^ (UBRAWESJ . CENTER FOR COMPUTATIONAL RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Transient and Busy Period Analysis of the GI/G/1 Queue: Part I, The Method of Stages ty Dimitris J. Bertsimas and Daisuke Nakazato Sloan W. P. 3098-89-MS December, 1989 SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ALFRED P. Transient and Busy Period Analysis of the GI/G/1 Queue: Part I, The Method of Stages ty Dimitris J. Bertsimas and Daisuke Nakazato Sloan VV. P. 3098-89-MS December, 1989 Transient and busy period analysis of the queue: Part Dimitris J. I. The method Bertsimas ' GI/G/l of stages Daisuke Xakazato November ^ 20. 1989 Abstract In this paper we study the transient behavior of the A/GEi/A/GE.vf /I queueing system, where MGE is the class of mixed generalized Erlang distri- butions which can approximate an arbitrary distribution. of stages We use the method combined with the separation of variables and root tinding techniques together with linear and tensor algebra. sions for the Laplace transforms of the ing time distribution under We find simple -iDsed form expres- queue length distribution and the wait- FCFS when the system is initially empty and the busy period distribution. \Ve report computational results by inverting these expressions numerically in the time domain. expressions derived our algorithm Key liords. 'Diraitris J. The research program at is Because of the simplicity of the very fast and robust. Transient analysis, busy period, transform methods, linear algebra. Bertsimas, Sloan School of Management, MIT. Rm E53-359, Cambridge, .\Ia 02139. of the author was partially supported by grants from the Leaders for .Manufacturing MIT and from Draper Laboratory. 'Daisuke Nakazato. Operations Research Center, .MIT. Cambridge, M.\ 02139. Introduction 1 queueing models have long been considered Transient and busy period analysis in as very difficult problems. many Yet, in situations very important to study is it the transient behavior of queueing systems. For example, systems often encounter transient behavior due to exogenous changes, such as the opening or closing of a queueing system or the application of a new control. Furthermore, even with time homogeneous behavior the convergence to steady state equilibrium behavior is demand (for so slow that the not indicative of system behavior. Examples from practical situations, in which transient tems with frequent is systems in phenomena start up periods are important, include manufacturing sys- and transportation systems with time varying example airport runway operations in major airports). Analytical investigations of the transient behavior of queueing systems are very rare, mainly because of the complexity involved. For the queue length probabilities are known for the (see in Gross and Harris [6]). An In sums of modified Bessel functions is for the the last decade, work on the transient behavior of queueing systems has methods in emphasis was primarily mo- are the randomization technique introduced by integration methods of the underlying Kolmogovov Gross and Harris this [6], The two Grassmann [5] principal and numer- differential equations (see section 7.3.2 and references therein). paper we study various transient performance characteristics of the MGEi,/MCE\f/l In [1] queue. tivated by the analytical complexity of the problems involved. In community the recent work of Abate and Whitt concentrated on numerical techniques. This change ical queue expressions indication of the interest of the research transient behavior of queues M/M/1 as M/M/\ system, which a sequel paper (Bertsimas et. is an important special case of the al. [3]) CI/G/l queue. we formulate the problem of finding si- multaneously the waiting time distribution and the busy period distribution of the GI/G/l queue with arbitrary distributions as a Hilbert problem. The MGE, which is described in some distributions, which detail in Section 2, dense is in the class of mixed generalized Erlang is the space of all distributions and can approximate arbitrarily closely every distribution. For a discussion of the properties of the class see Bertsimas period distribution. We [2]. We MGE study the queue length, the waiting time and the busy use the separation of variables technique together with root finding techniques to establish closed form expressions for the Laplace transform The of the distributions under study (queue length, waiting time, busy period). advantage of these closed form expressions be used for numerically inverting them we report computational that they are relatively simple and can is in the time domain. In fact, in Section 6 results for inverting numerically the transform of the busy period distribution. These expressions had over the years time domain. also explain the difficulty that the research in establishing community has expressions for the distributions we study in the Despite their simplicity in the transform domain, our