MINERAL COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE 1 BAKER PLACE KEYSER WV 26726 Technology Plan 2008-2010 E-rate funding years 2008-2010 Technology Plan Technology Plan submitted: September 26, 2008 Page 1 of 18 Planning Committee Name Title Representation Anne Palmer Mrs. *Business Community Barb Shetler Ms. *Parent Dave Boden Publisher, Mineral Daily News Tribune *Business Community David Albani Mr. *Title I *Administration Dr. Thomas Denne *Special Education Greg Phillips Director of Facilities and Grounds *Service Personnel Keith Funkhouser Vice President - ATK *Business Community Kelli Wilson Principal, Mineral County Alternative Center *Administration Kerry Odell Dr. *Business Community Kevin Watson Mr. Linda Miltenberger *Title IV *Administration Michelle Treadwell Miss *Student Mike Heagle Mr. *Business Community Mike Makosky Mr. *Business Community Mona Ridder Executive Director, Mineral County Development Authority *Business Community Nancy Starcher Mrs. *Teacher Paula Campbell Mrs. *Administration Peggy Hawse Regional Mentor Teacher Coordinator Richard Hamblin Mr. *Business Community Rob Woy Mr. *Title II *Title III *Title V *Technology *Administration Robert Mason Mr. *Administration Ryan Burke Computer iT Specialist *Technology Sue Alkire Mrs. *Teacher Taige Redman Student, Keyser High School *Student Tilden Hackworth Mr. *Administration Describe how parents, community and other appropriate stakeholder members are involved in the development and/or revision of the plan. The County Strategic Improvement Plan is a result of each school’s assessment of needs. It guides Mineral County’s budgeting process. The superintendent’s Advisory Committee and the County School to Work parent, business partnership provides input into county plans. School Improvement Plans provide a basis for identifying needs. A Federal Programs advisory committee formed from among teachers, curriculum area chairpersons, librarians, parents and administrators also make recommendations for budgeting funds to address identified needs. All primary and middle schools are represented by parents on a county Parent Coordinating Council. Additional assessment information is gained through school level surveys, administrative meetings, and curriculum or grade level teacher meetings. The Title II Director and Title I Coordinator serve on the advisory committees. All parents are invited to participate twice yearly in county parent involvement policy council meetings. Documentation of all meetings is retained. Page 2 of 18 Core Beliefs 1. Parents and the community at large must be valued and respected partners in finding success for all students 2. Schools and school systems are responsible for creating the conditions necessary for student success. 3. Children are our most valuable resource, and they thrive in an environment where they are nurtured, treated with respect and provided with affective supports. 4. Strong instructional leadership and highly qualified personnel are necessary to achieve success for all students. 5. The primary measures of school and system success are the increase in students who achieve proficiency and the decrease of students in the achievement gap among student sub groups. 6. All students can learn, and 90% of Mineral County students can achieve proficiency by 2010. 7. Transforming a school system to produce “Success for All” requires a systemic continuous improvement process. Mission Statement SUCCESS FOR ALL STUDENTS- NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES Page 3 of 18 Data Analysis Indicators: Academic Improvement: Mineral County is NOT identified for improvement based on academic performance for the following years: 03-04 - met AYP (secondary students with disabilities subgroup cell size not applicable) 04-05 - met AYP 05-06- met AYP 06-07- met AYP (secondary students with disabilities subgroup cell size not applicable) 07-08- did not meet AYP in any grade span in the students with disabilities subgroup. Review of the summary of the percentage of students achieving mastery indicates that, with the exception of the 2007-2008 school year, the LEA has met AYP in all subgroup. However, in 2003-2004 and 2006-2007 the secondary students with disabilities subgroup was not applicaple due to a small cell size. Percentage of Schools Meeting AYP 89% of all students in the district met AYP for the 05-06 testing year (8 of 9 schools: Frankfort Middle did not meet AYP) 78% of all schools in the district met AYP for the 06-07 testing year (7 of 9 schools: Keyser Primary/Middle and Frankfort Middle did not meet AYP) 67% of all schools in the district met AYP for the 07-08 testing year (6 of 9 schools: Keyser Primary/Middle , Frankfort Middle, and Frankfort Intermediate did not meet AYP) Writing Assessment: Current WV Writing assessment data has not been posted. Attendance: The overall attendance rate for the 07-08 school year was 97.8% representing a .05% decrease in the attendance rate from the 06-07 school year. The attendance rate for the students with disabilities subgroup is comparable to the county average. The economicall disadvantaged and the black subgroups are slightly below the count average. students with disabilities subgroup - 97.8%: equal to the district average daily attendance rate. economically disadvantaged subgroup - 97.2%: .6% below the district average daily attendance rate black subgroup - 96.9%: .9% below the district average daily attendance rate. Graduation Rate: The overall graduation rate for the 07-08 school year was 91.5% representing a .5%decrease in the graduation rate from the 06-07 schoo year. students with disabilities subgroup - 100%: 8.5% above the district average daily graduation rate economically disadvantaged subgroup - 86.5%: 5.0% below the district average daily graduation rate. black subgroup - 80%: 11.5% below the district average daily graduation rate Self-assessment data indicated a need to focus on reading and math instruction for target student groups at both middle schools and at the primary level at one school which did not meet AYP for the SWD subgroup. Focused groups will receive targeted instruction based on individual needs as