•^LT UBRARfES - D€WEY m'^ ® y' OBVEY HD28 .M414 no. 529^5 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO RULES WITH LOCAL SUBSTITUTION by Ayman Hindy Stanford University and Chi-fu Huang Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3273-91-EFA May 1991 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO RULES WITH LOCAL SUBSTITUTION by Ayman Hindy Stanford University and Chi-fu Huang Massachusetts Institute of Technology WP#3273-91-EFA May 1991 Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Policies with an Infinite Horizon: Existence and Convergence'* Chi-fu Huang^ and Henri Pages* March 198S Revised, January 1991 To appear in Annals of Applied Probability Abstract We provide sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution to a consumption and portfolio problem in continuous time under uncertainty with an infinite horizon. When the price processes optimal policies can be computed by solving a linear partial also provide conditions under which the solution to an infinite horizon for securities are diffusion processes, differential equation. problem is We the limit of the solutions to finite horizon problems infinity. 'The authors would like to thank conversations with Robert Merton. 'Sloan School of Management, Mas.saciiusetts Institute of Technology •Bank of France, Centre de Recherche when the horizon increases to [Mix LIBRARIES JUN 2 8 1991 \ I •-* 1 Summary Introduction and Introduction and 1 1 Summary Recent advances in the understanding of dynamic asset markets have made available a consumption and portfolio decision of an individual tools to analyze the optimal set of new in continuous time under uncertainty; see Cox and Huang (1989, 1990), Karatzas, Lehoczky, and Shreve (1987), He and Pearson (1989), Pages (1988), and Pliska (1986). There are several attractive features of these new tools. First, the existence can be analyzed with set problem of an optimal consumption and portfolio policy much an individual for ease while the admissible policies do not take their values in a compact and the consumption must obey a positive constraint. Second, when securities prices follow a diffusion process, the optimal policies can be computed by solving a linear partial differential equation in contrast to a highly nonlinear Bellman equation in dynamic programming. Third, in some be computed directly by evaluating some situations, optimal policies can even The aforementioned economies with a papers, however, address the optimal consumption and portfolio problem in finite horizon. The purpose be brought to bear on the same problem that, except for some important in of this paper is to economies with an show how same this set of infinite horizon. technical departures, the existence policy can be analyzed similarly with the We integrals. new tools can Our conclusions are and computation of an optimal attractive features as in finite horizon economies. also study the convergence of optimal policies in finite horizon economies to those in infinite horizon economies. policies. We show that pointwise convergence always occurs But we do not know whether portfolio policies converge in a certain this occurs for norm optimal portfolio for optimal consumption policies. However, optimal involving taking expectations. Thus, portfolio policies for finite horizon economies do converge at all pointwise, they if the optimal must converge to is very (1989, 1990) extensively, which the reader may the optimal policy in the infinite horizon economy. Note that this type of convergence result difficult to get The by using dynamic programming. analysis in this paper utilizes want to consult. Cox and Huang Two other papers complement our study. First, Merton (1989) uses the Cox-Huang technique to solve, in infinite horizon, the optimal consumption and portfolio policy in closed-form for a class utility functions when asset prices foUow a geometric Brownian motion. Second, Foldes (1989), using a different but related technique, also analyzes the optimal consumption problem with an infinite horizon in and portfolio a stochastic environment more general than ours. He however, does not give explicit conditions for existence nor does he study convergence properties of optimal policies. The rest of this paper is and computation of optimal organized as follows. Section 2 formulates the model. The existence policies are analyzed in Section 3 and Section 4, respectively. Section 5 2 Formulation 2 some commonly used gives closed-form solutions for utility functions. Section 6 gives results on convergence and Section 7 contains concluding remarks. Formulation 2 We will use we an iV-dimensional Brownian motion to model the evolution of exogenous uncertainty. Thus take the "state space" Q, to be the space of continuous functions from [0,oo) to 3?^ equipped The with the topology of uniform convergence on compact subintervals of [0,oo). distinguishable events is the Borel sigma-field of the agent to be considered under P is an = Vw G u){t), standard Brownian motion^, where iV- dimensional oo) denoted by T collection of and the probability It is belief of well-known that the coordinate process continuous function [0, Q. the Wiener measure on {0,,J^) denoted by P. w{u,t) is We consider a securities market under uncertainty in continuous time with an infinite horizon. u £ Q.. Since a state of nature and one learns the true state of nature is fi, ij{t) is the value at time t of the Jf^-valued a complete realization of tt; on the time interval by observing w over time, we model the intertemporal resolution of uncertainty by an increasing and right-continuous family of sub-sigma-field of filtration F = {w{s);0 < {J^t\i < s t}.^ G 3?+}, where ft = One can n,>(.?