.•^Hl^ UD»BA£IES) o Dew«y HD28 FEB .M4U Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 22 1985 A SURVEY OF CURRENT TRENDS IN THE USE OF EXECUTIVE SUPPORT SYSTEl^S David W. De Long John F. Rockart November 1984 CISR WP #121 Sloan WP #1596-84 (c) D. W. De Long. J. F. Rockart 1984 Center for Information Systems Research Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology I FEB 2 2 - 1 Introduction Since 1979 there has been the evolution executive of but growing amount of research done on small a support systems These (ESS). systems have been defined as "terminal -based computer systems designed to aid senior executives in the management of Rockart/Treacy, Levinson] 1981; Virtually all [Levinson]. the firm" has been ESS research [e.g., attempt an develop to an understanding of what executive support systems are, how they are implemented, The authors have drawn conclusions about ESS and how they are actually used. from a limited relatively companies of set that pioneered have the in development of systems to support top management. Partly because of the limited evidence, much argumentation exists as Rockart and Treacy the efficacy and future path of executive support systems. observed [Dearden, in 1980 Naylor, senior executive that only a few that very a phenomenon Mollis] Kiechel, using ESS the press since computer terminal unusual top Despite these negative predictions, business have continues to was makes managers will that little, have however, Others, growing. suggested if them the any, on on an increasing sense their number of idea the management literature and the report to of a and desks. popular senior executives who are making use of computer terminals [Perham, Whiteside, Nulty, Steinhart, Verespej, Davis]. What has been missing up to this point is any 2 - evidence concerning the actual prevalence and of use ESS in organizations. How many top executives are using computers to help manage their businesses? And, what is the impact of ESS? What are they using the terminals for? purpose The the of study reported here was to gain some insights into these questions, by providing data from which to draw rough conclusions about A second objective was to identify some of the proliferation and use of ESS. the issues emerging and concerns that could focus the be of future ESS research. This survey is just one part of of executive support systems. a multistage study into the current state The objective of this research descriptive understanding of the systems now in existence ESS are being used, the systems. In their strengths and weaknesses, the end, we hope this analysis will senior management's use of computers which will future ESS and in and — is to gain a the ways in which the users' views of produce conclusions about be of value both in designing understanding the impact of the technology on the ways in which senior executives will manage their organizations in the future. Methodology The 50 corporations chosen for this sample of the 1984 Fortune 500 list. In study represent each case, a 10 percent random we contacted either the - 3 executive computer senior or corporation, the in person capable of providing the best overview of the area \nterview, telephone that and confidential they would sent be Interviews were conducted between July responding and The 1 copy a their of of each responses were outset the final the report. and September 15 1984, with 45 firms choosing not to participate. 5 problems with telephone interviews shown here must be treated with care. In addition, that told were interviewees the activity in the firm's At systems. support executive computer-based of systems information the several are known, well and the results some interesting data emerged. However, qualitative themes were noted time and time again, and we believe they are worth reporting. The interviews ranged amount of ESS activity subject talk to about from in the interview took 20 minutes. but not every the 5 30 to depending on the firm and the willingness of the minutes respondent's applications in length, their and impacts. The average The questions used came from an interview outline, question was covered each in interview because of interviewee time constraints and reluctance to discuss particular items. The qualifying question used at the your company have computer-based interviewer read the following: systems' The executive support "For this study, are either directly to the him CEO (or or a member her). of interview was: systems?" we define "Does Then, the 'executive support for any business function. as the routine use of a computer terminal users reporting outset of each the Executive implemented at the corporate and/or divisional level." senior support management systems can team be One of the problems with any study of "executive support systems" there information What one computer." our systems discount would another ways, great confusion about what still is as really executive might define electronic "just constitutes as that system. a "executive support", "just personal or