iiliiiiMiW IBR^R'ES 1Q60 007015m 2 /; X ''? Of tt^' HD28 .M414 9o /SicSOA990) TECHNICAL REPORT Software Hot Lines: A Preliminary Description by Brian T. Pentland Revised March, CCS TR 1990 «104 SSWP #3140 CENTER FOR COORDINATION SCIENCE Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management (^ 13 mKrirJ/1/-\ ^^'^^^-"-»J-^^^l Software Hot Lines: A Preliminary Description by Brian T. Pentland Revised March, CCS TR #104 1990 SSWP #3140 The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful comments from several of the participants in the research, as well from my advisors and friends here at the Sloan School of Management and the Center for Coordination Science. Abstract Technical support hot lines are an integral part of most complex software products. create a This paper uses data from a set of 13 software lines to preliminary description and analysis of the basic process of providing technical support. Some key managerial issues are relationship between learning and coordination reported here are part of learning support hot in coordination. is my on-going research identified and the discussed briefly. The results into the role of organizational /^vo^ 1 .0 Introduction Hot lines are everywhere. Whether you buy system, the manufacturer generally provides And questions, comments, or complaints. can of soda or number to call in computer a case you have while people seldom need help with they do need help from time to time with their software and their soft drinks, other complex technical products. requirement to do business is a a hardly considered a in Technical support the computer industry: "product" at all. As a result, is practically a an "unsupported product' hot lines (or some other vehicle for servicing customer inquiries) are commonplace features of software But although the technical support function firms. glamorous than activities like is commonplace (and new product development), it less raises some provocative problems for managers and organization theorists. It also provides an example of how an ostensibly simple task -- answering phone calls -- can give rise to paper is a wide variety of coordination processes. to create a preliminary description of the software that can be used as a that comes in is to know something, vendors try an occasion for a collecting, With a storing, support function typical software vendor, distributing and knowledge customers need. in it is Each For this reason, refers to as a "knowledge the function responsible for many cases To some extent, respond. to knowledge transfer. technical support exemplifies what MachUip (1980) industry." of this basis for future research. When customers need call The purpose actually creating the this quality is range of service functions, from hospitals to travel agencies. shared by a wide But technical support exemplifies the particular problem of collecting and delivering knowledge that not readily available to any single individual, is distributed throughout the vendor organization. creates an interesting organizational problem: knowledge how distributed is into several of sections. to since no single person knows to customer inquiries? organize the technical support function when the central theme of this paper, which is a brief case history of one of the firms This case includes many of the features other firms experienced in divided is Section 2 describes the sample on which the paper based. Section 3 presents growth is This distribution of knowledge everything, how can the organization respond effectively The problem but the size and complexity of the support task. is the sample. in dealing with in Sections 4 and 5 describe some alternative ways hot lines are organized and how the process of answering some works calls of the practical in the organizations in the sample. Section 6 discusses problems of dealing with customers, human resources, and linkages to the rest of the organization. The paper concludes with brief a discussion of some implications for coordination theory. 2.0 Scope and Method of Research Software vendors deliver technical assistance to variety of ways. telephone -- In this paper, I will as "technical support." industry, but it is worthwhile to step th^^ir customers refer to one of those This label reflect<; ways -- in large a the common usage in the back briefly and consider the range of services that firms use to provide practical knowledge anr) product information to customers. These include documentation (printed and electronic), training (classroom and computer based), and various kinds of specialized consulting. Electronic bulletin boards and electronic mail are becoming increasingly means of interacting with common customers, substituting for direct telephone contact in . some situations. Smaller, newer companies tend to technical support closely integrated, have training, documentation, and sometimes even grouping makes sense because the work volume is in single group. The closely related and insufficient separate staff for each function. to justify a a in Larger, older companies tend to differentiate the functions into separate groups, but usually maintain them customer or product services organization. as parts of a single when the functions are differentiated, there appear cross-fertilization, when trainers as assist in to Even be opportunities for writing documentation, or documentation staff help with telephone support. when So while this paper focuses on the activity of answering customer telephone inquiries, it should be seen as part of a broader range of activities that transfer practical knowledge to customers In activity, order to create the following description of the technical support individuals in 13 companies were interviewed. The firms were selected on an ad hoc basis from the Directory Technology Companies. the sole interviewee; in In of in the sample Massachusetts High most cases, the manager of technical support was some cases, other personnel were also interviewed. All respondents were assured of the anonymity of themselves and their companies. Interviews lasted about an hour and focused as much as possible on the operation of the telephone support operation. included in the sample are listed and some approximate estimates in Figure of the number platforms being supported, as well as the technical support service. 1 Pseudonyms (p. 40), of number for- the companies along with the product area customers, products and of people providing the (*** Insert Figure The sample about here. ***) reflects considerable diversity hardware platforms, and customers. database products (PCCo) to to several in terms of the products, The products ranqe from simple PC extremely complex systems for automating entire multi-national manufacturing firms hundred dollars 1 (BizCo), and range hundred thousand dollars. price from in a few The hardware platforms include everything from desktop PCs to engineering workstations to mainframes. The users managers of these products range from individual PC hobbyists to MIS to Ai While gurus. many products are meant for use by of the developers (e.g., SmartCo, CompCo, ExecCo, CaseCo and others), some are sold directly to end users (e.g., PlanCo and PCCo). 3.0 A Case History Although many readers may be familiar with calling they may be less familiar with working history in or managing one. sells expert system development tools. lengthy interview with first person hired as voice, it is not a a a it full SmartCo, The description time support person. The case is follows. a It coinpany based on a Altl"^uqli of Smar-tCo is it is written in his particularly describes the reorganization of the support function from one structure (personalized generalists) in tiiat former manager of customer support who was also the direct quotation. interesting because at line, This brief case intended to provide some context for the discussion is describes the history of the customer support function which support hot a to another (depersonalized specialists) the face of growing demand for increasingly complex services. The Early Days at SmartCo customer support, training, and documentation were all one a total of eight or ten people. People tended to be allocated half-time to two functions (like training and documentation), but eyerybody met together as a whole. At that time, this collection of actiyities was under the Director of Services. This grouping made sense because all three of these functions were concerned with teaching users about the product, helping them use the product, making the product accessible to them, and so on. Initially, group. We had The company only had about two dozen customers at first, so there and 10 customers per full-time support person. It worked out that you'd handle between 2 and 5 distinct customer contacts per day. For any giyen contact, there could be several actual phone calls, since It always you'd usually call back and forth rather than waiting on hold. seemed like you were taking a lot more than 5 contacts a day, but remember looking over the daily call records (which we called blue sheets) Part of to estimate that number, and it really never got much above that. the reason is that you might spend a couple of days working on a single were between 6 I call. The kinds of calls we got back then were often really deep questions. Our first customers were really Al pioneers. They were R&D-type places who were trying new things and wanted all kinds of special functionality. Often