^° verify that T and T° — ^txiTu is .7^ the smallest sigma-field generated by that is, all the distinguishable events are generated by sample paths of w. As a standard Brownian motion starts from zero at time with probability one, Tq contains only subsets of All the processes to appear T i = that are probability one or zero. wiU be adapted processes. progressively measurable; see Stroock or a In our setup, adapted processes are and Varadhan (1979, exercises 1.5.6 and 1.5.11). Since progressively measurable processes are naturally adapted, thus the set of adapted processes equivalent to the set of progressively measurable processes. (progressive) process that has right-continuous paths one so that f;[X(5)|.7^(] on Ti. = X{i) for all 5 > (, For any integrable random variable that X{t) = martingale X under and has continuous paths with where i;[-|.Ft] is Y (1),.^, on A the expectation under P P P here a probability conditional P), there exists a (P)-martingale E[Y\Tt], P-a.s.; see Jacod and Shiryaev (1987, remark 1.37). is is X so All the conditional expectations to appear wiU be martingales. 'a standard Brownian motion is a Brownian motion that starts at zero with probability one. this paper we will use weak relations. For example, positive means nonnegative, ^Throughout nondecreasing, etc. increasing means Formulation 2 Remark 3 In the above setup, the probability space {il,J^, P) 1 This does not satisfy the usual conditions*. and Huang (1989, 1990). This departure follow not complete'^ and the filtration F a departure from the earlier literature such as Cox important for our purpose; otherwise. Proposition 1 to is not valid. is We is is will use the following notation: if i is a matrix, then \x\ = ftrace(a;x^)j where ^ denotes , "transpose." There are n = 0, 1, 2, . A'^ . . , + iV. 1 securities traded continuously Security n ^ is risky and is on the infinite time horizon [0,oo) indexed by represented by a process of right-continuous and bounded variation sample paths Dn with Dn{t) representing cumulative dividends paid by n from time = let S{t) to time Denote the ex-dividend price of security n t. {Si{t),...,SN{t))'^ and Dit) = (I)i(f),. . . ,D;v(0)^- ex-dividends, assume without loss of generality that Dn{0) also that S+ D is s-n = / As these n for all b and <t, = t by 5„(<) and securities are traded 1,2,.. . ,N. We assume iV-vector process: S{t)+D{t) = SiO)+ f bis)ds+ f ais)dw{s), Jo Jo where at time security respectively, are iV-vector and N te^+, (1) x iV-matrix predictable processes^ satisfying, for all n, T "\b{s)\ds < oo, P-a.5., V<>0, (2) (T{s)\^ds < oo, P-a.5., Vt>0, (3) i: for some sequence of optional times (T„) with T^ t oo P-a.s., and the second integral of (1) is a stochastic integral.^ We assume that a{t) riskless. Its price at is a.s. time of B{t), t, full is rank for all t. The zero-th security, called the bond, is locally expj/J r{s)ds}. One can view this security as a bank account that pays an instantaneous interest rate r{t) at time t. So $1 invested at time grows to B{t) at any subset of a probability zero set is an element of ^. ^, = A,>,^j for all t g S?+; (ii) it is complete: the probability space (Q,^, P) is complete and /o contains all the P-measure zero sets. 'a process is predictable if it is measurable with respect to the predictable sigma-field, which is the sigma-field 'a *A probability space (fl,/", P) filtration F is complete if satisfies the usuaJ conditions if (i) it is right-continuous: adapted processes with continuous paths. depends on the completion of a probability space and a filtration satisfying the usuai conditions; see, for example, Liptser and Shiryayev (1977, chapter 4). The definition of a stochastic integral here is based on Jacod and Shiryaev (1987, chapter 1) and has all the usual properties. In particular, the stochastic integral of a continuous local martingale is a continuous local martingale and Ito's formula is valid, where we recall that a process is a local martingale under P if there exists a sequence of optional times T„ t oo. P-a.s., generated by all 'The usual definition of a stochastic integral X so that the process {X{T„ A <);( € ??+} is a (uniformly integrable) martingale for all T„. 2 4 Formulation time For t. B to be well-defined, we assume Now initial in c, is Wo > 0. possibly risky securities utility of P- oo, U.S., > Vf 0. (4) consider an agent with a time-additive utility function for consumption, u{c^t) and an wealth and < \r{s)\ds / that the interest rate process r satisfies Assume throughout that u{c, unbounded from below at c = t) is 0. continuous in This agent wants to manage a portfolio of the and the bond, and withdraw funds out of the consumption over time. Our task here is concave and increasing (c,<), maximize portfolio to on the to find conditions his expected utility function and on the price processes to guarantee the existence of a solution to the agent's problem. We Ito's refer to the price system as the A'^-vector of normalized prices defined by S*{t) = S{t)/ B{t). formula implies that i' *•'" + i' W)'"^''' The process on the = ''°' left-hand side is ^ - »'• """bw"'' "' + i' §w ^'"'"- ^ called the gains process and here ""* expressed in units of the it is bond. Putting Git) = S'{t)+ f-^dDis), Jo B{s) one sees that the difference G{t) — 5(0) represents the accumulated capital gains and accumulated = dividends on risky assets in units of the bond, where we note that since 5(0) A and trading strategy 6^{t) are the investor at time t is a iV number -|- 1-vector predictable process (a,^^) of shares of the The before trading. receipt of dividends bond and = {a,{6^ ,. . 1, . 