HD28 .M414 AO. r^^^' f;h. ^*kf^ ^^^ m ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Sloan School of Managcmont Massachusetts histitntc of TrchnoloRy Cambridge, MA 02139 July 1984 Revised, November 198G SLOAN SCHOOL WP#1844-86 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF 7, ^^U-^-- A Stochastic Theory of the Firm Lode Li* Sloan School of ManaRoinrnt Massachusetts histitute of Torhn()lnp:y MA Cambridge, .Inly 02130 1984 Revised, Noveiiiher 1980 SLOAN SCHOOL WP#1844-86 Abstract We present a stochastic model of make-to-stork firms hasofl on a l^uffer flow system with jumps. The cumulative production and the cumulative demand are poverned by two Poisson counting processes with random intensities parameterized by price respectively. Optimal operating and ])r()(hiction capacity and i)ricing policies (short-run dcci.sions) and opti- mal capacity (long-run) decisions are explored by application nf a two-stage optimization device. Detailed computations regarding the Poisson on the basic model with learning Iiuffcr flow system and a variation effects are also presented. Eriiaii f'liilar, Mirliaol Harrison, ami Morton Kamicn. I am also gratefully acknowledge the referees' suggestions and and comments. the Associate Editor's detailed comments, which improved the article anil clarifieil the exposition sulistantially. 'This work has benefitpd ronsidcrahly from clisrn"!ion' with greatly indebted for their many useful suggestions I DEC 2 1 1989 Introduction 1. This article develops a stochastic model of a makc-to-stork firm in a coiitiimons time frame- work. The model, on the one hand. Kcnerali/.rs the rlassiral rrnnnmir theory of monopoly to include the dynamic aspects in the presence of both [15], [19], [24] and demand and prodnrtion All the [25] for this line of litorattnr. demand single-period or a multiperiod setting with mndds nnn-rtainties. See [2], [3], [8], studied in the above articles have a uncertainty only. De Vany introduces a quene- and uses long-run ing model On the other hand, our basic model also parallels the type of models in inventory theory, but ex- of make-to-order firms in pands the framework [G] to explicitly consider capacity and averagi> profit criterion as the objective. price as decision variables, the btiffer system of continuous flows discussed in Harrison [11] with jumps in which the explicit consideration of rapacity The are basic assumption of our model is is hi particular, (^xtended to the flow systems anrl pric(> di^cisions is possible. that the cumulative prodiiction antl cumulative demand two (Poisson) counting processes parameteri7,ed by iiroduction capacities and prices respectively. Mimicking the real life operation, the firm's decision is two fold: it makes a static design decision (capacity decision) at time zero, and exercises the dynamic control of production rate and price over time. A total discounted profit criterion is The optimal capacity used. decision and the optimal operating and pricing policies are explicitly cliaracterized via a two-stage optimization procedure. That we is, find an ojitimal j^olicy for each given capacity level, first level to maximize the level selected, the firm operates optimally thereafter. is The article obtained in the first step arranged as follows. Section is Though we make profit function 2 is and then assuming that whatever the capacity devoted to the formulation of the basic model. a quite restrictive Poisson assumption on the prorluction and the formulation readily extends to nuire general additive processes explicitly for argument justifying the optimality model with dynamic pricing and unchanged over time. of the l)arrier policy its economic is provided imjilications. Concluding remarks follow in Section and an Section 4 discusses the basic hi Section 5, < we study an interesting uiiiulative production due G. Formulation We is processes, we consider a of the inventory i)rocess variation on the basic model where achievable capacity expands with 2. it 3, an optimal barrier policy and the value buu tiou under a barrier policy are computed by the strong Markov and n-newal properties to learning. demand Section In special case in which the firm sets the price at the begiiuiiug and kee])s The condition select a capacity shall consider a firm that continually profluc(>s placed in an inventory while the inventory level (fulfilled demand) liuffer is where it zero are not is and sells a single ccunmodity. The product taken out to satisfy demand. The cumulative filled. \u\int Demands that occur (production) and output are represented by the increasing non-negative integer-valued stochastic processes 1 . A = {A{t),t > 0} and B = and the amount of demand {D{t)j > 0} fulfilled in the A, B is time interval {0.t\. - Bit). = x+ Z(t) where x where A{t) and D{t) drnnU- the ammuit , the anionnt of inventory at time A{t) We 7,ero. the inventory level at time ( is (2.1) assiune that random are independent Poisson processes with Then production of intensities {oii.t > D} and {0t,t > O}. (2.2) That {/o a,ds.t The tively. - J^a,d3,t > {A(t) is, > > 0} and {/^ ft,ds,t only real - 0} and {B{t) J^f^.d.'^.t > ()} 0} are compensators of the requirement here is that i)rocesses <i and are martingales, munting processes ft hi other words, A and B respec- he integrahle and he adapted ( in the sense to be explained shortly). To have a model that embraces pricing and demand and analogs for the firm's B That cost finictions. is. we need a family of tlemand processes parameterized by prices, and a similarly parameteriz.efl family of pr<iduction processes A. For the production process, The value a capacity. We is a(> let 0) be the average outjiut rate when the firm working < that Viewing «/ < a «( for all input process which demand rate function. assumed zero to ( > as the actual jn'oduction rate the firm 0. Note that Poisson with rate a. potential revenue rate p{P)P be whenever it willing or forced to is operating policy is (ccj) and (0t) are left (2.4) (rj,) and (/?