M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY QeJevf 28 414 3*. 3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Rat Race Redux Adverse Selection in the Determination of Work Hours Working Paper No. 3638-93 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Rat Race Redux Adverse Selection in the Determination of Work Hours Working Paper No. 3638-93 December, 1993 M Landers Renee Boston College Law School James B. Rebitzer Sloan School, MIT Lowell J. Taylor Heinz School of Public Policy and Management Carnegie Mellon University JAN RF 2 5 1994 Rat Race Redux: Adverse Selection in the Determination of Work Hours by Renee M. Landers James B. Rebitzer Lowell Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Assistant Professor Boston College Law School 885 Centre Street 02159-1 163 Newton Centre, (ph) 617-552-4396 Sloan School, MA MIT E52-567 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge MA 02139 (ph) 617-253-7782 DRAFT Comments Welcome Printing: 12/14/93 J. Taylor Heinz School of Public Policy and Management Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (ph) 412-268-3278 ABSTRACT This paper makes the case for the importance of adverse selection hours in managerial and professional jobs. in the determination of work The focus of our investigation is large law firms. We argue that the income sharing that characterizes legal partnerships creates incentives to promote associates with propensities to work very hard. Since the propensity to work hard is unobservable, law firms rely upon indicators of this propensity, especially an associate's record of billable hours Using a simple adverse selection model, we demonstrate that the use of work hours as an indicator may lead firms to impose work norms entailing inefficiently long hours. In addition, find that firms hours The may not We find logic of our adjust these norms in response to an influx of employees desiring short empirical support for our model with data model is we we collect from two large law firms. Adverse selection in hours may where there are strong complementarities among groups of not limited to professional partnerships also be important in settings professional employees (e.g. software production teams) or in competition for promotion to high level managerial positions 1. The United three decades, States' women work force is in Introduction the midst of a demographic revolution. entered the labor force at an unprecedented rate and they remained jobs even after they married and had children (Goldin, 1990). and working outside the home will, all else counterparts from previous generations true of the current cohort of ways in in typically to these which firms respond to increases in in past at their are raising children work hours than their male had stay-at-home wives. The same may be working women. The labor market workforce demographics Recently discovered trends Women who equal, desire shorter who men married consequences of the sea change the Over the the will be determined, number of employees in large part, by desiring shorter hours. the historical evolution of work hours suggest some drift towards shorter hours, but the pace and direction of change varies across different education groups. Coleman and Pencavel (1993a, Table 14, p. 280) find a downwards cohort trend in weekly and annual hours for white men with 15 or fewer years of schooling over the period 19401988. In contrast, white men with 16 or more years of schooling exhibit apositive cohort trend for both these hours measures. trended downwards for white more years of schooling, 1 A parallel study women like their with 15 or fewer years of schooling. Women with male counterparts, display an upward trend worked (Coleman and Pencavel, 1993b, Table In this study, by the same authors finds that annual hours 13, p. 667). hours are the number of hours worked at with positive earnings, and weeks worked in the in 16 or annual hours 2 all wage and salary employees census. The hours trend jobs for male year prior to the described above appeared in a regression that controlled for changes in real GNP, cohort size, and average hourly earnings. These figures were calculated for female wage and salary employees who worked in the week and the year prior to the survey. Weeks worked included weeks of paid vacations and of paid sick educated women, a downward trend in weekly hours was partially offset by weeks worked per year, with the net trend in annual hours still being negative. For women with more than 16 years of schooling, there was no cohort trend in weekly hours, but there was a dramatic increase in the number of weeks worked per year (see Coleman and Pencavel, leave. For less increases in Table 13, p. 667). According to textbook economic theory, market competition forces firms to link work hours tightly to the preferences of individual employees. Firms that more closely match the hours preferences of their employees will find that they can attract desirable employees Conventional theory therefore predicts that most individuals maximizing number of hours (conditional on educated workers must then must reflect their The heavily in the The reduction in work hours for less 3 interpretation of the hours trends suggested by the conventional In this paper, utility number of employees wanting reduced continued and increasing preference for long hours. on the assumption employees an increase wage) be working the lower wage. and increasing number of work hours for college educated employees Similarly, the high hours reflect their will at a that model depends employers can directly observe the relevant characteristics of we show that when this assumption is violated, work hours may be determined through a process quite different from that described by the textbook model particular, firms may use long work hours In (or other performance measures that entail long work hours) as an indicator of some valuable, yet hard to observe, characteristics of employees. indicator plays a role in determining hiring or promotions, then issues of adverse selection appear to in the determination of work hours. Employees desiring short hours will If this may have an incentive camouflage themselves as long-hour workers- perhaps by agreeing to more work hours than they would otherwise desire at their norms with hours long enough hour employee. The result current wage. Firms to discourage a short-hour of this process is will respond by establishing work employee from pretending to be a long- that employers may require too from employees. The employers also may not be able to quickly or many work hours easily adjust these hours as For both men and women, annual hours worked were longer for college than for high school in 1988. Annual hours worked for college educated white men was 2,243 educated employees in women the comparable figures are 1,797 and 1,531 respectively. For men, much of the difference between education groups was found at the upper tail of the weekly hours distribution. For women, much of the difference was found in the lower tail of the weekly hours and weeks worked per vear distributions (Coleman and Pencavel, 1993a and 1993b Tables 3). 1988 and 1,909 for high school educated employees. For more short-hour employees From enter the labor market. this perspective, one of the causes of the divergence in hours between college educated and non-college educated workers described by Coleman and Pencavel, may be a greater incidence of adverse work hours in high skill selection in the determination of labor markets. George Akerlof first proposed the idea can lead to overwork that adverse selection in his paper "The Economics of Caste and of the Rat Race and Other Woeful Tales" (Akerlof, 1976). 4 Akerlof s demonstration that overwork equilibria are possible was presented in a self-consciously unrealistic numerical example. This created the unfortunate impression that the rat race equilibrium was an interesting theoretical example of market but one having failure, little connection to the operation of actual labor markets. In this paper we the empirical relevance of rat race equilibria to a potentially large number of professional and managerial jobs. for a. We do this seek to make the case for by developing and testing a model of adverse selection work hours in particular type of business organization, large law firms. It may seem incongruous to examine models with claims to broad applicability in such a narrowly defined setting. Large law firms, however, share two characteristics that make them a convenient vehicle for the study of adverse selection simple internal structure. In general there are only associates, who are employees, and partners. in work hours. First, law firms have a very two broad classes The key promotion in of professionals in the firm, the firm involves the decision to allow associates to purchase an equity stake in the enterprise. The second important revenue sharing partners among makes each the firm to work feature of law firms partners (Gilson and individual partner's hard. Since the that there is nearly always some degree of Mnookin, 1985). The sharing of revenues among income dependent on the willingness of other partners money making Holmstrom (1982) developed a is activities in of other partners are hard to observe similar idea in the context of a signaling model. studied a model with both signaling and adverse selection processes. describe equilibrium overwork in the context of an efficiency Gale (1992) Rebitzer and Taylor (1993) wage model. directly, there are strong incentives to allow into the partnership only those associates with a propensity to work very hard. 5 The propensity to work hard upon an indicator of work offered at The use of hours problems discussed above. Indeed, all in legal partnerships we and associates firms therefore of hours worked as an indicator creates who to rely or, nearly the adverse all may not be prefer long hours will typically find work an long number of inefficiently of short-hour attorneys In these cases an increase in the proportion come demonstrate that short hour jobs will themselves subjected to a work norm requiring them to hours Law not directly observable. propensities, an associate's record equivalently, hours billed to clients. selection is have no effect on the number of short-hour jobs a law firm offers and in the labor force will may even cause firms to implement more stringent work norms. 