m.i!-.-»!iSa?.5 ililliiS *^^, HD28 .M414 '>w.l^Z5'-8? ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE NEU KEYNE5IAN WICROFOUNDAT IDN5 Julio Rotemberg Working Paper *tl925-87 August 1987 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 THE NEU KEYNE5IAN fllCROFOUNDAT I0N5 Jul io Rotemberg Working Paper «19E5-87 August 1987 The New Keyneslan Mlcrofoundatlons Julio Rotemberg Revised April 1987 Sloan School of Management and NBER. I would like to thank Olivier Blanchard, Stephen Cecchetti, Stanley Fischer, Greg Mankiw, Caterina Nelson and Lawrence Summers for helpful comments and suggestions. Stephen Cecchetti also made his data available. M.I.T. LIBRARIES NOV 1 2 10P7 RECEIVED THE NEW KEYNESIAN MICROFOUNDATIONS Abstract This paper surveys some recent efforts at deriving the standard Keynesian effects of money on output from models maximize their welfare. in which individual agents While other models with continua of equilibria are considered, most attention is spent on model with costs of changing prices. Models of the latter type also turn out to have multiple equilibria because, when a firm increases its price, to raise their and own. These infinite horizon models. its creates an incentive for its competitors multiplicities are discussed in both two period The multiplicities affect both the qualitative features of the equilibria and their welfare properties. 1 also analyze the extent to which small costs of changing prices can generate large (or costly from a welfare viewpoint) business cycles. individual prices is of existing models. used Aggregate data and data on to discuss the empirical strengths and weaknesses ^ -3- I Introduction The central Idea of Keynesian economics The contrast with stimulate aggregate activity. when an increase in the is money supply is demand that increases in classical models considered. is In classical models with textbook-style demand curves for money balances, an unexpected all increase in the money simply clearest raises aU nominal prices^. once and for According to Keynes and his followers prices (or wages) respond slowly and the resulting increase in real money balances raises output. This paper surveys some recent efforts at deriving this effect of money on output using models in which individual agents maximize their welfare. The models provide microfoundations in that they start from these optimizing agents and construct equilibria In which no individual agent wants to change what she is doing. Two types explicitly or implicitly that, of changing its price. of models are considered. for each individual firm, there The is first assumes some cost This assumption, which may appear somewhat ad hoc , has the advantage of being consistent with the rather long spells for which In the second category are models with individual prices remain constant. continua of equilibria. In these models, economy from one equilibrium return to Its normal level nonexistent In the second. characteristic. is money to another. weak WhUe in the first The two types affects output by moving the the pressure for output to category of models of models also share it is another Several of the multiple equilibrium models lay considerable stress on departures from the Walrasian model which are also important in the literature on costly price adjustment. I am thus surveying here only a subset of the models whose authors have -4- adopted the "Keynesian" Because label. of space considerations, 1 only include models In which output depends on nominal variables such as money. These provide the starkest contrast with classical models. It is worth mentioning however that the label "Keynesian" has been affixed also to models in which preexisting distortions magnify the effect of government spending on The mechanisms incorporated output^. in those models may well also magnify the effects of money on output considered here. WhUe my emphasis output, it is on models in worth emphasizing that, Important as well. demand (due is accomodated by an effect of money on price are rigid, other variables are pessimism about the future) are not Instead, they directly the prices of these goods. falls in is with rigid prices faUs in investment In particular, to animal spirits or if which there reduce the output of these sectors and aggregate output. Similar reasoning applies to changes in government spending. The prototype model of the first type Walrasian paradigm in three ways. necessary for is, it is hard First, which I consider deviates from the certain agents set prices. to think of a Walrasian auctioneer, which keeps prices rigid. This is whatever that Usually the agents that set prices are viewed as monopolistic competitors. Second, since the emphasis variable must matter. demand for money. This is is on nominal rigidities some nominal accomplished by postulating a textbook -style When only these two deviations are operative, unanticipated, once and for aU increases in nominal aggregate demand, which are usually modelled as increases in money do not affect the real allocation of resources. The third and critical ingredient in the some reason for prices to be rigid. (1977), Rotemberg (1982a, b, 1983) , In Barro (1972), prototype model is Sheshinski and Weiss Mankiw (1985), Parkin (1986) and BaU and Romer (1986b) there exists an explicit cost of changing prices whUe Blanchard (1983,1985), Akerlof and YeUen (1985), Calvo (1983), Caplln and Spulber (1986) and BaU and Romer (1986a) restrict directly the frequency of price adjustment. Given this list of ingredients, one might ask in aU seriousness what new about the current generation of is The major difference Keynesian models. between the current and previous generations (Fischer (1976), Taylor (1980a)) is an emphasis on the behavior of product markets^. This advantage important theoretical advantage. is This emphasis has one that it is possible to be quite precise about what a monopolistic seller of a good would do This prices are costly to change. In those models rigidity. is it Is in if, say, contrast of standard models of wage difficult to model simultaneously the presence of wage rigidity and the behavior of firms and workers in the presence of the rigidity. In particular, firms are able to hire as truly rigid, it is hard much labor to see why, if wages are as they desire at the rigid wages. This theoretical advantage also has an empirical counterpart. (1977) and Hall (1980) in individuals' have pointed out the observation wages does not prove the existence from wage rigidity. The reason for this is of infrequent of allocative in Section II, observed rigidity allocation. of it is much more difficult to changes consequences that rigid individual at least consistent with efficient determination of the level of As discussed As Barro wages are employment. argue that the consumer goods prices has no effect on resource In that Section I, also discuss aggregate evidence for the existence of price rigidities. A second advantage models is that is that they require only sometimes claimed for the new Keynesian smaU price rigidities to produce large -6- fluctuations in (1985) insight GNP. This point and Parkin (1986) and is is will due to Akerlof be referred to as that the profit function of any agent optimal price lead to only second order losses. In Section III, I who tiie PAYM The Insight. sets prices is Hence smaU deviations from the horizontal at that agent's optimum price. large output swings. and Yellen (1985), Mankiw Yet they are consistent witli discuss somewhat more generally the applications of this insight to macroeconomic problems. The paper then goes on to present in Section IV a static model of monopolistic competition which forms the basis for the later discussion of price rigidity. its This model is classical in that, without price rigidities, unique equilibrium has monetary shocks affecting prices alone. Section V, a once and for aU change in the money stock is In analyzed in a simple two period variant of the static model to which costs of changing prices have been added. fall In this model monetary expansions, at least if they While some Issues which arise in within a certain range, affect output. models with more periods are masked by the two period assumption, this model has several interesting features including a multiplicity of equilibria. particular, for a range of monetary shocks both changed and In unchanged prices can be consistent with equilibrium. The welfare properties monetary shocks also In Ball costly, is explored of equilibrium price rigidity in The question which in Section VI. and Romer (1986b, 1987) is, response to is addressed granted that changing prices do prices respond too much or too little to monetary shocks. is These welfare conclusions prove to be ambiguous precisely because of the multiplicity of equilibria. This multiplicity apparent difficulty inherent is in anaylizing the and multiple periods. These are covered also one reason for the models with infinite horizons In Section VII. -7- Sectlon VIII focuses on models In which the multiplicity of equilibria is, by itself, taken to be Keynesian. thought of as being due Here, the different equilibria can be to differences In the beliefs individuals about the future or about the current behavior of others. equilibrium that chosen is is a function of expectations, depending on animal can be though as In these models, which include (1982), Weitzman (1982), can have Since the these equilibria spirits. Stiglitz (1979,1984,1985), Diamond Woglom (1982), Bryant (1983), Geanakoplos and Polemacharkis (1986), Roberts (1986) and Woodford (1986), money affects Gconomlc activity Some if switches the economy from one equilibrium to another. of these models exhibit recognizable price rigidity while other do not. In any event they which first it is all avoid any explicit cost of changing prices. more important here than type is why in the my issue discussion of the models of the the particular Keynesian sequence of equilibria Section VI concludes with An is chosen. personal assessment of the new Keynesian microfoundations and of promising directions of future research. II The factual background The most discussed evidence for the existence of nominal rigidities of GNP with past values of the money any kind is supply. Since the work of Sims (1972), this correlation has been studied in the correlation of current the context of relatively unconstrained vector autoregressions. hypothesis that this correlation to is The absent from US data (or that money fails Granger cause output) can be rejected using some specifications whUe can be accepted