() < Z(t) a, is < do Also, for all t > assumed to be > n and ft, all is bounded, (, we require the potential firm is a <leterministic decreasing as usual. may set the Management demand is also rate to be '> (selected at time zero), a feasible (i*i.f1i) tliat jointly satisfy the following: limits. Z for all t is ft, t > 0. are functions of based on only Conditions (2.3) and (2.5) enstire that [n,] and (ft,) restriction (2.G) implies that backlogging lost, time t. control that the firm exercises at time on hand are simply /'(/^) eonravc and the capacity are adapted with respect to r»,/9, at A becomes determined so. continuous and have right-hand non-negative for employs tlien 0. is we assum(> the firm can control the average That means the />() Condition (2.4) implies that a, and The a defined as a pair of stochastic [)rocesses (2.3) (2.6) is free to reject potential sales. Given the inverse demand function (2.5) = a, if through pricing and the inverse demand function /? The is at its full a function of designed capacity factors such as capital and labor invested. use a as a primitive parameter which measures the capacity of the firm which at the beginning. Z. one must have stochastic facility d(^sigii decisions, and has no effect is (Z{.t)..'< th<- liistorical < t). This says that the information before time (. are intej^rabh" and predictable with respect to not allowed: sales which cannot met from stock on future demand. For a fixed capacity and a fixed but in [U], it A there exist processes Z, B and X the primitive netput process our model parallels the i)rice, allows the system flow How system described l)ufferefi One way rejiresented by jumi) processes. lie to justify that is to generali/.e Harrison's proofs in ('Iiajiter 2 of [11] is in DiO, oo), by assuming space of real-valued functions on D?+ that are tiie right continuous witli left limits, instead of ('^(O.oo), the space of r(^al-valued continuous ftinctions on We 3?.^.. show shall sample path construction of processes Z A and a to illustrate that there . is no Consider a flow system with Z[i) > and /9, = input up to time amount A(t) is Z(t) if = and B{t) t, Wc 0. up > t - B{t) X{t) = X{()) is = L is increases only increasing and which output r», = > 't 0, /?, = /?> if A{t) as the cumulative lev(<l, uj) to time Denote by L(t) the t. So the input actiiai L(t) over [O.t]. Setting + Mt) - Bit). (2.7) X{Q) + A{t) + B{t) = X{t) + L require the lost potential outjiut process L system then given by Z{t) t to time for a simple flow because of the buffer emptiness. is t in take X{0) as the initial inventory as the cunuilative pnfentia/ of potential output lost U generali/atiou. infinite buffer capacity A(t) and the actual output B(t) the inventory at time We make such difficulty to ROLL with L{Q) when Z = = Lit). (2.8) satisfy and D, be consistent with the physical restriction Z{t) 0, to > for all 0. We will show that the above conditions uni(iuely determine = L{t) L and ftirther imply sup X-{m). o<«<' That is, L can be concisely represented in terms of flie iniuutive [)r()cess X The proof involves construction of sample paths only. Denote by i = (xi,t > 0), the generic element of i>i(r.) = D Define inap])ings iji.'p : D ^^ D by sup x~ and (!<»</ <f>,(x) for t > 0. Fix X E D and let / = ijiix) imposition of a lower control barrier at Proposition 2.1. Suppose x G D = and z X, = + V'/i-r) = x il>{x) /.s 'A(;r) + / Then z is obtained from x by 7,ero. and x^ > 0. Then 3 thr nnitpir funrtitm I such that (2.9) = (2.10) zt (2.11) I = !/o G t since E D and — z' z [<,_i,t,) = first _ z* — t* yi^ tj' G is 7^ then and many tj ti, = left = \ I (z* = h,- ^,,)(';, < yi = G t 1/0 implies yi, i v,, Wo want implies 0. This I. t for all /}. = is for + x l'. wo enumerate them [t,_i, (,) and hence = t/j j/(, = j* contradicts the fact ''.-) when — z' and 0, > z 0, 0. and identical reasoning shows that is > 0. G [',. t G ^ N tln^t so tli;\t t' N = where = / — = z,_ So 0. we far, < t' 00. tj . If t' for all = inliuium tlic Let / {1,2,...}. = or, o(iuivalently, (* < t' / since y, is z* i| i Tims ^ 1 = j/, Suppose 0. + - <)f''. iucroasos only a contradiction. > t\ and (2.12) < show to - (^''. /* that = = Certainly ty + i ^ + ';,-) side of (2.12) show t*). for all left to : - last ofjuation that = -/^-)l(< --^^) Wo know 0. But the does satisfy I sot z' Then = - this and tyjio. first continuous on the intnval ((/;,-/;,_)-(/,. 9 since 0. (variation finite) function with discontinuity points of is we can conclude inf{<, = ran he vciifird that It I. U(^LL and V F ^ = is In otlier solution of (2.9)-(2.11) is 0, j^ = t/ + x bo any let /* 2.3 in (11). — _ /,* = z Note that 0. as well. t* N !/f,._, sup{iy But fy+i < is = < if i/j. O} and note that /, = i)(x) with inrirnsiii)^ 0. we note that y I, = !/<,_, Zi^_ The only thing : = z nwl limits and term on the right side of the the second term {i = / by proposition have proved that First, when = r — Suppose •• • t/<__ so the It t>0 for all Since y has at most countable 0. as ti,t2, for = 1/ xi > To prove nniqneness, (2.9)-(2.1I). Setting + increases only Fix X Proof. h^nd right continuous with left is I i = G Now /• Thus, let = implies yt ,^, (* oo. some for (,. = = 00 0. or / empty. Therefore y = 0, hence l' = and the proof I, is complete. I The other is results in Chapter 2 of [ll| ran \>c siiiiilaily noteworthy that the proof of the above i)iopositiou '^eiier:ili/,ed df>es not use the trajectory of the difference of two Poisson [irorosses. and hence n to is space D. Though we consider tn the rase that x tlie E. assumption that x risult remain valid D. is It the as long as a special case of Poisson. the risults in the paper are not hard extend to the case of compound Poisson procoss<>s. or more |.