5'*(0) bond 5(0). ,0^)), where a{t) of risky asset n, respectively, investor's wealth in units of the = owned by the at time t after the is Wit) = For now, a consumption plan c is ait) + dit)'^iS'it) a process that respect to the product measure generated by the consumption rate at time t. A P is + ADit)/Bit)). positive (except on a set that is negligible and Lebesgue measure on trading strategy is with 5f+) with c(t) denoting said to finance the consumption plan c if the following intertemporal budget constraint holds: + Wit) f 4r\ds B(S) Jo = WiO) + r m'^dGit), P- a.s., vt e JJ+, (5) Jo provided that the stochastic integral on the right-hand side well-defined. is that, in units of the bond, the value of the portfolio at time t is equal to accumulated capital gains or losses and minus accumulated withdrawals for This equation says its initial value plus consumption. For the Formulation 2 5 we introduce the stochastic integral of (5) to be well-defined, class C{G) of trading strategies {a, 9), of which satisfies the ' 9{s)^a{s) ds i for a < P- oo, a.s. Bis) sequence of optional times Tn 1 oo, P-a.s. For the agent's problem to be well-posed, however, necessary that something cannot be it is created from nothing through trading using reasonable trading strategies. This is the subject to which we now turn. Up to strategies now nothing was we have defined said about the existence of arbitrage opportunities. it is well known In fact with the that such arbitrage opportunities do exist, even in finite and Kreps (1979). Were time; see the doubling strategy of Harrison and portfolio choice problem would not be well-posed. To this the case, the consumption rule out arbitrage opportunities, we will impose a regularity conditions on the parameters of the price system and a natural institutional constraint that wealth cannot be strictly negative. This constraiint has been ansdyzed by Dybvig and Huang (1989) and Harrison and Pliska (1981). We make the following assumption throughout our analysis: Assumption that \k(u, t)\ 1 < Let K{t) K for all This assumption is = -a{t)~^{b{t) t, P-a.s. m 1, it is There exists a positive constant r{t)S{t)). Now = exp P define a martingale under y^ K{sfdw{s) - easily verified that £^[^(t)] i = K < oo such models originally considered by Samuelson in particular satisfied in the (1965) and Merton (1971). By Assumption - that jf* \Kis)\^ is ds^ almost surely strictly positive: te^+. Thus 1. VA6jr„ Qt{A)= h{u,t)P{du) Ja is The family a probability measure equivalent to P. "consistent" in that Proposition 1 Q, equals Qt on P on Tt for G{t) is where oo > There exists a probability to the restriction of and thus Tt, all t Q 6 5?+ . 5 of probability measures > 0. = We [0,oo)} is have the following result. that its restriction Moreover, under = S{0)+ [ ^dw'is), Jo i>{s) standard Brownian motion under Q. > on {^,T) such a local martingale^ under Q, where w'{t) See footnote 6 foi a definition f {Qut G on Tt is equivalent Q te[0,<x>), w{t) - jQK,{s)ds is an N -dimensional 2 6 Formulation Define a consistent family Qt on {Q,Tt) as above. Stroock (1987, Proof. there exists a unique !Ft, we have the theorem (see, e.g., Since On first P and Q Q on {il,J^) so that Qll't assertion. lemma are equivalent on the other hand, P and Q may for all f G §?+• Since Q is 4.2) shows that equivalent to P on and Girsanov's assertion follows from the definition of k The second Stroock (1987, = Qt lemma I 4.3)). any (fi, J^t) for finite t, they are said to be locally equivalent. be mutually singular on the cr-field .F, as shown in the following lemma. Lemma The measures 1 By Proof. the such that P(^oo = Q and P are mutually singular if Radon-Nikodym theorem, oo) = Q{^oo < oo) = P and Q and Q \K{t)\'^ |y if and only dt < if /q°° The a.lmost surely statements use Almost surely with respect to both and Q 2 Suppose {a, 9) G C{G). and Proof. is the From same whether Then it is the definition of G P Q and 1, \ oo, Q-a.s. variable ^oo ^* = lemma above P and Q horizon case. However, one can in restriction to J^t? for all an (F,P) or to f G still 3?+. ltd process under both P (F,Q). one has there exists K < hand oo such that side |k| is < well defined under P. K . By h{t)-r{t)S{t) 9{tY- ^(t)T -(*)«(') B{t) '^'^'^^'Kit) Bit) On the definition of have thus B{t) I can no longer be applied indifferently finite relative to fact '^» Q-a.s., as desired. the integral f^ d{s)^ dG{s) is computed necessary and Q-a.s., , constant, so by the !F is it shows that in [1979] |«(0P on Since {a,0) G C{G), the stochastic integral on the right other hand by Assumption oo is with respect to either probability, as they can be in the Lemma random to be mutually singular, Samuelson or Merton, the process « are mutually singular. = |/c(<)p(ii VAGJ^; oo}), But theorem 8.19 of Jacod 0. are mutually singular In the models of P For 7.1). {^oo<oo} = and so J^ and Jacod (1979, theorem sufficient that if there exists a extended -valued QiA) = E[UlA] + QiAn{^ = see, e.g., and only /c, the we 2 Formulation and so jb{t)-rit)S{t) < 0{t) 5(0 Thus the Lebesgue integral and is finite, /q 9{s)^ dG{s) assertion follows from Stroock (1987, 111.4.3). We straint are ready to is in force. first recall B{t) is an Ito process under P. The rest of the I show that there are no arbitrage opportunities when the positive wealth con- Our proof is a direct generalization of Dybvig and Huang (1989, theorem 2). We the following usual definition of an arbitrage opportunity. Definition 1 An consumption plan We e{t)^ait) K arbitrage opportunity a strategy {a,0) G jO{G) with is W{0) = that finances a and nonzero. c that is positive need a technical lemma to proceed: Lemma 3 Let c be a consumption plan. Then c{t) E' f dt B{t) Jo r = E Jo dt B{t) where E' denotes expectation under Q. Proof. For any finite t. ' E' see DeUacherie on any l c{s) ds and Meyer (1982, VI. 57). Given that under either finite subinterval of [0,oo) the above relation are positive and increase in theorem we have the assertion. Proposition 2 Let ^i^) ^ Proof. 0( (5) <€§?