monitored through progress monitoring and formative assessment data. Case loads of special education teachers and daily schedules will be monitored as to not exceed caseload limits per instructional period in an effort to maximize instruction. Efforts to maximize instruction within the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities will continue from the preschool through high school levels. Documentation of student progress toward IEP goals will be monitored through formative and benchmark assessments throughout the school year. From Pride Survey: · As students increase in grades, they indicate a greater use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. · Generally, as students increase in grades, they perceive that tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana are less harmful. There is a slight reversal in this trend with 8 th grade students in 2008. · Students in general have a perception that tobacco is more harmful than alcohol or marijuana. · On the average in 2008, 84% of all students surveyed perceive that their parents disapprove of their use of tobacco, alcohol, and/or marijuana, seniors perceive that their parents are more lenient. This compares to 87.78% in 2007 and 85.45% in 2006. · Students reported that the average age that they first used alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana is between 10-14 years. This compares to ages 12-15 in 2006 and to ages 10-15 in 2007. · Of the eight pride survey violence indicators, only one (Being Afraid at School) decreased in 2008. · Of the seven PRIDE Survey violence indicators that increased in 2008, the most drastic jump (11.2%) was in “Threatened a fellow student,” followed by “Get into trouble with the police” ( 5.5%). Other indicators which rose significantly are “Carrying gun for protection/weapon while not at school” up 3.1%; and “Participated in gangs” up 2.9%. Three indicators rose one percentage point or less: “Carrying a gun to school in the past year” (1%), “Being hurt at school”(.4%) Page 4 of 18 and “Thought often or a lot about suicide (.3%). · Generally over the past three years, students have indicated that they often use tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana at a friend’s house, but seldom at school. · While at school, students feel LEAST SAFE in parking lots (25.6% in 2008, 24.5% in 2007 and 20.4% in 2006). They feel the MOST SAFE in the classroom . · Of those students who reported NEVER or SELDOM: Taking part in school activities (29.3%) (Seldom 27.2%) used illicit drugs. Making good grades (Never 72%) (Seldom 51.2%) used illicit drugs. Having parents talk to them about the dangers of drugs (Never 35.7%) (Seldom 29.2%) used illicit drugs. Having parents who set clear rules (Never 52.8%) (Seldom 28.2%) used illicit drugs. Attending church, synagogue, etc. (Never 42.3%) (Seldom 31.6%) used illicit drugs. Taking part in community activities (Never 32.4%) (Seldom 27.2%) use illicit drugs. From WVEIS Discipline Summary: Total number of discipline referrals : · 4342 in 2005; 4012 in 2006; 4335 in 2007 ,and 4375 in 2008 By OFFENSE · There is an increase in incidents for three offenses: possession/use of alcoholic beverages (2 in 2006, 5 in 2007 and 10 in 2008), tardiness (316 in 2006, 652 in 2007 and 715 in 2008) and possession of a knife 0 in 2006, 4 in 2007 and 7 in 2008).. · There is a decrease in profane, derogatory, racial, and sexual remarks(77 in 2006, 34 in 2007 and 18 in 2008). By ACTION · There is an increase in detention (from 2647 in 2007 to 2779 in 2008), parent contact by phone (from 47 in 2007 to 60 in 2008) , and conference with student and teacher (from 16 to 29). · There is a decrease in parent conferences with 402 in 2005; 265 in 2006; 113 in 2007, and 52 in 2008 . Behavior modification packets were used 34 times in 2008 compared to 42 in 2007, and 137 in 2006. The OEPA Checklist should be one source of data to assess school or county needs as you prioritize your strategic issues. There are no negative consequences to checking “No” to a high quality standard since the checklist is not used for changing accreditation or approval status or selection for on-site reviews. OEPA Analysis Prioritized Strategic Issues Page 5 of 18 Federal Compliance/Twenty First CenturyTechnology: The Standards for Twenty First Century learning will be accomplished through utilization of current and developing technologies to support improvement actvities. 1. Mineral County will provide increased access to reliable technology resources as measured by the student to computer ratio. While a ratio of 3.1 was reached in 2007, the ratio of XP or better was 4.87. (Convert to XP ratio for 2008.) Measure Digital Divide Survey. Base 4.87 Target 4.00 2. Mineral County will create opportunities for students in grades K-8 to satisfy the technlogy standards as set forth by the WVDE and NCLB through School Kit's techSteps. 3. Mineral County will provide for 21st Century Learning through the purchase and implementation of available technologies Date Topic Audience Mode 5.19.08 Initial Tech Steps Training K05 Core Grade level teacher trainers & grades 6-8 Core Content teacher/trainers. 6.17-18.08 techSteps follow-up Training K05 Core Grade level teacher trainers & grades 6-8 Core Content teacher/trainers. 6.20.08 Middle/High School Science Teacher Workshop Middle/High School Science Teachers 6.26.08 Initial NovaNet Training Middle & High School teachers, counselors and administrators 7.14.08 K-2 TechSteps K-2 Teachers Kelly Starr of School Kit was contacted & arrangements were made to do an initial training for a K-8 core group of teachers in Mineral County. On that day Kelly reviewed the rationale for technology literacy and introduced techSteps. She trained teachers on how to use and manage the techSteps Library. During the afternoon session of training, Kelly reviewed grade level lessons and teachers worked on curriculum statements and mapping Opportunities were extended for core group of teacher/trainers to meet again to further refine their skills with techSteps. Teachers completed data based for their grade levels and constructed grade level contact groups Middle and High School Science teachers met at Keyser High School for training on 21st Century learning through the Teach 21 website. The new 21st Century CSO’s were reviewed and mapping strategies were discussed. Middle School teachers were also given and initial training no techSteps. Teachers were assigned user id’s and reviewed the six units at each grade level. Mapping strategies were also discussed. Jaime Hartman, NovaNet trainer, provided initial training at Keyser Primary/Middle School on NovaNet, a recently acquired web-based program by Pearson that will be used to replace Plato. The program will be used in grades 6-12 for remediation, credit recovery, homebound instruction, and summer school. 