^eiieral buffer system of additive processes. To complete onr formulation, we specify the cost C(a) at time zero, which is used to also incurs a linear variable cost, say 1: cost structure as follows. l)uild cajiacity o-. and ({'t) is The firm incurs a fixed increasing in a. dollars per uiut of actual pioduction. A The firm cost of h dollars per unit time is incurred for each unit of prndurtioii discoiinted revenue over the infinite horizon = TR{x) where r > is a discount factor. The objective of the firm (q:(,/?() to is [ to choose a iiivnitmy. Tlicrrforp the expected is + hZ(t)dt]] + n{a). production cajiacity a, and a pair of control processes profit = Tn{x) -T(nx) n(x) (2.1)-(2.2), cost '^~''\cdA{t) maximize the expected discounted such that assumptions in eAJ" r-"p{P,)dD{t)Y The expected = Ell TC(x) hcM i? and feasihihty constraints (2.13) (2.3)-(2.G) arc satisfied. proposition transforms objective fiuiction (2.13) to an (vjuivalcnt form which in finding the is The following easy to deal with optimal operating policies. Proposition 2.2. For any given policy n{x) (o:^/?,), = V(x)- h x~ (^a). (2.14) where V{x) = E, y^ e-"{{p(ft,) + ^)dD{t) - {r + ^)rM(0|} (2.15) . Furthermore, V{x) Proof. ?, {^"'--^'[(H/'r) + ^)/^> + ('• + ^)'^>]dt^ Equation (2.14) can be obtained by substituting the iiivmtory and applying the integration by parts formula follows from the assumption that {^,} and the A and D to i-fjuation (2.1) into (2.13) for the Riemanii-Sti(-ljos integrals. are Poisson pn>ress(>s with fact that the integrands in (2.15), r-''{p(fl,) and right-limited processes adapted (2.16) Z hence . + ~) and random -•-'''(, + 'l), Equation (2.1G) intensity {oii} and are left-continuous predictable. I The proposition says that with each and an opportunity loss - if this luiit unit produced to stock, the firm actually incurs a cost c would be stockerl the firm's actual gain would be selling price /) forever; with each tuiit sold plus an opportunity gain - that is from stock, equal to the opportunity loss would otherwise this unit if The second stage solve the problem, we optimal operating policy for each given capacity level the profit value functions obtained in the the capacity level 3. A Then condition < to rate «, p -] < a production capacity /?), profit 0. — , and and unit. /?( it = /?l(o,/ij(^(t ceases if Demands policy since n w = c -\ or a — — )), for ( > . 0. are rejected only E = M/M/l/b them without Assume {O, 1, qtievie. {0,/?},for is . . . , The ft}. ft ;» A t > shall follow and the price remain Q. (3.1) to select a selling price in (2.15) > c, (efiuivaleutly a potential ;> is of the form b 0, (3.2) and then q > m. Let's barrier policy is. for some is it > always are unavailable in stock. b if all first is consider a class of Z is = 0. ni is This a first a:l[o,6)(^(( depleted by one is really a simple In fact, = i/ is inf{t a birth and death process with finite state space 0(x,y) reached and > = under a Markov process with following computations have been derived in Li [IG] and time at which state — )) capacity except at full other parameters are fixed. the inventory constant process Specifically, h and resum<'s when the inventory when products > all This means that production T(y) Then we the procedure that proofs. Denote the . unique maximize = E, U^e-"(qp, - vm,)dty the inventory reaches level barrier policy with parameter state space find a at the beginning, aufl a pair of control processes (a/,^f) depends on only one number it e a,/?, feasible policies, namely, barrier policies. that is price flecision at time zero its The value function defined V(x) = first (2.4) reduces to The firms problem a design variable. maximize where q . Design Decision unchanged over time. demand i.e a capacity a to sel(>ct step assuming the firm op(>rates optimally whatever first assume that the firm resolves First, let us /? is and then this article. Pricing As where sta^e involves rapacity selection proc(>ed reversely, rt. This two-stage optimization approach set. is first to find the optimal operating policy, the production decisions is To as well as pricing decisions. throughout zero. problem involves a two-stage optimization. The firm's for the plant. storked forever. Tlie vnlue V{x) ran be considered by the operations after time as the gross profit incurred The l^e (),Z{t.) = its Laplace transform by y}.^n<\ E,[r-'''^''^] we simply list LGmma 3,1. < For < x b. <'(^'0) ^ ^^^TIT^' ^ndO(x.h) = 4l!' <:(b) g(b) (3.3) where e(x) and and pi < with p2 are the pi < Y, P2 > ^, p = for r > -l)pl-{p;' - [)pI (p-' two roots of the decreasing, hence, ^(6,0) Following = (jiiaf/rafir c<iu^tinn (3.4) Fiirtliermovr, 0. strictly docrcnsing in b is P '- + p' g{) and is 0{oo.i)) strictly inrrrnsing, = value function under a harrier policy with jiarameter (3.2), the V{x) = E, = U w 7 - e-^'[7/?l(o,A|(Z(«)) • — e{) is strictly D. b ran he written as "'r»l,,,»,(Z(0)Wt} (3.5) (- V(x), where V{x) = wE, U^" e-"al^,^{Z(t))(lt\ - 7 • ^" r"'' flli^^{Z{t))dt\ ^. (3.6) . { The term Ej [J^ output Ej lost e~'''(^l[o)(Z{t))dt} (/g And V e~'''al^i,^(Z{t))dt} is can be thought as the due to ceasing production when the inventory is (•xi)(-rt{>fl discounted potential total level reaches the limit the expected total discounted potential sal(>s lost h, while the term due to stockout. the profit gain, in expected present value terms, under the harrier [xilicy over that of the potential production and demand. By the strong Markov and the renewal properties of process Z, we have Lemma 3.2. E^ I / . Thus the explicit e-''ft l,o){Z(t))dt \ = — ' , '"""'"""'"} -/nr; ,-^»,„ form of V , hence V , can he obtained. function under a barrier policy with a upper barrier b if it is We shall am/ 3.7 '=•" -,.„) denote hy V' (V necessary to do so. ) the value Proposition 3.1. There is an nptinial harnVr jmliry with mir exist riitir^il invrntnry limit th^t b' uniquely determined by the condition + 0(b' <-. 1,0) w<lO{l>\Q) > -. 