MONROE County Technology Plan 2004-2007 OPTIMAL Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning Last revised on February 04, 2005 Page 1 of 32 County Technology Plan West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and others. Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining, implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of technology for administrative and instructional tasks. The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online format ( This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following: Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program E-rate Funds The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech) Program West Virginia House Bill 4319 Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE) WV SUCCESS WVDE Reinventing Education However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational technology supports achievement and lifelong learning. Page 2 of 32 Technology Team Contact Information Name: Paul Lovett Title: County Technology Coordinator/JMHS Tech Team Chair Email: Phone: 304-753-9971 Name: Sandra Humphries Title: Technology contact/Math at Mountain View School Email: Phone: 304-772-4903 Name: Bobbie Tuggle Title: Technology contact/ Bs.Ed Teacher - JMHS Email: Phone: 304-753-4328 Name: Chris Booth Title: Technology contact/Librarian at Peterstown M. S. Email: Phone: 304-753-4322 Name: Rebecca Dillon Title: Technology contact/Buisness at Monroe Tech. Center Email: Phone: 304-753-9971 Name: Dr. Lyn Guy Title: Superintendent Email: Phone: 304-772-3094 Name: Cindy Laws Title: Peterstown Public Librarian/Parent Email: Phone: 304-753-9568 Name: Austie Miller Title: Parent Email: Phone: 304-753-4991 Page 3 of 32 Name: Elizabeth Pitzer Title: Parent Resource/PTA President Email: Phone: 304-772-4903 Name: Darla Ellison Title: Teacher/School Contact at PES Email: Phone: 304-753-4328 Name: Debra St. Clair Title: James Monroe School Technology Contact/Teacher Email: Phone: 304-753-5182 Name: Pamela Jackson Title: Web designer at James Monroe Email: Phone: 304-753-5182 Page 4 of 32 County Mission and Vision Statements County Vision: The vision statement of Monroe County Schools is three fold. It includes a Focus on Students, Focus on Staff, and Focus on Community. FOCUS ON STUDENTS: Our graduates shall... 1) Be literate, technologically competent, self-sufficient, independent learners, as they transition to today's work force or higher education. 2) Feel a strong sense of school/community pride and high self-esteem. 3) Recognize the value of service to the community. 4) Actively pursue mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy lifestyles, emphasizing the positive rural values of our community, without excluding global opportunities. 5) Have the life skills necessary for being a success wherever they go, whether it be Monroe County or beyond its borders. FOCUS ON STAFF: Our staff shall... 1) Recognize that parents are our children's first and best teachers and seek to make them partners in the educational process. 2) Emphasize a cooperative attitude among all staff that is clearly and positively communicated to our students. 3) Model and promote disciplined behavior, creating an environment where teachers can teach and students can learn. 4) Serve as models of flexibility in teaching methods, preparation and communication to students and each other. 5) Become competent problem solvers (both identifying and prioritizing needs) and help our students see themselves solving problems both competently and confidently. 6) Include all personnel as partners in meeting the education needs of all students. FOCUS ON COMMUNITY: The Board and its administrators shall... 1) Encourage and provide opportunities for students, parents, and the commuinity to share ownership and responsibility for the educational outcomes. 2) Actively support efforts that involve parents in the education of their children. 3) Establish effective communication with all segments of the education community. 4) Maintain safe and clean facilities and equipment for optimum use by school and community. 5) Provide opportunities for continuous life-long learning for the community. 6) Recognize the importance of early intervention and work with parents and agencies to prevent problems at their earliest possible point. 7) Give priority to collaboration with all agencies serving children, recognizing that academic success is only part of a child's life. 8) Direct the greatest resources to the greatest need. 9) Recognize the role an education system plays in the economic well-being of a community and work in partnership with business and industry both to assist our students in preparing for roles within that sector and to assist the economic development of the county. County Mission: Monroe County Schools are dedicated to developing and sustaining a community of literate, competent, Page 5 of 32 productive, life-long learners. Page 6 of 32 Needs Assessment Analysis of Assessment Data Through faculty, student, parent and community needs assessment surveys done through the school improvement councils of each school we have determined that we need to emphasize the importance of reading in the elementary and secondary schools in Monroe County and to improve in expressive writing at all grade levels. This year at each school literacy coaches have been hired to work with teachers in improving reading comprehension throughout all curriculums. The literacy coaches work in