LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -^hSS. INST. 7?^ MAY 10 1971 t./BRARlE* .M414 71 C.2 WORKING PAPER ALFRED P. SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT .Research Program on the Management of. Science and Technology The Delphi Technique: Survey and Comment Alan R. Fusfeld* # 520-71 - March, 1971 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive ^W :bridge, massachusett ... .. G 1971 D£W£Y LI3RARY Research Program on the Management of Science and Technology The Delphi Technique: Survey and Comment Alan R. Fusfeld* # 520-71 "' March, 1971 * Alan R. Fusfeld is a doctoral candidate at the Alfred P. Sloan of Management, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. no C.J? RECE'VFO MAY M. I. I. 4 1971 Llilh(Afi!lES 7/ THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE: by Alan R. SURVEY AND COMMENT Fusfeld Even though DELPHI has been used with some success, ..., it should not be interpreted as a device that produces 'truth about the future'. in 'inexact' The Delphi method is designed to produce consensus judgments it would be a mistake to consider such judgments as complete or fields; precise descriptions about the future. Theodore J. Gordon and Robert Ament, "Forecasts of Some Technological and Scientific Developments and their Societal Consequences", IFF R-6, September, 1969 Introduction : Delphi forecasting is a widely used technique for the systematic development of expert opinion consensus concerning the future ''1). This article considers the implications for Delphi of recent analyses of forecast results and of the historical development of the Delphi methodology. It is important to note at the outset that the theoretical utility of Delphi is that it pools individual opinions in order to develop forecasts which are more accurate than those of any average individual. This has been the major driving force behind its development. The potential utility of Delphi, described above, was recognized by Norman Dalkey and Olaf Helmer in 1951-1952, They were working for the RAND Corporation and applied Delphi methodology to Air Force strategy problems in Project "DELPHI" (2). Their work, however, was not oriented towards the timing or nature of future events, as we speak of these characteristics today. Rather, they and other early developers were interested in - 'A - . . policy formation research, operations research, and political gaming Some of these early uses were directed schedules for U.S. locations, election outcomes; and case in the of war on July 1,1953; made (2) predicting Communist China. miethodology through "almanac" delphi to validate the forecasts, which are predictions ). estimating Soviet bombing (1) predicting U.S. policy towards (3) Attempts were also made at: {3 for questions with obscure but known answe rs This early work was extended conjunction with Olaf Helmer, in 1963-64 , by Ted Gordon working in include the long range forecasts, which to Since then, Delphi studies have been conducted in such are now familiar. diverse fields as medicine, education, space hardware, oceanography, and The spcns'^ring organizations have also been widely varied- transportation.* government agencies (U.S. and foreign), RAND, IFF, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Corp., ^. MA TRW Py 9^ fo, rt^ Corp. /2y /jyy, , LTV /^ ft*, brief consideration of the Corp. 17, , McGraw JJ IS summary -Hill Corp. , al. (^^ ) description of the development of Delphi, just presented, prompts several interesting questions. which are most important, because et. of their vital The two positions in the rationale of Delphi methodology are: how valid are the "almjanac" delphi forecasts? (2) how similar are long range delphi forecasts to (1) the processes of estimation and short-term prediction, for which Delphi was first devised ? An understa^Xiding Delphi forecasts of these in The remainder to questions is essential to the efficient utilization of corporate planning. of this article is structured into the following five sections help provide th^underst^ding: (1) background and basic rationales for the development of Delphi forecasting; Delphi methodology; real-world uses of Delphi (includes cases, which illustrate uses of material presented in the preceding sections and provides a focus for questions concerning the behavior of Delphi); recent studies and implications of forecast results; and corporate use of Delphi (draws preceding material together to suggest how corporations miight increase their benefits fromj Delphi, through an improved understanding of its nature). (2) extensio;-."s to (3) (4) (5) Institute for the Future (IFF), Riverview Center, Middletown, Conn. perhaps, has the greatest amount of available information regarding current Delphi studies (over 2000). Olaf Helmer is president of IFF and Ted Gordon is a senior fellow. *The , . -3- Background and Rationales The background of Methodology : Delphi methodology extends into the philosophy of of the solicitation of experts' opinions. Norman Rescher Dall<^ and Nicholas give a fine description of this and contend that there are certain fields of knowledge, which, by their nature, commonly require the opinions expert («IC^. answers are These not fields are termed "inexact," meaning of an that absolute known or possible, and include such areas as juris- prudence, political policy formation and corporate strategy.