28 teachers in grades K-2 Page 6 of 18 Funding Source Local Carry Over Funds Title II Funds Title II Funds Local Carry-Over funds & Title II funds Title II funds 7.14.08 K-2 TechSteps training K-2 Teachers 7.17-1-8.08 Middle/High School Math Teacher Workshop Middle/High School Math Teachers 7.21.8 Grades 3-5 techSteps training Grade 3-5 teachers 7.24.08 Phase II NovaNet Training Middle/High School teachers, counselors & administrators 8.12.08 Middle/High School English/L.A. Teacher Workshop Middle/High School English/L.A. teachers 8.13.08 Middle/High School Social Studies Teacher Workshop Middle/High School Social Studies teachers 8.18-19.08 K-5 Teacher K-5 Teachers 28 teachers in grades K-2 met at Keyser Primary/Middle School for an initial training. Teachers were assigned user id’s and reviewed the six units at each grade level. Mapping strategies were also discussed. Middle/High School Math teachers met at Keyser Primary/Middle School for training on 21st Century learning through the Teach 21 website. The new 21st Century CSO’s were reviewed and mapping strategies were discussed. Middle School teachers were also given initial training on techSteps. Teachers were assigned user id’s and reviewed the six units at each grade level. Mapping strategies were also discussed. 24 teachers in grades K-3 met at Keyser High School for an initial training on techSteps. Teachers were assigned user id’s and reviewed the six units at each grade level. Mapping strategies were also discussed. Jaime Hartman, the NovaNet trainer, provided a second training at Keyser High School on NovaNet, a recently acquired web-based program by Pearson the will be used to replace Plato. The program will be used in grades 6-12 for remediation, credit recovery, homebound instruction, and summer school. Middle/High School English/LA teachers will meet at Keyser High School for training on 21st Century learning through the Teach 21 website. The new 21st Century CSO’s were reviewed and mapping strategies were discussed. Project Based Learning will be investigated with applications on 21st Century Skills. Teachers were also given initial training on techSteps. Teachers were assigned user id’s and reviewed the six units at each grade level. Mapping strategies were also discussed. Middle/High School Social Studies teachers will meet at Keyser High School for training on 21st Century learning through the Teach 21 website. The new 21st Century CSO’s were reviewed and mapping strategies were discussed. Project Based Learning will be investigated with applications on 21st Century Skills. Teachers were also given initial training on techSteps. Teachers were assigned user id’s and reviewed the six units at each grade level. Mapping strategies were also discussed. This two day academy will Page 7 of 18 Title II funds Title II funds Title II funds Local Carry Over Funds & Title II funds Title II funds Title II Funds State 8.18-19.08 K-5 Teacher Academy K-5 Teachers 8.20.08 New Teacher Orientation New Teachers 8.21.08 GradeQuick/Edline Training Administrators & Support Staff at Keyser Primary Middle School 8.22.08 County Staff Development Day All teachers 9.08 Follow-up NovaNet Training Middle/High School Teachers 9.08 thru 8.09 Continuous Professional Staff Development All K-8 teachers 9.17.08 State Provided techSteps Principal Leadership Seminar K-8 principals 9.08 Algebra Odyssey Training Middle School Math Teachers 9.08 Administrator e-walk training All School Administrators 9.08 Smart Board School Technology This two day academy will offer training opportunities for participants in a variety of topics including advanced Odyssey training and techSteps. State provided IBM trainer, Gilda Haddox, will conduct initial and advanced techSteps training with assistance from the county techSteps core teachers Training will be provided to new teachers on the technology that is available to them throughout the school year. Training will included but not be limited to : email, SAS, Thinkfinity, Teacher 21 website Jackson Software representative & county technology specialist will provide training to administrators and support staff on use of GradeQuick and Edline Training will be provided for all K-5 teachers and grade 6-12 grade level and content area teachers on the following topics: initial and st advanced techSteps, 21 Century CSO’S, Teach 21 Website, other technology topics that are applicable to each grade level. A NovaNet consultant will visit participating schools to provide consulting services and continuous staff development on NovNet, a Pearson credit recovery, remediation program. Two TIS’s assigned to all primary and middle schools will provide training during planning periods, scheduled early release days, and Instructional Support Days, st century topics like on 21 techSteps, Odyssey, email, Teach 21, Thinkfinity, Acuity, Writing Roadmap II, technology hardware integration, etc. A state provided training will be conducted to introduce techSteps in the context of 21st century learning and how techSteps can help students achieve the development of technology literacy within the context of curriculum standards. The role of the st principal in supporting 21 century learning within their school will also be addressed. Two days of training will be provided to math teachers at Keyser and Frankfort Middle Schools on the Odyssey Algebra add on. RESA VIII Technology Specialist, Todd Chiccarichi will provide e-walk training with each school administrator at school locations using the newly