7 (3.9) 7 Proof. For a fixed i, v\x) - K*-'(x) = - v^-^{x) = i/*(i) r; - -j (o(h.o) • (3.10) . where ^_ G = since is all 7M^^(-^(^))g(ft) rn TTT . ... > . . '• for > j— r^ b 1 the terms in the numerator and the denominator arc positive. So same exactly the as that of O(b,0) - be the one such that r** + '(3;) — -. Since < V^' [r] si^i of strictly drcrcasinR. the '?(•,()) is and tlic - V''{x) K*-'(:r) > F [x) optimal which is —V 6* ~'(z) should equivalent to condition (3.9) We now want policies. Under a will to show that barrier policy, never get out again. if We tunity loss to have Markovian controls extend the value + k) =3 finictioii + hn. V{b) policy, the extra k units them produced is i/; = c + Denote by V* the value function under 1). Lemma We 3.3. record the following twf) The V is tlu- with for k > where /() is = 1) + feasible all x(> b) {O, 1, . . . , 6}, it by 0. would never have produced and the oppor- kq. > for k lemmas which can af{x + E — nf states {). lie and AVfx) the difference V(x) proveij i)y ronrave with AV"(') f direct verification. 1) Define the operator F by F/(x) among complete. is initial state ojitimal barrier jiolicy. strictly incrcasiufi: ;\nd .<et optimal Similarly define -. V(~k) = V(0) - V{x — iudceil is our scttinp in the inventory level starts from the V(b meaning that under a barrier optimal harrier policy this In other words, the class of (lf{x an function on integer values. Then 8 - I) - {a + ft]f{x). = ?/r and AV* (0) = q. — Lemma The function 3.4. V sntisfir^ the (hffcrmrr r(junti<)ns rV{x) - rV{x) =0, forO < X <b - I, and rV{x) - rV{x) < One more Lemma 3.5. technical Suppose E,[e-''f(Z(t))\ = lemma /(•) f(x) + E, is is fnrx n, b. needefl in the verificHtioii of o])hmality. Thru a function nn intrgors U > e-"[a,/(Z(.) + + 1) /?,/(Z{.) - 1) - (n, + /?. + r)f(Z{s))\ds\ (3.11) Proof. By integration by parts theorem, we have / e-"df(Z{s)) = er"f{Z(t)) - f(Zm + Jo r r'^' f(Z{s))ds. / (3.12) Jn Note that E^l = E,{[ e-"df(Z{,^))] Jo .-"[(/(Z(..-) + l)-/(Z(..-))),M(.) Jn + (/(Z(..-)-l)-/(Z(..-))),/Z?(.01} w = E,{ e-''\a,f{Z(.) + I) f/?./(7(,,)-l) (313) Jo -(a, + The second equation e~'^'\f(Z(s — — ) Z. Taking in (3.13) Ej follows from assumption (2.2) — 1) ft.)f{Z(s))]ds}. f(Z(s — ))\ are both left and that — + ) I) — f(Z(s — ))] and continuous. riRlit-limitcrl and adapted with respect to both sides of (3.12) noticing Z(0) — of the i'~'^'\f{Z{n x. sulistitntins,' in the expression obtained and collecting the terms, we conclude the proof. I Note that as a special case of a barrier ])olicy, F is the ^'ineiatnr of Z and Lemma 3.5 implies that t-'^f{Z[t)] I c-"(r/ - rf)(Z{.'<))ds is a inartm-alo. Jo Here is the main Proposition 3.2. is optimal among Proof. Denote by Tiie hairier all F result of the section. pohcy with inventory hniit [uiicjuely ilefmninrd l)y condition (3.9) the feasible policies. the value fiuiction with arbitrary feasible policy V,(x) = E,[[ Jo , (re,,/?,). r-"{q(^,-um.)ds + r-''V'{Z(t))l Define (3.14) . for > t time > and i This 0. the valur funrtion for a hybrid pnhry that follows (a,,/?,) is up to yielding a inventory content of Z(t), and then cnforrcs the niitimal l)ariier jjolicy with value t, fimction V* By thereafter. (3.11), E,[e-''V'{Zm = V'(x) + E,{ I -{a, + P, e-''\a,V'(Z{.^) + + 1) + - /^.V'iZ{.^) 1) r)V'{Z{.^))]ds} (3.15) = V'{x) + E,{ I e-"[(rV' Jo - - 0,)AV'{Z{s))) - {0 - rV'){Z{s)) {q/i - ((r» - r,.)AV'{Z{s) + 1) wr,)\,h}. Putting (3.15) into (3.14), = V'(x) + E,{ I fr"\(YV' - V,(x) + rV')(Z(.)) (/? - /?.)( - AV*(^(.')) q) Jo + {afor X by > and Lemma a,){xv (> (3.16) - since AK'(Z(.^) + TV - rF* < and assumption 3.3, 3.4 we have F{x) < lim,_oo VM < 0, (2.5). EA lim '-^ < 1))],/..} V'(x). w < AK* < 7, < and < a, n.O < /?, < ^ for a > Noticing that - I e-"{qft, u,n,),h) = F{x), Jo V'i^-)- I The 6* as a some monotonicity properties following proposition gives of the optimal inventory limit fimction of other parameters. Proposition 3.3. The optimal inventory limit h' inrrmsrs a.s <y.r nr h drrrmscs. Proof. Let = /(6,a,r,;»,/i.r) w O(l>.0) (3.17) . 7 Note that 6— 1 is then b* jumps only optimal. 6—1 left (i.e., If at the points an increase in where / = > of the parameter. an increasing left and f{b = 1) Conversely, According to rouditinn some parameter causes remains optimal to the right f(b) n. < if 0). (i.e., — f(l> in this case b' an increase in 1) is a d(>cicasi' in > 0, and /('») / at < (3 9), f(b) dc df 0, < -f dh 0, df — < dn and ft 10 > 1, h is = 0, optimal to the a decreasing right continuous step function some parameter causes an if implies the point where f(h) 0). incicase in /, then continuous step function of the parameter. However. df — < = and Of — = dm if ft = 1. b' is . . The iutuition of proposition 3.3 An (Hiite rlear. is inrioasc in piixlurtiou capacity a implies a higher frequency of production and a longer time for a jjrodnrt staying in stock. Therefore the firm and avoid higher prefers a lower inventory limit to modify this effect holding cost h or production cost ambiguous. The only remark we can make demand. However the ftilfillerl that b* is to have a lower inventory limit when facing a more is if the firm incn-ases the price, then elastic market anti a higher one far, a unique optimal policy is again a function of a and p, and an explicit form of optimal capacity can be determined by usual caloilus. comes from the it on tends facing a similar problem by approximating We Dut shall b, tlie h' as art" p. Assuming made, the expected it can be obtained. Theoretically, the it is a function of The not a trivial job. fact that the first order derivative of the value function not continuous because of the discontinuity of fimction. when obtained for each specific capacity n and price that the optimal operating policy always follows after the design decisions is effect of price market. less elastic profit decrease in causes an increase in inventory limit simply because the firm c can afford a higher inventory and