times, they wanted to do things that were not in the user level code, so we had to talk to someone in product engineering to find the appropriate functions for them to call. In a sense, customer support was filling in the gaps in the product for these customers. They knew they were getting a product which didn't do everything, but they still wanted to stretch it to fit their needs and our job was to help tliem do that. The other kind of call we got a lot of -- the most frequent by far, actually -- had to do with installation problems. It really wasn't easy to install the software on certain machines, especially if the customer had an unusual hardware configuration. Many of these calls were routine, familiar problems having to do with not following the instructions, but some of them were real tricky, system level problems. the early days, everyone -- the whole company -- was in the same room with 6 foot dividers between the desks, so you could just call out your question and tap into the expertise of whoever was withiti earshot. But after the company moved into the new building (1986), people had separate offices (two persons per office), and you couldn't do that. If you knew who to ask, you might run down the hall and talk to them, but that wasn't necessarily very efficient or even possible. In One of the questions that management had at that time was how many customers a support person could really handle. This was important because they tiad to know what the staffing requirements would be as the customer base grew. Sales were starting to take off, so this was not an academic question. The support group met to discuss this issue and decided that 15 customers was a good number, and 20 was an absolute maximum. Beyond that, it would be impossible to provide the kind of personalized service that the customers had grown to expect, and that the company to provide. wanted Blue Sheets Each call that came in was logged on a "blue sheet" which had various information, like the customer, the software versions, hardware platform, and most importantly, the description of the problem and the resolution. The blue sheets were really the life blood of support, providing not only records of call volume, but also history and continuity for the One copy we kept support group. We made 3 copies of each one. ourselves, one copy went into a file where all of them were collected, and a third copy went to the product support manager and the president. In the early days, the president would actually look over all of the blue sheets, that's how important customer support was for the company. He put tremendous emphasis on being close to the customers. The customer service manager felt the same way, so much so that he used to distribute an illustrative chapter from In Search of Excellence to new employees t^^ Our job was to make the product work for them help make the point. The support manager liked to hack code himself, and he matter what. encouraged creative solutions for problems and requests. was explicitly "no holds barred"; you had to handle everything. in the field would tell the customers that we'd do anything for them, because part of what we were really selling was a relationship with So in addition to handling calls, we would pro-actively call the customer. the customers once a month, just to see how they were doing, if we could It Sales reps help, etc. The relationship with customers was very personal. When they came for training, we'd make a point of having lunch with thein, getting to know their application, and getting to know them. Customers had a direct line to their personal supporter, rather than having to go through the switchboard. We'd ask about their families, vacations, that kind of thing. At the annual customer meeting, we'd hang out and drink with our customers. There was definitely more than just lip service paid to the idea of getting close to the customers. Of course, support people would occasionally be unavailable, due to To vacations, illness, or other duties (more on these duties in a moment). handle those situations, the concept of a "default support person" emerged. This was the default person would take your calls. If you were out, explained to customers, of cour-se, who understood it as a necessary and desirable way of handling things when their- regular support person was away. The default support people were generally very busy (this is putting because they had all of their own customers plus whoever was it mildly), away. The task was rotated among all support staff so that everyone did Although every effort was made to default once every 1-1/2 to 2 weeks. avoid the situation, it occasionally happened that only two people would be covering for the entire staff of ten supporters -- telephone hell. Nonetheless, the default support person provided a way to handle calls regardless of whether the regular support person was available. The personal relationship with customers was important for the company for a variety of reasons. First, it meant that customers were more succeed in creating productive applications. Early success were extremely important to the continued growth of the company, and support people were supposed to stay involved with their customers to help insure that success. We were also supposed to help the marketing people find and develop these stories into sales collateral: video tapes and brochures to hand out at trade shows. Another reason to stay close to the customer had to do with capturing innovative ideas and spotting areas where the product should be enhanced. Support people were supposed to be the conduit between the customer and product engineering for ideas, not just problems likely to stories . Growth, Growth. Growth From 1985 to 1989, the size and complexity of the support task grew substantially in three different dimensions. First, the number of customers increased from a few dozen to several hundred. Second, the number of products that the company was selling grew from one to four. Third, the number of hardware platforms on which these products ran grew from two to around ten. What did not grow substantially was the number of support people. In August 1985, there were about 9 full time supporters. By August 1986, there were about 12, but that number stayed constant through the end of 1988. Although the maximum conceivable number of customers per supporter was thought to be about 20, we now had between Not all of these customers were actively developing applications, but the number was still way too high. 40 and 50. Part of the reason support staff was not increased was that the company was not quite breaking even on its sales. There were some layoffs, and new slots could be justified only if they would be profitable. For a variety of reasons, it was very hard to show that adding another support person would increase profits, so the existing staff was forced to take on more and more customers. Since support, training and documentation were all under the manager of customer services, he would sometimes take an open slot away from documentation and give it to support, but that was rare. The large and growing number of customers put support in a very awkward position. We claimed to be providing personalized service at a very high standard. Over the years, we had developed a great deal of pride and esprit de corps around this theme. But now it seemed hypocritical to talk about a level of service we could not realistically provide. We could not proactively call customers; in some cases, we couldn't respond to calls that weren't "crisis level" for the caller for several days, if at all. When things grew to this point, it was really just fire-fighting. Other Responsibilities As I implied above, support people did more than just answer the 8 Their other main functions included quality assurance, marketing, phone. consulting, and providing input to development on what customers wanted. Of these many roles, the quality assurance role was among the most time consuming. When a new product release was being worked on, it was Support people would given to customer support for an early shakedown. report bugs to product engineering and in the process, familiarize themselves with the new release that their customers would soon be using. This role -- bug reporting -- was part of the regular duties of a supporter, of course, since the process of responding to customer inquiries often involved diagnosing and reproducing problems. But quality assurance for a pre-release product was a special responsibility because customer support had to sign off on any product The theory was that if we were going to before it could be shipped. This formal veto support it, we should be allowed to say if it's ready. power was a great source of tension at times. A sales person would say, have those new features"; product "I can close the sale now if engineering would say, "the new features are ready"; all the top brass would say, "we really need the revenue"; but the support person would say, Testing was known to be "It's still buggy. "I haven't tested it yet" or important, but it was easy to lose sight of that in the rush to claim Support held its ground in most cases, although it meant pulling revenue. When a people away from regular support assignments to do the testing. whole new product was coming out, being the default support person could be a nightmare, because so many other people would be doing testing. I " The other responsibilities