LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEMILINEAH (TOPOLOGICAL) SPACES AND APPLICATIONS* Prem Prakash 525-71 Murat R. Sertel June, 1971 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE MBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02131 ) MASS. «?T. TECH. I SEP 13 1971 DEWEY LIBRARY SEMILINEAR (TOPOLOGICAL) SPACES AND APPLICATIONS Pvem Prakash 525,-71 Murat R. SevteZ June, l97l Revised Edition (Also carries Working Paper #66-71 from the Graduate School of Management y Northwestern University , Evanston, Illinois) An earlier version of this paper was delivered as an invited lecture at the Second Florida Symposium on Automata and Semigroups, April Idle, l97l. University of Florida., Gainesville, Florida. It is based on the (inseparably) joint work of the authors, as referenced. Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Prof.s James R. Munkres (M. I. T. ) and Alexander D. Wallace (U. Florida) for shortcircuiting some early fallacious conjectures. Also, they would like to acknowledge the support provided by Prof. Zenon S. Zannetos ( M. I. through a NASA grant for the work of M. R. S. at the Management Information for Planning and Control Group, Sloan School of Management, M. I. T. T. RFCEIVED JAN M. I. T. 17 1972 LlBRARItS INTRODUCTION In this paper we define semivector spaces and develop some of their algebraic aspects including some structure theory; then top- opogize these spaces to obtain semilinear topological spaces for which we identify a hierarchy of local convexity axioms; establish a number of fixed point and minmax theorems for spaces with various local convexity properties; illustrate how the spaces of concern arise naturally as various hyperspaces of linear and semilinear (topological) spaces; and, finally, indicate briefly how all the above are applied in socio-economic analysis and optimization. In contrast to vector spaces, we build semivector spaces upon underlying commutative semi- groups, so that the space need not have an origin (identity element) and its elements need not possess inverses. In the same contrast, a consequent weakness of semivector spaces is the ability for the distribution (X + p)s = As f ys to fail altogether or for certain pairs (X, p) of field elements, where s is a generic semivector. As and ys are results of "scalar multi- plication" and € is "semivector addition." Neither is Os required to equal the origin e even if e belongs to the semivector space (0 denotes the additive identity of the field). Also, in the case where the reals are taken as the field, singleton sets need not be convex. These are some of the features distinguishing semivector spaces from vector spaces. Section 1 treats these and other alge- braic matters pertaining to semivector spaces. C'gross") structure theory is also developed. 6331^5 As a result, some Examples are provided to illustrate a variety of semivector spaces. In Section 2, semivector spaces are topologized by requiring their algebraic operations ("scalar multiplication" and "semi- vector addition") to be continuous. It is asked when the topology of the mob underlying a semilinear topological space can be strengthened to yield translates of open sets by points open without destroying the continuity of either of the algebraic operations. After a hierarchy of local convexity axioms is identified for real semilinear topological spaces, product invariance is investigated for spaces of the various types of local convexity. Section 3 deals with the real semilinear topological spaces in which singleton sets are convex ("pointwise convexity"). In this section we generalize or extend central fixed point results due to S. Kakutani [194], H. F. Bohnenblust and S. Karlin [1950] and K. Fan [1952], which in turn are generalizations of results due to L. E. J. Brouwer [1912], J. Schauder [1930] and A. Tychonoff [1935], respectively. In particular, our Theorem 3.1 generalizes Kakutani 's FPT (Fixed Point Theorem), and it is used to establish Theorem 3.2 where Tychonoff 's FPT is generalized by means of procedure used by Fan [1952]. Theorem 3.3 and the Minmax Theorems 3.4 and 3.5 are applications which we believe to have significance for economic theory and the theories of games and optimization. Theorem 3.6 extends Fan's FPT. Theorem 3.7 and the Minmax Theorem 3.8 stand in relation to it as do 3.3 and 3.4 to 3.2. Using the fixed point theory of this section, elsewhere, in [Prakash, 1971] -4- and ISertel, 1971J , we show the existence of dynainic equilibria for certain rather general social and economic systems. J. L. Kelley has indicated the importance of convexity arguments as the basis for results distinguishing the theory of linear topological spaces from that of topological groups [1955; p. 110]. The results pre- sented here may be taken to illustrate that much of the power gained from convexity properties does not require as strong a structure as that of a linear topological space. Section 4 constructs a variety of semivector and topological semivector spaces as hyperspaces. Many of these, e.g., the semi- vector spaces consisting of the non-vacuous compact and convex sets in a vector space, are important for social and economic analysis and the theories of games and optimization. In models used in these areas, the behavors in a social system or consumers and pro- ducers in an economic system or the players in a game or, finally, optimizing agents in general are restricted in their choice typically to a compact and convex region in a linear topological space. For example, in the case of a consumer, the choice of commodity bundles (vectors) which can be enjoyed is the set of commodity bundles which can be acquired without exceeding a budget constraint. In the case of a player in a game, the choice of strategy may be limited to the set of probability measures defined on some sigma- algebra of "actions" (see [Sertel, 1969, 1971]), where this set of probability measures is