* The opinio whe«'& making, ns of experts, then, are justified as inputs to decision Of course, expert judgment judgment-in an "inexact" area. - has been sought by decision makers for thousands of years, but, unfortunately many of the experts, Some striking examples for of future of were misjudg nsents by experts, bow is many ways. bowman can let off Whereas also a musketeer can discharge but one a Privy Council (2) " in the in . . six aimed shots a minute, two minutes. " (AdviSe to the British by Colonel Sir John Smyth.) (A/) no plea which will justify the use of high-tension and in 1591 There employed solely is to reduce investment in commercial sense. November, 1889) "... that greatness as a scientist is r om Professor Langley will not put his substantial in further peril by continuing to involved, in further airship experiments. waste his time, Life is short, and trying to fly. ... " ( New York Times the first flight of the editorial, Wright brothers) December 10, 1903 . U-f). of "inexact" fields would be "exact" or precise areas of knowledge. Examples of "exact" sciences are physics, mathematics, and chemistry. It should be clear that many areas, particularly the social sciences, combine "inexact" and "exact" sub-fields. The opposite *-!' , capable i« se-rvices to humanity greater than can be expected to result week before - American Review OT he f " (2'). We hope money They are copper wire and real estate. (Edison, T.A., "The Dangers of Electric Lighting," North and the "inexact" area and tires out soldiers on the alternating currents, either in a scientific or a (3) ''* . weapon, firearms are very complicated a simple things which get out of order in march. not always correct technology, appear below: "... The (1) the judlgments The reader, wh^is not already familiar with the origins of the word "DELPHI," is reminded that it refers :o the oracle 'of Apollo located at Delphi, a place in ancient Greece {ZA) . . one A- may the fact that single experts Given hold incorrect opinions, is it logical to seek increased accuracy through the opinions of a collection This assumes, though, that a representative statistic of the experts' opinions may be chosen, which will be more accurate than the opinion individual of the average exoert, i.e. it will somehow be corrected for experts. of bias and misinformation. One formal attempts of the first to systematically aggregate the DELPHI," begun at RAND Corporation The work was conducted by Norman Dalkey and Olaf Helmer, opinions of experts was "Project in I95I-I952. who hoped to develop a methodology for comibining the opinions on the subject of estimating Soviet offensive strategies Dalkey and Helmer built their study on earlier public opinion research. ='• A ( work 2» of experts ) area in the of 1948 study in this area, "The Prediction of Social and Technological Events," by Kaplan, Skogstad, and Girshick, is particularly interesting, since (a) it: which "Project DELPHI" developed and illustrates the background in (b) presents evidence that statistical aggregates of individuals' opinions, for near termi events, are more accurate individuals than predictors derived from group interaction ot single (^ ). The Delphi technique was formed by adding information feedback and iterations of the concepts to the of controlled aggregation of some psychological technique eliminated (e.g. fear of superiors, fear of changing opinion) by keeping effects of groups individuals responses An additional aspect individual opinion. tje of the anonymous RAND estimates for the to each other. Delphi methodology provided policy/strategy studies, that should have been more accurate than those of other types of groups or of individuals for two reasons: and (2) (1) the avoidance the increase in of psychological biases accuracy from a pooling Following the developmient towards experiments designed ments applied Idaho in I960?). (2) is It (e.g. to test its validity How man The responses to committees, panels, etc.; expert judgment. Delphi technique, attention was turned the Delphi msethodology to questions known but obscure (1) of the of of (0,*1^,** where y tons of potatoes ) , These experi- the were harvested in such almanac questions were shown converge during several iterations;and converge towards the correct answer for the majority the "almianac" Delphi results answers were which were and are used of the to: questions . to verify the usefulness of Delphi. * The major journal in =;==:= of this field is the P"'^blic Opinion Quarterly January, 1937. The analysis is discussed in detail in a later section. , established ''* As indicated earlier, to methodology was not generally applied the Delphi questions concerning the future until 1963-64. which influenced this. the "Project Delphi" First was the release for publication of some of work in 1962, The subject matter ( required classification for security reasons.) growing interest Several things happened time at this in of the work has there In addition, was a forecasting technological developments, i.e. an increased awareness of the impacts of technological change on long-range plans and an increased demand (e.g. PPBS). Finally, in 1963, for quantification in all aspects of planning Ted Gordon Director ( of Space Station and Planetary Systems for Douglas Aircraft Company) met Olaf Helmer by chance, during a luncheom meeting at RAND ^ ( point that Gordon's interests in technology planning Helmer's interests this in the utiiization of ( was It were linked expert opinion. was the application of the Delphi technique The Helmer-Gordon work was the first use (greater than one year) forecasting ), A to consequence to future -oriented of of questions. Delphi for long-range Their study ("Report on a /7). Long -Range Forecasting Study") concentrated on six areas (1) at this of interest: scientific breakthroughs; (2)automation; (3) space; (4)population; war prevention; and (6) weapon systems. These were different in two respects from the topics considered in "Project Delphi." First, HelmerGordon topics required an