.M414 Jd^tlAW^ SHIFTING ECONOMIES: CRAFT PRODUCTION TO THE FLEXIBLE FACTORY Michael May 6, 1988 A. Cusumano Michael A. Cusumano M.I.T. Sloan School of Management SHIFTING ECONOMIES: CRAFT PRODUCTION TO THE FLEXIBLE FACTORY Contents : Introduction Craft Shops to the Conventional Factory The Conventional Factory to Flexible Design and Production Product-Process and Organizational Options Conclusions INTRODUCTION The first part of this perspectives, models. In all of paper looks at production organizations from several which treat the evolution of craft or job shops to factory general, companies have pursued factory approaches as moving beyond customization of single products for single customers, where they can capture economies point related to scale of output and operations. of various much of sorts, software development seems at low prices. of to the especially These have enabled firms customers products with standardized features but criteria, means a those to offer By usual inappropriate for conventional factory practices, and reported resistance to factory practices by programmers can be explained in terms of this incongruence. The next two sections discuss as well better as different combination flexible design and manufacturing techniques product-process and organizational options that seek of efficiency and flexibility, with the flexible a factory emphasizing semi-customization and economies of scope as much or more than scale. The software factory production organization is also introduced as a type of flexible design contrasting approaches to software development. with traditional job-shop or and craft CRAFT SHOPS TO THE CONVENTIONAL FACTORY For most products, design and production require several distinct steps or phases, proceeding more or less sequentially, with some iterations and overlaps. An individual worker, or members of teams or generated by consumers, manufacturers, an define existing concepts and create detailed design, into prototypes. or a future departments, begin with an idea, suppliers, customer that seems to or others, They then experiment with need. This must be translated into formal concept proposal. a and the resulting documentation or blueprints are then made When the designers and prototype builders are completed design becomes satisfied, the production model, which can be tested and refined a further. The sequence ends with the production model one product, one customer. make are "customized" it workers that in In this if there case, the product and the process needed to an organization one might in many ways resemble the craftsmen call is more than one potential customer, a "job a or artisans variety of products before the advent of the modern factory there only one job-- is in shop," by who made the 1800s. a If firm can create different types of organizations aimed at replicating this design with varying degrees of efficiency and output volumes, from Developing a a few (batch production) to many (mass production). mass production or replication system may require thought and money. Once this system is in a great deal of place, the final production process phonograph record or copying a software program, or relatively difficult, such as assembling an automobile or a might be relatively simple, such as pressing video recorder. Difficulty depends on a the nature and number of the components, production or assembly processes, customer requirements, and other factors. From the customers' point of view, a product is customized only if it is From the producers' point tailored for their specific needs. Some new designs they customize or there are several options. scratch," while reuse needed Volume as managers, -- prescriptive purposes and thus the factories, types and as well production, coordination the as some are product-development of reuse or non- of replication, variables production and These distinctions are important because observers from several well as characteristics, manage design to different distinguishing organizations. fields, process components, of "make from others producers reuse designs, components, tools, processes, in or particular people from other projects. mechanisms however, of view, have used them for descriptive to explain the principles as well as behind both job shops and which suggests what processes and methods of logic organization seem most appropriate for particular situations. Historians have seen the factory as emerging when the maturation of certain product technologies created opportunities for firms to focus on process present the environment degree of whether There again aimed at capturing greater economies of scale. innovations notion -- that degree of specific characteristics divisibility of processing of an industry firm can or should a While managers have considered move to -- it most determine factory-oriented modes of design and manufacturing factory its equipment and operations, product and process standardization or complexity production. and is can be highly economically feasible only with efficient, usually high production volumes, due to the large capital requirements usually needed to introduce this type of a system. The most widely cited definitions of different types of production organizations has come from industrial organization literature and the work of Joan Woodward in particular. She identified three basic types: unit or craft production (job-shop and small-batch), large-batch and mass production, and continuous processing operations as chemical manufacturing ^ in shop production has non-standard inputs and outputs product, and the components that go into managers make a to standardize it, each finished i.e. tend to be different. materials or development formalize product; to allow workers to make these adjustments, managers exert