HD28 .M414 DEWEY he liOij' ^'6 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Probabilistic Analysis of the 1-Tree Relaxation for the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem Michel X. Goemans Operations Research Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dimitris Bertsimas Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Sloan School Working Paper No. 2104-8 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Probabilistic Analysis of the l-Tree Relaxation for the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem Michel X. Goemans Operations Research Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dimitris Bertsimas Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Sloan School Working Paper No. 2104-88 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TPCHNOI.OGY NOV 1 4 2000 LIBRARIES Probabilistic Anah'sis of the 1-Tree Relaxation for the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem Michel X. Goemans ' Dimitris December 13, J. Bertsimas ^ 1988 Abstract We analyze probabilistically the classical Held-Karp lower bound derived from the We 1-tree relaxation for the Euclidean traveling prove that, if salesman problem (ETSP). n points are uniformly and independently distributed over the d-dimensional unit cube, the Held-Karp lower bound on these n points surely asymptotic to of n. The ETSP where /?//a'(^) is a almost constant independent result suggests a probabilistic explanation of the observation that the lower bound the /?//a-(c?) ji''^"^^^'', is is is very close to the length of the optimal tour in practice since almost surely asymptotic to I3rsp{d) n''^"'^^''. The techniques we use exploit the polyhedral description of the Held-Karp lower bound and the theory of subadditive Euclidean functionals. Key words. Probabilistic analysis, traveling salesman problem, linear relaxation, 1-trees, subadditive Euclidean functionals. 'Michel Goemans, Operations Research Center, MIT, Cambridge, 'Dimitris Bertsimas, Sloan School of Management, The MIT, Rm MA 02139. E53-359, Cambridge, Ma 02139. research of the second author was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant ECS-8717970. 1 Introduction During the two decades combinatorial optimization has been one of the fastest last, growing areas the field of mathematical programming. in Some of the major contri- butions were Lagrangian relajcation, polyhedral theory and probabilistic analysis. The landmark or Fisher the development of Lagrangian relaxation (see Geoffrion in combinatorial optimization problems were the two papers for the [5]) for (TSP) by Held and Karp traveling salesman problem Held and Karp tree for the TSP. Using In the now known under [11]), to solve a Edmonds [-1] for matroids. they second paper. Held and Karp tlie name showed that The 1-tree relaxation has bound procedures Hansen and Krarup [20] or, for a survey, the length of the optimal tour. On l9{i. [-3] and Johnson [8], [1]). triangle inequality is the efficiency of the paper is The aimed at never is the relative gap to solve the bound in practice. shedding new [17], (see Held Volgenant These computational studies is is extremely close to often less or due to Wolsey [21] states light this worst-case analysis The much less than that the Held- Beardwood, Halton and Ilammersley TSP does not capture probabilistic analysis developed in this on the behavior of the Held-Karp lower bound. area of probabilistic analysis has the asymptotic behavior of the TSP than 2/3 of the length of the optimal tour when the However, satisfied. Crowder According to most