+. Then P-almost 1 are locally equivalent, c positive and Q. Thus the integrands on both sides of letting t —- oo, by monotone convergence = and with surely, c is identically zero. we have r -Er\ B(s) Proposition Q is Thus t. and I '^^ + ^(0 = w{0) + and the fact that (a, 6) a positive local martingale under f e{tfdG{t), v< e »+. Jo Jo By P P ds B{s) consumption plan financed by {a,0) G C{G) with W{0) c be a P-a.s. for all From I Bis) Q since G C{G), the right-hand side of the above relation by the positive wealth constraint the left-hand side is is 2 8 Formulation positive. It is known that a positive local martingale is a supermartingale; see, e.g., lemma 1 of Dybvig and Huang (1989). By c is the fact that c is a positive process under a positive process under Q E' [Jo on any P and P and finite subinterval [0,t]. Bit/'] Q are locally equivalent, This implies that we know 2 Formulation where Ua+{a,t) denotes the right-hand partial derivative ofu(a,t) with respect Note that the to its first argument.^ hypothesis of Assumption 2 implies impatience, while relation (6) requires first that impatience to be sufficiently strong. Relation (7) will later be used to show that the space of admissible consumption plans to be specified those a's so that u{a, t) > Remark - t;(c)e~*'' with 6t 2 Ifu{c,t) Pick some a > and for all invariant with respect to the choices of a is t. define a finite \a{A) = > for c is > t 0, VA \u{a,t)\ dt, j Lebesgue measure since by impatience a consumption plan all P L^{Q X |u(a,f)| > admissible VM where Assumption satisfies 2. Ua- Note that X^ except possibly for one t. is equivalent to We Fix p £ [l,oo). if of admissible consumption plans lfi+,'PM,i'a), it G B{^+), and \a by < r\c{t)nu{a,t)\dt Jo Then the space then measure by and denote the product measure generated by will say that among 00. the positive orthant of the space L^{i^a) is denotes the progressive sigma-field.^ We will = denote the positive orthant of L^iva) by X^(/^a)- The following lemma shows respect to choices of a Lemma t, 4 For any = Lli,.,) Proof. E > first invariant with a and a' such that u{a,t) > and u{a',t) > for all Ll{u,.). We \c{t)\P\u{a\t)\dt Jo The is 0. strictly positive scalars, Let c G L^it^a)- / that the space of admissible consumption plans J can write <E Uo/ term on the right-hand the second term foo / Jo is finite, then c +E \c{t)\^\u{a,t)\dt side of the inequality G L^{i^a')- Assume 1 r < \c{t)\''\uia',t)-uia,t)\dt E is first \cit)\P\uia',t) / - uia,t)\dt . L^o J finite that by assumption. a' > a. We If we can show that have ^oo / \c{t)fua+ia,t){a-a)dt L^o J < r {a'-a)E \c{t)\^K,\ui<^,t)\dt < 00, Jo Right-hand derivatives of a concave function always exist. 'Note that a process is progressively measurable if and only sigma- field. if it is measurable with respect to the progressive Existence of 3 where the first An Optimal 10 Policy inequality follows from the concavity of u Next suppose that a' < a. Arguments and the second inequality follows from (7). above prove the assertion by noting identical to those that \u{a',t) - u{a,t)\ < u+{a',t){a - Similar arguments prove that c G Now we a') L^'ii^a') < Kau{a',t){a - a') a'). i implies c G L^ii^a)- are ready to specify completely the agent's problem. < Kau{a,t){a - He wants to solve the following program: E[f^ sup(a,e)e/:(G) W(t)>0 W{0) = Q{0)B(0) + e{0)'^SiO)<WQ, s.t. c is is will say that there exists and finite We c G L^{i>a). a solution to the program (8) if the value of the program, val (Wo), attained by a consumption plan financed by an admissible trading strategy that the positive wealth constraint. satisfies 3 is (8) financed by (a,^) and We u{c{t),t)dt] Existence of An Optimal Policy provide in this section sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution to (8). follows Cox and Huang variational (1990). We problem whose solution first is Our technique transform the dynamic maximization problem into a static well-understood. The solution of the static problem is then implemented with a dynamic trading strategy uncovered by a martingale representation theorem. Consider the following static variational problem: SUPc€LP^(.,) s-t. We first E[!^u{c{t),t)dt] E[l-^-^dt show that the dynamic program (9) < Wo. (8) is equivalent to the static variational program of (9). Proposition 3 Proof. c is a feasible consumption plan in (8) Let c G L\{i>a) be financed by (a,^) G if C{G) and only if it is one in (9). satisfying the positive wealth constraint and with W(0) < Wq. From the proof of Proposition 2 we know that = f ^^ds^W{t) B(sj Jo W{Q)-V f e{t)'dG{t), Jo VOO, P-a.s. 3 is Existence of An Optima] Policy 11 a supermartingale under Q. Thus E' Because W(t) > and c(t) > f C(5) < W{0) iw/'^'^^'i Vi G 5?+. under P, by the local equivalence of rt E' c{s) P and Q, we know <W{0) V<G»+, ds r Jo B{s) and r 3h c(0 E' where the monotone convergence theorem Lemma dt is used for the second inequality. It then follows from 3 that dt < W{0) < Wq. B{t ) Jo Thus < W{0), B{t ) Jo c is feasible in (9). Conversely, let c G L^ii'a) be feasible in (9). Lemma c(0 <Wo. dt ' [Jo 3 implies that B{t J Thus f ||*.m^,e). Since all theorem P-local martingales have the representation property relative to III. 4. 33), and since Q and P w (see Jacod and Shiryaev, are locally equivalent, aU Q-local martingales also have the representation property relative to w' (op. cit., theorem 111.5.24). process p and a sequence of optional times (T„) with limTn T Q- /"|P(^)|- ds < oo, Hence there exists oo Q-a.s. so that for all an A'^-vector T^, a.s., Jo and E' Let 0{t)'^ = r wM B{s) = ^" [f wM B{3) i'"*^'""--*^' + ^ "- a.s. ' B{t)pit)^(Tit)-\ w(,) = E- ds\Tt [j; > Vt P- a.s., B{s) and ait) = W{t) - e{t)'^{S'{t) + AD{t)/B{t)). (10) 3 An Optimal Existence of Since c > W{t) + /* is, We (a, 6) finances c. Given 1 Finally, first 1. for almost b all t, and Q we a.s., j oo, P-a.s. have teU+. and only if it is denote the value of c is feasible in (8). I 3. a solution to (9). (9). Note that since and (8) (9) are equivalent, (9). provide conditions under which val [Wq) Proposition 4 Suppose P W{0) < Wq. Thus easily seen that it is we can then concentrate on will also use T;a/(Wo) to We are locally equivalent, T„ Jo c is a solution to (8) if this corollary P r ^(5)'^dG(5), P - + e{OfS{0) + a(0) record an immediate corollary of Proposition Corollary we = and local equivalence of rs(s) Jo That 4^d5 Q and P-a.s. Since by construction and the {a, 6) G 'C(G). Also Hence >0,Q under P, W{t) 12 Policy is finite. that u{c,t) is unbounded from above e (0,1) such that for some a > in c and there exists Pi > 0, /32 > and 0, u{c,t)<\u{a,t)\{Pi + :^^{c'-'>-l)), a.e.t; (11) and (e/5)-^Ka,oiei''/*(^a). 