were less critical, but still took time. Marketing activities consisted mainly of getting good stories together for mentioned earlier. Consulting was different, kind of the sales people, as You might work an extension of personalized support to the extreme. personally with a customer, one on one, for several days at a time. This was a lot of fun and it was also good for the career development of the These were considered real plum assignments; very support person. But they also took you away from the phone and added desirable indeed. to the work of the default person. I Implicit Specialization Because supporters were assigned to customers, we were supposed to Customers use all aspects of the product, so supporters be generalists. But in practice, there need to be familiar with all aspects of the product. was always some degree of specialization that took place. The first kind of specialization was by hardware platform. As mentioned, many of the support calls were related to installation, and Also, the "native language" of these problems were all hardware specific. the two main hardware platforms was different in the early days, and the All of these factors product itself has some minor differences, as well. contributed to a tendency for certain supporters to know more about one kind of hardware than the other. I The second kind of specialization was by software functionality. The Each piece product has several major pieces that are logically distinct. has a different purpose, calls different functions, and has different idioms For example, the user interface involves an large number of for use. features for creating special windows, menus, graphics, and so on. When customers make heavy use of interface features and stretch the limits of the product, their support people will tend to develop some expertise in the interface. The same goes for any other part of the system. The third kind of specialization that developed under the personalized service system was by product. Initially, the company had only one product, so this dimension was nonexistent until mid-1986. But when the new products did start coming out, certain support people were specifically assigned the job of supporting the new customers. As the customer base for that product grew, additional supporters were brought into the pool. The tendency to specialize along each of these three dimensions was When something needed testing reinforced by the quality assurance work. feature, it was given to the people who knew the most about the platform, In the process of testing, the support people or product in question. would attempt to exercise every aspect of the system and become quite So although the formal assignment of customers familiar in the process. to supporters implied that supporters were first and foremost generalists, the level of specialization among supporters was constantly increasing. Knowledge Overload As mentioned above, the growth being experienced involved more than more customers. Existing product had additional features which in some cases involved rather subtle concepts of knowledge representation and reasoning. The marketing strategy for the company involved supporting new hardware platforms, but that meant learning about new operating systems (e.g., UNIX, VMS and even DOS), new file systems, new machine configurations, and so on. New products added entirely new sets of functionality and potential problems to the support person's list. Although not all products were available on all machines, and product were remarkably standard across platforms (a real tribute to the product engineers), there still tended to be a multiplicative effect in terms of knowing about each product on each different machine. In this situation, it was not uncommon for the customer to know more about their hardware and operating system than the support person, which was embarrassing and damaging to the credibility of the company, even if the person was an expert in the company's own products. just One response knowledge overload was to create mechanisms among supporters. So we created the Red Book, to this for sharing expertise which was a 3-ring binder that each support person used to keep track of solutions to typical problems. It included things like how to make a certain kind of menu, how to install the software on a network with an unusual kind of file server, things like that. When people solved an interesting problem, they would write up a page about it, including any code they had written, and circulate it to the group. People would add it to the appropriate section of their personal Red Book and everyone was kept up to date. 10 Another mechanism was the SOS system, which we implemented on our VAX. It was essentially an electronic version of the Red Book, with sub-directories for each topic area. You could log into the SOS account and browse through various messages about past problems and their Although this was better than the Red Book in some respects solutions. (it was centralized), it wasn't really that great. Messages were stored in separate files which were not very convenient to use. This primitive online system was made available to users, as well, on a micro-VAX housed Apparently, users were glad to have this at the company headquarters. resources, but were disappointed at its performance and accessibility. The New System The support function at SmartCo has recently been reorganized. In Rather, the new system, customers do not have personal support people. they call in to a dispatcher who verifies that they are entitled to support and tries to identify what kind support they need. The dispatcher then This routes the call to a support person who specializes in that area. system formalizes and extends the kinds of specialization that were This allows support people to implicit under the earlier organization. It also cuts down on focus on the portion of the product they know best. the number of times that the customer discovers that they know more than the person they are relying on for support. The old "blue sheets" have been replaced with a special purpose database, developed by our database vendor for their own customer support, and modified to suit the details of the new setting. Each call which remains initiates a transaction in the database "active" until it gets Supporters can browse their closed out by someone resolving the problem. active calls, and managers can get reports on the overall state of the All entries are time-stamped, so it's possible to track support effort. exactly how long each step in the process takes. The second innovation in the structure of customer support is to "two-tiered" system. The lowest level of support is purely "online" which is now delivered through CompuServe, so it s faster, more People call in and browse through various available, and more usable. The second topic areas populated with all kinds of questions and answers. tier is the "dispatcher-specialist" service just described. This means that some of the calls that would otherwise be handled by customer support people are handled by CompuServe. move to a In some In the new system, each person has 4 or 5 specialties. sense, we are still generalists, but in a much more limited sense than before. There is a notion of a "primary" and "secondary" specialist, as well. Any given person will be the primary specialist on one or two areas, and a secondary specialist on the others. Specialties arise from the kinds of hardware or software discussed earlier. Each specialty area has at least one person covering it, and as many as three. This is the history of technical support at one organization, 11 but it demonstrates some of the issues involved demands on the staff, managing that function: the in the hectic pace of work, and the complexity involved something as apparently simple as answering the phone. analysis, describe draw on will I this case As and on the other firms in in proceed with the I the sample to variety of organizational forms and management issues as observed at a SmartCo and elsewhere. 