PENDLETON County Technology Plan 2004-2007 OPTIMAL Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning Last revised on February 09, 2005 Page 1 of 30 County Technology Plan West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and others. Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining, implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of technology for administrative and instructional tasks. The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online format ( This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following: Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program E-rate Funds The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech) Program West Virginia House Bill 4319 Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE) WV SUCCESS WVDE Reinventing Education However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational technology supports achievement and lifelong learning. Page 2 of 30 Technology Team Contact Information Name: JP Mowery Title: Director of Finance Email: Phone: 304-358-3303 Ext: 25 Name: Ann Bennett Title: Curriculum & Instruction Email: Phone: 304-358-2207 Ext: 23 Name: Judy Waggoner Title: Middle School Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-358-2573 Name: Karen Propst Title: High School Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-358-2573 Name: John Smith Title: North Fork Elementary Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-567-3193 Name: Deborah Glover Title: Franklin Elementary Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-358-2206 Name: Patricia McClung Title: Franklin Elementary Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-358-2206 Name: Christian Dasher Title: Brandywine Elementary Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-358-5381 Page 3 of 30 Name: Rose Robinson Title: Brandywine Elementary Technology Mentor Email: Phone: 304-358-5381 Name: Trent Sites Title: Coordinator of Computer Services Email: Phone: 304-358-2207 Ext: 30 Page 4 of 30 County Mission and Vision Statements County Vision: The Vision of Pendleton County Board of Education is to provide a community of well educated, gainfully employed citizens who are involved in their schools, community and a global economy. County Mission: Pendleton County Schools mission statement is to provide a safe/caring learning environment that enables all students to attain their maximum potential Page 5 of 30 Needs Assessment Analysis of Assessment Data The number one priority is a need to improve student performance in all basic skills areas in order to meet the NCLB requirements through improved test scores. All our Title I schools achieved AYP, however, our county did not meet the goal in one subgroup. Our second need is sustained staff development. Analysis of UCIP Surveys and our county staff development committee determined a need for individual staff development pertinent to particular subjects. Standards Based Mathematics and researched reading strategies will shape our technological instruction and curriculum. In addition, our county will continue our efforts towards refining,increasing,and improving our technology intgegration in all subjects. Technology Infrastructure The Digital Divide Survey indicated that each of our schools have at least one computer lab, with Franklin Elementary and Pendleton County Middle/High School having multiple labs. Our classrooms have at least one to three computers. The survey shows a glaring need to upgrade our existing computers. Our long-term goal is to place three computers in every elementry classroom with Compass Tomorrow's Program and Accelerated Reader. Our short-term goal, is to upgrade our stations at all schools on a yearly rotational basis. We have an overall student to instructional computer ratio of almost 3 to 1, however, the Digital Divide Survey cleary indicates that 40% of those computers are Windows 95. Franklin Elementary, in particular, has over 78% Windows 95 machines. North Fork Elementary has 65% Windows 95 machines. There is a clear need to upgrade and replace computers in all schools, however. The fact that we do not qualify as a "needy" school system for Ed-Tech funding complicates the situation. We will explore other sources of funding, including grants, legislative funding and local funding. Server upgrades are also a need. As the state and county migrate to Odyssey software, new servers will be needed. A recently received computer replacement grant from the West Virginia Department of Education will allow us to upgrade computer labs at all schools. The West Virginia Achieves AYP report indicated a need to provide tutorial and advanced curricular software for the middle/high school to improve student achievement. Surveys indicated the need for staff development to integrate technology into the curriculum for all subject matter. Our goal is to offer staff development through such avenues as classroom modeling, visits to schools with outstanding technological programs, and consultant directed workshops. School Satisfaction Survey The framework for high performing schools includes student/parent support as an important pillar. An indicator from our school's satisfaction surveys focused on improved school/parent communication which has resulted in setting goals to create open lines of communication among all involved parties. Our county/school web pages offer parents and community a wide array of information. Increased Page 6 of 30 parental involvement in our schools will be a goal adopted by all schools and administrators. Prinicpals will be offered training and encouragement to implement a paperless system of communication within the school environment whenever possible. OEPA Reports OEPA audits conducted in November, 2003 at two of our elemntary schools indicated the need for a greater variety of instructional strategies. This need will be addressed through increased staff development. Technology mentors will offer opportunities for teachers to integrate technology with classroom instruction. OPEA recommended additional personnel for one computer lab, however, due to financial restraints we are unable to employ additional staff. Instead, we will concentrate on changing the schedule to facilitate greater utilization of the lab. Facilities Assessment T1 lines have been installed and will be maintained in all schools. Working with Phyllis Justice and Verizon, routers have been upgraded to support network access and quality of service of our video over IP applications. An additional ATM/T1 line is utilized at Pendleton County Middle/High School to provide coursework through Eastern WV Community and Technical College and Marshall University June Harless Center. At Franklin Elementary Schools, a 1950's era structure, swithches, network drops and network infrastructure have been upgraded through an SBA grant. Brandywine Elementary will not be updated at the present time as an application for SBA funding to build a new school has been submitted. Page 7 of 30 Instructional Goal #1 Improve curricular and instructional practices Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To implement educational technologies into the classroom that will enchance the learning process and increase academic skills, capabilities, and knowledge of all students. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: 80% of staff will participate in individualized staff development (2002-03) Year 2: 85% of staff will participate in individualized staff development (2003-04) Year 3: 90% of staff will participate in individualized staff development (2004-05) Year 4: 95% of staff will participate in individualized staff development (2005-06) Year 5: (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 A Compass Tomorrow's Promise representative will offer elementary teachers, principals, and support staff one session of individualized program review, integration/program strategies training. These sessions will be geared to the grade and subject specific. Principals will be trained about using student reports, how to evaluate a teacher's utilization of the program, and how to use the Tomorrow's Promise program to it's fullest potential for improved student achievement. Persons Responsible Compass representative Principals Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 8 of 30 No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ E-rate - BSCE E-rate App. Total: 2 Substitutes Professional Development Step 7 Total: 300 300.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Middle/high school staff will be offered staff development for integrating SchoolKit with classroom instruction. Persons Responsible High School Tech Mentor State Technololgy Team Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Tutorial and assessment software programs such as Skills Bank,Skills Tutor, and IKnow will be sustained at the middle/high and elementary schools to improve student achievement for all students. Persons Responsible All staff Technology Mentors Activity Type Professional Development Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Substitutes Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 2500 Total: 2500.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Page 9 of 30 Mathematics representatives will demonstrate all software and on-line resources that accompany the newly adopted textbooks. Teachers will practice and integrate this technology within their classroom instruction for grades K-12. Sustained workshops will be conducted yearly. Persons Responsible Textbook representatives Director of Curriculum Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 An automated library system will be researched and studied for future installation at Franklin Elementary school. The librarian and parent volunteers will be provided technical training and support. An open house will introduce the student/staff body and board members to this new technology. Reports will be generated at specified times to evaluate the system. Persons Responsible Librarian Principal Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Virtual School courses will be offered to provide students with challenging and approved courses. Persons Responsible Guidance Counselor PCHS Assistant Principal Page 10 of 30 Activity Type Access Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Payment for Classes Access Est $ WV Virtual School 1000 Total: 1000.00 Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 A Technology Forum between Bath & Highland counties, VA and Pocahontas & Pendleton countiies has been established for the purpose of sharing information and increase course offerings to all our students and staff. Persons Responsible Superintendents Director of Finance Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Hardware - Other Access Grants 18000 Total: 18000.00 Technology Activity: #8, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 "Virtual Field Trips" will be scheduled in all schools for all subjects as classroom instruction and activities require. Approximately 25 trips will be scheduled each year. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum Activity Type Access Innovative Strategies Page 11 of 30 No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Hardware - Other Innovative Strategies Step 7 10000 Total: 10000.00 Technology Activity: #9, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Pendleton County Middle/High School will work closely with Eastern Community & Technical College to offer college courses and required courses to increase academic credits and achievement. Persons Responsible Counselors Assistant Principal Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Connection Fees Access Step 7 6000 Total: 6000.00 Page 12 of 30 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To update facilities and technology infrastructure so that access to updated technology supports curricular goals and objectives. Digital divide survey data indicates that the ratio of students to WIN 98 or higher computers is 29.8 to 1 at Franklin Elementary School. Upgrading computers, particularly in the labs must be a priority at Franklin Elementary School. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Replace/update computers and network infrastructure as needed. (2002-03) Year 2: Replace computers in the PCHS labs (Business Education and downstairs high school lab) (2003-04) and network infrastructure as needed. Year 3: Replace 28 computers in the upstairs FES lab, 22 computers at the NFES lab, 18 at BES, (2004-05) and network infrastructure as needed. Year 4: Replace servers at Franklin and Brandywine Elementaries. Evaluate status of computers in (2005-06) the high school library Year 5: Replace 28 computers in Franklin's downstairs lab and computers in the School's to Work (2006-07) lab Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Update/replace computers as needed. Persons Responsible Computer Technician Tech Coordinator Business Manager Tech Mentors Activity Type Access THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 13 of 30 No. Budget Item 1 2 3 4 Activity Type Hardware - Desktop Access Hardware - Desktop Access Hardware - Desktop Access Hardware - Desktop Access Funding Source Est $ BS/CE 12339.19 Total: 12339.19 Grants 72000 Total: 72000.00 SUCCESS 17409 Total: 17409.00 Telecommunications 22500 Total: 5 Hardware - Desktop Admin/Support Procedures Grants Total: 22500.00 6000 6000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To maintain and update network infrastructure to allow the most efficient use of school networks and the Internet. Persons Responsible Computer Technician Tech Coordinator Business Manager Activity Type Access No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access 2 3 4 5 E-rate - Cellular Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access E-rate - Data Lines E-rate - Voice E-rate - Long Distance Access Access Access E-Rate Year 7 570.45 General Funds 210.99 Total: 781.44 Grants 5000 Total: 5000.00 E-Rate Year 7 24150.45 General Funds 8579.55 Total: 32730.00 E-Rate Year 7 7285.05 General Funds 2194.59 Total: 9479.64 E-Rate Year 7 2743.11 General Funds 1014.57 Total: 3757.68 Page 14 of 30 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 The partnership with Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College Access Center will be continued. An ATM/T1 video over IP connection will continue to be funded by Eastern as part of the partnership. Classes for students, staff development and the community will be offered. Persons Responsible Superintendent Tech Coordinator Business Manager Guidance Counselor Activity Type Access Professional Development Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access Step 7 6000 Total: 6000.