TAYLOR County Technology Plan 2004-2007

TAYLOR County Technology Plan
Online Planning - Technology Integration Measures for Achievement and Learning
Last revised on February 03, 2005
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County Technology Plan
West Virginia has placed an emphasis on equitably providing technology for schools in order to
enhance student learning, improve student achievement, and prepare students for post-secondary
education and the world of work. Many stakeholders are involved in this process including students,
teachers, administrators, parents, community members, legislators, board of education members and
Collectively, the county technology planning team members have assisted in creating, refining,
implementing and utilizing educational technology to meet the current standards, develop local
programs, build partners and capacity, make data-driven decisions, and to evaluate the use of
technology for administrative and instructional tasks.
The county technology plan is a component of the UCIP and is based on the state OPTimal online
format (http://wv.ontargetus.com/). This plan will serve several functions. Not only does the plan
complement and support the county's instructional goals as delineated in the UCIP, it is also intended to
help meet the technology objectives/requirements of the school, county/state policies, state/federal
programs, and competitive grants. Examples of these include the following:
Policy 2320: A Process for Improving Education Performance Based Accreditation System
Policy 2450: Virtual Distance Learning
Policy 2460: Use of the Internet by Students and Educators
Policy 2470: Use of Technology by Students and Educators
Policy 2510: Assuring Quality of Education
Policy 2520: Content Standards and Objectives
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in order to receive Universal Service Fund Program
E-rate Funds
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which establishes the Enhancing Education Through
Technology (Ed Tech) Program
West Virginia House Bill 4319
Basic Skills/Computer Education (BS/CE)
WVDE Reinventing Education
However, the most important function of the plan is to ensure that the effective use of educational
technology supports achievement and lifelong learning.
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Technology Team Contact Information
Name: Kathy Green
Title: Coordinator of Technology/Hepzibah Principal
Email: kgreen@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-2497 Ext: 13
Name: John Stallings
Title: Director of Curriculum
Email: jstallin@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-2497 Ext: 24
Name: Kathy Noble
Title: Anna Jarvis Elem., 1st Grade
Email: knoble@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-4090
Name: Wynne Proudfoot
Title: Anna Jarvis Elem., 4th Grade
Email: wproudfo@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-4090
Name: Marta McCullough
Title: Hepzibah Elem., 2nd Grade
Email: mlmccull@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-592-1847
Name: Sue Murphy
Title: Pruntytown Elementary Principal
Email: samurphy@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-1893
Name: JR Hoops
Title: RESA VII Technician
Email: jr.hoops@verizon.net
Phone: 800-427-3600
Name: Vicki Nuzum
Title: Flemington Elem., 3rd Grade
Email: vnuzum@aol.com
Phone: 304-739-4749
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Name: David Proudfoot
Title: Taylor County Middle School, Tech Ed.
Email: dproudfo@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-0722
Name: Diana Thomspon
Title: Taylor County Middle School, 6th Grade
Email: dthompso@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-0722
Name: Don Kenyon
Title: Grafton HIgh School, Math and Technology
Email: dkenyon@access.k12.wv.us
Phone: 304-265-3046
Name: Tami Mayle
Title: Parent
Email: tamayle@juno.com
Phone: 304-265-2791
Name: Chris Bowman
Title: FBI-Business Partner
Email: cdbowman6@aol.com
Phone: 304-625-3847
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County Mission and Vision Statements
County Vision:
The Taylor County Board of Education community is committed to providing students and staff with an
environment that encourages lifelong learning and discovery supported by appropriate instructional
programming and opportunities which serve as a catalyst for instructional reform.
County Mission:
The mission of the Taylor County School System is to provide a superior educational program for all
students so that they can function in the 21st Century as effective and constructive members of society.
We will provide effective leadership, responsible fiscal management, and quality learning environments
which are essential in the delivery of quality visionary programs in each school throughout the county.
