West Virginia Board of Education and West Virginia Department of Education Strategic Plan Division, Office, RESA, CPD, OEPA Strategic Plan MASTER COPY 2007-2010 SUMMARY PAGE Goal 5 DRAFT GOAL GOAL 5: All students shall be educated by highly qualified personnel. OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES Objectives 5.1 Increase the percentage of pre-service programs that incorporate instructional practices of 21st Century teaching. PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE 5.1 Annual increase in the percentage of pre-service programs that incorporate instructional practices of 21st Century teaching as reflected by the WVBE Educator Preparation Program Review Board (EPPRB) Summary of EPPRB Program Recommendations and Reviews. (Base-line Data SUBMISSION RESPONSIBILITY ANNUAL PROGRE SUMMARY Karen Huffman/Nathan Estel Not available until 2008 2009. 2008-2009) 5.2 Increase the percentage of educators who know and use the instructional practices of 21st Century teaching. 5.2.a Implement the Board's Master Plan for Professional Development. Master Plan CPD/WVDE/RESAs/Higher Ed Board's Master Plan for Professional Developm can be accessed at Ma Plan for Professional Development 5.2.b Annual increase in the presence of 21st Century instructional practices as measured by an instructional practices inventory and self assessment. (Base-line Data 2008-09) Karen Huffman/Richard Lawrence Not available until 2008 2009. Investigating various existing self assessmen instruments to begin process of developing o for WV. 5.2.c Increase the number of teachers who report completing technology integration professional development on the Staff Development Training Data Base. (Base-line 20072008) Brenda Williams/Brenda Morris for Professional Development (C-1) Kelly 2007-2008 data not available until June 200 5.2.d Increase the number of teachers by school reporting completing technology integration training as reported by Digital Divide. Brenda Williams 5.2.e Facilitate the provision of high quality, targeted professional development and resources for teachers and administrators relating to, but not limited to: Intel Teaching Thinking and Technology; Substitute teacher training; Arts Team Training Project, Phase 2; Beginning Principal Mentor Training; Mentor Coach training; the Six Elements of and Resources for 21st Century Teaching and Learning; Grant Writing. (R-3); RESA III - Linda Andresen PreK-12 Services: Staff Development 5.2.3 Facilitate the provision of high quality targeted professional development and resources for teachers and RESA III - Deborah Brown PreK-12 Services: Special Education For 2005-2006 the num of teachers completing technology intergration training increased by 1,262. Data for 2006-2 will be available Januar 2008. 5.2.3 Putnam County K-3 administrators in instructional practices designed to enhance the performance of students with disabilities, including, but not limited to: Kansas writing strategies; Co-teaching; Differentiated Instruction; Reading; and Formative Assessment. 5.3 Increase the percentage of practicing professional personnel who are fully certified in field. 5.3 Annual increase in the percentage of classes taught by highly qualified teachers as documented by the WV Highly Qualified Teacher Report. Reading/RtI Worksh 11 workshops, Aug 2007-Jan 2008, 149 participants Clay County K-3 Rea Workshops, 9 workshops, 139 participants and 6 school Kanawha County KReading Workshop f Title I teachers, September 27-28, 2 007, 20 participants Karen Huffman/Nathan Estel During the 2006-2007 school year, 90.9% of Virginia's core academi subjects were taught b highly qualified teacher Data for the 2007-0 school year has bee collected and is curr (April 2008) being verified. 5.4 Increase the availability of highly qualified and fully certified professional personnel in critical shortage areas. 5.5 Increase the percentage of building level /district 5.4 Annual increase in the percentage of highly qualified and fully certified professional personnel in critical shortage areas as evidenced by the WV Highly Qualified Teacher Report. Karen Huffman/Nathan Estel 5.5 Annual increase in the presence of 21st Century Karen Huffman/Chuck Base-line 2006-2007 st and county data availa Highly Qualified Teache Report . Data for the 2007-08 school has been collected and is currently (April 2008) being verified. Not available until 2008 level administrators who know and use 21st Century leadership practices. leadership practices as measured by an leadership practices inventory and self assessment. (Base-line Data 2008-09) Heinlein 2009. Leadership practices ha been identified. In proc of developing a rubric, conjuction with EdVant discern degree of implementation of 21st Century leadership pra Wii run in Institute coh class of 2006 to measu and establish baseline (R-2) This is a focus fo 2008-2009. Strategies 1. Develop & implement pre-service and in-service programs, courses and accountability; processes that increase the percentage of professional personnel who are fully certified & knowledgeable of 21st Century teaching & learning strategies. Kelly Watts; Dee Cockrille (R-2) 3. Develop & implement an integrated system of professional development aligned to the 21st Century vision. 5.2 GEAR UP Objectives 5.2 GEAR UP 5.2.1 Increase the percentage of educators who know and use the instructional practices of 21st Century teaching. (R-7) 5.2 GEAR UP 5.2 GEAR UP Documentation of GEAR UP Teachers’ Staff Development and tracking of sessions offered Anna Casale, Shannon Carnes, and Sharon Stalnaker 5.3 Goals and Resul for 2007 Annual Rep 80% those participatin professional development activities will ind improvement as individual in mee GEAR UP goals a demonstrated by evaluation forms surveys. 2008 Reported 94.6% The number of professional development activities will increase by 20% each year of the grant to serve a greater cohort of professionals involved in GEAR as demonstrated annual data repo 2007 Reported 101 2008 Reported—157 80% the teachers invo in GEAR UP Professional development activities will rep improved teachin /counseling skills demonstrated by self-reporting an student evaluatio 2007 Reported 97.2% 5.6 Facilitate the provision of high quality targeted professional development and resources for teachers and administrators in instructional practices designed to enhance the performance of students with disabilities, including, but not limited to: Kansas writing strategies; Co-teaching; Differentiated Instruction; Reading; and Formative Assessment. (R-2) 5.6a Develop & implement an integrated system of professional development aligned to the 21st Century vision. (R-2) Technical Assistance plans and implementation in place Plan implementation (R-2) Terry Smith, Kelly Watts; other presenters Kelly Watts (R-2) Numerous Int workshops have bee completed with sele teachers and administrators; sub trainnig occurs at le four times a year; Arts Team is creatin high quality outreac teachers inthe region;Mentor traini occuring regularly; 2008-2009PD emphasis on Six Elements of 21st Century Teachi and Learning. (R-2) (R-2) Plan in development. (R-2) Increase in 21st Cen PD to be delivered t counties in service a 5.6b Increase in the number of science and Chemistry teachers in region 2 with and emphasis upon 21st century stategies(R2). Identify and increase the number of chemistry certified amnd middle school science teachers in RESA II C-1 Center for Professional Development O-1 OEPA D-1 Superintendent R-1 RESA I D-2 Division of Curriculum & Instruction R-2 RESA II D-3 Division of Student Support Services R-3 RESA III D-4 Division of Adult & Technical Education R-4 RESA IV D-5 Division of 21st Century Schools R-5 RESA V R-6 RESA VI R-7 RESA VII R-8 RESA VIII Kelly Watts/ Dee Cockrille (R-2) Project REACT grant will increase th number of highly qualified chemistry I conceptual and midd school science teach (Lincoln) in RESA II; Project participants currently being recru for a three year commitment; two summer institutes a year long focus on chemistry/ science a 21st century teachin and learning begins June 2008. (R-2).