mail" such is a Because this concept is evolving so fast and in so many different objective was executives had first corporation's top simply terminals begin to determine the system's capabilities, whether determine to on their desks. not or Then, we a could degree of use and impact on the organization. Findings Three significant findings emerged from the interviews: About two-thirds of the companies had some activity going on in the area of computer-based executive support. The type of use and expected organizational impact varied widely. three as companies was ESS usage described "high." Another In only fourteen reported "moderate" use. Several key issues appeared repeatedly throughout the interviews. point the way to critical areas for further research in the ESS area. Most 5 - Widespread and Diverse Activity out of the 45 responding 30 corporations In executive, at either corporate the our survey, divisional or As Exhibit terminal on his or her desk. in I level, terminals are appearing on the desks of "a few users" opposed to individual — systems terminals had or office-wide applications. in — exceeds the number of corporations — 30 ~ because some firms have multiple computer a the corporation, where executives with systems as number of (Note the total 39 one (29), computer in most cases shows, at least have different capabilities.) There are automation, essentially status access, offer capabilities from "Office such as terminal the automation" electronic is designed (See to capabilities. 1981), mail, and classifications query and of analysis. in make the office specific systems combination of the three classifications. generally means calendaring this category Exhibit capabilities: Often, and terminal -based word access II). functions to The processing. usually networked to others in the company, twelve firms computers a three although executive's four of in executives were using stand-alone personal Office executive more automation efficient, applications and do Although unreported in previous research the use of terminals for communication purposes not (e.g., (e.g., appears now to be a significant factor in the evolution of ESS. are provide generally analytic Rockart/Treacy, electronic mail) - 6 access" "Status and predetermined used generate to depending the on give applications preformatted status set particular may system, but be ability the through reports of reports access manager a The terminal. a hourly updated significant the access to data quarterly or about thing a these reports is that their formats are static and the numbers of reports available is query-based systems, Unlike reports generated by finite. the data cannot be manipulated or broken down further. analysis" and "Query ability the is "what if" and other analysis. to are capabilities the provided not be linked to corporate data bases. in this packages. The the by ability to ad do support systems," this for problems still include developing in mainframes, is and the unstructured have relatively difficulties rare software the for discuss they production effective ramifications of providing political or may corporate data "executive Reasons executive level. aggregating in as spreadsheet using extensive in the at such nine of the fourteen systems mind when in packages and which may microcomputers querying hoc spreadsheet computers, fact, In stand-alone are which is what many writers bases, cited category and Also included in this data bases. Lotus 1-2-3, which are available on personal found random One means of doing this is through analytical tools which access corporate or divisional category perform data bases, access to data on such access for top management. companies Of the 30 desks, the most common where user executives is, as have expected, computer the chief terminals financial on their officer (37%), closely followed group the by chairman of the board (30%). In vice presidents company or another, one and (33%) CEO the or terminals are found on the desks of virtually all types of functional vice presidents at the corporate It is team, at either management noting, worth level. the however, corporate that ESS use divisional or entire an by level, is still relatively rare. Limited Use The most obvious finding in terms of the "Degree of Use" as illustrated in Exhibit III, the of use is that only in computer terminals considered number of the systems get "Moderate" only six systems fell into the "Low" (i.e. a "High" of the very few cases (daily several times a week) (infrequent or no use) of 39) (3 A use). systems, is significant use. category, While it is also likely that a majority of the "Don't know/Didn't comment" responses would fall into the "Low" not know or do use category. Our guess is that if key informed enough to comment on use, not feel I/S managers do then the systems probably are not very active. As might be expected, identical there is a very strong correlation (the figures are except for one company) between the interviewer's impression of the "Impact of Use" (Exhibit IV) and the "Degree