6 This last prediction is of particular importance for the study of lawyers because the profession has experienced a demographic revolution of its own. about 3 percent of the attorneys percent until 1975. By in the United States. 7 1987, 16.2 percent of lawyers 5 discuss later in the paper, similar issues production technologies described in 1, Figure would appear when in constituted 5 were female. Currently about 40 percent of from law schools are female (Rosen, 1992, Table complementarities across co-equal employees women 1967 This figure fluctuated between 2 and the graduates As we In legal an organization, 1 and p. 222). Adapting there are strong e.g. in the case of o-nng type Kremer (1993). The argument in this paper is similar in some respects to that developed in Schor's recent bestseller, The Overworked American We, like Schor, contend that competitive forces can lead to persistent overwork. We differ from Schor however in two important and interrelated ways. First, we attribute overwork to a specific rrucroeconomic mechanism that is quite different than those implicit in Schor's writings. Secondly, our model suggests that overwork is most likely to appear in professional and managerial settings. Schor, in contrast, makes the claim that overwork is . ubiquitous. The first woman generally found admitted to the bar it United States was Belle Mansfield difficult to obtain apprenticeships or entrance at law schools male policy in the until 1927. was most pronounced in 1869. Women admittance to law schools. Resistance to the elite East Coast schools. Harvard began accepting in women in 1949. The Columbia had an all early cohorts of women in law schools frequently suffered blatant discrimination and harassment (Berger Morello, 1986). to this shift in the labor force a central issue for is ways, the story of the legal profession... increase in women in law firms. As Sherwin Rosen put the 1970's and 1980's is "...in many the entry of women; the huge represents one of the largest demographic changes ever observed in ... American professions" (Rosen, The paper proceeds determinants of work hours promotion decisions. In p. 222). 8 as follows: In the next section (section 2) in a we present a model of the law firm where partners use hours as an indicator when making this setting it is easy to find cases where (1) associates are inefficiently long, and (2) firms will not offer short-hour jobs even as the desiring short hours in the workforce increases. our model using data it we collected from two In section 3 large law firms. we work hours that number of attorneys offer an empirical investigation of In the conclusion we consider the relevance of rat race models to the determination of work hours in other professional and managerial settings. 2. 2. 1 Adverse Selection and The Determination of Work Hours Attorneys and Firms In this section model and we examine We suppose there are two differ only the determination of work hours in the context of a simple types of attorneys. These attorneys are equally productive, with regard to preferences over leisure. 9 have depressed work hours. A in private practice worked 200 or more hours per month. A follow-up survey in 1990 found that 50 percent worked 200 or more hours per month (American Bar Association, 1991, p. 22 Table 19). This same survey found that part-tune or reduced hour work was most common for attorneys in a solo practice. Roughly 23 percent of lawyers in solo practice work part-tune and reduced hours compared to 7 percent for junior assistant attorneys and 3 percent for partners (American Bar Association, 1991, Table 28, The rapid influx of women throughout the 1980's does not seem to 1984 survey of the legal profession found that 35 percent of lawyers p.26). Throughout this paper activities as leisure. It we follow the conventional practice of referring to non-market work should be clear, however, that our usage of the term leisure includes such important and non-leisurely activities as child and elder care. All attorneys participate in the labor function of consumption, and hours worked, c, The discount that period's earnings. market for two periods. In each period rate Consumption h. For simplicity is r we period in the utility is a always equal to is specify utility in a period to be : u,(c,h)=c-b h (1) t where t=l or 2 indexes the lower weight on the disutility There are two always work in a individual's type. distinct We let b, > b 2 so , that type-2 individuals place a of work than do type-1 individuals. ways in which legal services spot market (e.g., self employment) in can be produced. Attorneys can which an hour of work wage production of m, units of output In a competitive spot market the the specified utility function, optimal h; = (2) 1 2b t will w^m,. Given be t working (3) for each type be ^, as illustrated in Figure individuals work hours will results in the in At the optimal hours, 1. h*, and consumption, c* = w,h*, utility for the spot market can be written u,(c\h;) = ^. 4b t The second way in which legal services can be produced somewhat more is involved. We imagine that there are some aspects to the production of legal services that are best accomplished by attorneys working in small teams, and partnerships in the market One might we suppose think of them as an oligopolistic fringe to the otherwise competitive market for legal services. Partnerships will exist only partners is individual higher in this setting. working in We assume this to the team be m 2 number of such that there are a limited > m,. As we if output be the case and let per hour for the output per hour for an will discuss shortly, partners hire additional attorneys as employees of their firm and these "associates" have productivity m,. To keep notation manageable we will suppose that the optimal size of each partnership two. For the moment, think of the two partners as having jointly purchased the partnership beginning of the period, with each paying X for his share. The partners agree output for the period and the revenue from the sale of the partnership at the is at the to evenly divide beginning of the next period. Once in a partnership, the optimal work decision for one partner, say individual A, is the solution to max -^(h A +h B )-b A h A (4) where h B represents the hours chosen by the other partner. Obviously, the return to being a partner type, but in this context depends not only on an individual's on the type of the other partner. This suggests that a partner paired with a type-2 individual over a type-1 individual. partnerships is The clear. by the partners. The workers will always prefer being intuition for this feature financial return to the partnership is half All else equal, type-2 will of of the output produced jointly be inclined to work longer hours, and produce more output, than type-1 workers. Let Vj, be the of the individual net utility utility a type of a job s individual gets in the from being in a partnership spot market. Then, using (3) and (4) it with a type is t easy to show that (5) V st =m^[l/16b s + l/8b ]-w?/4b s . t Notice that given b, > b2 , we have V 22 > V 21 and V 12 > V u . Any attorney will always prefer to be paired with a type-2 partner. Given type, this set up, the value a partnership position depends crucially on the individual's and also on what type he thinks the other partner might be. From prospective partner, the higher the probability that the other partner the amount he will be willing to pay for a position current partners to put in place a mechanism is in the partnership. that ensures it is the viewpoint of a type-2, the higher will be This, in turn, will lead the common knowledge that all prospective buyers of the partnership are type-2 individuals. 2.2 Equilibrium with Observable In this section find a "baseline" to we assume Type that firms know whether a worker complete information equilibrium. The set-up have two partners who is is type-1 or type-2 in order to simple. are attorneys in their second period. Firms Each firm is presumed employ L associates who 1 8 are first-period attorneys. bidders among At the end of each period the partners the junior associates a competitive auction. 