of the above authors (see also [12]) less is been extensively and Smith and Thompson Balas and Toth a theoretical ground, a result Karp lower bound 1- Lagrangian introduced a method, which [10] have shown that, on the average, the Held-Karp lower bound Christofides this of subgradient optimization (Held, Wolfe and the Lagrangian dual. [10], Ilelbig and Jonker In the first paper, as the linear relaj^ation of a classical formulation successfully used to devise branch and and Karp [10]. complete characterization of the 1-tree polytope, which same bound relaxation gives the TSP. [9], proposed a Lagrangian relaxation based on the notion of [9] follows from a result of of the [6] if [2]. its origin in the pioneering paper by Tlie authors characterize very sharply the points are uniformly and independently distributed in the Euclidean plane or, more generally, in R"^ portance of this early work was demonstrated Karp in [13]. The . potential im- Steele [18] analyzed probabilistically a general class of combinatorial optimization problems by develop- ing the notion of subadditive Euclidean functionals. original proof of Beardwood tingale inequalities were first offered using martingale inequalities. is Mar- applied to the probabilistic analysis of combinatorial optimization problems by Rhee and Talagrand In this paper, Steele [14] the using the Efron-Stein inequality. et al. [2] is simplified In Steele [19] an even simpler proof Karp and In [16]. we combine the combinatorial interpretation lower bound with the probabilistic techniques of Steele [18]. Hekl-Karp of the We prove that, if n points are uiiifornily and independently distributed over the d-dimensional unit cube, the Held-Karp lower bound on these n points divided by n' surely asymptotic to a constant 0HK{d)- ^^ d li*"!' = convergence of the Ileld-Karp lower bound divided by tlie fact that the bound can be viewed 2, '' is almost we prove the complete s/ti. as the cost of the best We exploit extensively convex combination of 1-trees such that each vertex has degree 2 on the average. Relying on computational studies for the TSP and the matching problem that the asymptotic gap {Ptsp this is is the first ~ 0H !<)/ pTSP is the Euclidean plane, in less we estimate than 3%. To our best knowledge time that a linear relaxation of a combinatorial optimization problem analyzed probabilistically using subadditivity techniques. The remaining of this paper the main results of the Held and the Held-Karp lower bound theorem. In section for the 4 is is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews briefly Karp [9] paper. In section 3 we first prove that monotone and subadditive and then prove the main we use a martingale inequality Held-Karp lower bound and we establish its to derive some sharp bound complete convergence. Held-Karp lower bound 2 we summarize the main resuUs of Held and Karp In this section a lower bound on tiie set V. can be expressed as the optimal objective function value it linear relaxation of the following standard formulation of the ^^'" This bound can be equivalent ways. in several First, They presented length of the optimal tour to the symmetric traveling salesman problem on the complete undirected graph with vertex described [9]. Y. Z HK of the TSP: ^u-Tu (1) subject to ^ + Y, x-„ ^-n = V. 2 Ctj integer program, Vf,j € V,j i,j indicates whether cities i We now > (4) i (5) and j are adjacent represents the cost of traveling from city city j to city (3) yijevj>i o<x-,,<i tour; (2) V0^5cr EE-'-'. <l'?