«/T. LJBRARIE8 - DEWEY Dewey HD28 .M414 no. SPAIN IN THE INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT PATH Working Paper No. 3740-BPS/94 Jose M. Campa New York University and Mauro F. Guillen MIT Sloan School of Management Jose M. Campa Stern School of Business New York University 44 West 4th St. New York, NY 10012-1126 Ph: (212) 998-0429 e-mail: jcampa@stern.nyu.edu Mauro F. Guillen MIT Sloan School of Management 50 Memorial Drive E52-554 Cambridge, 02139 Ph: (617) 253-4417 MA e-mail: guillen@mit.edu November 1994 Research funding from the Carnegie Bosch Institute for Applied Studies in International Management is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Carlos Pereira and Montserrat Luengo for research assistance. SETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEC 01 1994 LIBRARIES Abstract This chapter explores the ownership, locational and internalization advantages of outward and inward Spanish foreign direct investment (FDI) development path (TDP) in in order to test the predictions of the theory of the investment the case of a middle-income country. We first present the historical evolution of FDI since the mid-19th century, discussing the interplay between economic and political factors. Focusing on the 1986-1992 period, outward FDI first of income levels, assets, R&D effort, trade intensity, and revealed comparative advantage going analyses of the determinants of inward and by home/host country and then by industry. By country, we find the expected confirms the IDP theory activity we conduct econometric all in its different aspects. to countries with higher and prior FDI history. Industry profitability, intangible predict higher Outward FDI FDI activity in an industry. Inward FDI also behaves as predicted, with incomes. FDI to lower-income countries is terms, however, most Spanish created assets are exploited government incentives to R&D in most FDI mainly market-seeking while higher-income countries receive both asset-seeking and market-seeking Spanish FDI. internalization advantages or effects In absolute countries with a higher income, and advantages play a very limited role. 1. Introduction The case of Spain may be taken spite of moved as representing a group of middle-income countries that, in being early industrial izers and having achieved relatively high standards of living, have not far in what has been termed the "investment development path" (Dunning and Narula 1994; Tolentino 1993:92-119). Dunning and Narula (1994) posit that the relationship between FDI. on the one hand, and the ownership, locationaJ and internalization (OLI) advantages of countries and firms, on the other, changes according relative weights to the country's stage of economic development. and roles of the three elements of the OLI or eclectic approach In other words, the to international production vary as countries (and their firms) become richer, shift from natural to created assets, and become more embedded to the rest in the world economy (Dunning 1979, 1981, 1988; Agarwal of Europe's Western and Southern fringes (Ireland, Portugal, Italy, and Greece), inward FDI by foreign direct investment (FDI) in Spain has historically exceeded outward 1980). Similarly a wide margin. Presently, there are only timid (and sometimes contradictory) indications that the growth rate of outward FDI is accelerating, and that inflows and outflows are becoming more balanced as more Spanish firms try to exploit their ownership advantages abroad. Studying the case of Spain most dynamic countries attractive host country in is important because during the 1980s she has been one of the terms of economic growth and FDI activity, consolidating and as an emerging source of FDI. In 1990 the ratio its position as an of outward-to-inward FDI stocks stood at 0.23, only slightly higher than in 1980 because net inward and outward flows increased compared at similar rates. In 1990 stocks of to the other large EU FDI were countries, Spain seems 13 times greater than ten years earlier. to be approaching Italy in terms of the relative importance and growth of outward FDI, and the United Kingdom as far as inward FDI As When is concerned. the country has developed economically over the last thirty years, Spain has attracted considerably 1 2 more inward FDI as a percentage of investing abroad less (Table It is useful to GDP than countries such as Germany, France or to those of the emerging economies of Europe, East Asia and Latin America that are playing increasingly important roles Taiwan, and Brazil, equal outward stocks in ratio of inward stock to GDP faster, have been to Mexico's, and higher than for Ireland, Chile, The only Spain's 0.23 in 1990 fast), large emerging was Korea's 0.40. similarly to Italy, Spain features a 1), which while most of Korea's In this chapter Korea or China. Spain's economy whose its in we manufacturing or first as well as to the in inward FDI (only China's has outward FDI (though Korea's and again China's ratio of GDP, however, outward-to-inward FDI surpassed Spain's outward stock was inward stock six times larger. much higher number of in industry and country level data, we Unlike Korea, but most Spanish outward investment in in services Spain since the dawn Attention will be devoted to the role of the political cycle, both domestic and international. Using analyze the locationaJ and ownership factors behind the evolution of inward and outward FDI since the country's entry into the European Union. the issues of the creation of assets through the future prospects for FDI. is trading of Korean manufactured goods. last thirty years. economic and in large service firms than large industrial provide a historical summary of FDI patterns of industrialization but focusing on the government in reflected in the fact that is is and Relative to 1990 three times larger than Korea's, and firms (Table FDI. Spain entered the 1980 were much higher than for any of these countries. The Spanish trajectory with Portugal's almost as faster). in lower than those for Portugal, Greece, during the 1980s stands out for the relatively rapid increase both been while 1). compare the Spanish experience decade of the 1980s with a Italy, R&D, Finally, we deal with the internalization advantages of Spanish firms, and 3 2. Historical As domestic is Overview many true of political events situations. other countries, the FDI cycle in Spain has historically been affected by and upheavals as well as by the domestic and international economic Liberal trade policies in the mid-19th century set the stage for the arrival of French. Belgian, and (after 1870) British investments in railways, mining, wineries, banking, insurance and public utilities. The return of protectionism and legal hindrances to foreign investment after 1891 slowed down the inflows. Meanwhile, Spanish