^^ Of tbc^ -'' HD28 .M414 ^1 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE SOURCES AND NATURE OF LONG-TERM MEMORY IN THE BUSINESS CYCLE by Joseph G. Haubrich and Andrew W. Lo Latest Revision: August 1989 Working Paper No. 3062-89-EFA MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 lAUG 23 1989 THE SOURCES AND NATURE OF LONG-TERM MEMORY IN THE BUSINESS CYCLE by Joseph G. Haubrich and Andrew W. Lo Latest Revision: August 1989 Working Paper No. 3062-89-EFA AU6 2 5ig89 RECaVED THE SOURCES AND NATURE OF LONG-TERM MEMORY IN THE BUSINESS CYCLE Joseph G. Haubrich* and Andrew First Draft: Latest Revision We May : W. Lo ** 1988 August 1989 examine the stochastic properties of aggregate macroeconomic time series from the standpoint of fractionally integrated models, and focus on the persistence of economic shocks. We develop a simple macroeconomic model that exhibits long-term dependence, a consequence of aggregation in the presence of real business cycles. We derive the re- between properties of fractionally integrated macroeconomic time series and those of microeconomic data, and discuss how fiscal policy may alter their stochastic behavior. To implement these results empirically, we employ a test for fractionally integrated time series based on the Hurst-Mandelbrot rescaled range. This test is robust to short-term dependence, and is applied to quarterly and annual real GNP to determine the sources and nature of long-term dependence in the business cycle. lation 'Department of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. ** Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER. We thank the editors and the referee for comments and we are grateful to Don Andrews, Pierre Perron, Fallaw Sowell, and seminar participants at Columbia University, the NBER Summer Institute, the Penn Macro Lunch Group, and the University of Rochester for useful discussions Research support from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. SES-8520054), the Rodney L. White Fellowship at the Wharton School (Lo), the John M. Olin Fellowship at the NBER (Lo), the Batterymarch Fellowship (Lo), and the University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation (Haubrich) is gratefully acknowledged. 1. Introduction. Questions about the persistence of economic shocks currently occupy an important Most controversy has centered on whether aggregate time place in macroeconomics. are better approximated by fluctuations around a deterministic trend, or by a series random walk plus a stationary or temporary component. The empirical results from these studies are mixed, perhaps because the time series representation of output wider clciss of processes than previously considered. may belong to a much In particular, earlier studies have ignored the class of fractionally integrated processes, which serves as a compromise between the two stochastic models usually considered, and which also exhibits an interesting type of long-range dependence. This new approach also accords well with the classical business cycle program exemplified by Wesley Claire Mitchell, trends and cycles at Economic all and depression, a "rhythmical fluctuation crises take place Even because the data evince in activity." Recurrent roughly every 3 to 5 years and thus seem part of a non- Studying such cycles century macroeconomics. cult of frequencies. ing periods of prosperity periodic cycle. who urged examination does not proceed smoothly: there are good times, bad times, alternat- life downturns and NBER in detail has been the main activity of twentieth so, isolating cycles of these frequencies many has been other cycles of longer and shorter duration. diffi- Wesley Mitchell (1927, p. 463) remarks "Time series also show that the cyclical fluctuations of most [not sorts: tions." all] economic processes occur secular trends, primary combination with fluctuations of several other in and secondary, seasonal variations, and irregular fluctua- Properly removing these other influences has always been controversial. No less an authority than Irving Fisher (1925) considered the business cycle a myth, akin to runs of luck at Monte Carlo. In a similar vein, Slutzky (1937) suggested that cycles arose from smoothing procedures used to create the data. A similar debate is now taking The standard methods place. of removing a linear or exponential trend assume implicitly that business cycles are fluctuations around a trend. Other work similar to changes. [e.g. Nelson and Plosser (1982)] challenges this and posits stochastic trends random walks, highlighting the distinction between temporary and permanent Since empirically the cyclical or temporary component fluctuation in the trend like Fisher's [as in 2.7 myth. This the case of a component is important random [the random walk for forecasting 1 - small relative to the part], business cycles look more purposes because permanent changes walk] today have a large effect - is many periods later, whereas 8.89 temporary changes The large [as in stationary fluctuations around a trend] have small future effects. random walk component of aggregate output. also provides evidence against theoretical models Models that focus on monetary or aggregate demand disturbances cannot explain much output variation; supply side as a source of transitory fluctuations or other models some must be invoked [e.g. Nelson and Plosser (1982), Campbell and Mankiw (1987);. However, the recent studies posit a misleading dichotomy. sus random walks, they overlook who have Kuznets, earlier In stressing trends ver- work by Mitchell [quoted above], Adelman, and stressed correlations in the data intermediate between secular trends and transitory fluctuations. In the language of the interwar Kondratiev, Kuznets and Juglar cycles. NBER, they are missing In particular, in the language of modern time has ignored series analysis, the search for the stochastic properties of aggregate variables the clciss of fractionally integrated processes. These stochastic processes, midway between white noise and a random walk, exhibit a long-range dependence no can mimic, yet lack the permanent effects of an ARIMA of explaining the lower frequency effects, the long swings Adelman finite ARMA model They show promise process. emphasized by Kuznets (1930), (1965) or the effects which persist from one business cycle to the next. Since long memory models they may for a more exhibit dependence without the permanent effects of an ARIMA process, not be detected by standard methods of fitting Box-Jenkins models. This calls direct investigation of this alternative class of stochastic processes. This paper examines the stochastic properties of aggregate output from the standpoint of fractionally integrated models. reviewing its main We properties, advantages, introduce this type of process in Section and weaknesses. Section macroeconomic model that exhibits long-term dependence. Section for fractional integration in Though dence. 2.7 conclude 3 develops a simple employs a new time series to search for long-term dependence related to a test of Hurst's and Mandelbrot's, We 4 it is 2, test in the data. robust to short-term depen- in Section 5. -2- 8.89 Review of Fractional Techniques 2. A random walk can model time in Statistics. The but non-periodic. series that look cyclic first differences of that series [or in continuous time, the derivative] should then be white noise. This ries an example of the is makes it "rougher," whereas macroeconomic time that common intuition that differencing [differentiating] a time se- summing [integrating] series look like neither a some compromise or hybrid between the it makes it "smoother." random walk nor white random walk and noise, suggesting integral its Many may be useful. Such a concept has been given content through the development of the fractional calculus, i.e., differentiation between and 1 and integration may the ordinary integral; than white noise. to non-integer orders. be viewed as a it filter The that smooths white noise to a lesser degree than yields a series that rougher than a random walk but smoother is Granger and Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981) develop the time implications of fractional differencing in discrete time. ries fractional integral of order have employed fractionally difference time series, se- Since several recent studies we provide only a brief review of their properties in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. 