and out of the classroom by demonstrating, and evaluating lessons on reading and writing. Through the continual purchase of software we feel that we can improve student skills in reading and writing. This year Mountain View School will be upgraded with 25 new IBM computers and the Odyssey basic skills software. We have also purchased appropriate staff development for teachers who will be teaching at Mountain View. In all Monroe County schools we have Accelerated Reader Software and teachers are receiving training in this program through on staff faculty who are experienced in the use of the program. The Accelerated Reader program is available in labs and on each teacher’s classroom computers to allow for the development of reading assignments to suit their own situation. “Fun†group activities are provided as a reward such as trips to plays, movies, etc, which relate to the books that were read. Analysis of UCIP Professional development needs will be directed in developing the technology skills of classroom teachers and in improving the networking and administrative skills of school and the county technology coordinators. Network administrators training in the educational setting was done in 2003 and will be updated in 2005 with funding through ED Tech. Science teachers have been trained in the e-mission and are actively using them in the counties two middle schools. CSO training was given to all teachers in August of 2004 and follow training will be given in three month intervals. Through CD’s provided by the state, WESTEST results will be shared and CSO/Matrix training will be provided at each school by the school test coordinators. Odyssey training will be provided at Mountain View in 2005 with substitutes and training provided by ED tech formula money. Through the use of technology we will address many of the needs expressed in our UCIP, however our specific improvement areas will be reading comprehension and reading vocabulary. County and school technology teams will assess the improvement of technology integration at the end of each semester. Monroe County Schools will continue to invite Ballard Christian and Amana Christian to attend all technology trainings provided to our faculties. Technology Infrastructure In Monroe County our computer ratio to student population is as follows: JMHS 4.2:1, Monroe County Technical Center 5.4:1, Mountain View 5.8:1, Peterstown Elementary 3.4:1, and Peterstown Middle 6.2:1. In looking at these ratios two of the five schools are below the state average. This year we are concentrating on replacing the Windows 95 computer labs with monies from Basic Skills, SUCCESS, ED Tech and local monies. The computers from the labs will be given to teachers throughout the schools to lower our student to computer ratio below the state average. Our technology infrastructure will be improved by the following: Peterstown Elementary-Install fiber optic cable between buildings, install more internet drops, replace hubs with switches, James Monroe High School- upgrade hubs to switches, install new internet drops, Peterstown Middle-use wireless network to connect buildings, install new internet drops, upgrade Page 7 of 32 switches. The funds for these upgrades will come from Basic Skills, ED Tech, SBA grants and local monies. School Satisfaction Survey Through our School Improvement Councils each school does a satisfaction survey that is sent home to each parent in the school community, to all faculty, staff and to all students. Each administrator of each school compiles the results of these surveys and the School Improvement Councils determine how they can meet the needs expressed in the surveys. We are reaching a large majority of our school /community populations through this survey process. Most schools in our county have a web site that helps parents keep up with school activities. We need to improve our web sites so that every school will keep an up to date site. Through the Gear Up Program we are setting up a web site with homework help line and online tutoring. Our school web site at James Monroe High School was selected as a “Cool School” web site as was the web site at Mountain View School. The web site at Monroe County Technical Center competed in the state FBLA contest and placed third. The county has an excellent web site that is current and very informative with all county policies available to the public. In addition to our web sites our county superintendent writes a weekly column for the local paper which addresses all current issues in Monroe County Schools. Parents and community members are kept abreast of all activities in our schools through this newspaper. Several teachers have individual web pages where they post homework assignments, activities within their classes and just spot light student achievements. At James Monroe High School we run a PowerPoint project on closed circuit TVs which has current announcements, upcoming school activities, student pictures and announcements of achievements. These announcements can be viewed in each classroom and in the commons area on four large screen television monitors. This technology project keeps parents and visitors up with school news as they come into the school for athletic events, etc. At the secondary level schools publish newspapers through desk top publishing classes and in the elementary level publications are sent home for parents through the efforts of individual teachers or school organizations. In some cases parents