^ PSJ>^^ HD28 .M414 ^3 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Risk Analysis: To Exploration From Prospect Portfolio and Back by Gordon M. Kaufman MIT Sloan School Working Paper 3639 December 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Risk Analysis: To Exploration From Portfolio Prospect and Back by Gordon M. Kaufman MIT Sloan School Working Paper 3639 December 1993 RISK ANALYSIS: FROM PROSPECT TO EXPLORATION PORTFOLIO AND BACK* Gordon M. Kaufman Sloan School of Management, MIT International Petroleum Resource Conference Stavanger, December * I Norway 6-8, 1993 wish to thank James Smith and L. James Valverde A., Brant Liddle assistance. for Jr. for valuable discussions, computing options valuation examples and John MagUo for programming INTRODUCTION In a 1962 visit to the offices of General Petroleum in Los Angeles, the corporate exploration manager proudly informed Jack Grayson and me that, starting with the company's next aimual exploration budget allocation meeting, a geologist must assign a "dry hole" probability to each prospect that he promotes. This was the company's the world of quantitative risk assessment. Few companies went first venture into so far at the time. have come along way in thirty-one years. The sophistication of probabilistic, and economic aids to oil geophysical, geochemical precise and gas exploration has developed and geological techniques that and more accurate data. It is mation systems that integrate large mapping protocols and economic ciding how much to spend routine for oil tandem with advances and gas firms it more infor- and geophysical data bases, management in de- and where it to should be spent. frameworks constructed from a blend of geo- geochemical and engineering theory and practice, probabihstic and statistical analysis of earth science maximizing behavior of firms and economic data and micro-economic theory of in the presence of large project risks. profit The papers presented at this meeting illustrate the broad ramge of systems that can be constructed mon in employ decision maJcing paradigms to assist intellectual statistical yield descriptively richer, geological, geochemical on exploration, when to spend These systems are shaped by logical, geophysical, now in We from a com- core of ideas and they give us a view of techniques for exploration and development uncertainty and risk analysis at the cutting edge of current knowledge. My comments hinge on accounting correctly four basic themes: for covariation of the first theme uncertain quantities at is the importance of all levels prospect, play, basin, and exploration portfolio. Omission of dependencies of aggregation- among uncertain quantities can lead to seriously distorted estimates. Covariability plays different roles as analysis steps up the ladder for covariation of of aggregation. Statistical analogy can be employed to account uncertain quantities in analogy to provide a benchmark The second theme ration effort among is for much among plays and first: among Decisions about allocation of explo- prospects within plays should account for covariabiUty of returns to exploration effort introduced by price and cost uncertainties and, in particular, should distinguish between systematic and imsystematic variance portfoho analysis and When its geological understanding geological features of frontier areas. closely related to the basins, same way that we employ the risk. Mean- generaUzations can be employed to this end. exploratory risk analysis is based on personal assessments of uncertainties by one or more technical experts, post mortems aimed at measuring the ex post quality of such assessments is direct eUcitation of always difficult much talked about, but unfortunately too httle done. judgements about dependencies among uncertain quantities and often infeasible. final theme frequently used Ls method is almost Ignoring even modest correlations can distort both the accuracy aoid precision of assessments of The In addition, field size. the importance of correctly valuing project of project valuation distribution of project net present value is to base computed it flexibility. The most on properties of the probabifity at a pre-assigned discount rate. This method is appropriate when, once the project future course. If however, is under way, management cannot management can expand, contract, or alter its abandon the project as the future unfolds then unfortunately, the method does not correctly account for project Possession of a lease to explore a tract and then to develop value. found in commercial quantities or not depending is just such an option. In on the outcome of exploratory Modern or not before lease expiration. fact, it is drilling) within it or gas if oil an option (to develop an option to explore methods finance theory offers option valuation