h nD28 y .M414 INS ft^JUL ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT A Stochastic Model of Resource Flexibility Lode Li Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, 02139 MA April 1987 *1999S8 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 6 1988 A Stochastic Model of Resource Flexibility Lode Li Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 April 1987 * 1999 -88 Abstract We study a stochastic control model of a two-stage production process with flexible work- stations. The cumulative productions processes with spectively. An random intensities of both stages are governed by two Poisson counting parameterized by production capacity and optimal barrier policy is characterized by the critical values which indicate when one stage of production shoiild be turned assist the other station and when flexibility re- to switch off, back to when one its station should be switched to regular task. Both the conditions for optimal barriers and the expected total discoimted profit arc explicitly determined. Thiis, the economic value of resource flexibility can be measured by the difference in expected utility a firm Key Words: can optimally realize by possessing it. Flexible Resource; Poisson Process; Intensity Control; Barrier Policy. 'This work has benrRted considerably from discusnoiu with Erhxn CinJar, Mirharl Harrinon, iuid Morton Kami*n. The author 19 greatly indebted for their many u.<eful stiggestions and commeiAs. LIBRAWES RECEIVED 1. Formulation of the Model recent advances of microprocessor-based manufacturing technologies, the Accompanying with manufacturing systems of the jnesent and near flexible reduce the changeovers between futiu'c products to a matter of seconds. The questions of how to manage the to quantify the value of flexibility bee ome increasingly important. resources affect not only the market competition among production processes. The economic value of the resoxirce As a by ignoring either of the two. study the economic value of in expected first stej), can oi)timally The j^resence of the flexible not be acciu'ately captured flexibility will the paper develojis a stochastic control reali7,e and how firms but also the internal control of framework, that flexibility in the decision theoretic utility (profit) a firm flexible resources by possessing is, model to the difference it. In general, the economics of multiple-use resources can only be discussed in the context of a model that has uncertainty, seasonality, or in general terms, some sort of variability. It also is necessary that one's model explicitly recognize the existence of more than one type of task or processing requirement within the firm. Thus, to consider any issue economic value of in the A resource flexibility, we must consider a multi-stage process (some sort of network structure). simple model of two-stage, two-task production process considered as follows. is Consider a production process that consists of two work stations, an intermediate good 1 cau produce good and 1 1 (^2/? (0 ^ 1^2 ^ good 2, produce good 2 it can produce good using good 1 maximum to the other. In the context of service infhistry, one is 2, two tasks, producing 2 at rate (^ja (0 an average rate at /?. rates, and can also switch either station frnjii may or produce {B{t),t > 0} , Z{t) A, B good is the amovmt 1 think of the model in terms of that 1) and output (production where A(t) and D(t) denote the amount of production of production 2 in the time interval (0,t]. where x 1). one type of production represented by two increasing non-negative integer-valued stochastic processes B= < i^i completed only when two presetiucnced requirements are finished and the inventory customer wait. The cumulative input (prochiction of good and < Suppose the management monitoring the production rates within the !)