estimation of all of the many interacting dynamics actors influencing technological advance, whereas "Project Delphi" topics (5) of required an estimation of strategies based on role playing, with technology and other variables fixed or in a static state. of the topics unlimite c'l Also, the relative time horizons i.e. a year or less for "Project Delphi" were different, time for the long-range study. ( These differences are important for the comparison and evaluation of future oriented studies, "almanac" studies, and "Project Delphi" studies, discussed later section.) It two applications is of the beginning of the clear , and in detail in a though, that regardless of differences between the Delphi methodology, the Helmer-Gordon work marked use of the Delphi technique for technological forecasting. Delphi methodology, then, became a technique for forecasting technology, through the linking of quantitative planning needs with the procedures developed by Project Delphi." ground ( S (f fO "2. The theory and rationales also come from 2.0^3 33 Zi, /"J ). this back- They may be summarized by the following structure, consisting of a premises, and a group major premise, several nminor of postulates: Major Premise: Future events occur due to the complex interactions of nnany ^rces. Minor Premises: 1. Many elements involved of future in the projection developments are not easily quantifiable. 2. non-exact disciplines, expert opinion "modeling" must, of necessity, substitute for the exact laws of causality found In in the physical sciences. 3. The prediction of outcomes or occurrences of future events, with any degree of probability, is an "inexact" science, just as jurisprudence or organizational strategy 4. is. Individual experts suffer biases and are incorrect nearly as often as they are correct in predicting future events. Postulates: 1. It is justifiable to solicit and bring to bear expert knowledge and judgment concerning future developments. / 2. of experts have aggregate-relevant information that is equal to or greater than any member of the group. 3. Groups of experts have aggregate misinformation that is equal to or less than any Groups member. 4. 5. Groups of experts have at least as many informal models (systematic processes for analyzing information), by which an answer is estimated, as any member. Groups which meet face-to-face, in order develop a consensus, suffer bias from follow the psychological pressures (e. g. leader syndrome or reluctance to change previously- state opinion). to , 6. Groups whose members are anonymous to each other, develop a consensus which corrects for an individual bias and removes the possibility of a psychologically-developed bias. 7. The median response of a group is at least as good as one half of the respondents (by definition). Together, the postulates imply that the application of the typical Delphi technique, consisting of a) anonymity b) controlled feedback c) an estimator of group opinion^ will provide a jnore accurate response to a question than that of the average expert. A is of experts - - to eliminate bias, to develop consensus, and description of the typical Delphi process appears below and accompanied in Figure 1 by several examples of Delphi forecasts. should be apparent that the actual process fits in It well with the preceding discussion of the underlying premises. A typical [forecast] is initiated by a questionnaire of a set of numerical quantities, e. g. dates at which technological possibilities will be realized, or probabilities of realization by given dates, levels of performance, and the like. The results of the first round will be summarized, e. g. as the median and interquartile range of the responses, and fed back with a request to revise the first estimates where appropriate. On succeeding rounds, those individuals whose answers deviate markedly from the median (e. g. outside the inte r- qua r tile range) are requested to justify their estimates. These justifications are summarized, fed back, and which requests estimates , The counter agreecovinter -agreements elicited. ments are in turn fed back and additional reappraisals collected.L / [Preliminary questionnaires are often used to select and develop questions for which estimates will be collected. In as a new summary, the development of the Delphi technique to 1964^ tool for forecasting^followed a logical sequence of steps. is illustrated in the ] Figure 2 which also serves development which should be to highlight two aspects of particular interest to This of present and : Figure . I EXAMPLES OF DELPHI Description of Event FORECASTS Date By Which 25 50 Reference 75 % of Respondents Think Event Occur Wi I I Year Forecast Made There will be a single netional bui ding code. 1975 1977 1980 1968 Polymers will be created by molecular tai loring,wi th service temperature ranges in excess of 1000 F. 1971 1976 2000 1968 1980 1982 1985 968 1974 1983 1990 967 1990 2015 2015 969 I SST ai re raft will be in regular scr V ce over land areas, 1 Hydrocarbon/ai fuel eel I r will be commercia avai able I ly I A source of transplant organs for humans will be developed through selecMve breeding of animals that are tissue compatible. 