then has more So A financial coat. (t is j>. De Vany (1976) avoids the l)y a continuous differentiable or l)alking value in his model, difficulties with respect to a or p show that under a more rigorous mathematical treatment, the usual calculus and the marginal revenue-marginal cost interpretations can still be applied. Let n* be the expected profit under the optimal barrier pojir y with capacity n and the price p. The relations (2.14) and (3.5) then imply n {x) = V h - -X - (^a) (x) *" (3.18) = + K*(x) -/? - To study the properties of FI* as a fimction of terms in (3.18) are assumed to be Lemma 3.6. As n - -ri rr(r»). r r an<l ;». it is sufficient to examine V since the other nice. a function ofn, the V j'.s mntiwiouri. strictly inrrrr\^in>^. nitd '//fferenfiab/e except that > lim •^I'tn lim "I"" dn —— (3.19) art for epich discontinuity point an of b* Proof. First note that as a function of a, the is V (the value function with a fixed upper barrier 6) contLnvious and infinitely differentiable, and V - max{V',F^ V\ This fact immediately indicates the continuity of V* with respect to because if the upper boimd (3.20) ..}. <\. of the production rate, a. increases to 11 n The second + fi (ft > assertion follows 0), then the firm rau do by feasibly emplnyine; at least as well optimal poliry with rapacity a and thf' in fact, it is strictly better off. ft, and that V* and hence and they only when ft* are dV'''~^ ^(ft*,0) /da and — w/q = At each discontinuity dV''' /da we have that 0, —^ - lim a\no So a decreasing step function of n. is Fl*, is differentiable. . exist pciint of each discontinuity point at = da = G > and d0{h,O)/da < G where is the right and ft*, respectively. Using the fact (3.10) ^-- lim n\aa da infinitely flifferentiable for is each continuity at — da [K* [x) - V* da since F* last assertion, notice the relation (3 20). that To prove the any fixed for 0. the derivatives and that jumps ft* ft*, da q < left ft*, -'(i)] dO(b'.O) G— of ixq jjoint of > ft 1. defined as in (3.10). I Lemma 3.6 guarantees the existence of the optimal capacity a' nuity point of B and A dU/da. Let respectively. ^ - ft '-" dB(t)] E. I P2 -{h' + D Pi e-"dA{t)\ = - Jo The conditions 1 r for the r ;>* and the + r and (3.21) A is (3.22), we + B when see that /? is {'•+ D and h dA r dp -)— strictly positive, 5 roiuUtions: = (3.24) d(. da da A are functions of 0. ;) only through hence, a decreasing function of ;>, as a fmiction of p. Because otherwise, the and then there would be room for 12 improvement liy ;>* left is and B p. can is an However, always located side of (3.23) changing it ft(p)- large relative to a.lieuccv a decr(\asinK function of p. the necessary condition for optimality (3.23) shows that the optimal decreasing stretch of tite (3.23) dA ft, .sati.-f/y =", r h + -) da an increasing function of increasing function of/? only optiiitnl i-;ip;irify it' dp hdB (P From (3.22) optimal price and the optimal capacity an- as follows. hdB (p+-)— shown that (3.211 P7 Pi Proposition 3.4. The optimal price l)e ^ - (1-^2)^1^' '-(I-Pi)pV a f°° E,[ - Pi )P2 -(*• + !) P2 - (1 IPl Jo A= occurrence at a conti- its Then TOO B = and us denote the expected total discounted actual sales and production by at the would be Recall that f^{p) is . the mean demand whereas D{p) rate of potential we For this reason, are actually fulfilled. the is the decreasing portion and /?(p) as the patrntial f/e»ia;i(/ functions effective demand by e and that e Proposition 3.5. potential elasticity Proof. Show > //" /? e demand hy of potential — dp p ,//? = — and • ' — on elasticity of p — B dp ft Denote the price i.e., , no = f , demands which as the rffrrtivr (ie/najn/ function defined D{p) refer to (-xpert(-(| total (iisroniitefl a, then the price eluftticity of effective demnnd i ;s .s;/ia//er than the in the absolute value. only for zero initial inventory. f Equation (3.21) then becomes _ {I B= - - ^{i dB _\ dp P2 r Let iPl - [l Pi - Pi I), - )P2 Pi and dft ft 81 _dft B ft d'L dft dp r dp ft r Oft dp dp which implies that 1-1 ''' since dL/dft > if /? > a and = dft /dp < 1,1 ''' + ^ rB 'IL 'l^u ''' Oft dp 0. I To compare with the deterministic + r) = T^TT (IB I dp e This price is is analogous to the traditional monopoly result set in the elastic (3.23) as r(dA/dp)+'j((0A/.3p)-(,')B/0p)) 1 r(l we can rewrite rouditinn theory, portion of the demand ;»(l + = -) However the relevant marginal cost in the stochastic instead of that of output and is composed of in that marginal revenue function, and two is a jiarts. marginal cost, cost, i.e., (3.25) c. model i'([uals markup over marginal is a cost of total discoinited actual sales prodn<tion cost and inventory canying cost. Equation (3.24) can be viewed as a louf^-rmi condition since capacity of the firm. It indicates that capacity 13 is it determines the production exjjanded to the point where the expected marginal revenue achieved through rethirtion of the and can be rewritten capacity, p = limit iiiV(Mil-oi7 cidAldn) + ^idAlda) - tho marginal cost of + (.ICldn) {<lBlf)n)) _,^- ^ ^. firm sets the price equal to the loug-nui marginal cost of total The ('([iials as ntimerator of the right side in equation (3.2G) is (3.26) (liscf)tuit(vl the pr(-scut value of the full The actual sales. incremental cost of increasing capacity which consists of the short-term marginal cost of output times the increase in average total production stream induced by greater capacity, the increase in average total inventory holding cost due to an increase in capacity, plus the marginal cost of capacity building. This incremental cost of capacity is induce a unit increase in average total Some interesting remarks can be period situation. First, and As a matter sales. drawn from our moflol which copes with a stochastic multi- necessary to formulate acttial versus potential production and demand, to introduce a buffer stock not always meet /?. it is full multiplied by l/{dB/f)ni). the incifuuent to capacity required to demand even if Secondly, with stochastic variability, production does possible. expected value, that in the sense of is does not necessarily equal re* of fact, the firm always has excess capacity in response to a stochastic situation in the sense that a* always exceeds the mean rate of fulfilled dem;uid. Finally, seeking a stochastic theory of the firm, one inevitably arrives at a dynamic model of the firm where the decision process is split into long-run design decisions and short-run operating derisions, because of the central role of the inventories in responding to stochastic varial)ility. 