investments abroad paled by comparison, with Cuba and Argentina as the major destinations (Tortella 1994:128-134; Nadal 1975:25-53, 87-121). The 1920s witnessed German and French investment the rise of American, in electrical machinery, chemicals, autos, and telecommunications despite growing restrictions to foreign investment and trade (Campillo 1963). Over this early period of industrialization, Spain attracted foreign investment at or economic crises. increasing rates albeit with Most of these early flows of assets such as mineral deposits many ups and downs FDI had to dictated by political, financial do with the exploitation of either natural and unique agricultural products (wines in particular) or the underdeveloped market for transportation, communication, banking, insurance, and basic industrial goods. During the first two decades of the century, Spanish investment abroad was negligible except for the mostly speculative flows during World War The Great Depression was shallower nonetheless devastating for FDI. The Civil in War I. Spain than elsewhere in Europe or America, but of 1936-39 represented a further setback to foreign investment and trade. After the war, the authoritarian government became dominated by populist and staunchly nationalist economic policy-makers that .. group of implemented a series of foreign exchange controls and protectionist measures, and encouraged import-substitution investments industry, while the Allied powers imposed 1940s. Foreign ownership restriction to a a trade embargo maximum that remained fully in in place until the late of 25 percent, the overvaluation of the currency, - the intricate system of multiple exchange rates, mounting inflation, and economic stagnation provoked and close to zero inward FDI. capital flight It was with the liberalization and stabilization measures of 1959 that the pattern of increasingly high inward FDI and a trickle of outward FDI returned. From Liberalization to The liberal EU Membership. 1959-1986 economic reforms of 1959 assigned foreign supplement the meager level of capital several roles to play: domestic savings, generate much-needed hard currency, and technology transfers (Varela Parache 1974; Mufioz et al. et al. facilitate 1978:45-60). The reformers also introduced changes in the protectionist regime: very steep tariff barriers were substituted for non-tariff barriers to trade. The punitive taxation of imports of industrial and consumer goods in a domestic market of considerable growth potential attracted inward FDI during the 1959-73 period. During the 1960s and early 1970s, inward FDI ranged between 0.15 and 0.59 percent of FDI in stayed under 0.1 percent of Spain, inward investment was GDP. By still GDP. while outward the mid-1970s and despite the reduction in foreign activity about 4 times higher than outward investment (Figure top 1. panel). Spanish investments abroad in the 1960s had to do with (1) the access to raw materials (uranium, paper pulp, petroleum, various metals, fisheries), (2) the creation of distribution channels for Spanish fish, beverage, and food products, (3) construction and engineering projects, and (4) banking. Manufacturing FDI based on ownership advantages was not significant until the early 1970s. While manufacturing FDI was initially represented nearly 40 percent. Firms textiles, Munoz worth 20 percent of in the and beverages industries invested et al. FDI during outward FDI, by the mid-1970s it chemicals, paper, mechanical, electro-mechanical, in manufacturing activities abroad 1978:352-353). Most analysts agree this period. total in that the Exchange controls were too tight government did and state subsidies (COCINB little 1973:25; to facilitate outward to help create distribution 5 channels abroad not very effective (Varela Parache destination of intense Spanish outward FDI et aJ. in the early 1972; Moreno More" 1975:106-107). One and mid-1970s was the relatively depressed French department of the Eastern Pyrenees (the historic Roussillon), to the north of one of Spain's most developed industrial regions, Catalonia (Castellvi 1973; Raurich et al. 1973). Catalan firms in the textile, clothing, appliances, chemicals, beverages, and food-processing industries invested there to secure access to the European Common Spain failed to significantly reduce location was selected for its Market given that the tariffs for labor-intensive 1970 Preferential Agreement with manufactured goods. This specific geographical proximity and relatively lower labor costs than in other European areas. The world economic FDI in crisis Spain. But by the late 1970s both outward and inward flows resumed their with significant annual ups and second of 1973 and the transition to democracy after 1975 slowed oil downs until the mid-1980s (see top panel shock, the 1981 world recession, and the initial in Figure upward trend 1) due more than mid-1970s was three times the rates for the early 1970s. This in part facilitated by changes in albeit to the uncertainty over the socialist electoral victory in 1982. In 1985 outward and inward flows represented 0.16 and 1.00 percent of respectively, down GDP. upward trend since the governmental regulations. The agencies that had tightly controlled foreign transactions since the 1940s were dismantled as the Ministry of Commerce assumed the authority over foreign investment authorization and control (De Erice 1975).' EU Membership and the FDI The 1986-92 period Boom featured economic liberalization in the context of membership in the in 1973-74 and 1976-77 procedures for inward FDI were clarified and simplified (Munoz et al. while similar changes were introduced for outward FDI beginning with the first comprehensive legislation of 1973 and several liberalizing decrees in 1978 (De Erice 1975; Marfn 1982; 1978:45-60), Aguilar Fernandez-Hontoria 1985; Nueno Iniesta et al. 1981). 