|-l In this V J« }>< Xij € i to city _;' or, in the optimal by symmetry, from i. give two alternative definitions of a 1-tree which constitutes the core of the other formulations. Definition tree on V 1 T= (V, E) ts a 1-iree (rooted at vertex 1) if \ {!}, together with two edges incident to vertex From now on we shall always T consists of a spanning 1. assume, unless otherwise stated, that the root node identical for any 1-tree, say vertex 1. is T= Definition 2 1. T 2. \V\ 3. T 4- (he degree in (V', £') 1-iret if ts a coniKcttd IS = \E\ has containing vertex a cycle Held and Karp T of vertex 1 1 is 2. highlighted the relation between the linear program (l)-(4) and [9] the class of l-trees. More precisely, they showed that the feasible solutions to (2)-(4) can be equivalentiy characterized as convex combinations of l-trees vertex has degree 2 on the average. Hence, we may sucli that each rewrite (l)-(4) in the following way: k UK ^ MinY^KdTr) r (6) =\ subject to ^ A. = 1 (7) k Y,^rdjiTr) = Vje\'\{l} 2 (8) r=l A, > r=l....,t, (9) where • • {Tr}j._j c{C) = I. constitutes the class of l-trees defined on the vertex set IIe=(i,j)€E^u '® ^^^ total cost of the subgraph • dj(T) denotes the degree in Finally, tlif most T C= {V, \', E) and of vertex j. common approach to find the Held-Karp lower hound take the Lagrangian dual of (6)-(9) with respect to (8). We then obtain: is to . HK = maxL{^i) (10) mm (H) subject to Li^j.)= where c^{Tr) is tlie c,{Tr)-2Y,^^J cost of tlie 1-tree T^ with respect to the costs c,j + /j, /ij The main theorem 3 Let tlie tributed = n points A"'"' in the d-cube (A'l, ,Y2, [0, 1] . • • • , and independently A'„) be uniformly behavior, as n tends to infinity, of //A'(A"'"'). Steele 2. [18] We are interested in the proved that the asymptotic behavior of a particular class of Euclidean functionals L defined on to R ], z) = finite subsets of can be characterized very sharply as follows: Theorem R dis- Let //A'(A'''^') denote the Held-Karp lower bound on by any of the formulations of section A''"' as defined R + 1 (Steele [18]) Lei L Euclidean [L{ai'i,ai-2 be a ai-,,) L(ji, X2, ..., x„)] /unc/i07)a/ d/ = monotone [L{Ali{i'}) > L{A) aZ,(j-i, 2-2, ..., Xn). ^(-''i finite + variance [l'aj-[L(A''"'] Vj- -Ti -^2 < e + 2-, W^^A C ...,!„ + oc] which saiis- fies Ihe subadditivity hypothesis; If {Qi : 1 < ' < n? } parfition of the d-cvhe IS a [0, 1] into with edges parallel to the axes then there exists a constant A' \ {0},V/ > 0, Li{xi x„ } n [0, /]^) < ^ L({xi , . . . , x„} n tQ,) there exists a constant pL{d) such that I(A'(")) imi „l"i;;(^rT]77 n—»oo almost surely C > identical subcnhes such that V'n G we have that 1=1 Then t7? = /?^(^) + Ctm d-\ We empliasize thai can easily be seen that It esis. tlie critical property K II is in theorem 1 the subaddilivity liypotli- is a Euclidean functional with finite variance. Proposition 2 proves that the subadditivity hypothesis holds for the functional The monotonicity of HK useful formulation of the is proved in proposition we denote by P(A) the program clarity UK Proposition 2 subadditive, is in<{\r, For these propositions the most 3. Held-Karp lower bound is For convenience and (6)-(9). (6)-(9) corresponding to the set 3C > i.e. R > O.Vni e A' \ {0},V< x„}n[o,/]'')<^//A-({ji,...,x„}nf(?,) for any finttf suhstt of UK. + A of cities. : c/m''-i . Proof: Using the the case z = {T,i We 1, . . fact that = < . , in Let p T,2, .... T,k, , Let 1. . JI K is V = a Euclidean functional, {j, — m". We , . . , a-^} n [0, 1]'' and be the class of 1-trees defined on } V, = restrict ourselves to {xi, arbitrarily choose a root vertex consider the optimal solution ^A,> = . we may {A,>}r=i,...,it, \', . . . , i,,} Pi every Q, for \]. Let (with respect to the root 1,). to P{Vt), i.e. 1, in {A,r}r=i k, satisfies: (12) 1 r=\ *-, ^A,,fO(T.