<?^r>»sT. HD28 .M414 IW> ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ORDERING TANDEM QUEUES IN HEAVY TRAFFIC Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 *2017-88 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 t7^ ORDERING TANDEM QUEUES IN HEAVY TRAFFIC Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, *2017-88 MA 02139 ^? IT. UBRAHltS RECEIVED ORDERING TANDEM QUEUES IN HEAVY TRAFFIC Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, A'lassachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 We more consider the queueing system design problem of finding the best order of two or single-server stations in tandem. Customers arrive to this system according to a renewal process, and each station has a different general service time distribution. The objective is to approximation An minimize expected equilibrium customer delay. is existing heavy traffic used to reduce the design problem to a directed travelling salesman problem. Using an interpolation scheme, we combine the heavy light traffic results to traffic results with existing analyze the design problem for a two-station tandem system with Poisson arrivals. 1. Introduction. Consider a tandem queueing system with A' single-server stations, each of which has an infinite capacity customer is waiting room. Customers arrive according to a renewal process and each served once at each station, with the order of the stations being the same for each customer. The interarrival times have finite mean A~^ and of variation (variance divided by the square of the k = fif. 1, ..., and K axe independent finite and mean) identically distributed squared coefficient of variation c|. Cq. finite The random squared coefficient service times at station variables with finite The sequence mean of intercirrival times and the sequence of service times at each station are assumed to be mutually independent. Customers are served FIFO the traffic intensity pk = (first-in first-out) at A/^jt < I for k = each station. K it is the system 1,...,A', so that consider the design problem of finding the order of the Also, assumed that is stable. We stations that minimizes the expected equilibrium sojourn time per customer (or equivalently, the expected equilibrium customer delay or the expected equilibrium ntunber of customers The primary motivation In for in many for this problem stems from the design of a production cases, the set of tasks (either fabrication or assembly) that each job can be done in any order. Probably the most Greenberg and Wolff (1987), If in the system). is common line. need to be performed example, as mentioned the insertion of components on a circuit board. each station has a deterministic service time distribution or each has an exponen- tial service time distribution, then it is known well respectively) that the sojourn time distribution is (Friedmaji (1965) and Weber (1979), unaffected by the order of the stations. In the general case, however, the departure process from queues are not renewal processes, and the problem becomes much more and Pinedo (19S2a,b) obtained difficult to analyze. Tembe and results for systems with deterministic Wolff (1974) and non-overlapping ordered with probability one) service time distributions. More recently, Greenberg (i.e., and Wolff (1987) consider two-station systems with Poisson limit, i.e., as the arrival rate A goes to zero. arrivals in the light traffic They examine the interesting case where the service times of a particular customer at the different stations are not independent. The only paper in the literature that suggests Whitt (1985). Applying the approximation methods Whitt (1983), he describes the solution heuristic design principles. Whitt suggests that it is what for to do in the general case is networks of queues developed in in several specifd cases and obtains four simple Although the design principles perform well in some cases, desirable to calculate the approximate value of the expected sojourn time for each of the K\ permutations, and to choose the order with the lowest value. Our results are most closely related to that of Whitt. 