27 potential users of Delphi (see dashed lines in Figure assumption that forecasting tacit DELPHI involved in Project similar is to the The 2). processes first is the estimation of and the judgmental processes that are justiThis fied by the philosophy of the inexact sciences. is not intuitively ob- vious and nnay result in overjustifying the use of Delphi for future tech- may nological developments, which, in turn, create a sense of overcon- The other aspect fidence in the forecast results. of importance is the establishment of scientific objectivity for Delphi forecasts through "al- manac" Given that almanac studies do, in studies. of Delphi for almanac studies it is again not intuitively obvious that (A discussion of the impli- they are adequate tests for forecast studies. cations of almanac justify the use fact, studies results is in a later section. that users of Delphi forecasts be aware of these tacit It is ) suggested assumptions and their implications and should, perhaps, exercise caution in placing too much Z. confidence in the results. Extensions to Delphi Methodology After 1964, several additions were None of crease them altered its utility (3) (2) to the SEER These extensions consist discussed briefly below and, of course, is of (1) cross- (System for Event Evaltiation and Review); integration of trend extrapolation with Delphi>> sumption that Delphi Delphi technique. basic design, but rather they were aids to in- or efficiency. impact analysis; and its made an acceptable, if is ' ' ' . Each is based on the underlying pre- not perfectly accurate, fore- casting technique. Cross impact was developed to tionships between forecasted events (28, which consist solve the problem of inter-relaIn other 29). words, forecasts occurrences, likely dates of collections of potential future occurrence and their probability might contain mutually reinforcing or mutually exclusive events. An example of a reinforcing interrelationship would be the discovery of the means for the magnetic conof their tainment of magneto -hydrodynamic plasmas development is illustrated the of positively affecting the commercial thermo-nuclear power. by the development of feffect of A negative impact continued inexpensive source^ of coal on economically viable nuclear power. Basically, the technique consists of establishing a matrix of the cross -effects of the various items in the forecast, such that a consistent set of estimates can eventually be developed. The evaluatio'h of cross-effects is the impact analysis. and may Usually be in the form key variable in cross- cross -effects are determined by consensus of a revised conditional probability estimate for an event or in the form of a general type of influence that the occurrence upon the probability of occurrence of one event has tency of forecast results is complete matrix is this Consis- achieved through a series of iterations which revise the evaluations of the cross -impact matrix. assumptions are made, of another. * When can be done by computer. simplifying Eventually, a developed which indicates modes of linkage between events, strengths of relationships, and predecessor-successor orientations. Thus, cross -impact analysis user of Delphi, since it an important technique for the is eliminates contradiction and derives an internally consistent forecast of revised probabilities of events, at least some of which are interrelated. Another addition SEER to Delphi is uation and Review(4). This technique helps to more efficient process by developing views, thereby avoiding a flaw of -- System for Event Eval- make Delphi initial lists of events many forecasting a through inter- forecasts which start with a blank page and by clearly indicating a set of rules, which reduces the amoiont of time required by the Delphi "panelist". The time needed by the fore- cast process can be quite considerable, particularly when hundreds of events are involved. SEER limits the time investment by constraining the forecast to two rounds and requesting that panelists those questions within their areas of expertise. the question of "event desirability" feasibility" from from SEER answer only also addresses a user's point of a producer's point of view. view and "event Finally, utilization of this technique produces a Delphi forecast in which interrelationships, goals, supporting events, and alternative paths are clearly specified. -•''-!= * Examples of general types of influence would be enhancing (enabling or provoking) and inhibiting (denigrating or antagonistic) [28]. ** The interested reader is advised to see: "SEER: A Delphic Approach Applied to Information Processing", by G. B. Bernstein and Marvin Cetron, in Technological Forecasting VI, N. 1, J\ine 1969. , ~ The third extension to the I V Delphi technique is an integration of cross-impact analysis, SEER, and trend extrapolation with the Delphi process The new factor (13, 16). in this approach is the application of Panels are given the his- Delphi to the deternnination of future trends. toric (time series) data and asked questions designed to elicit their opinions concerning the future e^ironment and direction design and results of this process are similar to matrices. to It is a significant addition to Delphi since their intuitive rfelate SEER models it of the future to actual, The of trends. and cross-impact forces the experts as opposed to perceived, historical trends. 