10 in nearly ubiquitous practice of promoting the next cohort sell two highest This auction corresponds to the of partners from the firms current cohort 1J of associates. both types of attorneys accept positions In equilibrium in the spot market, earning w, = m,. Only type-2 workers are offered positions as associates The reason the firm to the in the partnerships, wage however. suggested by our analysis above. As associates, the two types of individuals are is perfect substitutes. Partners, however, are concerned not only about current production, but also about the future value of their firm allowed to bid for the firm, and if it This value is is maximized common knowledge Given the assurance that both partners will if type-2 workers exclusively are that this will be the firm's policy be type-2, the steady state market price of a partnership, X, will solve (6) X = V„+ — 1 where, using V„ = r (5), 3m : 16b 2 We assume V 22 10 + is w, 4b 2 positive; the existence of partnerships is efficient. 12 what follows we assume that the two highest bidders are certain to purchase the firm. model can be expressed as a lottery in which the bidders purchase the firm with less than 1 Introducing a lottery into our setup does not change our central probability some conclusions about the nature of the labor market equilibrium or the determination of work hours. In Alternatively, the . 1 In this model the auctioning of the law firm is a convenient device for ensuring that the current generation of partners has an interest in maximizing the discounted present value of future net income produced by die firm. The purchase of the firm by new partners is most easily imagined as an outright exchange of cash for equity and some firms do literally require partners to 'buy into the partnership'. The actual transaction, however, need not take this form and in most cases it does not. In our two period model, the new partners could 'purchase' the firm by accepting reduced salaries. If we complicated the model by allowing partners to stay for a number of periods, the purchase of the firm could take the form of a steep salary-tenure profile for partners. 12 This will be the case jobs by enough, if i.e, if the level of productivity in a partnership exceeds that of the spot market m 2 > v4/3m. . Notice that Type-1 workers available. work attorneys type- in this equilibrium, type-2 workers are indifferent between the various jobs find positions in the spot market. their preferred all number of hours, with type-2 attorneys working longer hours than 1 Does Incomplete Information Change 2.3 Importantly, for our analysis, In this section We unobservable. equilibrium start ask The the full when information equilibrium pertains by supposing that the equilibrium does full all associates work optimal in the equilibrium, consider associates first. A We hours. information equilibrium exits from the behavior specified We if exist; that is, types are we think about an which type-2 workers exclusively accept positions as associates and bid for in partnerships, and concept: we the Equilibrium? when no when adopt the Rothschild-Stiglitz equilibrium actor can increase this actor takes others' utility by deviating behavior as given. type-2 worker clearly cannot benefit from accepting the jobs normally held by type-1 workers, which pay Wj at hours h" . Suppose, though, that a "maverick" type-1 attorney were to accept a job as a junior associate by pretending to be a type-2 individual. For this maverick, there would be a loss be working longer hours than would be optimal. On in utility in the first period, because she would the other hand, she could purchase a partnership for the second period of her career, at the going price of X, and be assured of getting paired with a type-2 individual. The cost to the maverick in the second period is just the opportunity cost of owning the partnership period for one period, rX/(l+r), which from V 22 On the . V, a (6), is other hand, the benefit of being matched with a type-2 individual in a partnership is . If V 12 < V 22 we , do indeed have an incomplete information equilibrium to the complete information equilibrium. would not be This describes a "no envy" case. that corresponds A type-1 individual interested in accepting a position held by a type-2 individual even if by doing so she could fool the employer into thinking she was a type-2 individual. A far more interesting case is 10 where V 12 > V 22 13 In this instance . Vp-V,., -& ^+ .' / L 'x u,(w,h : ,h ; ) + The too much There right increase the utility of a type-1 individual to adopt the u,(\v,h*,h*) 1+r or equivalently, using -^—rb may This "envy" case will occur when: maverick strategy (?) it (2), (3) ~>~ (l : 1 and + r) ' " ' , 1+r r L : /2) . J hand side of expression (7) must be negative (see footnote larger than b : exist conditions Expression (7) gives us our inequality (7) holds. , under which it will information equilibrium cannot pertain Although the full equilibrium not very much when short-hour in in Thus, if b, is important first not result: The the perfect information equilibrium full in this case. information equilibrium cannot apply might suspect that a market 13). be profitable for a type-1 worker to seek associate positions that are occupied by type-2 workers that u,(w,h!,h|) (5), if -w,-(m + ,. ... >u,(w,h,,h,) + when inequality (7) holds, we which there were only a very few type-1 workers would achieve an different from the perfect information case. In particular, attorneys are rare, the long hour attorneys might be still work may be it the utility maximizing number of hours. We can easily examine this proposed "equilibrium" they hope will be type-2 workers. These individuals wage w,. Then that there are so at the end of the period the firm few type-1 workers in the This will occur if 2m,>m 2 A . h* hours period in is 0, hires associates 1, at the which is close to zero. at who competitive auctioned off to the highest bidders. market that any one firm expects worker, and the probability of this happening 13 is work Each partnership Suppose most one type-1 So long as hours remain tempting, but incorrect, interpretation of this inequality might be nch firms where m 2 is large. To clarify this point, we note where there were P partners, V 12 >V 22 when Pm,>m 2 We have not modeled the determinants of P in this paper. If, as seems reasonable, P were a concave function of m,, then the envy case would be more likely as m 2 increases. that the envy case that in die case is less likely in very . 11 = rV:2 /(l + toX = r) +eV r[(l-9)V:: : ,]/(l + r). 14 Again using the Rothschild-Stiglitz definition of equilibrium, can be an equilibrium only firm that increases by The new change X value of the firm to each partner will suffer a small discrete decline, from at h*, the some of hours level if in the firm's net is no actor has the incentive to h* note that this outcome Consider though, a alter their behavior. amount the number of hours small we it requires of junior associates. + Ah. Given that the product per hour of an associate income from the L associates will is m t , the be L[m,h; - vv,h;] - L[m, (h'2 + Ah) - (w, + Aw)(h 2 + Ah)] = -LAw(h; + Ah). (8) Of course if associates are being asked to work How + Aw. w,, they must also be paid a higher wage, w, induce associates to work more hours large then they consider optimal must the change wage be in these extra hours? Using the utility function specified in (1), at to we must have +Aw)(ht +Ah)-b : (h': +Ah) = (w, (9) where, from (2) and (3) respectively, we u-,(w,h2,hj) note that h* = Wj/(2b 2 ) and u 2 (w,h;, h'2 ) = w*/(4b 2 ). Substituting these expressions into (9) and rearranging terms gives (10) This in A\v(h;+Ah) = b : (Ah) : . turn can be substituted into (8) to demonstrate that the change in the net firm's associates decrease income as a in net If this due to the policy of increasing hours were the result of their workers will therefore 14 . at the who in in firm value is in . This implies that firms suffer a policy, but this decrease hours, no single firm that extends is would have an its required hours also hours who will continue to offer positions with ensure that the firm will have only r9[V 22 -V 21 ]/(l+r). Substituting from expression terms of model parameters as m^bj) second order. wishes to work for the firm. Type-1 other firms This means that a small increase The change V 22 -V 21 seek employment -Lb 2 (Ah) 2 However, a firm order cost on any type-1 worker first hours set to h'2 work sole effect of increasing incentive to require hours greater than h*. imposes a new hours is income from the -1 -(b,)"'l/8 > 0. (5), we can express 12 type-2 workers that is in its described exceed the loss in associate pool. work 2.4 in hours, the increase in firm value must h'2 In situations where partners in firms, any individual firm will benefit by Put differently, . result: in the "envy" case described by all associates number of hours (conditional on the wage). Separating Equilibrium Having ruled out hours, a discrete increase in the value of the firm equilibrium cannot be characterized by partnerships in which the utility maximizing A become some amount above (7), the is income. This leads us to our second major short-hour attorneys might wish to expression net result footnote 14. For a small changes in net increasing hours The we a pooling equilibrium in turn to a description of an alternative separating equilibrium that can exist in a labor market with unobservable types to work optimal hours given h'2 and enough h*. We Figure 2 sketches the basic idea. productivity m, = w,, hours for the If each type of attorney were two types of attorney would be have already shown, however, that partnerships can benefit by setting hours high to discourage type-1 individuals offer the which firms allow associates to work optimal wage— hours package (w2,h2) from applying in Figure 2, for associate positions. If partnerships type-2 individuals will accept such positions, but type-1 workers will not. Type-1 workers will not take such jobs because the loss of utility of accepting an associate position will equal any possible gain from access to a partnership More formally, we note that (w2,h2) must be set so as to meet (1) the "participation constraint," that type-2 workers are willing to take the jobs, and (2) the "separating condition,'" that type-1 workers will not accept the positions. These two conditions are respectively expressed by the following expressions: (11) u.