2.1. Fractional Differencing. Perhaps the most intuitive exposition of fractionally differenced time infinite-order autoregressive and moving-average representations. Let Xt (l-I)'^X, where d = tf is white noise, d then Xt is is = series is via their satisfy: (2.1) et the degree of differencing, and L denotes the lag operator. random walk if d white noise, whereas Xt is a = 1. If However, as Granger and Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981) have shown, d need not be an integer. From the binomial theorem, we have the relation: The idea ' lay dormant only arisen its an old one, dating back to an oblique reference by Leibnit in 1695, but the subject Liouville, and Riemann, developed it more fully Extensive applications have this century; see, for example, Oldham and Spanier (1974). Kolmogorov (1940) was apparently the first to notice of fractional differentiation until the 19th century in ie when Abel, applications in probability and statistics. ^See, for example, Diebold and Rudebusch (1989) and Sowell (1989a, b) for further details. 2.7 - 3 - 8.89 — (1-^)' where (^) is = E(-l)'(^)^' (2-2) the binomial coefficient extended to non-integer values of d in the natural way. By manipulating (2.1) mechanically, Xt also ha.s an infinite-order particular, expressing the binomial coefficients in terms of the = X. The when d is d. have: (2.3) less For example, Granger and Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981) show than ^, Although the specification to fractional The ARIMA AR applications, and and Xt MA is in (2.1) models is stationary; is when d is greater than — j, Xt is invertible. a fractional integral of pure white noise, the extension clear. representations of fractionally differenced time series have many illustrate the central properties of fractional processes, particularly long- term dependence. The MA coefficients Bj^ tell the effect of a indicate the extent to which current levels of the process this we function, pl|^. B, = B(L).. gamma representation. In particular time series properties of Xt depend intimately on the value of the differ- encing parameter that = (.-L)-^<, MA shock k periods ahead, and How depend on past values. dependence decays furnishes valuable information about the process. Using fast Stirling's approximation, we have: Bu for large k. Comparing this -— « (2.4) with the decay of an AR(l) process highlights a central feature of fractional processes: they decay hyperbolically, at rate k exponential rate of p for an AR(l). For example, compare function of the fractionally differenced series 0.9X(_i + £(. Although they both have autocorrelation function decays ^See Hosking (1981) 2.7 1 — L)^^^'^^Xt Figure = Cf 1 rather than at the the autocorrelation with the AR(l) Xt first-order autocorrelations of 0.90, the much more functions of these two processes. At lag (1 in , rapidly. Figure = AR(l)'s 2a plots the impulse-response the MA-coefficients of the fractionally differenced for further details. - 4 - 8.89 series and and the AR(l) are 0.475 and 0.900 respectively; at lag series lags. Alternatively, v/e may autoregressive parameter will, for a given lag, yield the fractionally differenced series (2.1). This value in and 0.349, 100 they are 0.048 and 0.000027. The persistence of the fractionally differenced apparent at the longer is at lag 10 they are 0.158 when d — Figure 2b for various lags must be very ask of an AR(l)'s same impulse-response simply the is what value A;-th root of Bf^ and is as the plotted For large k, this autoregressive parameter 0.475. close to unity. These representations also show how standard econometric methods can methods fractional processes, necessitating the of Section 4. fail to detect Although a high order ARMA process can mimic the hyperbolic decay of a fractionally differenced series in finite samples, the large number of parameters required usual Akaike or Schwartz Criteria. pattern with a single parameter Hudak explicitly fractional process, however, captures that Granger and Joyeux (1980) and Geweke and Porter- d. (1983) provide empirical support for this by showing that fractional models often out-predict fitted The lag represents ARMA models. polynomial B{L) provides a metric for the persistence of Xf. GNP, which forecast of future given by (2.1). Rudebusch (1989) unexpectedly this year. falls GNP? To polynomial C{L) that is An would give the estimation a poor rating from the address this issue, define satisfies the relation (1 How much should this change a as the coefficients of the lag Cj^ — L)Xt = Suppose Xt C{L)et, where the process Xt One measure used by Campbell and Mankiw (1987) and Diebold and is: lim B,, = J^C,, = C(l) (2.5) . k=0 For large k, the value of Bj^ measures the response of Xt^k ^o ^" innovation at time natural metric for persistence."* and asymptotically there is From (2.4), no persistence the autocorrelations die out very slowly. case), but also for j < d < 1, when it is immediate that for < <i < in a fractionally differenced series, This holds true not only for d the process is < 1, C(l) t, = a 0, even though ^ (the stationary nonstationary. *But sec Cochrane (1988), Quah (1988), and Sowell (1989c) for opposing views. 'There has been some confusion in the hterature on this point. Geweke and Porter-Hudak (1983) argue that C(l) > 0. They correctly point out that Granger and Joyeux (1980) have made an error, but then incorrectly claim that C(l) ;= l/r{d). If our equation (2 4) is correct, then it is apparent that C(l) = (which agrees with Granger (1980) and Hosking (1981)]. Therefore, the focus of the conflict lies in the approximation of the ratio r(/c + d]/r{k + 1) for large k. We have used Stirling's approximation. However, a more elegant derivation follows from the functional analytic definition of the gamma function as 2.7 - 5 - 8.89 From these calculations, apparent that the long-range dependence of fractional is it processes relates to the slow decay of the autocorrelations, not to any permanent effect. This distinction is important; an IMA(l,l) can have small but positive persistence, but the coefficients will never mimic the slow decay of a fractional process. The long-range dependence of fractionally differenced time series forces us to some conclusions about decomposing time modify "permanent" and "temporary" com- series into ponents. Although Beveridge and Nelson (1981) show that non-stationary time series always be expressed as the sum of a random walk and a may stationary process, the stationary component may exhibit long-range dependence. This suggests that the temporary compo- may be nent of the business cycle practical purposes, closer to The presence what we think if Nelson and Plosser (1982) argue that deterministic detrending the cylical component (1986) shows that the or trend part for all of as a long non-periodic cycle. overstate the importance of the business cycle walk. However, is, of fractional differencing has yet another implication for the Beveridge- Nelson (BN) approach. may transitory only in the mathematical sense and BN decomposition if secular movements follow a an AR(l) with a nearly unit root, McCallum is will assign too and understate the contribution of the much variance to the permanent temporary component.