4.0 Alternative Organizational Forms The support function generalists to as SmartCo went from being group of personalized These are only two highly structured team of specialists. a a the possible ways of organizing the technical support function. indicates the organizational form used sampled. "generalists" calls and routes them these forms 4.1 to the will be discussed in a specific (1) "specialists," appropriate specialist; (with or without a dispatcher); where each support person has 1 each of the other organizations in The three main systems observed are operator takes Figure of list and (3) where an (2) "personal assignments," of clients Each of they support. the following section. Specialists The specialist system appeared differentiating feature of this system in is that there are formal assignments of responsibility for different kinds of knowledge. ways. The five of the organizations visited. Knowledge is divided in several As mentioned earlier, the main divisions are organized by hardware platform and product or product feature. In those companies that sell products on multiple platforms, there are almost always specialists for each major platform (e.g., IBM and DEC, or UNIX, DOS, and VMS). Even though the vendor's own product may be nearly identical on each of these platforms, 12 customers want to talk to someone who "speaks their language. be substantive differences in how a There may also product works between environments that One support manager explained require special knowledge. " it as follows: When customers call, they have a specific operating system in mind. We run on both DEC and IBM, and an IBM customer doesn't like to They just have talk to a DEC support person or vice versa. All of our people know our product completely different languages. inside and out, but they may not be very experienced in the various That's why need to have people with an operating systems. experience base in each of the major operating systems we run under. I For companies with large products (with many separate sub-systems) or companies with multiple products, there or product area. is often a At SmartCo, there are support specialists for each of the main sub-systems within the product. This suggests that there material for the whole staff to become fully versed respond to user questions. hardware platform, but database connections. respond to a in at a level is much just too is adequate to At SpreadCo, the main specialization was by new specialty had emerged This was an area to support the company's where an experienced person could user questions "ten times faster" than the other staff, specialization There division of labor by product so made sense. also some division of labor within support groups between "application" or "user level" questions versus "technical" questions. much more subtle distinction which information the user needs, depends on classifying what kind This is a of rather than what kind of machine they own or what product feature they are using. ExecCo has specialists who handle application questions (how to use the product to achieve a certain result), while most of the support group are dedicated to providing "statement level" technical support (how to use a specific product feature correctly). 13 Since these two areas are closely interrelated, it may be difficult in practice to make the distinction in all cases. 4.2 Generalists Generalists were used to provide technical support companies visited. In this system, in In any specific supporter. to firms were there platforms and one product, or where the staff specialization. five of the the staff are responsible for any question on any product, and customers are not assigned system appears to occur mostly in is This only one hardware is too small to allow much terms of the number of products and platforms they support, these groups correspond to the "specialists" in other firms, but they appear to be generalists because they cover the entire range of questions that come up. Two of the firms with generalists number of actually support hardware platforms, but they have only two so specialization seniority, (CompCo and OffCo) is unfeasible. but since they sell CaseCo has ' a full a large time support staff, large staff with three levels of a single product on a single platform, all of these people are generalists. 4.3 Personal Assignment Assignment of clients to specific support people appears to be driven by two factors: installation specific details and the desire to maintain close customer relations. installation site. For example, and operation BankCo uses of their software is this system because the highly customized to each user A supporter who was unfamiliar with conditions at the client site would In fact, CompCo does have specialization within its technical support group, but it occurs between the groups in the US and in Europe. Since communication between these groups is limited, the two US support staff are forced to fend for themselves. 14 waste a great deal of time getting an explanation of in Personal support people provide continuity and familiarity with for each call. unique circumstances customer at the tabs on whether the customer exist with the customer, 4.4 the relevant details all The site. vendor to keep whether other business opportunities satisfied, is also allow the and so on. Hybrid systems There are SaleCo uses a a variety of hybrid system that are difficult to label concisely. system assignment of personal of clients to support people, but rather than assigning clients to individuals, they are assigned to teams of Each team consists specialists. communications specialist, and correspond to the needs of additional staff to operate, a of an operating system specialist, a These specializations product specialist. Although system requires a typical client. it combines the continuity of personalized service this with the depth of skills provided by specialists. BizCo combines specialists and personal assignment their system, specialists and users have two sources of support: a local representative who provide on-site assistance. Many is a in firms have consulting services which can be the representatives are also the people who assisted installation of the system. In assigned to the client and can when ordinary support local different way. hot line staffed by technical called in is a inadequate. What differentiates BizCo Because they are assigned in is that the design and to particular clients, these consultants provide continuity. In addition to these formal hybrid systems, hybrids that develop. The most common 15 of these there are is a number of informal informal specialization, which was observed every company at nearly SmartCo, informal specialists seem When call customer a becomes there is to get a a calls with emerge quickly within support groups. to When the next comes call natural tendency to "ask the expert." in on expertise grows quickly and participating in is related topic, and their reinforced by formal assignments (such as design meetings for Another common kind a Before long, such people begin of the difficult calls on their informal "specialty," all new release or quality assurance). a hybrid develops when customers ask for of particular support person (even though there a no formal assignment). Some is companies discourage these requests because they interfere with the formal When they are honored, requests from assignment process. of informal personal formally in at challenging problem, the person who takes that a expert." "local As was the case the sample. in assignment system on top call callers create a of whatever other system is a kind is place. 5.0 The Call-Response Process Given the diversity of this sample, there similarity in the basic process of remarkable degree of answering customer calls. In this section I will describe the call-response process using concrete examples from specific firms to illustrate the details. of the implications of 5.1 addition to tracing the process, how each step is I will discuss some implemented. Classifying the Call The classification of the call appropriate response. line In support" number. When a is call the first step comes in, it Barring wrong numbers, 16 in determining the usually goes directly to a "hot all calls to this number are Some smaller firms don't have seeking technical support. separate technical a support number, so the regular switchboard operator or receptionist serves preliminary screening function. At this preliminary level, the caller only needs to identify him or herself as seeking technical Given that caller a entitled to that support. is valid license for the software Entitlement technical support is offered, and typically cost 151 of the Maintenance accounts for as much as 50% per year. companies sampled, so entitlement call. all products where initial purchase price revenue of total in some an important issue. is Conceptually, checking the entitlement of the caller process of classifying the usually is and an up-to-date maintenance Maintenance agreements are required for almost agreement. of the a support. wants technical support, the interaction proceeds by checking whether the caller based on having a A taxonomy of hot distinguishing between two kinds of customers: is part of the overall line calls could start by those with valid maintenance Those without agreements can be further sub- agreements and those without. divided into those with valid licenses who have let theii- maintenance lapse, and those with pirated copies who are trying to steal services as well as software. Among the people with lapsed maintenance, the lapse may or may not be intentional, and so on. Each of these distinctions can gave implications for how the person taking the companies will call may choose provide technical support to to respond. For example, some customers whose maintenance agreement has expired, and then use the fact that support has been given as tool to help get the client to Although classification is renew. logically the first step in 17 handling a call, every a call cannot be neatly classified actually the problem, at all. The Even when an entitled caller states or that there are multiple problems, or that there classification of a call correctly identified until it is many cases, there in actual outcome. actually solved. is is remains problematic until the because one can never be sure that actually resolved, because advance. what they want, further discussion may reveal that something else explicitly problem in is no call is problem has been a This poses further problem a no feedback to the hot line concerning the resolved when the caller stops calling, Calls are treated as whether the underlying problem was resolved or not. Likewise, the issue of entitlement to support is continuously subject to Several respondents mentioned the problem of customers asking for negotiation. services which went beyond what should properly be covered by their maintenance agreements. program for them, What starts out For example, customers may want you to debug their or teach them as a how to write a program in the first place. reasonable request from an entitled customer can turn into an unreasonable request quite easily. 