We share with the home and community the responsibility for the academic, social/emotional, physical
education of all students so that they will be prepared to live and work in a rapidly changing world.
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Needs Assessment
Analysis of Assessment Data
Our school technology coordinators have a school survey that teachers completed March of 2004. This
survey gives a report of the needs of our teachers in the areas of staff development, technology
integration, parent involvement, hardware and software issues, students usage and funding technology.
The areas that need more training on in order to improve teachers in the classroom are providing staff
development time to work on curriculum integration which includes more training on software and
hardware. Our major emphasis at the present time is training teachers to use the i-Know website to
improve teaching and evaluating the Content Standards and Objectives.
Analysis of UCIP
In May of 2002 several Taylor County School system personnel, business partners and community
members met at the Good Shepherd Church in Grafton to develop a 5 year UCIP. Each year during the
month of December a team revisits the plan and addresses technology and other areas. Technology is
shown as an integration tool using the Technology Content Standards and Objectives.
Technology Infrastructure
Kathy Green has been hired as the Technology Coordinator for the Taylor County School System. She
works closely with her maintenance staff, RESA VII, the Basic Skills and WV Success Program and
school technology coordinators to upgrade and assess the infrastructure in each school.
Analysis of each school's digital divide surveys are made every January that drives the infrastructure
changes and improvements.
School Satisfaction Survey
Our school districts 6 principals are responsible for the yearly School Satisfaction Survey that is sent
home to parents. This survey determines the needs in our schools which includes technology. A
principal's meeting is held in the spring of each year to review the results.
OEPA Reports
On November 19, 2004 Taylor County School District received full accreditation status for all 6 schools.
In assessing the status of schools on performance measures, the following data was reviewed:
achievement, participation rate, attendance rate, and graduation rate.
Technology was used in our schools by our students and teachers to achieve all the areas listed above
in order to make full accreditation.
Not only are the students participating in the hands on learning in the area of techolology, but our
teachers are using it to provide the data to improve achievement which provides us with the information
to assess our needs.
Facilities Assessment
All classrooms in our school district are cabled and connect to a network and/or the Internet. Our goal is
to add a T1 line to West Taylor Elementary School upon completion in January of 2006.
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Instructional Goal #1
To provide an appropriate and effective instructional program so that all students may reach their full
Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
100% of the students in our school district will be able to use different types of technology and apply the
literacy skills learned from Pre School through the twelfth grades during this school year.
Indicators of Achievement:
1. Baseline Data will be used on Standardized Test scores
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect state standards in technology
3. All teachers will show technology integration into the curriculum through lesson plans
4. All teachers in grades PreK-6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 1:
generated from Compass Learinng, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2002-03) 5. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of the student will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement will
be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Baseline Data will be used on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect state standards in technology.
3. All teachers will show technology integration into the curriculum through lesson plans.
4. All teachers in grades PreK-6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 2:
generated from Compass Learinng, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2003-04) 5. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of the students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect state standards in technology.
3. All teachers will show technology integration into the curriculum through lesson plans.
4. All teachers in grades PreK-6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 3:
generated from Compass Learinng, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2004-05) 5. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of the students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
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courses taken by students.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect state standards in technology.
3. All teachers will show technology integration into the curriculum through lesson plans.
4. All teachers in grades PreK-6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 4:
generated from Compass Learinng, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2005-06) 5. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of the students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Two percent improvement on Standardized Test scores (Westest).
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect state standards in technology.
3. All teachers will show technology integration into the curriculum through lesson plans.
4. All teachers in grades PreK-6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learinng, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 5:
5. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of the students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
7. Digital Divide Survey
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Basic Skills Program - Students will complete software programs from Compass Learning - Tomorrow's
Promise that correlate with the Technology Content Standards and Objectives to achieve mastery.