control only at low level, that a usually by first-line supervisors. is, seems important for supervisors and workers to be highly skilled label "craft" seems appropriate for this mode of operation. shop or small batch production, the lack managers Historians work itself. in In as firms also hence the in job- processes and in requirements, make skill it scope economies. have suggested that factory systems tended of production centuries to find either scale or -- It general, In of standardization products, and management controls, as well as high difficult for modes Therefore, Job-shop organizations typically require many "ad hoc" adjustments processes. to unable are Unit or job- . -- to replace craft learned how to rationalize product designs and describing the evolution of factories during the 18th and 19th Britain, Europe and the United States, industry and then gun-making, initially in the textile Alfred Chandler noted how managers raised worker productivity and lower unit costs by standardizing and then integrating production processes components; specializing closely labor; in large, centralized facilities; developing interchangeable coordinating mechanizing the or flow each of automating process; tasks; and dividing imposing and rigid managerial, accounting, and other types of controls. "^ Another way to interpret this evolution, as done by John Hunt, of distinct "ages," such as from craft to machinery, steam engines in is in terms exemplified by the use of factory mass production during the 18th century, to the power age after the introduction of electricity.'^ David Landes similarly describes this transition -- often labelled "the industrial revolution" -- as involving primarily human the substitution of mechanical devices for skills, human or animal strength, and marked improvements processing. inanimate power for materials extraction and in "^ But while factory provided organizations higher worker and capital productivity, the nature of the processes, equipment, and worker job routines made it difficult introduce to new products or to meet the demands economically, or processes Because new technologies or product and processes variations continue in and because not most industries, and quickly customers with distinctive tastes. of to appear customers want commodity products, all factory-oriented design and production has never completely replaced the craft Market segmentation thus provides opportunities for firms or job shop.^ compete through differentiation, mixing combinations price of and to product performance levels, supported by different types of processes and organizations. Firms competing through standardized products and factory production usually enjoy considerable economies of scale -- the situation where average production per costs production for output to at firm a to tend least decline as total to a certain limit. to up facilities volumes need to operate be able to justify their cost. of Economists One involves the concept several factors.' Many machines or "indivisibility." for of product increase, a phenomenon attribute this volumes unit at of particular Some equipment or processes are designed with minimum and maximum operating ranges, so that they are products. not to smaller volumes of a number of different Automated equipment especially can vastly improve both productivity and quality, but rates. adapted easily is usually expensive to introduce, thus requiring high utilization Suppliers face these same constraints, and may not deliver materials to firm unless there is a minimum size order, for larger orders or long-term contracts. a and offer their customers discounts It is also to the advantage of a firm to spread fixed and variable costs related to equipment, land, research and product development, administration, and various "overhead" expenses, among numbers large This of units sold. the notion of scope -- is another form of scale economy, although spreading costs or resources across different products-- applies here as well as scale. Yet another reason for the drop When production volumes labor. a costs it can and more quickly specialize, assigned tasks. Through this is specialization and division of particular product or component are high often becomes possible to divide enough, Workers methods for in a process into accumulate a their type of analysis, firms often found more efficient Taylor demonstrated, although, once of production, as series of tasks. experience for set, there usually are few opportunities for workers or managers to alter or improve the process. This is another reason why factory production tends to be rigid and poorly suited to accommodating change Writers on in general. and operations management such as Abernathy, production Utterback, Wayne, Hayes, and Wheelright have been especially concerned with the characteristics of different processes, and the specific product and market characteristics conclusions by historians, sort of "life cycle." In this over time, allowing firms less on accompany each. should that is A key notion, that industries (or products) tend to mature, to take advantage of moving from project or job-shop modes then in a accumulated experience and focus product development and more on process innovations aimed and to interpretation, product innovations usually decrease unit costs while standardizing quality." processing similar various types of at reducing At the facility level, this has involved of and production design large-scale engineering to batch and factory manufacturing (Figure 1.1). A key problem, however, is the inflexibility a firm often encounters while . moving toward large-scale factories and continuous production, because designs and processes became for example, in difficult and expensive to used the experience of Ford and the 1920s