6 European Union (EU), rapid economic growth ("by 1992 Spain's per capita income was 80 percent of huge inflows of FDI the UK's), expansion of private enterprises in both manufacturing and services, peaking 1991 at GDP 4.2 percent of at 1.2 percent of origin of inward GDP FDI and in 1991, and the coming of age of outward FDI, towering also (Figure 1, top panel). Membership the destination of outward almost doubled to roughly two thirds of the total in the FDI accounted compared to EU for in has meant that both the by other EU countries has between 30 and 50 percent prior 1986 (Secretarfa de Estado de Comercio 1993:228-233). Flows from the United States or America have fallen in relative terms, while destinations such as France, the Netherlands, Portugal have become increasingly popular with Spanish firms. Outside of Europe, to to Latin and Morocco has recendy attracted manufacturing investment. Japan remains a minor source or destination of FDI (Portillo 1994). Most of the momentous surge in outward FDI has been non-financial (utilities, air transportation, telecommunications). percentage of 1, GDP in 1977 both financial and Outward manufacturing FDI trebled since the mid-1970s but has yet to reach the 0.3 per cent lower panel), and the 46 percent in services, total share mark of outward manufacturing FDI has fallen from an to 11 percent in 1993. Acquisitions have been more common all as a (see Figure time high of than greenfield operations (Figure 2, top panel). Since 1988 Spanish acquisitions abroad have mostly taken place in Latin America and the EU, targeting firms in utilities, banking, plastics, and oil and gas (Duran Herrera 1992:227-228). The goals sought by outward investments are. in decreasing order of importance, market access, technological assets, cheap factors, and, lastly, investments procurement (Figure materials seeking 2, nw materials lower panel). By comparison, between 1975 and 1978 outward factor or raw FDI was four times higher than market-seeking FDI (Nueno Iniesta 1981:152-153). Despite the unprecedented volume of outward FDI since 1986, inward investment stole the show, with much of its fast growth taking place through acquisitions of Spanish firms (Figure 3). The 7 most active acquirors were firms based in the UK and France, while the most targeted industries were food, beverages, chemicals and pharmaceuticals (Duran Herrera 1992:227). with outward FDI (see Figure 1, lower panel), and per cent. Given that the Spanish to that we 3. less rapidly than total inward share of the total has fluctuated annually between 35 and 65 its economy was becoming do with other kinds of barriers of entry defined had important difference referred to the relative importance and growth of manufacturing investment. Inward manufacturing FDI has increased since the mid-1980s although FDI One less protected, at many of these acquisitions the industry level of analysis, an explanation explore further in the following sections. Outward Foreign Direct Investment This section presents a more detailed analysis of the type of FDI transactions that have taken breakdown by major country of origin and/or place; their better understanding of increase in FDI where the Spanish economy for outward FDI and level and, as a result, the The in the investment-development path. activity in the last five years occurred both in Although the annual rate of increase (24% is destination; and their implications for a first task 23% both types of in for inward FDI), outward and inward direct investment. FDI between 1988 and 1992 has been inward direct investment started of this section is to empirically analyze the relationship its is most between the types of FDI likely to take place. We will use detailed data period 1988 to 1992 to contrast those implications empirically. mode on Spanish FDI We will first The activity a country process of economic development, but also on the pattern of terms of the host countries, the economic purpose of the investment and the investment much higher the economic conditions in the respective host countries. investment development path has clear predictions not only on the pattern of through at a similar Spanish capital account has worsened during this period. FDI pursued by Spanish companies and will follow The its in FDI flows in which the activity during the analyze Spanish outward s FDI activity in each country according to across industries in the The A investment. advantage less As we Later will analyze the differences activity takes place. of development of the host country is a major predictor of the type of inward developed country does not have a high level of created assets and lies in its production). The level mode FDI economic purpose. its endowment of natural assets (such as a country develops, both its raw materials, or cheap stock of created assets and its its comparative factors of stock of capital increase. increase in the stock of capital raises the marginal productivity of natural assets and the relative price of these assets. This process causes a We pursuing created assets. shift in inward FDI from seeking natural assets towards therefore expect a country's per capita income to be negatively related to the percentage of factor seeking FDI into the country and positively related to the percentage of asset- seeking investment. The existence in the host country of created assets not currently available in the induces asset-seeking FDI. The amount of country's level of development and its created assets in a country level of scientific activity. We is expect countries with higher country's FDI. We use two scientific activity as proxies for the existing level of created assets in the host country. The number of devotes to country positively correlated with the levels of scientific activity to have a relatively higher level of asset-seeking inward measures of home scientists R&D R&D and engineers activity while the output. in the country measures the amount of inputs a country number of patents in force in each country is a measure of the 2 Existing trade flows will also determine the purpose of likely to invest in foreign marketing FDI activity. and distribution for their products Companies are more in countries that represent an ^Clear problems exist with both of these measures: (1) certain created assets (such as brand names, know-how from traditional industries) are not likely to be highly correlated organizational advantages, or with these two measures ; (2) regulation on industrial property rights differs widely across countries reducing the incentive to register patents; and (3) definitional problems exist across countries for each measure. 9 important present and/or potential market for them. Therefore, we expect the current level of trade flows be'ween the host country and Spain to be a positive predictor of the percentage of inward that is market seeking for activities. 1 being served without market seeking We activities. to their data compiled by the Spanish economic purpose. following categories: a higher probability of Factors to favor this effect will be geographical proximity to Spain and high levels of international trade. The have also expect certain countries to FDI 4 Economic Ministry distinguishes FDI transactions according Investors are required to classify their investment within one of the marketing and distribution, production using Spanish technology, production without using Spanish technology, sourcing of raw materials, joint ventures, holdings, and others. We grouped these investments according to the IDP framework as follows: marketing and distribution are defined as market-seeking investments; those investments with the purpose of sourcing raw materials and of manufacturing overseas using Spanish technology are factor-seeking investments; and an investment is defined as asset seeking when its purpose is the production without using Spanish technology or the establishment of an overseas joint venture. 