PRINCIPAL/LEAD TEACHER MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 7-9, 2011 MORGANTOWN, WV December 7, 2011 – Juvenile Principals Participants: Keith James Rhonda Mahan Fran Warsing Jared Hughes Kari Rice Lisa Hoskins Duane Maxey Jacob Green Bobby Buckland Gary Wingrove Row Harman Pam Abston Kellie Tetrick Rebecca Derenge John Marra Matt Kittle Bill DesRochers Chuck Carr Greg Curry Joe Michael J. P. Tenney Ron Whetzel Lyn Guy Phyllis Veith Dewayne Duncan Kent Moreno OIEP OIEP OIEP OIEP OIEP Pressley Ridge @ White Oak OIEP OIEP Beckley Center OIEP Anthony Correctional Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens OIEP OIEP Board of Child Care Academy Programs Barboursville School WVIHY Denmar Correctional/Gene Spadaro Rubenstein Center Elkins Mountain Burlington Center Davis Stuart WVIHY OIEP Potomac Center Fran introduced Phyllis Veith who is the new principal at the WV Industrial Home for Youth. Make sure you are providing education to students in isolation. Let Fran know if the facility gives you problems with this. Truancy charges – not at DJS facility – Student not coming to class and host agency is not making them go to class – file truancy charge against student. Make sure we are doing everything we can to see that students go to class. WIN – We will be using WIN at all juvenile facilities (Not Denmar and Anthony). Please send one person to this training, the materials are excellent and they are free to us, being paid by Perkins grant. This program helps students with academic skills and CTE. This will replace Career Scope, as it is very outdated. This program will help students identify vocational abilities. Think about someone at your facility that can be the school manager for this project. There are two trainings, one on January 11 and one on 12, morning and afternoon each day. This is ready for us to use now. The person who administers WIN cannot be the same person as who gives the Work Keys in your school. Send the name of your representative to Gary so he can set up in system. Virtual school/credit recovery – Our usage and number of completers are the best in the state. We are still having problems with students returning to public school and not allowing them to finish, this problem is getting the attention at the department and they are taking notice. Students need to complete cyber bulling section on Tech Steps. Laptops, ipads, and mobile devices will need to have internet filtering installed. We are currently under the state’s Acceptable Use Policy, the department is working on new requirements. As soon as Gary can review, he will update our AUP policy. New Generation English/Language Arts Standards - OIEP was to send 2 people. Opened to all - time and place will be told later. This can be rolled out as soon as you are trained. The same will be true for the math. Special Education Updates – At the November 1st meeting, members were given a resource manual with updates on IEPs, Medicaid, WVEIS, and transition. As of December 2nd our information in WVEIS was accurate and has been entered correctly. Try to keep data clean, run SEA report monthly and other reports to make sure that data is correct. Keep up on data and don’t wait until time to submit to start cleaning up. Nest meeting will be talking about monitoring. Transition – When ARRA funding expired we were able to keep some part time specialists and make 2 positions full time. We met with transition specialists in October and we discussed what we can do to help them and how we are going to do it. Someone in each facility needs to check on students that leaves that facility. Documents were distributed including responsibilities of transition specialists and a list of the schools and the Transition Specialists who are assigned to that school. If you have any questions, contact Kari or Jared. Our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange will begin at 6:30 pm. December 8, 2011 – All principals Participants: Keith James Rhonda Mahan Kari Rice Lori Loomis Fran Warsing Row Harman Judy Burkle Karen Boone Ernie Gooding Chris Blake Lisa Hoskins Pam Abston Jared Hughes Robert Buckland Gary Wingrove Mike Shaffer Jacob Green Kellie Tetrick Duane Maxey John Marra Marjorie Youngs Kent Moreno Matt Kittle Bill DesRochers Greg Curry Joe Michael J. P. Tenney Ron Whetzel Lyn Guy Phyllis Veith Dewayne Duncan Rebecca Derenge OIEP OIEP OIEP Lakin Correctional OIEP Anthony Correctional St. Marys Correctional Pruntytown Correctional Huttonsville Correctional Mt. Olive Correctional Pressley Ridge @ White Oak Pressley Ridge @ Grant Gardens OIEP Beckley Center OIEP Central Regional Jail OIEP OIEP OIEP Board of Child Care Martinsburg Correctional Potomac Center Academy Programs Barboursville School Denmar Correctional Rubenstein Center Elkins Mountain School Burlington Center Davis Stuart WV Industrial Home for Youth OIEP OIEP Our staff development conference this year will be held at the Waterfront in Morgantown on September 19-21, 2012. A committee has been formed to help plan the conference as in years past. The first committee meeting will be held in Charleston on January 13. We will be adding additional members as we get closer for additional planning. With the new conference area that the Waterfront has, we should have more room for food and larger sessions. WVEIS – The December count was on time and accurate. When students leave our facility, if you