MIT 3 LIBRARIES DUPl 1060 OOTOb^b 5 Ocwev HD28 .M414 9o ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Single Transferable Vote Resists Strategic Voting John J. Bartholdi, III and James B. Orlin Working Paper No. 3221-90-MS November, 1990 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Single Transferable Vote Resists Strategic Voting John J. Bartholdi, III and James B. Orlin Working Paper No. 3221-90-MS November, 1990 Single Transferable Vote Resists Strategic Voting John J. Bartholdi, III School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 James B. Orlin Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, November 13, MA 02139 1990 Abstract We give evidence that Single Tranferable Vote ally resistant to manipulation: It is NP-complete (STV) to is computation- determine whether there exists a (possibly insincere) preference that will elect a favored candidate, even in an election for a single seat. STV is qualitatively more difficult Thus strategic voting under than under other commonly-used vot- ing schemes. Furthermore, this resistance to manipulation STV is inherent to and does not depend on hopeful extraneous assumptions presumed like the difficulty of learning the preferences of the other voters. when an STV elec- tion violates monotonicity. This suggests that non-monotonicity in STV We also prove that it is NP-complete to recognize elections might be perceived as less threatening since den" and hard to exploit for strategic advantage. it is in effect "hid- Strategic voting 1 For strategic voting the fundamental problem for any would-be manipulator to decide what preference be impractically difficult to claim. We will show that this even this difficulty pertains which the manipulator knows the preferences of in the ideal situation in other voters and knows that all they will vote their complete and sincere preferences. Thus among voting schemes resistant to manipulation. It the integrity of social choice: mean excessive, this might modest task can under the voting scheme known as Single Transferable Vote (STV). Furthermore unique is actual use today in might be that If in that STV it is this resistance apparently is computationally can help protect the work to construct a strategic preference that strategic voting is is not practical, even though theoretically possible. Following the conventions of [11] we formalize the fundamental problem of strategic voting as the following "yes/no" question. EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE GIVEN: A set C of candidates; a distinguished candidate sincere, transitive, strict, QUESTION: Is preferences of V A will and complete preferences of the there a preference ordering on will C that c; and the set V of voters. when tallied with the ensure the election of c? polynomial-time algorithm for EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE is one that always answer the question correctly within a number of steps bounded above by a polynomial in the size of a description of the election (which is 0(| V||C|)). Polynomial-time algorithms are considered fast because the work to answer the question does not increase too rapidly as a function of the problem; similarly, problems are considered "easy" . for size of the which there exist polynomial time algorithms In contrast, an algorithm which requires exponential time quickly becomes impractical as the size of the problem increases; accordingly, such problems are considered "hard". This theoretical distinction is widely borne out The in practical experience [11]. celebrated theorems of Gibbard, Satterthwaite, and Gardenfors show that any voting scheme that gic voting; that minimally is fair is in principle there exist instances in which is, misrepresent his true preferences [10,12,21]. if there exists an algorithm that ERENCE This paper STV, in in may be common is it EFFECTIVE PREF- more it effort to vote strategically. can be show a nipulation. In Kemeny had [3] real voting it we prove that qualitatively different from the others is difficult to Results of this type were anticipated in possible to which proved that most voting [3], use are vulnerable to strategic voting. Here encourage sincere voting, since vulnerable; is resistant. read as a companion to requires distinctly incentive to For a susceptible voting scheme, guaranteed to answer a voting scheme in practical use, that some voter has within polynomial time, then we say the voting scheme otherwise the voting scheme schemes is susceptible to strate- scheme that [3], is Thus STV might do otherwise. but until now has not been it computationally resistant to ma- was observed that voting schemes due to Dodgson and the undesirable property that particular candidate has won it is NP-hard to whether any to tell the election. Such schemes are hard to manipulate for the uninteresting