TRUMPET VACANCY The United States Naval Academy Band is seeking a Trumpet Instrumentalist to perform with the Ceremonial and Marching Units, as well as the Brass Quintet, Brass Ensemble, and various chamber ensembles. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 2016. The audition committee reserves the right to dismiss any candidate not meeting the highest professional standards. To be considered for an audition, applicants will submit a one page resume by May 25, 2016 to MU1 Matt Harriman at Additional materials are not necessary and will not be viewed. All travel arrangements and expenses are the responsibility of the candidate. Active duty musicians from all branches of the U.S. military must also send a letter of endorsement from their Commanding Officer granting them permission to audition for the Naval Academy Band. In order to accept a position with the Naval Academy Band, the audition winner must also qualify for enlistment in the United States Navy and successfully complete Recruit Training. A minimum of a four-year enlistment is required. The Navy has strict height and weight requirements. For more information, please contact MU1 Matt Harriman at, or visit us on the Web at AUDITION REPERTOIRE (All excerpts will be heard on a Bb or C Trumpet) Preliminary round excerpts will be heard in the following order: -Etude No. 2, Du Style (Charlier) -The Man of the Hour (Fillmore) -First Call -Symphony in B-flat (Hindemith) -Taps Semi-Final and Final Rounds will include preliminary excerpts plus the following excerpts in no particular order: -Bugle Calls: Attention, Carry On, and Church Call -British Eighth (Elliott) -Festival Variations (Smith) -An Outdoor Overture (Copland) -Summon the Heros (Williams) -Variations on America (Ives) -Mambo from West Side Story (Bernstein) -Quintet, 1st movt. (Arnold) - America the Beautiful (Ward, arr, Villanueva) Sight reading and small ensemble playing may also be required Preliminary round excerpts will be heard in the following order: Etude No. 2, "Du Style" from Etudes Transcendantes (Charlier) Trumpet in B-flat DU STYLE Allegretto (M M. 84 J) --= 4~v. ! :Jfr u Pln. .ru aJJJJ 1#i:hLJi, 1, Efa ulhr· o1 4··b·· a r n fFF) , 1a1@a Er ®Mat~ , ===i ' •'•'• mrr.m ITT~m·i"fflW w mt, I y [~ {in; ' I E @,•,•,,pr· cffri[6Fff#i1~ 11NaJan®fi1,,;fillp f f ~ P ~ 4>'b'• ~ru (f El r I ~ Mm·m lll?Fl9 ' --==== 3 I 'i p P . 3 I':\ 3 1 .:::::=- poco rtt. II ::::::=-- mj' cresc. 7 THE MAN OF THE HOUR 1st Bb Cornet HENRY FILLMORE .. . >-. .· . . ~ ,.-.. > &Ee JJ,Jfli01v 5~r1m~m1~,, crru, ,p,~ n~rr·1r 1,r P1R g5.,J.1 . .//.. . ' •. • · ...-..... f • .-.. ,,,--.. SOLO > _....... . • . ' _q,.. ·.r·· ' ' .at esn ~ u.vJ.111m,s.,n q·P:}N:~JF'1t>remJ.J.1JsJJJJ1};,nriF'1tr ~~·~ r1E~ ~~'Jll .,. TRIO ~ · r'--""1 •. . ,. .... 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ATTENTION II Y CARRY ON 13 J=182 II e '• ' .v . j= 40 $ · I eJ CHURCH CALL DF- IF E J IF · DE IE F J 11 USNAB Trumpet NOVll P . 7 Zo Elliott, British Eighth DISCLAIMER Use of these .PDF files is strictly for United States Naval Academy Band auditions only. Any other use is not authorized by the United States Naval Academy Band. The user assumes responsibility for obtaining appropriate licenses in conjunction with any further use of copyrighted works . 1 FESTIVAL VARIA TIO NS 1st Bb TR UMP ET . - ,4~,. ¥•1t2ee CLAUJ>E T. SMITH (ASCAI lJ=tJ'2) PleJ.Sd lncl nd e foll d~ti\.\ ts of tltlt:- 1 compo .. "r, nrrn.ngc:r ;r.qd publisher orth.lswodc on THR PERFORMING RfGH T.. r SOCIETY'S ro\uro• whon.v jL i!S . . abUcly pcrrormcd Solo & 1st B~ AN OUTDOOR OVE.RTURE Cornet ,, . AARON COPLAND Summon the Heroes rtt1 Broader Bb Trumpet (use Bb or C trumpet only) ~ 0 mo~.c.lfy., Scio w·ii · i iams Pr0Jogue" ij ~ Ii - I; i fl· mr=t:t?l@l ff~=~ I -=:::::::::::: 'lllf-<:::::: (can~ ~ '~: blJ EE r ~ . . w: fr r1atw1 c~u J-~ · ttJjj}, , ~ *. ern ril1 Wl ur=@-=--1W= Hr (can~ ~~. " • ~ ~ ,...Rit. t'L1"F£tn11' _ .--.. !sol ·1i=:::::::::::=:-nw . I? dim. • 11- 1 ~ bt1 tr fi es.t=ErJi A Little Broader Variations on "America" (Ives) Play two parts as one player Trumpet in B-flat .ff =====-ff js36j >~ '~# t:·~r1r ~ f.ff >-~ I tt(f ·~r1r ls4ol - ff vU1i_I t :::>- I '41;;,a - •• ) - · , . - QUINTET F0!1 '2. T~Uf1PETS1 HOl\N, T~Ot'f60riE 7 AND TUBR . MALCOLM ARNOLD ~si; ·if' I'R ([C 1-1 1 !"~ ft IF I O'Cf EIF· IEEF rr IP ij UU(fr· IfrEF & · I e·-= Coov ri oht i ob l b y Potcr&on ' s Pub l icotions Ltd . ===--i-t g== ·· Ip ij p'..,.. - I •- I ~ '! j10fJ ]f@ l J »~ 1,-=:p 'J ~~~ F nr· IF zu·· _I America The Beautiful B~Trumpet Samuel Ward 1 Arranged by Jari A. Villanueva Moderato ' ~~ u J =96 rff Dr J I J Ji J 1J I 13 3 p 5 Bf I #@WUJ I solo 3 lJl~9 fJ [II Andante mp J =76 ~ 23 mf = mp Pili mosso ' J F J f II" ~ Espressivo-with !vement 3 rit.~mp ff ff 3 3 3 rit. ©Copyright 1996 Music Express. International Copyright Secured. Made in U.S.A. A.11 Rights Reserved. J