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Grants will be pursued to provide Smart Boards for the middle school computer lab and the eighth grade math class. This is an endeavor to increase student involvement in mathematics instruction for all students, especially those identified in an identified subgroup. This also DVD/VCR players and a wireless access point. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum Classroom teacher Tech Mentor Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 15 of 30 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Innovative Strategies Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 3216 Hardware - Other Funding Source Est $ Total: 2 Hardware - Peripherals 3216.00 Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 391.85 Total: 391.85 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To maintain and update network infrastructure to allow the most efficient use of school networks and the Internet. Persons Responsible County e-rate coordinator County technology coordinator Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 5061.79 General Funds 1585.61 Total: 6647.40 2 3 E-rate - Voice Funding Source Est $ E-rate - Long Distance Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 E-rate - Data Lines 1587.77 General Funds 713.35 Total: 2301.12 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 17034.14 General Funds 6523.18 Total: 23557.32 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To maintain and update network infrastructure to allow the most efficient use of school networks and the Internet. Persons Responsible County e-rate coordinator County technology coordinator County technician Activity Type Content/Tech Integration Page 16 of 30 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 570.45 General Funds 210.99 Total: 781.44 2 3 4 E-rate - Cellular E-rate - Data Lines Funding Source Est $ Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 8 24150.45 General Funds 8579.55 Total: 32730.00 E-rate - Long Distance Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 2743.11 General Funds 1014.57 Total: 3757.68 E-rate - Voice Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 8 7285.05 General Funds 2194.59 Total: 9479.64 Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 To improve the network infrastructures at Brandywine ES and Pendleton County HS in order to improve the integration of technology for student achievement and enhance communication on the telecommunications network Persons Responsible County e-rate coordinator County technology coordinator Activity Type Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 7 2 E-rate - BSCE E-rate App. Funding Source Est $ 5014.24 BS/CE 1253.56 Total: 6267.80 E-rate - SUCCESS E-rate App. Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 7 4786.57 SUCCESS 2051.39 Total: 6837.96 Page 17 of 30 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #3 To continue to provide funding for county computer repair technician and tech mentors. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Continued employment of county technician and tech mentors. (2002-03) Year 2: Continued employment of county technician and tech mentors (2003-04) Continued employment of county technician and tech mentors. The goal for FY 2004-2005 Year 3: is to increase the county technician's time of employment from 3 days per week to 4 days (2004-05) per week. Year 4: Continued employment of county technician at a minimum of 4 days per week and tech (2005-06) mentors. Year 5: (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #3 Continued and increased employment of county computer repair technician Persons Responsible Business manager Superintendent Board of Education Tech Coordinator Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Admin/Support Procedures THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Salary Funding Source Est $ Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 30000 30000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #3 Page 18 of 30 Continued payment of supplemental salary to personnel who serve as tech mentors in the schools. Persons Responsible Business Manager Superintendent Tech Coordinator Personnel Director Activity Type Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Salary Funding Source Est $ Content/Tech Integration General Funds Total: 15000 15000.00 Page 19 of 30 Instructional Goal #2 Sustain and provide quality professional development for all staff. Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Provide a comprehensive system of professional development including activites based on research, alligned with West Viginia Content Standards and responsive to WVDE direction. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: 80% of staff will participate in staff devlopment (2002-03) Year 2: 85% of staff will participate in staff development (2003-04) Year 3: 90% of staff will participate in staff development (2004-05) Year 4: 95% of staff will participate in staff development (2005-06) Year 5: (2006-07) Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Administrators and staff will utilize videocoferencing for communication and professional development. A partnership was formed with the Marshall University, June Harless Center to offer staff development. Data Analysis, Guided Reading, and Phonemic Awareness sessions allows our staff to incorporate instructional strategies from these offerings and guide AYP objectives. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum Principals Activity Type Professional Development THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 20 of 30 No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Total: Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Mobile videoconferencing equipment will be purchased for Brandywine Elementary as part of the partnership with the Marshall University, June Harless Center. The county will pay 1/2 the cost of a new unit. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum Director of Fiance Activity Type Access Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Hardware - Other Grants 3800 Total: 3800.