that correctly account for fiexibihty in the timing of exploration and development. illustrative A example is given in section is simple taxonomy of types of risk faced by self-explanatory. systematic risk is [Table 1 here]. An 4. stage for our discussion of uncertainty and 1 is The risk. oil and gas explorationists. The classification It sets the appearing in Table and non- distinction between systematic risk Non-systematic risks axe those that can be reduced by fundamental: geographic and geological diversification of exploration and development activities, whereas systematic risks axe those risks that carmot be so reduced. systematic. Economic returns to all oil axid Oil emd gas price risks are gas projects, like boats on a rising and falling We show tide, move up and down how the aggregate risk of an exploration prospect portfoUo can be spUt into systematic and non-systematic A together with rising and falling The and gas prices. later parts. Umited but powerful battery of 2 here]. oil state of the art is tools with which to reduce risk are available: [Table well illustrated by the presentations given at this confer- They range ence. widely: Burrow-Newton and colleagues focus on a modern approach processing eind presenting subsurface spatial uncertainty, and in the same to Grant. spirit, Milton and Thompson develop the concept of play uncertainty maps and play risk maps. Dahl and Meisingset show how state of the art menu driven basin modelling software can yield quick basinaJ assessments and projections of accimiulation and Backer-Owe treat spatially distributed Kaxlsen petroleum inclusions, Knaxud, Ulateig, Gran and Bjorlykke predict reservoir quality on a regional and Sylta show us a method histories. scale using log data, for assessing uncertainties in source and Krokstad rock yields and trapped hydrocarbons. In their discussion of a model-based approach to evaluation of exploration opportu- nities. Duff and Hall suggest a distinctive approach to play defanition and modelling that emphasizes closure ation of style. They correctly emphasize the importance of post model performance as a way of correcting biases and adapting and tag probability to mortem evalu- new information intervals (risk tranches) with specific discriptions of the type of data that supports assignment of a geologic event to an interval. Morbey's examination of historical play efficiency of play successes Ex and throughout the South Atlantic failures at rift an aggregated basinal system is, in effect a post level. post analysis of the quality of subjective probabihstic assessments rationists is mortem made by explo- an increasingly attractive way to improve the quahty of risk assessment. Many companies are riding this bandwagon. Some desireable properties of subjective probability assessments are shown in Table 3. Without a vigourous effort to encode and analyze the historical performance, expert Rose tells us how judgement to improve the precision 30, 1992 testimony to the Edwards underground is not likely to improve. In a 1987 AAPG and accuracy of probability judgements. In June Texas Water Commission on proposed regulations regarding the river, Rose says: ...most technical people have almost no idea as to their their degree of uncertainty-they cannot differentiate between 98 percent confidence and 30 percent confidence\ Moreover, the prevaihng pattern is one of overconfidence-when asked to make estimates at, say, 90% confidence, they characteristically set predictive ranges that actually reflect about 35-40% accuracy. As Capen says, "people tend to be a lot prouder of their answers This bias empt!) [i.e., is predictions] than they should be." nearly universal (scientists and engineers are not ex- and expresses by subsequent events itself specifically in forecasts (or not met at all). That is, that are exceeded in their quantitative predictions, experts usually set their predictive ranges far too narrow. In qualitative forecasts rely , this bias is expressed by a strong tendency to on only one or two hypotheses-rather than on many-in carrying out a scientific investigation. Put simply, most scientists and engineer are overconfident-they think they know more than they do! So they frequently find themover the past 10 years I selves surprised by Nature's outcomes have tested more than 100 technical audiences, totaUing well over 5,000 professional scientists and engineers. The results are always the samethey are significantly overconfident, actually estimating at about 40% confidence while believing they are estimating at We 80% confidence. ... have found that, with training and practice, scientists and engineers can improve significantly, but even after considerable eS'ort, they have a hard time consistently setting ranges that really do correspond to demonstrable uncertainty." Now let's paper, turn to covariability. 