^ But suppose A decom- differencing the series the appropriate [fractional] number the temporary component follows the fractionally differenced time series (2.1). position in the spirit of BN, i.e., random of times, leaves no temporary component. However, taking first-differences of the series as Plosser and Schwert (1978) suggest will obviously overstate the importance of the cyclical component. For example, order, the temporary may reverse we difference (2.1) once, instead of the appropriate fractional component becomes (fractional) order leaves noise if — L)^~ (1 e^. Differencing by the appropriate no temporary component. Therefore, the presence of fractional McCallum's result. the Bolution to the following recursive relation [see, for example, lyanaga and Kawada (1980 Section 179.A)): r(i+l) = xT{x) and the conditions; r(i) = 1 lin, n That an AR(1) with 2.7 coefficient 0.99 is in — ao ii^^ any sense "temporary" - 6 - = 1 n'Tln) is arguable. 8.89 Spectral Representation. 2.2. The spectrum, or spectral density [denoted /(w)] of a time series specifies the contri- bution each frequency makes to the total variance. Granger (1966) and Adelman (1965) have pointed out that most aggregate economic time series have a "typical spectral shape" where the spectrum increases dramatically as w — > 0]. Most as the frequency approaches zero [/(cj) — > oo of the power or variance seems concentrated at low frequencies, or long periods. However, pre-whitening or differencing the data often leads to "over-differencing" component", and often replaces the peak by a dip at or "zapping out the low frequency The spectra Fractional differencing yields an intermediate result. exhibit peaks at the random more [unlike the flat walk's. A We persistence. spectrum of an fractional series hais a 0. of fractional processes ARM A process], but ones not so sharp as spectrum richer low frequency terms, and in by calculating the spectrum of fractionally integrated illustrate this white noise, and also present several formulas needed later on. Given Xt = (1 — L)~ if, the series is noise input, so that the spectrum of Xt = T. 1 The identity |l — zf = 2[l ^^"^ ^dT — 2r ^TT — cos(t<;)] fiu) output of a linear system with a white is: a2 ^(^) clearly the 2 = e-*", implies that for small = u) = o' E{ei]. we have: c^^. cu;-2^ (2.7) This approximation encompasses the two extremes of a white noise process] and a random walk. For white walk, d = 1 and the spectrum is noise, d = 0, and f{u>) inversely proportional to (2.6) o;'^. = c, A a finite ARMA while for a random [or class of processes of current interest in the statistical physics literature, called l// noise, matches fractionally integrated noise with d ''See Chatfield (1984, 2.7 = I. Chapters 6 and 9). - 7 - 8.89 A 3. Simple Macroeconomic Model with Long-Term Dependence. Over half to learn if a century ago, more about economic we approach Models oscillations at large p. 230) wrote that "We stand and about business cycles the problem of trends as theorists, than empirical work." theory. Wesley Claire Mitchell (1927 if we in particular, confine ourselves to strictly Indeed, gaining insights beyond stylized facts requires guidance from of long-range dependence may provide organization and discipline construction of economic paradigms of growth and business cycles. They can guide in future research by predicting policy effects, postulating underlying causes, and suggesting ways to analyze and combine data. Ultimately, examining the the new facts serves only as a prelude. Economic understanding requires more than a consensus on the Wold representation GNP; demands a it falsifiable model based on the tastes of and technology of the actual economy. Thus, before testing for long-range dependence, we develop a simple model of economic equilibrium in which aggregate output exhibits such behavior. It presents one reason that macroeconomic data might show the particular stochastic structure shows that models can also for which we restrict the fractional differencing properties of time test. It series, so that our test holds promise for distinguishing between competing theories. Furthermore, the majcimizing model presented below connects long-rajige dependence to central economic concepts of productivity, aggregation, and the limits of the representative agent paradigm. 3.1. A Simple Real Model. One will plausible mechanism for generating long-range mention here and not pursue, integrated process. is dependence in output, which we that production shocks themselves follow a fractionally This explanation for persistence follows that used by Kydland and Prescott (1982). In general, such an approach begs the question, but in the present case evidence from geophysical and meteorological records suggests that important shocks have long run correlation properties. for example, find long-range dependence many economically Mandelbrot and Wallis (1969), in rainfall, riverflows, earthquakes and weather [measured by tree rings and sediment deposits]. A more them satisfactory model explains the time despite white noise shocks. data by producing This section develops such a model with long-range dependence, using a linear quadratic version of the 2.7 series properties of - 8 - real business cycle model of Long and 8.89 Plosser (1983) and aggregation results due to Granger (1980). In our multi-sector model the output of each industry (or island) will follow an N sectors will not follow an AR(l) process. Aggregate output with AR(l) but rather an ARMA(A'',A'^-1). This makes dynamics with even a moderate number of sectors unmanageable. Under fairly general conditions, however, a simple fractional process will closely approximate the true Consider a model economy with many goods and and consumption plan. The a production version of the real business cycle model. U = A'^ ^/9'u(C() where Ct goods is u{Ct) where l is assume B total may be process either is j-th entry S^^t of the et is t + i at time a lifetime utility function of function u{Ct) is given by: - \c[BCt (3.1) and it is Sti = later, we face a resource constraint: Yt (3.2) matrix St denotes the quantity of good j invested assumed that any good may be consumed Yjt or invested. determined by the random linear technology: a (vector) 1. yielding a diagonal might occur, for A = ASt + (3.3) et random production shock whose The matrix A term dependence we value is realized at the beginning of consists of the input-output parameters a^,. restrict A's form. Thus, each sector uses only its To focus on own output matrix and allowing us to simplify notation by defining Cj = long- as input, a^^. This example, with a number of distinct islands producing different goods. To further simplify the problem, 2.7 C[i + NxN Yt period The agent has C[BCt = Yi ^ti^ff "^^^ agents consumed or saved, thus: z, t, chooses agent inhabits a linear quadratic to be diagonal so that where the where who an A^xl vector of ones. In anticipation of the aggregation considered output Yt Output infinitely lived utility = Ct in a representative agent an A^xl vector denoting period-t consumption of each of the our economy. Each period's in ARMA specification. all commodities are perishable and capital depreciates - 9 - at a 8.89 rate of 100 percent. Since the state of the period's output and productivity shock, economy it is in each period is fully specified useful to denote that vector Zt = by that [V/ e[]'. Subject to the production function and the resource constraints (3.2) and (3.3), the agent maximizes expected lifetime utility: Y,0'-\{Yt-Sti) {5,} ' where we have substituted maps {St) ' ' "- consumption for naturally into a dynamic T = (3.4) t in (3.4) using the budget equation (3.2). This programming formulation, with a value function V [Zt] and optimality equation: V[Zt) = U^.