(w2h2,h2)>u 2 (w,hj,hj) (12) -^-/v and i: -rx/(l + r)\<u,(w,h;.h;)-u,(w2h2) — 13 X where the price of a partnership in the proposed separating equilibrium. 15 is Can be an equilibrium'7 The crucial issue this wage— hours packages offering the ( is if firms in the separating equilibrium prefer w:,h2), as defined by (1 1) and (12), to simply abandoning the separating strategy and accepting the possibility of selling the partnership in the next period to type-1 workers. Our let step first the firm choose from to find the value is w rX .... = (13) 1 + The next step is )-(l + + " r where the expression The final step that the implication The as right shown in We 15 for is Vn when separating equilibrium. We \4b, 4b ; it is ~2 ~2 2 ! terms that -b, h 2 -b, h 2 \ " ' common knowledge . / that future partners will be must solve 4b, comes from to establish that of (13) and (14) (5). X exceeds X'. To demonstrate see this last step, we note is hand side of (15) must be positive. A partnership operating in a separating equilibrium Figure 2 will never wish to abandon the separation strategy in favor of letting type-1 workers into become 16b, wL r)( 8b : to observe that — ./wf \ type-1, the value of the firm, say X', 1 find after rearranging 2 -— \ 16b, r we wL —m; + —m;-+ 4b,/ / in the and h 2 so that inequalities (11) and (12) are binding. Then substituting 2 and (5) into (11) and (12) (2), (3) of the partnership, X, its pool of associates. have thus demonstrated that in situations where short-hour attorneys might wish partners in the elite oligopolistic fringe of law firms, there can exist a separating Note that rX/ (1 + r) is just the opportunity cost of holding the partnership for one period. to 14 equilibrium In this otherwise wish to equilibrium associates are required to work at the work more hours than they would going wage. 2.5 Discussion We have argued that the income sharing characteristic of partnerships creates strong incentives to screen potential partners for their propensity to record of hours situations worked utility hard. are used as an indicator in promotion decisions, where associates are required maximizing work conditional Our model of adverse to it is an associate's easy to identify work more hours than they would if they were simply on the current wage. selection in the determination of work hours need not be limited to professional partnerships Rat race equilibria can be expected three criteria hold: (1) the members of a group members; (2) the output of the group can be individual members; and (3) benefit any group where the following from the productive members of the group have In these in significantly influenced Criteria 2 suggests that adverse selection in hours type production technology. When activity by the work the ability to establish may be particularly likely in of other group effort of work norms. groups using o-ring groups compiementarites among employees are such that small differences in an individual's level of performance can generate large differences in the value of output produced by the group. product life 16 Teams of professionals developing new products with cycles (e.g., software engineers) may short therefore be especially likely to be characterized by excessive work norms. Rat race effects might also appear hierarchical settings effect ' 6 their influence Kremer (1993) argues list the competition for managerial positions in where the actions of managers high up on output through very long in in the hierarchy have a multiplicative on employees lower down in the hierarchy (Rosen, 1982). "o-nng" production functions are ubiquitous and can account of otherwise anomalous features of labor markets. that for a 15 The we separating equilibrium Of more information case. identify the h] of a maximum economy makes made (6) is clearly inefficient relative to the full interest is the finding that the equilibrium even given information constraints. This point effect is hours law when close to zero. is most can be inefficient easily established if we consider the the proportion of type- 1 ("short-hour") workers in A maximum hours law that prohibits hours in excess of impossible for firms to maintain a separating equilibrium. Type-1 attorneys are it better off by this law because they gain access to previously unobtainable partnerships that offer workers are reservation them higher utility indifferent to the passage maximum in the spot market. Long-hour of the law because they continue to receive Since type-1 associates are utility. indifferent to a than jobs made better off and type-2 associates are hours law, the separating equilibrium will be inefficient where the law improves the position of the partners who currently own the The benefit of the maximum in labor costs is hours law to current partners results from the firm's whose presence reduces the value of the If a single firm we have always exceed the benefits. The inability to work hours. cost of the maximum screen out short hour it will be certain to attract only already demonstrated that the costs of such a Things are The firm. abandons stringent work norms, short-hour attorneys and firms. independent of the actions taken by other firms or the proportion of type-2 attorneys in the labor force. associates cases hours law to current partners derives from the fact they will no longer have to compensate type-2 associates for excessive magnitude of this reduction in different, move will however, under a law compelling all firms to simultaneously abandon the separating equilibrium. In this case, the failure to screen out short-hour workers will reduce the value of the firm to each partner by r6[V 22 - V 21 ]/(l+r) (see footnote situation where no where it is 14). Thus as 6 falls towards zero, we are certain to encounter a profitable for all firms to simultaneously reduce their individual firm will have the incentive to undertake such a move. work norms, but A maximum 16 hours law would, in this situation, make current partners better off without making any of the associates worse off. Our separating equilibrium also has the property that increases in the number of short-hour attorneys will not lead to a shortening of associate hours in law firms. In the model specified above, the number of hours required of associates in law firms We can get even with respect to the proportion of the workforce desiring short hours. stronger results if we allow the wage in the self invariant is employment sector to fall number of as the short-hour attorneys increase. In this situation, the gain from pretending to be a long-hour attorney increases and firms will have to make discourage short hour applicants. Thus firms short hour attorneys by increasing the the work norm more may respond stringent to to an increase in the number of minimum number of acceptable work hours for associates. A final In comparison to the hypothetical partnerships. limited feature of the separating equilibrium concerns the distribution of access to by custom, the attorneys who 3. rat race equilibria offers work hours Empirical Investigation of Work Hours The preceding section described how early in their careers. in adverse selection Large in In this Law Firms the competition for positions in legal partnerships could lead firms to require excessive associates. are reduced access to partnerships for are unwilling to endure excessive An economy where excessive hours work hours from 17 we section hours report the results of an empirical investigation of the determination of associate in large law work firms. The Data 3.1 We collected law firms in the data for this study in a survey of associates and partners at a large Northeastern city. 19 The surveys asked about their work hours, billable hours, and attitudes towards were distributed and 133 were returned for a response rate all two major associates on a partnership track work hours. of 62 percent. A total of 216 surveys A simultaneous survey questioned the partners at these firms about the decision to promote associates to partners. distributed 188 surveys and received responses Columns Rows 57. 1 1, 1 and 2 of Table 1 present descriptive statistics for our sample of associates. 20 The average respondent graduated from law school The average age of respondents in for non-respondents. None of the 1988. 1-3 are statistically significant. 