2. COVARIABILITY-WHEN YOU CAN NEGLECT IT AND WHEN YOU CAN'T Covariability of uncertain physical ploration risk assessment all levels as well. is and economic variables underlying the rule rather than the exception. of aggregation-prospect, pool, play This fact leads to a small paradox: Some oil and gas ex- variables covary at and basin levels-and may covary spatially while sophisticated multivariate statistical techniques specifically designed to parse vector valued observations of geological, geo- chemical and geophysical phenomena into probabilistically independent components are now widely employed, decision probabilistic dependencies at other levels in the chain of analysis for making axe not often treated with should not be omitted. Many precision and are sometimes omitted when they of the studies presented at this conference alert us to the importance of probabilistic dependencies among geological, geochemical and engineering variables. Hvoslef, Christie, Sassen, Kennicut and Requejo's description of use of principal component analysis of geochemical data to establish the presence or absence of hydro- carbon charge and to motivate a new concept-thematic surface geochemistry maps-is an example of sophisticated multivariate statistical analysis aimed at splitting a covaxiance structure into orthogonal components. Several presenters call attention to the importance of proper modeling of probabiUstic dependencies: Grant, Milton and the distinction between prospect specific emd play analysis in the risk, Thompson highUght Flood's review of prospect risk North Sea emphasizes the importance of proper accounting for probabilis- tic dependencies in play analysis, and Snow, Dore and Dorn-Lopez model risks generated by a portfolio of prospects. The introduction of play level uncertainties can introduce probabilistic dependencies that do not vanish even after drilling has confirmed the play's existence. case for discovery process models based on the idea that discovery a finite model is population of deposits without replacement and proportional to for the total dependence in the number of discoveries that can be made in This is the akin to sampling size. Damsleth's an area incorporates prospect form of expert judgement about pairwise dependence of prospects within a cluster of prospects that share the same marginal probabilities and pairwise probabilities of success. Sinding-Laxsen (joint) and Chen's integration of discovery process models and volumetric accumulation models automatically incorporates dependencies among sizes of fields remaining to be discovered. It is well understood that geologic play risk logical events rock and is sensitive to dependencies among geo- such as timing, presence or absence of migration paths, existence of reservoir seal. Hermanrud, Abrahamsen, Helgoy and North Sea economic risks to vEu-iations in levels of, events and to variations in infrastructure, field size Vollset highhght the sensitivity of and dependencies among such geologic and water depth. It is less well under- stood that even mild correlations among the primary physical variables that determine field size-area of closure, average feet of pay and yield per acre foot, for example-can induce large differences in properties of a field size distribution relative to a field size distribution that does not. The Lloydminster play is an excellent example. The Lloydminster ways. First, play down Figure 1 is play in Canada's Western Sedimentary Basin McCallum and Stewart measured Normal probability of oil in place correspond to a as a straight line. reasonable (See appear large Normal The assumption Kaufman in 1 here]. constructed so that distribution, then the that oil in place is if The None fractiles of the graph of the ecdf is in logarithm will approximately Lognormal is appear clearly Lloydminster play here]. of deposits in this play enable us to pin down with precision the Table 4b displays [Table 4b of the pairwise correlations are large. oil in place in a deposit the working assumption that compute properties Table 5 oil in horizontal scale (1993) for further discussion of this play). Table 4a. [Table 4a number is scale [Figure covariance and correlation matrices for the logarithms of area, pay and yield. Since two deposits in this well explored covariance structure of deposit area, net pay and yield per acre-foot. here]. in the empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf ) of the logarithm of logarithmic units and the vertical scale The all unusual to single well deposits using a uniform protocol. Second, there are 2509 deposits. place plotted against a statistics features of is oflFers all is the product of these three variables, a comparison of properties of the distribution of oil we adopt we can easily pay and yield. three variables are jointly