distributed Palms. A Smart Board representative Page 8 of 18 State Funding/TFS Funding/Title I Funds/Title II Funds Local Funds Local Carry over Fund/Title II Funds Local Funds Local Carry-Over Funds Title I & Title II Funds State Funds TFS Funds Local Carry Over Funds/RESA VIII Funds Local Funds 9.08 Smart Board training School Technology Chairpersons 10.08 Numonics Intelliboard Training School technology chairperson, TIS’S 10.8.08 State Provided techSteps mapping workshop techSteps teacher trainers, county curriculum chair person & administrators 10.08 Odyssey Training High School/Alternative School, SE Teachers 11.08 State Provided teachSteps advanced training K-8 teachers 1.09 State Provided teachSteps advanced training K-8 teachers 2.09 State Provided teachSteps advanced training K-8 Teachers 2.09 Follow-up NovaNet Training Middle/High School Teachers 3.09 State Provided teachSteps advanced training K-8 Teachers 6.09 EdVenture Group Middle/High School 21st Century Workshops Middle/High School Teachers 8.09 EdVenture Group Administrators Workshop, “Integrating 21st Century Skills for Administrators” All School Administrators A Smart Board representative will present a workshop using Smart Boards. School technology chair people will evaluate this technology with other current boards already in use. A Numonics representative will present a workshop using the Numonics Intelliboard A state provided curriculum mapping workshop will be conducted for teachers in Mineral and Hardy Counties. The purpose of this workshop will to review existing mapping strategies at each grade level and make revisions and additions Two days of Odyssey training will be provided to targeted teachers who will have access to Odyssey programming after a centralized Odyssey server is established. Sustained advanced training through WVDE provided IBM trainers will be conducted during county monthly early release days. Sustained advanced training through WVDE provided IBM trainers will be conducted during county monthly early release days. Sustained advanced training through WVDE provided IBM trainers will be conducted during county monthly early release days. A NovaNet consultant will visit participating schools to provide consulting services and continuous staff development on NovNet, a Pearson credit recovery, remediation program. Sustained advanced training through WVDE provided IBM trainers will be conducted during county monthly early release days. Three to five days of training will be provided by trainers from the EdVenture Group. Topics of training will include: “Who Took My Chalk?”, 21st Century Tools for Math, Science, Social Studies and English One to two days of training will be provided by trainers from the EdVenture Group on “Integration 21st Century Skills for Administrators” Local Funds TFS Funds State Funds TFS Funds State Funds State Funds State Funds Local Carry-Over Funds State Funds TFS Funds TFS Funds TECH/01: Provide 21 st century hardware and a stable, state of the art 21st century infrastructure for the effective use of technology. Core Plan Technology SBI Page 9 of 18 Local carry-over funds will be used to pursue a laptop for teachers program with the goal of providing all teachers all all schools a laptop computer. Computers will be provided to teachers on each instructional materials adoption cycle. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will provide whiteboard technology to MS/HS English departments and primary schools. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will provide Data Projectors and ceiling mounts in school labs and classrooms with the goal of providing a data projector with optional ceiling mount in each classroom at all schools. Necessary hardware will be purchased from local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding to establish and upgrade computer labs in primary/middle schools and high schools throughout the county. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will continue to be used to replace Windows 98 machines. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to upgrade and or replace servers in schools on an as needed basis. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to upgrade switches, cabling, and other infrastructure in selected schools. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to provide mobile labs at Middle/High Schools and selected Primary Schools. Local carry-over funds will be used to purchase Palms for all schools to enable administrators and staff to perform e-walks. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to provide additional student response systems for all schools. Local carry-over funds and "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to provide additional interactive pads for all schools. Investigate the possibilities of a County Wide Area Network. "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to purchase additional Windows XP desktop computers to replace existing machines in classrooms and labs. "Tools for Schools" funding will be used to purchase printers at all schools to replace outdated or non-functioning printers in classrooms and labs. Local carry-over funds will be used to purchase a centralized server house Odyssey Software which will serve all school that are currently using Odyssey in the county in addition to the Frakfort High School, Keyser High School, and the Mineral County Alternative School. Application will be made for SBA Grant for Secure Wireless LAN Infrastructure Implementation at Keyser High School. Walk-thru will be conducted in all schools to determine priorities for infrastructure upgrades. TECH/02: Focus on 21st century technology tools and resources that improve achievement of all students, with a special emphasis on high need and low SES students. Core Plan Title II Technology SBI 02-A Teachers will improve implementation of Compass Odyssey programs in primary and middle schools through use of the embedded formative assessment components. All P/M teachers of reading and math will have opportunity to be trained by a Compass trainer in use formative assessment components of Odyssey. Technology specialists will provide ongoing support for reading and math teacher use of formative assessment components of Odyssey software. Principals will periodically monitor teacher use of Odyssey software. Technology Specialists will receive training on the differentiated instruction and Tier III model of the Odyssey Software so they can provide staff development to teachers. 