21 differences This believe that our sample of respondents in We find that fact, is in 1989 while the average non- 31.8 years compared to 32.8 between respondents and non-respondents combined with the high response is fairly rate, leads in rows us to representative of the population of associates at these firms. The survey was conducted during distributed at The 20 our sample. percent of the survey respondents are male compared to 58.5 percent for the non- respondent graduated 19 in 2 and 3 compare the characteristics of respondents and non-respondents. respondents. work from 64.4 percent of the partners We Firm 1 the Summer of 1993. Three waves of questionnaires were and. on the advice of management, two waves were distributed at Firm 2. ultimate response rate at both firms were nearly identical. In order to conceal the identity of participating firms and survey respondents, we present averages pooled across both firms. 2 ' Data on the age and year of law school graduation was collected from the Martindale-Hubbel legal This directory does not list all the associates in a firm. Even when an associate was listed in the director}.', information about age was sometimes not included. In the end we learned the age of 44 out of the 83 non-respondents. Year of law school graduation was available for 47 directory. non-respondents. 18 Rows 4-6 describe other characteristics of associates and their jobs. The average job tenure of associates in our sample 3.6 years. is On average 70.7 percent of the respondents are married or living with a significant other, and 32.6 percent had children salary of associates Rows is $79, 1 54. 8-13 present different measures of work hours. Rows of billable and non-billable hours worked per month. Associates hours. work 220 hours per month. Rows 9a-9c present The 25th percentile, mean and 75th Associates In part-timers were women in the 75th the distribution of monthly billable in rows 8a-9c include both part-time and our sample of 133 associates only 9 worked part-time (see row attorneys. work 180 percentile are respectively 150, 160 and 180 hours month. The monthly hours figures billed per 8a-8c present the distribution the 25th percentile in hours per month. The median associate works 200 hours per month. percentile The average annual 10). All with children. The average monthly hours of these part-time full-time of these women is 140. Rows 1 1 and 12 present data on weekend work patterns. In an average week, 30.3 percent of the associates do not 20.5 percent work a associates surveyed things are different. work 3.2 whole day and worked two work both weekend full .52 percent 47.7 percent work one and weekend days during work half a weekend a half weekend days. a typical week. day, None of the During a busy week work a whole day, 26 percent work one and a half days and 23.7 days. Hours Preferences, Hours Worked and Promotion One of the implications of the adverse selection equilibria that distinguish them from information equilibria be 1 at all, Only 0.76 percent do not work weekends during a busy week, 10.7 percent half a day, 38.9 percent percent work weekends utility is the possibility that associates in law firms work more hours full than would maximizing given the wage. Figure 2 suggests a simple strategy for investigating this "overwork" hypothesis. individual would like to work h' hours at the going wage, but will A type 2 be required to work h; hours. 19 In principle, like to overworked employees could be identified by asking individuals whether they would reduce their current work hours given their current wage. If hours constraint are would require respondents prevalent, however, this question that they may who employees when making not have anticipated their to consider a hypothetical option consumption plans. This means that might otherwise desire shorter hours may previously have commitments expecting an income hours. These financial level achieved only at the commitments (which include things school tuition payments for children) would preclude a made financial current (and excessive) level of work like mortgage payments, car downwards adjustment in and loans, work hours at the current wage. we adopted For these reasons than asking how would associates an alternative approach to identifying overwork. Rather wage increase. The We know from the first-order conditions that the term in is [ ] would adjust hours in response to a small increase /i is (from equation r\ . changes in the work hours or . how they derived from such a wage 1) — , wage, the new leaves level of utility maximizing level in in this case, With these 5 It follows that for small virtually identical if the individual optimally adjusts If the costs of adjusting work hours are greater income, a population of individuals in at the utility income. This sort of "near rational" behavior should be observed dh/dw is non-zero. Things are different at h 2 brackets will be negative and individuals can hours by zero at h'2 of hours should generally want to keep hours the same and take a wage increase form of an increase even when, as is work hours unchanged. than the costs of adapting to an increase the utility asked dU ... ..dh-,--. = h,+[w-2b,h,] dw dw (16) in the we adjust hours given their current wage, relationships in mind, we make themselves . Here the expression better off by reducing in work hours asked associates to pick from 3 choices: (1) decrease percent with no change in income over the coming year, (2) keep hours the same over coming year with a 5 percent increase in income, or (3) increase hours by 5 percent over the 20 coming year with Table 2. If 22 a 10 percent increase in income. The most associates were working optimal hours, "near rational" behavior and choose alternative number 2. column results are reported in we would Indeed of 1 expect them to engage we found in that 25.56 percent of respondents indicated that they would like to keep their hours unchanged and enjoy a 5 percent However, 65.4 1 percent of the associates indicated increase in income that they would reducing work hours and keeping income unchanged over the coming year. This we would expect The "near in our adverse selection model where associates are rational" behavior described adjusting hours are high we Our case above for excessive will is prefer the pattern at hi rather than hj. be most apparent where the costs of work norms would therefore be strengthened found that even among associates with high costs of hours adjustment, the majority would to reduce to care for young children creates obvious costs to adjusting additional hour of work requires finding an additional hour of child care. also create additional child-care costs if, as is work often the case, child care providers are not An to another provider. It who attorney changes from 50 to 45 work hours per week may not be able to reduce child care hours by week without changing Every hours. Reducing hours may completely flexible with regard to the number of hours of child care per week. seems reasonable, therefore, 5 that associates with children should have higher costs of hours adjustment than other associates. if associates are working the utility maximizing Column 2 of Table 2 given the low average age child less than 6 years old. The surveys number of hours. presents the responses of associates with children. As expected our sample, 34 of the 43 respondents with children had We find, at least one however, that 60 percent of the associates want to reduce what a 5 percent change in work hours would mean working different hours. For example, an associate working 200 hours per month also included a table describing for associates would in Thus number of hours, we would expect the majority of associates with children to want to continue working the current 22 like work hours The need hours per if learn from the table that a 5 percent change in hours would imply an increase or decrease of one eight hour day per month or 12 eight hour days per year. 21 hours. This figure quite close to that found for the entire survey. is the distribution of hours preferences was the same for associates with and without children could 23 not be rejected at conventional significance levels. associates who Column time and presents the comparable results for associates who have children. increase by reducing wage We find 24 work hours that 76. 19 percent It who is that, work hours anomalous to observe that some in is when associates receive their next year's put this argument in this interpretation some 23 hours. are married to partners working work full all, hours. of associate lawyers have economic theory does not require wage increase. wage It increase by cutting back hours. seems implausible. Should wage that therefore need not be we really believe that increase they will begin cutting back their hours? perspective, consider that associates in their fourth year at these firms have salaries roughly 30 percent above starting level associates with in work More consistent with the conventional labor individuals respond to a reflection, however, After response to a Upon To increase to reduce for unexplained reasons, a large proportion backwards bending labor supply curves individuals increase not have children. thus appears that associates with high costs of hours alternative interpretation of Table 2 that supply model who do results for of associates would respond to a wage adjustment are as likely as other associates to want to reduce An of Table 2 presents the 3 are married to spouses holding full-time jobs but than 78 percent of these associates would use a 5 percent Column 4 Indeed, the hypothesis that no appreciable decline average hours. 