to demonstrate how a change. its Abernathy and Wayne, Mode! T production facilities company can face bankruptcy by pushing process rationalization and scale economies too far -- for example, assuming product technology or consumer tastes were more stable than they were, and making periods investments of techniques time to in expensive and change to rigid factory accommodate systems that took long new models or production Figure Competitive priorities lu)*. Process Siniccu Process Life Cy Siagr ind key tasks on the product-process matr Another school management and organization of research, contingency theory, explains the existence of different types of production organizations as a function situations J^ demands or conditions, environmental of There seems to or be no one appropriate structure for situation or technology, although specific types of organizations and coordination and control should historical specific fit a given methods example, Henry Mintzberg and others have characterized the environments which firms operate as An environment that is a rather complex and dynamic should be met with organizational than factory-type in If -- structures characteristics such as "machine bureaucracy" and (Figure 1.2). in mixture of stable or dynamic, and simple or complex. responses of "adhocracry" and "mutual adjustment" operation of particular conditions better than others. For denoting craft modes of that would better fit work process standardization these characteristics determine which products should be made what organizations, then new and unstandardized technologies, or products customized for particular users, would seem to be poor candidates for factory production. might result A mismatch between the product and the process organization in an inability to meet customer needs adequately or adapt to change, and might even cause employees to resist incongruent structures, such as factory-type standards and controls in a dynamic and complex environment. Figure 1.2: ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND STRUCTURAL FIT Environment STABLE DYNAMIC Professional Bureacracy Adhocracy (skills standardization) (mutual adjustment) Machine Bureacracy Simple Structure (process standardization) (direct supervision) ^ Characteristics COMPLEX SIMPLE The brackets indicate the Note: basic method of coordination for each structural configuration. Various disciplines have thus suggested reasons why the factory evolved and how like for it offered managers more efficient organizations, but with limitations. all means of production than craft- The factory has never been appropriate types of products but worked well for designs suited to mass production and mass consumption. less a efficient process The but, craft approach, typified by the job shop, offers a despite the introduction of factory production for commodity products, continues to serve specific markets niches, such as new technologies or products tailored for individual needs. Table 1.1 presents a simplified comparison of the basic strategies, characteristics, and tradeoffs that might accompany a conventional factory and job-shop type of organization. 10 Table 1.1: CONVENTIONAL JOB SHOP AND FACTORY COMPARISON JOB-SHOP Strategy: Meet Individual Customer Needs with Differentiated Products Characteristics: Non-Standard Materials (Inputs) Non-standard Processes (Tools, Procedures) Non-Standard Final Products (Outputs) Little Division and Specialization of Labor and Equipment Low Level of Automation High Worker Skill/Knowledge Low Level of Management Control Few or No Economies of Scale Some Economies of Scope Tradeoff? Product-Process Flexibility vs. Process Efficiency FACTORY Strategy: Raise Worker/Capital Productivity to Lower Unit Costs Characteristics: Standardized Inputs Standardized Tools and Procedures Standardized Final Products Integrated Management of Production Processes Division and Specialization of Labor and Equipment Mechanization and/or Automation Reduced Dependence on Worker Skill/Knowledge High Level of Management Control High Economies of Scale Some Economies of Scope Tradeoff? Process Efficiency vs. Product-Process Flexibility THE CONVENTIONAL FACTORY TO FLEXIBLE DESIGN AND PRODUCTION notions of the factory assume that organizations Conventional this type flexibility production system accept of which processes, in But produced (see Figure 1.1). machine tools, in the adopting more efficiency versus variety less products that can of be including automobiles, several industries, semiconductors, office equipment, and software, new techniques and technologies have been reducing The general tradeoff a affect -- effect to is shift this tradeoff of flexibility competitive emphases from and efficiency. either production or production differentiation to differentiated products low-cost at low cost, achieved not through simple economies of scale based on the mass production of particular products, but through economies of scope based on the optimal use of resources and about the firm across in One technique pioneered in facilitating this variety of products. a shift can Japanese automobile the be termed small-lot production, industry after subsequently adopted by firms throughout the world This involves manufacturing final the in mastery of largely and then in have workers allowing is to efficient standardize as many components in modules so they can in and machines assemble the components final assembly, with Producers of machine many other products flexibility in and different ways, develop tools and workers that are versatile, variety of products quality). II variety of industries. in a techniques and production methods as possible, design components be configured War rather than large batches or lots of components and small An underlying concept products. manual World have tools, used little if textile similar any to make a loss in productivity (or machinery, office equipment, and approaches to combine job-shop end-product variety with the productivity, standardized quality, and low cost structure of large conventional factories.'