convex, but also compact when suitable topologies are used. 5- Section 5 indicates, albeit briefly, how the material of the earlier sections is applied in social and economic equilibrium analysis and optimization. We intend to make such applications the subject of a soon forthcoming separate paper. -6- 1. SEMIVECTOR SPACES 1.0 Definition (F, +, .) Let (S, €) be an Albelian semigroup and let ; be a field, tive identity by a map 4*: F x s denoting its additive and multiplica- and 1, respectively. -> where we denote S, Then S together with s) = Xs, H'(A, will be called a semivector space over F iff the following are satisfied; Axiom Axiom = s Is 1: Axiom 2: = A(]js) (A s, ij)s t X, y e F. e S; X(s # t) = Xs * Xt 3: The elements of TCl • S will be called semivectors will be called a semivector subspace of S semivector space under the restrictions to operations of F = R, If S. 2 for each ^. X ^ 0, furthermore, if identity ) e s e S, S S will 3. over a field denote the restriction of ¥, S yield a special type of automaton further particularized by Axiom let of the algebraic T . One may note that Axioms 1 and Given a semivector space it is a the field of reals, then be called a real semivector space X e F A subset . S iff is an automorphism of F, for each to X x s. 4' S onto Then, S; has an origin (or a null element , or defined by the property that e # s = s for all then Xe = e. The reader will soon notice, as M. P. Schiltzenberger already has, that the full set of field axioms for F is unnecessary for much of the development to follow. In ignoring the fact that these axioms can be relaxed at various points in the development below, we are exchanging some (easily obtainable) generality for uniformity in exposition. On the other hand, We will denote is an endomorphlsm of ^ by H'q(S) As with an ordinary semigroup, if (where e « and e*s= s*e= 4' S to S U Is a semivector space, this is done by S space with identity , ..., A " ^ ) U {e}, setting e (A, A') e A }. Ix:x'lcT A if (y e R) ; AA * A'B a. = 1; ^ E i=0 a semivector > 0, a. i=0, C T x, x' S, then d- S, A'x' The following are plain: yA = {ya too, is convex in ). S, | a e A} is convex then so are and all convex combinations It is important to note that, unlike in vector spaces, in semivector spaces there is no guarantee that X or x' belongs to Given will be called convex iff S e T. {a#b| aeA, bEB} ((A,A') e A ..., n}. ^ will be defined as {s = Ax A subset B, Henceforth we . S in a real semivector space x,x' [x:x'] whenever if e = e, will denote the simplex e e""^^] is convex in A*B= ^ obtained by adjunction if necessary. e, A any two semivectors their segment of an to s(s e S), and Ae = e(X e F) From here on ad.j unction S will adopt the convention of denoting by {(X does not have an S {e} by does not stand for any element in S) e In the case where extending under N. identity, one may pass from identify S [x:x'] or even that x e [x;x]. 2 For example, consider the commutative semigroup the set of all non-empty subsets, [R] a real semivector space with origin AA = {Aa| a e a} if A ^ 0, Bd A, e = ([R], *) of and obtain R, by setting {0} and AA = R otherwise. In further contrast to vector spaces, a semivector space S need not have an identity (merely delete all singletons in Os = e the above example), nor need identity even if (readmit singleton {O} as e) e of the examples above illustrates that cellative. for each Of course, e s To continue, any . need not be can- S need not have an inverse S nor need S, has an S = s s) *i'(-l, s even if it has - for example, form a real semivector space by taking the ad- ditive group G of reals and setting ^(A, g) = |A|g (A e R, A property conspicuously missing in all of the above g e G). examples is the distributivity (A + y)s = As * ys, but the following definition enables us to study the structure of semivector spaces with regard to various localized versions of this property. 1,1 Definition field F. = {(A, li)| Let ; The set (A (S, «, ^) be a semivector space over a DCS) CIF x F + y)s = As » ys defined by e S} and S will be said to S distribute at e 2 (A, y) will be called s the region of distributivity of (A, y) iff D(S) for all , D(S). A real semivector The semigroup operation » being defined by A t B = {a + b|a e A, b e B} for all A, B e [R]. i.e. ts:s] = sCs e S) , Since are both commutative, it follows directly and F S . from the definition of that 2 if e D(S) (A, V) Axioms and 3, (A 1.2 Let ; A) so that e D(S) is symmetric, . V. (A + y)s D(S) => F(A, \i)CZ D(S), e {(v.A, v.y)| v e F}. be a semivector space over a field S i.e., Furthermore, by implies (A, y) denotes the set F(A, y) THEOREM (y. + y)s = As » ys = (V. A)s « (v.y)s, where D(S) that D(S) F. Then (denoting ^f^(S) = N) the following are equivalent: 1. (0, 2. N 0) e D(S); is a commutative band (in fact an "unsealed" semivector subspace); 3. = ^^ {T (n) I is a partition of n e N} lattice of semivector subspaces T '^ at (0, 0). Furthermore, if F n S into a semi- each of which distributes is the field of reals, then each of the above is equivalent to: 4. is pointwise convex. N Proof lit was noted earlier in this section that ; N is an "unsealed" semivector subspace of S]. ad (1 => 2) so that ad (2 ; Os = n e N, Os « Os = (0 +0)s = Os = n, consists of idempotents. N => 3) For any ; [The T 's clearly partition S] Writing Sup(m, n) = m t n in (the semilattice) N, the blocks T form a semilattice by setting n 0(7it mm ^ t') = m under ^. = t m, t' m = m, whereby ) T £ m At T . e T m ; by idempotence of m, so that Finally, T m distributes at also note semivector is a and as is closed T m 0),' as (0, .. , Sup(m, n) (0 + 0)t m -m+-m=Ot m *0t. m = Tn Let '^Cnr.rm r>^*^ bup(jn,n; subspace, as 0(t = T^ ) n^ mn m T m * n^ T , m' «T n ={t m #t|t n'm eT,t el}, n T T Sup(T ^^ * -^ Defining ad C3 => 1) does s y N = ad C2 => 4) If each ; T n distributes at (0, 0), then so T F = R, Now assume . Use the unscaledness of ; and the idempotence N of each of its -members. ad => 1) (4 : Given any e S, Os ^ Os = A(Os) # A' have Os = n y T over F and S Proof that (a, 'I'fy^CT = S. ; ) we , and pointwise convexity of (Os), disjoint semivector spaces over a e A, and (X,A') e A Os = n. equates this to N s F such that, for each distributes at = {a} and T (0, Denote 0). Then there exists a semivector space (S, #, ^) of which each (T distributes at (0, For example, define a > b — b £ A). iff T a —> T, b , , ® , ¥^) is a semivector subspace, 0). « and ^ and define as below. a Order « b = Sup A b) (a, iReplace 'Sup' by 'Inf throughout if {T so | a e A} is a lower rather than an upper semilattice, TsupCa, b), if a It V. s a # t' b' ?