Persons Responsible
Teachers in grades PK-6
Building Administrator
County Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Professional Development
Content/Tech Integration
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Desktop
Software - Instructional
Content/Tech Integration BS/CE
Professional Development Professional Development BS/CE
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
West Virginia Success Program - Students will complete software programs that correlate with the
Technology Content Standards and Objectives to achieve mastery.
Persons Responsible
Teachers in grades 7-12
Building Administrator
County Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Professional Development
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Hardware - Server
Software - Instructional
Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS
Professional Development
Professional Development SUCCESS
Network Infrastructure - Electronics Content/Tech Integration SUCCESS
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Integrate the West Virginia Technology Standards through class assignments.
Persons Responsible
PreK-12th Grade Teachers
School Technology Coordinator
Building Administrator
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Activity Type
Professional Development
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source
Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 8000.00
Hardware - Notebook
Est $
Software - Instructional Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 2000.00
Professional Development Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 10000.00
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Students will enroll in Technology classes and/or Virtual School in grades 2 through 12.
Persons Responsible
Tech Ed Teachers in grades 5 -12
Guidance Counselors
Buiilding Administrator
School Technology Coordinators
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
Innovative Strategies
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Local Levy/Bond 3000.00
Hardware - Desktop
Software - Instructional Content/Tech Integration Local Levy/Bond 1500.00
Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Students and teachers will have access to the Internet and WVEIS in order to enhance learning and
improve student achievement in all Taylor County Schools
Persons Responsible
E-rate coordinator
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Activity Type
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
E-rate - Data Lines
E-rate - Voice
E-rate - Long Distance Access
E-Rate Year 6
General Funds
E-Rate Year 7
General Funds
E-Rate Year 6
General Funds
E-Rate Year 7
General Funds
E-Rate Year 6
General Funds
E-Rate Year 7
General Funds
Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #1, Technology Improvement Objective #1
(This activity is a continuation of Activity 5.)
Students and teachers will have access to the Internet and WVEIS in order to enhance learning and
improve student achievement in all Taylor County Schools
Persons Responsible
E-Rate Coordinator
Activity Type
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No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
E-rate - Data Lines
E-rate - Voice
E-rate - Long Distance
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
E-Rate Year 8
General Funds
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Instructional Goal #2
To provide, maintain, and retain a competent staff sufficient to deliver an appropriate and effective
instructional program.
Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
100% of the administrators, teachers, and school technology coordinators will participate in staff
development programs that relate to technology integration by attending workshops and college classes
of 3 hours or more.
Indicators of Achievement:
1. Baseline Date will be used on Standardized Test scores
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect this participation
3. All Teachers will show through their lesson plans technology integration into the
4. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 1:
5. All teachers in grades 7-12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
7. All teachers will complete forms to show attendance at Staff Development Sessions in
the areas of technology
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect this participation.
3. All Teachers will show through their lesson plans technology integration into the
4. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 2:
5. All teachers in grades 7-12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
7. All teachers will complete forms to show attendance at Staff Development Sessions in
the areas of technology.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
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2. All teacher evaluations will reflect this participation.
3. All Teachers will show through their lesson plans technology integration into the
4. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 3:
5. All teachers in grades 7-12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
7. All teachers will complete forms to show attendance at Staff Development Sessions in
the areas of technology.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect this participation.
3. All Teachers will show through their lesson plans technology integration into the
4. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 4:
5. All teachers in grades 7-12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
7. All teachers will complete forms to show attendance at Staff Development Sessions in
the areas of technology.
1. Two percent improvement on Standardized Test scores. (Westest)
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect this participation.
3. All Teachers will show through their lesson plans technology integration into the
4. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep reports of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 5:
5. All teachers in grades 7-12 will be in compliance with the WV Success Program. Lab
(2006-07) logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
6. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
7. All teachers will complete forms to show attendance at Staff Development Sessions in
the areas of technology.