3 The lower panel of Figure different economic purposes. 2 describes the breakdown of outward FDI according Market seeking investments have grown throughout signalling the increase in export orientation of Spanish companies. The this to these period other two types of foreign High protection by a host government can also increase market-seeking FDI activity in production facilities as a way around protection. As explained below, we cannot distinguish this type of investment ' in our data. 'Notice that trade to example is This the US GDP that has low ratios are not necessarily related to rates of protection degree of protection. and a low ratio of international trade to An obvious GDP. economic phenomena intended to capture do have some For instance, the market seeking investment category does not include the possibility of investments in manufacturing production in a country due to the country's high level of protectionism. This case would likely be an investment in production using Spanish technology which we are classifying classification although close to the problems. as a factor seeking investment instead of market seeking. It) investment present a much FDI smaller amount of overall practically constant. Financial investments in the accounted for approximately 40% of the total activity and their levels have remained form of holdings and other financial transactions outward investment flow during this period (see Figure Financial investments are very sensitive to short run fluctuations in returns and to regulatory 2). differences across countries. development framework. As such, they Therefore, we are hard to analyze in the context of the investment will restrict our analysis to the other four types of investment. Table 2 shows the results of correlating the percentage of each host country that is variables defined above. dependent variable is total Spanish outward FDI flows to asset-seeking, market-seeking or factor-seeking with the independent 6 The first three columns report the results of regressions for which the the annual outward FDI flow by purpose to each host country as a percentage of total Spanish FDI to that country. ratio of the annual value of each type of Spanish FDI into the host country divided by that country's GDP. The goal is In the last three columns the dependent variable was defined not to understand the country variables that determine the amount of FDI country receives for each purpose but to determine what country characteristics be a destination of a certain type of FDI . i.e. the percentage of Spanish FDI in make it more as the the likely to the country that has a given economic purpose. The first column of Table 2 confirms the hypothesis of created assets will be more likely The results show both per capita in outward investment that Spain's We search those countries with a comparative advantage in those assets. income (GDPCAP) and the number of scientists (SCI) in the host country to be a positive and significant influence on the percentage of Spanish FDI that seeking. in also ran this specification substituting the input output measure (the number of granted patents in measure of scientific activity the host country) and the results 'The specific definitions of the variables used and is were asset by an similar. Both their sources are included in the data appendix. 1 1 the level of development and the level of scientific activity are positive predictors on the relative importance of asset seeking investments. The results for market seeking investments and factor seeking investments are also partly consistent with the theory. which Spain has a higher Spanish FDI in relatively bigger for those countries with Market seeking investments are level those countries of international trade (SFDIGDP) to (SPTRADE). We also find the existing stock of be negatively correlated with the importance of market Factor seeking investments are likely to occur in countries with which Spain does seeking activities. not have a high level of international trade and countries with a low level of created assets. that factor seeking include investments in raw material production and in cheap factors of Therefore, these investments should take place in those countries with a relative production. advantage FDI in natural rather (WFDIGDP) The is than created assets. last three columns country GDP. This specification avoids the implicit correlation the dependent variables in the first three columns due to the restriction that the three way in We reasons. also believe this normalization to be which the exogenous variables have been defined. Spanish FDI activity to be higher OECD in the host of Table 2 redefine the dependent variable as the ratio of each type of dependent variables must sum to 100. the The worldwide stock of FDI only significant for factor seeking investment. investment relative to the host country's among Recall Therefore, countries we in certain countries for also include as (OECD) and for Latin and their coefficients are not reported The results more consistent with However, we expect the level of geographical, regulatory and historical exogenous variables two America (LATIN). 7 dummy variables to control for Both dummies are positive as expected in the table. from these regressions confirm the evidence presented above. Asset seeking 'A third group of countries, the tax heavens, was dropped from the analysis due to the distortions caused by their tax regimes. 12 investments are more likely to occur in trade related countries while market seeking activities occur Only the level We of Spanish FDI stock The We new company by the country (SFDIGDP) and with weak. mode in significant with a positive sign. is which investment takes place in 8 27 the foreign investor or the acquisition or the establishment of a long run 10 Asset seeking investments have the goal of acquiring intangible created assets (such as know-how, brand names, or more transactions for these assets are often one of the main reasons for more likely when the intangible asset is Table 3 reports the Therefore, we would is more likely to company, column is i.e. Market This is expect this investment to be FDI is On the other hand, of the factor or market be a greenfield investment. results of these industry regressions in the first recognition). acquisition of an existing firm in the host country. the property of the investing seeking type, such investment name costly than intrafirm transactions (Caves 1982). internationalization. done through the "We decided GDP can distinguish whether the investment involved the establishment of relationship