• range of their service and and an inventory storing intermediate goods. Station an average rate a, or at Similarly, station 2 can at rate a final 1 Then the inventory level at time = A(t) x + of inventory at time zero. are independent Poisson processes with - 1 good the 2) are {A((),< > 0} and the amount is D(t). We assume random t A — of is (1.1) that intensities {ai,t > O} and {/9/,t > O}. (1.2) That is, {A{t) - J^a,ds,t > 0} and {B(t) - J^, ft,(ls,t > then be viewed as the actual production rates of i)roducts 0} are martingales, and a, and 1 and 2 respectively. /?, can Given the capacities n aiul and the ineasnremont /?, zero), a feasible operating policy of flexibility (S, and (selected at time />2 defined as a pair of storhastir pif)resses (at, is ft,) that jointly satisfy the following: (1.3) (ai) and (/?,) are left continuous (1.4) (ai) and (fti) are (1.5) < a, for all Z{t) (l.G) <a > 0, t + non-negative for is Condition + (« < Uo)(Pi) ^nd hft) ft, < l(o,„l('^^) ft + + (P -^i") ' l{o)(a(), all (. implies that q, and (1.4) limits, adapted with respect to Z, l(o,/9](/?/) • and have right-hand control that the firm exercises at time In condition (1.5), for any set S, t ft, is are functions of (Zia),.^ < This says that the t). based on only the historical information before time ls(>'') i? fui ^^"' indicator function, .1, if '0, otherwise. t. i.e., .<.G.9; For example, < if «l(o,/?l(/?f) Thus, condition than waiting + (a Z The . if its (1.3), the /) dollars. demand good 1 for final assumed (ft,) of intermediate products can not be fornuilation, Bremaud we ft, < ft- 0. of the workstations. are integrable good 2 and predictable has no choice other met from stock on hand. For the (1981) and Li (1D8C). specify the cost structure as follows. Each final product goods is infinite. and The plant C2 dollars per incius a linear variable cost, Ci dollars per unit of luiit of material cost and also labor cost if good The 2 actually prochiced. variable cost workers are paid piece-rate. The selling price p to cover the total variable cost of a final good, that is ;>>ci-fC2. A physical holding cost of h dollars per unit time held in inventory. Assume is for (1.7) incurred for each unit of intermediate goods that the firm earns interest at rate on the funds which are required infinite is simplify the market side where the firm serves as a supplier Ijy assuming that actually produced may comprise is We and = flexil)ility restriction (1.6) implies that the i)roduction of demand To complete our if ft, space parameterized by the also ensures that (a,) it justification of the formulation, see worth '^2/?)l{o}(/?r)= {^"^,. h^ft. (1.5) reflects the strategy Together with conditions with respect to + r > 0, compoimdcd production operations, and the production time horizon. Therefore, given that the initial inventoiy is i, is continuously, planned over an the expected profit is /•oo w(x) = r-"\pdD(t)- cidA(t)-C2dD(t)- hZ(t)dt]}, E,{ Jo (1.8) . = where E^ denotes the expectation conditional on Z{0) Applying integration by parts theorem to we have (1.8), = n(x) x. h - v(x) -, (1.9) r whe re roc = E^{ v(x) - e-''[qdB(t) / vnlA(t)]], (1.10) ./o = q — p — h C2 -\ and , _ = w; — h r r The problem management of the the expected profit, eqnivalently By (2.3)-(2.G) are satisfied. (Ill) Ci H to choose a pair of control processes {a, is ft) to maximize such that assumi)tifui (1.1)-(1.2), and feasibility constraints t;(.r), the Poisson assumption, the olijective function imder a feasible policy can be further written as = v(x) where q > 2. w eAJ c-"(qft,-wa,)dt\, (1.12) following from assumption (1.7). The Barrier Policies histead of solving the general intensity control problem set up in Section barrier policy, producing good 1, we require that station some until inventory reaches works 1 level or switches to assist station 2 until the inventory has 2 it works on at full capacity inventory level critical regtilar task, is b numbers, and resumes down rate) brings the inventory at zero inventory level is its either waits or switches to helj^ station There are three accumulated to a we namely, Imrricr policies, and establish some computational class of feasible policies, By 1, h, its to h^. 1 and — at this jxiiiit li, been 2. The production 62- when it liy on results. its ^i units; similarly station until the inventory of regular task, either ceases production is zero, been increased by good 1 is the i)roduction of good 2 turned off good of 1 then 62 units. when the (maybe with higher the other hand, the prodtiction of good 2 and resumes when the production level of 62- d(^i)l('f(Hl until the inventory has On ftj. cai)acity full its producing good regular rate h at investigate a is ceased (again at an increased rate) Obviously, only on-off strategies are allowed in a barrier policy, namely a,e{0,a,a + and the essence process Z, Ei = generic barrier policy, {b — hi, . . /?, G {O, /?,/? + .^1 a}, becomes an optimal stopping problem. of control To characterize a 6ift), . ,h}, and E2 = \vt {0, 1, E= . . . , {0, ^2}- 1, . . . , To be 6} be the state space of the inventory general, we allow cither work station switch back and forth between joining the other production process and staying resting when its regular prodviction process = with \Ka-\ 1, is . . . , ^iifl J/tA- — t/ii + l}, ft turned \^ik\ = A'Ji station off, is {'' ceased. ~ ordered ''''pi'f'sciits — J/ii sits idcl i y'tk' An seciiieiire of disjoint sets, a division of set Ej, — Vu + 1} ''~!/u = i <^'iven <'*^- K,i /f,'j , , . . . , if,,,,, Kn = 1,2, e.g., production of good , /<",„,, {h,b — ^ j) i [i and station j works alone jnoduring good j when Z[t) G Kn;, and = = = both stations work together when Z[t) G choice of sxich a sequence represents the possible order combinations of switching between using station j (j K'fc, = — ^ alone and using lioth stations. i) u'l'^iK'i^, all and = Ei=i j/,- Va-. for = sinii)licity, follows that "^^'^^ It = M{t > 1, 2, A; = 1, . , . . m,- K Q ^ and/or denote y'-^ = h,- if,',„^ /f, - = j/,-. 0, the Uji.J.j/f,/;., The value turns out with the help of station i) i. = 0, t ^ T(T{f„-i,h),h T„ = r(<„ft = - AT(T{f,.-i.0)J>2). b,) = i?°„ r(r„-i.n). 5^;?"" fci), = r(<,.ft2), 1,2 barrier policy then can be written as, for where No e K}, r(T'„-i.'')AT(r„-i.O), r(r„_,,t), and n S,Z{t) E. Let = s:'„'^' i -= 1.2. fo <= A For notation /f,i T[K) = m({t > 0,Z(0 e K), any stopping time S and any subset I allowing 1. 