02-B Teachers will increase utilization of SAS curriculum pathways in middle schools and high schools to improve student learning. Teachers will receive staff development about these programs so that they can better understand how use can support Content Standards and Objectives that are their responsibility. Teachers of core curriculum areas will provide documentary proof to principals of implementation 02-C Teachers will utulize the use of Web-based Grade Quick and Edline in the middle and high schools where it has been purchased School and County technology specialists and contacts will receive training on Web-based GradeQuick and Edline. Administration and Staff will receive training on the use of Web-based Grade Quick and Edline. Teachers will utilize Web-based Grade Quick and Edline through-out the school year and Administrators will monitor utilization through reports. 02-D Staff will utilize the SuccessNet Technology piece of the newly purchased Scott Foresman Reading/ L.A. textbook series. A system requirements evaluation will be done at schools to determine any hardware upgrades necessary to utilize SuccessNet. Technology Specialists and school tech chairs will be trained by Scott Foresman trainers on SuccessNet. Technology Speialists and school tech chairs will train staff in utilizing SuccessNet. Administrators will monitor the utilization of SuccessNet throughout the year to ensure that differentiated instruction and Tier III model is being addressed. 02-E Professional development will be provided to all teachers in grades K-8 to ensure the grade level and core content area mapping and implementation of SchoolKit's techSteps. A techSteps grade level/core content area team will be assembled to receive initial county train the trainer training. County techSteps trainers will meet for additional training and mapping County techSteps trainers will train grade level/core content area teachers through the summer in scheduled teacher cafes' Page 10 of 18 County techSteps trainers will train grade level/core content area teachers through the summer in scheduled teacher cafes' Principals will participate in regional state provided principal seminar. Teachers will receive training throughout the year from state provided techSteps trainers Core content team will participate in state provided mapping workshop to further develop strategies for delivering techSteps . 02-F Middle Schools, High Schools, and the Alternative School will use Pearson's web-based NovaNet credit recovery/remediation program to provide at risk students extra help opportunities to recover credit and get back on track towards graduation. Local carry-over funds will be used to purchase Pearson's NovaNet. Training will be provided to selected participating school staff. NovaNet will be provided to at risk students throughout the school year TECH/03: Ensure that the use of telecommunications and internal connections in the schools will enhance learning. Core Plan Technology Erate funds will be used to support communication needs for school safety and community connection through three components: Long distance phone service from schools will be provided; Use of cellular phones will help provide security and safety, and school web servers will maintain the home school connection. Technology specialists and teachers will train and support staff in web server use. E-rate/local funds will be used to purchase and install additional T-1 lines in the middle/high schools and technical center. This should increase bandwidth two fold and allow for enhanced support toward teaching and learning. Local funds will be used to update, purchase and install drops, routers, switches, etc., in all schools as necessary. County requested e-rate funds for new school (Keyser Primary) and renovation of Wiley Ford ES but withdrew e-rate request for drops, switches, infrastructure to correspond with upcoming bond issue. Continuous staff development will be provided in the middle schools, high schools, and technical center to ensure widespread and maximum use of Jackson Software Grade Quick and Edline as a primary school/parent communication tool. E-rate/local funds will be used to provide video conferencing capabilities in the high schools, technical center, and board office. TECH/04: Provide increased access for students and teachers to 21st century tools and resources. Core Plan Technology School technology chairpersons will meet to define needs. The local Board will provide funding as possible toward goals unsupported by state funding. The county team will define new purchases for hardware, infrastructure, software, training and other support. Equitable lab access will require another middle school lab and another primary school lab be located for Keyser P/M School. All teachers, during their instructional materials adoption cycle, will receive laptop computers from local carry over funds, in an effort to improve technology integration into instruction. Local carry-over funds in conjunction with a U.S. Goverment surplus hardware give away will provide mobile labs in all schools with priority on middle and high schools. TFS, Technology Infrastructure, Local Share Funding, and Local Funds will be used to rebuild the infrastructure in the middle and high schools based upon a recent needs assessment. School needs have been prioritized and funding will be utilized over the next four years to address these infrastructure needs. Upon completion of each infrasturcture project students and teachers will have greater access and connectivity using 21st Century tools. SBA Wireless Grant Funding, TFS, Local Share Funding, and Local Funds will be used to complete the wireless grant project at Keyser HIgh School. Upon completion of this project, students and teachers at Keyser High School will have greater access and connectivity using 21st Century tools. Application