and students assist in keeping information on school web sites current. All of these endeavors help us to keep our community involved and informed through technology. OEPA Reports OEPA reports were reviewed in the development of this plan. Peterstown Elementary was given a commendation for their receipt of a TLC Grant and for having a lab available for students and for community after hours and James Monroe High School was given a commendation for their strong technology plan which included good utilization of hardware and software for students and community. All schools now have T1 lines and this has greatly increased the efficiency of their computers. This year all teachers will be evaluated on their technology skills and integration of those skills into classroom curricula. Through the use of technology we are improving reading skills and we are using technology to address OPEA standards. Facilities Assessment Monroe County Schools are all equipped with T1 lines at the present. We have submitted an SBA grant for switching and cable drops Peterstown Middle School. Through local, ED Tech, Basic Skills/SUCCESS monies we are purchasing computers to upgrade the computer labs at Peterstown Elementary, James Monroe High School, Monroe County Technical Center, and Mountain View Elementary. Peterstown Middle will receive computers in 2005 for teachers who do not have a three to one ratio in their classroom. Through these facilities improvements we can improve the time for “hands on” technology integration in all our schools. Virtual School Page 8 of 32 Through technology and state funding we have been able to provide two French classes for students at James Monroe High School. These two classes are assigned to one of our labs for two periods a day. They are provided a speaker phone, high tech microphone headsets and an English teacher who serves as the class mentor. When all 26 of the students are online we notice that other computers become bogged down. Our new switches should solve this problem. In 2005 through a grant by RESA 1 James Monroe and Mountain view will be receiving a new T1 line to run their virtual schools. Page 9 of 32 Instructional Goal #1 Improve reading vocabulary at all schools and at all grade levels. Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 All schools will have more than 50% of their students performing at or above the 60th percentile in reading as measured by the 2004-2005 WESTEST and 60% of classroom teachers will be trained during this school year in curriculum appropriate software applications. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Increase the percentage to 50% of students performing at the 60th percentile in each (2002-03) school in Monroe County. Year 2: Increase the percentage to 53% of students performing at the 60th percentile in each (2003-04) school in Monroe County. Year 3: All schools will have 54% of their students performing at the 60th percentile in reading (2004-05) through the use of technology and reading software. Year 4: All schools will have 55% of their students performing at the 60th percentile in reading (2005-06) vocabulary and comprehension as measured by the WESTEST in 2005-06. All schools will have 58% of their students Year 5: performing at the 60th percentile in reading vocabulary and comprehension as measured (2006-07) by the WESTEST in 2006-07. Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 All schools will provide extra time and extra help for students with reading deficiencies. This teaching will be provided during daily advisory time slots at the secondary level (25 minutes per day), through peer tutoring during school hours, through peer and teacher led tutoring after school, during regular basic skills classes grades 9-12, through open lab sessions for students and community after school hours, through summer programs for at-risk students and through reading recovery and Title I programs. Persons Responsible Principal/ Other Designated Administrator School/County Technology Contact Grants Coordinator Teachers Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Page 10 of 32 Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access 2 3 4 Hardware - Desktop Network Infrastructure - Cabling Access Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access SUCCESS 28800 Total: 28800.00 SBA 4006.10 Total: 4006.10 SUCCESS 1000 Total: 1000.00 SBA 5184 Total: 5184.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Teachers will be trained in the use of all appropriate software for their grade level which pertains to the reading curriculum. Persons Responsible Principal/ Other Administrator County Technology Coordinator School Technology Coordinators Activity Type Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Professional Development Professional Development Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 4746 Total: 2 Software - Instructional Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Total: 3 Hardware - Desktop Content/Tech Integration Telecommunications Total: 4 Hardware - Server Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Total: 5 Est $ Hardware - Desktop Content/Tech Integration BS/CE Total: Page 11 of 32 4746.00 18056 18056.00 18,000 18,000 2408 2408.00 5584 5584.