^[u[Yt-Sti) + 0E\V{Zt+^)\Zt]\ \St] With quadratic utility and K (3.5) . ) linear production, it is straightforward to show that V[Zi) is quadratic, with fixed constants given by the matrix Riccati equation that results from Given the value function, the the recursive definition of the value function. first order conditions of the optimality equation (3.5) yield the chosen quantities of consumption and investment/savings and have closed-form solutions. The simple form of the optimal consumption and investment decision the quadratic preferences and the linear production function. Two rules comes from qualitative features bear emphasis. First, higher output today will increase both current consumption and current investment, thus increasing future output. Even with 100 percent depreciation, no durable commodities, and i.i.d. serial correlation. Second, the optimal choices do not depend on the uncertainty present. production shocks, the time-to-build feature of investment induces This certainty equivalence feature The time series of is clearly an artifact of the linear-quadratic combination. output can now be calculated from the production function and the optimal consumption/investment decision rules. (3.1) Quantity dynamics then come from the difference equation: y,(+l *See Sargent (1987, Chapter 2.7 1) for - ^^-^ — ^y,t + K, + e,t+i (3.6) an excellent exposition. - 10 - 8.89 or Yu^l where Pj and X, are summarized by = fixed constants. (3.7) is a^, which in The key That effect dies off at a rate that mimics business However, aggregate output, the sum across It sum has an ARMA(A^,A'^ — of A'^ all is two series, Xt an ARMA(2,1) process. Simple induction With over six million registered businesses in America (CEA, 1988), the dynamics can be incredibly unmanageably huge. The common response different firms (islands) of independent AR(l) processes with distinct parameters representation. 1) sum well-known that the is each AR(l) with independent error, then implies that the ters depends on the show such dependence, which we now demonstrate by applying the aggre- gation results of Granger (1980,1988). Yt, dynamics Higher output today for a single industry or island neither cycles nor exhibits long-run dependence. and qualitative property of quantity turn depends on the underlying preferences and technology. The simple output dynamics sectors, will (3.7) £,(^1 that output Y^t follows an AR(l) process. implies higher output in the future. parameter + K, + <^^Y^t rich, to this and the number problem is of parame- to pretend that many have the same AR(l) representation for output, which reduces the dimensions of the aggregate ARMA An autoregressive parameters. This "canceling of roots" requires identical process. alternative approach reduces the scope of the problem by ARMA process approximates a fractionally integrated process, and thus the many ARMA parameters in a parsimonious manner. Though we consider showing that the summarizes the ca^e of independent sectors, dependence Consider the case of related A'^ for sector I's output sumptions on the Y^°' = X^j_i Vit . ttj's Y^^. easily handled. sectors, with the productivity shock for each serially uncor- and independent across the productivity coefficient is a^. islands. Furthermore, This implies differences One of our key results is let the sectors differ according to in Qj, the autoregressive parameter that under some distributional as- aggregate output Vj" follows a fractionally integrated process, where To show this, we approach this problem from the frequency domain and apply spectral methods which often simplify problems of aggregation.^ Let /(w) denote the spectrum [spectral density function] of a random variable, and let z = e~*'^. From the definition of the spectrum as the Fourier transform of the autocovariance function, the *See Theil (1954). 2.7 - 11 - 8.89 spectrum of yj^ is: a' ^•(") Similarly, = u^^^- ''•'' independence implies that /(w), the spectrum of The of the individual Fit's. q:,'s the Y^°', is sum of the spectra mezisure an industry's average output for given input. This attribute of the production function can be thought of as a drawing from nature, as can the variance of the productivity shocks for e^t each sector. Thus, it makes sense to think of the Oj's as independently drawn from a distribution G[a) and the Oj's drawn from F{a). Provided that the density of the £,j sum can be shocks are independent of the distribution of the distribution F{a) ARMA(m,m — 1) the spectral written as: /H If Qj's, is process. = ^£[^2] J discrete, so that A more / . 2n --J-^dF(a) \l takes on it (3.9) — azr m (< values, F^" will be an A'^) general distribution leads to a process no finite ARMA model can represent. To further specify the process, take a particular distribution Beta distribution. in this case a variant of the In particular, let a for F, be distributed as Beta(p,g), which yields the following density function for a: dF{a) = ~ ^(^''^ { ~ (3.10) otherwise with p > requires a and little q > 0.^^ Obtaining the Wold representation of the resulting process more work. As a first step, expand the spectrum (3.10) by long division. Substituting this expansion and the Beta distribution (3.10) into the expression for the spectrum and simplifying [using the relation z + z = 2cos(a;)] yields: '" Granger (1980) conjectures that the particular distribution " For a discussion of the variety of shapes the Beta distribution takes as p and 2.7 is not essential but only proves the result for Beta distributions. - 12 - q vary, see Johnson and Kott (1970) 8.89 /M Then = y^ ^2 + 2^a^os(Mj^(^c.2p-l(l-a2)9-2da. the coefficient of cos(A;u;) (3.11) is: 2a^ c,2p+^-l(i _ ^2)9-2^^ (3.12) _ /: Since the spectral density the A:-th autocovariance of simplifies to coefficients 0{p + is the Fourier transform of the autocovariance function, (3.12) Yf'^. k/2,q — is Furthermore, the integral defines a Beta function, so (3.12) Dividing by the variance gives the autocorrelation l)//?(p, g). which reduce to *' r(p) r(p + 1 + 0+1) which, again using the result from Stirling's approximation T{a proportional (for large lags) to integrated process of order d — Thus, aggregate output k^~^. 1 — f" + k)/T{b + A;) « k°'~", is Yf^ follows a fractionally Furthermore, as an approximation for long this does not necessarily rule out interesting correlations at higher, e.g. lags, business cycle, frequencies. Similarly, co-movements can arise as the fractionally integrated income process may induce fractional integration in maximizing model given tastes and In principle, all other observed time series. This has arisen from a technologies.-^ parameters of the model may be estimated, from the distribution of production function parameters to the variance of output shocks. Though to our knowledge no one has explicitly estimated the distribution of production function parameters, people have estimated production functions across industries. ^^ studies disaggregates to 45 industries. One many of the better recent For our purposes, the quantity closest to a, is the ''Two additional points are worth emphasizing First, the Beta distribution need not be over (0,1) to obtain these results, only over (a,l) Second, it is indeed possible to vary the a.'s so that a, has a Beta distribution. '^Leontief, in his classic study (1976) reports own-industry output coefficients for 10 sectors: how much an extra unit of food food production These vary from 0.06 (fuel) to 1.24 (other industries). '* Jorgenaon, GoUop and Fraumeni (1987). will increase 2.7 - 13 - 8.89 value-weighted intermediate product factor share. Using a translog production function, this gives the factor share of inputs These range from a low of 0.07 in coming from TV radio and industries, excluding labor and capital. advertising to a high of 0.811 in petroleum and coal products. Thus, even a small amount of disaggregation reveals a large dispersion and suggests the 3.2. plausibility and significance of the simple model presented in this section. Welfare Implications. Taking a policy perspective of national income. that they live in