2, also define T(S,K) for = »' t represents the total imits that production j (j t/, We for if,V For ( > 0, a, = a{lr.'At) + 1n,(0) + (« + '^2/?)1a-((). (2.1) ft, = ftilKAt) + (/^ + f>i^)lx[it)- (2.2) = U^ o(r,., r,.+.], TV. = U^ 1a',(<)) U';;^,, ^ + (^.^ and /?•.]. N'- = U^, U';^% {RLs^^'] for among five 1,2. In fact, the inventory process Markov Z under a barrier policy is constructed by switching processes: a difference between two Poisson processes with intensities two negative Poisson processes with with intensities a and a + intensities ft and ft-Vfiin respectively, n and ft respectively, and two Poisson processes S2P respectively. Proposition 2.1. The va/ue fuucfioii v{x) under a barrier j)oIiry deBiird in (2.1) and (2.2) is of the form v(x) = -(qft -wa) + i(x), (2.3) r where v(x) = avini(x) + a{w + {>iq)u\(x) — ftqu2(x) — ft(q + 62V')u'2(x), (2.4) - TOO (2.5) Jo roo = u'-(x) E,{ e-''l:,.,{f)dt}. (2.G) Jo Proof. Note that + 1a'„(0 The propositiou 1a',(0 + + 1a';(0 and follows by pubstituting (2.1) + 1a-(0 = 1a',(«) 1- (2.7) (2.2) into (1.12). roi)larinR 1;\'„ using expression and collecting terms. (2.7) Tims, the value function under a barrier policy obtains by computing steps in the computation. First Then, show that and u, u- compute the Laplace transforms can be expressed Denote the Laplace transform and u'-. We of the hitting times T{b) take two and r(0). terms of them. in by of a hitting time = 0(x.y) u, -rT[y) E, Then < Proposition 2.2. For x < h. qib — e{x) x] (2.8) f>)' 9(1') where —7 g(x) = (itPi r.(x) = (/,^j \ f —J * - a P2 , (2.9) pi and P2 are the < pi < I, (C p2. two roots of the qimdmtic equation r with - P2 > I, a. = d. = i- 1 - for r > a = . ft p'-^ a + ft + r a + ' + ft (2.10) r 0, a* {(ip^'riri.p^')'"-", = 1 - (^.P^'r (riiP;')'"-" (2.11) U2P2r{n2r2)'"-'\ d' = i- U2Pir(n2Pi)'"-'\ and P -, (i ft Proof. We shall + r only prove the Define a function i() 6= first Q + f/i ft = r ft + + h<^ fiia + 12 n + = r a + dift 52ft + r equation in (2.8) and the second follows from a similar argument. by i>(x,y.z] _ Pi - P2 y— pV P2 for x.y.z^ E. (2.12) — By Lemma in Li (1984), we have = ^:rle"'^'l|Z(r,)=n)] where Ti = T{0) A and i'{x,0.h). iE.['~'^' l|z(T,)=ft|l ^ i'(x,h,0), T(b) as defined above. Tims, = 0(x,O) (2.13) i>(x,0,h)-\-i'(x,h.ri)0{h.O). Particularly, ${b - = 6i,0) i'{h -hi,0,h) + rl>(b - bi,h,O)0(h,O). (2.14) Also note that d(h,0) = (2.15) ei'n\'~^'0(h-l>i.O). Substituting (2.15) in (2.14) and using (2.12), we o1)tain ^(6,0) el"r,J'-'"V'(''-6i,0,6) = i-eS"„J'-'"V'(6-ti,fc,o) - {LP2'r(niP2')''-") - UiP2')'HmrV)'"~")p:'' - (1 - (1 (1 (1 {^^r:')"(>hP;')'-'-'") (2.1G) h UiP7')"i^hp:')'"~'")P2 9(0) 9{by The first equation in (2.8) for any x ^ E follows by substituting (2.1G) and (2.12) into (2.13). I Note that the Laplace transforms of the hitting times T(0) and T(h) are independent of the switching orders when one production process times in Ey or E2 will not change as long as is t/i turned off (|^'^i|)- J*"*^' and Z ''i- ' is = in i?j or i?2 1- 2, because the sojourn are fixed. Proposition 2.3. e(x,b) Ai ,, ._ a; 0{x,b) (2.17) 6(x,0) X, «2(i) = — r X', : • ..„ >,,-„,.,, 0(x,0) - ^. - "2(2;) '' i-e2^'^^-''^fl(62,0)' ' r l-e2''h'~'"0{b,,Oy where k=l k=i (2.18) . fori = 1,2. the definitioii of a banirr policy ((2.1) and (2.2)), for oacli n and k. /?j„ By Proof. sojourn time in the states, {l, . , t/u}. the sojourn time in the states, {l, . . . . . E[r-^^^l.