expressions involve roots of polynomial equations. In general, these roots can not be analytically and even if they are known they analytic inversion extremely complicated The paper is structured as follows. if are complicated 3 in we make their we describe the MGE distri- we derive closed form expressions the transform of the queue length distributions In Section 4 to not impossible. In Section 2 bution and the notation we use. In Section enough computed when the system is initially empty. find an explicit expression for the busy period distribution while Section 5 we analyze the waiting time distribution under FCFS. In Section 6 describe the algorithm to invert numerically the closed form expressions derived the previous sections and also report final section for contains some preliminary computational some concluding remarks. results. we in The 2 Notation The general Coxian class Cn was introduced Cox's in stage representation of the Coxian distribution is [4] presented pioneering paper. in Figure be noted that this stage representation of the Coxian distribution in the sense that the branching probabilities can be complex numbers. distribution, The mixed As a result, the probabilistic interpretation, which It should purely formal can be negative and the rates generalized Erlang distribution where we assume that the probabilities rates n, are reals. ^-l q, is 1. 7, is /x, a Coxian are non-negative and the mixed generalized Erlang distribution has a is The further exploited in this paper. valid Ra{t) = The ATC stage currently occupied by the arriving customer at time R,[t) = The STC stage currently occupied by the customer time W{t) is being served at t. — The waiting time of a customer arriving at time With the above Markov chain with definitions the t. system can be formulated as a continuous time infinite state space: {(A'(f),/2a(t).«5(O)..V(t) = fla(n= 0. 1 1.2 We now introduce the following set of probabilities: Pn,..,(f) = We who t. Pr{.V(i) = n.R,{\) = i.R,{i)^j\. /?,(<)= 1.2 L. = P^Jt) Pr{.\(t) = 0. A/}. Ra{t) = i} will also use the following notation: • T = the mean interarrival time. - = the mean service time and p = - = the traffic intensity. • P^,{t) = is a column whose elements vector, are the probabilities Pn.i.j[t)- • ak{t).br{i)=the probability density function (pdf) of the remaining interarrival (service) time (r = if 1,.....\/). the customer in the Therefore, ai(t).6i(t) ATC is (STC) is in stage k = 1 L the pdf of the interarrival (service) time. • a^(i).tf(t)= the probability to stage j during the interval t move from stage i < j of the ATC (STC) to without having any new arrival (service comple- tion). . a-,{t) = {a\{t),...,a^{t)Y,a-l{t) = (0 • h{t) = {b\{t),....blf{t)y.b1{t) = {0,....blit),...,bl'{t)y, • Tfn{s),ak{s),3k{s) = at(t), . . . ,a^(t))'. the Laplace transforms of P„(i), aX(t)i ^fc(0 respectively. . e- =(o,...,i,...,oy By introducing the following upper semidiagonal matrices Aq, Bq and the dyadic matrices Ai fii: , *" .4o ••• -(l-p,)>i A, = -PiAi .4, = • -Az, and similarly Bq, B\ time distribution we have for the service Q-;'(s) = e-;(75 + .4o)-', L Qfc(s) = and similarly Finally -ei.{Is+ An) for (3^ (s), (ll,...,In)'® (yi,.. .^,£7,^ sition rate matrices in n::ai-p.)A. '/ , ' dk{s)- we use the usual tensor notation Finally, ii"'",£°,£~ L = S^prKalis) - Y^PrAr '.4,^1 . ,ym)' (see also = Neuts [10], p. 53) (-Ciyi,-- ••Tnyi- are transition rate matrices. ,Xr^ym)' We can express the tran- terms of the matrices Aq, A\, Bq, B\ using tensor notation. For example £° 3 = -Aq® The queue length I - I® Bq. distribution in the transient do- main The system MCEi/MGE\i/\ Markov chain with a single is an instance of the homogeneous row-continuous boundary (Keilson and Zachmann 6 [8]). We analyze the homogeneous part of the Markovian dynamics using the separation of variables Then we analyze technique combined with tensor algebra. the boundary condition plus the (i.e. this way we succeed in initial the compensation part condition) using linear algebra. In finding a closed form expression of the Laplace transform of the queue length distribution. We Although our approach can be principle applied even in the case of arbitrary initial in conditions, the algebra required The homogeneous for n > makes the first > 1) empty. initially explicit derivation very hard. Chapman-Kolmogorov forward write the 1: By taking the Laplace transform and using n is part Using the notation of section 2 we equation assume that the system the assumption that Pn{0) = (for we obtain: s?;(s) The compensation Similarly, the = ir;_i(sk"^ + ^n(s)g° + ^n+iis)g~ part Chapman-Kolmogorov forward equation J^Poi^) for n s^o{s) 5?i(s) = = and n = 1 is: = Poit)^ + Pirn: and therefore the Laplace transform of the the equations Our (1) Po{0) + ^'o{s)^ = ro(s)^ + + ^xis)g° > 1. The n = 0, 1 is: ^[{s)g; + (2) ^2{s)g- general strategy for analyzing these equations find the general solution of (1) for n for is the following. (3) We first solution of the Laplace transform Tfn(s) unknowns M are the From below). we use M then written as a linear combination of is constants that depend on we (2) (the coefficients s M find Tfo{s) as a function of the system of (3) to find a linear M The only geometric terms. Dr,r = coefficients D^. M [ Finally equations with A/ unknowns. W'e exploit the particular structure of the linear system to find a closed form solution for the unknowns Dr, = r M 1 we a result, .