3. Case Applications At this point, it is Delphi forecasts have been useful to consider brief discussions of made and utilized how by four different organi- They indicate the range of complexity that has been attempted and include Ling-Temco- Vaught Corporation, TRW, Institute for the zations. Future, and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Corporation. LTV initiated technological forecasting (basically in Delphi) in 1968 (8). terms of Their forecasts consisted of approximately one hundred events and were incorporated into corporate plans through inclusion in their R&D planning cycles. grounds were used to Panelists with non-technical back- broaden the base of intuitive models and thus in- crease the awareness of the Delphi group to non-technical aspects of the questions, e. g. economic, marketing, or environmerftal factors. In addition, the feedback for iterations included the percent of "never" responses in order ity to which were observed in certain "never's" feedback. casts were LTV Finally, it made with estimates LTV tests without the percent of should be noted that the resulting foreof probability and indications of which divisions would be primarily effected by each event. Complex but of preclude the possibility of trends toward conform- TRW's straight Delphi forecasts are also the forecasting efforts which began in 1966-67 (6,7). trademark Their studies have covered diverse fields -- space, military, transportation, housing, communication/education, materials, power, and biology/ oceanography and contained hundreds of events. TRW integrated their forecast information through the use of future "mapping" in order to enhance the utility of such diverse fields of information for corporate planning. A Donald Pyke, Manager, Technical Liaison and Forecasting, L. succinct description TRW's mapping given below by is TRW, Inc. : [Mapping is] a concept for a comprehensive system which utilizes available forecasting techniques to generate a map of the technological future which will provide for the planner or assessor a tool similar to that . . . available to the travelers. As envisioned, this map would display technological alternatives and their environmental consequences in such a way as to enable the coupling of near term technical activities to long For maps of the future, one axis of range forecasts. coordinate system is time and the other is the catethe gory under investigation. An hierarchical system is envisioned in which the summary level of the environment subdivided into the eight aspects identified. [as] technological, commercial, political, social, ethical, cultural, personal and ecological. (7) . . . . It is clear that TRW . . has designed a sophisticated vehicle for use of its Delphi forecasts, that, perhaps in simpler form, should interest many others. An organization for the Future, which studies. is one of their In that contrasts with LTV and TRW the Institute is concerned primarily with contract forecasting many Delphi studies, they combined traditional event forecasting with Delphi forecasts of trends, panels for role playing, and cross impact analysis (13,14,15). sophia^ed use of Delphi forecasting. It is note the use of panels for role playing. This is probably the most particularly interesting to These were employed to simulate the attitudes of various sections of society at various times in the future, given alternative sets of 'facts'. Panels, such as these, might also be very useful for corporate planners. In order that the reader not think that all Delphi studies must be as complex and sophisticated as those discussed above, the following application by Goodyear is presented First, a group of experts sinaple steps. which influence the tire industry were (30), * from They went through three the principal organizations were requested by mail most important developments they 2000" (9, 30). anticipate between ". . . now and to list the the year Next, a relatively few event questions of particular importance selected. Several questionnaire iterations of the revised list *The organizations included tire companies, fiber companies, chemical technical companies, carbon block companies, industry consultants and , trade journals. concludeiAhe study. is It important to note, that this study, which less is complicated than the others mentioned earlier, was judged as very useful to Goodyear's research plans. The reader probably aware that the forecasts just discussed are is based upon an acceptance of the accuracy of Delphi. However, this is a tacit assumption that has not been clearly explored, either, by the rationale methodology or by empirical evidence because of Delphi nature of the forecasts. planner who intends intuitive things: to of the long range Thus, until confirming evidence is available, the use the Delphi process as a method for aggregating judgements concerning the future, must, himself, decide two (a) how accurate does he believe Delphi forecasting and is? (b) to what extent can Delphi forecasting be relied upon- -for what length of time? If even relatively simple techniques this is not done, may lead him, unaware, into future difficulty. Behavior and Analysis of Delphi 4. In the last several years, a on Delphi 35). 'arf<so.r\a.c An analysis ' number of studies have been conducted data and Delphi forecast data (24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, of these studies provides additional information for understanding the behavior of the Delphi process. A summary of this analysis and the implication for the use of Delphi are presented below in the following framework: 1. behavior of Delphi responses for 'almanac' questions; 2. behavior of Delphi responses for future questions; 3. summary 4. other comments. The reader to will recall that Delphi 'almanac' studies consist of questions with known, but obscure answers. questions are: "--how many million board in the United States in the United States and of analysis of results of the 1964 Delphi forecast; 1962? farmer for Some feet of responses actual sample lumber were produced --what was the average price received by a bushel of apples in 1940? --what is the specified operational gross weight, in pounds, of the Gemini capsule (exclusive of occupants)? " (23). Such questions have been given business students, and members to RAND research of industrial corporations. staff, graduate The results have been quite similar and yield a number of interesting conclusions. With regard interest accuracy of responses, a primary item of average group error decreases with