with an existing firm in the country. dependent variable to results for factor seeking investment are also decided to split the sample by the 9 manufacturing industries. a in FDI with a low stock of inward in countries high levels of international trade with Spain. with a high level of scientific activity, by mode of investment. The the total value of investment in an industry and year while in to split the factor seeking group between investments investments to produce with Spanish technology. We in search for raw materials and also included as a regressor the percentage of exports of each country that are minerals and raw materials. As expected, this variable was a significant positive predictor of the level of FDI seeking raw materials. Ideally one would look country. l0 However, data The raw data at the importance of each form of restrictions classified FDI do not allow us transactions as: creation of a existing investment, acquisition of an existing domestic of establishing a management relationship. as greenfield investments; domestic firms. as in Although we We transaction to each destination company, new company, such manner. capital increase in an and a long term loan with the intention first two groups and define the aggregate two and define the new measure as acquisitions of aggregate the also aggregate the last a capital increase can be in a an already foreign owned company (greenfield) to include all capital increases as greenfields. FDI to identify the transactions in domestic company we cannot (i.e. an acquisition) as well distinguish between the two. We decided 13 the second column the dependent variable Finally, the last in that industry. is the percentage of investment for that year that took place two columns use the percentage of investment in each industry and year that were greenfield investments and the percentage that were acquisitions as the dependent variables. The first The overseas investment. (PRFRAT) and production on FDI has consistently found two standard measures (PUBRAT), and report the results using PUBRAT literature which type of industries are more active the ratio of PUBRAT due (see R&D to data Caves 1982): the We measure of advertising expenditures (RDRAT). R&D problems when using the ratio." A We only higher implies a higher level of created intangible assets and a larger potential benefit from The results in the higher percentage of FDI activity are industries with high levels intangible assets. second column are practically identical: industries with a In this specification, also the (REVADV) comes FDI ratio activity. expenditures to production internationalization. large in that highly profitable industries more FDI those with a high level of intangible assets have intangible assets using to will help us determine two specifications of profitability and with large measure of revealed comparative advantage positive and significant suggesting that export oriented industries also tend to have activity. The information. distinction In between greenfield or acquisitions does not provide, however, much both specifications none of the exogenous variables are ever significant (except for the 10-firm concentration ratio, CIO The for greenfield investments). coefficients of the independent variables (except those of the industry null hypothesis that all the dummies) are equal to zero and the null hypothesis could not be rejected with an F-test. "Missing observations sample. set. Also, the R&D in the this, number of observations in the industry classification in the FDI data data significantly reduces the data are not directly comparable to the However, when we include always significant. R&D variable in the regression its coefficient is always positive but not 14 4. Inward Foreign Direct Investment The FDI, 1). i.e. rapid increase in inward FDI flows into Spain has been mainly due to non-manufacturing finance and service oriented industries, especially towards the end of the period (see Figure Although manufacturing FDI consistently increased than overall FDI. after 1986, Inward manufacturing FDI has increased at a did so at a it much much lower faster rate than rate outward manufacturing FDI and by 1993 inward manufacturing flows were nine times larger than outward flows. Given the importance of inward manufacturing FDI understanding of the country of origin of FDI, Therefore, takes place. we section for outward FDI. will its activity it will be useful to have a better industry composition and the form in which perform below an analysis similar FDI to that presented in the previous 12 Table 4 reports the results of regressing Spanish inward FDI flows from each home country, broken down by the mode of investment as As we in table 3 percent of each (PANINV), and percentage of The or acquisitions the home home country's investment country's outward FDI flow FDI in results for total investment Spain. countries or 12 country. 13 These countries when seeking in total to Spain that was greenfield show that countries with a high will incur FDI when searching created assets from equally or income per capita (GDPCAP) less likely to The home country is more developed countries. FDI by its To the extent economic purpose. the country of residence of the ultimate beneficiary of the investment. perform similar regressions by country of immediate origin. certain countries (such as tax heavens, the Netherlands, government regulations. perform high levels for factors in factor-endowed Unfortunately, data limitations do not allow us to distinguish inward 13 annual investment (PACQU). and countries relatively well endowed with created assets (SCI) are of home report the results using the following dependent variables: total annual investment by home country (TOTAL), (PGREEN) a function of the characteristics of the Due to report those results here. In those regressions we We also decided to exclude etc..) due to differences in taxation and to the possible noise introduced by this selection criteria we decided not [5 that Spain is an intermediate country most developed countries while, to less both developed countries OECD dummies destination of the the IDP, its level of created assets same time, Spain has lost are positive and significant. becomes positive and FDI from developed is still too low to appeal to comparative advantage with respect terms of cheap factors of production. LATIN and GDPCAP regression then in at in If Notice that OECD in this regression dropped from the is significant indicating the attractiveness of Spain as a countries for locational reasons, although not necessarily from the developed countries with the highest GDP per capita, GDPCAP. We also find the intensity of trade between the home country and Spain (SPTRADE) and the worldwide FDI stock of the home country (OUTFDI) to The be positive predictors of the amount of inward FDI originating from those countries. last two columns of Table 4 report the results of splitting the whether the investment was a greenfield or an acquisition. Since the variables here are expressed as home country investment percentages of each form of investment over total dummy the specification. results variables (OECD and LATIN) from amount of investment by As was in Spain, the case for outward from these specifications are not very revealing. The only significant variable the country's per capita income which has a positive greenfield investments. These effect for acquisitions results suggest that rich countries are we drop more is the FDI two the the level of and a negative effect for likely to enter FDI through the purchase of existing assets in Spain. 