\s find explicit closed form expressions Laplace transform of the queue length distribution. tor the The advantage of our expressions real time. In principle this that they can be numerically inverted in is approach works for arbitrary initial conditions. able to find closed form expressions only in the case in which the system empty, i.e. Theorem nonzero = P„(0) Under 1 n for the > 1. We can now prove our assumption that the system initial probabilities are Po,fc(0), and p < 1 is the is We were initially first result. initially empty, i.e. the only transform of the queue length distribution has the following form: M wn{s) ^DrPi{xr{s))®ai{s-Xr{s))iai{s-Xr{s)))^-^ {n>l} = M L Ms) = ^Po.fc(0)a";(5) k= + ^D,—-,Ji(x,(s))(Q-i(5-j:,(s))-ai(s)), r=l l , ^'-^^) where p _ i:LxPo.kiO)<yk{s){-l)''3^'{0) !-«,(.) and X = Xr{s) (for r = 1, .. . , MJ are the .\f roofs of the equation: ai(s-x)/?i(x)= r l3fJ(x) ;3'^'{xr{s)) it x,{s) ""^^'^y xr{s)-x,{s)' < 0(i.e. ||ai(s- j-)|| < 1) 1 for3?(s) > Proof We first find the general solution of (I). Equations (1) are partial difference equa- tions with constant coefficients. Following the separation of variables technique we assume that a general solution Tn(s) of the difference equation ;r~(s) = v..(s)t^,(s)(ti;(s))"-\ 8 (1) is: which can be written in tensor notation as follows: T„(S) = ^{S) ® n-1 11'{S){W{S)) With Vi(*) ^{s) = Ais) = \ rL{s) I We \ \ Vm[s) I substitute the form of ?n(5) into (1) and using tensor notation we obtain: s^(s) ® ^'{s){w{s)f-^ = -/(5).4i ® - ^{s) ® ^'(s)Bo(it<s)r-i v^'(s)(u(s))"-2 - /(5)^o ® - /(s) ® t/i''(s)(a.(s)r-' ^~(s)5,(u.•(5))^ which by collecting terms can be written as s(p{s) ® ^'{s) + ^{s){Ao + -)-.4i ® ) t/r'(s) + ^(s) ® .?(s)(flo + Using the standard separation of variables arguments (see Bertsimas notation we demand that ^(s) with an eigenvalue —y{s) and v'l*) with an eigenvalue — x^s). As [2]) in + a row eigenvector of the matrix (.4o is is = u.'(s)fli) a row eigenvector of the matrix [Bq tensor ^^TTT + 0. -^i) wi^s)B\) a result, (s-x(s)-y(s))[^(s)®T^'(s)] = 0, and therefore s In the following claim we = i{s) + y{s). (4) establish the relation among Ui{s). by computing the characteristic polynomials of the matrices (Bo + u(s)fli)- Claim Proof 1 Qi{t/(s)) = w{s) and w{s)(3\{x{s)) = 1. (.4o y(s) -i- and ^7777 -^i) x{s). and Since x{s) is an eigenvalue of (flo + w{s)Bi), it satisfies the following characteristic equation: det[/r(s) that flo + ti'(s)Si] = 0, is det[/r(s) + ^ UrLiif^r+i{s)) Thus, since Bi has rank + 1 = - /?i(i(s)) + w{s){Ix{s) for any rank 1 = flo)"'5i] rank, det(/ir(s) + flo) full Also 0. + Bo] det[/ Since the matrLV Bq has But + 0. = Denominator [Ji(x(s))] = matrix S, det(/+S) = + trace(S). ifi{s) in closed 1 1 u(s)trace((/r(s) trace((/r(s) + + = Bo)~'fii 0. Bq)-^ Bi) and therefore u(5)A(r(s))=l. Using exactly the same methodology we establish that ai(y(s)) We now compute in the = u-(s).a following claim the eigenvectors li'(s) and form. Claim 2 The and vector cri(y(s)) the vector 3i{x(s)) we can choose = 'fi{s} is a is a row eigenvector of the matnx 0*1(1/(5)) + row eigenvector of the matrix [Aq and xp{s) = ( Bq + u(s)Si). ^^TTf -"^i) Therefore /?i(x(s)). Proof We Since prove the claim i*i {x{s)) /fl'(i(s))(fio + = for i3i{x{s)). e*,(/j(s) u'(5)5i) + The case for 0*1(1/(5)) is similar. 5o)~' we have that = e-i(/j(5) + BorHBo + = e-'i(/ir(5) + Bo)-\-Ix{s) + = -xis)i3iix{s)) 10 + e-'i - u(5)Si) (/x(s) + ^o) uis)3,{xis))e'„ + a'(5)5i) = — i3i(s)e\. But from since Jj (s)fli claim u,'(s)5i(i(s)) 1, = and 1 thus l3i{x{s)){Bo As and claim a result of (4) Qi(s — + -x{s)3i\x{s)).n and since we are looking 1, S 3,{x{s)) where, because of (4) and claim I. 3?(r) < 3 For p 1 < (i.e. - a,{s x Qi(s In the following claim = ai(y(s)) = stationary, the general is is = ^n{s) w{s) for roots r{s)) inside the unit circle, so that the solution solution of equation (1) Claim = w{s)Bi) = x{s)) {a,{s - x{s))f-' i[s) satisfy the equations - x)3i{x) |iai(s - r)j| < = 1 for 1) ^{s) we investigate the number of roots of equation (6) has (5) , M roots Xr{s). r = 1 (6) > (6). A/. Proof This can be easily established from an application of Rouche's theo- rem domain ^{x) < in the theorem see Bertsimas trix 1, . [2]. For a very similar application of Rouche's The same result can be established from ma- geometric considerations by noticing that the roots ai(s— Xr(s)), . , . A/ are the A/ eigenvalues of the matrix R{s) Assuming that the A/ roots of (6) for 0. T„(s),n > 1 are distinct in Ramaswami we can now write an r = [12]. explicit expression by taking linear combinations of the general solution form. Indeed, there are coefficients Dr.r — \I 1 such that \t f„(s) = Y. Dji{Xr{s)) ® r ai{s - Xr{s)) (qi(s - Xris})^-' {n > 1} (7) =l Remark: The distinctness assumption This distinctness assumption, sion for 7rn(s), n > 1. but it is is very convenient in order to find an explicit expres- not critical however. 