8. Digital Divide Survey
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
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Attend staff development oportunities provided by Taylor County Board of Education, West Virginia
Department of Education, EdVenture Group, Governor's Summer Institute, Technology Opportunity
Centers, Integration Services Group,Compass Learning, Technology Standards, College Classes,
Technology Conferences, and Taylor County Board of Education's Summer Academy.
Persons Responsible
Pre School - 12th Grade Teachers
County Technology Coordinator
Building Administrators
School Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Professional Development
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source
Est $
Professional Development Professional Development Ed Tech Competitive - Round 3 7000.00
Local Levy/Bond
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Hire a county Technology Coordinator to oversee all areas in technology Pre School to 12th grade.
Persons Responsible
Board of Education
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #2, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Train the Technology Coordinators in all areas of technology at each school so they can train staff
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Persons Responsible
County Technology Coordinator
Director of Curriuculum
Activity Type
Professional Development
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Professional Development Professional Development Step 7
Local Levy/Bond 1000.00
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Instructional Goal #3
To provide an open and effective system of communication and public relations that will keep the
employees and community informed, interested and actively involved in public education in Taylor
County Schools.
Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
All six schools will develop technology plans that will show how technology will be used as an effective
tool to improve teaching and learning, and increase parental and community involvement.
Indicators of Achievement:
1. Up dated School Technology Plan turned in by September 30th of each school year
2. School/Parent Satisfaction Survey done in the spring of every school year
3. Teacher Evaluations will reflect the use of technology and integration into the curriculum
Year 1:
4. Baseline Data will be used on Standardized Test scores
(2002-03) 5. Increase in parental and community involvement as shown through participation in
technology meetings and activities
6. Adults attending the daily Technology Adult Basic Education Class at the Taylor County
Technical Center
1. Up dated School Technology Plan turned in by September 30th of each school year.
2. School/Parent Satisfaction Survey done in the spring of every school year.
3. Teacher Evaluations will reflect the use of technology and integration into the curriculum.
Year 2:
4. We will see a 5% improvement on Standardized Test scores.
(2003-04) 5. Increase in parental and community involvement as shown through participation in
technology meetings and activities.
6. 5% increase in the Adults attending the daily Technology Adult Basic Education Class at
the Taylor County Technical Center.
1. Up dated School Technology Plan turned in by September 30th of each school year.
2. School/Parent Satisfaction Survey done in the spring of every school year.
3. Teacher Evaluations will reflect the use of technology and integration into the curriculum.
Year 3:
4. We will see a 5% improvement on Standardized Test scores.
(2004-05) 5. Increase in parental and community involvement as shown through participation in
technology meetings and activities.
6. 5% increase in the Adults attending the daily Technology Adult Basic Education Class at
the Taylor County Technical Center.
1. Up dated School Technology Plan turned in by September 30th of each school year.
2. School/Parent Satisfaction Survey done in the spring of every school year.
3. Teacher Evaluations will reflect the use of technology and integration into the curriculum.
Year 4:
4. We will see a 5% improvement on Standardized Test scores.
(2005-06) 5. Increase in parental and community involvement as shown through participation in
technology meetings and activities.
6. 5% increase in the Adults attending the daily Technology Adult Basic Education Class at
the Taylor County Technical Center.
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1. Up dated School Technology Plan turned in by September 30th of each school year.
2. School/Parent Satisfaction Survey done in the spring of every school year.
3. Teacher Evaluations will reflect the use of technology and integration into the curriculum.
Year 5:
4. We will see a 2% improvement on Standardized Test scores. (Westest)
(2006-07) 5. Increase in parental and community involvement as shown through participation in
technology meetings and activities.
6. 2% increase in the Adults attending the daily Technology Adult Basic Education Class at
the Taylor County Technical Center.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Write a technology plan for each school that includes members of the PTO, LSIC, Administration,
Teachers, Parents, Business Partners, and Cummunity Leaders.