2. and that, if u{c, t) is unbounded from below at the origin on a (12) set A of t with strictly positive Lehesgue measure, Then val (Wo) Proof. with b 6 is finite. We first show that va/(Wo) < (0, 1), there exists Relation (12) ensures that oo. When a solution c to (9) only c budget constraint and yield a G ^^.(^'a)- finite the utility function if there exists 7 > is |u(a,t)|(/3i so that For c to actually be a solution, expected utility. For the former that c(t)m dt Jo B{t) < 00, + i^(c^"''-l)) it is it must also satisfy the necessary and sufficient An Optimal 3 Existence of for then 7 can be chosen to exhaust the Policy 13 initial wealth. Putting p = p/(l -b) > p and l/p+ 1/g = 1, Holder's inequality implies cimt) [i: J_ dt Bit) )"'-r(t)"*w°'')i-^'--<" 02, E . f^^^>^ " ^ar^r(fS) where the last inequality follows (12) utility is finite. \u{a,t)\^^ d\a{t) and Assumption J 7 < (Wo) < 00 by Next we take two Suppose cases. on a set A of t. first (13), k is finite. to verify that the expected Bit) . 00. is bounded from below Otherwise, suppose that u m L Let =E is for a.e. t. Then unbounded from below dt A Bit) Thus c(u;,0= is i-Wo < that u(c,<) is finite. k By 00, (11). val{Wo) > -00 and thus val (Wq) at the origin we have fE Uo P2 = c{t)'-'\uia,t)\dt / va/ 2. Finally, < |u(o,!t)\dt For this we note that .Jo Thus / Wo. -^lnxA(w,0>0 ^u,t a feasible consumption plan. Thus valiWo) > I uiWo/k,t)dt > -00, where the inequality follows from Assumption I > 1, then u(c,() < Wia,t)\Pi. Thus the expected utility our remaining task is to give conditions under which val Note that, less 2. in (11), if 6 is always strictly than +00. Now Cox and Huang (1990) by (Wq) is attained. We will utilize rewriting (9) as follows: suPceLP(./a) E s.t. E r (14) B^r©yi dUt)] < Wo. 3 Existence of An Optimal 14 Policy program and the space of In (14), both the objective functional of the maximization objects are defined on a measurable space the framework of Here is Theorem Proof. our Cox and Huang first Under 1 The (fi ^^,VM) x with a finite measure i/a- This feasible fits into (1990). existence theorem: the conditions of Proposition 4, there exists a solution to (14J- Cox and Huang assertion follows from are locally equivalent. The next theorem (1990, theorem 4.1) by noting that Q and P I is where the for the case utility function is bounded from above by a multiple of |u(a,<)|. Theorem 1. 2 Suppose that u{c,t) < K\u{a,t)\ for a.e. t; 2. iaB)-'\u{aJ)\eLP{i^.); 3. and (13) holds when u{c,t) is unbounded from below (15) at the origin on a set A of t with strictly positive Lebesgue measure. Then there Proof. exists a solution to (14)- By the first hypothesis, we know that uicA) < ' ; , ;, K^, ,, "ic, a.e. t. \u(a,t)\ Given (13) and (15), the assertion follows from a theorem 4.2) by noting that P Before leaving this section, and we Q (trivial) generalization of are locally equivalent. two give in the following Cox and Huang (1990, I corollaries sets of explicit conditions on the parameters of prices for (12), (13), and (15) to be valid. Corollary 2 Suppose exists that there exists oo>T>0, €>0 t is valid. f < oo so that < r{t) < f, P-a.s. for a.e. t and there such that _lnMM)l Then (12) < When (16) holds with .^.,^ lb 6=1, p b (15) +p _^^ V^>r. is valid. (16) 3 Existence of Proof. An Optimal Policy 15 Note that M)-'KM,|t" E a P martingale E = exp i-^ X exp j^ 1^ K{s)^dw{s) + (^^ -^J^ \K{s)\'ds\ Kh + l) r{s)ds ^J^ + (l + f ) In \u{a,t)\ Given that Fubini theorem then implies that (12) Identical always Proof. P is valid. arguments proves the second assertion when Corollary 3 Suppose is +p 26 t valid. Otherwise, Suppose A that the set if that first of (13) < there exists A = 6 of finite Lebesgue measure. is r so that r < with unity expectation. Since B{t) > Then r{t) P-a.s. for a.e. We of finite Lebesgue measure. is 1. note that ^ t, is if r{t) > then (13) 0, (13) is valid. a martingale under 1, < 1. [\B{t)J\ Fubini theorem implies that (13) Next suppose that A is is valid. The hypothesis of infinite measure. ^(0 of this corollary yields < exp {—rt} B{t) Fubini theorem again implies that (13) When the utility function interest rate does not asymptotically. we I not unbounded from below, for existence, is Otherwise, the agent until t = may oo. find When maintain a certain level of may become — oo. it suffices that the utility function significantly discounts the future it advantageous to keep accumulating the utility function will further require that the interest rate does not infeeisible to utility valid. go unbounded and the and postpone consumption origin, is is unbounded from below become too low minimum consumption his so that it wealth at the may become over time and thus the expected 4 Computation of Optimal Computation 4 This section is Optimal of Policies devoted to the computation of optimal (1989) and thus Huang 16 Policies We of optimal policies. we will will partial differential equation be show that and if The main brief. if result reported here computed by taking the inverse of the marginal utility function f{x~^,t) easily seen that f{x~^,t) assume throughout f{x~^,t) and (12) holds if 6 origin, (13) holds. or Theorem The (10) G = inf{c G J?