People raises a natural question about the fractional properties Does long-term dependence have welfare implications? Do agents care such a world? who must predict output or forecast sales will care about the fractional nature of output, but fractional processes can have normative implications as well. Lucas (1987), regimes. let We this section estimates the welfare costs of can decide if the typical household economic people care whether their world consume under different fractional. For concreteness, C(, evaluating this via a utility function: oo .l-CT U is instability Following ^ 1 0' l-ai -E\Cl -c (3.14) t=0 Also assume: InCt = (l + A)^^^LSt (3.15) fc=0 where With rjj Tji = Ine^. The A term measures compensation for variations in the process (^{L). normally distributed with between two processes 4> and xJj mean and variance 1, the compensating fraction A is: oo 1 + exp A Ln-o)^(4-4) (3.16) k=0 Evaluating this using a 2.7 realistic (7 = 5, again comparing an AR(l) with p - 14 - = 0.9 and 8.89 fractional process of order 1/4, those is in we Lucas because the process find that A is in logs = —0.99996 [this number looks larger than rather than in levels]. ^^ For comparison, this the difference between an AR(l) with p of 0.90 and one with p of 0.95. This calculation provides a rough comparison only. model generating the processes, When as only it feasible, welfare calculations will correctly should use the account for important specifics, such as labor supply or distortionary taxation. '^ We calculate this using (2.4) and the Hardy-Littlewood approximation for the resulting Titchmarsh, 1951, sec 2.7 Riemann Zeta Function, following 4 11 - 15 - 8.89 R/S 4. The Analysis of Real Output, results of Section 3 dependence show that simple aggregation may be one source of long-term in the business cycle. memory and apply statistic first it to real In this section GNP. The technique we employ a method is for detecting long based on a simple generalization of a proposed by the English hydrologist Harold Edwin Hurst (1951), which has subsequently been refined by Mandelbrot (1972, 1975) and others.^ Our generalization of Mandelbrot's statistic [called the "rescaled range" or "range over standard deviation" or R/S] enables us to distinguish between short made in a sense to be precise below. We define our notions of short 4.1. In Section 4.2 term dependence and long memory and present the we present the empirical in log-linearly results for real under two null To develop a method of detecting long used concepts of short-term dependence is Section 4.3; several less we find long- dependence in Monte Carlo experiments results in Section 4.3. Statistic. between long-term and short-term (1956), which we perform and two alternative hypotheses and report these The Rescaled Range tinction GNP test statistic in Section detrended output, but considerably the growth rates. To interpret these results, 4.1. and long run dependence, is a measure of the decline by successively longer spans of time. memory, we must be statistical precise about the dis- dependence. One of the most widely the notion of "strong-mixing" due to Rosenblatt in statistical dependence of two events separated Heuristically, a time series maximal dependence between any two events becomes trivial as is strong-mixing if the more time elapses between them. By controlling the rate at which the dependence between future events and those of the distant past declines, limit it is possible to extend the usual laws of large numbers and central theorems to dependent sequences of random variables. Such mixing conditions have been used extensively by White (1982), White and Domowitz (1984), and Phillips (1987) for example, to relax the assumptions that ensure consistency and asymptotic normality of various econometric estimators. We adopt this notion of short-term dependence as part of our null hypothesis. As Phillips (1987) observes, these conditions are satisfied by a great many stochastic processes, including Moreover, the inclusion of a moment all Gaussian finite-order stationary ARMA models. condition also allows for heterogeneously distributed '*See Mandelbrot and Taqqu (1979) and Mandelbrot and Wallis (1968, 1969a-c). 2.7 - 16 - 8.89 sequences [such as those exhibiting heteroscedasticity], an especially important extension in GNP. view of the non-stationarities of real In contract to the "short phenomena natural memory" of weakly dependent often display long-term memory in [i.e., strong-mixing] processes, the form of non-periodic cycles. This has lead several authors, most notably Mandelbrot, to develop stochastic models that exhibit dependence even over very long time spans. series The fractionally integrated time models of Mandelbrot and Van Ness (1968), Granger and Joyeux (1980), and Hosking (1981) are examples of these. Operationally, such models possess autocorrelation functions that decay at much slower rates than those of weakly dependent processes, and violate To the conditions of strong-mixing. detect long-term dependence [also called "strong dependence"], Mandelbrot suggests using the range over standard deviation (R/S) also called the "rescaled range," The R/S river discharges. from statistic mean, rescaled by its which was developed by Hurst (1951) its is statistic, in his studies of the range of partial suras of deviations of a time series standard deviation. In several seminal papers, Mandelbrot demonstrates the superiority of R/S to more conventional methods of determining long-run dependence [such as autocorrelation analysis and spectral In testing for long that is is memory in analysis]. output, we employ a modification of the R/S statistic robust to weak dependence. In Lo (1989), a formal sampling theory for the statistic obtained by deriving theorem. We its limiting distribution analytically using a functional central limit use this statistic and its asymptotic distribution for inference below. Let Xt denote the first-difference of log-GNP; we assume that: Xt where n is = ^ + ^ (4.1) an arbitrary but fixed parameter. Whether or not Xt exhibits long-term depends on the properties of {ft}- As our null hypothesis memory H, we assume that the sequence of disturbances {e^} satisfies the following conditions: {A\) E\et\ = for all t. *'See Mandelbrot {1972, 1975), Mandelbrot and Taqqu (1979), and Mandelbrot and Wallis (1968, 1969a-c). '*Thi8 Btatietic is asymptotically equivalent to Mandelbrot's under independently and identically distributed observations, however Lo (1989) shows that the original R/S statistic may be significantly biased toward rejection when the time series is short-term dependent. Although aware of this bias, Mandelbrot (1972, 1975) did not correct for it since his focus was on the relation of the R/S statistic's logarithm to the logarithm of the sample site, which involves no statistical inference; such a relation clearly is unaffected by short-term dependence 2.7 - 17 - 8.89 {A2) suptE\\et\^] {A3) a^ {A4) {et} = < oo for limn- is some /? > 2. strong-mixing with mixing coefficients °° > and a exists -ni^U^if a;, 0. that satisfy 19 l_i k=l Condition [Al) is standard. Conditions {A2) through {A4) are restrictions on the maximal degree of dependence and heterogeneity allowable while still permitting some form of the law of large nimibers and the [functional] central limit theorem to obtain. we have not assumed marginal distributions of less than moments et such as those may the disturbances 2, [e.g. Although condition stationarity. still coefficients decline faster moments of than l/k. However, must decline rules out infinite variance (.42) family with characteristic exponent exhibit leptokurtosis via time-varying conditional conditional heteroscedasticity]. Moreover, since there conditions {A2) and {A4), the uniform absolute in the stable all if For example, orders [corresponding to restrict et is a trade-off between bound