LEADERSHIP THROUGH COVEY’S SEVEN HABITS Logan County Schools Omar Elementary Facilitators: Deborah Frazier and Debbie McDonald Omar Elementary: School Background 241 Students 31 Employees (Faculty and Staff) Highest Poverty Rate in Logan County School District: 95% 36% of students live in single parent homes 11% live with grandparents or other relatives 53% live in two-parent homes Logan County has one of the highest drug abuse rates in West Virginia Many of our students live in homes with drug abuse LEADERS Mrs. Darlene Dingess-Adkins: Visionary Leader Mr. John Mullins: Current Principal Mrs. Deborah Frazier: Covey Facilitator Ms. Debbie McDonald: Covey Facilitator OUR LEADERSHIP STATEMENT THE SEVEN HABITS Covey Habit #1: Be Proactive Covey Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind Covey Habit #3: Put First Things First Covey Habit #4: Think Win-Win Covey Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Covey Habit #6: Synergize Covey Habit #7: Sharpen the Saw SNAPSHOTS OF LEADERS Morning Greetings MORNING ROUTINE FOR MRS. VANCE’S CLASS SEVEN HABITS THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL LEADERSHIP BULLETIN BOARDS LEADERS AT WORK CONDUCTING WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES PARADIGMS WITH MRS. WALTERS ENDING OUR DAY WITH LEADERS DATA NOTEBOOKS LEADERSHIP TEAMS THE COVEY BANK RESULTS: THIRD GRADE RLA BENCHMARK 1 & 2 RESULTS: FOURTH GRADE MATH BENCHMARK 1 & 2 RESULTS: FOURTH GRADE RLA BENCHMARK 1 & 2 RESULTS: FOURTH GRADE MATH ACUITY: PERIOD 7 MATH 4 November 2012 February 2013 THE SEVEN HABITS SONG In Pictures