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Videoconferencing technology will be used to offer course work from institutions of higher learning for teachers and staff seeking additional or required certification. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum Activity Type Access Professional Development THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Total: 1600.00 Technology Activity: #9, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Page 21 of 30 on-line training will be offered to the middle/high school staff. Any staff member may participate with an emphasis for participation from special educators and career cluster educators. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum Activity Type No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Page 22 of 30 Instructional Goal #3 Increase frequency and quality of communications internally and externally Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Improve school system/community communication Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: 80% of all personnel will utilize communication through technology (2002-03) Year 2: 85% of all personnel will utilize communication through technology (2003-04) Year 3: 90% of all personnel will utilize communication through technology (2004-05) Year 4: 95% of all personnel will utilize communication through technology (2005-06) Year 5: (2006-07) Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 All principals and inner office staff will communicate externally and internally by increased use of e-mail. Persons Responsible Technology Mentors Director of Curriculum Activity Type Access Admin/Support Procedures THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Page 23 of 30 Service personnel staff will be trained to use e-mail and word processing for communication between central office and their schools. Food orders will continue to be communicated to the purchasing agent by e-mail. Persons Responsible Director of Child Nutrition Technology Mentors Activity Type Access Admin/Support Procedures THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 The county and school's web page will be maintained. Information for parents and community will be posted on a monthly basis. Persons Responsible Principals Central Office Staff Technology Mentors Activity Type THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Salary Access General Funds 3000 Total: 3000.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Training will be provided for staff to operate the automated phone system at the middle/high to communicate attendance, announcements, and assignments to parents and community. This training was included as part of the orginial purchase last year, however, the system and training will be installed and implemented this year. Persons Responsible Principals Attendance Personnel Director of Curriculum Page 24 of 30 County Computer Techinican Activity Type Access Professional Development THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 An automated grading program will be sustained at the middle-high school. This program provides parents with grading information for their child upon request and at all grading periods. Teachers will be provided with update training in August and October. Persons Responsible Technology Mentors Staff Activity Type Access Professional Development THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Support computer/technology workshops for families and community members. GED classes will be offered at the high school by the South Branch Technical and Vocational School. College courses will be offered to the public at various schools. Persons Responsible Board office personnel Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM Page 25 of 30 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ No Budget Items Technology Activity: #8, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1 All principals and central office staff will be provided with palm pilots. Training will be offered by RESA VIII and EdVenture staff. Persons Responsible Director of Curriculum RESA VIII Business Manager Activity Type Access Professional Development Admin/Support Procedures THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Travel Funding Source Est $ Admin/Support Procedures General Funds Total: 200 200.00 Page 26 of 30 Compliance Checklist Ed Tech Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve student achievement? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 3 2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and high-poverty schools) yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 4 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will have increased access to technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 1 4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers, principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2 5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 4 6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 3 7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental involvement to increase communication with parents? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 1 Page 27 of 30 8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed in collaboration with adult literacy providers? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 7 9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2 E-rate Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 5 2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or budgeted for purchase? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 1 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 6 4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to communicate with other computers over an internal network? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 6 5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the equipment connected to the telecommunications network? yes This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 2 6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 3 and Activity 1 7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they Page 28 of 30 integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 1 8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application? no 9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet Connections: Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet? 0 Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet? 0 Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 4 Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections? 1 Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0 Page 29 of 30 Policies and Procedures Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? yes If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision? 06/03/2002 When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance? 06/2002 Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy. Page 30 of 30