know where they went you need to make phone calls in order to drop from our roll. Janelle works with WVEIS, feel free to call if you have questions or need help. Work Keys – Work keys is a job skills assessment system measuring real world skills that employers believe are critical to job success. Work keys will enhance a diploma or resume. There are three levels for Work keys, gold, silver and bronze. The schedule for training for new administrators was distributed. When you have students to test send all paperwork to WVUP. Do not request your tests from ACT. If your student is taking the WORKKEYS exam as part of a CTE program bill Ron Grimes (has WVEIS number). If your student is not part of a CTE program bill OIEP. Accommodations: The supervisors’ manual pages 15-20 cover accommodations. If you have a student who needs accommodations, consider on a case by case basis. Consider revising IEPs in the PLEP section to reflect the accommodations a student needs for Work Keys. If the student has the accommodation of frequent breaks – it is allowable only if they have extended time. Any questions, call Kellie. Finance – Time sheets need to be at central office on time, if they are not there by the deadline it may not get processed until the next pay period. Information was distributed on recent changes with purchasing. Information can be requested and provided for on the OIEP list serve as to vendors and requesting information on vendors that can be used. This will save time, if one facility was able to order and get bids it will help another facility if ordering a similar item. Inventory – There should be an inventory tag on every non technology item $1000 or more in value and on every technology item $250 or more. New items that need a tag will complete Form A. Instructions on what to do with surplus property, the procedures and the paperwork necessary to inventory current supplies and dispose of surplus were discussed and distributed. Please share this information with your staff. The inventory issue is in the spotlight right now and we want everything to be in order in our facilities. New fingerprint procedures were discussed and copies of the requirements were distributed. Beginning January 1, 2012 the state police will no longer process fingerprints for new employees. Please follow the new procedures whenever you need to have an employee fingerprinted. Jacob will forward you the power point presentation with the required information and website to register. Certification – Teachers are aware that their certifications need to be renewed so teachers who haven’t done what they were supposed to will be terminated. There is no excuse for teachers not taking the necessary courses for renewal. We will be sending out instructions soon on highly qualified. GED Option – NCCER – Discussion of new rules for NCCER and the Department of Education as the sponsor was conducted. All of our modules have practical along with written. There are no accommodations for NCCER. You can teach with accommodations. Written test is closed book, practical test is designed by teacher based on competency of the modules. Any questions, please call Keith. Per our annual review of all policies and procedures, please email Jacob by February 1st anything you need to add or discuss to our policy and procedures manual. We will be checking the online version to be sure that they are all online. If you think we need to add a new policy, let Jacob know, we will need to form a committee to revise. December 9, 2011 – Adult Principals Participants: Kari Rice Rhonda Mahan Marjorie Youngs Row Harman Judy Burkle Karen Boone Chris Blake Jared Hughes Jacob Green Mike Shaffer Greg Curry Duane Maxey Ernie Gooding Lori Loomis Keith James Fran Warsing Dewayne Duncan Rebecca Derenge OIEP OIEP Martinsburg Correctional Anthony Correctional St. Marys Correctional Pruntytown Correctional Mt. Olive Correctional OIEP OIEP Central Regional Jail Denmar Correctional OIEP Huttonsville Correctional Lakin Correctional OIEP OIEP OIEP OIEP Parenting Inside Out Program – Information was distributed to be taken back to the facility to implement. This program is the leading evidence-based parenting program for criminal justice involved families. During the PIO program parents develop and refine social interactional skills and citizenship behaviors they can use in all aspects of their lives and that will help them guide their children toward becoming positive, constructive adults. Database – Information has been coming in slowly from some facilities. In March or April the DOC will have a query from their database showing recidivism based on education. Keep up information and send to Candi at the Beckley Center. All should be dong career/job fairs. Mt. Olive needs to plan one. Karen Boone does a good job with job fairs and will let you know how she goes about it, just email her. If you get Work Force on board they have a lot of resources that can help you. New social security procedures will allow inmates to start applying for social security benefits before they leave the facility. This is DOC’s responsibility, there will be a designee at each facility. They will also be able to collect SSI as soon as they get out which is a big plus. Roundtable discussion of what was going on at each facility and any problems that they are having was held. The next principals meeting will be held in Charleston in March.