* Finally, set ] b; if a = b;' T (a e A). e ^ 3! We now turn to structural aspects of distribution at CO, A) f CO, 1.4 THEOREM ; 0). Using the notation of 1.2, among the following statements, the first two are equivalent; furthermore, if F = R, then all three are equivalent. 1. S 2. {T distributes at a point n e N} (0, A) distinct from (0, 0). is a partition of S into a semilattice of I semivector subspaces For each 3. y = Setting 2 e T (2 , Now assume ; T Cn e N) is the first element of [s:s]. (y.O, y.A) e D(S) for all y e F. and using 1.2, it remains only to prove that n # t => 1) (each of which distributes at is the origin of T , which now follows from the fact distributes also at S n n As shown immediately after 1.1, if : is the origin of that T n s then A) e DCS), (0, ad s e S, ad CI =^ Proof: n such that A)) CO, n = Ot n Trivial. F = R. (0, 1): for any -12- => 3): ad (2 ^ Let e T s - (3 => 1) ad 1.5 THEOREM In the statement of Theorem 1.3, replace ; 0) by (0, and strengthen the hypothesis so that is the origin of Proof Os » Is = n « s « s. Then . Obvious. ; A) for some A ^ (0, a n T (a A). e Same as that of Theorem 1.3. ; # We close this section by giving some exercises and examples in illustration of some facts which follow easily from the above. 1.6 Exercise Let ; S e be a cancellative semivector space. 3 Then, among the following statements, the first three are equivalent, 4 Implies 5, and all follow from S® distributes at (0, 0). 2. S^ distributes at 3. Os = e 4. For all 5. If 1. (a S 6. S^ for all s S^, e + b, -b) and 1). S^. (-Ds « distributes at 3 s - e. (a, b), (c, d) and + d, -d) for => 2 => 1 even without cancellation. A semivector space s = t (c 0. for Os # Os = Os cancels to Os = e. implies then it distributes at + b, -a). (a distributes at some which d ^ Proof; e (0, s 6. S is cancellative iff for all r,s,t e S. Also, Given 4, if * (a s = 1 *> 3, + b)s t -13- = as « bs, then similarly from (a + b)s « (-b)s = as « bs « (-b)s = as, Obviously 6 implies 4, To see i.e., 1-3. 1, that it implies 4, hence 5, merely note that — e = e, since d d y' cs= (c+d-d)s= (c+d)s# and that 0, (-d)s = cs * ds ^ (-d)s, cancelling to e = ds # (-d)s. iff 1.8 (-l)s « s = e Remark s e S. We should caution the reader that a pointwise convex ; space for all need not contain an origin, and that, even if it S does, Os = e need not be satisfied by all s e S . These deficiencies are illustrated in the order of mention by the examples below. Example Let ; ^^ (X, , "l*^) (Y, 0^, and ^^) be disjoint pointwise convex spaces containing their respective origins e 11 = ¥ space (i) and e (X) t = ^ n^'^^' Y, «, ^) (X X « x' = X Cii) y 2 2 Define a pointwise convex as follows: x' (x, x' e X), y' = y «^ y' (y, y' e Y) (iii) X « y = t-*- (x c X, e""" 4'^-^(s), if s e X; >F^^(s), if s e Y. y e Y); Evidently, 1,10 Example Let : contains no origin. X U Y except that if x and Exercise (Y, be as above, x = e then X by leaving e (i) Ty, if X = e ; ^x, if X . , (ii) x e X for , (X U Y, ©, Y) and (iv) of 1.9 unand y € Y to , X « ' Evidently, 1.11 ®^, Y^) Define a pointwise convex space changed and modifying (iii) (iii) (Y, has an inverse in X e is now required. with identity Y^ 9^, (X, Oy = e Let ; X 2 1 ?t e for all ^ e be a semivector space over a field an Abelian semigroup. ®) y C Y In particular, X and F and Y may be objects in the category of semivector spaces over a field Let F. Y denote the set of all morphisms from X to Define "scalar multiplication" and "semivector addition" . in Hom(X, Y) Hom(X, Y) by setting = f (x) © g(x) for all e Hom(X, Then, field F, Y) . Xf(x) = f(Xx) X e X , Hom(X, Y) all X e F and (f ® and all g) (x) f , g is a semivector space over the These facts are not altered even if X is strengthened to be a vector space or Y to be an Abelian group. This example was suggested by some of the constructions of Keimel [l967a and 1967bl. 15- TOPOLOGICAL SEMIVECTOR SPACES 2.0 Definition Let ; is a field and (S, ^, H*) and F S (S, ©, ^) be topological spaces such that is a semivector space over F. F Then is called a semilinear topological space (or topo- logical semivector space ) over iff € and ^ F are continuous. In a semilinear topological space, it is immediate from the continuity of ¥ that each is continuous. 'F, Hence, writing i y = A, so long as we have A ^ 0, open map when restricted to (F continuous, whereby f \ {O}) x S. Strengthenability of the Topology^ If on S , (S , it is ^) is a commutative mob with Hausdorff topology possible to strengthen the topology on out destroying the continuity of (i) the nbd system of now open whenever U e is open in topology on S with- and in such a way that is unaltered, while De Miranda, 1964; Theorem 3.2.13]. a "strengthened " ^ S and S s U € s (ii) e S is [Paalman- Given a semilinear topologi- we will mean one which satis- fies (i) and (ii) as just stated. We may ask now whether there exists a strengthened topology on S^ remains a semilinear topological space. under which (Of course, (S®, «, W) in a linear topological space the topology is already a strengthened version — of itself). 5 We are grateful to Prof. T. Bowman for pointing out an error in an earlier draft of this section. 