using others. it Eichenbaum and Singleton (1986) and Bernanke (1986) are two recent examples of opposite results. Leaving aside statistical significance, increases in if money are correlated with subsequent Increases in output because of nominal rigidities they should also be correlated with gradual increases fact the slow response of prices which is at in prices. the center of the It is in much more structured empirical analysis of Rotemberg (1982a) as well as of the evidence on nominal rigidities presented in Gordon (1983). responses of the price level and output to a 1 thus report on the monetary innovation within The vector vector autoregression very similar to Bernanke (198G)'s. variables that the of consider consists of the logarithms of military spending, I money supply, GNP, the implicit price deflator for US treasury rate of return on bUls^. It GNP, and the nominal also includes constants deterministic time trends. This autoregression is and estimated with quarterly data from the second quarter of 1953 to the third quarter of 1986. gives the responses of the a money supply. money output and prices Table 1 one percent innovation in As can be seen from the table output rises gradually before falling back to its long run position (this return while prices rise gradually. This second fact nominal rigidities as the first. not depend very to a US is is oscillatory) just as consistent with Interestingly the short term dynamics do much on whether the system is estimated in first differences or not. While the correlations between money and output have been subject extensive empirical analysis, their Interpretation because money is at least to is to somewhat problematic some degree endogenous. On the one hand, King and Plosser (1983) note that the private sector may create more money when its demand is expected to rise. This suggests a positive correlation unrelated to price rigidity. On between money and ouput consistent with nominal rigidities is the other hand, the absence of correlation if the Federal -9- Reserve using money purposefully to stabilize output (See Mankiw (1986a)). is Neither of these stories accounts for the gradual increase follows increases in A is prices which in money. related set of correlations which less subject to this endogeneity is given by the relationship between tax reforms and aggregate activity. Poterba, Rotemberg and Summers (1986) note that rigidities increases in indirect taxes in the absence of nominal accompanied by reductions in direct taxes of the same magnitude should affect neither prices nor output. can be seen as follows. final This Suppose the government Increases sales taxes on goods and reduces income taxes leaving government revenue unaffected. Since the burden of taxes by the side of the is the same and since these two taxes differ only market on which money is collected, output should be With an unchanged demand for money, prices should be unaffected unaffected. This means that with flexible wages and prices, pre-tax wages must as well. wages are unchanged) and pre-tax prices must fall (so that after tax nominal fall as well (so prices inclusive of tax are unaffected). rigidities, pre-tax prices or wages balances and output. will With nominal not faU thus reducing real Using both US and Summers find that these switches do Indeed UK data, Poterba, raise prices money Rotemberg and and lower output. While this evidence supports the existence of some nominal rigidities says little about whether wages or prices are more rigid. it This extremely important question appears intrinsically difficult to answer because the ratio of wages means that it to prices exhibits appears possible very little correlation with GNP^. This to believe that only prices are subject to nominal rigidities whereas insurance or efficiency wage considerations keep real to wages stable. Alternatively one nominal rigidities whereas pricing may is believe that only wages are subject given by a constant markup over 10- wages. One notable attempt is To gauge the relative rigidity of prices and wages He studies how prices respond Blanchard (1986b). and viceversa. to to innovations in wages identify these two innovations he restricts the contemporaneous response of each variable Under these to the other. identifying assumptions prices appear more rigid as their response to wages is slower than the response of wages to prices. in prices If rigidities and wages are a central determinant of GNP, then, other things equal, countries with more movements in prices and wages Thus the absence ought to have less output fluctuations. of any evidence that countries with high inflation rates have more stable levels of output might be viewed as discomfitting to nominal rigidities. Yet, as Mankiw discusses below these countries exhibit smaUer responses of output to Thus the nominal shocks. instability in their GNP is perhaps due to the existence of larger nominal disturbances. At the micro level, it is apparent to those with eyesight that individual prices and wages stay constant for long periods of time. In the US, hourly wages are normally changed yearly even when there are no explicit The contracts. price of candy bars at the corner grocery store also changes very rarely. The significance by noting (1977), of the individual wage data has been widely questioned that most employment relations are relatively long -term (See Barro HaU (1980)). Thus, a particular paycheck need not represent the payment for the services actually rendered the month before; as that month's installment on what is These installments could be relatively it can be viewed a rather long stream of payments. inflexible with hours worked or even on individual consumption. no effect on either For this to be true there . -11- must some mechanism which ensures that of course be additional hour today, he receives not just the current amount of future payments which also a different is if one worker works one wage per hour but appropriate given his current marginal utUity of leisure. I now turn to data on product price rigidity. US (1935) based his assertion that prices in the industry price indices. These indices move if BLS are "administered" are little, remained unchanged from June 1929 to May 1937. spurious The data on which Means the index for tin This rigidity would be quotes given to BLS employees move less than quotes given to Yet using data gathered by Stigler and Kindahl (1970) on genuine buyers. actual transactions prices Carlton (1986) concludes that price rigidity is pervasive However, Carlton himself appears unsure of this price rigidity. goods sold The Many to firms. Stigler installment payments. and Kindahl data are for intermediate of these transactions are also part of a Thus they continuing relation. of the aUocative significance too can be viewed, In other words, there at least in part, as may again be mechanisms that ensure that when a firm today buys more of some good the stream of payments from the buyer well. to the seller is affected not One mechanism capable Carlton mentions is of only today but in the future as ensuring an efficient allocation which rationing, buyers may simply be unable to buy more at the posted price. We can only be sure that the allocation if rigidity of a price affects resource two conditions are met. at this price. First transactions must be carried out Second there must be nothing that prevents an individual from buying one unit more (or less) of the current price for the good. good and thereby having to pay only the Without rethinking the entire fabric of -12- economics we must concede that prices of goods sold fulfill in stores to Individuals both requirements. So the evidence of Cecchetti (1986) that the newstand price of magazines is very rigid (Reader's Digest changed 1950 and 1980) is simply inconsistent with the absence of aUocative effects. We can now be sure of newstand price six times between its that at least some monopolisticaUy competitive producers goods have meaningfully rigid prices. of focusing on such This product price rigidity. is one of the main advantages Yet, once one accepts that there are some goods in which price rigidity plays some aUocative role, observed difficult to maintain that the price rigidity long term relationships One remarkable is fact totally in the it is context of more devoid of such a role. about the rigidity of Individual prices is that prices of monopolies tend to stay constant for longer periods of time than do This fact, which has some those of duopolies or other tight oligopolies. bearing on the theories I will survey below was originally uncovered by Stigler (1947) in his attack on the kinked demand theory of oligopoly. finding has been confirmed by several subsequent studies. These are surveyed Unlike Reader's Digest, the newstand prices in Rotemberg and Saloner (1986). of Time and Newsweek each changed nine times between 1950 and 1980. Ill Objective Functions are Flat at the In this Section I The Top discuss somewhat broadly the advantage conferred on Keynesian economics of the PAYM insight that price setters have only second order costs of being away from their optimal price. Taken as a broad statement about the fact that small deviations from optimal actions can have macroeconomic consequences It offers a great many possibilities. -13- For instance, consider a Robinson Crusoe economy work to eat. There Is between working and not working a have only a second order effect on Now suppose we Crusoe follow Akerlof little work utility. and Yellen (1985) and consider "nearmost to at A straightforward near- second order losses relative to rational strategies. randomize a strictly indifferent Small changes in more. bit is These strategies are defined as leading rational" strategies. rational model of which Crusoe must an optimal amount of work that solves the food-leisure Yet, at this optimum point, choice of Crusoe. in macro fluctuations would have Robinson Crusoe simply little bit over the amount of effort he expends'. would have the considerable advantage of simplicity. Such a model This model could also explain the comovements of other variables with GNP; nothing prevents Crusoe's randomization from being a One objection to this use of little PAYM is that in the Crusoe model of second order. insight the welfare cost of the economic fluctuations It systematic." bit Is Instead, might be argued that in the presence of monopoly or other distortion, the costs to the Individual while, who leaves his price unchanged can be of simultaneously, the cost to society from the price rigidity first order. Below