-'i..^] Also note that R^ n = „_^i 1,2,..., are i.i.d. — ^ Poisson process with intensity /?, t/u}i for a Poisson process with intensity and E[r-'^''^ -"'"^] = er- = and /? 5^,, is — 5/,, + i^ia. the i?j„ is Therefore, ,/," the time between process Z's two consecutive entiy of the state i?i.„, random , ff"" — h, variables. Hence, yoo . OO ^' III '"1 I c "•>• = if;X;^.[l-e-^'<-^-']£;,[e-'<.e-^n=.'"'"-'^'"%-^^.'-'<^'"-^'^ *" n=l *=1 -mi c» '' fi=l A-=l *" i)=n r The l-ef'r,;'-'"/?(6-ft,,6)' rest of the proposition can be similarly proved. I Propositions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 give us the explicit form of the value fmiction imder a barrier policy. 3. When to Nap and When In a barrier policy, station j {j be, = is Help production of good producing its assuming that the parameters what t" j^ i) is if to assigned j/,- h, bi, 1)2, j/i the best order combination among t stopjied, then station is r can have a break while units. The question f^ud are fixed. In other words, all j/2 is when the possible choices, these coffeebreaks should we want to determine (/C,i, /<'|i, ..., K,„,,, /<",,„_), 1,2. Let mi = 2,^11 =0,K;i = {^.''-1 6-Vi + l},/i:i2- m2 = l,k2i = {0,L...,U2-l],k'2i = {t/2 [h-Vi h-h, + i],k',2 = ^, 62-1}. (3.1) Proposition 3.1. For choice (3.1) is fixnl b, rihI hi, = i )/,, the })nniri policy with the switching order 1,2, the domiiicint strategy. Proof. Denote by A, and Aj, = t i.e., (3.1), - Ai - (1 111 Ci ), - '^i 1 - Notice that in the vahic fiuiction, the order choice, Kii,K[^, only, under the order combination 1,2, the functions defined in (2.18) whereas the order choice, suffices to /<'2i, /C21, . . . , , . , affects the vahics of Ai and affects the vahies of A2 , • »?i . A'j only. and Therefore, ^ Aj it prove awXi + a{w + (^i7)Aj — awXi — a(vi + (^i7)Aj > 0, (3.3) + P{q + hw]\\ - pq\2 - ftqh P{q + ('>2W)^2 > 0- Also note that for any order choice. and - 1 = '/, (1 z^'7, - ni (3.5) ), 1=1 since X2^!'^j v.t =: j/,- and Efc^i v'a- QwAi + a[w + = a'^i7('^'i = "'^17 - = ''t (*'i7)Aj - Hence, !/•• — QwAi — a(w + (^i7)Aj -^1) 2^(1-^1 (l-r/i'*)>0, )'?! it=i ft(q + PS2W{\\ — ftqXi = + ^2«')'^2 > and 62 > /?7'^2 - ftiq + ('>2V')'>^'2 A2) = Phw2_^i2 if (5i - (1-^2 ^2 )(l-'/2 )>0' 0- I Suppose the management feels that the upstream station in-process inventory reaches a upper limit and the inventory is down should first break when the work- downstream station deserves a break when the to zero. Proposition 3.1 suggests a "iirinciple of coffeebreak" for the of the flexible workstations: 1) fleserves a switch to when lielji the management the inventoiy hits the upper limit, the upstream station (station downstream station 8 (station 2) and then take a break; when the empty, the downstream station should take a l)ieak iuvciitoi7 is upstream station. Proposition 3.1 rules out many dominated egy space in our search for the optimal barrier policy 4. to help the significantly reduces the strat- in the following section. The Optimal Barrier Policy Using Proposition values, 2 and henre strategies and then switch first /), when level is hi and j/,-, = i 1, 2. That is, station 1 stops the inventory level reaches the upper limit down to — & at this time, station + />! 