is that group size, to the increases in self-rating, and (b) (c) increases in (a) decreases in the amount among the respondents. This can be seen in Figures 3 and 4 quite clearly, A note should be made here that while dispersons and selfrating each correlate well with error when the other variable and group of dispersions size (Figure are held constant, there 3) independence of group size (Figure held constant, it is is no data to substantiate the In other 4). words, with self- rating possible that the size of the group group error by decreasing the dispersion (dispersion group size) or the error may decrease may decrease is the dependent on with increased size for any given dispersion (dispersion independent of group size). of interest to note the effects of dispersion, Regardless, it is still self-rating, and, possibly, These effects would appear group size on the accuracy of response. to be useful in designing and evaluating Delphi studies. Another area of importance is reproducibility of results. in relation to the design of a Delphi The 'almanac' studies indicate (medians) from different groups of the same size became alike as the number in the groips increases. that results more nearly The correlations between pairs of groups of various sizes are exhibited in Figure 5. This lends additional weight to the significance of gro\p size, mentioned before with reference to accuracy, as a Delphi design variable. The characteristics of 'almanac' studies discussed above are in reference relative performance (accuracy, reproducibility) of different types of groups (differences in size, self- rating, and dispersion). are important for the design of a Delphi study, but in order utility of the to the Delphi it is necessary performance behavior of to go to These maximize the beyond relative performance a f^AaiUS group. There are three aspects to this: 1. the lognomal distribution of individual responses within a group; 2. the lognomal distribution of the group about the true answers for 3. the normal distribution responses * Self-ranking to median responses of the a series of questions, of the relative and accuracy of median those of an individual in the group. rgfers to the individual respondent's indication of the degree of his familiarity with the subject material of a given question. e 3: GROUP ERROR AS A FUNCTION OF DISPERSION OF RESPONSES (CD AND GROUP SELF-RATING \Rotind 1 Grou|)\ self-rntirin^ ure 4 GROUP ERROR AS A FUNCTION OF NUMBER IN GROUP 0.3 (24) 0.2 0.1 _L 9 17 13 Number in group 21 25 29 JURE REPRODUCIBILITY p=mean coefficient of correlation between pairs of results of groups of size N OF RESULTS « £ 7 5 g s 0-4 3 2 1 5 7. Number It is clear that there is a definite in U » jroup- (_ ^4^ and monotonic increase of the group responses with increasing group size. It relationship would be approximately linear between n is = in the reliability not clear why the 3 and n = 11. •'"' 724) The lognornal distribution Figure in It is 6. of the individual responses is illustrated interesting because it indicates that the subjects in 'almanac' experiments develop their responses as ration This means, for example, that individuals select their magnitudes. answers from numbers such as and 150. or relative also It means are distributed about of responses not be an equal implies that if that if the correct 10 and 100 as answer is opposed to 50, 100, 100 and the responses fashion, there will be an equal between 100 and 1000. number between 50 and number (There will 100 and 100 and 150. This ) individual answers fall equally to one side or another of the correct answer, the An random in a it between 100, and 1000, as 10, median will be a better estimation than the mean. analysis of median responses to a series of questions with respect to the correct answers also indicates a lognomal distribution (see Figure 7). This means that the distributions of answers of the entire group are randomly distributed about the correct answers. Further, they are distributed as ratios of the correct answers. is that the panel, as a whole, may be off the right The implication of answer by a relative this magnitude. Figure In addition to this, 7 indicates (1) that most medians most aggregate estimates by the group) tend towards the correct answer, (2) some medians may be magnitudes aw^ay from the correct answer, and (3) the dispersion of the medians tends to get smaller vsdth (i. e. , more iterations. This since is significant, it should allow the development of confidence limits for the Delphi technique, as applied to 'almanac' question. The 'almanac' Delphi also permits an evaluation terms the of the number median versus Of course, this number can vary from 0% The distribution accuracy' category It is For each of individuals shown in Figure to some always individual, better, but 100% of the over the various possible 'median- 8. would seem that some individuals always tend the median, accuracy in which the median was more accurate can be of questions for established. question. the individual respondent. of to do worse than most are more accurate for about half the question!. Put another way, the average individual's responses. :gure 6 DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES PI Obsen/ed ^" Log normal — -'-..r.fl-oox)' XV2»* "2 10 15 20 Normalised estimate 25 30 (24) URE 7 DISTRIBUTION OF QUESTIONS MEDIANS (M) FROM A SERIES WITH RESPECT TO THE TRUE ANSWERS (A) (note: OF curves fitted by eye) Round / ,26 > 1 aiSTRIBUTlON OF CATEGORIES INDIVIDUALS WITH RESPECT TO RELATIVE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT OF (note: curve fitted by eye) .7. .6 ^ / medians from 'expert' subgroup .4^ medians from total group .3 .2 ,1- Of 100 7„ of questions