4. Dynamic Pricing We are now generality that in a position to solve the basic dynamic pricing is model foriiiuUted be facilitated by considering a The existence is class of no longer easy of shown by semi-Markov decision the results parallel to those in the previous section. of an still The ilecisions, the explicit not impossible and our discussion as semi-Markov decision processes. the contraction mai)ping fixed point |)rocesses (see. eg., Also we shall leave the completeness of Markovian controls For notation simplicity, we if problems known of a finite stationary solution can be theorem or the general theory Section 2 with the further and pricing In the investigation of the optimal operating production calculation as done in the previous section will in allowed. asid<' [7]. [13], [14] .md omit most and [21]). of the proofs of interest(-d readers are referred to [16]. denote the optimal value functions by semi-Markov decision processes, the recuisive e([uations V and In the context FI. of the Hi'ms i)roblem can be specified as follows L L rV{x)= max f»'€[0,a|,<J'e(0,/9l,n,,,|(j')| {/?'[;.(/?') -f -- AF(x)l + -/(AV(.r -f I) - (c + -)]}, r r 14 (4.1) = where AV{x) Lemma It is V{x) - V(x - 4.1. For fixed a, the va/iie function V{ easy to see that for each a, \ ~ °'^^' noticing that a{x) = 1). a j 0, I) > c AF(i + 1) < r An(i) = AV{x) — < for i < 6 — x, if rt(x) solves (4.1), fheii d AV(x + if -. Stippose and a(h) = 1, anJ mnrnve. inrrr^ising /s fttvirtly ) a barrier policy with a inventory limit + + J b is AU(x + An(x + the siuallost x .such that That means 0. Lemma h. rqnivalent lently. or, ^ or, equivaieut ly. for fixed n, the 4.1 implies that h is 1) > 1) < c; c, An(i + 1) < then c, operating policy tuiiqnely determined is still by the following conditions > An(ft) The andAn(ft + c, < 1) r. pricing policy can be solved by examining (4.1) in a similar fashion. The .'solution 0{x) should satisfy + p In the similar way that - An{x) = of proving Proposition 3.2, Proposition 4.1. For b, P^ for < I /.. we have fixed a, the optimal o[)erating pohcy a h^rrirr is pnhry with inventory limit is a, where n, b is = alio.h)(Z{t-)). (4.2) uniquely determined so that An(ft) The optimal pricing policy > c, and An(ft + 1) < (4.3) ,:. is b and ft(x) is determined by the following short-run r(uiilitions: dp p + ft— - An(x) = 0, for 1 < J < h. (4.5) dft The implication to a limit of condition (4.3) is that the firm will produce to stock at where the short-term marginal cost of prfiduction increment of an additional unit of total future profit inventory limit b which results hold in the outjjiit at case. 15 capacity will exceed the present value of the the moment. Regarding the optimal solely determines the optimal operating policy, similar dynamic pricing its full comparative static Proposition 4.2. The optimal inventory On the other hand, equation (4.5) ran ;,(1 where t is the price elasticity of potential limit h »/rrrrasrs as or h decrrnses. written a? I)e + Vr. r. = i) demand An(3:). (4.6) the inrviotis section. Here, U.{x) rlefinerl as in is the total expected future profit given that there arc presently x units of prnrluct on hand. Suppose one unit Therefore (4.6) is sold at the is moment, then An(z) can be the present value of net i)rofit for this unit interpreted as the marginal cost of increase in sales analogous to the traditional monopoly result (3.25). However the actual production unit cost, c, it is is l)y ;)+n(z — 1) — 0(2). one unit. Equation noteworthy that instead the correct marginal cost in a stochastic model should be the imit cost of actual sales, An(3:), the increase in cost of selling one unit out of stock leaving the capacity, the optimal operating and the optimal pricing i>olicies unchangefl for the ftiture. Proposition 4.3. The price that under certainty, (fccrea.ses a.s the inventory /eve/ /ncjea.ses aii'/ /.s a/ways higher than i.e., r(/9(l))>;.(/?(2))> ...>v{p{h))>p''. where p is traditional Lemma Proof. 4.1 monopoly (4.7) price determined in (3.25). shows that AV(x), hence AU(x). condition for optimality says that /)(! + 1/f) is And the second order <^'<>ndition (4.5) which determines decreasing in is decreasing in /?. x. P(x) then implies that /?(x) increases as x increases, or p{(^{x)) flecrcascs as x increases. Lemma 4.1 and condition An(3;) It becomes obvious that Finally, imply that (4.3) p(ft(x)) > p > An(ft) for 1 < i > for r. < 1 < < x /.. A. I Intuitively one can think that the firm has to lower the price line of firm is is. thinking may be more products and encourage demand misleading since following pile u]) in inventory, the for the sake it, one may <<{ reducing its gather that, with more incentive the holding cost. This 7,ero inventory, the would have a best situation and simulate the deterministic pricing decision. However, the that, because of stochastic variability, the iimre proflnct the firm has This can be seen from the fact that Tl(x) lower stock on hand, the firm sets higher — n(x — 1) > ])rices to discoiu-age lever anticipating higher profit in the future. r > for demand < x < h. it Therefore, with in orrler to increase the stock This procedure continues to the point 16 fact on hand, the better off at which the . inventory level reaches the deterministic case, b c. of actual sales n(A) and the marginal cost It is . — — n{h closest to that in 1) is at this point that the firm r(>asos produrtiou ni)tinially and simulates the deterministic pricing decision. In sum, the firm tiausfers the cost n( uncertainty to consumers by raising prices. we derive the condition Finally, optimal capacity decision. The value function under for the the optimal operating and pricing policies V Lemma cnntimiotis. strictly incrr^isin^. 