>) = r VjG\;\{l,} 2 (13) =l A,> > r=\,...,ki (14) k, //A-(V^) From cost is = ^A,>c(T,>) these optimal solutions less than (15) we shall construct a feasible solution to P{\') whose ^HK{\]) + where C = 2\/d + Cm'^-'^ 3. (IG) For this purpose, we consider every possible combination of subcube Q,. There are (nr=i selecting one 1-tree in each us focus on one of them, say {Tir, }i=i corresponding spanning li, 1-trees. V' d.in) = From Let p. we these p 1-trees A ^"i) such combinations. Let be the indices (ri, r2, . shall construct a 1-tree . . , Tp) of the T^ rooted at and satisfying the following conditions: ifjeQ, dj{T,r,) c(TA)<^c(r,.,) + (17) Cr7i''-i (18) 1=1 We = nf=i claim that, by assigning a weight of Aa feasible solution to 1. P(V) whose is to each 1-tree T\ we get a than (16). Indeed, less Using (12) recursively, we have; A = (ri,...,rp) A = zJ 7-j = 2. cost -^iV, 1 =1 zZ ''^I'-l =l r2 =2 •^^rj Zl Vp 'rp=P (19) 1- Consider any vertex j 6 E^A^^(^a) = A V'. Assume that j G Qt- ^Ve have that: E^Af/,(7^>,) A '=1 je{l p}\{l} rjirl k, = ^ r, = A,>,dj(T,^,) =l 2 using (17), (12) and (13) respectively. (20) 3. 1, 2 X.\ and > 3 follows from (14). imply that the solution feasible in is P{V)- The cost of this solution is given by: A A=(ri 1=1 Ti Tp) 1 = A 1 =l P = Y^HK{Vi) + Cm^-' (21) 1=1 using (18), (12), (19) and (15) respectively. The last point left in this construction of the 1-tree T\ satisfying (17) and (18). Figure 1: Step 1 in We proceed the construction of 7^. proof in 2 steps: is the 1. (Figure 1) In each 1-tree T,^, {i to tiie root 1,, say (1,, 2,). Figure 2. (Figure 2) Assume cubes Qi and Qi+i exists for every d. Figure 3. We now 2: = I. . . ,p) . we delete one of the 2 edges incident Note that typically Step 2 in 2, depends on the construction of Ta. that the numbering of the subcubes {i A = l,....p— possible r,. is such that the sub- adjacent. Such a numbering clearly 1) are numbering for the case add the edges (2i,l,+i) (i cf = 2 = l,...,p- is 1) represented in and the edge (2p,li)- We first li- This follows from definition claim that the resulting subgraph T\ 2. Indeed T\ 10 = (V, £'a) is is a 1-tree rooted at vertex clearly connected, the number of «, . We now prove the monotonicity of the functional Proposition > 3 If n 3 //(en HK e W^ Va-i,...,2-„+i monotone, ts i.e. //A'(xi,...,a-n+i) : HK > H K{xi, . ,Xn). . . Proof: Let {Ti, . . we may assume loss of generality greatest rational that divides A, for get a multiset 5 = {T",},-! to remove vertex less is V= show that the optimal solution to \'\{n+ HK{V). than ' + (lij)'!!'" Figure 4. Claim 1 l).(j-" Without Indeed, = dn+i{T) + 1) € T}. A that j'l that i\ in ^ ^ n + We 1}- For this purpose, we T G : assumed in to be 5a 1 4, the degree of vertex j in sucli that dj{T') 1 in T' . = ij ^ j. If Let 1. Without Moreover, since T' is T 12 is — 2, the ij and i2 T e 1) is T and at least 3. be the two vertices we may assume a 1-tree with dj{T') (l,j) in T that = 1, we have by (1,J]) and (l,»i) and T' which are not need in S 3j € represented in 2 on the average, there exists loss of generality, we replace T' by (l,j), we get two 1-trees is first empty. > j and is such a way that S,dnj^i{T) As n + I. A is shall construct a feasible such that (l,j),(l,n+ l),(j,n+ adjacent to vertex i.e. Now assume set. T 6 5a 5 A^.), , . . possible candidate for Therefore, since the degree of each vertex a 1-tree