for which median was more accurate than individual Data from ref. 23 if such a person exists, as accurate or, perhaps, a shade less accurate is than the medians. This would seem to throw doubt on the usefulness of Delphi. However, when medians for each 'almanac' question a self-selected subgroup of individuals, they are recalculated from show an average improvement over the individuals' answers for 75% of the questions, as opposed previous 50% (see dashed line in Figure 9). to the The improvement demonstrates the usefulness of self-ratings for 'almanac' questions. In summary, the results of 'almanac' Delphi studies show: 1. a dependence of relative accuracy on self- ratings; 2. a dependence of relative accuracy, on dispersion 3. a probable dependence of relative accuracy on group size; 4. a dependence of reproducibility on group size; 5. the lognomality of individual responses; 6. the lognomality of median responses about of replies; the true answers; and 7. the relative improvement over individual responses medians taken from a self-selected subgroup In addition, the studies have shown Delphi is of of 'experts'. an improvement over face-to-face discussions, that consensus does develop with feedback, and that there is an optimum time (30 seconds) for reply questions (24, 25, 32). meters for analysis to 'almanac' Together, these resxilts indicate important para- the design of a Delphi lalmanac' study and suggest that statistical may be used to characterize its regular distribution behavior. Recently, studies were completed indicating that results of Delphi forecasts exhibited similar behavior The two significant aspects of this moved work were 'almanac' studies (32, 34). the demonstration of the and the growth dispersion of the respondents logncffnality of Delphi forecasts as the forecasts to that of the farther into the future. Lognomal distributions of Delphi forecast respondents (see Figure indicate that the panelists perceive the future in terms of relative magnitudes, just as the 'almanac' panelists perceived their answers. the very best, this suggests that there is relationship that is common to At some underlying behavioral processes of estimation. This is supported 9) I 1 v^u I c; ^ LOGNORMALITY OF DELPHI FORECASTS 0.01 3 10 5 7 Standardized Deviate .. Cunuilati\c piiibaljiliix distrilnilion of stancl.irdizccl dcxiatis for90"„ of 4.0 was added to cacli dcviaii- lo niakt- all ri-sulis pusiiiw. The daiii arc ploiicd on Kjijiioi iii;il cotu (lin.iics. 'I'lir that the cslimalcs arc in fact ioi^noi inally di-iirihuicd. the conceptual diliiculiics .^ssocialrd wiiii arbiliaiy ]i(jsiii\c pioiiiiiL^ i^ood likt-liliood cslimalcs. ^ A value to a slraighi line iiulicalcs Ii slioiild i)c iioicd ilial to avoid a "/cio" on a loi^aritlimir scale, an consian' wa'; added lo ckIi of the dc\iaics. Tliis in no \\a\ ad'ects the iognoi niahiy of 'he plot, and the oii^in.d duta can be recoveicd by subtracting the constant. The ized dcxiales constant used dc])cndcd on the iani;c of values coveicd by the siandaicl- and is indicated witii each fiyme. Tliis analysis of c^limates ol)Uniicd duiiuu; roborates earlier fnichngs made thrf:n<5ii an ailempt to prepare a forecast cor- analysis of responses to almanac-type Cjuestions, (34) — \L- by the findings A of several behavioral studies. * recognition of the lognormality of the Delphi responses with respect to time essential to is estimating the amount of confidence that should be placed on a forecast as the time horizon increases and median forecast dates may help to explain the occurrence of that skip logarithmically into the future (i. e. , fore- casts regularly give median dates of individual years nearly to the year 2000 and then begin to skip 2005 - 2010 The other important finding of respondents and the dispersion median data - 2025 - 2050 later - never). =!=* relationship between dispersion is the of the forecast (33). grows linearly with the time horizon depends on the particular panel. - It appears that at a rate that This suggests that further attention should be drawn to factors which influence this rate. In addition, if one accepts the argument that Delphi forecast studies are at all like Delphi 'almanac' studies, then the increased dispersion should correlate with increased error. Hence, caution should be taken when using Delphi forecasts where the time horizon increases the dispersion beyond an acceptable level (judged, for the moment, individually). At this point, appropriate to briefly mention the results of it is an analysis of Gordon's 1964 Delphi forecast (31). This study found that approximately 50% of the events were either accurately forecast or were forecast for the data by a 1969 forecast. of environmental changes, technical agents, were also showed the influence It the 1964 space events, forecasted by since made under the tacit assumption that funding continue at 1964's level and /or growth rate. point of hindsight we know that the funding obvious effects on the forecasts. that some forecasts are bound *The interested reader is to It is be in advised to From the comfortable vantage environment has changed with clear from the preceding paragraphs 'left field' the planner should be The psychophysics , of aware examine: Stevens, S.S., On the psychophysical law, Psychol, Review Stevens, S.S. 48, 226-252, would , 64, 153-181, 1957. sensory function, American Scientist, I960. Stevens, S.S. and E. H. Galanter, Ratio scales and category scales for a dozen perceptual continua, J. of Experimental Psychology 54, 337-411, 1957. , Teichner, W. H. 3-9, , Psychophysical concepts of probability, Psychol. Reports , 10, 1962. of the uncertainty estimat:ion modjels of A. Wade Essentially, he assumes that