5.2 "Logging" the calls Nearly receive. Some In all of the organizations (including OffCo, track of their calls on paper only. is of the calls they most, calls are logged into an electronic database of some kind. of the firms records surveyed keep records similar from firm to firm: CompCo, and In until recently, SmartCo) keep either case, the information kept in the identifying information about the caller (name, phone, license number), the product and version number, the hardware platform and operating system, and frequently, the classification of the 18 call. Call logging serves a variety of purposes. support staff to track the history of all "covering your ass" when attention. If the call log a The call reveals that something and in back, but no record of such complaint would effectively be diffused. provides call return a Second, the records provide an indication of how many on what subjects, from which customers, and so on. various times of day is a means calls call, of then are coming Data on the volume of used to determine staffing requirements of the organizations visited. The subject matter about specialties that may be in It are an of calls log also Since the last interaction the customer to try calls at allows the customer complains that they aren't getting proper agreed in, it may extend over several days. problems are resolved on the first contact, records important means of insuring continuity. a all, particular problem over the course of a several actual phone conversations, which not First of of calls provides some in information demand or problems that may be developing. can also reveal product areas that need improvement, or opportunities for new features to address new customer needs. Data on who customers who are discontented or need additional training. with electronic much more call easily, is calling can reveal The companies databases could generate these kinds of reports (and others) and believed this information was useful. The extent to which these reports were actually used was not clear from the interviews. Third, these records can provide a history of problems and solutions. used effectively, solutions to prior problems can be Several firms with electronic current ones. and ExecCo) have systems for indexing their to the staff. In some cases, the calls call a helpful guide to solving databases (including CaseCo calls to make them more accessible are indexed by their classification; 19 If in others, they use the actual text of the problem description (and solution) to create the index. Firms with paper logs also filed call but they seemed less able to use the previous call them in indexed files, sheets for answering current calls. Several of the firms I visited also maintained databases on problems and separate from the actual fixes, history. call The purpose of organize and store useful information on certain topic areas. support staff were asked to write up more than 30 minutes but in to solve. SmartCo has paper-based version early, a These discussions were in system with of this is to At SpreadCo, discussion of any problem that took a recent years have been indexed entire group. these systems system initially kept on paper, an electronic database for use by the a at similar SmartCo was kept Each support person was responsible for updating The purpose and history. his or in red notebooks. The her own book. goal was to create a centralized resource of practical information about use the product that could ease the burden on the support staff. how Towards end, the system at SmartCo migrated to electronic mail and then to a to this bulletin board that was made accessible to customers. 5.3 Assigning the Call: Each were a Figure call Knowing who Knows has to be assigned to a support person for response. variety of systems of accomplishing this 1. The simplest process was used assigned to specific support people. to take the call, If in in firms There the sample, as shown in where customers were pre- their support person was in the office then the assignment problem was solved. However, people take vacations, attend meetings, and have other assignments from time to time. This creates the need for some kind of backup system for the assigned person. 20 In SmartCo (while this system was person" on duty every day out of well use), there was one "default support in a staff of 12. when only one or two people were out, Although the system worked quickly became it 'telephone hell" when the group was short-staffed. The next simplest assignment process was used The was SmalICo, where limiting case A more representative system was at calls all firms without specialists. in were handled by a single person. CompCo, where the operator took messages for technical support on the standard pink "While you were out..." message slips and put them messages out in of a the box and return the calls, making sure not to leave any messages there for too long. In messages and decide which ones select the calls they this kind of system, they have the opportunity to to take, would rather handle. opportunity to select The process used call. principle, the staff has the An "IBM call" answer it also allows the efficiently. the "dispatcher/specialist" system in this system, that calls are not which may be easier, more familiar, more challenging, calls staff to pick the calls they are best able to In In is While this creates the possibility of shirking, or more fun. self- Although no detailed data was how these decisions are made, the key point just handled on a first-in, first-out basis. complex. people take calls as soon Since the support people can sort through the as they are free to do so. collected on The support people would pick designated "in-box." is somewhat more the assignment proceeds from the classification of the would get assigned to the "IBM group," and so on. Within the specialist group (which might consist of several support people), calls may be assigned based on who is available or there may be further Although this layering could proceed indefinitely, no firm 21 in specialization. the sample had Another minor complication more than two layers. call is mis-classified, 5.4 Action at Once the problem. In that is if a diagnosing the problem has been assigned to someone, many cases, the customer has answered immediately and common this process must be reassigned. distance: a call a it in the next step is to ascertain specific question that can be a Support managers say that "easy easily. calls" are the technical support organizations sampled, comprising anywhere in from 50% to 80% of the total volume "Easy" questions often involve of calls. documented features that the user could have read about One routine installation problems. hazards of of the boredom that arises from answering dozens life the manual, or in on of trivial calls, a hot line is the explaining the same simple procedure over and over again. But not all caller reports have immediately obvious answers. calls symptoms that are insufficient to In diagnose the problem. cases, there are several paths of action available, is the call-back, which can work provided may need in to the initial calls, is the problem is these If The most common sufficient information is unknown, the support person This research can involve consulting manuals, or other support people. replicate the problem on a research two ways. contact but the answer do some research. records of prior in In each of which requires some form of repeated or prolonged interaction with the caller. case many cases, the computer at the vendor It can also involve attempts to site. When this initial complete, the support person calls back either with an answer, or is When the still unsolved, initial a request for additional information. information provided by the caller seems inadequate, 22 the if . support person usually ask the caller to collect more. will to But me.") complicated. call if "See anything looks funny if the customer is file instructions over the phone to a technical support interactions in who caller Now OK? return. tell what is I level otherwise unable to perform or is "Type interpret the necessary diagnostic tests: hit and get back the research process gets more relatively naive, A common occurrence the system in "phone coaching," where the support person gives keystroke and then is the support person can issue rather abbreviated relatively sophisticated, instructions (e.g., the caller If me what in it D - - I R it - A - colon Phone coaching says..." requires incredible patience from both parties, because space - is extremely tedious and often very frustrating. Phone coaching is much more common Rockart and Flannery (1983) call in organizations that support what "non-programming end users." automation software that runs on the UNIX operating example, sells office system. While users have been trained in the use of OffCo's products, they are quite often completely ignorant about how to use EMACS. of CompCo analysts. UNIX or the system Even the simplest diagnostic tasks require the use phone coaching s is OffCo, for relatively common in editor, of these tools, the support of this product. so The users compilers, on the other hand, are trained software engineers and Keystroke level phone coaching is far less common for these kinds of users Even where users are quite sophisticated, the support person confronts the basic problem of getting information about what their system. The general pattern of coordinated action at a is still happening on distance cannot be avoided unless the support person accesses the caller's computer directly. 