16- Having Paalman-De Miranda's result as stated above, the question clearly boils down to whether the continuity of can be preserved under a strengthened topology on S ^ Al- . though we are unable to assert in general when this can be done and when it cannot, we recognize a research problem here and offer the following as an example where it cannot be done even though the space whose topology is to be strengthened is, as the reader may check, a pointwise convex semilinear topological space with identity and with a topology which is locally compact, metrizable, 3° locally convex (see 2.2 and 4.4), etc. Example Let F be the real field with usual topology, and define ; a real semilinear topological space (KQ(,R) , t, ¥) over F, where KQ(R) is the set of all nonempty compact and convex subsets of R Cthe topological group of the reals with usual topology), where la, b] « {c, d] = {x + y (x, | e y) and Ala, b] = [\a, Ab] for all a, b, c, d a £ b and c hyperspace t e S^, £ S s to open U = KQQR), topology on some e, Y*" S s : F x {t } ^ S^ of T. Now the inverse image S and each "originally" is not continuous under ^ . £ For let U be an open nbd U # At of At and consider the (basic) open A > 0. with by declaring the translates S The fact is that the strengthened topology on of d]} [c, e F, X Fix attention to any non-singleton be (basic) open for each CS^. x b] d, and where the finite topology is taken on the and consider the restriction Strengthen the U « [a, e R, fi of U « At under nbd for 4* -17- contains < (A, For suppose that y < X. for some u c U. since diam (— > but it contains no t), t ^ t = — >_ diam diam (t), whereby diam (t) yt = At ^ u. that < and, as t) such that t) yt = At € u which is impossible u, 6 — — diam (— t Inf(fi), so that > 1, diam (~ t) contradicting u), U is not Thus, the semilinear is not continuous. ^ open showing that (r- A = Thus, — ® t , and that < y < X — Then u) (y topological space just considered, despite all its properties, does not remain a semilinear topological space when its topology is strengthened in the fashion sought. Real Semilinear Topological Spaces and Axioms of Local Convexity The following intuitively pleasing fact is a natural one early to check. 2.1 Lemma : In real semilinear topological spaces topological closure (CI) preserves convexity. Proof ; Let space. If Q Q = be convex in (A, A') e A . The map Aq « A 'q Suppose Q. that Q, however, ' = q ^ CI (Q) be for some Then there exists a nbd V of q disjoint from f^: S x s ^ U')c: V. Since U x U' q and q' there exists (y, y') Then, by convexity of Q, n(y, J^(x,x') = Ax defined by S, being continuous, there is a nbd n(U X q' there is nothing to prove, so let q, (J) adherent points of C1(Q). a real semilinear topological S, e (q, q') such are adherent points of U x U' y')eQ, of « A'x', such that y, y' a contradiction. e Q. Apart from preparation for their use in the fixed point theory of Section 3, our motivation for stating the following "axioms of local convexity" derives from the fact that, al- though for a topological subspace X of a linear topological (Ha'usdorff) space the first three are always equivalent and all four are equivalent when X is convex, we are able to assert only weaker relationships between them in the case of semilinear topological spaces. Given a subset X in a real semilinear topological space, we have the following 2.2 Axioms ; 0. x For any e X and any nbd V of x, in the subspace topology of X there exists a convex nbd U of x such that UC V; 1. £'={ECXxx|aeA} There exists a qua si-uniformity of X inducing its subspace topology, such that, for each e E, E there exists a closed Eg £ £" with E-C E and C x x| a e A} of Eg(x) convex for each x e X; 2. There exists a quasi-unif ormity = {E ff X X inducing its subspace topology, such that, for each E^ £ E, u 3. there exists a closed Eq e with Eq £" p p C E a and Eg(K) convex for each compact and convex subset K C X; X is convex and there exists a uniformity E = {E C X x x| a e a} of X inducing its subspace topology, such that, for each E^ ex e £", there exists a convex E^ p e £" with Cl(Eo)C E p . ot X will be called 0''/l°/2°/3° locally convex (I.e. as it satisfies QlXjlIZ among these axioms. ) accordingly Thus, 0° local convexity is the familiar local convexity. 2.3 Proposition ; Given a subset X of a real semilinear topological space, If X is 1° I.e. 2. If X 3. If X is 3° I.e., 1. 2.4 Proposition 0** ; then it is 0" I.e.; , I.e. and pointwise convex, then it is 1° I.e.; and is 2° then it is 2° I.e. Every 0° I.e. T^ space is pointwise convex. I.e., there is a local base S = {B Thus, x £ B = flB of convex nbds. , a | e A} at x consisting and B is convex. In fact, A B = {x}. For, supposing y B for some y E f^ x, as X is T , there exists a nbd U of x to which y does not belong, whereby y i ^c(C U for some B contradicting that y e e S, B. Thus {x} IS convex. Products of Semilinear Topological Spaces Given a family { (S , # 4' , ) a e A} IT S A and 'i' | (S = over a field F, their product space the algebraic operations ft , of semivector spaces #, ¥) is the semivector of which are defined coordinatewise as follows: K"^ a e A * K\ \^K\ e A = ^^a e A> = ^^^ ^a> K"^^ a»a a e A e A (s , e t S a ; course, e = {e {s e A; } . for each a e A. of S ,, } (t } . e A S; is the origin of S iff e Furthermore, all of its factors do so. S e F). Of is the origin distributes wherever Turning to semilinear topological spaces, the product, taking the product topology on S, is, of course, a semilinear topological space iff each of its factors is. 2.5 Lemma ; Let {X | a e A} be a family of 2° I.e. spaces of which formity inducing the product topology on X = 11 X Then, for . A every F e there exists a closed E e ff, E such that E(K) is convex whenever K is the product K = II K E CF and of compact A Contained in F, find a basic E c E which restricts a Proof: finite set N C: A of coordinates, including (w.l.g.) the set M CA of indices m for which X H=nH N convex K n Lemma ; X n A\N XX), (X '^ ^^ belongs to the quasi-unif