of Use" (Exhibit Exhibit IV shows that executive computer use is not yet having direct impact on the way most organizations are managed. III). a Data in significant Instead, there tremendous be appears to ranging from "no comments with impact, variability in both use impact" to "the system has changed the discernible and way he does business." Emerging Issues Although were issues a telephone survey is raised a consistently so limited research instrument, by those issue is interviewed that a series of they deserve special mention and further attention. Political Implications first The most and critical implications political the increasing access for senior managers to unfiltered operations data. corporation, the divisions taken 20 days executives two to days get now after the on-line access have the same monthly to books information. Previously, close. "Our ESS has made the one In reports operational of from it had division The feedback people aware that they are under far more scrutiny than before. comes much faster," said the corporation's I/S executive. At this company, on seen data on the screen, off to financial VPs at several occasions the run off a hard-copy, division level, vice president red-penciled it, demanding of finance and mailed explanations for has it certain 9 - numbers. VPs were taken aback at how fast the corporate level The divivional react to could now their paper asked that formats ESS the -- numbers the installed be at even before Subsequently, divisions. the in sometimes their level, the they so were they seen divisions in have anticipate could questions from corporate management. This situation typical is kinds the of problems of organizations are going to face as ESS technology spreads. more more and "Who controls the The question is who gets what data and when," data is the key issue in ESS. said one I/S manager in a natural resources corporation. To deal with this issue, the manager of electronic office systems telecommunications company said his firm had appointed at the executive level address to manages access to corporate data. organization own the financial a data? We a "data base manager" questions of data ownership. "We had to ask: in person This does the controller in the decided the data belongs to the company, not the function," he said. Data ownership and data access issues can have actual data "reported" to review data and launder it," manufacturing company. however, still in the corporation. "Now the "laundering" the "The staff used to have more time said the manager of VP sees significant impact on the raw data." I/S planning In other for a large organizations, process has merely been speeded up because the data moves up through the management hierarchy. 10 - Influencing Computer Use however, There is another side, top of having organizations. them on their Once significantly. increases executives desks, use the "The proliferation of terminals at the the to begin computers of benefit chief terminals, using of by the or least at subordinates their executives' use of computers is that they make it easier for subordinates to buy systems because understands the benefits," now the boss corporation, I a are I/S executive. another In senior executive forced his staff to get terminals saying, send an electronic mail systems said one regularly used being message, expect I top by a response." management to In "If cases where the monitor performance data, lower level managers are demanding access to the system so they can see the data their superiors are getting. "If you're not on the system, you're not in the ball game," commented one interviewee. Data Management Difficulties The politics of increased data access for top management are not, however, the managing proving with barrier only to production to be the aggregating making data bases biggest available. data in a physical non-compatible data corporation roadblock bases accessing Aggregating, to and with ESS multiple divisions development. inconsistent data and is Problems elements, - frequent with combined resistance 11 and - outright refusal make to data this available to top management, make data access a major issue that will have to be addressed if executive support systems are to be effective. Implementation Problems Another major barrier to the effective development of ESS is the lack of a well -understood implementation process. Unlike the processes for implementing more traditional transaction processing or decision support systems, which are well well executive documented, support methodologies implementation not yet are understood. Four reasons for implementation problems were frequently mentioned. ESS is scarce. relatively a Second, unique culture, system is upon old I/S subject each system must be designed to meet different needs, fit a by the management investment to use the from that style user of on user the during Finally, system. the there is and design a Third, each requires stage tendency and to a in draw development processes, which are actually counterproductive for