+ this section that and (15) holds and there / satisfies the optimal consumption. strictly positive constants if 6 > Moreover, it is 1. if u is Kf, b, unbounded from below easily verified that conditions of either bond at the Theorem 1 From is cis) F is the present value of future optimal can be computed by solving a partial differential equation strategies are related to the derivatives of F. Before proceeding, we record in the following proposition the is < x~^}, where Uc+ a growth condition: Thus F{t) = W{t)B{t) consumption. Under some conditions, which define the value over time of future optimal consumption. is this value in units of the and optimal trading Then the strict concavity of u{c,t) some Wit) = E' if c is c. exists a solution to (14). object of computation here we know Uc+{c,t) for Under these conditions, 2 hold By c. : concave in continuous in x. is < Kf\u{a,t)\bxb (0, 1) a verification theorem derivatives of the solution. is strictly denotes the right-hand partial derivative of u with respect to We is Cox and the solution satisfies certain conditions, then the optimal trading For the purpose of this section, we will aissume that u{c,t) c, it is idea follows that of there exists a solution to a second order linear parabolic strategy in the form of feedback controls can be in The policies. first order condition for optimaJity, the corner stone for the construction of an optimal policy. Proposition 5 Under conditions of exists a X > this section, there exists a solution to (14) if and only if there so that c(0 = /(^,*)ei>.) (17) and c{t)m f Jo Proof. follows The oidy if dt = Wo. Bit) part follows from Saddle-Point theorem and Rockafellar (1975). from the definition of / and the concavity of u in c. I The if part Computation 4 of Optimal Policies 17 For the purpose of computation, we specialize our model of securities prices as follows. S that satisfies the stochastic integrcJ equation: S{t) = S{0)+ f {b{S{3),s)-d{Sis),s))ds+ f (T{S{s),s)dwis), ^0 where d{S{t), Assume t) is > f (18) 0, Jo the iV-vector dividend rate at time Thus further that r{t) can be written as r(5(f),f). t when the risky asset prices are S{t). K{t) can also Assume be written as K{S{t),t). Next define a process Z{t) = Z{0)+ f ^0 some constant Z{0) > for {r{S{s),s) \KiSis),s)\^)Z{s)ds Using 0. Ito's lemma, it is f' K{S{s),sf Z{s)dw{s), (19) easily verified that (1989), (logZ(r) rate from time to time that maximizes the expected continuously Now - Jo As pointed out by Cox and Huang compounded growth + T - logZ(0))/T is the realized continuously of the growth-optimal portfolio - the portfolio compounded growth rate. write (18) and (19) compactly together under Q: ( Z(0 ) = ( Z(0) ] + J^^iS{s),Zis),s)ds + J^&iS{s),Z{s),s)dw%s), (21) where we note that Assume throughout this section that (^ and a satisfy a local Lipschitz and a uniform linear growth condition on any finite time interval [0,r].^° Thus there exists a unique solution to (21) and {S,Z) has the strong Markov property under '°The functions C Af > all < 0, € there [0, is md it Q and thus is satisfy a local Lipschitz condition a strictly positive constant K^ such that for a diffusion process under Q. on every all j/, [0, T\ with z € 9?^ x - a{z, (0, T < oo oo) with for every if \y\ < M and T > |z| < and M and T] |C(V, t) These functions satisfy a strictly positive constant - C{z, t)\ < K^\y - zl |,t(v, t) t)\ < K^\y - uniform growth condition on every [0, T] with T < oo such that, for edl i G S?'" x (0,oo) and t g [0,T], if Kt \C{x, 01 < Kt{1 + |i|), |*(z, t)\ < Kt(1 + |x|). z\. for every T > 0, there exists a 4 Computation of Optimal following notation wiU be utilized: The D!" for positive integers its first N Here = mi, m2, —= -^ . . . , -;: tun. If g m= mi + ; 7: JJ^ x [0,T] : arguments, the vector {dg/dyi,. is Theorem 1. 18 Policies . >-> J? dg/dy^)^ , is ... + m^ has partial derivatives with respect to denoted by Dyg or ^y. the main theorem of this section: 3 Suppose that there exists a function continuous for m < 2, F F : S^ (0,oo) x is X [0,oo) - DF^{y,t) and 3?+ such that Ft{y,t) are a solution to the partial differential equation CF{Z, S, t) - r{S, t)F{Z, S, t) + Ft{Z, S,t) + f{Z-\t) = with the boundary condition ^F(7(T\.S(T^.T)^ F{Z{T),S{T),T) lim E' (—»oo where C is B{T) the differential generator of Kj and 7^ 50 for that, \F{y,t)\ 2. Then and there exists the optimal all t |yr^) Zq such that F(Zo, 5(0),0) 00, that is, T > 0, F satisfies a there exists a strictly positive Vy G (0,oo) x 3ff^; = Wq. consumption and portfolio policies are c{t) = e{t) =[Fs{Z{t),S{t),t) a{t) Va-a.e. f{Z{t)-'^,t) x[b{Sit),t) - + [a{S{t),t)a{Sit),t)^]-^ riS{t),t)Sit)]Zit)Fz{Z{t),Sit),t)] =[F{Z{t),S{t),t)-6{tYS{t)\lB{t) where we have put Z(0) = Using the growth condition on / and equation, Cox and Huang (1989, F{Z{t),S{t),t) Bit) itr(Fss<T<T'') + u^ - u, - ^^^^ a.e. a.e., Zq. Proof. 'CF = T < all £[0,T], a Af (1 + < 0, {Z,S) under Q;^^ and, for uniform growth condition on every [0,T] with constants = Theorem T - ^ ifzzZ'l/cp + I Fsz<tk F and the fact that F satisfies the partial differential 2.3) implies that, for every + Fs(rS - /) — — FjZinSinT) f {Z{s)-\s) "5(ir~ t, ^ + FzrZ. W) ' ' 5 Let A Special Case T -+ oo 19 and use the boundary condition we F{Z{t),S(t),t) get f{zi3r\s) = E' ds\J^t i: Bit) Bis) F gives where we have used monotone convergence theorem. Thus By the hypothesis, Z(0) = —m— F(Z(0),5(0),0) c(<) then by Proposition = /(Z(i)"\i) 5, c is theorem 5 A By a solution to (14). is dt Bit) ^0 initial wealth. If we can show that c G L^iva)^ the growth condition on /, (12), and (15), one a solution (14). as described in (22) follows is time. fizit)-\t) = ^ exhausts the quickly verifies that c G L^i^^a) and thus that finances c /(Z~\t) over Zq, thus ^° = This shows that the value of The fact that the trading strategy from identical arguments on Cox and Huang (1989, I 2.2). Special Case We now specialize the market model developed in the earlier sections and consider the model with constant coefficients examined by Merton (1971) and revisited recently by Karatzas, Lehoczky, and Shreve (1987). In this case explicit formulas for the optimal consumption and portfolio policies can be computed just as in Cox and Huang (1990). The method does not use stochastic control and takes care results with way in a natural of the non negative constraint on