will be made yearly for additional SBA Wireless Grants to enable the remaining middle schools, high school, and technical center to acquire wireless projects that will increase the accessability for students and teachers using 21st Century tools. TECH/05: Utilize innovative strategies for providing rigorous and specialized courses that may not be available without the use of 21 st century tools and resources. Core Plan Technology School principals will serve as virtual school contacts. They will evaluate school curriculum and understand the processes necessary to implement virtual school possibilites toward those needs. Upgrade the video conferencing unit at Keyser High School from telephone based system to an IP based system. This system can be used to provide greater instructional opportunities for students, conferencing opportunities for administrators, and uses for the community at large. TECH/06: Promote parental involvement and improved collaboration with community/home through the use of 21st century tools and resources. Core Plan Technology Email and school web servers will be used for improved school community involvement and increased communication. Page 11 of 18 Email and school web servers will be used for improved school community involvement and increased communication. Various software will be purchased and made available in all schools that will enable parents to access student and school information regarding activities, grading, assignments, and SADFS interventions. Local Funding will be used maintain the existing Jackson Software Programs Edline and Gradequick for Keyser High School, Frankfort High School, Frankfort Middle School, Mineral County Technical Center, and provide additional liscensing for Keyser Primary/Middle School. Parent Coordinators will be provided through a blending of Title I, Title II , and Local Funds to facilitate communication with community/home using a variety of communication tools including 21st century tools. TECH/07. Provide professional development for using the telecommunications network for training teachers and administrators to improve the integration of 21 st century tools and resources. Core Plan Title II Technology SBI Technology professional development will be provided teachers in grades K-8 by Technology Integration Specialists. K-12 teachers will have opportunities throughout the summer to participate in a variety of teacher cafes' and workshops that concentrate on 21st century teaching. Planned early release days scheduled throughout the year will provide time for technology staff development on a variety of topics including: Techsteps; NovaNet; Acuity; Writing Roadmap II; Discovery Health Connections; Discovery Streaming; Thinkfinity; Teach 21. Techology professional development will be provided throughout the year as specified by the above described professional development plan. TECH/08: Maintain and repair all 21st century tools and internal connections. Core Plan Technology Computer hardware and network infrastructure will be reliably maintained through a collaboration with RESA VIII and a county team of network and technology specialists. Local/State funds will be used to provide for a full time computer network specialist who will address networking and infrastructure needs throughout the county. Local/State funds will be used to provide for a computer repair technician to help maintain computer hardware. This position will supplement existing support. Recent walkthroughs have indicated a severe need for cabeling and other infrastructure upgrades in the two middle schools. Based upon priority, one or both of the middle schools will receive repairs using TFS, Infrastructure, and Local Share funds. TECH/09: To collaborate with adult literacy providers to provide 21st century skills for community. Core Plan Technology Technology will be used to enhance adult literacy programs with emphasis on Pre-K and Adult vocational programs. Local/State funds will be used to provide an instructional media specialist/adult basic educaton teacher who will concentrate on providing instruction on current use of technology. Page 12 of 18 NA The county and school technology plans provide a description of how the county and schools plan to allocate adequate resources to provide students with equitable access to 21st century technology tools, including instructional offerings and appropriate curriculum, assessment and technology integration resources aligned to both the content and rigor of state content standards as well as to learning skills and technology tools. The plans include the various technologies that enable and enhance the attainment of 21st century skills outcomes for all students. How we plan for technology in our county and schools is based upon the validation from research-based evaluation findings from previous West Virginia-based evaluation projects. In addition, through the technology planning process, the county and schools continue to study and include emerging technologies for application in a twenty-first century learning environment. The purchase of technology through state contracts provides for uniformity in technological hardware and software standards and procedures. State provided anti-virus protection software helps to ensure network security and integrity. Expanded bandwidth, along with additional local, state and federal funding, provide increased ability for the county to ensure that the capabilities and capacities of the technology infrastructure are adequate for acceptable performance of the technology being implemented in the public schools. As an additional benefit, the county and schools enjoy the opportunity to purchase from state contracts that allow us to be able to take advantage of appropriate bulk purchasing abilities and to purchase from competitively bid contracts. An added benefit for our county and school data collection and reporting to the Department of Education and to the federal government is WVEIS, the state-provided comprehensive statewide uniform integrated education management and information system. Also developed by WVEIS, the online county and school’s technology plan’s structure allows