2 starts a the inventory up By up t/i until station 2 takes on 1 hand, station level further can be characterized by 3.1, the set of barrier policies of interest it regular task and switches to help station its b, station works alone to bring inventory down to regular task and the normal production resumes. break right away when the inventory - 2.3 and we can write the value function (3.2), b On — hi, and the other level hits zero until station 1 brings 1 and then switches back to the production of good Propositions 2.1 when the inventory starts a break 1 to y2, at this point, station 2 switches to help station to b2. five critical bringing the inventory regular task). 2 (its dominant barrier luider a policy in terms of the five critical values. awnl^-'^{i - v{x) ei") + a(w + Siq)(l - r,!'-"' „''2-!'2\„ y^^ _L /9^^ _L X ...^fViM ,Lr\ - d' a*il,p\ — atd*P2 ) where a. (61,1/1), a*(6i.t/i). ''(''21 Proposition 4.1. optimal policy must Proof. (x > 1/2). ^ik^I f'*(''2,J/2) ^i''' In an optimal bHiricr policy, —a Let T be the first policy, time the inventory reaches x again after T, and ii(x defined in (2.11). = 0- fti = ft in certain state by one unit, 5 = T(T,x), the state mii.sf iiave — 1, x) we have rti level decreases be the expected following the optimal policy over the i)criod (T, 5]. of the process, By = i/i </2 = 0, and i)resent value starting in state x the strong — C2 — xh/ft — 1 x and Markov and renewal properties x/,. p an ^" other words, we have "^^^=l-ii;,le--]^,_i[e--]<''-^^- Note that v{x) dtp2 fully utilize the flexible resources. Suppose imder an optimal barrier 0). it (4.1) ^•„~(*~^) „-(*-•') a^d py J p'. > if + u(x and only — 1,1) > if p - C2 — xh/ft since there is + u(x EAe-r^ - 1, z) > 0. + u(x - 1, .)) There must be the case that a barrier policy that can guarantee zero profit. , f^i = + ("ijQ. Denote by v(^') the value function under the alternative policy. ^>'(x) = !!^ _,si , since > r?i ^1 — and p — C2 + xh/(fl contradicts that the nominal policy = P that Pi By -\- We (^i«- where whicli follows the optimal policy cxcejjt iu the state x Now, choose an alternative policy f>ia) - (?' + - T—7- + - l,x) ^2 u(x > u{x- l.x))> - ]> cj - = can similarly prove that Pi implies that ni v(x) + u(x — xli/fl optimal. Hence, in an optimal barrier is Then 1, aj i)olicy, = a+ x) = > 0. This implies (^2/^- Propositions 4.1, we can further reduce the set of \uidominated strategies to be the barrier numbers policies with three critical dominant barrier A,-, i = and 1,2, by assuming h ;/, = 0, = i 1,2. Under a policy, the value fimction a(w + = v{x) {>iq)(l (Lpl-d'p2 -m') — a*dtp\ a^d* P2 (4.2) p[q + 62W){\ - iup-,^'-'^ r,^') a^d r pi - a>2~"~'' — a dtp^ where = a.(/>i) 1 - {niP2')'','i'(l'i) = 1 - (niPl')'' = '^(''2) , 1 - {^l2P2)'\d'(h2) = 1 - (fhPi)'"- (4.3) Define = l(h-hiJ,2] By l(b Fact — bi in Apjiendix, 5. + 1;1,62) is Thus, we can define we know that ^2 any n'(b^)d4h2)p\. b,l)iJi2 and l(b — b > i;''i-l) 'f' such that /*2 + (4.4) bi A b2, l{b;bi,b2) > 0, strictly decreasing in 62- be such that l(h and for strictly decreasing iu 61, bi - a4b,)d'(b2)pl - ii + - 62) > 0, and b^- 1, /<2) < 0, (4.5) l;/'i,l) > 0, and/(/)-?/i;/*i,l) < 0. (4.G) 1; 1, l(b be such that l(b-b2 + Lemma 4.1. For any x and there an optimal harrier fixed h, 62. ma.x{v{x;bl*),v(x,b)} where v(x;y) is the value function with is by — «/ ftj such that v{x;b\) 'i"*^ ''J* 's = uniquely de- termined by A:i(^i + 1) < !indki{b^)> r~' 10 — (4.7) «1 = ''l . 