I quarrel with this view; second order may be of appears invalid whenever it output moves both up and down Instead of moving only down. So the PAYM Insight does not, by itself, justify rigid prices. It does offer some relief from the notion that models with price rigidity are ipso facto implausible because keeping prices flexible only partial. The insight cheap. is So why firms In the world opting to keep their prices fixed Perhaps this Is is also justifies keeping output fixed in response to changes that make output changes profitable. vary. This relief a coincidence. More likely, are the near-rational whUe their quantities one needs nontrivial : 14- costs from making prices flexible. Before closing this section richness that the PAYM is is worth speculating on the additional insight would give more traditional dynamic models. In such models, the effects of temporary increases In government spending depend on the marginal propensity is essentially Indifferent as to consume. Yet, an optimizing individual when he spends an additional dollar of This means that the marginal propensity to consume can be any income. number to (positive or negative), and individuals would still finite only suffer second order losses from their lack of perfect optimization. IV A Static Model with In this section I Monopoly consider a simple static general equilibrium model. This model borrows heavily from Rotemberg (1982b), Mankiw (1985), Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1985) and BaU and Romer (1986b). at t The representative consumer has a utility function given by": Ut J [(l/J)I(JCit)0]P/S/3 = - (1) Lt, 1=1 where there are J goods, while L^ is labor supplied at guarantee concavity. t. C}^^ is the consumption of good The parameter Consumers maximize at t 3 i at time must be smaller than one = Et Z p^-tU^. In equation (2), p (2) is to the expected present discounted value of U^ which can be written as Vt t a discount factor while E^ takes expectations -15- known condltional on information at In the simplest version of the model t. opportunities for Intertemporal trade are limited so maximizing (2) Throughout, equivalent to maximizing (1). I is impose a cash-in-advance constraint which requires that Z PitCit < Mt. (3) i where M|- the level of Is The next question at t. to assume that money and nonlabor income analysis so that that there is is Is how money is acquired. the only asset and that at t^^. applies it money balances and P^ In principle, it is the price of good is 1 The simplest approach money at t is equal to labor is possible to extend the when there are other assets Suppose as well. an asset whose nominal rate of return from t to t+ 1 is i^. Then, the usual intertemporal budget constraint would require that M^/Rx I = R^ = TT At + IW^L^/R^ (4) . T>t T>t (1 + ij) (5) 0<j<T where W^ is the nominal wage at t. Obviously, when (5) is the appropriate constraint, the path of interest rates must adjust for (3) to hold. Since (3) holds, one can obtain the subject to (3). demand for goods by maximizing This gives: Cit = (Pit/Pt)-^(Mt/Pt)/J where r equals 1/(1-9) and (6) (1) 16- Pt = [I (Pit)l-^]1/(1-^), 1 so that Ft Is a price index for period functions lilce t. Constant elasticity demand or the very slight generalization in which real money (6), balances are raised to a power as weU, are a virtual constant in this literature. If, in addition, it Is assumed that no saving takes place, one can obtain a static labor supply schedule, which is given by: Lt = (Wt/Pt)l/1-P (7) which means that labor supply function is concave in upwards sloping as long as the is utility consumption. Firms are assumed to be monopolistic competitors who maximize the expected present discounted value of profits. These firms are assumed to take the wage as given and to have access to a linear technology so that Qit = Lit, where Q^ (8) is output of good i at t whUe input into good L}t is labor i at t. In the absence of price rigidities the firm's problem is thus the usual monopoly problem with constant marginal cost W^ and constant demand. For the monopolists problem to be well defined, this elasticity r must exceed one, so that Wt/9. elasticity of 9 must be between zero and one. Under the assumption that the labor market can be obtained from (7) and (6). clears, Prices then equal equilibrium wages Using these wages, the optimal price from the point of the view of a single firm, P*t is approximately 1^: 17- P*t = Pt(Mt/Pt)l'^/9 When real (9) firms charge this optimal price, equilibrium aggregate output, all Q^/(^'p). money balances and employment equal Under perfect competition, which obtains here by two firms competing Gmployment one, output So, one. is in if each good Bertrand fashion, the real wage since 9 Is less than one is and 1/(1-3) supplied is one and greater than is The lower under monopoly than under perfect competition. is tendency for monopoly to raise price translates in general equilibrium into low real wages which discourage labor supply. IV An Increase In the Money Supply The in a Two-Period Model simplest dynamic model in which the effects of increases in the presence of rigid prices can be studied has two periods. period money is given by some In the second period, absence of rigidities, Mq and is prices would rise by k%, output and to remain at money equal money Increases unexpectedly by In In the first expected k%. to In the real balances Suppose however that changing prices would be unaffected. (1985), value Prices are therefore given by (9) with this level forever. Mq. initial money is costly. Mankiw Akerlof and Yellen (1985) and Blanchard and Klyotaki (1986) compute the size of this cost which leaves firms indifferent between maintaining the first period price and raising their price. The way this computation and Klyotaki (1986) compute the gain is to is Mankiw (1985) and Blanchard assume that aU firms hold their price fixed and to a single firm this gain f(k) where, carried out in for small k, from optimally changing f(k) is its proportional to k^. price. to Denote For costs of 18- changing prices equal As discussed Rotemberg and Saloner (1986) This raises its price. substitutes for good all not changing prices This can be seen as follows. unique. j in to f(k), will raise this equilibrium is not Suppose that the firm which demand of firms good sells producing With the demand curves given by (6), the demand for j. other firms increases as long as the elasticity of demand, r, exceeds This additional demand provides an additional incentive to raise one. Thus, prices. price, it costs of changing prices equal f(k) and one firm raises its if becomes optimal for all the others to change their price. would of course also make collective price increase original firm to raise its price. all the an equilibrium. is the firms raise their price. There bigger than some would not change price even costs larger than f*(k) is optimal for the thus also equilibrium in which Of course, for costs of changing prices sufficiently big (i.e. its is it Such a if critical level f'''(k)) a single firm aU other firms changed theirs. Only for not changing prices the unique equilibrium. For costs of changing prices between f(k) and f*(k) there are two additional equilibria. In one of these, aU the firms change their price. In the other, a fraction a between zero and one of the firms change their price. This fraction a is this fraction is changing increasing Its in the cost of changing prices. Given that price, firms are indifferent between changing their prices or not. StUl, for some level of costs which, for k small, is this point, worth raising the question is changes costly. changing prices. proportional to the unique equilibrium and, given (6), output rises. k^, price fixity it is of what precisely makes price There are undoubtely some small administrative costs These are sometimes referred more than the printing of At to as of "menu" costs although menus must be Involved since the newstand price of -19- magazlnes which is is printed with the rest of the magazine, Another possible cost, . stressed by Okunl2 (1981, p. 141-53) and Rotemberg (1982b), the is cost of customer dissatisfaction with firms whose pricing appears erratic^^'. and Ideally such customer dissatisfaction would be modelled explicitly much remains to be done on this. For the moment imagine that any change At least to some price costs goodwill which affects future purchases. extent, the loss in goodwUl by one's competitor even possible that the reduced if a gain to oneself. is others are changing their price as well. the multiplicity of equilibria mentioned above, equilibria in which all It changing one's own price loss in goodwill from since in is is This would exacerbate it would mean when k firms change their prices exist even is quite small. The increased output produced when money work more. It is additional effort. real wage adjusts static In the simple model outlined above, W^ to make workers willing to In the case in is work more. which there in the real is wage can be is generally more alternative approach They postulate is With utility we know that the equilibrium nominal wage discounted at the nominal interest rate is adopted independent of time. in Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1986). that workers each possess unique attributes so that they too act as monopolistic competitors utility For the case of compute but, conceptually, no new problems emerge. strictly linear in labor supply, An flexible so the an intertemporal budget constraint as in (4), the required change in the real wage difficult to when they set their wage. Then their loss in from keeping their wages constant and agreeing to work more response workers important to discuss the mechanism that brings forth this budget constraints, the required change obtained from (7). rises requires that to increases in M can also be suitably bounded. in Both of these -20- approaches have the very un-Keyneslan implication that in recessions workers are close to indifferent between working and not working. Suppose then that one believes that intertemporal substitution of leisure cannot explain the movements in employment 1'*. not believe that the constancy of goods' prices But, the classical model. is The paper by Akerlof and Yellen unnecessary and that is the only departure from is one then required to believe that there are nominal wage rigidities as weD? suggests that this One can then obviously is it (1985) sufficient for there to be a "real" imperfection in the labor market. Akerlof and YeUen (1985) postulate an "efficiency" wage which employers