11 The algebraic theory of rational functions guarantees that Xr{s) — some ikis) for ' if r.k. other words, we In that the roots are distinct and at the final stage from first solve the we show the limit of (7) as problem assuming results are independent queue length and the In fact, our final expressions for the assumption. this we can take the there are multiple roots, busy period distributions are simple symmetric functions of these roots. So, finding the limit in the case where there are multiple roots The remaining unknowns are the coefficients we express the following claim is D^ an (r eeisy task. = 1,...,M) and tto{s). In a linear combination of the Dr's. Tro{s) as Claim 4 M L ?o(s) . = Y. PoA^Wkis) + YL Dr^^M^ris)) ^'•V*^ (ai(s - x,(s)) - ai(s)) (8) . r=l fc=I Proof We substitute (7) into the equation (2) and we obtain A/ SK'ais) = P^(0) - ro(s).4o - J] a (Ji(x.(s))Si.-,) ai'(5 - x.(s)). r=l Thus M ^0(5) = PoWils + Ao)-' + J2 M L = Y /'O,)c(0)a-;(S) + J2 k=l The next Dr3,{xr{s))e',ilis r step in our approach the following claim we is - xris)) + Ao}-\ls + Ao)-' . Dr—--f3i{Xris)) =l (ori(s - Xr{s)) - 0.1(5)) .D ^^-y^' to find the coeflRcients establish the equations Dr (r from which the — I,...,A/). In Dr are coefficients computed. Claim 5 For all k = M: I M y^^ 1 l3^{xAs)) ^ Proof 12 T.k=i Po.>c{0)c^k{s) ^g^ Using (7) we easily obtain that Af S7r[{s) - - /i(s)£° T2(s)^~ = Y^ Drth (jr(s))- r=:l From (3) M Y^ DrMxris)) = r = Using (8) and since -(/o(s)^ie-j)e-i. (10) l q"! (s)( — .4ie*i) = Q\{s) we obtain that '^' = -(T'o(s).4ie-,) Po(0)(/s where we defined a'{s) = + T D,-^/5i(x,(s)) 1 Ao)-'Aiei Po(0)(/s + + ^o)~'- We substitute this {a,{s equation and obtain in (10) 'r STniT't \-< = Since Ji'(s) = 1 (^^ - Qi (s)^i (Jr(5)) ^ , x:aj,(x.(.)){/---^-^-«,(.)-^}. e*i(/s+ So)"' and Ji(s)e*i = -;i*i'(s)5i, then .v/ n TD,—--J^'{xr{s)){Ixr{s)-{IXr{s) + Bo)-a^is)Bi} = c''is)e''i ^ .(s) M But ' e"\(/s \\ ' . + -. 1 = -YDr-^/i'(xr{s)){Bo + 5o As a + ir5i)-i = ,/t'^4'^(,) Yo'A'ix.is)) •rr(s) system and hence €"\(5o + ai(s)Si )-^ = result, = -^llL.^r(0) = -%iM5)^/,'(o), i-ai(s) ;fr; Therefore, for ax{s)Bi). all k — l-ai(s) (U) 1,...,A/ the coefficients Dr satisfy the linear (9). 13 - x.(s)) - a,{s)) We now Claim solve the linear system (9) in closed form. The linear system (9) has 6 the following solution: i:LxP^,mc'k(s){-\)''3^'{^) l-a,(.) JF{xAs)) ^ . For .^ k=l all r — 1, . . x,{s) Xr{s) - Xfc(s) Proof Let Cr = ^L we obtam that '""'^'^ We = for all t r = 4fe^D,. l u = fc + expand the above equation J2 r where in A/, J^^^. 1 (j^.n Since for Cr ow'^'^n •• = = 1. 1,...,A/ '•« ^^n as a polynomial of rr{s) E Cr<T,A-^r{s)r = and obtain 1, = l n=0 are the coefficients in the expansion. "i.o i l We express matrix form and we obtain 1 all (^i(*^)) w-i {xm{s)) 1 a- A s Since by the definition of the (7^. Af-1 this equation . , A/.- By letting x We now = 0. we obtain that S = 1 observe that the matrix A e\i a is and thus, Vandermode matrix. Using Cramer's rule to solve the above linear system and exploiting the prop- Vandermode matrLx generated from erty that the determinant of a (denoted by V'(ui, _ . . , u.\/)) is given by ni<j("i Ir-\{s).^.Ir + \{s) Wjllis) "" '' . ~ XSfjs)) T-w^cU \-l r.i c\ . . . u\f , obtain that ^'•^ ";)• U\, _ -pj ~ li Tfefs) Therefore, Having found explicit solutions for the expressions for the t„(5). n > remaining unknowns Dr we have explicit The proof 0- of Theorem As an additianal check of the algebra we compute Summing up (7) and (8) sum r = 1 (-l)-^3;^(0) we obtain that ^{s. to one in the transform 1) is nontrivial and = -, domain. the generating function 'l'(s.r) observation it is is 1-; which is ri,(5) r-,.\f the condition that the probabilities Another interesting point symmetric with respect is the fact that to the roots Xr{s). This established by using the Lagrange interpolation Theorem assumption that the roots Xr{s) are distinct and therefore If. now complete. the generating function 3,Jxr(s'\)-\ formula and the Chinese remainder theorem. only in this case. is we obtain that ^M For 1 I all was proved under the the formulae are valid however, there are multiple roots (say j:,(s) =: Xj{s)). the resulting formulae are simply the limit of the formulae given here as x,(s) 15 — ' X]{s). 