Lognormal, then of the distribution of oil in place as a function of area, if and place assuming independence of log area, log pay and log yield with the distribution that arises account for empirically derived correlations (those of Table 4b). correlations are small, ignoring them if we Even though pairwise substantially distorts estimates of the mean, mode and standard deviation of oil in place specifically, the by about 21%, the standard deviation by about A 21% about 30%. underestimate of about 3 X 10^ barrels of a scale of oil in place, When that size, is the mode is underestimated is overestimated bv deposit size results in an underestimate of positively skewed that, on they are virtually indistinguishable. [Figure 2 here]. is computed from assessments of individual compo- component correlation structure can components are independent pendence 47% and deposit size Both distributions are so oil in place! a deposit size distribution nents of deposit mean mean is be ignored only if the absolutely convincing. When the assumption assumption of inde- not warranted, import the covariance structure of a good geologic analogy you can, rather than ignore covariation. if 3. EXPLORATION, DEVELOPMENT AND RISK-RETURN TRADEOFFS Further up the ladder of aggregation, the poration's exploration and development portfolio variabilities of geological, price risk. The among plays engineering and cost aggregate economic may be risks within basin a of a is is always allocated influenced among earlier, by basins, and among prospects within a play determines an exploration portfoho's relative exposure to systematic and to non-systematic As stated cor- strongly influenced by co- and fashion in which an exploration budget risk the distinction between these two types of risk is risks. fundamental: NON-SYSTEMATIC RISK = DIVERSIFIABLE RISK SYSTEMATIC RISK = NON-DIVERSIFIABLE RISK By appropriate spreading of the investment budget within and development opportunity set, (ROR) diversifying that depends on geological and enguaeering bottom hole contributions and syndication of fainihaj devices for sharing risks. However, cost in this fashion. and price Price risk can be reduced by hedging in away from oil negative correlation with and gas exploration a corporation can reduce the component of dispersion (variabihty) of investment rate of return uncertainties. Farmouts, its oil and gas markets oil eind (e.g., risks oil lease bids are other caimot be diversified away price futiures markets or by buy airhne company stocks to introduce gas exploration and development ROR), but our interest here centers on those risks associated with exploration and development management. It is possible to measure the relative contributions of systematic risks to overall risk and non-systematic by appropriate appUcation of financial portfoUo theory. The principal 10 aim of this theory is to identify allocations of a fixed investment budget that, subject to a budget constraint and to activity constraints, minimizes dispersion or variability of ROR. Table while achieving a target expected 6 outlines inputs ROR and outputs of such an analysis restricted to an exploration prospect opportunity set. [Table 6 here]. Associated with each target expected ROR is a minimum variance portfoho. The graph describing ROR how the standard deviation of such portfolios varies as a function of target expected and budget a valuable display of available risk-return tradeoffs and we shall discuss size is an example. Before doing By ration so, however, we note an important property of portfolio variance. use of a formula well known to statisticians, the variance of and development portfoho can be spht the other non-systematic. into a sum ROR for any explo- of two pieces, one systematic [Table 7 here]. Total portfoho variance is seen to be the ROR of the expectation with respect to uncertain future prices of the variance of and sum condi- —and the variance with respect to future prices of the expectation of ROR conditional on future prices— the non-diversifiable tionaJ on future component. —the prices diversifiable component Price variabihty introduces positive correlation of the RORs of individual prospects and the contribution to overall variabihty due to these correlations large. The formula tion of geological in Table 7 enables us to see why even the most extreme and engineering risks leaves price risk intact. is generally diversifica- Consider a portfoho of A'^ prospects with a fraction 1/iV of the exploration budget (scaled to equal one) allocated to each. Suppose that the that, given known risk characteristics of each prospect are identical and in addition future prices, the outcomes of drilMng these prospects are uncorrelated. 