1 ft(l-n2')n(ln) ami n{hi) = m,(6i) = (u(fti - 1)(1 - - a,(b:)(l - r?J'"M, m'{b,) = a'(b, - 1)(1 -n\']- a'(b,){l - ryj'-'). ki is strictly decieHsinp; in bi for b^ Proof. For fixed and b — nt(lii)a*(bi < a.C'i r/t') and bi - 1) - l)a*(fti), inrrrHsing in is (4.8) bi for b^ > bi. compute ^2, v{x;b,) - v{x;b, - 'L^) = K, (kAbi) - I) where rl(b;b„b2)l{b;b,-l,b2,) since a(bi) > < e(x) 0, > (defined as in (2.9)), and l(b\bi,b2) by Facts and 4., 2., 5. in Appendix. We also notice that ,,;,,,, - ki(bi - ki(bi) ,, 1 = «^f '"^(1 - r„),r'^-^-^^V-""''^''a.(l)a'(l)^(/' - f'i + 1; 1.^2) 7 /?(l-r7h'i(''i)«(''i-l) li; • - Pr)^'-'-" - n';((i (1 - p:')P2'-'~" - iPl' - P2'))] < »l=:0 if (1 and only — py )p2 if > decreasing for - l{b 61 Pi < + l;l,/'2) > ~ p2 fo'' > hi 6J* (defined in (4.7)) LGmma b^ and and is h a; > since a.(l) ])y 1 Facts 1., > hi, increasing for bi 0, a*(l) and 3., < 4. 0. a(bi) > and 0, - (1 p2^)Pi Therefore, ki{bi) in Api)cndix. and there are two possible is local optimal points, (the corner solution). 4.2. For any x and Rxcd b, ftj, n\SLx{v(x,b2*),v(x,l)} where v(x\y) is the va/iie function with 62 there is an optimal })Hrrier = V- ftj -'^''c'j ^'J'^ ''2* f^iat ''* v(i; frj) = imiquely de- termined by k2{f>l + l)<^—-^, w+ andk,(b;)>^—-^, w + Oiq (4.9) OiQ where k(b)= '^ '^ a{l-r,\')d{b2) mn'(b2)a4bi)p'2 - n4b2)a'(bi)p\y d{b2) = d.(b2 - iyr(b2) n(b2) = d'(b2 - 1)(1 - r;*') - n,(b2) = d,(b2 - 1)(1 - r,5') - 11 - - 1), d'(b2)(l - r,*^-^, d4b2){l - 4-'-'), d4b2)d'{b2 (4 10) and k2 strictly increasing in i!^ PtooJ. For fixed b and is - > We strictly increasing fnr = > l>2 ''2 o + ('low \ J- . Vi ApM'^ + hq)P{n[b2)a»{b,)p\ - n,{b2)a*(b,)p\)c,{x) ^ ^ rl[b,b,M)l[h\hi.b2-h) ^2) > n*(b2)a.{h)P2 " (defined as in (2.9)), due to the facts a. > is / -l) = K2[ hib^) - v{x- b2 the vahie fmictioii with ^2 ^ ^'" since g[x) nnd b^ compute 61, v{x; b^) where v(x\y) < for h^ 1)2 < 0, a* 0, l{b; ftj, > n'(b2) and 0, "*(''2)'i*(''i)/'i and n,(b2) > > hy Facts and 2., 3., 4. in Api)en(hx. have also - r72)(l - ^?^ )^f '-'^^^-\/.(l)'/'(lK(fc " h + 1; ft({n'(b2}<u{b,)4 - n.(b2)a'{by)p\)((n'{b2 - l)a.(b,)r\ - n.(b2 aril'-'-'d '^ '' '^ ' ' • lE^2(^2 - - /'I ({P2 - Dp;'"'-'-" - - (P: 1)/'2'"'"'"'")1 ^'1, 1) l)a*(''i)/i) > 11=0 if and only [pi ~ l)/'2 We if ^(6- + ^"'' ' ' 61 1,62) 1; > 2; 1 > < since (1,(1) by Facts 1., 3., and > 0, fi*(l) 4. ^udp2-Pi < (/'2 - l)/'r'*'"^""' " Appendix. in conclude the proof by the same argument as 0, the i)roof of in Lemma 4.1. I Lemma and 4.3. For any x fixed 6,, t + > )k(6* 1) = 1,2, fhcre + ^— ^-. a ;.s iwique optimal harrier bou) w + + 7 ^ andk(b')<- SiQ (jJ b* determined by i^2W (4.11) f-, + Oiq where - "(1 - n\')(aAf'iK{l>2)(i - P2')p;'' - n'(fn)<L(b2){i - ft(l-n'2')a,(bi)a*(h,)(r2'-p-[') and k Proof. is It a strictly increasing function of ft. can be calculate that v{x; where v(x\y) is ft) - /q v[x- defuied in (4.2) with j^ ^ h-l) = K\ -\- \w + ft = pIpI^x^uj —- S-)UJ k(b] oiq j/, + 6,q)ft,u(hiy('>l)(P2' r/(ft;fti,ft2)/(ft- l;fti,ft2) 12 - pT') > Q p:')p2'') (4^0) since a* > 0, a* < 0, e(x) < and pi < P2- I Proposition 4.2. There which jointly exists an satisfy conditions in optimal barrier policy with three Lemma Proof. Given the monotonirity projierties determined by (4.11) is critical numbers h' , 6,*, i — 1, 2, 4.1.