^ A second technique can be termed group technology, the 12 idea of putting problems, together similar parts, or tasks layouts, arranging factory production, The underlying principle here engineering. facilitate scheduling of parts rationalizing product design and to or is clearly economies of scope, rather than of scale measured by the number of identical components produced through a given process. Critical to any group-technology scheme similar to library references, that makes example, in a coding system, For engineering, parts might be classified by geometric similarities, and matched with process plans and machines capable specifications. Or designs for certain categories of making parts to those coded and of parts might be so that engineers would have ready access to old drawings and not have filed, to is possible to classify characteristics purchasing, or other functions. engineering, related to manufacturing, it "reinvent the wheel" processing capacity more than once. and in programming Recent developments sophistication in have computer facilitated development of the coding and retrieval systems needed for group technology to work well for large numbers of items, The basic concept, however, firms. A third technique is leading to extensive monetary savings is cells. support of semi-customized products from This resembles small-lot production, but employs coding schemes relying on what are, for in '*^ the use of tools for computer-aided, integrated design and manufacturing, focused on the building standard interchangeable parts. as old as the essentially, selection and group technology concepts, and automation modification of standard Integrating cells. computer-aided design tools with flexible computer-aided or computer-integrated manufacturing systems (referred to test different design to as CAD/CAM, FMS, CIM) makes and processing ideas on a it possible computer screen, and then transfer completed digitalized designs to automated manufacturing tools, little with or no penalty associated with low production volumes, because automation largely eliminates costly labor-intensive processes. 13 The result is that customers do not have to pay high prices for fully customized products; nor do they have to put up with standardized commodity products that are inexpensive but do not their needs satisfactorily. fulfill addition In demonstration to of (ASIC) design, one One method out in is fixed to of of the fastest in software, an important integrated application-specific in circuit growing areas of the semiconductor industry. Another approach is to develop standard cells, which can be configured and "megacells" standardization -- such is graphics as the fit different which contain small different ways. in laid which follows tool rules to create "custom-routed" connections to abstraction standardized is A designer then uses an automated rows. logic combinations, level capability mass produce gate-array chips, which contain transistors programmed design applications. automated program generation this At even higher alternative controllers, of building arithmetic logic unitors, or microprocessors -- which, using computer-aided design tools, can be configured easily into different chip designs. CAD tools can select routing combinations or configurations on the basis of programmable rules, as well as perform simulations and testing functions to aide the design process. company, VLSI Technology, tools Inc. (VTI), has even standardized around design simple enough for non-specialists to use, refers to as an One U.S. and created what management ASIC "design factory": Design engineers are the bulk of the work force now at VTI's dispersed design centers One needs rudimentary knowledge of how to use the work station software -- as a CAD or drafting tool -- to copy schematics onto the system. It requires care and attention to -- but not extensive engineering training. detail A technician with high school or associate degree is adequate. a We can save engineering time for better use, and partition the design "production" process into a more elaborate division of labor, utilizing both Work can move computer and human resources more efficiently. The along like in a factory, from person to person, task to task. manager maintains line balances by allocating human and computer '^ resources [italics added]. . . . 14 Another way prominence of the worker, not developments these interpret to in production, but as is a return to the design of products and the in design of tools and systems for automated support of product development and manufacturing. Jaikumar gives an example of this evolution through R. discussion of process control in the machine tool industry. a Because production volumes are usually low and customers often require customized products, some firms continue to use craft approaches, development According provided have pioneered in the automated flexible design and manufacturing systems. of to Jaikumar, general-purpose tools invented century required considerable but while others major skill advances in the latter 18th on the part of individual workers to operate in Single-purpose equipment, precision. interchangeable components, and industrial engineering techniques pioneered by Frederick Taylor around 1900 largely removed the need for worker skill discretion, and replaced this with precise procedures and standards defined management. In more dynamic precision, by the next stage of development, companies introduced statistical process control techniques that were less rigid for and quality, changes in work and other aspects in processes of the sense that they allowed response in to data about machine or worker performance. In recent decades, numerical control equipment has removed information processing from the work floor, while design tools and flexible, intelligent integrated manufacturing systems have again made have broad skills. Accordingly, as given workers more discretion use these systems to make In summary, while a a in in it computer- necessary for employees to early craft production, management has defining work tasks and outputs, so they can variety of products efficiently.'