23 Dial-in support increasingly common among software vendors and is standard practice among hardware vendors. in access as a FastCo, for example, condition of their maintenance agreement. and others also use dial-in capability as part is becoming requires dial- OffCo, CaseCo, of their diagnostic bag BizCo of tricks (although some customers refuse to allow remote access due to security restrictions). While dialing-in may facilitate gathering information to diagnose the problem, it can complicate the issue of who mentioned above, there is will that some customers want you to do their on. to optimize an algorithm, code, Several support managers noted work for them, to design a At CaseCo, the support manager noted that once they are hooked: we have "There's to fix a Although this rule has it." just as it's a in some cases, 5.5 Finding the As noted in Answer a support person limits, dials in, is it easy to see that a support person who edits their broken code, it that way. it vs. So although dialing does not necessarily aid in in Conversely, they could be facilitates the diagnosis of their solution. Creating the Answer the discussion of problem diagnosis, immediate answers. user interface, and so support person making changes to code without asking or explaining what was done. problems a broken, and then leaves unhappy about debug thousands to kind of unwritten rule that once we look at the customer could be unhappy with verifies that As an inherent ambiguity over the limits of responsibility the vendor has for solving customer problems. of lines of code, actually solve the problem. not all problems have This assertion leaves open the question of whether the sought-after answers are "out there" somewhere, waiting to be found, or whether they need to be created anew. The answer 24 is that both situations occur . routinely in software support. The support people terms of "finding an answer", but they also spoke The workaround." distinction clear is in interviewed often spoke I terms of "developing in some cases, but rather subtle in a in others The call clearest cases of "finding" answers arise when that can be answered by looking at documentation or There are a large of prior sheet. call hardcopy number PlanCo's project management software require special plotters Since there are of their projects' critical path charts. of plotters available, When configure each plotter. a a each requiring appropriate configuration to work correctly with the software, PlanCo's support files a a variety of resources that support people can consult to find answers. Users to create support person gets a customer calls with staff keeps files on how to an output problem, these provide the resource needed to find the answers. Another way introduction, product. of finding answers no single individual knows every aspect of they can just product engineering development in staff call in a single room. a out to the others. was within earshot if a hall" to find found, the answer is is lost. It is in 25 a few of the to a difficult question house support and so the entire But most separate offices, so the common practice someone who may know an answer. found. In tough question came up. the sample house their support people the complex software When SmartCo used single room with low dividers, immediacy of face-to-face interaction down the in in support people who are FastCo, and CaseCo), answering phones work face-to-face companies a Therefore, finding answers often requires interaction. firms sampled (including BankCo, arises, As noted to ask other people. is to "run When the person is But not that come in answers can be found so easily. all some of the calls pose problems which are completely new and have no ready answers. A typical example of of their some part fact, In "new" problem arises when a system (hardware or software) that is a customer upgrades sold by a different vendor. The example mentioned by one interviewee was an operating system. The new version product, a of the operating fact which system may not be fully compatible with the was previously unknown to the vendor's support staff. It turns out that customers often discover such incompatibilities before vendors do, sometimes because they are able to get new versions vendor, or because they have a in advance of the specialized configuration that the vendor would not otherwise have occasion to test. In situations where incompatibility the problem, diagnosis may be is Two courses straightforward but solutions are not. of action are possible. Either the customer can go back to the earlier version that worked, or the vendor can quickly try work in to work out the problem and change their product the new operating environment. option for the customer is going back to In a to the short tenn, the only feasible previous version. term solution, changing the software, clearly involves a But the longer creative process of adapting the code. There are other kinds of situations that require creating variation on the compatibility problem just discussed can arise attempts a everything new is application. New applications can create ostensibly working correctly. new answers. when a A customer new problems, even if At SmartCo, customers were constantly attempting to create innovative applications, and part of the role of 26 . customer support was of this was in to fill in where the product creating interfaces for sharing data with other products or between different kinds of machines. Another situation where new problems arise unreported bug discovered. is work correctly. is It the diagnosis process correct, or so on. In if a previously of that the vendor's product does not is worth noting that while many callers complain that the not working as expected, is when is The diagnosis process involves the same kind steps mentioned above, but the outcome product A typical example left off. to ascertain is not if all of these call represent bugs. Part of the customer's expectations were they misinterpreted or perhaps never even opened the manual, an any case, the support person has written by the customer should do. unambiguous, but that what the program many cases, the expected performance In not always true. is to figure out The support manager at is CompCo noted that the "pinnacle of the support job" was what he called "lawyering": deciding on what particular statements in the language should mean in certain If there are contexts The response to initial multiple ways to achieve a a new bug is generally a workaround. given result, then an alternate method researched, tested, and offered to the caller as a temporary fix. have known workarounds, but new bugs require creative effort new, acceptable solution to the problem. According to the will be Known bugs to fashion a support managers I interviewed, customers generally accept the necessity of workarounds for problems until a permanent solution can be obtained. the customer viewpoint support managers I is The important thing from that they be able to continue doing their work. The interviewed said they were keenly aware of this objective, 27 and generally adopted as their it 5.6 Bugs and Enhancements: own. Prioritization and Tracking As new bug are identified, the support The general tracking, and fixing them. prioritizing, staff enter remarkably similar across the entire sample. them into a system for outline of this system was For example, every manager that mentioned their system for prioritizing bugs used basically the same categories. The dimensions of the categorization impact or prevalence (for whom, have or need work in all a in it prevent work?), what situations?), and avoidability (do we workaround?). The most urgent category situations (no prevented work in were severity (does of bugs prevented workaround available), followed by bugs that some situations (and had workarounds), followed by bugs that were merely nuisances and could be avoided by simply not going out way to all demonstrate them (no workaround needed). The least of your urgent category every case was "enhancement requests," features that work correctly now but that somebody wants to work differently. Some firms had additional categories, but the basic outline was similar everywhere. Each firm has some kind of release cycle for updating maintenance agreement allows customers produced. official Some firms were very to get these rigid about only its software. The updates as they are updating the product on the schedule, while others were more willing to create special "patch tapes" that could be sent to customers as needed. This seemed to be a function of the newness and complexity of the software, as well as the kind of relationship the vendor wanted to maintain. given update or patch tape manager of technical is In any event, exactly what gets included subject to negotiation. In most cases, the support has input into the prioritization and selection 28 in a in process. In some cases, as SmartCo, the support function exercises veto at power over