flexibility to adjust the plan based on developing technology, federal and state requirements and changing local school and county needs. The online county and school technology plans are developed in compliance with United States Department of Education regulations and Federal Communications Commission requirements for federal E-rate discounts. The county and schools also continue to seek applicable federal government funds, philanthropic funds, and other partnership funds (or any combination of these types of funds) to augment state appropriations and encourage the pursuit of funding through grants, gifts and donations. Some technology initiatives in schools and counties may not be adequately addressed in the goals/objective/strategy section of the technology planning section. The county and school narrative allow planning teams to structure a framework/narrative description to describe how the county and schools will allocate adequate resources to provide students and teachers to twenty-first century technology tools. Page 13 of 18 Schools and counties should analyze digital divide survey reports as a needs assessment for technology planning. Digital Divide Summarize concerns from the analysis of the survey. Analysis of Assessment Data: All schools include an analysis of WESTEST assessment data in pre school planning. Testmate Clarity and WVEIS programs WVS.777 and WVS.773 will provide specific class and student information to the classrooom teacher. The "I Know" web site will provide current and continuous pretest/posttest instructional information. This results in a plan to address needs in each school improvement plan and individual classroom. Identified curriculum needs that might be better addressed with technology include reading, vocabulary development, writing and mathematics. Staff development is needed. Good software is a constant concern in order to address current curriculum needs. All school plans describe staff development needs or plans to assess needs. Avenues to budgeting toward those needs has been discussed with the tech chair and school principal. Odyssey software was deployed in all primary and middle schools. All primary personnel received a several day's training and follow up continues periodically. New middle school deployment began with train the trainer school teams supported first by Compass trainers and now by county Tech Specialists. It has broadened to include additional Compass trainer led workshops. Training will be sustained in future workshops. Hardware: Win 98 computers remain to be replaced because teachers contiinue to find use for older machines. Rooms converted to classrooms will need internet access as they are created. Analysis of Unified School Strategic Plans generally indicate that schools intend increased computer technolgy usage in order to address their identified needs. Teachers recognize the importance of technology tools in 21st century classrooms. Several primaries indicate their intention to monitor weekly and monthly compass Odyssey usage reports. High schools have approached improved usage on a departmental basis. Some plans mention need for improved access and faster computer repair. More support personnel are needed, though two Technology specialists have been hired to assist basic skills schools, no funds have yet been identified to address these needs for high schools. A network technician has been hired from local county funds. Technology Infrastructure : Classrooms are networked with new requests for additional drops a continuing need. Networked classrooms are ethernet and have internet access. All schools have been upgraded to T1 service. All middle and high schools will move to MLFR service for 2007-2008. There is recognition of need to use Cat6 cabling for future cabling installations. School Satisfaction Survey Community desire for improved home/ school communication is beginning to find an answer in school web servers. All school servers now have appropriate software to function as web servers. School personnel and community volunteers have beed identified to use this service in some schools. Two Ed Tech specialist have been placed to provide staff development and support in implementing their web server possibilities. OEPA Reports While no noncompliances where found, recommendations were received indicating need to more fully integrate technology into instruction and better support teacher needs for technology staff development. Facilities Assessment: Several schools have need to provide computer lab access/ adequate lab access: Burlington Primary needs support to complete their first lab placement. Keyser Primary Middle (1250 students) can provide only three 25 station labs and a mobile lab. At Keyser P/M there is possibilty of a new computer lab in a large related arts classroom. A wireless mobile lab was placed last year (2006) and others might also serve the continuing need in the middle school. Perhaps an additional mobile lab is the only possible answer for necessary increased lab access for the primary school. White boards have recently been implemented in several schools and interest has been aroused for additonal installations. TIS personnel in middle and high schools are ready to provide training as the hardware becomes available. Page 14 of 18 County E-Rate Compliance Questions Acceptable Use Policy Look at the information included in this section. Revise if any of the information listed is incorrect or needs to be updated. 1. Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? Yes No 2. If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision? 3. When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance? 05/10/2001 (mm/dd/yyyy) 4. Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy. http://boe.mine.k12.wv.us Schools Other Buildings Total 5. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have Dial Up modem connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 6. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have 56K frame relay connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 7. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 14 3 17 8. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections? 