11 Denote the variance of let E{ROR\P) ROR of a generic prospect be the expected expectation with respect to P ROR of a generic of V/N larger, is the variance of a single drilling ROR variance E{ROR\P) P by V{ROR\P) and prospect given P. In turn V{ROR\P). Because be uncorrelated, the unsystematic component of component given future prices let V equal the outcomes are assumed to is V/N and with respect to P. As the systematic N gets larger and approaches zero, while the systematic component, the variance of E{ROR\P), remains unchanged. To illustrate these ideas, mean-variance tradeoffs available to a U. S. independent are gas prospects. Since this measured tional is is an shown on success, production constrained to be less and an exploration opportunity 4. The set MCF and are uncorrelated in consists of sixty U. S. in addition that condi- and known. Working profiles are fixed interest in a prospect than or equal to 100% (the allocation cannot oversubscribe de- sireable prospects), but fractions of working interest axe allowable. denominated set example, we have assumed that drilling outcomes illustrative in recoverable gas equivalent in Figures 3 for Price uncertainty is terms of a single uncertain price that scales a future price vector. At the time that these prospects were in contention, the relevant unregulated price was about $6.15/MCF because 1978. of market distortions introduced by the Natural Gas Policy Act of For each choice of exploration budget ing of the set of pairs of target expected teirget. Associated with each such pair is 3 displays efficient frontiers conditioned level there is ROR an an and minimiun variance of etllocation of the on a fixed price of 12 "efficient frontier" consist- ROR given this budget to prospects. Figure $6.15/MCF. Figure 4 displays efficient frontiers assuming price uncertainty and price volatility of 70% (standard devia- tion of percent change in price from one period to the next). Price volatiUty introduces a risky shift of efficient frontiers. Systematic risk as a percent of total risk varies with target ROR and budget size as shown in Figiu-e 5. Unregulated wellhead prices up to Anadaxko Basin (Fletcher high as $6.15/MCF it is Field) deep gas wellhead price possible to achieve target fraction of allocated budget. budget, here is how Thus with target ROR set, increases, is is RORS at the time of this example; a case in point. At prices as of 20-50% by investing only a price volatility of .707 and a 50 miUion the fraction of budget invested varies with target 20% .190 30% .343 40% .440 held fixed, as the amount invested ROR. in this fixed prospect opportunity systematic risk increases as a proportion of total increases with the budget fixed, this proportion decreases. An risk. As the target example. the expected ROR on three features of the structure of the portfoUo model adopted First, price uncertainty is represented NPV of each prospect. ROR intuitive explanation for the decrease in systematic risk divided by total risk for a fixed budget as target creases, rests dollar BUDGET FRACTION INVESTED TARGET ROR If $10/MCF appeared in- for this by a single price that linearly scales Second, the large value of current price relative to the variance of price even in the presence of substsLntied volatifity of .707 leads to 13 Var {Price) /[CurrentPrice]^ = The non-systematic 1.5. risk .5 and Expectation{PriceSquared)/[CurrentPrice]^ component the systematic component of risk by ROR is increased, effort is .5. of portfolio variance Third, if the budget is treats upside 1.5) As this happens, than systematic object to the choice of and downside variations in minimum risk ROR vaxiance as a criterion because symmetrically. They decomposition of both the expectation of downside risk into systematic is a story for and non-systematic another day! 14 risk of risk it prefer to minimize the expectation of downside risk subject to achieving a benchmark expected can be done and .5). Some managers downside 1.5 held fixed and target increasingly allocated to riskier prospects. non-systematic risk increases more rapidly (roughly with weight (with weight weighted by is = ROR. A a portfolio and the variance of components is possible. How this LOOKING FORWARD: OPTIONS, EXPLORATION 4. AND DEVELOPMENT We are familiar with the explosion of stock all activity that built Scholes) of a on the 1973 development by three compelhng theory of stock option and commodity market investment MIT professors (Black, Merton and work aimed at extending valuation. Recent the theory to provide correct valuation of exploration and development projects should be of particular interest to exploration managers. It has long been recognized that possessing the right to explore a tract period of time stock. an operating option that is The analogy is sketched in Table 8. for a specific informally equivalent to a call option on a is [Table 8 here]. All explorationists appreciate the option value