reason that they are hard to operate. What wanted is is a voting scheme that supports quick computation for authorized use, such as determining winners, but erects computational barriers to abuse. In was displayed a scheme that computes winners quickly but However it is resists [3] there manipulation. a rather contrived scheme whose only use, as far as we know, has been as a tie-breaking rule by the International Federation of Chess. This paper, taken with the results of [3] suggest that STV is the only voting scheme in actual use that computes winners quickly (in polynomial time) but is inherently resistant to strategic voting. Note that we are not arguing faults documented elsewhere for the adoption of [4,7,9,13,16] — rather we STV — it has troubling are suggesting that com- among putational properties ought to be voting scheme evaluated. is possibly helpful the criteria by which a prospective STV In this regard differs in an interesting and way from other common voting schemes. 2 Single Transferable Vote Under STV each voter submits a total order of the candidates. STV tallies votes by reallocating support from "weaker" candidates to "stronger" candidates and excess support from elected candidates to remaining contenders. In comparison with other voting schemes in practical use, despite complexity, its relative STV or it is rather complicated. However, variants are used in elections for the its parliaments of the Republic of Ireland, Tasmania, and Malta; for the senates of Northern Ireland, Australia, and South Africa; for Republic of Ireland and some dom for many in election of its city council Australia and Canada; and in the United King- it is used by Cambridge, Massachusetts for the and school committee and by New York City for the John Stuart advan- election of its district school boards [22]. tages as being ". . . such and so numerous . . . that, in [STV] among the greatest improvements yet made of government" [15]. what, since STV, of its weaknesses like is commend it, Electoral We my in that it is the theory and practice this most notably its [7]. Nevertheless, in Figures 2, 3, STV and 4. Most troubling from a winner STV has much tendency to guarantee proportional represen- STV is championed by such organizations Reform Society of Great Britain and Ireland formalize enthusiasm some- possible for a candidate to change more support its conviction, they place any voting system, must be imperfect. tation. Largely for this property, The Mill praised Subsequent analysis has tempered to a loser as a result of gaining to local authorities in the public and professional institutions, trade unions, and voluntary In the U. S. A. societies [17]. all as an algorithm in Figure All variants we know 1, differ as [17]. with supporting procedures only in how they reallocate The excess support from an elected candidate to the remaining contenders. "pure" form of STV uses the procedure given in Figure For comparison, 4. Figure 5 gives the procedure used by the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Our complexity how excess STV, independently results will hold for all such variants of votes are reallocated. For a picturesque rather than algorithmic description of an official guide to one version of STV in of in [22]. STV may A good summary be found Cambridge Election, 1941, STV J. Brams, in private to the first author, conjectured that strategic voting cult is under an communication computationally diffi- under STV. In addition, Chamberlin found that by several empirical mea- sures strategic voting under schemes he tested in contrast to STV seemed more (Plurality, Borda, the other schemes, the NP-completeness of there is difficult and Coombs) ". .. [6]. usually has a election-specific manipulation strategy". This is than under other voting He observed that consistent with our results since EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE under STV means that no simple pattern, structure, or rule to simplify the construction of tive preference large set STV, much more complex and an effective preference. Thus, for each strategic voter, the search for an —even to achieve a is For Counting difficulty of strategic voting Most immediately, Steven election. [8]. in [5] Others have remarked on the apparent STV see assessment of the strengths and weaknesses Strategic voting under 3 STV, practice, see Rules for Ballots under Proportional Representation, City of reproduced of must be essentially enumerative search over an exponentially when the common effec- strategic voters are trying to coordinate their votes goal. In contrast, for Plurality, Borda, and Coombs it always the case that a voter can, within polynomial time, either construct a strategic preference or else conclude that none exists [3]. procedure STV; begin; InitializeScoresQ; fg + quota := 1] ; repeat