T' G . P{V) to duplicating T, (Aj/A) times 5a = {T loss of generality, iSa can be let 2. , P{V) can be decomposed does not contain some particular 1-trees. Let y By {A,},=i_..._fc of 1-trees such that each 1-tree has weight A Let {n-\- 1). solution to P{V') whose cost to 1,...,^-. gcd(Ai and therefore every multiset can be seen as a differentiated we want = = Without points. For clarity we assume that two identical 1-trees can be the optimal solution. in ..._/ i Let A n+1 of that the optimal solution a basic feasible solution and thus rational. we V be the class of 1-trees defined on a set ,rfc} . 5a- This . Figure basically follows and that if from the + (l.n 1-tree in fact that (l,j) and 1) 4: n (j, + 1) But 5 \ T while ^ were both then T' would not be a 1-tree since T' disconnected. ^a- \ = {T e S T S^ = in 5 \ (Si U X/[dn+i{T) dn+i{T) : S2) {dn + i{T) — — 2) in order to 2) {(l.zi),(l.n Claim 2 \Si\ = 1^3 T in + ^3 1)} and T' have the same weight n-f-1 2 would be is A. Hence, by 0. = i}, i = 1.2. We duplicate every 1-tree T times and we associate to each copy a weight of to the 1-trees in X/{dn+i[T) — »5i or S2 J>3 is still 2). 1 Since vertex = may assume, without keep the solution unchanged. Call Note that the weight associated associated to a 1-tree T' and dn+\{T') in applying this procedure repeatedly, we see that we Let 5, n+1) G T {T,T'} U {T,T'} represents the same optimal solution as previously since loss of generality, that (1. n4-l), (j, has degree 2 on the average, we have 13 the resulting set. A while the weight ^ ^ + A Now + X: 2A TeS2 TeSi d„^,{T) ^ Un+i{^ TeSi = 2. (22) ^ ) the claim follows by substracting the equality X)t65 ^Tes, j„^.(T)-2 = ^^^''ce 1 from -^ + 117652 ^"^ (22). This means that we can regroup Si and S3 into a set S13 of pairs (Tj.Ts) of l-trees of and S3 (!^i feasible solution to = (|t>i3| P{\ '} T associate to each 1-tree = \S\\ whose E S2 |«^3|)- total cost From ^2 and S13 we shall construct a less than HI\{V). More precisely, we is T' (a pair (T[,T^) of l-trees, respectively) defined on XciT') < j^r—^ciT^)<\c{Ti) + - we = XdjiT) (23) and (24) we get a feasible solution to P(\'') solution to P(\') which 1. -^^—-c{T3), Vj e + —-^—-d,iT^) = Combining The such that; is resp.) d„ + i(i3)-J Xd,{Ti) + "n+n-'a)-^ hold. \'' (23) dn + li-ls)-^ {^d,{T{) S13, respectively) a 1-tree Xc{T) (Ac(TO+Xdj{T') 6 (to each pair {Ti^Ts) V is M t. Ts), resp.) "n+U^3)-^ clearly see that, whose cost (24) less by keeping the old weights, than the cost of the optimal HI\'{\'). construction of T' and [Ti.T^) is as follows: T eS2 + Let {i,n Let T' 1) and {j,n = T\ {{i, n + + 1) 1), (>, be the two edges incident to vertex n n + U {ij}. The 1)} fact that T' is + 1 in T. a 1-tree on V' follows from definition 2 and the fact that we can assume without loss of generality that S^ = (claim 2). Clearly (24) is satisfied and the triangle inequality implies that (23) holds. 2. (Ti,T3)e.s'i3 Let i ^ 1 be the unique vertex adjacent to (n 14 + l) in Ti . Let v = dn+i{T3) > 3. Let + j^ be the vertices adjacent to n ji loss of generality that remove the vertices vertex n 1, -j- 1 is i in the + and n We may assume in T3. same connected component Moreover, in Ts. 1 1 we may assume that J2 = 1 if if vertex and only if as ji 1 is (l,Ji) without when we adjacent to ^ The T3. \/. -^ T, T, t; Figure transformation is Construction o( T[ and T^. 