Te15 26 4RAV UT AIRORAJW RANGiNG DEVICE by SCAlPAlI WILLIAM SCOKVILIE, Graduate, COAST ARTILLERY CORPS, U. S. ARMY United States, Military Academy 1917 and LIE N JO E. OLIBIES, PHILPPI E SCOU Graiuate, United. State , U. AM\ AMR N~aval Academy 19W5 Submitted in Partial Fualfillment of the, Requirement for the degree of in from the LSSE'GEliTrES RiZINTM' OF TECHNOLOGY 1986 Signature of Authors. OC=i1OCAION BY TIEDE2ABIWMa OFi1O tALy 1"a.I1 lING Professor in Charge of Researcho Chairman of Departmenta1 Committee on Graduate Stude +) + I .- ...................... 8''+ ,+-a ., .+. .. . '., TABILE OF COEMMeTS Page liroQduction.............................•....... Acanewledgment .............. o.* .... Sttemsent of the Problem ......... I ..... I ... 2 ................ 3 Requrements of the Ideal Instrument......... II Possible . 3 eMeas of Detection and Location........ 4 By Sound Waves ...... **...............*. By Radio Wveso... ..... O.....00 - a.... By Li&ht Waves*............•............. By Heat 1vess.*..*4..*** ... 6 7 *...*.......... 7 III Instruments for Detecting Heat Wvea........ ... lb The Radimeter...-. ...... ...... . .... The iRadiomicrometer ................ , The Bolometer 10 l................ 10 The Thermopile...... ..................... 11 The Photo-electric Cell.................. 12 IV .The Problem V ... ,,... O f Rage........... ....... 13 Products of Combustion of Exhaust Gas ... 1Z The 14 irror................... Bibliography................................... 16 INTRODUCT ION The subfect of locating: aireraft at night by means of the heat radiation of the exhaust was suggested to us by Professors V. Bush and J. W. Barker. Realizing that one of the greatest problems of the Coast Artillery Corps at the present time is the location of aircraft at night, and believ- ing that the present method based on sound does not fully ftulfill the requirements ot a good aircraft, detector, we at once saw possibilities in the idea which warranted, its being tried out. &-1- In this work. not enough thanks can be given to Profoesor J. W.. Barker whose constructive suggstions and untir- ing effbrts in our behalf were a great factor in making it poasible to carry on the work in the face of mayr ~-iMtt lties. Due thanks should also be given to Dr. G. L. Clark, Professor A. C. Hardy, Mr. F. V. Cunningham, Professor G. W. Pierce, Mr. T. i. Case, Dr. V. WV Coblentz and Professor H. B. Phillips whose timely suggestions were of great aid. Ve take. this occasion, to e~press our appreiation to the Electrical Engineering Department of the Massachnsetts Institute of ~acEbnology, The Mar Department, The, Bell Telewphone Laboratories and The General Electric Company for the equipment which they were good enough to place in i[-2 ;I our hands. TER PROBIll ?bhe problem is to devise a means by which a plane may be detected and its position located at night. I BEQUIREMENTS Or AN UMIZUlT AICRBMA UR DETECTIMG AND LO=APING -AMI XIG In any definite problem there is always an ideal which we should strive to attain. Human nature however, is so inadequate that this ideal can not always be reached, consequently, the solution that can best appioach the optimm mst of necessity be the end to strive for. To our mind the ideal instrment for locating aircraft at night must fulfill the following requirements: It must be instantaneous in action, that is, the disturbance caused by the plane which actuates the detecting instrument should not take any appreciable length of time to travel from the plane to the detector. The signal produced by the detecting instrument should activate the detecting tense to a maximm degree. The instrument must be accurate in-its location of the plane position and capable of following it. -1i- iC ;.2~x The range at which it is able to detect . must be a maximum. It should be sensitiver to the disturbance crested by the plane only and insems4tve to all outside &isaturbiMagentsf. The instrument meist be able to distinguish times so that there may be between planes of a group at all a means by which the Battery Commander can "check" on the plane being tracked. It should elimilmate the use of the, seachlight so as to gain the advantage of surprise on the enemye Finally, it mnst be portable and of rugged construction in order to withstand service conditions, and mest have a minimum of adjustments so that it may be operated by the average enlisted man. II POSSIBIE MEHODS BY WHICH A PIAEL ALY BE LOCA~D AV, NIfIG Assuming that we have a plane in the air at night, the question is, what means have we available for locating its-position? First there is the disturbance in the air cteated by the propeller and the detonations of the exhaust which produce sound waves which may be used as a means for detection. Then there is the electric disturbance in the ether created by the ignition system of the engine which causes electric waves