pay to increase worker diligence. In their model, increasing In the wage they receive. depends only on the responsiveness effort by workers is This implies that the optimal real wage of effort to the real wage^^. It is Independent of employment and can easily be above the marginal rate of substitution between consumption and leisure. results from reductions in the money supply The decline in the in output which presence of rigid prices then leaves the real wage unaffected, while reducing labor demand and increasing unemployment. V Are Macroeconomic Fluctuations Excessive? In this Section supply. I Suppose, as in equal quantities. Lt^/P - Lt- : Welfare Issues discuss the welfare effects of changes in the money is true in any equilibrium that Then using (8), all goods are supplied one can write individual utility as: (10) -21- Since the level of output supplied by monopolistic competitors lower is than one (the competitive level), the derivative of the representative with respect to employment utility (10) Expansions equilibrium. Then, since aggregate fluctuations money supply A is a utility is concave in sometimes high and other is consumption the existence of reduces welfare. Itself also As Mankiw popular accounts of business Moreover, suppose that output fluctuations. the output are good, contractions are bad. this accords well with (1985) points out, times low. in positive at the monopolistic is Stabilizing output using good idea. different question is always change their prices whether stabilizing output by forcing firms is a good idea. to This question of whether there is excessive price rigidity (or excessive output variability) given the costs of changing prices is addressed and Romer (1986b, 1987) in Ball . The answer is not obvious because the losses from the fluctuations in output are of second order!", I same order as the cost of changing prices. ^j^g now present (1986b, 1987) Likely to . a simplified version of the Consider k% changes be positive or negative. in the If arguments in Ball money supply which are equally prices are unchanged, employment changes by k% as well so the second order effects on utility are (B-l)LBk2/2 Since utility is linear in leisure, to the fluctuations. this can if all to: Now consider Here, I be interpreted as the the costs of changing prices compute the costs that the unique equilibrium has constant prices. even equal (11) leisure cost of the fluctuations. which lead and Romer f'''(k) which ensure These costs are such that firms but one change their price optimally, i.e. by k%, the •22- remaining firm would prefer to keep its This cost is thus equal having output differ from the optimal output by rk% at the to the cost from equilibrium levels of real wages and real easUy computed price fixed. money balances. This cost is to be: (r-l)QPk2/2 in At the equilibrium real wage this equals: nominal terms. (r-l)Q3k2/2 (12) Equation (12) gives the costs to a firm from changing units of leisure. its prices while (11) gives the costs to individuals from price rigidity. Price rigidity is thus excessive, costs of changing prices I(l-B)/[J(r-l)] where is I > if (13) 1 the number of individuals. rigidity excessive because utility when output of demand, fluctuates. r, Similarly, is of at least of 3 renders price a high value for the perceived elasticity let output fluctuate a great deal Such large fluctuations are costly so a high value of r reduces price rigidity. demand A low value very concave and individuals lose much means that firms must alone keep their prices fixed. elasticity of more than the in that individuals lose If I if to firms, equals J and firms face an two the ratio in (13) is less than one. Prices move too much. Ball they and Romer (198Gb, 1987) also conclude that ratios of the form of -23- (13) are not vinambiguously greater than one. It analyzed the equilibria with least rigidity since necessary of f*(k) Is Romer (1986b) likely. to In Ball worth noting that I have have assumed that a cost I keep prices constant. If instead, as in Ball and excess rigidity becomes more a cost of only f(k) is required, As noted is and Romer (1987) the welfare properties of the model depend on the choice of equilibrium. This dependence might be even more severe changing prices represents mainly a loss having all if all firms change theirs as well. firms change their prices could be individual costs of changing prices. one felt the cost of Then customer goodwill. any single firm could be much larger in goodwill to alone than in if if it changes In other words, much lower than its the loss prices the cost from the sum of In this case equilibria with rigid prices would tend to be more inefficient than equilibria with more flexible prices. As we will see in the next section, once dynamics are explicitly recognized the choice of equilibrium determines not only welfare but also the qualitative features of the model. it is worth noting that the expression (11) for the welfare cost of fluctuations is valid both Before closing this section, One interesting feature competition. fluctuations is of (11) Is under monopoly and that the cost of k% bigger under competition (when L Because the relevant part of the utility function is one) than under monopoly. has constant relative risk aversion, individuals are willing to give up a certain fraction of their consumption to eliminate k% fluctuations. represents more consumption when output Such a constant fraction is high, as under competition. VI Dynamic Models of Costly Price Adjustment: i) Ss rules . -24- The two period model obviously In the presence of costs of changing prices the economies with rigid prices. price that inherited from the past is capture an important feature of fails to is not necessariliy the price that was optimal just before the latest change in the money supply. This has the important consequence that when prices start far out of line, even a smaD change in the money supply can To take change prices. get firms over the brink and induce them to this into account, money supply evolves over a model is needed in which the time and firms adopt optimal dynamic strategies. For the case of fixed costs of changing prices, a general model of this type Moreover the multiplicity has yet to be developed. plagues even the simple model of section IV makes will One case be badly behaved^'. of equilibria that it for which equilibria Rotemberg (1983) and Parkin (198G)) is such a model likely that have been studied (in the case of constant rate of monetary growth Sheshinski and Weiss (1977) consider a firm for in the absence of costs of changing prices They prove will follow an Ss pricing policy. The price to S times P*. At this point the price rate, the time i.e. it constant rate. is is Each price change leads to a price equal then kept constant until changed again. Since P'^'^ it equals grows Now suppose happens that the grow to is fixed, is money supply grows at the rate g. Then a firm with a price constant for a period of length by gT every time demand function desired price growing at the rate g. it changes its price. sP''', and that the price at the rate g thus choose to keep its P'''. constant as weU. its price times at a constant given by (6) would see its s takes for a constant price to decrease from SP* to the time during which the price level also at a the optimal price presence of fixed costs of changing prices, the firm in the that, grows P'''^ whom It would T and change Rotemberg (1983) assumes •25- demand functions and that there are a continuum of firms with such that they He start off uniformly distributed over the time of their last price change. shows that in this case, level (defined as the firms) does indeed there unique equilibrium a is unweighted geometric average grow of the prices of different The reason at the rate g. in wiiich the price for this that over is Interval of length t, a fraction x/T of firms change their prices by that prices rise on average any by gT so Thus aggregate output does not vary over gt. time. In this equilibrium the distribution of the ratio of actual prices to P*t is uniform with boundaries S and As Caplin and Spulber (1986) have s. emphasized, the distribution of real prices is (which fact permits a different interpretation time -invariant as well. I will This refer to as interpretation B) of the constancy of the rate of growth of the price level. In an interval of length t, rises P'"' by rg. This means that a fraction Tg/(S-s) of firms find their price out of line and adjust their price by (Ss) . Thus the average price It is worth noting that rises as in Sheshinski and Weiss (1977) or if Rotemberg (1983) the Ss rule by xg^° is due changing prices, an to fixed costs of increase in the rate of inflation increases the size of individual price changes. More generally, the only case for which Ss rule optimal Is is it Is known the case of a constant rate of increase of Nonetheless, Caplin and Spulber (1986) assume that S and is is that, once again, the costs to firms small in a wide range of circumstances. Still, P'''. s are fixed One defense independently of the stochastic nature of the economy. approach that a constant from fixing these variables it is difficult to see exactly what form of "near-rationality" leads to a constant Ss rule^^. implication of constant Ss rules is for this that price changes are all One of equal size 26- when measured percentage terms. In This obviously rules out the possibility that the prices of some products sometimes Is many products. counterfactual for shows that in the US This rise. Nonetheless Cechettl's (1986) study the average percent change of individual magazines prices in the more inflationary 1970's On average for the 1960's. Israeli noodles, and other times fall is not appreciably different from the the other hand, study of the prices in their Sheshinski, Tischler and Weiss (1981) report price increases which are on average more than twice as high more inflationary period in the 1974-1978 than in the period 1965-1973. The implications of a constant Ss rule together with what appears like a technical assumption that P* have a monotone continuous sample path are Suppose that firms start with their prices nothing short of startling. Assume that uniformly distributed over the interval [SP*,sP*]. over some interval t by Then v. rises by v over an B given above. interval, there rises, a fraction v/(S-s) of firms adjust their price by (S-s) so that the price level rises by v. of the interpretation P''' It means This that, if an equilibrium is just a rewording is money supply the which the price level in