^ history of manufacturing 15 Is beyond the scope of this chapter, it is important to recognize that concepts of design and manufacturing have been changing. making mixes for such as as products where economies of scale are difficult industries that are new or in production of Traditional factory approaches clearly appear unsuitable is less important than scope in rapidly changing, or where scale computer-aided technologies, efficiency even in a have made in design and supporting functions such But new concepts of manufacturing and design, testing. to achieve, it supported by possible to combine flexibility and single factory. Table 1.2 summarizes some of the features one might expect in a design and manufacturing system emphasizing standardized but versatile processes and modularized components, and the production of semi-customized products. tools, If integrated as a in a single organization, this approach might also be referred to "flexible factory," capable of offering customers a variety of products at potentially lower prices than traditional craft production. design and manufacture industries, of semiconductor including software, chips, indicate that this is machine Evidence from the tools, and other not an abstract model but has been applied by firms seeking some combination of efficiency and flexibility in production and product variety, or efficiency and adaptability to changes market demands or technology. in : : Table 1.2: "FLEXIBLE FACTORY" DESIGN AND PRODUCTION SYSTEM Individual Customer Needs with Differentiated Products; High Worker/Capital Productivity to Lower Unit Costs Strategy Meet Implementation Semi-Standardized Inputs Standardized Tools and Procedures Semi-Customized Final Products Integrated Management of Development/Processing Some Division and Specialization of Labor and Tools Flexible (Programmable) Automation Dependence on Worker & System Skill/Knowledge Low Level of Management Control Some Economies of Scale Large Economies of Scope High System Development and Training Costs vs. Process Efficiency and Product-Process Flexibility Tradeoff? PRODUCT-PROCESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL OPTIONS A simple way conceptualize the distinctions among craft or job-shop to organizations, conventional factories, and flexible design and production systems, is to view tailoring segments. them along spectrum reflecting how much emphasis each places on a products or production In processes the spectrum practice, is to specific customers or market probably continuous, but it can be thought of as containing three basic options: (1) Customization: design and manufacture unique products, where each is different and each process -- tools, components, specific work rules, team members (2) -- are also different. Semi-Customization product, where a : design semi-customized a standard procedure from stock and configure them in is to reuse (or semi-standardized) some or all components different ways for different customers. (3) Standardization: design and manufacture a commodity-type product, where components are interchangeable, or where components and are mass produced, using a final products standardized process. Customization and standardization apply most directly to industries clearly segmented among users who desire either fully tailored products or low-priced commodities. still But even customers demand different products, managers might if find they can recycle at least some designs or components for some period of time, as well as reuse procedures, controls, tools, tests, and documentation. Therefore, unless each product, and the process and people required to design and build it, are entirely different, semi-customization, benefitting from at least some economies of scope, Furthermore, even should be possible. not scale, if making commodity products for the mass market can choose firms components or other inputs. option Thus semi-customization seeking to meet the needs of that firms a reuse product-process a is to broad range of customers might select. The notion of Figure 1.2), a "professional bureacracy," suggested by Mintzberg (see might also characterize The environment software development. flexible a is factory as in the context of sufficiently complex so that workers need to be skilled professionals and use considerable discretion in their jobs, such as semiconductor chip designers or software programmers, but also stable enough that so some type of bureacracy, involving a formalization or standardization of skills, processes, and organizational structure, might arise to provide a higher measure of organization Toshiba, (Figure 1.3). NEC, and efficiency than The case studies Fujitsu, however, 18 an unstructured process and of software factories at Hitachi, suggest several differences from description Mintzberg's workers to of a bureacracy. professional Japanese firms train become professionals rather than hire them from the market; they appears to rely more on formal structures and planning than Mintzberg thought necessary for groups for example, doctors; and standards are not entirely of, derived from external professional associations but are also, to some extent, internally generated, or at least selected. '° Nonetheless, the model described Figure 1.3 does apply, and would seem to suggest that a semi-customization and the flexible factory approach only where there for professional-level skilled environment, for example, operating systems and in workers but with application input/output at least is a some stability requirements as well as interfaces. in firm might introduce in need the in computer Semi-customization as a product-process option would thus allow the firm to capture repeatable elements for some period of time, while allowing for the addition of new components, tools, or processes to meet accommodate incremental changes Figure 1. 