to be propagated through spaceand thus become an agent for detection. Also, there is the power dissipated throtgh the exhaust in the form of"light or visible rays and infsrared or heat rsqv These rays may also be used asE a mUans for detecttig the-pxaeeaee of the plane. Sound waves as a means for detecting airplanes at night is the basis of the method now in use. tage of great volume, truction. It has the advan- and simplicity and ruggedness of consg- Against these however, may be urged the following disadvantages: Sound travels at the rate of 1100 feet per second, consequently, it takes an appreciable time to reach the receiving apparatus so that the wave front actually received startedC at a point wh t i h is a - considerable distance from the present position of the plane. This is Iutrthermore, called time lag , the velocity of the wind affects the speed of both the sound waves and the plane causing a fUrther deviation in the located position. This is called wind lag. These deviations which are not susceptible of accurate prediction and correction make it impossible to accurately locate the plane. Moreover, dne to the fact that there is no means of knowing that two receiving apparatus are on the same plane of a group, firing data can be obtained only through the use of searchlights. This is a decided disadvantage as it to the enemy our own position. reveals It is a well known fact that the ignition system of a gas engine acts as a spark gap transmitter producing radio waves which are propagated through space by the leads from the distributot to the spark plugs acting as antenna. The action is as follows: The condenser across the breaker points in conjunction with the breaker points and the primary of the induction coil produce radio frequency oscillations in the primary circuit. This action induces radio frequency oscillations in the secondary coil which is in series with the spark gap and the leads to the spark plug. In effect, we have a radio transmitting set which radiates energy through space as explained above. Dr. G. L. Pickard states that during his experiments on the polarization of short radio waves, he experienced ference from passing airplanes. inter- He estimated that the signals from an airplane engine could be received at a maximum distance of one mile. By using the directional properties of coil antennas it however, is possible to obtain the azimuth of the plane, since its unidirectional property depends on the symmetry of the coil capacity to ground, the location of the .plane in elevation would be difficult of attainment. This method has the advantages of (1) the speed of the radio wave which would eliminate time and wind lag, (2) ease of detection under unfavorable weather conditions and (3) comparative S-8- simplicity and ruggedness of constraction. The disavantages are, the interference from other radio signals due to the fact that the wave lengths emitted are in the banlincluded n between twenty and forty meters- a d its inability to locate Farthexmore, the greatest disa&vantage the plane accurately. is the facility of shielding the leads so that the energy - be such as to limit the range to a minimum emitted would which would be eatirely inadequate as a means for defense. Vision used as a means for detecting adrla ea is the method par excellance. If it were possible to use the method of vision at night., the problem would literally itself.' There is a possibility of using this ifetho solve as the exhaust actually emits a flame visible at night which is due to the presence of incandescent carbon particles therein. The range at which the flame is using a telescope it visible is may be increased. limited, but by However, this stream of flame, being limited in length, may easily be obscrired from viewr by shielding. The beat waves emitted from the ezhbust of the p;'ane would be a convenient means of detecting and locating its position if .ensitiave a sufficiently device were available for this purpose. These heat waves have the speed of light; hence time lag, which is so objectionable in the present method based on. sound, would be eliminated. The wave- being electro-magnetic, it isen6Vtdeflected by the wind, consequent-_ ly, there is no wind lag. The above being true, the plane may be accurately- located and by employing twoe. detecting instrwments aefither end of a base line, f"ring data may be obtain- ed without the use of searchlights. Moreover, by the use-of selective detectors which make use, of the periodicity of impilse of the exhaust, a means is available to ascerta i Swhether or not the two instruments are on the same plane. One disadvantage of this methad' lies in is the fact tht there a certain amount. orfabsorption of the heat energy in the atmosphere which would tend to reduce the range Alsoe, the exhaust may be shielded to acertain degree, but this shield" ing is limited by the loss of officiency of the engine. CoQn- sidering- the, fact that the defense is primarily against bomb- ing planes with heavy loads, the engine efficiency can not be greatly reduced without materially limiting their offensive value. Of the four methods described above, those by vision and radio waves may at once be eliminated as proper shielding 'would reduce the range obtainable to such a degree that the defensive value would be negligible. The problem therefore reduces itself to a choice between sound and heat waves as a -8.