what goes out. 6.0 Managerial Issues Technical Support in Technical support involves priorities Some variety of considerations that shape the and possibilities for how the function organized and managed. is of these issues are implicit in the description of The purpose 6.1 a of this section how are handled. calls to identify these issues explicitly. is Customer relations One key issues of the in managing the technical support function is deciding what kind of relationship you want to maintain with your customers. Since technical support vendor and its the primary point of on-going contact between is customers, is it a focal point for a The managing the relationship. kinds of relationships that are possible are partly determined by the nature of the product (simple versus complex, cheap versus expensive), but strategic decision because good technical support can be used as differentiating feature for Customer relations and distant to company a in the firms in I a a few hundred dollars. however, the more service if is a a The more distant relationships As one support just isn't possible to provide personalized service it the product only costs also visited ranged from rather impersonal were associated with the higher volume, lower cost products. out, is competitive market. extremely close and attentive. manager pointed it expected for the when The more expensive the product, 15°6 maintenance fee. Likewise, the vendor has relatively few customers, then service and support are important ways to keep existing customers happy and develop good references 29 for subsequent sales. An example whether or not should be. of a basic policy decision to commit to Companies in regarding the quality of support specific response time, a and what that time the sample ranged from "sometime that day, or the next day at the latest", to "absolutely within four hours", to "one hour most." In details of is some companies, the after forwarding/hunting schemes were employed in how many rings, and various the local phone networks. It was how response time objectives were actually measured or what the consequences The companies with the the response was managed down to the level of who should pick up the phone not clear from the interviews at of failing to meet the objectives would be. closest relationships seemed to be the ones with very few (but very large) customers. Given their small size, BankCo and SaleCo had extremely elaborate systems for installation support, training, technical The support manager support, and product customization. at each firm emphasized that their job was to provide the best possible service Although BizCo has clients. a relatively large customer base, sophisticated set of services that it offers to clients. The it to these also has a fact that these firms refer to the licensees of their software as "clients" and not "customers the relatively service intensive nature of their business. or PCCo ship figure it very Vendors like reflects ' CompCo the software and the manuals and more or less expect people to out themselves. but it 6.2 Human Resource occupies a Support is still an essential part of doing business, lower profile within the firm. Issues Staffing the technical support function poses 30 a fairly uniform set of problems articulated a the organizations in The visited. i basic problem that managers The underlying problem finding good people and keeping them. is people who have the kind of catch-22 for the support manager: skills to is do the job generally don't want to, and people who don't have the skills require managers they become really useful. of training before many months Several of the interviewed offered the opinion that 6-9 months of training I required before someone can handle calls competently on their own. are trained, they no longer want the job. bind is that technical support manager explained, an end "it's always "burnout." somewhere else, it's never in managing it a problem. is that's just what's expected; a result, a scapegoat. so by the time they do, When a problem is fixed, praise and positive feedback from customers support staff get yelled at all Some day. is of the interviewees claimed to be able to take indefinite amounts of abuse without bothering them, but they acknowledged that while. Like (Hochschild, many other kinds of service, it gets to most people after hot line work is it a emotional work 1983). The other factor contributing support hotlines are quite routine. a First many cases, they have been In for quite some time before they call, they are tense, angry, and looking for As technical support group a Several factors make hot line support staff prone to burnout. almost every caller has working on scarce. to As one itself." in But an even bigger problem of all, stepping stone a Once they Part of the reason for this skills seen as an unglamorous function. is is to burnout is the fact that most calls to As mentioned earlier, support people spend great deal of time answering trivial questions, 31 repetitively explaining installation procedures, and so on. experience in wants diagnosing tricky systems errors, to explain to someone how better things to do, and moving out After amassing to couple of years of a senior support person rarely a use an editor or load when they decide to go do them, They have tape. a it usually involves of technical support. Several of the firms visited have innovative systems for limiting burnout and providing growth opportunities CaseCo uses a to technical support For example, staff. two-tiered system where "primary" support people talk on the phone with customers and handle all of the routine problems. "Secondary" support people are used as backup for the "primary" people and generally don't As talk to customers unless they need to. work and are spared the boredom SpreadCo divides its a result, they get more challenging of explaining trivial things to novices. support group into three sub-groups, each of which has This position entails additional status and "technical group leader." responsibilities and provides a growth path for people in support. Several of the firms (including SpreadCo and CaseCo) also of time that practice is support people actually spend taking used, half-time (4 hours spent away from the phones is calls. In a devoted to a chance the amount where this The time researching outstanding calls and break from the emotional stress customers while also providing firms limit day) seems to be the norm. a special assignments like quality assurance or consulting. give the support person a to learn new These other of activities listening to angry skills. 6.3 Relationships within the organization Technical support is generally not an isolated part of 32 a software company, but the particular ways in which relates to other functions it important set of managerial issues. support had a organization. In the organizations visited, technical variety of different relationships with other parts of the In general, technical support gathers information that this information is sometimes used. Product development is an area that is potentially very interested Every support group information collected by customer support. played some role is This section outlines some potentially useful to other parts of the organization. ways represents an I in visited Customers reporting and prioritizing bugs and enhancements. in report bugs through the hot line, so this group is in a position to the know which ones are relatively more important and urgent. Quality assurance and testing another role that technical support participated in. In is some firms, there was a separate quality assurance group, but others firms used technical support peopi e for this purpose. The bug reporting and prioritization function. chance to learn about a job of testing a product before release fits well with the also gives the new product before customers get The natural continuation management It of the quality of the beta test process. support staff a it. assurance function is the "Beta test" refers to the common practice of giving advance copies of new software to selected customers for actual field testing. Customers who participate in beta test typically receive discount, free copies, or some other special consideration. support in beta testing makes sense for technical support is a Involving technical variety of reasons. First of all, oriented towards identifying and reporting bugs, which the objective of the process. Also, a is technical support knows which customers have requested features that are present 33 in the new release and therefore likely to exercise them during the test period. manage the testing gives them a chance develop experience with the new to release before the entire customer base gets The manager support is at allowing the support group to Finally, it. SpreadCo provided some interesting reasons why technical new well situated to orchestrate the beta test of a release. When product development ran beta tests, only 10% of the customer given the new release would actually install result, very little it, and of those, only testing actually went on. When running beta tests, the installation rate went up extremely thorough. to following who few would use it. As a technical support started to nearly The difference was attributed carefully (with an emphasis on customer and a really 100% and testing was to selecting the test sites wanted the new features), up to make sure that software was actually being installed and used. Technical support can also provide valuable help to marketing and sales. At SmartCo, support staff were often called upon could serve as sales references. Support people to identify at customers that PlanCo were able to identify follow-up sales opportunities by noticing that large construction management firms often need to transfer plans from place to place. software but the other didn't, that was a If one location had the sales opportunity. SpreadCo takes calls from customers whose maintenance contracts have lapsed, but then refers them to sales for follow-up. the customers, they are in Because technical support a is in close contact with position to get timely and detailed information that a sales department could not easily get. Likewise, customer contact provides the opportunity to identify market opportunities and trends that transcend specific customers. 