Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding
West Virginia Department of Education,
Regional Education Service Agencies
County Boards of Education
In response to
Focus Designated Schools
2013 - 2017
County Boards of Education that have a school designated as a Focus School agree to:
1. Appoint a County Focus Assistance Support Team (FAST) to oversee the improvements
efforts for Focus schools.
2. Set aside financial resources to establish a shared decision making model with the
school by supporting the work of Administrative teams, School Leadership Team (SLT),
and Collaborative Teams.
Assist the school in revising the Strategic Plan & ESEA application.
Support the implementation of appropriate subgroup interventions as outlined in ESEA
Flexibility Request including the effective use of the Educator Evaluation System to
improve teacher and principal effectiveness and make necessary adjustments
throughout the year.
Verify evidence provided by the school in the High Quality Online Data Collection system
to measure and monitor progress on all HQ Standards/Turnaround Principles.
Review progress annually (county superintendent and local board of education) and
develop an annual report submitted to WVDE.
A WV school that has been designated as a Focus School agrees to:
1. Ensure that the administration and faculty work collaboratively with the County FAST.
2. Implement a shared decision making model within the school by establishing
Administrative teams, School Leadership Team (SLT), and Collaborative Teams
3. Develop a Strategic Plan specific to identified subgroup concerns to guide the school
improvement work.
4. Implement specific subgroup interventions as identified in the ESEA Flexibility Request
including the effective use of the Educator Evaluation System to improve teacher and
principal effectiveness and make necessary adjustments throughout the year
5. Utilize the High Quality Online Data Collection system to measure and monitor progress.
6. Present progress annually to the county superintendent and local board of education.
Regional Education Service Agency agrees to:
Provide expertise and technical assistance through the RESA Level Focus Assistance
Support Team (FAST) to implement a shared decision making model with the school by
supporting the work of the Administrative teams, School Leadership Team (SLT), and
Collaborative Teams.
Assist the school in revising the Strategic Plan & ESEA application.
Support the implementation of specific subgroup interventions as outlined in ESEA
Flexibility Request including the effective use of the Educator Evaluation System to
improve teacher and principal effectiveness and make necessary adjustments throughout
the year.
Assist with the utilization of the High Quality Online Data Collection system to measure and
monitor progress on interventions.
West Virginia Department of Education agrees to:
Provide expertise and technical assistance through the Statewide System of Support/ State
Level Focus Assistance Support Team (FAST) to implement a shared decision making
model with the school by supporting the work of the Administrative teams, School
Leadership Team (SLT), and Collaborative Teams.
7. Assist the school in revising the Strategic Plan & ESEA application.
8. Support the implementation of the WV High Quality Standards for Schools/USDE
Turnaround Principles as outlined in ESEA Flexibility Request including the effective use of
the Educator Evaluation System to improve teacher and principal effectiveness and make
necessary adjustments throughout the year
9. Assist with the utilization of the High Quality Online Data Collection system to measure and
monitor progress on of subgroup interventions.
10. Review progress annually and develop an annual report submitted to USDE.
Additional Roles and Responsibilities:
1. External Partner Roles and Responsibilities (*if the county elects to contract an “External
Supporting Provider” they must choose from the WVDE approved list and an annual
evaluation must be submitted):
2. Local School Improvement Specialist Roles and Responsibilities:
3. RESAs Roles and Responsibilities
The undersigned have reviewed this Memorandum of Understanding and accept it as the basis
for working together toward a common purpose through the school improvement process until
such time that the school is no longer identified as a Focus School. This agreement will be
reviewed annually by the County Superintendent, RESA Executive Director and the State
Superintendent. A new agreement is not required each year unless revisions are requested by
one of the individuals listed above.
County Board President
County Superintendent
State Superintendent of Schools
Faculty Senate Chair *Faculty Senate Chair signature verifies the MOU has been presented to
and discussed with entire faculty.
External Partner, School Improvement Specialist, RESA (*optional)
External Partner, School Improvement Specialist, RESA (*optional)