consumption. two examples taken from the family of constant absolute We illustrate our risk aversion and HARA utility functions. We shall use the following specialization. The risky securities follow a geometric Brownian motion Sit) where b is an = + j\ls{,)h-diSis),s))ds + SiO) n- vector of constants, a an n x n Given some initial data k Is(,)<Tdwis), We furthermore assume that r for the constant vector -<T~*(b - r). z, define 4> as <i>iz) = E' f Z-'iO) = e-^*fiZit)-\t)dt z. Jo Assuming uic,t) = t;(c)e ^' (cf. 4>iz) remark = E'y^°° 2), t>0 non-singular matrix of constants and diagonal matrix having 5'(<) in the (t,t)th position. write r for an n- vector of r's and J we can write alternatively e-''gie^'Zit)-')dt ; Z-'iO) = z, is Is{t) an n x n constant and 5 A 20 Special Case where g is Since the inverse of the time-independent marginal utility function Vc+{c). it is easily verified that e^'Z(t)-^ F one sees that the function e^*Z(f)~^ is = zex^{K^w'{t) + |k|^. It follows /•OO where n stands mean \ogz + -r + g'^/2)t {(i = / 'x-logz-{(3-r + g'^/2y gyt Q^i ^^^^ / Q Jo -^e 2^' ^= /3 - -OO OO gy/2ir ov27r r g'^/2 -1- and a^ ^0 = 2r -1- ^^/p^, X - log 2 I ^\/27r dtdx v2xt ( x-\ot where we have put 4>{e^^z~^). 1 f+CO J-oo = and variance standard normal density function. This yields for the ^(z) + |k|V2)0, that J-oo Jo r of section 4 can be identified as F{z,t) lognonnally distributed with the square root of - (/? z \ l_ a£i dt dx, g'^t, Under Q, where g is 5 A Special Case Example 21 Utility 1 functions of constant absolute risk aversion. Let the time-independent utility function be = --e-"', vix) where ^ > is we the coefficient of absolute risk aversion. In this case, 9{x) = find logx and so ^(^g-uN j -{l/0){\ogz-u) if u> log 2, otherwise, similarly for g{ze^). Straightforward computations and <i>{z) and that if r < = show that T{2,n\ogz) r-M gaO^"^ gaOfj, if z > 1 ' 1 4>{z) = gaO^"^ logz logz gaOpL gaOfj, gamma where 7 and F are the incomplete 7(a,x) 7 ('-')- 7(2,/x'logz-i) ga6^'i2 functions = Te-^^-i dt Jo roo dt. It is F— » easily checked that 00 a^ 2 — 0. The F is Z{t) < el^* = isam = 1 gaOii Z{t) > 2 ^'> HARA utility 1 ,/3*i'« + 71^(1 -^'"'^(O-'') (aa^)(b-r) gaOfj, el^K Example = ^^(^)''('''''')(^ - and by At if F — vector of optimal dollar amounts invested in the stocks At if twice continuously difFerentiable and that functions. as 2 > is — given by 00 and 5 A 22 Special Case Let V be in turn p>0, with 6=1-7 7<1 r?>0, when 7 > and 7 In the 0. 7^ first condition of proposition 4 it suffices to take In this case one finds 0. -1/1— »(x)-'-^ p Computations whose length is the sole difficulty give ganinwhen > z The 2 < t;c+(0), itself follows The case this is the 77 - 1/1 7) p \pj Vc+{0) and -'"--^ /z\-i/i-*' 1-7 1 . I 1 fzV fzy i+,-(i_^) where inequalities ^ which = 1-7 , ,, when '•'^ ^^ pTj P' = > 0, ^ > 1/(1 - 7) and /x' > -1/(1 - from condition 16 of corollary is the one that is 7) all result from /3 > 7r + (7/I - f)g'^/2 2. usually taken in the approach of one for which the Bellman equation can be solved quite dynamic programming, explicitly. for This yields the simpler expression from which one derives Ct = consumption and portfolio falls . It is When z is < Vc+{0), i.e., we have z4>'{z) = ne^*Wti(T<T^)-\h - when nominal wealth z approaches zero, however, and investment Uc+(0), = = the optimal -fi(f>{z). is Hence when nominal zero and the optimal proportional to wealth with At z > 7/ because of the non negativity below the non-stochastic boundary W_, consumption dollar investment in the stocks When clear that except in the degenerate case policies are not linear functions of wealth, constraint on consumption. wealth e^^Wt SWtC^^ is r). above W_, the optimal policy is no longer linear. As which corresponds to large values of wealth, the optimal consumption policies are "almost" the linear functions of wealth given in Merton (1971). 6 Convergence of Finite Horizon to Horizon Solutions Convergence of Finite Horizon to 6 We Infinite 23 Horizon Solutions Infinite study two convergence problems in this section. First we show that the optimal consumption policy in an infinite horizon economy, sponding finite one indeed if a pointwise limit of those in corre- exists, is horizon economies. Second, under some regularity conditions, the optimal portfolio policy in an infinite horizon economy the limit, with respect to a norm, of the optimal policies of is the corresponding finite horizon economies. Thus, there exists a subsequence of the latter that converges pointwise to the former. limit It follows that if the latter converges pointwise at the pointwise all, must be equal to the former almost everywhere. The convergence where closed-form solutions optimal policy in two aspects. results reported here are useful in infinite exist for finite horizon economies, horizon can be gotten by letting First, for the class of models we know conditions under which the T — oo in the finite horizon policies. Second, in the numerical computation of the optimal policy for the infinite horizon problem, the horizon will have to be truncated. It is therefore imperative to know conditions under which the solutions to finite horizon problems are approximations to that to an infinite horizon problem. Assume Theorem until further notice that conditions of exists a solution to (14), denoted by Also assume that the c*. consumption and thus the optimal consumption plan or 1 Theorem utility 2 hold function is and thus there strictly concave in unique. Consider a class of finite horizon is problems: where we have used SUP<:6LP(;,„;T) E S.t. E L'^{i^a\ JO B(t)\u(a,t)\ °'^<^(^)\ ^ "^0, T) to denote the positive orthant of the space of processes c such that fT < oo. Jo It is clear that under conditions of Theorem consumption policy of as T — oo. will get the We first Lemma Proof. Thus, if (23), 1 or Theorem 2, there exists a unique optimal denoted by c^. The following theorem shows that c^ we know the functional expression optimal consumption policy for the infinite of c-^, — > c*, i/a - a.e., which naturally depends on T, we horizon case by simply letting T— oo. record a lemma. 