Welcome & Overview Federal Program Directors Summer Meeting Embassy Suites

Welcome & Overview
Federal Program Directors
Summer Meeting
Embassy Suites
June 18, 2015
Internet: CRWEM
Federal Updates
ESEA Reauthorization: Every Child
Achieves Act (Senate)
-Expected to reach floor by July
-Expected Debate: Portability, Title I Formula
Changes, Governance, Accountability, OptOut, Student Data Privacy
Federal Updates
• ESEA Waiver Renewal
- Submitted on March 30, 2015
- Responded to Reviewer Feedback on May
22, 2015
- Verbal Confirmation that Application is
- Awaiting Official Announcement with First Set
of Approved States
• 2015 Assessment Data Utilized for
Diagnostic and Administrative Purposes
• 2014 Designations will Remain in Effect
Through the 2015-2016 School Year
• Final Business Rules for A-F to be
Approved by WVBE after Review of 2015
Assessment Data
WVDE Reorganization
Division of School Effectiveness
-Office of Federal Programs
-Office of Educator Effectiveness and
Licensure (OPP)
-Office of Student and School Support
(School Improvement)
ESEA Committee of Practitioners
Function: Review and Comment upon
Rules, Regulations and Policies related to
ESEA Programs
Majority from LEAs:
-Administrators (Central Office and Building
-Teachers (including Vocational, Special
Education, ELLs)
-Local School Board Members
-Private School Representatives
-Pupil Services Personnel
Membership Responsibilities
- Review Proposed Documents and Provide
Stakeholder Feedback
- Interactive Webinars for Specified Policy
and Procedural Changes (2-3 a year)
-Face-to-Face (Early Spring)
Monitoring Cycle 2015-16
Group 1 – Grant, Mingo & Nicholas
Submission deadline of October 1, 2015
Group 2 – Calhoun, Ohio & Wayne
Submission deadline of December 1, 2015
Group 3 – Jackson, Logan & Mason
Submission deadline of February 1, 2016
Group 4 – Marion & Pleasants
Submission deadline of April 1, 2016
SEC 1120A. Fiscal Requirements.
(c) Comparability of Services
(3) Each LEA shall develop procedures for
compliance with comparability and maintain
records that are updated biennially (every
other year)