14 Table 5 reports the results of regressing inward FDI by destination industry. As was the case with outward FDI, inward FDI tends to be most intense in manufacturing industries with high levels of profitability orientation (PRFRAT), high (REVADV). levels of intangible assets Also, as before, (PUBRAT), and relatively high export the results are incapable of providing information on the type of industries that are more likely to receive FDI through greenfield investments rather than ''Recall the high level of acquisition activity that has taken place in this period (see Figure 3, above). Most of these acquisitions were done by companies from OECD countries. 16 through acquisition of existing firms. 5. R&D and Asset Creation Countries and firms can upgrade assets and increase the marginal productivities of production factors by investing support industries, labor in infrastructure, 1980s private firms have increased investments government has invested heavily have not been enough to allow Spain particular, the role of the education. As Spain and fees. to government in R&D efforts, however, has not been as forceful as in infrastructure minor role in In and FDI. (Figure 4). payments for patents, royalties and Domestic fees. Spain spent domestically two pesetas on more advanced countries countries (60 per cent to the come from receipts have oscillated between 0.02 and 0.1 1 per cent of escalated from 0.17 per cent in 1960 to 0.51 in 1992, roughly one-sixth of inflows during that year receipts R&D the suffering from a yawning gap between payments and receipts for patents, royalties GDP, payments have OECD and professional training. a result, technology-created assets in Spain play only a is R&D. During narrow the gap with the more advanced countries. While since 1960 technological levels of the formation, and labor skills and product differentiation, while the in in infrastructure skill the OECD R&D expenditures have been growing faster than net For every peseta of net payments R&D. By to other countries in 1991 the ratio was one to three, still far (1NE 1994:30). The vast majority of the payments go EU FDI 1980 from the to other and 20 per cent to the United States) while 80 per cent of the (50 per cent from the remainder mainly from Latin America, and EU and 25 per cent from the United States), the to a lesser extent. South East Asia and the Magreb (Duran Herrera 1992:242). The fact that 80 percent of receipts come from countries with a per capita income equal to or higher than Spain's R&D expenditure of the government to total in is at odds with the IDP framework. Spain has more than quadrupled during the 1980s. But the contribution R&D expenditure has fallen from 52 per cent in 1980 to 46 per cent in 17 grown from 1991, while foreign funds have 1 to 6 per cent, and the share of private firms has remained constant. Despite the overall upward trend, cent of 34). its GDP, the lowest rate in the OECD That same year, Spain ranked nineteenth States (U.S. Patent and Africa, New in 1991 Spain spent on R&D a mere 0.87 per except for Greece, Portugal and Turkey (INE 1994:30, in terms of cumulative patents granted Trademark Office 1992:A2), in the United closely followed by countries such as South Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia, and not much ahead of South Korea, Mexico, and Zealand. Unlike Portugal, Greece, and Ireland, however, Spain has managed to develop three areas of technological strength, as identified in a recent OECD study (Archibugi and Pianta 1992:76-77), namely, fabricated metals, industrial machinery, and motor vehicles, primarily auto parts. Neither funding from the government nor from abroad have contributed significantly to developing distinctive technological capabilities in machinery and motor vehicles: the firms in these industries account for 90 and 98 percent, respectively, of R&D all R&D expenditure. By contrast, as much as 18 per cent of expenditures in fabricated metals comes from the government (INE 1994:64). Finally, multinational firms operating in Spain or Spanish firms controlled by foreign investors in a proportion higher than 50 per cent invest in R&D to a greater extent than the rest, exclusively through internally generated resources with little and they do so almost or no governmental funding (INE 1994:95-96). 6. Internalization Advantages The theory of the investment development path argues that the higher the economic development of a country and the more advanced it is along the investment path, the more firms are able to exploit whatever ownership advantages they have internally rather than through licensing or joint ownership arrangements. Unfortunately, data limitations to test this aspect of the theory in the IS case of Spain are tremendous. Official statistics on receipts for patents, royalties and fees from abroad do not specify whether the payer is limited and outdated information on ownership of the foreign subsidiaries of Spanish companies. Authorizations for affiliated with a Spanish parent company or not. There new outward FDI between 1975 and 1978 show that stocks. It rise in majority mid-1970s and the mid-1980s has been most remarkable US (from about 20 America have actually to become in the 1986 seems, therefore, that Spanish firms have been increasing their ownership share of foreign subsidiaries over time. The and the some 45 percent of the subsidiaries were majority owned. This compares with overall 65 percent majority ownership benchmark survey on FDI is over 70 percent of less majority case of subsidiaries located in the EU in the subsidiaries), while those located in Latin all owned ownership between the (see panel A of Table 6). These levels of majority ownership are not much lower than the ones reported by Encarnation (1994:210) for the subsidiaries of US, EU and Japanese multinationals. Another way of measuring internalization is markets through proprietary distribution channels or firms with no more than 75 percent of to examine whether exports flow not. Taking US