if any candidate has score > quota then status of candidate := elected; ReallocateVotesOfWinner( candidate ); else with candidate of lowest score do status := defeated; Reallocate VotesOfLoser( candidate ); end; end; until total of elected candidates and viable candidates for each remaining viable candidate = k; do his status := Elected; end; end; Figure 1: STV, from a set is C written in pseu do- Pascal. This based on the preferences of a set tallies V votes to elect k candidates of voters. A viable candidate one who has not yet been defeated or elected. procedure InitializeScores(); begin; for each candidate do his score :— 1.0; his status := viable; end; for each ballot its weight := add end; end; its do 1.0; weight to the score of the Figure 2: Procedure to first viable candidate on ballot; initialize scores for the STV algorithm procedure ReallocateVotesOfLoser( candidate ); begin; for each ballot if candidate do is the first viable candidate on the ballot then Increase score of next viable candidate on ballot by weight of ballot; end; end; end; Figure 3: Procedure Reallocate VotesOfLoser procedure Reallocate VotesOfWinner( candidate ); begin; excess votes for candidate := score of candidate - quota; for each ballot if candidate do is the first viable candidate on the ballot then Set weight of this ballot :— (weight) (excess/score); Increase score of next viable candidate on ballot by weight of ballot; end; end; end; Figure Procedure Reallocate VotesOfWinner 4: for the procedure Reallocate VotesOfWinner( candidate "pure" form of STV ); begin; excess votes for candidate := score of candidate - quota; for := j 1 Draw to excess do a ballot randomly from first among those on which candidate is the viable candidate; Increase score of next viable candidate on ballot by weight of ballot; end; end; Figure 5: Procedure ReallocateVotesOfWinner used in Cambridge, Massachusetts for the variant of STV that is We STV case of cial EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE prove that will which in all is hard, even for the spe- candidate vie for a single seat. In this case the voting scheme works by successively eliminating a candidate with the fewest votes and reallocating his support. This type of voting scheme The alternative voting or successive elimination. cal evidence that there PREFERENCE Theorem no dependably is fast is also called strong theoreti- EFFECTIVE algorithm to solve under Successive Elimination. EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE 1 following is is NP-complete under Successive Elimination. First observe that ination is EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE Proof NP, since the in under Successive Elim- effectiveness of a preference can be verified in poly- nomial time by tallying the election and checking whether c wins. Now we nation is EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE prove that "as hard as" the following problem that is under Successive Elimi- known NP-complete to be [11]. 3-COVER GIVEN: i = A set S with \S\ = n; subsets Si,...,Sm C = S, with \S,\ 3 for l,...,m. QUESTION: Does Now STV let {S\, . . there exist an index set / with . |/| = n/3 and U, e/ ,Sm } denote an instance of 3-COVER. election for which there exists an effective preference Our exists a 3-cover for S. from among 5m + + 3 if and only 1. "possible winners" c and w; 2. "first losers" aj, 3. "second line" . . . o m and 5i , . . , b if an there contrived election will be to select a single winner into the following five groups. . = 5? will create candidates. In this election the candidates 71 b\, We Si m and 6i , . . . , . . . 8 , , 5m 6 m ; ; fall naturally 4. "w-bloc" do,di, 5. "garbage collectors" gi The election Property ai, 1: .. . Property Property Of the if . ,d n ; , . = {i and only : if , . candidates to be eliminated, eliminated prior to ence which, when tallied with is eliminated prior to a< if C all as follows: € if i them are a, }. Then c will win the {1, . , . . m}, there exists a prefer- the other preferences, guarantees that a* and only if a £ can be constructed by allocating the list of a 3-cover. is For any specified index set 7 3: 2m . a* is 7 ; have the following properties. will 3m first gm . and ai,...,am Let I election . we construct ,a m 2: . Furthermore, such a preference I- first I then place a, in the m positions on the preference z'th position; otherwise place a, in the ith position. Properties 1-3 together imply that a strategic voter can guarantee victory and only for c in this election if Now we follows. he can solve the 3-cover problem. if describe the details of our contrived election. The voters are as (Wherever we leave preferences unspecified, they can be • 12m • 12m — • 10m + (2n/3) • For each i = 1, . . • For each i = 1, . . • For each i = 1, . voters with preference 1 (c, . . .); voters with preference (u\ c, . .); voters with preference (do, . ,n, , . . , . 