2 Using an approximation based on results from heavy (1987), we reduce traffic theory developed by Reiman (1984) and Harrison and Williams the problem of ordering queues in series to a directed traveling salesman problem (TSP). The distance from city i delay incurred at station j by placing station is c'j/{fj.j — A), which has a clear TSP to city j in the intuitive i corresponds to the customer directly in front of station j . This value meaning: in designing a tandem queueing sys- tem, one should attempt to precede the bottleneck stations with stations that have a low squared coefficient of vziriation of traffic, its service time distribution. This malces sense in heavy since the squared coefficient of variation of the interarrival times to a station will be very close in value to the squared coefficient of variation of the service times preceding station, and the lower that this value station. Since many efficient is, at the the less congestion will occur at the algorithms exist for solving TSP's (see, for example, Held and Keirp (1970,1971)) our procedure offers a computationally less expensive alternative to calculating K\ permutations using simulation or the Queueing Network Analyzer (QNA) all package (Whitt (1983)). Furthermore, our results are consistent with all four heuristic design principles proposed in Whitt (1985), and, for the two-station case, our results and Whitt's are similar, but not identical. Using the interpolation scheme proposed by Reiman and Simon (1987), we combine the heavy traffic results with Greenberg and Wolff's light traffic results to obtain the expected customer sojourn time for a two-station tandem system with Poisson This interpolation approximation the system. server has From this is appropriate for all arrivals. values of the traffic intensity of approximation, the optimal order of servers is foimd when one an exponential service time distribution and the other has a general service time distribution. In manufacturing settings, jobs are often sent back to a station to be reworked the operation performed on the job at the station was not successful. this situation, the heavy feedback of customers is traffic approximation is To accommodate generalized to the case where immediate allowed at each station; that 3 if is, a customer completing service at station k will go to the next station with probability pk, queue is at station k with probability and will return to the end of the l—pk- The problem of ordering queues where feedback allowed also reduces to a TSP. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section proposed by Harrison and Williams (1987) number is K These stations in series. used to reduce the design problem to a directed TSP. In Section results are we compare our 3, results In Section 4, the interpolation approximation presented for a two-station system with Poisson arrivals. In Section approximation the Brownian model used to calculate the approximate expected of customers present in equilibrium for with those obtained by Whitt (1985). 2, the heavy 5, is traffic generalized to include probabilistic feedback of customers. is 2. In this section the The Brownian Approximation Brownian model proposed by Harrison and Williams (1987) will be used to calculate the approximate expected number of customers present in equilibrium for K stations in series. This model is a refinement of the heavy traffic approximation of a generahzed Jackson network (a Jackson network with general, rather than exponential, interarrival and service time distributions) derived by Reiman (1984). approximation requires that the total load imposed on each station to its capacity. More precisely, we assume that there max i<k<K As a canonical example, one may think k, in which case n In the = 100 satisfies the \/n\l — pu\ < is The Brownian approximately equal exists a large integer n such that 1. of pk being between 0.9 (1) and 1.0 for balanced heavy loading condition each station (1). Brownian approximation of the iv— station tandem queueing system described in Section 1, the primary process of interest 4 is the scaled vector queue length process g* = (Ql) defined by Qlit) where Qki'f) is the and n is (1), number = Qk(nt) ^^, 0, for A: = and of customers queued 1,...,A', (2) in service at station k at time Harrison and Williams (1987) show that the scaled queue length process Q* of that paper, function if it Z that has a unique stationary distribution. can be shown that and only t, Under the balanced heavy loading condition the large integer specified in (1). approximated by a process this stationary distribution has a is well From equation (6) product-form density if <^o It > < = ^1 = ••• = (3) ^K-i- has been suggested in Harrison and Williams (1987) that the stationary distribution of Z may be approximated by this product form distribution even when (3) does not hold exactly, and this suggestion is Under incorporated into our approximation scheme. this assumption, Harrison and Williams show that the expected number of customers at station k in equilibrium is 2 ^k 2ifik where it follows iovk = l,..,K, (4) A) from equation (27) of Reiman (1984) and equation (2.23) of Harrison and Williams (1987) that, for queues in al It - = series, Xcl_.^+Xcl, for k = can be seen from equations (4)-(5) that our problem l,...,K. is to find the (5) permutation 7r(l, ..., A') that minimizes K k=l Since X^jt=i c\l{iik ~ A) is 2 ,2 ^^ unaffected by the ordering of the queues, this problem alent to a travelling salesman problem with A' -|- 1 cities indexed hy k = 0, ..., is equiv- A', where queueing system and city zero represents the outside of the k = 1, ..., A'. The asymmetric c^/{fj.j (^ As mentioned in Section — {d,j) for the i represents station k for TSP is defined by to city j corresponds to the expected by having station j A; otherwise. A) the distance from city 1, customer delay incurred at station directly precede station i _;'. Comparison to Whitt's Results 3. In this section, = distance matrix d city we compare our results to some of those obtained by Whitt (1985). For the special ca^e of two stations in series, Whitt shows that the stations should be ordered so that 6i < (^2, where the quantity S^ is defined by 6k = (l - Pk)(cl - (8) cl). Going through the analogous calculations using equations tions should be ordered so that /xi<5i < Thus /i2<52- if (4)-(5), the same ordering is quite common in practice, the Example 1 in performeuice is of the queues; this occurs in To examine how much improvement the expected customer delay for the two-station station j. From equations r(2, 1) - (4)-(5), r(l,2) r(2,l) it follows that the sta- the two queues have equal means, the two approximations schemes suggest the same ordering. nearly equal means, which it When the two stations have two schemes of will often suggest Whitt (1985). possible, let us define T(i, j) as tandem system, where station i precedes follows that _ (4 (c2 + We now consider three cases where it is ci){^i, - A) cl)(/ii-A) + + {cl (c2 + cg)(/i2 - A) c2)(;.2-A)- desirable to have station 1 before station 2, in which case the quantity in (9) represents the relative improvement in performance by switching to the better ordering. If jjli = ^2 ^^d c\ < 2 C2 c\, _ then the relative improvement is ^2 Cj cl+c\+ 24 (10) This quantity decreases as Cq increases, and approaches an upper bound of 0.5 as and c\ = Cg -* 0; this c\ = (? and upper bound < /zi is consistent with equation (11) in then the relative improvement [I2, Whitt (1985). cj — > If Cq < is + c2(;.l+2^2-3A)- c2(;il-A) This quajitity also decreases as Cq increases and approaches an upper bound of 0.5 when Cq = — and A maximal. > Thus, in both these cases, a /Z]. When cl> = c\ = c\ c^ and ^1 > /i2, (eg -c2)(a^i Pi), which increases as c^ — > Cq. p\ increases As in performance then the relative improvement - is is ^l2) ^^. + c2(^i+2a.2-3A)' c2(;zi-A) This quantity decreases as 50% improvement (/ii — /X2)//ii(l — as the service rates of the stations become more c^ —> 0, this and quantity approaches imbalanced. Whitt suggests the following heuristic design principles = K stations in series: = ^^2 If cl < c] = cl = ... = c]^, then fii < /i2< ••• < A'A' is desirable. (P3) If Cq > Cj = C2 = ... = c\-, then fi\ > > •• > Mk' is desirable. (P4) If cl < c] < cl < ... < c]^, and (PI) If (P2) ^1 = for ••• A^K'? then c\ < < c\ //i < < c\ ... IJ.2 /X2 < ••• < is desirable. f^K, then the order is desirable. W^hitt proves that (P1)-(P3) holds under his approximation scheme, but principle (P4), which includes (PI) and (P2) as special cases, remains a conjecture. that (P1)-(P3) are consistent with our approximation procedure, is and that We now prove principle (P4) true under our procedure. Proposition 1. Proof. = tional to, If /ii Principles (P1)-(P3) axe consistent with our approximation scheme. ... by equations = /iA', then the expected