4 Busy period analysis Ramaswami [12] has characterized the busy period of an matrix geometric approach. succeed we show Bp Let in is very suitable for numerical inversion in the time in we call in the queue build up time. the analysis. the following properties. A,,j and domain Immediately the system and the STC the system and the STC is in also define a new random This random variable plays the time between two arrival epochs with is after the initial arrival is in state epoch (there may be other arrivals number We be the random variable of the busy period. a critical role arrival his result considerably the next section. variable A,_,, which customers we simplify using the deriving a very simple formula for the Laplace transform of the busy in period distribution which as In this section G/Ph/\ queue state j. in t, epoch there are n while immediately after the final + between) there are n In addition, of customers never decreased below n. 1 customers throughout the time Notice that A,,j is A,,j in the independent of n. Let R{t) be a matrix whose i,j element = the queue build up time. Let r,,j(s) r(s) be the transform of R{t). Finally eigenvalue u(s). Theorem 2 We where ir{s) are the = E[e-'^n = M roots of the Remark: (12) is assumption no longer necessary. is the pdf R,.j{t) = ^Pr[Aij < E[e~^^'-i] be the transform of Ri,j{t) let ^'(s) t] of and be a row eigenvector of r(s) with an can now state and prove our basic result. The Laplace transform a(s) is a simple 1 cr[s) - (1 of the busy period - /?i(^)) Bp J;^;^'^^^;^,, polynomial equation given by ts , (12) (6). symmetric function of Xr(s) and therefore the distinctness Proof 16 By focusing on the last customer arrived in the busy period we write the busy period dynamics. LE 11=1 which the and in * 6l""'V) * ( '*' in / first customers n and the state k of the busy period time to build n customers a,{t)dt\ •^' (13) , J term corresponds to the case the busy period was the only one in the busy period the second term (the double summation) In this case, the r b\(t)Qr^l^] indicates convolution, the customer last E \r = l I where the symbol in {Mt) M".'(<) * k=l is the in the STC sum this we condition on the number of customer has found when he entered. of two independent random variables: The queue (a convolution of n build up times Ajjt) and the time to empty the system, since he is the last arriving customer in the busy period. Our strategy is first the busy period. We and then using (13) to find R{t) are thus naturally led to the times. Similarly to the first we write down dynamics to find the transform of dynamics of the queue build up passage time analysis as in (Keilson and of the queue build up time in matrLx Zachmann [8]), form by considering the last arrival during A,,j b\{t) mt) b-^'{t) = a,(n b\'f{t) r + / \ ...,^ bi{t) £/?("'(<)*< * b[''-'\t) * (^ b\{t) ••• b-l'{t) )]ai(0 > = n=l = S(<)ai(t) + ^ «(")(t) * [F„(Oai(0], n=l where S(t),F„(t) are the upper diagonal matrix appearing as the sum and Fn{t) is the matrix composed of the three convolutions. 17 term in the By taking the first Laplace transform of the above matrix equation and multiply both sides from the left with the eigenvector of r(s) ^'(s), we obtain: u{s)Cis) = ^{s)C{[B{t) + f; u"(s)Fn(t)]ai(t)}- (14) n=l But, 3,{s)3, is) + {Is + uBO~' = Bo (/s + + fio)-' 1-U^l(5) Pm{s)I3i is) since for every pair of matrices C ^~^ ~ this in real i + ir/c-'D ' • i ^y expressing b\{t) of rank and full of rank I, (C + D) ^ = time we obtain ^ b'l'it) D ^ bi{t) ,-(Bo + uB,)( *b[''-'\t)*(^b\{t) ... b-l'{t)) n= l •• As a result, (14) u{s)^{s) = as in claim 1 If \ b.Mit) J becomes ^''(s)£{e-'S° + "(''5>)'a,(0} Therefore, since ai(s) {Bo + u{s)Bi). b',',(t) —:{s) a rational function, ^(s) is is = ^{s)a,{Is + Bo + must be a u(s)5i). row eigenvector of the corresponding eigenvalue, following the same technique we have that ti(s)/?,(r(s))=l. Since Qri(s) Comparing is (15) a rational function of s, we get from u(s) = a,(s--'(s)). (16) and (17) we observe that as x(s) (equations (6)) and therefore :{s) (16) (15) that (17) :(s) satisfies exactly the = x(s), u(s) = same equations w(s) and ^(s) — 3\{x{s)). Having characterized the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T[s) we can spectrum decompose it under the distinctness assumption: M (X{s)r = X;(a,(s - x.(s)))"0r(s)/?i (x.(s)), r=l 18 (18) where 3i (r,(5)) 3{s) = 0\t{s) ••• <^i(s) 01 i^.sfis)) After the characterization of the r(s) we take the Laplace transform of (13). Using (18) and after similar manipulations with the analysis of the queue build up time, we obtain r =l / = \ ,3i(ri(5))-l -1 ",(^(5)) /?l(xM(a))-l Since for any non singular matrix .4 we know that f .4 ^y = 1 — find that ,-f ^1 <t(s)= 1- 3i(xi(s))-l »-r,l5) 1 det(/3(s)- )• det(^(5)) ^ 3i(rAf(0)-l 1 But for all r= 1,...,A/ S-X.Vf(s) ^j ,//f . we = 1 -det(diagonal( T":)) ^«'t(/5 r-T'--s-x\f[s) s-xi(s) Denominator Ji(s) — Numerator Ji{s) + Bi + Bq) ^2i';'(l-Q^)/^0^•-•^l^^)) Although the analysis used some rather heavy machinery from it linear algebra, used direct probabilistic arguments by considering the dynamics of the system. The reward of this analysis a very simple expression for the transform of the busy is period distribution, which as we show tional advantages. In addition, it is in Section 6 offers very important computa- not hard to compute moments closed form in of the busy period distribution by repeated differentiation of the Laplace transform. 