day travel is travel without an approved overnight stay. Travel without an overnight stay will not qualify a traveler as being away from home for purposes of receiving non-taxable meal reimbursement. 8.0 REGISTRATION FEES 8.1 Fees or charges for attendance at conferences, meetings, seminars, and/or workshops, as well as event-related materials, are reimbursable expenses to the traveler. Reimbursement for registration fees at meetings or conferences are allowable and must be supported by a receipt. Employees should verify acceptable payment methods before the conference. If approved, the registration can be direct billed. A purchase order shall be issued. Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 8 of 9 Page No. 8.2 Receipts are required for reimbursement. The receipt documentation provided by the event sponsor shall be sufficient for reimbursement. Travelers are reminded to adjust meal reimbursement for meals included with the registration fee. 8.3 The traveler will not receive an allowance or reimbursement for lodging or food included in registration fees. 8.4 If a cancellation charge is incurred, the charge is reimbursable if the traveler is directed by their authorizing supervisor to change her or his travel plans, or if other extenuating circumstances arise and are approved by OIEP. Charges incurred due to the failure of the traveler or the traveler’s representative to notify the event sponsor will be considered a personal expense to the traveler. 9.0 OTHER EXPENSES 9.1 9.2 10.0 Travelers may incur miscellaneous business-related expenses for which reimbursement may be made, if appropriate. Receipts are required. Such expenses and reimbursement may include, but are not limited to: a. Baggage handling when using public transportation or conveniences (i.e., taxi, limousine, air porter services, or airport/rail curbside check-in), or when using a lodging facility that has porterage (i.e., “bell person”) services rather than a facility where the traveler is expected to carry her or his own luggage; b. Baggage storage between appointments, and between hotels and meeting places; c. Tolls, garage and parking fees; d. A $3.00 phone allowance is permitted for each night of an overnight travel; e. Currency conversion; Non-reimbursable travel-related expenses include the cost of passports, room service fees, and personal flight or baggage insurance. REIMBURSEMENT FORMS The form(s) used for reimbursement of travel expenses shall be those promulgated by the Office of Internal Operations and can be obtained from OIEP’s website. 11.0 OTHER PROVISIONS Section TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Fiscal Management Number 6.6 Effective Date September 1, 2008 Revision Date Revision No. Page 9 of 9 Page No. According to the West Virginia Ethics Commission, frequent flier miles, hotel bonus points or other travel incentives resulting from official business travel may be used only for future official business travel. 12.0 EXCEPTIONS Any exceptions to this rule must be documented in writing and approved by Superintendent or designee of OIEP.