5 Let Xj be such that c^(t) = fi^^^^t) u^-a.e. Suppose otherwise that Aj» < Aj. By the strict Then Xr > Xj ifT' concavity of u in c, > T. we know that / is 6 Convergence of Finite Horizon to strictly decreasing when it is claim that one of the c^' violates the a violation. dt first inequality in the above relation solution to (23). Theorem I that / c-^ A* be such that c'H) 4 limr-^oo ^T By Lemma 5, = claim that A We = ^* = fi^^^,t), and c^ -* its first = is an optimal T — as » oo, the second assertion follows strict concavity of u in from the fact c. = lim Aj. T—oo A*. first that A > A*. identical to those used in the proof of Then Lemma T < there exists oo such that \j > A*. 5 prove that ^(0/(^,0 f dt Bit) a contradiction. Next suppose that A < Lemma Bit) c*, Va-a.e. Jo is dt I there exists a limit Wo<E which and constitutes :^a-a.e. argument by the take two cases. Suppose Arguments [0,T'] This clearly contradicts the fact that c^ i/a-a.e. A We problem with horizon I continuous in is = E Bit) Once we can show that Ay —» A* Proof. and hence strict inequality ^T>m ^m/i^^t) dt This necessitates that on [0,T], let for the finite horizon must be a suppose that E Now dt Bit) Jo B{t) budget constraint Now E r at)fi^,t) E Jo We < dt B{t) Jo < 24 nonzero. This implies that E Wo = Horizon Solutions Infinite 5 A*. Pick A G (A, A*). Arguments identical to those used in the proof of show that Wo = E -rmiC-^.t) L U{t)fi'^,t) dt Bit) > E I dt Bit) , VT > 0. 6 Convergence of Finite Horizon to T— Letting Horizon Solutions Infinite oo on the right-hand side of the second inequality gives Mm Wo>E If at)f( > E dt I B(t) the second inequality above an equality, then is f Assumption 3 1. > 2 must be that it strict inequality If u satisfies conditions of Theorem " u satisfies conditions of and it = c* Wa. i/a-a.e., which is clearly leads to a contradiction. For this we restrict our strategies. Theorem 2, 1, then < \u{a,t)\l dX,{t) GO. (24) then < l"^"'*)!''^^"^^ .B(t) i'^^^Kw) We J) and make the following assumption: 1^) r«'»(f If B{t) dt Next we turn our attention to the convergence of trading attention to the case where p Villi B{t) Jo suboptimal. Thus the inequality must be a 2. 25 00. (25) record below a useful technical lemma. Lemma 6 Let c be the solution to (14) financed by {a, 6) G C{G). E' < u:^/') Then, under Assumption 3, 00, and e{t)^cTit) f E' Jo Proof. Using the fact that P and Q dt 4.1). we know that the proof of Proposition 3, E' Lyo 'J left-hand side is assertion follows from similar J ^/t>0,Q-a.s. Jo a square-integrable martingale under Q. Thus Jacod (1979, 2.48) shows that the second assertion of this Now we first ''^^'^^"^'Uw'is) ^ B{s) B{s) B{3) [/:i^-H--[ri^H^/. ' The oo. are locally equivalent, the arguments of Cox and Huang (1990, theorem Form < Bit) lemma is valid. I present our results of convergence of trading strategies. We of trading strategies in a metric involving taking expectation under Q. will show the convergence 6 Convergence of Finite Horizon to Theorem 5 Let (a, 9) ^ and (ax.^r) 26 Horizon Solutions Infinite the trading strategies that finance c* and c^ respectively. , Then {0T{t) - r->oo Proof. Note = = 0. B{t) Jo that c^(0 first 9{t)V(Tit) dt lim E' /(^ffff ,Ol[o,r!(0 > < and c'{t) = /(^,0 t > 0. Triangle inequality implies (r [j[°° \c'{t) - c^(OI dt -«0,„_,M0,,„, < + Recall from Lemma limx-.oo ^T- Thus both -[ri^*^'"-^<^'"'-<'>i^^'])'- 5 that A^- is T an increasing function of and from Theorem 4 that A* = ''^' B{t) and decrease to zero i/g-a-e. Lebesgue convergence theorem yields that 1 2 cV)-c'{t) lim T—"x> The I E' f dt = 0. B{t) Jo assertion then follows from the fact that c'{t) E' f 5 is not 2 c^it) dt enough Theorem f for us to conclude that the T— we need almost everywhere convergence be i0T{t)-0{t)V<T{t) dt B{t) Jo horizon case can be gotten by letting for this operation to = E' B{t) Jo Theorem - optimal trading strategy for the infinite oo in the optimal strategies for the finite horizon cases as for this. The following theorem gives a sufficient condition valid. 6 Let {a, 6) and {aT,9r) Suppose that limx— oo ^t(0 exists ^ the trading strategies that finance c* i/a-a.e., then limx-^oo^Tit) = ^(0 i^a-o-^- and c^ , respectively. 7 Concluding Remarks Proof. First recall that 27 ^ 6t 4.2.3) implies that there exists a in the sense of Theorem subsequence {T„} with T„ Given the hypothesis that limr—oo ^t(0 exists i/o-a.e., it j 5. Chung (1974, theorems 4.1.4 and co so that dT„ —* 0, follows that limr-.oo t-a-a.e. as n ^t(0 — ^(0> — > c«. I'a-ae. I In words, if the optimal portfolio policies for finite horizon economies do converge pointwise, they must then converge to the optimal policy for the infinite horizon economy. Concluding Remarks 7 We have assumed throughout this paper that there are as many linearly independent risky securities as the dimension of the underlying uncertainty, or, markets are dynamically complete. markets are dynamically incomplete, and show that when it is He and Pearson straightforward to borrow from prices of securities together with some other processes When (1989) follow a diffusion process, then the optimal policy can be computed by solving a qua^si-linear partial differential equation, and, in addition, a general existence theorem is available for the case where the coefficient of the Pratt measure of the relative risk aversion^^ of the individual's utility function is less Arrow- than one. References 8 1. K. Arrow, Essays in the Theory of Risk-Bearing. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1970. 2. J. Cox and C. Huang, A variational problem arising in financial economics, 1990, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Economics. 3. J. Cox and C. 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