12m — "', c, )', 2 voters with preference (di,w,c, m, 12m voters with preference m: 6m + arbitrary.) Ai — (gi, w, c, . . .); .); 5 voters with preference (6,-,(,-,w, c, . .) and, for each of the three j such that j £ S,, 2 voters with preference (b,,dj,w,c, • For each i .. .); = 1, . . . ,m: 6m + Ai — and 2 voters with preference (b,,d voters with preference (b,,bi,w, 1 , w,c, . .); c, . ..) • For each = i 1, . . . 6m + 4z — m: , 3 voters with preference (a,, voter with preference (a,-,6t-,u;,c, 1 . <?,, u/,c, . . .); and 2 voters with preferences ..); (a,,a,,u;,c,...); • For each = i 1, . . . 6m + 4i — m: , voter with preference 1 (ai,ai,w,c, Now we (a,,6,-,ii;,c, c initial supporters of c, cannot get another vote until w votes, then 12m w The w-bloc. Candidate d 12m — d, receives second choice w, so that is is c. Thus, to be 2 additional votes, votes. w if d, is and c Except a strategic effective, 10m + 2n/3 whose Thus gets another 2 eliminated from the election before initially receives any 12m— 1 eliminated. Moreover, is 2 votes. For every voter if has u> voters rank c immediately below w. all w votes and cannot be eliminated before preference must ensure that more than and 2 voters with preferences ..); consider the election. 12m the other . ...); Votes for c and w. Initially c has for the 3 voters with preference (ai,g,,w,c, ...); c. votes and each of first choice w eliminated prior to w, then the is d,-, will obtain cannot win. Thus the strategic voter must We ensure that each candidate d achieves a score of at least 12m. t will contrive the remainder of the election so that this can be accomplished only if certain of the "second line" candidates are eliminated early and their votes reallocated to candidates in the w-bloc. The second Candidate line. initially receives 6, 6m + 4» eliminated, his votes are reallocated as follows: for each j dj and the remainder go to votes initially. If 6^ is 6;. Similarly, candidate 6, or fc, is votes. If Si, 2 votes also receives fc, is go to 6m + 4i + 1 6,-. The third choice of all initial supporters w. Note that 12m. 1 eliminated, his votes are reallocated as follows: 2 votes go to do and the remainder go to of 6, € -f- if fcj Similarly, is eliminated before if 6, is 6i, then the revised score of eliminated before 10 6,, 6, will then the revised score of exceed 6, will exceed 12m. This means that at most one of can be eliminated before 6, 6,-, c or w. The The First Losers. which one is as follows: Similarly, a^ is fc,. If a, and the remainder goes a,-; and the remainder goes to Each candidate The Garbage Collectors. Now we show how 6m + is 4i, eliminated, his votes are reallocated is 2 votes go to 6<; a*, a; eliminated, his votes are reallocated as follows: 2 votes go to a,; 6,-; and 6; vote goes to 1 if than less each candidate initial score of to jj. vote goes to 1 g,. initially <7, has 12m votes. the sequence in which candidates are eliminated in the election can encode a 3-cover. Lemma 1 Exactly one of 6, hi, will be among 3m the first eliminated. Furthermore, candidate c will win the election if J = j { : bj is among 3m the first candidates to be and only if the set candidates to be eliminated} is the index of a set cover for the 3-cover problem. Proof The first claim must be among the ai,a will true because the is t 6;, 6;; , and if first one of 3m 6,, fc; candidates to be eliminated is eliminated, then the other have score exceeding 12m. To Then establish the second claim, suppose that \J\ = n/3. Consider the election after the eliminated. Suppose i 6 5, and j £ J . Then J first 6, is (10m + 2n/3) After all the of the 3m 6; 's ! candidates have been -:-e.< 6; eli <f,, i n/3) = J , b } for j an i 1, . . , . has been eliminated for j £ J is m, has . Thus at least 12m, which exceeds that of candidate w. candidates have been eliminated there remain only $. = . 12m, which have been eliminated and the revised score of do + 2(m — g,, bj for j . . d{ is at least the index of a set cover, each a revised score of at least 12m. Also, m — n/3 3m ha-' has received 2 of bj's votes. Thus the revised score of exceeds that of w. Since J the index of a set cover. is £ J, all of which excepting 11 w c, u;, all the d,-, have at least 12m Candidate w, with 12m votes. will inherit his votes Next the and - 1 his score will rise to at least votes of each d, are reallocated to (n + l)(12m) Now no remaining = + 36)m - (12n or c 1. 