25 A Wilcoxon rank sum test of the null hypothesis that associates with and without children were drawn from populations having the same medians produces a z statistic of 0.554. Thus the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at conventional significance levels. 24 Using a Wilcoxon rank sum test one cannot reject the hypothesis that the sample of associates in columns 3 and 4 of Table 2 were drawn from populations having the same medians. The z score produced by 25 The effect this test is 0.60. of tenure on mean and years of was estimated by regressing the log of earnings on job tenure The coefficient on tenure was roughly 0.077 with a t-statistic regressing various hours measures against the same two variables salaries prior legal experience. greater than 11. yielded a small In contrast, and statistically insignificant coefficient on job tenure. These results were not 22 Table 3 presents descriptive and in Particularly same (row no case are the differences noteworthy 7). wanting to reduce, keep the same, or The "reduce hours" and the "keep the same hours" increase hours of work similar statistics for associates is in the means across these groups the finding that the annual salaries across these associates look very statistically significant. two groups are the This casts further doubt on the backwards bending labor supply curve explanation, because the "income effect" implicit in the work hours question same across are likely to be the groups. The to have "increase hours" group less legal salaries. is a little bit different experience prior to joining the current firm and therefore slightly lower average possible that associates in this group are trying to "catch up" to other associates in It is the firm by accumulating hours" group (9) is more experience. In any case, the of overwork recorded described by our adverse selection model, we promotions indicate the importance partnership. Secondly, qualities that the firm partners were asked in in Table 2 To in the "increase indeed the result of the processes work hours address this issue, three different ways. First, we of billable hours and other factors we is should also find that indicator in the promotion to partnership decision. in number of associates small. If the high incidence work hours from the other two. In general they tend in in partners. Third, we examine asked each attorney we conducted billed as in the firm to an indicator of an experiment to evaluate different hypothetical associates for promotion. each of these investigations the role of determining promotion to asked each attorney the importance of hours might look for are an important in which We describe in turn. Factors Important in Promotion Respondents were asked to evaluate the importance of : 12 different factors that were likely to play a role in the promotion process in these law firms. Importance was measured using a altered five point scale where by the inclusion of other variables controlling children, or gender. 1 was not important, 2 was for marital status, slightly number and age of 23 was moderately important, 3 importance. Table 4 of 4 or 5. Column 1 lists important, 4 was very important, and 5 the fraction of respondents who was of the utmost claimed that a factor had an importance presents the results for associates and column 2 presents the results for partners. It is clear from inspection that associates factors are important in the promotion process. columns in Table 4 is 0.992. The and partners have similar views about which The correlation coefficient between the two vast majority of associates (90 percent) and partners (99 percent) clearly view the quality of work product as important in promotion decisions. Willingness to work hard is also considered important by large percent) and partners (89 percent). important by a much number of hours billed to clients is seen to be smaller proportion of associates (68 percent) and partners (52 percent). Indeed, billable hours ranked 7th Hours In contrast the numbers of associates (96 in importance for both associates and partners. as an Indicator Quite a different picture emerges when attorneys are asked about the importance of billable hours as an indicator of other traits and achievements relevant to the partnership decision. Respondents were asked to evaluate the importance of billable hours as an indicator for 5 of the 12 factors listed in Table 4. important indicator and assigned a value of 1 for partners who believe that billable hours are an also believe that the factor itself was important in and zero otherwise. 26 quality of work product much importance who Attorneys was very important Thus 46 percent of associates reported in percent. It is clear that the promotion decisions and that partners assigned to billable hours as an indicator of work product quality. was 39 promotion were from inspection of the two columns The comparable in figure Table 5 that similar proportions of associates and partners view hours as an important indicator of underlying associate abilities and accomplishments. 26 The correlation coefficient between rows 1-5 of columns The importance of hours as an indicator was measured by the same 5 point scale described in the previous paragraph. Hours were classified as an important indicator whenever the respondent indicated that they were very important (4) or of the utmost importance (5). 24 1 and 2 is associates (92 percent) and partners (78 percent) willingness to limited to for which work long hours when work propensities. billable In our in view signaling value of work hours hours was also an important indicator was Our : third 3. The median for partners not was 2. approach to assessing the importance of promotion involved asking partners to evaluate hypothetical promotion first is sample of associates, the median number of important factors Each partner was randomly assigned to one of four The partners, a large majority of hours as an important indicator of a billable However, the required. Hypothetical Promotion Decisions work hours among Consistent with our model of income sharing 0.94. cases. different cases. case asked the partner to evaluate George Davidson, an associate described as follows: George Davidson has distinguished himself as a very capable lawyer. He has handled difficuJt cases, often attorney. He with good In addition, results. George is a very hard working volunteers for more work and can regularly be found at the office nights and weekends. Although George engaging is and style not the pre-eminent authority in his field, he has a bright and is To date George has had little new clients to the firm and it is therefore well liked by other lawyers. opportunity to demonstrate his ability to attract difficult to assess his potential in this area. The second case was The and identical to the first third scenario - but George Davidson became Sandra Davidson. added the following paragraph in between the two presented in cases 1 2. George took a month of leave after the birth of his son. Upon returning to work, he stopped his practice of working nights and weekends and the result has been a marked reduction in his billable hours over the past three years. be interested in shifting to a reduced hour schedule if He has indicated that he would he should have a second child in the near future. The fourth scenario was the same as the third, but George was changed to Sandra. After reading their assigned case, partners were asked the likely degree of support they would give George (or Sandra) in an actual promotion decision what degree of support they would give new clients. if the A follow up question asked candidate had demonstrated some ability to attract 25 The 6. Columns partners' assessments 1 of the short and long hour job candidates are presented Table and 2 compare the degree of support George and Sandra received when they had not yet demonstrated that they have an ability to bring in partners indicate very heavy support and 3 new When working an important effect on promotion decisions. .03 percent 1 clients. It is clear long hours 1.72 percent of the heavy support for promotion. The and 4 report the reactions of partners when the associate demonstrates some Looking across columns, clients to the firm. candidates with some indicated that they it ability to attract clients. who have some work hours have percent and 17.54 percent respectively. Columns 3 figures for the short-hour equivalents are for candidates in is new clear that partner's increased their support for It is also clear that hours continue to matter even ability to bring in clients. would give heavy support ability to bring For example, 20.34 percent of partners working long hours compared to associates to 1.75 percent for short-hour associates. A convenient way probit to summarize the where the dependent variable of this exercise are presented to attract new clients demonstrated some is in is Table of the four scenarios results 7. Column 1 ability to attract clients. The right insignificant coefficients on partner's evaluation when when hand side variables were allowed work hours MALE CANDIDATE, fall. means The results the candidate's ability the candidate has to vary. SHORT-HOUR CANDIDATE, indicates that support for promotion/a//s as on the reports estimates unclear and column 2 reports estimates and positive coefficients on to estimate an ordered the partner's degree of support for promotion. represent the dimensions along which the scenarios significant is in in the equations The statistically columns 1 and 2 Similarly the small and statistically that gender per se had no direct effect of associates. 