of pre-emption-get into a highly prospective frontier area before the competition in order to maximize exploration fields. If a discovery is made, another option flexibility arises: or not develop at aU. This development option at some point manager compound easily explainable is method this option. Only for valuing method? off the most promising develop now, postpone development imbedded within the option in time prior to expiration of the lease. faces a Just what is and to pick to explore Thxis, ex ante, the exploration recently, however, has a conceptually sound and such options been in place. Trigeoris and Mason (1987) point out that extensions of stock market option theory to embrace valuation of project flexibihty axe a special, market adjusted version of decision tree analysis that expUcitly prices out the value of operating flexibihty. Why is this important? Because, acccording to 15 all published accounts, the method overcomes inadequacies of approaches to project of a single risk adjusted discounted rate of return to management that rest on choice compute the probabihty distribution (NPV): of project net present value NPV methods do not properly capture the value of a manager's modify a project as uncertainty is resolved. • Traditional to • • As uncertainty unfolds and risk increases or decreases, so adjusted discount rate; no single discount rate may be appropriate. The i.e. ability does the "correct" risk adapt the operation of a project to future contingencies introduces asymmetries in future project value resulting in an overall increase in value, relability to NPV ative to static analysis. According to Pickles and Smith (1993), "DCF analysis typically ignores the value brought to the project through management's ability to during the life of the project they change over time" . and to adjust the investment make operating added decisions to existing market conditions as Options or contingent claims methods of valuing project flexibility have advantages: no need to forecast the mean path of future • There • The appropriate is discount rate, is the risk free rate; a risk adjusted discount rate as risk axijustment These methods do depend on an estimate of price sumption that the relevant oil and gas market is is prices. i.e. no need to pick to the method. there intrinsic is volatility (price variance) and the as- in equilibrium. Paddock, Siegel and Smith (1988) document the practical importeince of option valuation: "The government uses valuations to establish presale reservation prices and to study the effect of policy changes on revenues it expects to receive from lease sales. Because the bidding process involves billions of dollars, 16 to obtain accurate valuations. [As of 1988] to underestimate industry bids. Using the Government valuations have tended same geological and cost data as the government, our option valuations are closer to industry bids." The analysis of stock option value done by Merton, Black and Scholes requires an understanding of advanced mathematical concepts partial differential equations with moving boundaries). Paddock, and Jacoby and Laughton (1992) show how inators' to value mathematical approach to the problem. traditional NPV Pickles how is orig- is made distinct types of operat- concrete with an excellent operating flexibility cheinges the value of a North Sea and Smith (1993) adapt a and Smith (1988) Bjerksvmd and Ekern (1990) compare Their theoretical analysis oil field. simplified approach to option valuation developed by Cox, IngersoU and Rubenstein (1977) to approach Siegel and parabolic an exploration option using the methods and option valuation and show how ing flexibiUty aifect value. discussion of (Ito's stochastic calculus oil and gas development options. This latter based on an easily understood binomial model of price variation that, as the time span between periods of price change approaches zero, converges to the same continuous time distribution of price changes employed by Merton et limiting valuation formula and Smith's approach to improve upon. of a North Sea A friendly of real is is by identical to the continuous time formula. far the easiest to They provide I aJ. In addition, the beheve that Pickles understand eind their explanation several examples, one of which is is difficult a prototypical valuation oil field. toy example of a development option will help set the stage for a discussion compoimd options. You own a 100 million barrel field that will cost $500 million to 17 Once developed, you develop. sale time, the and is fall will market price per barrel to $4.68 with probabihty $47.2 million. This calculation here]. A immediately ground field. shown However, between now and will rise to $7.32 Thus the expected value .7. is in the the sell of developing the field in the top decision tree of Figure 6. clairvoyant