0 0 0 9. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 10. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have DSL connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 11. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have 10 Mb connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 12. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have 45 Mb connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 13. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have 100 Mb connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 14. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have 1 Gb connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 15. Please identify for E-Rate requirements the number of schools and other buildings in your county that have more than 1 Gb connections to the Internet? 0 0 0 16. Please identify for E-Rate requirements any other configurations that may exist for schools and other buildings connecting to the Internet? (Please only answer this question if your school or other building connections do not apply to any of the questions above. This question allows for emerging technologies that may not be in place when the survey was written. Most counties should leave this question blank.) Page 15 of 18 Technology Planning Budget Funding Hardware Software Infrastructure Maintenance Prof. Salaries Benefits Stipends SuppliesOther TOTALS Source Development TFS $35,0000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,634.00 $75,634.00 elementary TFS-secondary $25,000.00 $5,624.00 $25,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $75,624.00 TI $25,000.00 $4,000.00 $25,000.00 $5,821.00 $5,000.00 $64,821.00 Local share $15,931.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 $2,500.00 $30,931.00 EETT County/school $150,000.00 $30,000.000 $50,000.00 $20,000.00 $68,971.13 $27,775.15 $346,746.28 Grants Title I $43,939.00 $6,897.52 $50,836.52 SpEd Title II $20,000.00 $33,456.00 $15,146.00 $20,000.00 $88,602.00 Other Other TOTALS $250,931.00 $47,124.00 $125,000.00 $38,321.00 $55,634.00 $146,366.13 $49,818.67 $20,000.00 $733,194.80 Funding Source Year E-rate funds 2009 Annual Cellular Disc% Commit County Match 15,500.00 10,075.00 5,425.00 120,000.00 78,000.00 42,000.00 Internal Conn Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internal Connections 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internet Access 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,500.00 21,125.00 11,375.00 700.00 460 247 Data Lines Long Distance Paging Voice 110,000.00 71,500.00 38,507.00 Voice/Long Distance 0.00 0.00 0.00 WAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 Web Hosting 0.00 0.00 0.00 E-rate Totals *278,707.00 181,160.00 97,574.00 *The annual e-rate total was reduced due to switching the carrier, thus receiving a better rate. TFS/Elementary E-rate Application 2009 State Totals - TFS/Elementary 0.00 0.00 0.00 TFS/Secondary E-rate Application 2009 State Totals - TFS/Secondary 0.00 0.00 0.00 Funding Source Year E-rate funds 2008 Annual Cellular Disc% Commit County Match 15,334.08 9,967.15 5,366.93 112,440.00 73,086.00 39,354.00 Internal Conn Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internal Connections 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internet Access 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,420.52 23,023.34 12,397.18 698.76 454.19 244.57 Data Lines Long Distance Paging Voice 121,959.52 79,273.69 42,685.83 Voice/Long Distance 0.00 0.00 0.00 WAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 Web Hosting 0.00 0.00 0.00 E-rate Totals 285,852.88 185,804.37 100,048.51 TFS/Elementary E-rate Application 2008 State Totals - TFS/Elementary 0.00 0.00 0.00 TFS/Secondary E-rate Application 2008 State Totals - TFS/Secondary 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 16 of 18 Funding Source Year E-rate funds 2007 Annual Bundled Voice/Long Distance 7,776.00 2007 Funding Source Year E-rate funds 2006 4,821.19 2,954.93 11,468.00 7,110.71 4,358.17 89,640.00 55,576.80 34,063.20 Internal Conn Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internal Connections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,743.00 2,941.11 1,802.61 721.00 447.37 274.19 Voice 43,848.00 27,186.08 16,662.43 WAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 Web Hosting 0.00 0.00 0.00 E-rate Totals 158,198.00 98,083.26 60,115.53 State Totals - Elemenary TFS 0.00 0.00 0.00 State Totals - TFS/Elementary 0.00 0.00 0.00 State Totals - TFS/Secondary 0.00 0.00 0.00 Paging TFS/Secondary E-rate Application County Match Data Lines Long Distance 2007 Commit Cellular Internet Access TFS/Elementary E-rate Application Disc% Annual Disc% Commit County Match Cellular 10,227.93 6,545.88 3,682.05 Data Lines 65,640.00 42,009.60 23,630.40 Internal Conn Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internal Connections 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internet Access 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,952.08 2,529.33 1,422.75 721.56 461.80 259.76 Voice 43,076.76 27,569.13 15,507.63 WAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 Web Hosting 0.00 0.00 0.00 E-rate Totals 123,618.33 79,115.74 44,502.59 Long Distance Paging State Basic Skills E-rate Application 2006 State Totals - BS/CE 0.00 0.00 0.00 State SUCCESS E-rate Application 2006 State Totals - SUCCESS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Funding Source Year E-rate funds 2005 Annual Disc% Cellular 15500.00 Data Lines Commit .65 County Match 0.00 0.00 60,660.00 39,934.50 20,725.50 Internal Conn Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internal Connections 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internet Access 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,589.68 4,056.79 2,532.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,415.92 15,430.94 8,984.98 Web Hosting 0.00 0.00 0.00 E-rate Totals 91,665.60 59,422.23 32,243.37 Long Distance Paging Voice Page 17 of 18 State Basic Skills E-rate Application 2005 State Totals - BS/CE 0.00 0.00 0.00 State SUCCESS E-rate Application 2005 State Totals - SUCCESS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 18 of 18