customer delay in equilibrium is propor- (4)-(5), cl + 2j^cl + k =l 7 cl. (13) This clearly is minimized by choosing ci- which is = max Cl, (14) consistent with (PI). = If Cj ... = = c^' then the average customer delay in equilibrium c-^, is proportional to ^2^ + 2c^5:-^. If Cq < c^ , (15) one would choose \<k<h to minimize customer delay, and > if Cq /zi c , one would choose = max (17) /ifc. 1<«:<K Equations (16) and (17) are consistent with principles (P2) and (P3), respectively. Proposition and = let bk of the stations in position which is — f^k is 7r(/:), desirable for A" K stations be indexed by ^ ior k = Let gq l,...,/\. denoted by a permutation for k defined by The proof Principle (P4) holds under our approximation scheme. 2. Proof. Let the is = = 7r(A;) = fc for tt A: = < ... = (7r(l), ...,7r(A')), 1, ..., K, and < ax and a^ let b^ < = ... < c\ for k bx- = An where station k 0, ..., K ordering is placed Thus, we need to prove that the identity permutation, I,...,/!. A; by induction on 2 | = 1, A', offers ..., A', the number the least expected delay. of stations. By (6), this permutation is if ^ + fi<^ + ^. h\ 62 ^2 (18) ^1 This holds, since ii(ai Now stations. - ao) + 62(00 - 02) < (ai suppose (P4) holds for A' stations, and It follows by (6) - ao)(6i let - 62) < us consider a system with A' and our inductive hypothesis that any permutation 8 (19) 0. tti + 1 of the 1 < ... < that has 7r2(l) = 7ri(l) A' + l stations that does not have 7ri(2) than the permutation tt2 7ri(A'+l) achieves no smaller expected delay and 7r2(2) < < ... the inductive hypothesis imphes that the identity permutation of A' larger expected delay than any permutation Therefore, the only two permutations TT = (A' (AT, 1, + ..., AT — 1, A' + 1). The left 7r(A') = A' stations offers no 1 and 7r( AT = (K + to consider are n Similarly, + 1) = A' 1,1,..., A') + l. and 1,1,..., A') if + Ol is -^<-^ + J^. Ok+1 OK+l 20 Oi true, since bK-\-i{ao The such that + 1). identity permutation offers a smaller expected delay than -^ This tt + tt2{K - ciK+i) + bi{ak - oq) < (oq - a;^-)(^Ar+i - h) < identity permutation offers a smaller expected delay than (A', dn TOi This inequality holds Oft" — dK Qo Qjt ..., AT (21) — 1, AT + 1) if Qft" — + -T^ + r-^ < r^ + T^ + T^-^b^+i Ok oi ok'+i &A' (22) if bK^K+iiao - ax) Reexpressing {uq 1 1, 0. — ax) by (oq + bibK+i{aK-i - Qq) — a^-i + hK+\{ciQ-aK-i){hK 4. An Qa'-i — + Q/c), bibxiax - clk-i) < it 0. (23) follows that (23) holds, since -W) + hK{aK-i-aK){hK+\-hi)<Q. | (24) Interpolation Approximation Using the interpolation scheme proposed by Reiman and Simon (1987), we combine the heavy traffic results of Section 2 with Greenberg and Wolff's hght traffic results to obtain the expected customer sojourn time for a two-station tandem system with Poisson 9 This interpolation procedure yields an approximation of the expected customer arrivals. sojourn time for we aJi From values of the traific intensity of the system. derive the optimal order of servers when one this approximation, server has exponentially distributed service times and the other has a general service time distribution. Consider a two-station tandem queueing system with Poisson arrivals of rate Sk be the service time for a random customer at station Si and 52 are independent, and of variation cj.. Let G let Sk have mean finite be the distribution of S2 and let ^ k, for and /ij^^ = finite random the 1,2. We A. Let assiune that squared coefficient variable S2e have the distribution P{S2e <t} = I ^i2 1 - G{s)ds. (25) Jo The expected customer sojourn time at the first station is easily obtained from the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula. Let /(A) denote the expected customer sojourn time at the second station when the arrival rate to the system that /(O) = /i^ is A. Greenberg and Wolff (1987) show and = /'(O) fi:'E[{S2 - 5i)+] + ^^2'E[{S2e Consider a normalized version of /(A) defined by F{X) - (26) 5i)+]. — = {fj.2 - 5i)+] A)/(A). Then F(0) — 1 and F'(0) By = the results in Section fi2fi:'E[{S2 2, if - 5i)+] interpolation = F /(A) (27) fi^'. i±^. = (/Z2 (2S) — A)~^F(A). By Reiman and Simon unique second order polynomial F{X) that (28) (with - method approximates F{X) by a second degree polynomial F{\), and then approximates /(A) by /(A) exists a E[{S2e condition (1) holds then lim F(A) The + satisfies F(0) = 1 (1987), there and equations replaced by F). This leads to the approximation of /(A) by = (/.2 - ^r'iC-^ - f^T'E[{S2 - S0+] - ^i2'E[{S2e - 50+])A^ 10 (27)- + {^i2^iT'E[{S2 - S,r\ + £[(52e - - 5i) + ] /i2-')A + 1 (29) . j Equation (29) and the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula can be used to compare the expected customer sojourn time for the two different orderings of two-station tandem We now queueing systems. derive the optimal order of servers in the special case where one server has exponential service times with mean and the other server has a general yi~^ service time distribution G. Let G*{ii) be the Laplace transform of the general distribution and let similar the general service times have theorem in light traffic Proposition mean 7"^ and squared and only server in front of an exponentiai server if Proof. As in Greenberg and Wolff, Poisson arrivals, where the has general service times. first minimized by putting a general if system let is A be a tandem queueing system with server has exponential service times Let system B and the second Then the expected sojourn time at the X and the general second server in system 85 the expected sojourn time at the first server in system B, since By equation Poisson arrivals. than system B if and only (29), if (/i — system A)~^ is server be a queueing system with the servers in the opposite order. Let the exponential service times be denoted by times by S. A A is service the same both servers receive has a smaller expected total sojourn time than less (A^-A)-^^^-(7-^+/i-^)i:[(-Y-5)+])A2 + ((^ + l)E[(X-5)+]-M-^)A + iy Since E[{X - S)'^] This result then c^ = 1 is = iJ,~'^G*{p), rearranging terms gives our consistent with three existing results. and G*(fi) = -f/{^ A was proved by Greenberg and Wolff (1987). Expected customer sojourn time 3. coefficient of variation c^. + ^), and If result. | both servers are exponential, the order of service does not matter, as was 11 (31) shown in Weber (1979). If one server has constant service times = distributed service times, then c^ it follows result and G'{n) 3 reduces to a light traffic 5. Finally, model described A end of the queue previous history), and will pk = move on X/pkfJ'k for k = balanced heavy loading condition equilibrium is there equation (5). is is a special case of a in equation (30), Proposition Probabilistic Feedback customer completing service at station k at station k with probability 1 — = \,...,K p^ (independent of to the next station (or possibly exit the system) with 1,...,A', Now 1- = Since Y!>k=i ^Pkc\/2{p.k — 1 for ^ A) the traffic intensity at and we assume that these values The expected number (1). pjt = will define po = KPk-i{cl-i-l) + 2-pk) + no feedback, then generalized to allow for immediate 1 is again given by equation (4), where al (^l which first, one takes A -+ in Section probabiUty pk- For ease of notation, we \s Since . theorem of Greenberg and Wolff (1987). probabilistic feedback of customers. will return to the if Tandem Queues With In this section, the When e~^l'' from (30) that the deterministic server should be by Tembe and Wolff (1974). station k = and the other has exponentially is = now is of customers at station k in defined by k Xpkcl, {OT 1,...,A', satisfy the = l,...,K. (33) and equation (33) reduces to unaffected by the ordering of the stations, the problem of ordering these stations again reduces to a travelling salesman problem, where the asymmetric distance matrix d '^" _ ~ = {dij) is now defined by r I if P^{c] - 1) + 2 - p,)/(//, - ^^'^^ station decreases as pj increases, and increases with p, only c] 12 0, otherwise. A) Thus the expected customer delay incurred by having if = J > 1. i directly precede station j REFERENCES [I] Tandem Queueing Systems," Friedman, H. D., "Reduction Methods for Oper. Res., 13 (1965), 121-131. [2] Greenberg, B. S. and R. W. Wolff, "Optimal Order of Servers Light Traffic," to appear in [3] Haxrison, M. and R. J. J. Management Sci., for Tandem Queues in (1987). WilHams, "Brownian Models of Open Queueing Networks with Homogeneous Customer Populations," to appear in Stochastics, (1987). [4] Held, M. and R. M. Karp, "The Travehng-Salesmem Problem and Minimizing Spanning Trees," Oper. Res., 18 (1970), 1138-1162. 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