does as well even though individual prices are rigid. The requirement sample paths be monotone and continuous to is distribution of prices remains uniform after necessary all changes monetary "shock". By a shock, which money goes up very in the interim, fast. I mean If it a ensure that the in the What the Caplin and Spulber theory obviously misses is very short period happens so that fast that money supply. the effect of a of time during no prices adjust the adjustment of prices after the monetary shock leaves a distribution of prices with an atom at SP'^; different possibility is that while the it is no longer uniform. money supply fast some firms are adjusting their prices as well. is A temporarily growing These firms, if they are 27- ought ratlonal to anticipate that prices will They should thus Increase near future. and thus abandon the Ss rule. Another way nonneutralities of seeing to is is how optimal their which P* is growing expected own prices by more than price adjustment rules create at the rate g that, to a steady state in and firms are following the optimal Ss without any jump lower level to prevail forever. initially in a is in the rate of growth of P* P''', This lower rate of growth g'. is then Firms must therefore revise their optimal Ss rule according to the formulae in Sheshinski and Weiss. have a smaller band of prices, a higher value, It is now optimal to for the low relative price s', which triggers a price change and a lower value, set (S-s) consider the partial equilibrium story of Tsiddon He then assumes unexpectedly shifts relatively fast in the likely to reintroduce nonneutralities. Tsiddon assumes that the economy (1987). rule. This grow for the price that S', is when prices are changed. The question between S and Is how the firms whose prices are between s and should respond. S' Clearly those low a price, i.e those between sP* and s'P'^, who choose to let their adjust their price price be eroded by or find themselves with too are beyond the price that triggers a change; they should raise their price to S'P*. find themselves with too high a price, i.e. s' Instead, those who those between S'P* and SP*, may Even inflation. downward the downward adjustment if they choose to (S'-S) is much smaller than the upwards adjustment (S'-s) so that the price index rises on the instant in which the rate of growth of P* falls. this to mean that which contribute because P* is policies of disinflation to recessions. It is tempting to interpret promote upward revisions This interpretation not being determined in equilibrium. disinflationary episodes are likely to be accompanied is in prices somewhat premature In particular, by increases in the demand for the rate of money. Suppose the disinflation money growth. Is attempted by simply reducing Then P* would jump down as soon as money growth slows down, thereby reducing the incentive for prices to rise^^. The great insight of Tsiddon's paper is that the optimal change of Ss rules that accompanies changes in monetary policy has, itself, aggregate consequences which are missed when the Ss rule spite of this, is assumed the paper by Caplin and Spulber (1986) is to be constant. In valuable for stressing that the pervasive rigidity of Individual prices does not automatically Imply that monetary injections raise output. Another way of making this point is the following. changing prices very small changes very large price changes. the firm is in the external environment can trigger This occurs because at the instant of price change almost Indifferent between maintaining while longer or incurring the cost of price change different price. Is With fixed costs of its current price for a now and moving This Indifference can easily be broken. to a quite This means that it possible to Imagine distributions of prices such that a small increase in the money supply makes many firms Increase increase in the money supply triggers their price a lot so that an a recessional. The message from line of thinking Is that the distribution of prices Is all important deciding whether an Increase in the money supply expansionary22. in popular II) This is is this when contractionary or not the sort of variable that finds a natural home Keynesian discussions. Staggering The equilibrium with constant inflation considered in Rotemberg (1982) has both a constant Ss rule and intervals of constant length between price -29- Indeed, Just as with constant Ss rules, keeping the Interval changes. between price changes constant Yet there constant rate^S. Romer (1986a), Ball is Is generally optimal only when P''' grows at a (Blanchard (1983,1986a), Ball and a literature and Cecchetti (1986), Parkin (1986)) which assumes that prices are set for intervals of constant length. spawned under the influence This literature probably of the earlier literature on rigid labor markets (Fischer (1976), Taylor (1980)) in which contracts of constant length have descriptive appeal. For prices, the notion that the interval between price changes constant is clearly counterf actual. There is is much anecdotal evidence and some hard evidence such as Cechetti's that price changes are more frequent when inflation high^'*. is Thus Reader's Digest changed both January 1974 and January 1975, while it kept its its newstand price in price constant between September 1957 and January 1967. It is worth pointing out that the assumption of a constant interval between price changes makes the degree of price rigidity estimate with aggregate data. One possibility (Taylor (1980b)) a certain length for this interval before estimation. knowledge of the discount rate of prices, there procedure of Christiano (1985) is to impose In this case, used by firms completely determines the path nothing else to estimate. is difficult to Alternatively, one can use the who estimates the model repeatedly, letting the period for which prices are fixed be different multiples of the sampling interval. If Comparison of these different estimates in addition to is of course difficult. maintaining the assumption of constant intervals one imposes the condition that the number of firms that change their price interval of length t is constant. I.e. in that firms are uniformly distributed over the the time since they last changed their prices, some interesting any . -30- dynamic responses of output particular, under money emerge (See Blanchard to In (1983)). Blanchard shows that the this "staggering" assumption, length of time over which a particular once and for all Increase In money affects output can exceed the length of time for which individual prices are fixed One question that has emerged in this work is, assuming firms maintain constant the intervals for which their prices are fixed, changes be staggered or will change their prices will firms will their price same time at the i.e This question has been asked both of models of they be synchronized^^. labor contracts (Fethke and Policano (1984), Matsukawa (1985)) and of price setters (Parkin (1986), their specifics, there Ball While the results differ in tendency for staggered and synchronized a is and Romer (1986a)). equilibria to coexist. This coexistence can be seen most easily for the case of constant money growth whose staggered equilibrium now consider synchronized is equilibria. discussed previous section. in the We already saw in Section other firms raise their prices at a point in time the demand for VI that all I if other firms rises. This increase in demand, in turn, raises the incentive to raise prices. This means that if all other firms are changing their prices together very often, each individual firm will want to do so as well. this equilibrium the only reason a firm do so. changes The firm thus has no desire to change what brings about is its its price is because others price between the price This lack of desire to deviate from the equilibrium of others. equilibria changes its existence. Moreover the logic of these such that there are several of these equilibria. by the length At of time particular that there during which is all prices are constant^^. no reason for synchronized equilibria is synchronized These differ This means to be in . 31- periodlc. The key difference between synchronized and staggered in equilibria is that the former both the price level and output jump around discontinuously Such jumps would presumably be reported on by This lacks descriptive appeal. newspapers. StlU, in between price changes both of these equilibria, as long as the interval is constant, monetary changes generally affect output. In the staggered setting they do so because only some firms change prices. In synchronized equilibria they do so because, most of the time, aU prices are constant. The authors mentioned above have tried to derive conditions One possible either the staggered or the synchronized equilibria disappear. criticism of the staggered equilibrium brings back the uniform distribution a is if that it it is unstable. ever disturbed. is myriad modifications of the model which ensure the presence of idiosyncratic shocks (BaU and under which Nothing Yet, there are These include stability. Romer (1986a)), small differences in the Ss policies of different firms (Caplin and Spulber (1986)), as well as the randomization which is optimal to foU speculators (Benabou (1986a)). There are several ways The first is to (1986a)). of ruling out perfectly synchronized equilibria. assume that there are firm specific shocks (BaU and Romer Yet, even in the presence of such shocks there can be differing degrees of bunching after a monetary shock. The second is to assume the government would rapidly reduce the money supply if increase together (Parkin (1986)). assume that when another firm raises its price the is demand Tlie third for one's is to own product aU prices were actually falls. impossible with the cash-in-advance constraint used here. Blanchard (1987) proves it to be possible if to However, the elasticity of a firm's This -32- demand with respect to real Ball Finally, firm's price. money balances exceeds that with respect and Cecchetti (1986) argue that firms want learn about their optimal price from their competitors price. wait until others have changed their price. lead to a classic war of attrition^'. to They may thus In continuous time this would Moreover, unless learning about prices charged by other takes time, price changes would stUl occurr iii) to the in spurts. Quadratic Costs of Changing Prices The difficulties with the fixed costs of changing prices model in a dynamic setting are akin to those of investment models with fixed