5: the following (see Figure — T{ A The fact that added IT3I T'3 \ {{ji,n Tj' is + 1), . . a 1-tree . , T,\{{i,n+l)} {j^, n+l)){J {U1J2), obvious. is to T3 were already present in T3. = di{T^) IT3I = 2. — 1 — \V\ — 1 = T3 2, We We + - Xc{T[) -^cin) u — 2 i), , (j:., 0} notice that none of the edges then check that T3 is is connected, - 15 1 and a 1-tree. Using the triangle inequality, we have Xc{T,) Ua, T3 has a cycle containing vertex \V'\, Hence, by definition 5): -^c{n) u — 2. "A ''A A A " A A:=3 and therefore (23) holds. Moreover, since -1 [ if; i otherwise I and = {V -1 lU = i otherwise we see that Hence, (24) is satisfied. This completes the proof of proposition We may now 1 deduce the asymptotic behavior of and propositions Theorem 4 Lei 3. 2 and HK as a corollary to theorem 3. ilu n points A"'"' = (A'l, . distributed in the d-dimensional unit cube. . . , A'n) be uniformly Then and independenlly there exists a constant PHK{d) such that almost surely. A number of combinatorial optimization problems, like the Euclidean traveling salesman problem, the Euclidean minimum minimum spanning tree problem and the Euclidean weight matching problem, have a similar asymptotic behavior although 16 witli a (iifT^^rPiit padimitriou constant It [15]). ^ Beard wood, Halton and Hammersley (see compare therefore interesting to is /?//a(c') to for closely related combinatorial optimization problems. 0HK{d) < that on n points is of n-1 points, never less tiian where P\i{d) problem, > /?//a-(c/) is the cost of the /?r(f/) where I3r{d) tree problem. the value of In particular, minimum spanning is is it (3 clear tree on a subset the corresponding constant for the The relationship between the constant for the Euclidean a little less obvious. is and Pa- Moreover, since the value of the Held-Karp lower bound minimum spanning Euclidean [3\f{d). l3TSp{d). [2] minimum BuKi^) arifi weight matching Using a complete characterization of the perfect matching polytope, we may express the cost M of the minimum weight matching as: il/ = A//n^^c„y„ (25) subject to (27) (28) Substituting M < ^ y,j by J:,j/2 we get a relaxation of the which implies that l3}u<{d) > 2/?A/((f). linear We program (l)-(4). Hence thus obtain the following proposition: Proposition 5 When d = max(2/?A/(c/),/?r(d)) 2, ,SA/(rf), /?7(cf) by Papadimitriou [1.5], Gilbert < 0HK{d) < 0TSP{d). and 0TSP{d) were estimated to be [7] and Johnson 17 [12], 0.35, 0.68 and 0.72 respectively. Using proposition 5, we may therefore deduce imately the asymptotic gap {0TSP — 0.70)/0.70 ^ 3%. than (0.72 less tliat is approx- This suggests a probabilistic explanation of the observation that the Held-Karp lower optimal tour — Puk)/ i^TSP bound is very close to the length of the in practice. Martingale inequality and the Held-Karp lower bound 4 In this section we use a martingale inequality - Pr{|//A-(A-'"^) for the case d = to £'[FA-(A''"))]| the Euclidean plane. 2, i.e. in deduce a sharp bound on As > i) a consequence, we shall be able to establish the finiteness of //A'(A'("'; for all is f > 0, i.e. - Phk > € s/Vr n=l the complete convergence of the Held-Karp lower bound. This result stronger than the almost sure convergence of theorem rests 4. This section basically upon the martingale arguments developed by Rhee and Talagrand the [16] for TSP. For each Let IIK, If A, = E[Ai\A,] 1 = < J < we let .4, be the sigma field i/A'(A'i,...,A',_i,A', + i,...,A'„). Clearly //A-(A-<")) - n, - //A',, is 6 HK{X^''^) - ^[//A'CA'*"))] a martingale difference sequence. There erisfs a coiisiant We 18 < J < i- ><} = E?=id, = and prove the following 7 svch ihai for every n Pr{|//A-(A'"')-r[//A-(A'("')]| 1 £'[//A-(A'("')|.4,_i] theorem. Theorem A'^, E[H K,\A,] = E[H K,\A^_i]. ^ E[HK{X^^^)\A,] - d, In this way, E[A,\A,-i]. the sequence (£/,),<n then generated by <2e-'^'. Proof: We apply the martingale inequality (see Rhee and Talagrand 1 B = where ^'h^^-^p^-c?