distant the foreign market (e.g. EU in 1986 to 14.8 percent in 1992. The and Latin America compared to Europe), the higher the degree of internalization (panel B of Table lower than for US, account Spanish-based parent foreign capital, the ratio of exports through proprietary channels to total Spanish exports has doubled from 7.3 percent more into into foreign 6). In general, levels of internalization of exports are much and Japanese multinationals (Encarnation 1994:217). Of all Spanish exports originating from firms with no or less than 75 percent foreign ownership, 23 percent are sold through proprietary distribution channels. Firms that do have proprietary distribution channels of their exports through them (panel C Finally, no information exists sell 61 percent of Table 6). on intra company shipments of goods other than those for sale through foreign distribution subsidiaries. The fact that outward factor and raw material seeking FDI 19 has remained flat while most of the recent increase has been accounted for by investments in holdings or market access (see, again, lower panel of Figure 2) indicates that Spanish firms with investments abroad have not generated the complex patterns of transfers of intermediary and subsidiaries and parent company or between final goods between subsidiaries located in different countries so characteristic of the largest multinational corporations (Encarnation 1994:221-226). 7. Explanations for FDI Growth: Economics and Government Policies What has made Spain such an from attractive destination for a variety of perspectives. First, time-series analyses FDI? This question may be answered provide solid macroeconomic evidence wage and favor of the market-seeking hypothesis while finding no support for the impact of relative exchange rate levels (Bajo 1991; Bajo and Sosvilla 1992; Garcia de size and growth of the market, foreign investors have flocked Cruz 1993). Attracted by the Spain during periods of relative to and economic and trade liberalization. Second, there political tranquillity, price stability, evidence from the case of the European sales per la affiliates employee, they obtain higher returns in of US in is some multinationals that, despite the similar level of Spain than elsewhere in Europe (Garcia de la Cruz 1993). Third, upgraded assets such as skilled labor, support industries and infrastructures must be playing an increasingly important role given that, simultaneously, Spain has engaged in trade liberalization, reached industrial productivity levels comparable to other EU countries with high FDI inflows (e.g. the UK), and allowed labor costs to rise (United Nations 1992, table 2.7). Yet inward FDI in non-financial services Fourth, inward (Figure 3). Why FDI and is in now manufacturing has continued to pour into the country. tilted more towards have the most active foreign investors into an increasingly open economy to acquisitions than greenfield investment (i.e. EU firms making acquisitions) moved manufacture or to render non-financial services? In the case of 20 non-financial services, foreign investors have acquired assets in order to barriers to entry and to gain market share quickly. foreign firms have fairly open come to to competition value-added activities Spain not only to from abroad) or in the context As regards manufacturing investments, most sell in an expanding domestic market (which overcome to overcome industry-level is by now industrial barriers to entry but also to locate of a world economy tending towards globalization. Furthermore, foreign firms are finding in Spain upgraded assets such as a skilled industries stimulated in part by prior inward FDI, and an use a Spanish location as an export base (e.g. work force, clusters of support improved infrastructure in autos, electronics, electrical that allows them to appliances, and chemicals). Meanwhile, successful Spanish firms have barely shifted production abroad in response to domestic cost increases for the same reason: the continued, yet changing, locational advantages of Spain. Finally, multinational firms in mature industries (e.g. food processing, beverages, auto parts) have been acquiring Spanish firms with an international presence not only to gain market share Spain but also in other EU countries in which the Spanish firms had a sizeable presence. Given the tone of our discussion thus in far, the political economy of inward in 15 foreign investment Spain can only offer a straightforward explanation of the role of the government. In the short run, policies tending towards political and economic stabilization, liberalization regimes, and market opening have been the direct contributors to the 1960s and of the 1980s are testimony to democracy in the late 1986 have been this. 1970s, the containment of inflation during the 1980s, and critical to group, Exide Corp. of the Ferruzzi. stories of the EU membership in continued foreign inward investment. Beyond the short run, policies such "Recently, Allied-Lyons of the level, FDI boom. The Arguably, the comparatively smooth transition to as the impressive investments in infrastructure, education, European of foreign investment legal US UK has acquired and worker training since 1983 are steadily Pedro Domecq, the world's eighth-largest beverages has taken over Tudor, the third largest battery manufacturer and the Koipe-Elosiia olive oil at the and foods group has come under the control of Italy's ~;:-.-- — • lt..:- ire ::—.-.• atioci. ^ici.- c t\ waf oatward -.-- = .;- : '.. Srair. n2 - e:r di ~ -'-.: - ownership and --. lavemment poJ;: a - -tcted tov~ a of the Spanish economy and upgrading the asing flow of FDI. .- • „'..-? •---;^ / - i.-,: ' : ; -i.-- S'aru i . • /- ?94 .-~ ,.-:- '. v.c .i-'.r.: ivigc .aaracterize this itage . certain support industries clustered one in : which around primary . . These phenomena industries. Tt - r olution . E 1 2 ~ t - - 1r percentage of ~--- ".: . :- _r- ard direct invesmec: : . e . • r • most of the stage - : s;e par ac.gr: --.e appear returr. -.a.e : rect i The experience r-caticr.a, ad', artages : -arse: par_> e\p:a.rs . -rallies with estar f iirect s - gr:-rr - domesticaiiy-owned firms. to in;:^. . ' ; - r • : \> G - ;. - reach the ~-^ rrom at.":;- r? sirua: middle or stages oped and ir:. _.; . come countries -. : - _ ~ . . FDI even _ _ rtarc: - : . ~ been me _: - 2 ~=j: ; accuisrDcns : ra. pv>::::r.s .- r.e:r indu ^: r7 :_rta ed ; r'r.pse as&ee :r. : as : .- 1 - -_-. e case r.:e-ra: : r_a f ;• as part -? wr.ee _s t sucr. as .-- support :^j : : _r-ar: furcr: n ... rrr er: ". • aaportant has re : of inv.^:. in:. Er . . '.e\e.s ~~ " _- -errs jcrease in inward - - R&L scentiv: >rtk>n activirs forei£~ :a:;"'. :.;-?a . - rap .-- -a:: r E'. r em : -:' _- - r estment - - - inducee — ~ s ft i shec c;rres;:; arc rrerr.a: Tr.ese rr.ass.'