Persons Responsible
School Technology Coordinator
County Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Professional Development
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Professional Development General Funds
Funding Source Est $
Professional Development Stakeholder Involvement
Local Levy/Bond 1000.00
Professional Development Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 1000.00
Technology Activity: #2, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Continue the Technology Adult Basic Education Program and GED Classes during the school day and
Persons Responsible
Diana Cochran, GED Director
County Technology Coordinator
Technical Center Director
School Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
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Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Software - Instructional Access
Hardware - Desktop
Funding Source Est $
Local Levy/Bond 2000.00
Content/Tech Integration Grants
Technology Activity: #3, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
All schools will have a Technology Activity for parents to participate in during Computer Learning Month
Persons Responsible
County Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #4, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
All schools have a Web Page and will keep it current for parents and community members to read.
Persons Responsible
School Technology Coordinator
County Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
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Technology Activity: #5, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Taylor County Board of Education has a Web Page posted that will continue to include the latest news
in Taylor County Schools for all community members to read.
Persons Responsible
County Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
No. Budget Item
Activity Type Funding Source Est $
No Budget Items
Technology Activity: #6, Instructional Goal #3, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Title I will hold a yearly technology class for parents and students. This activity will be held in the
evenings at each Title I School.
Persons Responsible
Title I Director
County Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
Title I Teachers
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Stakeholder Involvement Title I
Stakeholder Involvement Title I
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Instructional Goal #4
To provide policies, administrative procedures and organizational structures to accomplish the mission
of the Taylor County School System.
Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
All 6 schools in Taylor County will use the same Acceptable Use Policy that has been approved by the
Taylor County Board of Education and all students, teachers and parents will sign this form yearly to
show they have discussed and agreed to the rights and responsibilities of the AUP.
Indicators of Achievement:
1. All students, teachers and parents must sign the County Acceptable Use Policy yearly.
2. All homeroom teachers will keep track of the signed Acceptable Use Policies.
Year 1:
3. All administrators and teachers will discuss and agree to the AUP by following the
guidelines and regulations in the West Virginia State Department of Education Internet
Policy 2460 and the Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2470.
1. All students, teachers and parents must sign the County Acceptable Use Policy yearly.
2. All homeroom teachers will keep track of the signed Acceptable Use Policies.
Year 2:
3. All administrators and teachers will discuss and agree to the AUP by following the
guidelines and regulations in the West Virginia State Department of Education Internet
Policy 2460 and the Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2470.
1. All students, teachers and parents must sign the County Acceptable Use Policy yearly.
2. All homeroom teachers will keep track of the signed Acceptable Use Policies.
Year 3:
3. All administrators and teachers will discuss and agree to the AUP by following the
guidelines and regulations in the West Virginia State Department of Education Internet
Policy 2460 and the Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2470.
1. All students, teachers and parents must sign the County Acceptable Use Policy yearly.
2. All homeroom teachers will keep track of the signed Acceptable Use Policies.
Year 4:
3. All administrators and teachers will discuss and agree to the AUP by following the
guidelines and regulations in the West Virginia State Department of Education Internet
Policy 2460 and the Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2470.
1. All students, teachers and parents must sign the County Acceptable Use Policy yearly.
2. All homeroom teachers will keep track of the signed Acceptable Use Policies.
Year 5:
3. All administrators and teachers will discuss and agree to the AUP by following the
guidelines and regulations in the West Virginia State Department of Education Internet
Policy 2460 and the Use of Technology by Students and Educators Policy 2470.
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #4, Technology Improvement Objective #1
At the beginning of each school year all students, teachers, and parents must sign the County
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Acceptable Use Policy.
Persons Responsible
County Technology Coordinator
Homeroom Teacher
Activity Type
Stakeholder Involvement
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Admin/Support Procedures Local Levy/Bond 1200.00
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Instructional Goal #5
To provide a comprehensive and efficient financial system and to utilize effectively the available
revenues, allocated funds, entitlement funds, and competitive funds to carry out the Unified County
Improvement Plan of the Taylor County School System.
Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Taylor County School System will provide to all students and teachers the necessary technological
devices to deliver an appropriate and effective instructional program through available funding sources
during the school year.
Indicators of Achievement:
1. Baseline Data will be used on Standardized Test scores
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect the use of technological devices
3. All School Technology Plans will show a budget and funding sources
4. All lesson plans will show technology integration into the curriculum
5. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep records of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 1:
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
6. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance the the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
7. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect the use of technological devices.
3. All School Technology Plans will show a budget and funding sources.
4. All lesson plans will show technology integration into the curriculum.
5. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep records of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 2:
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2003-04) 6. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance the the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
7. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
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2. All teacher evaluations will reflect the use of technological devices.
3. All School Technology Plans will show a budget and funding sources.
4. All lesson plans will show technology integration into the curriculum.
5. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep records of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 3:
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2004-05) 6. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance the the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
7. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Five percent improvement on Standardized Test scores.
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect the use of technological devices.
3. All School Technology Plans will show a budget and funding sources.
4. All lesson plans will show technology integration into the curriculum.
5. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep records of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
Year 4:
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
(2005-06) 6. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance the the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
7. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
1. Two percent improvement on Standardized Test scores (Westest).
2. All teacher evaluations will reflect the use of technological devices.
3. All School Technology Plans will show a budget and funding sources.
4. All lesson plans will show technology integration into the curriculum.
5. All teachers in grades PreK - 6 will be in compliance with the Basic Skills Program and
keep records of student achievement as an indicator for success. These reports will be
generated from Compass Learning, Tomorrow's Promise.
Year 5:
6. All teachers in grades 7 - 12 will be in compliance the the WV Success Program. Lab
logs will be kept to show the attendance of students in the lab setting and lesson plans will
reflect the technology standards mastered.
7. 100% of our students will use technology in the schools. This indicator of achievement
will be shown on class schedules submitted to principals, logs kept on computer labs, and
courses taken by students.
8. Digital Divide Survey
Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #5, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Technological devices will be purchased yearly through several types of funding sources.
Persons Responsible
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County /School Technology Coordinator
Activity Type
Content/Tech Integration
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source
Hardware - Notebook Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 6000.00
Hardware - PDA
Content/Tech Integration General Funds
Content/Tech Integration Telecommunications G
Software - Application Content/Tech Integration Ed Tech Formula - Round 3 2000.00
Est $
Hardware - Desktop
Content/Tech Integration Title I
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Instructional Goal #6
To maintain and upgrade facilities and to provide the facilities, equipment, and services needed to
support the educational program.
Instructional Goal #6, Technology Improvement Objective #1
The Taylor County School System will maintain and upgrade all technological devices needed to
support the educational program yearly.
Indicators of Achievement:
1. All administrators will produce work orders to RESA to maintain and upgrade
technological devices.
Year 1:
2. All school technology coordinators will use the Basic Skills and Success hot line numbers
(2002-03) to report computers, etc. that need fixed that are still under warranty.
3. Through the Basic Skills Program, WV Success, and Telecommunications we will
upgrade computers and other technological devices yearly.
1. All administrators will produce work orders to RESA to maintain and upgrade
technological devices.
Year 2:
2. All school technology coordinators will use the Basic Skills and Success hot line numbers
(2003-04) to report computers, etc. that need fixed that are still under warranty.
3. Through the Basic Skills Program, WV Success, and Telecommunications we will
upgrade computers and other technological devices yearly.
1. All administrators will produce work orders to RESA to maintain and upgrade
technological devices.
Year 3:
2. All school technology coordinators will use the Basic Skills and Success hot line numbers
(2004-05) to report computers, etc. that need fixed that are still under warranty.
3. Through the Basic Skills Program, WV Success, and Telecommunications we will
upgrade computers and other technological devices yearly.