5 The waiting time distribution under In this section we derive an expression arriving time. Our for the conditional waiting strategy for the analysis bution of the number of customers in the on the number of customers found upon and finally we FCFS is the following; system arrival, we time pdf given the the distri- first find at an arrival epoch; conditioned we then find the waiting time pdf find the (unconditioned) waiting time pdf. form expression In order to obtain a closed assumption that the system is initially in the transform domain, empty and futhermore, the we make the initial probability distribution has a very special form. Assumption We assume that the initial probability vector Po{Q) In principle, this assum[)tion is for the solution. Without 1 this closed form expression both not necessary if we take assumption, however, in real time and 20 in it = Aai(O). a pure numerical is approach not possible to obtain a the transform region. In the next theorem we prove a critical consequence of assumption already reached steady state from the beginning, Po,it) Proposition first customer = Pr[Rait) = (] = If the initial condition satisfies IS the forward recurrance time of life time of the renewal interval. the Kolmogorov equation: = = 1 Po,.(0). assumption J, the arrival time of the the tnterarrival time, -P'{t){Ao P'[t) = i] Furthermore, Po(0) ±P\t) = the arrival process has i.e., Pr[i?a(0) 1 1; + is i.e. the residual the stationary solution of A,) 1, that describes the arrival process. Proof The transform pdf of the interarrival time T^ of the first customer is given by. I ai(5) ^ a'{s) = E[e''^] = P^{0) V ^U«) / ^ ai(5) ^ Since ai(0) = = ^"^ e*i/lo {Is + .4o)~'(-.4ie-i), we find after simple algebraic manipulations the transform of the forward recurrance time under assumption 1 as follows: (x'{s) = Aa;(0)-(/s = \^^{A^)-\U^A^)-\-Axe^) = Ae",! ((^o)-' = -(l-ai(s)). + .4o)-'(-.4ie-'i) - s 21 {Is + .40)-') (-.4ie-i) To obtain we observe that the stationary distribution, because of the structure of .4i , we know that .4i = 1 i4ie*i. (.4o + Thus we = --^i)! and find l^-Ao^Aiex, (19) or equivalently We are now ready ai(0); for this to prove that the stationary probability vector show suffices to it q'j(0)(.4o + = .4i) 0'. is proportional to Since q'i(O) = ^^Aq^, we have q'i(0)(.4o+ We = e-*i.4o'(.4o = e*i = 0' complete the proof by showing j a-[{s) — — e*i(/s + .4o)~'.4ie'i a;(o)- .4i) = + e*i /Iq 1- <^i(0) + ' ^ ^i) 1 Utilizing (19) and the definition we obtain r = -a',{0)A-' Aiei = -\[ms-,oe'iAQ\ls = lim,_oie-\((/s _ i + + Ao)~'^Aie'i .4o)-i-.4o-').4,e-, Therefore, we have proved that the ergodic solution to the above Kolmogorov equation is A Aq,(0) = Po(0). corollary of the theorem is that the expression for 22 Dr in theorem 1 further simplifies to °- = 7 ii"(x,(.)) "Wn (20) , .(„_,.(„ since ^ I] Poa(OW(s) = We will r + dr) and the pre-arrival In the following proposition We its (1 - define the event .4.40 Laplace transform = probabilities: P^ti''') we a,(s)) — the system in Arrival about to occur in Pr['^'(^) = " ^a('') = i|/1^0]- find the pre-arrival probabilities. Proposition 2 Under assumption and = - next find the distribution of the number of customers seen by an arriving customer. (r, A a'(s) 1 the vector of the pre-arrival -probabilities is is '^ ^n{s) = 1 {^D.Ji(x.(s))(q,(5-x.(5)))" {n> 1} ^.=1 ^0{S) = TY,Dr3]{Xr{s)). ^.1 Proof _ ELi = nDRAr) = inR^jr) = Pr[ujL,i?a(r) = /n.4.40] Pr[uf^i(:V(r) Pr[.4.4C'|.V(r) ^ n H /?,(r) ELi = H i fl,(r) Pr[.4.40|/?a(r) = = /] /] /) fl .4.40] = nH Pr[fla(r) = Pr[.V(r) _ /il.fr) = n i /i:,(r) /] But Pr[.4.40|.V(r) = nnRs{r) = in Ra[r) = /] = Pr[AAO\Ra{T) = and Pr[/t,(r) = /] = Po,/(0) 23 = Acti(O), I] = Xipidr = /] from proposition this it 1. It = assumption Pr[/?a(^) independent of is formula since for ^i-i ^ would be a function of and therefore r. assumption at this point that is it becomes 1 critical. Without wiuie under assumption t. would not be possible to find a closed 1 form the transform of the pre-arrival distribution. Therefore, we obtain = ^ipio:[{0) fti(O) = 1. Therefore, using vector-tensor notation we have; pr(^) = {^;(o{(-.4,e-,)®/}. In the transform region, using r =l we obtain (the derivation for ttq^s) is similar) M = ^n(-0 -^Dr/?i(r.(5))(«i(5-r.(.s))r {n> 1}, r=l = ^o"(«) ^l]a/?J(r.(s)).n r=l We are Theorem now ready 3 bution under Under assumption FCFS theorem of to prove the central (he Laplace transform, of the waiting time distri- 1 is M f this section. e- Prmr) < t]dr = Jo M ^ ~; ^"X'^u' 1 i + S S(3-^'{lr{s)) rj5) \ .