ESS. Evidence of the implementation comments made during the interviews: us the still time learning tell literature and draw from differently structured data bases. actually implementing and is shaped significant concept, new First, what they really need." "The problems can "We hope management will CFO likes the system we says he wants 'more'. But he hasn't told us what 'more' means." be found in come back and gave him and 12 - - It's just that executives don't know yet how to use "It's not resistance. use but it, wildfire." once developed "We used get people Right now they are get out of it. the system and what they can the but system, a system, the to executives like spread will it reluctant to don't use it much." Why? "There are some cultural problems." All exists of around systems. develop I/S implementation the people, information management has evidence of statements are these not for the from systems thoroughly process most part, a considered needed have senior confusion or the not what support executive for previously management ignorance that been asked And top provide the perspective. information will to most leverage for managing and thinking about the business. One implementation (Rockart/Treacy, Levinson) numbers are small by the Only executives one-third of hypothesis presented previous in received some backing in the survey. studies Although the and the data subjective, 87 percent of the systems initiated themselves the receive systems "sold" "moderate" to top to "high" management by use I/S (Exhibit V). were the in "moderate" category. None received a "high" degree of use. Hardware and Software Capabilities Another barrier to ESS needed to handle the special is the lack of hardware and software capabilities requirements of an ESS. Vendors will often claim 13 - their that can meet software specs the designed systems of support to top System components for an management, but user experience suggests otherwise. hard to find and respondents' comments illustrate the acceptable ESS are still problem: don't have "We hand and a executive the system that can delivery the information he synthesize and Finding needs. summarize software data packages that can integrate data from many data bases is the biggest barrier to ESS." "Our first project find to is a software package company to get at financial data very flexibly on "We won't have an ESS Once that software data. we until is find a allow will the PC or terminal." a link that to found and implemented, our mainframe financial our executives will begin to use the system for decision support." Never before has the transparent and so fast. does exist, for a is customized executives. of it As a a While much of the result, that the can the be so so hardware and software implement the whims integrated, and component pieces needs of individual technology utilized frequently falls far short The flurry Boeing suit to necessary difficult to find and system user expectations. issue -- Metaphor, of very technology been called on EIS, significant marketplace and of companies, Pilot Software, a however, etc. — now addressing suggests the possible solution for this problem. this presence 14 - . Management Style ultimately separates use of executive an executives, individual support plays system. dictates which It the factor the the is use and development design, the in management non-use that computer management-oriented other all "management style" applications is the role and from ESS notwithstanding, problems technical and access Data style of computer of Executives whose personal terminals and the need for specific applications. style calls for lots of face-to-face communication, while leaving analysis to continue to resist ESS. their staffs, will So will who fear being embarrassed by the computer. several executives here who would love to those who do not type and Said one I/S manager, have an ESS, but "There are they won't move because of their sensitive egos and fear of criticism." A respondent at one little interest ESS. in high They tech corporation see no need to "Our said, become top management terminal operators. has At best they will become casual users." At another firm, secretary," to It is only "I capabilities, but executive responses to I want to have to a push new ESS one ranged button," from: "Train my to want "I the don't have time to learn the system." clear that a large number of senior reasons, are not turning to terminal usage. for many rational they be pushed, said the executives, Nor will 15 manager I/S at products forest a company. "If you think you can sell an executive by jamming the system down his throat, you are very wrong." User Support User support is clearly factor in determining critical a the technology because it is essential 19 of for dealing with management resistance Asked about the type of support currently provided for executives, 15 to ESS. of success the respondents listed support provided. "one-on-one" or "coaching" Sometimes this lesson is only An I/S manager commented, as the primary type of