1. All administrators will produce work orders to RESA to maintain and upgrade
technological devices.
Year 4:
2. All school technology coordinators will use the Basic Skills and Success hot line numbers
(2005-06) to report computers, etc. that need fixed that are still under warranty.
3. Through the Basic Skills Program, WV Success, and Telecommunications we will
upgrade computers and other technological devices yearly.
1. All administrators will produce work orders to RESA to maintain and upgrade
technological devices.
Year 5:
2. All school technology coordinators will use the Basic Skills and Success hot line numbers
(2006-07) to report computers, etc. that need fixed that are still under warranty.
3. Through the Basic Skills Program, WV Success, and Telecommunications Grant we will
upgrade computers and other technological devices yearly.
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Technology Activity: #1, Instructional Goal #6, Technology Improvement Objective #1
Meetings will be held at least 2 times every year with each school to review maintaining and upgrading
technological devices.
Persons Responsible
County Technology Coordinator
School Technology Coordinator
School Technology Team
Activity Type
Admin/Support Procedures
No. Budget Item
Activity Type
Funding Source Est $
Technical Support - HW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
Technical Support - SW maintenance Admin/Support Procedures General Funds
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Compliance Checklist
Ed Tech Compliance Checklist
1. Does the county plan include the county's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve
student achievement?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 2
2. Does the plan include strategies that address how Ed Tech Funds will improve academic
achievement of all students in all schools in the county? (Emphasis should be given to high-need and
high-poverty schools)
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 3
3. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to ensure that all students and teachers will
have increased access to technology?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 2
4. Does the county plan include plans to provide ongoing professional development for teachers,
principals and administrators to further the effective use of technology?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1
5. Does the county plan include a budget (description of type and costs of technology to be acquired
with Ed Tech formula and /or competitive funds)?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 3
6. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to encourage the development and use of
innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses (e.g., distance learning)?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 4
7. Does the county plan include strategies that address how to use technology to promote parental
involvement to increase communication with parents?
This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 1
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8. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the technology programs will be developed
in collaboration with adult literacy providers?
This is addressed under Goal 3 Objective 1 and Activity 2
9. Does the county plan include strategies that address how the county will evaluate the extent to which
activities funded in formula and competitive funds are effective in integrating technology?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 1
E-rate Compliance Checklist
1. Does the county plan include the E-rate requirements for clear goals and a realistic strategy for using
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 5
2. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer equipment currently available or
budgeted for purchase?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 1
3. Does the county plan include strategies that address the internal connections that the county has in
place or budgeted to install in the current, next or future academic years?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 5
4. Does the county plan include strategies that address the computer software necessary to
communicate with other computers over an internal network?
This is addressed under Goal 1 Objective 1 and Activity 5
5. Does the county plan include the professional development plan for professionals using the
equipment connected to the telecommunications network?
This is addressed under Goal 2 Objective 1 and Activity 3
6. Does the county plan include the existing or budgeted maintenance contracts to maintain computers?
This is addressed under Goal 6 Objective 1 and Activity 1
7. Does the county plan include specific plans for using telecommunications technologies and how they
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integrate the use of these technologies into the curriculum?
This is addressed under Goal 4 Objective 1 and Activity 1
8. Does someone else other than your county personnel submit your local E-rate application?
9. E-rate requires that we report the number of schools in each county that have the following Internet
Number of schools in the county with Dial up modem connections to the Internet?
Number of schools in the county with 56 K frame relay connection to the Internet?
Number of schools in the county that have T-1 frame relay connections to the Internet? 3
Number of schools in the county that have ATM T-1 Internet connections?
Number of schools in the county that have cable modem connections to the Internet? 0
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Policies and Procedures
Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy?
If yes, what is the last date of adoption/revision?
April 9, 2002
When was the public meeting held for CIPA Compliance?
June 12, 2001
Provide the URL to your acceptable use policy.
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