.e rVreigr parts t - - . ;e rrerra: :ra.:ra: ; ace the mid- Spair rar_ra. assets •_-.:? eve the s - - . a created a - -:..: ped domestical^ : a . ™ Spa - : mat re: signer for countries race - . •_--. - r setini - e _ r.a. ... _-r»ard investments are - r. e :' -.-.c— a: : an jggest ' rr-artex .s : take place in countries *ith higher find that —; e -_-. -- z: -__-:- a. par. FZ' "a: - :_rr=r.: '- =-: - : Spar tota. izz - •_* r. a case par IDr :__.. i the predictions of the I : : ccurred : . . ' of tin ccrr p acres - ": :? 7 :. reca_se tre> >p a.: - e - ~ :. re . " that " . -_--..;.--.-.- • 23 private and state-owned sectors, tend to keep the flows of inward higher than those for outward FDI. FDI at levels and rates of growth 24 References Agarwal, Jamuna P. 1980. 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Informacitin Comercial Espanola 27 DATA APPENDIX The data of outward and inward FDI at least 20% reflect transactions in equity interest in the participated control over the management of company (10% which the foreign investor controls starting in 1993) or has effective company. The data the participated foreign FDI also include as long- term loans to or from foreign companies with maturity longer than five years and with the goal of establishing lasting economic actual investment. The company to do so. The data reflect notification of the intent to invest not of the has after its notification of the intention to invest up months to six Therefore, an investment might be classified in a calendar year prior to the year in which the investment took place. flows links. may appear in actual investments is Also, to the extent that a notification does not end in a transaction, the data that never took place. very high (cite???). Finally, The FDI FDI overall correlation between notification and transactions appear in the data (such as reinvested earnings, or contributions in physical assets) that did not result in international capital flows. Therefore, differences exist between our measure of FDI and the values that appear in the capital accounts. Variable Definitions: PASSTSK, = percentage of the annual value of Spanish purpose of either producing in a foreign country i outward FDI in host country that i had the using non-Spanish technology or starting a joint-venture with company. PMRKTSK^ = percentage of the annual value of Spanish outward FDI in host country i that was in marketing and distribution. PFCTRSK; = percentage of the annual value of Spanish outward FDI sourcing of raw materials or PASSTGDP; = in in host country i that was in manufacturing production using Spanish technology. the ratio of the annual value of Spanish outward FDI a joint-venture or an investment in production facilities that will use in host country i that was non-Spanish technology to either 28 country i's GDP. PMRKTGDP; = the ratio of the annual value of Spanish outward marketing and distribution to country PFCTRGDPi = in country host country i production FDI in host country that that i using Spanish technology to country facilities percentage of the annual value of outward (inward) FDI that took place was in was i's either GDP. in (from) in (from) (or in industry k]. i PGREEN W = country in in GDP. the ratio of the annual value of Spanish outward sourcing of raw material or PANINV W = i's FDI i percentage of the annual value of outward (inward) FDI that took place (or in industry k] that took the form of a new company or equity increase in an existing foreign company. PACQU, >M = country i percentage of the annual value of outward (inward) FDI that took place (or in industry k] that took the in (from) form of purchase of an existing national company or a long term loan. GDP = Gross Domestic Product, US$ in million for 1990. GDPCAP = GDP/population. SCI = number of scientists and engineers the country, latest year. in SCIGDP = SCI/GDP. SPTRADE = (EXPORTS^ + IMPORTSs^/tEXPORTS. + IMPORTSJ, subscript i indicates the SFDIGDP; = ratio WFDIGDPi = OUTFDI; = The source FDI home for the variables stocks that in host country of worldwide FDI stock of where the or host country. of Spanish FDI stock ratio ratio home for 1990, country above come from United i's is in host i to country i's country stock of outward United Nations, FDI i GDP to country i's to Statistical country i's in GDP GDP 1986. in in 1990. 1990. Yearbook, except for the valaes of Nations, World Investment Report. 1993 and from Direccibn de 29 Transacciones Exteriores Censo de Inversiones Directas de Espafia en source for Spanish FDI inflow and outflows is the Spanish el extranjero. 1989. Economic Ministry, The DireccifJn de Transacciones Exteriores. PRFRAT = the ratio of industry k real profits to PUBRAT = the ratio of industry k nominal expenditures in advertising to k k production ClOy = its real production in 1990. its nominal industry in 1989. ten firm concentration ratio in 1990, measured in terms of each firm's value of production. REVADV = k revealed comparative advantage measured as the difference between industry k exports and imports as a ratio of the industry production The source for these variables is in Institute Nacional 1986. de Estadfstica, Encuesta Industrial and Fundacidn Empresa Publica, Programa de Investigaciones Econdmicas. 31 TABLE TOTAL OUTWARD FDI 2 BY PURPOSE AND COUNTRY OF DESTINATION' 32 TABLE OUTWARD MANUFACTURING FDI BY 3 FORM OF INVESTMENT AND INDUSTRY' 33 TABLE INWARD MANUFACTURING FDI BY 4 FORM OF INVESTMENT AND COUNTRY OF ORIGIN u TABLE INWARD MANUFACTURING FDI 5 BY FORM OF INVESTMENT AND INDUSTRY' $5 TABLE 6 INTERNALIZATION ADVANTAGES OF SPANISH FIRMS A. Ownership of subsidiaries Figure Foreign Direct Investment in 1 Spain. 1960-1992 Inward FDI Outward FDI 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investment Inward FDI Outward FDI 1995 Source: Moreno More" (1975):92, 95; Aguilar (1985):65-66; Ministerio de Comercio (1993):226-227, 231; Duran and Herrera (1984):381-382; Mufioz et al. (1978):68. Figure 2 Outward FDI by Mode. 1988-1992 400OO0 -i r 300000 = 200000 / c o 100000 - Capital increases — Greenfield Acquisitions - 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Outward FDI by Goal 150000 «5 o 1 100000 - 50000 - 1993 Long-term loans MIT | HI Willi 3 II LIBI PI PI™ 1060 OOBMbEOO 1 Figure 3 Inward FDI by Mode, 1983-1993' 1200000 1000000 « 800000 CO CD Q i 600000 E t 400000 o - Capital increases — Greenfield 200000 Acquisitions - 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 Long-term loans 1994 "Data for 1984 refer to January-November only. Source: Boletfn Econtimico de ICE several issues. , Figure 4 Receipts and Payments for Patents. Royalties and Fees Payments Receipts 1955 Source: 1965 1975 1985 1995 Ministerio de Comercio, Balanza de paeos de Esparia ; Banco de Espaiia, Balanza de pagos several . issues. Date Due Lib-26-67