4.2. As a function of a, the V is possesses the that dV for each discontinuity point Still as before, we let anW Lemma 3.6. diffcrentiable except — lim n\n„ d ft da aoofb. we define B= In addition, as in OV > lim "I'>n same properties TR eA I eA A = er''dD(t)\ ^nd r-"dA(t)\. I be the present value of the expected total revenue. -rl TR = E,{j c-"iiP,)dD(t 1 Proposition 4.4. The optimal capacity dTR — —= on ct' Inn^-run mudition satisfies the DC dA dA dD — + -(__- — + — an dn da h c (4.8) ) iln r Condition (4.8) says that the firm expands its rapacity tn the point where the expected marginal revenue achieved through reduction of the inventory limit ("(juals the marginal cost of capacity, which consists of production cost, holding cost and rapacity building cost, induced by the increase in the potential production rate. 5. Learning Effects Learning effects can be introduced into the model of the preceding section. literature, learning effects are introduced cumulated output or production In most of the by the assumption that unit cost declines with the and (see, e.g., [l], [12] learning effects into the ciirrent model in a more (23|). way direct in ac- Hf)wever, we attempt to introduce which productivity increases with cumulative production. Let ni{A(t—)) be the upper bound of the prod\iction rate that the firm t, where 7(a) is the capacity achievable at time zero, and n is increasing and concave in a, 7(0) economic justification is simple. The is firm builds 17 > 0, and 7(a) — > 1 can achieve as a — » 00. the capacity achievable in the long up an ideal capacity level n at time So 0:7(0) nm. The at the beginning, and its full capacity production rate gets greater and greater apjiroaching the management and the labor become more and more sophisticated With learning Section 2 is effects < The introduced this way, the modification that the feasibility constraint (2.5) should firm's goal is < a, rt7(A(<-))./?, > and \)c are /?, profit U model formulated in the l)asic in altered to be bounded, to choose a pair of control processes (o:,,/?,) a to maximize expected rapacity as the itleal thrmigli actually producing. providing the learning curve for all t > 0. (5.1) and a long-run achievable capacity 7( ). For a fixed a, in order to investigate the optimal operating and pricing policies in the presence of learning effect, (x, a) is we need to expand the state space to include cuiiiidative production. a pair of non-negative integers with the first The system the second representing the cumulative output. said to be in state (x,a) at time is the firm has x rmits of product in stock and has produced n units capacity production rate a'^(n) to start with from time t E,,A [ max up to time t, or say, it has t if full Denote the optimal value fimctions on. with learning by Tl(x,n) and V(x,n) satisfying relation (2.14). V(x,a)= Each state element representing the inventory level and i.e , r-^'[(r(f1,) + -)dD(t) - (c + -)dA(t)]\ . (5.2) Let V^lx) be the value function with capacity in or absence nf learning tli<' (-ffects as in the previous section. Simple observations indicate that Lemma and converges 5.1. V(x,n) increases Proof. Starting with (x,n + 1), with starting state (x,a). This to V"(x) as n i/jr/eases to infinity. the firm would do at least as well by following the optimal policies is feasible since i{a + I + ) > -i(ti + ). So V{x,a + 1) > V(a;,a). Similar argument implies that V''''^"^x) Letting a —* oo, hence a7(a) < < — V{x, » q, lim[F''(x) a) < Vix) V"{x) is < -^(a + •) < n. we have - V(x,a)] < Yun[V"{x) - nloo since since a7(a) V'"''"'(.r)] = f»|oc continuous in n as shown in Lemma 3.G I The recursive ecjuations that F(z,(t)"s satisfy can be specified as rV(x, a) = max '»'Gln,rri(n)|,/?'elO,;3l,o..,|(j')l if^'lvift') + - - {V{x. a) - V(x - I, a))] r (5.3) + n'\(V{x+ l,a+ 18 1) -V(x.a)) - (r + -)|}. Lemma For fixed a and 5.2. concave for every a Proof. By double > Appendix C induction. For details see Examining recursive equation is strictly increasing is and (5.3), in [IC]. we have and Irnrning curve i(), the optimal fixed long-run achievable capacity n Proposition 5.1. For production policy production, that the optimal value fiuirtion V(-.ii) -){). 0. a barrier policy with inventory limit l>( ). a decreasing function of cumulative is = «' EE'^ • l{,.„){Z{t-),A(t-)). '^('^) (5.4) a=0 1=0 where b(a) is uniquely determined so that n(b, a) - n(6 The optimal pricing policy - 1, a oo is E > c, and U(b + I. a) - n(b. a l(..,.)(^(«-)- [1, b(a)\, is fimction and a > stock at its full (5.5) (5.6) + ft^-{n{x,a)-n(x-l.a)\=0. (5.7) 0. oft, the optimal inventory limit b{A{t — stochastic. is <c determined by the following short-run condition As a function production I) Mt-)). Regarding the operating pohcy, we note that the njiper harrier before. - M") - EE/'(/'(^")) p for each x 1) is /'(/?