costs of investment. If anything they are more severe because of the induced multiplicity of equilibria. literature is to The standard solution in the investment The pretend that the costs of investment are convex. justification for this, that it Is easier to absorb new capacity into the firm at a slow rate, flies in the face of the lumpiness of actual investment projects. The reason such models survive professional scrutiny is that whatever the weakness of the assumption one can actually solve them and obtain aggregate investment equations In a form suitable for estimation. A similar reasoning might apply to costs of changing prices. one could in principle argue that the cost of Increasing prices of upset customers is Here too the cost and that customers might be more than proportionately upset with larger price changes^". that individual price adjustment is Again one would have lumpy. to confront the fact Here this observation is more damaging, because the main reason for taking models of costly price adjustment seriously is the fact that individual prices seem sticky. In a series of papers (Rotemberg (1982a, 1982b)) I have nonetheless -33- pursued the Implications of quadratic costs of further justifications for their use after changing prices. draw out I These models start from the maximization demand given by (6) and the technology As argued above, it Et ^ p^ 1 in the * upper case the cost of changing prices then possible to take a quadratic is where o and 6 Rotemberg (1982a) then letters Is (13) lower case letters are the logarithms at t, high. [(l-a)(5-l)/6] * path of prices absence of costs of c(pjt+j-pit+j-i)2] where E^ takes expectations Pit = °Plt-l to a minimizes: [(Pit+j-P*itH)^ of the respective their implications. This leads (8). approximation of from the firm's profits around P*. postulates that firm give some of firm profits subject to the P* (given by (9)) which the firm would charge changing prices. I are related to and parameter which c is a The solution to this problem I (1/6)J p*t+j p and bigger than one. c; is high if is: (14) the former is smaller than one This solution has a natural while the latter is interpretation. Because the costs of increasing price are convex, firms opt to change their prices slowly. and P*'s. Because it Prices are a weighted average of past prices wUl also be costly to change prices in the future, future P*'s are taken into account as well. Aggregation of (14) accross firms, which is trivial recognized, gives rise to an equation analogous to (14) price level is a once symmetry in is which the current weighted average of the past price level and present and future levels of the money supply. This dependence of current prices on the . 34- future is, of course, common to all models in which rational firms have rigid prices The main advantage of this quadratic equations that can easily be estimated. approach is that leads to It Rotemberg (1982b) applies aggregate US data while GiovannJni and Rotemberg (198G) apply it to it simultaneously to German prices and the dollar/DM exchange rate. The model tracks fairly well the behavior of prices and exchange rates^". The obvious implication of this model is money supply translate themselves rather slowly raise output. sudden increases that in the into price increases, so they This brings back the issue of how such a model, even when only applied to aggregate data, can be consistent with the sharp and sporadic price Increases observed in micro data. The obvious answer to this is that models of this type capture the existence of some firms who delay their price changes relative One model version of (14) to the underlying fundamentals. of delay whose equilibrium looks is presented in exogenously given probability This probability time period^^. Calvo does not allow Its it to He assumes that firms have an Calvo (1983). n of is identical to the aggregate changing their price in any particular presumably chosen optimally as weU but vary over time. An optimizing firm who changes price and minimizes (13) with c set equal to zero will thus charge a price Z^ which is a weighted sum of current and expected future P''''s: Zt = (l-(l-n)p){I [(l-TT)p]J p"<t.j] The future P*'s are less important the higher rate at which the future is discounted. Is ti The logarithm and the higher the of the price level is then a weighted average of the logarithm of the past price level (with weight -35- (l-it)) Pt and = (with weight z (l-i')Pt-l which Is ' it): Tr(l-(l-iT)p){Z [(l-TT)p]J p*t.j} indistinguishable from the aggregate version of (1^)^^ . Thus the estimates in Rotemberg (1982)'s favorite specification imply that in the the postwar US about 8 percent of prices are adjusted time between price adjustments is about 3 years. every quarter; the mean Instead, the estimates of Giovanninl and Rotemberg (1986) imply that between 1974 and 1982 the average time between price adjustments in Germany was of only about 12 months. This probabilistic interpretation of an equation such as (14) has both The Calvo model has the advantage strengths and weaknesses. that Individual price changes are large while the price level adjusts sluggishly. observation that price changes are more common is periods of high inflation inconsistent with a constant probability of changing prices. also falls to explain A is in why Yet, the The model price changes are stochastic. partial equilibrium reason for randomizing the timing of price He considers demand functions for goods that given in Benabou (1986a). Firms for are storable. changes whom the date of price change is known wUl then be subject to speculative attacks; individual wUl hoard their goods just before the price rises. There is then no pure strategy equilibrium to the game between price setters with constant costs The solution A is is for the price change to of changing prices and speculators. occur at a random date. different reason for delay and possibly even for somewhat random delay that there are both costs to gathering information and costs of changing prices. By costs of gathering information I have and Saloner (1986), that the firm does not know in its mind, as do Rotemberg optimal price without -36- spending resources. only these costs are present, prices should change If often since firms would charge their best guess of the optimal price. Suppose however that these costs coexist with costs of changing prices. Then firms will keep prices constant for some time, occasionally investigate the Suppose then that the money optimal price and only then change prices. supply rises by a known amount. their optimal price Not firms will respond all and some firms wUl react only with delay. would obviouly become somewhat stochastic is observed randomly. It Is if by investigating This delay information of varying quality worth stressing, however, that at this point we lack even partial equilibrium models in which costs of gathering information and of price adjustment are important. VII Multiple Equilibria As we have seen, small costs equilibria. of Yet, at least in the two period model and for a specified range monetary growth, rigidity is the equilibria feature price rigidity, and this price all responsible for the Keynesian outcomes. a literature In which the multiplicity Keynesian economics teams and in is In this section of equilibria can, The connection between viewed as Keynesian. in changing prices generate multiple of by itself, I review be multiple equilibria and clearly articulated in Bryant (1983)'s model of effort The connection Woodford (1986). is apparent once one recognizes that the equilibria differ by the (correct) beliefs agents have about their environment. The great strength possibility that These beliefs can be of these models employment can fall below adverse shift in technology or tastes. is thought of as animal spirits. that they illustrate the full employment without any At least some of these models find 37- The two other features of Keynesian thinking more difficult to accomodate. first is that large fluctuations in output are accompanied by long periods which individual prices are rigid. In these models, predictably. The second changes for is money in must switch the economy from one equilibrium money that to affects output have an effect they They must thus another. to affect agents beliefs about their environment in prespecified ways. way problem of posing this is that one can only output once a particular equilibrium little is in know how money Another will affect Yet the models provide selected. guidance for this selection. Somewhat arbitrarily, three strands. The first I divide this literature on multiple equilibria in strand (which is embodied in Stiglitz and (1979, 1984) and Woglom (1982)) is closely connected to price rigidity of Sections IV- VI. It starts from partial equilibrium models with multiple equilibria. Then, a change unchanged nominal prices. in the to the models money supply can be consistent with The second strand considers fairly classical models but modifies the institutions of price setting, wage setting, hiring of labor and purchasing equilibria. (1982), of commodities Models of this type include those of Diamond (1982), Weitzman Cooper and John (1985) and Roberts (1986). on the overlapping generations model. this and thereby achieves multiple The third strand focuses As Kehoe and Levine (1985) demonstrate model can posess a great many equilibria. These have been given Keynesian interpretations by Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1986) and Woodford (1986). i) I consider these ideas in turn. Partial Equilibrium Multiplicities Consider an oligopoly whose member-firms live forever and produce a -38- homogeneous good subject usual Bertrand one of charging marginal cost. with higher prices. These occur, as knows that any undercutting a price war not too many in in is the Yet there are also equilibria Friedman (1971) because each firm agreed upon price of the implicitly which price reverts to marginal cost. firms, One equilibrium to constant marginal costs. Indeed, will lead to there are if any price between the monopoly price and marginal cost constitutes such an equilibrium. Thus, as Stiglitz (1984), notes there exists in particular an equilibrium in which nominal prices stay constant over some period of time. This equilibrium the oligopolists except insofar it is not particularly desirable to Rotemberg and facilitates coordination. Saloner (1986b) argue that when a collusive equilibrium of this type maintained through price leadership for all (i.e. firms) then the rigidity of prices oligopoly. The