-4.3. shown bounded inflependent in Lenuiin 4.1 of the choire of - 4.3, /*,, it ran he shown that /**(/'!, ''2) and hence, there always a fixed point sncli that conditions in Leiuiiia 4.1.-4.3. are satisfied. I 5. Conclusion In this paper, flexible resources. we propose a stochastic control With respect model to study the managerial issues regarding to a class of feasible policies, namely barrier policies, we present general computational results, identify the dominating strategies in the real time allocation of the flexible workstations which can serve as a i)riuciple in the management of the flexible production system, and find the conditions which explicitly determine the oi)timal barrier policy. The importance of the barrier policies lies on the fact that the optimal barrier policy is an ojjtimal Markovian policy in the sense that the state space consists of inventory and workstation status. However, the completeness of the optimal barrier jiolicy (whether needs further investigation. 13 it is optimal among all the adai)ted policies) . Appendix We Lemma list the following facts as refcrcucc of Section tlic and most of the proofs are immediate. 4. 5.1. a^l) = -1 - I = t]iP2 — (l-/'2 T— + (^lO + r ^(^2 + -1 i^l) -^ ) > f'' ) < 0. /7 a (1) = 1 - tup^ rf^l) = 1 - f?2^2 (/ (1) = —— — = r - 1 + r a + O2P + r = ri2Pi n a + O2P , = —-(1 , r— Pi (1 - /'2) < 0. (1 - ^1) > 0. Lemma 5.2. a«() anci d'{) arc strictly incvcHsing hikI (i*() niul '/*() nrc strictly decreasing. Lemma 5.3. a(bi),'m.t{hi),m' (hi), d(h2), i = 1,2. Consequently, a,(bi)/(i* and d'(b2)/d,(b2), (1 - 11,(1)2) — (hi), (1 r?i' - r?*')/(/.(f>2) a^'i (1 3«(i ""(''2) ^t-o positive )/a,(/*i) an*/ (1 f;2')/rf*(''2) a''^^ — and increasing = a,(bi)a*(hi - - 1) a^bi - nirrea.sinff Hi /<2. l)'i'(/'i) 6,-2 = a.(l)n (I) 2_^(r]iPi r?i' p^ ) - (p2 Pi ) 11=0 m,(6i) = a.(6i - 1)(1 - r/J') - a.(6,)(l - ti\'-') m*(6i) = a*(bi - 1)(1 - r,J') - a*(bi)(l - n^'-') A, - . -2 >-^(i - r,iK(i) Ei^i^rM-d „ , 1 ^ , / . > ^r'''-'-'") > 0, 11=0 d(b2) = d,(h2 - - l)d*(b2) d,(b2)d'(b2 - 1) *2-2 n*(62) = n'r'd.(i)d'(i) j2i'i2PiP2)"(p'r'-" n=0 = d'(b2 - 1)(1 - r,^') - d'(b2)(l - p\'''-") > - r;^-M *2-2 n.(62) = ri2'~'(i = rf.(ft2 - - J2in2Pi)"{i - p'r'-") > ri2)d'(l) 1)(1 - r,*') - rf,(62)(l 63-2 ii=n 14 - r,*^"') > r7i')/a*(6i) aie jncreasing^ in Pror)/. a(fti) for h{ 0, 0, > 0, 1, fti, Lemma 5.4. g(x) Lemma 5.5. For any decreasing in Proof. bi, > and 0, b, l(b By Proposition < c(x) 0, g(x) increasing mid r(x) is 61,^2 sncii that — + /)2 1; ''! 1) > b ''' A bi 62, '(''; is (lrcrr;isin<r ^i. ''2) > 0, l(b - in x. b^ + 1; 1, 62) is strictly decreasing in b^. 2.3., u\[x) = E,{r e-''\^-.{t)dt) Jo _ 1 - d4b,)p',-d'(b2)pl r??' r ' - a'(bi)d,{b2)p\-a4bi)d'(b2)p\ 'h pi /(ft;ii,/'2) The second > since e(x) >0, l(b\bi,b2) r which implies <^{^) P2 < 0. assertion follows from that l{b-bi + l:lb2)-l{l>-l>i\l,f>2) = The a4l)d'(b2){l - P2)p''2~'"^' - third assertion can be similarly proved. a*(l)./.(''2)(l - Pi)p\''"^' < 0. strictly References Processes nnd Queues, Springer- VorhiR, Now 1. Bremaiid, 2. Ciular, E., Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Pioiitiro-H;ill, P., Poiijf York, 1981. Euglcwood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975. 3. ('iiilar, E., "QtU'ucs with Arrival? and Sorviros HaviuR Random Intensities", niiiiio. Northwest- ern University, 1982. 4. Dynkin, E.B. and A. A. 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