3: the in distinctive needs or customers or technology or markets. ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND PRODUCT-PROCESS PIT Environment DYNAMIC STABLE Characteristics COMPLEX SEMI -CUSTOMIZATION CUSTOMIZATION Flexible Factory Job Shop, Laboratory (Professional (Adhocracy) Bureacracy) SIMPLE to STANDARDIZATION CUSTOMIZATION Conventional Factory Job Shop, Laboratory (Machine Bureacracy) (Simple Structure) 19 . As in conventional product-process matrices (see Figure 1.1), the typology and organizational options should be available in any market where there is some segmentation and at least some temporary standardization of needs, basic and development processes. technologies, the high-end, custom segment, In firms might focus on optimizing product performance and process flexibility; there probably are few economies of scale or scope, but customers should pay On the other end premiums for differentiated products. might attempt to maximize economies of scale through small margins on high sale volumes. of the spectrum, firms production, achieving profits in the middle, where semi-custom In might characterize both products and processes, firms would need design and production skills, to master although the potential rewards are high. Firms might also implement these different options using either manual approaches or more automated flexibility tools, the in Customization including computer-aided systems with large degrees of number products variations they can different of semi-customization, or for example, through manual processes or through automation In short, and process -- be can CAD/CAM as software would components as possible, and/or adoption as well as linked require of a either tools (Figure the factory model as applied to a new technology or to such handle. achieved standardization a of standardized process and 1 .4) product as many tool set, procedures for worker training, quality control and testing, process improvement, control, and the like. It should be possible to make semi- customized products for some customers usually asking for customized products, or for customers dissatisfied with typically are part of factory division of labor, well a firm can commodity products. management or automation -- "modularize" -- such as worker specialization and may or may not apply, and mechanize the tasks development and other functions. 20 Other issues that depending on how involved in product Figure 1.4: Typology of Product- Process Development and Organization Market Needs Product- Process High-End Type Custom Product- Process Organization Design Production Maximize: Software or Conventional Products: Product Performance and Process JOB SHOP. CRAFT Flexibility Product & System Engineering of Scale or Few Economies Software or Products: FLEXIBLE Medium Semi-custom Batch Production Scope, but Customers Pay Premiums With any factory-type approach, there Management might standardize or automate an standardize and automate around recovering investment in a benefits. as inefficient process or system, or still On the other hand, maintain some flexibility, such evolutions seem that likely to be few years. Another risk with factory-type approaches, especially factory workers are highly skilled professionals, managers might not well programs that are reevaluated periodically and accommodate future technical introduced within as technology that becomes obsolete before a process and a as standards, tools, or training to risks developing that process or system. there are ways to rationalize built are in a field where the that workers and perhaps is constrained environment. Employees might leave the like a company, or simply not follow rules, and managers might not enforce them. Worker and manager training programs, which certain restrictions to improve average socialize levels of employees performance A more organization, might counteract some of these tendencies. of measures would be the type of restrictive of to a accept whole forceful set employment systems existing in large Japanese firms, where workers are hired "for life," promoted and given raises primarily on the basis of seniority, would also encourage employees of disgruntled workers The basic problem introduce a and not hired in mid-career. These comply as well as counteract the tendency to quit. is structure that the market, or does not to fit not is solved, however, if management attempts the current culture or organization of the firm. For example, craft-oriented professionals resisting a shift to factory-type practices has been documented for Denmark's data processing industry. Finn Borum, tried to a to inappropriate to the state of the technology and According to Danish scholar, the resistance occurred when some companies introduce factory practices such as standardized procedures, 22 close employee supervision, and divisions between labor of system analysis and programming. There may have been some "cultural" elements involved, seen years of debates development is among more like programmers an art or and craft engineering or factory-like discipline and