^r{s)t 11 \t=\ ^r{s)- Xk{s) I Proof Given there are exactly n customers arrived and the STC is in stage i, the system including the customer just then waiting time c.d.f. is: when n > 3 /o T.'jL\ bi{t)qjfijdt when n = 2 U{t) when n = 1 /J 6.(0 * 6l"-''(0 , in Ejl, 24 b\{t)q,fi,dt where U{t) is By conditioning on unit step function. found the system, and using the expressions the state the arriving customer for the pre-arrival probabilities from Proposition 2 we obtain: e-'^PT[lV{T)<t]dT f^ h\(t) I + Er=i(ai(s-x.(s)) ^ ti(0 in+l *'''r''(0*( QlMi di\ 6}(0 V ^.\K<) / 21) We have observed h\{t) -{So + uS])( the analysis of busy period from the previous section that in ... ^ h\\i) _ 6i(0 ^ +E"" n= *fc';~''(0*( ,.\/ h\'[t) 61(0 l \ bxtit) I fe:l{(0 Substituting this to (21) we obtain /' e-''PT[W{r) <t]dr = Jo - 2 Dr3[{xr[s)) i^ed'it) Since 3\{^Xr{s)) and ai(s — is j^ a,{s - x.(s))e-(^°+"'(^-^^(^''^'"(-5ie-i)(i< a row eigenvector of [Bq-\- ci\{s Xr(s)),'^i(-Cr(s))( /o^ + — Sie*!) = e-^^ Pr[ir(r) < = \ = } E.^I. aC'-(t) = iE.'ii YM. 1, ) with eigenvalue we obtain <](ir DrUit) (^l(r.(5))e- ar(o — Zr[s))B\ + ^i^) ^) + ^) {3[{xrisW - ^^^^f^).-: + (-^,J;(x.(s))floe'i 25 ^ — Xr(s) Substituting expression (20) for D^ and using (11) we finally obtain - 1 -Vf (-l)V'J,vr(0) , r,{s) e'^'<'''.n A corollary from the previous theorenn Jo Note that this expression quantity linij^o s<t>(s,u;) is G//G/1 i.e. queue, that /" /" e-'^-^'-^ = $(s,-.') is is Pr[W{T) < t]dtdT en Jo a synnmetric function of the j;r(s)'s. In addition the the solution of the steady state Lindley equation for the the transform of the steady state waiting time distribution. Numerical Results 6 previous sections we have derived explicit expressions for the Laplace trans- In the forms of the queue length, the waiting time and the busy period distributions. In this we section will transforms. remove the "Laplacian curtain", by numerically inverting the Laplace The numerical inversion of the Laplace transform not completely solved problem Bartholdi [11] overall algorithm developed by Wolfram polynomial equations [13] is is #P study. 1. We [7] Platzman, Ammons, to complete, that is a hard computational problem. written using the software package of Mathematica, and works 2is follows. (6) for selected s values. functions of Mathematica to find of [11] and fact, a well studied but show that the problem of numerically inverting the Laplace transform of a probability distribution Our numerical analysis. In in is compute the all We first compute the roots of the For this purpose we use the build in the roots of (6). We then use the algorithms inverse Laplace transform of the distributions under used two algorithms to invert numerically the Laplace transforms: The algorithm of Platzman This algorithm works et. al. [11] for distributions that are defined over finite regions. 26 We used this algorithm combined with fast Fourier transform for the inversion of the busy period distribution. region (0,oc), 3Var[Bp]) in Although the busy period takes values order to apply the algorithm we used the region as the region on which the busy period details of this algorithm the reader 2. The algorithm by Hosono Hosono [7] is is different (0, E[Bp] from proposed an algorithm not well-known We lished in Japanese. referred to [11], We Laplace transforms which for inverting namely: small memory used this algorithm for numerically inverting <i>{s) (t>{s). it It is primarily pub- a very robust algorithm. easy to program and control the error. It Moreover, it has requirements, short computational times and can be used for a We We briefly introduce the algorithm below. choose a precision p {significant digits} so that error of numerical is less than The algorithm works Find it 10~^'''^|/(<)|. Let as follows: so that E :^- < k-\ p-i n=l r=0 r=0 (b) is it is The be the input function. Let f{t) be the inverse Laplace transform of inversion (a) the western literature since found however that wide variety of problems. Let in is necessary conditions which an ideal fast algorithm should sat- satisfies all the isfy, For 0. the busy period, the waiting time and the queue length distributions. is + [7] quite robust and accurate. algorithm the in Evaluate f{t): 27 .2 Hosono claims that Comments on All the algorithm works when f{t) computation was done a Macintosh in smooth'. and II, program the all is written For computing the transient queue length and the waiting time we assumed that the distribution, sufficiently is the numerical results Mathematica. in this arrival time of the customer first is the forward recurrence time of the interarrival distribution. From our preliminary experience we can say that the algorithms, in particular the algorithm by Hosono, are robust and run very MGE2o/MGE2o/\. an fast. The largest example we ran was which was solved by the algorithms without any difficulty. Unfortunately, we did not have any other numerical results to compare with except the ones for the A//A//I queue queue, whose solution of modified Bessel functions (see Gross and Harris compare the stability and robustness of the algorithms we present The 6.1 We A//A//1 start our is A CDF = 1 and service completion rate of the busy period Fn needs for sufficiently large n, 1/2 • when n It A"^ illustration of the in section 6.2 an example of (The mean is known E[Bp] = traffic intensity /i = = 0.75. 