omnity E where H 2.6 " C X n . Write E = 11 „ N Now is not convex. E x n n„ (X a A\N of X (n x x a e N). ). The product of a family of 1° I.e. spaces is 1° I.e. if all but a finite number of the factor spaces are convex. Proo ; Imitate the last proof, „ Upon noting that projections preserve convexity, and assuming that the product space is compact, it is easily verified also that the factor spaces are \° ll° I.e.. Finally, the proof of the following stronger proposition for the case of 3° I.e. 2.7 spaces is omitted being straightforward. Proposition ; The product of a family of spaces is 3" I.e. iff each of the factor spaces is 3° I.e.. •22- FIXED POINT AND MINMAX THEOREMS Throughout this section we will be concerned only with point- wise convex real semilinear topological (pcrst ) spaces, not necessarily containing an origin; these spaces will be assumed Haustopology. dorff , and the real field will be taken with the usual Given topological spaces X and Y and a mapping the set of non-empty subsets of Y, when we say that semlcontinuous (use) nbd VC Y E CC X into is upper we will mean that, for each x e X, given a , of f(x), there exists a nbd U of x such that For the composition of two binary relations D, we will write E >< f of f F for the set " FC A fCU)C x V. b and (binary relation) {(a, d)|3x e B n In the sequel, 'C$CX)' should be read as "the set of non-empty C such that (a, x) e F and (x, d) z E}. closed and convex subsets of X", 3.1 THEOREM (Fixed Point) Let S be a pcrst space, let X be the ; closed convex hull X = (x X n ) E A n } of {a , o' .... a ' n == #...•© A a }CS, and let f: ^^^a^^ I ^ = (^qI •••» X -K7§(X) be an ' upper semi-continuous transformation of X into the set CQ(X) of non-empty, closed and convex subsets of X. Then there exists a (fixed) point x e X such that x e f(x). Proof: ... by S « A 'l'(A, A Let i1j: a and let ' , n n' y) = -> n (<|j(A), X be the map defined by 4*: A x n i|^(y)). A -»- n ij^(X) = X a o o « X x X be the map defined Since the algebraic operations of are continuous, so are ^ and ^. 23- gc Let X X X be the graph of f and let the graph of the map F: A^ ^ A^ defined by G = Thus 4*, X = ij^CA Since A (g). i|j ) Hence, Clearly, for each A e A , yU^ ^ p a be n \l), g is closed, G is closed, . ip is continuous. Further- 9 ... 9 ]i and a « ... » p^a^j for B' = (1 - 3) e [0, 1] let y = 3y * 3'y'. ... x A For let p, p' e F(A), i.e., for some let y = y a e f 0|j(A)), n F(A) is non-empty; also, it is closed, since fQltQi)) is closed and more, FC\) is convex. y' = Thus by continuity of whereby F is use by compactness of A y, y' A = ^"'^(fiiii^^))). Is compact, by continuity of is compact, hence regular. since f is use. GC Fa) , Then p e FO), since, denoting y = p a by pointwise convexity of S, y = gy « B'y • ' and, by convexity of f(\i^(A)), 3y 9 3'y' e f(i|)(A)). Hence, by Kakutani's fixed point theorem (1941), there exists a \P(\*) e A* e A such that A* e FCA*), implying that f(i|^a*))C X. ^^ 3.2 THEOREM (Fixed Point) ; Let f; X ^- X be a continuous trans- formation of a 1° I.e., compact and convex subset X of a pcrst space, that X = Proof: Then there exists a (fixed) point x e X such f (x). Since X is compact, there exists a unique uniformity on X compatible with its subspace topology. we assume that {E C X x x| a £ A} is a Since X is 1" I.e. fundamental system of -24- Cclosed and) convex for all x e X. E^(f(x))}. each a We will show that = {x| x e Define Y is non-empty and closed for Y Then, as the intersection of any finite collect- e A. ion of Y 's is non-empty, compactness of X will imply that Y . / (|>» implies x = thus proving the theorem, for x e '' To show that Y is non-empty, let {D a | e family of open symmetric entourages such that D Thus, for any given a e A, {D (x) ^ of X,' so that there exist x | x ..., x = , o' ' Ax |A= nn' 00 #...eAx the map G of D c: E for all p £ P, also closed and convex. the graph of E r = n f) " f P X p. by Q Since E , i.e., ^ , ^o' n A} be a d E (a e A), X with X e . . . , ' x n C 1=0 M a^ i' by } ...,A)eA}. *n n P. D (x.). Define Then, by symmetricity G (p) is non-empty; clearly it is maps P into CQ(P). Thus G the graph of G Denoting is simply is use (by the closedness of E the compact X x X) and since r (X on P by G (p) = E (f (p)) , Y X} is an open cover n e Denote the closed convex hull of {x , 0' P={p . f (x). f is continuous, is closed, as X is regular E ** f (in fact, compact). is closed and, by compactness of the range X, G in is use, Hence, is use. Thus, by Theorem 3.1, there exists p e P such that p e G (p). the compact set J2 a fl A where A is the diagonal in X x x. ^ -25- 3,3 THEOREM (F jjced Po int Let {X ) a e A} be a family of 1° I.e., | compact and convex subsets of (pcrst) spaces, and let {f X ^ X : a I a} be a family of continuous functions on e Define F: X -^ X by F(x) = n exists a (fixed) point -x e X = n X^. A Proof f Then there (x). A X such that x = F(x). Clearly, X is a non-empty, compact and convex subset ; of a pcrst space. is 1" I.e., Since each X so is X. Further- follows readily by application of Theorem 3.2. 