however, applications, requiring that is at least hoc ad software in production than factories. reflecting a mismatch than an control. programming Denmark, seemed responses academics to suitable data processing be very dynamic and complex, -- Thus he interpreted more this in the lack of mode of craft acceptance as between the requirements of the technology and the environment with the factory process: By imposing standardization and supervision of the specialists' practice at least two objectives were pursued. One was to reduce costs, another to reduce the dependency on the individual specialist. By making their working methods conform to certain norms, and their products to certain standards, the expropriation of craft knowledge, and the replaceability of the individual specialist were obtained. .The division of work between programmers and analysts also falls within this repertoire of control measures. . However, these efforts that essentially deskill the IT- [Information Technology] specialists was resisted by the specialists in several ways. One was to leave the organizations, if control measures that implied a formalization beyond the specialists' threshold of tolerance were imposed. The second type of resistance was to bypass the rules and regulations imposed. This is a common story from the installations with well-developed methods and standards: that they do exist, but To enforce the rules and are only utilized to a limited extent. methods is time-consuming, difficult, and in most organizations run counter to the efforts to terminate projects with a tolerable exceeding of the time and resource schedule. . for Borum's explanation, commercial for and adjustments whether activity in software . . . Thirdly, rule enforcement is complicated by the fact that the [dataprocessing] managers and supervisors in nearly all cases are ITspecialists themselves. Thus they know the problems connected with strict rule adherence, and perhaps share .the craft values of the specialists they are supposed to supervise. ^° 23 another option Of course, firm a where they may be rationalizations segments for to will pay a competing either high premium. Model-T car or a a maximize the creativity of designers low-priced mass market. this for Firms in standardized product, word-processing package, managers might still want and organize by job-shop oriented projects or laboratories, but with the objective of developing succeeds, market in flexibility any industry, might stress highly skilled workers and process in At the low end, for customers desiring only flexibility. a by require process introducing At the high end, this would be to develop customized or innovative products for which customers this segment, avoid inappropriate where the customers and processes efficiency but not both. such as to is On the other hand, if a product for the the semi-customization strategy might capture customers from the low and high ends of the market. CONCLUSIONS A major problem among that companies face their competitive strategies, -- suitable for determine an appropriate Whether or not software development context of management objectives, the skills a factory type of meaningful only in the and resources available to the is organization, as well as characteristics of customers and the technology. managers need not always do is choose either efficiency and products, or flexibility and differentiated products. segmentation in a fit such as the characteristics of markets, or the technology they are dealing with. is to organizational structures and capabilities, and external or environmental factors organization is market or even temporary As long as there stability in 24 is technology customer needs, there are options. Taking advantage of reuse What standardized of some and design and inputs production productivity broad a in sense way simple relatively a is improve to engineering and manufacturing types of operations through in economies of scope. If choose firms to pursue "rationalization" of product and process development, the question then becomes, within the existing market segments and areas of systematic in stability -- process improvement like. and in rather or scale, as well than to build from does not seem necessary facility investing or in in itself to and tool methodology development. along with processes and In components, ' process work best. to in and tools general, semi-customization as a product-process more conventional factory concepts (standardization tool worker training, support, computerized design technologies, make "flexible factory general improve scope economies, although scale may be important to justify the financial investment strategy, in products from "off-the-shelf" components scratch, development and then standardizing around technologies that seem A large more to be as productivity, quality, scheduling, budgeting, and the One approach might be tools, how technology and customer demands, capturing economies of scope, it etc.), more feasible for firms to and of new emphasize approaches that combine process efficiency with variety end in products and some adaptability to change. Some firms in industry may choose to compete perpetually as job or an batch shops, making, for example. Rolls Royces instead of Model T cars. passage of time may thus be important mainly maturity" brings with to move from job it enough experience and shops to factories with in The that experience or "industry stability for at least varying levels of some firms flexibility. challenge for managers of relatively new technologies not yet standardized A in features or development processes might be how to use strategy, technology, and organizational structure to move beyond job-shop or 25 craft modes of operation . There level. Over is also the time, issue of