12m votes. (24m — rises to at least The 1) + 1. has more than 6{ whose score c, has more than then <j, 6; 24m — candidates are eliminated since each has only d{ Candidate votes, will be eliminated next. 24m + 8m = 32m 32m Since each votes. eliminated will have his votes reallocated to votes. gi, must be that c, it Similarly, or 6,-, c is that 6, no is the eventual winner of the election. Conversely, suppose that J cannot win the election. c If \J\ not the index of a set cover; we will show that is > n/3, then fewer than m— n/3 of the bj's have been eliminated, and the revised score of do cannot exceed 12m be eliminated prior to w, and will score than c. w In such case w will receive his votes — 2. Thus d and achieve a higher cannot be eliminated before c and so c cannot win the election. If | J | < n/3 and the score of w di i € S is not covered by the corresponding set cover, then has not increased and will receive his votes must be eliminated before w. Thus d{ and achieve a higher score than c. Again w cannot be eliminated before c and so c cannot win the election. Now we show how among are Lemma the first 2 Let I the ith candidate in which the first to construct a preference that will control which of the 3m candidates to be eliminated. C {l,...,m} and is a, 3m 6; if i € I and a, consider the strategic preference in which Then otherwise. the following is candidates are eliminated. • The 3i - 2 candidate to be eliminated • The 3i - 1 • The 3i candidate to be eliminated candidate to be eliminated is a; a, if i € /, and is 6, if i € I, andbi otherwise; € I, is if 12 i and ci{ a, otherwise; otherwise; the order Proof (By Assume induction) that the nated and that these candidates were, one of each pair Case 1 for —3 each j < 6m + + At 1 Candidate votes. eliminated, after which the revised score of b{ 6m + is Next, candidate 6, 4i is + i ^ The next /. Candidate is of a, is 1; 6m + is by + 3. all its Lemmas 6, is 1 and Corollary dently of 1 how 6; is 6m + 6m + 6m + 4i + 2; 6; 2 candidate c will 4j a,- is and 4» votes + 1; is 6m + who a,, is the revised + Ai 3. we have our main a*. is 6, and the revised score is eliminated, followed by is as stated in the theorem. win the election if By a,-. and only if / is O since the single elimination voting variants, and exactly next, after which the revised score of Next, candidate a solution to the set cover problem. Now Gj viable candidate on the strategic preference induction, the elimination of candidates Now and as claimed. the revised score of 4j has Hi and the revised score of 2; must be eliminated a, 6m + 4i + a, eliminated, followed by a,. Thus, by induction, the elimination of candidates Case 2 both i, next viable candidate on the strategic preference therefore has score of candidates have been elimi- bj , / The € j bj first 3i scheme is a special case of STV in result. EFFECTIVE PREFERENCE under STV is NP-hard indepen- the excess votes of a winning candidate are reallocated among the remaining contenders. 4 Non-monotonicity A voting procedure in the preferences of voters; that is monotontc if it is, does not respond negatively to changes a candidate can never be hurt 13 if some move him up voters STV Doron and Kronick have shown that in their preferences. non-monotonic: there exist elections is from an STV winner to a which a candidate can change simply as a result of gaining support loser it is elections. Thus it We [7]. NP-complete to recognize when non-monotonicity occurs show that in STV can be impractical to exploit non-monotonicity for strategic To some purposes. for extent this weakens any argument against STV that is based on non-monotonicity. Since non-monotonicity can be hard to recognize, voters are unlikely to be regaled with examples of elections. its Furthermore, even distortions, since hidden, if know voters It pernicious effects in real that non-monotonicity might be perceived unlikely to be exploited, benign. its as possible, "random" and even, might be seen by voters since as similar in spirit randomness occasionally designed into voting systems, as to the is in [22]. Thus non-monotonicity might be more easily tolerated than flaws that are easy to When find. flaws are easy to find, then they are more likely to be exploited by manipulators and they are easier to display to an outraged electorate. Indeed, when flaws easy to find, manipulative behavior might be encouraged, while if flaws are hard to find, manipulative behavior might be uneconomic. Doron and Kronick argue that any non-monotonic voting procedure verse". it is They vividly make their point by imagining an STV is "per- election in which observed that non-monotonicity affected the outcome. Most voters would probably be alienated and outraged upon hearing the hypothetical (but theoretically possible) election night report: "Mr. O'Grady did not obtain a seat in today's election, but him in second place instead of of his supporters had voted for place, he if 5,000 first would have won!" However, because it is NP-complete to recognize an instance of non-monotonicity, voters would almost certainly not hear any such news on election night. In fact they would probably would never hear because it would simply take too long it — not because the claim was to discover. 