3.4 THEOREM CMlnmax) vex. be 1° I.e., compact and con- Let X^ and X ; Let u be a continuous real-valued function on X = X. ^ X^, such that ^1^^2^ = {x^l u(x^, X2) = Max u(y, X2)} yeXj^ = {X2I ^2^1^ define functions Max Min u(x^ ^1 Proof , x f ) : Max u(x X^ X ^2 , X ) >^ x^) = Min u(x z£X_ Min Max u(x ^2 ^1 , z)} and f„ , x ). ^1 It is obvious that, ^1 , = Min Max u(x ^2 ; u(x for all (x , x ) >^ , x ) e X, Max Min u(x ^1 , x ) >^ ^2 Min u(x^, x^). ^2 Clearly, the functions f and f^ are continuous, so that the function F: X ^ X defined by F(x^, x^) = (f^^Cx^), f2(Xj^)) is continuous. Then by Theorem 3.3, there exists an x* e X -26- such that X* = (x*, x*) = F(x*) Hence, Max u(x . , x*) = Min uCx*, X ), thus proving the desired equality. X2 ,5 THEOREM (Minmax) „ Let A, and A. be non-empty but finite sets, ; each lying in a pcrst space, and let X^ and X„ be the closed convex hull of and A A^ respectively. , Let u be a continu- function f^(x_) = {x ^ I u(x X , ^ = Max ) u(z, x )} zeX^ ^ ^ ^2(^1) = {x^I u(x^, x^) = Min u(x^, z)} z£X„ define maps Max Min uCx ^1 Proof 3.6 f^:X^-^ , ^2 ; CQ(X^) and f^ : X^ ^ CQ(X^). Then x.) = Min Max u(x^, x_). ^1 ^2 Use Theorem 3.1. THEOREM (Fi^ed Point) Let f; X ; -> C$(X) be an upper semi- continuous transformation of a 2° I.e., compact and convex subset X of a pcrst space into the set CQiX) of non-empty, closed and convex subsets of X. Then there exists a (fixed) point X e Proof As in the proof of Theorem 3.2, it suffices to show ; X such that x that the sets Y e f(x). = {x| x e E where, in this case, {E | a (f(x))} are non-empty and closed, e A} is a fundamental system of le and) convex for each non-empty, compact and convex subset KCX. The proof is the same as that of Theorem 3.2 except -27- that appeal is now made to the upper semi- continuity, rather 3.7 than the continuity, of f. THEOREM (Fi^ced Point) Let {X^ ; , a | A} be a family of 2° I.e. e compact and convex subsets of pcrst spaces, and let {f X ^ C^CX ; ) a I e a} be a family of upper semi-continuous transformations, where X = n X " A by FCx) = n A X e f ^ (x) X such that Proof x. Cx £ X) . Define F: X ^ n C$(X ) " A . Then there exists a (fixed) point e FCx). Clearly, F is an use transformation of the non-empty, : compact and convex space X into CQ(X) . Although X need not formity on X allows a fundamental system {E, | i e I} of closed entourages such that, whenever K is the product k = n K of compact and convex subsets K CT X , E (K) is A closed and convex (See Lemma 2. A). Notice that F(x) is such Theorem 3.6 defining Y. = {x] x e E.(F(x))}, it is clear that Y. n I 3.8 is non-empty and closed for each i £ I, Y. ^ ^ d) implying that and proving the theorem. THEOREM ^inmax) ; .. * be 2° I.e., compact and con- Let X, and X vex, each lying in some perst space, and let u be a continuous real-valued function on X ^1^^2^ = -fx^l == X^ u(x^, x^) = Max x X„, such that u(y, X2)} 28- ^2^^1^ = {x^l u(x^, x^) = Mln u(x z£X„ define point-to-set transformations ^2' "^ C'^0^2^' respectively. '^l = Max Min uCx^, ^1 Proof; x ), ^2 Straightforward f^ : , X. z)} -+ C$(X. Then Min Max u(x , and ) x ) -29- 4. HYPERSPACES AS EXAMPLES In this section we show how Ctopological) semivector spaces arise naturally as certain hyperspaces of certain (topological) vector and semivector spaces. In topologising hyperspaces, we use the upper semifinite, finite or, when applicable, uniform topology, regarding all of which we adopt Michael [1951] as standard E. reference. 4.0 Standing Notation Given a set X, ; non-empty subsets of X. [X] will denote the set of If X is a topological space, C(X), 00^) and K(K) will denote the set of non-empty subsets of X which are closed, open and compact, respectively. If X lies in a real semivector space, $(X) will denote the set of non- empty convex subsets of X. CQ(X) = C(X) 4.1 Lemma Finally, we will denote e(X), OQ<X) = 0(X) n Q(X) and KQ(X) = K(X) §(X). Let X be a subset of a real semilinear (Hausdorff) top- : ological space, and let H(X) denote the hyperspace C(X) if X is regular, and K(_X) ology, HQ(X) = Proof n Q(X) For some directed set D, let {P ; , p' * P* = e * P , with the finite top- ff(X) is then closed in H(X) net in H(X) converging to P p Equipping otherwise. //(X) e HQ(X)\ (Of course, . . P n e D} be a e ff(X)). Let and take an arbitrary convex combination * -^Pj. * ^ A'p'. * We need to show that p There exist nets {p n e P I n' converging, respectively, to p e P * . * n e D} and {p' e P "^n and p'. It I n' n e d} suffices to show For definitions, see the Appendix at the end. Lemma The existence of such nets is guaranteed in virtue of of the Appendix. 1 -30- that the net {p e P n £ D}, defined by p = Ap « A'p' ' ^n n' ^n *^n *^n' I -^ converges to p^.^ Define fi: x ^ X by x X x') = Xx « A'x'. f2(x, By continuity of ^, for each nbd V of p^, there exists a nbd U X u'C: X X X of (p Clearly, {p e P Let (S, *, A, B S, define | 4*) * p') , U')C such that ^QJ x V. * n e D} is eventually in V. « be a semivector space over F and, for any A«B= AA = "FO, A) = {Aa| a {a»b| e A}. eA, a space, and if F = R, then (^(S), #, 1') and is a semivector "V) is a semivector sub- space of [Sj; furthermore, in this case, subspace of Q(S) iff eB} b Then ([S], «, S is a pointwise convex, and S is semivector S is pointwise convex only if ^(S) is so. A topological semivector space semivector subspace of (^(S), #, H') (S, , #, ^) is a topological which, in turn, is a topological semivector subspace of ([S], #, ^) Hausdorff iff S If is so. (S, 9, H') s e * giving the is a semilinear topo- logical space with a "strong" topology, a topology in which U , Furhtermore, KiS) is finite topologies to K(S) and [S]. Section 2), i.e., (cf. OS s is open whenever U is open and (such as in linear topological spaces), then (0(5), €, ^) S is a topological semivector subspace of the finite topology to C(S) and to [S], ([S], It €^, ¥) , giving follows that Q(S) and KQ(S) are topological semivector subspaces of [S] whenever IS] is a topological semivector space, and OQ(S) logical) semivector space whenever (9(S) is a is a (topo- (topological) — o For, then, Lemma 2 of the Appendix guarantees that p^ £ P^. -31- semivector space. ,2 Proposition and let Let ; XC be a real semilinear topological space, S be convex. S Then KQ(K) is convex. Assume that ened version of itself, as described above) and equip KQ(X) with the upper semifinite topology. If X is 0° I.e., then so is XQ&.) - although it need not be Hausdorff even if X Furthermore, if X is pointwise convex (so that is Hausdorff. KQ(X), too, is pointwise convex), then KQQi) is 0° I.e. only if X Proof is 0° I.e., The rest being clear, we only prove that KQ(X) with the ; upper semifinite topology is 0° I.e. when X is so. A e KQ(X), and let \J CL KQ(X) be a nbd of A. nbd <V> of A such that <V> A CI X, nbds U c of e and W of a such that U ^ W a a a is open. # W {U | X is a nbd of c V, « W and W = C: U ® W OV i U W I , | i e l}. ^i ^i I while the ' a e A} thus being an open cover of the compact A, it has a finite subcover {U Denoting U = D U Find a basic for each a e A there exist open By continuity of ®, a Then V W, c Let we see that A dU ® A i and that U ^ A is convex. Furthermore, U » A is open in the strong topology, so that <U 6 A> = KQ(\] ® A) is an open convex nbd of A e KQQ^), while <U « A> C:<V> C W, as desired. 