on the moments may be relaxed than {A4) requires. we Note that /? to have finite — > oo], if we require to if the mixing et have then a^ must decline moments only up finite feister to order 4, then aj^ faster than l/k"^. Conditions {Al) — {A4) are satisfied by many of the recently proposed stochastic models of persistence, such as the stationary AR(l) with a near-unit root. Although the distinction between dependence of degree, strongly series that in the short versus long dependent processes behave so diff"erently our dichotomy seems most natural. strongly dependent processes are either sums do not converge graphically, their behavior is marked by may appear to be a matter from weakly dependent time For example, the spectral densities of unbounded in distribution at the runs same or zero at frequency zero. Their partial rate as weakly dependent series. cyclic patterns of all kinds, some that And are virtually indistinguishable from trends. '^^ Consider a sample Xi, X2, ...,Xn and let the modified re-scaled range statistic, which Xn we denote the sample shall call Qn, is mean ^ ^ X,. Then given by: '*For the precise definition of strong-mixing, and for further details, see Rosenblatt (1956), White (1984), and the papers Eberlein and Taqqu (1986). '°See Herrndorf (1985). moments are not required. Note that one of Mandelbrot's (1972) arguments in favor of R/S analysis is that finite second This is indeed the case if we are interested only in the almost sure convergence of the statistic. However, since we wish to derive its limiting distribution ^'See Mandelbrot (1972) for further details 2.7 in for purposes of inference, a stronger - 18 - moment condition is needed. 8.89 Qn (4.2) ^n{g) - - - - ;=1 3=1 where ^E(^;-^n)' + ^E'^;(9){ i: (X.-^n)(X._,-X,) = lig) - and a^ and ^2 + 2^u;j(9)7y ^. are the usual w,(g) Xj from its of squared deviations of X., but also those suggested by always positive. q 9+1 < n. its Theorem ^,1(9) involves weighted autocovariances up to lag Newey and West Qn mean, normalized by an estimator The estimator partial sum's standard deviation divided by n. is 1 sample variance and autocovariance estimators of X. range of partial sums of deviations of u)j{q) are = (4.3) I (1987), and is the of the not only sums q; the weights yields an estimator o^iq)- that 4.2 of Phillips (1987) demonstrates the consistency o( an{q) under the following conditions: < 00 for some /?> {A2') supt {A5) As n increases without bound, q E\\et\'^^] 2. also increases without bound such that q ~ o(nV4). The choice of the truncation lag g [but at a slower rate than] the becomes large dramatically. relative to the However, autocorrelations may q is a delicate matter. sample number size, d„(9) ie 2.7 q must increase with Monte Carlo evidence suggests that when of observations, asymptotic approximations cannot be chosen too small otherwise the not be captured. The choice of q must therefore be chosen with some consideration ^^ See, for Although also an estimator of the spectral density function of Xi example, Lo sind MacKinlay (1989) -19- at is clearly may q fail effects of higher-order an empirical issue and of the data at hand. frequency lero, using a Bartlett window. 8.89 If the observations are independently and identically distributed with variance o^, our normalization by dn{^) deviation estimator Sn asymptotically equivalent to normalizing by the usual standard is = ~ [^ IZi(-^j p -X'n) resulting statistic, which we Max Qr Qn, call and Mandelbrot (1972): precisely the one proposed by Hurst (1951) is The • (4.4) l</t< To perform we require its with the standardized re-scaled range F^ statistical inference distribution. Although finite-sample distribution its sample approximation has been derived (A3) (-45). In particular, variable we call V , in is = not apparent, a large- Lo (1989) under assumptions {Al), (^2'), the limiting distribution of V^, which corresponds to a has the following and c.d.f. Qn/y/^, and random p.d.f.: oo = Fv{v) + 2^(l-4fc2v2)e-2(H^ 1 (4.5) Jb=l (4.6) k=l Using Fy , critical values may readily be calculated for tests of any significance level. most commonly used values are reported computed using fy\ the it is mean and standard in Table 1. The moments V V are also easily = ^, thus are approximately 1.25 and 0.27 respectively. The straightforward to show that E\V] deviation of of The = y/^ and ^^[V^] distribution and density functions are plotted in Figure 3. Observe that the distribution positively is skewed and most of its mass falls between | and Although Fy completely characterizes the rescaled range pothesis of short-range dependence, pendence is considerably different. its 2. statistic under the null hy- behavior under the alternative of long-range de- Lo (1989) shows that for the fractionally differenced alternative (2.1), the normalized rescaled range V^ diverges to infinity in probability d G (0,2) and converges to zero against (2.1), a test for long-term '*In fact, Lo (1989) shows that such a test 2.7 is in probability when d G (— j,0). memory based on Vn is consistent against a considerably -20 when Therefore, at least consistent. more general class of alternatives. 8.89 4.2. Empirical Results for Real Output. We GNP apply our test to two time series of real output: quarterly postwar real from 1947:1 to 1987:4, and the annual Friedman and Schwartz (1982) series from 1869 to 1972. The results are reported in Table 2. These the classical rescaled range V^ which row of numerical entries are estimates first not robust to short-term dependence. is eight rows are estimates of the modified rescaled range Vn{q) for values of q Recall that q zero. bieis first and computed is column of nxmierical short-term dependence for the of q. The for the Friedman and Schwartz with values of q from beyond 4 are used, to 8. l]- log-GNP cannot be third rejected for any value supports the null hypothesis. When we we no The results GNP, log-linearly detrend real column of numerical entries in Table 2 show be rejected for log-linearly detrended quarterly output rejections are weaker for larger q not surprising is When values longer reject the null hypothesis at the 5 percent level of Friedman and Schwartz time series, we only reject with the range and with Vn{l). classical rescaled tests ~ [(^n/^n(9)) from estimating higher-order autocorrelations. significance. Finally, using the The statistic also That the to 4. 1 since additional noise arises of q 1 entries in Table 2 indicate that the null hypothesis of The may that short-term dependence • series are similar. considerably. diff"er as 100 first-diff"erence of range classical rescaled the results from parentheses below the entries for Vn{q) are estimates of the percentage in of the statistic Vn, The The next the truncation lag of the estimator of the spectral density at frequency is Reported of on the diff"erenced series ought to be particularly striking, especially since the classical version [Vn(0)] rejects too often, on evidence of merely short term dependence. Even over-differencing its first diff"erence, not a problem: and the The detrended cance disappears is series when test more may 2.7 not adequately control for short term dependence. suggested by Nelson and Kang (1981). GNP is In pre- Their results are show that inappropriate detrending introduces a great deal into low frequencies. Taken dence. of dependence, but even there the signifi- significant autocorrelations in log-linearly detrended particularly cogent since they power ought to pick that up as well. only a year of lags are included. Partly due to decreasing size and cisely the spurious periodicity of the series has a fractional component, so will show more evidence power, at these lags the test addition, finding if as a whole then, our results accept the null hypothesis of short Equivalently, they reject the alternative of long term dependence; - 21 - term depen- GNP has no 8.89 