4/3. In order to solution 3 p we computed and the The compare in table I coefficient of variation to satisfy the following conditions: • where 61 we queue the accuracy of the two algorithms with the the As an In section terms queue. examples with an A//A//1 queue with interarrival rate explicititly in p. 143). [6], results of this algorithm to the exact results. MCE3/MCE2/I the known is — oo, fn, denotes the r < \F„+JFr,\ < Af„, A^fn, • • I. converge monotonically to 0, th difference. can be shown that the violation of these conditions results appears at points of discontinuity of f{t). 28 in the Gibbs phenomenon, which only is Cg = The algorithm by Hosono 7.) gives identical results with the the exact solution. In figure 2 of 5 ^ we In figure 3 we plot the first we plot the waiting time distribution as a funtion oft. In figures 4, t. The MGE3/MGE2/]. queue 6.2 Merely as an illustration of the algorithms we chose a the following distributions: Qi(s) = 2 0.5- with mean E[T] The 2+s = + The mean ^^[A'] traffic intensity is By 2 4 + 2+s4+s 2 4 6 0.5 x 0.3; 2+s4+s6+s 0.683333 and coefficient of variation Cj- is — 0.70. = 5 0.8- 5+s + 5 3 0.2- 5+s3+s = 0.266667 and coefficient of variation p = 039. is C^ = differentiating the transform of the busy period distribution mean Cg = first queue with service distribution has Laplace transform: with the MCE3/MGE2/I interarrival distribution has Laplace transform: 0.5 X 0.3- /3ifs) is as a funtion and second moments and the distribution of the queue length as plot the first a funtion of and second moments of the waiting time of the busy period 2.327. In figure 6 is we E[Bp] = 0. 1.125; thus the we found that 398444 and the coefficient of variation plot the busy period CDF, in and second moments of the waiting time as a funtion of the waiting time distribution as a funtion of ^ In figures 9, 10 figure 7 t. we In figure 8 we plot the plot the we plot first and second moments and the distribution of the queue length as a funtion oft. 7 Concluding Remarks In this for paper we attempted to demonstrate the power of root finding techniques problems which were considered intractable 29 like the queue length and waiting time distribution in MCEil MGE\i/\ the transient domain and the busy period distribution queue. Using direct probabilistic arguments combined with tech- niques from linear and tensor algebra, we succeeded for the for the deriving explicit expressions in Laplace transforms of the distributions under study. Algorithmically our approach offers a method for finding these distributions time domain through the numerical inversion of the Laplace transforms. in the Our ex- periments with the method are very encouraging since our experience with the gorithms we used was very positive, since they are very fast, al- robust and very easily programmable. References [1] Abate, J. and Whitt, \V. (1988). 'Transient behavior of the M/M/l queue via Laplace transforms'", Adv. Appl. Prob., 20, 145-178. [2] Bertsimas, D. (1989). "An analytic approach to a general class of G/G/s queue- ing systems", to appear in Operations Research. [3] Bertsimas, D., Keilson, J., Nakazato, D., and Zhang, H. (1989)." Transient and busy period analysis of the GI/G/l queue: Part problem", submitted [4] [5] Camb. Phil. Soc, in the theory of stochastic 51, 313-319. Grassmann, VV.K. (1977). "Transient solutions Markovian queueing sys- Gross, D. and Harris, C. (1985). 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Addison Welslev, New York. 31 t 2< Figure 2: The first StOivdnfty) * StDlv • Mean(lnfty) O Mean and second moments of the waiting time of an A//M/1 queue as a function of time 33 1.00 75 o u 50 25 00 ' * 5tDiv(inrty) StDlv riean(lnfty) B Figure 4: The first and second moments of the queue length of an as a function of time 35 Mean M/M/l queue 1 00- a u Figure 6: The busy period CDF 37 of an MCE3/MCE2/I queue 30 20 « » • a StDlvClnfty) itOlv neandnfty) -^ean 10 00 Figure 7: The first and second monnents of the waiting time of an queue as a function of time 38 MGE3/MGE2/I 050 t = 000 t = 08 t =020 = 045 = 250 t = infty t t 25 00 I 0.0 I I 02 1 I 04 I I I ;o I Z i I I t : I 2 Wait Figure 8: The waiting time distribution of an of time 39 MCE3/MCE2/I queue as a function » 5tDlv(lnfty) * 5tDiv " nean(lnrty) Mean Figure 9: queue as The first and second moments of the queue length of an A/G£'3/A/G£'2/l a function of time 40 = = = 20 O-iS 2 50 = inrty Q -engtn Figure 10: The queue length distribution of an of time 41 MCE2/MCE2/I queue as a function 26b"/; U55 Date Due 3- i4i3_ Lib-26-67 MIT 3 IIBR4RIES lOaO 0D57TDflT 1