sustaining competitive advantage at the firm facilities produce semi-customized in the middle of the spectrum may become able to products superior in products and similar to customized products but development may thus provide managers need to ask a firm with performance at less cost. deemphasize economies themselves continually of scope as and processes, and reuse of in commodity considerable strategic advantage, if they are doing improve their product development and production operations. tools to Since process process standardization, all If they can to some firms integration of components, while focusing essentially on the individual engineer, the individual tool, or the final product, then they be fully cultivating -- that is, compared to may not some of their competitors-- organizational capabilities to maximize the performance of their technical people and redeployment of resources across a 26 broad range of products. REFERENCES 1. For basic discussions of the product development process see Glen L. Urban and John R. Hauser, Design and Marketing of New Products Englewood Cliffs, , NJ, Prentice Hall, 1980. Theory and Practice London, Joan Woodward, Industrial Organization: Oxford University Press, 1965, Joan Woodward, ed.. Industrial Organization: Behavior and Control London, Oxford University Press, 1970. 2. . , See Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business, Cambridge, M.A., Harvard University Press, 1977; Wickham Skinner, Manufacturing: The Formidable Competitive Weapon New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1985; O. Mayr and R.C. Post, eds., Yankee Enterprise: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian 3. , , Institution Press, 1981. 4. John W. Hunt, The Restless Organization 5. David S. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus Press, 6. . . Wiley International, 1972. Cambridge, Cambridge University 1969. Henry Mintzberg, The Structure Prentice Hall, 1979, p. of Organizations , Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 252. For a discussion of economies of scale or returns to scale, see, for example, Edwin Mansfield, Microeconomics: Theory/Applications New York, W.W. Norton 7. , & Company, 1985. William J. Abernathy and James Utterback, "Dynamic Model of Process and Product Innovation," Omega 3 (1975), 639-657; Robert H. Hayes and Steven C. Wheelright, "Link Manufacturing Process and Product Life Cycles," Harvard Business Review (January-February 1979), 133-140, and Restoring Our Competitive Edge: Competing through Manufacturing New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1984; Roger W. Schmenner, Production/Operations Management: Concepts and Situations Chicago, Science Research Associates, 1984. 8. , , . William J. Abernathy and Kenneth Wayne, "Limits of the Learning Curve," Harvard Business Review (September-October 1974), 109-119. 9. 10. Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch, Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration Boston, Harvard Business School, 1967; Jay Galbreath, Designing Complex Organizations Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1973 and Organization Design Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1977; W. Richard Scott, Organizations: Rational. Natural, and Open Systems, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1981. p. 208; Stephen R. Barley, "Technology as an Occasion for Structuring: Evidence from Observations of CT Scanners and the Social Order of Radiology Departments, " Administrative Science Ouarterly 31 (1986) p. , , , , 27 , 107. n Source for figure is Finn Borum, "Beyond Taylorism: The IT-Specialists and the Deskilling Hypothesis," Copenhagen School of Economics, Computer History (CHIPS) Working Paper, September 1987, p. 5, adapted from Mintzberg, p. 286. . 12. See, for example, Michael A. Cusumano, The Japanese Automobile Industry: Technology and Management at Nissan and Toyota Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1985; Yasuhiro Monden, Toyota Production System. Norcross, Ga., Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1983; and Richard J. Schonberger, Japanese Manufacturing Technigues. New York, The Free Press, 1982. Also, see Ramchandran Jaikumar, "Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Managerial Perspective," Harvard Business School Working Paper #1-784-078 (January 1984) and "Postindustrial Manufacturing," Harvard Business Review (November-December 1986), 301-308; Michael J. Piore and Charles F. Sabel, The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity, New York, Basic Books, 1984; Charles F. Sabel et al., "How to Keep Mature Industries Innovative," Technology Review (April 1987), 27-35; and Diane Palframan, "FMS: Too Much, Too Soon," Manufacturing Engineering (March 1987), 34-38. . Nancy L. Hyer and Urban Wemmerloc, "Group Technology and Product Harvard Business Review (July-August 1984), 140-149. 13. 14. Harvard Business School, "VLSI Technology, Design," Case Study 0-686-128 (1986), p. 15. Inc. (A): vity, Automating ASIC 15. Ramchandran Jaikumar, "From Filing and Fitting to Flexible Manufacturing: A Study in the Evolution of Process Control," Harvard Business School Working Paper 16. . February 1988. Mintzberg, pp. 348-379. See, for example, Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., The Mythical Man-Month: Essays in Software Engineering Reading, Ma., Addison-Wesley, 1975; Oscar Hauptman, "Influence of Task Type on the Relationship Between Communication and Performance: The Case of Software Development," R&D Management 16 (1986), 127-139; and Martin Shooman, Software Engineering: Design. Reliability, and Management New York, McGraw-Hill, 1983. 17. , . Borum, pp. 8-9. 6 7 3B Q7 2 28 ^/lioi Date Due SF2 5'89 APR 1 2 1990 JUN 19 1990 NOV BBC. 13^ 2-^"*^ «f^ 3 =1060 005 222 ^bD