- means of detection. From a consideration of the previous dis- cussion of these two methods, the follwoAng points may be evolved: Sound will locate the approximate position of the plane only while the heat method would give an accurate location. Moreover, the heat method has the advantage of selectivity mentioned above, whereas sound does net. Under these considerations it would be possible, using the heat Smethod to make an accurate track of the plane- and obtain ifiring data without the use of searchlights, thus gaining the advantage of surprise on the enemy. A comparison of the maximum ranges of the two methods, which is of primary importance, can not. at present be made. However, granting that sound would give the greater range, the combination of the two methods would still allow the searchlight to be eliminated as the heat method would take i~ ass iged mission of tracking the plane. For the above reasons and the fact that the sound method has not been a complete success, the method using the heat radiation from the exhaust has been selected for the-solution of this problem. -9 ! Lh t - III INSMMlENMS WHICH MAY BE USED FOR DETECING EAT 1LVES Heat energy, being invisible, requires the use of instruments which transform this invisible radiation into some other form of energy, the effects of which can then be detected. Various instruments of this kind have been devised, most important of which are the radiometer, radiomicrometer, bolometer, thermopile and photo6-electric cells. The radiometer which is extensively used in infra- red investigations, is a very sensitive instrument, but due to its suseeptibility t/ the slightest vibration, it is neo. cessary to isolate it f=rm all possible mechanical vibrations during the progress of an investigation. This makes it licate an instrument that its useif so de- restiibted toPtbhe labora4 tory. The raiomicrometer whih is in effect a moving coil galvanometer is aS sensitive as the radiometer, same disa4dvantage in that it i but it has the too delicate an instrument to be used under service conditions. The bolometer is a more rugged instrument than the two previously mentioned, but it requires a very elaborate installation and is difficult to keep in adjustment. It is not thearefore an entirely satisfactory instrument for field -10- use. The the thermoile is for detecting heat waves. the saimplest type of instrument It zQdte rugged and may b-e made is as se sitive as any of the aeabve instrumentsi It has already been employed for the detection of heat energy from the exi haust of an airplane. In 1919,~~ael 0. Hof man used a croasehair thermopile the separate elements of which (vertical and horizontal) were separate piles of thirty-two couplea each, electrically insulated from each other and connected to separate galvanometers. The thermopiles were placed at the focus of a twenty-four inch mirror provided with slow screw movements in azinth'and elevation. With the plane developing fifty horsepower at a range of two thousand yards, an average galvanometer deflection of ten centimeters was otained. No difficulty was experienced in picking up" and tracking the plane. However the slighteat whiff of cloud drifting across the field produced deflections in the galvanometer of the same order as those of the plane, but without the abrupt jUmp which chracterized the start of the deflection produced by the plane. The- amount- of deflection seemed to depend. more on the angle of presentation of the exhaust rather than on the range. The disadvantage of using delicate instrumenta- such -11- as galvanometers when a thermopile is used may be overcome if a tride valve and telephone were substituted for the galvanometer. By placing an interruptor in series with the thermopile and primary of a step-up transformer, the palsa- ing voltage induced in the secondary may be impressed on the grid of the, first tube of an amplifier , thus making it posaib- ble to detect the thermopile current by means of a telephone. This arrangement would give the further advantage of greater sensitivity. The chief disadvantage of the thermopiie, how-. ever, is its non-selectivity as it does not distinguish between the heat radiation from the exhaust of a plane and any other source in so far as concerns detection. If a ther&' mopile could be constructed such that it would be sensitive