<) where 0(x,a) - As a fiuiction of the )) is is uo longer a single number cumulative actual production, defined by the condition (5.5). /'(•) is This again indicat(-s that the firm a deterministic will capacity achievable up to a limit where the short-run marginal cost, produce to c, will the present value of the total profit increment induced by an additional unit of output. shown that as a increases to infinity, th(^ optimal inventory limit h(ii) decreases to inventory limit with capacity a and without learning effects. That limit gradually as its will be To shift upwards as stochastic since the accumulated is, /)'*, It exceed can l)e the optimal the firm lowers the inventory production experience grows. Also, the downward-sloping upper barrier b() as h,c, or a decreases. investigate the properties of the optimal jiricing policy with learning, rewrite condition (5.7) as r(l + -) = n(x,a) - 0(1- e 19 l.a), - (5.8) where is demand the price elasticity of potential e is The as ])rfore. — U{x — diffeicnro. n(x, a) the present value of the total future profit reduction rlue tn taking one miit out of stock. be interpreted as the (opportunity) marginal cost of increase n(x, a) — Y\(x — 1, a) is decreasing for any fixed a p(/i(x, a)) Therefore the effect, < - p(ft(x 1, > < 1 unit. By lemma 5.2, x < and a h(a) > 0. that in a stochastic environment the firm with lower stock on hand has the tendency to set a higher price to discourage demand and hence to achieve higher inventory anticipating higher future profit, tendency is U{x,a) exists as that still moderated by the learning - U(x - Both terms on the l,a - 1) = effects. [U(x,n) To prices, while the in the absence of learning. level However, this see this, note that - n{x - right side of (5.9) are positive. which determines the optimal a), can This implies 0. for a)), by one in sales 1, It I, a)] The + - {n(x term first second term - n(x - l.a) is - l,a (5.9) 1)]. the marginal cost of actual sales reflects the profit gain by learning. The firm chooses the optimal inventory limit h(n) by jointly considering these two effects (see condition (5.5) in Proposition 5.1). Suppose so chosen that b is - n(b,a) U(h - - l.a 1) = r. Then n(6, a) - n(b - 1, a) = [n(ft, a) -U{b- l.a- 1)] - \U(b - 1. - - - < c, interesting point here is a) n(ft 1, a 1)] and hence, H/?(ft.a)) where p is the monopoly price </, under certainty satisfying (3.25). The that the firm with stochastic variability tends to transfer the cost of unrcrtaiuty to consumers, but the presence of learning effects moderates this transfer. Tlnuefore the monopoly price with uncertainty as well as learning effects the firm does not always dominate the iiiono])oly price under certainty. become more and more mature, the effect of learning is When weaker and weaker, and this moderation diminished gradually. Proposition 5.2. The price lative dcrrerises production but does not a/ways a.s the inventdry level iiirrenses far any (/n/ninafe.s tlint fixe(l level of ciimu- under certainty. Similar to the case without learning effects, the long-run condition etpiating the long-term marginal revenue and marginal cost of capacity determines the optimal capacity a*. 20 Proposition 5.3. The optiinal ra/)ar;7y a' .safisfirs thr dTR _ dm ,1A h 8A iiB nc da r da da da TR = E{J^ e.-''p{f^,)dD{t)}. A = E{J^ rr"dA{t)}. where 6. cnii'litidii mul D = E{J^ e-"dB(t)}. Concluding Remarks The article introduces a model of production firms \>y assuming that onunlative production and cumulative demand are two counting processes with random intensity parameterized by production capacity and price respectively. The formulation among production of production firms, such as the distinction mand and actual rate, ca])turi-s sales rate; the fhstinction between dynamic theory, with inventory tying together rajjacity, actual characteristics production rate, de- static design decisions (long-rxin decisions) and dynamic operating decisions (short-run decisions), etc tally many important one obtains a fundamen- hi particular, and prrxluctirin decisions jiricing decisions at different points in time. This is a natural generali7,ation of the classical (deterministic) moflel of the firm. In fact, be shown that a sequence of the Poisson-Poisson problems formulated in Section 2 will it can converge to a deterministic model as certain parameters approach certain limits, kee])ing the variance approaching On zero. the other hand, close to the special case described in Section 3 inventory and production control studied by Harrison in potential input and cumulative potential demand is simple. However, which are in the diffusion explicitly accounted model represents another The limit result helps and justifies a a diffusion single critical number model, the design decisions arc lumped into a single for in our model. Nevertheless. limit of our basic model model of modeled by a Brownian motion (with general and variance parameters), and the optimal policy (involving a drift is There the difference of cumulative [ll|. Li shows 6*) is drift very term, in [IG] that this diffusion as certain jiarameteis apjiroach critical values. one to better understand conditions tui<ler which the difftision model applies, very tractable approximation for general additive process formulation. There are many other interesting ciuestions, explored in the continuation of this work. cumulative production A Our both niathematical and economic, that might be nuxlel can be j,'euerali7,ed to the formulation where and cumulative potential demand D are arliitrary additive processes. Suppose, for example, the primitive processes are c(uui)ounfl Pnissou with absolutely continuous jump size distributions. parameter 6*. But, it The optimal operating is not clear how by basic price and capacity decisions. many different "kinds of capacity", different market strategies. policy would still be a barrier families of jioteutial ])rocesses This problem and one can is not suri)rising i)olicy with one critical would be "parameterized" - also abstract different in real life there may be '"kinds of business" with Secondly, the models in this stufly seem appropriate in the markets 21 characterized by non-durable goods since there is generalized to include the durable good markets of price as well as cumulative linear, and there more general is no I)y demand. Thirdly, the trenri in the demand variable cost of prorluction no cost associated with varying the production cost structure. 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