14 false, but We formalize the problem of recognizing non-monotonicity as follows. NON-MONOTONICITY GIVEN: A C set V of candidates; the set of sincere, transitive, strict, and C complete preferences of the voters; and a distinguished candidate c € would be a loser QUESTION: the election was tallied now. if V who there a subset of voters in Is who can change c from a loser to a winner by lowering c in their preferences? Theorem NON-MONOTONICITY 2 NP-complete for Successive Elimina- is tion. Proof Again Our proof {S\, let . . election (which • 12m • 12m — • 12m • 10m + almost the same as is = 1, . . • For each i = 1, . . . For each i = 1, . . . n, , . 12m — ,m: 6m i = each i = 1, . preference (c,6,, Candidate before c. . .); .); m: , . . . .); . 1 (<;,, w,c, . voters with preference (bi,bi,w,c, 6m l,...,m: 1). 2 voters with preference (di,w,c, j G 5,, 2 voters . . . .); .); . .) and, for with preference (bi,dj,w,c, voters with preference voters with preference (6;,d ,u',c, u; . . ,m, 12m voters with preference each of the three; such that • For c, (2n/3) voters with preference (do, w,c,. each details. ..); voters with preference (u/, w,c, t • For and so we omit proof to Theorem in the voters with preference (w, • For each • 1 ,Sm ] denote an instance of 3-COVER. Consider the following . voters with preference (c,w,. 1 Theorem similar to that of is (6, ,6{, w,c, . .) . and .) 2 ..); voter with preference (c, 6,, . . .) and 1 voter with .); c will lose this election since reallocated votes will However the last always go to group of voters, and only that group, can make 15 winner by moving him down on their preferences. c a appropriate preferences of the last gaining any (reallocated) votes until votes; then in which C {i} be eliminated and { 1, . . . m} , is c in the can be prevented from remaining candidates have at least 12m c will win the election. The preferences (c, 6j, . . .) and a solution to the 3-cover problem. NON-MONOTONICITY under STV is Corollary 2 how will all must be moved down are exactly those c which the w w group of voters, By lowering (c, 6,-, . . for .) D NP-hard independently of the excess votes of a winning candidate are reallocated among the remaining contenders. Finally, voter in an ing him up we slightly strengthen the STV example of election can change a candidate in his preferences: [7] by observing even a single from winner to In the contrived election of loser Theorem by movif 1, the manipulative voter constructs an effective preference then his favored candidate c will win; but Thus STV is, 5 is if the voter moves c to the top of his preferences then c will apparently as sensitive as it can be to changes in preferences; lose. that non-monotonicity can be realized by even a single voter. Conclusions There are several ways to measure the vulnerability of a voting procedure to strategic voting (see, for example, [6,18,20]). computational effort. is have suggested measuring the This complements the established approach, which count the opportunities bility are useful We for A weakness of the latter assumption about the distribution of to justify. Frequently it is to manipulation. Both of these measures of manipula- but imperfect. The primary weakness of the former a worst-case measure. is societies is that it that it based on some and that assumption chosen for convenience of analysis. 16 is is is difficult We think that even the weakest reading of our theorem makes three con- tributions. First, we have explained Chamberlin's empirical observation that strategies to manipulate results an STV show how a would-be manipulator STV election: he Also, our [6]. constrained to plot his strategy in is cannot do significantly better than enumerative search an effective preference. This for and instance-specific are complex is different from other standard voting procedures, which a natural, "greedy" algorithm ence or show that none exists [3]. for will either produce an effective prefer- Finally, our result refines the conclusions of impossibility theorems such as those of Gibbard, Satterthwaite, some All voting procedures have flaws, but for can be it and Gardenfors: difficult to exploit those flaws. The strongest interpretation of our result pect to vote strategically in an STV This probably overstates the case, for is that one cannot in practice ex- election, even given perfect information. like some of the notions of putational complexity does not perfectly model our concerns. the caveats of rize. [3] This means that, PREFERENCE under STV, some are summa- an asymptotic, worst-case measure is for large com- In particular, hold here, the most important of which we briefly Most immediately, NP-completeness of complexity. fairness, enough instances of difficult. EFFECTIVE This