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 At the secondary level students who show reading deficiencies shall be enrolled in basic skills reading classes and shall be instructed using appropriate software. Persons Responsible Principal/ Counselor Teachers School/ County Technology Contact Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development Local Levy/Bond 1000 Total: 2 Salary Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond Total: 3 4 5 Substitutes Software - Instructional Hardware - Desktop 1000.00 1600 1600.00 Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 5135 Access Access Total: 5135.00 Local Levy/Bond 16000 Total: 16000.00 Telecommunications 19544 Total: 19544.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Reading incentive programs such as Accelerated Reader, Adventure Island and Read Aloud will be utilized to encourage the love of reading and thus improve reading skills. Community leaders will be involved in reading to elementary students and in planning incentive reward activities for all grades. Persons Responsible Principal / Other Administrator Teachers School/County Technology Contact Community Leaders Activity Type Access Professional Development Page 12 of 32 Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond Software - Application Funding Source Total: 2 Supplies Content/Tech Integration Faculty Senate Total: 3 4 5 Professional Development Professional Development Local Levy/Bond Hardware - Desktop Hardware - Desktop Access Access Est $ 500 500.00 1000 1000.00 1000 Total: 1000.00 Telecommunications 1396 Total: 1396.00 Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 4630 Total: 4630.00 Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Peer and teacher led tutoring in reading will be provided after school hours using computer labs and appropriate reading software and appropriate Internet sites. Monroe County Technical Center will increase technology opportunities by upgrading and installing a computer lab for other curricula to use. Persons Responsible Principal / Grants Coordinator Teachers Students Community Leaders Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures Page 13 of 32 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access Local Levy/Bond 4000 Network Infrastructure - Cabling Total: 2 Hardware - Desktop 4000.00 Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 40600 Total: 3 Hardware - Desktop 40600.00 Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 10,000 Total: 4 5 Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access SUCCESS 263 Total: 263.00 E-Rate Year 6 1055 Total: 1055.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide access to the Internet, WVEIS, to provide a safe school environment, to maintain a stable network, and to provide for improved communication between school, home and community. Persons Responsible County/School Technology Coordinators RESA Coordinator Teachers Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 2 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ E-rate - Internal Connections Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 8006.40 General Funds 2001.60 Total: 10008.00 E-rate - CSU/DSU Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 7 19461.75 Local Levy/Bond 5813.25 Total: 25275.00 Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide access to the Internet, WVEIS, to provide a safe school environment, to maintain a stable Page 14 of 32 network, and to provide for improved communication between school, home and community Persons Responsible County e-rate coordinator School and County technology coordinators Administration Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 2 3 4 E-rate - Voice Funding Source Est $ General Funds 3321.34 Total: 14440.60 E-rate - Long Distance Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 E-rate - CSU/DSU E-rate - Cellular 11119.26 2877 General Funds 843.00 Total: 3720.00 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 21494.55 General Funds 6240.45 Total: 27735.00 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 12016.80 Local Levy/Bond 3589.44 Total: 5 E-rate - Paging 15606.24 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 6 3698.40 General Funds 1104.72 Total: 4803.12 Technology Activity: #8, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide access to the Internet, WVEIS, to provide a safe school environment, to maintain a stable network, and to provide for improved communication between school, home and community. We will add another T1 line to the Monroe County Board Office in E-rate Year 7. We have requested e-rate funds through SUCCESS. Also the Monroe County financial officer has committed the reimbursed funds from E-rate Years 5 and 6 to maintaining technology projects, implementation and repairs in the county. Most of the repairs will be facilitated through the RESA I staff. Persons Responsible County E-rate coordinator Principals Page 15 of 32 Teachers Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Admin/Support Procedures E-Rate Year 7 2 3 4 5 E-rate - Voice E-rate - Long Distance E-rate - Cellular E-rate - Paging Funding Source Est $ 12335.40 General Funds 3684.60 Total: 16020.00 Admin/Support Procedures E-Rate Year 7 3696 General Funds 1104 Total: 4800.00 E-Rate Year 7 13860 General Funds 4140 Total: 18000.00 E-Rate Year 7 4620 General Funds 1380 Total: 6000.00 E-Rate Year 7 14400 General Funds 3600 Total: 18000.00 Stakeholder Involvement Stakeholder Involvement E-rate - Internal Connections Content/Tech Integration Technology Activity: #9, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide the infrastructure for the schools in Monroe County so that students can use the Internet for highter