to, a definite band of wave lengths only, this disadvantage would be minimized and the method would be of extreme value. It is an open question, however, Whether or not such a thermopile could be constructed. The extreme selectivity of photo-electric cells g-ive them a decided advantage over any other type of instruw met that may be used for detecting the heat radiation from the exhaust of an airplane. If the cell used has a maximum sensitivity in the region where the energy distribution curve of the exhaust gases is ,-l a maximum, W ,- IIX would have-an apparatus that would be very sensitive to the heat radiation from the plane. In addition, any other source emitting rdiatio of wave lengths greater or less than those emanating from the exhaunt would not be detected by the cell. Moreover,, since the heat is&taiated in periodic trains corresponding in frequency to the periodicity of impulse of the exhaust, the cell could recover its if resistance between these periodic trains, the output of the cell would have the same frequency as the number of impulses of the exhaust and the advantage, previouly mentioned, of having a means to ascertain whether or not two instruments are on the same plane, would be gained. IV TM PRBsI= OP RAEGB The products of combustion in the exhaust of an airplane consists of water vapor, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and ineandescent carbon particles. lkter vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide produce radiations which are readily absorbed by the -atmosphere. This abnormal dissipation reduces the range obtainable from their radiations to a minimm. The incandescenat carbon particles produce most of the visible flame emitted from the exhaust and at the same time 'are sources of black body radiation. The emission spectrum tl - of this radiation which is a maximum at about 1.28.to l.- U (U m 10-4cm.), is supposed to be smooth and continpous, hence it is not so readily absorbed as in the case of the gases. We ,mat therefore depend upon this black body radiation in order to obtain maximum range, for detection. Due to the dissipation of energy in black body radiation which is believed to be inversely as the square of the distance, the range obtainable is limited. By employing a collecting apparatus for concentrating the rays, such as arparabolic mirror, this limited range may be increased considerably. The collected rays or amount of energy received would then vary as the area.or, in other words, directly as the square of the diameter of the mirror. The choice of dimensions of the mirror is governed by the sensitivity of the detecting instrument placed at its focus and also the mission assigned. After the ultimate sensitivity of the detector has been attained,, the only means of increasing the range is by increasing the size of the mirror. On the other hand, its portability must be taken into account. If it is to be used for fixed defense, the mirror may be made as large as desired consistent with ease of operation, but if it is for field use, its portability must necessarily limit its size. The material of the mirror must also be considered. - 14- The surface mat have a minimum of absorption for the wave lengths. of the rays to be reflected. Measurements of the reflectivity to infra-red r diation by various metals have aided the choice of suitable materials to be employed. Highly polished metallic mirrors give good reflection for wave lengths in the neighborhood of 1. electr -deposited U. Platinum or silver on a glass surface, on account of their high resistance to the corrosive action of the atmosphere and their high reflective: power, -^ are also suitable for this purpose. NOTE: The remainder of this thesas, being of a confidential nature, is not included ii this:paper. It is, on file7 at the Department in Wshington, D. C. -15- r B-IBLIOGAPHY "Cantor Lectures--Instruments for Measuring Jour. Soc. Arts Vol. 37, Radiant Heat" Boys, C. V. 1889 p816 Case, T. "Notes on the Changos-of Resistance of Certain bhys. Re~a. 1917. Substances in Ligit" . Case, T:. We Coblentz, "Thalof ide, a LNew Photo-electric Substance" Phys. Rev. 1920. W. 7. "Instrument B. I B. II Ii B. s and Methods Used in.,Radiometrey of S. Bul. Vol. 4, 1907 pZ91 of S. Bul. Vol. 9, 1912 p7 Of S.- Bul. Vol14,, 1917 p507 Coblentz, W. W. " he Reflecting Powers of Various BEtals" B. of S. Bul Vol. 7, 1911 p197 Coblentz, V. V. "A Vaacuum Radiomicrometer" Vol. 2, 1906 B. of S. Bul. Coblentz, W. W. o. n. Coblentz, Coblentz, T. T. p4r79 !Radiometric Invest igat ions of Infrarred Absorptia and Reflection Spectra# B. of S. Bul. 2, 1906, "Selective Radiation From Various Substances" B. of S. Sci. 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F. p40'-417 IV Vol. "Physical Chemistryf Book Vol. II Chap. XI 62, 1923 p326 pl2 5Z "The Radiomicrometer" Archiv. Sci. Phys. et Nat. -17- p569 Vol. 18, 1887