claims that she has perfect foresight. She can whether the price/barrel will with probability tell .3 now [Figure 6 you with certainty be $7.32 or $4.68, but has not yet done so. What is the value of being able to postpone choice until the clairvoyant has spoken? (She will speak in time The you to decide whether or not to develop for clairvoyant flips the decision tree for you! Choice This tree shown is at the bottom of Figure postpone choice until price is revealed is 5. The at each possible price just cited.) is postponed prior expected value of the option to a gain of $22.4 milUon over and above the value of the best (static with respect to price) choice in the top tree. introduced at choice nodes: to -$32 miUion if choice is If price to be until price is revealed. Notice the asymmetry turns out to be $4.68, the value made without clairvoyance). Any is zero (in contrast operating option, no matter how compUcated, possesses these features. Additional work on valuation of exploration and development as a remains to be done. Paddock et al. decision to undertake development is assiune that made at the if exploration same time is compound option successful, then the as the decision to explore. This ignores the value of development delay. Pickles and Smith assume that the decision to explore is taJcen immediately, but that the option exists to delay development. ignores the value of exploration delay. Valuation of the 18 compound option via Pickles This and Smith's representation of the development option can be done by interfacing a decision tree representing the complete choice set lattice of and layered spread development option value as a function of sheets, field size. one for each binomial The appendix presents key steps in such an analysis. A student of mine, Brant Liddle, calculated the period option. Exploration compound option allowed to take place up to and including the third period is and development can be delayed up to and including the fourth chosen are based on Pickles and Smith's (1993) Figure with tax and delay. [Shown here as Figure that if a discovery is value of a four 7] 5, period. The parameters a 25 period development option [Table 9 here]. For simplicity, made, 100 million developable barrels will it is be discovered. 8 presents development option values given discovery of 100 miUion barrels. 10, and 11 present binomial lattice values of exploration rights with how corollary flexibiUty gains. values at t = Figiire Figures Table 10 and change with exploration cost and presents Even though the value of exploring and developing a negative at the current time, the value of the option to explore may be tract negative, but the The reader appendix. A is (compound option) value of exploration rights is structed (a fom: period tree is i = positive. encouraged to examine the schematic outUne of analysis given decision tree for a three period exploration is At an positive. exploration cost of $.2 per barrel hi our example, the expected value of exploring at is 9, development timing flexibiUty built in, eax;h at different choice of exploration cost per barrel. Figure 12 summaxizes assumed and development option in the is con- too large to display conveniently), and evaluated by backward 19 induction. "Explore The value at f = Now" (EXERCISE) of "Wait and See" (HOLD) is compared with the value of unconditionally as regards an optimal development strategy. Straightforward extension of this scheme by partitioning more finely the binomial lattice and by accounting for uncertainty about discovery will yield a practical tool for valuation of gains size prior to exploratory drilling from the abiUty to delay independently exploration and development. 20 I CONCLUSION 5. Our focus on the role of covariability of geological, engineering and economic variables and gas in oil risk assessment led us from prospect risks to field size distributions, up the ladder of aggregation to prospect portfolio risk via mean-variance portfolio analysis and back down to valuation of operating flexibiUty at the prospect The risk management messages level. that emerged axe as follows: Expert judgement and risk reduction: • Requires consistent monitoring • Evaluate and calibrate because the payoff effort is large. Covariability of geologic variables: • If present, neglect at • Import your peril! statistical analogies. Covariability of project returns and efficient allocation of exploration effort: • Use Mean- Variance portfoUo analysis or • Separate systematic aind non-systematic risk and measure both its generalizations Value project flexibility correctly: • Avoid under-estimation of project value • Eliminate need to forecast mean path of future-prices 21 REFERENCES Bjerksund, P., and Uncertainty: S. "'Managing Investment Opportunities Under Price Ekern (1990). From Last Chance to Wait and See Strategies." Financial Management 19(3): 65-83. Cox, John C, Stephen A. Ross, and Mark Rubenstein (October a Simplified Approach." Journal of Financial Economics 7, "Option Pricing: 1979). 