34 7.0 Preliminary Implications for Coordination Theory Hot line support come in, when a a is fairly the answers go out. hard problem comes The routine process for simple problems. But a hot line takes on a very different quality Hard problems require the involvement in. of and they almost always involve multiple exchanges multiple support people, information between organizations before the problem can be identified. problem is software. defined as a "bug", then the solution involves changes The change process is predominantly serial, calls in If of the the with the problem moving sequentially from customer support to engineering to quality assurance to release management. In support person may need the middle a lie range of problems where the individual to consult others (or do some other kind of research) before providing an answer. One can analyze this as a series of different coordination processes that depend on the complexity of the problem being Figure 2 shows the layering of routines that correspond to different solved. degrees of problem escalation. Figure 2: Problem escalation hierarchy Problem Number Difficulty Call-backs Number of S upporters Me cha nj_s_!lL Trivial None One Pooled Easy Few One Pooled Moderate Few Few Distributed search Hard, no bug Many Many Distributed search Hard, bug Many Many Serial The terms "pooled" and of "serial" in figure 2 are (1967) classic discussion of interdependence process is Coordination appropriate where there is little 35 in meant to organizations. evoke Thompson's A "pooled" interdependence (except perhaps through situation where In a hot line, to the needed when one step (e.g., recoding) depends on another is problem diagnosis) and must be completed "distributed search" corresponds this can be handled easily by individuals. A "serial" or calls sequential process (e.g, common resources). utilization of not from is Thompson, and in it kind of coordination mechanism whereby knowledge a is is meant interdependence arises because knowledge is to imply a different shared among A "distributed search" process organizational members. The term specific order. necessary when is distributed among individuals the in organization. The sharing or distribution of knowledge within the organization important aspect of coordination in software hot a line. an is the examples In I described, two general kinds of knowledge distribution can be identified. there is "pre-distribution", which have First, the pre-condition for "pooled" coordination. is This phenomenon could be modeled as Many organizations diffusion process. a promote the dissemination of knowledge with training, memos, meetings, faceto-face work settings, knowledge in and other practices. Second, there The is know where the actual skills 1986). something that might be called "meta-distribution" of shared or diffused, but knowledge or a skill required to accomplish description of that knowledge are located. established to the knowledge. In is a computational terms, a 36 task "pointer" By "knowing who knows," members pre-condition for efficient task assignment a is not shared so that others is support group can locate needed expertise very quickly. knowledge of question, one would expect these efforts to be more or less effective (c.f.. Winter, knowledge. Depending on the particular kind is of the This form of metain systems with as well. specialists, In some cases, the surface features may signify organizational sub-units other cases, deeper understanding a which to of the the actual ability to solve the problem is a of problem descriptions problem can be referred; problem is not required, required. in either case, In because the problem can simply be referred to the specialist. The use of search process. who does. meta-knowledge to locate resources within the organization When support people know what don't they ask someone to do, When they don't know who knows, they "ask around" someone who does. Search suggest someone else who is directed towards somebody Analytically, will. (multiple individuals) and no search to find who may know Shared knowledge reduces the need for search, while meta-knowledge facilitates search. way, the knowledge gained by individuals within the organization Over time, available change. this collective In kinds of learning which occur symbolic, and structural. identified and solved. is in all. the organization learns. One can the context of technical support: Substantive learning occurs when By adding knowledge a occurs when the significance of a it identify three substantive, new problem is to parts of the organization, substantive learning changes the constraints on task assignment. learning Either made knowledge and the routines for making this sense, or can one can distinguish between sear (single individual). collectively available for the benefit of a is call, a caller, or a Symbolic problem area changes (e.g., when an important new product starts having "one too many" problems). Symbolic learning changes the significance of the work for the people involved. St-^uctural learning changes the routines used and therefore the coordination processes themselves. 37 to conduct work, These categories have been identified but usually learning, in in the literature on organizational Researchers with an interest isolation. issues tend to emphasize substantive learning (e.g., and Olsen, 1976) 1985), Fiol in strategic and Lyies, 1986; March cultural theorists emphasize symbolic learning (e.g., Schein, and organization theorists emphasize structural learning (e.g., Leavitt and March, 1988). in the practical context of hot line support, all three aspect of learning are important and interdependent. Learning represents an important dimension to coordination theory that we Our analysis are just beginning to explore. to date (e.g., Malone, 1987; Crowston, Malone, and Lin, 1988) has compared static organizational forms one moment in While this may be appropriate for computational models, time. the ability to learn and change is a crucial aspect of social organizations. Coordination processes in not be static, Recent organizational simulations either. provocative results relative advantage in organizations are not static, real this area of specialists (Narayanan, 1990). is a vital element in will have yielded some These simulations tested the The results indicate that choosing the most efficient organizational form. This finding needs to be pushed further. research to explore learning so our theory should versus generalists under differ-ent assumptions about task assignment, learning, and task load. learning at in I am currently planning additional the technical support context. This research emphasize the relationship between learning and coordination and hopefully enrich our understanding of coordination processes organizations. 38 in real will . References Crowston, K., Malone, T. W. and Lin, F. (1988) Cognitive Science and Organization Design: A Case Study of Computer Conferencing Computer Human 3, pp. 59-85 Interaction , Fiol, C. M. and Lyies, M. A. Management Review 10, , (1986) pp. 803-813 Academy Organizational Learning. of Hochschild, A. R. (1983) The Managed Heart: The commercialization of human Berkeley, CA: University of California Press feeling Leavitt, B. and March, J. G. (1988) Organizational Learning Annual Review of Sociologv F. (1980) Knowledge: its Creation, Distribution and Economic Princeton NJ Princeton University Press Significance, Volume One Machlup, : Malone, T. W. (1987) Modeling coordination Management Science 33, pp. 1317-1332 in organizations and markets. , March, J. G. and Olsen, J. P. (1976) Ambiguity and Choice Bergen, Norway: Univeritetsforlaget Organizations in , Narayanan, K. (1990) A Simulation-based Comparison of Specialist and Generalist Organizations Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thompson, J.D. (1967) Organizations in Action New York: McGraw-Hill Rockart J. and Flannery, S. (1983) The Management of End User Computing Communications of the ACM 26:10 Schein, E. H. (1985) Organizational Culture and Lea d ership San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass S. (1986) The research program of the behavioral theory of the firm: Orthodox critique and evolutionary perspective, in B. Gilad and S. Kaish (Eds.) Handbook of Behavioral Economics, Vol A. Behavioral Economics (pp. 151-187) Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Winter, , 39 e 1: jonvm Software Firms Included in the Sample •T Date Due AUG 3 1S9? dEC Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 TDfiO 00701Sm E