n.ight be insufficient to provide practical protection against strategic voting. Certainly for small enough elections one can simply generate each of the |C|! possible preference orders and check each one to see whether with many candidates are it elects the favored candidate. in fact difficult to manipulate is Whether elections an empirical question. Naturally this will depend on the structure of a "typical" instance. It is worth remarking that Chamberlin's observations on the complexity of manipulating STV were based on small elections (3 candidates and electorates of 1000); this suggests that the computational difficulty size 21 and becomes palpable rather quickly as the size of the election increases. We close with some additional comments on points that 17 are frequently mis- understood. First, it is important to note that our assumptions of perfect infor- mation and sincere voting by most of the voters are intentionally unrealistic we are not describing voter behavior, but show that even when the difficult to that expects it unrealistically favorable is determine how to vote strategically. difficult for it is situation making a conservative assumption it can still to be too Furthermore, we have shown even a single manipulator to determine how to vote. One to be only harder, at least in an informal sense, for a group of people to coordinate their votes to achieve a preferred outcome. A second possible misunderstanding is that one might be tempted to con- clude, by the contrived nature of the election in the proof of Theorem 1, that only pathological instances are difficult. This would be overinterpreting the proof. The is contrived nature of our election an artifact of human proof-building: needed only to show that there exist some instances that are as other hard problem; we constructed an instance that say whether any particular election We sified is difficult to difficult as an- made our proof as possible, but not necessarily representative. In short, our We as simple theorem does not manipulate. also point out that the issues of computational difficulty are only inten- when the computational device with pencil and paper. For example, Summer Olympics was is a relatively slow one, such as a person in [14] it was reported that the site of the chosen by successive elimination, with six cities voted on by the 88 members of the International Olympic Committee. Our 1996 results imply that, even with perfect information, a strategic voter would have had to perform enumerative search possibilities. Even if 90% for an effective preference over 6! = 840 of the possible preferences could have been eliminated a priori, the prospect of evaluating the remaining 84 elections by hand might have been sufficiently discouraging to prevent strategic voting. Finally, we speculate on some broader suggestions of our results. For when elections we have voting possible and of recognizing instances of non-monotonicity. is established the formal difficulty of recognizing 18 STV strategic Most imme- diately, this suggests that of its weaknesses perhaps less More fail STV might rise somewhat in our estimation, since two —susceptibility to strategic voting and non-monotonicity —are threatening than previously thought. generally, we have illustrated that even to satisfy fairness criteria, nevertheless it when voting procedures can can be hard to verify when this occurs. This might be interpreted as offering an explanation for an observation made by Nurmi and others of the ". . .the differences in difficulty of devising counterexamples showing the violations of some procedures and criteria criteria the productions of a obvious while for other procedures it may by various procedures. For counterexample be exceedingly may be rather difficult" [19]. Acknowledgements J. Bartholdi was supported in part by a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation (ECS-8351313) and by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-85-K-0147). tial Young Investigator J. Orlin was supported in part by a Presiden- Award from the National Science Foundation (ECS- 8451517). References [1] Bartholdi, C. A. Tovey, and L. Narasimhan (1990). "Recogniz- J. J. Ill, ing majority-rule equilibrium in spatial voting games", to appear in Social Choice and Welfare. [2] Bartholdi, J.J. for which it Ill, can be C. A. Tovey, and M. A. Trick (1989). "Voting schemes difficult to tell who won the election", Soctal Choice and Welfare 6:157-165. [3] Bartholdi, J. J. Ill, C. A. Tovey, and M. A. Trick (1989). "The compu- tational difficulty of manipulating an election", Social Choice and Welfare 19 6:227-241. [4] Brams, S. J. (1982). AMS "The nominating system is vulnerable to trunca- American Mathematical Society 29:136- tion of preferences", Notices of the 138. 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