advantage exploiting the follower to relative shifts in by is is letting one firm pick the price actually useful to the of rigidity is that by varying the price it prevents the leader from to its own advantage in response demand. Similar multiplicities arise in Stiglltz's (1979,1985) model of search. He considers equilibria in which aU firms charge the same price. one firm decides to charge a different price. its A firm that chooses to lower price attracts very few customers because search attracts only those people with very low search costs all its price it costly. is who are search repeatedly in order to find the one cheap store) instead to raise Suppose . If (Indeed it willing to the firm chooses wiU lose many more customers since they are sure that they can obtain a lower price by going to one additional store. Thus the demand curve facing an individual charged by all the other firms. firms has a kink at the price This tends to make this price optimal. Hence there are multiple equilibria and it is possible (and perhaps even 39- natural) to keep nominal prices It worth briefly drawing the contrast between is costs of changing prices, upset customers"^^. implies that firms. unchanged even when the money supply rises^^ it Is when these are viewed particularly The two are obviously costly to charge a price different from that of other that in the search model is prices even If single firm would benefit, stabilizes its Two it is i.e. The key difference between the worth matching other firms' an environment with very volatile prices, a in it would please its customers, it if own. observations deserve to be made about the multiplicities The such a change believe prices will change, The second fundamental changes. among firms with price rigidity. in these these models are as consistent with excessively first is that rigid as with excessively volatile prices. competition this is Instead, the models with costs these are extremely volatile. changing prices assume that models. as the cost of In the equilibria in which others keep their prices constant, two models and related since the search model the same as making prices costly to change. of this search story to is In these models, will if take place even people if nothing that these stories rely critically on generate the multiplicities which are associated Thus they are hard to reconcile with the evidence that monopolies keep their prices more rigid than oligopolies. ii) Multiplicities In this section, in due I to non-Walrasian Institutions svirvey models which both goods and labor markets. In these models the institutional as well as the timing of production, explicitly. abandon the Walrasian auctioneer Diamond (1982) presents framework pricing and exchange are modelled a search model in which opportunities to These opportunities differ produce arrive randomly. needed to obtain one unit of output. amount in the of effort Having produced, individuals must then search for a trading partner, i.e. another person who has also produced. when they trade the Only fruits of their production with one another can they In this model there are different equilibria corresponding to consume. different effort levels individuals are wUling to incur. others are If wUling to incur much effort, there are many trading opportunities (search much for trading partners will be short) and expending worthwhile. is One interpretation that individuals work little because, even though measured real wages are Another interpretation will wages is a is be difficult to lack of a mechanism it difficult to purchase useful This lacks descriptive power for Western countries. goods and services. it that firms are not employing workers because they sell Under the output. this interpretation the whereby the unemployed workers might be able Is considered in the related are not time consuming. It and purchasing decisions. output is sold^''. in framework only differs from that Initially, Workers then offer their labor. finally, down model of Roberts (198G). This model deviates less from the Arrow-Debreu framework wages. to bid drawback. Such a mechanism of pricing becomes for the equilibria with low levels of output high, individuals fear that they will find fear effort that transactions in the sequence firms announce prices and Next, firms decide who to hire and, Even when he restricts himself to equilibria in which prices and wages equal their Walrasian levels, output can be anywhere between zero and the Walrasian model is level. What is most remarkable about this that equilibria with low output have true involuntary unemployment; workers who do not work envy those who do. understood as follows. As in the These equilibria can be second interpretation of the Diamond model. -41- other firms hire few workers, few Individuals if own product and therefore one's demand such low expected demand The key question there its model price will attract a great wage wUl its in the is why, if there are unemployed workers, After to fall. all, a firm who many customers, while one who lowers A firm given a theoretically very ingenious is who contemplates deviating by lowering "threatened" with a drastic change in the equilibrium is to stUl be offering appealing positions to the otherwise answer by Roberts. and wage The natural response few workers oneself. This rather old question unemployed. be low. will no pressure for wages and prices is lowers to hire Is be able to afford one's will if its it price does so. As I mentioned, in Roberts' model there constant returns to scale technology, the If even leaving out one any firm lowers one with also an equilibrium with full Moreover, since several firms produce any given good with a emplojmient. feasible Is full its full of the firms. employment equilibrium Thus Roberts (1986) assumes that wage then the equilibrium immediately employment where this particular firm is shifts to the inactive. unemployment) and keeping the same prices and wages as all necessary that, if a firm non-Walrasian model producing good j lowers its it all the other firms. Several features of this construction deserve to be noted. in a This leaves wage (and thereby eliminationg firms indifferent between lowering their support the Walrasian equilibrium is is First, to obviously wages below the Walrasian level, those employed by the firm be employable (at Walrasian wages) In another firm producing good j. Roberts, however, requires one order of magnitude more information and coordination. j lowers as well. its wage firms producing goods other than j When a firm producing must react dramatically Second, the unemployment equilibria are not robust to the -42- Such a firm would prefer Introduction of a single civic-minded firm^^. eliminate unemployment if it could do so without affecting profits. model, this can be achieved by lowering wages and prices. are a little off the mark, there with low output. may be other ways The model should be seen Walrasian auctioneer equilibria are unique if In the These criticisms of supporting equilibria Once the as an important warning. abandoned care must be taken is to to ensure that one seeks to perform standard comparative statics. This warning seems particularly pertinent for the models surveyed in Section IV which lack auctioneers in both goods and labor markets*'". Ill Multiplicities in the Overlapping Generation Model The standard overlapping generations models the other models considered in this survey. a Walrasian auctioneer and dynamics are Kehoe and Levlne (1985) have shown, live for if of differs considerably from In particular, prices are set by paramount importance. there are several goods (or more than two periods), the model can have continua foresight equilibria aU of which converge to a steady state. multiplicity can be thought of as follows. Walrasian auctioneer who StUl, as agents if of perfect This In each period, there is a clears current markets for goods and labor. If agents have different expectations about prices tomorrow, the prices that clear markets today will differ as well. There are multiple equilibria because different prices today are supported by different (correct) beliefs about prices in the future. It is thus natural to index these equilibria by the beliefs about the future that they require. Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1986) consider a model whose multiplicities can be indexed by two numbers . They associate one number with -43- Gxpected future output and the other with the current nominal wage. these numbers are picked outside the model. If supply leaves these two variables unaffected, it effects. One great advantage model of their is an increase . money in the has the usual Keynesian that is it analysis using the standard IS-LM graphical apparatus. model, prices are not rigid per se Both amenable to Note that In this Nominal wages stay constant when the money supply changes because expectations of future variables, future wages, have changed In just the right way. including For this story of price rigidity to be convincing, an intuitive justification for this response of expectations about the future will have be provided. to VIII Conclusions In these conclusions, I give weaknesses of the recent crop of noting that I views about the strengths and Keynesian microfoundations. must start by I view the existence of multiple equilibria as a weakness economic model. First, difficult to reject. many things can happen if Indeed whether it is when there are multiple equilibria to reject in any much more the models are even possible an open question. like those in Section VII is importantly, my own models Secondly, and perhaps more it is impossible to know how the economy wUl react to any particular government policy. Therefore All three view the models surveyed in the last section as incomplete. types of models suggest literally that any level of output equilibrium. locally I My hope is unique equilibria that in ways wiU be found these models. to rule out all For Instance, in is but a set of the case of supergames the equilibrium with the highest profits for the oligopoly, least when the firms are symmetric, appears natural. If an this locally at unique -44- GNP set of equilibria turns out to involve expansions in response in to increases in the money supply, the models would obviously provide more solid Keynesian microfoundations. Unfortunately this criticism also applies at least to some extent to models in which there are costs of changing prices. the obvious purpose of these models The reason, as equilibria. showed, I is is true even though unique Keynesian