229-264. Jacoby, Henry D., and David G. Laughton (1992). "Project Evaluation: A Practical Asset Pricing Method." The Energy Journal 13(2): 19-47. Kaufman. Gordon, M. (1993). "Statistical Issues in the Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources". The Energy Journal 14(1), 183-215. Paddock, James L., Daniel R. Siegel, and James L. Smith (1988). "Option Valuation of Claims on Real Assets: The Case of OfTshore Petroleum Leases." The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 479-508 Smith (1993). "Petroleum Property Valuation: Lattice Implementation of Option Pricing Theory." The Energy Journal Pickles, Eric and James Rose, Peter R. (1987). We A L. , "Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty in Exploration: Binomial 14(2), 1-26. How Can Improve?" The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 71(1), pp. 1-16. Trigeoris and Mason (Spring Finance Journal. 1987). "Valuing Meinagerial FlexibiUty." 5(1), pp. 14-21. 22 Midland Corporate APPENDIX Vcduation Schematic for Exploration as a Compound Option and Development 23 ACTS AVAILABLE t = o 4—1 V5 o •c a. o O Q Z D O a. O u o H 2 PJ 2 O cu O u < H W w H 2 o u •c a< ^^ X •c 2 C/5 O c O 00 •c PJ u 2 On U u II c/: O U < > O II U o Oh a.= a. 3 0.- 3 a. II z° m i> Eg[p max {pD(B, uPJ, p^v (B, uP^)} + (1 - p) max {D(B, dP^), p^v -C o 2-/0 EgLp max {qp^ V (B, uP^) + (1 - p){max qp^v (B, - pC, 0} dP^ - pC, 0}] (B, dP^)}] - C c c o Qh C/3 cs o a. C3 a. > 13 a. > <N CM 4^ o o X w C3 r3 -1 < u z o z N-^ > C > "O 'tad 1) I 0) o c :z; o u Q OJ c/3 S o C3 a Ui O c oo CO 3 3 c > C *^ o en > s o o <U CO X Q < z O 1) CJ oo X C/3 c/5 dj X> tq X5 a Q D X) p o «*^ a© •—J CO tq H D CQ 2 ^ c 3 O c c 2 0.3 o <u :3 03 'A C - C x> 2 C/5 03 g 3 C < U -o U CO W Q 00 •c CJ 0) C/3 =« >^ ."3 II c •a a c CQ O 5/5 X) CJ ex -o CJ c 2 > o OJ (3J 2 CJ CJ < c/3 > o CJ c/3 (N c/5 U H on H < H DC CQ < W H Q >^ O < < ON o O Oil O o o o Oil o mi D U < X o en «5ii o < Oh 8 Oil o JO en 2 CQ < o u w X c/5 CO < l-H < W U as 00 Oil o Q >^ O On Oil o 0^ o CO u < Oi) o CO ^ < Oh Oi) O a Oi) o C/5 pa pa o w a > 00 PQ < O< w Q << Ho J Zo a; D O — u < O o .. .> o o Z w a: O < > Q u o C/3 00 W < Z o a o o -o 13 =^ TABLE 9 ASSUMPTIONS Have to [Pickles and Smith (1993) 25-period model with tax and develop by the fourth period and have to explore by the end of the third period. Upward price change in one time period Downward = price change in one time period Probability of upward change p = .3840 Probability of downward change Discount per period (1-p) 1 1.38% = 10.22% = .6160 at after-tax risk-free rate d = .9954 Present value of after tax cost of development Present value of price $3,293 Probability of discovery q If discovery, field size is = = Current D = $2,528 Price .2 lOOM barrels AVAILABLE ACTS Initial delay.] TABLE 10 EXPLORATION OPTIONS Exp cost^bl * Value of Exploration Rig hts Flexibility Gains 10 .0532 .0135 .15 .0323 .0323 .20 .0161 .0161 FLEXIBILITY GAINS EXPL COST/BBL *With LOW exploration cost^bl, the inflexible option "E now, D one period later" has positive E. V. With HIGH exploration cost/bbl the inflexible option has negative E.V. See Table 9 for assumptions HGURE 1 LLOYDMINSTER OIL IN PLACE (BBLS) LJJ _l Q UJ h- O LU a. X LU LOGOIP nGURE2 LLOYDMINSTER CL 0.2 - OIP: Var=3,221 HGURES MV ANALYSIS— FIXED 70 o 60 1 Z O H < > Q Q < Q Z < H 50 1 1-^ c:/5 40 1 30 1 20 1 10 1 PRICE nGURE4 MV ANALYSIS— PRICE VOLATIUTY=.707 1 o 100 - 60 - o < > l-H < CO nGURE5 SYSTEMATIC RISK/TOTAL RISK— HIGH VOLATILITY 0.31 O H O O IQ o > > Q O <N CO on H O u a: o a w < HGURE? Figure 5. Introduction of Tax and Delay with a 25-Period Model WITH DEVELOPMENT DELAY AND TAX-RELATED PARAMETERS Tim« to •xpirv ft'* Ltr>gT^ of Oina T I p«nod lyrt I Votatilny lannualutdl RmI ntk-fr«« imaratt rata PlVOid rata Pnca it oma laro.par bM Exarciaa pnca. par bbt Marginal u« rata coau axoartaad Davatapmam dalay lyrt.) Parcant of Praaant vakja of Prica PV (SI Praaant valua of Exarciaa pnca (Atiar-ta«) Calculatad Option Valua PV fX) OV . HGURES VALUE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OPTION GIVEN DISCOVERY Initial p = 1^1 T=2 T=3 T=4 nGURE9 Exploration Option with q = .2 Exploration Cost = 0.1 Initial T=1 T=2 T=3 FIGURE 10 Exploration Option with q = .2 Exploration Cost = 0.15 Initial T=1 T=2 0.1443 0.1284 0.1443 explore 0,0628 0.0699 0.0699 HOLD Exercise value Hold value Option value Exercise ? 0.0323 0.0323 HOLD 0.0092 0.0092 HOLD 0.384 FIGURE I 11 Exploration Option with q = .2 Exploration Cost = 0.2 Initial Exercise value Hold value Option value Exercise ? 0.384 T=1 T=2 T=3 fs D O E o 0) MIT tIRRARIES 3 =1080 OOflSbbbT M ; Date Due ££6 i 2005