27 The importance of work hours documented in representative survey of attorneys conducted Table 7 is also reflected in a nationally by the American Bar Association. In this survey 59.3 percent of respondents believed that reduced hour or part-time employment limited opportunities for advancement including partnership (American Bar Association, 1991, p. 27). 26 3.3 How are Work Norms Communicated and Enforced 7 Our model of adverse to establish model, we work norms makes selection the case that large law firms have strong incentives entailing an inefficiently high number of hours. Consistent with report evidence that a substantial fraction of associates are hours are used as an indicator An in the important issue that enforce work norms. One work that promotion process. we have possibility so far ignored to simply is A minimum number of hours each month. enforce and some firms do impose overworked and this rule minimum is which firms communicate and in an associate that they must tell of this kind billable way the is attractive hours requirements because bill it is Minimum some easy to billable hours requirements are problematic, however, because they do not take account of things that are beyond the control of the associates, business services policy, but above this An it is One of the two understood e.g., a recession that reduces demand minimum firms in our sample has an explicit at this firm that for legal (and other) billable hours acceptable performance requires hours substantially minimum. 28 alternative and more number of hours with respect firm can then tell flexible way to the average to establish work norms number of hours associates that they are doing badly if they billed fall is to scale the acceptable by associates in very far below the median) number of hours worked by associates. Indeed the firms in the firm. mean A (or our study regularly distribute reports to partners on the billable hours of all associates in the firm. To decisions, establish the role that the distribution we followed the question on questions about shifts what 28 their in of work hours plays work hours A if they knew work hour preferences presented Table 2 above with the distribution of hours in the firm. hours preferences would be in individual Half of the associates were asked that the majority of other associates in the 1990 survey by the American Bar Association finds that written or unwritten billable hours The proportion of respondents working with requirements are widespread in larger private firms. no billable hours requirement increases as the size of the law firm falls (American Bar Association, 1991, Table 20 p. 22) 27 firm had increased their what their hours preferences would be firm had decreased work hours by The answers first work hours by The other 5 percent. if they knew were asked half of the associates of other associates that the majority in the 5 percent. to these follow up questions are presented in Table 8. The columns of the panel of Table 8 presents an associate's preferred response to a 5 percent increase in wages. The rows of the table presents the same associate's preferred response once she is informed that the majority of other associates in the firm have increased their billable and nonbillable hours by 5 percent. work hours In a conventional labor supply model, individual independently of the distribution of work hours of other associates therefore expect that significant observations to all hours preferences well. thing. B of Table also find that 8 is the same as Panel of other associates some A we instead find of work hours if they of preferences when other associates increase is is in associates were asked to consider the the firm reduce their work hours when they work hours by in hours. of the row and column variables are the same cannot be small in our sample. A Wilcoxon sign rank test yields a The number of attorneys reporting underwork or We cannot, z-statistic therefore, tell if the asymmetric response to of -5.28. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test of the hypothesis that the two distributions are identical statistic of 1.28. 5 percent. considerably smaller than that observed for an increase that the distribution near optimal hours A except do so as rejected at conventional significance levels. 30 30 should believe others will associates reduce The response, however, The hypothesis 29 their desired level We Indeed the hypothesis that the distribution of original identical with the distribution possibility that the majority Here we the firm. strongly rejected. 29 is Panel is do the same in along the diagonal of the table. In panel numbers of respondents would increase learned that others will work hours lie decisions are determined yields az 28 changes in in the firm's hours distribution the hours distribution or An is due to different responses to due to our small sample alternative interpretation of the among shifts size. results in Table 8 might revolve around the problem of coordinating the activities of groups of attorneys. If attorneys contact upward or downward attorneys, then a 5 percent increase in work in teams requiring face to face one attorney's hours would require other group members to also increase hours 5 percent. Our survey evidence does not allow us to directly assess the importance of these types of coordination that associates in large firms are commonly spend It is worth noting, however, a substantial proportion of work time on legal This type of activity consists research and writing. issues. unlikely to require substantial face-to-face contact in large among measure of solitary library work and is attorneys. 31 3.4 Discussion The prediction effort employees overwork early Agency models selection models. work that in in their career is not unique to adverse which firms back load compensation to elicit high levels of from employees can also produce a similar pattern (see Lazear, 1981, and Kahn and Lang, 1992). 32 The agency explanation may be particularly relevant in the context of law firms. Economists and legal scholars frequently interpret the up-or-out promotion practices of these 3 1 To get some idea of the disposition of associate described in the American Bar Associate report, work time, we analyzed the survey of lawyers The State of the Legal Profession 1990 This . survey contains information on the use of work tune for 68 associates in large private firms those with more than 90 attorneys). The (i.e. associates were asked what percent of work time they spent on various activities. Responses were grouped into five categories: 0-5 percent, 6-20 21-49 percent, 50-74 percent and more than 75 percent. Assigning each respondent to the mid-point of their category, we find that the mean associate in large firms spent 28 percent of work tune on research/memo writing and 20 percent of work time drafting instruments. percent, Holmstrom ( 1982) shows that signaling models can also generate rat race equilibia professional and managerial employees overwork early in their career. His model spirit to our adverse selection model. information (e.g., indicator (here It is in which similar in differs in that, like all signaling models, the hidden work hard) is held by the same party that determines the use of the Holmstrom's goal was to demonstrate that introducing reputation into propensity to work hours). a dynamic labor market model will not eliminate the labor market distortions resulting from imperfect information. To make this point more Holmstrom assumes that markets will, employee and set wages accordingly. strongly, over time, learn the true characteristics of the individual 29 firms as an incentive compatible means of inducing associates to post performance bonds in the form of deferred compensation (Gilson and Mnookin, 1989). As an empirical matter, the amount of deferred compensation in large law firms is substantial (Rebitzer and Taylor, 1992). Adverse selection and agency problems are not mutually exclusive. Firms trying short-hour attorneys out of partnerships through long hour norms may also to keep back load compensation with an eye towards increasing the incentives of long-hour associates to work hard or to invest in specific of overwork context, the in human the agency overwork capital. model that results is It should be noted, however, that the economic significance different than in the adverse selection model. from back loading compensation is In the agency efficient with respect to information constraints. Moreover, firms will be indifferent between hiring equally productive short and long-hour workers, even though both types of workers will careers Evidence of widespread overwork is overwork early in their therefore necessary but not sufficient to establish the claim that law firms are inefficient and sluggish in providing jobs suited to short-hour employees. The simplest version of the agency model does not require that employers prefer long or short hour workers. Our short-hour associates offers Our in findings that partners are some finding of widespread more willing to promote long hour than additional support for adverse selection. overwork among associates is contrary to the results reported other studies using data from large scale surveys of workers in the United States and Canada (Kahn and Lang, 1991 and 1992). 