level instruction and teachers can access standards based lesson plans and communitate with parents/homes/and communities. County and RESA technology staff are in the final stages of planning a distance learning lab at James Monroe High School and Mountain View Elementary/Middle School. This will be funded by a grant through RESA in collaboration with Monroe County Schools and will provide foreign language and other higher level courses in Monroe County. Persons Responsible Teachers Principals County Tech. coordinator Students Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Page 16 of 32 Innovative Strategies No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 7 3734.68 General Funds 1600,58 Total: 3734.68 Content/Tech Integration Grants 100000 2 5 E-rate - SUCCESS E-rate App. Hardware - Peripherals Funding Source Est $ Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access Total: 100000.00 Grants 20,000 Total: Technology Activity: #10, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide open access to parents and community to all school activities in Monroe County through the use of technology in the schools Persons Responsible County technology coordinator Principals Teachers Students Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Admin/Support Procedures THERE IS NO BUDGET ITEM No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Stakeholder Involvement E-Rate Year 8 12335.40 General Funds 3684.60 Total: 16020.00 E-Rate Year 8 3696 General Funds 1104 Total: 4800.00 2 3 4 E-rate - Voice E-rate - Long Distance E-rate - Cellular E-rate - Paging Stakeholder Involvement Admin/Support Procedures E-Rate Year 8 Stakeholder Involvement 13860 General Funds 4140 Total: 18000.00 E-Rate Year 8 4620 General Funds 1380 Page 17 of 32 5 E-rate - Internal Connections Content/Tech Integration Total: 6000.00 E-Rate Year 8 14400 General Funds 3600 Total: 18000.00 Page 18 of 32 Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 All schools will have fewer than 15% of their students performing in the 1st quartile on total basic skills as measured by th 2004-2005 WESTEST. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile will decrease by 2%. (2002-03) Year 2: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile in all schools will continue to decrease by 2%. (2003-04) Year 3: We will decrease the numbers in the 1st quartile by another 3%, making a total decrease of (2004-05) 7% since 2002-2003. Year 4: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile in all schools will continue to decrease by 2%. (2005-06) Year 5: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile in all schools will continue to decrease by 2%. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Staff development will be provided for 100% of teachers in analyzing test scores and developing activities for re-teaching basic reading skills. Test coordinators will use technology related software (TestMate Clarity) to explain and interpret test data. Persons Responsible Principal / Other Administrator County/ School Test Coordinators School technology contact Activity Type Professional Development Stakeholder Involvement Admin/Support Procedures Page 19 of 32 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Professional Development Title I Substitutes Funding Source 5400 Total: 2 5400.00 Hardware - Notebook Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Competitive - Round 1 1990 Total: 3 Est $ 1990.00 Hardware - Desktop Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS 11940 Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 10056 Total: 21996.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Students with identified reading deficiencies placing them in the 1st quartile will be given individualized instruction through peer tutoring, after school programs, summer at risk programs or during the regular school day through the use of reading software. Persons Responsible Principal / Other Administrator School/County Technology Contact Teacher Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source 1 Access Telecommunications 4000 2 3 Stipends Software - Instructional Innovative Strategies Est $ Total: 4000.00 General Funds 4000 Total: 4000.00 E-rate - Internal Connections Professional Development Grants Total: Page 20 of 32 10000 10000.00 Instructional Goal #2 Improve reading comprehension at all schools at all grade levels. Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 All schools will have more than 50% of their students performing at or above the 60th percentils in reading comprehension as measured by the 2004-2005 WESTEST and 60% of classroom teachers will be trained during this school year in curriculum appropriate software applications. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: Every school will have at least 51% of their students performing at or above the 60th (2002-03) percentile in reading in the 2003-2004 school year. Year 2: Increase the percentage to 53% of students performing at the 60th percentile in each (2003-04) school in Monroe County. Year 3: All schools will have 54% of their students performing at the 60th percentile in reading (2004-05) through the use of technology and reading software. Year 4: All schools will have 55% of their students performing at the 60th percentile in reading (2005-06) vocabulary and comprehension as measured by the WESTEST in 2005-2006. Year 5: All schools will have 57% of their students performing at the 60th percentile in reading (2006-07) vocabulary and comprehension as measured by the WESTEST in 2006-2007. Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 All schools will provide extra time and extra help for students with reading deficiencies. This teaching will be provided during daily advisory time slots at the secondary level (25 minutes per day), through peer tutoring during school hours, through peer and teacher led tutoring after school, during regular basic skills classes grades 9-12, through open lab sessions for students and community after school hours, through summer programs for at-risk students and through reading recovery and Title I . programs. The same opportunities will be offered in collaboration with adult literacy providers. Persons Responsible Principa;/Other Designated Administrator School/County Technology Contacts Grants Coordinator Teachers Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Page 21 of 32 Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS 2 3 Hardware - Desktop Network Infrastructure - Cabling Funding Source Est $ Access 28000 General Funds 38000 Total: 66000.00 SBA 9800 Total: 9800.00 Network Infrastructure - Electronics Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 Total: 8000 8000.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Teachers will be trained in the use of all appropriate software for their grade level which pertains to the reading curriculum. Persons Responsible Principal/Other Administrator County Technology Coordinator School Technology Coordinator Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 2 3 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ Professional Development Professional Development BS/CE Software - Instructional Hardware - Server Innovative Strategies Access 4600 Total: 4600.00 Grants 1000 Total: 1000.00 BS/CE 2800 Total: 2800.00 Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Page 22 of 32 All the secondary level students who show reading deficiencies may be enrolled in basic skills reading classes and shall be instructed using appropriate software. Persons Responsible Principal/Counselor Teachers School/County Technology Coordinators Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 2 Activity Type Funding Source Professional Development Professional Development Title I Stipends Substitutes 500 Grants 1000 Total: 1500.00 Professional Development Local Levy/Bond Total: 3 Est $ 1500 1500.00 Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Competitive - Round 2 1000 Total: 1000.00 Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Reading incentive programs such as Accelerated Reader, Adventure Island and Read aloud will be utilized to encourage the love of reading and thus improve reading skills. Community leladers will be involved in reading to elementary students and in planning incentive reward activities for all grades. Persons Responsible Principal/Other Administrator Teachers School/County Technology Coordinators Community Leaders Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures Page 23 of 32 No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access Faculty Senate 2000 Total: 2000.00 Total: 1000.00 2 Supplies Professional Development Professional Development Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Peer and teacher led tutoring in reading will be provided after school hours using computer labs and appropriate reading software and appropriate Internet sites. Monroe County Technical Center will increase technology opportunities by updating software and computers in business lab. AR tests and related activities will be administered during advisory, before and after school. Persons Responsible Principal/Grants Coordinator Teachers Students Community Leaders Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Access General Funds 16600 Total: 16600.00 2 Hardware - Desktop Salary Access Local Levy/Bond 2000 Total: 3 Software - Application Content/Tech Integration General Funds Total: 4 Software - Instructional Content/Tech Integration General Funds Total: 2000.00 6000 6000.00 4000 4000.00 Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 Students participating in the Accelerated Reader Program in Monroe County schools will be given reward points for reading and may use them to purchase items in the AR Store. They may also use them for field trips and other rewards such as movies, skiing trips, etc. Page 24 of 32 Persons Responsible Principal/Administrators Teachers AR School Coordinators School/County Technology Coordinators Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item Activity Type Funding Source Est $ 1 Local Levy/Bond 5000 2 3 Travel Supplies Substitutes Stakeholder Involvement Access Total: 5000.00 Faculty Senate 1000 Total: 1000.00 Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 4000 Total: 4000.00 Technology Activity: #7, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1 To provide the infrastructure in the secondary and elementary schools of Monroe County so that students can use the Internet for instruction, and teachers can access standards-based lesson plans and communicate with the parents/homes/community. Persons Responsible School/County Technology Coordinator Teachers Principals Activity Type Access Content/Tech Integration Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures Page 25 of 32 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 2 3 E-rate - BSCE E-rate App. E-rate - SUCCESS E-rate App. Funding Source Est $ BS/CE 578 Total: 2890.00 Content/Tech