4.3 Corollary ., If X is convex in a CO") locally convex real ; linear topological space (not necessarily Hausdorff), then KQ(^) is convex^ pointwise convex and, with the upper semi- finite topology, 0° I.e. as well. Proof ; The topology of a linear topological space being strong, the last proposition applies. 4.4 Corollary in a semilinear topological Let X be convex and T^ ; Then X is 0" I.e. iff KQ{X) space with strong topology. with the upper semifinite topology is 0° I.e. "Only if" follows from 4.2, As X is pointwise convex by 2,4, "if" also follows from 4,2. j. Proof 4.5 « ; Let L be a (0°) locally convex linear topological Proposition; space. The KQ(L), with the uniform (or, equivalently, the finite) topology, is 3° I.e.. Proof ; Let {W | a e A) be a fundamental system of convex and symmetric nbds of the origin e e L, so that {E a e and X e L. PC L. For any P e KQ(L) CE (T) and P F^(P) = {T , E (P) = P « W for each a e A CL is a nbd By definition, the uniform structure on KQ(L) is the one generated by P x l| a} is a fundamental system of entourages of the uniform structure of L, having defined E (x) = x ^ W of CL e A and collections P^(P) = (T E^(t) i KQQL)\ (j) for all PCE^(T) and t e T}, TCE^(P)} e KQ CL)\ that is to say, (P e KQ(L)). 33- It suffices to show that each F fix a and note that (P, Q) QCP « W^. Let (P, Q), e F CQ To see this, « W and q') e F^, and consider an CP', arbitrary convex combination is convex. if f P (P, Q) = (\? 9 A'P', AQ * A'Q'), recalling that KQQL) is a pointwlse convex (topological) semivector space, so that P, Q e KQCL). we have P = AP « A'P'CI A(Q « W^) # A' = Q « W^. Similarly, was to be shown. QCIP « W^. Since W (Q' « W Hence, (P, ) Q) is convex, = AQ « A'Q' « W e f , as 34- 5. APPLICATIONS IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION Fixed point methods have been a traditional means of demonstrating the existence of economic equilibria, which can be looked upon as fixed points of certain economic adjustment processes. example, given a finite number of commodities in an economy, consier a vector of prices commodity. For which are exchanged with a price for each By choice of definition for 'commodity' the prices can be assumed non-negative without loss of generality, and they can be scaled so as to add up to unity as long as at least one commodity is scarce in the sense of having a positive price. Modelling the (exchange) economy to resemble an auction hall, whenever a price vector is proposed to the participants, each declares the amount of each commodity which he wants and, given his present endowment of commodities to be used in exchange, he can afford at the proposed prices. As a result, there may be (positive, zero, or negative) excess demand for a given commodity. If there is positive (negative) excess demand for some commodity, its price is bid up (down). An equilibritnn here is a price vector for which the excess demand in each commodity is zero, so that no commodity price is bid up or down while all markets are "cleared". equilibrium exists. One asks whether such an Under rather reasonable conditions on the preferences of the individuals, using a suitable fixed point theorem, one can show that indeed there does exist an equilibrium and, in fact, one can say more concerning the stability, optimality, etc, of such equilibria. 35- The abcTve hints at how fixed point methods may be used in the equilibrium analysis of the simplest of economic systems. To do the same for optimization theory, suppose one is trying to find a point X* in a compact and convex set X lying in a real linear topological space, such that x* maximizes some real-valued function f :X -> R, where we simplify matters by assuming that f is quasi- concave and upper sime-continuous. Suppose one can design an algorithm consisting of a point-to-set transformation T:X such that mizes f , f (y) > f (x) for all y e T(x) (x e X), CQ(X) -> unless x maxi- in which case f (x) = Sup f and x e T(x) is a fixed point X of T, solving the maximization problem. In problems such as this, fixed point theorems tell us which monotonically improving maps T have fixed points, so that we may design one which works. Also, before trying to optimize, one may wish to feel assured that there exists an optimum. In proving the existence of such optima, fixed point methods again become very useful. To come to the particular contribution of semilinear topological spaces and their fixed point properties as presented here, imagine the case where the "feasible region" to which choices are constrained is altered by the very choice of point in that region. (For instance, whether or not one has chosen to learn mathematics when young affects what one may or may not do when older. Also, unless one invests some of one's resources in building a spaceship, one is not able to go to the Moon.) Allow it to happen, furthermore, that the constraints -36- operating on one's future choice of behavior depend also on other agents' choices and constraints. agents Given a where k^ £ CQ(X^), always a point 3° I.e.; we also X e KQ(.L t ; Z -*- , = x'* Xq and Z = n Z. n A\{a} Y is for some (0°) ) ^ = X Z x Y Denote . Assume that each a's feasible A Given a feasible region k . a know that it is compact and convex, lying in a more, all these properties are shared by X = n X "^ A set A of choice-making assume that the feasible region for each a £ A, and a point x £ represent- X ing how all