learned through experience. "We've relied on one executive vice president to use the computer, giving him very easy software packages. But he has just not used the spreadsheets on his own, as we thought he would. The support will have to be much more intense." Security executive Once security. files users. Security (e.g., Some support is strategic firms have a systems very plans, big are issue in because executive dealt with the place, of bonuses) problem a problem new the sensitivity created head and One on. example, has three to five levels of passwords for ESS users. feeling vaguely uneasy about the security issue, about it. "Because we have a centralized DP but are not operation, arises of accessed company, — the by for Other firms are sure what to do there are lots of - localized about concerns said security," PC applications director the 16 and computing corporate of questions resulting the for major a of engine "There's lots of talk and worry, but no action as yet." manufacturer. The Future plans Future for executive support systems corporations the in range from none to extensive. According to our interviews, studied 23 of the 30 firms that currently have some executive support systems in place intend to provide additional ESS capabilities. In addition, that are currently 3 of the 15 firms without any ESS have plans to initiate executive systems (see Exhibit VI). Of the 30 firms that currently have some ESS activity, 18 continue to move ahead slowly in this area, while development. no plans companies to 5 corporations are "charging ahead" with ESS The future plans for 3 remain expand where their ESS current development ESS is "in efforts. 2 companies have surprisingly, Not "charging and limbo," ahead," in 5 received systems the the early and strong top management involvement and direction. It appears that, of additional ESS with more than half of the respondents planning some type activity in the future, the use of computers by executives will continue to increase in the next few years. As generations of computer applications, ESS will uniform. however, the spread of Our understanding of these systems is primitive. senior with earlier not be Much more needs to - 17 be learned about issues such as the effects of senior management style on ESS, the managerial comprises an tasks that effective are most implementation appropriate for methodology, these systems, what — perhaps most and significantly -- the impact of these systems on the organization. - 18 - REFERENCES Davis, David "SMR Forum: Review , Spring 1984. Computers and Top Management," the Computer Dearden, John "SMR Forum: Will Fall 1983. Management?" Sloan Management Review , Mollis, Robert "Real Executives Systems July 1984, vol.3 no. 7. Don't Use Change Computers," Sloan Management the Job Business Top of Computer . Kiechel, Walter "Why Executives Don't Compute," Fortune , November 14, 1983. Levinson, Eliot "The Implementation of Executive Support Systems," CISR Working Paper #119, Center for Information Systems Research, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 1984. "Decision Support Systems Naylor, Thomas H. M.I.S.?" Interfaces . August 1982, vol.12 no. 4. Nulty. Peter "How September 3, 1984. Personal Computers Change or Whatever Managers' Happened Lives." to Fortune Perham, John "The Computer and the Top Honcho," Dun's Business Month 1983, vol.121 no. 5. , , May, Rockart, John F. and Treacy, Michael E. "Executive Information Support Systems," CISR Working Paper #65, Center for Information Systems Research, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1980. Rockart, John F. and Treacy. Michael E. "The CEO Goes On-Line." CISR Working Paper #67, Center for Information Systems Research, Sloan School of Management. MIT, Cambridge, MA. April 1981. Rockart, John F, and Treacy, Michael Business Review . January-February 1982. E. "The CEO Goes Steinhart, Jim "The Computer and the Boss," Executive , On-Line," April 1984, Harvard vol.26 no. 4. Whiteside, David "Computers Invade the Executive Suite," Management (European edition), August, 1983, vol, 38 no. 8. International EXHIBIT I CAPABILITIES/USEPS RANGES OF USE corporate/ a division^ FEW USEES OFICE OFICE AUTOmTION i AN irCIVIDUAL TOTALS EWIBIT II CAPABIUTIES/ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE ST/VC rCTWDRKED* OFICE ALfTOmTION STATUS ACCESS i Ql£RY* CO ANALYSIS TOTALS 8 ALiDNE EXHIBIT III DEGREOFUSE DEGREE USED HIGH OFICE STATUS ACCESS i C/5 QUERY S ANALYSIS TOTALS MODERATE UDW DON'T KNOW/ DIDN'T CCrTENT % w EXHIBIT IV I^PACT OF USE ON T}€ ORGANIZATION I^yACT DON'T KNOW EXTBSIVE OFICE AOTCmTION -J C/5 STATUS ACCESS QUERY & ANALYSIS TOTALS EXHIBIT V SYSTEM INITIATOR/DEGREE OF USE INITIATOR I /S GENERATED HIGH MODERATE CO >CO LOW TOTALS MGT- I /S COMBO MGT GENERATED EXHIBIT VI FUTURE ESS PLANS PLANS CHARGING MOVING AHEAD IN LIMBO AHEAD SLOWLY OFFICE AUTOMATION ^ STATUS ACCESS OQ Q_ QUERY & ANALYSIS GO >- NO ESS TOTALS INSUFFICIENT NO PLANS DATA M!T LIBRARICS 3 'IDfiD DDM 513 DO Date Due wo JUN 7 '88 X i^l FEB WAV 1 I ^'^ Lib-26-67 ^"