33 One explanation for this discrepancy is that large scale surveys do not offer a sufficiently detailed look into the structure of professional and managerial 33 Kahn and Lang (1992 ) analyze the hours preferences of non salaried, working heads of households ages 25-54 in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. They find that 41 percent of their sample would prefer to work more hours work less. Better information on more work were available. Only 4 percent would prefer to work hours is available from the Survey of Work Reduction supplement to the Canadian Labor Force Survey. Using this data Kahn and Lang (1991) find that for nonunion men, 40.6 percent want to work more hours, 45.5 percent want their current hours; and 13.8 percent want fewer hours. The figures for women were 32 percent wanting more hours, 51.1 percent wanting the same hours and 16.9 percent wanting reduced hours (Kahn and Lang, 1988, Table 2). Interestingly Kahn and Lang find some evidence that the ratio of actual to desired work hours increases in higher wage and education groups. if desired 30 In law, for example, employment relationships among lawyers An in one would not expect to see overwork reported solo practice or in government jobs. low incidence of overwork reported alternative explanation for the surveys concerns the way that the critical questions on desired work hours are posed. U.S. and Canadian surveys, employees were essentially asked level, like to work more or less prevalent, this question puts if In both the they would, at their current the position of responding to a hypothetical choice that in when making they may who might otherwise desire shorter hours consumption plans. previously have made their may This means that employees financial commitments expecting an income level achieved only at the current (and excessive) level of work hours financial commitments preclude a posed in (e.g., wage hours than they are currently working. If hours constraints are employees not have anticipated in large scale mortgage payments, car downwards adjustment in work hours loans, These and school tuition payments) would at the current wage. In contrast, the question our survey allows associates to adjust work hours conditional on a wage 5 percent higher than their current wage. This by employees in wage increase is presumably closer to the wage anticipated previous periods and therefore gives more scope for a downwards adjustment in work hours 4. This paper makes Conclusion the case for the importance of adverse selection models to the determination of work hours of our empirical investigation in is managerial and professional employment relationships. been law firms. We argue that the income characteristic of legal partnerships creates incentives to, all else equal, with the greatest propensity to work hard. Since this propensity is sharing that In particular, law firms rely upon an associate's record is promote those associates unobservable, law firms use indicators of this propensity for the purpose of selecting associates for promotion to partnership. The focus of billable hours. will 31 Using a simple model, is it easy to find instances where these practices lead to the imposition of work norms entailing inefficiently long not adjust work norms in and partners view hours as an important indicator We large law firms. in promotion decisions. The response this conclusion as well. firms differ from other professional service providers in that the indicator used in is denominated in terms of hours. in our model that requires indicators have in order to generate overwork among It is this characteristic. that the indicator is race equilibria should occur billed two numbers of associates work too many hours. In addition, both associates billable promotion decisions rat In such cases, firms will also using survey data from of partners to hypothetical promotion scenarios supports Law hours. response to an influx of employees desiring short hours. We test the implications of our model find evidence that large work important to note that there All that is is nothing needed from an indicator be an increasing function of work hours. Thus associates in major consultancies, even though clients are by the project rather than the hour. Our model of adverse groups of co-equal employees (1) the members of a group selection is not be limited to professional partnerships. Among other organizations, rat race equilibria can be expected wherever in benefit from the productive activity of other group members; (2) the output of the group can be significantly influenced by the work effort of individual members; and (3) members of the group have the ability to establish work norms. Thus, we might expect race equilibria to be observed in academic departments of research universities faculty benefit where tenured from the research reputation of other members of their department. expect adverse selection in hours to occur in rat work groups where complementaries We would also are such that small differences in an individual's level of performance can generate large differences in the value of output produced by the group (Kremer 1993). Teams of professionals developing new products with short product life by excessive work norms. Rat race effects might also appear positions in hierarchical settings may cycles (e.g., software engineers) where the effects in of managerial therefore be characterized the competition for managerial effort high up in the hierarchy 32 have a multiplicative effect on output through their influence on employees lower down in the hierarchy (Rosen, 1982) The discussion the determination of in section We work hours Partnership two. profession so far has emphasized the efficiency consequences of adverse selection in in close by returning to a distributional issue the large law firms Not only do partners in large we firms earn study are the elite likely to is be true in that, relative to situations more money than other attorneys (Rebitzer other settings where adverse selection where hours are limited by is This selection process disproportionate may have custom or law, rat emerge victorious from It is the profession. It The follows then race equilibria reduce work hours early in their the effect, although not the intent, of keeping a number of qualified women out of leadership professional organizations. 34 in important access to powerful positions for those unwilling to tolerate excessive careers. briefly raised positions in the legal and Taylor, 1992), they also constitute the source of much of the leadership same we also possible that the a rat race are those who positions in business and male and female professionals who are personally least well equipped to address the consequences that shifting demographics have for professional and managerial employment relationships The consequences of this an important question not yet addressed selection pressure for the adaptability in of organizations the economics of professional and managerial labor markets. 34 This gender effect results from the current fact that activities continues. women For comparisons of the time men and bear the women lion's spend share of non-market in non-market work activities see Fuchs (1986), Leete-Guy and Schor (1990), and Justin and Stafford (1991). is 33 References "The Economics of Caste and of the Rat Race and Other Woeful Tales," Quarterly Journal of Economics November 1976, vol. 90, p. 599-617. 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New York: Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of Associates Included in the Survey Table 2 How Associates Would Choose to Use a Hypothetical 5% Wage Increase Associates Associates Married Associates Whose Spouses Work Full time Table 3 Characteristics of Associates by Hours Preferences Associate Would Choose Use 5% Wage by: (1) (2) (3) Reducing Keeping Current Hours Increasing Hours (1) Percent Male to 5% Hours 5% Table 4 Fraction of Associates and Partners Who Consider The Following Factors Very Important for Promotion to Partnership Factor in the Promotion Decision: 1 Table 5 Fraction of Associates and Partners Who Considered Billable Hours an Important Indicator of A Factor Viewed As Important For Promotion. ' Factor in the Promotion Decision Table 6 Degree of Support for a Hypothetical Candidate for Promotion to Partner Ability to Attract Clients Is Degree of Support Unclear Some Demonstrated Ability to Attract Clients Table 7 Ordered Probit Estimates of the Determinants of Support for a Hypothetical Candidate for Promotion to Partner (t-statistics) of Candidate to Attract Clients is Unclear Ability Candidate Demonstrated Some Ability to Attract Clients Support for Promotion Dependent Variable: Short-Hour Candidate Male Candidate N 1 Support was recorded moderate support; 4= in 1 Support for Promotion 0.45 0.65 (2.16) (3.16) 0.02 -0.01 (OH) (-0,06) 115 116 4.70 10.25 a 5 point scale where: l=very heavy support; little support and 5= very little support. 2= heavy support; 1 3= Table 8 Changes in Hours Preferences of Associates As The Distribution of Hours in the Firm Shifts Original Preferences When Increase Hours 2 Others Hours Preferences: 1 Figure 1 and Type 2 Attorneys The Full Information Equilibrium Hours for Type c 1 in = wh hours Figure 2 Hours for Associates in The Separating Equilibrium '2 c. hours h V 12 - V22 C 1 +r 2 - C 2 2 h 2 MIT LIBRARIES DM- ill 3 ^060 0D65bbb4 5 l\ 2 5 1 Date Due NOV 1 1 .99 $*> 0^ Lib-26-fi7