fractional component. This finding deserves some notice simply because of the many pre- From the path-breaking vious attempts (direct or indirect) to resolve the issue. work of early Mandelbrot and Wallis (1969b) and Adelman (1963) to the sophisticated recent estimates of Diebold and Rudebusch (1989), econometricians have not conclusively established the existence or non-existence of long term dependence. and Rudebusch have rather large standard of Diebold In particular the estimates errors, leaving precise conclusions about the existence of fractional differencing. tighter distribution, allow more and in Though by no means the economy, whether test statistic has a how final work on the subject, our term dependence. tests present strong evidence against long is Our to reach conjunction with the size and power results reported below, definite conclusions. Our main concern them unable these results improve our ability to model the aggregate purely statistical sense of estimating the right stochcistic process in the or in the theoretical sense of developing the appropriate equilibrium structure. perspective, finding only short term dependence simplifies From either some matters while complicating others. From the standpoint of obtaining a correct statistical representation, our results sub- stantially circumscribe the class of stochastic processes simplifies the problem, whether the goal be to measure the persistence of economic shocks, assess the welfare costs of economic instability, or derive the correct theory. models of trend (perhaps stochastic) and tic structure of needed to characterize GNP. This GNP. On finite ARMA The standard adequately capture the stochas- the other hand, rejecting fractional processes removes a simple explanation to the problems plaguing this area. The intriguing possibility that the con- tending sides had each misread the true, fractional, nature of GNP unfortunately is false, and the disagreement must have another, perhaps deeper source. These results also confirm the unit root findings of Campbell and Mankiw (1987), Nelson and Plosser (1982), Perron and Phillips (1987) and Stock and Watson (1986). cannot reject the null hypothesis of a As mentioned diff"erence stationary short stationary noise model of GNP to reject the null hypothesis observe that if log-GNP * Of courBe, this may be Monte Carlo experiments 2.7 term dependent process. before, the significant autocorrelations appearing in detrended the spurious periodicity suggested by Nelson and yt is is Kang We GNP indicate (1981). Moreover, the trend plus not contained in our null hypothesis, hence our failure also consistent with the unit root model. ^^ were trend stationary, To see this, i.e.: the result of low power against stationary but near-integrated processes, and must be addressed by - 22 - 8.89 = yt where €( = rjt - T]t is stationary white noise, then T]i^i. But Q + /3< + its first-difference this innovations process violates (4.7) rjt Xt is simply Xt = + our assumption (A3) and et where therefore is not contained in our null hypothesis. From the perspective of a theorist, the tests in Table 2 provide more information than usual because they also serve to reject a particular model. Recall the section's main point; moving to a multi-sector test provides no evidence model can produce qualitatively for those does not qualitatively affect its different output dynamics. Our dynamics. The American economy's multi-sector nature output dynamics. For many questions, single sector models provide a rich enough environment. Once again this represents a simplification; us to avoid a broad and As difficult class of sectors, rejecting the predictions of a multi-sector tential puzzle. Currently the strong allows models. before, the results also complicate the theoretical picture. Because the economy has many it American model presents a po- assumptions needed to produce long term dependence take the edge off any puzzle, but these are only sufficient conditions. Necessary conditions, unknown. or broader sufficient conditions, are We don't know enough about what pro- duces fractional differencing or how closely actual conditions match those requirements to worry about not finding it. If broader conditions produce long term dependence - and if actual sector dynamics meet those conditions - then a genuine puzzle arises. Related research GNP may also turn up puzzles, making the lack of fractional processes in anomalous. For example Haubrich (1989) finds fractional processes across several countries. The output in consumption results here therefore rule out several natural expla- nations, such as a constant marginal propensity to consume out of fractionally differenced income. From another tempts. many perspective, our results impose a discipline on future modelling at- As Singleton (1988) points out, dynamic macro models make predictions over frequencies: seasonal, cyclical, the facts on long term dependence. and longer. Their predictions must now conform to Future dynamic models - multi-sector or otherwise - must respect this constraint, or bear the defect of having already been rejected. restrictive this will be is unknown. To conclude that the data support the reject 2.7 it is, How null hypothesis of course, premature since the size - 23 - and power because our statistic fails to of our test in finite samples is 8.89 yet to be determined. We perform Monte Carlo experiments and report the illustrative results in the next section. 4.3. The Size and Power of the To evaluate the trative the size and power Monte Carlo experiments number Test. of our test in finite samples, for a sample of quarterly observations of real we perform size of 163 observations, GNP several illus- corresponding to growth from 1947:2 to We 1987:4.'^^ simulate two null hypotheses: independently and identically distributed increments, and increments that follow an the mean and standard ARMA(2,2) process. deviation of our standard deviation of our quarterly data To choose parameter values {\ - 4>iL - using nonlinear least squares. = set: ^l + {\ i.i.d. deviates to match the sample mean and null hypothesis, fix 7.9775 x 10~^ and 1.0937 x 10~^ respectively. ARMA(2,2) for the 4>2L^)yt random we Under the simulation, + eiL + we estimate tt~WN[0,ol) d2L^)it The parameter estimates the model: (4.8) are [with standard errors in paren- theses]: 4>i = 0.5837 Oi = (0.1949) 4>2 =^ (0.1736) - 0.4844 $2 = (0.1623) ti = - 0.2825 0.6518 (0.1162) 0.0072 (0.0016) a1 = 0.0102 Table 3 reports the results of both null simulations. It is apparent from the "I.I.D. Null" Panel of Table 3 that the 5 percent test based on the classical rescaled range rejects too frequently. ^* All simulations were performed in double precision on a each experiment was comprised of 10,000 replications. VAX 2.7 - 24 - The 8700 using the 5 percent test using the modified IMSL 10.0 random number generator DRNNOA; 8.89 = rescaled range with q number estimator d^{q) it the size of a 5 percent test based on the classical rescaled range is 34 percent, whereas the corresponding size using the modified is 4.8 percent. As As the apparent that modifying the rescaled range by the spectral density is critical; is size. becomes more conservative. Under the ARMA(2,2) of lags increcises to 8, the test null hypothesis, nominal 3 rejects 4.6 percent of the time, closer to its before, the test R/S statistic becomes more conservative when q is = with q 5 increased. Table 3 also reports the size of tests using the modified rescaled range when the lag length q is chosen optimally using Andrews' (1987) procedure. This data-dependent procedure entails computing the first-order autocorrelation coefficient p(l) and then setting the lag length to be the integer- value of Under the null, i.i.d. percent; under the may 77-^(l-p2)2 = & Andrews' formula ARMA(2,2) significantly different formula K^ ^ A^n Mn, where. (4-9) yields