^) =1 1 max;- ||£' [Hr=/c [16]) ^?l-'^^-] /9 ^i ^^^'^ Hoc ^ numerical constant. '^ to prove that, for the Held-Karp lower bound, D < C2 The goal some constant €2- for is We need the following lemma. first Lemma 7 < A, < 7. 2\/2 for all i There exist constanis C3 and C4 such 2- that, E[A,\A,]< ^] \/n < for k — — A i < n and k < n — \, 1 and E[A]\A,]<—^. n — V — 1 Proof: The Held-Karp lower bound on (A'l. . . . A',_i, A'.+j, , convex combination of 1-trees (Ti,...,T,), rooted ing multipliers (Ai,...,A,). A'j and (A'l, 2. the 1-tree T. in (A',,(T(Tr)) . . The . , For every Tr (r multiplier associated to T/ < 2IA',- — , . A'„) can be viewed as a at vertex A'j, with correspond- we add the two edges 1,...,^) This, produces a Xy. is still new 1-tree T/ unchanged and the degree of (A'j,A',) spanning A', being Because the degrees remain unchanged, a feasible solution to P({A'i, . , . . A'„}). As a result, r=\ r=l Thus, A, = A'„) with the degree of each vertex = . Let cr(T) denote one of the two vertices adjacent to and delete [Xj,a{Tr)). we have constructed . HK, + 2\X,-Xj\ A'jl for every j ^ i. Hence A, < 2v2 with the monotonicity of the bound, proves the 19 first for any i, wliich, together part of the lemma. Moreover, . when k < < fc < j i < n,j E[A]\Ak] < 7^ E[v] we have that A, < u where u I, independent of is ^ As Pr{u > E[u'^]. (see Karp and Cs - (1 £[11"^] ' we 2min{|,Y, get that £'[A,|.4fc] ai^)"-/:-! Steele [14]), and VrT^nr^ < we .4^, = < exp(-a(n - < k — Xj\ and -£"[11] - : l)t^) for easily get that C4 < - n- k -\ some constants C3 and C4, which proves the second part of the lemma. for As in < Since u ?'}. some constant q n— < n and k a corollary of the Rhee and Talagrand 1. E[dj\Ak] < Cs 2. E[d^\A,,] < for ^^ above lemma and following exactly the same techniques as we can [16], any k easily prove that <i < k<i<n-h for where C5 and Ce are constants. As = E-^'i-^/c t=k B = max;. a result, E[dl\A,]+ we can bound B E[dJ\Ak] Yl + as follows: E[dl_,\A,] 3C5 + Ce n - k -I 1/2 H^ [E"=;- (n < ^?l--iA-] ill, _ C2. t - 2) Letting 7 = j^, the theorem fol- D Applying theorem Pr||//A"(A"("') 6 with -E The complete convergence the fact that We E[dl\A,] < 3C5 + Ce = C2 lows. 5 + k<t<n-l < Hence, n and t = e-y/n, we [//A'(A"<"')]| of the E[H K{X''^')]/\/n. find that > €/"} < ie''"^ (29) Held-Karp lower bound now follows from (29) and tends to /?hA' as n tends to infinity. Concluding remarks analyzed probabilistically the Held-Karp lower bound for the TSP. Our result corroborates the observation that the lower bound 20 is very close to the length of the optimal tour in practice. We would like to emphasize that we exploited the combi- natorial interpretation of the Held-Karp lower Euclidean functionals. We bound and the theory of subadditive believe that the idea of combining polyhedral charac- terizations with probabilistic analysis has the potential to lead to very interesting results. 21 References [1] E. Balas and P, Totli, "Branch and Bound methods", Lenstra, A.H.G. Rinnooy man problem: a Kan and D.B. Shmoys, E.L. Lawler, J.K. in: Eds., The Iraveltng guided lour of combinalortal op1imi:ation, John Wiley k sales- Sons (1985). [2] J. Beardwood, J.H. Halton and J.M. Ilammersley, "The shortest path through many [3] points'", Proc. 55, 299-327 (1959). N. Christofides, "The travehng salesman problem", Mingozzi, [4] Cambridge Phtlos. Soc, P. in: N. 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