Integration E-Rate Year 6 Network Infrastructure - Electronics Access Page 26 of 32 2312 25083 SUCCESS 7876 Total: 32959.00 Grants 20000 Total: 20000.00 Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 All schools will have fewer than 15% of their students performing in the 1st quartile on total basic skills as measured by the 2004-2005 WESTEST. Indicators of Achievement: Year 1: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile will decrease by 2%. (2002-03) Year 2: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile in all schools will continue to decrease by 2%. (2003-04) Year 3: We will decrease the numbers in the lst quartile by another 3%, making a total decrease of (2004-05) 7% since 2002-2003. Year 4: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile in all schools will continue to decrease by 2%. (2005-06) Year 5: The numbers of students in the 1st quartile in all schools will continue to decrease by 2%. (2006-07) Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Staff development will be provided for 100% of teachers in analyzing test scores and developing activities for re-teaching basic reading skills in all curriculum areas. Test coordinators will use technology related software (TestMate Clarity)to explain and interpret test data. Persons Responsible Principal/Other Administrators County/School Test Coordinators Activity Type Professional Development Stakeholder Involvement Admin/Support Procedures Page 27 of 32 No. Budget Item Activity Type 1 Professional Development Title I 2 Substitutes Funding Source 3000 General Funds 1000 Total: 4000.00 Hardware - Notebook Admin/Support Procedures Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 1990 Total: 3 Est $ 1990.00 Hardware - Desktop Admin/Support Procedures SUCCESS 28800 Ed Tech Formula - Round 2 10056 Total: 38856.00 Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #2 Students with identified reading deficiencies placing them in the 1st quartile will be given individualized instruction through peer tutoring, after school programs, summer at risk programs or during the regular school day through the use of reading software. Persons Responsible Principal/ Other Administrator School/County Technology Coordinator Teachers Activity Type Access Professional Development Content/Tech Integration Stakeholder Involvement Innovative Strategies Admin/Support Procedures No. Budget Item 1 2 3 Activity Type Funding Source Est $ E-rate - SUCCESS E-rate App. Access Salary Professional Development E-Rate Year 7 5335 Total: 5335.00 Content/Tech Integration Grants Innovative Strategies 5000 Total: 5000.00 Step 7 2000 Total: 2000.00 Page 28 of 32 Compliance Checklist Ed Tech Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve student achievement? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 5 2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and high-poverty schools) yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 1 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will have increased access to technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 1 4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers, principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 1 5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 1 6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)? yes This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 2 and Activity 2 7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental involvement to increase communication with parents? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1 Page 29 of 32 8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed in collaboration with adult literacy providers? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1 9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 2 E-rate Compliance Checklist 1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 2 2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or budgeted for purchase? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 2 3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 2 4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to communicate with other computers over an internal network? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 2 and Activity 2 5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the equipment connected to the telecommunications network? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 2 6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 5 7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they Page 30 of 32 integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum? yes This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 4 8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application? yes This is addressed under Goal Objective and Activity 9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet Connections: Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet? 0 Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet? 0 Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 4 Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections? 0 Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0 Page 31 of 32 Policies and Procedures Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy? yes If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision? October 16, 2001 When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance? October 16, 2001 Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy. Page 32 of 32