to provide is This that any increase in prices firms creates an additional incentive to raise one's own price. tend to be equilibria with varying degrees of price rigidity. by other There thus Moreover these equilibria can be qualitatively quite different; in some the price level evolves smoothly, in others dramatically, is it subject to large jumps. Perhaps most whenever prices are different from optimal prices there exists the possibility that prices will change simply because they are expected to change. Here too Yet, there is it would be good to know how perhaps another way to select equilibria. Suppose of thinking of these models. the evolution of money can be characterized by a stationary stochastic process. Then an equilibrium can be thought of as a stochastic process for prices which dictates the prices to every conceivable eventuality. mentioned above, there are many such equilibria. multiplicity, the model would microfoundations If still As In spite of this provide rather strong Keynesian every such equilibrium exhibited positive correlation between monetary surprises and output. This would question of how to empirically validate the model. still leave open the Tests would have to be designed that examine only the features which are common accros equilibria. Even this is not enough. There must also be some equilibrium which consistent with both the aggregate price data (prices respond slowly to money) and the individual price data (inflation makes price changes larger is -45- As and more frequent). clear from the discussion in Section VII, is no While some of the existing existing model satisfies these dual requirements. models can account for some features of the aggregate data, they do not explain the Individual data. The task proposed in the previous paragraphs are two grounds for feeling It will ultimately daunting. is The be completed. Yet, there first is the pervasive microeconomlc evidence that firms perceive price changes as costly. In particular, by the fact uncovered Stigler that prices of monopolies are more rigid than prices of duopolies is, Rotemberg and as Saloner (1986) show, an almost natural consequence of fixed costs of changing prices. This most easily seen when a decrease is reason for a single firm undercut its in an oligopoly in cost to lower its prices is its desire to competitors and take customers from them. to lower prices This which monopolists obviously don't perceive. equilibrium with rigid prices is more easUy disturbed Oligopolists are more likely to change prices when for optimism is is an incentive So the an oligopoly. in costs change or, as Rotemberg and Saloner (198G) show, even when there The second reason Then, one occurs. aggregate inflation. is that the papers I have surveyed in sections V-VII, while not the final word, have clarified greatly which Thus features of price rigidity lead to Keynesian effects and which do not. we have learned from Caplln and Spulber (198G) and Tsiddon (1986) that it Is the fact that firms will optimally change both the lowest relative price they are wUiing to tolerate and the relative price they set their price which is responsible for monp' . when they change y nonneutralitles. Similarly the staggering literature teaches us one Important form the muiiiplic1tio<5 of the static model take when firms are embedded in a dynamic context. It also shows how these multiplicities can be consistent with having each equilibrium . -46- be subject to monetary noneutralitles. Finally the models of Rotemberg and Calvo show how aggregate dynamics may be easier to understand and estimate when Individual decisions involve some stochastic elements -47- FOOTNOTES effect from increases in money balances on operate through the effect of open-market operations on real activity which balances money accross families. See Grossman and Weiss the distribution of 1 Note that I am Ignoring the (1983), Rotemberg (1984), Fusselman and Grossman (1986) and Romer (1986) for an analysis of these effects. Here I am implicitely treating changes in money as being proportionately equal accross families. In the Treatise on Money Keynes says: "neither economists nor bankers have in their minds as to the casual process through which a reduction in the quantity of money leads eventually to a new equilibrium with a lower level of money-earnings and of prices" (v. 1 p. 272, emphasis added). In the General Theory p. 173 this mechanism is outlined in recognizable IS-LM 2 been quite clear terms. 3 Models of this type Include those of Hart (1982) Startz (1984, 1986) and , Mankiw (1986b). 4 This emphasis Itself is not altogether novel. (1980), Gordon (1981) and Okun (1981). See Means (1935), McCaUum This list also gives the ordering of the variables. Only lagged variables (four lags of each variable) enter in the equation that explains current military spending and so on. 5 6 See Geary and Kennan (1982). Suppose Robinson Crusoe's utility function is Cobb-Douglas over consumption and leisure with an exponent on consumption equal to 1/3. Suppose that there are 24 hours of leisure per period and that there is a linear technology that converts hours of work into consumption. Then optimal labor supply is 8 hours. Raising labor supply by 10% lowers utility by .2%. 7 8 Near rationality can justify also the polar opposite of excessive movements in output. It is for instance near rational for Robinson Crusoe to maintain constant his leisure in response to small variation in his productivity. 9 all The model can thus be interpreted as either having a single consumer or variables can be interpreted on a per capita basis. 10 This approach creates some delicate issues of timing. First the money supply is announced. Then, nominal wages are set to clear the labor market. This is followed by an opportunity for firms to set (or change) their prices. Banks then must extend credit to workers and equity-holders. This credit is in the form of money which is spent on goods. At the end of the period the firms then given the money to the banks in the name of the workers and capitalists thereby canceling their debts. 11 This approximation is exact whenever, as in the flexible price . -48- equillbrlum, firms all charge the same price. 12 Okun's analysis differs from that in the text because he feel that customers are upset only if firms change prices in response to demand changes while they accept changes based on movements in costs. Whichever of these costs is deemed important, it is obviously minimized prices are quoted in the unit of the means of payment. McCallum (198G) also argues that fixing prices in different units (i.e. in terms of an index 13 when of prices) provides only small benefits. 14 See Mankiw, Rotemberg and Summers (1985), Eichenbaum, Hansen and Singleton (1985) for aggregate evidence on this sort of intertemporal substitution. 15 For a general discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of efficiency wage models see Katz (1986) and Stiglitz (198G). 16 To first order, the gain from an expansion equals the size of the expansion times the marginal utility of employment. Thus if contractions are as likely as expansions of the same size the first order effects of both cancel 17 Indeed, Gertner (1986) shows that In a simple dynamic model with fixed costs of changing prices the multiplicity of equilibria makes it possible to support the collusive outcome in an oligopoly. Deviations from this equilibrium are deterred with the credible the threat of moving to another equilibrium. 18 This is the same interpretation as above once with constant Inflation (S-s) equals gT. it is recognized that, 19 One possibility is that, where it for costs of changing prices alone, firms would keep their prices fixed for even longer intervals and thus have even bigger price changes whenever they choose to change their price. The firms might then be forced into a constant S,s rule if customers found nominal increases of more than (S-s) percent intolerable. See Dornbusch and Fischer (1986) for evidence that the major episodes of accompanied by great surges in money demand. That these increases in money demand are generally not fully accomodated by expanded money supply can be seen from the high interest rates which tend to accompany 20 disinflation are disinflations. 21 It is actually quite easy to construct fuUy worked out examples in which monetary expansions reduce output In these models. Suppose the economy starts in a boom. Now consider a sudden increase in the money supply after which money will be constant. This tends to make all firms adjust their price to the new long run optimal level. This brings output back to its normal level. 22 This result is reminiscent of the importance of the cross sectional distribution of money balances in general equilibrium models in which money -49- See held because there Is a fixed costs of converting bonds into money. Grossman and Weiss (1983), Rotemberg (1984), Fusselman and Grossman (1986), Romer (1986). Is possible to have i.l.d. demand shocks as well (as in Parkin Conversely if only if price must be set before demand is observed. (1986)) there is any stochastic element to demand that is observed before prices are for some realizations of demand, set it will be generally optimal, at least to incurr the cost and change price. 23 It is Additional evidence against the hypothesis that the interval between 24 price changes is constant is provided by Lieberman and Zilberfarb (1985) and Sheshisnkl, Tlschler and Weiss (1985). 25 This synchronization 26 See BaU and Romer (1987). 27 28 is called bunching by Parkin (1986). See Fudenberg and Tlrole (1986) and the refernces cited therein. As Cecchettl points out this may be responsible for the fact that the magazine price changes does not rise appreciably in the 1970's. size of 29 It is dynamics; when required to fit all aggregate output demand equation given by aggregating (6) is too simple. statistically rejected the 30 Calvo's model is In continuous time but the basic structure as the discrete time model presented below. is the same This argument may imply that other solutions to quadratic optimization problems (such as those for investment, labor demand or inventory accumulation) are also intimately linked to the solution of problems with 31 random delays. 32 The macroeconomic multiplicities that result from the story in Stiglitz (1979) can be found In Woglom (1982). 33 The model of Benabou (1986b) has both search costs and costs of changing prices although here these are best interpreted as adminlstative costs. 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