individual Delphi respondents have an underlying lognormal probability distribution relating to the event in question. I-^e tnen applies Bayesian statistical techniques to revise forecast *=''Npte should be Blackman made here (35). confidence limits. The 1964 study revisited shows some of the possible reasons for the variance in this case and, also, suggests some improvements, such of this. covering all of the 'bases', e.g. , Perhaps a 1964 Delphi funding. should have been conducted with Congress. this would have helped, but it as There is no guarantee that would have provided a more complete perceptual picture. Other aspects of Delphi that should be considered by the corporate planner lie in What of questions. name afraid to These are best framed yet unexplored areas. is the in the psychological bias of the year 2000? form (Are people dates that cross the end of the second millenia? Does the year 2000 affect the perception of time, as dates are named that near What individual characteristics, What kind Delphi panelists? forecast to a panel, Is it ) influence its life 'bias' of perceived risk taking is involved in the a certain range is too planning? common Does the position of an individual in his career or forecasts? results? if it? minds of possible that considering events in the future beyond 'inexact' a science and is not a legitimate part of Do Delphi panels take may somehow influence full cognizance of the fact that their the event? What are the confidence limits that can empirically be placed or justified for Delphi forecasts? The answers to these and other questions raised by the preceding discussion are, certainly, not available readily. of their possible effects is paramount However, a consideration to the truly effective forecasting and they should, therefore, be resolved in use of Delphi some form by the corporate planner. 5. Recommendations for Corporate Utilization of Delphi This article has presented material that contains various levels of implication for corporations desiring to apply the Delphi technique to forecasting. For purposes of clarity, the suggestions discussed belo'w are limited to improving the basic structure which Delphi The planner or organization must first match desired with what can be produced from Delphi. and resolved at the outset, with naive and intuitively obvious results, (c) employed. the kind of output this is not addressed well before people are lulled into false security by sophisticated computer printout, the Delphi user obviously be delivered, If is (b) making forecasts may find himself (a) working promis*»»«jmore than can that are not used, or (d) helping to allocate strategy monies on an unsound basis. None of these alternatives would appear desirable. Next, the amount of tolerable uncertainty should be considered. It might be measured by assuming analogous a to the problem by (not intuitively obvious) that An alternative and measure of the dispersion uncertainty of 'almanac' studies. itself is the interquartile range, of responses. it is range If this is five seven years, when the median is a years when the median date 1975, is at 1980 and ten years at 1988, there may be a point in time where the range places limitations on the usefulness of the forecast. In other words, assessments of the utility of forecasts with various interquartile ranges (e.g. made prior should be or with other techniques. it quantitative. a 1980 median forecast f 5 years) establishing a Delphi based planning system. to Another area of interest modeling, , is the Since Delphi would be an advantage question of utilizing Delphi alone is a technique based on subjective to integrate it with those that are more This would provide links with historical data and help to yield a stronger forecast. In general, Delphi could be well integrated with trend analysis, mqpping, and monitoring of the technological environment. Two additional comments of use in the design of a Delphi forecast are directed at the consideration of the research planning or industry development cycle and the stratification of the forecast. cycle is The research important by supplying dates that will serve as targets upon which to focus a forecast. helpful dates, but The industry development cycle can also provide may be particularly important by suggesting aspects of technological developments that should be explored by the forecast, capital funds constraints, sources and opportunities. is the breakdown of all e. g. , Forecast stratification phases of the technology of interest into overlapping subgroups that may, in turn, be addressed by groups of self-f«tted experts. The overlapping will permit the development of internal consistency, while the use of subgroupings will yield greater accuracy. Aside from technical matters, one of the advantages of Delphi that it stimulates thinking and involves process. management This by itself could well be enough In summary, in the forecasting to justify its use. then, a consideration of the behavior of Delphi combined with an awareness of its development should indicate the need for a certain amount of caution in applying the technique too vigorously. is -^ Finally, it \ V should also be apparent that Delphi can be used forethought. to is a very useful tool, which considerable advantage when applied with knowledge and REFERENCES (1) Cetron, Marvin J. and Chri stine Ralph, Industrial Applications of Technological Forecasting (2) Dalkey, M. Method John Wiley Inc. New , York, 1971. and Olaf Helmer, "An Experimental Application of the Delphi Use to the of Experts", Management Science , TIMS, Baltimore, Md. , V.q ^M.3, Aprrl. 1963. (3) , Kaplan, A.,A. L. Skogstad, M. A. 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