the other agents chose to behave, a computes the set a(k^, X a' ) ' = Sup f (. " k of "best" choices x a , X ), £ according to a's preferences. Then a(k compact and convex subset of k projection tt^ ^ a k such that f (x , a a a' x*^) given some continuous and quasi-concave real- (z). ^^ X , , x ) will be a nonempty where (k Hence, {t (z)} x cc(k , , x ) is also the x") is nonempty, a compact and convex in Y^ x x^ = Z Thus, II({t (z)} x a(k<x, x^)) A is nonempty, compact and convex in Z. If a is use, as it will be , in this case, then we have an use map of Z into KQ(Z). It to see how our fixed point theory now yields a fixed point is easy z £ Z, which in this case is a "dynamic social equilibrium" - "dynamic," -37- of z, not necessarily being constant. The simplicity brought by the method above is that feasible regions are treated as points in a semilinear topological (hyper) space, without being restricted to consideration as sets per se . Many quite general forms of "feasibility transformations" now become easy to work with, giving simplicity, as well as generality, to the analysis of "dynamic social systems" (where feasible regions are not necessarily fixed, but are endogenous to the adjustment processes in the system). We have indicated only how one uses the methods presented here in proving the existence of economic and social equilibria. Equi- librium analysis, of course, is meant to do more than just prove equilibria to exist. Nevertheless, the existence question has to be settled in the affirmative for a sufficiently unrestrictive set of conditions before one can proceed on sound footing. In [Prakash, 1971] and [Sertel, 1971] such a footing is offered in more detail and generality and with rigor. APPENDIX Definition X Let : and Y be topological spaces, and let the set of all non-empty subsets of topology on X [x] denote The upper semifinlte (u.s.f. ) . is the one generated by taking as a basis for open [x] collections in < U > = all collections of the form [x] JA e [x] | A C u}, and the lower semifinite (l.s.f,) topology on [x] is the one generated by taking as a sub-basis for open collections in [x] all collections of the form <U>" = JA e [x]I The finite topology on open collections in n = JA e c [x]| A Y - [x] , Remark [X] U is an open subset in ^ i = 1 for =1= X taking as basis for n| 1 ,...,U > " A mapping <U all collections of the form . ^ is called upper semi-continuous iff l l.s.f.] [resp. It follows that ; where . is the one generated by A n U. semi-continuous (l.s.c.) u.s.f. [x] [x] U U. 1 f: A n U 4 0I lower [reap, it is continuous with respect to the topology on f (u.s.c. ) [x] is continuous . with the finite topology on iff it is both u.s.c. and l.s.c. LEMMA # 1 ; Let X be any topological space and let all nonempty closed subsets of directed set (D, ^) , let converging to some point exists a net jp fP^^ X , P* 6 C-CX) the set of , carry the finite topology. eC'(X)l ep cxjneDJ <3 (X) . in n €d| be a net in Then, for every X, For some (3 (X) p* e P* converging to p* . , there . -39- Proof Let e p"- which converges to P* be such that there exists no net p* Define ^( a nbd of of U>= <X, = Then there exists a nbd . P* P JP H U = n 1 of U then , n e D p* for which ACX, Anu?t0|. {Ae(3(X)| such that if such that the net P* SneD, nSm, mSD, such that for every e P jp P jt n U , P li Then 1/ Let 2: This . # be a Hausdorff topological space, and let X denote the hyperspace K (X) V p* e X , Let a net p* ^ P* the point = K p- . £ P jp U, V , P* V (X) n £ D c x , i^ (X) otherwise, where (X) and where X For some directed set converging to some converge to some point | such that there exists , P* e ] Then there exist nbds . <\]> = JAe?/(X)| is a nbd of V ?C (D, ^) V P* e (X) . suppose in and r p* e P* converges to be a net in n e d} e5i/(X)l Proof. e is regular, X is equipped with the finite topology. |P Then, for every P if C-CX) denotes the set of all nonempty compact subsets of (X) let . is a nbd is a contradiction. LEMMA # , is ^( ^( is not eventually in | X «^ U = Pi Clearly, . n e DJ j V (X) . m ACUJ e D fl of the subset V = Since . ip 6 P j P fl n £ d| p* € X V = and P* |p such that for every implying that Thus the net This is a contradiction. U U | of n 6 d| n s m , and V for , n e D, K is eventually not # -40- REFERENCES 1. (Bohnenblust & Karl in, 1950) H. F. Bohnenblust and S. Karlin, "On a Theorem of Ville," Contributions to the Theory of Games , I_, pp. 155-160, Annals of Mathematics Studies No. 24, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1950. 2. (Brouwer, 1912) E. J. Brouwer, "Uber Abbildungen von Mannigfaltigkeiten," Mathematische Annalen, 71 1912, pp. 97-115. L, , 3. (Fan, 1952) Ky Fan, "Fixed Point and Minmax Theorems in Locally Convex Topological Linear Spaces," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U. S., 38. 1952, pp 121-126. 4. (Kakutani, 1941) Shizuo Kakutani, "A Generalization of Brouwer 's Fixed Point Theorem," Duke Mathematical Journal 8^, 1941, pp. 457-459. , 5. (Keimel, 1967a) Klaus Keimel, "Eine Exponentialfunktion fur kompakte abelsche Halbgruppen", Mathematische Zeitschrift 96, 1967, pp. 7-25. . 6. (Keimel, 1967b) Klaus Keimel, "Lokal kompakte Kegelhalbgruppen und deren Einbettung in topologische Vektorraume" Mathematische Zeitschrift 99 1967 ' pp. 405-428. , 7. — (Kelley, 1955) John L. Kelley, General Topology Princeton, N. J., 1955, 8. . D. Van Nostrand Company, , Inc., (Michael, 1951) Ernest Michael, "Topologies on Spaces of Subsets," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 71, 1951, pp. 152-182. , 9. (Paalman - De Miranda, 1964) B. Paalman - De Miranda, Topological Semigroups Centre Tract No. 11, Amsterdam, 1964. A. , Mathematical 10. (Prakash, 1971) Prem Prakash, Foundations of Systems; For Decision, Planning, Control and Social/Economic Analysis Ph. D. Dissertation, M, I. T., 1971. , 11. (Prakash & Sertel, 1970) Prem Prakash and Murat R. 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