a 5 percent test with empirical size 6.9 alternative, the corresponding size from the nominal value, the empirical is 4.1 percent. size of tests not be economically important. In addition to Although based on Andrews' optimality properties, the its procedure has the advantage of eliminating a dimension of arbitrariness in performing the test. Table 4 reports power simulations under two fractionally differenced alternatives: L) £( = function rji where d 7e(fc) of e^ is = 1/3,-1/3. given by: k) 2 Realizations of fractionally differenced time series [of multiplying vectors of independent standard normal factorization of the 163 x 163 covariance matrix calibrate the simulations, a"^ is 2.7 -^ [j = l,...,fl), random q is an integer and - 25 - Mn ^ variates by the Cholesky- entries are given chosen to yield unit variance where , length 163] are simulated by pre- GNP '^In addition, Andrews' procedure requires weighting the autocovariances by - l^ 1 / , whose multiplied by the sample standard deviation of real 1 — Hosking (1981) has shown that the autocovariance T(l-2d)T{d + and West's (1987) (1 1 - €t's, by (4.10). the {e^} series is To then growth from 1947:1 to 1987:4, j^ (j = 1, . . . , [A/„]) in contrast to Newey need not be. 8.89 and to this series period. The added the sample mean of is resulting time series is real GNP growth over the same sample used to compute the power of the rescaled range; Table 4 reports the results. For small values of power against both tests q, based on the modified rescaled range have reasonable fractionally differenced alternatives. For example, using one lag the 5 = percent test against the d alternative this test hcis 81.1 percent power. power declines. Note that d= 1/3 alternative has 58.7 percent power; against the tests baised on the powerful than those using the modified R/S As the lag length classical rescaled increased, the test's is range however, statistic. This, —1/3 is is significantly more value when of little distinguishing between long-term versus short-term dependence since the test using the classical statistic also has power against some stationary Finally, note that tests using against the d d — = —1/3 ARMA processes. Andrews' truncation lag formula have reasonable power alternative but are considerably weaker against the more relevant 1/3 alternative. The simulation evidence in Tables 3 and 4 suggest that our empirical results do indeed support the short-term dependence of null hypothesis does not alternatives. additional test's size little is finite-order Of seem GNP with a unit root. to be explicable by a lack of course, our simulations were illustrative Monte Carlo experiments must be performed and power is Our failure to reject the power against long-memory and by no means exhaustive; before a full assessment of the complete. Nevertheless our modest simulations indicate that there empirical evidence in favor of long-term memory in GNP growth rates. the direct estimation of long-memory models would yield stronger results and is Perhaps currently being investigated by several authors.'^® 5. Conclusion. This paper hzs suggested a new approach to the stochastic structure of aggregate output. Traditional dissatisfaction with the conventional methods - from observations about the typical spectral shape of economic time periods - calls for such a reformulation. series, to the discovery of cycles at all Indeed, recent controversy over deterministic versus stochastic trends and the persistence of shocks underscores the difficulties even modern methods have of identifying the long run properties of the data. ^'See, for example, Diebold and Rudebusch (1989), Sowell (I989a,b), and Yajima (1985,1988). 2.7 - 26 - 8.89 Fractionally integrated random processes provide one explicit approach to the prob- lem of long-term dependence; naming and characterizing studying the problem it Controlling for from trends and to late business cycles extent that scientifically. Jissess its this aspect the is first step in presence improves our ability to the propriety of that decomposition. explains output, long-term dependence deserves study in own its iso- To the right. Fur- thermore, Singleton (1988) has recently pointed out that dynamic macroeconomic models often link inextricably predictions about business cycles, trends, too linked in a is and seasonal effects. So long-term dependence: a fractionally integrated process arises quite naturally dynamic linear model via aggregation. This model not only predicts the existence of fractional noise, but also suggests the character of its parameters. This on the nature of long-term dependence leads to testable restrictions in clciss of models aggregate data, and also holds the promise of policy evaluation. Advocating a new were intractable. class of stochastic processes would be a fruitless task if its In fact, manipulating such processes causes few problems. members We con- structed an optimizing linear dynamic model that exhibits fractionally integrated noise, and provided an explicit test for such long-term and Mandelbrot gives us a R/S statistic possesses trative statistic dependence. Modifying a statistic of Hurst robust to short-term dependence, and this modified a well-defined limiting distribution which computer simulations indicate that this test we have tabulated. Illus- has power against at least two specific alternative hypotheses of long-memory. Two main conclusions arise from the empirical work and First, the evidence does not term dependence support long-term dependence null hypothesis occur only in Monte Carlo experiments. GNP. Rejections of the short- with detrended data, and is consistent with the well-known problem of spurious periodicities induced by log-linear detrending. Second, since a trend-stationary may model is not contained in our null hypothesis, our failure to reject also be viewed as supporting the first-difference stationary additional result that the resulting stationary process is model of GNP, with the weakly dependent at most. 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R/S statistic under i.i.d and ARMA(2,2) null hypotheses for the first-difference of log-GNP The Monte Carlo experiments under the two null hypotheses are independent and consist of 10,000 replications each Parameters of the i.i.d. simulations were chosen to match the sample mean and variance of quarterly real GNP growth rates from 1947 1 to 1987:4, parameters of the ARMA(2,2) were chosen to match point estimate* of an ARMA(2,2) model fitted to the same data set Entries m the column labelled "q' indicate the number of lags used to compute the R/S statistic; corresponds to Mandelbrot's classical rescaled range, and a non-integer lag value corresponds to the average (across a lag of replications) lag value used according to Andrew's (1987) optimal lag formula Standard errors for the empirical sire may be computed using the usual normal approximation; they are 9.95 x 10~*, 2.18 x 10~^, and 3.00 x 10"^ for the 1, 5, and 10 Finite sample distribution of the modified real percent tests respectively. I.I.D. Null Hypothesis: n Table*. Power of the modified R/S statistic under a Gaussian fractionally differenced alternative with differencing parameters d = 1/3, —1/3 The Monte Carlo experiments under the two alternative hypotheses are independent and consist of 10,000 replications each Parameters of the simulations were choeen to match the sample mean and variance of quarterly real GNP growth rates from 19471 to 1987:4 Entries in the column labelled 'q" indicate the number of lags used to compute the R/S statistic; a lag of corresponds to Mandelbrot's classical rescaled range, and a non-integer lag value corresponds to the average (across Andrew's (1987) optimal lag formula. replications) lag value used according to 1/3: n 59^0 1)31 \ Date Due DEC kiV 1990 16 1993 WP'''' Lib-26-67 MIT 3 iiBRARiE"; nnpL i TDSD DD57DM35 5